HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-11-03, Page 3CHILDREN'S SUITS. C1 I, e dy to ?Wear 00 s� makes a SpecialitY of all lines of Me�'s, wome's ai Children's Re�o�h e This stNothingis moreleasing 'to a customer than to be able to purchase the fit, neater O1otbi.g. nand wear. No worrying about made in the latest styles, all ready to pmt on p thantheycan make them and leas expensive. Among the newest things which we have ; opened up you will end :-- All the newest things to choose from in Brownie Suits, at $2.50 to each. from $4.00 BOYS' SUITS. A special line of Boys' 3 -piece Knickerbocker ,= Suits, Double B reacted and well made, at $4.00. Boys' 3 -piece Black Double-breasted, Wool FriezeIlvits. Heavy weight. Just the thing io wear without an overcoat. Special at $5.00. 0 ther lines at from $2.00 to $10.00 per Suit. over from 7to9pou Dm4 Ryon, 'it • Allan'+ 1 behind LADIES' WINTER WAISTS Black BLOUSE Waists, made of BEST FARMERS' SATI N, lined throughout witli percaline. Nicely tucked. Assorted sizes. Price each Black LUSTRE WAISTS, lined throughout with Percaline. nicely tucked, assort- ed sizes. Price Duches3e Satin Waists in Black and Red only. Extra quality, well nn finished and very stylish. Price.. UtUU LADIES' CURL JACKETS. 2 SPECIALS. All Wool Boucle Curl JACKETS. Neatly brimmed di lined throughout' Special at M. All Wool Boucle Curl JACKETS. Neatly trimmed ....$12.50. Mohair Lined. Special at Other Linea in CURLS, from 85,00 and upwards. * -MENS' SUITS. Men's All Wool Serge Suits, well trimmed, and made in the latest style. Price per ev suit 1 Men's WOOL Nigger Head Suits in Black. Well wade. DGu1)le B reasted. Special at. ... . at........ $8.Q0 Men's All Wool Blue Worsted SergeSuits, Double Breasted • Ex tra French faced. Best Linings. Special at S1O,OO. . Murdoch 8z Co. OTTER A HURON COUNTY BOY It will be very interesting to Huron ple just now for some months to me, to know that Col. Otter, who -''i11 command the Canadian volunteers upa the Transvaal, is a native of the Furon tract, his birthplace being near the town of Clinton. He received a -,ortion, at least, of his early education st the Goderich High School, so that 'the people is this vicinity will be more than usually interested in him. The following sketch of his care€ r may be taken as authentic : Col, Otter Kimberly is also courageously holding out. Meanwhile Sir, Redvers Bulles and his army corps are daily getting near- er the scene of hostilities, and early in November a concerted movement forward will be made. New Zealand's contingent is on its way to the cape and this week the Canadian conting- z srEcsazs rN KEN'S 2 WRAPPERS. — - For a nicely made and comfort - OVERCOATS. able Winter Wrapper see our Stock. A large variety to choose from, at X1.00, $1.25, $2.00 and Men's & Boys Blue Beaver � $2.50 each. Overcoats, Farmers Satin lined, Velvet Collar. Sizes 34 to 44. Special at $6.D0. Men's Fine Beaver Over- coats in Black, Blue and Brown Shades, Best Farmers Satin linings. Velvet Collar. French facings. A genuine Bargain, at each $IO.00 The dub Loai;thoi11.d. FOR ent sailed for South. Africa, The Fanaily Groceries & whole empire is ablaz, . with enthus- iasm and the war is universally re- parded as one for freedom and Civiliz- ation. While considerable anxiety is felt in the late Alfred William z regard to the situation at Natal, little is a son of m Stewart white may be depended upon to give a good account of himself in any further en gagements with the Boers. Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS DF Otter who came to Canada fry ■doubt is entertained that Sir. George Nottingham England, in 1841, Col. Otter was born near Clinton, Dec. 3', 1643, and was educated in Goderich Grammar School, at the ldodel School, Toronto, and at the Upper Canada College. His military service dates OF from 1851, in which year he joined the militia force, Toronto. Promoted to a lieutenancy in the Queen's Own Rifles in 134, he served on that rank on the Niagara frontier during the winter of 1364-65, in the second administrat- ive battalion. In August, 1865, be was appointed adjutant of the Queen's Own, . and was present throughout the Fenian raid, 1866, including the action at Limeridge or Ridgeway. He be- came major June, 1869, and received the battalion lieatenatit-colonelcy in June 187 4. In 1873 he went to Eng- land g -land as second in command of t hG Wimbldon team, and, in 1874, he succmeded to the command of the • Queen's Own.—Star. L (IIITLCHUBCH NEWS A very siliet event took place at the residence of Neil McCorvie 1st con. of Kinloss on Wednesday evening Oct. 18th, when Miss Nancy, youngest daughter of Mr. John McOorvie and Sir. John Kennedy also of Kioloss were united in marriage. Miss Sadie Henderson with her aunt from Mrs. Gelespie, have returned their summering in the N. W. We are glad to hear that Miss Sadie who was suffering from ill health before her departure is very much improved. BRITISH SUCCESSES The opening events in the Tranittall campaign hie been distinctly favor- able to thieBritish arms. Two brill- iant victories over the Boers in Natal, and the British forces there, that were danger of being surrou divided and in tl largely divisions of the DEATH SIRS. TINAMLEY On the memory and death of the beloved wife of William Twamley, who died October Sth, 1899. Who are they in Heaven that stand? Loved ones that have gone before, In their robes so fair and bright, They are shining like the