The Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 2` UVER COMM NT Tkle chief office of the liver in the oecre- 1 VAm of bile, which is the natural regulator I of the bowels. I Whenever the liver beoomea deranged, and, the bile ducts clogged, liver complaint ' k, produced, and is manifested by the Tire - saw of oonstipstion, ppaaiin under the right shoulder, saljEW aompleaion, yellow eyes, sliMy-ooatodee��tongua and headache, heart- ,;, burn,aundice, sour stomach, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, eta Liver Oomplalnt maybe cured by a�vpldiag the above mentioned causee, keep- ing the bowels free, and arousing the alug- giih liver with that grand livor regulator, * A LIVER COMPLAINT. Mr. Goo. Fawcett, Hamilton, Ont.,writea: "IIaving suffered with liver complaint for years and tried all sorts of remedies, I was advised to try Milburn's Laxa-Livor Pills. I must say, that after taking two vials of them, I feel quite a new man, and can strongly recommend them to anyone." Price 2.5 cents per vial or 5 for $1.00, at all dealers or mailed direct by tho The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of Changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up f to moon Wednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 DEWINfiw TIDIES. H. B.RLLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOP I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1905, HELP TO EXTEND TRADE. The following circular has been issued by the department of trade and com- merce: ,'Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, December, 1908- 91Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, `with a view to the further exten- vion of Canadian trade abroad the depart- ment of trade and commerce desires to seek .the co-operation and assistance of `Caunds exportera and manufacturers. r The undersigned, therefore, invites p`tlio'ihtereatei �a give the department the benefit of their views, with the hope that snggeetidne may be offered which will not only add to the usefulness of the department, but will tend to pro- mote Canadian trade. "The department therefore request that suggestions may be received to 4--trfahowing que),x one, 'after having been given due consideration: "(a) What would you advice should be done to increase the export trade of Canada? "(b) What improvement or change do you think desirable in the compilation of the trade statistics published by this department? "(c) Can yon suggest any improve- ment in the collection and publication of commercial information received from the trade commissioners? "Asfar an possible the suggestions should be accompanied by statements showing reasons therefor. Should there be any general information which it may be thought desirable to com- municate to the department and which is not Covered by the above question the information will be welcome. 11 "I have the banox to be, air, your obedient sere • t, F.'O. T. O'Hara, de pasty minfste "Replies Ao the above should b marked °Trade Suggestions' on th Nrectory consists, While the Direot. ry does not represent a complete abulation of the pure bred live stook )readers of the Dominion, it has been mbliehed for the purpose of enabling armera desiring to improve and increase heir herds, to ascertain where, in their )was or other districts, pure bred males and femalea maybe purchased. It will fie of great service to individuals desir- ,ng to collect carloads in districts where pure bred animals are plentiful for iistribution in others where they are needed. A large edition of the Direct - Dry has been published. Copies will be sent free to those who apply for them to I the "Live Stook Commissioner," Ot- tawa. I The breeders 1n Huron, whose names appear in the Directory are as follows: Clydesdale s:-Badwin & MoDannell, Exeter; A. & J. Broadfoot, Seaforth; D. Clow, Whitechurch; J. F. Davidson, Wingham; J. Engler, Ethel; A. Gard- ner, Laadbury; E. Glenn, Clinton; A. Hislop, Walton; R. D. Hunter, Exeter; A. Innes, Clinton; John McDowell, Seaforth; J, N. Radcliffe, Exeter; S. W. Shier, Kirkton; A. G. Smillie, Henaall; Jae. Snell, Clinton. Shorthorns: -W. J. Biggins, Clinton; A. & J. Broadfoot, Seaforth; D. Camp- bell, Molesworth; D. Clow, White- church; R. Cor61y, Belgrave; Jas. Cowan, Seaforth; S, Cadmore, Huron - dale; W. N. Deering, Exeter; Jae. Dorrance, Seaforth; W. Doherty, Olin - ton; A. Elcoat, Brncefield; Jae. Elsley, Londesboro; Jno. Engler, Ethel; W. Fothergill, Belgrave; A. Gardner, Lead - bury; A. Hislop, Walton; R. I, Banter, Exeter; Johnson & Sons, Fordwioh; R. L. McDonald, Cranbrook; Jae, MoIn- tosh, Egmondville; P. McKay, Egmond- ville; M. Murdie, Winthrop; S. J. Pynu, Elmville; J. N. Radcliffe, Exeter; John Reid, Varna; I. Salkeld, Goderich; A. G. Smillie, Hensall; H. Smith, Exeter; G. E. Sperian, Cranbrook; Jae. Snell, Clinton; Jae. Steele, Ldchalah; T. H. Taylor, Belgrave; R.W.Walker, Gorrie; P. Walsh, St. Augustine; John Walter, Saltford; W. H. Webber, Lakelet; W. Welsh, Exeter. Herefords -Jae. Downie, Fordwioh; Elliott & Sone, Porter's Hill; H. T. Per- due, Wingham. Aberdeen -Angus - John McFarlane, Clinton. Jersey -Geo. Laithwaite, Goderich, Shropshire Sheep -Geo. Baird, Clin- ton; T. Fraser, Brncefield; E. Glenn, Clinton; A. Innes, Clinton; D. Laidlaw, Blyth; J. McFarlane, Clinton; T. H. Perdue, Wingham; W. H. Weber, Lakelet. Leicesters-R. Bell, Hurondale; D. Clow, Whitechurch; Tae. Dorrance, Senforth; Jaa. Downey, Fordwioh; A. Elcoat, Brueefield; W. Glenn, Clinton: Johnson & Sons, Fordwicb; Jae. Snell, Clinton; T. H. Taylor, Belgrave; W. A. Wilson, Lucknow. Swine, Yorkshire -D. Clow, White- church; A. Elcoat, Bruoefield; Jae. Elaley, Londeeborc; R. D. Hunter, Exeter; Johnson & Sons, Fordwioh; G Laithwaite, Goderich; W. C, Thuell, Brussels; W, H. 'Weber, Lakelet. Berkshire -A. & J. Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Jae. Downey, Fordwioh; A. El - coat, Brncefield; Jas. Elsley, Londes- boro; R. L. McDonald, Cranbrook; Jae. Snell, Clinton. Tamworths-A. E. McNeil, Saltford• Llnoolns-R. Corley, Belgrkye; R. D• Hunter', Exeter. THE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 24, 1908 dill follows. and To the most beautiful woman be. tween 20 and 25; between 25 and 30; TOWN DIRECTORY. HISTABLIsa11D 1112 INEXPENSIVE HOG COT. International Newspaper kenzie'e block over Meoars. Gordon and fl WiNo � iNE"Se Easy to Build and Fulfills All the Re= Sm• ile Study ('� Course, BArTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 amand 7 p m. Sunday School at I8 PUBLISHED quirements. This convenient hoe cot is construct We have received an interesting Iet- Mr. James Wi h g teen, to Miss Hattie, partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, has EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ter from Mr. S. G. McGill, barrister, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Black, all of g issued a Directory of the Breeders of 2:30 p M. General prayer meeting -AT- ed by nailing inch boards on six joists Salient Points lin the Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 27'tit, on Wednesday evening$. Rev. H. Edgar Allen, pastor, B.Y.P.U. meets The Tim Offices Beaver Block 2 by 4 inches b 8 feet long for the floor. Beneath the joists are nailed Given in a Series of Question% by Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Oceans S.S. Superintendent. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, three stringers . by 6 inches by S feet Rev, Dr. Linscott. man tree erected in his shoo shop and assisted by the Rev. J. Roes, B. A., Ms, long, which serve as runners for mov. tees it to once dandruff in two weak,; the public are invited to call and see it METHODIST OHURoH-Sabbath Servlees T10RMs or sunseRIrTIoN-51.00 per annum in lug the )louse. Next is spiked a piece (Re:fsterod in accordance with the Copyright Act O at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at Epworth League every Mon- advance, 51.60 if not so paid. No paper dieoon- tinuedtill all arrears are paid, except at the 2 by 8 inches 0 feet 4 inches long At REVIEW -Read Prov. iv, II Sam, xviii, 2:30 p m. day evening. General prayer meeting option of the publisher. ADVRRTIBINQ RATE$. - Legal and other the ends of the joists, having fife tom tom of the 2 by 8 even with the bottom Golden Test -gasp thy heart with all Golden Teat -A foolish eon is a Kris! on Wednesdayevenings. Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor, F. Buchanan, S.S. oasualadvertisementsl0operNonpariellinofor first insertion, 8o per line for each snbsegnent of the joist, which will allow it to g enee; for out of it are the issues of to his father. Prov. xvii:25. Superintendent. insertion, project above the floor three inches. It ife. Prov. iv: 23. Verse 33 -What can you say, for or PRESBYTH$IAN f%IIURf1II-Sabbath ser- Advertisements in local columns are charged eta. for first sertion d 5 cents extendso sevenut 2 A profitable review of the last twelve against, the pathetic grief of this heart* vices at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Per lin0 e for each subsequent inine eachend.end. This by forms a plate essons may be had from the plan which broken father, at the death of hie wore e School at 2:30 p m. General prayer oto Sent and eimilfaSrtr 41.00' for first rthreee to which the rafters and roof boards Read each lesson for the term, than worthless son? meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. weeks, and 26 cents for each subsequent in- are nailed. The seven inch extension then repeat the Golden Texts, and Nov. 15 -The Lord Our Shepherd,- D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.S. section. of the plate at the ends supports the $newer one question from each lesson q Psalm 23. Superintendent. CONTRACT RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements lower corners of the roof, which other- wise would be easily split off. Theses as follows: Golden Text -The Lord is my Shep• ST. PAUL'S OHURan, EPISCOPAL-Sab- for specified perlods:- 2 by 8's, besides strengthening the October 4 -David Brings the Ark to herd; I shall not want. Ps. 23:1. bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30pm. Rev. U. E, SPA01. 1 YR, 6 Mo. a Mo. 1Mo. Oneoolumn.--.--,-570.00 $40,60 $22.60 smo house, raise the rafters and roof Jerusalem, II Sam. 6, Verse 1 -Does scientific research, and Jenkins, B. A., B. D., Rooter ; 1;4, Halt Column.-- --- 40,00 25,00 16.00 6,00 lmm��_- 25.00 12.60 7.50 6,00 boards nailed to them at least three Golden Teat. -Enter into his gates our fuller knowledge of the vast net- Nash S. S. Superintendent ; Tho$. E. p One inch One Inch ___.-__ 6.60 1.00 2.00 1,26 inches off the floor and thereby ma- with thanksgiving, and into his courts work of worlds in the universe, tend Robinson, assistant Superintendent. Advertisements without specific directions terially increase the floor space and with praise. Psalm 100:4. to weaken or strengthen our faith in SALVATION ARMY o at 7 and 11 will be inserted till forbid end charged accord. Sorin. Transient advortisomonte mast be Paid the capacity Of the house. Verses 1.4. -If a man is high) y God's individual love and care for each in n S amand 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and for in advance. If the house is to be used in ex educatect, successful and popular, person? every evening during the week at 8 TIIE JOB DEPARTMENT 10 stocked with an oaffording tfacilities ment of lnot gegnalleduisites rin t:remely cold weather an easily manip- ulatecl door is necessary. The cat but neglects the house of God, and Nov. 22 -Solomon Anointed King. I o'clock at the barracks. Ing the shows a door two feet wide and two personal religion, what does he gain Kings 1:1.2:12, POST Osrios-Offloe hours from 8a m to 6:30 Oen to box holders from countyfor turning out first class work. Large type and ateoats for of Poet- fact six incises high, made to slide asp or lose as a result? (This question Golden Teat -Know than the God of m. p p 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. latest Bills, ars, Hand Bills, eta., and the latest styles of choice Laney type for the finer classes of print and down and held in place by cleats. must be answered in wring by mem, thy Father, and serve him with a per- much worn at present, It has is goner. ing. It is suspended by a rope which passes bens of the club.) fent heart and with a willing mind. I PUBLIo LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall will H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher through a pulley at the