Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-22, Page 1•
IA •
IFrom now till
Jan. 1, 1901
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' ClUbbinir
. Bankers, . Passenger trains leave Lucknow station as
follows :—
LOCK NOW ,- - 0111..7.
ing outh. Going North
1,1,1ABLISHED-1888. GoS
6.20 a. rn.
8 la, rn, 11.35 a. m
2.38 p. m 11.10 p. m
4.05 p. m
We do a general bankinir business;' issua
drafts throughput Canada and the United 1 D. W. HAYES. Agent
State. We Make collections on all points,
including :—Western States, -Manitoba and
the North-West Provinces, and all collec- f Wage and Vicinity lino
thins, whether note or aclouut, will have
prompt attention.
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes Hotel Sold.
• Michael McNab, of Riversdale, has
We luau to fartilers on donble or single notes
at from one to twelvemonths time, anti at sold hii hotel to Mr. Beclitier Of Kinloss.
reasonable rate of interest. M r. McNab kept a good hotel aud
Ws loan sinall or large amounts on second ide money e
mortgage on farms or otb rreal estate sec-
urity and oa tirst chattel rtgages on live
dealing and farming.
ft tock -and implements and ‘Trops.
We hAve a large amount of funds to advance Christmas Cheer.
on first mortgages from 5 percent. to 6 per
cent, The rateis graded according to tbe The stcre windows have put on their
finality and size of the loan required. Christmas garb. The dry goods, jew-
We represent the leading Engliwn and Cana- ellers, fancy goods and hook stores are
dian Fite Insurance Companies and can
effect insurance on all classes of property in looking their best, while the groceries
. Stock or Mutu4Companie4 as desired. and confectionery windows are show -
Our office hours are from 10 a. ni, to 4 p. m.
in Weir tempting wares to their best
GEO. A, SIDDALLt. •.1 advanta.
SurgeGn and Acc.uicher. Surgery
Elli(itt's grocery store. Office hours
from 9 to 1.2 ; froco 2 to 5 p.m. and from
7 to 9 p.m.
• TINIc1);GORDON, M.D.. C.M.,
M.S.''.11.C.PiS.0.. Phvsician, Sur-
geon, and 4ccoucher. Upstairs iu
new block; Residence Ross syeet,
behind .1. G...Nlurdoch store.
•111.1111M11.1•••••••••* .711 dint 111•1111MM.......
In Berry Spoons, Fruit Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks, Sugar Shells, Cheese
Servers, Ladles, Knives, Forks ard
Spoons. Fancy and /Plain in all sizes
We have a full and complete
line of Baby Rings in pearl, ruby, and
turqueise settings, in solid gold trona
75c to 82.00, at
We bare made no raise in our
prices of Ladies' Gold' Watc hes. So.ce
very choice design's it, piain, haf, •and
fully engraved casts, prier(' for. 25
year, 14 karat filled, from $15.CO, to
25.00 at
If you *ant something in
Umbrellas mere than the ordinary, we
can phow it to you. The silver and
gold mourrings, ere pirticuraply nice.
Prices frorn $2.50 to $io.op in Ladies'
and Gents' sizes at
For ft etit1eman, wiiat could be
nicer? An elegant line to choose
from --in gold and rolled plate. Prices
freni 50c a pair to $3.00 at
For a essed rresent what could
he nicer then the new design . in
Brpoches As an inexpensive but
dainty Gift a stick pin is touch ap-
preciated, at
Salo of Dairy Caws
There will bs sold by Public Auction
on Saturday next, December 23rd at
Cain's Hotel in this village another
cat load of first-class young dairy co—s.
In theload is a few good yearliug
heifers, and also a few extra good
milch cows. SLE le at one o'clock.
—John Purvis, Auctioneer.
Dominion Statues
A copy of the volumes I and II oi
the 84atues• of Canada for 1899 bas
been. received at the Sentinel office.
These volumes contain the Drtelers in
Council of the Imperial Government,
. together wit!i all the _treaties ne-
gotiated with betweea Her Majesty
the Queen and koreign Powers.
