HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-17, Page 3. - - ___ __ __ — � � .7 , � __ - .
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I !-t 11110-Jaild LiXtit 10 - - __Iml� %O F%0W*VWft"%0% - ------------ I
:1r. % rd . . - - - 1- V%rt&V"%_1q0-4VW 14 --- I ficient to show Ruby that It was " Mrs. Coxon." lie 9aid, in eonclusion, ,
. I . . - __ WIIW�W - - ' ii1e, and liaJ upWrtuitity to de -
1 none other than Edmund Carpenter, * " I a4m sure that you are my friend, .nxxistrasV their love by aulng gooii to
* - �%.11�i'4 4X -t. 21-tlrd: .rtil. * I SUNDAY SCHOOL I". new . . I . I
. utifu. and spirit- i tu)4 QuA I can trust you f ul ly." lothers. A
.. � . ed chestnut horse. hideed. you may truist me, Mr. : - - _____
. I � 10 0 4 h -t' .2",* 1' r i I .- liotil.
'. -4 *% & FOR LOVE AND BIRTHRIGHT A :ook of well -feigned surprise Waiter." the gooti woman.sidd. heart- INTERNATIONAL LESSON -No. Vill THEY GIVE THEMSEEXES AWAY
, -k. .
. -
. � , I f d 4 htt. 614 th : 1-tth . . c e appeared to re- . Ity ; but Nhe lui.d neeh surprised to ,
� cognize 'them; th.,n he :ifted his hat leary lie liad oc.�me there to s03 M'ds NOV. 19v 1899. Violators of t be Law are Basily Recog
$ , and -bowed and smi.."ed. Gordon and had falled M IiL� object. nized by Astute Detectiv".
� I 4 41 .4.k.t. �..--rd : I �tll ---OR I
. i 10 0 . - The next moment he had dashed up " %X'ell, thiaii, too oome to the point " It imOt w.) much a nian's al)jwur- -
f -Z i -,s - 1,r. I . be -side the carriage and was asking at oaloa, I bel -eve there i,& -something Public Reading of the Scriptures.-Neh. 8:1-21 amee as it Is comie little peculiarit,v of .
I -,- . .0 'ir1e'-&i?Pd t)%A . I Mrs. Gordon, in his blaijest tones: wrong in
"ti -11 WI—S thense ladl&% being here thii
0 1 % % W . PLOT VS. PRINCIPLE, I . "Whither have you two-!adles flit- Pummer." I Time—B. 4A 44.1.; 1-1--ax.--Jeru ) --alem, hablt thatesiablea a deuv,tive too re- i
1. _�t 14i Oct- 24th,. 0 " Someth� . i Lg wron - 1'er--,on*--NehemJah. Ezra. I riewit,N, c -
. ! -�.Ii *Ot (*f- 2-1th: 4th - __ �___ - � - - ted so suddenly! I called a -L your ,. g, Ilow .EO?" She L-evit-eG- T110 I-ewift .,Wnizo hin man." . I
- .r , - ____ --- rooms this morning to see If I cou:d cr,wki. I I
� ., I ...- I - t Durhain 1,. I.: , - I _§ - - - - - __ - - - - - persuadei one or both of you to attend " I ai= su-tWW t4iat MiEs Gordc#fl Coltimentary—(Itead iulU4oduc-tion.) The kipeaker was the liewl of a local .
.. ' '
- I . d. A -4 -1. 2-6 t h .. I SU _k. A CLIAPTER XXVII. C0111'ectilig lillks.—"The p1twe of uleet- *13 th ha.h a ajore
-� rch with me, .
3' pr�mhial-catehlng firm a t
I PlaeC WfW 00 near the- city that chu and N�as to�d that would never liave come here if she had I
". - I ,, 1':t)t 1�ii*-d for the Unwary Ruby. she Sixe Walter frequently, you "had gone out of town for the not lx*ii deci3lved or trapped Into ilig wa,6 iti. tdie open square of Ophel. 'ie Saun-
- . ,I * �' . could 91 - 600titheast of the temple area. aud ' hall llat.�onal reputatlon. T,
I % A't- -"Ttll -- ' � Pat- lit. !1.141 Pasmd but' half way down which would be a great,comfort. ' aummer. . (10 jig k?O-*" terer had -fou,nd li,�m in a remiuLsic m� a
� 1 r Arid yet even'this ant7cilmited plea- "Yes; we left only yesterday. W,6 " Dcoe * v ed f� ' near thk'- water -gate, through whic.fi mood, all(] tile, proffer of a �r,o(xl c..ar
'I .. Nvater vvws brought for UND in. tl4e --%
_ It 41 f rom S4,11fk.,, ,_t.t -re W I tc%ii lie encountered Mrs. ','sure had its drawback, ' Aghtful retreat, Yoi. ' How. doee A ibapptmi that
� I �. I .,r %�' 4, . 1% t F . 0- I for ' Mrs. Gor- have found a most do. ' did tho rest. I
I . a 0 � , . I tel'100. At this time, under Ezra, be-
_� � I ',!' I "Ifle BA. (;, orthm nzrwnding. ,1 dOT"H manner of late had grown more .deem ourselves remarkably fortuD- EAmuhd in taking bc>&rdcve this sum- 11 Of - 'isig not of
. I .6. , - "I'd "'ore rePellent toward tile youlqg ate. Come home 'and take tea with r T' ga-it. a Levr era of Bible study. He ill- courik-, I am s1wak,
. %h "-&itu- sialti, giving hita a search- I UK-,, augurate4 a clasw of mcrib(m for copy- ,,burglars, bank sneak-;, eowitorfe.terv.
----" I m-tLTL . -1 d,, .Irs. Coxon replied
� � rl. f I ,) not, know," A � i!19- a' (d teB"iiiig the law, and syil�-? alld otlicv cr�mlnal& weil knuwn to
- -1% I ! ! " 41F RE 119 0,4tile *6 Are you but Jiwt going? us, and see for yourse:f if we are not
. . . I Several times Ruby- had been upoll p:easantly situated," said Mrs. Gor- tookbig gra,va, for the story that site the pol'ce and deteetive-s." lit- vuli- �
- � \\-!.,tt , ?" I I t lie poln of cot - . - had been Lonely and wanted to take gugue-Meetingilor readDig it." .. *
. .. . . lfeasl*ng the fact of tier don, with -as mueb -cordia:ity andL com- . tinued, but of embezzling banl; casill- . 11 ..
� � I
. i ".� 4 !311 I. NQ , 'W1114. its Tb,Pfti a,* S";CL, tie repeatmi, bitterly, , ealgagement to lwr,.,Llld ina�stlng that posure as If all this had not been a Lxxu-ders for company, -was all -a hoax L All the pe-(Ve gathered—From the �era, elopin- husband�. oe.-atdowtl' lorg- �
, - *
. .$.% .4 0141. � r .1 . -look—"a -fool' " Avould not bel thrown Into Edmund part of the plot. srr,0ul!idh.Jg country from 00,(M to L-1
Ai 1). k -, w t savage, 0 1 she of Mrs. Gordon'k4 aild tihe had not "
. . I .'', � .. !. qtt dainty little sister -in- . . . 'the wa-crec' 'ch he had en- t the time ore, murderers. arid the I k,-,, witu. after It
I 1. - f6l�* :., .V"*,W% 66 50,0U0 ill number. it was a .
%�*,&r ,0iil.,:e . ' ' ( ItrpelLter's soc'ety tio Illuch ; but, 11anks. That is a ve "ed y wh,
. .
. 1. . , " ,AIV % of yours io a m1niature, powder I . ry tempting Joined upon her, part.lt ,11arly after Of t116 Feast of Trumpets. TrumpeW having commit" their firw. crime. I .
. , I N'i 11 *,,% tile ju",Uw�llg . . 00'Lf iden't that &he would be b-tterly invitation ; but I fear I sha,:l intrude - seek safety in flight. The firm;t thing ..
I . . . -tiul tie&,. k%i. e l,1n._raz.ii4%,, as I have.discovered to my ol"PlAod, site ex)uld not' bibar .n- me-etie upon your quiet." res onded the. man, she found that lie ,was to be a con- were blow -u. everywhero. They pro- . .
, i;u,, .. a ,d"t,CW%tJVA Arwo. 111irldAr wkwh f -:W -"M_
, - - . . ' 4
" � , . . . Nij,�. 41 �%-, t - .N 4 Lithimp a day of rejoichig. Isook (A tile .
.. � . , i�-:, ilight'. 101VIYver, E4mund's ree�nt .threat with an appealing glance at Ruby, otant, v;isitor them- ,. " I only know otduoes, after ltav�ngr se(%,rm a, Pic- .
, ; '. , 1, 0 �,' Nire. (kwdon laught4l softly, for he had not bee,, w:thout 'ly returning his greet- that, lie S�Lid lie wabil't gloing to livel� law -T -he whole bt-4y of ��wred ,writ- ) . . . . -
- ,� t- "ve .,eit ,k-,-%! !ik-q an vnemy who had been , .iLs effoe,t upon who, after civi. iflg,!6 collected Iroto one volume ,b�y ture or a good deFcr.'pt*o!i of his man. I - . . -4
, I tier. -
. k , 1 ,-�Ako 11-1 UW.*Il - so. Bile etvicluded to wait. 4t least Ing, had given her attention to -the liere lilinw!lf. buto waifted to have tho, a .
' -
- L . I 111144%eiy routed and demoralized. . Ezra, the firgCgreat wwibe. our Old W to fix upoin some habit he has that * - . .
. . . ...
. - ". . k �-.'. ;-0--A,1 ..V -,.Ii , . I . #4 110 r 11111 -ii Walter Ishould be takeil into horses, determined to have nothing to house kept upan and mado to p. -by him I �m different from tlte ordinary. I re- I I
. laughing matte'.", he re- b1l,s*lle88 wit, I T6stamdnt.-:imit,hk . A
# 1:4 . it 11 . -
. � * memt)er otie era,se in part!rular. The -
L t!'*' .%hy of at- , -inly. Mr. Conant. when Ile say to him. 1 . sametliIng." 2. All that could hear-'.Nleil, Wolll-e:i, � ..
. - 4, ) e% I . I I Ircw:detit of a bank not more than � �
I . 'd be ill a P(RAiOn 'to ta.ke her "No. indeed." relEted Mrs. . (;or- '1�liat was a'quw�er Aea for a ninti
,,: 1 % tb8L us. Are I . . , i. (,,r wou' Pe I '. I
. 11 1.
*Come down in a . 66 id c-hildren. who were old enough to I T .
. i 4 Vra Y' f rom all such annoyances I*f.;t don. animatedly; W.C.-ahall' have to with all 10; money," s.aid Walter. with 1,000 at'lee from Piiila,c�lpfiiu o4ililted 4,
I "' %v " v 1L w') ril. I". .,w tomk "and teU me aboUL it. YOU SlIoul . L "I'de.rstard. . 9A
, L . � A. .1 I
.. i . I 1_�. W. A 41 .;- , , 'd 80em Tim,wary. 4 take our tea alono unleag you will I I :,,' ,. He -outito imt after looting tile institution ol ., I 0
1 1% *Oil- * read ....... until midday -AL .
. . . ., I,,.trl.n..1 , .re too ea.%I.y discouraged. I believe. I share it, and It will be.-p'.easant '61 thought go; but iu.)t so queer a.s - !
4b '� 1, I . will all come I - . to -e wh'ch fle, wa's the he.ad.
I ,,*,tn he�p you, and it * )otlht1eJ%-; tit(% teadir susl)ect8 some-- (� tha't, he dA not want the lad.es to :dx horurx.,The readiiig geems to ll&% .. I . I
* . . thilig of tile plot that had been ltlj bavo -art addition to our party. Coin . U " and
_. right in the end If we only have pati- r d , cea-141-mal expositions.
" I I- i , '- -r-lit'likV at- a 0 -it ' tweii varied by (, The lom vra.,; over $100,001, .
. .:L -v . -01 r the urliv, nd tell us .about the. -sermon th, know 'that he was the owner. He leave I naturally them vras a strotig desire .
. Oil k�.Llllloll enck, '.1.114 t,%ke.the proper course ary Rub.*.- By Ind'rect 4 V,;. 7. S. .
- a � - Z; , .. 6 quest;on.,11gs I - you heard this morning. We lia,ve tilt, matter into tha hands of all agent. - for tile fug*tive*.s return. The case was . __.
- . "I'llt'i, uf towl). � she ' 'NIM'. Glordon had discov- to -navert'se., arid though, lie comee 4. Ezra stocd:W1tl1 thirteen repre, . I . .
. , .ed him down into � small re- I - * �
. i � .. erc-d that all - beem quite. like the heatlican to: -day." ' ptac3& in my liands, and I was -told I
I - ,i:"-' 1'()1WlthSt;Llltl_ cep,Lion room &t Elle fOOt 01 the St.lirs . � %% . heiv Ed- . Reutat#ve met, from Jerusal-eiii, upon I
. . . I ilituid Carl r`15 'r"ideqcc. ,v�-am .Mr. Carpenter laugteld. here a great dmeali lie -has tiorVI.dden me , a photo-
, : .�'- Li -e Lril,istl &)l,Ll, %vLere � they were c.'oseteolfor ne.a r *nie . . He WAll L. not to recognize blan- as the master." an elevat-pd platform where tlie.y, In. that Uotbing !n the ,shape (A .
- . - � . ly had aiwilt, 1)11t very I;tt, ,of )It ' "I am afraid mi( memory 1� . gral0i of my man w,"- olAaltiablo- I
. : .vr �%*:Olfurd. ��'Zlvtuy :ill llonr; and wban at 49th Edt " e 's ti tile "There Is -a plot at the hottom of tUr1l@ read the Scriptures. Hore they "
*t . .. � ''.%A;. L I vi� - there.s1nee h'im father# serve'me well enough for that, as - 4 good a deccr.;pVon of him its I .
. .1 We ki.L.(I M1141LI It'a ,,!�ter took his I ave, there. .. s d-�ath.. and for . Lt.tv . could be seen by all aii(i heard di.,;- got w
. - . .1%11�vd. tZ. 111)11. WA N not lutte so blac . a cloud niore thmi a yearit' had bboll rentedl, sermonsare not much in my 11.1w. . But ; 4 6 tiT"17. - a could, and then acked my enip-loyer if
. . I..- . I t I i I *,e,, I ff rt t1lillrO . (7. ' ' fiirwslled, W It gentleman from N41"W1 I will join you at tea with pleasure." 1* What'plot-? I supp9sed it was only ,5. Egra orlelied the book -The bo,ok lie could remembc-r anyth�ng 1&hat the . .
a . ulwn hil;- brow as there bad -,been when ' oru .Nfr.'Edmund's part. I don't
I : - if � I
. . .'N. A �_; 4 . York; 'u'll-le the young maii had had So .he- rode home with them, keep- 1'r -dl- %ra.,4 a ranaway Pres"dent d1d *tlia+#- might
' ; """'", 't zk't- hLiby so indignant* lef , s presence; how there mn be any plot." ra-- .
.. - , -:* I h " . - , 101IIg strip of pamlimeilt", ; 0*;jcd '
. _y .N,1(!llelor apartmeritg ill tile c't I I e me I . .
f. . 9 1119 Y. Ing up a lively' conversation all the -90e ; NY *-r v as a c I u4 - lL4) I i is
, -
1 * Ivo t.�t_w, p -r,. lVoll-Ml- v. -h-e there was a very Jde term ined tuTtied .Nlrs. Coxont. 4 . UPon. a Et"- at either ei,d; therefore Poss- . I
. :�. -.;, I -.s "o, o. . � , ik.. . " It was now empty.. ho-srever, .an !n way, although ho was not successful ed 1P 0 calleil a roll or scroll. 4k.at'Ity- . .�
- . -
I . .. I , () . . Als:llti .00k in Mrs. Gordon's eyes'�s she went tili, e,.1r,e,or `__ ' in drawing Ruby into it. She was .1 will tell you. my good fr*eInd. I The writing "'' Notlrng.' was the reply, , oxc,�pt . % I
'i). _ - wa4 Ili parallel columiip4 acroogs it. ,%;uoli , . ,
Mrs. Coxon and a serA it,- I
..%I I . 'ith 1 9
. � . � In I
I., I- thut lie is ayl almoet Ofilitinuouls i
f " I _JJj--W.1ll ,,j) to hdr own rooms. . youll . J0,M too mu c h disturbed by the encoui Wa Iter a und '
. . . . �. lit I :d thp 9 Inart. and his a - I I .aI4 confidontially, 1"E� - roll. -q are still used ill Jewisit syra,- i
- 1. .. - .-�I,.e ilid not mention th4t she had . U91mi the sain I ter to feel very ,social. She had I s been very fond of Mim Ruby Gor- "ues.;c- ch -ewer of tootlip.'cLs.' , . I . I � .1
. - .
I � I , ' ;.�f ct": both intent 0 - 'It 1 T(A(A. 3. i. � t
.. �. . . Lae. ith appoiate ' * d for a long t1ine : tw*ce he bas -pro- Lrd "Well, I started. After a fruitf(mw , .
. � 4. % F 1'. K QN G. . e d6. ' d .Ov - r ; neith4r JPCZ- brid planned t1lat 7Ruby add .I hoped, by g6ttln ' _of ferVd. -
. . ,� g Out Of the City, to L 6. Ezra bleFw-d the LO
. % 1. &kl Itaby Ite-1 her that sh� 'to tier wid been, rejeeted. - . . I .0 I . .
_ 11.4'A'. pubilc tile. It (,'ord1)_1r should go the- I b1s visid and attpntion's; -and Po"ed - chase, of over four weeke 1 wam ' -
' - re to spe I 1W, prayer. lit that prayer Ged's good, I L . I
- . . I nid the � * e6c 11 is suit
- t. . -I, InWL 4141.1�_ BA111ur., til4cor tiusing her absen4e. ,-;he did .gl!rnm .er. where tll,ey � ill- . .Nlrs. Gordrm favors ', be_ about to give up in dcwpair and I 11
.ten&�, * here, at. the .very outeat, lie was Ile IS *L ie*, arld i�ercj I
. - �: ,d, 1)y . y, fait-lifu1nass and
.L , . t dre,im that her sister knew any- cauae r"ch. and she wants her 1 or Philadelphia. Aly decision
.. I . - .% \ - - - - I L'. -T ite itil- no . � St!'t'lUigy, or b�v e4mipronilsi"Tig her in coming to them as treely an of old. -iv tA-Arlo mar ' truth. power ai:1d rigliteow;rleft-* %%-Ore start f
.. r e .0 i11ro,r,rLX%.V it was too r mmll a 1,1it. !)nw f r m .
'.. '! .-4 I � , I . I I
. � - _. A5,11JU , %%'�Jyo, LLIA*�; U I to t alk about, a nip %v"Ity'. to, fOreP the youiqg girl to ivnen Mrs. Uoxon ad informed her littl . e secret-, Mrs' Coxon-Rtiby and I reccgiiize4 an,d His fattlifuL pi!oIll!". to t is effecto was a"lvo ato whil
. I
j. : () w i.. g I , at -ter 'Ic r nfaster whom ishe had secured for' * . ; Ive. I . I was sitting in the reading roemof
. . �. .1 .. C i -i f row IMP-e's"rit (1 in - knew that Mrs. Gor. . ,cc'Pt 11i. CnrP�niter'8.prbpmtls. , I " have been engaged ever ,since tier rle P1eJl$W.#_1*lltero`&t. i
. , 1 . - '-),A , . We(kle_,kL.t.V, e,41,vvi x..1y as sht rt waa b,v1,9r% 41n * boarde - the -- hotel in Chicago. Glancing
� - I I - I , -, symp.ttlhies were with Edmand . . d nivan, but Ed- rs, he had inforinud her that Imother's death." . 0 - 7. 0a uJ*d tho 4*op:e to understa rid earelessly around the room, my gaze
. - ".. 1-:,,bonly .,,ill , -)ent,!�r 'a '.., -, luall wito - he had -. Informed tier - . ., yo�u e , e the read-
� - _ : 1111LIA Car-. -%V ,,a bbar&rs. ,ngng,ed to the law -They stood beald
.. . . . - were - thitt lovely g*.r], �
. I-. - .4 ''t -o -fill 1,igilt :Lt- t't,,,penLt*r ; !�o slie ho'd. her peace. would yt(;� at '710t 1! In 1g, - ;Ao- gal I I that ''they icquaintances - to, . er and expounded the :a' happened to rest upon a well drew- - �
, : N rem -i . - . -Mr. Walter! FrW Mr.q., Coxon, with. . I I .
4 1 " -4 -Irs. Gort'.on rked t h. I L she. had I 1;�q 'own a . .. I . I "' ed and digtinguiEhed looking chap
. .' trenclies la:�t . 01ld-1. "111.1le 1fr4.%1*. ''Oordon's.. . of his# and - that - - he did. . during patues kn the readIng, or W'ere
' .
__ -_ettll ullsuce 'Sa ing accom- god being, monf�y, not .. 1w1sh them to 1[now . I ' I .
- , , -1YUMet4. Our I (u. in obtald � -%*felt that almost, . , i. glowing faae. . & e crowd busily engagM in writing at one of
- . ! I -ch I I'. and tMt * I , -s b him - " Yes; 4ut Miss Gordin"dId n4ot wisli ata-ti.oned at intierva18 in th the tables.
I I t �Z- l,r0tj,vtx)"1 to luo&%tions for the s6ummer, , -i n ' . - dividing it into JBib:.B classes, an I
; . . cletL it,- .rua�ter w,is not mentioned again fur � y measure was Justiflah1c, In order a8 tite.owner of .the pla - ce, as heshQuld. ',t hanoutim-tj so m)on aft -Or .tier Iw-.. d a I' 46 1 wouldn't have paid any atten-
. . . 4. W4 ,�Ull . 41 - them, and th -%vooid ' teachi.fig. at the same Uttle- k .
6 I �. , . W t�e"uxe so' handsomf\ and ' rivii a probalibly v6it
11 . - - * , Py . . rea vement :: therefoie we ha ve told no
. . .. : � i re. t** . �. 1prize� for her yo,ang sdster' an,!, with f ' dom not to know it', The - .. 8. Read distinot'y-So that every
. I *,"A 1 ,r4ird :36me , , ime. .' .. eel . ftiore free ' . (nic. of the fact. 1-1magr,ine that Ed- ' t1oft to the gman, perhaps. if it had .
. . - T1 t . . . I . 1 S t Of .Niay arrive4d and DLie A, it luxurimiq. 'hoz ' michinan had aiso r0e#_-tv(.,,d Ili not been for 41 toothpick lit- held in I
. . _. 'A , me -for lierw4f f I s. or-
, . 41 , i -I, U -t. S'-wintlow . ' � or inuml. liar feaxed st�mi�tliirtw -of the word �bou:d -be distinctly heard. 'rhis .
41 f ti -V1100 I . i,p. or untl I sile, tf)o, . . . i
- .
-,:,, �,".'AU.lk- 1,11' Consider- ` i n .Nirs. t;ordoll met Ruby tile fu�u should dem.; therefore. When lie. mada lils.ap- 4 * rid. . for he has �hreateneO Cp .Lae. upon "s the, ti.rst way in, which they his mouth. While I was looking at
and itianner . 0 , 1 1
,:J�:4%,.�4_1l,tt,t_4 .%Aig_:a1, �vitll ,% gleWul took a ' U �;utvf,-I-f i , pearanve vvith the ladies, upou tlwk him lie dropped the toothpick and ..
�" . . n eaP�turin-r 't a Isui , ,'
. I , A I I : - - - we ' !tlly . tor. ' nto or two occas!inw. ;t, 1- interferod caused the people 'to understand. I
. - . 046. . I y P -N, ra ii ��) - drive.. lie wits sini- . - MCN-hanically reached in his po--ket
�. - - ". - *. � " - �- 1. �i 1, � -; i .A) rtheast. I","-, ret . . ' - d'rstand-The.�
.I .1 .. 1, . . uni frolil 1461001. ' , ' . , I Tile 'knew'thatt'li ' nit,, ri8k - return froln ifie r ' I be'tWMl 11"i anil JIL'i plans regar,ding C -a used them , t o tin e
. 4 _1� I .. . . . " .. I 14;%Ve-. at 1,1st louild just -tile of e.vtw-ure, through W.Ater, lynt". E(17 ply reL-Qg`niW_41 as their -nest. I -.0 -M . I ga ' for another. This hp also placed be.
. 0. . - ..4 # �-011tllclwt. ' .: . , l. - I ea.xw� here, wi I told ve both a-,trans..atlon of tAhe He 6- . .
. . 41ae - said. nitiliff had, leai�rjed, "t.1j,-It- lie )Iatl ,I ' Bu ' term 1 ' - I tween his teeth.
. .. - . - __ . I . , It. de,ightfull plaee." - i1t t Ruby was de ,ned -that -st'le. Ase Gordor , rew words in -too the Cha.'dee and an -
I , ' � . you, to see 111bi to_11..1.,ht;.'but Mm. .
, . � I Ir
. - -
I I I I �111 ( , � .1. , . til- city., at it we ea - ontra',.-t , woulcl n . .;. . . * . "This caused me W wrutbiize thel I
�� up 'i t) F, i4; irr. l is lle3r . it t 116 city to superinten,l -a v� ot �)6 annayed witli hi"; visit.. expoaLtion of the things contiain-e-d
� . . � Gordon told tn,� that j..4ie wwq aut, and, .
. . t k- . p6SSvStii(>k1 Julmedi'a 11y. for 06 .t1lat-would b*ep him away for. A lonfr If bel sis-ter .wou.1d p.,�rsist in. in.viting . I . - thidm, a -ad, of the duty Inc -um cbap very carefully. His general
I . . . , . I . - ou .f ine. and . he rwa4orieid ttmt, if hev - she -*f sei� l,'Lt- I'Oiould- not in bent dk-,seription. tallied with the man I
- ,
-, -l1,*,!--*-1mprr%0%ing .Neutral% _ ..-:�-:-uars pass very iivia, ,� aud t �t . . 't. .14 - hini, . - might nitertaiu, him; and.soj. meet. lier. .. ,nquLred for you, Upon them bk\ vLrtu,e tha,reof.-Beii- I .
' .11 Nv � at'l.,oft!fAva .4olo awa . . /
. .
Ili . t -o I'lis-ir Cianks. . * . kild , '. klile, ,the ,'onld pot'Ru.by sattiki - If.,. . after . tea was� . 6ver. -� site. , . Y, - I I then '. w
. r .-. 1, elwi;y g10 OU t ii . but was told thar. .)'�ou were ,,,,hgaged,� 9Dn. ais af ter, and I resolved to take a
I . I ' ' *
. I . I .
. . -
. . . . r � . it "vould not be licird to'' kAf-1) 'her 11v hersc`lf, thus- loaving tire* t irch- clianee. Going over to him, 1placed
- i'lats." - I . . wo. 4 n-nd could not be see-" t. " . 1k 9. Ne hepila h t,he TiTshatha-Hith_ L I
. . o 1 - P. t hem.4el V , 's. � *,Inmlf 'my hand on his shoulder.
_A;'\.---'_ 9-.-T:..o .StXn4Urd arid t - - 1*11, - ' Ruby . iiiquired, th,dre. -Mrs. Gordon w0iild peruc;e v I p -otter.:' 0 � � . , � ' . '
& � . --I'. �- 1, .Lt "-n(_-LJ1kV.d,-V1-ai- ,, %%'i i er o Ls it T I � . � � tc � . e � c
I A has 'd b.
. I � 1�1. . . a Miair, '.Itld ,,n,tke any 'Phanf,re, atic" r P -is - .A'he - was a trif 10 nervous ,-14T 11 -ii. . - . I . '.'.1n,deed,- Mr, Walter, I 14iould'never orto Nebo mi. . *6 "How do you do, Mr. —,* I t -r-
. . � . a fl.4 Avearily into'. . t ioti btl; . . 46. 8 . Lit -'I,Ty . word for "gov-
. . . ..- *'w frolLtAO-dUy. 0 � 11L � * '' f' . . V tit,rtt I coukin top -for a Pw-
I A , . (.Olnfo:l t'. 16-th-the, ord'
, I&
- . ,�,, t! -be w)-huw, U .
. ,� - I 114LP . - Rl�hy would feel obligt4i - to ",renal I . ,,o,- or F -he thid. dropped . , is claimed, 'I have been sent to bring .
' .. L" . . ernor.. Now he in. ca.:'Aed Tirshatha,
%,-! a -'; '*.!J;; her.; liwe b(*VL f. -'Ii off her haL began to fa� ' - L few words *Ith.you," the ltoujqekex-�per
. I :. _1% . 11a'cl With her.. 'Mrs. Gordon' litid*. Ae 'wo I . . .. . a more . " you back to explain about that
. -1 . ,��-Olf -with it, for ilie day . Laken ii .11( , to -Wa IV�r a 'day or - i I -,. pro- - honorah'e. and reverentia.
- 1� I . . . 4 11.14k* * !,.4t%'O volun- - I ntorruptod In"dig-nantly.- ' . - 1,
... , ,,, "'Ire tivit her form^�r !Ahdlady' uld' viou -,j -tel.lin . . _, , - $100,000.,
1. en roe , isho g him of -their contemplat- �
. * . I foe under a .,t an. unusliallY hot* ore ev 4i " . . ;% "Of oourse� I know that was O'lily tiLe of gov or. The new tit,le is
. ff C . , 0i, . 1 , q N W1.4 -11* * " llitll .%v 4 % r v o, inir ed langre, :triti 4-Vri- him. too ii�omp 6ut ern
Jr ,, , � I It( Lnow W r.,o -9 vI , "'At the same time I thmw lmi(k'
- .� * .1 - ...,.ideipll4l. 4 _ , " " e way mmong the indir,ad-ons that this por- e,
. . .i I 1. N.4 Kock, who u ' my eoa
1. - . . "'I hopecl thus. in ca90'Walt4%r` should. DO c,,.to, sip-4-nd this .'�;a b- all excuse to get me- 0 t of- th the Jap,l ol'i t and di p
# . Llere. you are over -h ted, -darl- 6. .1 . .1 f theii -new lv�ynl of - written by au� s I a yed
- -1 - 46, taktai prik4oner h-, fs -seeing Rdb tion of t he boo k �' is
- *
: _41 . � vall, if he chan ed tiJ wmix-li-V) the cit ' 'b -i, and-shiR'could . antl to prevent my badge pinned upon my vt iit. "I'he
... " a, -1."'s-lid fier �ister. ..N1 ath evehitlg with he y-
. .
. �.,. . ..,'4',--rw,arf1'(hed ir. the ,�4, iiavv this fa.. . - . (xl ,� - W ' ot � . a ., Ui 'a de- other. -Cook. This day is ho'.y-Mourn- the to
� . . ,ilness, f6 ' -ing to havelkese.1 ' Mrs. Coxon item" rose. w' .. feflow"s f tkel� grew -is wl: -4.:., M
- 0 " .0 re I
: - I . . .
. , 1. r I � , .. ... I Ing was un,sulitab:a for a day of high
A -to __% . . . - . .
- ,.-, I _.. #%- _� �: a and bringing hce! .a - huge li�hev the. kno ledge'of I" lv,-1p, d a( wq t�Nrm;ued a1r. .
.., .. w . � - --irith. The hotwe ". I am Ilea ly worried Aheir whereabouts, from him. .11 she* Mell n106t. I - 1. .1 1� . 1. I .. '1! . I chalk. 1
1 ' I I . . rZenia;;1 Aiere for it ft -w niLnutp's, feativityl the opening day of � the
- '
.1 . i. t, s- io .ti-tral &Ar;et 0 �. "11I li�111- h,ad kno*n. h0w,6ve:t,,thZ4t tile young .- But '"'.11terAid iiot'voMe. Ho'u r ., k . . . . .. "' My Go L' lio almost islioutco. 'i)ew .
