HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-22, Page 8• #
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Our Stock of Christmas Noyelties,-
Toys and all holiday gods are
better and more complete than
any which has been before opened
out in Lucknow. We have near-
ly everything which the heart of
man or woman can desire for
). Christmas presents.
Gifts for the little folks.
Gifts for the boys.
Gifts for the girls.
Gifts for your sweetheart.
Gifts for Pverybedy from Grand-
mother down.
Don't leave your shopping till the
last minute or you may be caught
in the usual rush, and we expect
a bigger rush than ever,
Ileadvarters fo:
The 13th annual meeting of the
Horse Breeders Association was held
in the Ratt,enbury House, Clint3n, on
Wednesday of last week, with a good
attendance of meruLers. The reports
of the Secretary and Treasurer show a
perceptib:e increase in the work of the
Society duridg the past year, and the
funds in the bank reech the comfor-
table sum of $900, with no liabilities.
A large amount of routinebusiness
was transacted, among which ib was
decided to ask the Superintendent of
Fanners' Institutes to have placed on
the, list of speakers at Institute meet-
ings, Some one to discuss and advocate
the questim of diaught horae breeding,
al.,o to u •ge the Minister of Agriculture
to sectire for registered horses the same
transportation rates and privileges as
are accorded other registered stock.'
A large amount of correspondence was
again discussed, asking the registration
of P nimais bred in the United States
and in the Canadian Northwest. It
was .decided again that foreign -bred
animals from other stock registered
with -the Society cin only be registered —Mr. John Joynt preached very
as "produce" • without a number, and acceptably to a large congregatien in
in the case of animals in other Provin- the Methodist church on Sunday even-
ces. the pedigrees must ba attested to ing last.
by sworn declarations. —What about a pair of good warm
The election of officers resulted in working mitts? See J. 0, Murdoch
the old staff being again entrusted with & Co's stoA. A good variety to
office, an indication that the manage- choose from.
ment is satisfactory. The followir,g
delegates were appointed: To Cana-
dian Horse Breeders, Association, Jas.
Headerson and Alex. Janes ; to West-
ern Fair, D. McIntosh. The following
were recommended to the several fairs
as competent judges on draught horses:
D. McIntosh, Jno. McDairmid, James
Henderson, C. E. Mason, Alex. banes,
P. McGregor, J. E. Blsckall, D. M.
Cole and Thomas Green. A com-
mittee was appointed to select a num-
ber of the best animal:: registered with
the Society, which are to be photo
graphed for publication and present -a -
tion to Agricultural Colleges. This
concluded the business, and the mert-
ing then adjourned.
—Cheap Rattan Rockers at Davi-
—Cheap pictures a specialty at
Cheap center and extensi3n tables
at Davison's.
—Go to Lawrence & Johnston for
all kinds of furniture.
—Rattan Rocke.s and hall .hairs at
Lawrence & Johnston's.
—Bed room Suits and Sideboards at
Lawrencs & Johnston's.
—Call and see Davison's rocking
chairs and pictures.
—Cheap Bed Room suits and Side -
beards at Davisoa's.
—Call at Davison's and got his
prices on furniture.
— Lounges and couches at all prices
at Lawrence & Johnstoe's.
—Parlor Suits and Fancy Rockers
sst Lawrence & Johnston's.
—Get your Christmas; candies and
confectionery at R. Moody's.
— The merry jingle of sleigh bells is
far ahead of the plunkety, plunkety
—Mrs. J. D. Laughlin, of StMarys,
is visiting Mr. Robert Mclieith, of
— The children are feasting upon the
Christmas novelties shown in the shop
— Mrs. -James Nlorrison, of South
Edmonton, N. W. T., is visiting friends
in K.inlosss.
1 --It is hard to tell whether this
weather is intended for last tall or two
years ago last fall.
—Mr. J. G. Ward, of Dungannon,
gave the Sentinel a pleasant call.on
Tuesday last.
— The annual school meeting ia
rural sections will be held on Wednes-
day, Dec. 24th.
—A "Little Helper" sweeper will
please the children for Xmas. See
them at Thos. Lawrence's.
—Nothing would please your wife
or child better than a Bissell Carpet
Sweeper. See them at Lawrence's.
—It will pay you to look up R.
Moody's advertisement in this issue
and mark it in your Day, Book.
—The Goderich Star published a
list of over forty residents of that town
who have reached the age of eighty or
LOCAL rrEms.
—Mr. Chas. Johnston, of Hamilton
is in town this week.
—Table raisia*, dates, figs, fresh and
good at A. McKenzie's.
—Ladies' Astrachan Caps, 30 inches
long, only i5.00 at Connell's.
—Mixed Candy by the lb,- or barrel
(cheap) at A Mckenzie's.
—Oraoges and lemons cheaper than
ever before at A. 4cKenzie's
—Men's Beaver Overcoats for $4.00
each at Connells, all- kinds of overcoats
at reduced prices.
