HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-29, Page 4*."--,1111/1/,` • gin uckuoultutiral Tali LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUS FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBBRTTES of his fingers blown off and his sword e as juin ritsd from my great grand - and scabbard were shot to piessee. mother. It *ill bo all right after it's But he is quite happy, and the loss of been there for a couple of weeks" his right arm given him little uneaai- noes. Between his chuckles he is heard to say: --The silly duffeis didn't, know I am left handed!" Luoknow, December 29, 1899 ,I1••••••• f PROPOSED AMENDMENT Duriag the last session of the Leg- islative Assembly a hill was introduced by Mr. Mutric, member for South Wellington, the object of whish was to change the date of the commencement of the Financial year of Municipalies from January lst to the 1st of Dec. in order that the accounts for the pro- ceeding year might be audited and a statement of the audit and of the re- ceipts. disbursements, assets and liabil- ities of thecorporation covering the term of the jetiring council mignt be made up by the auditors and be laid before the electors -prior to nomination day. Under the Municipal Act as it stands at present, the auditors state– ment does not leach the ratepayers until after election day and it is al- leged that the financial statement made by the Reeve and Treasurer on December I5th dues not give sufficient- ly full and satfactory information. • BRITISH AND BOEU COMPARED. The Boston Herald cannot see that anything hes happeatel to show that the Boer is in anyway the superior of his British opponent. The Herald points out that for weeks pest the 1,500 British soldiers at Mafeking have held oat against more then twice their number of Boers ; for practically tbe seine time the 1,300 British soldiers at Ketni)erley have held that piece against tar ea or tour times their num- ber of the enemy ; for an a!tnoit PhD- ilar time Jeri. White; at Lsclysusi:h, with 8,000 or 9,000 British soldiers, has held at b by a Boer sruiy of some- where from 23,000 to 30,00) m in, al- though the I fitter h the been supplied with far better artiilery then that which thd British general has heel, at his cointnsn 1 Gen. Iathuea, in his advanc on Kitu')erley, took three diff- erent poeitions held by the Boer fore sa bst of the same streagth as his own. It cost him severely to do this, hut he did it, and the Boars mere forced to retire. Tnere has not ben an itwance in the war in which a force of Beers makins en advance has taken a position, intrenched or other.vise, held by an equal number of British troop. • PASSEDAWAY Their passed away at her home in the 1st Concession of Kiloson Wed- nesday, December 13th, \Wrs. Jessie McKenzie, widow of the tate Duncan McKenzie, in the 78th year of her age. Mrs. McKenzie was one of the most widely known and highly respected citizen of the township. She had been ailing for the last two years and had been confined to bed the last six months, and at times suffering great pain. But passed peacefully away on 'Wednesday morning. Her genial manner and kindness will long be le - membered, that she has gone to a better land, must brighten the sorrow ef her family, who have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. She was born 1821, in the Island of Rasay Inverness Shire, Scotland. When but young, she immigrated with her parents to Prince Edward Island ; and in the year 1845 she was married to John Beaton of that place with whom she had three children, one son and two daughters, Mrs. Archie Mc- Donald, Mrs. Murdoch Campbell and John Beaton, all of whom reside in Fort William, In 1848 her husband (lied, also her father and one brother. The remainder of the family left Prince Edward Island in the year 1853, and moved to Ontario, and she and her family accompanied them. They set- tled in the township of Kinloss, and in the year 1856 she was married to Dancan McKenzie, who peacefully passed away nine years ago. To them were born four children, three sons and one daughter, John on the home- stead, Alex., living near -by, Duncan, in Vancouver, B. C., and Mrs. J. B. McTaggart, formerly of Fort William, but now of Moosejaw, Manitoba, who has been home the last two 'months during her mother's illness. Three brothers and one sister survive her. Donald and Malciilm, and Mrs. Mc- Lean, of Gladstone, Manitoba, and James of Kinloss. The remains were accompanied to the family plot of interment in Kinloss Cemetery by many sorrowful friends. The pallbearers being her two sons' and four nephews. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Cisurch. The Rev. F. A. McLennan conducted the funeral service e at the house and grave. A FRAUD 7.3I APPLE PACKING ASHFIELD At the annual meeting of the Maple Grove L. 0. No. 1041 the following' officers were elects)] for the curreet year, viz:— We M. David Huston. D, M. Joseph Hackett. Chaplain W. G. Gardner. R. S. R. E. Brown. P. S. C. McDooaugh. Treas. J. Ritchie. D. of C. J. H. Gardner, Lecturer C. Ritchie. James. Cook. Boden Ritchie. Committee W. R. Gardner. J. Fereusone A (Jooke. .S S NO 7 Report of Bruce Uniform Promotion Examination, S. S. No. 7. Kinloss Form IV.—W. J. Irwin, J. McDon- ald, A. McLean, H. Lawrence, R. Fin- lay, Pe McKenzie. Form III.—D. Mc- Lellan, H. McLeod, W. (Jook, E. Cook. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Head Offica, - Hamilton. Capital paid up ▪ - 1,600,000 ite3orva Fund - - 1,000,000 Total Assets - - 13,163,057 Board of Directors President 17 -tee -President JOHN STUART. A. G. RAMSAY. JOHN PROCTOR. GEO. ROACH. A. T. WooD, M. P. A. B. LEE. (Toronto) WM, GIBSON, P. Cashier, - Asst. Cashier, Inspector, • - J. TURNBULL. - 11. S. STEVE H. M. WATSON. Agencies Berlin Listowel Owen Sound Carman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin 21hesley Manitou, Man. Simcoe Delhi Milton Southampton Geor•Tetown Morden, Man. Toronto Grim3by Niagara Falls Wingharn Hamilton (Barton st) Orangeville Winnipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End) 11)o You Realize. BRITISH CORRESPONDENTS: National Provincial Bank of England, (Ltd,) London. AMERICAN CORREiPONDENTS : Fourth National Bank. New York. Hanover National Bank, 6 6 International Trust Co., Boston, Marine Bank, Buffalo, Union National Bank, Chicago. Detroit National Bank, Detroit. National,Bank of Commerce, Kansas City National Bank of Commerce, St, Louis, AGENTS IN MONTREAL : The Bank of Toronto JOHN SPROAT, INT -AGENT. The Fact That CHRIS •! MAS is but a little more than two weeks away and that you have but thirteen shopping days after to -day. That means no time to waste. Of course you can wait till the last minute and buy from what's left, but sensible people will come early and buy while stocks are at their best. We have a large assortment of goods that make very acceptable praents. • What is nicer for a lady than a nice Dress, a Silk Wai3t, a Pair of Kid Gloves, a Fancy Tie, or a nice Belt puckle. We mild mention a great many articles but haven't space to go into details. We have a very choice lot of Teach- ers' Cibles. These Bibles were bought at less than *hole - sale Prices and we can sell them very cheap. We al$o have a number of BOOKS OF TRAVEL for Boys whicb we will clear out at BARGAIN PRICES. Came and see oar Stock and prices before baying • MRS. E. J. SMITH, - LUCKNOW. iT arnallaa"M000.1111anagnaMINIMIINIMMIM ROCERS' TABLEWARE In Berry Spoons, Fruit Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Sugar Shells, Cheese Servers, Ladles, Knives, Forks and Spool's. Fancy and plain in all sizes at ARMSTRONC'S • RINGS FOR LITTLE FOLKS Otssistastas We have a full and complete line of Baby Rings in pearl, rnhy, and turquoise settiegs, in solid gold from 75c to $2.00, at ....6.111••••••■••,. ARMSTRONG'S LADIES' COLD WATCHES Wo have made no rel.:a in our prices of Ledies' Gold Watches. Some very choicedesigns it, plain, half, and fully engraved cases, priced for 25 yeare, 14 karat filled, from $15 00, to $25.00 at WAR ECHOES. An Irishman has fought and near- ly killed a Perisiin editor for insulting Queen Victoria. With the same warm chivalry of the race, Daniel O'Uonnel declared sixty yeers ago that he would raise, i)ineed be, a 100 thousand men in Ireland to defend the young Queen. British statesman say that.Britain can if necessary spend E250,000,000 terling without increasing the present rates of taxation or adding to the National debt. Truly, as shrieks the Montreal Star, "Our Mother Country yet remains." The mosquito bite did not kill the lion. To the Editor of the Sentinel. Sir—We notice in your issue of the 15th hest, that Professor Robertson, at a meeting of the Fruit Growers Association at Whitby last week, made the statement that "dishonesty in fruit packing is on the increase,' and that the aid of Government is be ing sought t) re,eedy the fraud. Now, we wish to ask the "Professor," or any one else, what earthly motive can there. be, either on the part of the shipper, or the packer for fraudulent packing ? The grower, of course cannot be in- dicted of fraud, as he is not ahowed a voice or a hand in the matter. It, seems very plain to us that, if there is a fraudulent motive in