HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-08, Page 8Irloora is • 4, M 0 et At) b a a t4 fit at th th k„, het bentl eve wh, cor i eorr. •Wi the ago: men Prov beau nese, out t thu .i.y o► t th r g. • od d;,I wt, =Pt t '.res n NI i e era .n 7 es. los tions, Wal k of Uses find the key an, "Gloria, "Gloria in the the tru, than (,t dirges. But 1 tory est this. eft rows, or morrows? **Sorrow' more th$ a diving, lateenth an enjoyed t sorrow a upernat1, vious (t.4 1 ask 'Has (ih•at (orpldi:"dieeaf mitoey that they loubt gin ll be inn/ live inir Mimi for it, for we oat anyone can ay of Christmas ards ,tiers .toklets Celluloid Goods Work Boxes Brushes .see Mirrors a Perfumes 11 help you make your ' Christmas a merry one. AD'S DRUG STORE .1zarters fox EoLiday Goode ,Now - - oNT -Mr. John Pollock, of Ki on Wednesday, .. Bargains in millinery till Xmas at Mrs, Murchiso -Reduced prices i al goods until Jan'y lst,, at tic Son's. -The most appropriate friends afar off, is the SE one year. -There is comparatively being delivered by farmer wood has a ready sale. -Private funds to 1tnest- gage at reasonable interest/ nterest dr.s3' Box 24, Lucknow, P. O. -Don't forget today • aY the fowl is to be picked at athn. Fifty boys wanted. -W. G . - Fresh Dates up -to -di atM. C')rrigan's. Also a fine asIen of Candies, Nnt►t, Biscuits, Et; -Fred Grundy is higpleied with the amount of goods ding the past two weeks. Sam es 111 continue. - J, G. Murdoch. it Coie locng for the largest man in Hut or lice to buy u racoon coat whicilhey,ve in stock. .. Petty the alleged ho was arrested in Detroit caped from Provincial Heffernan at Palmersto at large. -In men's felt goods lines; a two and three b long toot with loose sock, nache. led ,r •w a of Reid t for for wood good / LOCAL ITEMS. L Armstrong's Jewalery Store for pas. Gifts. -Try Reid Co. for good fresh eap groceries. -Mr. Jas McCoy of Wingham, was n town on Sunday. -Mr. J. NIcCrostie has opened out a drug store in Ripley. -Mrs. George Kerr, of Drurnbo, is visiting friends in Lucknow. -Finest qualities of Teas, at all thietho weess- stab P. nd till -A first class cnilch w foile• Due to calve on first of rchp ply to Frank Johnston, gar'jre, Luck now. rrices at M. Corrigen'e Groeur, � --Comforters fur $1 35 r -The Clinton New Era has been $2.00 each at (;vnee'I', enlarged _ready iruproved. from $ , 50 and up to 5. -Fifty bey, wanted to hick fowl at All good value.. the station, (to- lay) 'riday. Dec, '4th. -Mr. Uliker, %ear.) lies -Nle ars. A lr. a rider and Bell of ing a grocery stare ,t t Ce Itipley, we.e err ..own un Thursday. last. -The _Municipal World says cattle may he legally impounded on the Sab- bath. -Remember the sale of dairy cows at Cain's Hotel on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock. -Don't forget Reid Jr. Son's grocery store one door West of T. Lawrence's Hardware. - Messrs. Campbell and Harrighn of Kincardine, passed through town cn Sunday. -Xmas at Arrnstronq'a jewelery store. What elegant things are there for gift seekers. - The village of Brussels laid 80,044 square feet of grenolithic walks this summer at ten cents a foot. -Say Boys ! It is time you paid for those suits. They must be nearly worn out, Fred Grundy. -Say, "Kate" if you have any not- ion of getting married, Reid is making some nice wedding cakes. -Lumbermen'a goods ! All kinds at popular prices, ranging from $1.25c to $2.10c. at W. S. Grenacbe'e. -Anniversary services in connect- ion with the Methodist church White- church