HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-12-01, Page 7r. , 'if. . 1�71 ­* I 00- I . of -16 , - f V -.1 . - � I V . 1; 4t. - I .. _T - - � - ., . �' IM __W�w - _r Ty�. � " __."(- _� _e . I 1- -v- 4, I W, .'� .1 ­ ­ - "aw . _,k'.., - 7" . , I . A x I ___ - � — _MW1 . 4 � - � .. - lz441 1 wrp_�'_ - 4-11%"" �_ �19 �_� ��. -A ? .w_ �t...!"-�.-�.i '..'__ -1 ., . _ . . 11 : 4- , _ , , � . . . . _.. I . . ,_ I I .`�-N . f � , - . - � *_,__­- _&_ - -.,;* I . . 11. . � 4 . . I 0^0" --a I � . � I . ___ I . dV*ff_ M�r-w - ­ __- ,.Nw - As - Ali� - __ __ ___ I I __ _____ IT" V1,7 -- ., -.._�-- !P � __ - , __ ___ '-"--,T- , , - --- __ - - - . __ - I - des"006-- I I . __i__ ,-. 7 I- . MAN _ I - _�_� , .."-..--1*,'W4*#,0_­_ --&4&.*.#-#._'.,-..- A I ­ � .�. — —lop . I --- - - -_ , - _V_ 070_� 1 __0,_ . . I . . . . , 1b - ­ . '. 16 "­­.". ,� .., . . . . - ._­.... ....... ­ ­ . --i.." -- , - . ---Ivql , , . I . � . . . I I . I � . . . I . . I . - . . � - . I - � - . . . � . � - - . - __ , - -­ - - � -.7--,-- 7 ----, .&_� - . __� . .. - — , � — - , - I .,- , . � I I . I r- ­ . - - I T1`,__ , � - __- . � .1 . 4 4 P. . , , A to .,,- If . - . I - , -1 �' - k ir- , - . , V � . �� - � --, - , - - , 1r, '_ � 1. - J - �' " 711�� " M I -0 - �-�. t 1# '"o I" , M7P '40" I %, PPI �. i., - - - 4 Z,; - 4 - 4w,� 1 � �- I _f I __1 64 *1 , - ­ -.6% - I r'r-_--, _- I 1� I � � -1 I � �; . '.. . .. -N :0 AW-; W. .- 7 .,�.,.i I ., # . , . . - �.. . .. 1. '. _!k.� �, . . . ­ _. 3.�, . � W ,__ i . 4 . * , . __ .� I � I - �� . __ , 4 � . I rAt - * . - - . I '' . �.4 .�_ _ I -1 I I ,� # I . I k& :01ft 11 - I I X )%.. � I � . ­_ . I - - - - __ - 1h Is- - - - - - - 0 --do -A.W.-SX00-961. -- ---- . ­ .........""..&,On - - - - ._____4W__ _ - __ - _W -Y - " - A . . t__ . . �140 __ __ ___ ___ __ A&— .40-.��-­­ - - -­- ­_­_­____. �_ - - - A - 11�0 - ' -1 .�� Ouilig"l- I - — -, - - % I I * . . . ­ � . . I %­ . 9 . - � . - * 1% . . . % I . . 6 0 V . I . t "" % . � I - � I I I � I . . . I . . I . k .1, I I . � I . . 49WMMMM� - — - I - - - - . - I - . . . . ; . I # I ;4 0 . -_ . - - . set forth secular Ideas, you are mis- The - Is to be the __ - ____ SUNDAY SCHOOL I . the peop'e should so soon lapse into One - - - � - I taken. printing press such gross s�ns. after another . 8WIMMUMM. 11 THE I. SERMiON OF THE FUTURE 0 "."o 40 * great. agency of gospel procla,matlon* It Is hightime that good men, instead of denouncing the proo, 3mploy it to . - of the dixect commands or :awis of God were broken. ft. had been but � IN81 Oil IHI W I T , INTER NATIONAL LE&ON ,%, (). X eighteen years since the great gath- I I ! (9 Z scatter forth the gospel of Jesus Christ. I erLng of the peop:e to bear the public . ------- Z- __ ___ __ _=_ . rMO vast majority or people In,oUr cit-- D.EC. 39 1899. rea dilng of the Scriptures, at which (Fitom Tiax 13AILLIF -) - I tea do not come to church, and nothing - t1me they p:aced themselves under . V 0 Talmage Says Coming Reli(riou' s Discourl-5e:s Must Be Brief - but the printed isermon can reach them, and 'call them to and l9e and Keeping t1le, Sabbatli.-.Ncli. 13: 15-'!2. covenant to keep the law, brLng -_ -_ I I . %, � .6 and b Full of a Living Christ —The Alode.l Sermon . * 0 1;1 pArdon peace and heaven. . . So I cannot understand the nentrous.. Time.—M C. 4'.-W)G. Place-,Jeriisa. Wm. tithes and observe the set ceremon- les of their re:'gion. Yet, at the fi,rst ' " Kirsty," said 1, Lw nicht aboot I is as e 0 ink 1 hawf t -ten, J t w wer th i i' 4 1 . I Was Delivered in 18 Minutes, * I X . 0 I- ness of some of my brethren of the' . ministry. When they see a newspaper Persons.—Nehemiah. Jews. Me,, of , � . Tyre. opportunity, they seemed. ready to- receive the evi.* that was walting for , boot oor bed—" KIrsty, lass, thim a I . I <1 . 0 0, , - 64 man coming in, th Alas, there is a reporter!" Every added Commentary. —(Rp.eid introlueti�on.) ' theLr we:com,e. Sabbath reform-. Nehemiah Boor war's gaun on, efter . a'. 6 . we in the nicht's Papers that the ;; ;4,��* "*^,s ^s4*00 14��- �^- ­'> *,s*�- * �%*^-*"O* ,,�** 48� <w* "t 00 -^v* 140- � $'4>0� ,reporter is 10,000, 50 000, 100,000 immortal souls Connecting -links. 11 Ezra 010- Si-ribe paved the for this by c.'ean8ing the Boor� ha -e bent LLn ultymatum tae . � . NVL'0111119toii, � . I I . I Nov. 26.—In thig tits- I I would say.' "Gool I � � for 'him." I would �e auditory. The time will I * come when all the village, town and I '"'M Pro bably dead,, for his successor, Z;tdok. is ni-elitionod. C , %apter Xiii. 13. .way tewp:e, driving Tobiah 4rom his feathered his . . I u's-" .0 I .. 66 a nitym,.ttum, Kandy Ve, . 11 whit'.9 . . course Dr. Talaniatre addresses all 1 � . a . V. - it is nrbt. likeiv t,h.-It th great. im . goods nest, and putt'ng . - . � 66 'Ilk? I ; sill @I "It. 0 * I I .! . . I AILLOer be sympathetic, like Pa 1, a . %; LJV an DY'LLP 1-13 VVIII I tf V1 VU U�;c L V * =FL-" out, arter 111-M. Taen e ca led for the Oi"Yb 1%�1VOL-y- I %0 VV %;.y VT 4F . . I . . I 11 I I Chris I, Ad n referred to could lut :f- matuni gar the war gang on?" .1 . . . -1 - ; . w6rikers'and descrilies w.�)at resuscitate him. That accident'is often gospel of Jesus Christ, and' serlmons vo &risc'n had'he Leviters, who had ,been. drl' , ._.. he thinks wil ' quoted - now in religio circles as a preached on the Sabbath will reverber- Wen in Jerumalem. After his (Je.,Lth, - - veri to se 114 - Kinsty," said I " ive like 4 1 . 1 4. . I . F be the mode.s of preach- � 's boe f, e support, and put them again In their Aweel, I . I � �� � ,%varning against Intle in chumh. ate all arQund the world, and. some by and during .Neliemiah - a nc 1,,'tl1 1 _ � � Ing the gosp4ei somno e thib. Suppose Isauchle Robiwin all' L � I - . IM in- the future... Text: Ro- ' sacred offices and prepared fdr the . . � � . . A mans x.',,;., 7, 1 It is Just as 'much a warning to - min- type' and -some by voice, -all h4tio-ris olq"*Ulg ,Cnemies ;who had bm-il Iii. worship & the temp:e. Then, lest no me m,L'i tae quarrel, no, tae SaY that - . .. I I * Or ininistry, let us wall. ; Istens against prolixity. Euty.chuis was will be evangelized. lenced by Nehemtall took cOu rag ' we wull, ye ken, Kirsty, but ji8t 1. . ' � . on our IIL 11 isit.ring." . _,e time shou'd be given for prepara- 4P . I I . 