HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 4T1114 WINGHAU TIMM, DECEMBER 24, 1908
. ra.ariz,l r, tIBI.IaAlwli�Dil)F&OP3 I71TQl+ CLOTHING Tavinis-Anp-dr-Qnn Pn 1 CLOTHING THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE - WINGHAM, ONT.
• •_... Y, DECEMBER w 4, 1808. EXCLVS11VE CLCTI11ERS
The Methodist S. S. Christmas anter-
tainwent will bo held ha tho Forreaters'
hall on Christmas, night,
SimonSaak. and Mre, on a vis of with
relh• ASK
er, Saek., are bora on A visit. with ;cola.
tivea and old friends. They were form•
er residonts of Morris. Mrs, Forsyth, is
a daughter of James Brandon, of this
township. "
A meeting in the interssts of Local
Option will bo held in the Ebenezer
Ohuroh, 2nd line of Morris, on Wednes• ' who were in last week buying clothing from us, what they think of
day evening, Deeamber 30th, commene-
Ing at 8 o'clock. Revs. Duncan, of j'
Whitechurch; of
of Walton; West Our Prices, Quality, Make, Fit and Style
• and Andrews, of Flnevale; Rivers, of v +vj
Belgrave, and Mr, F. Buchanan, of
Wingham, are expected to speak. Ladies
and gentlemen are invited to attend. and we assure you the answer you will get will be : THERE IS
Amon, the former nloroldfr from the NONE BETTER. That is the reputation we want to make Food and
West who are renewing old Forsyth,
iof the only way b which we will be able to increase and hold our trade �.
here are John and 53re, Forsgth, of Y Y Y
Frobisher, Sask. The former, we are Be one of the merry ones ! ! Buy a Suit, Overcoat or Pair of Pants from
sorry to say, is somewhat disabled with us, and we guarantee you will be ! ! Because there is nothing any more
one limb but we hope his holiday here disagreeable than a suit of clothes on a man's back that does not hang
will tend to make marked improvement. ,
f Mrs, Forsyth's girlhood home was on the perfectly ! ! With our clothes you don'texperiment—they re perfect from
7th line she being Miss Minnie MoCall, the start ! !
daughtor of Wm. McOall, a resident of
township for over 53 years.
After a very pleasant outing, occupy-
ing over 4 months, Wm. and Mrs. Robb
are back Yo the 6th line. They visited N®w Ladies, 1f i11 doubt
for 3 waeka with Jas. Mills, Mrs. Robb's
Now, C.A you a are
father, at Tottenham, Out., and then
went West stopping at Nh, Man., about what to buyour husband a Christmas resent that wsatisfy
to see Edward Mills, a brother
er of Mrs. Y d fChihill f p Y
Robb; then to Frobisher where the Me- him, buy him a SUIT, OVERCOAT or a pair of PANTS from us.
Cutchoon and Forsyth families, former- You could buy nothing better to please him.
ly well huowu Morrisites, now reside,
We are sorry to hear that a severe hail
storm in early August did serious dam-
age to the crops this being a repetition
of 1907 makes it all the worse. Simon i
Forsyth, 6 miles away, was not rySpecial Order Department a Specialty.
by the storm. Milestone, Calgary,, Ed. •
mouton and other places were visited.
There promises to be a warm contest
Jq( 'Municipal honors is this township.
For the Resveship Messrs. Chas, G. We will press—absolutely free of charge -all clothing bought from us.
Campbell and Neil Taylor are in the j
field. Puny ratepayers «ould like to see
antex-Reeve Ys sun in the field nyy years
He Tcaylor, Anders®�1. Co. Ltd.
eat in the Connoil for man ears andmade an excellent official. For the
Council, Mr. W. J. Henderson, of the EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIER
Bluevale road has definitely announced
himself as being in the field. Mr. Hen. OPPOSITE NATION 1L HOTEL. WINGHAM,
du-. dog is one of the progressive farmers
of the' wuHhip and would make a good '" tel'
man for thSyosition.
The Council met pursuant to statute Jermyn, error in assessment, $1.98;
on Dec, 15th. Members all present, Wm, Connelly, part payment on Grasby
the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last drain, $100; J. Yuill, repairing bridge,
meeting, rear. and confirmed. $3; Wm, Logan, cleaning drain on I l� f�f ! f�I�!( 1'414%
' `� ! ;1144
� f ! !�f '! '! f !