this affair, it ie. a fraud intended to be perpetrated on the Government and the country, by hungry office seekers who "Cancot dig and to beg they are ashamed," and so, they want a good lucrative sit, without a portifolio—a fat office with- ont much to do. What say yon to this, "Professoil We pause for a re- ply. a It is highly improbable that Kruger has announced his willingness to make peace on the basis of the conditions existing before the outbreak of war, Britian tc pay all the costs he hu been put to. It ia too early to discuss terms at all; it will always he too early for such proposals. The jester is at work. When one of those "war experts" from whom so much is heard nowedays complains that no information is per- mitted to go over the cable from Afri- ca, and then proceeds to tell in several calarans just how each section of the army in the field is situated and how the generals are bungling things, the reader feels that he is being treated to something almost too thin to deserve thenarne humbug. Lieut. Meikle, of the ordon High- hdere, seems to have ad a very hot time at Elancislaagte. He received three bailee; through his upper right arm, one through his right fore arm, one through the left thigh, two through - bis helrnmt, a "snick?' in the neck, one LANGSIDE NEWS. •muw....myrillill1 ARMSTRONG'S UMBRELLAS If you want something in Umbrellas more than the ordinary', we can show it to you. The silver and gold- mountings are particularly nice. Prices from $2.50 to $10 00 in Ladies,' and Gents' sizes at ARMSTRONG'S mnariumairemzio CUFF LINKS For a gentleman, what could be nicer ? An elegant line to choose from ---in gold and rolled plate. Prices from 50c a pr to $3.00 at ARMSTRONC'S BROOCHES & STICK PINS ,For a good present what could be nicer than the new design in Brooches As an inexpensive but dainty Gift a stick pin is ranch ap- preciated, at Mr, Dan McLean has returned from Man. lookins hale and hearty. Mr. Treleaven intends leaving soon for the West for the benefit of his health. Mr. Dancers Ross, who has been in Dakota for the past three months has returned home. Mr. Smith McLean has purchased the Ross farm of two hundred acres for the sum of $4,500. 7 ARMSTRONC'S THE PLAGE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CONFECTIIMERY Is at A. McKenzie's BAKER dz CONFECTIONER Largest assortment of gro:*. Goods town. Chocolates, Creams, Bon Bons, Clear toys, Grained Toys, Christmas stockings, Figs, Dat s, Nuts, etc. is (1)2xtticts D. C. McMorran has just received tz large assortment of Xmas' Confectionery, consist- ing of choice boxes of Bon Bons, Fii_zs, Dates, Grapes, and also a large collection of Canned Goods, which is selling at the very Lowe..,,t Price. Fresh Bulk Oysters always OD Iland Tho Right Place to Oyster Stew is here. A large stock of Tobacco, Cigars and. Cigarettes on fiand. D. C. McMorran - Lucknow. come for an BOAR FOR SERVICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED will keep for ser - i_ -% ice at Lots 75 and 76, Con. 1., Kinloss, a Thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Terms— at time of service. Fur pedigree and further particulars apply to A. McQUEEN, Locknow P. 0. N. B.—For Sale a Chester White 13c an. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FRED GRUNDY 'iNIOMMMUK• Is giving up the Dry Goods business, and says that this is the time to purchase anything you require. As he his now decided on going out of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, Jo CAPS, .0 FURS, . BOOTS AND SHOES., So that on and after MONDAY, the 25th inst., he will open his Store for the sale of 'my ot the above lines at cosi, and many other licies below cost. You can therefore be sure of the greatest bargains ever placed in your 14ands. Any articles sold out will r_ot be replaced. Now is your time to buy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and Spring. All Credit transactions will cease. This is the last chance you will have such an opportunity offered you. ornx_TER gad EGGS taken in exchange or Cash paid for same. laving the hest equippcd In the Matter of the Estate of Edward Hayden, late (f the township Aincar- • ,• dine, in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, Deceaett. OTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN PUR suant to the Revised Statutes of Ontar io, 1897, Chapter 129.. that all creditors, and others having claims against the estate of the S A id Edward Hayden, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1899, are required on or before the first day of January. 