Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-08-25, Page 2.s4MI. •rat t followit r this ens, 5 to heat, 1 ley, 4 Cts, 25s IN Ra kJ, t ED I we e pa w foul and bot tt' it i • Grain Market. The following are the market quota- tions for this week : — feas, 5t;c to 56c Wheat, t;5c to 65c Barley, 3;+C (fiats, 3:;c to 23.; CARDS OF CONDOLENCE. Lucknow, Sept. 6, 1899. Me. a z.l .11re J -e.,. 1r4c ,i, On the occasion of they death of their beloved- son Herbert, which occurred Sept. 4th, 1899. We, the pupils of S. 3. No. 7, Kinloss, have learned with great sorrow of the death of our fellow pupil and playmate, and desire to, convey to you an expression of our earnest sympathy and deep sorrow with you is the loss you have sustained. We know that no winds we can use can lighten your sorrow, still we cannot help expressing our esteem and deep love fur dear departed Bertie. His bright, smiling counten- ance will long be missed among us to whom he has endeared himself by his e.teerful and amiable disposition and his obliging and winning manner, An 1 while we sorrow for the loss of one of our number, we can say that sorrow in mingled with joy, for we know that Bertie is safe in cheering of Jesus. He has gene before us to that better world where sorrow never enters nor tears bedim the eye. We tender to you and Bertie's beloved brothers and lister our heart- felt sympathy, signed on behalf of the school, Mary Beaton, Wm. George Irwin, Bella Campbell, Wm. John I Twin, Dora McLennan, Henry Macleod, Essie Ann Cook, Harry Torrance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Irwin, MY DEAR FRIsfDs, — I cannot express in words the deep sorrow I feel .,is day, as I enter our school and think of one whom 1 shall teach, no more—one who has indeed endeared himself to me, as his teacher, by his open frankness, his kindly disposition and his obedient and respectful behaviour. While I join with ygyi in deep sorrow over the depat ture of your beloved son, I feel pleased that utemory can dwell on his many excellencies Accept, dear friends, this expression of my sympathy and condolence with you and yours, and though there is now a vacant chair at your board, let us think of dear Herbert as present with the Lord. " Let nut your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me. In"' ' my father's house are many mansions ; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I g;, to prepare a place for you, • I will come again and receive you unto myself ; that where I am there ye may he aL o. "—John XIV , 1.3. Let the Lopes and promises of the Gospel bsa your support and let us ail earnestly seek for the crown of ever lasting glory. -I am dear friends, Your in the bonds f Christian sympathy, T. KATHERINE MacN'ABB, Teacher. KINLOSS COtiNCIL Kinloss Council met Sept. 11th, Members all present. Reeve in the chair The following business was transacted Minutes were read and adopted. Accounts were settled as follows : Geo Malcolm for gravel two bills, 14.50; F Hodkinson gravel, 96c; Geo Percy, gravel, 45e, Thos McConnell 11ravel $3.30; Mrs D McKay gravel, .13; John McKenzie gravel, 3 bills, 812.35; Jacob Miller gravel $3.; John Holmes gravel, 12.75; Jas 3laes gravel, $1.58; James Bryan priutiug, $47.75; N Bushel rep Stauffer bridge, 17.75; John Kennedy gravelling con 3, 118, Peter Reid, fees for Judge's court on appeal re Forehan'a ditch, $2.50; Clerk of Judge's court, council's share of costs as per award, 14 22; G Moffat refund share of Judges fees, $1.69; Jacob Miller gravel, 12.75; Woo 1ifEo rep culvert, 11.50; Richard Congram, culvert on Huron boundary, 14.25; W Congram rep bridge on Huron bound- ary, 114.50; Jacob Miller grading on 35th side Iine, 15; James Marshall expenses examining drain 39, $20.25; do. on Roach's drain, 11; Chas Beach- lumber each- 1umber for reads, 11188. Council. adjourned to meet on the 16th day of October. PETER REID, Clerk. SUFFERING