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The Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 3
A V +` Wr THE WINGHAR TIMEDt• HECEUBER 24, 1908 Vr j., - - JUDGE DOYL'E PRESIDES. R �M�NMi �� SOLUTE S 1 ,�. - County Court and General Sessions "• The semi-annual sittings of the county court and the general ses• • • • sions of the peace were held in Goder. ><n a>�.� 1V.[a>ln� S"SECURITYs `The Open soh by Him Honor Judge Doyle, opening RA"1% • ? . on Tuesday. There were four jury ..•�-� X11 moo taining of a Sav;ngs oases and two non -jury oases on the CaG'nulne ' ilp 00 © 0 4 • county court calendar, and on the 9 criminal list there were three oaten.♦+y o ry ^. 8© 6 B �anl� �l.CCUUnt 1<s a duty The court lasted until atter 6 O'clock Carter's • V 8 -a 0 _ og 6pp8 ��s3 9 `� O 6 10 on Saturday, when an adjournment 00 E3 Q a 0 lei that everyone owes, was made until Monday morning to lla�eaa© a ©©,flal _ hear the last ones on the civil list, a ao© ©a both to themselves and Little �1'�(�Y' S• • Thompson V. Cameron. he Monday a I The TIME, will receive subscriptions at the rates below Qof .. e further adjournment was made in this Must bear Signature of + for any of the following publications - - to those dependent on came to January 5th, The county court business was as follows: `I' Times and Daily Globe. .................... 4.50 e them. The criminal caves were Rex V. Times and Daily Mail and •Empire .............. 4.50 Head Office, Hamilton. Charlotte Spotton Rex v, George .i Times and Daily World ........................ 3,35 McLeod and Rex v. George Letson, in $ee par -simile Wrapper Below. + Times and Toronto Daily News.................. 2,30 All of which the grand jury returned 'l' Times and Toronto Daily Star ................. 2.30 N C I D E N T S constantly arise that make demands be- true bills. Pezr omau and °e °'�' + Times and Daily Advertiser ..............:..... 2.35 yond one's regular income. The possibility of sickness, The first was an notion for assault tj.t+ticenrsngara Times stud Toronto Saturday Night .::::���:::a: 2.60 resulting in actual bodily harm. The y FOR AEAUCHL + Times and WeeklyGlobe . 1.60 - temporary loss of employment or income, or the n.,ed defendant to a resident of Howick and CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. T Times and WeeklMail and Empire............ 1.60 .l. of something the regular income cannot meet, renders the trouble in between herself and her ITTLE FOR BILIOUSNESS. + Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... 1 85 it absolutely necessary to lay aside, in the safe custody of a sister-in-law, and the matter was ' VER FOft�TOFiPID LIVER. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and settled by the defendant's apologizing fOR COlBSTIPATION H• premiums ............................... 2.10 Savings Bank, all money not required for current living and' husband going surety for her P-11 LLS. FOR�$ALLOW SKIN!, + Times and Weekly Witness .................... 1.85 good behaviour for a period of two FOR?THECOMPLEXION �; Times and London Free Press (weekly)...... 1.80 expenses, ears beingbound in a sum of $500. ��U- Mei*!^°• NAn... .. .. The complainant was also bound over to " iI0tyoegetabi '^"'G •ii• Times And London Adv©rtiser (weekly) .. 1.60 ?m � keepthe ease. + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun................ 1.80 P CURE SICK HEADACHE. + Times and World Wide ............... ...... 2.20 � Res v. George McLeod was an notion •i• Times and Northern Messenger.................. 1.35 , The Bank of Hamilton has long been very generally re- for receiving stolen goods, the harness ' 2.35 cognized as one of the best savings institutions in Canada. stolen some time ago from Col, Young. The notion was for $152, olaimed'ae the + Times and Farmers Advocate .. - e , rs , - . scribe value of certain chattels included in .�}, We specially recommend our renders to subscribe Conducted for over thirty years under sound, conservative The defendant is a resident of Colborne an inventory mado at the time of the •t• to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. township. The jury brought in a ver- Times and Farming World..... ................ 1.7 management, it has accumulated total assets of over Thirty sale, which the plaintiff said were not + diol acquitting the prisoner. G. F. + Times and Presbyterian ........................ 2.25 g the property o1 the defendant, The Million Dollars. This public confidence, reflected in being selected Blair for the defence. defence is that the purchase price of the Times and Westminster ........................ 2.25 F John McDonald, of town, who came business, $4 850, was K lump sum for the d• Times and Presbyterian and Westminster........ 3,25oil as the custodian of this large sum, is its best reference to you in up for sentence for stealing the har- + Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... .... 2.40 ,•i• nese, having pleaded guilty, was re- business and good will, and the inven- + Times and Youths' Companion .................. 3.25 + soliciting your Savings account. tory was not made up as a list of what -1• leased on suspended eentsnce. M, O. Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)......... 2.90 Johnston for the defence, was being sold, but to assure that the �' ..... .. -� Times and Sabbath Reading, New York . 1.95 George Letson was found guilty of defendant would not remove any of * Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... 1,85 the theft from the Hotel Bedford of a the chattels between the date of sale Why not give personal thought to this question of open and taking of possession, April 10th to Times and Michigan Farmer ..... .. . ........ . .. 2.15 suet of money, but the sentence was de- May 1st, 1902. There was a counter Times and Woman's Home Companion 2,25 ing a small savings account to -day, and start with a deposit -if ferred until the Jnne session, the do- + Times and Country Gentleman ................. 2.60 4V claim for feed supplies by the de- .1. only of one dollar -to save a little as regularly as possible for the fondant entering into his own reoog- fendant to the plaintiff for hie horses 'I' Times and Delineator ...... .................... 2.95 nizince to be of good behaviour and and for use and occupation of the de- � Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine...... 1,95 �t future. All that is necessary is to call at the local branch office abstain from intoxicants, G. F. Blair +. Times and Green's Fruit Grower ................ 1.55 fendant's premises, The jury brought .1., of the Bank of Hamilton, and enquire for the manager. for the defendant, in a verdict for the defendant, and the '1' Times and Good IIonsekeeping ................. 2.30 + action H. J. A. MoEwnn was chosen fore. Times and McCall's Magazine .................. 1,70 ° tiwas dismissed, the counter- man of the grand jury. The jury -F Times and American Illustrated Magazine........ 2.30 - • claim also being dismissed. Each party .�. visited the jail and some of the mem- pays his own costs. E, L. Dickinson Times and American Boy Magazine ............. 1,90 _... bars also visited the house of refuge, Times and What to Eat ....................... 1.90 SLT . O„ for plaintiff. Z. E. Dancey for ' and reported every thing attended to Times and Business Man's Magazine............. 2.15 defendant. BANK OF NAMI ON satisfactorily at these institutions. •I• Times and Cosmopolitan ....................... 2.15: With respect to two inmates of the Pardue v. Elliott. -This was an action + Times and Ladies' Home Jonl•nal............... 2.75 �' •• between William Pardue and Robert 7 jail, the jury reported as follows: Elliott. The claim was for $163.76 for �• Times and Saturday Evening Post .............. 2.f5 In the case of James Gunn, who has + Times and Success ..............................c 2.25 , WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. committed no crime but who has been price of wood and timber and for ser- .1. , vices performed, The defendant ad. •t• Times and Hoards Dairyman .................... 2.40 an inmate of the nil for some years -l•. y "1 1- j Times and McClure's Magazine ................ 2.40 we would say, that �e appears to be mated curtain items of the amount .}. �i• olaimed but set up a counter claim, ,11, Times and Nlunsey s Magazine .................. 2,50` very comfortable and to be gutting the amount of the account according •Y Times and Vicks Magazine .................... 1:60 + every attention, and while, for reasons g + Times and Home Herald ....................... ;Go oto his idea of it being $131,59. The .}. f sentiment, we think that the jail is evidence in this case was given on Sat- Times and Travel Magazi> e ...:............. z- ll 2.25 s3• certainly not the proper place for urday and argument will be heard in 'I' Times and Practical Farmer .................... 2.10 him, still, for other reasons, we can- •l' Times and Home Journal, Toronto ............... 1,40 not atpresent recommend hie trans•chambers. •1'.Thompson v. Cameron, -An notion'}}, Times and Designer ........................... 1.75 FD0 M IBANK fer to any other place. In the matter for trespass. The plaintiff is Isabella -1' Times and Everybody's ........................ 2.80 of Effie Ray, we recommend that 'I' Times and Western home Monthly, Winnipeg...... 