HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-04-21, Page 3:7jo
a mum An a
distinguished themselves, it Is a
very appropriate inscr;pti Look �t
MONT ig HtH�L'0 W S 9"B[ow To 1110,91151 !HER THICK WORK10 WE[[, SUNDAY S
THE that Ila- o old General Josh`ua. On it,
Jericho. Gibeon, Hazar, City of Al
0� an d
!ristead of the stars r INTERNATIONAL LU"
Lawlessiiess ii *4 flag, t * he sun and the moon which stood A 111L 28, 1 NM.
the Criminal 'Suit Brought I the dhurch.of still. There he is, a hundred and tt:n But it Cost Her a Chance for
yeara oll. lie in lying flat on his back.
law-, NEWS England Gonde'mned. but he is preaching, Ills dying w0rdis Jmut le Way wW the Truth wit the Life. -
by Hughes, Talma e Says Soft Sermons in Morocco cases Laid Before . are ti, battle char -e aguilist idolatry, a H usband. j h IA: 1-1
9 C5
0 and a rallying cry for the Lord of
GOVtRNMENT'ACCEPTS MOTIONI Exquisite Audiences Will Not Destroy Them— Hosts as lie says: -,'Behold, this day I A. U
go -the waj of all the earth, and God upper "nu in Jertumk,
........ JUDGE'S REVIEW OF THE. CASE IA"lon cable: Tbe llotm Qf Take a Tight (irip of the (lospel-Weapons. hath not failed to fulfill His promise PA PA'S NEW GUN EXHIBIrEO. TIAP FAoqeli D1@011-
'1711ke ran,tj$ will I*. j.,,poUL" concerning Israel." His -dying hand
:14th. Ommons to-dity' deV4.ktVd itS.14ittilig tO clave unto the sword. A teung man d6win lit Texas re�'
Brierley an J. U:-tvlcay, 01 th Cotwwtbie Lkak&
Tht- tile eon.4itlejilon of lawles-awss There is the headless body of Paul cently Il -W a thrilling exlwrienceand (IUtki 1utrtx1wtLMR.) N�t~n our
Lwknow.. ReraLl, wero acqukt�Nil thla evening. the road to Ustea. His great brain IcSt Ilia ner;% says the New York I -1114t lil*vull aiLd tol" Jt*A*
Wata 's1rovettl I)y firp. itt. the Chure.h of- Mr- pril 16. -In tjlo not a muscle nor dropped a mote, while and hia great heart have been isevered.
of er'zoilwil. libel laid e Olayed som sweet tulie.' Oh, is -it Sun. Tbere was a time %%,lien Ir, Chat Jutklih waft title trALmit0r, alii "IW
'.nterntiomlj l')r WaWtli, ivlio lit it rst notice colic'erning P
, F, Talmage The elin, ood rods hid stung hiin fear-
Sr,,,m 1101V I)Y of Police RaglieL-;.'�Mc jury, tiotstratige thLtt �vith the musidof. the fully. When the curn ship broke up quoted Tom Moore. believrA f1flit beilW Illel-I 11k Parl'Al. uwnil r thiii of that Pastor Charles H. Spurgeoh, a gospel of Jesus Christ, and -with this every pretty girl . J udast
liour"e. tiellix-ration,- returliej _tjjj-� - " he swarn ashore, coming up drenched 1;kod to 1w kissed, I'Ll' h0w 1W "IlOuld (UXLY HJD
'of Rochest-r. -111d :t London', wr6te,_ the 'gre4t )English min- grand march of the church militant on Uh 16 -ft, thp conilowy and weut cout to
'PI reports of tli4. 0'elock wltlt- venliet 01, the brine. ' Ev&ry day,saiSe that lind ly�w!d as a devil of a fellow
4*0111 iton art, �j iti. the of the. way to* become the' church trium-
not ance later sai da y when the home.re�Ared under ti'm among the latik*. Now lie abjurtV We officoem aad arritage witAI
I 11 Y. 71tit; was in accortli; 'movvil the d he was. glad to. find a -prea�ch- pliant, we- eannot -forget o 'rsefves and t UMMA I
I till' wit I the charge o( Judge Wairtete, er- that belicied something.' This - dis- �11 ill tile of Damascus, a� the poetry and kimes, and Ila@ a eha�t- thew to Jamw ijito tWir hallml&
ull;t,d It: fdroet all pahra. aael all xoru al I
n)4, Ciurt. i.4 4i �jid. 'w4, of a raso'llitioll whieli Or" course of Dr. TAIniage is In that row and
ble W vein, �_-upernatural, light fell. down- to this one'd a it a 1),j I og w1joll er wam tpau[Aed iuLd siliftt;
t1jally t') of' persecution and all perturbatton.� x -t,*,(- itLr.