top and is October 11 -God's Promina to David. Ohron. zxviii:9. g + be open every afternoon from 2 to - fastened to a cleat at the side near -I Ohron, xvii. Verse 6 -Are unusual good looks, and 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 M. D., M.O.P. S. O, J - P KENNEDY. of . Member of the Brltieb. Medical the roof. The cut also shows two iron eyes, bolted into the front joist of the Golden Text -There hath not failed ability, general) a hes or a hindrance y y P + ; to J 30 o clock. Mies Ethel Elliott, Special tion. gold Medallist in Medicine. Special building, to which the hitch is made one word of all his good promise. I to character? librarian. attention paid to diseases of women and Child; ren. Office hours -I to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m, when the building is moved. Sings, viii:56. Nov. 29 -World's Temperance Sun- TOWN COUNCIL -W, Holmes, Mayor; good grass in the pasture. I have seen A rear door, identical in size with Verses 7.8 -Is a blacksmith, or ma- day. Isaiah axviii:1-13. Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, Cows in June when on good pasture the front door, is held in place by ehinist, or farmer, or daily laborer, Golden Teat -I keep under my body Thos. Gregory, D. E. McDonald Wm . TSR. MACDONALD, lJ cleats nailed across it on the inside just as dear to the heart of God, as and bring it into subjection, I Cor, Nioholaon,Geo. Spotton, Geo. 0. Hanna, Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Centre Stroet ut and by buttons fastened on the out- one who is rich and in an exulted one ix: 27. Anson Dttlmago, Assessor. Wingham, Ontario. side. This -door is not opened regular - position? position? Verse 2 -Is it possible for a nation of Board meets first Monday evening in Toronto & Bast......... 2.08 p.m.. _ 0,15 p.m, L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, ly, but provides ventilation in sum - Oct 18 -David's Kindness to Jon- drinkers to permanently prosper? each month at 8 o'clock. ' UI2. AGrNEW iner and aids in handling sows at far- rowing time. Above the rear door is athnn'e Son. -II Sam. is. Dsc. 6 -Solomon Choosae Wisdom- HIGHSCHOOL BOARD. -John Wilson, � a small sliding door 8 by 12 inches to Golden Text -Be ye kind one to an- I Sings III: 1-15. (ohairniau) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr, P. Physician, Surgeon, eto. ARRIVE FROM other, tender- hearted, forgiving one Golden Test -The fear of the Lord Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A. Morton, C. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone. Offioe-Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. Torontoer.d Res...... 1.37 a.p,m _ _ .00 p.m. Toronto and Rest .. ^. 6 07 pm.- 18.1 p,m. another. Eph, iv:32. is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Oosens, I, Verses 11.13 -Should the State make ix: 10. treasurer. Board meets second Monday habit of eating silage bad provision to keep the ed and all who p aged, Verse 13 -Will ever true Christian y evening in each month. DR. R. R. 0. REDMOND,ondon,M. R.C.S. (Eng) L. R. C. P. London. !I are not able to support themselves? have all the riches and honor that are PUBLIC SOHOOL BOARD. - T. Hall, 0r Orders for the insertion of advertisements f Chamberlains October 25 -The Joy of Forgiveness. v good for him. chairman), B Jenkins,H. E. Isard,A.E. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. to supplement Short pastures, which WC are almost surf t0 have CVCTy Slln1- Psalm 32. Dec. 13 -Solomon Dedicatee the Lloyd,13. Kerr, Wm. Mooro,Alex. Ross, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. office. This work will receive prompt attention Golden Text -Blessed is he whose Temple. -I Kings viii. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. IS UNEQUALED FOR causes , than good 9118gC. I knout SOmQ rates will be quoted on n iteation, Leave this kind to tranegresssion is forgiven, whose sin is Golden Text -I was glad when they Meetings second Tuesday eveningin oreh or sondjonr neat work of the NES OFFXCE, Wingham �� country wlro feed silage every day 11r tits arelUlall, tlmmer, c covered. Psalm 32:1. said unto me let us o into the house of g month. p R VANSTONt3, .