HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-24, Page 4-40000041"1"1111101.111177,77R3' 1.4 • • 6.46.064446W. 614si.e.,S. ,016 6Ik Awie/E411440-411, tliakt .16411:4*.a.6.66614* 41140.040.11114.. • •. tt 4% (know/Wine' THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THZ DICTATES OD' CONSCIENCE WZ PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Luckaow, November 24, 1899 Cs" WAR ECHOES By and by the British will cease sending out little parties to be gobbled up by the Boers. A British so:dier can always de de- pended on to protect a lady, even if her name is Smith. Things do not look as black with General White now as they did a couple of weeks since. The story tha "Joubert" had been killed was a "fake." But he should have his life well insured. The Canadian contingent will arrive in South Africa before our next issue and probably be in time for a share in the heavy fighting. While the British and the Boers were fighting on Tatham's faria a few days ago, the farm hands took a day off to witness the Boer hunt. • ANNUAL MEETING Of the Agricultural Experimen- tal Union. The prograufine is to hand for the next Annual meeting of the Ontirio Agricultural and experimental union which is to be held in the Agricultur- al College, Guelph, starting Wednes- day evening the 6th, and closing on Friday afternooa December 8th Dining the past year co-operative experiments were conducted by the Union of Agriculture, liorticu I tu re, Economia Botany and Soil moisture. The Agricultural experiments with fertilisers, fodder crops, potat 04 5, roots, grains, grasaes, and clovers, were conducted on 12,065 plots, which wers situated on 3,485 Ontario farms; and the Horticultural experi- ments with email fruits were more numerous in H99 than in any prev- ious year. The summary results of these practical experiments will be presented at the annual meeting, and should prove of great service to all of those who are interested in practical agriculture. The speakers who have been engaged to address the meeting are Geo. T• Powell, New York State, Hon. John Dryden, lion. Chas. Drury, Prof, J. Robinson, Prof. 0. C. James, John I. Hobson, Nelson Monteith, G. 0. Ores - man, B. S A.. etc. As the College was established in 1874, the quarter Centuary Anniver- sary of the institution will be celebra• ted in a special way at the time of the Union Meiling. A good opportunity will be offered those in attendence at the Union meeting to visit Guelph Fat Stock show, which is to be held on the 6th 7th, and 8th of Deember. The trip to Guelph and return can be procured on the railways in Ontario for one fare on the certificate plan. Sill inquiries regarding railway rates programes, etc., should be sent to C. A. Zavitz, Secretary, Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario. NORTH BRUCE Illemors Alex. McNeill and D. M. Jots. myn the Conservative Candidata for the Commons and Log's.. lature Respectively Tara, Ont., Nov. Ill.—The Conger' vative convention for the elecoral dis- trict of North Bruce was 'held here to -day to select candidates for the House of Commons and the Legisla- lative Assembly in the next elections. John George, of Port Elgin, president of the association, was in the chair, and delegates from all parts of the riding were present. Mr. Alex. Mc- Neill, M.P., received the nomination for the Commona and D. M. Jermyn received the nomination for the As. sembly. These nominations were made unanimous. Stirring speeches were made by the chairmsn, Alex. McNeill,M.P., Mr Jermyn, and others Resolutions of confidence endorsing, Sir Chas. Tupper and Mr. Whitney, wets passed. The meeting was very enthusiastic, and dispersed with cheers for the candidates, Mr Tupper, Mr. .Whitney and the Queen. DROPPED DEAD Seaforth, Nov. 17.—David Johnson, hardware merchant, of Seaforth, drop. ped dead at his place of business yes- terday. Mr. Johnston who was in apparent good health, went to business as usual in the morning, and about 9.30 was in the tintihop of his estab- lishment conversing with his forman, Mr. Chaq. Sooles, when, without any warning, he sullenly exclaimed, -Oh. Charlie!" and fell forware in Mr, Soole's arms. He never spoke again, and died in a few minutes. Mr. John ston was 57 years of age, and one of the pioneer men ot Seaforth, having conducted a large hardware &aid tin- smithing busiuess her for 30 yrarF, ASHFIELD, couraciL Council met Nov. 1 lth. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The following checks wer issued :—John Kilpatrick building bridge s r 3 and 4, $290.00; Jas Kennedy rep road c r 9 and 10, $6.00; Jacob Cousins gravel- ling and rep hill, $4.00; Philip Steel insp, .3,4.50; Jas Oliver grading and gravelling and rep two culAerts d 1, $49.00; J Thompson gravelling s r 6 and 7, $48.35; A Johnston gravelling and plank $3.92; Ed Wall culv,ert and ditch $3.84; J Keefe gravelling 1 r and s r 6 and 7, $25; A '51cDermaid haul- ing lumber $3.50; Edward Johnston gravelling 1 r, $85.00; Thos Shackleton inspecting Tailor's bridge, $31.00; A $5 Stewart inspecting, .00; John Kilpatrick gravelling s 9 and 10 $9.10; Soseph Hackett underdrain tile $1 .70; W Gr-rdner inspecting, $1.00; Next Council meeting Dec. 15. Wm. &OTHERS, Clerk. KINLOSS COUNCIL The Council met Nov. 20th, 1899. The Reeve in the chair. read and adopted and the following ac- counts were paid. ,..tkeorge Garret gra_ vel 3.60; J Nlarksliall for the reward re ltoss Mithell $10.00; P. Reid fee in same case $2.44; C Ellis covering a 3 Another Pioneer Gone The des th of Mr. Malcolm Keith, of the 5th con. of Culross, on Thurslay October the 26th, rotnoved another of those who settled in the township when it was nothing but bush. Mr. Keith had almost reached the alloted span of life being but two months short of seventy years of age when he died. He was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, on Christmas Day, 1829, and came to Toronto with his parents in 1834. His father, aunt and sister died there of the cholera. The family afterwards moved to Eldon township, Simcoe Co. Mr. Keith came to Cul- ross in 1853 and squatted on the land which he afterwards acquired at the great land sale at Southampton in 1854 and on which he lived untill the time of his death. He had twice prev- ious to this, in 1849, been through that section of country lying between Kin- cardine though it was not until 1853, that he visited Culross. He was mar- ried twice, his first wife being Mary Cermichael, daughter of Donald Car michael then of Cullross. She died in 1880 leaving a family of eight children seven of whom are living. In 1881 he married Miss Catherine Black, daughter of David Black, of N. Dakota who still survives him. Of the seven surviving children, two sons and one daughter live at the old home whilst Mr. Donald Keith, and Mrs. Borton also live in Culross. The other two daughters Mrs. Win. Johnston and Mrs. Gregor McKinnon live in Mani- toba. Mr. Keith was an adherent of the Presbyterian church and a Reform- er in politics. Ilospitality was one of his virtues And no person was ever turned away from his door hungry. Mr. Jas.Reid who knew him the last 45 years, said that in the olden days when log houses were the only kind that were built, he, Mr. Keith and two others who ate long since dead, were the four corner men at many a house raising. When the Culross spioneers had their phot e taken Mr. Keith was one of the group. While Mr. Keith had not been at all well for some time, death came somewhat suddenly, as he had been in Teeswate- on the Fri- day preceeding his death. hus one by one the pioneers aro passing away and it will only he a short time until there will be few living to tell the story of the early settlement ot Culross. The funeral on Saturday last was largely attended by the friends of the deceased. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire neighbor- hood in their loss. Minutes were Head Mica, - - Hamilton. I BANK OF HAMILTON I LUCKNOW. Port Elgin Times: --The Lucknow Sentinel came to hand last week as an eight page paper and gives ten coluins more reading matter more than form- erly. Mr. Bryan has run the Sentinel for 21 years and turns out anexcellent local newspaper. We wish him con tinued success. °ridge on blind line, $3,70; 1 . McDoug all for building a storm fence on 10th side line $123.00; J °lin Little covering culvert con. 10 00; Peter McDougal luniLer and ,gravel for bridge eon. 6, $2.35; Peter Kerney, covering a bridge con. 7, $7.00; A Treleaven rep a bridge con. 7, $7.00; A. Treleaven rep a hill con 4, $9,50; A. Thompson culvert con 10, $6.00; W.. Clemens for tiles and tearin6, $9.2; Chas. Beckler hiinber, $16.00; J ACarltoti tiles, $6.07/ Wes. Boyle rnakiiig and r9pairing sone cul. bert $16.5,0; Tennant salery as health officer $20.00; Jacob Miller for several jobs of work on roads, $75.75; Jno McNeice gravel ,on 19 sideline, $2.00;• Will. Dempsey ditcfiing and gravel,: fg1.17. Moved by Kaake, seconded by Me. Dairmid, that she aim .Of $5.