on Sunday and Monday, Dec. l 7 tt and I8th. • - T. L. Treleaven'e i3 the place fur photos, photo albums, photo cases, photo •.fraares and easels. Everything in the photo line. --Mrs. James Smith, of the 12th con. West Wawanosh, left on Friday last to spend the winter with friends in Bay City, Mich. -Say Mother there is no use of you fretting yourself about an Xmas cake; I am going to get you one at Reid's. He has them all kinds and sizes. -In ladies' felt lines we have Con- gress plain, a Balmoral foxed, and two slippers, one plain and one foxed; al- so two leather Balmorals with warm lining. -W. S. Grenache. -The old boys of Huron living in Toronto -there are about four hund- red of theca -purpose forming an as- sociation and will hold a meeting some- time this month for that, purpose. -Remember gr, David McOill is one of the best baritone singers in Western Ontario, both in comic and sentimental. Don't fail to hear lret.►- -lir. Philip McMillen, of the Fair View dairy had the misfortune while going home last week to run against a post and du considerable damage to his waggon. -Don't wait untill the last wee, or day, or hour, and then come along' and want some photos for Xruas pres- ents. Come early, save the rush, and get them finished up right. -T. L. Treleaven. -Remember the auction sale at Mr. A. T. Davison's undertaking rooms, one door east of the Orange Hall, in this village, on Saturday next, )th inst., when a lot of household •arniture will be sold, at 3 p. in. -Ladies gold watches for Xmas ssenrR. Nothing nicer; nothing fi- ▪ We were well stocked before the e in prices, and will cell all during holiday season at our usu•►1 low ,s. Watch buyers don't miss 3r Armstrong's bargains. 'he Lucknow Roller Mills have running night and day, and lour seri feed is being turned then ever before in the hist - e mill. This speaks well for to to satieify the publio. nil4tEs ►►e�; .ti- ►tr res disposed of his stock and in re- turning to Whitechurch. -If vuu are looking fur a r fir coat for your wife, J. G, Co. can supply you. Ev ment guarenteed-. -Ladies in all parts of the are adopting the sensible pr removing their hats whiles public entertainments. -All kinds of Musical Insdnts from a Zobo to a Big Base 1 at D. C. MacMorran's. If one esot know what a G,,bo is, call at. -Chief County Constabizra Briggs, of Walkerton, was it vil- lage on Tuesday last, while ootti- cial business to the vil!a;e of ,an - non. -We ht.ve a nice rangever- stockings in Ladie'e and Cen's sizes at 30c. 40c. and 50c.; t fuil line of Cardigan oyerahoes, ` re- nache. -Mr. Alex McKay, of th age, who has for the past fel the been sailing between Bu and Sarnia, returned home on eday- n�ght last. -Is your visiting friend )one_I in this column? If not, it Fause we did not know of it. A J,or a card with such an announti will be appreciated. -You will do well to srd in- pect my line of fancy good oe buy ing eisew here, as 1 have tictst lot to choose from that I eve -r. L. Treleaven. -Mr. Ed. Hodgins told the Commercial hotel to Irwin. This will cause the et of the Queen's hotel, and givianley enl y two hotels in the future. Silverware tbat selle3 not al- ways mean Silverware theirs -but buying Silverware at iistrong's that every piece sold is I guaran- teed. t - Mrs. Treleaven, if Walter W. Treleaven, died 'ncooning, Mi chigan on Tuesday and the funeral takes place this ay morn- ing to Dungannon curse - The annual excursirorn Man- itoba to Ontario corned on the 4th of December. I3ruounty res- idents may look for, theiends and relatives any time after date. -The Y. W.O. T. U. Meru red the Odd Fellows' hall feepurpose of holding their regular ihly parlor meeting and will giver first "At Home" on Thursday l th inst. at 8 p. m. Alt are wel c -A regular tneetsil L. 0. L., No. 423 Lucknow we held on Tuesday the 12th instele election of officers and other rtant busi- ness. All members sted to at- tend.