Si Peter's Church Lucknow
The Christmas Day Services at the
church will be held at the Oddfellow's
Hall en Sunday next, Dec. 24th at 11
o'cluck in the morning, and 7 o'cleck
in the evening, when the usual Christ-
mas offerings will be taken. it is
hoped that the restored Church will be
re -opened on Sunday the 31st of Dec.
lait further notice will be made.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Kinloss
Bauch Agricultural Society will be
held in the Council Chamber, Towril
Hall, Lucknow, on Weednesday the
10th day of January A. D. 1900, at one
o'clock in the afternoon. A large
meeting Of ruemLers of the society is
requested as business of importance
'will come before the meeting.—P. A.
Malcoaison, Secretary.
Broke Ilis fhb.
.Ilis many friends her will regret to
learn that Mr. John Scott, of 1Vh1ve
Church and foanerly G. T. R. foreman
tu this village. tnet with 1st' accident
last week w hile lifting the jigger. from
tile track, and had one of his ribs
broken by fal:ing against the handle.
11e aisle to be around'however, and
called on his many friends here cm
Saturday lase
True to Iiks Tvaining
It was the turn of the Disceiple En
(leavors to hold serviee in the jsil on
Sunlay. They were singing the hymn
when one of the iutnates, a lunitic,
suddenly called out; -Stop those hymns
Why, don's . you .sing psalms, that's
what'll do you goo3.” The resor fellow
in question had been, vv ell grounded in
the psalms in his boyhood, and though
his reason is gone, ths4 impressions
made on his youthful mind still re-
tnain.—Walkerton Telescope.
Diod in Kinioss
There died at his 'Kane on the 8th
.concession of • Kinloss, on Tuesday
December the 12th, Mr. Hugh Mc-
Pherson in the 89th year of his age.
Mr. McPherson was one of the mest,
*idley known and his;14 respected
THE PLAGE TO BUY citizens of the township'.' Alclaough
7"--f. he had been ailing for some time past,
he was comparatively strong till a
• week before his death. The deceased
CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY was born in Badnock, Inverneshire,
Scotland, on December 2nd, 1816. He
Is at came to Canada in 1837, and in 1841
he was married in Puslinch to Miss
A. McKenzie's Flort Frasher, who peacefully passed
away seven Years ago. 'Po them were
BAKER & CONFECTIONER born nini .childrer, six of whom still
survive them. Those being Angus
- Largest, nssortment of grow! and Murdoch, of Kinloss; William, of
Goods i., town. Chocolates, British Columbia; Alexander, of, Huron
Creams, Boa Bons, Clear toys, Mrs. John Strath, of Holyrood; and
Mts. Peter Watson, of West Wawa -
G rai tied Toys, Christmas •
nosh. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson lived
StOCKiligS, Figs, Dat s, Nuts, in Pielinch until, 1871 when ho set -
etc. tled in Kinlose. The deceased has
three brothers still living in Puslinch
who still survive him. Tnose are
Thanking the people for past favors John, James, and Duncan. Mr. -Me-
ant! wishing you all a prosperous. New Pherson was in religion a Preabytet-
Year. ian, and in politics a streunch Reform-
er. The remeins were interred in the
—The hardest time to get ei.oagh Kinloss cemetery on Thursday after -
to eat 1.8 when the house i full of prote noon last and was largely attended
Wain for a par ry. by sympathizinz friends and neighbors
Concert at St. Helens.
she was t
A concert will be hill at St. Holt:rn3, he recipient of numerous val-
under the auipic !s of the Public Li- liable and useful prewnts. We join
is congratulating
brary, on Thurslay eveninz, Dee -in bet. the young happy
28th, when Mr. McGill, of Myth, and couple. wishing them a happy, suc-
the Misses Patterson, of Auburn, will cessful and prosporous voyage o'er the
sea of matrimony.
furnish the musicai programme. All
are c )rdially invited.
Stock Shipments _
The following is the stock shipTents Of the Late Mrs margret
from the Lucknow station during the Murray.
past week:—Robertson ,k, McLean, 709 On Monday evening, December llth
hogs, Irwin its Beaton, 360 hogs e Mc-
Lean dz. Young, 14 cattle, 32 sheep and Margret Murray, wife of the late
McLean, 27 cattle
41rnbs; Hamilton tis Wm. Murray died, aged 80 years.
With the death of this pioneer lady
to Buffalo and 23 to Toronto.
