HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-24, Page 5• •16- • • rr , B IT 110ITT..11) I3E a ii :, . .._........._,,..„._..... -.....,-----.=.---=....r..._-------7-----. ` 7great deal ot cheap trashy goods ears a o when money was not so p1eGema sa thein. But ' now that t�.ings A few y gwere manufactured and sold. The hard times Who like we end ademand for better foods. 5omet ing are brisker and �a.oney more plentiful1satisfaction. For the benefit those carries in that is going to wive the e�o�he many lines o:: such rooda good article WE quote below stock. ........iiiia. 410.----, , SLATER SHOES B. JOHNSTONE & CO.'S CLOTHINC CIIAEDINC'S FURS This FAMOUS, Shoe is made in 12 different shapes and styles. Can fit almost any foot. Gookear Welted, and every pair guaranteed. Price stamped on the sole. $3.50 'sz $5 00 per pair. This firm wake nothing but first-class clothing for Men, Boys s and Children. Their aim • 1 ,5 to make a ready-made suit equal to y uit, to sell at a ready-made any o>1 d el a tl s price. Their Tweed Suits at $10.00 & $12.50 fortsen, aro among our best sellers. This F11 m has the reputation of making nothing hinbut high class Fur Goods. Ail the it Ladies'much llll- proved quilting Coats this year are bythe of a specially made pelts to the inside, leaking them •doub- lystro ng and easily repaired if th' should happen to get torn. We have them at all prices. Each coat is guaranteed from one you r.�� 11i{�r�; year to three v ears and costs than the ordinary Fut Coat. money Biggs, PnstIey & Sons Dress Goods • are the sole agents for Lucknow for We these Famous Tress Goods, and tor those who o desire something good, we could not recommend anything better, They range in price from 50c to $1.50 per yard. MAPLE LEAF FLANNELLS hl Are made of pure Wools, thoroughly shrunk in Blues, lieds. Greys, Fawns, and Fancy Pattc� ns. `,`'�iitc;� .-. . Use the once and ycu will use uo other, All prices, 1 from 25c to 45e Per yard. . J. G. Mur.00h dz Go., jUC11OW, iVij OORRIGAN'S REMEMBtn YEACO RS, YEARS ENTERPRISING . . FARMERS The guarantee of haif e centur3T's successful the Building is behind names :- McCLARY, BUCK, GURNEY LONDON. BRANTFORD. HAMILTON The Three Largest & fest Stove Manufacturers_in Canada. The Guarantee of I,003,000 delighted users of their Stov c s. The Guarantee of Constantly Increasing and Expanding Sa'e3. v44 btl The Guarantee of Suceess Achieved. and Sup' remacy Won. .06 Nwwo these aro thtovo we homale Thoy' are the right kind for you to 'buy, 40 Stoves in Stock to choose froze 110 USE BERBAGEUM• If you want your animals to thrive well, work well and look well feed HERBAGEUM. If your horse, colt or cow is out of condition and your pigs unthrifty feed HERBACEUM. If you keep cows for milk, butter or cheese and are fattening calves, cattle or hogs or poultry or for eggs, it pays to feed FOR Lawrence, 1 FARM TO RENT *O Ri'NT, 100 ACRES, BEING THE con. 10, township e�,t half of lot 20, of Wawanosh• Seventy acres; cleared and fit for cultivation, Rental, $150.00 per annnr u, • 1st . ►f April next. Fur possession vivre Blether information apply to 'rHOi�•vs To(►n, St, Helens, WM. OKE, box 3U7 Whitby, BOAR FOR SERVICE HERBAGEUM. In feeding HERBA:kEUM animals get about one-fifth more nourishment out of the food, fatten one-fifth others and weight one fifth more than the same size and only costs one cent a day for grown animals and one- third that for colts, calves and sheep. Sold by J. ELL1OTT - LUCKtIOW. Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY. CIASSWARE GROCERIES & PROYISIONfi 1 have it stock the following • 4pplee kilacking Black Leal Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beaus 13rootas Baskets Brus1ics Blicuit Coffee Confectioner Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder • Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple !Dried Fuzs3 \Fibh, auned fish, dried Uelotine Gingers Hops Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juic Lemons Lampe Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, carne d Magnesia A-1 Flour always en hbnd • Nut meg Oil, olive Oil, ewer„ Oil , castor Oranges IOat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas,canned Pepper Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon 1S ardiv ee (Senna tSeeds Sugar Syrups Soda S�arr Spices Starch Stberria• oanLI Sulpher� Tapioca Tomatcae Teas Tobrawacco. Vermices' Vinegars Washboard Washing Cryo I Woodenware Whiting Dintier Sete Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Betts • K CES . para of hankhiHsT�H T ERS& ECCE' CEC. H. LAWRENCE. Suap Shots. Our Custonu3rs LuckuoW\ Clubbing Rates FOR 1900 — W. C. JOHNSTON Having purchased the buss - Not only advertising Furniture, rniture but to sincerelthank the general ness lately run by Mr. W. J. wish y public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my Roods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of Take Them. THEY GET THAM FROM US. Tip top in Quality, 'rip top Variety. Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP h- Kinlofs, a thorough - id for ,�►ervic�� at le ,t 3, con. 4, This ir; a snlan�icl herd Tamworth b"ar• in eager and animal, having taken first prize sec,,nri prize at the Ottawa shows fur the best hog ander sit:: months old. TERMS at time of aero ice. with privilege of rtturning if ne)cesiary. For ,salt• gree and other particulars; apply to JOHN McDONA 1.D, Lncknow V 0 'mss 13M00311 1N311fd 3111 'CPPV. 'MI mo £q peroses oq ism p°115 11311d °1 SENTINEL and Glob; .......... 1 50 do with Marion Harland's Work:.... $1 75 SENTINEL and Advertiser ...... 1 35 << and Sun ..:... ..•... 1 35 and Witness ........•. .1 50 « We po3tively e, and Mail & Empire. .. -1 75 "= and Faruily Herald. .. 1 75 and Daily Globe ...... 4 25 and " Advertiser.. 2 00 and " Mail & Empire 4 25 Tip top Facilities, cc 64 LEICESTER LAMBS Parlor, Bed & Room Sets _n Town. Chairs of all kinds Spring Boas Mattresses Sofas, Hall Rams, Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Luoknow • • MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, - TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Coneervator1 1 examinations. Parlor snit Estenaion 1 RESID1NCE—Cumpbe11 street. thing In fact everything to be found tins Edith tidy give as much, if not more, in real values than any one Uountry. 140 USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, GALL UPON US. in the in a FIRSTCLASSlessonsIe prepared to give lessons on FURNITURE PIANO AND ORGAN At her home on CarnpbelI St., L UCKNOW • t ITE UNEI;,SIGNEU OFFERS FOR sale 23 head of ram lambs. Good ones. Will he sold very reasonable if taken soon, alio ewe Iambs, E. GAUNT & SON, I.uckrow P.O., Ont ha:weave (.6 Joilastance Furniture Dealers and Undertakers WARE ROOM, and always at Rock -Bottom Prices. MUSIC — TAUGHT A� �6anain�DaviOu, Vocal and Instrumental THE UNDERTAKER Music and Harmony are taught; by AND EMBALMER. r•