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Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-24, Page 6
11 I'I0 . Y a .. _, fir. �r. - # W '• Y I - - _ { �. �.. •;�'. " W. +'tk ?� "' `.*S 4 - • tY , eft a«::• - - i o A► +�f ' }: Mpw }kw .--t• - �'• t' i "o �' 4; . .••>. y.. iiY ..••r- 1:. . . •t •. a - - •..a tar � :. ';- ! ! Y' _ - 1w+•»-�.,,fr4ri'►.. __.. ,� .. tilt. .�� --...•wr..�•....+w�•at.-.:s�_�.a .yr•.,+..• ...•.. ..i►M t•'r, •,i N..• -.•• ..� Y�wri/Mn �_.. ___-1 - - I I . I . � .. I . . I �. . I L . 1. * . I I k.'___, Ii- .- �f �.. ... ` . . I � I � I I . � 4 . I - __1 . . - . . .. ". . I - . il� . I . ..... �. .... . �.. I . I . . . � . . I '/ • . - . . - 1 , CUOSTONE'S i OWNERSHIP OF KIMBERLEY HOW TO CONVERT A QUAKER. I U E No �4 7 1899 � 1 • CATARRH- 1� KIUVEY UISURI Against Savage Advice Given in a Paper a' - -- -- - - --- - Souree of a Free State Grudge Aga g Catarrh has been pronounced a dis- . the British. ease caused and maintained by germ Hundred and Fi!'ty Years Old. •R V The D •� The capture of Kimberley would d0be life, and like other diseases where The following rnstruetions •' haw 1.1 Would esult 1 Often a 1 tfe of of even more Importance to s Not be Were aL a Free Mate than to the 5uutli K'erms are present. ie impossible to be to turd a Quaker are taken from 13 cured by the ordinary constitutional an old paper wrilgen about 1750. 1 , Pain and Misery. African Republic. The Free State has medicines. The writer does not seem to have 0 an He A - always been exasperated by what Mvai ti• persons suffering from this entertained an exalted opinion of the • ' . .I' . they consider British injustice in seiz- disease persist In taking Stomach Wm. Penn oo-religiaeist8- He d� lir. David Crowell, of Horton, N • S•, ing the diamond fields where Kimber- medicine, or snuffs, washes, etc., and not appear to have been a very ami- ley now stands. In the years 1869 and yet they know that such treatments able peremi hianself : " First, take a ir ears I M Al U B A HILL A SKIRMISH 187o dia.monds were discovered in a Was an intense Sufferer and Almost � caairiot be of benefit because the yea.t handful of the heaths of Deoei�t and I } • corner of Orange River•territory in a of the disease is not reached. a few Leavers of folly and a Little [Lunl }toset>ery's B chat.l3Rth.] Despaired of Finding a Cure—Tc lis district between the Vaal and Mod- . \ To effect a cure would be a com- I of the teat of vain Glory, with I J�Ould you feel perfectly The Transvaal question. to my mind, the Story of lits Release. 'der Rivers. A rush of Europeans was paratively easy task if the person af- sume of the buds of Envy and a few safe to put all yr -Ur money iy thou a re made from all parts of South Africa fect(A would but use a little judgment blosoms of malice, with a Little for. in t3 new bank ? One you r, complicated one It is a to this region', and the question was I . story thziL (Tho Acadlen, WoUeville, N. S.) g ,. �iri the aelec•tion of their mode of treat- mlallity flowers and a sprig or two have just heard of? But how about an old you Have heard before. It Recently .i r of the :1cad�eln nient. of Idle Conceit, and take at>me of bank? One that has reporter ; raised : "To,whom does it belong?" Is the effort of a nation or •a commun- ' The Orange Free State naturally p s done It • to gut was told another of those triaibtn�phs of claimed it.. and it was also claimed Regular phyFic fries tell us that the the seeds of rid & some of the y 1 t>ac.k Luis tiatld�► of the clock. Dr. Williams' Pini- Pills, whicr. are by an African pative chief, by the bronchial tubes and nasal passages Corneiels of Hipockoraeey & take of business for Over a quarter A ' were intended `for the passage of nit the apple need of ,for bee�iin pie- of 8 century ? One that htie A d dT 25 y I 4 4 YVu have had exactly the dame inti- Trati�svaal Republic and by a half - de:it iIL the c'rige t�f the Mormon com- b*'oma Very common Ln this vicin- alrnle, and the use of snuffs, flutotniz- cures olid the bark of Self will and always kept its pro '� ? aiu:: breed, or "Griqua," called Waterboer. y put them in a mortar of Def idealoe One that never tailed o lty• (Laugtttter�.) I am ,lot com- Ity. The fortunate individual is Mr. era raid douches .onl further irritates . Par ng the tenets of the Boers with The Governor, a Natal was chosen as these already congeste.