HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 6Ie . 7clliZ 'W11„VOUAM ;TIME$, DECEMBER 24, 1908 VSA AYC"', The first Grand gunk Pnoido trainAN CURE CGREENSI,� A, crossed battle River bridge between Ed - your baking goes wrol1g, � monton and Saskatoon,J. il, Taylor, ty4 Bond at, Toronto,�/(1(� �� �� � A disease ory, oung girlsl Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Care will al• Breathed Hyomet and Cured a, illi't'Stig.lt� �^ llad tit Cal)S�, j� RRILS FROM THE ways cure my coughs and colds.'' Long -Standing Case of Chrome Look to your stove, your yeast, j� (J I IlJ The Government of Canada is now Ca,tarvh that De#led all othor Re. � nletllods, your baring Interesting and suggestive ad- prepared to actively begin bgsiuess as medies, also Toronto and New vice that all sitould read. tessera at old•age annnitise. The finer York Specialists, order is Council approving the actuarial Without taking a drop of medicine 4'ky`ii'j Z If you succeed in innin the trouble -- rates adopted has been awed, Liters• y pinning interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. p p into rile atameoh, J. H. rayls', 54 Ilon.: down to the flour ----then tape up the Many mothers will Soho the oonolu• tore explaining the advantages of the Street, Toronto, tells how the distress. _ sion expressed in a very interesting and system as a guarantee against penury ing troubles of Catarrh were overcome flour question in dead earnest. suggestive letter written by Mrs. Zaeh- in old age and detailing its investment by simply inhaling Hyomel air, It's. aria Pollard, of Grand Bay, the history of tens of thousands similar Consider that flour, to be successful "It is one of the illusions of mother• features has been sent out for distri• cases an record, proving that Hyomet up in hood that once the diseases of childhood bntion by postmasters throughout the can be depended upon to cure Catarrh, from a baking standpoint, must befine Good look is seldom displayed on l e wowill d bystl ro throwing atones e to tat men h:tve been successfully passed a smooth country, and applications for annuities Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Croup, bargain counters. read lies before their dear ones. Boys It has no equal for any distress of the• r to produce light bread or pastry, pure to who have reached the top. bruise themselves, or perhaps break a received from Intending purohasers breathing organs, ----^^^ Most women keep a lot of reedy limb, but the physical history of the will be promptly dealt with, by the Mr. Taylor says: "Some years ago. make that bread or pastry wholesome, made sympathy on band. Mr. W. L. M. King has left Ottawa young girl is subject to so many dan• office in charge of S. T, Bastedo in while on a hunting trip in Northern for Chian, to take part in the rote'• ers, it is only Ottawa. A staff of lecturers to explain I and 'felt tri nutriment to m 1 k e It g p when some great one Canada, contracted a severe cold that national Congress on the opium traffic, has been successfully overcome that we Settled in my head and finally affected nourishing. and popularize the scheme will hold i Tor that Dull hooling Attar Latlag, realize haw many dangers there aro. my throat. It rapidly developed into a- `i"®� �- My eldest child, a daughter, just ae, she pablio meetings in all dietriote of catarrh and caused a miserable throat- I have used Chamberlain's Stomach Beare the The rind You Have Always Bu2q had entered upon the sixteenth year, Canada during the winter, Dr, Sump- weakness. My head would become and Liver Tablets for some time, and suddenly developed weakness her color clogged during the nigbt and there was a can testis that they have done me more Signatara P t son of Windsor, Ontario, will be at the at q e' � �� � y - faded, some o unpleasant vi heart symptoms a catarrhal dropping from the nose into good than any tablets I have ever need, °f �'���� "" "� indicated a lowered vitality of that or- head of the leotnring staff, and will be- the throat. Many days I had been nn- OgilvieS I My trouble was a heavy dull feeling An attempt to establish a municipal gan, but strange to say she appeared gin a series of meetings in Ontario, able to breathe other than through my after eating. -David Freeman, Kempt, brewer in Berlin resulted in a dismal plump, The bodily functions were ob• mouth, and the constant hawking End' Nova Scotia, These tablets strengthen y strnoted, and a waxy or pallid, or yet• THE LADIES' krATORITE, t spitting was Wroost unbearable. I had has these three qualities in the greatest the stomach and improve the digestion. failure. 3t did plenty of basiileea, but lowish skin gave her a ghastly look. Laxa-Liver fills are the ladies' favorite been treated by the best, throat special- They also regulate the liver and bowels. lost money. The doctor's tonic failed to improve the iete here and in New York, but noth• degree. They are far superior to pills but cost medicine. They care Constipation, Sioa in benefitted m condition. I obtain- i no more, Get a fres sample at any When you hear a man boasting of symptoms, we decided to try Ferrozone Headache, Billionsnees, and Dyspepsia g Y so highly recommended in the newdpa- without griping, purging or sickening. ed Hyomet at a drag store and Ogilvie's Royal Household is r:illed drag store and see what a splendid what he is going to do it wont take pers. Ic was probably three weeks be. _ soon found relief, the throat dropping 1 medicine it is, you long to enumerate the things he fore any manif Set change was noticeable, ceased and my bead began to clear. I • �. by the most modern methods, and has done. but once that Ferrozone checked the The book having the largest cirou• continued with Hyomei for six weeks k made onlyfrom Manitoba Hard Wheat ruuning•down process the upward ad. lation is the telephone directory of and after that time I was well in every The world ie wide but there are lots The essential lung -healing principal of vance was rapid. I suppose if I had p detail. There has been no return of the of narrow people in it. the pine tree has finally been Successfully neglected to give her Ferrozone she the city of New York. An edition of trouble since, and I feel grateful in v DlYkM • which contains the highest percentage separated and refined into a perfect would have fallen into permanent ill- 3,000,000 copies is printed twice every speaking well of Hyomei, s it cured' ..� of nutriment. Even a musical alarm clock is seldom cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway health, as it is I am, deeply thankful year to meet the demands of subscribers me when all. else failed," appreciated in the early morn. Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a that Ferrozone has completely restored- e Flour never guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 my daughter to vigorous robust to 450,000 telephoues which are In nee yam, Cl A 19 r" C30 R. i A., . cents, health." in that city and its subnrba. I shot an arrow into the air, it fell Royal Household disappoints. Beare the41i""ZI nd You Have Always Bought No tonin so nourishing, as strength• in the distance, I knew not where, till' pp signature A recentiy-publighed statistical re- Repeat it:-r'Shiloh's Cure will al- a neighbor said that it killed his calf. 20giving, as Ferrozone. It gives you a „ port gives the number of "diploma grand appetite, brings fine color, a ways cure my coughs and colds. and I had to pay him six and s half n ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. � of physicians" in the world as 228,234, Of healthy glow t the cheeks. If thin, you The Cuban Government has granted a ($6.50). I bought some poison to slay It is easy for a man in the upholstered these Europe has 162;334, gain In weight. Think it over, Ferro- roker to stand fast. zone is ]net what every person in poor pension of $7,000 a year to the family of some rate, and a neighbor swore it The most curious railway in the world health requires. Sold by all druggists, the late former President Estrada killed his oats; and, rather than argue Our idea of a foolish man is one who ie built on ice. It is laid between too. per box or six boxes for $2.60. Try palma, 6Who seems to have died in across the fenoe, I paid him four dol- -- argues with a friend. Orostadt and Oranlenbaum, and is in Ferrozone today. abject poverty. Even the new victor. Iars and fifty cents ($4.50). One, WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR � - use only daring the winter, - ions liberals whose rebellion was the night I set sailing a toy balloon, and. INTERESTING It Is A wonder. Repeat it:—Men generally are possessed of the cause of Palma's deposition, join in tri• hoped it would soar till it reached the Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the ways cure my coughs and and coIde.Cora will idea that no limit should be placed upon bute to his memory as a great patroit moon; but the candle fell out on a _ moat remarkable preparations yet pro- their desires. and statesman, farmer's straw, and he said I mast FREE BOOK � � � duced for the relief of rheumatic pains, "Why on earth did you ever marry The Secretary of Agriculture in the The commodious new Presbyterian settle or go to law. And that is the and for lame back, sprains and bruises, me?" "Oh, don't be so bromidio l That's The quick relief from pain which it Washington Government soya that the church at Brucefield was opened way with the random shot; it never About Qualifying Yourself for a /� affords in case of rheumatism is alone what everybody asks." -Cleveland hits in the proper spot; and the joke, value of this year's farm products in ander most auspicious circumstances worth many times its cost. Price, 25 Leader, the United States is $7,775,000,000, on Sunday, the 6th inst. The ser• you spring, that you think so awart;., Successful Career. worth large size 50 cents, For sale by Elizabeth -Are you fond of motor- si1 druggists, Repeat it— ways Cure will al• vices were conducted by Rev.. R. p, may leave a wound in some fellow's To lean the folly of entering P'bu.in.0 - - in>;? Mary -Oh, yes, indeed, and the heart. -Emporia Gazette. constant osculation y doesn't bother me ways onre my coughs and colds." McKay, of Toronto, assisted by the life'l without a ?'business education"_ pastor, Rev. E. H. Sawers, and mints. = The old fashioned way of dosing a weals reed our rreo Catalogue: Even those who marry for love a bit. -The Olub-Fellow. The death of W, H. Reed, of con. 10 tern from the surrounding towns and stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Why d..ir.ble to secure this .decal i alone do not object to a little money on E. D. Ashfield, occurred on Monday the Kidneys is all wrong, Dr. Shoop first tion" et F.,e.t City Business Gouojr - the side. Coughs that are tight, or distressing villages, _ r..d Ga.io¢uo, tickling coughs, get quick and certain 8th Inst. He was in his 6902 year. painted out this error, This is why his prescription -Dr, Shoop's Restorative- Wh th. bit merc.ntile hoses profor $ Don't antagonize a man with a cool help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The Presbyterians of Durham have DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED is directed entirely to the cause of these F. C. . C. tradu.te9— d C%t.lo¢ue, j On account Druggists everywhere are Thi. FREE BOOB..roll., in Bowl y r�; i million; he is in a position to make it favoring Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy. had installed a handsome pipe organ at by local applications, as they cannot ailments -the weak inside or controlling our Commercial, Shorthand .nd Typewrittne Ccuneel Wi.whyF.C.B,C. met 1.1 'bq�a fey Cftyf hot for you. and it is entirely fres from Opium, a Dost of $2,000. This big instrument reach the diseased portion of the ear, nerves. t isn't so difficult, says r. inaruouon aro supedorl Shows ,alue of �+' rune s p• I Chloroform or any other stupefying will be run by an electric motor, There is only one way to cure deafness, Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Buoine.s Eduoetors, Ask '' � Heart, or Kidneys, If one goes at it sooOtion a Diplom.: ,, drug. The tender leaves of a harmless and that is by constitutional remedies. correctly. Each inside organ has its Just Bend your n.n,o d't ti Special lung healing mountainous shrub give to C A iS rP O R. Z A. . Deafness is oatteod by an inflamed non• end addreee^ C.talo¢ue � , o■eat■Q''- CASTOR Dr, Shoop's Oongh Remedy is's onratfvo The Kind You Have Always Bought dition of the mucous lining of the oontroling or inside nerve. When thele will reaoh you Sept. end gears the /f nerves fall, then those organs mart promptly; Jan. For Infants and Children, properties. Those leaves have the pow- �•t'l� Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Signature inflamed pan have a rumbling sound or surely falter. These vital truths are Staaente The porest City roc er to calm the most distressing Cough, of g leading druggists everywhere to dies. Aare " The Kind You Have Always Bought and to Bothe and heal the most sensitive