HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-04-21, Page 4• Grain Market. '1 he following are the market quota- tions for this week : — t'eae, 65c to hvc Wheat, 67c to tic Barley, 40c Oats, 30c to 30c 11Y PROVINCES Majority Report in Favor of an En- larged Scott Act. Ottawa, April 1S.-1 meet ngf the of the committee of member House of Commons ant Senate, select- ed by the Legislative Committee of • the Dominion Alliance and Members of the Commons favorable to pro- hibition, was held this forenoon. There pere present enator Vidal, in the chair, and Messrs. Ganong, Moore, McMullen, Christie and Flint. Mr. McClure was absent in Brockville, but before leaving Le give his assent .to the report of Messrs. Flint, Christie and McMullen., which was in favor of an enlarged Scott Act, so that any Province wanting prohibition could have it. The decision was carried out. . On the other hand Messrs. Ganong and Moore still adhered to bringing a resolution before Parliament n favor of a prohibitory act. They will present a minority report tb the Do- minion c111iai:co Committee when it meets on T9uas1ay next. t he LUCkt"t0W Sentinel Bruce. OountY crldat A pri 12I st SPRING SEASON Wnow have a complete asssortment of AMBERLEY Flowers, Ribbons, Chffo; Etc, Etc. Everything necessary to make, a Stylish Bonnet or Hat. As the Spring seems to have ( piled .every lady will want new in millinery. We solicit your orders, and something Y customers will have our best attention. W$1m&IIL 4.1)11s. w� e have a s ecill line of guaranteed prints to clear l0c per yard. Also some nice French Muslins, out at White Piques, and Mayflower Lawns. Stiolt (Cloves Black and Colored undressed Kid Gloves, ecial..75C• Regular price, $1.25; S Black Four•BUttoned Kid doves, Regular price, $1.15 ; Special—75C. C. b Mr. Wm. -Powell was in Kincardine Si,t'ttIt,• on Tuesday meeting his daughter Miss rs e Eliza who returned from Det.oit that day. The rumor is current that a gigantic CE. sheepshearing combination is to be pW REH formed in this immediate vicinity with GE O. H. James McPherson a d HuHugh M cIdbt d as head shearers. see their handiwork later on. On Tuesday morning last, James Borden met with a painful accident. He was engaged by Mr. Jas. Hunter on the 4th con. to prune some trees, while engaged at his work upon a tree he fell and injured his back. trust to see him about again pursuing his labors. SpraYlni g tf Trees. Among the orchards sprayed last year was one owned by Mr. Robert tiovenlock, of Mehillop, Huron Co. —I The official sprayer y inspected Mr. Govenlock's orchard on 3epteaabea 19th, with the following 1,1113.1 t.9 : Spy,__Experimenta,l praying, 70 per cent. clean, heavy loaded ; un- sprayed, 20 per cent. clean, very light crop. St. Lawrence,— p 1i,x erimental spray- ingwell loaded ; , 80 per cent. clean, no cyan unsprayed, well loaded, fruit. Snow,—Experimental spraying, 90 per cent, c.� > >3►n, heavily loaded ; un- sprayed, heavily leaded, but not a clean apple. King,—Experimental spraying, 75 per Dent. clean ; unsprayed, 50 per cent. clean. Gravenstein,—Experimental spray. ing, 100 per cent. clean. No unspray- ed trees. greening, -- Experiment &praying. 88er cent, clean ; unsprayed, 32 per cent. clean. Flemish beauty, -- Experimental spraying, 50 per cent. clean ; unspray- ed, no clean fruit. This orchard has been in sod for fifteen years, and has never been sprayed before. .—The Ontario Govertheent Fions ould who make an effort to locate are ambitions t.) settle in British Columbia in N'ew Ontario. The Rainy River district is almost a du- plication of their native land, and a section in which they w nuld probably thrive much better than in any other part of the Dominion. —Now is the season in which all • farmers 'should think of providing green fodder tor their dairy cattle. Sow a good pstch of corn, and if the season is dry the green b ff flow fed o inilch cows will keep up f milk; and even should there be plenty of grass, the corn will not go to waste, - It will be a little late to plant corn when the drouth is upon the land, so put it in this spring. snap shots. Our Custorner'4 Take Them. LucknOW W. C. JOHNSTON wry us • We also keep the Brass Extension Rods made specially for Rufded Curtains. Call an see d these goods and we are sure you will be delighted. era's 33obbinet ripJitu ss 1 .ed Clirtain THE SWELL WINDOW DRAPERY as shown in London, Paris and Now York. 2 2Pant S* f an see J. G. Murdoch 8z Co, - Lucknow THE BEST IN THEWORIDI THEY CET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top in Quality, Tip top Variety. . Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. give ae much, if not ;more, in real values than ally one in costively Oountry. NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE,. CALL UPON US.. �a vVir ` en 00 arelintStOnet � Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Peo •le must Have Groceries MARRIED. McIVER—GOLLAN•--At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. A McKay, on Wednesday, April 12th. Mr Ueorge McIver, Huron to Elizabeth Ann, eldest dater of the late Mr. Trod. Gollao, Dbff Te RENT OR FOR SALE. The large frame dwelling In this Village, (the Murray be 'sold cheap, or rented to a For•further particulars apply 1i ANNOUNCEMENT.. e f _ MRS.. J. MURCHISON has opened A ei MILLINE We keep the bee:, The grease question is~to sell them below cost, but we dc et them, qualities to be had. We don't pretend sell them at very close margin. TEAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality ae p pinetrices. .of You will save from 5 to J0 cents per pound if you buy from u tea peddlers. Comps quality and priced. Y on Inglis street homestead) will suitable tenant. to WELSH, Lurk=P. 0. *PIS CALL AND • o z EWPRI All work g iraateod to give the best of Satisfation, and we are Living the lowest Cut Prices to clear. Everybody should take this gran OE'POTU 1I W. MUSIC - TA Lessons in Vocal and lnstrano4 Music and Harmony) enangrt br na�wIA Kral Al we are leaving- Ka/ on as 1aR . . 0RO0gE 4 We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet Bette very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. PLO -UR tSCconstantly hand.Goode All kinds of flour and feed kept c y , delivered to any part of the town. r.; —IN -- T Ps ROOM A-�,/IBBELL'S �BILOCIC, C_ visit she will be pleased to hada a visit f rom her old-time customers, and, in fact, any one having wants in this line. Everything will be quite up-to-date. ` of th� Hats and Bonnets aro the specialty, but many of thelatest fancies will be found well deserving the attention allies. We have on hand a full assortment of the Best Bicycles made. VALE OR CLEVELANDNOHX ,THE WELLAND ,1 ,si They Stand at the Front. ,if •� The radical novelties in the Cleveland Bicycles - for '99 include the new Cleveland combination ball -and -roller bearing; an entirely new method of anchoring the spokes in the hubs ; a modified handle bar ; bearings with lessened friction ; modifications in heavier tubing, P front and rear forks ; au improved crank yoke ; found 1 fuller fame and fork i einforeements ; a larger frame head, and refinements on the hollow axles. os •� 1 THESE IMPROVEMENTS have oeen Thoroughly Tested and present in the complete wheel a Machine Better Fitts its1::),!o:1d fur Work than any Other that has yet .,o:i pL1. ed on the market. it _a good wheel, one that will give you entire satisfaction in every respec t buy from If you `want . Our right. ht, prices are g McClure and Mallough, CA873 C3'ROCERS .A.13 STR-CT- Statement of Receipts P and Expenditures for the Village of Lucknow. 1898. RECEIPTS. Jan. 1—To Balance on from hand lastall sources Cash received Total.....••......... •• 1398. EXPENDITURES. ,. ........,. •8 830 10 By Salaries, etc 103 00 and advertising f • • Printing, postage - 591 25 Roads end bridges , • .. , 1997 6�. School purposes .,. 1120 00 Debenture account •1574 20 ......•••••••...... ... • ' •' Sinking fund account .. . • . 574 88 Fire Protection • . , . • .485 05 Street lighting ... • • •• • • . • • • • • • • • , ' • • ' • • • • 316 44 County rate ' ' ' 60 75 Town Hall 267 97 Miscellaneous - 15n 97 Street watering .. • .......y ....,.. f 20 45 Tax refund --• •.. .. • • .. , ... 60 00 1330 '31 $2017 50 739055 ...�............$9 08 05 Special grants Pe ...,,e un nand .•... Total. We, the udersigned, having examined Treasurer of the Municipality of thWVillage with the vouchers presented to us, beg to accordance with the foregoing statement. Lucknow, February 20th, 1899. FOR SALE A BARGAIN To close an estate. Ninety acsee the west half of lot 4, in the 13th concession W.1). of Ashfield, on a good gravel road, from Lucknow, ion � if' m�efrom Grant's 30 llar, barn x • mill, c beau g orchard, never tailing spring, 50, youngt in gram Tenders will be received b'ytthe undersigned up to April 29,118` 9, un- ison the place la sold before. MaulICt )L 1 ALTON, E. N. Lzlicit, Executor, rich Kintail. Respectfully, MRS. MURCHISON. You Can't Afford To, =Let your wagon or buggy , LOOK SH When with two coats of our Prepared Carriage Paint it will look as good as new. You can apply it yourself, and the cost is only a trifle, while the change in appearance is wonderful. Our Stock of Paints is Comp1o. WE HAVE : Ready Mixed Paints For inside or outside work Genuine White Lead Gc vernment Standard Floor Paint, fast drying -11 ,••$9408 05 the books and accounts of the of Lucknow and compared those report the same correct and in R. MOODY, Auditors. W. CONNELL, Was Edit's ifislIt h. Is prepared to give lessons on Dry Colors, all shades Carriage, Damar; Fico Varnishes Furniture, Elastic oak and Polishing Furniture Stain D I�3icyc f;'Enalmels, Wood Enamels & Japans also a large assoi tment of Tube Paints for Artists' use. A LABASI'IN E and PER- FECTION WALL flNISI1, Kalsonllne and 'White -wash Brushes, Paint and Var- nish Brushes, and / OUR PRICES ARE WWII' / S RELIABLE HARDWARE HOUSE T. L(twreitce, Luck/tow CORRIGANS' M. Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, CLASSWARE,:CROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : CALL AND GET ONE OF OUR CATALOG USS. TMLOR'S easori. ,� Of the year apples Micking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath prick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Blicuit Coffee Cobfectionery Canned Goods Cocoa`) Ch colate Corn, canned Corn meal • Currants Carrie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour always en hand. 46, PIANO AND ORGAN At her bane on Campbell St., - • LUCKNOW SEED GRAIN FOR SALE Clean Seed Peas T CASH PRICE 1 itaa&shouri Barlo7 sat NICHES Colorado Spring Wh YOB UTTER & ENS' The atfove all clean and free from 8 foul seeds. Apply to Having purchased the bu- E. GAUNT, Lucknow P.O. nese lately run by Mr. W. J. ` �,. 12, West Wawanoah. Skinner, we are prepared ""� to pa, -cash for butter and ens. Your patronage FARM FOR SALE a'l' IfALF OF LOT 14. CON. �..,��........�..,. •••. .. .,ia. oontaiaing seventrthree ...� wa+s�pnrrhr R a� p � .,».,..� v;�rain and ts4 • Dried Apple Extracts Figs Fish, anned Fish, dried Gelatine Ginger% Hope Honey Indigo Lic<►rice Lime Jute Lemons Lampe Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia Nutmeg, 011. olive' Oil, sweet Oil , castor UranB01 lOat Meal Pails Peels PipePickle Pearline Pees,caansd Pepper Raisins Rise like Von, Sago Salt Salmon Burdines Net,na lived: Sugar 8 yrune Soda Saps Spices Starch Strawberries ,011111110 Sulpher' Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes V ermictll Vinegars Washboards Washing Cryets Woodenwarel Whiting Diener Sets Yeast Cakes Pinner Sets Tes Sets Water Setts Cream Bette Berry Bette Toilet Betts MoKENZIL lia5k. swAroil ik ta 5*12e TitsailMea'r Linty Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns and Cakes. .. Fresh Daily . Flour, Oatmeal and -Corn, t mealtlifilson Mand Campbell et.. LUOKNOW First Glass .. Horses and Rigs . .. HAS ITS OW And our business is to anticipate and provide for these needs. • Spring house-cleaning reveals the rents in , the old carpet, its lack k of res ectibility and the necessity of replacing it with a new w One, If, you decide on getting an AXMIN STEN, we have them at $1:00 per yard. A Tapestry will cost you, from 13c per yd to 65c, a Union 25c to 45c per yd, and the best all -wool 3 -ply, 65c to $1,00 per yd. These are close cash prices for nw nd up -to date goods. CtTP,T-A I S • Lace Curtains from 25c per pr to *3.25 Frilled Curtain Nets at 25 Dents per yard Chenille Curtains at $3.00 per pair. The ladies will find in our Millinery Department the Newest Sailors, Walking Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Fancy Nets & Flowers. Orders always ready when promised. WM. CONNELL, - LI1CKNOW, so he Hub heads them FOR Family Groceries & FOR SALE OR TO RENT (rood .house and one acre of ground or Havelock street in this village, for sale. There is a large barn on the prennise 1, and the lot w in a good state of cultivation and wel RuNplied with small fruits v►berr�ieaorrant gooseberry, rasp berry For further particulars AXES BBYLN, UMW OMot Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS; FINE TEAS A Specialty. I HE LA RCES7• STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND THE tlInVZ1ABZI OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW Goods delivered to all parts of the town. I S1 Card of hank. Not ouiy ad% i'rtising Furniture, but, I wish to sincerely thank tbe general public for their pest 44,l patronage and the large business I hive done iu Lucknow for the past 28 ' )ears, gives me the assurance that the public knows 1 am doing what is tight with them. 1 pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of JOHN - F1LOTT. IaiIor, Bed & Dining Room Sets • • :n Town. dire of all kinds, Spring Std Xsttrssses, Sofea, Zell Riots, Parlor sail ihrteasios Tsblaa, In .fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS , FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and :►lways at Rock.Battoni Prices. ' That Touches The Sop. ➢'t"LEUD S SYSTEM RENOVATOR THE UNDERTAKER 1 AND EMBA6M►�1►J1L'yt AND EMBALM ER, Weak and impure Blood / MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG. Liver and Kidney Diseases, Blemal e Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to f .31. Yid, OoosalcH, Oti. T6AGICY Ut • TKACIl61t Ur Piano, Organ, Violin, \'oioe Culture, Thorovd b Baas Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Ootalsrvatory examinations Sold by Harry Days, laucknoWj ASSIDEINCS.Owspieli strut. • y