�i parts, when anti poled them with a pe Ve of Davkl Crowell, a highly respected real- arbitrator b all three of the distput- misled you in any wa . till) tenets of the Mormowa. (Laugh- y Urange I•'ree StKte it catarrhal condition is present. HwAd St wood • also take half ank, ter.) T Y wi ounce Rag manors & three -quay- I You ooul utrust such s b 4 ( ` � tient of Hortanville. ants, but not by Tlie further tell fie that it must pp�da t yo The Boers are in common with them in t1iaL the area He decided that Waterboer was the through the air we breathe that tern of aai ounce of tluriF}eed and 3r peaceful oral Below is his experience, in sulbetance, rightful owner, and then Waterboer be Catarrh. Asthma and Bronchitis will take a pretty good quantity of the 1►.dustrluc» papulation, that they de- ag•he gave it to urs : "About two years placed himself ander British cover- Soo �/� •ire to move into a more colitary part abto, for the first time in m life, I bc, eignt Groat Britain Immediately be cured, or nut at all. _ Roses of amblahzin and the peath i of t ho world in order that the m y y' The affected,parts c.zn all be reach- of Selfe ooeiee�at and geather w-nne _ , ! y ger to reiilizc� full what ill" health �rLve the, name of Uriqualand West to ed b Cata,rrhozcme, the new medi- y the diamond region. erecting it into ti y of the mores that grows apo-' he EMU"ION ' e"Joy their own existence In their • �, toted tuft treatments which kills all brink of eerily foaindati�ri, together _ mown way- without comir: in contact meant. The first sympttom was a y, the existing t germ life, and at the t , E crown colon The Free Mate protest- with some of Lite plumbs c.>'11 Runa- with the outer world (Laughter.) You feeling of overpowering drowsiness ed and actually procured judgment" same time hauls up •cud restores the take it quite wron 1 if you think I - ate Hill a few grapes list grow g Y �' Wh+icli c; over are at times Often from a British court, i3hoR itig that surrounding tissued to a perfectly K g P� t of COD-LIVER OIL WriS allude In this w Lo the Mormorw f'ee't - in the subburbs of Sodom ; also a j f would be at work in the ft,eld when aterboer was not the lawful u�y n- healthycondition. HYPOPHOSPHITEf3 is just through ata want of re. t for the the few of the C,`urrallte of g•�o�rttorrow the drowsiness would seize me and I er. But by this time the English flag Catarrhozone is .a, guaranteed cure like such a bank. It has never Boer-:. but 1 "eir motives were the was flying over Kimberley. Who would and some of the sploe of balbilon, disappointed you, never will. • same. They ••anted to get away from �i°� find it, required the Nxevr kI� su y y' for ail diseased of the nasal and ree- all my will ,power to keep a a ggeet to haul it down? Great Bri and then take these twenty sorts It has never deceived O es. and is effective y codut"Ict with other ci ;lizatioti. and tain declared that a shifting and tur- P'ratory Parma _ & stew them :ill together in a stoney � never will. t> `Y° the llurmoRy mouse a In a short time I was attacked by g and very pleasant to use. 1 Prodigious: *�� bulent mining centre required a strand; heart Juge over the f ire of blind Look out that someone � "quite as at ag that made b t stiat-p piet•ciui6 'pains,' which shot j It .cures by the inhalation of medi- po does nOt t0 m ke ou _ • � a+d y lie corntrolling hand, and without a=they • ze:Ll rind otter in scone of the water Lhrou:gh the lower Inert of my sated air, whl( h ib 1 .Trried through kt fexmt,riin, and when they y Boers. and Pond through hardshlp� admitting or -denying the cover- the inhaler b the only vehicle (the of w' invest your health in a new - . , io ulmo�-t unparalleled, and readied that beck. at first this did not trouble mea State over the y , are eeaYired and eoken snuff then Llmos,cu-y, .whst3t'e Life ho very mitcll during the da' but at eigntyof the Orange air you breath3) Vat nature allows , tonic, some neve medicine y P'a'd to en- y' county ,offered it it