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The Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 7
"_ '"' f . p l I j. �'- i r __ � !Ir* .!Ik 1 ' , M1 �• . i, . s, Y . , ,/r �� C y'�•p TOMORROW'S CHANCE,. while stockmen will be interested in A f'� s+`. 1. 'A+$"�iE!�i!AY!d!'Y+�F+$Z�" ,,, � [�.�. miser.) very readable account of the Inter� . 9 NORWAY _. How fair a world this world would be national false etogk Exposition #n How free from pain and morrow, � Chicago, Position of prominence in the ,r--•�4,.,._, IA - �� ��� � � It trouble should become a thing Home Department is accorded to a;,omuru„.,..lnnuuuuuauuonnnnssnannnunoIlm;d„.,.,, . I Serpent E SYRUP TP No luau might ever borrow, suggestive article on the Ethical S g• ,.Y �pIV A 1w If yon and I somehow could cling niQoaooe of Pictures„' by Mrs. Alice ' 1, �� Y p A To veetorday s serenity . �i rS A Remedy Without [iQ When trials gems tomorrow. .lythe Tooker Wilcox, B. A. Dtrm. r f y Doble writes of Bermuda, while the Il rya 1 f It whentheman were setting comprehensive topic, ” ” ' ':_ �=16, ,ill. ,(!�',Ihf�vi „i,-� ��M.., Children. rl;'iI „ ` By F ERGUS 1iUME E tial For COUGHS How Amit! all the winds would blow ' p ehensive to io Girls, is dealt I - - �'pr �niallta and Autborsf "tide Nyste J a Hansom Cab; ' "fie Mandarin's F`sa;']t Ic.. t q No man looked backward with a sigh with by one who hue had muoli ex - �' CE LUS, And Alt Af Affections Tomorrow's chance forgetting; parlance with them. Readers of fi)don - The �,/�� ®� (j� Of The If, bruised and beaten, you and I will not miss the initial chapter of a M` n Is COPYRIGHT, 1905, By G. W. ]DILLINGHAM COMPANY - vo ! d It fascinating now serial, "The Gold( -u Could aria anew to meet the foe n; . 'i n,ti -,ir', ,P*4*4 ,.!.7Hl"g,, < <.. ^ ,,A„I,A.1 �,1- ++ -tt ixt�+e _., -"4"I An comma our vain refire ing, , n.,'.: �t .r='r_tsT . eY . < ++FNI,+i<aI"Sri++I•sk+E"ti+ - �• Dog,” by Walter liirkbp, An hl9tarlaal , •�-r, . „�i ;n,, „ „u,�r TT..7TT", ;i ' THROAT and LUNG i.' - - - ••.• • ----.,...... .... tale of Old Quebec in the times of Lnuts "" - "" Coughs and Colds do not call for . Vegetab1eFxeparat[ollfarAs- ,l MAKE Ne XV. The pages tare replete with par- ' t The young man looked pnzssled. a minute recital of symptoms as they are 191HI�E A CHANCE p g P Siintlatiil� kttCFOodalllI�ellta- MQpon my word I don't know,' he known to everyone, but their dangers are - ticnlArly pleasing illustrations, A liberal [Iii th4StGiilllChS ;I1dt3oSVQiS Of11 It eG`�ryh L, ,maid. "Just as I was showing him a but she was hopelessly out of the faldi-i not understood so well. All the most proportion of which have been printed !brooch I wished to awn he went off. fon. It tivas this odd independence in A New Back for an Old One. How '- P " asrious affaations of the throat, the lungs in doable•tone ink, producing a rich, �,r, r . "What kind of a brooch?" asked the her dress which constituted another and the bronchial tubes, are, in the begin• it is Done in Wingham. soft sepia affect. Subscribers to "The ' girl, also lewd. charm in Paul's eyes. --- + ,rt7""a�e Hing, but coughs and colds. Farmer s Advocate are presented with j Pmmo£esT)igesEion,CheerH Paul took the case out of his breast The place was too public to indulge Too much stress cannot be laid upon the The bock aches at times with a dull this number in Iieu of a regular issue. nI g Hess and Rest.Contains neitheF 'pocket, wheye it had been amts the li lovemaking, and it was very tante- feeling making you worry and restless, To non-snbsoribers, the price is 50 cents ! O TTl,Mor Nino nor Mineral. ,` previous day. "My mother sent It to linins to sit near this vision of beauty admonition t0 all persona affected by the R y pill p of sharp pains shoot .arose the region of , jlme," lie explained„ "You see, she without gaining the delight of a kiss. insidious earlier stages of throat and lung the kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop per copy, New subscribers will, receive 1`41U�' 1�TAxte ©TIC. ;guesses that I am bard up, and, thanks Paul feasted his eyes, and held Sylvia's disease, as failure to take hold at once will or lift. The rubbing of liniments or ap- it as A premium while the supply Iaets ... 