—Money to loan by private party
at reasonable interest. Apply Draw.
P r 24, Lucknow P. 0.
—al good, goneral servant
wanted at once. A.pvly to Mrs.
Thos. Lavrrence.
—A nice stock of Brownie Suits
all sizes, at J. G. Murdoeh's. Give
the boy one for Xmas.
—The village nominations will take
place at the Town Hall this (Friday)
evening at 7 o'clock.
—Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McGinnis
left on Thursday morning for Ophir,
Algoma, here they will reside in fut-
—German Mink Ruffs $1.75 each
at Connell's. Sable Ruff extra large
for $8.00 worth $9.00.
—A meeting of the Lucknow Public
Library will be held this evening
(Thursday) Dec. 21st, at 8 ()AWL
—A Christmas Song Service will be
given by the Choir in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening next.
—What ! no teeth'? it makes no diff-
erence you can eat Reid's scone and
cakes without teeth, try a few and see.
—The Sentinel will be pleased to
publish a list of the officers elected for
the ensuing year by the different so-
cieties of the town. Wilt th9 proper
— Buy your wife a Bissell "Cyco"
Bearing Carpet sweeper fur Xmas and
see her unite. Sold by Thos.
—Mrs. Kennedy and her son Wil-
liam, of Chiboyegan, Michigan, are
visiting at the residence of Mr. It.
oIlan Kinloss.
— Lost, strayed or stolen, from the
premises of Harry Day's, a black
Newfoundland pup, 3 months old.
The finder will be rewarded.
—The handsomest callender receiv-
ed this season .is from The Smiley
Hardwaie and Dry Goods Company,
of Otterville, Oct.
—Pell sizes of J. G. Murdoch*
Co's special $10.00 Beaver Overcoets
in stock at present. Don't miss this
opportunity to get one.
—Mr. Thos. Falconer, of Fargo,
Dakota, is renewing old acquaintances
with his many friends in Hol)rood
and vicinity.
—A St. Mary's man recently dropped
dead while carrying in wood for the
night. This a warning for wen not to
interfere with their wives duties.
—A pair of our gauntlets is a hand-
some present for a lady for Christmas.
We have them in Gray Limb, Electric
Seal and Astrachan. W. Connell.
—If you are looking for anything
chic and up-to-date in men's furnish-
ings, you will find them at J. G. Mur-
doch & Co's.
—The bonus of $100 paid by the
Goeernment to owners of creameries
who provide cold storage facilitiels,
will be extended to owner e of creatn-
vies during the season of 1899.
—Found!- On the boundary be-
tween East and West Waw anosh, a
lady's fur cape. Owner can have same
by ailing at Mrs. R. K. Miller's store,
St. Helens.
—J. 0, Murdoch & Co have re-
ceived this week a shipment of the
famous Berlin yarns direct from Old
Irelend. They will be able to supply
you with a nice black yarn at 10c.
—The Lucknow Methodist Church
Ohoir furnished an excellent pro-
gramme of rnusic for the Whitecburch
Tea Meeting on Monday night limit.
There was a largo attendance present.
—All chocolate drops are good, but
some are better, Reid's for instance,
because they have fruit flavor and fresh
nut centers, Christmas candies all the
year, at Reid's.
—The Inlard Revenue Department
has taken up the subject of tinned
goods, and has issued a circular to
some thousands of phjrsicians through-
out Canada asking them to. report on
officers see that we are furnished with j any cases of poisoniog that come un -
s prcper list of the officers. 1 der their notice.
We are always at the old etand ready
to deliver anything in the line of bread
and confectionery you may ask for
Reid the baker.
—In the big bale of dairy cows at
Cain's Hotel, _on Saturdey, there will
be sold three new milkers, two farrow
cows, and twenty choice young dairy
cows, the property of Mews McIntosh
and Blend:
—Young men who wish t,9 be
dressed up-to-date for the holidas sea-
son should call at J. G. Murdoch Si,
Co's store on Saturda, night and pro-
cure one of the newest styles in stiff
hats. They are the new spring style
in black and blown, purchased special-
ly for the trade.
• —As Xmas is about heee again, the
public will be looking around to see
where they will purchase their Xmas
goods. We ask you to give us a call.
Remembar it will pay you, as our
stock is fresh and up to date, and we
are sAling the best very cheap. Our
stook of confectionery, frults, canned
goads, spices. teas, coffees sugars are
the best to be had. Merry Xmas and
a Happy New Year to all. R.