-Jno. S. Tenna . M. -.Your friends ca elp but re- member you every hey look at that nice calender c t thein for an Xmas remembe A choice lot at T. L. Treleavefancy goods store. The man *ho buystur Coat now will save at least to cent in the price. We keep the L. Coats at $35.00 and 37.50 eaclock Wallaby Coats $12.00. Worrand Russian Otter Coats at ci prices. W. Connell. -What is home Illut a Clock. Nichel alarms from it. to $2.50 ; od irh a r - try of ing Fine Mantle Clocks strike from $3.00 to vance in Clock pric We have 100 to Roll prices. day, hour 00. No ad - Armstrong's. r usual low -A striking illustration of the tale of inferior goods occured at Arm- strong's Jewelery Store one day last week, when a lady called and asked if she might compete prices and quality of Silver Knives with some she lied purchased from a merchant who stated they were the same quality of goods that Armstrong was selling. The lady's first exclamatisn on comparing {goods was '•Why Mr. Armstrong my knives d.)n't bear the right stern?, neither are they so heavy or well fir►- ished as yonrs. You will pardon are 1Vfr. Armstrong,' she added, 'for pre- sutning to compare these goods, an 1 in future I will buy my goods from an experienced Jewelery dealer." MAS AT Armstrong's Malt .1111F Jewelery Store Means an abundant stock of th -3 finest iiid choicest gifts in the market. Next week our Christmas .Goods. will ;•eceive special ;'ttr'lltion. l� e••1) eye o11 .At'lll- sti' ti!'s • Stock for (lili.,t�' Y . • -ic It; " 1. 11 1 we.w.w -re,,.•oruw�c�.�... THF JEWLLER OPN1AN. Marriage Licenses Issued• CDs;.•• ► " (0:1114iStg D, C. McMorran has just received a large- assortment of Xmas Confectionery, consist- ing of choice boxes of Bon Bons, Fi4s, Dates, Grapes, and also a large collection of Canned Goods, which he is selling at the very Lowest Price. Fresh Bulk O7stors always en hand The Right Place to come for an Oyster Stew is here. A large stock of Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarottos or, land D. C. McMorran - Lucknow, HANG TflhIVNRAILWAY PROVINCIAL Fat Stock & Dairy Show. LONDON, ONT Dec. llth to 15th, inclusive •t torn 'l'ic',,t: at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE W f ll be issued on 1 l th and 12th D.,cernber, 189'). from all stations in Ontario, King- ston and %Vest, and ort the. l-fth and Lith of December from Stations in O;ttario, ‘vet -t and Nurli Ticket; Valet returning from London before 1)eceniher 16th, 1899. For Jzdire$ * Exhibitors ibito,rs 1teturn Tickets will be issued at Senate Fist -Class Fare for Round ,Trop • On Dect•inlwr 7th to lab, inclusive, on ►: r render of Certificate signet! by Mr. F. W, 11od'on. id t►, return on orb -fore 19t1i 1), c'r, 184.'1). 'tickets and all infrrrn tion from At 'rtts nd Trunk l.'ailw..y System, - M. t'. DICKS( T, Dist. Pats. Agent t,n .11' r TBOAR FOR SERVICE .-• iLF i1Ni)E1(SIGNED' will keep for Nt•r vice at Lots i aw: 7fi, Con. 1., Kitilosw, a roug hhred Cht•bter W trite Boa,. 