HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-17, Page 7� I . - . . . I . . I I � - I � - . - — ­ I * � . N _�%_ In - - . . . - 11111111= - . . . - - 1111111111111111 - � — r . � � . - i � - ____ . 11 ___ __ - r -7',-- 014%,. ago I fs f4 fd . . __ MMEMMM ','�� 0", -doglopapop,– P1111 . � � 15 " � I I . ­ .. ­ I - . vi, 1*04 o. A �� I'll— 1�� __Isw-_ 4111* ��� . - � .1 r ". - I .--,C�.---� -41.1 -4 � I 0 - -,.,A - , P - r *,( * �# io , . � . 04 �, b� . . . . . ­... - �;� 7 :.. - � I . - - . ____:,.L__A&;1dhNQ , , t .- VP ,; - - 444 ,q ". I . .. . #i I V - A&A- 0 , I_,��_._� 19 - ___ �,Ala^ z 0 0 _,__ � - ,_�� ­ - :- 1-- ; I � 4 - .1. � . _. ,-7 �-,4�- -T '1� L, . . , _�� V - - ,4`___,,� 1 : . '. :, - -11 - lk . - . .- __ � ­ - - I - - - - - ,A. .� - � _ . . __ -­ . - i . _.w AL��dl —, - . . 7. . - , _'�- 7 . - �: -_-7 T - I—— - . 1, - � 1 _&___.A1h. ---milllsomshmmad �.. .-A. 0 -_ , � - 1 P". I 17�. �3 - # .,V - - - , - -A 44 . . e. I ` , A.-&�i�,.& *,' __ 4`qW - - . .�­­Vv . - i" __ � � � 2� . I . . .9wolOr- 11 _. 1 ." _C . . I I - __ --'----- 10� . - ,� . , �' t__._ " I I � - 16, �4 ,- f a 5-jr—w- .. 1 *' '. . �,!.(�oot- 4. L: L . �� - i �" , - _j" '$_ 0 PA .111 � . - ­ ­.— - �- ­ I'll � 7 r 4,20 1�__ - � I - . - i T_�,_ I 0 � -AL.M -1 4 - , � _-, * I, _z' __ , I -VW 99w". 'W---," , I a - � - - , � I � . - _1 - jw,# I I ; - _ __ , � � . t- - -_ ,a,- &� � . 11111111111111k, - . I �, - I . ,J���l��11 , .� i:l,� - @01 - F. . . � ­:_ - �2 - - - A4�8" , __ __ _ - — 0 -P -ft !� 0 -4- -.M.0-M -M"W* � - . � - . - - ---a . I . I � I , I .W �_ - - . - -_ - I - - 101 --ft- 6011P - ---'W—r __ . . i" .7;_._4 ,-.O- W" j; -ft. ---V-�---W4V-0V_:=__ 167� 4. I - - . I - - r :_ I - - - r- . - . __ �i. � M, I - . __ - _. �&__ _ I- - — _'. ._.. . I .1 1. - . _­ _&.,..,,,.,,. . mob" __ ­ . ­ - __`__;.�I�__ I .01, , . . . _ j"0P,4­ - ' * 1- V� -1— _V" * 49W4 4W40`AV,* "W"ll - � - I - - � � � � . �k -.11C. -.0- -.1. , - �� . , , . � . _ �_ � - .r �� ,f I"" - ­ ; , 'w .,;,� - 174 1.- , L . 1�e.,� - . ,. , � . I y1t . . ,j;..,�,.e__._i-._-,�.b._.- ----- AW__1__ ­11�­­­.-b t. "I -_-_-"� 14 - - . I . - I- . .. -Now- .9 , . I _,­_,­*��..' I . - I - - I 1. 's " ! I I - , �� ­ _1 - . . . �. I ..-!i - ' � �:V - 0. ' _.W___1W___7__7 _11 .--- - � , . , I . I - - . . __"W1"ffl_VV11_ . . - � .. � - - . I . . � ­jr -- . . . � . . . . . . . . ��� . , T. -4 - r � - .. . '.O� - *_ - . f . - . 01- - � . - b., 7W AwTv ;% , ,- - - - W . . . . . I � V r : . . . �' r ., . . . , r . . . � � - . , . . . . . � �. I � r . . . . - 'r ' U . I . . 4 - . . . ­ , ­ �* .� . � .1 I I I - . - . - 111r, . , - . . . % * _ � I . .. - - . I . . - . .. I . I I . .. f#,. 7'r. . - � - -& - - I � . . .� . _� . I . . - . I - � � 1, - . - -_ I .. . . - I . . - . - � '. � , ' ' - . . & : . � V77- r L :. " - . . . - 11 i I � .r . I . . .- I A I � . I .1 - 11 - -- - - . . . . . I I - . I - . . - r . . . . I . I �, I .. . .��.,e- - a � A : � , - rA .- - j " .V ,­­ I- . . . . .. . . _ � '-. � I ,_ � I , - m S . . .,f � .- - �� . . . I . . .9 . . - . . . 11 I . . . I � . I I . I I �. . I - . - - � L � - . I I . . . . I . - . . . - P I - - ,- .1 . . . . .� - .- � I . 1'� , . �. . . t .1 I � I . . � � - . . _1 . _91 '%. - . I . . . . . . - . I � . � a � . I . . I . . I . . _ . I . . � . . - � � 0 . ., . I . /, . . - - . . - I . . . � I . . . - r . - . L � t � . : I I I � - . . - - . I . . - . � . . %� - I I - I I . . . - � I - I :1 I � � . . .. .- I I . - . .. - - . : � . I I � - . . � .- I . . . � I � I I . I �_ ' r _ : - i . . I - . . � I - . . - I . . . *1 , . . I - � . , - . I . I � I - . # . I I ­ I . 6 I . � I . I . � , _� .. . , . . . . I . . . I I I I . V, . , r ?,?, . 1 1 . * V % � I . - . . . I . . I I � - I � - . - — ­ I * � . N _�%_ In - - . . . - 11111111= - . . . - - 1111111111111111 - � — r . � � . - i � - ____ . 11 ___ __ - r -7',-- 014%,. ago I fs f4 fd . . __ MMEMMM . . 1�- -s-ISN'tok�4 44�%_41 0 � . that they have 'grandly and gloriously - - - O,M--,M,- - - - . . r`�*��� ------------- � OW as 4) 8 ,WP­qW_ - - " R00�1 IN S., . OUR ___ FATHER'S __ ____ - -:: I * HOME # i I. . -ere . matur�d, while our parents, who x% r aged and Infirm -here, we shall be glad to find restored to the most agile and. : vigorous immortality there. If 40 or45 or 50 years be the apex of'physical and I mental life on earth, then the heavenly- ;at all . .-,. . I childhood will advance to -that, and the - 9 . I I hp -q enlv ol aea retre t to that. N hen .. proved trade at H&mLlton this week. ' ' . The recent advances in the prices of i .astern markets, MURDER[O N190 I staple goods ill the P FOREST9 , wid the very strong markets for for- ___ - e' eLgn gcxAs have prevented price -cut- 0 ting tijis rail. The demand for general Tramp's Throat Cut by One of staple goods is quite.active. - -At Unidtxi lausiness I1a8 been very . . ff,d -WV1 f I I'm a+ ,tKr IF Fri r r"'U."w, Th ree C o m r)an i o P so * i almage s viscour on th G ot i oi ii aven— iue Kaps # ' . 12%4 qux; . an-; 4 4- A � we join them in. the farntly r.,,)OXnl r W'- - Leading %,Vheat 31arkets. deliveries of grain cAnitinue quite 11 - z --- --- . shall have much to tell theth. Weshall 11 -ing - th.& el i g price.8 at a k �� Done . tion Room, the Throne Room, . ­ . h 1! k;. low axe os�ft eral. and tile. effect on tile retail tr, de tures of the Reicep want to know of them, ri ht away,sue I - 1k + - .PpAn +,i rp -%L tdi-d A V : I @I Isaick # I I 1 .4 i V � . . thingsas these: �-Dld you see us in this UnVU1'toU.L1 L � VV VA" - I dM at IF All'out-dAnu ISM VMS. .1 Vu US" 511% rLAU U btblU u. I a K, I K A %j v ..1. � . . ; i . THL 1PIE-1. WATE GIRL I or that or the other striagkle? Did you. Chlft�� ... ... ... ...... $__ $0 6' 1-4 .for all classes of fai i a nd winter g(K) Is , . � , I the Alusic Room and the Family [Zoom, when we lo;st,,our 1�roperty an 1 0717-8 A. ing - . . i know d New York ... .... �- ... - continues very acUve. Tile prospects Forest, Oat., Nov. 1 ],.-This U*Yru ' ' r were never firighter Ina n vv ao . 04 s4,s��� sympathise with us? Were you pleas- ML:wva.jjj:1M ... ... .... 's ... 0671-4 --- ro blisiliess , i'll the body of an u;lklu)w" -- - I . �-Jvc tried 1rM an,', .% - ,,�%^-,,,��,, ���*��-440��* ��- -�i- �- 144��� I Loulos . - .. - Q 68 34 - -0 68 3-8 this jArt of the proviive than at foun, ,h ;4%,$"� ",2,4 I ed when we started fo'r heaven? Did 6S t. I _j bc%.Ldt-, t ,-,, (;. T. R. track 11alf 1. , .. do . ' "A.. -S. But she keeps %%*.-j,*hingtkni,, _.�Sov. 1'.2b—In uwulue lva� I keparation. Fa�her! Mother! There .a you celebrate the hour of our conver-' To*.�6do *4- 0 ... ... . 06814 ,.,0693-8 ifiresen.t. . . a mile west of Fomst. Tboe le_4t t3l �. r . . . -* -? f row . � th.n. Her sallcm * your child. ,Sislers! -Brothers! Friends.'- sion?'And then, whether they know it 1_*ttolt, red ... .0. "... ... 0 68 1. 4 0 69 * Business men at Winnipeg are well of hi,s faw had baen c" 01V-11 � or not, - t c .00 -_ - 0 . T_i., ,..