light. Harps of gold and palms they bear. Ail are good and happy there, Much I wonder what their 'mines, Who they are & whence they came. She who now is praising Goal, Once the path of sorrow trod, Now by Christ her Saviour led, Crowns of joy are on her head. She shall never weep again, Never know a grief or pain; All is bright and shiny day, God has wept her tears away. 1 We laid her down to sleep, But not in hope forlorn, We left her but to slumber there, Till the last glorious morn. May I with her and loved ones stand, ' bed in white ,at God's right hand; SnapShots. Iio And with joy forever sing, Praises to our God and King. BERTHA M. SHERWOOI) SEEDS: ME TEAS A Specialtyc IHE LA RGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS i4 ND THE WS' VA:to OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNO W . Goads delivered to all parts of the. town. leirieseleseleir . .AA.AJ►/►�►A. . JOHN - ELLIOTT CEO. H. LAWRENCE. S• S NO. 7 KINLOSS 4th class—Excellent—W. J. Irwin, Good •—B, Campbell, B. McKenzie. Sr. 3rd.—Excellent—Elsie Cook, D. McLennan. Jr. 3rd. clash—Excel lent—M. MacDougall, A. Barr. Good—A. Fisher, L. Irwin. 2nd class —Excellent.—Ethel Irwin, L Beaton A. Frasher. Good—S. Finlay, J. Bar ber. Pt. second class—Excellent—G. MacLeod, D, McKenzie. D. Nicholson dad, by vas y unction ' Good—R. Fisher, D. Campbell, G. Mc Boer army, have effected a j Donald. 1st class --R. Fisher, it. and can now remain safely on the de- Barber B. Graham, N. Graham, C. Pensive, until Gen. Buller and his army MacLeod.—T. KATiiERI�1E MAcNAi;j:, corps reach South Africa and begins its marsh northward to Pretoria. • d charge up Talana hill and The � the equally stirring battle near Eland -- h de Will go down in British his- tory the glorious feats of toi'7'' � among British arms. arms ever achieved by a ratifying From Jriafaking coarses th R news that gallant Col. Batten Powell hase a serious defeat upon the inflected full holding Boers and is now successfully besieging army. his own against ThompBo's Li7cy Campbell Street, �. LUOKNOW ./ FIRST•CLASS —' •. Hones awl Rigs. W. C. JOHNSTON Our Customers Take Them. THEY GET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top Variety. now. m. ORRIGAN'S Ts the place to make your selections in CROCKERY. CLASSWARE CROCERIES & PROVISIOW3 1 hue in stock the following 4pplee ' Blacking Black Lead Blue - Baking Powdyrp1 Barley, pot l ✓! Bath Brick Beans Booms 1 aakets Elrnshes , Biscuit Coffee Confectioieviry Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour always orf a A{iple ',tracts ins Fi-h, aimed 1'igh,'dried Gelotine Gingers; 'Hopi limey Ink ._ .Indigo Licorice Lime Juic Lemons Tip top in Quality, Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. We postively give as much, if not more, in real values than any one Country. . NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, CALL UPON US. weave jjohnstonet in the Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canne d 1Magnesia en hand. Nutneg i Oil, olive Oil, ewes Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails P eelss Pipe Pickle Pearline Peas,canned Pepper Raisins Rice Rice Flour o SSaar Salmton sardines Senna Seeds Sugar IS Traps Soda Soaps Spices Starch $trawberrise cense Sulphers Tapioca Tomatoes ,canned Teas Tobacco«e Vermicelt Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysts Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sete Yeast Cakes Dinner Sete Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts Toilet Betts Card of Than4 HIGHST CASK PRICE= FOR BUTTER & EGGS nit only advertising Furniture, but Having purchased the busi- I wish to sincerely thank the general Hess lately run by Mr. W. J. public for their past liberal patronage Skinner, we are prepared and the large business I -have done in to pay cash for butter and Lucknow for the past 28 years, eggs. Your patronage is gives me the assurance that the public solicited. knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Parlcr1 Bed & Dining Room Sets Town. Chairs of all kinds Spring Bods Mattresses Sofas, Ball Rads, Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN, Luoknow MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, - TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter. point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory j examinations . • I RESIDENCE—Campbell street. Parlor and Esteneioa In fact everytllin to be found sur mum k swat i At a F!r&T CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock -Bottom Prices. Is prepared to give lessons on PIANO AND ORGAN At her home on Campbell St., - LUCENOW MUSIC - TAUGHT A.T,Davisoll Le sons �� Vocal - and Instrumental J Music and Harmony THE UNDERTAKER • are cs,�hc;by AND EMBALMER, • It8' ' ' KEE' - •1 ire • 3, iJog i• 14 Tele/Wm ape 6$ Ling ft. W.. Tara To. fa Yeas+ St., T•Iephose 1411, 4747 **dime Ai.. Telephone 7i3. es jarvia St, Telephone 739. R JARVIS WWI Ani.laide St. R. RONTO D DISCUtT .s Tele ',tides* 3$33 SON esale tioners • 4 W • Bard are. NARO 4 TVoc.d Park .,good Printer*. a.e and packed is or 1eai • T'+oars Wanes. 1070 aa nom sr aria g Cases g, 'Arctic" "artier EAST. 00K BROS. CNT. s, r Boxes, Printing. TOPPINS 411 Ivory rot Itket and Man tea.- turcrs of DI MC Coiirionc.sot members of b • Ciilvoreedire 'Trust or o' airy Saivoryrairo ILAZON TO. DM GOODS. tanadian er Go. jassemal, Tomato Mid • !the at:(01..rsdas GI ALIAS, lite..= Of every assermeims iieptume Receiver'', W.. IOC. & co., F HIDE AND BONE WWI