HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-29, Page 8•
'''>, V. Huston, 'A Cliff. Good -R. Gor-
don, S. Habick, C. Barber, L McLean,
HAS BEEN —Happy New Year to all. P. Brown, J. McKinnon, F. Patterson,
A. McLeod Fair --L. Snelgrove, L.
—co to the Town Hall to -night.
Our Stock of Christmas Noyelties, —Will Irwin of Mount Forest, is in Horn, D. McSwain, R. Hedley, C.
Toys and all holiday goods are town. .. Misner, R. Johnston, W. Joynt, A. Mc;
4./0 somip
better and more complete than ..... -
any which has been before opened —The splendid sleighing is appres
out in Lucknow. We have near- ciated by all. Sr. Part 2nd—Excellent—C Tieve:,
ly everything which the heart of —Mr. Sam Barber, of Ingersoll,
man or woman can desire for spent Xmas in town Huntsr, M. Campbell, E McLute, J
Gifts for the boys. was in town Christmas. Boyd, A Cliff, G. Treleaven, T. Boyd,
R Ohles4iser, G Johnston. Good—S Our customers and the
Christmas presentp. —Mr. Will Brennan of Strathroy,
Gifts for the little folks.
-,.._ Gifts for the girls. --Table raisise, dates, figs, fresh and
Newton, C Moody, M Winnie, J Scrim
Gifts for your sweetheart. good at A. McKenzie's.
get ur, A Armstrong, E Culbert, J Mc public for their very liberal
Gifts for evesybcdy from Grand- Mr. Walsh, of Palmerston, is
pon't•leave your shopping till the Jr. Part 2nd.—Excellent—E Irving patronage in the past, we
m4her down. visiting friends in town. Leod. Fair—G Armstrong
.. last minute or you may be caught —A. good foundatioa of ice has
a bigger rush than ever, --Mr. Wesley Treleaven of Clinton, Patterson, W. Gordon, Good—E
Lindsay, H McKinnon. Highest part wish one and all a Happy
in the usual rush, and we expect been secured at the rink.
LOCHEAD'S DRUG STORE, is visiting at his home in town.
—Miss Maggie McKenzie, of Lo
1—Excellent—F Matherson, J Mitch- New Year.
Ilead,craaners fo: don, is visiting friends in Kinloss.
--Miss Belle McKinnon, of Detroi — 5 Culbert, A Stewart, F. Cook, A
noiiclay Goods is visiting at her home in Kinloss. Cuthbert, C Allin.
LUCKNOW - - ONT Mr. Ab. Brown, of Mount Forest,
is visiting under the parental roof. .—Astrachan tapes in 24, 27 and 30
FORDYCE his home in the village Christmas.
—Mr. Jas. Yule, of Detroit, visited
time to buy at reduced prices as we
—Mr. Thos. Miller, of Port Stanley, wish ts have them all old before stock
tion. ' spent Xmas at his home in Kinloss.
—Eight thousard applications were
—Misses Ida and Violet Johnston,
of Kincardine spent Ohristnaas in town received in November for tnembership
to the I. 0. 1+., over seven thousand of
—Mr. Robert Stewart, of 'Walker -
whom passed the medical test and were
ton split Sunday and Monday in town.
—A quantity of green wood. for
—At the annual meeting -of the
sale. Apply to John Joynt, Locknow.
Dominion Sheep Braeders' Association
—Mr. Murdoch Saunders, of Pilot
in London, Mr. Joseph Gaunt, of St.
Mound, is visiting his pirents in Kin-
ilelens, was named as an exist rt judge
on Leicester she.r.
—Mr. Al. Miller, of Clinton, spent • .
,—Tlisre is no excuse for being cold
Christmas holidays under the psvental
wnen you can get a fur cost in Rus-
t oof. sian Otter .fair $12.00 at Connell's.
The Misses Ada and Jennie But- Weill 1,sy, %Volubly, an i Csin coats in
ton, spent Xmas selk ith friends in Ten- alliizes still in stock. s. ,.
wster. —Any of our subscribers having
Mr. Mark Douglass, of Hamilton, a back copy of the Sentinel for 2Ist
spent Xmas with his parentes in the of July, 25th of August and the 1st
of September, would confer a favor by
—Mr. Ab Whiteley of Toronto, leaving the same at this office.
spe.nt Christmas at his home in this _
—An old time blizzard struck here
on Sunday last, and continued till
Berlin spent Christmas with friends
in Lucknow.