��....._,�,.• o �:? Verses 3 -4 -Compare two men, one the Lord. Psalm 122,,:1 HIGH SoaooL TEAOIIERs-J. A. Tay- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. HTC -,..�.- who hushes the voice of God in his Verses 1 -11 -What is the chief in. lor, B,A,, principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A„ Private and Company funds to loan at lowest - soul; and another who listens to that stitution of a nation, and what is the classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A.,rate mathematical master ; Mise Helen of interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. THE A SHAPED HOG COT. voice and obeys, and say what, if any, chief duty of a man? Dadson, B.A., teacher of English and Office, Beevor Block, Wingham Neff light and air. Phare is f ven- tw on top made by sawing off ends effect, the habits of these men will have Dec. 20 -Solomon's Downfall. I Moderns. of two roof boards and covering the upon the length of ther lives. p Kings xi:4.13. PUBLIC SoHooL TIDAOHIDRS.-A. H. T A. MORTON, hole with a. Cflp SO arranged IIS t0 leave h Nov; I - Absalom Rebels Against Golden Text -Thou shalt have no Musgroye, Principal Miss Brook, tJ • openings 3 by 12 inches on each side David. -II Sam. xv. other gods before me. Ex. xx:3. M1ssReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss BARRISTER, &o. of the roof. Golden Text -Honor thy father and Verses 6.8-Handrede of strong, Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mise wingham, Ont, Lumber required: Nine pieces 1 by thy mother; that thy days may be brainy men are serving long terms in Fraser. 12, sixteen feet long, and eleven bat - long upon the land that the Lord thy penitentiaries; what proportion of them BOARD or HIZALTH--W . Holmes, (Chairman), R. Porter Thomas Gro g E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY HOLmrs tens sixteen foot long for roof; five g for God givoth thee. Ex. xx:12. in weals be there, if they had been true cry, John Nile. V.S., J. B. Ferguson, rd 1 p Ipp DICttl�t�QGf & �QLirl�s pieces 1 by 12, fourteen feet Ion,, ends; one piece 2 by 4, ten feet long, Verse 23 -May we expect to win to the Christian's God? Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald, for ridge; two pieces 2 by 8, ten feet any battle if our hearts are filled with Leeson for Sunday, Jan. 3rd, 1909- Medical Health (�ffioer, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. long, for plates; seven pieces 2 by 4, fear? The Ascension of Our Lord. Acte MONEY To LOAN. sixteen feet long, for rafters and Vov. 8 -David Grieves for Absalom. 1:1.14. Olrnon• Meyer Block Wingham. braces in frame; three pieces 2 by 0, TWENTY YEARS AGO, Local History of the early 80s. Items from the "Times" fyles. (From the TISIES of Dec. 21, 1888.) of Miss Maggie Griffin, of Wingham. The nuptial tic was properly adjusted LOCAL NEWS. by Rev. John Scott, M. A. Mr, W. Dippel left for Listowel on Tuesday morning to not as cashier in TURNBERRY. the branch there for a week, one of the Miso Maggie Anderson, daughter of hands being indisposed. Mr. W. S, Anderson, lot 16, Con. 1, has BEAUTIFUL WOMEM The population of Toronto, by a gone for a month's stay to a brother's special enumeration, is shown to be at Dresden. about 166 800 or 185,000 including - Poria is Full of Them and Nearly all Use + SIRTHS. Parisian Sage. suburbs. Dr. A. F. Maokenzie, who has just Fleming. -At Listowel, on the 16th. e In the beauty show at the metropolis inst., the wife of Mr. M. MoD. Fleming; e two years ago Gold Medals were returned from New York, where he took awarded to five different women, a course at the Polyclinic nohool of;medi- it son. To the most beautiful woman be. tween 20 and 25; between 25 and 30; Clue, has opened ant an office in Mae- MARRIED. ;, t LIVE STOCK DIRECTORY. between 30 and 35; between 35 and kenzie'e block over Meoars. Gordon and Wightman-Black.