Mr. 11ellavaY S14Drrer ivell 11P. the HerafL and urge�s close adherence to-lhe:'old We know what me, accomplish un- day when he is sixty. eight'years ** of he calls upon a girl,. 'iia prefers liav* (Alltz diw,'4A*w wc'M Aidod &UO ul&rm-
Wlflt"t Uniteill 'Tile ud�m went over a] Vie Chiireh from ec�!Ivs. od.
_Nliniter tD I -: the gospel. Text: 11 Samuel, xxIii., 10 t der. worldly opposition. . lien do not age, and iU from te prison cell of the [UK :1 chaly!ron in the room.
Aptilin. - -t, e C:!sL11' Wintlak l,pointniests- It wil.4 its -.101- "And his hand 0ave junto. the swor&." MamertVie', he has been outrageously The y
elmum, aneva. of t4i I AYA': What a glorious thing to -preach th,- shrink back foi antagonism, gr - for oijng woman who -wrought 1AA not our "rit, be, troubWd
out tllat**tli(- art10je wjL4 ba*'K I Olt t1*e<.Lted. and he is to die. How this
x1r. A reen. a well-knwn wltolw 0. i it GospelL Some suppo�e- that' because hardsbip. You have- adniireA Pri-s- Is lit New York ike i4pt ruffItA wvl ddNmWmed
sale 41ry gxx)ojq That. no, mmutwr. of 'the We fact, that Vlref'of-Vollco Rwrhew Cott's Conquest of Mexico, a:s brilliant does he,. -pend his last hours? Telling 19cilool anti when site 11 tw IltA CA&t down &M d6quieted.
I have. resigued 4 fixed 'Pastiirate, .1 the world how badly lie -tiels, and de- T1
Ont., 1.0 (leatt' Illul borrowed $,300, frl.m Potrier and bs_�-autlful -a history as',.was ev.e'r Lougb tit(, natiiion and citY be. trou-
0 Will cease"to 'preach. 'No No.- ack. after .-tike ChrUtmais
4xi three 11.11 erent t1tv written; but some of you -may no i;
V ruUTenlenti, (.�!U.01 1) wt. to preach more th4m I. ever have. 11011djAys, Bile toold. with ullf(seli 14.4; Uiclough yc-ur I.ttle family and
U11tar. OCCA 01-0*11 f, t �sarlblng the rheumatism. that he got-Irt
Y sions upon h4s. 1wrtumal note, ostien- poltitment to a bishopriv. m-leslastical know under bat' disadvantages It 'Prieon. 'the rheuntatism atilicting I i r49
Carlist danger. arc, If the Lord -wiIl,*fo'ur �'i ig1pe. t110 tille of tit,,! mlln wit() wa fkx-k lie pl-wdbje of tile grW. y,et let
tfor the fliVartnwnt. '6ff ;ce, or lienefice. until 'tile' Minister. mes as inu(;h, *,as -that Conquest of Mexico templew,�pr th
northern though, it% manifol written e thirst,thal f*evers bis out luxtirt ho tr(mblad. Thq- heart
w.&,- inst-rui4etl to siend In a ls,convillic(-1 that -he will obey the law: .4 placibs. I would - frightenol into walkina the
. f --kr Prescott wa totally 'bli-nd. and AimbiS. or the neuralgia pler6ng his
not dare to halt with stich oppo'rtupify 6 the 1"Lii ftwt; whatovoW y(mj do,
Un I _k� fie -hfkd two joieces of no. rectAtIde -and propriet3.
