HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-08, Page 1Z e • a • • • r! 0 CI • DV) . i 4 1 e ot fire at t I 4 INDEPENDENT Order of Foresters 1 "" meets in the Oddfellows' •gyp' '�` Hallen the fourth Tueti in day • v of each month; at th! 7:30 o'clock.' Viaiting th; osetbren cordially invited. CHAS. PATYORE, W. A. LAwakNCE, Chief Rau . er. Recording Secretary �O�v till .1 1 1801 X901 , ONLY. S1• I t • • 1 • SEE.OUR C1'.bbing 1 dates vol XXVI-49 LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 8th, '.899• WHOLE NO.1349. 11 Al & SIDLALL, I,L, Bankers, LUCK/ OI , - - ON . ES7ABLIsll KD 1888, We do a general bankit,g b'isinees; issue draft* throughout Canada and the United States. We make collection:4 on all points, including; :-Western States, Manitoba and the North-West Provinces, and all collec- tions, whether note or account, will have promp: attention. Noted discounted and •farmer's sale notes cashed. We l:►au to f.ar.nere on double or single notes .ab from one to twelve mouths time, anal at seasonable rate of interest. We loan small or large amounts on second mortgage on forma or ,►tber real estate eetc- uritv and oa first chattel mortgaged on live +tock anal implewente and crus. We, h:►v • larg', amount of fu�nde to advance on dift ,cortgages from per cent. to 6 per cent, • Ttie rete is graded according to the quality and id the loan required. Wu represent the leading English and Cana - Fire Insurance Companies and -can effect insurauce o,' all classes of property in tock. or Mutual C►►mpanie a aa desired. Our office boom are from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. GEO; A.SIDDALL,' MANAGER. , t ECiCAL D1:. T NNANT, P1fYSI('IAN Sur,teon - u1c.1 Acconebur. Surgery r J. t lliu:t's gr+cery -Offi..;.1 hours from 9 • 12 a.ue.; frn i 2 t. 3 p.m. ;Acid, from 7 t., 9 t:.r,,. DWI), t:+1'_tDt)N, M.1).. C.M., F.T. M.8., M.C.P.S.O.: Phv' ician, Sur- geon, and Acc�►ucber. L patairs to Wm. Allin's new block. Residence Ross street, behind J. G,Murdocb & t'o'e store. , LEGAL GARI OW & PROUDFOOT, B ARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GAaaow, Q. C. WM. PROUDFOOT. A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, P• Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (late of Canaeron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office upstairs in new block. MOItRISON, BARRI$TEF fl• Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary, etc. honey too loan. (Alice over Moody's Barber Shop. SOCIETIES C.O.F. rURT SH ER%VOtM, NO 50, LUCK- jnow. Meets every first and third Mon- day of every month in the Orange Hall, Visiting 'Arethren are cordially invited. Ciao. NORTHCOTE, C. R. D. D. YULE, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE O. 428, HOLDS ITS REGITLAR monthly meetings in thou rang eg Hall, Campbell :greet, Lucknow, d Tuesday evening of each and every month. Degree night on the see.ond Tuesday evening following. A11 visiting brethren cordially in- vited to the meetings. DAVID A aCH ER, A. T. DAVISON. Secretary W. M. LTC KNOW !�• Lodge No 112 meets every :lay e street. at 8 tAll��br three 'clock in their hall, cordially invited. JOB. SC"TT, P. A. 'SIALCOusON, Noble rand, Necorder OLD LICHT LODGE A x & A. Id G R C E + EVERY THURSDAY NIG theor before the full moon, Marouic Hall, Havelock street, 1. D. NrcttoL, }Lassie DArs, a' .rshir.fnl Mater. Secretary G T. R TIMF TAI3LE Passenger trains leave Lucknow station as follows ;- Going South, 6.20 a. m, 8 a, m, y38p. m Going North 11.35 a. m 4.05 p. m 11.10 p. u, D. w. HAYES, Agent Village and 'ictnitg alta Pay Your Taxes Mr•. John N. Ross, tax collector has requested the Sentinel to impress upon our citizens the advisability of paying their taxes before December 14th, C.O.C.F. 1jTCgr'()W 4 Council, Can- adian Order of (*beech Friends. :Mets 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenin s of each month, in Oddlfellows HalL Visitors cordially invited. :',1 rI:RsON, Recorder. Is O. P. LUC,C NOW I.01)GE Director's Muting A meeting of the. Directors of the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the, Lucknow Public Library room, at 2 o'clock p. in., on Saturday next, 9th Inst A full at- tendance of the Directors is requested. Who Is To Pay? The question whether.. Huron or, Bruce will pay for the support of Geo. Letson, committed to a Reformatory some time -since by P. C. S ager, of Goderich, will come before the County Council at its next session on Tuesday next. rno ad of 1:111 H le he hat lou viii � 1 heir Golden Wedding Mr. and \l rs. 