'ijo my father, she can't send me money, gray gloved hand under cover of her cause many ears of suffering, and in the plication of plasters does no good in Address the WiLLTAM WrMD CO , J i yJ I! }.:csiaoffiPcidL^�f117e`Lfl7I d '� f •!!`his piece of jewelry she lies had for . dress. Further he could not go. and that terrible scourge of "Consume- these oases, they do not reach the cause. Limited, London, Ont, �%", lra Seed' I many years, but as It Is ratter old "Can you be jealous, Pan17" Sylvia tion." To Get rid of those symptoms and ex- - Alxsrnno fashioned she never wears it. So she asked suddenly, change the bad bank for a new and 4%44troS.Ate- IS. I �, im,rnt it to me hoping filet I might get "Horribly! You don't know half my Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is stronger one follow the example of this Western Ontario Prosperous. Adre8eed. I D „___ ., ' P Wiugham citizen. The olearia ikppernunl ' ! . 0 or so on it. A friend of mine wish- bad qualities. I am poor and needy not Sold as a Clare for Comumptioll gs of London banks for the „rf:carbcr"re%&- t to buy i but I was anxious to get and ambitious and jealous and"- fir S. Mnrrap, of�Viotoria St. Wing• week showed an in,irense of $45,000 over lt vadred- Y t, but for affections tributary to, and that hairs, Ont,, says.- My back had been [(I'an SedsuTvr• 6;; 111 r0. J. back again so that I might retnm It "There, there. I won't hear you ran result in that disease. It combines all the sore and tender for years and atoopiag the corresponding period last year, A W:.4,�ls"Uttr kid,Use y y or lifting Anything would cane) me prominent bank manager amid in speak- 1. t.: m mother. Therefore I thought yourself down. You are the beat bo1 1i tr father might lend me money on In the world" lung healing virtues of the Norway pine P g P y' Aperfectriciirtedy for Consllpa- V,- much suffering tied it would take me lug of "settling day" -"The merchants �q;." "I certainly !lave Pound nn enchant treo with other absorbent, expectorant and many seconds to straighten myself up tion, Sour `atolitach,Diardidea, throughout western Ontario are meeting r • Sylvia examined the brooch with ed princess sleeping !n a jealously soothing medicines of recognized worth, again, My real would b° broken several g g ; i'lorats,CcT1vU[s1onS,Feverlsli- . ��! �. ®� Over great atten#ion. It was evidently of guarded castle. What would roar and is absolutely harmless, prompt and times each night with the frequent and their bills quite promptly, and an i ness and Loss OF SLEEP. _ Indian tvontion. h[p, dalcevid chased Lather say did he know?" safe. So great has been the success of this irregular secretions of the kidneys and optimistic tone is general. The worst is and thickly set with jewels. The ser Sylvia looked startled "I am afraid wonderful remedy, it is only natural that the urine was of a high Dolor and filled over and we will soon be in a very pros- yac5►mile 5ignottzre of i nt, which was n „ P numerous persons have tried to imitate it. with brick dust sediment, Taking cold "xpia pparently wriggling of my father, she re lied indirectly. Don't be humbu ed into taldf anything parous condition. RH • Thirty Y humbugged g would venally cause this and I would -_ � ;;' across the stout gold pin of the brooch, "Yes, he is so strange. Sometimes he but "Dr. Woods," Put up in a yellow often awake as tired As on going to bed. - NEW YORK. . ,had its broad back studded with opals, seems to love me and at other times wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; I had tried numerous remedies without EASY TO MIX THIS. ; . - 1 �r �1 J i -large in the center of the body and to hate me. We have nothing in com-' price 25 cents. any apparent results. Booth's Sidney - l J !