sum of £y0.t30U Y take itt & grate u1 a Little Sal,phar- night the ��alin became almost v(nen• Y to- enter Into the lungs off• bronchial ,you know nothing of. _ , Joy themselves in peace. But the Vat- in settlement of ichatev�er claim it i,ows powder rills then strewn It • mons were soon driven put by the durable and often I would not close ht supposed to possess. The G�• tubes. e o through a clorth of vanity and suck Ser• and ic•�: X11 elsv�ti ► Mamie of elvilhation. ai:d In the same niy eyes throughout life whole night. g inon Ctitarrhozone outfit cotnplet for w I eonter Gradually a Iiri.tyeen and loathing for &nge Free State took tlteui a in the tliezwtn °�aurreto�nactiuc Bight Ia srpouL { �O� �` BOWNE Chemists, Torcula �Y d that It way w troll 1876. It 11ad not mulch ch c $1.00 at all druggists or direct b3- y y im- food developed. ometimee I would mail. 58nd: 10 cents in stamps for cam possible In thbi cordition of � the world's ° matter, but many of the citizens hri,ve of Ignzrance & in a Little time it 0 , I sit down to a meat .with a keen rt - llrle outfit tz[id testimonials to N. (,. affairs that the Boers should wclude petite. felt aggrieve:l over the Affair, and a - will Raise the spirit and you quake - - . themselves eLL%o, (Cheers-) - halt after a muuth[ul or so had 'sense of being; unjustly treated still _ Polson & Co.,'Mig. Chemists, Boz o14, & Rh�akEe & tremble & @might your � kept M'ell His Faith. passed my lips, sickness and vomiting Kingston, Ont. • . .< . - ' �broet an(] gtone & hP perfectly a rankles. An old man, a Buddhist, vr; ant to �i.AJUB.1 HILL, wovt.i follow. I became greatly re- -` —�-- quaker &c." � visit a Wesleyan missionary in ('e . - - The• a our.o of ei-er►ts, tIW finger of duc•ed in fie i and ui a short tune was (� �' u �j Krupp and Hip. Works. I __ _ _ ! y y y' 1 ' ' . V'ro% kknice, if you will, ni4ke it alto- but a wreck of my former self. The - F�U � G�,;r 110 �1 L! ► Deaf7pess Cannot be Cured ion. He was bent with age, nearly . • - • !s to build a theatre. blind, scarcely able to walk. After . f� dether iunposeiblct (l'li�eer>a.) The next doctor said tlie�'trouble was di aseoi Ovvna coal manes. by local appllc•atione, as they can- a little talk he told the missionnry incidett•t ' tlr4tt we had in counectiotl the kktneys, but his treatment- did Ilot Usct►s► 322 telephones. j . with tl►e Eochrs u-tly the concewion of �'1P me. My nnotaiyer, who was some- - � not reach the diseased purtison of his expectation after death, whish , their ills" R Correspondent Writes T11at �mployg 41,750 men. the ear. Them iK only .ane way to he knew must come to bim wxm. • e'pe 0ence to us. Then tiler •Lltin�, of a notice, urged ms to try Dr. , Ruw-Aa is -his beet customer. . cznle the irlcid"Ilt IvIiiell 1: u.cuall Williams'Pink Pills Dodd's Kidney Pills* Have cure corwil ees, rind that is bar n i " I am 96," he said " I hnve climbed • y as- and at last to y - Won't cell a gun to France.. dtitutioruri.l rcw�lies. De�afnede i@ .• dated with ` the 1lanI6 of .iTa juba sa'tisf y her meori� than *om hc�•s of Adam's peak (where Buddha Is said , E�Hen liar 100,000 inhab�itaynts. , Hill. Now, ntlemen. I venture to being cu -al, I took their use. -liter Cured Him of Kidney caused by an inflamed condition of f to have left his footprints) twenty. Fiat mties of railroad track. - I y' . think that there has beeit , a t -tak one !box I seed better alV1 I y the mucous lirwttg of the Eustachian , Sia times : 1 have % isited the ' Tem- ► Brea � I Disease. a aS@. . ♦ F.r�ste�ri works sato bl:Bhed in 18 �0. - nit- ►n.n;J&rstta•nding• of that ira,lisac- resolved to try another. Before the r Tube. R Deli this tube gets inf lum• t pie of the Tooth ' in handy seven . Length of l�ltinp, over 40 miles. ed you have a rumblU wound or im- - tic�:t. The bottle of JlRjub)a Hill way second box watt used my cotidl• England was first to approve litEc y � i times: I have hri,ci ri number of Bud - nut a very cure-id,-ra,blo battle at, all tion wap buWoved beyond gainsay Daniel Boucher h:xperimented ��'ith g perfect b+eriri,rli;, and where it i8 en �,R bad e�opie3d tired given to Bud- - Medicine for E,I hteen Years- 1,'in- work. _ tirel