4 The practical bearing of this is upon � wrong in his somnolence, but Paul .. and opened the flocx1gatai of evil, t.1011 of the _,11`4 b bath, Nehemiah ordered RUPPOW" we wis, an' Lauellie cam' # . 4 . . I N%'hilv I %%a sealed on* the. plazza ot made a mistake when he kept on until th(me wbo aiv, engaged In Christian so that a deluge of sin rushed in. up tae the hoose here an' sterted A hotel at' L - 1r4 t' I the city gates c'.osed a little earlier - M I In' On, Ky., one sumni,.!ir midnight. .o!He ought to have stopped work. not only -upon theological *stud- As a natural consoquence criuiesand tae mak a noioe. an' I wiR tae say I . *Ven.n,-,,, a tre tlenian asked me,,�-What at eleven o'clock and there would.have ents and ;vwng zpinistets,..but upon all 14 I ft than usual. He would ifi-ake it harder - . � � . ___ . . do yuu think f tile coming, serMoni_?" been -no accidtint. If Paul mi -ht have 'who-i4vacAl Z.120 -gospel and all who ex- .8ing .'increased rapidly. - soreLlry. to disobey God, and thus hope to tae Lauchic, GLauchie Robison, I'll , . % I Butyposed'h was *ask"ng me in*. regai,J I 0 " * . . 11dultery, false swearhi(r, Oppres..-don, gie ye five meenits tne clear oot. . I . ­ I . gone on to too great length, let all hort in aw - 4uid all,of you If YOU' I i"' Vurn their attent',on to re*iigion. .Sur- . I I � sha(- to sunie new !.5"Ourse,of Dr. Cumming, - those .of us who are now preaching the are . doling your duty.' Vo you, exhort in clienating the widow. .and futlwriess; cess d(;d not com�a' at once, nor- with- tin' if ye don't dae it I'll pit ye : of London, rho so,-Iletimes Ac,h a' . I . . ' � v -pl*a. ed gospel 'remember that there is a limit pr*yer 'ipectIngs ? * Be shortand spirit- but. ef;peciftily was there a ret"I'll tO olit soj*e emphatle. measures. If the oot'-that wad be a ultymatum tHe ,,, i . I Cr U 911 startAng sernions, ' . 6� I I - Z5 ft and' I rep"ied. "I t - tile CuMtOw � Qf Mixed, Marl-Ligeg., ' . 11 -1 - I reli.glous discourse, or ought to be, 'ed. . DO you teach 'in Bible class. , peop.e would recall the fiarmness of Lauchie." ' � I have nu, seen Alt." ]But I foundAout af- - 0 Eliashib's own grandoon,� M; I , I,. I 8 sp,h, I per � and that in our time we have no apos- Though Yoo'b'ive.td studr-every' night, - Nehemiah in his former, dea * ings wLth I "An' suppose Lauchic didaa gang, . . . � terward that te meam-to ask what*I.. . 4,rried the daughter of " . � .1 thought %%-uu be� the' ehiaraet'er*s�lcs o -tolic -,power of mixacles. Mapoli6on In be Interestirig. Do you 'accost people ..Ill, �kiilballat heathen enemles, they m*,Agbt we'. 1 con- ' Sandy ? i $1.2, , , " , f. an address -of seven ininutes thHlled on the subject of .religion In thei.r homes of * Samaria. Chapter xiii. '28. Otilerjs c:ud . be I "'Wee], I wad pit him 00t." I 4 the eom;ii- s� ' ' e that no trifling would now , I - r d. 'the ,,IS , : , . I t I -N rmun.of th- wo I . . ' . .army and thiilled Europe. Christ's or In _ublic plAces? St4di adroitness not only married heathen wivev, but " You P;t oot Lauchie .Robison. . . 1. 4 . � sellinons of th 1. 1;.;zt�r-2-, t'ie word "Cum- � ' , * p . . � - to:erated. It Was� busLness, and righte- ! # . � � _5 . . 'Glashan? You pit oot yon . f I . s3rmon­on,,the mount, the .n-iodpl ser- and common sense. , . I � � Put away -their true *JewLsli wives Sandy M ' ming" ass a .n*@Ll11 PrO.'10tIlleed ti3e sam.e, I - ous busImess. It was for God and for .# . - � as the word cuataia.,., as an a d i -E� e E..%, e i . � I' mon, was les:% than, eighteen minutes A. dying - hristian took out hIS wateb' to do it. Than was ackW the sin of the good of His peop:e. All their form- big. heavy man ? Nat na, that'll no' ., . - . . 4 �_V - i � : I -, - . . . . ave sa I . I -0 . -"regted to . `$In . . ' a I is not electricity scattered all overi'the" .that witch.,_* I have no More use. for it. ; t - - . I . long, at ordinitry mode. of delivery, - It and ig I to a, f rien4 and ' id: "Tftke - b bath-brea, king." dae. Ye'll ueod tae explain it solne . 9 Rut iily�- inis, ke. SLI me � 4. F � . . f --U er Wstory had shown that no man . . . Very izllpor�' . 15. In those days -Upon 11 9 return prospers who fLghts; against God. Ither wey. I ance .saw Lauchie I I ! . L an%i. praeLiCII .theme, I'sky tki 't .strlkeg, but efectricity-gath- Time 19 -tat an -end for me, knd eternity to j0ru6,,.Ll0m,.aj1d wjlile I - - � I V ,,, "The Com: ns ermon." . - 4 � 10 was ell- . belp,Ln' a poliEman in u fecht. an' - .9 , d- �� . . �r * ei�eLl into.a thunderbolt and hurled, and - begin.§.'.' Oh, my fiiends, ., when our - ' a . � � . .. .Before th.e. rprid - is converted the it is ' ' gaged in ni-tking the reforms .-above NEWER SET*F00T ON SIIOI?E. I'm feart, Sandy, lie wad lauch at . .. I I , k . - not,religious truth scattered over watch has ticked away for us the. last - ' . . .� . ...., , style� of rellgi us dise6urse will have Lo and spread- out oV . er a vast., reac * nwiltioned. 111' Judah-Tll(,� land of 1, you... � I I . . ft of moment and our clock- haA struck for . 4-.* , be converLe-1. Yea migaL as well go in- * * the Jews, where God's Ia.w t;h 66 Never yt�u heM. Kirsty, that's & -, . -eligious truth projected in' -ps ,the last hour,!'may it b6 found we - M � � - to Cle .1116de Sedan or Getiysbur,,,; I %ime, 'but i - otild Stran,re Fear and Pena iiee of at Sailor ' ' I . 1.� I - ' compact 'for'i ,that. flashes light upon did our work .well, that we did . AVho Killed His Brother. ultymatum; an it's a gey guid ex- .. � I I . . n * it in 1ULvC, been most oacred. Tlib -1";e I . , " With buws an, arro-.%'s, llnst�ad of rMLS ,_ ul. and rives its indifference. - the very best 'way, and,whether - ,11A'd become so bold tuat ' E . #,L _ . and baintshe s.'and parxs- ut artillery- the so I we . . 110 effort plaiia.shun I've gien ye. r.ven gin . - . . 'HE V be made to co e I The tragedy of a lifetime vrftrj Lauchie coould bate me, it ma kA tiae L.. AS to eX]PPecL a . cunquer.,this world fo;.I. When 'the religious discourse -.of the preached the gospel In - public, -or taught 'emed 0 n ea their � I .-arrives- in this land and in- Sabbatfi classes' ' or ''adihinistereo , bbath-brc-aking. Tread differens. Suppose t , t Lauchie's the L L . ' . future ' to ' Sa borne silently from this port on the . 