(.2, chat g_ on the collector's r011 for statute, labor unperformed. against E Thacker lots 1st, 2nd, anC;!- 3rd range north, be re- mitted as it. bas been made to appear. that he has done the said labor: —Car- ried. The council them acIjOurned to Meet on the -15th clitV Of December accord- ing to Statute. --.Peter Reid: Clerk. vll 140 f/(//1/ Capital paid up - - 1,600,000 Itesorve Fund - - 1,000,000 Total Assets - - 13,163,057 . Board of Directors . President JOHN STUART. JOHN PROCTOR. A. T. Wool), M. P. WM, GIBsON Vice -President A. G, RAMSAY. GE0, ROACH. A. B. LEE, (Toronto) M. P. ()ashler, - Asst. Cashier, Inspector, • J. TURNBULL. H. S. STEVEN. H. M. ‘VATSON. Agencies Berlin Listowel Owen Sound Carman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin ritiesley Manitou, Man. Simcoe Delhi Milton Southampton Geoio:etown Morden, Man. Toronto Grunsby Niagara Falls Wingham Hamilton .(Barton Ht) Or:Ing-evillc Winnipeg, Mau. Hamilton (East Erni) BRITISH CORRESPONDENTS : National Plovincial Bank of Englan,l, (Lt) London. AllEI:ICAN C`)ItIt:,SPONDENTS : Fourth National Bauk, New York. Hanover National Bank, International Trust Co., Boston, Marine Bank, Buffalo. Union National Bank, Chicago. Detroit National Bank, Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City National Bank of Commerce. St. Loui, AGENTS IN MONTREAL: The Bahk of Toronto JOHN SPROAT, INT -AGENT, 4' saT" 4111•1•111.1.111.• ki A TE GENERAL SIR REDV ERA BI) I 000 DOZEN =lankier in Chief of the British i =_ 9 _ _ — ;;i:, caught again, but got mentut 1 . - • Wished. . • prisoner who was brought . Aliwa t night says Kruger would- dorp a fifty prisonera for him. This ?:onti offered £2.000 to the po- Boer f \,FRESH ECU'S Foi which the highest raptured him if tht•y would : 14 price will be paid, either in 31 to &wane. Sortie of November 14. 1, N()v: '19.—Des1)8tches from Atti to Gen: Buller confirm the 'rom Boer sources that the talent' eontintiei ?ferring to.the engagement of , (;en. White states that the )deavored make. a etoser Mt, but. xvere repuls:id. tien. Alowed "this up with :t *sortie rove the Boers froM all their s. 'with considerable loss. 'rile hilt] not lose a- man. The nies- sieludes with the m stateent te town is healthful, the only t being a .‘olunteer killed in • and twIl Maxim. cash.or trade. 15th. a 813:1 tr ha ;.:411 NV* • the p! We have also added to our stock of take Boers FRUITS and CONFECTIONERY the (hp nopu tat iIw Be. A t41 says forced equil"AND - CANNED - GOODS LMMYIL el was as Naau.% (inc • . A NICE FRESH STOCK OF CROCERiES J. A. MACKEINZIX Fire Life and Marine Insurance, Real Estate and Loan A cnt liERVIE, ON rAnio. Agent for the Loudon littual Fire insur- ance Co., British America Insurance Co:. Farmers' Central Mutual Fire,Insirance and the Canada Life Insurance Co., also agent for the Employers Liability Accident atal Guarantee Assurance Company of London, England. I -tsurance on all clakses of property prompt attended t ; o. Farm property gold or exchangea. Severa choic,... farms for sale in townships of Greent.ck, Bruce, Kincardine, Huri‘w, Kinloas and Ash- field. A large amount f)f money to loan at 5 and 11 Per cent on tirst-class mortgage secnritv• Pa,dies wishing any business done in any of the a';ove lines please call on or addriss .T. A. MAcKENZIE, Bervie, On ROBERT CUNNINGHAM • INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. elephone Nt, 195 INT T 1 S C itwise; complete market re - A iEWTON, oi 0.0 ports from Liverpool, London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, 1.0 Toronto and elsewhere; full 1.0 notes of sporting events and Western Ontario District of news. News from the Trans- vaal full and fresh. The 0.1! largest, best and most popu- 0.11 lar daily newspaper in West- ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per al year. Subscribe now. Toe tool frw, Press PI. CO., M. t LONDON. ONT. And will be pleased to supply all who favor u.s with a call. RITITS and VEGETABLES Are commencing to come in plentiful, and will be sold cheap Aii goods delivered to any part of the tcovzi. Ice °roam, Ico Crown Boa& and all kinds of Summer Drinks kept at all times. Rs MOODYt i?"14433-341: OK Your p rh6 tffice ' • . iii ;Daily ,S2 t ;Free oi - . ran :::R. % it is,. (SECOND EDITION) It contains all the latest ito news by cable and other - Honor gradn,ite in dentistry, Toronto Dental Collerze, and Doctor of Dental Sur - very, TorontoUnivn.sity. All modern plats of 11 lerati11:Ina carefuluesm in workmanship. Office in Ailin's block, upstairs. P. S. - Will visit Ripley every Thursday teruoo I. Tho=wr2,,e4 Livery L Campbell Street, LUCK • F1IIST-C14ASs Ofrrses and Rigs. BOWIVI tar, - leff.aunister. LEICESTER LAMBS FORNALE UNT)11.:ICSTGNED HAS FOlt SALE at 111,4 f Inn jnst east of 'Ark -now, a number (1 tirt.t-class Leicester lambs; For further particulars apply to G. A. (JREEI.I, Lucknow, P.O. .1. , *. f.1.7) crs e s'` _ • Lt. y,01 nao myr fi.r bre;.th torIar of Frt:;•)eution. E4ent1Tow name and vi (in trEs-1 hoo Cr- 11 `t1 .1•11 UM TAFT Cn03.,t36 ADELMCZ ST.. W. • TORONTO. Vito FARM FOR SALE Haring purchnedii isanzpie lot of _ eit Hats 44, 1114■4111MIONW 64111=4 UMW At a big reduction, we are prepared to sell at less than wholesale prices. out Satarday# our. 3. We will have a number of Choice Tri Hats at prices from One Dollar up. N the chalice to get a Genuine Bargain in illiery. We also have a job lot of BL CK KID GLOVES usually sold at $1.Q, to clear at 50c. Our stock of Wools, pper Solei, Embroidery Silks, Stamped Linens, and all Fancy Goods is complete BEBE RIBBONS for Xmas work at 20 cents a dozen yards. MRS. SMITH1 LUCKNOW. FRED GRUNDY Is giving up the Dry Goods business, and says that this is the time to purchase anything you require. As he has now decided on going out of Jig ass 1:3EING LOT 18, CON. 10, KINLOSS, containing 100 acres, and all in a good state ot cultivation. The farm is well fenced. There is -on the premises a good two story. brick house 18 x 24, with frame woodshed iMached. A gcod frame barn 54 x 80, with 10 foot stone wall and excellent stables with cement flooring. Also a concrete hog peu 26 x 38 feet., and other outbui'dings. There id a 8111 11 orchard, also a spring creek and two ex cellent wells. There are 10 acres of hardwood bush. This farm itt sitdated 3 trifles from Holyrood and Kinlough, and 8 miles from Teeswater and Lucknow. For particulars apply on the premiseor t° JAS. PURVIS, Holyrood.-,Ont P.0 1 1 DRY GO".., OS, CLOTHING: HATS, .0 CAPS, 4* FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, So that on and after MONDAY, th .5th inst., he will 12- open his Store for the sale of any o f the above lines at cost and many other lines below cost. You can therefore be sure of the greatest bargains ever placed in your hands. Any articles sold out will uot be replaced. Now is your time to buy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and Spring. All Credit transactions will cease. This is the istst chFce you will have such an .opportunity offered you. BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange or Cash mid for same. Having the best equipp6d buildings in To for the lilndling Groceries uNtie.- Grain, Flow, Feed, Buis, Vegetal:1u, rriZtc„ He will continue in that branch of labile - A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged for a 'tack of Groceries. • k lemilmalmommoormilinwrzINININNIIIImelsomrekviliW People must Have Groceries The grehc question is where to get them. We keep the hest qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but w sell them at a very close margin. Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. Y will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you "buy from us instead peddlers. Compare quality and price, CJQCER We have a tine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, lesrry awl cheap. Call, examine them and get prices.- FIJOTTR & 1f11"") All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly cri hand. delivered to any part of the town. MKPLU Ei CASFT ("3--EZOO That Toucluts The Spot 11'1,EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR -Weak and impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to 3. pt. moLood,, GODERICII, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow ,•• • . taawwwwwwileaeleaviesSeileseemesememiwz..-feasseessalese4saaie. f