WorU:llt 11:1 Vk- siet%xjitt for the ixtrehaso (if declared by the courts whi�li have to declare the truth throw- Wood p.arallA to' tonktle 0b. Hlit last wordii 'a re
en gra lu.jt�. 1 h the 'ez4r to 4ch othey. fastened, -and tot -ally blind, the bat'!jv shout for Christendom: "I been devotiltz Iliulliself W li-r, with kvop troul.Ae from Shat; kftjj Wat
1 money lo:tn(!*I. JUt6kikitioli ill joatters audiences, and ti) t e eye through the T#, -,an entliusljLgIn. ItIld,
r -011ition. however, was event- with his pen betwei�n 'those 'pieces' ot'l ahi now toady'jo be- offered, .,ani th c: ()n with al; ofliViiwx-.-l1enry. Ye twlieve
Th e eL7 printing press.' . An� here -we have i
I 14 1 Ily`withdrwn ill' favor of tile ft)l- by the ood. lit% w�ote; the stroke agArst om� t i m e of my &!parture is at hand: I - New Yeat's her. in God -That He isjutint boly, wim,
larg I:Uiiit*,r of ft'rvig:rt-�rs to, -tak i-i!it Ixty caoll, but h4ing re-oltition moved I)y r. Samup] prophet. ight." And so and Ikuslietl tile flartation 10unse 10111�vrful aitia gfxxi ; that He bi the
"liell Stirring- theme 'put before us
flie firet two.
Ca u irg .1 61 p;ef-e- 6f wood telling. ho%V.." far thA, h:Ive fought th e good ft*'
Wheii ihe*accouut Pell must vo th one �way. i his dying li�ind -crave untti* the sv,�Prd. With recklem wal Tile bording Gvmtor of the worldAwid kw& t1e mov-
ire, nlem1wr for Norwielt: A -great general of King. David, was' gainst. the..ottier pi-6,ce of wo it was in the frout room c) oreign 414lo(vial of all eveut& lielieve
C4)mtn1ttee- 4'. -This 1l6os6'd(!I)Ior4m the sliirit of Eleazar, the liero of 'the 'texit. Till � od te K �B#i ;rlrl w41,03 j)rfvuiiuL.l)ly uilaf)- -ing hww far tlp� peff-inluet go tlif� secZlnd Poor- that 'my father, layr,%- Phialtieateil. it alwj lit mc—Ax tho Mediator betwtwii
&a'� th-4. :'.00 w"'%he us- l4aloitince,4 11splaye'l by eert-till ine Phillstletes opened battle agaillsi hiln.. w1uuld never do to'
l. -Ill end
ttiv."Lot is 24 im I of t and his tjoo .. The cowaidh �* vay. Oh. how. much.* mep .,v dying. It was Satarday mciwaing. four 74be ag. ist 11 Drit.iin. chieT that lie ntl e for"worldly knowledge and f6r w6rlI 'o'cick. Jttit thPee years b, "litt I(NI Cite yodth. un. -41
tied- efore t�at 't 1011rh oucli t.1114,giv will IPV;mlk aIJ ltaqw of A IM)eul&r
holit, that 11 W-itisters will Elealariand thtee of his leoin Qticcess, and yet how little i�e' endur. n,,(,1hur had left-hini ficor the Oil(, doml
ad Npw York lxitnl;ttg &�.11oo:g. That *erc- disocourqpd.
... - I � r- res went into the baftle. and swept. ior Jesus Chrjot. How imany Chris., '',had be.e h6mesick to
ie f Iiiijit*ary freo t
sklOs, and. lie 4j,
the eld, for four men' -with -God on fuct heing.. ent lF&ther'& haume-Fr(m
Wass tho king's of (C le,iatVal --r -m!,nt milco; 'tIang th,�-re, are, that to around sayjng� J�-In her'dojnp4rfy. He was ell;hty- Iblatic-41, olle ray w
tlieir*.�§ide 'tire stronger than whol,! ..() 'my hand, -0. my hand, ray. hilr� oiruv yiitarw of. aXe. Slinisters of Lhe I-Luaglue lier lw)rror a canitli. wil-it4ter I am gioing,
regiiii.e-nt' with , Uod g4inst thc!m. Mail: don't you jke� there blood. oil aidffllrer xuddenly,. "d to ItilaM I Am eDILducting
baek-l" Mrouted the comni-and,' c;in,,e In to comf�)rt him. but he
!,Wiopq nd Vio prayer-itook' . awl quite
�1' the hArid, and there is bl�rO4 Are many mun&onp-
T14i w1mcillal pay roil ill I �_ N I t1le 1141:% on the I)irl0vocat"On-thle . is
gro%vg from I ront. du'llifts comforted t-hern.- j4ow wonderfully
of the Philistine army. - Tfia Cry ran -otd while - P,'lenzar xvio the hilt ' .1 'tile Waiden-kimsed
7. tt> J. xwty ns t0141 by lit 0
-Y , nit ilt-r.1i it - nTwc4ili mit jbk-wor4&suunded from his d vae4t.home r1lied by my yattlersts
-host: "Fall back!" Eleazar, er.