0 . . I 9 � 4 I 'fig wine " . - .. . � God by the Id stt.yles of exhuri.a.411k)II � the .Christian church,-. the iliscourse th,0 sick as physicians.. or bargained as presses.' These were large. v'atv, broad Atlantic oil tile' Americ'n 811il) BritLsh enemy, an' I'm the Boor Gov - . - I - and .serniono L -Y. Jonathan 'E d,vvards I which , is to arouse the I world and - merchants, 'or pleaded the law as at- about a I I . ' .1 ... .. . . d ' .the-i'sernion, most adapted Lo.i startle the -nations and usher in the torney-s. or ,were. -b . usy as artisans or el;�ht feet .aqtULM. and (Aver a E. B. Sutto,n, which sailed for San ernment, un' - I tell Lauchie, tae . . atr,! * , I fcy,)t -deep. Lnto -wli,ich grape -.4 ' w clear out, or I'll Pit ilLni oot, an' - # Lhe Z-31 in w�;.ch he lived, but if Ches', ' ere Francisco yesterday. Among lier %W . ' * L; ' kiii.-doni, i't will be a brief .-disco u r.pe. husbandmen or as mechanics, or were, tirrown and trodden. by feet of men, crew of twenty-four is one man, Wal. - �. l qermotis wer,e preached now they would " � ' . 1a uchie dimia gang; whit hap- . - all like Mar a meal to -and � the juice f I * . . . . - . divide an, aa4ience !knto'two ciasses- I flear,it, all theological students, t,ha,. called to give ` owed in i,o a lowor ter Dunbar, a foremost hand, on Pens T' I � '11" ye Men and ,women who in Sabbath a hungry Christ, or like Hannah, 'to I " . . . - � .. those sound aisiccp, and. thus%-. wan"L 45 choo)s and -other departmonts are make a co'at for a prophet, or like-DeT.- 'sma[Wr vat. On the SAbbath-A di. whom has descended the hallucina. "Oh. I supp000 ye wad. turn tae me - � . . - to gu "loilic. i . . � s * n . ILno .. I . - , � I . tol.ling for Christ and the salvation of borah, to rouse -the.courage of some ,"t viOlatiO Of the ancient lai+ tion which ha*s embittered his entire say, 'Kirsty, rin doon tae tht vor- But there is *a discourse of the future. , . * * I . (F X. X'C. 8 d ner aw toell thae twa polL=,lu tao - -. . . . . � I I - -11), as well as of the re. existence. He coufidently believes . . � Watho ,will preAch iL 1, have nu idta. In . immortuls-brevity, brevity. timid .8ar,ak ,In-, the Lord4k conflict, we : � . . I I . .. , ' ' I C*nt covenant ihade by the peoDle. p for a meen it.' " . I . I But, I , reinark also that the -re.1191 . did our work in -such a way that It will, .1 that to satisfy tile wrath of an of. COMC' u % . w h.L L vart of �he earth A.will be born 1. ng t In she . "An' suppo�oe It wLs a lonely coult- 4 :deu. , In wli�eh deao . nunaLion , aus, ;discourse of ' the - .. future of stand the *test of � the judg 'erit! And --Hurlbut. Bringi aves-In fended Deity it W h1s destiny to . . � � � . I . * m ' e(I thea -east farmers live in- try hooto_- we were bidin' in, an' no' . & W-hilch I speak will'be a popUlar dis- in'the long p1rocession of, the 'tedeem . .. villages commit murder and that it will ll� � . . . - of Chr.'st-ans t wi'l be-de'.,Avered.l caa-1,coursr�,. There are those' In thes,_� that - ma`rch aroun'd the. throne biaY `It.� afl(l t()WIL's, an(] 90 f0rtl1ft0,6uiti- hig best and dearest lo, . . . . not gut -ss. 1' -at d.s�:uursa -of ex'hor,,a- : 1-1 , ved ones w,110 a po 1*iji=n or a noebor near haun . . I - ak Of a ar sernion* r' . to the eurr6undirx,r cuu'ntry. * it will fall by his unwilling hand. -whit Mum. Kirsty !" I . . . -i, ry - times that spe. popul. be. found that there are ma.n,y ., the e. I .t . I I . Mn in _t y be ...... en in Lite -coui . - m( -L1..- - as ' th(.)u--h ti,.ete mus't be so ' . ' I % . . - . . Ing huuse uh i ie banks of the Sz. La"w- .L4 I Me- brought -to - God throl[igh.,0U.r . lnst.ru-' is dot unusual for . thoju to bring A pathetic romance is embodied in "Weel. I e3cim' me. an' -you w" need #I � . . ' 'thing. wrun- about it, As these ill e�n t * . . .. ren,:e or the Ort2­un ol- the-01-vio or Zile M. n ality, and In whbse ,rescue. we their lutrvest home to thresh it. the life- ol this now humble sailor� tae try an' lAt. Lauchi,� (X)t; buto , a 8 I . ' The . critics are (lull theniselves, the world- (-Xult.. hp'ut Iet none- 46f'u who'are still fal ir gra.in " into . 11 ' * i - . Toiub.',,,-b,_e ur the-A',abaina. The per- gets the iffipresslion -that-a sermon Is' ineris brouglit thei' Once lie Committed murder, presum- MY fegsv .'6z,cLndy, it's no' pio"ible." . i . ' . unsaved -,%valt for that religious . . 80n W;10 84�lil.71 kleiiVer *A'nLXY this Inc)- -_ - . dis- JeruH;tic,m ' 'I Of -f-liewiah ably in self-defence, but in restitu. ; ' "Awoel, Kirsty, that's jibt thepint. � . I . 'goLod jii proportion . as It is Etupid. .course �f the future. -It May come - t(.) , at' the timc .-N I I I' . I ment be in a c;-ttd'e ii0lote.r ,Lhe Waalib%v " . .. swure it fmu, robbc-rs, tll(� tion behas known no hoine allij no I'm the Transvaal Boor%, an' yuu're I . . " , . , � Chri't 'w.ds the inost popular preae.ner ay,come after . . . of L411" sievra .Neva' das, or In a _Xew*.�, , S . after our obsequies. It m. . i country being ill �Lli uzweit-led-condi. country. Ile has been a miserable the Froe -State Boors. an' Lauctile'ti - I .. the worlid evt-i- sau'. ,and, cons'Rierin;, the stonectifter,has ctliseled-our na ' ' I . , , En-riand faiar houslA or' a'Mid .t tie, ri .-e . ." me I the British ene-my. AVe try Uao pit . . 1� �. .. tfre-� S'nkall number ot the world's pop- .tion-----:Th"np@o,n- There' anderer over every isea andstranger � -, , I - . . . fieil-4s Of gvatiler.ri .4U%,U,11Ja8, 01'. .1 Is 1110- . . Cr ' on the sldb 5.6.ye:�irs_. before.-. Do not was aif - ox- w -h4e - . mt:at thure ih y be sow.v yuung Man Ir"t I ulatl6n, had the'lar,,'i�st'a* udienre- ever , J?Mlss Command against.doing thison than all lie bears iipon his bodythat Lauk - oot, an' we eaniul dae iU . . ' Nvait -for a great - steamer pf the- Cun- but Lauchie gias ua isle a hammerin' . - I 'une,of ul�r,L. . ',,)­ica1 s_-;n�nUrles 1"i -_� gath,­k_.(!. -, lie n*ever pi-.ea'ehed any-!, ard-.- or White Star line. to'.take. you MWI Subbatli. Ex. XXxiv. 21. Lading which lie, calls the -mark of God." . LN Idn !I Z, . ' . .Off % I -ess 'of tile law for Captain .Carver shipped tile that we'ra glod tae cry aff. 'Diat*s . � . .. a , . .1 Nvbe,-e with�-,Ut,*nii��Inlg it frreat een..�,t- thC- Wreck. but'hall the first draft, with -as�c -Regardl out- . t. A, * . m i I , M junio.r."Ur . (L ,- .1 L- u,, s-,_.a.or c.a4i,. siial)- - I . . . . . i a- . . I tion. ., lluojr�le,'rushed , ouf in .*the wil � aailua!a. cast on a previous voyage of the E. like the swtuashun in 1,*ouUi Afrika. . ins .,t.hat wei on.. of power.. or * Wei'le . ,however. low' a mast -a'hd how,evi-,-r lk�ut- V. 14 ; Jer. xvii. -41. - . I I.. .. ... . . . . . . � 1. - . A .. I in"y be 'covii, sA;me new. 0.APL.81&1 Us'. ...1 . sm.all a hulk .and - lidwever poor -,a rud- ag r"QS � � 1. . . . . . . .. . � dorneqs t() hear Him, reckless ot thei ' r " ` . Wi'W, . gra" a ' nd figs -l -'or stor, ,e B. ','-_:utto1i to the west t H,n The war's gaun on. aIL' Chamberlin - - S(j' great . 1%, . . � . � .*I neces.51ties. . "�; dev, and hbwev J - and -Nalc- '- This requires' a I largo nded k;trictly - '11 see It, taA, a - f eenislL " khe llub'y- CU; i I L' an t..e. chutc:ies so I physi4, , er wealc a'capta,ih., Bet' was a good sailor, atL� I I I . ', 0 1 t.hel-r anxiety to bear Christ that tak- ' ' - * ' I "Is that Mr. 1Mcol o' the Munc*ct- - . . I that, suniti & XV,hu'llow S"and 'All Cl -e 4 �, - ter a.disabled scho,oner-.0a:i comes. up workaig form, a' to his work, was thoroughly amena- 'I , * I . . . 1 n -I.- h o fuod with' therri, they woulid ill ti ' ' - ' ' .. nd -tempted tho Pc%, P1. e and was regarded as pal BdIdin's ye'rertalkiu' o' noo. -San�- 66 n �10 . 'full -:rIgged brig that �' 'e * 10 buy. and trade- on tile Sa.b.. I . -aEch LokV er 0� Z:, *�wak'a � L0, a , me Main a ble to disciplin , I . %% , !I I . o n.,, . I have. f.iint . eld an I d starved .. h --d . not corne§ up'after you h- . I a pearl dy?" says Kirsty. * . - . . - rea.isa:.un of �our* 16.-%-s�nt ineffic.eney, i ChrA;*-3t-perf6rm'vd',a Mira6,'e, and fed, ave sunk. - - btLth--P`e10111X`t- I testified against of the first water in tlle*;e I * - -4 may preak-h i -A aui-seives. - That comm -115,1 - - Insu-ad'of .waiting tok that.religious ,thtql1_Gav_0 them,the teistiwouy latter days of kiallormen's independ- � "I aye thoebt lit- wLs- a kin' o' law%- , . ' � . . . them. A"hy did- *o inany people take dis, * - (;0,a -M . - of, . . I * I ' . . . nd l"A I's hands" lie-au!s . e course.of 1. . - . . - dis%:uu,, se way nit*be 50.years off. A, L s: . I ifie, future (it mdy be 40, Word . ence. - .-Yer. an' no' a fc-WhUi' u=n.' b. "ay (_ ; . . I . I -ay, ake this plain Invitation � , I ' B0 y c s. 6M. ,. t. L . VS.. There dwelt men'of Tyre -De- . trai .. "Tits. tito, wuninian, ft's no' the . . lot us In od thAt -i�s"arrival Iliay � the tri , a' Chri agaimt - it. k . I they -all pnderssibod it. Re' illustrated . . Runbar was considered a s ime I . 1. I .A)e hast.,--ned )6-h.'Ie I annuunce w y0a I his subqect by., a tie n 'and her'chlokuens. of a fi,an who to.have given you �pirit- -Vot.. A to Commerce, they luad Jormed ere I w on the A &!02uk1X aboot . 1� . I ; I man 'by the ship's 'Toon Chamberlin Pin I 0 wha.�- I Laink: w. -*.'1 -be the ea�ef L:,111aM1-­ iial ey�slkht - -%yoUld. be g1 a*d to -be ica''lled a . . . I by a bushel me"A'sure, by 'a �ha'-ndful -of ,little settle ' homeward voyage. '. but the Kolonlal !�aikreuiry, I I * I . ',,a� d1;s,-oars_-.or . - -of Christ put Ment in -Jude-i, lu'r tAle iiaio , ' ' . . tcr�sL*,s ut .t. . the spittle by the`.hand - -of their mereliandib ' fish Matister Jc*icph Chamberlin. He's tile � .... . ex""s 'r. I s-04', by a-:]�Ird's flight, 'and by �i Ally!:; - . I I . nd yet lie would Dever be left alone. , . L..L)xi wh;L�n:," -_)�._s ari" Ll 1, wa;IL , , , . I 'the eyes 'of a blind,.man and who et . IN .. 1. I %, u, an #' -arntna. - All t'lle, people knew what. Hot on. I . - and.- other " ' a . . . . ' I - things. . He was ,regarded, alike with fear heed buirn ,er In a' this k;tramash. an I . . to niake my -vla­rki approj),.-Aiate ana ; w0luld comkider the highest compliment - � . ... . . . i 4 . ,� me'ant, and they flo(*ed to Him. And . _ I I . and euiriosity. On his back, bpAween he'll &_,nd oot enuch uwn tae dingt1w . � . . ­ su,-,.ges,..-.,e ?Iij ail classcs uf Car.!s.laii * of,this s'ervi& -if, at the close, 500 men. 17. 1 ,COntende,d with the iDoble.;_ . I . .6 .. �. I . . I when the * religious. discou�rse ,of th.6 . - - - .. , - ..: Boors tae kingdom (*me." I . I W01-fte I S. . i . . ."auld start from these doorb saying:_ Not the rulersof v. X1., but tile 111*91'er his shoulders, was a curious aiVmbol, . I � ful ­ ars. it will not be Prince- - * - I . . I - -- : .url, ..appe I � - * My hat ;or 4 Iang while, lukin' . . . First of -a'l, rt.mark that that f U t tn . " Mieth,.-r he, be* a sinner, or- no, I kn'Q,w clas apparently Jn ,the shape oi a Rowan � Kim � . . . & . � I tonian, not Rochesteriani not Ando- ' � . I ses gen.erally.-Lang'(1 ',\ehenha 11 cross, a nd its queer cojor varied In .1 I 0, � Z 'not. This one thing. I know -whereas -, With as (luiuk to undertake'to,rel"Lmy Intae the I ire. *11-�-Wy." #�,uys ishe reli­,011�3 dis': --se_-wH1-6._- full of a,l:,%,- -in. but, Oliv6tae., . I :. . . - . -, verian, not,,,. MiddletLoni, � - I ­ iv ye think .. . Ing t'hl-.14L .% 4,J;,,i"r4,l1St,4ne,LA7431i L�) dida,­ -que, C. a - �49 I was blind. now I st,e." thitf-flagrant'evil, a.4 llf-1, was4o per- ,tone with'the emotions OI the isilent at th6- libiner en'. -d . ' ' .. . ,. . - ' - rQ I . , � -P',ai.n. _Prpetleal un* r r 6 � t - c I e cani c a t 1', �,_ s. - A, d,'SCOUrse m � Swifter than shadows over the plain. ceiv man. It was an ob,iect of drmdand therP's 01I.VU11119 wo i killin' ane , A - , siv6, ot all ,th(--. -%voes, wants: e. it. Ile used 1118,0"ficiall authority. . I . . 4. . 'ba -Compr�ebcn�. 41 ' - - anither for iii* this South Afrikan � . I a haraly menLl - I ,g;nq . . autumnal , -1,entpeost I fall of Cltir.-sL * 1h a u,�,,' * * ' uicker than bijrds In their . of - superstition to lit@ messmates. , ' L. O'. - Y. _ ,. 'TheX,&--S&e(I tile fre-41test, . t i r -A . -and .,;o,rro%vs -of aii audi, . . I 1, I g is ri"4!1-, .a.-kl �i 6,;'.111un &-& I ivy I I ! ^- h t, hastier . than eagles to their f0 -0(l * fo Tbey prayed fervently that -the voy- i biginess T' __ . - . I . - iSL , I i when that exhortatibn or dt,.;- ' r their feafits and emeour.aged i ____ � ellIpLy Of C..11' �V " I �' , e i-.Ve.')' sameak!4� , ccgirse- doen co M*6 th!,fr�- will be, a thaui_. prey. hie you to a sympathetic Christ� breaking tlie Juw for the grit t ific.-Itioll age might terminate at New Yorkin Of course there is. wumman. It's . 1. . I '' ' . � is r e � eA 4. i,) n f'h:*s LA7ilL'_s. The wor-14 I The orchestras, -of heavc,n have.strung , � I . , sand glearliIng.scimeters' to charge on - . of their carnal apl)(Ititc.s.-Ilawlinson. safety. � . for freedotu we're fe,11tin'. an' it's . t - . . 0, 1'. , 41 I I , I ts -a 1..V 1 - �141i-17'*st, .noL a Ch r., -i - � 'in so nia-ny theologi�-al their instrumen. cel I .t r 1 in . I t. it. ,Ther'�� are ' . I 1. . . ts to ebrate your - This that Ye do -rhe Still the uncanny mark and the re- . I fre"e-lom we're gaun tae get.*' b. M T! - .* a furinal sys- i- . 1\� - - y were respoll- . . a� L L. hea,l 0, f . . � VV rescue. ,- � . . . e� I 11) - of "�' t; i e,o.,, ",-.",%, bii'_. a. C.'1, -.-S%-1 %%1110`1 se,mina'rles profeF,sors tellirt- . youfi�z I - HiblC In till"t they'1*1rniittet1�it._ , markable personality of I)uUbar were .A.gain Kimty sat iukin' iutae tile ' I men how to preaell, themsel-ves ' not, - . . . . I . I is. � .t,ray, no iniliedimen't; to the good iship E. B. fire, an' I isaw the watter bpginnin' . . Mt Arls pai*Uo". "--A S .11.,,at'hy j.nd -cLJ11*_ ' Md not your L'ithen.; thus? I . . And -many were the v o I IC es around' * . . . � � I knovo-Irig how. and* I dni Iold that if a F .- - . - fel '- -Ll � .1 . - . -sutton. Her Ion- run of 14,000 miles Aae come 'tae her een, an' her mou" . .,i -&-_j_ -n.;,j,J and L, an � Why . %%'here M . . . . N du...��ncc a.; . . i young. man'jn sonic of our theological . the tbrone. . ) wits Jerusalem destroyed '! 1 ' �. . . . a r4-,1 _ I ,,,,r . " _ . . rid tile nation been carried into up- I -she came i tae shake a woe -bit. . � hV._VL&1. 4 PU)I' llla-I'S. Christ . . was made in safety. When ' I . 't ) unarles says � anything (Iijaint or rtejoice, for. the. Lord brings back, 1-118', ha I . ,. . � �'. - fi r .4'a:, I ­ .. . . . - I _.. to 'hiladelphia to load during the I "-'�&iidy," says slie, "ye n1ind o' ma I r. . ni�, _., s- 4 . ..,.­. ._,verwurked man., -thrilling or -anique faculty and stu- , . own. ­ . . tivitY ? %VhY Were they now weak a'id I ' - . . . Ch is�, a 1A � In - _­hr:s*', ,;:4 farme-r .3 .. � ­ . - I . � � . poor and scattered ? I early days of July she still numbered brithier Tam wha' wis in the Gordon . I , I _" , - .-. - . . . .. .. � among her crew tile human mys. tleelan4ers at the Crimea, an' Jamie . 6- I I 4c, . 1� . '' I 'I d,,nts 'fly at'hiia and set him Xi --lit . ' q I - ja, - . d':; ,4 ,.,.! - . " ., - 3 ! 111%st,_ anr . . . . - 11 - I_: I � . , . - - -in to be dark- I Sab- .. ,I: .:s , a 19. Beg. � . I ' . is, . 1. and straighten him otit and sn"DO111 -1 ANX I E N T ARABIAN. WIK,LLS - I --heir - . Hennerson, an" Jo,-vk ftillq, an' Rob- . . � , ' - Chr * . -_ � bath' be -- previom . sa:.'s C1,; r. �: *, A:-, v --.-y ina-n-s * h'an (In wn �an(j chop h im. 11I - he gan, at'sun,%�t the tery. . � r I .�'-; . . .off'un.tl � r I - . r I . ','ha t s (- r -, - - �, i: ,_* _ -, � - h &)A* 4.a 1, 10 A, 0 f Ahe '. '' � C,ty Capt. Carver -knows Dunbar's story. bie Wul., ' ion. Fower o' the brawest an' , . . . IF e gates W()nld have been� lle','ti a waster mariner above t 4 . -fAys everything JuA. as eve'ry.body el Furnish Drink to the Thir'sty'.Trav- day. The ile kind . . .. - . f U: U re, V% ., i: �i � .. I I a'. vVI 4' 4, h men : rh' Ch -_� , ' ' - e:st-herted ladd;elR that over wore I �. I ' I as 9 - I wil,' but Neheiniali or- . I . . - 1(4, closed I t sundo . I . -4. I - ays -t.� :t)h,' when the future, reli-' . I . � .1 I - -ins.-. . , - ' ' " Throumh I)esert S.;Apds. -� the kilt. Ay, sirs -a -day, it wis a' very 1. .. Ur - I t h. - ---a tl;ja. c ...�-;:,-.-,.,.j:,sofJ.'�*t:s(" � � . elers, rM generaliiy of that clas8. He under - I . � . . I �; . . dls�:cur's.e of the Cli-Istlan ch reh ,ar- .1 . I I . dered them elosed,e'arf .whon . r - � - ,ss ?.h;��-V-�� n"i � I 6 , lA_ I .. I I - ' . . . . . . Jer, tho enio,- fine when they were at lianie, an' � , 0 - In ,hat ;.:i:n.., * -, 'I . , stands and appreciates human I , " - _: A, A lit i.;L,rtlil%ve�!-O'k'rii.,Ax.abia thero ju - a . shadows were. lentrthening,' th,,it t; I - a .% � .1 .. ' riveq a.11-1 the chu,ch ,5 o' Chr�,st in oiir . a."'.1t*3 su 4� 'n 't a i� r, :.- I I . - rl� L sz. nLcs ui ,% ... ff" ,,-. -- eomin' ta,e see their folks n(X) ail, 4 1!0 . i . ee- tion. Ife'ean l4rtinfly understani tile l � . . rt,ft t citlz§ wI1r.Vbe thro*.1-_:e.d! - - . L11 . " well c -f t I i e ptire.st'ivatier,- Oorpc-tual ularwork sitould not be� earried on tt) I CV - - . .- I u."Lu 1 1 L Out of v,�_I.�,,iay -life, f 01, �: I e 6"e, .* .3, .A. mather. with a &ad . i i-*utiinents w'hich agitate the strango. again. but when'the war brok-e oot. I . I -A's nor. dy:.r .- ., in its sul p!)-, thA lid --j" existcd Jvr . thP .1-18t allowable lnoment.-Vtal% till- ' I . - , . nu a.day wh a. s,,iin_ body I i .,; ,, rrI.s came to the -good SIV% -and 'ask- . '1 ly inarked'sailor wilio dareq not set an' they were ordeml awa' tae kill : � . I I I ' ' � . " , ...' ' '- _ a ge.s. The- Arabs� clilm it was -dug 4y 'r -on. A�fter- the 0 4 .� � ­ 11;1)'s cian, sav ,-. -i , . I Kabbath--N,xt morn- � � . . foi ozht- s- - - s .., - ' I n- " ' � ed to hn.vii'her, child "restored to. life. ' ' % ' * ' - lil,4 foot on shore lest lie fUlfil an aw'_ or be killed. it %%;A*s anither story. Fine : , _ . . . _ ' � . --er dug -it "ftP 'My'jiervant,j ful (le tiny. a v Wa m a tue, wi . .di1h.ther.'.'A'c *1,%�,,.-nt.by sacritleing..h'3, ' T h e M-ood- 1,41va' said to� her. -'!Yoti gr) tue early lslajidt��.-. Whoe� Ing,-.. .r tile .Sabbath- S � I'mind thp d. clim' 11, 0 - . . .. ' . . .1 , , ' . I . - girard, whom.he epultl a . *4 0%%A. lil--� aS Lib- Ah: -P, capla,�n g 0 I 1� .'-" and got a,handfu!' r, f ni L, s t -a r d see(l M u --'*t l"O'e eitXM:&_x4.grea't lab,or up,xt, . -r-His own body- ' . t . do. -n i% -..,'h hA, v --s,.!l %vh.-*1r_-.he Is 9' a hodse I --whic' . i t. i-,) r I ' toer' at t,rd9t. 4M bui Y6ars ago w -hen Dunbar had E0 a kin' o' whitZ- 4.,Lee. but a glenni in � I . . -a.. from', n h there' ha.q,b,?ep t i-4 five fec-t in diwouc- den-Thotiali thob gat(!s his e'e. Vie tell u.4 that his raiginxmit . I . a . .1. I Ix �, I . I . � . . . . I � . tir.�_. 11's pass .­.- ,s `v'o..zhe 1-i�-b,,' ' na sorrow �and in -whick'there - h as the top ai.d'gradttaliy enhLrges until. :' were closed against traffic., f(x)t pasfi- thought of the sea a,nd its rough life wis tne leave at anve for the Crimea. � I - ; `0_ ' �. it reache.; th I � lie and his brother quarreled. Blows , . I . . " as he fin-::na. � ....-. ii..,.ng in the bui., 1 ' e Wa*tk,-rj, at- a' delAh .uf, 1 engers were siJmItted through '01i. Tamaile.- cried ma mither. '01�, . - . V2 -to ? . I * i bpr-n no death n'nd. I *.%,Ill re� L 1*0 YOU7 till' were. *;truck tuid the latter fell. With . - . IEVP .inrs bu**.'dAiJQ,,Mr- ,I. ­,-- h -e is tak..-,g a -ch:.J ' ' I I � . . . _%-1. -ent out. .6 Aw all wieket if they earried.no bur- ,� .14 . . child to life." ; So the motber *,%x v6arly "100. feet. It 1i livied with liewn - kni, . out of trhe foL v:: -t sztkry winT)w;'as in ' " . � . .. I . hN la-st wonis lie Haid: I Tammie, say you'll� cWy at hame. or I t ., I . � -ent from.boviee to hojjE�� a, loat. . . . I den,*that MR -1, llq�pple .111iglit thus at- . ' . � . . I . . sunfner tht! J:;� .-:-,, sV,,%1i1Mt­ a-, .f.'a9z and sheiv., 'Id stoile Our011191 "(4od,ti curse is on you. I ,_1M .not I I'll break my heart.' '.%wty you'l I Ntey I ' - . . . ' ()Irevez thr) nin t i ble well tend worship- in t.he temIlle.-Ra"V11- the last of the family -who will di .... . -, - * ) . . Ra r ip f �.,a o:- 1, o: I-- - .':*.t n c a . o r k I a:) i- M a y I - f r o m home to ho ' me looking for - a I 11 emaxka . t haine. mither,' said Tam'. -Wad ye . , I I .. * , .,t, ---e �vhere th,,.�re had been no so"- i it t lie w6x:d-'1-; Joseph's well, -.�t Cairo, son. - . 6 ply ,a - . 11 , pl, � I i . % or takc, Geu: Q h.!M3C!f per,�Zhed whi..e 0 - J. .7 . . I . our hajid." .. . hae yer son a eooard n' a deserter ? - 1k � / . % I ' row an.d where there had been - no 'g -pt.. IV4 shaft wa.-4 y . . ". - tryi ,­ zo sav ­ the %drownin-a': as . the , - excn,vatcd . -, 20; Uerjehnnts lodg^d without -Not lic flung her airm. roon his neck an' M . C2 � dedth. but she found none. f;he. went I - Hat] Dunbar been a man of less re. ' -Sl I I ( one suainier, supporL_ I- through sol ld 'rock to a. del-fth of 165 believin.9 tit -it the conuntind woiild fined sensibilities lie might isabbit lang ftn' sair. 'Whit maun be, " ne%v;paper b,), , . ., ba v k to the good S1Va-"-n(l said: ­�Aly , - * * I I,..,vQ at. ` ' � . Mg i's ii,io,lht: tl�r s0niu yea- in MISSI-6n Is a failure. Yqu see, I feet, -at 'which A7� - e forced, they campeti qut- tached little importance to the dy- laddle. but God keep ye a'.' I -, I in . ;*.3, 11 IS A. I - I , pth it wa;4 enlaxgtA" be -strictly n - . . . varil mother, %Vhea..,f1ert,d by a --n ' I on 0116 Nid3 to fo(rm .-L chamber -in side the walls, Waiting for tile gates 111V; in,-Ln's Unpre,-ation. in youth, how. " They were a wa' in twa. days. I I ,�: - 1 haven't' brought the mustard sq,ed. I "v . I 'A! *,s to - get some. 9-),-C& . 11 tleir.l.n 50 -cc .k ran't find a. plac,% v. -here. there haq bef-n - the bottom of which a re-gervoir was - to be, opened 6n Sabbath morning as ever, he had beari an ideafist. With � gae'l doon tae see them aff. It wis ., . . rid � he got - i,,_'aad rushed UP 'in I nr) sorro' ntad-,� Immediately under the shaft. At usu 4. * . . papt -, a. . w and -no death." ."Oh!" says 0 a ,,.% mind in'ordinately develop�d, po.,3. a fine �ielit for the arool, I've Hae 1. - -f. * '. . . his ,''-,.x,ety tu dellver iL- aid was (!'rus.'i- thp -,e-ood . 111Tn*dersta,-,d. . ' bilo !4d,- of this rtasvrvoir anoMer i" -ty A . "' , ., " 1� will 1; III -Int ' IS'" y011 -7)r0- se hig a nervous ancJ`?high str'ung in. (!00t. tae ege a' the braw mou stridin' - . � -1 '" " . � . , ... ed u 1der the wheels of Lhe train an sorrows--a�e no worse, thAn* the' sor- MUM was �exrttvntcd tiLrough solid Peed to violent m!,,rtfoires: arrest and telle,.t, tl,OL,I& last iWuttered wor(lti alang, wi' sporrans glintia' an' tam- .1 ' . i -e. C2 . _ . *� lay -n .t'&'-Ae g�ass with on'y s�x ,1,v,th , Siva. you I .% rc)ws of others. 'N'%�e all have our- griefs roex to a, bed of, gra,vel, where watoew treat you als criminals.-Whe.don. Was dwelt forever In his mind. Ile felt eels dancin' ail' the ' baun 1)1:xykl' tunes .. - 4 enou,h 4,j�sa), **uh, what will bee)ni,-- ,and all have our* heartbreaks." -was fluund. T to lowe.r'shaft was; 130 Nehemiah. too (I ,P at at I * . , They tht that gart the folk gang nearly daft. I ' � 4 Vicari- ' I . . I sev r. ? I I ; of.M- poor s4k nloLher now'."' I .. _ aking the total depth .. Itiniself, indee'd, baaring the mark .of . , . ty . ::� I � . . fe-t d,,ep. m. . 095 forsake the, law praise tlip. wieked: *n, 'd is full of iz. Cain. So strong became the influence But for us that had tits o' corsel's - .0 us - a. er - Ale wor. Laugh,.' and the ,.vorld laughs with f -. The ur,par .-Alaf t wag rectangulars but such as keep . �, gineer . s i L. . . " -eat - the law eontend 11a, Lrnun awa' there, wis naethin' but sair . . - . �- A a e: ft (I m int: on a locornuz`,�(:.- . 630 * t t the mark. Indeed, appeared. - I - � in D,kdta: " 'e.mea ry,�em to be vom- . .You: &04X18 feet. '17110 linver .Aiaft ww 15x9 witit timm." Came no more,-Viee con- Faintly at first, but it soon glowed herts. An' the.n. day following day. .. . -If, . * . � _W,�,@p and you weep alone; . ,feet. IN'lrdirg around the -well a ,q)iral nived at will bi 1, (1, A la to ' M .. I ' I.. � . counfil-A ominously. Dunbar deseribed it before air' tile (lays lengthpnM hito we ks I �. . Ing t- better lel)ree;a1a'un than we -us.�_l . , . - P tice e 1. . . . . I . to. ,1 iA you e. that accoun., the -oLh��i: ]F,3,, thc, gad ol(Y earth must horrow '-,zs povsagelva,v 6 feet -4 Iticheo wido by: .and reproof,. 'but m,-ty I)P M:1de COW- lie had ever m.-mia-ged to setatch itai an' months. an' yet on went the war , ' . " .- I with ardl - will sit on th. : . , .1 - I 0, -11 Is- . 7 fe6t .0. inclie4 high wzw cut � . y If Mngistrates , . I .day f . ..he e -:ne-er. who to'save h m!rth; I . 1. 0 reflected Image. wl' nae talk o' ony �0' them U-0min - 1,ulrs SLL - * nt care frum tile stirfaco of the Ahrone. of -trit. The -eiir*e was . I " 1V I - ad when p,, , i i vasslt! ,,it to his lo;ace, a. ut has trouble enou.-h -of its nwa gre. ' judgm. "It is the mark of God." he said, back. Ma mither Lwgan tae sink. an' . I I 1. r . .1 t. . he %%-.s found 41---a . d .i% *the'locomou've, 1. . 1. � ..� 2 1 . . groui:d dowlL. tO tho eham.�er- I lasting, for In our 8-1vlour's, time the &nd lie became a wanderer L),n the grept aboot - Tam, an' .dream, aboot . . . . . - I . . . - I I I -.%-hie!. was uip.(fe, da%vn, lie. was found - Betwedn tile Nvell ni-A the pal-'anip- -Yews Were overiK.ru Wous a Uo u t &L b ' - I - . We h e ,a r a groat deal of d is N u -Q.q - n,1 , , p . fam of the earth. him. till she wii likp the snaw for 8 t:,,,, ; r I,&: I I riag. h.*s -hand on the. air- . , -way a; wall, of. rock wag lelt. 11ormw batil onnetity. ` �� �� 4 . n . now -a!l over tht-, land about why - pea- ,� .. � 0e.f. -Com. Com. Not ou the earth. indeed, but on the whiteness. Ail' whan they di -I vome - brake " And ;as tha t--agine',". ilaid It to ' de�ce . pUL I h ." .h­nd on Lhe airbrake to nle do' not .- go. to. church.., Som.e. Say it arlo oxert nded the"paAing,m.vay u) """' Commanded the Lev1t(w,As9lgn- sea o,nly was to be foulid safety. A back, Sandy, a" raggit nii' hollow V - . me ht. -'* 'n - � the' chamber, where tli-e.v pr(pel.kd i I � I r .1 Is because Chnstlanity -is dying, out. - .. ng the dhity to Ills Pervants was but deadly fear seized him. He was im. the e'e. a�' Tiun no' wi' theni, ma 11 I . illus,,r tte! his eaming, and I louxed at ' . M91C `e the water Ili-'potm a toemporary arrangement. The Per- pelled involuntarily to lift his hand mother couldna, greet. They telt us . " ' . . I him a,d th(.� ,-h*4. '"You would be � julz- and .bz,eltuse people -do not, bel � leve I'li � . 91 Ivery to rais A " " the truth "of'God's word. a.nd all-thitt. .attliflied to a chain froin the lower manent charge Was (;o1n,nitt,e&tothi' against his brother, his fattier and hoo 'rfam, had dee'd Uke a sudgrer wi' . . � I � i.mu h a fic 0 i.n the same crisis." . I reasons. . 1 Ian ­*ULP an ima- . * ' I . , � I � �V 9 �. G rti tur . made . .,e They are false The' reason is Phaft to the remervoir in -the cliam.- LeVitex,'who liad .bcx-,n intru-ste,I witli *dsters. There. %vas no salvation but Lauelfle an' Rat) an' Jovk 1A ;whit . - " beca0e our'sr�rmons -and exhortations ber, .Whe6re It was again ralsed by ma- the A . . be, - (Ild we eare ? Whaur wis the/ gl,ory ,8 � 0 #47h,sL, anY he *aiked h.;s little... * ­ .. utY when the gates were first to place an Impassable -barrier I . . , are not mtetes"Ing and practival and chidery operated by power.on the sur- ..,,P,t up. Chapter vii. J.-I)III, Com. tween himself aad them. I or joy for us, whaa tht- only man- - . . ILI, w., yti.rs old, what it was, and ' ' I 1 4 *8Ld,' *%Irrat raust- be some" very .helpttfl. Som'e,one- tnight as wall.At6'11 (,ace. In the' lower. ahaft a *path was Cleanoe'themsel-ves-That is, to purify For nine long years, therefQre, Wal. huddy vre had wis lyin deid in a 11 t * , e - I -a subject, an4 st) deace n t c,ou A � i I -ulPtOr was dis- tb whole truth on thl c.0 t, tn. i t s side go t h a.t a W themw.lves froin ceremonjifl, uncle forrin grave? 'God's will fx� dune.' win . . I a L i a n. " - 9'h e .19 � . I wl',l tell it. The religious disco , ur' I an- 'ter Dunbar has set no foot on land. 0 e R ,e (Ift CW I T. 0 I-ise, with the crit'icism, 110 lie got ' . S"T be xnnde to the water. There was no ne!" #Lnd come rind attend.to guardingr One voyage ended. he trawifers to a' ma tulther wti(I af r h 't ; r e I the futirre, th6 gospel s-Prmon ,to come . ' . I .d chiseled � we il between the path and the w . -)tht.- blo*-At of marble ar . . ell. tile gateR a f * ��_ forth and shake the na-1.1ons .and. I! , R a -religious' dutv. To another vessel in a boat. His family It killed, her. There'll be a lot o' Tam t, . f ay 4n It t%voor three years, and then � , ft This work is aild to have been con - auctify the &tbha'tb-8-ieur I 1� - - ------ __ People out of darkness, will be a popu- - F .e it.i -Ranc. have received no word of him. HO 111 In the samp wey this day, Sandy. an' . 'bro Aar nermon, just for the' Sim-pl * . - M ight in his little child, four or structed by &Iuid'n, who 111ved in the tity by Preventing further prorail,t- a modern Eno2h Arden and they be. C,()(I keep t1lem at. isay I.— , F 1 yctrs of- age.' and said to her, - 3. S6me,'ivrlters do tion.-Whedon. Remember me, 0 niy lieve li-im -dead. 0 � 'ho ,. o you think that is'.,," She said, that ' it will m -,e t, the woes: in h e `6 Amen, Kirsty, lass," I answered, dX wants and the n etles'of the Pe6ple not mention this, anA my that .th-s C,o(1!-1rhhR prayer' Is not one of self. Hi.4 former home wax in Illaytoin, 0-, an' then rose tae wv that -file door win - . hat ,just be the one 'Who took little I ' - denomination' da te of con.%truction is -Alio P ' �_ There are in a I 9 - . St 'in aD- .1491orifivation, 11.%ut of fi-tith,in evy-1 e Ree it again. He be- loek i t. . ldrei in tits arms and blepsed ecelpslas*ioal mummics sitting am6ndl t1quIty. . .. . truth. A man" who'kn6wo lie 19 doin lieveR that until atonement has been ,j rtl',NT, in." The� the sculptor was sati!#_1 - - , - --- ---=,--. ­ .- 9 Kirsty wlMd her een efter a wee . . to fr'own upon the fresh young pulp'Its . right in tile sight ()f evold call say to I .. - In A T e,ut hAY , 91 Ui, my�.friends, what the world of Americit- to -try *to awe them down, No News In Town. 140- made the mark will remain. C&Pt. wht:e, an* then lukit at mo kin' O' , t - I .,f %V&wanoeh.01t9 4 not �a cold Christ, not an in- I Sensational!" 00(l Without preguniption. . It is a Carver, who tells his story. believe@ pawk.r-like. *# A' the &-ime, Sandy,, I _. I f(�r ClIlLivatior to cry out: "Tut, tut, -tut Among Alie original Items which. tf,stirnony of God's grace, and he can that he'hiis long alnee paid the pen. hope Lnuchip'll win," Days gibe. .- _. , - - 1 1 - They stand .to-ftk preaebing in according to the Atlanta Constitu- t ,ectu I Christ, not a severely magis * 1, ,A-,eMion 04' ' re.:olep in It. Coneerning till@ alty for an impremed1tated erime.- - di Al � further inforn ,al (hrist, but. a loving Christ, I , al8o-As And I ken he will. I ' 't I in other thine,; before. Hhr,py - Sandv W-Glashan. eadiz- out Hiis arms of sympathy churches Ahat hold a thousand people, Vion, have appeared in a recent he I i , PhiMelphla, Times. and thel'r are a hundred* pers-ons pres- a. npws- : . . ' to ,.-,')t. Helens, Of prewe'the whole world to His loving ent. and If they cannot have the world Imue of a North Carol in, io he who at the clo,i eof earh un -ler. � .� I paper, the latest is the most inter. I taking can ' pra,y, thtis.-Ilib. Mus. A Female Prodigy. I -1 1� jift! Ir way it seems as if'they estl[14, t A , saved In the. . !, : . bath Robes Made of Papor. r _- ,rhe touble is we preach audiences do not want it saved at all. , . Snarp me­�From .6111, depf�lidpnce upon A prodigy "has comoe out of the * 13r, . I to a (hristlan fratne, and then. we M4jor W111L%mo has had his ieg � R,tth robes wad�, of prip-r are now- - mart _ That religious discourse of the future - . niv own worth. 28pare nip to continue west; Ln the person of Miss Floren,2�e . - "Sor Wteach liem out of it. We forget that will be an everyday sermon,* going right cut 'off 'in a sawmill. f"Ithfill. HeM 11; 110 claim to honor 0eltlLn, who is only 16 yeare""old. She manufaictumd. The L-lvd of material . � � Ma . . ftery Siditor has so much capacity Of down into every man's 1.'fe, and It will Colonel Scott happened to-tbe ae. for faithful seerviee, but hamblelde- in makingstump speeches infivellkn- U-4ed rmen)blea blotting Imper. Whole I 0. a 41tent10% and when that is exhauarted sutt& are mada of this pap -r stuff, In- . -,�anh him how to vote. how to.bargain cident of having his head blQwn 'to Tli 11 V how to plow, ho* to do any work h. . off Ff're to be kP,Pt W) deVOte-1 tO CyOd glVLgC8, with a view converting felvding cmerings ror the head and - , teem I . he Is r,4tless. That accident on the I � by a- boller expicsion. that hp mn.y -still be.entrusted with tile people to Republioanism. For six - the "do . for ser,. V Long fwtnd Irailroad years ago came is called to do, how to w1eld trowel and Our new preacher had him house God's work. - feet. otie advantage -or the fad i% " so ; . 4C we e A years Miss CeltlLli IMLs figured as - a CllenPT1C%4 (4 WIC11 a garn)-ent. makillir .. . tffr(l T from thf fact that the brakes re out ven and P'ncil and yardst-*k-,k and plane. burned down recently. 7*achInv,8--Whe.n we are doing political speaker, her firgt . � .ed have no fear au aniM. .' of ordei and when they wanted tO And It will teach women how to preside - Five Mormon elders were tarred r,rojeg will we ne BPe4"( 11 it possible for the poorest pemon to sve,ont vi� . E' stop thetrain they could not stop, and over 'their household and 'how to edu- and feathered yewterday. ' nien. If we forsako Go(I's ]a Of having, been made whea she wais a own onmL - . ' 'In all . W VrR will little glrl,' with curls hanging down I 6 . h, - 0" V 1Jienc(:,, tf. casualty was terrtflc. cate their children and how to Imliate - Tha lleiw town hall was struck by for&ake His vrprighip. When God s nks ,her back, and In short dreweR. S%he -At Whitby on December 5th and 0 MrJ i OH48 ,r . eeligioundiscourse we want locomotive Miriam and' Esther and Vashti and lightning on Tuesday. througli men eltiners are afra'id. Con . .A.& �Vofflvn priv: .power &,] propulsion. We want at the Eunice,. the mother of Timothy, and Is Polish by birth, and f4peak,; Rus- ]F r , A circus mul,e k1eked one of our wp 11n,ve bp (;tb, the Ontario ruit Growers' A., - ,ft o1-,p,jl(.n i , peo I �;rev - same t1re stout brakes to let down at Mary, the mother of ChrW, and those t we must still sLan, German, French and English sociat-on will hold Its annual meetfing. - leading citizens on Saturday even- depend n * .r besideR her native language. At W, M_ . Ir the righiinstant. It is 'a dismal thing, women who On narthern and southern Pon irod's niere.r. I Ing last. . . Orr, of FruMland ; Murral Pet - he ; __ after a, earer has comprehended th,P battlefle.lds were mistaken by the- The new coroner was run over by PRACTICAL SURVEY. Prfwent Miss Celitlin is living In the tit, of Winona, a.iad A. H. Pett4t, of ' I I hat whole swect. to h(-ar a man .say, wounded for angels of mercy fresh from ' IOU "% I 0 "'Now V recapitulate." and "A few the throne of God. � .. . I IL ral'road train Wednesday. ,Sabbath-breakt,ng. When the Jews Bowery, In order to study the live@ Grimshy, will be among the speak- dow application,to and . ID fell trit'o this sin they said by their Of the lower clames. era. Mr. Orr im Vice -President, and ; %,Ill words b., way ., of . Yes. I -have to tell yoru, the religious . -There Is no news of importance I - - ____ - 'P I " "Once me -e." and "Finally," and "Now discourse of the future will be a report- towm. . actions that they bad Left God out of actLng Presiklent, and Mq. L. Woolrer- I I ?iefr & to conolVe." ed sermom If you have any Idea that I - their lives entirely. It seemed most The irecret of clucce" if' C0n8t&MrY ton, Secretary, until midnigh. I I , Knox Churcho Ottawa, will contrib years of purpose.�-Disrael.i. 3W Paul 0 -ached prInting was Invented slm�'&y ,to print. - Ertrange that after the 'long The future dpcUny of the child to Eutyqjht*Zot sound asleep and fell out secular books and stenography and uta W000 to the PrMblyterlax of captivity and the strugg.'e to re- No man to f ree who cannot oom. alwayli; the work of tlie xnother,� I - of a iyindw and broke his neck. Some phonograpby-were- contrived merely to Twentieth Century Fund. buEd the temple and city wall, that ;Mend bimself.-Pythagoran. I I 0 r 1_0e . I L 0 . I .� � .-I_ 0 , I . I : . . I Bonsparto. ' � ; ; I 11 ; . . I � . . . I - - . . - . * . . " I , ^-, - I , a ' I - ft I I ' ' 1 ' ' tl Lelm : a . I .1 I I I . - , I S, I I v�, - I I � n -ni V, 1" I , , ILI I I � J i1i I I I I I I I - .1 - "' � - 4M ` r a 3 . I " I -1 I I I - I - 11 I I I I I I i , 11� I I P; i �� , . . . � ...,r . . r . I - . ,I . I . . . . . . 1. ..:� L . : � # .. .. �_ . . I � � � . � . . - . # .. . . . � I r � - . . - . ­ . I � . - . #4 . ­ I - . � 1. � - . .. � I � . . I , - � k , . .. . 1. . . I I . - - 1. . . I : . I . I . I � F_ ­ - 4 I 1111111111N.- � - � 11 In I I * �Vl . I ;. . . .. I - -A! - � , - I r , . � i" - : - __ A61;1�_ , ik � 1. .I. ,. . � . 1:. �. 1 �L .��n