7'er m»- 01 at time of service. For fu t►rtli,ree and ei• particulars apply -to A. McQUEEN, Lucknow 1'. O. B. ----For Sale a Chester White Wan. 12 a to COW ESTRAY me to the premises of the: undersigned lot ►n 13,Ashf e.,1 1, j'tst west of the village, hornet red a lit white cow. The owner guested to prove property, pay expenses bice her away. For full particulars apply WEBSTER BROS. Lucknow, Ont. 072 113. 111, aegis .......112. aftesr --. • ARE OFTEN ACCUSE''; OF LYING INORD'R TO MAKE A SALE... . To ;,;ails a present advantage by MISIREPItESENTATION is a short sighted policy. The only safe course to pursue is to buy goods that you can TELL THE TRUTH about add not injure 'business. This course we follow in making our purchases and customers will find that they can get os much for a dollar in our store as they can by making a blind selection from a catalogue and taking the risk of not beirg suited. :Menta fleeced underwear from $1 a suit up to $2.25 Men's reefers in goo'1 heavy frieze, $3 75 Heavy all wool pants $1.50 a pr. 1 We have "The Maple Loaf Flannels iese are the best on the tnarket. Checks and plain at 25c per yard. A line of D. B. Suits at $8.50 each, worth $10.00 Fr Furs we ask you to inspect the Stock. LUcKNow - a_...... - -- - - his this is;thceon. for •4' 466.7+4•••••4•••••••••••o•' ••••••o. ••••i•4••••4•• eo444 • • 0♦♦•• ♦ • ••••40• M1 • eb & Saws 644,6•004)+4••••••••••••••4 4o.•••••••• 4 •♦•O•♦•••• We ask those in want of these articles to call and examine our stock. You will not find us lacking in anything you ask for. To buv without seeing our stock is to lay yourself open to regrets after you do see or hear about what we can show you. Just one look at our goods will convince you that they are the best that can be got for the money. 4 s• • - TAM • ILA.** HQRDWARE STORE LdJ„KtdOW 'd •••••••••••••04 WE have a well assorted, up-to-date stock of SHOES Bought direct from the manufacturers for nett cash Men's Women's and Ch&en' and heavy Shoos, Blubbers and Ovchoo. very Large Assortment of Children's school Bots Order d work & repairing a specialty. war -ranted not to rip. TERMS : Cash or Credit A Liberal discount off for Oash. i UORN. JE\VI L"1' -I1 Kinl►.sss, Nov, 1 t,h., the wife of Mr. Janes Jewitt, of a son. Village Markt. The following are the market du tions for this week W heat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Butter LE, All be ots ogs ante lit t11f• LUCKPI OW SAW -MILL eta- All kinds of Lo: S wanted, 60c to 64c incli�cii�lg Hemlock, Elm, ...56c to j)t;c Basswood, Birch, Ash, Pine, .35c to 37c Tamarack, and Cedar, for `?5cto`25c 5c to 15c which the highest prices in •..••• ....., }:gQs ........ ....1 fir to 15c ? Cash will be paid, at the Turkeys, per • 7c to c Lucknow Mills, Havelock (►►ensu5c toc Ducks, " " . ..5c to Ge sleet. Chickens rer pair........20cto 40c Hay per ton ..... ....$5.50 to $6.00 JAS. LYONS, BERKSHIRE FOR S RVICE T HE PURE BRED I.3 tKSHIRE boar •'A.•bfield /•ports,, b by J. G. Snell of Sae:grove will be.kept 10 %ice at lot In, 1st con,, t:,wnship of liurov. 1 ta;irs, t.1 cash, Two seats *1.75. l'rivil of return- ing if nruessa ry, Two fine young sous fit for jbrecding for sate. Also a 1(4 cif choice tidit.hy toed for rale at notrket R. E• LANE & S(NES, Loch al P.O., Ont. TEACH!R WAtf l ED Teacher wanted for School $ecti•• No. 4, Wes Wawanosh, ho:diug a first (ft second class certificate. State sal.;ry aid exser•ienee, Duties to commence on the art. of lauuary, 1900. Applications rte-crived ut, to I ►timber, 16th. Personal application pretfered. W. (', WEBB, Sec. Treasurer, St. lied . , r. u. . { •: 4. • •