,11,1:;0,000 ill.iSgs. 9. 1 , by .NI A r-,'
alon- the ed in the'fle�h- of his right, ying she
-r La' "I, have been, Swung, nd no%N' W .18 angry. v,ery a glory *iW light*wl by HJ@4 #jtftjjcA re -
.4 If o1w, tiw 4;4)1 algry.
im bedd
reniark proved that.
iligswept the fleld,.thkoWs, himself handi does not kpow, it.' Wer ig.-ilti6a and roomiriliatLoij, ill t4le
I .. .. . ain (old, yet., ha.%*.e I never
11r.. Iloar's onjhegroid 6 rest: but the niusu*le's dt If
eilli to r. ThouLls Ek t 11f. seen th6
_u Idgh and lioly piame. are mauy abld
nd -sinews of en so 'carried . tQ tile sk i -t-9 - - lloguf* of rubt GAd pmae
I K his hand had be -be
recent g1motIllite 43. t. if tl ert, forsal%Ln, or his seed eg- y" (ki -again
nox V lit Must. I e y a re tell I-LaVA*..
'hilt was Imbedded, in Wifile oth-tis fiiught* to win the' prize. thed his hands. ind they The offelider wa.,;,i'L flat
7 "i t 0t, i i i ki tilt- that. the round gifil d " The bithed..hlz brow, all(! sai4l se hiliw-for tit(- fulitre'6f tit(- 16ng qen-t a the hilt of his stvo...
On -flowery beds -of eae. 1-.kd siojourn.-Pul. Cbm, if it wcjre
6. Ft _'ti- Fte.
lit W A L -e -t. and they succeeded in jiatlk all -i;1Ij;ajI' illix-L. wp-ir our milotration. wasito be all
l'osfi..pLndthe. gold' %vire of Abe , hilt rough. bloody seas'! LIL that .,IXX)plC
It rtial one. I tuive famwartiod
lidd b�okep Otrough the skin V tite straighteining out th� fl:et; Put thicy (10 tifidw! thitigit." The poijAloil-
or ,I n t40 'tll,- 11'11OW' 0 'd riot - su A n Pen The of 11in (,ttcora- hellig tjtlgg;�-st
idoiltity is kupt, suffered: d,- ccceed in bath;n- u ibil lit, �'ou. I woubd not have w&IW for 4,h6
-4 t wit. Ilot to dr*o this sword wh uld net i 0 ay . open.
-of the'hand. and. he -.co 7%ey promptiv laist wwnotit Up doclare it uibtoo -you.
gal - tIf would* st.
ich'he had so
ath ed the liand open, bat it came
tantl3r -'%�Ie'lded. Hls bind clav6 trinto Vication. -or were -burswd, or wert- ehop,7 - ttled'it op,
9 1 soft with.thos!, who exjAred. with sUf,
L Ult.Y CQUIlCil lla-4 appOillt-7 lb"% b thfb mor'al of t1iis,otory is, First kitow -(i(Alot. - Clirimt"m goijg-&w*Ly would
4 Silu b, e
.1.4.' r 111;41 Ouui' -the sword." Thls--js whaill. call -y -ain. but i y0ur girl.' T!:ii pirl ast, atiirally a*_*u W H -a dfw�-ipia� a great
ek] 131 N_Mit!l, -t. 1. Z) 0.1.
. . �.,4 In-,ag-_ P( -d to.pleces fcr -tile* truth's sak *.-e We Thc -as 0
eit nlffi�e:nt fighting- for the Lord U kt &-nie t4m- youll-r mil , wilo h.l(i f()rlIl1l_ go 1Aj prcimro a
enjr-neer. lod of tt-,jlk, (if . rhut. What v. the mttter
St' Ilut Isra- 1. tlw%persecution of -olden thn". jV r ihe "thumb an -t the thigeils -of Lat
w� want more of I t.,h vaontll',y. juet !atr-d I., is thW)r1rN kif"fvmitiln. -tier. I iat%- for rou-By Vie,
1)4-iopuse. to allow you how*. Eic-az4r 11 li'd so un- touched -el* ha your gre.Lt 114h
r ton -.:Io.w varlotis Way1j. (W. �. to rcm,�, lt11-nier, g t lit', tqfA hald of theB%vord and how in Z.Tai 11iUl4Fa the *word of Chklstian Lisat ifice,
the r. ei-hteen. tnfr. wcra:4)ut� .. and toward t4e doaor.- tkrougli tin- wert of
s--�ord-tuok holq of Eleazar. I look -tt to, dc.,t i - his, -ha-nd 'clave unto ihk sword.."'