*a%,eniy ly-oriji, is -discoursed upoz, .. I - I CY7,3 - 4 had I 4 ' and IlL," _,�n worrieS you,o, Per- I I . I I I wish yoti Jay. -For years, apal-L, Eu-' we will Al , them all. I)e LroLt,. whAe ..,t .... &-itisfied witli tile fall trade, and have the m9uth -to ,Lhe. car . . ' ry reawn tho I 0 N .N!,-. Talinag'e .,,-I this sernion Undtr .gether A�g.aln- in tbe. reeipdon room- of But UiLiy will h-av'e more tO . Du.U11,, Noo. � I - Nor... 0057-8 0647-8 eve ' to look f4or a emitinuatwe', bj e ' . , , . . . apparently _d to death. 11, . C ',h,XS,,1 little harking . . ill tell us than we '-to tell Ah - nth, No. I hax-d ... 0667-8 __ ()r t1lo. favorahl(! voridition'i -of tra-!e Partv ,)f traxaps 1 "A I .. I . i . � Mt :i,­,ure .of a hoine.1--text, Johii xiv.. th.- old homestead. You see, they ly - e -m. . Dii. * wo(y,16 'jacar by a . ! 1/_1 . N .1 .1 - I Ten years on earth may be very M.LnneApo.is ...'... ...' - -0441-4 0631-4 1 - . He r hc ad a&,t s .. . n my rra�her's house are manY know, you are coming. � There are so .. for the etisulng winter months. The. caW,!d Lis -L n1ght, and w - - , . . n . . . Lf thkrO Om 'U �, � . - - the . - . . (*r"n -and PVWUAO* 'Sulwrior 1,4 -dieat,iows that a etruggle had - � - 1,14."44.K . many immortals. filling all SPAI�!es e�entful, but what *must be the. blog graiii nwvement to La ke uikcu n r k. . - i . raphy of ten. 'yeairs In heaven'? They ;.-.. 101, sl'uly. Giv '�%,.-. i � . a lwttle of me,dicine, that is a be'k'ween here and heaVen.,r' ,j'womito, Nov. 11.-FIOdr--01l-tA8l4ri0 now heavy, and the salem of grain li,v i a r ZO i I- . i -., ft I I that .news a- . . _ place, two open k1livas aid ." r, . ij. _Ia�tejlt4 in jh;V4gWo, $j .. � - CON The ,11'sciple4l. were Bad. alld like that fll6s like lightrillng. T�Py w, , willohave to tell. us the story of -coron _,f35 to $3,75 ; t1w rarMer" are inereasing t1w money ca,w. belng found thc-re, and a I a r919 10 L' - I I I - * n. 4' I be therej'n an� instant. � Though they dons, story of news from all immensity, V ticAl I vreatitirr a good (le- - gr;',"- T110 - Rt c1fered" heave g an alterative. igh t ToI16M * $3,35 too $3.4 5 ; Run- virv,.0.-1* :kn( � le . . - I - '. a clot 6f freeih bloo-I in U I - �L :40mrlmm anki a- tonle. Ile ,sh6w-s VVere in, some oth'er world .zn errand story -of conquerors and -hierarchs, � tl'k lanit0b(L bak- tivi iid for goo hifor tile. In 11 an(i winter. (jea(I nyali was well dreissmi in jutvy .1 .story of wrecked or ransoified planets, WIXIall Vate'Lt% $'4 ; �A I 0% - I . i . I - 114S 101,101S oft 0 .14-,,.i (hat� zlit-ir sori-c',Vvs are- .only a I from God. a signal would- be, thrown , . -is, -,mpe ,ut. j.(xit .in,j vji.gt. J)1a., duck ,palithe . . 41 )�11 I . bolic er. , $3.,70, all, on track at TOMILW. Ill "roronto the &Dwer U, ,rature b, - Though yt * story of angelic victory over dia - - , 1.trk back.round of a bright r)lcture of i that would f6tch. thern. W - ' A WhIW, 66c� at the close of the week improved I ii. -i- Ile was ' - I . ' - . . �, reOlts, of extinguished suns, of oblit- I.1ePt--0llJtA,r106 Md'al . L � anq1 gocxt u3iderj*It)Ufij6. . 11 k,%_A- . them .'know might it. first feel dAzed mid oveMwe" t ' I , ill _ r I � - - I , liesS ,!. I( ,tta- aet, � w. 13 feci her wastinir . n ng f�lic;zy.. , Ile lets g)rtit old wevt gvoj*�, 611i1 th tand � nmri.y4 lines that had been kePt tll.. brt (,,yp frtnn c. . galaxies I ; W, i n4l ' in . , 4 . 1!11a',. zhougll n.,jw- they'live on the iow-'l at their superha'l splendoT. ail -that .erated constellations, (?f new 1. . .1aspi_ - I ; ' ' - kindled and swung., of stranded comets, %vo,v: Nkx I N&VUbDiM It taxt 78 1'2A.tv back by tile warm. days In Oetobelr, with C . I . -, C z11V'zC, ine will soothe . -;. thuy s` -,all yet have a house il Arst toq(-,L" � right forearm tattOMKI � i � 't-nd. . o, I feeling will be gone at their f' - Northorn' , ,ut. :jud with a e(jiltilluance of (or) . . . . -_ ,q)f %y6rlds of fire, and 'Story of Jehovah's ld od hands, over whiYoh w, -r-3 U10 '"'_ I gh, and t'i,-.c hypophos- . ,_11,..2, uplands. "-Nearly all the 'Bibie d. " of . hE,avenfy salutation. and w e w,, 1, 11,4�rcnito, 'm.id I No.. 1 . _. ' - If . I os, reign.'. If In that family room of our . . I I . . Wcather the &)rtlug trade, is liket�' W tia I.,; NJ. M. IaLnd was- * _ - - " - P i The right . . "I. -;k*11,):ioriajuf IiE-aven may be figwL1,:%,% ,say: "Oh, my lost boy!" Oh. my I 75 1-&,- . 4 . I. i ,,,,;,,-L- new poWcr a nd 6. . . t r's house -t' I . Ving t)eoll 1�� N, Ill nat V,;s'ti%,e t all heraven . coirilmniQn!" ­Qh, rieind! Are Fa he' we*have so-Tiiuch to -tell , 911(it'-'-white cuto (Idow at 2.) -2Q *I)e active for wbme time. V-11UP-s ef"11- badly warred, evidentlY Ila � I . . f A � W iii . � my lost f . . - , . I , . I � . .. ' Paymtints ofi dr:r - .1 . . A I . '%V.'h a t scenes in them of what we have passed'through V 41, %, i all . I I laeer4tc-3 recently bY ' saw. He had . 0 '. ,r r brain, �'A,_-:-e A a fizeral crow�j" qr harp. or poal,­_ %ve, bere toV,Ehiir?" . ' ' to '2,6e. .W"A. , ' thme cry -firin. ' NVad . I f . . .� h c r", C . . . . .... ,a .1 0 t. . w - more , It 4 00 for N. o., 2 � goodg �jjd - ot, . I .X i " .N- tra:,! o.- ihrane or e r T'Liey mAY ,,h,At ,i-e%2epti.un roorn of the bld home- jince we Parted,- ho' mueh. .j%,-jrle-T,QU0tCd IL I other paper due on 8*1ti12*. browlt hair, 1,air compleXi & _1" . . a y .. we. re sat Lsf nrtory L to- . I - .. - I . . � d. . .. 11 �., I 'do it,'. T1 M ' I -h ' hive '"'. _4 t* p - .. i,.-, , -of what they I*- Ver NI" until you -.. ave to tell us . *1 * , I 1*1C 01 S, I -P I . I I . `35 � . I . Thivre is a, *Uni Ilk Wit., .. .. - r Sa 'I.',' , y 0 U cannot - k 6.,�: y '. -'s-d zo *!"lls:r . i ,- the gla * 9 " :ciad' have b�en withets d't There iliet 'thrilling and tkrousing that which they idllxtrley., - to 36C, � anti about 33, yea rs . *st ;.rec . .0 it I . ndi* . C . rind rtitesnr ul" J . :-it:%:. bn:" h -Ow we I. they . Th�� I.- juselih -a d Jacob, 1i jig it a brightei, . .Itye­-QuoUd at !7:!r north a,nd we� . . ' . Q; ' ' -good. denmrid ror money. -1 , old. ' 11 - I .-j i . .- Wh ch th�- j�;; ble w6- -, ' -r- passed through sin,ce'-w..e parted. Surely . ,braji, it $13 gtill firm. . I ri-iti � . 4z- 1 . . �o a ,%,. .'. - %. � tt s Emulsion. , \ - - , '. t� .9vlll'.' L 0'� & I i r here I . . . oonrl than.anythling they saw in Pha I I . . . Tlie- man had supm. "t nic k .. . - I I .. I � I . 11 � I I ". s a ho I -a e:, Pai�,d-and t, child that family room will be ,one of the -- r1Vt,'P--C1ty '11"ll"'4 11 ti 0. b" , a , .. . Wkiid- . ­ I I - � -Z' * . _ - , . - I., .!.Li ;)&I ;�Ss . I 0 . .. i . - ' I —_ . I - � . . 1. k, C _. , i use. I , h's Patac jk. h- 1! t tle ; , -10 I - 4 , -te 0:. I " ange . ; Father -ti- --;lLV,Tt8 at $16,' I'll cae1o`tiv . -he was (.)a IAH waY too ­ - :Vtj to ch t, %. ",:, . � "., # 1. _* 1. -., I* ow --.dl -a nous.e. al -.1 �(_rr: .V",holn he* oilee', fa§t�.,d and wept: most f6Vored rooms In all our s ,­ .d . . .. .1 . . .; . . . and sa id mp Into ; :. - I . ' . I . b VULK tS A CANADIAN. - D. - I .. - .. - :. he '.1 -1 . . '! 4, -1. e ,I,.- z w 0 - y e - N ary, and. La us al,e� the .-heart- hoOse. What. long lingering there,.for Tcrvionto. . . Nor, a no.1 had a brother th( I -,fu ., - ar!3 in., . 