HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-15, Page 41 c n 0 es Dr) b U tv to 80.4 wee out ing first t u r-ee Who; Our , Ault• the a ane the boo h lS 8c3 hay or 1 rt��w LIDO thus prig usel es co al rn: in I mac a bol brie a bol buil( arid to b Avi`o) see i and the 1 t.h raj «,�►iti - An( says, heahi beam in e, every wbisp Cort some srk y , . "Wtss the w ago men Prov beau ness, out t that by o new li.u! this , gooey did world 'nto t respon ,tury e ers.. es. to tions, Walk of thes.; rind th- :hey an "Gloria - "Gloria in the the tru than of dirges. But I tury esc this. Ha rows, or sorrows "Sor ro ws, more tha a divine teen t h an enjoyed sorrow upernatI foul Cen I ask 'Has Meat World?" People die 1tiseal mach h?Y remail hat they loubt gi,in 111 be inti o live In heir lmm 1 ¶0uttut1 TEl LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING Ti) THE DICTATES OP CONSCIXNCS WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIItRRTIse Lucknow, December 15th, 1890 How many farmer's wives are there in Canada who do not know that a hen's egg which is washed before it is marketed has i,u, near such good keep- ing qualities as an unwashed egg? The mast successful packers of eggs now apply a coating as nearly as pos• sible, chemical*, the coating of which the egg has been deprived by the clean- ly housewife. The keeping quality of the egg is added, or hindetid in ac- cordance with :he time that a!apses between the gathering and the pack- ing. Hence the properiety of all eggs being marketed prorbptly. 4 child was killed the other day by satin; • quantity of sample pills thrown into the house by agents. The pra;ice of carelessly throwing pack- ages of medicines upon doorsteps or • into hallways ought to be stopped. It does not follow that to be dangerous the medicines most be valueless. On the contrary, such. drugs as atropine, strv; hnia, digitalis, conium and a host of most valuable remedies are, wrangly used, virzlent poisons, and scores of less powerful drugs used as medicines might readily cause serious results if they fell into the bands of children. Sample drugs should be placed in the hands of adult householders and not left lying where they m•ty cause harm. If the is one institution in this ountry t est i3 deserving of the sup - ort of every person who can afford to )ntribute a dollar ta its maintenance, is the Eloapital for Sick children, )ronto. With another year's work Jed to the twenty-two years of its .3tence, the Hospital for Sick Child- , Toronto, has sent out its report of gcod it has done. Ir, 23 years the spital has nursed and treated 30,000 •i -Stricken children, which is truly est recorir Ltst year over 3,000 'ren were trra•d in the ind3or and )or depar:ment3. The fame of the bospital has travelled far nnleed, for the little patients are brought to its doors from a'l parts of the provin2e. Some marvellous cures have been effected by its .skilled physicians, while many a little :rippled child has recover- ed the use of defor,ued limbs uud'r the care of its surgeons. No expense is. spared in any single case when there is the least hope of such expenditure proving beneficial. "Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water . only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his re- ward." WAR ECHOES. If the Canadians are tQ I*arob shoul- der to sh.;elder with the Black Watch aa(1 Seaforth Highlanders the chances are that they will see some real fight- ing. Those two regiments have a record. 'They are seldom among those who "only stand and wait." It now appears that the Boers gent numbers of empty railway wagons into Natal for the purpose, ab they declared, of carrying the garrison of Ladtemith to Pretoria. But Ladysr itch stood firm, and the waggons were used to take the fleeing -Boers away from the pursuing victorious British. "The beat -laid schemes," etc, The Boers want Cecil Rhodes, ur- gently. They have a programme of entertainment mapped out for hiu,. They say they will put hire in an iron cage and exhibit him to the people at Bloemfontein and towns along the rail- road, and will then send him to Krug- er, to be dealt with as the President: shall direct. But, like the cook, they cannot skin their rabbit till they catch it, and Rhodes does not teem to be willing to contribute to that end. The following is th© standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 5., Kinloss, for -�( And further take notice that after such last the month of November, 1899 :— Henry M. Stanley, the African .ex- mentioned (law the maid executors will proceed Form V.—Margie Valence, Davie to distribute the assets of the deceased among plorer, interviewed by M. Huret, of Cox. Form IV. Sr.