� � small at head and tail. These were mon. I love books ,and art and gayety _ Pills weee advertised and procuring a e r set round with tiny diamonds, and the and dresses. But father only cares for a boa at Dir. McKibben's Pharmacy I Prepare at Home By Shaking Ingredi `:, *end was of chased gold, with a ruby jewels. He has a lot down in the cel commenced treatment. Mp hack soon ants Well to a Bottle. strengthened and the pain has not re. What will appear very interesting to I EXkCT COPYt7P WKAPAEH. � 11Viongae. Sylvia admired the worisman• lar. I have never seen them, you turned. The secretions were brought many people here is the article taken Gti ship and the jewels and turned the ]snow," added Sylvia, looking at her not for Deborah I would be still more to normal and the urine cleared. I be• from a New York daila URIA y /✓tlCc' Y PAPar, giving, TME OENTAca GOMPA NY, NEW YORK CITY. ,brooch over. On the flat smooth gold lover, "nor have Deborah or Bart. But afraid., I often think my father Is lieve B3oth's Kidney Pills are the best a simple prescription, which is acid !%mderneath she found the Initial "R-" they are there. Bart and Deborah say mad, But there " Sylvia rose and and most reliable of all rem8dies and to ba a positive remedy for backache / .scratched with a pin. This she showed ro." shook out her skirts, "I have no right will greatly recommend them," or kidney or bladder derangement, if ( i 41 ., hto Paul. "I expect your mother made "Has your father ever said so?" to talk so and only do so to you Sold by Dealers. Price 50 oents. taken before the stage of Bright's -- _.. . . Vats mark to identify the brooch," she "No. He won't speak of his business that you may know what I feel. I'll The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, disease: fid, in the cellar. When the shop is closed speak to my father myself nuc! say we Out., Sole Canadian Agent. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one•half-' °' "My mother's name is Anne," re- at 7 he sends Bart away home and arc enga;;ed. IY he foiUids our mar- - ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; , �. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ,�` yr piled Paul; looking more puzzled than locks Deborah and me In the house., range I shall run away with you, Paul," National and Comprehensive to canoes. Shake wall in a I ottle and r "y x' c = 11 „ a ,.•; t ever -"Anne Beecot. Why should she That is, she explained aaaiously, lest raid poor Sylvia, tae tears in her eyes. Scope. take in teaspoonful doses after each iY Na - :r r `° 11S,Ain�Lmark this with an initial which has Paul should think her father a tyrant, Paul was so t'.::hzutecl with this meal and Again at bedtime. thing to do with her name?" "he locks the door which leads to the speech that he would have d0fled pub. The 1908 Christmas Number of "The A well-known druggist here at .;'.•, • f 1 ^ ;:i ! "Perhaps it is a present,” suggested shop. We can walk all over the hones lac Opinion Uy eut!,rncinn Ler there and .Farmer's Advocate and Homa Maga- home, when asked regRrding this pre• �• , wj'° �;AI '`',.'.;;:;: �, 1pa^Z M il q Sylvia. But there we stop. till neat morning, then, but Sylvia willke(l away rnpkll; zine," while maintaining a broad ecription, stated that the ingredients </ ' Y •., I ::rs j Paul snapped the case to and replac when father unlocks the door at 7 down Gwynne rtreet and shock lacy aatholiaitp of outlook, etrikea a domin• are all harmless, and can be obtained � ,z s f at a small cost ,from Any good prescrip• a,I .. ; ' .' � I :ed it in his pocket. "Perhaps It is," and Bart taffies down the shutters. We head with a pursed up mouth when t" he said. "However, when I next write Lave lived like that far years. On attL' national note. Articles of general tion pharmacy, or the mixture would bo Paul took a fat, stet :atter Uer. Itcc- / 1 1 .i o my mother 1'11 ask her where she Sunday evenings, however, father does nnnining interest 4rom the pens of loading Oana- put up if asked to do so, He further that it would be !vise not • stated that while thisprescription is gigot the brooch. She has had it for not go to the cellar, but takes me to to follow he,, to the shou lent tL•o a,u:i- . dian autho'cities treat a pleasing variety - Y_ 1 _,� 9,; � „";.;,4.4 ,W,7,,.d�, ++ "for church. He has supper with me up- u> tupios in A comprehensive manner often prescribed in rheumatic fa mute• „ q - 1 !many years, be added musingly, �� Lzone,wiith splendid reenite, he could . —,. , AI :�� /=, ,u„n ,,,, ,,.,,... ,Pf , S remember playing with it when a stairs and then locks the door at 10. (To be Oontinued,) Dr. B. E. Fernow, of the University of sae no reason why it would not be a y -' f' ` ! " "But he slee a -stairs? fn v of the a lendid remed for kidne and uri- a - P P Toronto LII a .wee Bar e P Y y ^'.;:rs: ::_ . . ; '..a!(1- ?^ " ^n. .�.wl.r: ..,:+r,,., c small bo , P g Y :: r.;:: ,e "Don't tell our mother that my fa- No. He sleeps in the cellar. timber situation in Canada impresses nary treatise and backache, as it `has I ".. be Ither fainted" "impossible. There is no aecommo- A oteerfnl man is one who can pre• the farmers' interest in forestry, Sy a peculiar notion upon the kidnap = --- - -- -...'....-1111 5- w,..,� a i«t "Why not? Does it matter?" dation for sleeping there" structure, cleansing these most impor- 4 - sent a smiling face to every turn of way* of index to this prominent feature, tant organs and helping them to I ¢e � r� Sylvia folded Ler slender Lands and Sylvia explained. "There Is another �, 11 it c`3 u Zilm �r's 11®�tmE,Vateh i)bSylyoked straight In front of Ler. For cellar -a .mailer Dae- ell the large fortune; not one whose radiancy is skin the front cover represents a beautiful sift and filter from the blood the foul . Rome time they had been seated on a place he has the safes in. The door Is deep and disappears when shores are woodland scene, caseated in the tri- acids And waste matter hose cause �1$Sf�(:�llbiifle�$ �1��r`$l:fl� �@J T�r�e bench in a retired part of the gardens, in a dark corner almost under the down or dinner is a trifle late, -Leigh color process. Turnip the ages, one's readers and suffsuffer Those of oar "r T Pr g P readers who suffer can make no mie• "BELOW -You see how I just turn on the tap ;tt'nd the laughter of playing children, street line. This smaller cellar Is fitted. Smith. 'interest is arrested by Frank Yeigh's take in giving it a trial. and instantly get hot water for my dishes, wash - __T tke music of the band playing the mer- up as a bedroom, and my fafiter has pictureEgne pen -portraiture of Nor- ----�--� riest airs from the last mualcal come- slept there all his life. I suppose he wogian agriculture. "The IIorse in ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc• g DICKENS AND CHRISTMAS. ':dy, came faintly to their can. "I think is afraid of his jewels being stolen. I An artillery lieutenant in Krngyevats, „ . ,_ "Pt does matter," said the girl seriously. don't think it is good for his health," _ Servia, has been sentenced to 21 days Hdstorp and Romance, is entertainingly -- r y rr f discussed by the expert contributor, [Winnipeg Free Press.] .,- j ABOVE-- you see how the r "I or some reason my father wants to added the girl wisely, "for often in' imprisonment for compelling a recrult , �� „ (, - y i� keep himself as quiet as possible. He, the morning he looks Ill and his hands Whip"; and the Outlook for the Dickens dead. Then will Father `�, * i es are connected to the ' "I, to undergo the most cruel indignity in „ . „ ( pipes .. I talks of going away " stake." Beuf Industry in Oanada is considered Christmas die too? Cried a barrow- r_ l ,., ,yrl bath and basin -no waiting i "Going away? Oh, Sylvia, and you ++ Servian epee. Tula consisted in making-� Sylvia, does your father drink al- in the light of wide personal knowledge girl in Drury Lane on that June day in ( /'% t, • g 1t @ ` `�. .11 . sever told me." coholY' him shave his mustache. •"%... = for a bath -no carrying Yr;'R by J. H. C4riedale, of Ottawa. The 1870, when the Wawa ran down the 4�� �", Y g ,1 d a,; , ;. ! "He only spoke of going away when "Oh no Paul! He is a teetotaler - x2 ,) _ 1 .. hot water u stairs." `4,� "�' y chords of sentiment are touched in streets of London, Watt3-Dunton, who --,-,, . 1l P "Christmas on the Farm" and "An Old heard the cry, made it the text of his -71 c'v: � I i I came to see how he was this morn- and is very angry at those w� drink - fag," she replied. "I wonder if his to excess" boy's •Raeoileotione " while the cele. Poem 'Dickens Returns on Christmas Iii r l� �, �� � ; , "Pandora" ranges can be , tainting leas anything to do with this "He either drinks or sm glum,,' Dap,' _ - i" , % � i ��, brated aohiovemanto of a noted Cana• ; > G �� supplied with a hot-water y ' Seterminatlon. He never talked of go- thought Paul on hearing yltiGx's de- 1� eirvo s - �{;i �' "Dickens is dead l" Beneath that riev- 3 > than plant breeder in h bridizin the q 1,. / attachment if you . // � Ing away before. niaL But he said nothing to her o!' , �VAr;:TJd1VTt ~ hybridizing one cry • - ; A. 1 i/ -r, ', �� ,' Paul wondered also. It seemed this, gladiolas are told in a most interesting, London seemed shivering in the summer i� '�II haven't already got virange that after so unusual an event "I must go home now," she said, rix- Not a disease but a symptom or sign which illustrated article. President G. C. heat, - - . ! { - ' tclis of thin blood and exhausted nerves, A -, - t ` f� one, and the attach- . I ,� "the bid man "ahonld turn restless and lug. Oreelman of the Ontario Agricultural Strangers took n the tale like friends _ swish to leave a place where he had "Oh, no, not yet," he implored• warning that nerveforceis becoming exhausted g oaltnral g P _ cq' !' ment does not either � � - and that o are in dangercf nervous collapm Celle a records his that meet; personal observa• Dickens is dead 1 said the and hur• C liverllor Over twenty years. "I'll Com. "Wall, > you paralysis, or even worse. p q , „ „ " I.r ' then, Ill stay for a flaw min- y'+ take extra fuel or in- ."` �� —prostration, para!