1. zar A. L . , . I I -I, kt . � � — - - ,.o- a', ;c. Children . I I I , I )., . . I - grand- . we 'shall never . again he In a hurry. Bt.,(.k-%VI1**1 t-Firn, *. � . -18c, � utirth , � I. bojy was I)rought to() j.-or(*jt, and ­,.%'. SIPOU4.4 --If ! lt- -a ,�n as.a, **house ! beeak of'Bethany; . Tkmothy and: -1 . . � . . . I bC,,-,-!-�jC- verY fohd . . . - i .*� , 9 Ac . - id a hum- 50r, eiWt. . �. . I .. - . - British Commander W" 13orn on Coroner !-'eott (IuPaHelled a jurY, V . *.% 1;iriA in I nio s'' Isabella Alrahan' trid ht. . .aa * 1, h iiantit." a- I . I "Let me opbn, a window," sa I . : .. " - ;,.. .o w 1. . a d (7 ther Loi . I I . . I I * , - -�C -to and Ault- � -!wing tile remains, ad- - � . JL 1- j - - � . � afries uoib-CaxaOifuj, i ,c we, I who, aft* -r vi( -, �;* 4. n t L -now . -, "llie Li.: ijs�-aL oil of whlet ' 'servant to Lady. R P . . -of the Wate.r. , � . 4 , � -1: . , X Z.: i i _-, -a "-sailor son.; Alfred and George Cook-!, ble Chrigtl�Ch.. . I This Side . I - . . � . I I -m-orrow, wh"An all in- , - I I - ... 1! �,.­:��_d,-' - - "L. I h -�� m0re'l tmi n', the - mystery of t i he sea at, last %Vho, because Gf..th;e death. of her child, I ,(�,rlr.,-,jn. 40c- oil, trae,k, h6M. - . � , I journc\j till to I i I I , . I . � and had shut herself -,up, in a dark room a I ' I I � " Z .-. C . ri X . - � � 4o as ,-0 giv at t ILS AL-1� 4 t - * f C)d, I I Ps, ,in niy­t��v,Ji `1 maAe munifeit;'. Luther ,il4gdAlerie.., nd' .0.dtme&j_Qu4jtc_.d at, $3.40 by th 0 It will! &urvrise nia,ijy to leara'th quest -will be h(-'I<L ' I , , . , � - . I 111 * P'. I , -,Lek ..A . . - - - ' , ' . - $ - ,C. 1. ' I ' '1141��10 11L I 11'L` ; .5.1' � .. . . tor , , . ,_ - `0 by the ba -MI, Ott triiek' NtaJor-General William Ai idrew Yule. The Attomeyqicneral Vvill be j. - . � _ , .;e -hter he bernoaned; john How- refused i�,ee . fi,ny,one . ; . . 6, � , ;,� �._ - - I- I . . ire- niftay offis. . . the dau. I . . 11 -&-hom he -ospe!-* �been_ many dayp in this dark 'rooM. hug ard $1 � - . -truir ty Crow" At- 0 - ­ �:.%. - ' - divinely autb Bed coaiparison ; ard and the prisoners. Co I it car ots. A iniportant el to iru-, t thl� coun I t110%li. " . - -VrmtoL .r li s A � I at Tcl"j Q* In, I %v'ho.Iv'bearljig esuc!. all � . . ­� . ) arge is0. and multi tudes wi t h o u t n.unib.,-: Are "You not ashamed to grieve In this . -- t j-)Ct- 1wrtli' ard 'West, f,)r - charge of t110 matter. I - . . . jN . �f h ­!v ,-n to a great lwmesteAd of I . � . at -A part in the Britist sida j. -i t1le Tratw t0ruff to tak( .1 - .11L - 1� -,Ak , A) I I _)1ja­tIo)jis I propoEke to carry out. 'w4o. once so weary ana, so sad, pa r : i- i � --manner when you ougtit..t ank- I- I . I rampti were 10*m he,4. tMether : .. : . or 00 14118C "z to _LLWOW-lit I . Inunielfflate !�;11,11�111"ut-­ - , - Fou r t ' I . L lid - . . I t glorlc;ily. * et in *heay.' i ou the most . ' ,�aal war,, j�i 4&�t aaa,dwa Ity bir'Lii -� wlwm I,,.I,s since . �� � _-.w011111111V Ill --;- 0 L!, � heallk,hy neighborhood a mair on. earth.,. bu m �n. ing God for having given y . � 18t Lawronve Affarkot. . - last night. 0110 Of . - - _�­I.;_ * - � -r L I mamli us habitation.' �Al . 6f that �� ho'us I -, beautiful child that ever was seen,. and, , . . f. 4 dacatiUd. HO i.-. a WIL Of the latO j O" " in t4w- lock- " . a 0 taoms . . Oi , been ,caught, an.4 is 110w . bt,il('-s .very com ,nong `41' I .T,6rk)jjt0, "Nov. I L - necelIxts � - . . . . A, . . I I the. r enrapEures Instead g I .orld . . .. '' 141e,,A�elgLleur, cA Uiam'bly, ai.od Wa. Ix'ing , his child- - ti� r6 ri s - no one� the�t� more' . ot leavIll, him in this w ij , -itust .have rooni for all . -I 110 luty Wr-re no" large Vj- Uq jj­ i. .) lj(_�rp. Til. -b other two ar*' ' _. r.1:-11.,-,111 R.11 ­0n. - ­ 1. . , � * t� -n . trouble, gntin . Lx)rn lu t,iie manor house ther,e- I i it; � ed was I � L , ' Iled i soul than tba reception rooi - "In till he,should be worn with ' . . bmt A IL .1 1: -1, . weather, but rsue�j. 0 1 1, � or - h.,- tu,,,n want I - , ' V I Fi . Che vooms, c,on,w to be ch Tly . - (I:k-Y Owl -lig , to ' 11. fw PU L . - I i .,ftt . - Father's house are many rokwis-" has not God taken him to, heayen in : R '. -�,; ', tbe on y .: the different'meMbers ()f the fam- m) 4w ore her marriag,0 was - Wyomt * . I . , I . . 9 * i -ivero heavy deliveries (),,f JK)111- 1114-)* lier lxJb WVn near ,jig at Boon to -day I . . . . . ' - 1- I " - 4. 4. T.� �'. 1% pt pre, � ' i ' \,nother room in. our FAther 0 hOu*se all his beauty?' Leave off weeping and tl � I Eltia 11all. 4 Maiic,he-,Aer, El.gland. tvired that I Vhat ii. inother's! roorn. that is '_ - I . . - . : po. ' Ye belong to the tL,t me 'open a window." 1. . I .. rt , . . .. . ' - * - y's r( i - -ro .try, butttm - . heading for Sarnia. It ifi f . -t * �offi. �'is the throne om. . � . ' bushel e. . . t_j,2-),,ge s room, that0s fiew ' ' 'to Whewt . 8t,eadyt - 350 s selling Ai.-, preparatory t4lucatAoiL- waA re- ' . : t . I I th- Soft . � .of King Jesus -How w6uld it: do for any person . .. they have cr(m "i, U) Well4an- 0M I. - I .".�%. 1 that . is Flol,-A's rooin, that is Mary's; r6yal famity. The bl4d e' - legve you In that family roorn- to . .. iti� 71 c'. red Ms. eelvtd ut Bib"bop'tj (viege, aiid w1iiie IKM,t five feet � � . � . I r . . �. . t all occupie ' ,W11 * 01 tho ment wanVod i -S a . . ) I . d. , flows in our veins, so we have a' right -day" 4 fiery lie jAfowed Iiis beat for itlilitAVY I qdia Ven, � . - j-t.)ovji,- and he house is . I thtone-room. It is no e I asy I - am sure there is no .roorh in ',%vblch ' . . . L (,j,ght, m.1 hair, clean wore 1. . � � go' to enter t . gtxw. 69c W' 70cb, .. - - life, for on Dec. 10th. 1861, Ile Wa10 b -,u,. mllit,. walks v.,ith limp, jwruaPs . . � . it . . _.. 1,4 - oil' V .- t.l t. *t; in er goes by, airld the . son* �.In the en- I . . ­ I � .. . Xrth to. get -through even the,. you would '.kather S'tay.tlian . I . . . . tita into the worltf and build their own I thing on e Barley emgler: 700 busl*lis mo11d .at I 1. . I . alVillit-ed to comwaiid the Dihi'003 A - tt is sliorter, -, , . N - _ - 4)utside door of a king"s residence. Dur- raptured circte of your ascended'and * 16"%c, to '16C. , : ail, a...jjuw(,,,j. lfjj��, oW.,�r ina 1� ­ . I I . '' I - - � . - I . hum - .i. and the daugbters are married ing. the Franco-German war, one eveq- glorified- kin'sfolk We might . visit i ! 0a � . ... 1*000 busliels soltj at I Cwlege rifle corps. Later he took I dark hair, and wore da'"k 0<4114�6- .. :" .. . or hav� talents enough singly to go Out I * * . ta- eaeter 1. '. . ., ilvensity. lie -k, aud bo" -1 I ..... ­,.; ,,% . arts counse, In. Mc(;ill Un - I � ­ot. '' � . � 11 , . hic-h d -tide in the summer of 1870, I- stood other rooms in --mr -Pather's house. 6]0 . 11,t; O,nt�o: th-jujilLd a 1 --ore no I .. I . �.. � - � - . -,and. da a good work in the world. .An . . I . 9%e to 31c. . 7.. . A -- � . . .. .. ;� .,. .. .-Wt . ' " - the- exauisite Ocuipturing of y'. be pictu _. � 14 per tlien, Jett for Ei.gkind and purbac -ire -hard-looking characters- . .., . � W., :,4 "'. A nd mother studyin There ma re g4lleries pendiled .i 11 to $ , .. . : Hit, I ft.&r a while the father a y ti i ahahgt-d . a t, -, $ - . - - .. . the gat; of the!Tuileries, Paris. Lost not *Ith earthly art, but by some pro- , " . I . .. � military studies at the Royal Military - - � . . .