-At Manchester, + - 40 and between 40 and 45. McIntyre's store. on the 5th, inst., by the Rev. Mr. Isaaos, The Live. Stock Branch of the De= A society reporter, who interviewed all five women in the interest of his We have received an interesting Iet- Mr. James Wi h g teen, to Miss Hattie, partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, has papers, reported that all of them had ter from Mr. S. G. McGill, barrister, eldest daughter of Mr. T. Black, all of g issued a Directory of the Breeders of beautiful hair, and that each of the five late of Wingham, deacriptive of Denver Eaet Wawanosh. pure bred live stock in the Dominion. enthusiastically attributed her luxuriant and Colorado. Blsir-Hanna.-In Morris, on the 12tb This irector has been compiled and y P Noir to Parisian Sage, Walton McKiobon sells Parisian Sage Mr. F. H. Roderus is having a Christ- fast,, by the Rev. W. H, Hanan, B. A., iuenol as a result of actual corrospon- for 50 cents a large bottle. He guaran• man tree erected in his shoo shop and assisted by the Rev. J. Roes, B. A., Ms, d+ilioEf= between the Live Stock Com- tees it to once dandruff in two weak,; the public are invited to call and see it Robert Blair, of Grey, to Miss Mary, mtsai er and the breeders whose to atop falling hair and itching of the that evening. second daughter of Mr. Geo. Hanna, of g name are given throughout the more scalp. It makes any woman's hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant. Mr. Wm. Gilchrist, of Fondnlao, WIN- Morris, than 6ne �Oodred, pages of which the LES. KRLLY, Wingham, Ont.' eonein, came to town last week. Mr. Gilchrist is an uncle to Mr. Goo. Gil • DEATHS. Midwinter Fashions. Christ, of the bakery, and will go into Carson. -At Whiteohurch, on the Twitching o - business with him. They intend to 14th. inat., Mrs, J. W. Carson, wife o1 Rev. R. Carson, The skirt with the high waistline is open out n grocery store also. aged 44 years. the, Nerves the only thing seen in New York for formal Mr. A. Cook, of Uessrs. Dore & Cook, Campbell. -In Lower Wingham, or the 18th. fast„ Alexander Campbell; Homestead Regulations. afternoon and evening gowns. sensibly and quietly took unto himself a Become almost unbearable until Many of these skirts are of the circular helpmate on Wednesday in the person aged 80 years. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food variety in one or two pieces, swinging or at most forty pounds a day of b"ught about a cure, quite clear from the figure at the waist. The National Manufacturing Com- -.Between 30,000 and 35,000 deaths pping of the fingers, restlessness, They are cut on traine, of course, with pany whose foundry at Pembroke was and 200,000 Injured, is the aoeidenl lessness, inability to control the the odd, graceful fish -tail sweep -a new destroyed by fire, has made arrange. record in the United States during the t a story of exhausted nerves is told trnin-not very long, but decidedly menta with the Cossitt Company to men s cordast ing t earman bol etinthew of rnooidentE symptoms. Nervous prostration narrow, and out CLE egnstely at the remove to Brookville. issued by the bureau of labor. lysis aro not far away unless re. bottom, Snit coats are growing shorter to the air it will be damaged. If the ve treatment is used. again, but one sees a great many of the feeding commences immediately after b writs+' of this letter was fortunate to learn alout Dr. A. W. Chase's fiftyinoh separate coats worn over one. filling the silo -and this is a good way ood and tells his experience for piece dresses. They undoubtedly are s t0 d0 it-tbere will be no damaged be taken at ,qf other sufferers from disease great economy, for one good-looking silage at all.. Care should a Ai Wm. Strathroy, tint., ,My nervous nervous it was all un- e- I - not $leapleaphad no apseIN coat of thla kind can be worn indiscrim• irately with an entire wardrobe, and each time of feeding to leave the Sur - years. g. could , ' digestion was poor and my nerves you know how hopeIees it is to min _ (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform the required residenco duties by living farming Pleasantly Beautiful Stir it ll with the fork, for that will P damage. Twenty-four boxes of Dr. suits, There Is a well -out, fint-backed ' let in the air and cause My way is to feed the silage ration L+ will not meet this requirement. physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS- # Nerve Fmd completely restored Ith. , double-breasted coat of thin kind that is • s s (which include board and nursing), $3.50 to $15.00 per week according to location s trait and signature )f A. W. Chase, much worn at present, It has is goner. 0 i I)ecanse the peculiar odor of the silage affect the flavor of the milk. s s A famous Receipt Book author on oentri at all dealers or E& one armhole and a most comfortable Cows as well as other stock have a &,00., Toronto. sleeve. The big shawl collar and deep Beat thing you ever tried for Colds, La Grippe, hase cuffs are an excellent way of utilizing COUghs, XeUralgia and Headache. ■irrl//�� si half -worn furs that can be reout.- Cures colds in 24 hours. No after-effects-2fi4' can be attributed to its palatability. BOrkeley-Lloyd, in the January At all dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TOROX. � FoodHOlen r•• V a Delineator, ' the width of road allowances crossed in the .w 1W TAKENOTICE. eight feet long, for stringers, and four pieces 1 by 12, sixteen feet long, for _ That J. S, Jerome, Dentist A RTHUR .7. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. tDoctorofDentalSurgeryofthePennsylvaniaM9 flooring. is making beautiful oats of for eight dollars, and Dental College and Lioentinte of the Royal SILAGE FOR MILK COWS.teeth inserting the Patent Airchamber. All College of Dontal Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Macdonald Block, Wingham. work guaranteed, Most Profitable Way to Feed This Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. Valuable Ration. T. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. By M. A. GOODRICH. YY Perhaps there is more benefit derived Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni• from silage by feeding it to milk cows r�+; • ', F " versity of Toronto. than by feeding it to any other kind Office ; Beaver Block. of stock. At €Cny rate, it is used more y LES. KRLLY, Wingham, Ont.' and thought more of by dairymen than by any other class of farmers. Cows should never be fed exclusively LICENSED AUCTIONEER on silage. They need some dry forage For the county of Enron, gales of all hinds conducted at reasonable rntes. Orders left at to go with it; they need a variety. Be• sdnopsis of Canadian Northwest thoTnmHsofficewill receive prompt attention• sides this, corn silage is a carbona- ! Homestead Regulations. ceous food and needs some more nitrog- enous food to go with it to make a. ANY even numbered section of Dominion T,1RANK McCONNELL, well balanced ration. About thirty Lands in Manitoba, Snskatcheivan and 11� or at most forty pounds a day of Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the solo Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Silage iS as much as should be fed t0 g head of a family, or any male over 18 years of each cow. it should be fed from the age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less, Is prepared toconduct auction sales of all des - crf tions, especially farm stock and imyle - Of the Silo talon off about two P g Application for entry must be made in per- menta, in any part of the country, on reason - inches in depth from the entire sur - son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Subagency for the district in which able terms. Orders left at the Timrs ofnee will be promptly and cheerfully attended to. face each day, for if it Is long exposed the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how- to the air it will be damaged. If the ever, be made at au Agency on certain condi- tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, feeding commences immediately after b brother or sister of an intending homesteader. filling the silo -and this is a good way The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following I4 17ingham beneral Hospital t0 d0 it-tbere will be no damaged be taken at plane: silage at all.. Care should n and cultivation of the land in each year for tl reo (Under Government inspection) each time of feeding to leave the Sur - years. face smooth and even and not pick and _ (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform the required residenco duties by living farming Pleasantly Beautiful Stir it ll with the