} tions of agriculture in France and Italy. rigid b , i • iLnd have an explanation, said Paul Utes longer, because I have something What is to be doac? Headache powders „ y terfere with baking. after a pause. to say," she remarked sad sat down are dangerous, and only leave the nervous A Quarter of a Century in Poultry Street -children stopped their games- "I think that will be beat, dear. Ila- again. "Paul, do you think it Is quite system wore exhausted than before their use, dem," "The Trend of Maritime Agri- they knew not why, ther-said that he would like to see you honorable for you and me to by en- New blood must be formed, new nerve force culture," aebeo's Dairy Industry, ++ Bat some new night seemed darkening I a ala and told Bart to bring you in it n ed without the consent of my !s- created, and this is exactly what is accom- Q y y' down the street, ear,. g g g and A description of the largest fruit A girl in rage, staying her way -worn ti 9 ,;e saw yon:' therY" plashed by the use of farm in British Columbia are among Peat, ?,• ^' a "Pal call today -this afternoon, and "Well " hesitated Beecot, "I don't Cried "Dickens dean? Will Father° '� `' 1 " t the many other noteworthy artlolea; y Christmas dao?" q y �� � d�� .W i� a a �� perhaps your father will explain. And think it is as it should be Were I . o A. o a „.. y V , now, Sylvia, that is enough about oth- well off I should not fear to tell your �,� �� Cit ha loved, Lake pours eon th wap! i " , . ;� f He loves thee still in all thy joys and ,er people and otter things. Let us father everything, but as T am a pan- . '� _ ^ �j~ (!� r +j talk of ourselves." per he would forbid my seeing you Gradually, naturally and certainly the ner- I ��I ��I UU { �( j(,A �'� CIG, fears, + A y. Sylvia turned her face with a fond did he learn. that I had raised my eyes Vous system is built up by this great restora- G UU i—Ii (�l L Though he whose smile made bright i l attdota. 3orcnta, Momtreah F1l'e ;lase 1, E aracaLcr,,, . o;zee„l.E., :.a: e:;an, C;a,ar five treaemeat until tv al s, am and dis- thine eyes of gray- smile. She was a delicate and dainty to you. But if you like Ill speak, p Though he whore voice, uttering thy FOIA, SALE IN 'WINGHAM BY J. G. STEWART & CO. ;little lady, with large gray eyes and though it may mean our parting for couragement give way to health, streagih and P110 REMIEDiES RETAIM THEM g g y .. _ soft brown hair. Her complexion was ” v,� r. The portrait and signature of A. W. I burdened Years, .ver. PPJLARHI Meda laughter. bubble through thy sea -- - transparent, and she had little color in „ CKasc, M.D., lite famous Receipt Book author „.., .,�° a. c • ' _,, _,moi•• "Paul, she laid a firm, small hand are on very hos, 50 cts. at all dealers or of tears - her cheeks. With her oval face, her on his arm, "not all the fathers in the Edmanson, Bates d:. Co., Toronto. ZaVCS6gtrtiona of French Physicians Is gone, Dickens returns on Christmas than nose and charming month aha ? c, TM Da k. , `*' world will keep me from you. Often Mica Arizie Dano, v0 hotillier anrce., Show that Larg,* Production of p' '21 " 0 m L ^3 K-' � 0 9 looked very pretty and sweet But it I have intended to tell all, but my fa- OttaN a, Ont., states: Synthetic Medicines Is Not ! a I "* was her expression that Paul loved. they is so strange. Sometimes he goes' I a as afflicted nvith severe neuralgic hcad- �That was a trifle sad, but when she whole , days without' speaking to me, aches, was also dizzy and nervous. The use Crowding Out the Old Favorites. Prevention, the now druggists s to Care EV- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT �'VRITTEN CONSENT. r smiled her looks changed as an over. of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food entirely cured thcee Tablets, are said b drn lets to have and'at floes he speaks harshly, though headaches and did me a world of good, A late despatch from Paris says: four special specific advantages over all Confined to His i�l®it o for C�nf-alum L cast sky changes when the sun bursts Ido nothing to deserve rebuke. 