HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-08, Page 5r • 414,414 • i • , g� o further, • The Xmas season is rapidly many p€op1e are aware of it. St Xmas articles till the very; last the tail ends of everything' that iE things are just in. You get a be Among the many different things we proaching. In fact it will bciere before a great::; 1 a great many who leave oche burring of the: ment. This is a mistake ,as ou have to take left. Our advice to you i toDuy early, when the new er selection and a butter hate of making your money ust received is a nice ass �rtnnt of CHILDREN'S HANOKER,edeS, fancy cornus, at roc CHIEFS IRDIES' CAMBRIC HANDKERIHIE S Children's Picture Hand- Kerchiefs, and- herchiefs, 5c e i ch, or 6 for 5c. k Children's Silk Handkerchiefs embroidered edges in white and colors, each 5c. Children's Silk Handkerchiefs, embroidered ? 15c, 20c, and 25c each. A special lino t 15c or 2 for 25c. LINEN HANDKERCIOS SILK HANOKERCIIIEFS Ladies' Cambric Handk - chiefs, good quality, hemstit - ed, 5c eaeh, or 6 for 25c. s 1 1 Ladies' Fancy EmbroiderE 10c, 12i 'Handkerchiefs at QENTS' GLOVES Pure Irish Linen land kerchiefs. Fa• ncyEui Bred edges and cornerrces. A nice range to ethos roan 'it lOc, 15c, 20c, 25c 1 45c each. } LADIES' & GENTS' SILK HAND- : (ERCHIEFS, in Black, White and Colors lain and Brocaded, at frcm 15c to $1.25 ach. A SPECIAL LINE of White Heol- titched, with initials in corner t 25 a c. bEITS' NECKWEAR _ eauti ' Range of (Teats' Neckwear, in all the Hewes ins rr Uiling Puffs, Combination effects, Flowing ends. li f Ari - Designs, etc., etc. Also a line • of Fine Goods p on = in a_ box with '•Xmas Greetings” printed on Pri ou s 25c and 50c. Among the many Nice lines of Gents' Gloves, which a , , .areshowing a range make a very suitable Xmas Present; we showing of unlined 11ochos at $1.50. Also a very choice Glove made of Mocho and lined with silk, at per pair, $2,00 ch BT CO., • u oma, Ont. • A LONGS LETTER IN A NUTSHELL. Londesburo', Ont., Nov, 12th, '99 M. McLeod, Goderich. Dear Sir :—If anyone can profit from this letter, print it. I think my case should be made known. Last fall I was troubled with a weak back ' ' •ith my kidneys, etc. My case L.: a :serious turn at last, it turned to dropsy. - I had three goal doctors 8 ttending nue. None of them could help rue. I was tapped seven times. Atter this I was given twenty four hours to live. A good neighbor advised toe to get some of your remed- ies. My brother went at once to Goderich and got some of your System Renovator and Specific Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the trst dose. I began to improve at once and was able to he in Goderich four weeks after I oegan them. I am since quite well. I worked quite a lot this summer, I thank you and wish you much success and long 'life, Yours truly, J A1MS BPowx. J. A. MACKENZIE 0 Y• .EAR8 YEAR8 LR)...L.I.E oeasH����s�• 50 The guarantee of half a century s successful Stove Building is behind the names :- McCLARY, BUCK, GURNEY Fire Life and Marine Insurance, Real Estate and Loan A ent k3ERVIE, ON rARIO• Agent for the Lindon Mutual Fire Insur - ance Co., British America Insurance Co., Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance ('.)., and the Canada Life Insurance Co„ also agent for the Employes Liability Accident and Guarantee Assurance Company of London, England. I ,surance on al: classes of property prompt; attended to. Farm pr ytrty =old or exchanged. Severa choice farms for sale Hnu�n�Kilpilosa and of nAeh� Bruc Kincardine, 6K1d. A large aniount.of money to loan at 5 and 'i} net- et on, ti: st-claas mortgage security. Pattie, wi.-Lina• any business done in any of the a'40 re lints pl,-.tet' call on or address .t. A. ..I.teKENZIE, Bervie, On • Thop3E.'5 Li7ery r. e. e ti 01ke "G. the aha tug the row and mor w di Safi to he Campbell Street, ,,. WLKNOW.