HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-15, Page 5st.01210r1P"...4-'- - . - VIIIMBIllenmaserimusiaw • rou These few quotations may help you in deciding how and where you are to lay out your Xmas money to the best advantage. • CLOVES FOR GIFTS Our assortment is new and full of nice things for both Ladies and Gentlemen. A pair of our French Kid Guaranteed Gloves I at $1.00 and $1.25 would make a very ac- ceptable present for a lady, or a pair of un- lined Moth() gloves at $1.50 for a gentleman. FURS FOR PRESENTS Here is a chance for the prospective gift givei. Whether your purse bulges or not you will find something in this stock to suit you. The cold weather is sure to come, and more than that, the prices are lower now than they will be for some tilue to come. Ladies' Astrachan Capes from $10 to $25. Men's Fur Coats from $15 to $50. HOW ABOUT AN UMBRELLA ? An extensive -assortment here. Purchased specially for the Xmas Trade.. Exquisite and novel handle designs, that are as artistic as the umbrellas are worthy. (Prices are very interesting also.) 1-adies' Umbrellas with German silver mounted handles, Steel rods I Fur Caps from $1.50 upwards. A special and silk tops at $2 50. ti▪ ne of Austrian Beaver Caps At $2.00 Ladies' Umbrellas with steel rods and silk , tops. Silk covers and Sterling silver mount- I . Murdoch & Co., - A LONG LETTER IN A NUTSHELL az tv t4S 1.4 sot xv • ing ou% tiisk tures who, . Our-. . per:it, the q Aftt anA g those g.,od ri, high. scu:ptt: have tan or iiripr nuwne• Lipka z must h Grigina LIS,_s. escort. almsho In mili- znachin atio;isti, briety. abolisk. build and to b Pero see and t the h thruin Ituitini And 1 Bays, f4 health 1 beaming in ever every ut • whisper cort has' some ne• AMY. and "Who NI the work ago ? Lik men wet j proved ' t beauty:Si IleSS. Sic out the that St:. by oneC. new wo Rut I this me ip,od he .did yo ' world all !n to the responds tury escort. dtk ers ? Those es, towers ,tilins, . tocire Waik with 1 of these tau ! - /Ind that th key and non it ••Gloria. in ! "Gloria in i in the ors* the. trumpet - 1 than of Nam* 1 dirges. / But 1 gay t 1 tury escort • this. Have rows, or ha morrows?" "Sorrows: i more than y f a divine Illu teenth and n efiJoYed they sorrow and upernatural lefus cent url I ask agai , *Has death 'world ?" The people die no leal maehlne hey rea /isle hat they are loubt going. Int v111 be infinit,.1 o five In a heir immediat Londesbero', Ont., Nov. 12th, '99 J. M. McLeod, Goderich. Dear Sin—If anyone can profit from this letter, I rint it. I think my case should be wade known. Last fth I was troubled with a weak backandwith MN' kidneys, etc. My ease took a serious turn at last, it turned to dropsy. I hal three good doctors a ttending rue. None of them , could help me. I was tapped seven times. Atter this I was given twenty four hours to live. A good neighbor alvised me t3 get some of your remed- ies. My brother wept at once to Goderich and got some of your System Renovator and Specific Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the trst dose. I began to improve at once and was ablo to be in Goderich four weeks after I began them. I am since quite well. I worked quite a lot this summer. I th9.nk you and wish you uch su?cess and long life. Yours truly, JAMES BROWN. J. A. MAcKENZIE Fire Life and Marine In3uranoe, Real Estate and Loan A ent kiERVIE, ONfARIO. • Agent for the Lonl,.n Mutual Fir, Insur- ance Co., British America Insurance Co.. Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance C.,., and the Canada Life Insurance Co„ also agent for the Employers Liability Accident and t;uaranteo A.ssurance Company of London, England. I lsurance on all classes of property prompt: attended to. Farm property sold or exchanged. Severa_ choice farms for sale in townships of Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron, Kinloss and Ash- field. A large amount of money to loan at 5 and 51 per cent. on first-class mortgage security. Ps.rties wishinbc any business done in any of 'the a4o4.re lines plea.se call on or address .r. A.. MAcKENZIE, Bervie, On Taomplion's Lifinry Campbell Street, _._LUCKNOIA_Ly FIRST-CLASS -43, . Horses and Rigs. .1. BOWMAN, - - Manama.. MUSIC — TAUGHT Lessons in Vocal and instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS/ P. KEE. Clubbing Rates FOR 1900 • SENTINEL and Globe $1 do with Marion Ilarland's Works.... $1 SENTINEL and Advertiser 1 and Sun 1 and Witness 1 and Mail .