1 am Prof. Grim presented a notable other remedies for a °old. First -They Wthrough the clouds. Her figure was per- „ steadying my nerves and coning up the system contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or "£Leavy work, sovere straining and evil habits in non gn P afraid of my father, said the girl, ' generally ° paper before the Academy of ?dcdi- sickening. Second -The ave almost double varicocele. when I worked hard the achii,gi i ouja'lht:on io feet, her hands and feet showed marks ' with a shiver. I said so before, and cine on therapeutic tendencies in the g y q severe and I was often laid up for a week to it tune. Hay 1an,il of breeding,an although her gray last tcn ars. Basing his figures instant relief. Third -Pleasant to the ,, physician an told me an operation was r only ho�.+e in I areaia iy i d, g I say so again. He is a strange man, on medicines furnished to x z large taste, like candy. Fourth -A large box �� I tried several me anusts, but sown found out al th y wanted wad it. dress was as demure as any worn by a ,and I don't understand him at all, I9 g -48 Preventics-at 25 cents, Also fine co: money. I commenced to look upon ail doctors as little butter than . Q y you and go away v asylums and hosgttals by the State for feverish children, Sold at Walley's " rogues. Ouo day my boss askol nio why I was oft work so much and nakeresa, she looked bright and mer- wish I could mars Pharmacy, he finds that the old- I told 1,im my amtiitron, Ia advise 1 to to c�-t ui i'ra. T:cur:e,9 & ity in the sunshine of her lover's pres- altogether," ___._ .... _ - ...._.__ ' Drne Store, r Kennel encs Everything .boat Sylvia was ++ fashioned medicinds retain their y, a%lie had talmn troattre•it from them It •+self and Irnew Y Well, let us marry ii you like, .. they were smi r o and skilful. i w:•ot3 then! anri gut : tin P LwHliSnoD 'dainty,.and neat and es uisitel . ale " n r � 6a s �`g•� ¢gg popularity. v : Tnt TAI XT. rays pr recta Wall so:nc vA%:t`, sly:• t . c ,a, Cx s t t ., q y. though we will be poor, ���i1t�9 T���� Q➢��li� �6A89eil� An expert authority on being inter- LIFE -WORK, '"�' month`s treatment I was surae: hat disroura pd Ilt'wever, I cct i "Nq" said Sylvia sorrowfzilt , "Alt- u i viewed states that the tendencies of �-J� tinuedtreatmentforthrCemontbs longer and was rcwartled.•tvith u 9 T aR er atl strange and karst thou h m the medical rofession in Ganada are [Henry Van Dyke, j complete cure. I could only earn $1.1 a week in a ntarh'nu shalt i c S Y 8 'f f{ �' p ?fora treatment, now I am earniz„.1 and n©ser lose a tiny, I a sh , • A t ay,' father is, to is atilt my fatter, and at. ag lyq„�/ • clout e::actly the same lines. He Let me live my life from year to year, alt sufferers know of your valuable treatment. ''�, times to is kind. I must stay with him ,i' ( 11-1104 gives the followitt old-fashioned iIE'MY C. LOCUST• r� a L.J�� �r' ✓' �/ L� - vegetable mixture as the safest and With forward face and nnrelnctant 1; to the end. f i� &1111).t.sr�� t 8 soul; .. h t N, � , 1 ++ '/' •r ,, -- :sb best treatment for all stomach and �� ®g��fr�.���� i 1k `What end? ,TNA'{ r<,.1._•., c; 'N k • Not hurrying to or turning, from, the '' t Weak 1Udhov , runly point. to weak kidney Sylvia shook her head still more sor- . 1 liver troubles, constipation, disorder goal, I1LOOli POISONS are the most provalont nnfl meet ct•i-ionadi-oaE.s, Theysapthev.�ry ” t J n s. T Y< dneys, It1co thOJIcart, and the « of the Icidneys and bladder, and life blood of tho victim and unle.s eutirel eradteatcdf;,,,a the s et, t Evanwch, hull their weakness, not in the organ rowfully. Who knows? Paul, m 3 g y y This school is one of the largest in Not mourning for the thin s that din• contnxcatiuns. etvaro of Htercur . xr out suppresses resses the symptoms -our tsi.il: v t' ,':i, but in Via nexvc s thitt Control and ttuido father is afrl;td of dying suddenly." the Province. It it t*otocl for the s statc5 that many of the leading appear HTE'CHU) cures all blood diseases. y y 1 p and slrengtbe i them, Dr. Shoop s Restorative is �� , ti 0 physicians use these ingredients in In the dim past, nor holding back in fear YOUNG Ulf 11IDDL7 AGSM IMIT.