� F1 HST -CLASS ENTERPUSING .. FA�tS LONDON. BRANTFORD. HAMILTON 7 lz e three L a rges t & Best Stove Manufachirers in Canada. The Guarantee of 1,000,000 delighted users of their Stoves. ,94 80 .` �` The Guarantee of Constantly Increasing and Expanding Sale, ot eA` eh The Guarantee of success Achieved and Sup• remav Won. os .4 to` 4.0 010,0140,14",00~1,0,4001#1.14A AAAAAAAAAA NY ANON these me the Btovo$ ire haae They are the right find for you to buy, Stovesin Stock 40 40 to choose from Foy s�.zE BY T. Lwwrenee, USE HI RBAG] If you want your anirrive well, work well and look HERBACEUI If your horse, colt or of condition and your pigs eed HERBACEU If you keep cows for l or . cheese and are fatt,eninttle or hogs or poultry or foays to feed HERBAGE In feeding HERBA Is get about one-fifth mo nt out of i.he food, fatten r, and weight one fifth rs the same size and only t a dayfor grown an third that for colts, c SOU by —_ J. ELLIOTT, CEO. N. LAWRENCE. Ltckow Snap Shots. Our Cb2 i C. JOHNSTON hard of (ihankt Not only advertising Furniture, bat I wish to sir cerely thank the general public for t»ir past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and beet assorted stock of Parlor, Bed & Dining Room Sefs :n Town. Chairs of all diads Spring Sada Mattresses Sofas, Hall Races, Parlor and Extension In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE • WARE ROOM. and ;always at Rock -Bottom Prices. A Davisoll, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. HICHEST CASH PRICES FOR BUTTER & ECCS • t • • • 's . , Horses Rad Rigs. A . BoW1 g T, - - Idanao'er• MLISIC - TAUGHT Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Musie and Harmony are taught by MRS. P. KEE. Cibbig Bates ! FOR 1OQ . SENTINEL and GI�,l,e . $1 50 do with Marion LIarland's Works $1 75 SENTINEL and A�irerti▪ ser 1 35 " an'l Sufi 1 35 and Witness 1 ..')0 Currants and Mail t Empire... 1 75 Currie Powder and Fatuily Herald... 1 75 Cream Tarter � Cocoanut and Daily Globe 4 '25 Dates and " Advertiser2 00 i A•1 Flour always on hand. and " Mail & Empire 4 ..5 i RIGAN'S Is the p!aca to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWAE GROCERIES & PkOVISION3 1 have in stock the following tpplt iilacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit 'Coffee Confectionery Canned Goode Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Dried Apple Extracts Firs Fish, alined 1'ish, dried Gelotine Gingers kIopi Honey Ink InAigo Licorice Lime Jule Lemons Lampe Lard - MatcheA Mince Meat Meal Macaron i M ustsrcl Meats, canne d Magnesia Nut aeg Oil, olive Oil, sweet, Oil , castor Oranges ;Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,canned Pepper Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sag o Salt Salmon Sardines Senna • Seeds ' Sugar S venue Soda S Spoapsices Starch • Strawberries canoe Sulphera Tapioca otnateeern�ice1 a.cauned 'Peas Tobaccoes "V Vinegars Washboards \Vasbing Cryeta Wooden/ are Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets TE get, Wataer Setts Cream Setts Berry Seta Toilet Setts e Them. THEY GET TIiJS. Tip top Facilities, 1 Quality, Tip top Variety. T in Treatment BUT PRICE' N. Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. ,T. Skinner, we are prepared to paycash P for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Lueknow - - ' v e as much, if no(fl val han any one in the We postively give ' Nouse L00114w14• CALL UPON re) gi CC tem, paler Undertakers ▪ Ont MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory RESIDANCE—Campbell erect. 3fiss Edith Enda Is prepared to give lemons on PIANO AND ORGAN At her h3me on 4 DTI awl of of tick Sling tauell fru n, Pt, de - with IderPd be bo- , aihre- of enk- at play deur ? wound OW who d it end - id to bilge in tepliee country liBt wife [d to see years in, the Xmas OA Mr and we p. ugars are es and allc Re • •