—Edna Fraser, the parties entitled the'eto, having regard IA Figaro. said in answer to the Bertha Pierce, Lizzie Smith, Marlyn only to the claims of which they then shallhave had notice, and that the said executors question, "Will the war soon be fin- McLeod. Form IV. Jr.—Alex. Val- will not be liable for the said assets or any encP, Form III. Sr.—Mary Morrison part thereof to any persnn or persons of who% I Dei laked „ "It isWhen not yet begun. Form III. Jr.— Aggie Valence Amie claims notice shall not hive been received by Qer them at the time of such distribution. • General Buller has commenced oper- Walker, Lucy McCaul, Edna Miller...Dated the nd day of November, 18;,9, ! of I .. ,o� ationa—that is to say, about Decrial- FormII. Sr.—Acis Morrison, Willie HUGH MOIUtISON, Oki ber 15th -it will be all over in two or ' Fraser, Lillie Miller, Forth 1I. Jr,–• Solicitor for the Executors -�w-V-y-.--►..+}i4+M-..i-+--J-»:r/i�VM�.a�.'.w.i�e�+--`""'"""%"',-.•q"'"""R."""H`"._ - - three weeks." titr. Stanley is not infallible, and there are many who look fcrw•rd to some months of guerilla warfare in the Transvaal territory, after the armies in Natal and on the border between Cape. Colony and the Orange .Free Ste to relieve Ladysmith and Kimberley respectively. Gen. Gat acre seem, to have met with a severe reverse. Ilti lost six hundred of his force of .:,000 men on Sunday last, but as he has since been reinforced, he is now in a position to. give the Boers a warui reception. - Treachery on the part of the guides is suspected; but it might, be supposed that under the present circumstances, the British gene•ra1s would take every •ecantion s ainst any such perfidity by. careful scouting. The set back is to be regretted more for its moral effect than the actual weakening of the force. But in an enemy's country such reverses are to be expected. WUITECHURUR 1VEU S The cream drawers of Whitechurch cream butter factory treated the offit- ciels to an oyster supper on Thursday night last, at the residence of Mr. R . Ferric. Wo understand that Mr. M. G. Oli- ver, an old towns -man• is negotiating to rent the holy rood cheese factory, which he intends turning into a but- ter factory. The Presbyterians have given a call to Rev. Burnett a have not yet learned that a has accepted. Many of the people around here at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. J. Gaunt of StHelens. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. Th9 follow ing is a list of regular and supplementary Institute meetings to be held in South Bruce January and February, 1900 Regular meetings will be held at Walkerton, January 4th, and at Holy - rood, January 20th. The delegates will be Henry ?lendenning, of Manilla and Andrew Elliott, of Galt. The supplementary meetings will ho Cargill, February 16th, Teeswater, February 17th, Belmore, February 13., Mildmay, February 20th. The dele- gates will be T. G. Raynor, B. S. A., of Rose Hall, and A. W. Peart, B..A:, of Burlington. The year, 1899, South Bruce ranks 5th in its attendance at Institute meetings for the Pr.,vince. They held tive meetings, the total attendance be ing 2,625. STi,HELENS. Miss McDonald has returned from a visit to friends in Worxeter. Miss C. Took, who has been learning the dress -making in Lucknow, is at home ill at present, but we hope soon to see her about again. 0. Decker, our enterprising young tailor, has moved into the house recent- ly occupied by J. McDonald. Thos. Joynt had the misfortune to lose three head of cattle last week, having been smothered by part of a straw stack falling on thein. M r . Decker is re-engaged as care- taker of the Presbyterian church at an advance of salary. Mrs. S. Durniu is laid aside with an attack of acute rheumatism, from which she suffers intense pain, but we trust that she ina-y soon have relief Miss V. E. Gordon, who was indis- posed for the past few weeks, is able. to be out again. Angus Cameron, who recently re- turned from Oak Lake, Man., was .ceil- ing ori his friends in this vicinity on Monday last. The new house on the hill seems al-. most completed and David's friends anxiously await to greet his choice of a life partner. A 1 irge collection of new hooks has been added to the Public Library, which we hope the young people will make profitable use of during the long wintmr evenings. S S NO 6 KINLOSS Form 5,—M McLeod, J. McLeod, S McKenzie. Forni 5,—D McLeod, E McKinnon, S McDonald, 5 McDair- mid. W McDonald. Form 3rd—J McLeod, .1 McDsirmaid, L McIntyre, J Graham. Form 2nd—G McIntosh, E Graham, E Little, M Johnston, M N McIntosh. Pt. 2nd senior—A Mc- , Intyre, L Lochart. Pb. 2nd Junior— N Waters. 