FROM HAY FEVER. In an article on Hey Fever in the American Angler, January, 1899, a correspondent writes : -- "Of oonrse thousands of remedies have been offered and tried, but the time and n•vuey spent in the trial hes generally been wasted, for a partial relief, if any, could only be obtained, and the causes yet remained. Therefore, in place of remedies, surgical operations, and heroic sufferings, the only course for a subject of hay fever to pursue, if 'relief is desired, is to tit from the infected atmosphere and deleterious influences to regions where the air and surroun(lings are free from the sourcers of his trouble." The Muskoka Lake-,, Magne:tawan River region, Lake of Bays. and Georgian Bay districts are totally exempt from the (.:auaes of the trouble, and immediate relief and a decided cure is assured ail. who visit this beautiful locality, The main consider- ations in choosing these regions, in ,. preference to other localities, are :- 1. Relief and total immunity from hay fever. 2. Easy acceesibility and moderate ho vel rates. 3, Good postal service, express and telegraph, railroad and steamboat facilities 4. Beautifully secluded and charm- ing camping grounds. 6. Good hotel accomodation on all principal lakes. 6. The adaptability of the surround- ings to meet the various or varying moods of invalids, tourists, or sports- men. 7. The wooded shores of the lakes and rivers, principally balsam and pins, Is also one of the accountable reasons tor the curative and healing properties in the atmosphere. :)escrip- Iive matter writ free by spplying to M • C. Dices V, D.P.A., Toronto. Bargains. MOND fewiteellOwlestmenfee Bargains., Luekefow SenNttelr Orme - a „esibismesmasesllIMMINIMMINPailliala Frbdaa September id Erimful.- RE000TION SALE F i OTS AND !HOSD • lbs �isesJ To buy your Shoes is when you can buy them Cheapest, and that time IS RIQ H T N C W1 while we are holding our Clearing Sale. The Prices we are making are so Low that you cannot resist. Customers not baling the cash will be treated as if there was no specialsale on. YOURS TRULY, W. S. GRENACHE CEO. H: LAWRENCE. Snap Shots. 1N..C. JOHNSTON.. Osii' Ctstonter,s • Take Them. THEY CET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top Variety. Tip top in Quality, Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. We postively give as utucis, if not niot•e, in real values than any one Oountry. NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, CALL. ,JPON US. LaWrOfiCe cliaituaraftet in the Fpruiture Dealers and ,Undertakers PIED ROBINSON—In Kinl,, on Thursday, Aug. 314, 1St*. 31St::da Ann Robinson, aged years, 9 rnOnth�, 16 daye. NOTICE T) tJBLIC NOTICE IS HEEEBY, GIVEN 1 that the _ NN' AL1!}E?[r,; of the shale holders of the Lucknow Elevator Conipasy, r.t•ii will be lit 1d in the Council l ':►sulker, Tow% HAIL, Lucknow, on Saturday, the 23rd day of September, 1899, at o'clock p.m., to receive statement, elect officer- and for trans- action of other •rrene.ral business. By Order, 11U4 <11 MOI',1USON, Se 'y Dated this 13th day of September. 1809 HEIFER ESTRAY , E TO THE PREMISES OF THE Cundersigned, A\ilot 32, con. 1, Kinloss, on or about the twat of June last, a red two year ,ld heifer. The owner is re, jueste d to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. MILES McMILLAN , Langaidr. Thompson's Livery 4, 'y First Class . . Horse's and Rigs . 4 Campbell St.. ~ LUCKNOW 1899 - VOTERS' LIST -1899 Municipality of the Township of West Wawanosh, County of Huron. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Vot..rs' List Act" the copies required by said sections to be so transrnitt,-d or delivered of the List, pursuant to the said Act of all persona appearing by the last revised Amassment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members to the Legislative Assembly, and the municipal elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office at thin 22nd day of August, 1899, and remains here for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the acid list and if any ommioton or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same errors corrected according to law. WM. 5. McCROSTIE, Dated this 22nd Clerk of the said day of August, Municipality, 19, St. Helens P.O. Coming ! Coming ! Coming!. T. P. SMITH, .'