1.25 4. Thompson, the owner of lands known •I+ 4. some suitable home or institution be + Times and Canadian Pictorial ................... 1.60 HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. no the Bayfleld mill lots, The plain- g. •1• found for her as soon as possible, ns in tiff claims that the defendants entered '1•Big ®� Store her condition the jail is not the upon the lands of the plaintiff and ♦ e �} proper place for her to be confined. Plowed up ant'_ destroyed about three ♦1, The above prices seclude postage en American publications ss any ;I• Capital paid up, $3,97G,COU We note that the jailer, Mr, Griffin, acres planted with oats. The defen• address in Canada. If the TIDIES is to be seeto an American address, add complains very seriouslq of the lack r 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to Reserve Fund and dents claim that the lands are the • American addresses a reduction will be made in price, - of proper separation of male and - property of the defendant, Alex. Cam- • We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in Undivided profits $5,297,000 female prisoners, Bron, but the plaintiff claims that s the list, call at this office, or drop card and we will give you prices on the The London and Western Trust Co. even if they nre covered by the con- • Paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. - v. McOonnell.-Two actions on prom. ve anee yet she has had peaceable, s When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will - Christmas Goods total Assets, oyer 48,000,OOD y � secure such r P P ieeory notes. The plaintiff company oontinnone and uninterrupted posses- premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct is the administrator of the will of the Bion and enjoyment of the same for s from publishers. late Duncan McTavish, of Henoall, and upwards of ten years. The other de- r These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are s We have passed into stock many new lines for the �IINGHAM BRANCH, the defendant is Leonard McOM11011, fendant ie Frank Cameron. This case • STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post s Christmas trade and you can have these goods at of Brucefield. Mr, McConnell and was adjourned. : office or express money order, addressing '�1 �y reasonable prices. Call and inspect our stock nes McTavish were in the horse buss- • TIMES ®r FICFJi.1 � P Farmers' Notes disoonnted, nese together, and one o1 the notal, • s before making your purchases. Kn©.. Dr, chane in Isc7. • Drafts sold on all points in Canada, for $225, was given by the defendant • Mr. G. W. Pariah, Sturgeon Bay, +� WINGHAM, ONTARIO, the United States and Europe. s as his half of the pnrohnse price of a Ont„ writes that he went to Dr. Chase • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest horse. The second note, for $376, was at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1867 for pillet •mNtwrr•fl•/•M•m1•r#•••ssny►aw wt�mesm►swrrw•ra••••••••••••'# t allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, also given in payment for a horse, and for kidney disease, was cured and has And added to principal quarterly -end was made by Mr. McConnell and Mr. watched the gradual increase in the Neof .� sT ®o��• Manch, June, September and Decem- McTavish. The plaintiff had the sec- Popularity of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver W ber each year. Pills until they are now known in prao4. - ond note and sued the defendant for tieafly every home in this con ntry as In Farming D. T. HEPBURN, Manager big share of it. The defence is that well as throughout the entire continenThere Is Money A book makes a good Christmas gift. We have I R. Vanstone, Solicitor. the notes were paid, but not destroyed and Europe. a good stock of the latest Books for old or when paid, His Honor dispensed with a young. jury in these oases. Judgement re- "I doubt ye are growing remiss, If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each RELIABLE ®���,,, served. H. J. D Cooke, solicitor for Jobu," raid a Sootch parish minister, week the most complete and comprehensive plaintiff. W. Proudfoot, K. C., conn, „I have not been you in the kirk these �r i� eel for plaintiff. J. M. Bast, counsel three sabbaths." John was not abashed. MARKET REPORTS SALESMAN for defendant. "Na," said he, "it's not that I'm grow - Hall v. Moyne. -The plaintiff, Wil ing remise. I'm just tinkerin' awa' wi' which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN. The Sun bolls and Novelties. liam Hall, is n mechanic, who in his ma soul inmel," is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for wanted for Wingham and adjoining statement of claim said that on August 11 country to represent 4th, 1908, the defendant, J. W. Moyes, T' Tl:e Sun t0 1St January, 1910, in combination with We have a large stock of dolls, and other novelties, "Canada's Oldest and Greatest engaued him to operate his automobile s GI®EN vP also a good stock of toys. Nurseries" at a weekly wage of $15. The plaintiff ALL HOPE OF THE WI N U H AM TIMES, O N �.