--Mr. Mark Douglass, of Hamilton, Wishes to thank the people of
spent his Xmas holidays at his home Lueknow and vicinity 1 ,r their
in Lucknow. i PATRONAGE as his bus.ness is
—Blessings upon the men who rapidly increasing especially in the
promptly clear the sidewalks of siaow
line of Staple and Fancy
—Mr. W. Forehan, sf Detroit, is CROCKERY AND CHINAWARE
after each storm.
spending his Xnias holidays at his As the numerous sales in Dinner and
home in Holyrood. Toilet Sett, give evidence that the lines ,(1=1-11....mw
—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Skinner, of he is offering are, acaorcling to prices,
r orest, are spending the holidays with ahead of the standard in quailty and
friends in the village.
• of the great aavancas in th:s 0 l e
friends in Lucknow. appearance.
—Mrs. Charles Donsldson and son We do not wish to dictate to our
Stewart, of Bayfield, are visiting
many friends, but would advise them
line and in order to save
them this advance, we are giving ............
them till after New Years to buy at
the old price.
-+_r �s'r
The closing exercises of the Bethel
Public School, were held on Thursday
afternoon in the presence of all the
Trnsteesand a goodly number of Vis-
itors. The school-hcose was beauti-
fully decorated for the occasion. Fes-
toons of Union Jacks encircled the
room, garlands of tissue paper grace-
fully intertwined hull,: pendant from
the ceiling and suitable mottoes taste..
fully finished iu evergreens adorned
the walls. The pupils were exam'ned
in ihe varioutbrauche's of school work
by the teacher, Miss A. M. Clark ,
assisted by Miss Cummings, of Mar-
noch ; Miss Wellwood, a recent grad-
uate of Toronto Normal School, Mr.
S...alker, of Whitechurch, Mr. Martin,
classes N1794 moist satisfactory, the
prompt and correct answering of Cue
'Thos. Agar'
Whaley. The examination in all the
pupils evincing cl3se application to i
study and thorough and efficient train-
ing. The standard of ex,cellence was so
uniform that it . was invidious to
particularize, yet the marked efficIency
of the Reading Classes is worthy of
special reference, the chief characteris-
tics being clear enunciation and corr-
ect expression—two tery impoftant
features. At the close of the exercises
the teacher presented each pupil with
a beautiful Xmas card and addressed
words, replete with splendid counsel,
and expressive of the kindly treat-
ment received from all, ad of sincerest
wishes for their future success, After
Mr. Martin had helped himself and all
others present to a liberal allowance of
candies generously supplied by the
Trustees, a most successful examina-
tion was brought to a pleasing conclus- —Mr. McCharles, of Sudbury, is
ion. visiting at the residence of Mr John
The entertainment in the evening Potcher in this village.
was also a decided success. . hen t e --. r. Amite e of Hamilton,
chair was taken at 8 o'clock the room is spending his holidays the guest of
was packed from sterm to stern, with his many friends in town. Our Fancy Goods
ience. The programme which was Such as Carbarettes, Salads, Cream
an enthusiastic but most orderly aud-
—There is a splendid sheet of ice on
furnished almost entirely by the pupils the rink, and the ftst game of curling
Sett, Teas, Etc., suitable for:Xmas and
was good in every particular, the re- was played on Wednesday. Wedding Presents, need no advertis_
citation entitled "Johnny Boy" being . Mr. John Kehoe, of Manistique,
ing as the quality and prices sell them.
especially well received. Mr, Paton Michigan, spent Christmas with his
rendered a number of fine selections many old friends in Lucknow. For Lamp Goads
cored. Mr. Stalker, the principal and
the village on Saturday last, and all Our lines in Parlor, Hanging and
on the violin and was repeatedly en- —There was a tremendous crowd in
sang a comic song in his inimitable our. merchants report a big business. Common Lamps are well a)_sorted, and
within the reach of everyhe.
staff of the Whitechurch Collegiate
the teacher by her pupils. Master R. —Mr. R. Shelton, and family of As it is the time of the year when the Bought direct from the
style and brought down the house. —Ladies ruffs in German mink for
the giving of a beautiful gold chain to ruffs and oaperines at reduced prices. GROCERIES ..
The chief interest however centred in $1.75, were $2.25. Other lines in
Dow read a kindly complimentary ad -
Kincardine were the guests of Mr. R. people require the very best in these
- . manufacturers for nett cash
completely taken by surprise, made a —The retail prices of brooms will our stock is always fresh and well liCen's Women' amid Ohilaven: 11 110 awl )useiv3r Oho
dress and Miss Hattie Wellwood made
Proctor, of this village on Xmas Day. lines, we wish to remind them that '
the presentation. Miss Clark, though
very appropriate reply. and then giv- shortly be advanced about 20 per cent a d and of the finest quality.
words, showing how strong was the —Mr. Geo Bowers of Woodsisock, ri
Spices as our stock is fresh and pr:ces avrlibers 3,13.a. Overshoes
tude in language more elocinent than prices, Call and get our Xmas Fruits and .
ing way to her feelings wept her grati- to nseet an advance in manufacturers'
. tie that bound, how deep was the ght. i - ii. very Large Assortment of Chilarea's 5chool
s spent his Xmas holidays the guest of Boots.
wound at parting. That this was tue
his brother Mr. Will Bower, of this Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a
. All bcots
heard distinctly throughout the after- —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burgess, and Yours Trily, I Ordered work & repairing a specialty
last day of teacher and pupils together
village. • Happy New Year, I am
as such was the one minor chord I- t
sombre shado-v a four -years' unbroken for Woodstock, where they will resiere VU(00 14, sr :warranted not to rip.
noon and evening, fringeing with ite two children left on Tuesday morninu .1
profession sustains a distinct loss, the
steady progress and increasing attach-
ment of her pupils proving her to be
more than ordinarily adapted for this
important work. Fortunately tile spent his Christmas holidays in Luck -
now and returned on Wednesday for
that town
—Mr. John O'Dyre, weli known in HWY NEW lEhli Ili al.
, _,________,___
• --- J. LiTI"LE, sa ..timUCK....0
retirement of Miss Clark the teaching —Mr. Watt Murdoch,' of Granton, _ TERMS : Cash or Credit. A Liberal Discount off for Cash.
record of culminatine success. In the in future. __ __
Trustees have been able to secure as a Lucknow died very suddenly on Christ -
successor Miss Wellwood whose past tLf18 day at Lanes, from an attack of
experience and recent Normal training pneumonia. DEALER IN ALL
There has been a very large increase .56c to 66c AWallte
h. to sell is to reach the man who Confectionery, • • - TEACH -ER -1-WA-111--;-1-ED
through which the man who has some- Village Market..
want. to buy. ogs.
work now laid down by Miss Clark. —The press is the chief medium KINDS OF . • .
admirably fit her for continuing the
Groceries & Fniits 'reacher wanted for School Section No. 4,
The following are the market quota-
-The past year has been a very by the I1)9Ved
West Witwanosh, holding a first or second
successful one in the Northwest. OYSTERS class certificate. State salery and expPrience.
tions for.this week :— .
in the populaA,ion. Pirt, Quart or dish. Try one ltith. Personal application pretlered.
W. C. WEBB, Sec. Treasurer. de Wheat,
35c to 37c
Hemlock, Eli
95c to 25c All kinjAs of IlLikoWgs`Mi‘iyaLuLt
of our Oyster Stews, St. Helens, ii. U.
iln3acisVswdionogd, Birch, Asb, Pi
7c ta 7c1
which the haiguhdestC'edpritcres,
LEMONS, GRAPES, 4Liwifinoorstsie:via atthoLvItglh71; Cionear3a,cia Wiest:. . Turkeys, per lb
Cash will be paid, at
and other Fruits are the best This animal was bred by D. B. Scott, Fergus,
ported Chester White Boar -White Star "
and sold cheap. Ont.. one of the most successful breeders in
the Province,
For pedigree and other particulars wily to
TROIVIAS isiIt.LLireillen,
s. can MacKinnon, of Kintoss.
IF. A. NIcLeunan, Mr. Malco
'on Of Kitilous, ou the 20th inshnt.,.mbveGthmenReis vto. streetniow:hs, HA,,,,
As this is the Beason for
We ask those in want of these articles to call and examine our
stock. You will not find us lacking in anything you ask for. To
buy without seeing our stock is to lay yours‘alf opeu to regrets after
you do see or hear about what we can show you. Just one look at
. our goods will convince you that they are the best that can be got
for the money.
WE have a well assorted,
up-to-date stock of
—Mr. H. Smith, of Hay, Huron Co.,
the prize offered by R. Cunning-
ham-, of Guelph, for the best fat animal
of any age or breed, open to Ashibitors
from Huron and Bruce counties only,
at the Guelph Fat Stock Show.
Now the shrewd merchant will
keep up the rush to his store by keep-
ing the newspaper readers informed
on the subject of bargains. Holidays
pass,but bargains are a perennial enjoy-
ment toithe public.
—On complaint of Inspector Bryan,
James Kirby, the Belmore hotel keeper
was fineil by Magistrate J. K. McLean
of Teeswater, on Friday, last, 820.00
•) and costa, for selling liciltor on Sunday.
—The Hon. J. T. Garrow, member
for the West Huron has been unseated
by the escort for bribery by agents.
The case has been appealed.
—A man who recently advertised
in a local paper for a wife received 143
answerp. This amply proves that the
good, old fashioned institution of mat-
rimony is not wholly scorned by the
modern woman and, further, that "ju
dicious advertising is the keystone of