fork, for that will P damage. on land owned solely by him, not less t his ilio nee cud r Joinextent, ownership in thevicinity lnty Situated. for- niched. Open to all regularly licensed let in the air and cause My way is to feed the silage ration L+ will not meet this requirement. physicians, RATES FOR PATIENTS- in two feeds, both night and morning, (3) If the father (or mother, if the Mather is deceased) of the homesteader has permanent (which include board and nursing), $3.50 to $15.00 per week according to location and it is better to feed after milking, residence on farming land owned solely by hien, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, of room, For farther information information, I)ecanse the peculiar odor of the silage affect the flavor of the milk. In the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, address MISS J. E. WELSH, Cows as well as other stock have a such homesteader may perform his own rest- duties by living with the father (or Superintendent, p wonderful liking for silage, and I be - mother.) mother.) Box 223, Wingham Ont. lieve much of the success in feeding, it (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preced- can be attributed to its palatability. Ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles in a direct line, exclusive of They even prefer It, t0 a certain ex- ' the width of road allowances crossed in the RAILWAY TIME TABLES. tent at least to fresh cut forage or measurement. (ti) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties in the —__ ry RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. a�7i good grass in the pasture. I have seen I accordanco with above Cows in June when on good pasture 1 while living with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for TRAINS LBAVE FOR London ............. - 0.40 s.m_ .- B.BOp.m. which had been fed Silage every day tho district of such intention. Six months' no iiceinwrr obe it writing Toronto &Rastll.03a.m.. 6.48 a,m--.. 2.40p.m, 1''inoardine„11.67 n.m.., 2,08 p -m-.- 9.15p.m. come t0 the gate at 4 o'clock in the bellow and ask to Como to of �r'iavnt Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, ARRIVE ROM Rincardina _..0.40 a.m..11.00 a.m.. _ 2.40 p.m, afternoon and to the barn enol get silage, which they i W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. London.._......-.-.-.... 11.54 a.m.._ 7.95 p.m, Palmerston...... .. 10.80 a.m. would eat greedily and apparently I have seen the es- ° N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad. vertisoment will not be paid for. Toronto & Bast......... 2.08 p.m.. _ 0,15 p.m, L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, with great relish. periment tried of offering the cows at ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. CTRAINS the Same time corn cut fresh from the LEAVn FOR fields and silage that was put up the Toronto and Enst.. 6.37 n.m.. -, 8.16 p.m. Teeswater __ 1,07 p.m ..-.10.00 p.m. year before. Every cow chose the g ARRIVE FROM silage and ate that first. It is true 6ys � �^ I ® Torontoer.d Res...... 1.37 a.p,m _ _ .00 p.m. Toronto and Rest .. ^. 6 07 pm.- 18.1 p,m. these Cows had been fed silage every o it be the J. H. BHBMER. Azent,Wingham. &-ty all summer, and may habit of eating silage bad ADVERTISING do with their prefrrinit, butlage !I . , ,, surely would of i ave done it if sito 0r Orders for the insertion of advertisements f Chamberlains had not been pretty good feed. There Is A better and cheaper feed such ae teachers wanted, bnsineNs chances, niechanfes wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or Cough Remedy to supplement Short pastures, which WC are almost surf t0 have CVCTy Slln1- other city papers, maybe left at the Timms office. This work will receive prompt attention mer on necount of drought or other and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest IS UNEQUALED FOR causes , than good 9118gC. I knout SOmQ rates will be quoted on n iteation, Leave this kind to COLIgh�, �OYf�518II1i Ciut�p• of the most snceesafnl dairymen in the or sondjonr neat work of the NES OFFXCE, Wingham �� country wlro feed silage every day 11r tits arelUlall, tlmmer, �ttla ea1G,