5 McLeod. Pt let—E Mc- Intosh, W McIntyre', A Mc Unirmid, A ylcDonald. - 7orthy Haigh, Reta Smith, Form I Part IIs—Amle Hughes, A. Mcleod, H. McMillan, J. Houston, Teacher—L. Murray. x AS P&r trn't Jewelory $tore Means an abundant Mock of th 3 finest and choi(.:est gifts in the market. Next week our Christmas Goods will receive special attention. Keep your eye on Arm- strong's Stock for dainty nova lties MIST,a O•i-..c; THEJELER 3PTiCIAN. 8AK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Head Office, - - Hamilton. Capital paid up - - 1,600,000 Itesorve Fund - - 1,000,000 Total Assets - - 13,163,057 . Board of Directors . e President JOHN Jo A. T. ST BART. u N PROCTOR. WOOD, M. Wig[, P. Vice -President A. G. RAMSAY, GEo. ROACH. A. B. LEE, (Toronto) GInsoN, M. P. Cashier, - - - - J. TURNBULL. Asst, Cashier, - if. S. STEVEN. Inspector, • H. M. WATSON. Agencies Berlin Listowel Owen Sound (Jarman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin .lhesley Manitou, Maui..Sirncoe Delhi -Milton Southamptet. Geoi'etown Morden, Man. Toronto Grimsby Niagara Falls Wingham Hamilton (Barton st) Orangeville -Winnipeg, :.Ian. Hamilton (Fest rand) BRITISH CORRESPONDENTS : National Provincial Bank of England, (Ltd,) London. Marriaee Licenses Issued. Ott rials its• D, C. McMorran has just received a large assortment of Xmas Confectionery, consist- ing of choice boxes of Bon' Bons, Figs, Dates, Grapes, and also a large collection of Canned Goods, which be is selling at the very Lowest Price. Froth 3iilk ()Voters always on hand The nig ,t Place to conte., for. an: Oyster Stew is here. A large stock of Tobacco, and Cigarettes on hand. D. C. McMorran - Lucknow. BOAR FOR SERVICE. rj1 IIE UNDERSIGNED will ken ' for sex - vice at Lots 7 5 and 76, Con. 1., Kinloss,. a Thoroughbred Chester White Boar. Terms - 41.00 at time of service. For pedigree and further particulars apply to A. McQUEEN, Lucknow P. O. N. 13.—For Sale a Chester White Buan. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iii the Matter of the Estate of Edward Hayden, late of the township_ 0.1 Kinear- dine, in the County of Bruce, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE 18 THEREBY GIVEN PUR- suant to the Revised Statutes of Ontar io, 1897. Chapter 12'9.,that all creditors, and others having claims against the estate of the said Edward Hayden, who died on or ab )ut the 22nd day of February, 1899, are required on or before the first day of January. 1900. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Pit Smeltzer, Lucknow P.O„ Ont., executor for the said estate, their Christian and surnames, addresses and deseriptious, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their account] and the mature of the securities, if auv, hell by them, - Anil further take notice that after such last mentioned date. the said executer,will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased ammo.; the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whioh they then shall have h,►d notice, and that the s .id executor will not; be liable for the said. assets or any Dart thereof to :thy person or persons of whose claims notice %hail not have bees, received -by them at the time -of such distribution. hated the 22nd day of November, 1899. HUGH MORRISON, Solicitor for the Executor' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the mutter of the estate of John Stothers, late -of the township of Asofield tis (meihe. county 'of Duron Yeoman, De- '; TO`t'1t1E IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR l� sttfant t the Revised Stator of Ontario 1897, C'hai►ter 129, that alt Creditors, and others havini.' a suns against the estate of the said, who diad eu or about the 7th day of .tune 1899, are required on or ()time the 7th day of January, 190u to send by Post prepaid or de- liver to William Stothers, Belfast P. O., Ontario, er to 'l'hos. Webster, Lucknow, P. 0., Ontario, executors for the said estate, their christaln an 1 surnames, addressee and descripti'►os, the full i►articulars of their claims, the statement of their account, and the -nature of the securities, if any held by them, AMERICAN COI:RESPOM DENTS : Fourth National ) ank, New York. Hanover National Bank, International Trust Co., Boston. Marine Bank, Buffalo. Union National Bank, Chicago. Detroit National Bauk, Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas (Ty National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis. AGENTS IN MONTREAL : The Bank of Toronto JOHN SPROAT, INT -AGENT. .. Merry Christmas AND IIapy Iew Tear AT (0417°S We have just received our stock of Confectionery and Fruits for the Xmas Trade consisting of Bon Bons, Maple Creams, Maple Wal- nuts, Chocolate C hips, roast Almonds, Pyramids, Drops, choc cocoa cups, maple cocnatines marshmallas, chat carina:s, mix candies, conversation