clooed,- deafness is the result, I dha priests; I have never killed an It tira•s a mere skirmiyli; and concur- an,,I I felt sure the, pills were g , Y rently with that there as art at- r�iotisible (or it... I took two morn -telly Persuaded to Try Dodd K Works emadme .x,6.,0 tons of coal rued unkms the Inflammation can be 1 animal only on a few occasions tern �t e;n t1Tc• Kidney Pills -Five Boxer; Cured wind -coke daily. , � _ ta•kert exit twd thin tube restores to i. • . T part of Alt then •Goy bote'tt+ and before they were all used Hing. CaFa steel works has .3v,�G1-horse" ,have I caught some • fish. ,, o you etr•nm , ,.Lt tlf =et1© its normal OODdition, - I I�laaclf�ils the issue the pain in my back lea@ wholly dig• •, fuer ; 45t•3 : stocim snit?nay hearing will l se?e I have ple�uty of tlyerit an�j I .� to the Traro aal. (Ghee a reit my u petite had returned Gananoque, Nov. .A.—Mr. " Dallit , PO, be dfwtroyed forever: nine crisesout , shall to t►c,rn well in my Inert life." PPS P Boucher, of this town, t uifereti with Krupp iF. Life sm, of the .man • who .1 SliI:LIaiE ElI'ER ENT. ani I feltike a `new tuari. For the of Le,n are ceuired by catarrh, which Now. whatever you tray pink of the mmi of two dollars I cured myself of a' Kidney Disease for eiglttecnu years. And molted his alive. en. ' . �t motie3 18 nothing but wi L•iflamo-1 condi. 'to o li.ib workmen. For Sore ': Throats painful diwase. There c.•unitot be the for the best part, ' o[ that eighteen, Pat tiotr of the mucous surfaek'%. •alt of that attempt, tie thing in German s the third greatest Itrni self way a sublime experiment. least dcw'1Lt but that Dr. - Williams' years he. lies bpi strivini;• tc� get y We will give One Hundred Dciitare , User t county in the world, and et a twen- •fink Pills vca.5 the pole cause of . my cured, .Experimenting -:with mch'I' fries.' ` f y . ( beers.) It w•asa a.n ahem�', to sorry tietli- of its on -tire output of iron ore for a rid cries of Deatnesre (ea used r r Into the prin�•iple of is ernational reeove", and L .consider them; the anti doctors all' Mie time, .he•hiul neve I?ALLEY S FAMILY v LVi E • , cxnne�� fmm the Krupp mines and is by cat,rn rrh i that can not be cured =policy the principle o[ r er Gospelnal best nw(lieine� In existerme. - experienced the slightest, relu.f. Itri I mn,nufacture�d to the Krupp «•orks. by galls (htarrh Cure. Send for IL will remove soreness in the chest itself. and, had it been su `Tessful. had `ohl by all do-tlers ui medicine . or now, -after eighteen years of it he is Krupl) buys from an etghtlr to a-circularss. free, t :fuel IungF. nn1,y 10 cents .c tK)a. It beeu rewarded with su •coca, w e, I dent post paki at 50c• a bot or or cured-by five boxes of DodI ds bitln�►,v. nth of all - the Ircxi .ore and pig iron ,F.'J. CHEN EY & CO., 'iblerio, n think. should have been en -!tied to be. boxers for $•2.50, by addressing the Dr. 1 9.118. - Imported into Germany from foreign �, by Dnigglets, 75c. _ True Education. liege that mankind had tauten a great W'illialn.�' Medicine Co.. Brockville, The quPt�Liott arises why di,�t -he riot lands. and this gigantic• enterprise is Halle Family Pilte are the best. The re:Ll work of education i,; to stride onward, and the hopes for the M Ont. Refuse, all subgtltutxs. tri• D ikl s Kidliey Pills before 1 'Tile the ,la ,t rodueer iu, the German . make the higher nature rule the lowor, 1.weal�n tial) Irii:i rFTad�- to his band for African liollusks. Empi p that we may not spend our days under world and humiulity at large would I------------ why diel he- riot - huve bc?eri infinitely brig;htert than ( miler's (trip PO�•iere Care. the lust tett.. Sears.. , _ _ _ Lake Tajiga,nyika, in Afric:i, offers the dominion of that which apl►eale • else it ? Surely lie must = lung; hnve a unique field for scientific ezplora- only to the'reenses and so live for more they are. It was not merely. it I may ! '— - - . - known that/ I)ctld s, Kidney t iJst li:iwe ' to express myself. that .Nir. Gladstone, l Heat the Frying Pan. .. - tion. This region, lice AuetraliaL, is l>►reeent piP�asure and for tiro trivial a� I believe. wished to apply the prin• cared hundreds of others rrr_% ht his ono• of V+ a few localities where ani• things of the day and hour, 11ut may tlwaye -heat a fi• ing pan before mals stUl live that have become ez- take del' lit in the Intellectual lift, �; cipic of that religion, which was .11 so ig dear to trine in i it putting, anything in it, not scorch- �Wt ie ttrwir 1 to uncleraLancl. 