-tie. almost alone in 'the big -house, and, i toll. - . . I I . ' I ', . . A d, they Bay. I in, Adniiration of the .wonderful art of cess unknown In this wor p , ) per College aud at the Star C01109c I I . .. - seated by t e'eveninit stan . 4*.,, *on vir n newulared -at *-4 to $I. "L A . . 1� �� tv - P. .-, - ­%Vell, dur family is�� no larger now- t at gate, I knew not t e next worl t e brig test an - . � - I . . . I I L . 'Nil,llullurst, 1javil-g U I.PrIlILM111i Aluv- A _*:1,.,%-;.* �_ _ - . � 0. . than wheii wc stafted together 40 1 .citing suspicion.. Lowering my eyes to most stupendous scenes. of hinnan 'E011- ill both ilif.,Ut&Uioj1& UUHRRH � 0 LU [ nibn. . � . - ". y WV11411 . rther I the .*crowds. of people, I found- myself history, and there may be- lines and . .1juu.1try-Deliveri of IKAIM.r , . . ,u* years avo." But. timq. goes *till. fai . . ' Celteral Yule entered the axw,Y ill � , . . � . I. - 16 . _% b, tII4- bulk. of -which' wa-4 .of , __ __ i . 4 - I . . I � ..:, by, alid soine of the' chil(Ren are un- 1 being -closeli inspected* by -the govern- forms of earthly beauty. preserved la rg4, " Ij 1h66, being gazetted all ensign'ili the ' - .. . . I V est . I I ..� I ment officials, ho, from my complex- whiter ftnd chaster and richer thail g%xi 'tjua ty, Init a �large amount of � w , . . . 1. .. j."-, T. 'fbi-Wnate And return to the old home !-. I - it- , could 'Itave been improved 'i . it ap- Royal Scots Fusiliers Oct. 2n4, go that, , . .4 , i � . sjtuad to live, and the grandchildren ; !on, judged me to be a German and Venetian sculpture ever iwrought . lie haid barely paajed Ilia thirty-tallirld Varcoe Tragedy Nearly Re- . � I . ' I rooms beside- rooms, rooms over roorils'. pz-arance A alilliv jv officer wh-cn) - . collit! With them and perhaps great- -that for some belligerent purpose, if 1woperly dreshc - ersary a.s an arin . . . - � rooms, o -pales- . j, - chickeiis * , - ..' "'O. e in I might � be examihing the g�ates �-of the 'larg . ,hickens-The bulk of 'the .... . .1 . ... e rooms, majestic . . Jvaa I - I --randehildren. - and again the hous orderad to the front in tile Traw d at Montreal. . I . =D . � I i -In peate � . a . . . . . I - . )!I " -:40c- - P -0ace.. Aly explanatibn in very poor . cent rooms, amethystine rooms. P sold amnind .50c to 60c per pair. a . . ' - It *' , . - . I . � . . full. . . - s I French did not satisfy them, and they my Father's 'house are many rooms.' * few. bringing 75 to 80e, while st-Ane Ile bec"zme a lieutenaut Feb. 10t16 - . . A... I . I . �lv �N- i I I I . ' Cro God ,built on the hill . I ' 1869, and received his on . I . .1 ._,�. .. . . .1 . . I � . - . . ,Ni('.;-trnia a-, . foF a I followed me, long distances until I I hope.none of us will.be disappoint- I . . company 01 ! : A,: - ! 1. -fle I _., f t, -aven a great 11lornesteAd i . of inferiA.)r - qtlality ROW , '.'Is l0w ,'Is Feb. 2i4 JM5, lie be- i.. � , . . ) . reached mY:hQtel, and were not satis- ed 'about getting'there. There is a I - I � . .tlig. Ist, 1879. � . '" fa -111''y in - .I At . . I - . " .. - - - I., . I Z 1, ve . . nuni�:iable ,' yel to be. . :10c to 40c. - - .- ,AREHOUSE. ­ . " . . . ft� I . , ­ ' ' . e i V. ed 'until, f rom my landlord they found gd,and take itt, -ke sold at ca.ine major of tile reWment. ai.id wa, HOT FIGHT IN A � t, .. . ,- - � I,. - ,.- � -.ill I iii a' he lived U!on - . - Mcks-The bulk. of du( -V * . 0 � vo- ''.;. I , %vj ih that . -grea room for us if we will proanoted to tLe Ileutelialito 30,011CIC-T . . . . . , 1. .jus -, but aftt-r a ile it was o . ccu- I that I -was lonly an inoffensive Am'eri- but in order to reach * it It.is abqolutely . - choice . Nov. 1.-. -There . I 1. I 9':,..! t. 7-11, * - 1. : `)e . h ' . ' .. _ ' aboutjac per pak; some few For a number- of Montreal, Que.- . .1 �, . t ..1. . aA '' � , . i re . . Juiy 26th. 1894. 1 gang bi,.I� 1)v , very largtl:familY, cherubic, 'Itkan. The gates of earthly palaces a ak. the right way, hoc-tr�) Wt-; andthooe desperate 1- � " - - ,,, r, ,.,*., t The . . 1 4 - 4 I . Irm brought . evidently a � . . a ­ 1. a uch e *1 I years he ww the adjutant of his bat- is . . .1 -I , Al-ig-ellc. The� eterrilties ,`carefully gu' rded, and, U so.. how Pi and Christ is the way., and r w' must! 1) - nt operating M . � I . . � �--.l , , " W. m I or . e tl�ie throne -room! A dazzlinir pal- -and' Christ, is I of inferior quality ROW as low � 'as WIGIL Durij-.g the operations ilici- of burglars at Prelle and � . . . . pa,:-:-., d on, allit mail , of the inhabit- I . . enter at the right door-, - .. .. . - I r I � "', f U a nada, � . - I - - ' I - . womomm.L.mmmmoommommonowbaw .. . aywaid antJ I. --ft. nover I-ace,is,it for mirrors and all costlj art. . the d,oqr, and we must start ill time, 50L. , - . . � - P dent. to the Afghart war of 187&-9 he all the chief cities 0 . - - . - . . ; 4A ' 'and the only hour you are sur b 's large at (W to very __; . ants became. %%* of tht! ap" rt- 11 .N;o one.. who ever saw the throne- e of Js the . (ileest'-110011verit' .wu-,,, staff officer of trarisNrt of the there caqie in , - . V . - . . i�v �.-turn. and- man: � , . . .. Varcoe tragedY n .3 r -P . � v tL I refer , to the rodm of tfie fltst and only NapOleOn hour the clock powstrikes, andAhe Wily 7(-' -lX-r 1b. . Virst divisdon, and was present at the petition of the . . - '11--, ,�L L. . . I . - Early iu the . . WeVc. Vat,a* . � . . . .. - . . nhit -1i, 'I he eternities -are .;w e letter N embiold- one our, iwatch is now 14ck- Turkeys -110 ivier ies were large 4 tit atttwk and capture ()f Ali Musjidk, for Niontreal la-vt flight- . !�. .� . I * second. the - . - into the big I . I . . i... --. ang, _- - . I . -arrivals 4 vred' in purple and gold- - on ; the up- . I bold ift my hand a roll of let- - P-t tb., tlw bulk go'ng at wItich Ile recelived the medal wit), evening burglars got , are . , I � *' L . :' ! ' So 11 1.1 k- . . . . I . . . - 4, Al, - ,g Up , it!re, . , 4je, to 1711. , ; m- " . . .# - . . . . ,I, agaih. T - ., ostery of chair -and window, the let- ing. . a . .. I # . " . . . I in dft- the E. B. Eddy Co � . . t , tie #,:41 hollit-SLexd of God's children . . ters - - �fnvitlng - you all � to.,niake .th t _10V. . _L clasIN arid was mentioned %N-41 rehouse, of . 1w%, .0%. I . . . A - - . , the 'Wall, the letter N ho .--ey . V I Testa- * . Geo. Brazlery - -. . . - Bjjtt4-'­4"1entiful a t ... Ixt �' ortle "10c to )4e, - U.v* oil Latour street. -Ak- - " - - - ' - A ... - - ." Cv .!: -, � aa,_t the Aiiy will e . ter N gilded on* your. me forever.., 'Xhe N r . - . .i. pa sches. - �&"_-. a.- - - -0-v . . L i�hasvd on alices, the ' letter _N I .Ietteni friviting . . L f . . I I We prein�mes, had � . . .1,11 , ti. -i e �viu be nd unoc.cupied ,room .1 the -ch ment'is only -P , Jrclll Of * ' jWr, I b. � I . I . For a gTeat naniber u t114" mwrenlan or ` OR - (% I - .1 I .. . . #. . . . i ..9pwb I " q ^ W � I I I . U.'rilrig frorn the ceiling. . "'What a. ni" praetteal I y * - - vik;it. th.