lozens, and a a large stock of Bottled goods, etc. etc. Also a large Fruits including isavals, Palm tree navals, La Barras, Valencia, Oran- ges,. -extra fancy lemons, fancy -1 alaga grapes, Cali- fornia prunes, new dates, layer raisins, cooking raisins & currents, new Gunoble walnuts, new Cicily filberts Tarragona almonds, fresh roasted peanuts, & cocoa- nuts. ocoanuts. Also canned meats, cAnned salmon which we are selling away down. ` Also a fine line of candied peels . spices, cheap. Remember we handle the best Baltimore oysters that come to Canada, good solid measure given. We ask the public to call and in- spect our stock and get prices. stock of California an extra fine line of vegetables, canned chicken, duck, and MOODYt . . . . . . . . . . At Y 1st Post our Off ice che qt For... ft Daily $2 t Free 1Ji ,T% 4111 Press ...PES .:.YEAR. !ft(SECOND EDITION) It contains all the latest fp news by cable and other - Oft wise; complete market re- / t ports from Liverpool, London, fo New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Ifl Toronto and elsewhere; full fp notes of sporting events and Western Ontario District news. News from the Trans- vaal full and fresh. The AR largest, best and most popu- lar daily newspaper in West- ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per fp year. Subscribe now. 1.0 The 1011d011 Frc.► Press Pig. Co., [11. LONDON. ONT. f� tC tel Y?l lel lel !fit f�1 15ENTIST_ G ANEWTON, Hounr graduate in dentistry, Toronto tal College and Doctor of Dental Sur- 'Toronto 'University. All ruodermi plans ,eratiou and carefulness in workmanship. e in Alines block, upstairs. .S.—Will visit Ripley every Thursday shoo a. Yrn Realize The Fae r That CHRIS MAS is but a little more than two weeks away and that you have but thirteen shopping clays after tc-day. That means no time to waste. Ot course you can wait till the Y last minute and buy from what's left, but sensible people will come early and buy while stocks are at their iiest. We have a -large assortment of goods that make very acceptable pr: stints. ;li , steel What is nicer for a lady than nice Dress, a Silk Waist, as mounted Pair of Kid Gloves, a Fancy Tie, or a nice Belt Buckle. We could mention a great many articles but haven't space to go into details, We have a very choice lot of Teach- ers' Cibles. These Bibles were bought at less than whole -gip a0 sale Prices and we can sell them very cheap. We also have a number of BOOKS OF TRAVEL for Boys which buy a we will clear out at BARGAIN PRICES. Slater ay out ( usband. Cary and see our Beak and plowing prices before baying . .f Apes ? toot they , MRS. E. J. SMITH, - LUCKNOW. FRED GRUNDY Is giviu;; up the Ivry Goods business, an says that this is the time to purchase anything you require. iks he has now decided on going out of .re DRY CO . OS. CLOTHING- HAi'S, Jg CAPS .f4 FURS, SOOTS AND SHOES, tOb So that on and after MONDAY, the 25th inst., he win the mesal open his Store for the sale of :my of the above lines at c;o,s.a one i • p y eve done in and many other lines below cost. You can therefore be sure' 28 years, of the greatest bargains ever placed in your Bands. Anytt the public articles sold out will i`ot be replaced. -Now is your time to' rit with buy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and for all my Spring. All Credit transactions will cease. Til is is the taste the benefit chance you will have such an opportunity offered you. OUTTE ' and EGGS taken in exchange or Cash for same. Having aving the best ecluippEd buildings . • in Town for the h itndling of • , Groceries =AL Grai, Four, Peed., Sees, Vegeta'be, Etc., Ile will continue in that branch of t A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged fora S of Groceries and best om Sets t 1 t�; NAS :utieg8, t'a ion be found t z 11 Peopie must Have Groceries .1111 The gre.,ac, question is where to get the We keep qualities to he haci. We don't pretend to sell thew 'below cost, but wesell them at a very close margin. the 00M, ttom 11, 3.pE R. do CES ibusi- �. J. fired and � is T:Ei S Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save frow -5 to 10 cents per pound d if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and price.. We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet cheap. Call, examine there and get prices. FLO u R & F�EE0 A:1 kinds of flour and feed kept constantly c.n hand. delivered to any part of the town, .0CLU EJ. CAST ( R o OMR That Toij.chos The pot FCLEUD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR �OF— Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Inter. Ask Druggist or write direct to f , M. McLeod, Cornwell, Ont. arOW Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow