HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-29, Page 5• • i.:...- .._•••••.-Z.••..... . w� • w.+fir •i 1 A. r, el on a in or IT) of ca Wishing you one and all a Happy and Prosperous � New Year. S TRULY ur OC \l3usine3s b Vd ii oar , t o 0., - Lucknow, Ont. A:LONG LETTER IX A'NUTSHELL Londesboro', Ont., Nov. 12th, '99 J. M. McLeod, Goderich. Dear Sir:—If anyone can profit from this letter, print it. I think my ease should be wade known. Last fall I was troubled with a wFak back and with my kidneys, etc. My case took a serious turn at la t, it turned to dropsy. I hail three good doctors a ttending roe. None of hien; could help nee. I was tapped seven trines. Atter thii I was given twenty four hours to liv4. A good -neighbor advised ane to get some of your rerned iee. brother went at once t9 Goderich and got some of your System Renovator and Specific Cure. I w•as sure I could kaiow the change after the first dose_. I began to improve at once and was ablo to• he in Goderich four weeks after I began thew. I ani since quite well. I worked quite a lot thi; sui,i'uer. I thank you and wisii you ruu rr su,'cess and Ion; life. Yours truly, JAMES BROWN. J. A. MAcKErNZlr: Fire Life and Marino Insurance, Raal Estate and Loan A en t.'ERVIE, ONTARIO. A•,ent for the Lon.i.-►n Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., British America Insurance Co., Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance ('.,., And the Canada Life Insurance Co., also agent I for the Employers Liability Accident aid Guarantee Assurance Company of London, England. - I isurance on all classes of property prompt; attended to. Farm property sold or exchanged. Severa choice farms for sale in townships of Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron, Kinloss and Ash - ti el*l. • A lame amount orf money to loan at 3 and 51 per cent on first-class mortgage security. Parties vi4hin:.; any business d:,ne in any of the dao re lines please call on or address .T. _%. MAOKENZ [I:, I3ervie, On Thompson's Li7ey Campbell Street, �_WCKNOW ., FI RST -CLASS - . • Ilan,ses and RIV• VTe wish you all \LY orry And wish to announce that we have just received a large stock of `Cvco' Beai'iiig carpet Sweeper. There is nothing which is more highly appreciated by a woman than one of those sweepers, and nothing makes a better Chrissixass 030 We have also a nice line of Toy Sweepers for the Children. Just what will please them. Come in and see them before buying your Christmas Presents Z: Lttwrence, Lucknow M. CO AGA 'S alrairr ENTERPRISING .. FARMERS USE HI RBAGEUM. If you want your animals to thrive Weil, work well and look well feed HERBACEUM. If your horse, colt or cow is out of condition and your pigs unthrifty feed HERBACEUM. If you keep cowl for milk, butter or cheese and arc fattening calves, cattle or hogs or poultry or for eggs, it pays to feed HERBACEUM. In feeding HERBACEUM animals get about one-fifth more nourishment out of the food, fatten one fifth sooner, and weight one-fifth more than others the same size and only costs one cent a day for grown animals and one- third that for colts, calves and sheep. Sold by — J. ELLIOTT. - LUCKNOW. • Xmas Is Coming • And you want some Furniture. We have just what you want. A. BOWMAN, - - Manual'. Is the plata to make your selections in BEDROK AND PARLOR SUITS MUSIC — TAUCHT CROCKERY CLASSWAE, RJCERIES & PROYISIONJ EXTENSION TABLES Lessons in Vocal and instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS. P. KEE. Oubbig Rates ! FOR i900 SENTINEL and Gloiac .......... E1 50 do with Marion I larland's- Works.... $1 75 Sr.YTINk L and. Advertiser 1,35 4c and Sun 1 35 and Witness. ...... 1 50 and ! Mail & Empire1 75 and Fancily Herald 1 75 and Daily Globe . 4 25 16 and " Advertiser.. 2 00 •' awl " Mail it; Empire 4 25 t6 It tpples .Slacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath };rl:k Bean s Broom, Baskets Brushes Biacnit Coffee Confectionery 12anned Goons Ci )cog Chnolatel Corn, cane:aid Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dati-s+ I have in stock the following : Dried Apple Extracts Fists Fish, awned l'ish, dried Geloiine Gingers Hope Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juic Lemons Lampe Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canred Magnesia A-1 Flom always en hand. Nut ncg Oil, olive Oil, sswee.. Oil, castor Urar;ges Oat Meal Pail y Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,canned Pej,perl Raisins Rice Rice Floor Saco Salt Salmon �arrlitsee Senna Seas, i s ISupar *runs Soda; Soaps Spicas St4rch Strawberries Oanne Sulpher4. Tapioca Toinatees .canned Teas' Tobaccoes Vermicer1 Vinegars Washboards Washing Crystal tVoodenwareli Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sete Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Derry Setts 'roil, t Setts CENTRE TABLES SIDEBOARDS DINING ROOM CHAIRS • HALL CHAIRS- 'FANOYROCKERS RATTAN ROOKERS Our tT ota1cig Do'patmont Is always complete. EMBALMING done and calls promptly attended to day or night. Lawrence 110 11 nestan4;, Store next door to Post Office, para of Tha±. Not only advertising Furniture, bur, I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronagf, and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and beet assorted stack of Pado Bed & Dining Room Sets .n Town. Chairs of all kinds Spring Beds Mattresses Sofas, 8a1 Rads. Parlor and Esteaaiaa In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock_Bottsni A tiaceilsoil, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR BUTTER & ECCS Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A . & W. GOLLAN, Luoknow MI OP Ont MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONC. - TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RESID.NCE—Campbell aired. • Mfu Edith Bi11 Is prepared to give lemons on PIANO AND ORGAN At her hazily on OOarnpbell St., - - L UCZNO f C 11 bion b*ve nd br to riend nem - lit' Ct3r oI Vet: ak0 1'fts • ti ex the oi)d SO ' Assort. int a • Lnd hurt i1e to be ,-y school {very hand - evening last, e coat�aiaint brush. Mian by sarpri e, leen of ..teen LItba, 'E9. .A.110ito frontal oky receive(1111 ?Mains* g amoral 01121, 1, oa aids. for the , xecuttx$ of e .ejt To 4