'Joseph Little, of- this village, celebrated the .50th anniver- sary of their m :cringe An Wednesday, the -29th of November. The Sentittel extends hest wishes for the futuiebap- pines3 of this highly respected couple and sincerely hope they may be spaced to celebrate their diamond wedding among their many Lucknow friend's. A Change of Ilate Dr. S. P. May, Superintendent of Public Libraries, bas issued a circular• to pubis libraries. The Minister of Education has directed that sonic, change: bo made in the tna'lagsment of all public libraries. The business year in public lit,raries will, is future, close on the 31st of December, instead of the 30th of Aoril as formerly. An- nual meetings will hensforth le held on the second Monday in January. Land Improving In Price. There's an increased demand through out the country for farm property at improved pricier, and those who wish to purchase will 110 veil to secure what they want he:ure prices g() high- er, as they are sure to do. Quite a number of farms have recently change - ed hands hereabouts, at fair prices, and other s are looking about with a view to investing. Many are the in- quiries for real estate, and everything paints to a continued revival in invest- ments of this character. 'School Concert November Weather Report No. 7 Kinloss, Rain fell on eight days to the The pupils of S. S. aryisted by a few friends will render a amount of 1.47 inches, the lightest 8 in programme of an interesting and at- fourteen years, except November 1 94 tractive character in their school room when 1.19 inches fell. The other ex- on the evening of December 22nd. A treme for November was 7.23 inches in good part of the programme will bear 1891. The wannest day was 56°6 d on the true patriotism and a display the 18th; coldest 29 0 on the of emblems of loyalty to the empire. The average day temperature attin fourtee s Admission -Children 5c. Adults 15c. 45 v8, being the warmest n years; the average night ,temperature, Public Notice 33°68, the wannest in fourteen years. All parties having.taken out books - from the Public Library during the Nicholson vs. McLean year, are requested and required that This was :in action for an injunction the hooks be returned on or before the to stop the sale of a farm tried at the 31st of December. Those failing to Assizes in Walkerton last week. The comply with conditions and require- parties to it all live in the township of ments Herein stated, legal proceedings Kinloss. The first witness was an will be instituted to collect full value elderly Scotch woman, who was unable of the said books not returned on the to :peak a ward of English. As a con - date above stated far such neglect and sequence an interpreter had -to be pro - noncompliance with the aforesaid re- cured, and more Gaelic was spoken in quir-ements and conditions. Robert, the court room that afternoon, than Graham, Librarian. perhaps in the building's whole history. The interpreter was Mrs. McKechnie, Wedding Botts wife of the governor of the jail. Nich- In the presence of about forty olson, it appears, was the owner of a friends and relatives Robinson farm in Kinloss. In the 1874 he deed - of St. Helens, was united in marriagefarm it to one Hyslop, and the same day last .week to Annie Johnston, of ,Stan ley township, Bayfield Road. The Hyslop deeded it back to Mrd. Nichol- son. The Crown patens had not at bride wore a dress of cream cashmere the time been issued. In 1878 Nich )I - and was assisted by Miss Mary Reid, While_ Janes Webster acted -as best man. The bride received some very pretty presents which showed that she will be missed by her many friends. The Rev. Mr. Sawyer performed the, ceremony. MyrtleCooke Concert Those wishing to hear a concert of artistic ability and high order also, should not fail to come and -hear Miss Tellessen Cooke, dramatic reader and impersonator in some of the best sel- ections of American literature She is also assisted by Mr. David McGill, baritone, who possesses a rich and powerful voice and with these two tal- ented artists promises to be one of the best concerts ever given.ia Lucknow. Reserved seats at A. Lochead's drug store Admission 15c Reserved Accident Near Teeswater• Teeswater, Dec.5.