. If f,,r Chrlst's Fake. Thev wcre t.--)n;c I avej at -her aml fly a4n)parltig Ul tho prok-twe . of
the-- wai r-oing. fie nl,k- 3 -our &Ivwaw- &wt 111ter-
dietl' azar;s lifindf, a;i4�,I come to t1je"con-. iw UL, lim I inlL. I' V111s, as a
-n that be took the sword -itli n4 be
�i, you fo huidAhe trul.1) w.'th -in-
tlwre Iota tbey. were hurlod th p- )r. .1 Aiall procure for you an eit-
!ale;l to 110�r, bi bumbli, fl�h-
tight gf1p. The e6wards who'.*�_d in' nrdi-r to. inalce tt-eir- d,(.,Ath, th*c 1110)IV- e gri-P., and. I **v_LnL yot
re1x>rtt-,1, that M t I Ila' ra cable I traimp hita that JA&M. WLIch other -
I had -no' trouble Ift droppig: u hard for God that It wl' i0iorwl liku. If-' al -
ill pAa*. t 1:01rnt* it V'o ttlt(, 1111rull" hat to -in. antiipatidn. tlit,y wo-re put o-�rized, lotiL
y tile readful strtke
been- t!cimrtioyol by 4t, if ^4wt cd e b- 4; Irp FROM Ck8. I 'in baskets and swun- t(A and fen ovvr ftt4l I k I Virou:-h would liate boett itaLemsNi
words. As they fly over th6- ro reaiit '-and wh'le yuu take .1m -a r
W tit door witIV)jlt
rds clanging in -every. th'at th nli--ht me-- a ii. You notl her hcuil_ When %he had gone,
ruary nivnitk-r o)r", u, i� -%% urd: A !11 t k e: y -o A
C to N I dirkA'Ilon. It Is easy, enough for ..thein 3t me afficers,of the 'noml=n ar up *A. If I VA I wil oame again-strom
Illf),vt(I to A41a Tavy hundrod &ct t-Irey- .1%,buld ' ha ve r to Aroo theIr- swords.' 33tit ic-azar* 11 lilt 41 laid ulion the g-4
i tilt% .%vord,;: to. be and whiLe thi-y yJu jiL;ti tlroW- ShOuld t4- r awd:t. A, p#0.
hand clave unto the swo'rd, In -till 141 for them tile place tit t6e inheri-
G r-, N PA t.k L 1 Zo G L'F iv.ere' swinging In thtlsi� baai%eits ever- 0, a tji,?'_pfl1cens of.tiie siutbern arm lier! To Ile tvre, girl nt-ver Ao
we, %va:nt 'a Aight-2-r. 'doldlers','cofnin
Vict cm--vtll W01 N- nit i v t r ;'ul tL4 1:41 t law 11.4 I)v-. Christlaii.. coritlict ' . �e
Freni!h. ave ttrl�dietlon -1 It w. rocks they sang- e%,j&iy ye but ishe might 1w all -vx- tiflieri of glory. Be rnuot fvat Imve
tt' Toronto'. of- twlgqtfo� in - the 11 9110 Of the Gos'pel weapoiis,' ai-1ightle*r 4 Ird the OIL
vcry apt to reco thf1m. But tile gt-Ailig hws6y it, to be
arm. canw, i a -lit] her I k
Ilto 1 Pruin ifivile'. grasp 6f j the I two�dgeq s.word of thol
the.defultinL� %Lbit. Jesus. liaver of thy so,ul. exl).erifences, aii�l. W ihow their.sea gry a!iil deberminiA. Ife. W.,w di- couliUmibaliancood by Ilis coodging ligain
reef�fltly owilil: to 11atif itio-it' froi truth. It makes nig sick to -see th,��se
11fe 31tilwall I ill -re is a si)'dler -%vho 'pulls up is
1:.Isl .1 Let, ine to Thy bosom fly, lit: p It tilictir I go ye krPow-'They
I luit� * tittvili,pt at'';j 1*0111) tfif. 1:ituUstie it totteli(-, Christidn people who h6ld 6n'��.a part %A_.hile t -.Ls wound- Ilvr father.. the
been i omuiltte] for ti -til, Ixtil"' bi ing I hi -billows near ?ne roll, Thc-re. I %%
c0low 1. hit -I the reput-itioil of ',-Ing knew WWI We w*y and tht 9,).tl. if
(len. 1, t now tlili,, �-Pry !mr&it 4-'I.1itu' Ilst�; of ihe 1 tr4th, nd I�t the rest
allowe, I for , S(;0,0L)0. a so While the- tc�nipost stil'i is high. 'Ili 4rm." and .;Ii'e 8cdr.
