HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-03, Page 4J • • i 8 Day Clock. 0000000 HALFHOUII.. . STRIKE. To Oak or Wainut, from $2.25 up to $12.00 Our shelves aro full of the Finest Makes of Clocks. Drop in and see Armstrong's Clocks, and get prices on same. ARMSTR N THS JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Mar riage Licenses Issue d spent and a good programme given by the home talent, and which was thoroughly appreciated. The proceeds in all amounted to about $150.00 which is very good, all things considered. A small debt of a few hundred dollars still remains on the new church, but in thinking of all the blessings we have received at this, the close of the f;rst anniversary of the Church's history, we have much reason for the giving of thanks to, Him from whom every good and perfoct gift comes," and we trust that ere long this indebtedness may be entirely wiped out. A VN1VERSARY SEIIIVICES. The anniversary services of Calvin Church, St. Helens, were held on Sunday, October 22nd, when excellent sermons were given in the morning and evening by Rev. J. Anderson B.A., of Goderich, and., by Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham, in the afternoon. Too much cannot be said in favor of these sermons a& all can testify, who had the benefit and pleasure of listen- ing to them, as they were must sincere, eloquent and impressive discourses' the disappointing part being that more could not have heard them, as many were retained from being present owing to the inclemency of the weather, and also in those who did hear not lay ing to heart the solemn truths presented, with the unbeliever is it to be "almost persuaded, or altogether persuaded 1" "Almost cannot avail, Almost is but to fail, Sad, aa3, that bitter wail "Almost, but lost 1" On Monday morning again the weather did not look very promising for the entertainment in the evening, but by noon the rain had ceased, the clouds disappeared, and the evening turned out most beautiful, so did the people, for the church was more than crowded by the many who came to the tea -meeting, Tea was served in the lecture room, and after the inner man was satisfied, the company retired to the auditorium of the church where the social part was followed by a literary and music%i treat. Very excellent addresses were given by Rev. J. Maxwell, of Kinlough ; Rev. A. I. Brown, of Whitechurch ; Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter,. and Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Goderich, interspersed with music, consisting of solos, choruses aid duets by members of the Methodist Choir, of Luckcow ; Misses Patterson, of Auburn, and Miss N. E. Lockhart, of St. Helens. A pleasing feature in the evening's programme. was the presentation of a gild.headed ebony case to Robt. Harrison, Esq., as a token of the congregation's appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. Harrison, more particularly in the erection of the new edifice and in his faithful attendance therein. Mr. Webster represented the Building Committee, Mr. Hugh McCrostie the Managers, while Mr. Harry Lockhart read the address and represented his father as a member of the Session. Mr. Ilarrison was taken by surprise, but in behalf of himself and Mrs. Harrison made a very feeling and appropriate reply. Mr. Harrison and wife left on the following morning for Peterboro, where in future they proprose residing. As is well known in meetings like this, the success and harmony of the entertainment depends in no small degree upon the chairman, but the right man was in the right place that evening, and all were glad to see the Pastor, Rev. S. M. Whaley, in the Chair, and in spite of the fact that the last speaker after being introduced to the audience, accused him of swallowing the Blarney -stone, hence the reason why it never could be found in Ireland. Mr. Whaley was still able to contain himself, and bring a successful entertainment to a happy termination, giving all honor to whom honor is due. We feel assured that the people dispersed with happy and satisfied feeling of being well enter- tained by all who took part, due would render to all the than ks them. A social was held on Tuesday evening when a tyery sociable time was —Highest prices paid for fowl at D. Mallough's. —D. Mallough's is the pace to get choice groceries. —For cheap Pants and Overalls step into R. Hughes'. --Come in see R. Hughese Frieze Ulster. A snap at $6.00. —Shoes have advanced in price but R. Hughes' can supply you at old prices. —Don't fail to call and cee the bargains R. Hughes is offerieg in clothing. — Cold weather is coming. Keep LOCAL ITEMS your feet warm by buying felt lined shoes at R. Hughes'. — Good half bred Jersey heifer for sale, due to calve in May. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Matthie. —This is the time to buy long boots and rubbers. The place to get them is at R. Hughes'. —For sale! A good road tart in first class shape. R. J. CAMERON, pump -maker, Luckuow. --A large number of sheep to let out on Shares. Apply to Alex. Ross harness maker, Lucknow. —Gentlemen, call on R. Hughes and buy one of his $9.00 suits ft r $8.50. • This offer is good for week. —Try 1). Mallough for flour and feed. —Don't forget to bring your repair- ing to R. Hughes. — Miss Martha Smeltzer it visiting friends in Walkerton. —Bring your butter and eggs to D. Mallough's. — Apples are coming into the vilage in large quantities this week. — If you want a bargain in heavy Overcoats call on R. Hughes. —Mrs. John McGarry is in Berlin this week attending the funeral of her brother. — Boots and Shoes repaired with neatness and despatch at R. Hughes'. —Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart, of Alliston, are visiting friends in the village. —Messrs Small, Mitchell and H. Whiteman, of Wingham, spent Sun- day in town. — I, or bargains in Clothing, Boots and Shoes call on R. Hughes. —Mr. Dave. B Boyd, of the Toronto Globe spent a few days with his friends in Lucknow. — R. Hughes' is the place to get Boots & Shoes made to order. — It is announced that Sir. Charles Tupper will speak at Walkerton in November. — For the best values in winter underwear, you will find them at J. G. Murdoch & Co's. — Mrs. Jas. Bryan, of this village, is attending the W.C.T.U. Convention at Guelph this week. —Mr. "Billy" Campbell, of Toronto, and Mr. G. Harding, of Kincardine, were in town on Sunday last. — Messrs M. Matheson and M Mc- Leod, of Southampton, spent a few days last week with friends in town. — Mr. and Mrs, James Memory left on Saturday last for British Columbia where they intend to make their future home. —Some people supposed to know say, that the late thunder and light- ning means at least six weeks more of fine weather. — A number oar young people went over to Wingham to hear The Guy Bros. Comedy Co., and report having a good time. —John Gillespie of gingham, shot a very large wildcat in the woods of Culross on Thanksgiving Day. It was a fierce looking animal. A Conservative convention will be held in Tara on November 17th, to nominate a canditate to contest the riding et the coming Dominion Elect- ion. —The District Master will visit L. O. L., No; 428 Lucknow, on Tuesday, November 14th, when a full attendence is requested. —JNo. S. TENNANT, W. M. —The coopers who operated near the station, in this village, having completed their season's work in this vicinity, left on Friday morning last for their respective homes. —The Sentinel from now to the end of next year for One Dollar. Also special clmbbing rates with the Week. ly Globe, Mail & Empire, Family Herald, and other city papers. —Sewing machines ! If yru want the latest improved, lightest running and easiest operated, buy the "Stand- ard Rotary" at Andrew & Webster's. —Lost or stolen ! A Welsh setter bitch pup, white with black markings. Finder will be rewarded on returning to Alex. Lochead, druggist. Anyone found with the dog in his possession after this notice will be prosecuted. — It seems that the people are be- ginning to feel the effects of the war in South Africa on the shippio rates between this and the Old Country as the increase on cattle alone is $2.50 per head. — Some weather prophets, who have made a close study of the seasons in times past, predict an open fall, owing to the prevalence of dandylions and the croaking of the frogs at this season of the year. We hope their prophec- ie. will prove to be true. —Parties intending to hold an auction sale should have it advertised in The Sentinel, which circulates most widely among the people and that is read in every house in the surrounding tow nships. — On Thursday, November 23rd., G. Egertrn Robb, Expert Optician will be at A. C. Lochead's drug store for one day only. Those requiring spec- tacles or those whose oyes trouble them cannot afford to miss this opportunity of securing the services of one thoroughly acquainted with the scien- tific adjultment of glasses, —J. opened which $4.50. —The members of the Lucknow W. C.T.U, will meet in the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. —Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson, of Peuetanguishene, spent a few days this week with Mrs. J amieson's brother, Rev. J. MacNabb. — Mr. James Cameron, of Saskatch ewan, is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. K. Cameron of this village. —Plough ! "The Wilkinson plough' is the standard plough of Oar.ala, Always a good supply of ploughs and repairs on hand at Andrew; Webster's, —The barrel -making season has drawn to a close generally throughout this section, and slI engaged in the hu.ine.s report the past season as having been one of the most pros- perous ever yet experienced. --Mr. J. Il: Ward, J.P., Township Treasurer of' West Wawanosh, ands Commissioner, of Dungannon, gave us, a friendly call Monday last on his return from a week's visit to friends. at Whitechurch, Wingliain, Bluayalo, Listowel and 7 ownship of Elma. — A couple were recently married and the bride invited the old aunt to the wedding. The cards were swell affairs and in one corner bore the in- scription; "Children not expected.' After scanning it elosely over her specs the old lady said: "That's all right, but they'll have them just the same," one G. Murdoch Co., have . just up a nice range of shawls will be sold at from 50c to KINLOUGH Well Mr. Editor as the busy time is almost over, your corroepondent again undertakes to furnish you some news of this vicinity. As usual the "Hub", is booming, and Mayor Mall- ough is managing things to perfection. Our blacksmiths have been inter- viewed in regard to the ring now be ing formed by that trade. Richard Bros have sold their ma- chinery of the mill to Mr. Holenby of Westford, who will remove it there as soon as the logs now in are sawn. A large number of our citizens went to Kincardine last week to hear the Premier and his colleague. They report having a good time. Mr. Andrew Dyatt, of Colorado, is visiting his brother here. Threshing is almost completed, and farmers generally are happy, having granaries full to sell at paying prices. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Teeswate r, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath last. Masters David and Richie Ross, of Chesley, are visiting at their uncle's, Mr. R. Hall. The annual meeting of the Kin - lough Mutual Beef Association took place on Tuesday last, when every- thing was settled up so well that all this year's shareholders renewed their share for another year. Mr. R. D. Lane, who has been at- tending the Walkerton Model School, has been engaged by the tru3tees of Holyrood school to teach there for the next year. Lost, strayed or stolen.—A young marl of slight.build, fair complexion, with light mustache. Last seen on Base line about midnight Sunday. Suitable reward for any information. Grain Market. The following aro the market quota- tions for this week :— teas, 57c to 57c Wheat, 64c to 64c Barley, 48c to 48c Oats, 25jc to 25ic OXFORD DOWN LAMBS THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale 12 ram lambs. 3 one year old rams, eligible for registration. Will be sold yery reasonable If taken soon also a few ewe lambs, PAUL REID, Belfast F.O EQOLDL CHILLY WINDS OF NOVEMBER Have come but we have provided for the comfort of our customnrs Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear in All Wool and Unions, are excellent value. Our Ladie's Vest at 50c is a trade catcher, Our Men's Fleece Lined shirt at 50c, is equal to anything in the market: aft the price, eve ?n, Coatis At $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $4).00 each. We bought them before the advance in price. All sizes so you are sure to get a fit. TEL DEPgRTMLNT Is filled with the Latest Goods in the line. Ladies will find it a good place to get their WINTER HATS. M. CONNELL, - LUOKNOVi Mk Owing to the very rapid and extensive advances in the Raw Steel and Iron materials, the Stove Manufacturing Companies have raised the price of all sizes and kinds of Stoves. As a consequence the Local Dealers are unable to replenish their stocks further than they were fortunate enough to have booked. It is therefore obvious those who buy early will purchase from stock bought at a low price, and will do better than those who buy from stock received at the new price. Now for a large and well arranged selection of Cook Stoves and Heaters, at a price within the range of the poorest yet in style to suit the richest. GO TO. THS POPULAR HARDWARE, 0, C. TAYLO LUCKNOW We 'lave . Them All oo Perhaps you are thinking of buying a WATCII, and perhaps you are thinking of us. Let us get together as soon as possible, for there is no time like the present. Scarcity and the upward tendency of every- thing may send the prices out of sight. Who knows ? WE HAVE THEM ELGINS WALTHAM, DUEBER, HAMPDE N. VARIOUS SIZES 'AND GRADES AND GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION mod ID•livisso • aost BOAR FOR SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at lot 3, con. 4, Kinloss, a thorough- bred Tamworth boar. This is a splendid animal, having taken first prize in Quebec and second prize at the Ottawa shows for the bast hog under six months old. TERMS :—$1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. For pedi• gree and other particulars apply to JOHN McDONALD, Lucknow 1' 0 MONEY To PATENT hod Lias may be mowed by our aid. Address, 311111 PATPT RECORD, rt 4 s. ty s, Wag*. 1.. Tel este 141a. 53 Kind Si. W.. Taiepbooe 74*. i Si Yonte Sc. Telephone :64 470 Sped'sa Ave. Telephone 713. bS Jarvis St.. Telephone 72 R JARVIS and s3 Masi& St. E. rem RONTO D M SOUVT $ Tc$e Pena NEBF. YEARS 0 I REMEMBER .................................: 50 YEARS x/1/ AOI r The guarantee of half a century's successful Stove Building is behind the names :- McCLARY, BUCK, CURNEIYP LONDON. eRANTf01tD. N ILTON The Three Largest & Best Stove Manufacturers in Canada. The Guarantee of 1,00 ,000 delighted users of their Stoves. .o .0 .0 .0 The Guarantee of Constantly Increasing and Expanding Sales. .0 .0 .0 OS The Guarantee of success Achieved and Sup• remacy Won. .0 .0 .0 .0 0 weivv~~~~vofrovoiN these are the Stoves we hw4lo They are the right lewd for you. to biiy, 4OStoves in Stock �n to choose from 'i�V POR SAI -+ :3Y 1 • SON sale tioners ERS. • • *4 • W.7. Bar hart. 4R0 e old rack,ne E•4 Printers. 1tc and packed is or lees. ke Street. TO - 7 ,,osrt W moan. !ay 0 1570 OF A 1.1 IL1Y014 nd Cases ''Arctic" $utt.r Etc. EAST, SOK BROS I •NC ST. EAST, moo, ONT. artier Boxes, �od Printing. TOPPtNE gaQCK S... . 'ARF.. $s won.A.ilwe and alleaeaefiso. 1' to rcre of E;octro , Si kW' Plate. A stricdy CA1C4%- DIASC CO XPAWIT.sot members of t b e Silverware Trust or 0 aa+ t+l v orw ars A,- •ociati•n a Combine. • FACTORIES and 9 S t.ES Rt.X14M. KIWI; Si. WEST. TORONTO. CAN Ai).%. GOODS. whom 00 adian Co. al, Toronto dad Winnipeg. Gia. of Rugger POW; Win; Reit- er.. Ga sketa. etc. eta. y• prt nod. Receiver', mac., etc. . �... Tarots. IS & CO., Or II1DE AND BONE S retce, Luckunv NOS. glides Sheep • • : •