HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-24, Page 91 Fr J': MA Lt We dt draft - Stat+ it clu the r tions Notes prom --Our thanks are due to a number casae AT1EX. C • LOCUEA.D , who are squaring up subscriptions and We 1,)s OHEMIST & DRUGGIST, other accounts- A word to the wise at fe should be sufficent. W' o amen MALL - LUCKNOMI —When you look at the calendar, most --,:so —When tliak of the weather, it doesn't `oc from each school be an executive .; wean possible that we are so near the we ha committee to draft a prof;re. n and de- end of another year. on ti: cide when the next convention will bo cent. held. Votes of thanks were tendered —Mr. Janes Young sold to Mr. `1"'d- to the people of Hackett'e appointment Isaac Groff on Wednesday a car -load %Ve ret dins for their kind hospitality to the chair - of nn© of the finest lot of lambs that etfet maxi, to the secretary, and Miss Reid have :eft here this season. St 41acting as organist during the different sessions. The —Rev. D. Perris, of Wingham, �"` "t onvention closed by �C preached in South Kinloss church last the benediction. Sabbath with a special reference to Thus was brought to a close one of he interests of the Century Fund. the most interesting and profitable con vdntious held on the Ashfield —Miss Mable Collins, of Kincardine, circuit. T1 a addresses were well who has been visiting friends in God Grendered and elicited a groat deal of erich and Dungannon, is the guest of .j, .1. valuable thought. Thu diascuarioos Mrs.. J. W. Armstrong of this village. . ID were lively and interesting, The cat- —The inerch=���tsof Lucknow can sup �;regations during the different sdssious ply your wants; read their ad%cre�ti- -g- • were large and appreciative, May Bements; they can also tneet any lonau''u'rwhat has beau sown make more �;.�,.t:►i tide prices offered tor produce elsew here eificieut� work for the master, is our' [1—The Fishery Department is pre- paring to rigidly enforce the law, pro- S<<,I,v R. 1. BROWN, Min. Sec. hibiting the sale of white fish and sal - moa of less than two pounds in weight, T LOCAL ITEC. Tr --All members sif the Temperance ' lodge will please take notice that the �� —11r. Alf Davison iB visiting friends regular meeting will be field on Thu r.� in I= :ploy. day evening this week instead of Fri- -Mr. John Boyd was in Walker- day evening. ton on Friday last. —Rev. A. McKay, of Lucknow, Th• . —The a*nd Battalion will be pro- preached last Sabbath in Huron and t with friends in Bel s„ I,t,li vided with new nniforces. Knox churches, Ripley and Bervie, ls`•"'• • —Mies Jennie Lyons spent Monday and presented the objects and claims `lour, asrace. flour, g of the Century Fund. the fo .—Reese+mber the "Dog Show" in the "" :- Town Rail tre-sight (Thursday). At Londe --Rev. A. McNabb, M. A„ has gone v[rrci to Kingston for a couple of weeks. tory f d --Miss Rate N1cCrlmrnon, of Ripley the p tis "ia is the guest of Miss Jennie Lawson. Ti —Mr. Douglass, of Minnesota, is till fir visiting Mr, Jaynes Falconer of this cedes village. makii neva —There are now 38 inmates, 29 Ni reee, and 9 women, in the Brace Honae Lone of Refuge. to this —The Rev. A. Miller, of Lochalsh, TTS reoetved a very fine blood colt) from St Thomas. Ne with not 1) R. JAM Pub'. 0n t( , A 5TRANG EPITAPH Found on a gravestone in a village churchyard in Sussex, England, reads :-"It ^-aa a cough as carried her off; it was a coffin they ear- ried her off in." Now had the virtues of our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil been known and the preparation used in this case, that epitaph might never have been written. It is well known that Cod Liver Oil is un gnalled is the treatment of all affections of the throat and lungs, and Lochead's Emulsion is a preparation of Cod Liver Oil in its most palatable and rceeable form, easily taken by the oat delicate persons. It contain, u larger percentage of pare Norwegian Cod Liver 011 than most of the largely advertised preparations. Large bottles 50c; small 25c. MADE BY —Mr. Andrew McKay has sold the stage line running between Port Elgin and Kincardine to T. Bradley, near Tiverton. —Canadian old line compasies are preparing for a general advance in the life insurance rates, to go into effect in January. —Any person wishing to purchase an up to date dinner set, will do well to oall on T. Agar before purchasing elsewhere. —The Empress shoe for women is right up to date. We have them in buttoned Balmorals and Oxfords. W, S. Grenache. —Paisley council has refused to make the Public Library a free library because it would necessitate $100 ex- tra taxation. —A fresh stock of oatmeal has just arrived at T. Agars'. Farmers wish- ing to exchange