Going To Montreal of Ashfield township, there has gone
The -Presbytery met in Paieley-oa t another
cennecting the past with
Dec. 12th The esti from StMathew's J The Work perfortned by the pieneers
church, Montreal, to Rev, E.A. Mc-
Kenzie, ef Cheslie, was considered. of this section of country cannot he too
Three tdeligates were present. from i highly appreciated. Tney have left
The auditorb' report for t perio
ending June 30th, 1899, was referrsd
to the finance committee, and the re-
port for the per iod ending Sept. 30th
met with the eame fate.
Mr. Geo. Monk man, of Mount Hope,
sent a communication about his claia3
of $21.50 for injury to a horse. It
was referred to the road and bridge
The committee consistieg of Mr.
And a pleasant and en -
Ben. Cannon and Mr. James Deu.:Ise
lirid4e between Brant and joyable time to all
sent in their rep ,rt in regard to he our cost -
A petition to the effect that minor atlel'S at this joyous festal
ies be allowed to ake tlieir seasun when ffioud meets
with friend.
asaessment from one to five years as
they deem Gest insteasl of yearly as at
present was referred to a special com-
Several a-seounts mere referred tc
the Finance Committee.
WHOLE NO. 135b
Merry Christraas
Eappy New Tear
translation . and. eight or nine from
Cheslie fouglit with rUtieh determin- ities in which they lived, and of these their impress upon the social, moral
Mr John Cameron lost a hors-, is, d
Monireal, whe.... Strongly urged the I
,: and -religious aspects of the commun-
the Council hearI with regret dishe
expended e5325 in recevering the
horse. Mr. Donnelly moved, and Mr.
ation and tenderness to retain Mr. i
• none was more widley known or high -
Lyons seconded the niotiou theit tbe
McKenzie. However Mr. McKenzie ly esteemed than the subject of this
County g
aczeuted the cll to Montreal sant Mr. Cameron $45 as
I sketch. She, with two other Members partial comperisatth for his expendi-
School Concert of their family named Morris, emi- ture. This was referred to the Finance
..A' Aran,' coneers will. be given at grated to Canada from Sutherland Couvnittee.—Walkerton Her&d.
S. S. No. 7, Kinloss, Friday night Shire Scotland, in the year 1843, and
next, Dee. • 22nd, .by Misa MacNabb, located in the renowned county of
-lin schollars and other.friend, an Oxford, where she had chosen
. interesting programme will he given. as her helpmate in the
OMaitre' in costume; Recitations and of Mr. Murray, who in point poefrson
The Columbianin-
id Drill by 12 'girl's; Poor
Ss and tegriety and intellegence was above
ons in character; Dialogne
many other interesting; numbers. the average in the circle in which he
potet miss it. Admisson children 5c. moved. In the year 171 the happy
adults, 15c. Concert ts.; commence at young -couple with their then small
7 20..-'..A, treat in store for all who family toOk up their abode on lot 1,
come.' con. 14, of the township of Ashfield,
Send Them The Home Paper where fortune iavored their united
The Christmas season is here when ,
' efforts to a very percuniary degree.
above all other times we think of far _Jr. Murray pre -deceased his much
away relatives and distant friends, and bereaved wife two years ago last
this being g:ft season, what would be March. Since that time sh e has been
more appropriate and welcome than a
year's subscription to the home paper, waited upon by her two stepsons,
that being the Sentinel. It will visit Donald and J. W. Murray. She was
them every week, and freeh news from, the affectionate mother of three sons,
the old neighborhood, and each time George, who was accidently killed in
seems like a letter from home. Try a boyhood, Robert and John Donald
year's subscription for your boy or who hold very responsible positions in
gri or both, whits are too fa: away to ,
i the Mercantile Trade in Detroit, who
returu home for the family re -union i
I are distinguished for their intellectual.
this Christmas and see how they will' and social qualities bearing evidence
appreciate it. . i.
' to the strong powers they inherited
land the vigorous discipline through
Hockey Meeting I which they were nurtured. The de -
On Tuesday evening last a meeting ceased had been in poor health for
was held in the Cain House for the some months past, and in addition to
purpose of organizing a hockey club this her eyesight became so impaired
for this season, The following offi.- that for the past year she was
cers were elected:—D. W. Hayes, Hon completely blind ; though even
President; Jno. Spreat, l'resident; J. under this trying bodily affliction n3ne
could be more cheerful than she.