� l.dSO worked up to November 4th, when, he While business in some lines may be laid, he wns discharged without cause LIVING. doll, farmers swere fruit gr more eucour• Heart Trouble Cured by SUBSCRIBE NOW aged as regards frau growing than; at and without notice. The notion was for SUBSCRIBE ::1 • the present Beason. High prices for all $138, balance claimed as due the plain- MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS China Department past se s frust have been o a c na the tiff. The defendant denied hiring the lure. Andrew !ar of 905 1 m aken past season, and there is as a o r sur• plaintiff to work for himself, but said be writes : In the t thief }soy I wa, taken anoe, an increased demand for nor did, as manager of the Huron Construe- length or sick and did not My trouble k i ;ran wiith mi Bary stoQk. heartand poople toldme thatnothing could �.��a�♦04H+�et�s�+♦♦O��♦�� >�♦�@e��♦�H♦��•���®�♦�!♦r��l The stock in this department is well assorted. The Oar stook is complete in ovary depart, tion Company, engage him to work for be done for a case liko mine. I consulted stock of Limoges China is Complete and rices are sent including a new last of Specialties company, commencing August 16th; the very beet doctors but they could do me T ay.s A 7 • P P which we alone handle. no good. Fors I h deo pain, I could hardly L (�P� L/,� L right for the Christmas trade. The right man will obtain a perman• that the plaintiff was discharged for oroNs too odor. I had rl abut was o0 wank nobody in the world can behove how ♦ COAL e for situation, with territory reserved good and sufficient cause; and that the I telt. I had given up all hopes of living ant him. Pap weekly, Free sample out plaintiff by negligence broke and in jure and had given my little girl to my sistez-In • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, fit, etc. Write for particulars, sample P law. ♦ which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Oannal and ed certain parte of the machine incurr• Dae day a friend came to see me, and call- ing me by naso Baia, ' Limle, if I were you + Domestic Coal, and 'Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Your Christmas trade will be appreciated at the I ing an expense of $92.15 when operating I would try a does of Milburn's Heart and ; PP STONE .Yc 'WELLINGTON the machine without instructions to do' trouble,' Pins as they are good for heart g We carry a LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH Big Book Store, Fonthill Nurseries trouble.° My husband got m• a box, but ♦ in11stock 01 i 8 i so, The jury returned a verdict for the for two days I was nob feeling Say bettor. plaintiff for $123 the amount of his but on the fourth day a+T ng YOU said. 'I TORONTO, CANADA., p � beliovd those Pills aro doing Ton [�• I ♦ (Dressed or Undressed) claim, lose the week's wages claimed in orae able to say Yoe, I feel a good seal ♦ Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. better this morning.' He said, 'Well I will Filhott FARMERS lien of notice 01 dismissal, and judge• got yyon another boy richt away.' OItook two boxca and another bo doeee out of the third meat was entered accordingly. L. E, I ono, and I was perfectly well and have Sob ♦ AN- Highest Friee paid for all kinds of Logs. lift end anyone having live stook or other Dancey for plaintiff. Wm. Proudfoot, been Rick elnoe tboa. artioles they wish to dlaposo of, should adver- I will never be witboct them in my home time the same for sale in the W.1B, Oar large M 0., for defendant. for God knows if it had not been for Mil• circulation tells and it will he mtrsr, m Indeed if burn's, Heart and Nor" Pills, I would not NeLe nil", P1aQI�I LT011s oN BIG BOOB ,&Poufs, To udonotgetaoustomer. We can't guarantee Davis v. Miller. -This was an action have been alive now., JAr A. that you will sell because you may eek morerloe Socants box by Alfred T. Davis,Dithe present pro• a boxes for$ftr Gr Block, for Iane artiole or thedisposing dck than ef your it is worth. Bondstook and other prietor of the Bedford hotel, against The T. Milburn Ca, Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 4s. Nem >Oanif OL Oomtneifoe. your advertisement to the TIxae end try this artiolof Limited, Toronto. Ono Ib�+ (� - „ the Into proprietor, Joniithan Miller, -