their oats for oatmeal shoeld call on him. A BELFAST The many friends of :Jacob Reid will be p!eased to hear tut he is proving rapidly. Jake had a hard fight with typhoid fever. J. M. Roberta has been around on a collecting tour for the W. W. • lnsur - ance Co. He has been very success ful. The present rate is equivalent to an assessment of $1.00 per thousand dollars per annum. I1 Hay dine Dere N othti said the on v Rend Smel thea attar. of ti,. and 1 by tt A-- melt: t,. *Ii• the• to LI) hi. ' be to rf t t 1 J4 ).v th saw cl *' the the A w t ti. the „'' h w 'Jfd Ua+ —Get your sa'e bills printed ad the Sentinel office. A free notice will be also given. —Miss Pointer, of Dungannon, is the guest of Mrs. J. G. Anderson of this village. —Miss Jean Bol, of Wingham, is the gaest of Miss Birdie McIntosh, of this village. —Bruce Fall Assizes Court will be held in Court House, Walkerton on the 2th lost —Miss Violet Shannon, of Ripley, spent a couple of days last week with friende in town. —The ,losing examinations of the county model schools will begin on Monday Dec. 11. —Rev. E. A. 11Ic Kenzie, of Mosley, has been called to St. Mathew's Presby- terian church, Montreal. —A couple of small white pigs strayed frorn the premises of Mr. Peter Smith in this village on Wednesday, and any information as to their where- aboets will be suitably rewarded. —There is a movement on foot through the province to raise $ 20,000. as a testimonial to Hon. A. S. Hardy who retires from public life poorer then when he began 26 years ago. —!1r. Albert Miller, who has been in Michigan for the past few months, returned home on Friday last, after a severe illness with malaria fever. We hope to soon see him hale and hearty. —Mr. John T, Griffin will offer for sale at lot 10, cori. 10, (W.D.,) Ash- field, near Kintail, on Saturday, Nov. 25th, at one o'clock, a large amount of farm stock. R. MCCHAItLES, Auction- eer. —A large assortment of trimmed hate ranging from $1.25c to $2.00 will be displayed by Mrs. McKinnon this week; all wanting a hat will.do well by giving her a call. Also Sailor and W alk ing hats below cost. —Messrs Cargill fiz Son of Cargill, received 50, head of Shorthorn cattle from the old country and there are 50 more on the wayfrom Scotland. This firm is probe ly the largest importers of thoroughb ds in the province. —We are glad to learn that Mr.• T. P. Smith, scientific optician, intends visiting Lucknow again. He will be at Harry Days' drug store on Thurs- day, Nov. 30th. One day only. Remember the date. Call early. Langslde News. Mr. W. J. Moffat, teacher of the school Here, has undertaken the task of teaching a number of 'even and boys who wish to review their education. They are to be present two nights a week. Tuesday was the day of the squirrel hunt, also a quilting -bee in the after- noon, at Mr. N. Stromes and a party at night. We believe the boys near ly cleared the woods of squirrels and other wild animals. D. Strome had the misfortune to shoot his dog which he took for some other animal behind a log. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriain Taylor cele- brated the thi d anniversary of their wedding Friday evening, when a num- ber of their friends and neighbors met at their home and spent a pleisant evening. We. are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. A. M. Treleaven, post -master and general merchant of our burg, and hope. fsr his speedy reclvery. Miss Kate McGregor has returned home from L'elmore, where she has been speeding a f ,.w weeks with her sister, Mt s. P. Tt rrif . —It is said that there will be no general election to the Ontario Legis- lature before June neat. —The directors of the Clinton fall fair are only able to pay 70 per cent of their prize money this year. —Both political parties in Manitoba are displaying ;inch activity in view of early provincial elections. —Mr. John Taylor, of Whitechurch, who has spent the past year in British Columbia, has returned home. —Rev. Dr. Murray and Rev. Mr. l3uchannan gave a pleasant call to Rev. J. McNabb on Saturday. —Mr. Alex. McDonald of the 8th con, Oulroes, delivered a bog in Tees- waternwhich weighed 640 pounds. —A nice range of warm lined goods in Congress, Ralmorals and slippers at popular prices.