. SoioatiSo Opitioiaa, .' . Graduate of New York, Pridadelphia and Toronto Colleges, will be at $irry Del yt s Drxg Were 011E DAY ONLY, THURSDAY. SEPT- 28TH Call early and avail yourself of his valulible services. IXAMIRATION FREE. —It is our sad duty to state the death of Mr William Shackleton which took place at his home, con. 9 on Tuesday, Aug. 29th, aged 71 years and 5 months. Deceased was a brother of Mr. M. Shackleton, 'Fat Master t MURCHISON AGENCIES A..• Ittf • and STEAMSHIP LINES The ELDER DEMPSTER CO. LINES • . OCEAN STEAMERS CANADA LIFE AS3URAIiCF. CQ• THE GUARDIAN FIRE & LIFE DOMINION_OF CANADA ACCIDENT TICKETS DOMINION EXPRESS ORDERS JOHN MURCHISON, Agent, LUCKNOW MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, - TEACHER OF - Piauo, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough , Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RESIDENCE—Campbell .\treet. ANTED1 10,000 DOZEN FRESH EGGS For which the highest price will be paid, either in Cash or trade. ti.eity We have also added to our stock of FRI.'ITS and OONFECTIONERY A NICE FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES AND - CANNED - GOODS And will be pleased to supply all who favor us with a call. RFt'ITN and VEGETABLES Are commencing to come in plentiful, and will be sold cheap All goods delivered to any part of the town. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda and all kinds of Summer Drinks kept at all times. INIKX/Dirs of -Brightness By paying a •visit to our store you will be rewarded by seeing a lot of atom' and Attratotive 0**411:69 fashionable things in ,. ,� Ji ,16 , 40$ ,� including the most Ladies' FALL SUITINGS. Ladies' KID G LOVES. .1. Ladies' FALL FLANNELS. Ladies' FINE FOOTWEAR. YOURS TRULY, . • ••• ::: Gents' and Boys' Ready Made ('LOT 1i 1N'(,. Gents' FALL al- (1 WINTER OV fast 'U1'1'i's. Gents' Fleece Lined and Wool Underwear. Gents' FINE and COARSE :FOOTWEAR r FANCY FLANNELS. MIN(rS. We carry the largest stock of liesiery in Town. Ask for a pair of the FAMOUS LONDON itilAND HOSE for Children, with Double Lock Stick Kest at a popular price. . Newest Things iii DitESS TRIM Newest Things in SILKS. : 1$ G. Murdoch & Co., Luckndw FOR THE HARVEST We would ask all who may be in need of anything in the line of ARVE.$T TOOLS Not to forget that we are t .. always HEADQUARTERS for �ska$.y 301.00$1.0 STRAW FORKS, FORK HANDLES • HAY FORK ROPE HAY FORK PULUES Scythes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, Cradles and (cradle Fingers. Garden Hem a ►, .iA Flee' Meer, J$ Turnip Reel, GARDEN RAKES AND HAY RAKES. MACHINERY OIL AND OIL CANS, And our prices are right, T. Lawre,tce, Luckow Re.tne tLer We Sall Pure English Paris Green and I .06:• Church's Potato Bug Finish. M OORRIGANS' Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS i have in stock the following : kpples kfacking Black Lead j Blue Baking Powders Barre} pot Bath Brick Beane! Broom Basket4 Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery' Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Dried Apple Nutnegi Extracts 011, olives Figs Oil, sweet Ph.h, anned Oil,castoe fish, dried Oranges Gelotiae Oat Meal Gangers Palls Hops Peels Honey Pipes Inst Pickax Indigos Pearling Licorice esus, eaa4ea Lime Joie Pepper Lemons Raisins Lamps Riceg, Lard 1 S ice Flour MMaIIchea 8a Meal���` Salmon Macaroni ardinee Mustard • Senna Meats, canned - Seeds Cocoanut MaRneuia / Sugg Dates -• • Sar A-1 Flour always en hand. Sods Soaps Bpiois Starch St awbonles canoe