-Harry Pincheor r•. brakeman on a C. P. It. freight, fell between the cars last night at Glen Annan, five miles from here, and had a leg badly crushed, five cars passing over him. When found the poor fellow was under the fire box of the engine, and it was necessary to back up the engine before he could be re leased. He was brought into Tees - water, and thence taken to Toronto, accompanier] by 1)r. Gillies. Pincheon is n young married man, whose home is in Parkdale. Urges Agricultural Teaching Hon. B. Harcourt, Minister of Ed- ucation, has sent a circular to members of County Councils and School Boards throughout the province catling their attention to the amendment to the Public Schools Act, providing for the teaching of Agriculture in sE perate, Public and high schools, and urging the importance of taking advantage of provisions of the amendment in order to continue in a more advanced form that instruction in agriculture, the foundations for which are laid in all our rural school. Apples Three Pence a Barrel Lace advices from Liverpool state that Canadian apples are arriving there in very bad condition and are selling at from three pence to seven shillings per barrel. All around there is a loss of over one dollar per barrel on what hes been sold lately. The English papers sta�e` that some of the Canadian apples were poorly packed and go even 33 far as to say that old boots have been known to be found in the middle of barrels. It is not supposed that there has n much of othat sort of work, but eve a few in- seatsore. Under theauspices of the stances will work great havoc to a - - Sepey Lodge I. O. C. T. gro vin,; branch of Canadian trade. Obituary ' There died, after a brief illness, at 'Melbourne, near Sydney, Manitoba, the Rev. Duncan Davidson, on Aug. .16th, 1899. He was a native of Insh, 'Inverness-shire, Scotland, and was in the 77th year of bis age. He received r, good education in the parish school of Edinburgh and followed the pro- fession of public school teaching for a number of years. In 1837, he came to Canada and studied in Knox College Toronto, During his college course he was engaged in summer vacation, and at intervals in winter, doing good work in the mission field. In 1872 he Center Bruce The Conservative Association 'of Centre Bruce, met at. Glamis on Thurs, day last, and elected the following ofri- vers:-Col. J . H. Scott, president, re- signed, and D. Morrison, of Pinkerton, was elected in his place. Major Hugh Clark, of Kincardine, was elected Secy - Treasurer. Vice Presidents were Clieslie, Jaynes Haliday; Flderslie, R; Studdart; Paisley, S. J. Robb; Green- ock, Thos. Pinkerton; Kincardine Township, Dr Bradley; Huron town- ship, S. '1'. Jackson; Kincardine town, W. C. Loscotnbe, Q, C. It was not defined desirable to put a canditate in + was ordained and inducted in o the the field at present. pastoral charge of Langside, tri the Health Act Changes Presbytery of Huron, (now Maitland) The regent smallox outbreak in `where he laboured with diligence and p p faithfulness for over 19 years, endear- Ccunty, according to the Pray- ing himself to his people slid co -Pres- byters, by his many estimable qual- ities, his warm sympathetic disposition and earnest evangelical presentation of the word * God. In 1891 he resigned his pastoral charge of Lang - side congregation, and thereafter en- gaged in mission work in Manitoba. In 1892 he retired by permission of the General Assembly from the active duties of the ministry. He married Miss Marion McDougall in 1880. To them were born three sons and one daughter, who with his estimable widow, mourn, the loss of a kind and loving father and husband. A good and useful life is ended to enter the rest of Heaven. JOHN MAcNABII. son applied to a roan named McLean for a loan of $600, and a mortgage for that amount, signed by both Nicholson - and his wife, was givsn to McLean. In 1888 there was a renewal of the mortgage, both Nicholson and his wife again executing it. The Crown patent was taken out in 1878, by Nicholson, part of the money received from Mc- Lean being used to pay for it. Fin- ally, 'McLean wanting his money set about to sell the farm under the pow- er of sale contained in the mortgage, and the present action was begun to secure, as we have said, an injunction to. stop the sale, and to have the mort- gage declared invalid as against Mrs. Nicholson. The case lasted nearly all the next forenoon, and in the end the action was dismissed. Mr. Morrison for plaintiff, Mr. H. P. O'Connor and Mr. P. A, Malcomson for defendant. A 0 L1 W iuclal Board of health, ha -4 shown that .,. , _ '•' U (; K N O 1Y the present organization in the prov- ss rr.