'Murchison, Vice President; W, Yule,
Secy. Treas; A. McCorvie, Captain; A marked characteristic of this
11 auage:, Ed. Lawrence; Managing woman while she lived was her un-
g , bounded hospitality, nothing with -
Committee, P. McDavitt, A. U. Loc- in her control being too much for
head, J. McGarry, arid Ted. Collins. her to do for the comfort of either the
The boy? have secured the rink fol. stranger or the friend. The writer
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday , though only an acquaintance has often
nights. ' times been the recipient of her kind -
nes, and that accompanied with
advice both morally and spiritually
Despite the very unfavorable weath- profitable. We extend to the bereaved
er on Monday night last, the annual cur heart felt sympathy in this the
tea -meeting and oyster supper in con- hour of their trying affliction, but we
nection with Erskin Church, Dungan- know that they have the assurance
non, was a success, and the proceeds thut she has passed out of weariness
amounted to over $35. Several of the into rest, out of pain into peace, out of
speakers who were expected to be pres- the mist of earth into the sunlight of
ent did not come owing to the very heaven, on Wednesday afternoon last.
disagreable weather, but the excellent The remains were accompanied to
address by the Rey. Mr. Huttan was the family plot of interment by many
greatly appreciated. The chair was sorrowful friends,the pall -bearers being
ably occupied by the Rev. R. Fair- , her four sons and two brothers, Don-
burn'B. A., and the splendid choir of ' ald and Angus, Morrison of Wind -
the Manchester Presbyterian Ciiurch i sor and Hamilton.
rendered several choice selections of I
music„while the duet by the Misses In life she was a consistent member
Pattersons was greatly appreciated. of the Presbyterian church. The Rev.
Mr. Muter, of Ashfield, conducted the
funeral services at the house andgrave.
The Moon's Eclipse.
The frequent intervention of clouds
Saturday evening prevented a good
view by tho people in the vicinity of
the eclipse of the moon. It was the
last eclipse of the year. The moon's
first change of phase began at 32 min•
utes and .9 sezonde after 5 o'cleek.
Then at 44 minutes and 9 seconds
after 6 o'clock the earth's actual shadow
was entered. When at its middle, at
26 minutes after 8 o'clock, the eclipse
was of a magnitude amounting to .996
of the moon's total diameter. The
shadow was completely withdrawn at
6 tninutes and 7 seconds after 10
o'clock, and at N minutes and S sec-
onds the moon left the penumbra.
Orange Blossoms
On Wednesday evening of last week
a splendid time was spent at the resi-
dence of Samuel Philips, Sebastipol,
Ashfield; where Rebecca Jane, &ugh -
ter of Mr Philips, and Thos. H. Ferg-
uson, of Lanesville, 'Ashfield, were un-
ited in the bonds of matrimony by the WEDNESDAY.
Rev. R. Fairbairn, 13. A. There were The Warden' e report was the first
upwards of a hundred invited guests thing taken up on Wednesday. War -
to witness the ceremony and to partake den Jerrnyn said be was pleased to be
of the bountiful spread provided for able to report that since the June
the occasion. The bride was coltumed meeting nothing of a startling charac-
in beautjful attire. As she was held ter had transpired in connection with
in high esteem in the neighborhood the affairs of the county.
C may Council met here on Tuesday
evening of last week. All present.
Warden Jenny(' in the chair. The
first day's proceedings are generally
short, and this year was no exception.
Mr. N. Robertson, County Treasurer
submitted a statement of the receipts
and expenditures which was referred
to the Finaece Committee.
Mr. A. Shaw sent in a petition from
the Brant Township Council in regard
to the Crispin Bridge which was re-
ferred to the Petition and 13y -Laws
Commit tee.
Chief County Constable Briggs sent
in his report of work in coneection
with his office during the past year.
It was referred to the Property Com-
•*••••••••••••••••••••*• • mr
Otterville, Der. 18th, '59.
To the Editor of tlui Sentinel.