Sulpher, Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegarsl Washboards Washing Crysta Wooddenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts • Toilet Setts Peope must Have G oce ies The great) question is where to get them. We keep _the best qualities to be had. We dna'b pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. ' •`''. Black, Green and ispanere pn in guilty !n4 prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound If yot bo from tib instead of tea peddlers. Com 1 ? P are quality itr,T And pric;�.. CROCKEI' TEAS We have a fine as r tnb cf dinner setts, tea, setts very cheap. Call, et ire them and get prices. aieFLOZ7-R & P EJD All kinds of flour and food kept constantly delivered to any part of the town, berry and toilet to hand. Goods i1IcClure and Mallough, cAsr3 OXEERS MJsa Edith AlmIAA Is prepared to give lessons on i• PIANO AND ORGAN At her homa''r: C'inzpbell Set., - • L UQKNOW MUSIC - TAUCHT. Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by D9. HIGHEST CASH PRICE POR BUTTER & ECC Having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are prepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. ,Yours truly, drW ILAN, Mir ow . . ▪ • 0 c 11 • IMP >�t Owin:; to tho very rapid and extensive advv neer in the Raw Steel and Iron materials, the Stove Ma: hulacturing Companies have raised the price of all sizes ain Rinds of Stoves. As a consequence the Local Dealers are unable to replenish their stocks further than they were fug tunate enough to have booked. It is therefore obvious those who buy early will purchase from stock bought at a iow pl ice, j ,E and will do better than those who buy from stock received at the new price. . Now for a largo and well arranged selection of (.'ook Stoves and Heaters, at a price within the range of the poorest yet in style to suit the richest. GO TO. 1 THE POPULAR HADW*RE, 0. 0 TAYLOR LUCKNOW Carpets1. i �...� a In Carpets we have some of the Newest Patterns left from the Spring trade, which we are selling REDUCEDPRIOES.CREATLY AT Tho best Axminster is a bargain at 90c. per yard. Best wool chain Carpet 65c, now 50,c per yd. Unions and Japaneso Mattings reduced from Sc to 10c per yard. 31111631112411, . . Our StOCI;`, ' of Ladit.s Mantles is up-to-date in style, made in Kersey,,Currs and Beavers. Excellent fitting garments at popular prices. Zit 21011S3327•'__... Miss Pentlandhas just returned fi om attending thc opening in Toronto. Our Customers will find her in charge of the Millinery Dtpartnlent on Monday,. 20th inst. WM. CONNELL, - LUCKO Card of IiiaTks. The Hub Leads them A.11 - FOR Family Groceries & Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely thank the general pul,ltic for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 yea gives me the assurance= that the publi Canned Goods, knowslI am doing what right with / Pay spot cash for all my/ ofRoodsand give meat roes -the benefit FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON.the same. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF.( I also carry the largest g and best , SEEDS: FINE TEA A) A Specialty. THE L. el STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS 1ND THE e*se vs OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN ELLIOTr. That Touches The $po. MACLEODS SYSTEM RENOVATOR A. Ti Davisoll,OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. aaeorted stock of Pat!or, Bed inirigoo � 0ili Sets 11 TOW11. Chair o f 01 1 kind Spri ag Bed Mattroo Sofa, Tall Katt, Parlor and Ezteaioa Tablo. In faet everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, , and ;always at Rock -Bottom Prices. Ask Druggist or write direct to 3, M. MaLeod, GODERICII, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Lucknow+ THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER To LATENT Mw MIN sp.'s i .1a pATEIrI11111111111k 1111. e► 1r 4 r; i 4 a a • • a 7si?l4gc.s°64 64 14 i • • 4,14 • . eittst 1