•--Tammilent nets or later exp ,c.s !nave trol:oi r I. in r crdGttc nt• l.a d to reach them Ily violence? asked Beecot, think- thoroughness off' ito word: s>ud y y , h future veils but ith r„ r -;;?Nal^ nerve', i,) d <tor tate waneys alone, ; same form often b some fans and Prom what t e `p down your sys tem. 7cou feel the syzimt ora c Stpa,ii>;� over 3 on. `tentnlly, physi- Ing of Debora! s talk. success of its students. `phren de• cavy, awl v;tatly you are not the man you use,t to be or should `be, Will you heed the i •, Ilii . Ie is :; is 'w of t::,::, and of :Honey as expensive name. a whole danger si naly , i, :It. "I can't say. But every day after prrtmente- • Fl -aid Extract Cascara..... , . % oz. And happy heart, that pays its toil t; E; ? Aro you intending to marry? Lias i your tact: aches c'r 3o n>p^_;, if the urine READEfl Arc you a victim? TLava you Inst bore. ec,:,h,arisdarkaud�;•r,r•,•_a;'etaac,•s^urptrnns 0 h° goes • t0 church and prays all 'is � ,,,,,,,,,,,,, t oz. To YouthandA a and on With I1L COffiN1CltCIAL, SHORTHAND, Syrup 1�huUarb Ago, ygnr blood been disea.,edY Tlace vu,i any. weakness? our Niw HTCTnoD C' :'tight; or utho- dlr;7r!e,jn,; or dangerous kid. alone. Deborah told me, as often she Carrznna Gnmpound . t� oz. cheer. 'rai:ATaimn w,11 curt. you. What it has done fair t t'.tt rs ttwitl do for you. Consultatlos s Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla $ oz. Free. No matter who has treated ni, writp ft r tai honest upitlion Free of Charge. -tial nl�ace.trybr. horn , t etivoamonth- , TELEGRAPHIC. •, r, u.t u3 or Linnld--au,l i, ,..v it can and will 11.5 seen tam leave the Church. Tien Let me do my work from say to day, Books From-' Thegolden HTonitor," lillustratedt on Diseases Hien. clo.,or you. Druggist recommend and sell he is afraid of every stranger who -Our graduates are in demand as • i ake one teaspoonful after each In field and forest, at the desk or loom, enters the shop. I don't understand NO NAMES: USED WITHOUT confidential. CONSENT. PRIVATE. 1 r riment 1 business abhege teachers as well as meal and at bedtime. In roaring market plane or tranquil on 6ex�•a or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and coat eE Treatment �,, : • � it;' cried the girl passionately. "1 office atstatants. Get ods magnifi• Thin :tests in a pleasant way, and room; FREE Folli HOME TREATMENT. � i;, :t ,.1� don't lie it, I wi;;L you tivould marry Dant gdtalogne, it ie free. Is free from the bad effects of strong Let m9 but find it in my heart to say, t , ME � me and take me away, Paul; but, Oh, purgatives and synthetics. when vagrant wishes beckon me astray, DKOXENNE11 K�ShIffi�® "Li�ii;✓ tow selflst I ami" lVe advise all our readers to cut this +�Ttia is my work; my blessing, not valuable formula out and use it. Any "lily own, I wish i could. But the _ ELLIOTT CH u my doom; Cpp, Michigan nd Griswold St, � 11 LIF I ® money"- Ltl1 I �c McLAttl➢L�IH druggist can supply these ingrcdi• Of all Who live, I Am the one by whom Ave.,e e 6fr01t, M1Clt. ,':" "Obi never mind the mono . I must PRINCIPALS. ants +t a small expense You can „ 0k a III we & y tnix tlieht a� 1om bit relay. g I , W ,__-kM^V%-Y.A I I. 1. .1 I 11 ,,', et away from that hanae..t lk ,wraa �S �, p Thiel work can hop! bo done in the right,..,I I _ I . ' I ", .I 1. I 1EEh:;; W