I to 4 tUe. d ferill. that the Phfti-qti liot tirmpOrM. If i4hould tell the they vtlqull but fecall what they had
rofess; t)tx%.: ties. seehig th4� - loosen- Itilt1ther soidler vul's il,,wn his
Tile t:d grasp,,,Wren Aild colon(,L and fie allQuitl take th"ligs heArd tibetr MusUr uay. bailt ill pub-
c,*t,,-, lov ecillsific 31.41iltll- tile. prayer- c'h the 'whole sworl. Tb-�n tl,.&y were dashed down to d 0 I was wound -
MIS tIIl:1LIiMOUSljV P�Jiieii,iiii ;L IV%t)' t.0(i
awuy from*. theini. The 'f' 9 ()h. how iuch others'liave endurej e�l In the -r.eck." And another soldler iwriausly tyle"raroll yo;ltl' Wll looked lie and'in private."
ftla--i.,trat ,of vi the 114v-'s-ity. 4 6tily sa e. th'
for uq Thomaiii iwIth-**Ho was the ex -
app M) v'. I to' -do Is to pipt our thumb oil f(,*
of tilt-, _tnrf�. (,1X,v1T,g tb't ijilVi-pri-Lat I r Christ, nd'hbxv littib we 'endure 1��,ad no use of th.at limij wiatt"IlY toWards tbe door. If she
clniuw. of'-Csent.qls and' io'l puroll tit:%
the 1took t'o ride -td h-paven -�;itce the,'gji.nFhpt fr tell hcr father. would ^Ijecome 1,,P:,(*t'of doubt und dbicou
I197) '(jpr, the u".1m;, aild 8%Vegf) 4)ul*' for Christ.* We Q. m y Nil'
Tilt- Iliterntloft.il Xri, "A' ar.-I rou'rid the r�ook until the.bje-�-., lit- a Pultm'an FIebping car,'our f �e.t haek- ? Ao know nob -The 0ruth was not
I that Irt -of flif., I flafive wa.4 ma,le Pairour thioiglit th,pdd:tiyu jin- Orl %%%hfsn' he bjtt*,e cl - life Is plwww Bile aholild r'eturn to
Testament 'comes Iito' the palm. and v 'plush. the bed made haol (led i1i'dismay ! -Nf) : I t
Ululft. ro'-gall ito ninth Allnual (,4 %'#Mr- 'eWrinary stir- --'u.p' earh� Q h:is covite. fill.] Ito le lefillite-to him. He did nut know to
up, 4_1? i i zw-; to. v keep On sxii�"ping our hand around the F. o er, if,l
we can 816ep all we way. the which of tile tuany nwinsioub Jeltus
Caltimore, y,,*ter4Lh v. liont 0#0011-4 when Vto h4)r*-*,,, 0re b:a�k, fnini the deai. t -and film gromid. lit, spttl-d
j .. I -, . r what it wA#i to be
mk � until -the lips of the . flO'ger poorter cf Death to wike us up only ln� will 1-fye on us way scats shbiiing tl!MO'lf 111)(m the worn� and Wait-A.-
'v'tirateo were prtw M' to chit(h 41 -the "'In the beg�n- tinle t'10 iul tho
A *was guing. no
r, it I)PI
1.10 d i -J, k-. Irtut the man. from. t, st ft).- clergympyi It(- 'n)*,glit, -)I:" ent(,r- tile g*(jlde Father. .
ave jli�!g riloof 'jt)jpqo -1111, -'NVt-. bi -%ery fov Christ will' -be Mf-anwhile the, Inoultf-d yojjTjz wo-
J kwt iet 4 m , il .( iod tr6ated the hea:vens azi(j.the w, cl t 3'.