& Empire... 1 and Family Herald... 1 and Daily Globe . 4 and " Advertiser.. 2 and " Mail Jz Empire 4 11 44 41 11 11 50 75 35 35 50 75 7;3 25 00 25 1 •••••••• •••••••••••• .•...4....... 50 REMEMBER YEARS I 50 YEARS 14101AAAAAANY~M~~01 NNW VIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 The guarantee of half a century's successful Stove Building is behind the names :- McCLARY, BUCK, GURNEY, LONDON. BRANTFORD. HAMILTON The three Largest & Best Stove Manufacturers in Canada. The Guarantee of 1,000,000 delighted users of their Stoves. og The Guarantee of Constantly Increasing and Expanding Sales. 4.0 691 The Guarantee of Success Achieved and Sup. remacy Won. .04 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO 4AAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAN These are the Stoves we hande They are the right kind for you to buy, 40 Stoves in Stock to choose from 40 • FOR S_A_IJM 33"Y" 7'. Lawrence, Ltteknow M. COR IGAN'S Ts the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I have in stock the following: kpples illacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Broomi Baskets Brushes Biicuit Coffee e Confection' Canned Gteido Coco Chacolate Corn , canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple Extracts Five Fish, aimed l'ish, dried Gelotine Gingers HOps Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juic Lemons Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia A-1 Flour always en hand. ! O.. Oil, oliveil, sweeNut meg Oil , castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,canned Pepper Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sa,jo Salt almon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar Svruns Soda Soaps Spices Sturch Strawberries canna Sulpheri Tapioca Tomatees.cauned Teas Tobaccoes Vermiceil Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Setts 1 4 U.0 ed handles at $3.50 Ladies' Umbrellas, exra fine quality, steel rod, silk top and cover, rolled gold mounted handles, special at each $4.00 What $3,60 will do For $3.50 you can buy a pair of the Celebrated Slater Shoes for your husband. What could be more:pleasing than a first-clas pair Gf :Aloes ? Natural shape of the foot, durable and stylish. now, Ont. ENTERPRISING .. FARMERS USE HERBAGEUII. If you want your animals to thrive well, work well and look well feed HERBACEUM. If your horse, colt or cow is out of condition and your pigs unthrifty feed HERBACEUM. If you keep cows for milk, butter or cheese and are fattening calves, cattle or hogs or poultry or for eggs, it pays to feed HERBACEUM. In feeding HERBAGEUM animals get about one-fifth more nourishrcent out of the food, fatten one-fifth sooner, and weight one-fifth more tban others the same size and only costs one cent a day for grown animals and one- third that for colts, calves and sheep. Sold. by J. ELLIOTT, • LUCKNOW. Xmas is Coming And you want some Furniture. We have just what you want. BEDROOM AND PARLOR SUITS • EXTENSION TABLES CENTRE TABLES SIDEBOARDS DININC ROOM CHAIRS 6 HALL CHAIRS FANCY ROCKERS RATTAN ROCKERS Our Undertaking Devartment I/ Is always complete. EMBALMING done and calls promptly attended to day or night. weave croAnston Store next door to Post Office. • Card of Thanks. Not onlyvadvertising Furniture, but, I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronagf. and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years. Igives me the assurance that the public knows I an, doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I &so carry the largest and best assorted stock of Parlor, Bed & Dining Room Sets :n Town. Chairs of all kinds Spring Beds Mattresses Sofas, Ball Rams, Parlor and Irtztansion In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock -Bottom A T. liceilsoil, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. HIGHEST oASH PRICES FOR BUTTER & ECM Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J'. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN Luoknow ▪ On MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG- - TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RESIDENCE—Campbell street. Kiss Edith SIAM Is prepared to give lessons on PIANO AND ORGAN At her hame on Campbell - L UCKNOW .4.00100,41110,410.10.-:"r-