I Af - I
� . ' a swl. and *Ruiby w-atched Mr. Wrfter; I'll fkW 11im Gordon. and cavi- year and -of the sabbatical
. .1 death fearing you *ili break � I . .
. L� .,�V;A v'zitire,y tills wiltilig_weather. peot&, were already lo .-ers, -and -In tile - ter Wir P', '01i 4hall, o0e 'her*. M� ! 'ju.-it to th: nl,-, month, itse.'f a Sabbath or day of, dki you know me ? I thought I %%ao �
, .1in 'both � I .
. � 4' - . habit of eorre.-wfidilriz, 4bo mightnOt �and'w.aited in'tf I safe from recognition.'
.- in -4 4rLAr your'sake I atm bound to - I , ._until' feeling rest, bL n d one to be keprt by b'.owlng
I �
)�, lia v' fc�it so confident ,,),,' --the success sa d - a nd' -to' ' - -she *crept .away to Of your beftig eugaged to that 8we 2 t "I didn't explain, but elapp. d the . .
" ., , e
. . � ,-.a. *18. nely,
. , \, . . .. . I
" __ I , , . ,:� _.%� , r,�*`otit of this hot. (lusty citv - I . . tier own room and ril-ttred -t. I.Atk- -body ! She's just like -a hit of of trumpets. All the rwople wept-
,. . - W S. . I '
. .. � . It, of her plan handcuf f a his wrists, and sta rt-
� ,� . . ,to res .
, _.. , I - $ * : . � . . surishine in the 'Iioii_-ie, though I (um They reaAzed how diferent, their ',Ives .
, On -the last S'katurdajt. in May the .
. ,,lit-L-ly as possib'e.. The Place
. �, is- about -four wiles -out- . CHAPTER XAVIII. - . I ed for t nearefft police station with 1.
I . ' -
. . w1ge of two 1, -td -*e.;. lef.t the *R'u-ltry city, ,twi - . me ahe's efti6ln sad after her brother, had been from the Ave -s commanded by him. A ew weeks later he ,,,-ot tA!n
., far etiough out to escape tile R ' ., Walter's, Revela-Uons. =0 I I know that she doesn't I Ike Mr. God. They ha d faL'.e-d in personal duty. .
.. qs. 1, . .,nb.v found their summc*rl 'h-om-1, vv --n - , . years for his crime, and to thi_,.day
. I .. . 1 .400M. ntl heut. and it ia lovely, more (jeliglitful -than ---he Plind :Inti(-,- . Tile next mo,ruing,'. lwwev�er,, llujj\� Edmund very well, for -s-lie always runs Tboy had fai.'ed in the pubilic, worskip .
I .."Lloo"16, . 4�� v* Lit L- -uilildd thut are glmost like I 0 ation. I don't, guppose he knows that his
� _� , � , I I pated. A feeling of inten4e, satisfae- lvo ivixi a reply to her ' ite, telling "Way whon he catnes, if ohe ea of God. 11ey h.,id fai*ed as a n
. ,-: '16v , , _, 1 - � 10 '_ ni n." 'u(- .
I f . I I pa r x. with, their beautiful shade ti41,11 .. 1, 10 f . IA�eje that. "Do -uppose you ca,n f ind 11(3r, They sa w, a' -so, the -punl.shment capture was almost wholly 6 to � .
.. and content took posugession � * ' .11.6r lover had been sent out . ,you s 11 @o simple a thing as his Wthpiok- I .
I .
; . -VeS ;111(f shrubbery. fountain ' anti tier a%i, they wanclored abon't to superin- Alm Coxon?" Walter at,kcxL his face *
.. I . , the love- Of 10 WU by ',A�r- Conant '_ which Crod had tbxeatened for sin, ,chewing
- � .- ,_ I . . . ' - - . habit.'%--Philadel11!iia In-
� � I . %,O- , -.ituary : while ill the- house. ly kr6unds after te-111 .getting an .in- tend, w,contract which tho latter 1.911VIng. ."It -I could see her Juist for a and understood o'early why they had quirer. I
. viliull Lkb doinewhat. old-iashiotled, viworating breeze from thp- river, Voll I d not -attend -to Iiim%.If J�st then; few mlsiulte% it would be a gr-,,Z1t been made ac-0tive-s and why the na-
- 0 N . � , I 1P -1 - - - - _
- . Al t. A . I
I I'-- 0 , -,;,�, -4 .iit-re am great airy rooms thatare (4),mmenting upon, the Wvely views a I I that li-e should bo a%vay for a month, favor. tion w -as so r an -d wmk whoea it
� 10 � . � , but Would come to her immediately "If she's iu-the house. I'll have her KILLED BV A CAlt. I
. � _"06 might 'have, Cri the� centra.' glor,%
.� . � J . I I 1wrfeer.de-ight." a bout them, and. comforts of the place ' ' .
. I � . . . how. di(I you filld Such it S; R) t, they- had been w-) fortunate in seetir after his- .rAurn; meantim ou .
. �. , five minutes." re- of the wvor:d.-Peloubet.
!, .. . I - . . A A. . * usikeeper: 10. Go your way, eat all I drink- `3ohn Charlton, a Farmerofl'ork, Ih@
. .N � � . ,i ,. sluiling -it 111T. - 11 tly." and '' turiv6d` tlxe energetit hoi e 4-1
- :1ki _--� .!%te, -, ituby asked, . , . 1. . urged * Victink.
- ------- , . , , . her V - do thc- same.. ' I . and she left,, the r4om immecrately, Observe God's appolntmLmt. They
. . . I
- " , _"� % .;;�10 . r 1, i ...-W ' 111�-_,it�4, dc*criPti0n- - , - �-tinday was a (lay' oi� -rest indeed . ,y
I' I 11 This was something disap.' dewrmined that )ter favor'te should should testify the genuineness of their
. - -_ kjI...tti,�-o wah au udvertSc�luellt of a ' Toronto, Nov. 11.-A Metropolitan
.0 .� f, .0 , Z�1� - to the weary yougg teacher. who
- � .et �_��, . sUgnant at rt -V 'by the faithfulness with
. . , - . � � 1, /� .A� - RAilway Company trolley titruck- a
1_� I �::Z_ s lliorli-Lg-to in-4per; I was aztract- POIntment 'to Ruby but she re-. be gratified, an(I highly Ili antance
: I*- . , , I - . e�
, , , t�� ,4inply luxuriated all day..long, )yiiig I
. . .; 4 . - � ___ I 91 . I . . lie had - received which they kcVt the feast.-Pentc- wagon in which John Charlton wm
. . � �16 �_K by : t, a.�id went :TllXnediAt0eiY,t0 st!e in a hammock ,thAt had been hung
- .. - , .,� --- ' sbho long separation
t � �/� __ -
. , 7. solved to bear the 'treatment that
. i ��-�-, , :4�� ' cheerfully, and enjoy herself as mileh frmn Mrs'. Gordorn. to say notliLng of cost Sand partions-It was an
. I , " _- ,I,- ", - �', ,� w..lo all that was Prow- upon the north piazia, reading a lit. - L 0Z' driving across the tracks at Bedford
*� ,, tile lyuwf_
, * .
� . , r4r_� -I,- , : ... -- � - . t sCollis t - lost all tle now en. buV mostly - gazing as firbe Could and her'beautiful sur- the deception that had been pract1wd dinance of God that Ili tlmw feasU Park �aat night, and Charlton was
. .; -�/ -, ,,.-%� "' - . I It,.Lt tilt-, owner , , and th - ' - -, - 'y and liber-
. i I .. I _.- , 4 �� -; rnin.iy IL fe%%- ye,ars ag% and haij . rouridingu. . - upqn her. - � I the poor should be spociali
� , __ " - off Upoju the tlis&tnt hills and (Irawing kUled. , The car came down the
� . . * 8110 fouTid the chango greatly bone. She we;it dlre�ctly to Ruby's ' ' .