-I Warelufflw'-b 14 1% . . . It � -qu-, as :tt �- s1lifit of'',the � .. .1 . I April 3rd, 18so, Ile XWt-,ljW;tP1l V, , . �a It." �! -a. �'00, I.t.11i th,..' h# tust.,- .. I � - t ' MY ' . --mmor-Tal, chIA . gh " - - 'O., -r -fi, -is ' -toed- deputy awi 'k P. �.6.6. .)`!."7.. i , . ) -c . 1.;g *=.-;tr;e-Q%; jjp%v._Ij4.itj wVjv,st*nr(&0 , e. rved I t I i kIi-a - . - - d. ovration .of brilliAric#�'. the hroyie- , r,o)det'd . '7..,% P" , ". - . * 1111ki I ,xp,. t to-) entei- it ail , says - -*'. klY A9 - Vet ; . tho bulk - St.ant ILdju- H.. W. . - ^ . . I . 171 Y"U . I I contial .. I . :tt . *,;j( tA) 3 im, dom w. .- al:pAii abou� .Ilalr-lb�lst S. 1) . o% i � a , liborhood. `t'ha've bu:'.t. I .w . -w- w -.�- I � -� %#V 16 1 �-t V-. - t h tli t: tv. t e r at-, residielice, 1*00m .of -Charlesjmmanuel of 8 *rdinig, in earthly �nt-l. A-) I Mr ' . .) 7t E "ttux.t have bepji t-Lnt get.,eral of the Nladras army. and Ing to walk ne"s t1k. w.-ireilk.mset ' . -, .^ . ' e to, get Some Of Ferdinand of ASpain,, Of- Elizabeth of a. V & *�' i4P! I 'I. - :t.- - ," !_99s the filladow Of ft-__� , ' . 1% uld ik' I for yotj a gre .­ fi�..sid nee. It Is.full kept,for a ,el&14 S at about a little over a year later. Apr All 'S eye callght ao­'-!�, 4:.r�- . ho,, -:411t You wo il 2C - wilen Ill " . . �ww. � ­ . . - - inany ,Engh4nd, 6f Boniface of Italy' jBut 'the nis. . 1, ha�,d f' rnishel . th6m' ' .:xs no old.. . ' - - rew wt . t.hMAjgjj the . .. '.1 4 A% It . . ,41 - P;Lrti(-01&al-s bout z ht .' . ' , roo. . � V . i81-4, lie wa% a-poin" deputy aseii8t,- st),11v inoviiig f ig 11 rf*8 ,.: 0. . . ather's i thron(�-room of 'our Father's house Aath was- Pvt e. f urniFlre-a- - P'e:E11-Is'are :.'0t!- - - , I I .. I . . 11 of f ice. Al- , i Y." w - - - - . . ' Ile was gl.,i.,w partitions Of the I , -. 1 'A.. a :V ato" Zo . .0 4 I,. -11,A hc):oesrstead. I "Ift MY F I palac'e . . . . .v-& . . v . '. a g 0 * . * - I)romo I 11: � a D, liveries ilgh, .- i t ant quartennasler g;�r.oral. . I ­ .11-.; - iL.'­ lfli'llly� roo S. You see. th V I ry. ecl.ip.sing all thie- throne -rooms ' nothing, -iPm,E!ra iis -are . nathing. ..Clirys- 0C - e . - I . '. wave or croVvn ; . � . otithig. I n - . _1)460�', o*f " .4 . promoted to bo a_%6tant tjiiart,_-rmaA*- jix*it at ,Llv� same installt he was our . c I I . p I I . .$-.-)..,n), -to' $..iL-) - 0. . ,;. '.. int r cepter . L .1s. 11 -, I i'lolb 1111 , i..d ' I % ­ IS O t tioned ,off, - I 'lliL . I " th . - 6.*,7 4 - ', � r, ,lo,r0,s, Is :�--o toi ,,. � :1 all ,who t -litt(�r or,,forelgfi, (:m- bassador. bow, .-for .0 thi�wz. e., ,vu 7 0 ea - - ,% , Farnt -,' Pr6d u" Wholesale. ter general of the &rtiiy I)ec. 111t,i prowd . 't all' love P"w . 1. . ,sun.r1re - and: -u:, ic,ell, "no ^ * . I . I . . ,:*,Ll-t.lV.t.-,S. ­ love I . . .. - ' . � I. . r C . I " . . ' ;Lr( a.. ,throne . of -, hin-, -compared- . . , 'ed a r 1882. -and field this al;p�)ilA-'ll1*-l1t I 1'rom the hack (k)ar of tiW off ice and . to) Aff , - 0 -!, t,4. - . . 4 some i , i,ur Pather's ,throne Is Of'ri6i-thern lieavens-no� .. ro -,Nov. 1I. -Hay, ba. , - . ­ . . . _ : . - - - �tv�-zv. but therk-, ,. - - - - . rontA�, . . I theose appi .11entm Js entrance � . . . ..!, . , -_. -one ' ** ' . iave ­ . i n,u. a dash. for the go-_), A I t4 '' k10 $,!,.* .4 ,% . I I . -race, a thi -of.morcy, a throne of ' 1.9 ;vlor �hj I *­6t&v,.pe,r ton, $9 to $9.50-; straw, baled, MaY, ISSS. In aJ M,.Ikt, , I � , L , . Jh the * p Ve -witIll Jwhi � , -%.fl .:; - i, , I 'vs, ; ;. I " I, A 4104141 1,tL."j)le w M we would not L, ' W. ' . _ . � arehouse. . .1 .; .�, e roorn. holin,�ssi a'throne of,justice, a Oft -one. -irnitured. -thein. But -triust be- . .. I ' $4 to $4.50; po"ktt<)es, lie .,1towed markpd administratlive -it thp otlw-r side of the w , , I It , ii*! to , with I the- sam ­. . .. iv . . . you ' %,.pe�...t . * . I * 41 - .. . � live. � 6f universal :doininion. We need not . - . e and c ,,vr, .0� 6ikl . - butt � A for,his servioe,-4 ill cAMIlec- _%j, th., 1�jst 4.)f the men w1w rush - 1 P -.t, ..'.. . t 1 0 ,,.-- k .. .1 - e are, but . . azi-entet tiler; . . . . ­�,21_v,jjjay 1w be'.er than w . . . ele'an bef.ore you -- . * v'jj.r .:otA, per bao, 35c ; . er, ehoizv. abIlity. ar . . 1,mperament- stand,shivering an4 cowering before.it, - - -have.open alh where you �; .buAUT, Meld -:am, ticon with overFeeIrIg the eniharkation ilig 1)41,s,. hini lie grappled Win around . so,I ' 1v - �1. S . 4 -­ t: -!!!. I r, -, I 11. ,,' of a., . � . . .. . ed a. . fopiff ' ­ Ooin*._ -flklUt - M - tO 19c . . .1% I . . - I * %, ..-,, itre diver, ent tt for our, F Id `g. k. C, him over a low .. . . atheir mys we may Yet one .may-"wa,qh�'all .our � ill, ftw v� . . . .1'z r t I' r'. . . . *,%V-, A,O)U41-like 'to et wit -h them on' .1, . " I ' . ' il'y, lb., 'rolls, 19c of the expcditton to Burmall if, 1&-) t1u, w1lixt ,,lid threw _. _. . I . ., , . - and sit on it heside. Him. -n,, ! ut your. W - ,M' tijbs, - � 4 - . . . . d worship with day come" up - . w _ p -eary, but - cleinsed ff ,14ki to 15c ; d, 42C lie rece,Lvqd the thanks of tile Iiidian pile or' p,.Ipqw. A desperate struggle , .. * I streets n . e . . . I . . I;.-- - -I lk w - I I . I ill't il . . 14 , 6, , '. �_, . L . .41 it-_ * F . rl.� . � ith ;. '. 'Ot' Lto 2(k ; Creamery, : b. roll. to 23c; . - . ". I 1, - . . tile t,emple and wa .**to hi -M that overcorneth Wilt I grant 6n -the''opward pathway..-- 130 yqu,n L . Yule sul.Ksequeut- ,, h!, two 11jen wrestliug (M I I - . t . .- ­ .1. : I .. - L . " * ,v- -crea=e-ry, ,boxes, 21C, -; ,eggs, 17c (lover rune tit. General evisued. . . . .., . . . -, . I 1110 - to sit iith.Me� In My thront." . . see, amid. the thlc�kfolta' on the hea . .d tA), _22c, -adtj n a r I minn". The ,, . nks, but :1 am W ­ - . . ge . - -' ,)r for severat -m - .. * ,ft - . . .,t) toll, I rivur ba - e cre_%wns of the royal family of .. Y. "hilltops ,the 04d, : faijilly home-.'' t,o 18c ; honey;.peT b., 9c to'10C ; t1Lr_ ly mrvcd w)jme years on tile li( t 114. rl" I qP'".7or ri . - in -dif - * T,h t' . . . . I . ,d Irazier * I haill f le .9 . ': . �,t S , shall..11ve � P - t I and . - :=.o�'r_,., -y -h it t w ,-n , b., ter -i KWff, other tuen I . ., A.io�.4_ - �. . a, ..� 4 _* __� 1-1 , a In my � Fath'er's this world, ,are .t(Awed,' ,about from #veadI.Pso . "I n my f0her's. houze a re, - . keys, per : b., 8? to ge ; . ge-ew, pe r I and h1a last apy"nitmen mastery .. - '--l'v,*l1t apartments. " , � . . � .. . I , of deput,y amistatit, adju- h: i (I a bou t 90t tilt' thork)U911 � , . was that ": 0 1, -. i k-4 &o. *1-#'.;� . . u -, tf) generation, and from * ­ . . Y.o i se'f_.. ' g*:neratio)n ?15 L I . ti) 6c, .�,;. 41'ar.4 '41'sti-fro-al. : I � ' , . Tiiany -rooms,". - , , .5c, ; ducks per pair, 40c to- 60r.; - I .. . .. h, -)use are many roiDms-" . . - . � . . . I.,. . � Ln'rit gerera.] in Bermuda. I . , 'LrnilY n com-., ' . . . - 0 . .r pa.' -T., -25C to 50e. over his M2111 w1wa (me of 11 is com . . � . heaven will - be . so large that * if' ont. , 1', to family. There are me L I- I . chtekons, pe sa I . elleral Yule married 'Nlisg lx)(W and, drawing a I ' OOM PAVL ANO .111S PAJAMAS.. * - ., British Kark6te . Meu- * '" I , . L � wants an *ntir�! roOm to himself .or j j;aratjv#-,1y -young in Berlin w . - . L L .. . . . G ,;:att jN1111011s returned, - 11' few feet 6 I I ; seen tht, crown on thret emperors. . . .. _d *AO .t' PoijsDnby T ,iR6 daughter of revolver, held it&' muzzlk . . tolverpciot)l, -40 by - OR .SAL E - . Ili-r,gelf it can be -afforded. . ' ' . . :. — I N40v- Up I*'-' --Whe" tkennnt4'yeneral Pon. n Watts. '9110 tho iswreman ti face and , , . f . - � * * taking , 13ut wherever the* coronets of this . 1WE11"I&II(I BUt L - ill frtmt 4)f . . .. . .. . %,11 ingenious statiRtician. - Vro P% . --yiortliprn spriull Is * 11 1 -2'd . No. I . . . . destined to i He Brougbt Them 9,,,7 died in. April. 1897. He Is a member of pil,tipti the tri"ei- . . in ltevelation. I world rise or fall they ars " ' *.b ' , . .: " - _! . I A ;, v. .,. _- !, I ; . th��. statement .rnade X e V0 ji *Viore]'hem. . *'. Vall..; :6:1 Ltj to- 63 _. 1-2.d; red winter, tilt- tables in . ,j- the heav- meet in one plarke. And'I look and see .! - for* Reasons I tile Church of EnglarcL and in poll - I , , , ' th L . I � - ' ThLm tfiversion turned $ . , ): - \. . . . tw,�nty-ftrst chapteT. � 1. is � s I-, "(I; peas. .�5s 5d ; I '. � ".. ..� � .._i7tdat. . . * . ea�gured and them coming frum-north and south . . oil of . 4,, 1 Od ; corn. 4 ' -� tipci Is a Liberal -Conservative. He still the caiptured burglar's favOr, ft"d .- � - - Was rl ' Mrs. Kruger is quite as mu w I � -',:..%i ral. I eni%, ieruza!ezn� , 58 . . be furlongs and . that and east and %veset. the .Spanish crown, : . Od ; lard, 9 1"rk., prime western, M-401 M_ and his - I,2.000 - . 4.1 -f%- hold;; the old nianor howikee at Clia throwilig Brazier off, he . %. . ol. I 1; I _. fqwl-1 " o .1 character hi tier way ao her dis- jorime westerti, 27s 6ti; American, T their escape- - I -, I - k, V 110 t. I - height i�nd breadth 4)f' t.he Italiah crown, the F,nglish crown, , . . . bly, and on .%verul cx�ca.mions lie hap COWIN1111goll juade go�,kll . � th.f. !­ngth &j,d PT% . uld make the Tutkish crown, the Itussi&n crown, ,.).q .&I : tnilow. Australian, .620s _. � I 'fli, � . ual, says 'that Wo I he crowns tiligui&hod husband, the President Of f ined.. '.' RpeTit a furlough in this country. Tlw bullet 1XISOP-ti th""Kh Brazift's ' . - _. it a,re eq in size 14S� sextillion "14 I the Persian crown -ave. all t She ham ,a sturdy 9tt;'Aniefrill-11,11, g0l'.)d tj fillp, 24s : ba - — ___ , ii,.i4i thp 141jot been fired ati .. hea*pn . I a . nd then. re- from rchivolt of the Transvaal. nd It. is -a saying von.'long, vlear..light.-AIR; hca`vy. 30s: Powders 11'at, .-illu would undoubtedly r quintillion cubic feet. * eaven-and while I wat(h and won- will oi her own, a .t close of Miller's Worm Inch lower lie * ar. Bee . anc-1 serving ' a �_*ertain' Portion for '-he [ li lajid tha,tv with any, short., c:Nir,', heitivy, 309.; e-beese 001- occasionally will keep tbs Obild- have been killod. .1 . , i lie . ' �-Am . ,*t: -(t -t. rain of dia-' 161 i .r own � '14fi 6d; wheat@ (11111: I 'Ir . cryuTt Af heaven and the . , u,nd : deo they are all flung in other husband,in the 'world but the ored. 56a; white, 5 . it healthy. . Tim- alarming f requency of bu r - tj)e world may k0t ;,,iintonds around the pierced feet. .- � . 1. r4m - __ * -F- arm .Lands. - . (-stijnating t ha t � 6rs he ciphers I . 1. ., one she hfam, she .wouj(] -rule tile house- vorn.,steady. ' L - - ____ - _ ___ glaries In the Princilml cities Of . stin - me ers l,iverixY,�1--Clolie—r.,,-'�I)ot , wheat,tilill *Llltl tile faet that the bur- , a hi;ndred thousand yea - hold. That dow llot . The Town of Durban. Canatita, c . I � I - are ov�r 5' ,000.-" al's reign where'er the . .- an, howev .2a - . * k thert: .000 . orthern spring U 11 1 . fiittir(­.,, all aruked and ready to k 1: 1, I " , f '.N I 1 -!' .)ut that family quar- n . - I - :� I I - . troops gL-jr&; tire I - . room 1, f eet, Does. .11is successive journeys run, -that Ahe Presidential ftuiet : .. 'March rol 10- whiere Brkt� . - JW. rA, 9 IL I'd, - *. o - . . ro)o.ijo)(l I roonrlS, each ; from shore to they m -wing , At Durbaii, of the . 0, �,''.' I..' - t;.;;l I feet vri,je. 1- feet high. . But .' His kingdom stretch relo. - Oil the contrary, I is .1 large kill, are openi.119 the eYe-0 . I .1 . )11-. 16 . 0 F,-Scl, m,ay nis � 11 1-4d - otbot (IM11, are ,being landed, thore A to,), the neeftsitY for I , #'. . P% I � . I !,:-IV (­_� z) curac . ie * thoritias . - . . n the ae. 31 . I toget I .. I - have rop faith i niake,.-;. the ,rin .9un .%hair Hse .And set rib more. s " never arWeti- i4teady. i3s 'I I -2d -. future!i steady ; amid bank at the entranoe Of the au uleasure.s. Montreal Police . 1 1 'of who is " bog , c r<x*led by drastic - I : 4d, 3 sui I hl med ,_ ,hat ra.culk-,�.ion. - He . I rf .A 3 re so I ., .*jJ8,6 1-4d, Feb. :U . *A I . - me tjlL,Igs ,.vliere I)P,.. '-13s a 11- hdrbor. Thio O,annot be / , . r.)oms too ,srnau. Fr4jTn all , I cari still th4, h 3s '34d Uay'3g 51-2od: large ships unless tile h10a is calm- wi I I now be thor(xW - y ar - . . . �, ;f .. r-�ad, the ro6ms will- be Palat jal, and - Another ro.om in our Father's gouse .Nlrs. l*1k,riLgcr*s word is supreme. On fl) (1, X11 re �101 � 9 * I . . 0 St. John and.other ' - I . Pasw therefore, usually Me- FIN ANCIER"S stitUDE4. � , " N -had t:nough ., is the music r om. " able visit f 1,)tir 1VR &I ligem, v'r H AN 1) t1j,).3e ' who have '..not . � iters talk so much about,the returning f'rom IiLs mernor. � to tug - boa to 0 . I . 9 rld will have- -, p�,e,zity . Bible wr pa,ul brought some Londtvr-CI(J0P--7WhAat-, tiai�mber of embark On or lighters . . ,r-)orn.sin this. wO �* that there must/be to Eliglalld, 00M � . 3: 1 'r ovinciall 1, . . . I . * ,3 w4LItin' - at outl)orts ill a very isLmilar way to horoes or 4 P 11 -1.:4W -,1l)1 * . *,!. 11 nvusic, of heaven' - etirgoe 9 Andrew Itut herford o tb Pr - -11 11 I - . : I :.jj,U_j' .- L' � .of. r(jQm -at the lamt. 1. . I rnusl�, *there, perhapS not such as on inodern paia-mao. NN'hen Ills wife first � j-onA, buyers and sell- wicker -basket I � � I I !(:*,,1ftyIng 4iut-stili further the sym-,., .kvtw him in tll(,In Nhe crip4l jnit, wheat �,bff the., merchandise. A large Trust Co. Sho()t'4 Himself. - " .r�..,."..;5 f. , o . - . - ' from trembling � - I , - t�rm atimi. L d ne- - - C PLI .!:..%jVtj46" ; . n hands- 'earth was thrummed * ' ' .- rt; 'M pgwage easteri an provided wit4i it door and ocie, seat, ,* � I V 1, 0*111t , iexll. let US . jot . . . is . . - ~ ..1k. %.mw . . I ­ j),)lj4M of the evoked by touch of ivory I j3harply. **, (),f f 110thiTig Toronto, ,Nov. 13,.-ArJdreW Ruther- I 11 L , . - - - : tic ht)me- � string or . _ � ' -ted ; ,vorn the, -eoasto aj@sengere %,;*. - 41111111r,ro ia) 0 t1i -- majes - mething- 661%1 . . %tlet . and aboput ten or twelve I - . I - hat'o .' 7 1 ­ � # te . And � gt' uP tO .. A.i. we i key, but If *not that -then so that ?" age �rather easier is. AFX a lit- ford. until reccently ma.iuWr of tbe & 01 ),Ir 0.441043. for OursOlv"'s. . . tjoing -, on ImLso, are squashed into th . .-;t.tmfj-- .'1nd, seei " hristian - , 64, y, w ho re- . . . ' bett r so many --C . p f rom E Aigla nd." * , . '. " . I __ , . I .L:�c,�hd Me golldc-n stPPS * till - in"i.sible . . el - There are. ' era and Slee ing clotheo .1 . . BRITtSH APPLF. 3.4ARKET. - tie 9waig tbe basket is lowered on tO Canada Landed Cbaupan _. 1-. '' j, . ent. I . � - I ;. . '., ,".-- I- 1, 4;) ,.'. . 'I - . n-9 9�eij the front harpists and Christian comPOS reap(mided - the Ppesid ­ ",$,)- Cb u re I i and tne ,,Agiled recently to t"ke the M&1la9(h-- - .. . - .. . ,,, iardsman s%.. � ., . ' . the7 Chi organists - and.. Christian Mrs. KnWer 9Mn'Wd c041­U--1Uj)tu- N1. H - P4Aemon & (�o-. -No. "I & lie, tug, the door io opmo(L . I Trust Co., lillot , ' . � . & � - �___ -_ . . L. ilwir, and we e uShered to. -.1stian 1. Christian' hymnologist0l' .� Rtre -sole agents for Can- paAmmigers are f reed. went of the Proviwia or - tht: hotisters an( , oulgly, aild, 'after a mblute of silence.. _et, Toron to, - ' 'the rece tiop room. c .. t he re . - . . Un! ed Sta, ..% Ad- && . i':zht intor ime up;, from. earth , . adit ano _� tej for4ame Durlmui I.@ not a large town, but, jilld killed liiqnk�elf Ut hib h0gue 011 : '. i..4 . the :' place - -Th'a ' i hay.y! ' g -Cla e . . . r this luorullic ' . . 0A horliesVeXd- hat! , " (- place. of espc I d lec�,,- cried out : - . DrPo(j1,-,re-,.,n1ved the .-Ile t,,Mj)e ature io, as a rule. very llrliwe Arthur a,veuile . the weletime of tl)uq- ,b�-* , rn . n- th, 19 - "You take -.those (.Y;f ,uld, mtrne too 31n. 'S011 & 04)-, 1A'V4 I L P* FA Irt iM - [ A -N DS - . . ' .. . . usic, I, . . I --cable ye,terdity'ln reference high, w) thilt Europeans avOid walk. ..11)(nit, 1.) o'clock. He w" fO4114 Ill .1li#I � I ­ . * -� %- I . I %;t be ,;L -place - tati6n. Shall w -.e -have m 't followl�ng ; . j. - I . 1 i .-a v e n. The,rr- . iu. _W0 * ' - 'bed in yodr -veldttihomi." to tho I apple tra.de: -,,Vpjry �otten Von- ilig .-ta much a,s possible. Small car- room. by fJ'tui'Y- I . ,and- � ' I rte .of discords and no music In ht h . % --re th#. &Parte spirit entem . I i ,,.,hot, and rui4ied . a , ,,-h, . . - ; !' e t-- ony9 .1 rannot' - ]Kcir bujibamd lo�)ked at her a mo- hing .Loupl _. been wh,o heard a revolver V. , 1,,rjr v . .. a n d ,if cp-plpt t-' harm . . �1-. nuotationg Im- calI&I jinricksims. have I . unty W j_WAmS I IT in %,v h ii- h - t confronts the in I � t I y obeyed. . . dition ; - not ' . . ringeo, . .1 . . . .k. . I -� N doll - "ipoteR of - the fIrst bar of ' W -it', -and promp om ' ' - I are ou ill, v- fhd lit -a' with the ww'04)" . I ;I* P-1 at ption .; ­% .. tht . . vided; they . two wheels, ­ . I :.abltants gs . � L .. I (11 I pro . Itio . . - . %-L I IR "11!1)- drawn -�- - a. ' a quiet: old PO'�Able. ' ,(:P1PQtIa ong.that is sung in hoAven.., Nfro. Kruger Le nierely I , ;,'�­#opspw�- '�, ,.ill qpjjjAv;jo. aild I W1 arrived from tht%* th.- , .; . I ' been -1 The' t6ttil number 6f ba rr by Zulus� powerful fellow@ g1-.-i-,4d i'.' Ill% 11filld all" bullet'n * e ' � ljLdy, who all lier life bas, . , - (') - - ,f t h. , - new, - t!--.ja g,--: n;,. t-ith -r- the . solo ,.' In- . -,tj - I . ,o m I . . 11 o, � .or�, j 1,@-rs-, must have, - ;. ­ ! . . , I r the %0ek midla-r,Ncov. 4 from immelise limbs; they decorate I)i -i- . .-. t 1%-voilsl like its, a" ­or'd- -.%- ha' t ia CP n, �-.s � it � I .. : . . � I ,,.; ; ,& b(.avrn . -11 ehold cares and the I wd f0 1% with % 1`8, j Ovj t I- %. . .. _' 1 * 1 14 41 * V. I . ?III dlis mi' - I wersed I hOU19 d Hall- 'faaLastically with Mr. Rutherford had beet, for wnfie 9. - . . .1jotlyt .%� j I I-- lorre. Lands *-it�e%sqi-d flne'e tt,c-. first 9ue'-1,.t ar 1. .. 6thing- else. Occa'_ who, .Montreal. N16%r York.- Boston an their heado most W Of Mind. 41111P s- k'-#,Dil *-I,-t,'.-tj*oo-*Aoii.tlarql,wood � ,. -� sic. and can mean -.n upbringing of children, and -k.'1898. 98,89111 w;l i te time in a depremed i4ta '1111,�Vlf-, ' d, -tho-, -victin, of the first. fratri claim fax, 85,163';' evalne we� ks' horils tieI on to a .'t L!')� j j: I f ' % - u- at e r. stear , Hive . . #_ - -hat rnusic,has iescaped thi- ot lay _. r)86;0:A,); last .qeason bulloc ; iooro - . .. . , - like her hdabwd, does ii ,ea wig, mid various other decora-thas. I Christ 'it,,lal!, i (6 NMI to. da". p:1-.11%. � ­"�, - -11.,rt a totfr# lit %.'O)V the loileW Ad�-j plous .Ntel' .In that rooin . - r,. *113r. Fuller. dying at Beaufort,* , to tilid - haa . probably never , . . -q . Ht� gi,6 . cuilture, to f -ft T :;-,V 1*11;4-1400. orAIL111fr4falry .e)vingty grf- . new-r(lmei . i#,: L � . .]If' date. 5.04o548- , 11bey caji trot akmig lit four or five ". " . 11, - . . � . " Do YOU - Ce. I t the I . I . lKiLLIeN, %, 14 P' 11 : . I -e- ( I P e ir *P 4 - eT a. (I He has -the right '�4. � ` .. sa � . waalt of It. ',%he is Nfr. Krng. . Iliclu I'll - th.'. ( .111,011 I.Allhklld, * . . " 4- ,;;�oi by flover the .. . ­.. bystand,b"S. t'11,41BLE W I I miles rut hour, and are alwa,Y8 most - L ,�- .. IF . 0- . %,V11.1, . fexclairnpd. the, HEXT. . 11, -.: .,.foil. wt r;& LL Zo-VU410%. . n arrival. WhaL . .. � .. . j1p, ',open 'th(- or's 9800nd wife; his first, lived but - . 11,101, 1,()..Iu and ot ers. ill (411)0- - .�,. VC) the t1r,;t.(.rmnbr3aL 0 I I . � , , eat ** JIN) t_.J. DA V. I- Aftsy . . I -11 spirit I....Tbo ri-losic. 111ft Iffif . I , , iage. The Brad%treet retx)rtm .-L deereaw' th's chcery ajl(l smiling. These carriages I)MU tition o -f the .; A mintic - w4cf,nt P -nine mont3w af"r marr . ' as sitioli to the big consOlid . - + f. -n t*e . . f rom Japan, -;I*t, r.#*110.� . . . � %v hL ' * * - -s"' week or 1,453,OiOO bushelH Ln the w,pr,e illtmiuced . .. . . , .' F Lorfl! Better than a. i %,.", h 0 - w, ' Kruger is i ' - 90mewhat In � NVestern Permanent ji,nd FrWhold. MY. � * - � ­,ir-!`;&xsff 1-r1s,r-owstloor.--f ,first --s One . 1 t Him - talked i Another room., in our Fatheli,'�4 present - Mrs. world'.s v144.iblp supply.of wheat. their name implielo. . W ead abott or R the family room. . It younger tIMa -tier huaband, who..by Rutherford 'Wont tO *-otlland In con- ' � j� eve r r, . ato 2.647.000 ' .1---%1.-.L,1%j*d.. - ,� * al use will be ­.Vith, the t1le way, attained hla - Amorlea-the increaf*- w 11 mstter and av- M#`y#*r11;'#-41%#-,.* . -4b,-,ut'H.&m or Sail about Him In .III ho I 74th hirth � ' ' E u r0P0 V, %as wtion with the . 1. . . . an ' through ad OUT'j,may correspond somewhat rtilng - him bu,-heI9, and m and . afloftt rd's UnimentCam DistemW rie& but the . th­ .*vhurches I o, 11 d at . 7_- .4 i1volsits-vbas IF ,., U411. juKt fobr, .family ,room on earth.' At 'm * , ay thio mo h. She hao borne there wa.;i a'dmreaw-of 4,100,000 bu. ranged all the prelimina � . .1 . . ."LithlY !lfetlme . 1!. I t be. .. u know. that - Is "the- * i children, eleven Of whom and projwt fell through. I . . I - I most and evening. Yo .sixteet reased 1,379.0(X) bu. I - 16' . im. The - Though every I I + ro. (.1,orn ,dec 1�1,xn Active Youngster. The attending physician" statethat ot-Aw's --W*Aji4,1r,,%,,Vrr P Ilia Nevw 11,111-11. , � e now meet. . !.2 ware living, including five daugi te .. . raroturous idea w ever had. of Him' place, w . on,V4 lilereased 116,000 bu . herford was undoubtedly in- .,.1V..T , � .. I household have .. . h&t a young crocodde Nlr- Rut . nftf. 01 , � r.- ;,. - (j -a I h o child . . ­ W (111ite aL Iaj%0 clan of ­ . I "A . I a � L ' family There in WD Bradstreet's on 'fhe moment t I'd --roon) - 1. . I , I'd r, the heiO­ in the deacendants. � � Trade. .4:..;.,irfnw#_ �trt �4t,oznarh and on -saf-ramprital tilt- whm he took 116i life. lie wap 45 . I . .. room. . I e.aks it,s abo.". It is W 'all iDtfnt8 KI . - %;-VOPY., -tutl .0f srogne great revival .nr under .0 e. separaie . ,Ind' JOY -14 I - s or .;. -r `!. P reoltlen t K ruge r's r_ I ;tiv-.4. f4me and . � I . * ' 41 e y gather. =d . . In the smia se t- - re moving br years of age. a niemb�-r of an olll'To- I -?_.4,,*' -!j"-#-jjr. tart6 Is: a th ail rN -.%.tyjf!.:4 ]I,, unpretentious hou -More hea vy winter goo.ds a re and purpow�a as ,,jetive as lt any time Ps will allpwt lipliftPd. baton tot an ora, . m i Ps a It wI,I ma" straight ronto family, anti leavei a widow and ­ erip1w,' i*(%. , rv" -4tonwu�h and ared with, row% and , experience,q of. *all o0mg in, uged its the Presidoripy, domestl(� at.11antreal, tlibq we!lk. -The. , - ' ` . ,- .-r� i '. d A r � , r ". " to- V r(XM re . . -I)-.jv,h,!-Uptey of th(.xught romp ,,,I,,r there rehearg,ed. Sacred r � '.N1 r. K ruger [,,11jay oft'oMf�rs � *tjlztt wilf keep them durIng itz We. I of thre4- mons. . `11�_ ,V'ro, ?, a .� I -tho Ornt flnah of His appiearanve I Ings, whether' It -be lux- habija are, very simple. p-)jjjq ,-Intl I'll f tpi- tile turn of tl'PYe:"* for the water, even Lf It be out ____ - I - ' dwell 1-10, V ris, . - - I ' .room. ,�,�t that mo- . all our and - divo6m; , and hL9 wife are still very oar],, � ' bt and a go(A d1stance off, and I tb:i't r­t,-eptlon L th ottonigms Ri TORONTO IS SIAM- - . . - __-_ iz4f-nt'� when �-()u confront each other., urious - wi Uussian lids spridintc --era. It Is saLd 00m Paul is never lit ,111(1 ocvae .&rtilally linve (--( till L,t will pursue its pmy with eagerness . — Before'6 divine '; keep th P'm in r -it lookInz- up"m y(ou .an .r :6 be oh]Y 'a bed after 5 o'clock. loand that will go '" uring the first bou.r of ,I'wo-thirollm I)t Insitrance 011 VOIN111- ,.('hrl , ase or ther tinflit-tory feature of and figi.,'Ity d I .. Inflking up(,n C-hricit there -xilit be a,ln few , pial - n chairs and a vr�tdle- 4-0 servico )s held, the whole. household the. spring.- A wt. I 11tuatioll. .-,It the ha free existeLiCe. tillerS SI Ill Ultt)ltid- 'Pr-sq0ti thrili and surxing of emo- n' _5 being I preoent, and tile President con. e __ - - e. family ro.om.,o high will be the tll(- wbolesale 'trad, - --- --- -_ . !ir)v ,..that 'beggar - all' .4seriptlon. the e kinisfolk a.s,cemble and ductinig. Then the morning coffee io n1coment; Is tile' improvjnfi� eondition of - " Nov. 18.-Tbe OntarloMu- . . Loroko They ne d no, introduction. periencep of . gxxxi demand To CURB A OOLD IN ONS DAY Toronto,, vering the Tor- _. I pentant MI% Over the family - ex . served, frcxluontly on the veranda' payMents. Tlier0k Is a - I tual Life, which 18 CO at�,(-> Chrint cho%e that re the' births, the I'te-4 nm Taki- Laxative Bromo QuUline T&& ! TAr)tig , the weddings, . "Lleuianant" Fritz Eloff to oneof .fo!. -mq,xjiBy an.d ri . oqnto members of the C.%nadian con- i I � , . . --driner. 'and thit-116- I-,, pent3nt sinrer chose. earth, festal days of Chri-styna.s a �-1 Viotorl.fl lotAi ney . . 2. Vr Chri-zt. M.1.1ght't-st moment of an im-, burials. the, the -charactoero of the President's Trnidp. nt Xanm.fve.- . n1 ' .�Il druggisft Mund themo tingent, this morning notified Ma" D.. 53- jk,,%giving reunion., Will the , ' i t rijflfil tco ouro. '-'7)t-. E. W 0"IrWa - (N � and thn-n - firimily cAynn-ection, and is always a Ilas not- been quite 80 Active Iftt0ly, if I .% Shaw, Chairman of the CltlLen,s . mn. - ni�ortal history-tt* flrqt , departed remain' children I . � P rPA Its Of . 41irrin to, th�jt unless $2,743 Is pW 0 and , children . welcome visitor ,.I,t the Kruger home. t)ut tll.-,It wais expeetikd. Th n re 1P orl *-fteb 111-V i-ri" ,30�stls a" tbo pout! The ,.R'ul. I '. o) Will . the aged remain age'd mittee, . -year-old grandson trade have boon ver'y ! ____ - __ ' I tota I I i ng about r t - - lual .. -11,4' LOOM .there I Everything Is per_ IrMA. lo thp. four the Peason.'@ Gustave Bolze, wbo gives his hon1le C"I the prenij JQ - . - I . I'. i . it, now Into � hat reception r 'there? Oh, rin - child will go ahead of the*-PresWalit.-New York Herald. satisfactory pnerallY speaking. Com- i as New Haven, but who has been 'iv- $1,000 In all- by Wednesday next . � ,he Slorifte kinsfolk, enough of ' feet there. TI.,- aged - . - - plaintig Ilave bPen made nt Vanclouver I ' will be cancelied. The � i ;P()vjr .,' 0 let you know them, 'Maturity, and the Hm. Mr. Paterson addresfied e riving in ; Ing W Toronto for some months, un- the POI 16811 I to glorified , 11 tato-4y of OntiLrid ggs ar (,jtIz(,ll@, Conimittee luw been making '�Rrthlt, retprition glorified maturity. of Wagner, was arreet- I .. back to or the name I . but without theIr ' ounds or their nick- will go a i., T!iere. is gtill d ' ivk CTIES .-f . 11 Tnuch we love our children nieet-Ing at (*renfell Inat night - rid jM,g-jtiF:fnctory conditl0l e(i t,hla moortilag on a charge of bring- urgent appe.als for -@Ub*Cr1pt1on8. I -1 . n---;zqp.,4 .-)r their Ste what heav- ]Rowe ver wilm- well ree-T IL ilding C L . tro' bkks- we would consider It a do- olved. gorxxi den I of bQ , 901119 On at Isto Canada. but UP tO the present only $1,700 . ' b. _3 0 . . --so riAlant. so on earth. if they atoLved children, ' e6n.-Rt cities, and labor jjpp�!ars to I)e Ing 9W.en money A n eu*rjftjry- 4 '-' I en has done for them tsm,all's wiflors —_ .. � I n9portingly 14ovelly! They � mestic dis"ter ELght of the Sco - hax W11 COI1PCte(`I- Xl,PPf1*1,. no- tM � and so we rejoloe &t tneir growth here. toody at Montreal,'as there was not well pmployed. - njeetilig Ivis been c.alled. c&jl you by name. They greet you with � . - miawd'sLolulmout Cures fththwi& I ish ' And when we meet In the f&milY room 91ifflelent evidence against them. More ReftfiOnhble wenther hais Im, am --ardor VrOPO the length of your j of our Patherts house we will be glad. . k I of your partitnu - . I I I I I ­ . , . I I I I . II I .. .. r� . . . . � . �, .. I I .! . . . . I L . I . I . .1 . I � L- . ­ . , . .. � . . . . . . _v . . , . 1. ... � ...! I I . . .. .. . I . . . .. � , - . .. . . . 1.11, -, -:,. . - . . ... .. I I . . I � . . 4 . I ­. . I I I .. . . .. . .� . 1. I � 1. . I . I r I . . :. . . . .. . . 1. - . I . . . - . ., , ­ . .1 . . I.. i I . I I.- . I I -A . . . L . . . i . .. . . . ­.. . � .81 - - . . I . I . - . I I � 46 : I U I I I . I I I I f_� I � I I I , -I I I I , i,T, I I I 1� I I I I I I I I I I .1 I t I ,I., 4 M . , - 13 - . . I# - ­ . . - . : .... I � �, ,�� . . - Is .. . � . . . '. N . .. ­ . . � . 0- . � I ., . �' . . . 1. . I . . . . � I . I I .. I - I * . . I .. I . . '. I I —If' ­ __ - � � �f, lo, � . - r - . , 0110101111 ---lo . . I � . : . I -_ __ . - - ; . I . . I . . . . . - 1. �. . .- . . I . , -1 . t .. . I 1. - -_ , '_ - �;% . . � .1. . .1 - . ­_ . -_ - kdm.:, - - -_ �_ . -_ - -_ . . r � I . 1- AL . - . — - - i"A" -_ -1 __ I - I .. I . . I . - . . . � . ----I- ­ - ­ M V