DEAR BRYAN—In renewing my su')-
scription for anoLher year, for the
"Lucknow Se tine!," I take pleisure
in telling you, (what I Oink you ought
to know) how much your paper is ap
preciated by us. As it comes to us
each week, it is just like a letter from
heme. We see in it, an item here,
and another there, that probably
would not attract our notice at all, if
we still lived in the good old town of
Lucknov, the place of our youth; even
the names of old friends mentioned in
your paper from time to time, seem to
do us a whole lot of good.
We receive, at least a fcore of daily
and weekly paper b and journals, agra-
gating at least $40.00 or $50.00 per
annum, but no matter how rnany comes
in with the "Sentinel," it is the first
one looked over. While stopping at the
house of a friend in New York a year
or two ago, the "Sentinel" arrived as
usual. You ought to see how eagerly we
scaned the columns; each remarking
that we would sooner loose any other
paper, that came to the house, than
loose the "Lucknow Sentinel." Even
the advertisements make fairly good
news to us that are " Far Frae our
Yours sincerely,
A constant reader of The Sentinel
from its first issue.
Mr. Hugh McDonald who has been
in Toronto for the pait four months
returned home on Saturday last.
Mis, Langford and daughter of
Holyrood ars visiting friends in the
Mr. McRoberts of London is the
guest of his brother Mr. Thos. Mc-
Roberts, 8ch eon.
Mr. Reid, of Stanley township, is
visiting his sister Mr. John Woods.
Mr. Davison and family of Kincar-
dine, has moved into the house lately
occupied by Mrs. McGuire.
Mr. John Purvis will attend the
following Auction Sales.
J. H. Ackert, Town Hall Ripley. on
Thursday Dec. 21st: 80 lots of stand-
ing timber.
For John D. Rouson, at 12th con.
Kinloss, on Dec.. 22nd; furniture etc.
For Joseph Bland, at Cain's Hotel,
Lncknow, on Saturday, Dec. 23rd;
Dairy cows and young cattle.
For W. R. Bowman, at Mount
Forest, on Friday Dec. 29th; Thoro-
oughbred Durham Cattle,
For Peter Arkell, at Corbett's Hotel
Teeswater, en Jan. 3rd; Thorough
Bred Oxford sheep.
—The Paisley News says that a
young man holding a second class cer-
tificate taught all this year near Port
Elgin for $175.00. A short time ago
the trustees gave him formal notice
that unless he would accept $150.00
per annum, and, in addition, do all the
duties of caretaker and janitor, his
services would not be required for the
coming year.
—A pair of skates make a tine
Xmas ?resent for the boys and girls.
See the assortment at Lawrence's.
at- ••••••••••,....-...•
To inform the Ladies that
we li iv o purchase 1 the finest
selectioa in the latest styles of
tint lus ever beon shown in
Luckno..v. We ask you to
call and see them and we are
sat:Aied your verdict will con-
firm otr-tatem
To state thtt we have re-
ceived aliothr shipment ex-
pressly for Xmas trade of the
We are making a specialty
of 'Neckwear and you can
always depend on getting the
newest and best styles from
A Merry Christmas
to You and Yours . . .
maytwou receive as gifts the
things youwinomt desire and may you
have made glad the hearts of your
kindsmen and friends with the best
you can afford. If still in doubt of
what to select take a look through our
The Old Reliable Stationery St d
•Towellery Store
Met on the 15th. All ths members
present. The minutes of the last
meeting real and accepted. IL num-
ber of checques were issued which will
appear in the financial statement in a
few days. The principal ea,ture of
the day was to pay over the school
monies to the different school Treasur-
ers in the tawnship. The council
r9om was crowded for about 3 hours
in the afternoon. After all it was
considered tbe qdietest meeting in
fourteen years. At 6 o'clock the busi-
ness of the day was concluded, also the
finish for the year of 1899.
—Do not patronise the pecidlars who
are pestering the public these days.
They contribute nothing towards the
maintenance of the town and very
often are fakirs. In dealing with the
home merchant, you have hs reputa-
tion as a guarantee that the merchan-
dise he sells is good. Patronize the
krzal merchant) and turn the poddlar
—Farmers in Ontario are not mark-
eting their grain freely just now. The
chief reason is the prices quoted.
They seem to be of the opinion that
the markets will improve later, and
are holding their grain in the expecta-
tion of getting better prices for it.
Prices at Ontario points at present
compare very closely with those o(ls*
year at this date.