. . 1� . 4)T, C&red -ttjo iiv,6 there Much a-lice..'al- ,rcx3in. ally . porovkJod for. Joy of the Lord
I /` in with everj, breath life and strength ' , Hog's Hollow at a high
. . _A 1. 4)"igli x1le pL, . tee A beauVIC111Y kf-10 from tile frewAli, pur,"4 air. ficial to -her health, and began to and found ,her there. look�ng flushed -A conociousuess of 'God' -s favor, - -
1. 1. - * 'tllfl� same. L . I improve, in flesh and4trength al- and sleepy. and preparing to ret1re. mercy and long-nuffering.-Whedon. rate of speed, and Motorman Ain
. . I , ;L...d e%.,-tytl1'Jl6' relna�up To%�rard evening a beautiful car- � * drew NVebeter did not notice C-harl-
A & , most immediately. - Mrs. Gordon had waited wntil sho 11. Levites stilled all the people-- - .
� RT I %)'�% , �. \,. w �: I j K),N, A ,tiie tiotisekeeper tol �mc it Was - riage-,'with a span of fine bay hors". ' The month soon'slipped by, s thoDtIght- -Walter ivas'well out of -tIA Hushe(i their loud laxwritationt. Em4c). ton until he had driven on to the
I - . . .. � 'o lel - was driVen to tho dob'r. ithd Mrs.'Glor- - clibol track. The latter had just left Wal-
�),.41'�n Fusllicrs. K i I i (%rl - t'- . .6 x for tier master. v%'113 ."'Pt"It I
I . � Aig, aid lived - closed, and Ruby's- .work was then -site wentl to the north ver- tion neods cmitrc4 whou it is in dan-
, , _. t,ru ve I I' . don informed .Ruby that they wery f in'- Way ; - . ter Palmer's hotel and was prevent-
. 0 I)i Ill 0.1 M_ . �; 9 ,11111UPAM . I - I 4 r�w or ru -al I
I st. V � '(-' c'ty- d, iiiter,4. coim: for a drive. . . . . I two al,da, awakened lier sister, and, In a g uning into nwre physi( ed from seeing the cAir by the dark-
. I . i I 't 1, - -iring the W L . ished for the year. A day or
, I : after the examinations were' over, lLaJf-600ld!:ri& lialf-laughing way, oxcitement.--Clarkson. \ .
. . P - . , . uLke Wfiy, .Este;le, are, you , riot ex- � I . ness.
. .t 11(� tv�.'d lier t1lat she "I gllt '
I , Walter returned to the city, and made her got up aind go diri�ctly to 12. NVefit to make t m iith ....
. - . .% I .
I . r'#-lit�.--tla- %VhA,P JuNve Lot % 4 0 4,v thres� 114rdy lx,qtr4�rs for com- tra.vagant to order such a carriage gToa He was thrown a considerable dia-
l* - 04 -,,� I , k(t. r"lle, Idva ;Ls. - ,, e that sarrio evening, ust at dusk,, pre- . I
* I � 4, 4*0 J,!1.,m.t, tiered for a y I -ountry drive." her room. , Wauw- they understood the wordsoll t�ifice along tile road, the wagon
: , I I , igible Ll', tills year Lf .14IM' 'i A that for a ( sented himself at- t e door of his old "You naughty niAgOt!". She ga'd. the- law -They now knew God's will .
" .
.. _'. .1 . 4 0,04 V6 1 i 0 ;I r1l A , rov, �Jho said bho was 10114-ly .Alnbi. Gordon laughed lightly at � ,. w)w smashed and the horses raa
I I *6.� , *1 I I �1- - e .P; -8,-d tier, , k`ss i 7ig her - isoftly ; "dwi't you know awl their own duty, which they r0- -
T, I . I I . p�,_it fo. iltity. TbAl, '. i4p cr!-at 11(,),M_; lietice. tlj,,- adver- R1lbk,r;. qu 14pr horhe. and inquired for his betrothed. . .
_. '. . - . � . eition dand tn'fcrmed bet th..."t you are'llable to iget a shocking wolved W praetice. This gave the�ru Irlway. When lie �Aas picked up and
. 0 - I'. , 0 _r Ll,i.-Ilrf- *to com- that they were to have the use of He had been 9matly astonished
. . . . S-711o,.A, ^-.,.d#.)ur V-icd luo_" ^and somewhat od.dgutng tooleep, out here while tho ground of hoW and trust t7i GWYN carfied into the hotel it was found .
... '� , , ,*.,* i r t, - r# lw)r L � tro bew v -I, are b,i,, axiyonO eish-, th ere. the tu-;-D nit all �-umtner If t4,%y de. troubled upon learn- that lie h:'d sustained a fractureof .
I r - 110, " T ,w ,,,I . %!- I
.1 0. . 7 - -.- -t. i.- , U, et. I ire d. , Jng- that lZuby . wah gon6 to dew is fall4ig? Come. I sliall'have a mercy, ana - thprefore gnvo them a .broken leg and wim -
%, � t tiLoreglLri , I jv:koll we eoukV-be ki 2 . ., .1% t t1w ,Pktill, or
. .4 . � *11 to settle if you don't Igo great, Joy.—Bens6n.
. -
- d 4 f. . .4_- _ ,.%L � , ' " "T I Am ,* Wil.. � W -r In Edmund Carpen- doctor's b. �
. , 4.. i,e ta LA U.),_.) t*rpd to care about _%t (Lf,) You mean ?" Ruby criod, S nd thf� summu ous 'other "injuries.
. 1. L. , . L ' ' ' . I I i r -and Ruby, ,all q
O., #6 I - UubY 24LK 1110re 'a )(I more astonish ter's hou&--. . � . I 11 fmme� iately"; un- I . �
- . " --) I CA ea. - I PRACTICAL SURVEY. — - -----,-- I I
. . _ .-*., . I ic .. g, with ef mpany." om at suvp *, i i
. -,. I . - (,hap�.a.,qfift cad e - - hor s6ter's ino e It was ovident -from her lettera th tc-ous of &ny ck)uble dealing. aud The Bible cla.w. 1t,'8 icader. In -UiLs .
. .n I C t).-v.k ." lier chair arid clOMI19 .%-!,he know that ' Aal I
. ., , - Z . , woutc! not ndmit- of ;:ueh.'an extravit. sho did not know to wil i re-eltng veery sh,��py, ran up' ra, in- BINDING POLE BROKI-l'.
.. .. ,,, 4a;#,Lure-%I w ly. om the, place �
. - - y, -.4 w4mril tallt-only ulyon geettlng to bod as sooii le%sm we have an old-tinic Sunday- 4
- - -; ' - ,.-, .,-,*, N+ -k. kma ar r q' - - hor"'other expen�es, belong,w], and ,he * h school. A gco] Sunday school can
, ' S.. boltn dod. T I i e ganee. xvith all .
, I Mr (;i.,rd-ni's heart I _ � - I . en ad not enlight-
. *" ber 1) . o may
.. . �J . I f�- - ,i i.;,. 7, *. ,..-� th�jjt tb�ougb ,4 K * f ,,, --t % and she vould not understand it.* ed hfur. thinnking It best ti " Poss*Lble. . - d alnxist anywhere, usider al-. Farm Laborer Kille(I In a 11ji,rit Near
. - . . .. ml x1j, ., , u .61 : a -ted be. hel � I
. .; , -'� -t ; : # arn .�* #I Lolt %V cbw d be -N4,", .,Zhe ayv;wered. . "t.pul. "Oh, the horses were standing id:p nothing until ho could hav'ea prlvh.te She looked arwrict surprloed, am -d a - most� ai'iy - vircumsta.tices, provided cataraqtd.
i . ' �
f':-* *-- ;-t.rri tok th", British .a t we shon'd tx�l by (juTwIve". and in the stable, and the agent said we talk with her. . trif le - startled, liwvrever, Ad Mns. coxoin they are the best that can be ob- -
. 4 i soft] Lthbut k k-
'.*_� -1 * ` y opi�;tled her door w" 0 1101C Kilics,ton, Out., Nov. ,10.—Ye,sterday
� - N .'' I I o Pr.. wrkt. 'rh-P naxned might as. we:l exercis,3 them by drlv- The servant could not find Rqby, I taineti. , 711s one was held In. wi
. . .. * 1+1 -*�(In]44 ve: vvAl"18 W11111-1 I . I �_
.. 1.� . ". - - ;1rie. at tile farm 4 Jezb4e Barli-er. near .