1\ritural leer c ernaltional policy but hissing hot. Test it with tillet elsewhere, certain whelkiike iti great ttroeights, in high idea ib and that made him make that ,attempt. ing, ng versity is. often • the onhy explanation I believe X11NAltl)'`3 LINI.iI;NT mollusks of this lake appearing to In noble achievements in the realm of Mr. Gladstone—it is very little known, , n drop of water—i[ it dances atwut, in midi cases. Mr. Boucher mils have. will cure ever- case of Diphtheria,. ; have been driven from the ocean truth and knowledge.—Prof. Leach. ". a little hissing globule, the pan is Iven deceived b tfie . pretensions, of ,tiyerdtcle. \ire, except to those who weTo most inti. 3' I►eaten Baker. a•nd to be ideQnrtifled with fossil forms t ascot. ' jtlsk right. Things laid in :a cold pan � - ? matte with hist. had rt -n o�'erpowering imitators of Dakl e. Kidney 1 ills. Hoe 1, believe. MINARD'S LINIMENT of old Jurassic seas ill Europe. - - , conviction of them ht and veer of ri.ne3 tbeei set over the fire are ger• may have been ptejudirecl by some. . _ I1O laity to stick. I3Qsides, they track will Produce growth o� hair. For bails and felons but however it was ?lir. England. He thought that Greats Bri- other' means, lire. FLae. Anderson. TO CURB A GOLD IN ONa DAY . tain could afford to do things owing tom' appetizing erispnem8 which is -Boucher . came round to Dod-d'e- Kid-. Stanley. r. I,. I. Taka Laxative Btamo Quinine Tab Use •' to that overpowering might and do- the main reason for frying. Inbre ney E'llle at is st . anti ie a Healthy rt�� refund the a�ey , rPo g • • • I believe IfINARIV-S LINIIIF.:NT iota. All d • minion which other nations` could not f` s'U b�w,imi, particularly. it makos man in consequence. LALLEY S FAMILY SALVE is the beet household remedy on earth. if it iritlt3 t o tura .:5c. E. W G. P•M • afford to do without a risk of misun- 11•1 the difference in the world in He writes: " For eighteen y are I nil City,. (int. � ..:lfutthias Foley. eignatu.re to on eaob tris. It removes the soreness at once. understanding—(cheers)—andflavor. _ __ for that __ _ _ linos ,been troubled with hid ,v Dis- • I �5c.• a bog. Reduced to 1(lc. reason, which I think has never been �inard'n LinimentCarea Dlete»ot `ease.. I have used all sort of ,meth- I Vast Coal Deposits in India. clearly enough set before the public, I elneR, but could- get nu rel f. I was' - he endeavored, after what was un- ' _ _ . I persuaded to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I Indi:l has immense coal deposits, doubtedl a reverse, o treat with the Experinienting «'nth .e yew' Fuel . I linve inished• five boxes, AnId - from whish the call t in 1896 was . y t ani ,, GflM Rt1EUMflTtSM BB CURED? ? Boer -4 as if no such reverse had taken L new Compound fuel Ls now being COMP .ly edited. I highly re^ommend - 3,, 37,820 toms. In the bengal dis- place. { trict a lone the Ran*urg and Bara- tkwted in Engklciti witl► (•I.timetl satis• them t ail .suffe,ring aq I did. I used A Queer Town. S'ou cao't tell v►'ithout tryioR WHAT SLR. MADSTONE. OULD DO. factory results. I i is composed of ,3;3 to have to op work for two or thrtl The newly founded town of Trian• ker collieries are estimated too cion- - - EBTS a OIL . Now we know how that n nanim• per cent. of coal -dust dust and 7 per cent. days In the week on' account of Brick twin 14,000,000 tons: the Karam- , g P gle, Texas. promisee to be one of para collieries, The New (heniical Compourd wonderfully ILy was rewarded. We ma feel I�r• of a mixture of pine and caustic ;lime: aeii% het now T van cIo n day's work Pa 8.800 000 tr>Qis ' uses effective in curing hl.cumetit;w, Neuro the moat unique in the• IInited Stiatee Bokara oollieri�es, 1,, ,00,000 ' tans. �' fectly confident, we who ollow Mr. These three sulwtanem are mixed and with anybody." It ie laid out in the form of an aqui- Sciatica, 