En ineov's report respecting Cole and south boundary, $3; R. Wightman, J9 9 9 � JJ 9 999J'�
g P P 8 gravel, $1.12; Wm. Taylor, gravel, VVyVVTTTTTTT.VVVTTTTTVTTV"
Grasby drains were presented and filed, $7.36; Jno. Hopper, cleaning ditch, $2;
neither drams being oompleted, Jno. McDonald, plank on east boundary, g
On motion of Shaw and MoCutcheon, $15.23; George Taylor, services as
the taxes of Mrs, Wiley and Arthur reeve, $70; Geo, Taylor, assistance on
Cantelon were remitted. financial statement, $2; T. S. Brandon, ''
financial statement, $7; Mrs. Wiley, ;
Accounts were ordered to be paid as remission of taxes, $5.13; A. Cantelon, 2 Y
follows:—John Roger, engineer's ser• remission of taxes, $2.41; O. G. Camp -
vices re Masan drain, $,108; John Roger, bell, councillor's fees, $55; Neil A.
+. ,, services re Grasby drain, $232; John Taylor, councillor's s fees, W.
H. A. Shaw, ?�WGo PATTERS01_--,-;
councillor's fees, $55; w. H, MoOntoh-
Roger, oorvioes re Cole drain, $33; John eon, councillor's fees $55; W. Clark,
Roger, e�t.vices re Dally drain, $37; salary and eapenee%$132; Jno. Watson,
balance inspecting cement work, $22.50;
John Roger, services re Ellison drain �
T. S. Brandon, part salary, $50; W. H.
John Roger, services re Forrest Kerr, printing contract, $40is again at the front with
Award, y54; Mr. Russell, assistance on On motion of Taylor and Campbell his fine assortment of ...
Russell drain, $2; P. McNabb, do., $1; By -Laws No. 15 and 16 were duly read >
A. McNeil, do., $2; Wm. Bird, do , $2; and passed. J-
W. Smith, assistance on Smith drain, The Council then adjourned.
$6; Wm, McLean, do., $12; Wm. Gray, W C1LARg, Clerk. �•
do., $5; Jno. Young, do., $1; Thos. P >
do, $6; H. Beam do,, $2•
gellinr6oal, , ,
Frank A.itkens, assistance on Ellison rdve Stock Markets.
drain, '2; G90. Dnnlop, essistanee on Toronto, December 22nd.—City Cattle �y
Cole drain, $8, on Kelly drain, $6, on Market—There was a light run to -day,
Allis n drain, $6, on Grasby drain, $8, and prices were good and steady. For > _ _ )
on hu.ucell drain, $4, on Maeon drain, good butcher cows there is a littte firm -
04, on Sluith drain, $10.00; H. Johnston, mer feeling, with quite an active do'
farm bridge on Graaby drain, $15; C. wand, For other lines, prices were a _
Garnlao, file on Proctor drain, $2; Chas, GOO)s
about the same as laat week, but not D �
Elliott, t'a, $16 75; R. T. Miller, wor.`z much demand. The butcher trade is
on Jain26WIVII hill, $3.10; Jae. Peacock, well supplied for the Christmas trade,
gravel, 95c.; J. Stewart, cement., $19; though with colder weather setting in,
Jahn Johnston, drawing tile, 54; T. them will be a good steady market for
Ellie, cleaning drain, $1.50; Gordon medium to fair quality butcher cattle. 30
Embury, digging ditch, $6; J. McKin- The following are the quotations:
nay, c ::aiiing outlet, 75o.; Thos, Bone, Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. v
farm bridle on Mason drain, $15; R. Choice ............... $480 $525 s Come in and see them and you will not
p.rmatrow;�, farm bridge on Mason Medium ............... 4 40 4 60 s need to send to the city for .. .
drain, $15; Jno. Curtin, balance con- Bulls .................. 3 75 4 25 ` ' ' ' '
tract on Mason drain, $217; John Light ................. 300 325 `
Phelan, error in assessment, $1.78; R. Cows ................. 3 40 3 75
-._. —
—' best 1000 pounds and up- e
`"- ��"° " . 1 wards ............... 425 450 c DIAMONDS, PEARL PENDANTS,
Stockers choice....... 275 3 00
(, bulla............ 15o 200 PEARL RINGS, GOLD WATCHES
Butchers'—d... ....... 1
Picked.. .., .. . s ao 5 25
Medium ............... 325 350 -STERLING SILVER SPOONS,
..'aeo s75g Bus...fQ Docto rsCLOCKS OF ALL KINDS
s Bogs—
Best ................... 6 00
a Lights ................. 5 75 ?