showed that,,only Lnt all the surket-phs to ft -our hand: $,raA on man ninWir41 firinly aiid r-tornly from 6-1 SIM the Way -of t0GOd
1IuaAJ1;119 tho St. "(" "was him. sird Mr. 'an Infidel a great I Nv'#-re ixi.141. 17.14-im-irkiNi tile* deal tip.. Let thern'bring on all the lint and lj)-. the atoinement.-Bib. Mv. jesuej
UW,1!9-th�* Ln4i* Erie I)e t r *I IlleIA-41 I�y '.%fr. B.: r�l waLq t.!:e E�vars-,nn on
ik than I da one of 'tliese%n4nft1v-. ban(laizee tind all th(& ve, or the ft 0 le parlor to 1!(,r d( -n. The
eTery�hfhg -was raid -et, Sears l over'the ti-eart won eololli-I lo()L-(,-,i up fromp Ills I- way of eternal life, a n d t he
'iv( -r* Itallwity to,tIj0'ejt0p_jlt of -oto 4 f 200 J4 1 1� 1jadiby Cbristlars who -hol - a p ur, haii'd -its hurt.. x�,blle F le 4-d - rfbd1?1"i1t1on-. iid -fill
ri 1; 1.
d art of �ook
glaidlrkJnto It. The truth-fte miurew
lli!ef liact $S9 of I'loister's. tile truth anti let the'.rest tro. By nil u;.e a t t film d,-lu9l1t0r 'wttliln- tth.
not know his h.n,(I. Is hurt. "'Ills hand!' M401wy i-Il''llim PcX-kPt."' 'a-Ae, od prtserved this Dible JOst f; claive'u'nto- the It the. it'As. hh(I it is a_'Damas�us blade. T' As I -look -at. Elea t�hey ook ,it 4hnse�� f cars. IgnaCus 110ce"t SWeetneaft 1.1,mi t It 18 7. If y(- had kuo%%,u Me-Hiowrt
lie zar'n h#-nd. I comc, -Alll, be tl,vir6. ind he, will point out tit" d1wiples ha not uuder*Vp,)(I the
tile oAhern lla6fio iii 1ilanitkoba tll#%* .1114W ()ut- that tq�st to which a.swordcaiii Lie.- to tile ..conclusion t a down-mtalrm, ildl I've bf -n trYing to
to Lw-- tfl[Fffa -.put lit place, where th'e t. h n(l paw full and trup nature of Jews. But'
pitrehasinig . horseei t kivprd� �.fact.ulry*" is to. 'wind the v rea t eal of hard hitting. I am not Wit lihn abnut ymir now gull that
ond y�ot Lt riet-I in Iloir .1 ii!atle around *& gurk,batrel, H4 a rib- when I -see that These -foAr, 'J 6e Lhere, . d he from tht- time of Ill% death uIld the
boh_and-th�n w*hen.the s , word is 1�-t- and Julal Huss N�* this marnhig. You know Xrft of the, Ituly pirit at PeutevotA 14 -/..t' '110 Is wihi abotit liunting. You"ti lijto
meti-Bleaker and h1i thre�hcoinoalons
ck. to its own sha-pe. So -'Ar o . e b . ack the army of &h4 had 'a new undtirstanding of His
oQse It flies. ba, %vin show -wlitre tine coal.fint eo
qX(Vt; L it rre -y V- t t1w fie. for. acieordihg ll!m wii'mu"Ch. Ile doeNtft urAertitand
Arnied Cowbovs Rob Lumber"the. sw4rd of GOd's bee'll thait'Eleazer's swo�d elav -to lit -harbd* ' tl,.c- -foot ozi that day, when his splrit al)Dut theqP' "w naturo
chlin-Ji.. (;uklPljiiL lie truth' ha, and work.
s1r. Tlitm. tfi-. tb!�- P�Jdenev. I�oirivr t e- 9 met, ts. I
bent of Alaziw from Constance.