1'ain inthe Back and Sidea,Lumbago, Gladstone, that were he alive, and had run iVto moulds where the harden --- -- --- -- :and the Djherrin eollierless, 405,000 Sore Throat, Diphtberia. Frost Bites. Tooth- „ y ' Ban Lifted From the Ope,t. lateral triangle; Its lots are urian- tMg• ache. Bruise@, Kidney and Bladder Dieeamm he the, control of the -destinies of this to encu a decree that they do nbtIki.r in' tiineipe, and the ground plan country, it would not be possible for separate when burning and are, sold The ban of evil omen ie at lam Sold by all drugit;C a at Chemist, eco t i from him, nor would it enter into his con- In Liie e+tiape of pPrfoirated bricks lifted from the oval and it Domes of each o1 the ..3 houses which have Corns asci �t'art.tc. M. F. EBY, Chemit;t, Port }ilgin, Oct tem lotion. to make terms after this weighing atx,ut ten r flying' colors � ere an emblem tlri@ int been stet -ted bherb ie Extractor Painless Corn and Wart p ig rig hounds Path. - fo• out in f1 i , three -cornered. The three principal Extractor is guaranteed by the , war, to make terms such as were made big furnaces and- for domestic use in of abiding affection. pretty. little Rtreectre are named Equilateral, Flea, Emkers to remove C)OTns, Wart@. after the skirmish of 1lajubz Hill.lenkets or himpm of lenticular form, of opal hearts set round with diamonds leve and hKwr••ele�s, and tlye residetAs ��, etc., without pain, In 24 7 (Cheers.) Sir. l remembe•• wdl that I which 140 weigh 100'pounda..The new, are one of the - fashionable love have e: an carried their curious Iden Imr�s, Putnsim's has been the stand- FOR'SALE. time. I had a great personal devotion fuel Ls gold in London for .$0.25 per tokens. Into the local government, which rircl for thirty yee.re, and is the only FINEST FRUIT and :STOCK FARM and • to Ir. (iladxtone. Thal pereon�•cl de- ton reta.U. It gives (sit an intense -. - votion made me regard with hope any, lrPat and only traces of smoke while Editors in Ser�•ia. �� of a< go~called Trilirlgvlar Rafe ;anti sure retnseciy of its kind syn • . . Ceaincil, having three members• the market. Insist on having only COUNTRY HOME IN ONTARIO or c An:.da, course of lit he thou ht fit -to the residue of ashes do,as not exceed .`3 policy in '--•Betula the li[e of a - new-spaper - _ Putwim's, and beware of acid, fleah i?0 screw, 15 in fruit; electric and st(an, rail adopt. but on this occasion I confess I per cent. It can be burned In fin orclin• publisher, is not a path strewn with` 'iniatd�sLiniment CnreR Pivhthen� anti ,:,* ways within flue minutes' walk•ot Qate :.bar mibetitutions. Price ,c r felt deep misgiving. I did Iiot believe ary grate, and the fire t mhles an roses.' One of the weeklies in that • _ ---- --- I bottle, at all dealers, or by mall. N. g.t•n1. Addre•,:s box Gt, HamUton, Ontaiio that the world w.l, trete fir such an oYceedlnly `hrillifint coke fire. r�ntntr�• ha -9 llaci tAieteen publishers C. I'oaac>'n & �,• Box 514 1�irii;etun. eslx•rimefft. My misgiving mattered - cvithirt the last two Pare. (� fifteen of. liti`rrie•ss Crisis. � I bo,aus;- I was only Miller's "'ora: Powders .make the years. Ont., I roprietors. TP'XA� E Alt1i� }'� ►lt CALF' -300(1 H� ,,,� very little indeed, n Y there, are languishing in jell on tic A man says h© wc�rit atroalau� rL few ____ I ilup►•c►ved, lklarion c�ounrs, > per acre, vile _1ac private rwith er of Parliament. un- children healthy. _ . count of their outspoken con�demna- days � asking diff©rEmt mon how Crusades Agai>tist slang in Kentucky divide into small farms. •1,;00 acre`s (lt10 )res c•onnec�teli with the Government err- --- tion of Government measuren and the • business was with ttic�n. He says cultivated.) near Athens, in Henderson cepa as it. flithfui supporter; but I The Hasy Descent ' of 31111taristnt sixteenth ' 'transgressor ie nwa,iting some of the a.nsvrom wore as follows: Kentucky Club women have under- � Counts•, Ii '1►er acre. 28'acres chow in cul cannot lisle lcking brick to It qnw rind taken a cruteade agaiQet slang. ThF� tivHtiou), t guile from c'ro.;U�•, hu Harrix trial int the y.Ltne offence unci In all - county-• $15 jwr etre. 1;40 s,cres _� ►nite@ from remembering