HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-17, Page 4t -, 3• alien,* •Owt s f ,A. • ••, a • . -J, fi Sr • ! critical condition. Mr. and .Mfrs. Car- �� ��� ����'� � •x, ,lin live in a cottage close to the street . and with neighbors clow on either side Tag LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ABMs 1 and across the street. Mr. Carline PEBELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATss I had gone to the post -office, as was his OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL custom at that hour, and the fiend OTHER LIBERTIES who did the act seems to be well sc- quainted with their situation and LaoitaoW, November 17, 1899 habits, ars be evidently watched Mr. Cirline go ont, and knew the poor BRITAIN WILL BE TiERE womau was alone and helpless. With trooFs disembarking every day at Cape Town, and at Dui ban, (which port is three days f urger sailing from EnAlaad ), there is no war s;.are among those who are intereed in the success of British arms in South Africa. Lord Wolseley has expreesed his c3ntidenee in General White's ability to keep the Boer army employed round Ladysmith until the troops landing at Durban proceed via Estcourt and Cal 1t AH ECHOS If Oom Paul expects to repeat Shec- man's march t� the sea, he must needi be quick about it. The deal between Britain and Ger- many augers well for the relations between the two powers at this stage of the game in South Africa. • There is no mistaking the views of enso to his relief. 'then the Boers British statesmen when they talk for will have to retire to their entrenched positions in the mountains on the nor- thern and western boundaries of Natal where the hardest fighting of the cam - the benefit of the public. Europe has recei‘ ed notice of Lord'Salisbury's in- tentions. paigo will be done. One peculiar re The British, the Americans and the port from the seat of action i3 that Germans spring from the salve old while the defenders of Ladysmith un- ITeutonic stock. Destiny seems to be der General White have 1►lents of pro• i driving them together to resist Vie on - visions, the besiegers under General ward march of the Slay. Joubert are in want of food. The soldiers who lani at Cape Town will go north through Cap; Coleny to the relief of Kimberley, west of the Orange Pree State, and of .Mafek ing, west of the Transvaal, and after dis- posing of the Boer forces in these lo calities will be free to travel eastward through the Transvaal to attack Jub bert's Ladysmith ar my in the rear. The programme involves a lot of land travel, and Jubert may be driven far into the interior of the Transvaal by White and his reinforcements from Durban before the force from Cape Colony gets through with the fighting at Kimberley and M (eking. But, in any case, the British will no longer be on thetlefensive after a week or two, and they will be in sutticient force to give the Boers a lively chase from all points of the compass. No wonder Lord Wolseley is satisfied with the prospects. CLINTON A Brutal Assault Upon An ()Id Lady. While Great Britain does not desire a second Military contingent, it is gratifying to note that the first ship- ment to Lives pool of Canadian -fatten- ed chickens has proved so acceptable that there seg orders for all we can send. OLD PRO -NT RB Says, "The merciful man is merciful unto his beast. Now it is not very merciful to work a i.orse wheu it is not in a fit condition to do what is required of it. Still :we secs -it done ; .a horse with a - rough course coat, poor and thin, with perhaps a slight cough, doing the work which only a perfectly healthy horse should bo made to do. To he ve your horses perfectly healthy I would recommend you to use Blue Grass Condition Powders. The stories that the Boers are mak- ing a treaterous use of the White flag should not be credited unless officially confirmed. So far the'Boers, accord- ing to official despatches, have behaved admirably, and it is unmanly to accuse them of barbarities on the strength of there rumor. After the war, what ? That is the question a good many are asking. Proba'ily the Boer rule will end in the war. The burgers say they will make it a costly war for Britain; and they crust pay the cost, if it