Because we make medicines = s he
ewes........... 340 360 We keep a full line. Our cods are easier to
for them. We tell them all Bucks ................. 200 250 p g
..•�os s5; choose from, and cheaper than you can getaboutAyer's Cherry Pectoral, =� L nhe.
and they prescribe it for Crlves, each.,.......... 300 6 50 them in the cities.
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- WINGRAM MARKET REPORTS
sumption. They trust it. Then Wingham, Dec. 23rd, 1908.
Flory per 103 lbs.......... 2 65 to 3 25
you can afford ct trust' it. Oall Wheatts..................... 0 91 to 0 91 W.
�A����S®� The Old
- Ask your own doctor. oats,....... .............. o 86 to 0 36 VYY j
Barley ................... 0 50 to 0 52 Reliable.
The *3et icilid o! a testimonial— Peas , . . .. . . ... . ..... 0 82 to 0 82
°'»1014 for over eiaty years." Butter dairy.... ........ 0 24 to 0 24
LGdoby s. o. ever co., Lo o fn. ]rasa. Eggs per dos .......... . .. 0 24 to 0 25
A1somatlufYOLnrses or woad per cord ........... 2 50 to 2 50
f SARSAPARILI.A. Hay, per ton............ 7 00 to 8 00
n� b PILLS. Potatoes, per bushel .......+ 0 30 to 0 35
-Aye# UAIR Y1aou. Lm'd • ........... .. 0 16 to 0 16
We have no ssoretaf We publish Live Hoge, per owt....... 5 65 to 5 65
the formula. ofali our wadieine& Chickens, per lb........... 0 08 to 0 09
Geese, per lb .............. 0 08 to o 09 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA�A! fAAAI►AAAAAAA 'AAfAAAAAAAA iAAAW1i1KKKAAAAAA
Obetoralli n greatly
akingd upea cola Turokkeys perper blb.......1... 0 13 to 0 15
� ARod nts
Great Bargains in Chinaware
35c and 50c Japanese Cups and Saucers
for ............................ 25c
100 Cups and Saucers, Fancy Japanese
China, very pretty decoration, re-
gular price 35c to 50c. Special
this month ..................... 25c
72 Majolica QuartPitchers, nicely tint-
ed, regular 20e. Special price this
month, each .................... 15c
36 Child's cups and Saucers, for only,... 5c
36 Fancy Mugs, reg. 15c each for...... 10c
Bargains in Limoges China Dinner Sets
Bargains in Limoges China Tea Sets
Printed and Gold Porcelain Dinner Sets,
97 to 102 pieces....... 56,50 to $10,00
Pretty China Tea Sets 40 pieces... 54 to 57
We have a very large stock of Fancy
Chinaware, new goods, our prices are low.
Big Clearing Sale of Furs.
All of our splendid stock of pugs offered
this month at greatly reduced prices. Don't
miss this sale. Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles, Scarfs,
Coats, etc, No reserve. Everything.on the '
bargain counter,
All Fur Jackets and Capes, at and be.
low cost.
You'll save looney by making your
purchases at this store.
Plain and Fancy Kerchiefs.
Embroidered and Hem Stitched„ 10c to 50c
Embroidered and Lace ........ 10c to 50c
Fancy Excelda Handkerchief, 3 for.... 25c
Plain White Hemstitched ........ 3 to 1W
Hand Bags, new goods........ 25c to 52.00
Purses at all prices.
Be sure you get a copy of the A fine assortment of Magazines
Christmas Globe, we are agents They make good Christmas Presents
One So E Z Dust Pan will be given free to you, when your cash purchases amount to 55.00.
Not necessary to make your purchases all at one time, save your bills and when they amount to
$5,00 present them to us and get the best Dust Pan made, No more stooping to pick up a little
dust. Be sure you get one.