---=� --*�'r / jJ Lodge of the ince is not as complete as it might b�.�. -` '� Ancient Order of ._ �� -- f _:, -- = -- At the next session of the Legislature United Workmen, meets in the Odd a hill will he ir-troduced which was fell.,ws' Hall, c -n the , preprsred but not introduced last sea- , and second , , evenings of 'don. The bill abolishes all kinds of local \‘ M�oday , ,,, %� each jn nth .:.t eight or_anizatio,.s and have Conn. y inspE-c- 1\ ; `1 k` o'clock, Visiting tors- in their stead. Under the inspec- ruthren cordially invited. ,` ` tor there will be provincial inspectors. Yves, alrh is P. IL �t.•r e�ztz' D. u.Recorder.. he Provincial Board of lie �asf'sVir°sl`t'O"n' . r making a vigorious efforts to have con- RDBFitT CUNNINGHAM. sumption patients in the hospitals isol- INSURANOE ated• The hospitals have not coal - FIRE AND MARINE,, plied with the request as readily aa ex- aV LPH, pected, and further eff'ort's may be made. &wows., las tab DEATH OF JAMES GAUNT A Prominent Resident of Wawa - nosh Passes Away. SAI) SUICIDE Mr. Henry Harris, of Kinloss Cuts His Throat, A sad suicide took place in the town- ship of Kinloss, near Holyrood on Sunday morning last, when Mr. Henry Harris, an old and very highly respi-ct- ed . resident of the township, cut bis throat with a razor. The terrible deed was committed in the barn 1►etwe,r, eleven ar.d twelve o'clock and when discovered by his son life was extinct but the body was still warm. De- ceased had been ill for Borne time past, and committed the rash act while tem- porarily demented. He t a serious accidsnt about a year ago, l,v falling from an apple tree, and striki:'g his head heavily on thegroundfroru the effects of which he never fully recover- ed, although he spent a week this sum- mer in Toronto hospital endeavoring to get relief. Mr. Harris has been a resident (.fiKinloss icor over f.,rty y oafs ar.d was widiey known and greatly r•d spected, and hia tragic death has east a sad gloom c.yer t he whole community. He leaves 'a gr ,wu ap family (if ,.e'en children to reutirn his loss, four of whom are living in Kinloss, two in Dakota and one in Farewell, Michigan, Coroner D. M. (k-rdon, of Lucknow, was immediately notified, and after viewing the t.ody decided that an in- quest was unnecessary. The death- of Mr. James Gaunt on Saturday last removes one of the most prominent citizens of the township of West Wawanosh. Deceased was just in the prime of life, being in his 42nd year, and gave every promise that at no distant day he would have occupied a prominent position in the political arena of our Province. He was a man far above the average in abihty, and was an effective and convincing speaker and during the early days of the Pat- rons of Industry took an active part in the interests of that organization. He was elected President of Huron County and was afterwards selected as the Patron Canditate in West Huron for the house of Commons, but in the Garrow Ccnnoley election to the Legis- lature he supported Mr. Garrow, and since that time ho had been an ardent supporter of the Liberal party. About a year ago ho was thrown from a load of passe in a runaway accident, and sustained serious injuries from the effects of which he never • recovered, He visited the Old Country last sutn- finer in the hope of regaining his health' but all to no avail acid he gradually grew weaker till his death. He was widely known among the stock men of the Province, and the Gaunt herd of shorthorns and their magnificent flock of Leicester .sheep had a reputa- tion second to none in the Dominion, and- a great deal of the success which they attained was due to the able management and excellent judgement of the deceased. The funeral took place to the Kinloi-s cemetery on Mon- day afternoon last, and was largely at- tended by sympathizing friends and neighbors. The services at the house and grave were conducted by the Rev. 1). N. Duthie, of Lucknow, and the earnest sympathy of all is extended to his parents and friends in their great berevement. ASHFIELD REEVESHIP To The Electors Of The Township of Ashfield, GENTLEMEN, Having served you now for twelve years; seven years as Councillor; two as Deputy Reeve and throe as Reeve, have,decided not to seek re-election this yer, knowing it to be in my family's interest to retire for the pres- ent time. and allowing others to re- ceive the same honor from your hands. Thanking you, Gentlemen for the honor bestowed on me in the past, I remai n Your obedient servant, J. N. McKenzie, Reeve. A Woman's Shoe Should Be i .1s.e herself (lainty and lit at --Vet strong to endure. This is the Spa ial Feature of the King Quality Shoe for W Jlil:t11'S weal'. It'-; ;.s pretty as a shoe can 1) ,) made and as strong also, and i `-et it doesn't look as t1t(►tl,,,h it were made for a man. LOCAL ITEMS. --Friday, Dee. Sth. - Myrtle Tellessen Oooke. - Mrs. Albert Flemming is visiting in Toronto this week. - Buisness men are busy already preparing for Xmas. - Some nice fresh Seeded Raisins just arrived at M. Corrigan's, - A nice fre.4h stock of dainties for Xmas. at D. C. Mac Morran's. -Messrs. Gwinn and McCoy, of Wingh am, were in town Sunday. -Come and hear Myrtle Oooke, accompanied by Mr. David McGill Baritone. \`'(' have the King Quality Shoe in Button and L•tce at $3.00. If you try them you will got the three shoe essentials, Comfort, Neatness and Dura- bility. Ask to see King's quality Shoes. J Iat ch Bt 1 .eve $es Olt" 1 1t Dy, ell ne. of +tial ` lies' nes R. D. CAMERON -Supplies for Xmas baking can be had at T, Reid's. He has a large fresh stock on hand. -Miss Catherine Nicholson, was the guest of Miss Leach Shantz, of Berlin, last week. -J. G. Murdoch & Co. are showing a splendid range of ladies fur capes at from $7.50 to $25.00. -Mrs. Allan McConnel, of Kinloss, left on Tuesday last to spend the win- ter with friends in London. -Fred is going to offer for sale a number of accounts and notes nearly out of date. Don't be disgraced. -Laid down in Cape Town, the hay pnrchased in Canada by the Brit- ish government will cost $50 per ton. .. For cheap and stylish millinery, call at Mrs. '!•urchison's. Old ladies' dress caps for Xmas presents. -Its about time to think of Christ- mas presents, as two weeks from next Monday will be the holiday. -Gent's overshoes from the finest jersey cloth to the heaviest goods in the market. -W. S. Grenache. -All Township clerks are request- ed to meet at Galt on Dec. 12th to secure by co-operation, effective cattle guards on the railroads. Luo1qoW. ONE PRICE OASII STORE. -Just received a large stock of nice fresh oranges, lemons, figa, dates and '^- peels of all kinds, suitable for Xmas -The war with the Boers was the trade at T. Reids. topic of conversation a few evenings ago in a country store not far from -Military men are of the opinion Durham when an old lady who was a that a second contingent will in the little behind in current literature re- Dear future be sent from Uanada to marked: -"War -3 is awful fighters. South Africa. We had two last summer and they fit --In Clothing we are offering some and fit till I thought they'd kill each extra value for December. Men's D. other. I pity anybody who has to B. Suits worth $10.00 for $8.50 ought fight with Boars." Theicrowd applaud- to catch the eye of the man who wishes ed. to save $1,50. W. Connell. Chrissigat regt# The selection of a Christmas Gift will engage the attention of most of us for the next few weeks. We will want it ap- propriate, beautiful, useful, durable, thoroughly good of its kind, not too expensive, per- haps something that the entire family can enjoy as well as the favored person. BOOKS -May be thought of in this connection. We have Children's toy books, colored and in linen, Christmas An- nuals, Bibles, Poets,Gift books for bons and girls, Books of Adventure. A vet y nice range of Holiday Books, Standard cloth bound works of Fiction at 25 cents each. The advent of long nights and cold weather will suggest indoor pastimes. We have them all kinds and colors of Card and Board Games from 5 cents up. Sterescopic Views, $5.00 per hundred. Pocket Dictionery, 5 cents each. Tho Old Reliable Station /f $ Jewellers Store •ssiroltiscon L-UCKNOW S S NO. 7, KINLOSS. The following is the report of the school for the month of November. 4th Class. --Excellent, B. Mackenzie Good -W. J. Irwin, J. MacDonald, A. MacLeod, I. (liquor. Sr. III. Class. -Excellent -E. Coon ; Good - W. Cook, D. MacLennan, H. MacLeod. Jr. III Class -Excellent -A. Barr, L. Irwin, 0. Nicholson, A. Fisher. 2nd. Class -Excellent -E., Irwin, L. Beaton,J. Barbour, A. Fraser, B. Bea- ton. Part II. Glass. -Excellent -O, MacDonald, G. MacLeod, Donald Man - Kenzie, It. Fisher. First Class, -R. Fisher, B. Graham, R. Barbour. Number on Roll 56. Average at- tendance 45. T. K. MacNabb, Towbar. t • or sw like ld id re, Es +, ii • r. L. 14 4 ld sr . • ,b !a, a fain lid to eplies iuntry Ro. 2. p wife years , the see arae call. oar d we Our nod are and R4 I 1