imperfect hearing, and when it is ? Any Timu' Business is Shorthand College bronchehial membrane. Mothers should, "Papa what is a safety match?" Mr, entirely closed, Deafness is the result, Pease and recommend Dr. Shoop's Rra• l l'r \ London,, ceteris. Bears the for safety's Bake alone, always demand Henpecked (Iookitt carefnll to see if and unless the inflammation can be storative. Test it a few days, and seat d1 , &n zo . /&_;Q p g y Improvement will promptly and Surely J, Wl W.etenelu Jl Wl We.terrdt: Jq CIA! (,�� �� Dr,Shoop's. It can with perfect free- taken out and this tube restored to its follow. Sold at Walla 'e Drug Store. a Pdn.tpall Vtoe,Nrinciphi gi attire of dom be given to even the hie wife is within hearing)- A safety youngest normal coo�ldition, hearing will be de- y q babes. Test it once yourself, and see l match, son, is when a bald-headed man stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten One of the few remaining links thail - The peanut acreage of Burmah in- Sold at Walley's Drag Store. marries an armless woman I -Short are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing bound the past to the present, was brok- !i►l�1tt4Aa�9_ ♦it�O0�0voi .�da.so�♦� �� s� ase.♦ creased from 3,800 in 1903 to 80,000 in A real widow may not be as wise as a Stories, but an inflamed condition of the mucous en un Tuesday Dec. 15, by the death of ♦ surfaces, ♦ 1907. grass widow, but Elie knows where her �-' We will give One Hundred Dollars Mrs. Abigail Stewart, reliot of the late' ♦A woman can't see anything sttrae• husband is when it comes night. -Jan. Good Cough lifedicine for Children. for any case of Deafness (caused by John Stewart, of the 5th con., Stanley, catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's in her 73rd year. She erienced a " 1 ex tine about another woman whom her nary Smart Set, The season for coughs and colds is Catarrh Care. Send for circulars free, y P If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon husband admires. Madge -What is the object of hazing now at band and too much care cannot F. J. C1IRNry & Co., Toledo, O. stroke of paralysis a week ago from or make a better monse•trap than his neighbor, though he ♦ be need to protect the children. A child Sold by Druggists, 750, which She never rallied. She waa for• in college? Marjorie -I guess its to is much more likely to contract diph• y merly a Miss Tweedie, and was raised build his hones in the woods, the world will make n beaten ♦ Take Hall's Family Pills for eoneti- path to his door,-Emerton.se«aro of Preguent Colds, teach the boys brutality for use in the theria or scarlet fever when he has a pation. ♦ football games. -Puck. cold. The quicker you cure his cold the A near Smith's Falls, doming went on her A succession of colds or a protracted loss risk. Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy wedding tour, and Settling with her ds- ♦ cold is almost certain to end in chronic, A substitute for marble which ans- is the sole reliance of many mothers, On Sunday morning, December ceased husband, on the farm on which Get on the path to the door of the ♦ catarrh, from which few persons ever were many of its purposes satisfactorily and few of those who have tried it are 13th Dr. Thos, Gordon (dentist) for wholly recover. Give every cold the is made of waste Slag from blast furca• willing to use any other. Mrs, F, F. ( elle has Since resided, over 50 pears ago. attention it deserves and you may avoid Staroher, of Ripley, W. Va„ Bays: I thirty years a familiar figure in Tees- The whole township was a wilderness, ° this disagreeable disease. How can You roes and lime, pulverized, compressed have never used anything other than water, passed over to the side of the and her experience was that of every ♦ cure a cold? Why not try Chamber-, and then treated with carbonic acid.. Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy for my great majority. For over a year it was woman who went through a pioneer's Times �rinl:�g Office ; loin's Cough remedy? It is highly re. Pa -Yon know, Willie, this thrashing children and it has always given good evident that the Dr. had entered upon hardships with her husband in helping commended. D'i'e. M. White, of Butler, : - satisfaction. This remedy contains no oTenn., save: "Several years ago I was Is going to hart me more than you, opium or other • narcotic and may be a fatal decline and for some months he to hew out a home for themselves and bothered with my throat and lungs. Willie (sympathetically) -Well, don't given as confidently to a child as to an was scarcely able to move about. A family. She was a Presbyterian, and a Someone told me of Chamberlain,s 1 be too rough on yourself, dad. 'Taint adult. For sale by all drnggiste, sister, Mrs. Gregg, of Harriston, who woman of strong pereonslitq and con- �P%e'e mouse traps are not made but ; Cough Remedy. I brogan using it and worth it. -Chicago Daily News. - paid him frequent visits during the fall, victions, having a great many warm ♦ it relieved me at once. Now my throat personal friends. She Ieaves three sons.. •--There— �! and lungs are sound and well." For To stop any pain in 20 minutes, take The local option by-law was carried was with him during the last week. sale b all druggists. p and four daughters. ♦ y one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. in seven new municipalities in Mani- Deceased was a little over 60 years of See formula on the box. Ask yourrobe, repealed in two and continued in age, and began to visit Teeawater pro• r doptor or druggist about this formula. force in five. Seven municipalities in fessionaIly some over thirty years ago. +Imaginary ills quickly come to con- It can't be bettered. Womanly pains, 0 stitute something more substantial than' bead pains, any pain gets instant relief, which it was submitted voted to remain l# s Box of twenty Pink Pain Tablets 25o• under license, Tor Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum, i r ♦ an imaginary hindrance. ; Sold at Walley's Drug Store. t F GoodThe intense itching characteristic of 1 �' iHenry Birks & -Sons' large jewelery Mr. Amos Smith of Grey township Sleep -Nature's Groat Restorer. these ailments is almost instantly allay. A store at Montreal was damaged to the is well known as a breeder and feader While you sleep Nature is restoring ed by Chamberlain's Salve, Many (Generated Oxygen) e extent of $100,000 by fire. of prime, beef animals and makes a the cells and tissues wasted during the severe cases have been cured by it. For Cures • Dr. Ch 'a Oint good thin of it. A two year old of his hours of wakefulness. You can live sale by all druggists. g Y -_ CONSUMPTION, CATARR.-l. ment1 acertain longer without food than without sleep ♦ and guaranteed was Sold last week in Toronto by Mr, and persistent sleeplessness nasally COLDS and LA GRIPPE. Is turned out every day with neat- curoforeachand John Scott. The animal weighed 1500 points to nervous collapse. Dr. Chase's Many increases in fishing licenses are Alsn We 'IM every form of cess and despatch • where up-to-date I L E itching, bleeding pounds and brought Six cents per Nerve Food oures eleeplesenese by build- to go into effect with the New Year RHEUMATISM, as it allows the Kidneys ♦ piles. See testimonials in the pressTand�ask pound. When one can get $90 for a in¢ are the nervone system and its bene• ander as order•in•oanneil just passed by to freely discharge tris Uric Acid materials and machinery are used, . your noighbors about it. You can use it ai d two year old it looks like good money. fire are therefore lasting. the to Government. The license ♦ t your money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all ",e from the Blood. and were mechanics with up-to-date ; �lcrs Z_ RoNIANsox, BeTrs &Co•, Toronto. for gill Hots need with sail or rowboats Cures Old Sores. Wt. CHASE'S • OINTMENT. Samuel Stephenson, guard at Rook- for Lakes Superior and Huron (includ• y COULO DoT goTO WOR ing Geor ian Ba Good Family Medicine to use for Cuts ideas are employed; where quality wood Asylum, who was hit with sham• g y) is inoreaeed from $5 q � � William Huokle was Sentenced to Y Scalds and bruises, characterizes every piece of Work. ♦ seven years in Kingston Penitentiary at mer by a patient, died from the effects as at present to $6,10• For Lake Erin, Hamilton, for blackmailing, of the blow. it is to be $25. For the Bay of Quints THE BEST BLOOD PUR1F1cR KNOWN, between Belleville and Prinyer Village and. service given every buyer, where A $40,000 wireless telegraph plant is BE US SO W[Ho The engagement is announced of the license is increased from $3 to $25, For Sale by all Druggists. cheap printing is never done, but being erected at Newport, which will Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, The license for seine fishing in St. Clair ♦ have a working radius of 1,250 miles, Backacho is the primary cause of kidney John Middleton, Clinton, to Mr, Ed. River below Point Edward Is increased THE ®iC�4 GENA d -OR CO., where good printingis done cheap • ♦ trouble. When the back aches or becomes ward Hampson, B, A„ Ottawa. The e ♦ Doan'a Kidney Pi11N sot on the kin- weak it is a warning that the kidneys are P from $8 to $26, while in addition seinetd 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Canada where the kind of printing is done marriage will take place at st, James' nays, bladder and urinary organa only. liable to bocomo affected. Ohuroh on Wednesday, Deoember 23. must not be used between April 15 and ♦ Thoy care backaches, weak back, rheum- Heed the warning, check tho Backache September 1. e that will lead the world to make a ♦ atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, and dispose, of any chances of further The death took place in Goderich, 60 YEARS' gravel, Bright's disease and all other trouble. beaten path to your door; where ♦ diseases arising from wrong action of the If you don't, serious complications are SPRING MEDICINE. Friday morning, Dec. 11th, of Mrs. EXPERIe"NCE I +: kidneys and bladder very apt to arise and tho first thing you AS a spring medioince Burdock Blood J ogeph Edward, at the age of 65 years particulare may be had by following g know you will have Dropsy, Diabetes or Bisters has no equal. It 2oneS up the ,and nine months. The deoeased had a A big packing company is beta Bright's Disease, the thrpo most deadly gyetem and removes all impurities from ' tip the path to the office of ♦ organized to operate at Wfnnfpeg in forme of Kidney Trouble. the blood, and takes away that tired, paralytic Stroke about five years ago i connection with the new stockyards. Mr. James Bryant, Arichat, N.S., was weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. and another stroke a few days ago from ' troubled with his back and used Doan's +r^- which she never rallied. She was a , ♦ Gordon Budd of West oxford was Kidney Pills, he writes:--" I cannot Say dative of Scotland and came to this TBADCt Mnatsa s seriously wounded by a companion too much about tho benefit I received after Mesgre. B. M. and R. (), Allen, broth- country with her q D�1H'rf1 while shooting rabbits near Ingersoll. using three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. parents when quite i and de cri tt3 nC. I was greatly troubled with an aching pain are, who had lost all trace of each other young, the family first settled fri the Athenaeerti nq o r opinand free w other ratan TIMto ' 'Township of Ha About tort Invention necertatn our opinion free w alto' an WINGHAM Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Care will al- ¢wross the small of my back. I could not for 25 years, mot by accident in a Ham- y, y years m.ont%n ie probably Dntont.,,ble. pattP THE oto work and m back was so weak I ttoneetriottfeonadentlal HRNOOOUK ways cure my coughs and colds." g Y ilton hotel. ago she was married in Goderioh and s neion °taiidton money for aecurmgk eoceivs , o would have to sit down. It would go away sougqh Munn a r „ r cW tkotki% without 0 arge, lathe if The Government is sending out air, for a few days but would alwaya return. Repeat lt:- Shiloh a Cold will al- had resided there for about thirty years, ►lw os' by calling up Pllotle amara to exporters and manufacturers x was advised to try Doau's Kidn©y Pills ways Dore my coughs and coIde, living also at times at Stratford, Point scitutific J �m�r ON 1 4 gnd I must say they completely cured me." Jose h Varone an Italian, was nen- Edward and Sarnia, her husband being ACuLandaftell Illustr�tedweolt3y Lttrgert otr- ' throughout the ]Dominion, making for Pri$1.25on 50 cents per box or $ boxes for p ' y B lation of env, ecientinolodmax Terms for- Price as to action by the Tradealltenoed at North; Bay to five eare in a Q. T. R. engineer. Since returning Veranda.43.75 a year.po4mge prypald, fold 0l, - y p tp! sew o.lere .�, and Commerce Department to increase pp g MHN & C� 8®16roaMntrr �aW Y[tt' Co 7Coron dealers The nn, Kidney Pill flow ountrytnan at Cobalt.robbing a to yearph she lived there for the set • »arato daily 6t.►was1>iaatoq.__. L1 `�N�i��l.♦�.r���� foreign trade. , x (M