how complete) the fears W the natio ' of Europe em'- S�hoeman—Pcegging alarng. Federation .ot that ~tate lied pre- , . , I tett at tih.it time hrxvsi} b. realized barked on tbo po„icy - of militarism probability will isle lila colleagues. , - RagQtan—Picking ult pared a . ►etitiou that is to be sent to Hockley, in Harris; county, t1u per acne, I And ot.he�r barg:uns. James B. Groff &boo, AuR In the result. (Cheers.) So fa from the they did not inUnid to place a sol: Blacksmith—Beat hot. school principals and teacherR asking tin, Texas. ' Beery triking the magrianimlty as it diet cit the back of cwc�ry laboring For n1CSO111t0 bites Cripple—I can't kick, their coo-cx►eratic,n to secure a moire - ' �--- - wa,t intende+1. They rmar(WI it ,as a mull, but once gtrlrtecl in -that direc• US Tailor—Sew, eety. careful use of FAaglieli. The petition Sugar Beet anproof of wea•kn�q on wbioh they vould tiara they found it impossible togtop. D,LVF - Buticher--All' tint up1, - - further declares that the Brest d I . encroach, anti it was with a deliberate `miiar conditions will prodore simi� ALL �' S FAMILY SA Blind main—out of sight6 a.nount of ungrammatical and poor tinct constant encroachment on the lAr result& in America as In Europe. It removes the poison Ansi Stove n�tift—Warming ail►. F.nglieh and slang so constantly Farm Lands.terms of the settlement that the Bcem But co!oni�es Imply a standing army :t(lays the inflammation, . Coal' de?al�er--Outlook black, heard in the home, the school room T �war-ie•i the sublime magnantmity of to maintaiq them,-: Burllilg-t�on Dema - - &Wft eer-�:', high pressure. and On the street should not exist. ” Bay Court t y " is the garden of Ai i � • h - �' Mr. rlac%torie. trot Journal. Subject to Tates. Ha act r, igan. Write ic,r leaps and iut.trm tion For barns and scalds nss aA � � 'lt�. - -- - - -- - - - - ]KhWd's L1IIimest Cares Colds. The amemors of KI1 I i t t}; wor t h, iron u., U ]�--tea. tc, Bn r C4-srn t.- L.`i nd (Nf ive, Words of Wisdom. , ld • eto Irrtve • received the follow'i schedule ''' �; Pharm cl --Marken drugged. hALLEY = AMILY 'CALVE, Mich- ThP trusf;y have no time for teears.— l ' - of property handed in by a lioet- Bsr�—I'm scram along. - _ - Byre,ri. Elegant IltalilQhains. farmer Of that town: Street laborer—$lyra digging. It relieves at once and leaves no scar, The Inibllc is wiser than tine wimist . 'Muff chains are very elegant tnts One wife ,with red ha r. two. steers— .Pawnbroker—Intsereet-Ing- . , H O RTH AN D, critic.—i3ahcrOft. fiNtSoI1 and are tnrt,de ut rilternato that s :t pair, Watchrmket-rjbo much tick.— Ilow to Utilize ('cal Dust. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Penmanwh4-1 CUt m+•n's throats with whigperings, links of gold and enamel in varied One hbrw (she'll a tea ..),- that .ii all, Fact& Housebolders who find that they etc.. pract:cali3 •ought in thefnin —Ben .lc flower forms, with a jewel charm I swear• _ . , have been supplied with an undue pro- GENTRfItBUSIN i�GOLIEGE Str•a t t►T)ntr cw are well cultiv�ted, . not gitIg The Brldagroc►ni s Iteflec tion. sN Opt. bun at one side. Ahother nov- ' portion of duet with their cal. may The beast ane. 1110?4pol+uiar e >nen�ist ere thc.•v are fertile, bunt as the are eft is a ribbon with �� a Liniment Cnrex*s:•�et in Cows. , Y 3' jeweled bugs The bridegroom hated cuss and fool- thus utilize it : Take three or four eohcx►1 in Canada. �� rite; for our elaborate frf*-•---y,ontewclv.i�eu. set at Intervals. _- -- : cry, and when he scrambled after handfuls of common washing soda, Catalogue, Thee rays cof haptpenVWs, like thecae --`--_ ___ First. American C'loc•ks. the bride into the brougham with and, having w•e:l wetted a bushel of «••J• ELLIOTT, Principal . of ligb,L ares colortc�rs when unbroken• Miller's C-0mlxxind Iron Pills; only ------------L--- ----__ —igtellow. 25 c�erite for 50 closes. The first attempt to manufacture rice down his neck and in all his cox: dust, thoroughly nig the soda To be good and cillcagrocable� is high watches or clocks as a large scale pockets, with his new hat spoi:t, tied with it. Let It partly dry and it with pAR.1iA�'S�'TLYCt'}tFD B? in America wa8 made b n Yanks©, one eye beginning to s��•e:l Erom ct answer e3ace:Iently for burning when , 1 1 1 Pr. K i n►t A r coat '1 e,. e•e Itw .trAarion a,>yat.nxt the royalty of vir• lierritton (;►iri �Iissisig. who invented wooden wheels for blow by a slipper's heel, he was not a slow fire is requited. tore- No tit.