takes every rood of their republics. Probably we shall have a great sister Dorninion in South Africa ere long over which the old flag will wave, assuring freedom and justice to all. Abut seven o'clock on Tuesday evening last a Ivan entered the back door of Mr. Carlin's residence. Mrs Carlin who is an invalid and is confined to be -1 with a fracture of her thigh bone, called out, "Is that you Charlie?' when a- man opened the door, saying, "where does the boss keep his mor.eyT" She said he had it with him, and all she hal was in her purse in the draw- er. The man hunted up the purse and took out three 25 cent scripts and threw down the purse, making a rush for her sayin;; he would kill her for telling such a lie. Mrs. Carlin had a walking stick by her bedside which she tried to defend herself with, strik- ing him a blow on the face with it, He wrenched the stick from her and struck her on the top of the head and another on the right temple. She cried, "Ob, be merciful; I've been lying here for over six week with a broken leg. ' With this the fiend pulled away the Led clothing and belabored her unmercifully on the limbs, the injured one not being spared, holding his hand over her mouth, as she was trying to scream and give the alarm, Ile said, L.1 w,li hammer your brains oat or smother you," at the same time taking a bottle from his pocket. Mrs, Carline thinking it was chloroform put her hands over her mouth:and nose. The wret& h poured the contents of the bottle over her face and hands. As the fumes of cArbolic acid arose lie said, "I brought the wrong bottle; but I will kill you anyway." She said. "Yoe may kill my body; but you can't kill my soul; It belongs to the Lord." Becoming alarmed, he dropped the stack and ran out the front door, which he had opened before he had entered her room. Parties just then passing heard her screaming and went in and sent for a doctor, as she was burned ou the hands and face with the acid and suffering from numerous bruises as well as the nervous shock. She did not loee consciousness at all. The man had a peak cap pulled uvar his eyes ,and a scarf over the :u :ver part of his face, masking him. Up to the time of writing there has been no word of the monster. Mrs. Carline is to very The action of " Lady Randolph Churchill and ' other American ladies now settled in Great Britain in arranging to provide a corps of train- ed nurser and a hospital ship for ser vice in South Africa is especially grateful to the British people, and will tend to still further straogthen the bonds of amity between Gres t Britain and the United States. All honor to the noble ladies who thus strive to c;re for the wounded soldier and smooth his trying lot in a foreign country. These are made up froin a receipt of an old Kentucky horse breeder who used it for years on his stock. There is nothing better as an appetizer and for Coughs, Distempers, and to bring a horse into good general condition. You will do well to try a package; 25c. or five for one dollar. FOR SALE BY ALEX. 0. Logan, DRUGGIST, LUOKNOW an increase in the brotherhood not only betweee Cariola and Great Britain, but bAween Canada and the United States. WEST l3IAU1ANSOH COU 111 t, ilANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Head OfTioa, - - Hamilton. Capital paid %ILp - - 1,600,000 Regorge and - • 1,000,000 Total Assets - - 13,163,067 . Board of Directors . President Vice -President JOHN STUART. A. G. RAMSAY. JOHN PROCTOR. GEO. ROACH. A. T. WOOD, M. P. A. B. LEE. (Toronto) , W3i, GII3SON, M. P. Cashier, •- - J. TURNBULL. Asst, Cashier, H. S. STEvEN. Inspector, H. M. WATMON. • - Agencies Berlin Listowel Owen Sound Carman, M.:u Lucknow Port Elgin oliraley Manitou, Man. Simco Delhi Milton SouthamptoL Guoi'tetown Morden, Man. Toronto Grimily Niagara Falls \Vingham Hamilton (Barton st) Oran:;evilit Winnipeg, Man. Hamilton (haat Eu►,i) BRITISH. CORRESPONDENTS National Provincial Bank ot England, (Ltd,) London. Ccuncil inet according to adjourn- ment. All members %vert present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treasur- er's report showed balance on hand of $26.5Cc. filed. John Johnston asked charity fur J. Schultz, granted on moticn of Thompson & 1IcQu�llar,. The taxes of Mrs. J. Alton were refun- ded on motion of McQuillan O'Con- nor. With regard to complaint of Geo. Smith, re. Approach to gateway. The hoard agreed to take no action in the inatter. The clerk was instructed to issue debentures re Manchester bridge for 1J3,00. The following checks were issued. J. Scbulrz charity e15., Geo. Tisdale gravel, $2,10c; John O'Connor repairing road cm 6, '31.00; 11. Thompson gravel act., 98c: ll, Kennedy gravel act $3.43; B. O' Jon - nor gravel :3.71; W. Wilson, Clerk Sr. Reeve, selecting jurors, i.4.00 teach; Municipal World supplies, $1.06; E. Morten, inspecting work, $3.00,; D. Carrot gravel act., $1 7.04; J. Smith, bridge N. B., $9.50; IL Johnston grad- ing, graveling etc., $44.42c. W Bur- kett rep. bridge con. 7, $5.00; James Edwards gravel act. $1.68; J. Kilpat- rick grading, graveling, and ditching $163.24; John Welsh, brushing and. gravelling con. 2 $38.00; Hugh Glean, gravel act.,$3.25; J . Miller, stoneabut- ment and gravelling, $1S.50; Mrs. Robinson charity $10; J. McLean, gravel a:t., .$11.60. Council adjourn- ed to meet on December 15th, at 10 o'clock. Newfoundland is now falling in line in support of the Mother country in its war with the South African repub- lics. According to reports from St Johns the Gover'nenent is now consid- ering a proposal to form half the colonial police into a company for the service in the Transvaal. The Dom- inion government will, itis understood be asked to incorporate the company with the second Canadian contingent, should the services of the latter be wanted by Great Britain, Newfound- land paying a proportionate share of the expense. The scheme is said to meet with general popular approval. Great Britain will titep out of Sam• oa, renouncing any claim she may have in favor of Germany. In turn Ger- many renounces 4111 claim to the Tonga and Savage Islands And cedes two islands in the Solomon group to Brit- ain. Besides these concession, an agreement is reached as to African territory that will smooth the way for neighborly relations there. To these terius the United States' assent is required, but no difficulty is looked for in that direction. Now isn't such a deal to be prefeered to a lot of snarl- ing and growling to be ended up by killing off a lot of people for the glory of being stubborn. Lord Aberdeen, speaking at Scar• borough, referred to Canada as the , Li brightest jewel iu the British crown I • Horses and Rig&e destined to take a higher part in the ImFerial Governuaent," sncl ptopbeaied 8, BOWMAN, - - Manager, J. A. MACKENZIE Fire Life and Marine Insurance, Real Estate and Loan A ent tiERVIE, ON L'ARIO• AMERICAN CoRRIAPONDENTS : Fourth National Bank New York. Hanover National Bank, International Trust Co., Boston. Marine Bank, Buffalo. Union National Bank, Chicago. Detroit National Bank, Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas Ci.y National Bank of Commerce, St, Louis., AGENTS IN MMOAiTREAL : The Bank of Toronto JOHN SPROAT, INT-AOINT. II I WANTED! Haying purchased a sample lit of 10,000 DOZEN / FRESH EGGS For which the highest price will be paid, either in cash or trade. Agent for the London Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co., British America Iu4rrance Co.. Farwerd' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and the Canada Life Insurance Co., also agent for the Employers Liability Accident and Guarantee Assurance Company of London, England. I leuranoe on all assets of property prompt: attended to. Farm property sold or exchanged. Severn choice farms for sale in townships of Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron, Kinloss and Aeh- field. A large amount of money tu•loan at :► and 51 per cent. on tirst-clasa Mortgage security. Partite; wi.drinst any business done in any of the a'401e lines pleas call on or address .1• A. M.tcKENZCN, On ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FiRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. elephose Nb 1*5 DEI\TTzsT_ C A NEWTON, We have also added to our stock of FRUITS' and CONFECTIONERY A NICE FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES AND • CANNED - GOODS And will be pleased to supply all who favor us with a call. • Felt Hats At a big reduction, wo are prepared to sell at less than wholesale prices. out . - stns'dsy, Nov. 3, t We will have a number of Choice Trimmed Mats at prices from Once Dollar up.. Now the chance to get a Genuine Bargainf in Millin- ery. We also have a job lot of BLACK KID GLOVES usually sold at $1.00, to clear at 50c. Our stock of Wools, Slipper Solei, Embroidery. Silks, Stamped Linens, and all Fancy Gocds is complete BEBE RIBBONS for Xmas work at 20 cents a dozen yards. RFUITS and VEGETABLES Are commencing to come in plentiful, and will be sold cheap All ghor?s delivered to any part of theto.r.. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda and all kinds of Summer Drinks kept at all times. Honer gradu tte in dentistry, 'Toronto Dental Celle; e, and 1 Doctor of Dental Sur- gery, Toronto Univ .rsity. All n,i+ul .rn Oars of o..er►ati'n and a irefnlness in N +rkan.a:Iship. Office in Allin's block, a:•stairj. P. S. -- Will visit Ripley every T1 ursdey ternoo 1. Thompson's Li;cry Campbell Street, . LUCKNOW ./ FIRST-CLASS -.ow �B MOODYO • MRS. SMITH, - • - LucKNQw. ammtnanillIfIlr .40,30,,11• Cbe ��°� Daily $ 2 Free PI ¢$$ (SECOND EDITION) FRED GRUNDY Is giving up the Dry Goods Wsiness, and says that this is the time to purchase anything you require. As he bas now decided on going out of .0 .+� •� DRYG000S,CLQTH1NG HATS, t. OAPS,.0 FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, So that on and after MONDAY, the 25th inst., he will open his Store for the sale of any of the above lines at cost and many other lines below cost. You can therefore be suro of the greatest bargains ever placed in your hands. Any articles sold out will not be replaced. Now is your time to buy. This Sale will continue during the whole Winter and Spring. All Credit transactions will cease. This is the lust chance you will have such an opportunity offered you. DurTzle and EGGS taken in exchange or Cash paid for same. Having the best equipped buildings . , in Town for the handling • It contains all the latest • • • news by cable and other• - wise; complete market re- ports from Liverpool, Londlon, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, ito jr Toronto and elsewhere; full notes of sporting events and fp Western Ontario District jai news. News from the Trans- vaal full and fresh. The • largest, best and most popu- 1i! lar daily newspaper in West- til ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per iii iii 1.0ill HO lotion Free, PIPs P1 , it iii LONDON. ONT. VIlifieta*COECIP !I! year. Subscribe now. FARM FOR SALE • Groceries K Nos` Gra3,n, Floor, Feed, Sees, Vegetables, Etc., He will continue in that branch of trade A Stock of Dry G000ds will be exchanged for a Stock of Groceries. J i J People must Have_Groceries The grebe question is where to got theca. We keep the beet. qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. r TEAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and priors. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy froin us instead of t► & peddlers. Compare quality and price►.. CROs J E " We have a fine agsortiuent cf dinner setts, tea, Larry and filet cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. •:. FLCYTTR & FEED All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly c.n harei (oc►ds delivered to any part of the town. MeOLURE, te° c.A.ss ri-RC7OMR That Touches The Spon MACLEOIYS SYSTEM RENOVATOR SING LUT 18, CON. 10. B KINLOSS 1 r --OF containing 100 acres, and all in a good state ot cultivation. The farm is well fenced. There is on the premises a good two story brick house 18 x 24, with frame woodshed attached. A gcod frame barn 54 z 80, with 10 foot stone wall and excellent stables with cement flooring. Also a concrete hug pen 26 x 38 feet, and other outbuildings. There is a Kul 11 orchard, also a spring creek and two ex cellent wells, There are 10 acres of hardwood bush. This farm is situated 3 miles from . X. 4L/0� Holyrood and Kinlough, and 8 miles from Ask Druggist or write direct to V ♦GODSRICH Ont. '1'eeswater and Lucknow. For particulars apply on the premises or to JAS. PURV1S, Holyrood.,Ont P,O Weak and impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. • Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow a • •