Also a Toy Wash Board given free, while they last, to. every little girl, making a 25c cash pur.
chase. They will not last long, so hurry up girls, Be sure and ask for a Toy Wash Board if you
want one. Your mother or sister or friend may get one for you if you are too busy to come to
the store,
Christmas Fruit
California Navel Oranges, bright, sweet,
juicy fruit, all sizes, prices low, per
dozen ............. 15c,20e,30e, 40e
Florida Russet Oranges, very sweet,
juicy fruit, per dozen.... , ....... 40c
Very choice Cluster Raisins, regular
price 25c. Special for Christmas. , , 20c
Choice Layer Figs, per lb............. 20c
New Package Dates, 3 for............ 25e
Christmas Candy
Very fine Maricabo Chocolates, Van-
illa Chocolates and Milk Chocolate.
Fine Cream Candy, Maple Creams,
Date Creams, Mixed Creams, Vanilla
Wafers, Maple Buds, Milk Chocolate,
Medallions, Cupid Chocolates, Nonpareil
Waters, per lb ................ 40c to 50c
Choice Mixed Candy, 3lbs. for ........ 25c
Choice Mixed Creams, 2 lbs, for ....... 25c
�. r b.�.•1'.e.o r:mv,r �tiv�rvl�S'YY !�yb+: t►'r'0r9�b'�'t?d�1�i;7P�9'i►V.9!d�"��V�'9_Y��010�®�0'BaiY�/°I'a"�
® I I
,. i�Ay O NT. A
Never before has our stock of Christmas goods been so full and complete. The
following are a few of the malty articles suitable for Christmas Gifts
Linen Table Cloths and Napkins Lunch Cloths and Doilies
Chenill.- and Tapestry Table Covers
Ladies' fine Underskirts and Waists Fancy Collars and Belts
Children's Bearskin Coats and Boas
Fine Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves and Mitts
Wn's Furnishings Department.
You will find in our Furnishings Department a full range of Fancy Shirts,
Neck Scarfs and Ties, Fur Caps, Fur Mitts, Kid Gloves, etc.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce and Raw Furs.
Goods delivered to all parts of the town. PHONE 89.
------ AAAAA"JAA1►it&AWX "*AAA,.
Old Figs, very good, 8 lbs, for.........
Old Raisins, nearly as good as new 4
lbs. for ......
Christmas Nuts
Old Prunes, very good, fo
eryg good, lbs. for......
No. 1 Grenoble Walnuts, per lb.......
20c _
Now Fruit, Choice Raisins, 3 lbs. for...
No, 2 Grenoble Walnuts, old, per lb ...
New Fruit, Choice Currants, 8 lbs. for..
No. 1 Almond Nuts, per lb ...........
20c ,
New Fruit, large clean Currants, 2.1. lbs.
No. 1 Brazil Nuts, per Ib .............
20c -
' for ............................
No.1 Pecan Nuts, per lb ............
25c -
Best Icing Sugar, white, 3 lbs. for......
No. 1 Filberts and Pea Nuts, per lb ...
Best Icing Sugar, pink, 2 lbs for......:
Shelled Almonds and Walnuts ........
�. r b.�.•1'.e.o r:mv,r �tiv�rvl�S'YY !�yb+: t►'r'0r9�b'�'t?d�1�i;7P�9'i►V.9!d�"��V�'9_Y��010�®�0'BaiY�/°I'a"�
® I I
,. i�Ay O NT. A
Never before has our stock of Christmas goods been so full and complete. The
following are a few of the malty articles suitable for Christmas Gifts
Linen Table Cloths and Napkins Lunch Cloths and Doilies
Chenill.- and Tapestry Table Covers
Ladies' fine Underskirts and Waists Fancy Collars and Belts
Children's Bearskin Coats and Boas
Fine Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves and Mitts
Wn's Furnishings Department.
You will find in our Furnishings Department a full range of Fancy Shirts,
Neck Scarfs and Ties, Fur Caps, Fur Mitts, Kid Gloves, etc.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce and Raw Furs.
Goods delivered to all parts of the town. PHONE 89.
------ AAAAA"JAA1►it&AWX "*AAA,.