. � V. .-1, r--.#%a.s#- I h"M LWC, - . 19 WAjilig to Pay for ing them as to have the coachman ex- conse,quently took t1v3 - young Man's I' ,, ' juare, or court. .
Z i o i tr:co I w;u I - . I ne PC'OPle Cataraqui, three infles frow the city, .
,4 't.r. J., - - You may be sure. vard to Mrs. Gordon, who went --down
-,% ;irr.va:. .�tndi " ha's : ; * ! b, I jolit tier we ercise them a:one. Miw Gordon," sfie whispered. fear- oPe" 8(
. -
.c & I I ' -it , or. , r ! 4!9 . t! A that I have no objection immw] aw that�Mrs. Gordon mlp�lit hear her, m&de 0ioice of a leader, and selecti- John Ki,Jglit, a farm laborer. meV
I r:r-`4v-- - - .-.t%6-. 114. r#-P(>rV_4 . I ": 41, (-t�y-ne od,! Saturd,,t.y.1 4 chow that my de'ar, lately to h.im, with the deter. . * od the one lw,st acquainted with the
1:. , , deatit lu a sudOc-I-1. nintinpr. KnightA
'' ,-rig
-J_,T,�_,L# � - 'i r- , you %yould bru at to sueb -an arrangement; so get on mination. to prevent a' meeting bKI,. " Coll-ld yon.comedow.i to my sitt' - , : .
. � , .% - . 4,.Ared V -11r. 1Y foray.,w� J, 1"Ietv � .. . . r(x)m for Just a fttliD *1113le? I,havp .Sc�ripture&--one who had s'hown or W,111"amlating N t1i I Ing (A IN
� ___ W-i-1ye ASA yoll w0uld )-lave two your hat, and take an oxtra wrap, tween the two, if Pcosible. a very pa - ' o r "k In (- ganizU4 skiJ. ,P - t
1*:�-Ii-,,�.vv � fo)r I)oarbain. . L for It may be coo' before we return." She jzreeted- h! rVotilar relhaon f ' I %ad of hay- Ili Barl-,e�L, mri. wlwn
. ?:,)*p &kyv. ' ttle r Its text book. The I:"
I . ,tj,p rfwt and g4W a 11 m witb cold fo 'mal. * " of thi� - 111W tile blvdi: g lwle broL-e. recipitiat-ing
* ,
I . `4P Itrilt pliv�, be- Mrs. Gordon made this cxp:anation ity,, and told him that Ruby was out. I I wou!dWt have disturbed' you.'.'
. !*4t' gti, it, the , L` I was the try'-6quare by which the lx�o.
� �_
. ... . 13.—Th+-, 13r* L" sh I . . . 9 teacb - in her 'tightest manner, and then went , "I presume she will w)on return, will I (To be Continued.) ' hfill to UIZ floor. Ile a4glited upon - 1%..
. 114'.1 10419*T11l.,ng the wearistyme . . ple were to be rn.rxisured. There V -
. . ! a I . . I I � I . Ili-; hevd, fracturii,g him,t4ull ard irg-
11 I I r-10-., ("s _ �it sfie rv)t?" Waltor 0 asked, flushium be- llothing like God's word.
. , R: � " 7 A: " e. It S g .,ig, n f)n 1!,r)rA.n.v-" sweeping down the steps with the Im- .- " I . " 8-PPIleO h.%* Juring Ills bralit. Death was alinfM in- -
� 1� I .,;. _,I,.A_1l, 6'.U.,11 to.Dur- --fou were ll()uglitful and perious -bea ring of former days. .� neuth the wom"ins hau lity look and I . .
. I 1 4 1. I., rery t but wonder- Ruby soon fo:lowed, with a very Auner. . - 9. 'Only One Wife. Surely. the Holy 81�irit, W convince miell 1401 vt-tn-taj-,eoiw. Decea-jed was a baclie-
, ,jt,e:!f.. p.ul)y _;.4a!d, In .14 . . I . . . .
: ! I I- - 1A _Ari ' #or' "t -tell yout" IN.Irs. Margherita Ar-'In,a .Hamm, the well 81n. The people had not been paxticu- lor. aged'about '.-) year-*. lie Was I I
. I - - .. nof rk ia * it was "brig since she am sure I canno
I . . . * t') W- tl(-r S;:gt4-r W) unuatiallY viva- bright face, for I - . , ' larly alarmed about tlieLr own coudi-
- ;, , (�' ,,ij� - -t t�vl -1 t" t he Gas . 1j()1io3-_kc4_,pe e pleasure in driving' out Gordon answered, . indifferently, known trave:le�r and author, called without rplative�'In thi-A enti-try, lih%
. ' '
. .1 � I . . ._��' q P -$NJ*11.-1t :S the !it such sty:e, and - a1most seemed th0ugh she know that Ruby- was that - rathet tion. while the st,udy of God's law was
.* R*,--- 1,--,- arr.%.a I ca 1W I , � i� . when in China upon the, wbfe, or aeglectied. But light through the word f riends residing in -England. He left a
.;.. 11. . V. the wives, of a great Mandarin.- Her bank- amount -of about $2,010.
., r 1),Hm..irj� -1.,1.j [)�Og(* . It , Gordon. like old times. very moment. lying asleepin tile ham-
wlij!.01,�,xon," sald '.%Irs. � .
. 4b t 11 I I q 11. smrehiug glance Into- The coachman was upon his box� mock* on the north porch. visit wrtook of the,naturs of a fes� revealed the truth anddeppmourning I
" '
- I ___ , , 1. 1, , k9 . . I . dressed in dark-greem 'livery ; the - He. h6wever.'. resolved 48m make onv tival, so novel was the experience, to Was heard by them. WERE SHIFTIMN THE GUNS.
Its mem'bers. " All tile lwopl,- wa-Ji-
. 1. - 'N;t r N,,j tp,;. . . irit "_ face. repentm s:eek, 'handsome horses .seemed v'on- MOM effort to acedruplIA his purpom. the Chinese women, whose- A"Ivea are- t"
. .Nlrs. Cloxon." RtIbY and inquired for M w ered tllemselvm both of mein and wo- Former Accidentally Killed While
�'. 4M A � .1 hu� sclou rs..Coxon, thinking pa&sed a*.most entirely Ithin the
I' '- F' - 1-1i,imow.r. .4 Itepre- , men, and all that ("ul-1 understsuid.',
- . ,IV: t(I reMp1nhp,r where she t s of their own attractions in
. ,I . "' a e e that he could leave a note. with her* va',ls of their yamen. They examined Out 111111ting. �
I - I. , t , I i Lv!, A� v. sti-r Lly thko ., r(I n''rae. but fallinc: t(- ,do their gold -mounted h,_ rn ss while th. . ' ' Vs. 1, 42.. "No elturch should be watiN- f
.1 T, , tbe a ' marve.' of luxury for 'Ruby. and -thus arra ' - her clothing, and were partly pleased - I
. � .. r .,
o , and rige, for. an
L 6 . . . -I, .M,. sp- 6 'fur Walter seldom teferrPt ther call. � rid part:.y astonished at it. They were Barrie. Ont., No%. 10.—WoTA 11&4 i
.[of,... - , i , �),. Crt' i�h,-* I . ance.. 0 . I a fied until all the eongregation is in
* . I -str -rig :-,tng-* former �home- nnd had only once quiet e.' 'eg, , i I y enga ged ' I y dio Sunday school, :wd all the Sunday bern remlved liere ef a fatar ,,-:Iioot4
.0 .,. $A . . ,� a n so com- , "Mrs. Coxon Is very hus . shocked by her shoes, and especLa:. ar Lake CouchichingA �
I '0 1;p 4,' t6 -1r, 1',V1 casual Ru
N .Do-putleA twic.f.. tnpiitioned. in - by the fact that her fvet we're n6t .401001 In the co.ngregation." Example .Irg accidetit ne
. 1.1-1 -
. - 1',: .-it ;: eu, i4, rv- 7 . ame. fortab:e had she kncnvn that all this thIN evening," Mrs. Gordon statAA parents goes a great way ,in lm- Elw.iezer Atartin aad,two other farin-A I
. - .-n the ,,,, ttl(! go(xi woman's n, "'and I shall havc to ask- you to ex. . of . I i
. ;, if,: . :1'-A--'h:&,w-,h :Lt- *'%vilo i.% the owner?" she.quen. had been arranged- with gpecia.' re- . . confined by binding&
I... ;t rr'J.t, I .. % -herse:f—that . It was but euse me if I do not disturb her." Fina' f them &-lid, thr9ugh pressing the importance of Banday e -r:-- were di-10iiig td%-ar4,4 the deW
. -1 I 1, . *,�f;tV- w,-rp an #111,41. 0 I ference to - . huitti: g ground -i with their l(mded
*1 , ,
. _. Vx V ..."o ! � � >'11' . . , think to part of the p'Ot to endangle her in Walter bowed a.ellent acquiescenee the interpreter, "You c,-Lin-wa:k and �wltool work.