These Mills are well located on
Huron street and on the G. T. R.,
occut)ying a substantial two story mill
building, well equipped with a. full
roller process using two double setts
of rolls; also two setts of stones for
The product comprises a fine grade
of Rolled Oats and Oatmeal, the daily
capa3ity being fifty barrels, and in
this line he has a larze local trade in
,the surrounding towns and country:
farmers trade covering a radii.. s of fif-
teen miles, while shipments are made
to the leading markets in the eastern
This is the only Roller Oatmeal Mill
in Bruce County, and was changed
from a flour mill four years ago when
new ruachinery was put in and the
equipment is now first class,
A large business is done in grain
grinding for farmers and in October.
over 4000 bags were ground.
The proprietor Mr, McGregor, has
had nearly a, life long experience in
this line,- removing from. Hensell
twelve years ago and has a wide ac- I
quaintence both in Huron i.ud Buie°
Farmers of Kinloss kitylly accept
thanks for past patronage. We wish
you all a merry Xmas.
Thos. Agar
PATRONAGE as his business is. D. C. TAYLOR'S' HARDWARE STOilE
Wishes to thank Alm people of
Lucknow and vicinity for their
rapidly increasing especially in the LUCKNOW
line of Staple and Fancy
OVERCOATS at $2.00 each and others at
$4.00 each in Men's sizes. Men's REEFERS
for cold weather at $3.75. Men's Fur Coats
sightly and good to wear at $12.00 each. Coon
Coats at $35.00 each.
We have Capes, Caperines. Ruffs and Gauntlets,
IN GREAT VARIETY in all the LatesV
Wishing A Merry Christmas to all
this is the Beason for
111.1•11111•111MINIMIIL tOMMPS.J11411.1.112•11116.11=1161•11, 1M11111.11P
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We ask those in want of these articles to call and examine our
stock. You will not find us lacking in anything you ask for. To
buy without seeing our stock is to lay yourself open to regrets after
you do see or hear about what we can show you. Just one look at
our goods will convince you that they are the best that can be got
for the money.
- 2aACS
/1111111•1111. -40
As the numerous sales in Dinner and
Toilet Sett, give evidence that the lines
he is offering are, accord;.ng to prices,
ahead of the standard in quailty and •
We do not wish to dictate to our
many friends, but would advise them
of the great advance in thi s
line and in order to save
them this advance, we are giving I.
them till after New Years to buy at -
the old price.
Our fancy Goods
Such as Carbarettes, Salads, Cream
Sett; .Teas, Etc., suitable for Xmas and
Wedling Presents, need no advertis_
ing as the quality and prices sell them.
Far Lamp Goads
Our lines in Parlor, Hanging and
Common Lamps are well assorted, and
within the read' of everyone.
IPEL 11.••••1011•11=
WE have a well assorted,
up-to-date stock of
Bought direct from the
manufacturers for nett cash
Men's 'Women' and Children' fine ma heavy Shoes,
Rubbers aucl, Overshoes
A, very Large Assortment of Ohiliren's School Boots
,As it is the time of the year when the 0 rderc_ d work 8zrepairing a specialty.
lines, we wish to remind them that at warrantea not to rip,
peopf!),require the very best in these _
our stock is always fresh and well
assorted and of the finest quality.
Call and get our Xmas Fruits and
Spices as our stack is fresh and pr:ces
right. .1
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year, I am
Yours Trtly,
V3toa Agar
LOGS WAtflt0.
All kinds of hardwood logs
wanted at Bower's Mills, -12th
Con: of Aslitield, for w1iEi
the very lowe9t possible prices,
for which they can be bought,
will be paid in cash.
TER MS Cash 01' Credit. A Liberal Discount off for Cash.
Teacher wanted for Sch,-01 Section N • . 4.
We it %Vawanosh, holding a first or second
cla,s certificate. State salery and exp.Tience.
Pities to commence on the 3rd ot Jarman',
1904). Applications received up to December,
16t h. Per nal Riplication pretfered.
, WEBS, Sec. Treasurer.
St. Helens, P. 1).
Village Market.
The following are the market quota-
tions for this wcek :—
• ••
Butter. • •.•
for service at Lot 17, COn. 13, West Turkeys, per lb
• .
Wawanosh his thorimghbre 1 Ca ails Itn-
p,)rted Chester White Boar —White Star,"
Tbis animal wag bred by D. B. Scott, Fergus,
Out.. one 'of the most successful breetlors in
the Province.
TERNfi,— $1.00.
For pedigree and other particularaway to
St. iielees.
66c to 64c
56c to 56c1
35c to 37c
bcto25ct All kinds of Logs wanted,
1ct�15cjinc1utling emlock, Eln3,
..1.5c to ioe Basswood,
All boots
IIMION141111Em••■•••••=••••••••_ 111.14•4111 111111111/81111111.11116111/111101•111512
gs Wanted
At the
Birch, Ash, Pine
"Ic to 7c
eleplione Nc £15
Tamarack, and Cedar, for
which the highest prices in
Cash will he paid, at the
Luck now Ai ilts, I -I a vekick
`...mmileP"Iffemaily1141111/1411111144.- tiPt
• .