—W. S. Grenache. =Most of our subscribers can spare a dollar at this time of the year, and The Sentinel is ready to receive it. —A convention of the Liberal Con- servatives of Centre Bruce, will be held it Glamis on Thursday, Nov. 30. —Lord Minto has been invited to Guelph Christmas Fat Stock Show to be held on Thursday 7th December. —The eongregations of Whitechurch and Langside have given a unanimooq mill to Rev. John Burnett, of Keady. —Mr. Joseph Beck and hie Fartner, Mr. (}oldthorp.t, of Goderich, gave the Sentinel a pteaaaot call en Saturday MARRIED mare }'I'1•CHIE -- McNAB11)-- At Philadelphia, Pa,, ou Thursday, Nov. 9th, by the Rev. Alex. M. Wiggins, l).U., Thomas H• Fitchie, B.A., sou of James Fitchie, 131o,►mfelt, Belfast, Ireland, to Jeau Mc- Nabb, daughter of the l:►te Duncan McNabb, Luckllow, Out. Grain Market. OEM The following are the market quota- tions for this -week. -- I'eas, 55c to 56c Wheat, 60c to 65c Barley, 35c to 37c Oats, 25c to 26c —Mr. Chas. Stewart who lives on the boundary between Oulross and Kinloss, not far from the west end of the 6th con., in topping turnips the other day let the knife come too near bis hand and gave himself a bad cut. —A local weather prognostigator says that we will have until the 30th, of November some of the finest fall weather we can read about. At the end of the find weather, winter will set in the good old-fashioned way. December will be a decidedly cold month. —M, King, of Whitechurch, who was married to Miss Roach, organist of the R. C church, Teeswater, on Wednes- day lost visited his cou Sin, W. Argent of town, and proceeded on his tour to Buffalo.—Ciint')n New Era. The Goderich Signal.—The Lucknow Sentinel has discarded the blanket sheet and is now published in a neat eight -page form. We congratulate Bro. Bryan upon the improvements he has made in his newsy paper. Tic sitine. en in Business i ARE OFTEN ACCUSES: OF LYING INORDRTOMAKE ASALE.... To gain a present advantage by MISREPRESENTATION is a short sighted policy. The only safe course to pursue is to 1 buy goods that you can TELL TEE TRTJTH about lad riot injure business. This course we follow in making our purchases and customers will find that we ave get "The Maple for a dollar in our store es they can a s muchLoaf g���. The.. as they can by making a blind selection from are the best on the market. a catalogue and taking the risk of not being ChecksAnd plain at 25c suited. per yard. Men's fleeced underwear from $1 a suit up to $2.25 Men's reefers in good heavy frieze, $3 75 Heavy all wool pants $1.50 a pr. A line of D. B. Suits at $8.50 each, worth X10.00 For Furs we ask you to inspect the StocL. • 11' CONNELL an LUCKNOW 4.5 this is the Season ford and Sparkle •••••••••••••.•••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••••• N`N N' _Axes •Sz Saws 1 O�o We ask those in want of these articles to call and examine our stock. You will not find us lacking in anything you ask for. To buy without seeing our stock is to lay yourself open to regrets after you do see or hear about what we can show you. Just one look at our goods will convince you that they are the best that can be got for the money. AOS . If•'only shine and sparkle were desired peoplecould be satisfied with iiuitation of real things. But genuine qualities are what the people want, and that i4 why Armstrong's Dings are popular with those who are looking for the best the Jewelers can supply. Our Gift, Engagement and Wed- ding Rings are as perfect as fine workmanship can make them. MSTRON THEJEWLLER �C OPTICIAN; Marriaee Licenses Issued —A boon to the afflicted ! . T. P. - Smith, graduate of New York, Phila- delphiaOtical Colleges, Argument in the West Huron elec- 'will and Toronto be at HarryDays' drug store. on tion case NA as continued at Osgood when ud Thursday, 30th rust. Don't fail to Hall until Saturday, j g - call and see him if you have any de- went was pgtxi,i re�erPed and will be fact in your eyesight. Examination of 1 Dec 2l the eyes free. Rooms over store. i given. I a C. TAYLOR'S HARDWARE SORE LUCKNOW • J little o •N•NNN•l••• •o VSE have a well assorted, up-to-date stock of BOOTS & SHOES Bought direct from the manufacturers for nett cash Men's Women's and Cil&re.'s tine and heavy Bh005,: Rubbers and Overshoes, A. very Large Assortment of Chiliren's School Boots, Ordered work & repairing a specialty. All boots warranted not to rip. TERMS : Cash or Credit A Liberal discount off for Cash • W. J. WILE, - LUCKNOW 0 tarVilOiral .a',/t:i. s R t • a . or .ill • u OCi • 71Zft is .1, ei , ._ •..,,, I ;; 14 ID . ,..0 . . 2 . 9 V-3 IIA Ca 14 N 1 "11'.' sio ss -IP tr. .41 '.4 • as / • N o�°'� IC " 2 a F.4 o -4.4 14 ti. CD v �- �m �: t4 0 ..g E-; ;II rillt O Yv , - C q11 Zillik 0 :V >4 i o toL.44u) 1L ssrd 2 4, * iNIN. C4i) Z 0 O — de rcs ce t 41 ..41-4 44 416 it c) A Z % --. 0 0 ;-+ C: C 1 1�T) - �:03 p; Q4 •sa x C;11 p • t 5 m 8 CO °° a v in .2 : u .g v : 2 it ... rd n .4 . /1> CI no 14 1411 e'np .,.. .ca v W °rcs ca sx<4am�PI zec to ts cs • W P' ' Q 1 ge g•14 I:4 P C. • ;4 0 \CC 4.6:42 2 g 11 Y. 4 b. - S y x w7 m il ; C� .1.,.m .i .- 1 mg rt� ET G . 04" . SU 1 x 42t ) 3.11 -0.,-, W w�1.. W E,. uJ • •