1900. to gelid by post prepaid or deliver to Paul Smeltzer, Lueknove P.O,, Ont,, executor for the said estate, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if anv, held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executor,will proceed to distribute theassets of the deceased ainotig the patties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice, antt.that the s tia executor will not. be liable for tle said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. DatQd the 22nd day of November, 1899. HUGH MORRISON, Solicitor for the Executor NOTICE TO CitEDITORS • . .*, in Tilw;, for the hmdling Groot:15m ir,„/AL- Grain, Flow Feed, See:1s Vegetables, Etc., Will continue in that branch of trade A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged for a Stock of Groceries. p 33 People must In the matter of the estate of John i. ceirxed. in the county of Huron Yeoman, De. f1,. late of the township of Asofield NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR - suant to the .1.{evi.,ed Statues of Ontario 1847, Chapter 129, that all Creditors, and others hayinw claims against the estate of the said, who di.td en or about the 7th day of Julie 1899, are required on or before the 7th day 4) f January, 1900. to send by Post prepaid or de - Mr. Foster Moffat has moved his Thanking the people for past favors 1 Jiver to William Stothers, Belfast P. 0., shed and raised it up even with the and wishing you all a prosperous New 1 Ontario, or to Thos. Webster, Ln''know, P. barn, which will be a great improve- Year. 0., Ontario, execntors for thy, said estate, their christain an 1 surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of thfie tnent. Mr. John Murray, who latel re- 3D 1\T 'I' 1 S T- claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any held by side. them, turned from Manitoba, has purchased C A NEWTON, mention'3d dabe the said executors willroceed - And further take noticepthat after such last the stock and rented the store at Lang - Honor geaduAte in (It!raktry, tormito to distribute the assets of the deceased amoiez Dental College, and Doctor ..f • Dentu,I Sur- the parties entitled the. eco, having regard Mr. Jas. Taylor is preparing to .gery, Toronto Univ.Tsity. Ail modern pl..tis only tfr the claims of which they then shall build a handsome brick residence next of 0 ,eration and .carefuli.e,;:4 io .vorkmanahip, have had notice, and that the said executors summer. We understand Mr. D. Office in Allin'd block, upstair,. 1 P. S.— Will visit Ripley every Thursday will not be liable for the said assets or any ' . ilea. part thereof to any person or persons of whost, Donaldson, of Teeevrater, is the arch- afternoo I. claims notice shall not have been received by • them at the time of such distribution. BOAR FOR SERVICE Dated the Thid day of November, 1899, It seems to me, Martha, that its as THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for the Executors HUGH MORRISON, Solicitor nothing but reckless exbravagance _____ putting that solid mohogany furniture for servioe at lot 3, con. 4, X Woo*, a thorough- r..... ......... hog under vix months oid. ASTRAY bred Tamworth boar. This is a splendid in the nursery." "No, it isn't any- animal, having talt.n first prize in Quebec and thing of the kind," protested the wife. xecond prize at the Ottawa shows for the best C &ME ONTO THF PR E MISES A - "The polish on that kind of furniture TERMS : --$1 at time of service, with bout the 20th October, three small year - is altogethcr too new. I havn't been : privilege of returning if neeeasary. For pedi• c -and , • • old cattle, two steers and one heifer : color, ; gree and other- particulars apply to nearly all red. Owner is requested to 1 rove., abl© to make anyone believe that it; • JOHN McDONALD, Lucknow r o polborne. 'roperty pay expenses. Lot - 6, con. -9, HARRY MORRIS, Goderich P. 0 1 ave Groceries The greet, question is where to get them. We keep the bes:, qualities ta be had. We doret iiretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TEIAS Black. Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 vents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and r rice,. C R 3=RYr. We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, terry and toilet cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. H'I_JOTiii IR, & PEiPiD Al kinds of flour and feed kept eonstantly en hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. MoCLU E. CASII (-3--Ezoomn That Touches The Spot ItAcIAEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. on t•hy of Ask Druggist or write direct to J, M. McLeod, GnOILIZICH, Or Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow •