HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-01, Page 8r, 0 et 11` kt ..c In tb tiles dies tory ro sox more ad t • 40.0".10111.0110410111111*•447 T. easy -•`:ice.: �+ ' - A STRANG EPITAPH • Found on a gravestone in a village churchyard in Sussex, England, reads :-"It •--as a cough as carried her off; it was a coffin they car- ried her off in." Now had the virtues of our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil been known and the preparation used in this case, that epitaph might never have beet written. Lt is well known that Cod Liver Oil is unequalled in the treatment of all affections of the throat and lungs, and Lochead's Emulsion is a preparation of Cod Liver 0'1::: its most palatable and agreeable form, easily taken by the most delicate persons. It contains a larger percentage of pare Norwegian Cod Liver Oil than most of the largely advertised preparatio s. Large bottles 50c; small 25 . 1 MADE BY ALEX. C. LO0HEAUD. OHEh61ST & ORUGGI3T, MlD16AL NALL LUCKNOW PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAN D Met at Wingharn, Nov. 21st, ,1899, Rev. John 11084, moderator pro tern. Rev. F. 4.. McLennan. clerk pro tem. This Presbytery recommended that the moderators of thAeneral Assein ly be elected in future by a committee of the es -moderators, and that increas- ed powers he vested in Synods. Messrs. tilaleotui, Anderson and MacKay were appointed a committee to prepare a deliverance on the III el u- ual, `'Aids to Social Worship." Resignation of R •v. 1) Forrest w accepted to take ed'e .t un the !sat Sa bath of Deeetnber.' A resolution pressive of iespect fur Mr. Forrest an appreciation of his estimable eh.•racter and faithful work was unanimously c,rried. Rev. D. B. MacRae was appointed ti) declare the charge ..f Walton vacant on the first Sabbath f January and to act as moderator of Session during the vacancy. Iles-Irs. MacKay a+1d MacLennan were ap- pointed audtters. Four week's supply •_it the vacancies is asked from the committee on distribution of probation- ers for next quarter. Convention of Young People's Societies is postponed till M%y. Call from Whiteehurch and I•angside to Rev. John Burnett, B.A., of heady, was sustained. 'Stipend, $750.00; four weeks holidays' in each year allowed. On motion of Mr. MacKay and Mr. Malcolm, it was unanimously carried that this Presbytery endorse the recommendation of the Prisoners Aid Association that the general hospitals of this province be utilized for the treatment of paupers inebriates and instruct the clerk to send a copy of this resolution to the Provincial Sec- retary An important conference on special evangelistic services were held. Next meeting of Presbytery will be held at Wingham January 16, 1900,at 10 a,m. JOHN MAcN.ttsn, Clerk. Lucknow, Nov. 25th, 1899. THE LATEST WAR NEWS Special to the Sentinel : Montreal, Nov. 29th The Allan steamer ''Sardinian,' with the Canadian contingent on board has arrived at Cape Town. London, Nov. 29th. Gen. Methuen has defeated the whole Boer force at Modder river. The battle commenced yesterday at 5:30 a.m. The enemy was strongly intrenched and concealed. The action started with artillery firing. The Boers were 5000 strong with 6 guns. After fighting 10 hours with- out food or water in a burning sun our troops foroed the enemy from their position. Gen. Pole Carew has cros- sed the river with a small British force. Gen, Methuen describes the fight as "one of the hardest and most trying in the annals of the British army" and praises all engaged in it. Mies Cooke's Entertainment Sarnia Observer, Nov. 13th '99. — In the evening the largest crowd ever seen in the queen Street church gath- ered. It was simply a jam, Every available place where a chair could be placeed was used to seat the crowd and still many were turned away The reading of "The Living Sacrifice," by Miss Myrtle Tellessen Cooke, et Chicago, was beyond all praise. The rendition took nearly half an hoar, during the whole time she held her audience spell bound. She is certainly a most cultured and gifted elocution- ist l'Iiis Cooke will 1►e in the Town Hall, Lucknow, under the ausdices of the I. 0. G. T , on Friday evening, December 8th, LOCAL rrEivrs. — Horse -trading is all the "push"in the village at present. —The Manitoba Proyincial election will take place on Dec. 7th. — Dr. Stevenson of London, gave us a pleasant call on Friday last. —Mr. George :McIntosh, of Etnbro, is visiting frielydi in Lucknow. —Mr. Wellington Davison, of Dun gannon spent Sunday in town. —Mr Alf Sedastian, of Wingham, was in town on Thursday last, —Mr William dandy of Winnipeg, is visiting at his home in this village. —The Bruce Council will meet in Walkerton on the 12th of Deceinl r. —New subscribers are added each week to the Sentinell's growing —Mr. Angus Oameron of Oak Ltke, Manitoba, is visiting friends in Luck - now. —A special purchase of men's kid gloves now selling at R. D. Cameron's at 50c. —Messrs John Taugher and Will Cousins, of Teeswater were in town on. Tuesday. — The Conservatives of Centre Bruce will hold a meeting to -day, (Thursday.) — Inspector Campbell, of Kincar- dine, -.sited the Lucknow school last week. —The highest price in cash paid for hides and tallow at °the Lucknow Tannery. —The Huron County County Cou- ncil will meet in Goderich, on Tuesday December 5th. —The highr t price paid for sheep skins and taltiwv =.f tlit' 141..ku ,w Tannery. —The. 11trrit'.i.a t•;t•etions will take, place on Dec. 7 h, the nf.rtsinations,. one week earli. r. —A sl'1Arltit}' co.►11 skin- wtitlte t for t.ntmi p iel, ►iii: at the Lucknow Tannery. —Mr. and M r3 Robert Stewart of Kingarf gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday. — Mr. and Mrs McDougall los t their house, store and contests by fire in September. ' -t-Messrs.Will C rnpf.ell, and Arch ie Harrigan, of Kincardine were in town on Monday. — See R. U. Cameron's "ad" this week and embrace the opportunity of buying goods cheap. --Mr. H. Cargill, M. P. for East Bruce, subscribed i~500 to the Presby- terian Century fund. —Dr. Walsh of Chicago and M is Walsh, of Belgrave, spent Sunday at Fair View Farm. — Say Boys ! It is time you paid for those suits. They must be nearly worn out, Fred Grundy. — A large number of our young people attended the tea -meeting hold at Olivet on Monday last. — R. D. Cameron is selling an ex- cellent Japan tea at 25c. which has an extra fine flavor and quality. —Fred is going to offer for sale a number of accounts and notes nearly out of date. Don't be disgraced, • — Mr. A, McCallum, of Paisley, has been appointed County Judge of the new district of Manitoulin Island. —Mr. Harry McQuillan during the past week, has shipped three c,tr-loads of turkeys from Lucknow to Torc,nto. — Hilda Blake, found guilty of the murder of Mrs. Jno Lane, of Brandon, has been sentenced to hang on Dec 27th — Farmers should be well prepared for winter, and have no outside fall work undone, the weather has been so mild' — Mr. Ab. McKay, who has spent some three months in Pilot Mound, Manitoba, has returned home for the winter. —Fred Grundy is highly pleased with the amount of goods sold during the past two weeks. Same prices will continue. —The municipal nominations this year will be held on Friday, Dec. 22nd the last Monday of the year being Christmas. —Jack Currie, the jockey, died of Consumption at Buffalo the other day. The body was brought to Wi ogbanl for burial. - —The oldest inhabitant who proph. isied an early winter is evidently a long way off so far as this season is conserned. —Mr. John McIntyre, travellbr fur Mr. William Allin, returned on Tues- day last from a three months trip to Manitoba. —Miss T. Katherine MacNabh has been engaged t3 teach in S. S. No. 7 Kinloms for the ensuing year with an advance of salery. — Strayed to the premises of Ceasar Perdue, lot 62, Lucknow, on the 16th of November, 1 heifer and 1 steer both rising two years. —The crossings on the main street would be the better of a cleaning off each day now that the fall mud here to stay until it freezes up. —Herbert Petty, who was art F'sted in Detroit on t charge of Irwin?, stolen a horse and ouggy at Walkerton, was taken from Seowich jail to Walkerton Monday. ----Mr Jas. Moffat, of Culross, hue sold his fau.ous r:tullioll, Uleu.er, to Jno Gentles of Kincardine, front wlloru he originally purchased hire. —James- O'lt nuke, of Tees.vatei, joined the Irish Puhiliers and veal t:hot while r;t inning the llo.gh is of Dun'ioe. 1 le now lies in a South Africa i grit. we. —Mr. Richard Treleavt n, of 1) in- gdnnon, who has t,t•enl beriou-ly i 1 fur some- time is much improved a ul paid a visit to his Lucknow friends itt Wvdue.;thy. —Mr. A, W. Wihon, of Chic ►;iu, who has been 11 )ane attending the fun- eral of his f ither, returned to that city on Tuesday last accompanied hi► his ruothr•r. --T11 Mil ha Ay Gazette says—The Bogs have `inany sympatizer:i in Ali' ;- rmay, and we learn that Formula is also in favor of the 13,,ers and delight in their victories a • —The Rev. Mr. Wallis of London, epert a few hours in Lucknow, on Tuesday last, the guest of his old friend, the Rev. John Leoroyd, at the Methodist parsonage. —Mr. Arthur McDonald, of Wood- stock, who has just recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever, ar.d Mrs. McI)oualci, are visiting friends iu Lucknow and ‘ icinity, —January and October of the same years always be;in with the sane day. So • do April and Jtify, also Septerlltwr and I.) cew;)er. February March axed November also begin the yams Clay. —Hanover will hove its first muni- cipal election an New Years Pay. That part; of -the village • situated in the county of Grey is being. incor- porated and what, i� in 11rarit township i n rema� i Bruee. —The "Dog Si,ow" hold on 'Thurs- day and F'rid*y- evenings of last week, was very poorly atter _lel• as bot h nights: the weather wr ss unfavorable. The slogs Wire w-11 trained and per- for:nest very hard tricks including waltzing,. skipping, high jumping etc. The club swingin. was excellent. BERKSHIRE FOR 3E:1'110E n��•1, a 1..... ARE OFTN ACCUSE'. OF LYING INORDERTOMAKE ASALE... To gai., a present advantage by MISREPRESENTATION is a short sighted policy. The only safe course w pursue is to buy goods that you can TELL THE TRUTH about aead not injure business. This course we follow in making Men's fleeced underwear from $l a suit up to i:42.25 Men's reefers in goovl heavy frieze, $3 75 Heavy all wool pants e1.50 a pr. THE PURE 1I1U:l' ERKSHIRE boar .'A*hfie1d Prince," bred 1►y J. G. Snell of Sutlgrove will be kelt for serV ice at lot 1. 25, 1st con., township of Ituror: 7 EIIMS, $1. cash, Two sows: 81.75. 1'nvil. r c of return- iar if necessary, Two fine y oung sews fit for ',reeding for. s:►le. Alro a lot of choice timuthy seed -'or salt. at market prize. , L. E. LANE dr ct1Ng, P:0., Out. TEACHER WAN1 ED Teacher wanted for Schtivl, St•cti=in 1 4, West Wawanosh. holding a first or second c'ass certificate. State salery sntl expPrieni•e. Duties to commence .on the 3rd of .January, 1900. Applications received up to Decewb.:r., 16th. Personal application preffereii.' - W. C, WVEBB, Scc• Treasurer. St. Helens, .P. 0, 1 our purchases and customers will find that they can get :)s much fin a dollar in our store as they can by making a blind selection from a catalogue and taking the risk of not beiL g suited. We have "Tho Maple Loaf' Flannels " These are the best on the market. Checks And plain at 25c per yard. A line of D. B. Suits at $8.50 each, worth $10.00 Fur Furs we ask you to inspect the Stock• i r F \I; r 0 .,i. As this is the eaoii for LUOKNOW •0eso.e0i•••••••+•eo••s•e4 0004s•••H. •oo•wH 1> FtLANDVALE h,;, 1 - MANUF6C°,negro cag, O 14> 4.0• 00000A1 0 0004040040.000••0 We ask those in wane of these articles to call and examine our stock. You will not find us lacking in anything you ask for. To buy without seeing our stock is to lay yours,clf open to regrets after you do see or hear about what we can show you. • Just one look at our goods will convince you that they are the beat that can be got for the money. V6/41ACZ At the LUCKNOW SAW -MILL er•-I•••••••••' 1 i tri 11ARDWARE STORE All kinds of Logs wanted, including Hemlock, Elm, Basswood, Birch, Ash, Pine, Tamarack, and Cedar, for •which the highest prices in Gash will be paid, at the Milis, i Havelock ; Lucknow M1 s, street. JAS. LYONS, The Shiitc IC1Zl� Spffrk le If only shine an(f sparkle , were desired people could be satisfied with imitation of real thing's. But genuine qualities are wheat the people want, and that is why Armstrong's Rings are popular with those who are looking for the hest the Jewelers can 'Supply. Our Gift, :f tu:.tn:;ernerlt and Wed- ding Rings are as perfect as fine workmansh i l► c an make them. A!M!Tfbi THE JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Marriage biomes Issued LUCKNOW } �ittle.� •v 0000 04,44OOo404 WE have a 01i assorted, up-to-date stock of Bought direct from the manufacturers for nett cash Men's Woioii' zad Chid.reii's tine and heav9 $hop, 1ubbe and Overshoes. is. vett rare assortment of Chi1d.r' chool Be ts. Ordered work & repairing a specialty. -warranted not to rip. TERMS :- Cash or Oredit. A Liberal discount off for Oash. ■ 1391111031 Village Mwrket. The following. are the market quota- tions for this week Wheat, .......•. • 1oc to 64;,4;c to 56c Barley, to ' .35e c rc to 26c •-..1)c to 15c 1octo15c Turkey, per Ib...• .•.. is to icrgeese, << "••.... 5c to 5c Ducks, " 5c to GChickens Fer pair.....,.. 20cto 40c Hay per ton..•.....$5,50 to 86,00 Oats,.......Butter.•... IMED(CAL R. TENNANT, 1 .. , PHYSI61AN If Surgeon and Accoucher. Surgery over J. Ellioit's grocery store. l)fli a hours from 9 to 12 a•m.; froui 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7to9p.m, DWI), GORDON, M,D.. C.M., F.T. M.S., M.U.P.S.O.. Physician, Sur- geon, and Accouchcr. Upstairs ill Wm. Allin's new block. Residence Ross street, behind J. G, Murdoch & t'o's store. C: O. F. Go URT SIIEItWc OD, NO 50, LUCK - now. Meets eve+ry first and third Mon- day of every month in the Orange hail, Visiting brethren are cJrdially invited. G Ern. NORTHC'TE, C. R. D. D. YULit, All bcts LUC NO LOYAL ORANGE LO 4. { • • • 1 0. 428, HOLDS ITS RE monthly meetings in the Ora Campbell street, . Lucknow, ou th Duesday evening of each and every egree night on the second Tuesday following. All visiting brethren cord vited to the meeting*. T LAIC Hall, onth. vening ly ic- DAVID ABCUER, A. T. D sox, Secretary . lyi, 1.0. • F. L ui .a meets every Friday evening at R their hall, Campbell street. All cordially nvited. SCoTr2 P. A. MALI , ISobleGrand, ow No 112 lock 'n rethr. to ON, . corder .r