:!&.. . . ,of 11:tr:lifLM441- . I declare., J (lid riot I was a net from which she wou:d feel there -anti took ii,to -leave without furthp.r run just ,as we:.l as a man I" its h0pers. Intprpreters. Ezra li:l(i riflei, lit the rig with them While tile
, 11 ' - rifles were beiiig sillf" a little, ono
^ trained men to amist him in unfolt ,
6- ; , f* � . much about 010. 01viler, . -Gordcxn was very intieb . iin
Z4 ff Ir ,r1l JX.,-..%�, .1'llneti'llil, ' was no escape but to marry the man ack). WhAe Mrs.. " Why, certain'y." *
11 � delighted with the place; but I . ela ''I the meaning, of arid making applica. of t flem was dioeliargM. thp ba 11 ra49-
L . ted at having so ea--�Pily. driven him- "You can ride a pony as we'li Its ' .k
I,.*. .$- 110 , I t , ; (b ousektAeper valled hiln she 'desplbed. . 99 clit,.-
. tof# 4. # , .,r *� * h, .--t.1t*., th, a .(.v the h from tile f 1 a t tonis of tilt- law of God. When one g hig through Maitin's Ilea& boring a
- of - -I., I, that But Ruby had no suspicion of any- eld. - 1. man f
. IP br.t.,h tro,ps h. -is . EtimiltuIR, or sometbing gets too hirge for one leader or teaelier lRr temple. He. fell from
. 1. ho, rs.. I s. thing wrong; so she :e_ined back But tilie-�young was not so road- "Of course." %re hole It, his
, . 111Acul liki� that." reWmded '.Nir 1�ir -ird died two hour,z &fter-
, I
I !., �_. 4* _f f , _Ll,.,,��;o 1_; rf%loorted of the among the soft cuilhions with -a Ftigh "N,' dUq)ooed of a,g she imagLued. "Then you must bs6 as strong as to nvinngr, let .there be divisions U) tiii ggy .
:4 I . - .. Mmi, terning to IcK* Imt . ' suit the need, yet all rw,eive instrue- ,vrard�, iie'ver 1,aviug regaVied - c(m-
1. ), I �1. -, . 4 -;,t,.i*!---_ i Cr- - lth(Ars mlow. to hide the flush that arose of deAght, and gave herself .to the I.ristead of leaving' tile place. 'he most men." tions upon tlie mime Wple. odoiixness-
h 4, " I.'- - ' ' ' - qwetlyaltpped around to tile servanW "Yesp I think I -.am.." . ' -
.1 , J. . moment. .
I . Mid - 4.v th.. llritiij,4h her chmwk aS she niaAle this re- enjoyment of tht ' Its worship. When Ezra opentA the
i� r1h1"_- p. � . They drove for near:y two hours, door, rafik Uio bell, and inquired 'for "You wou:dn't let a mhn beat you, Barcelona merchants refuse to pay
I V. I . . ... . ix)ok all the people. stood up. Btu-,J.v-
. .e -of the time. Airs. Coxon. I not even your husband, wGu'.d yout' Government hR
- -"4-. 6.. I , 'iu-." ;* m th it, . a n d 11.19 Ing God's word should lie done In. thf- their taxog and the
. , r: and .enjoyed every minut
0 : ! , . X, i j- jo r ,liv wnfi playing a'dewl"r 9,'Lmep " Not at a abput to
a / .10.-.'4**Jl, �%innpr o,f I P_ site came a. if wrid th
. .1. the. 6 r- Mrs. -Gordon, who was In her ha d w, s
T .* 4 6. ff kt'A I 1 a ry r i(14-, firt,m ;ft made her conscious atid fea plest veln, exertod , herso*.f to be (lei iglitedt0see him. The Chinese wam,rrn paused, Laugh- Rpirit of true worolLip. It should not port. Battleship Numancla is expected
' 110 r - I Bile drew h1m . - Im lightly estoclmFd- Nat regarded as ,onday next.
I 'V' "� ' ' h 1 *4 g1)TW% *�f,o"th.- ,rrams_ . 10,1 I t sple,0118 of agreeab:e and entertaining, and Ruby . hito lier own littlo ad' and then &ild: "Now I under to arrive there on M
. .
.. 01. � - - I" h -P 11fie rs. . it u tv�- was unau I ad r,ou:d. not fall to be somewhat infect- A*ttlna-rooin, made liim'&It down, and L . %�;nd why foreigners never take more .tile very word of God to,our wmils. Rpv. Dr. Moore, of Bank Street
. V'- ,.:! i,-� I!!$. IMN't fa-,A911s lly very 41, ad by her exuberance, and her face ,mmeftately began to ply llim with than one wife, They are afraid to."— Its.fmit.—Tlie people were priAed iurelt, Ott-awa, was married last I
f, i . tilt. pro"poct of getting out of to the heart on acc(xuit of gin, and C I .
. ; r1i, Aarfr :sivi ,-,;,,,,:, i P'."t . d not looked so bright and rosy for numerous, quest'ons regarding himwif Philadelphia Post. f,venlng, his bride being Mrs. Eliz,,.,.,
. . P '' � !!I city,. so moon. Site had CF.- .d � ' I loudly bevr:alled their undone condl-
1!. f . . . ------- ____
I *L�14)I:-11 , a '. I 1*1 11. . and li!a progrem in his busdriess. I . -inp
I . 1 j.' . ti . M-4 -ted to bt) 6bliged to remain Inany a daiyt I tion. Yet when they were ingtrarte(i beth ?NlacFarl ., widow of the lato
9 �,� Tim i - - - i .1 q 0 j, 1111- - !I ' %` 40111. June, bat just as they were pi Ho anis-,wercxl her no PaVently as lie Ott Nov. 20th CoIlLngwood will vote In duty and 1w) Dr.' Wm. McFarlane, of Aimpoonte..
, 11 -ro until thie lant of ' inW onward. tilpy soon
I t$-Nt i,ks. ,11i,s trance to Palrivoun-t Park, at Eg- could, but Juat as soon as she gave oil a by-law to give $50,000 bonlis -
1 ,4 nrrarigcinen� . would , enable her a horseM Pd the gulf of deep despair and Victoria, B. C., citizens raised $500
'i i, I-r;,Z;1/1,:e,4 '41 .-Ili ib�',- ,.k- g:esfleld, , an 'dashed put 111-M an OPPorturdty lie cohfided to tier %-'.(; the Steel Shipyard Company, of 'P' t mjoic- at a concert last night In aid of the
kr.r%ti-fr-.- ,.#,,,,,, . I0 en))y pure,- air and the delights : ntered upon a deason of wreft
A "f" t" . I. a t,V-11 - b country a montp 'before she Ing. 71iey experienced the delights of Mansion House f and
- tht from hes of the 11,63 ObJMP in colaing there that even- which Cript. Wm.' McDmgall io the 6
of 1*tv*r-.- 1-vrwrt . --- .and a sing:e Vlance was suf - Ing. - chief promoter.
. . . I u,-tt.!(-itv.ttwl. whilei I 000 the brldgvl . . I I I I
I . . - .
I _. ^ I f, - . . - .
. I I I
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