• or ue,•,•ouet,eM tus•.—fi• yior+e. St. Urltharinc cleRlt►atch : �Icr- clocks in 179`' In 1837 machinery In is beat of tempers. �� Thrr<L fulness rafter meals ' Better ivE•ro It t� be unborn than to rom tl aftc r rimy n,. s rittan has -a m�ugter Miss A nes was applied to the making of metal- If ever I mitts again-- be be- P l s �' use. "cl Le be ill-hrv4.�gir W. Raleigh, y• g 'pp n, tend then the bride turned and relieved by taking one ui liiller'd O:c: .tru-trevt, 1%iis,it.lc,t►ia, Either I will find a way or 1 will Worrea, daughter of .the late Jose h wheeled clocks, which drove the Bn Pm., tar ttrewotlr{ *1iso r, e., s= t ria! twit : its• i•'ur p ' k t b' d the tem nature Compound Iron Pills after each t h J I ,t''',r,. i -♦,A, � ♦ t► - worre. i, has d1ka eared. She left wooden -wheeled clocks out of the %r% --q ,,,,.e At r 4" .00 a lm a n pe t nt e� make one. _ �Ir P. Sidney. P'P meal. %,..,•'•.•H•. c). In that brougham dropped consider- know how to diragembte is the home last eveniY. to go to the store market. _ - ably lower th,an th"t of a refrigerv. --. _ knowiodgo of kingH.—Richelieu, for some bread, but never reached _ re There L9 no genius in life like the home. This morning her d1oak and the Can't eat? : Touts Miller's Com- tor. _ _ - _ _ -- - nd •Iron Pills four .6 few days and , a>c g iluH of e�rgy awl activity,—D, G. bread were loued beneath a tree in P . �iUer's Wortu Powders cure fitft irl �, � --, "a Mitchell. the yard at her home, and plrave fears. observe, the reealt�. children.' , _` ,/' - =n• ;olttiing t►1 veelsF► to thc� man of ares entertained. In,' going home the - -- --- •2 • ' amtot .-9e; he totrns everythlrng to ac. Bir- had to croag the raceway of Us' 31an in Distress. Hickory- Nut Candy. camt�—La Fontaine. Line .n Mills. =- . Sm _—_ -_ 1i, -------- A whole family tntifefiirig. A dull Take one quart d the best West � 1) T QV E 9" -You mustn't muni baby." -remarked iller's Wow Powders the medi• - aching of nerve or mUscfe, or th© India molatms. Put it into a = thick _ HORSE, S C RUB AND S the form mother, as the bacholor caller cine for children. acuter pangs of neuralgia,, toothache kettle and stir in half a pound ofHOUSE , • minirmed unermily. You see, 8110 is c\it- - or lumbago makes life a misery. But broi-ni Rugar. Boil slowly and stir U 1wr %#4-th. Negotiations In London have result- Nerviline — nerve -pain cure—will re- thoroughly, skimming; whenever it • . " cutti them!" exclaimed 111© `,*l irr -a" agre luent lwtween Great ileve all these. Nerviline ice powerful, scum arises to ie top. Ad he g•rat nK ftrltain, Chinn. and the United States batchelor calker. "What a barbarous to- maintain the r>l>�e►n door in China, penetrating, and effectual. 0d rind and ju of a lemon after c1i�m' W'hy dun't you lest 'e m just tv1gell power wilt undertake — t thdi molasses and sugar have boiled 1 S r+ E p F 0 A —iih— ow through?"' ac,E GIST INGV % AL111ES Y � c1c- until near] done. Rail until it is so 71NG � ,jam tom' g _ velop both British and American For Piles Use thicek that it will trot boil; then try T MEAR LAB CLQT`iES• 4. Arid t he t h dropped 2� �- trade. It Is unc t ptJ e i. - ie toocl that Germany it in a Raucer and let it et cold. If N T S gree". rind probably Rnwk will give the LALLEY FAMILY .��LVE R �y 0 brittle it is sixes. Just before it is -.:A, • Open for an errgagetnent--a war United State" written amurance aq to It never falls to cure. ready to take from the fire add half a ship's port-lkcol4s. - the maintenance of the " •• .Pen door. 25 cents a boa. Reduced to 10 cents. pint of the meat of shickory nuts. M - - 41 . - - t i .t . I It I.., . [ . . .... � •V- . ' ` - y•. ^.�.. .. .. .___....•.�• u• - .. , . . ._ _«...--.. a- . • • -. - -_--..•,--.,. - . . ' _ _-•.---,:.e.e. -..w I -.+err. ..++w►---O-.+.w-.•-.,.....i.w....»...ra......+�-.s..�•... �-..+.�- .. -_.. r.,�• -.*— - A Y t F T .'. .. k • 4L. a ... - _