Knox �W�LA t�v wi�re. 't -he 4nly whi) or. �evey t'ime. he, s4ru(,k ;in . eneiny th�zn. you know,bu Kh�w ux the Father-�-That we
gr anti thift way,� wound 'Ah -Is da-hy thd with --one*. end of, the s-worl. -itie 4,th,�r and ("ampbell 3rd Ft nin* Couldn't expl. t
'il.o Cann Cashier, ill,- y 1,10L Hilu withl our txvily- evet'.
unan'1114)U4. ello-ety of t 4*t.()n. The I'll , i-ef that N,.ay but It always #,,omes'b4ck'-t& Anierleap in India, wili he waylt#4 awfAilly toAK-A-, tile gull, '.Ind
'Ifor. Vaoir I-xtxt4,,-. ws pqsput whell thip whole t- end.of the it;opd ounded him. When or ill a vision of Ills glury, tu, Nftpim-6
t ion Its own shape. be. thL�fe-,tbe m-.�n _who %f1th .,their I t0d li;ln I wzm Fmre you woal(j #4110w
l)r-v*.*-*nted to the ThInIt of- tt! A F -00,16i he took, ho,174 of the' s%%ord,' the sword , 4t w Ifiln oil Mount
Evo. it tick 11
written entUties7- a ' ' 'IVeE :1po'.r-hidren went d,).v�n ,,n the Im
("ontini . tttv. Objection took hold of him. % i , 1 9. Hww mayest, thou-4'hrot agai
I M 4 on 1111"wit I W o bt, v it i i fig rnoll--y I rom THEY SECURED $50,000 IN SCRIP and sonie f if 1housantis of years :tgo, W"LA. have foum'd n..en' :Awful w.,assere tit Cai�vnpore, and. The (v4Qael jilmyw,41 un wit ftlac- - 1(wlure� Bib otivneve witjI the Futher.
I -einy who h %
nty �Li4ian. - .: �%;, ni*.ifol to thp sirin of .-$300 ji-4 and yet In.our tini6 I? Ow V`here. itlib dag%gers of rit.T. He vras a
th.p York Uou' & .11Z:4 the averd*e*.!m!al,�. t 'e) A -ill W
UoutipKiny tit o%er. in 1,v t!;,- 0ii-14ni privel. rt)r. teain ot )f this is inore than.' t'wi,nty �ianffot be conquered:by rose ater and tl.v Sppo)s truck thern. The WCd- nilchty huntor, wid Th(4r -Oharavter anti natute are the
of Ahe kift 'speechc;'s. It m-ust-be sharp strulit.- 9111"i WPre tills. Tile opportunity _,,t mt.. 1,01.11,11 Philip Lie ignorant df
lotit thii rcmarkuRl'that -th usah s'evury week,"and mdre
Vxa ('�� e
"i9lit thrust There is In'teni- u.l:-1 be tll�re, and th6
CO 91161v the. late#4 acqui%iti(m to a
-lellow spor man w., I-Iro it Qihs than. . In I Ilion' Copies- a ye#r. wbere tli,-Jr. bone& werR broken on that lov*. moti%-es, and diesire for
ey is preVirt'nz to e Is fraud, and- thore� atioin of met ? bid he look
0"pert V) settlemnt _00.000 ner . Or Oe_eu.rrt.,d .'yesterday afteroon, now day- utten The Piedmontese soldj�ry, a joy tollcm.,
orei lit the Yather ? Then lie
the 17n over the - roeks. nt
lot lind. 4 (;tfic trre�are ten f
only two 1*10 t that a 1took,.which Is divinely I"-' 'is- ciftlyllng. and there is- lust, and t1w, sah
fie rb*.g W Olympic -ftorestry r4s(;r%P. ;pired and divinely kept -an for m
of'tho Alanto Gordo'Llim-. wor there will be those whi took care my doar, certainly," he
18-6 'th holdle.g it Moe t h�- r;e ' 0 did itot r1gliLly ekiilte6m Jestia.
comorWW'S .1 1 Lr.Lr#- P)r- P, i n - 11, t -a 1. a n4l' i t -w. t ,4 ohly iniquity, 4rn�e'd Pbilisti '-.1niquit.Y. flo%� said.
Iw-r C�nnr�ally- t 14nnio Gord6, N. 11., grip vf.'.' Bishop -Ool-nso of the sik Rnd %%,Iho locked, xf ter the 10. believegt, thou -Phil p must -,f the Olympitt IleniWuLA, fter, tvie furthe'r .11141 lit- Are they to be ea!pt4jre
il-'and over-
70 i:,hvi iorth'of El Pat*). wrenX otit 'Of' serib(int n, 0 d .114, took a shot gilil down from the tavo hl,4 faith founded on truth nd
poor, they wj!I have t-vidence-a of
ilAn , Iya y 4 uArLifly eihaust _ ion. And Christ. w!th mwk, hafidl',rW.It ulth joil-Ing
i h - -ki-mythi, 1) hosit-liAl-KI :L* -�v tay iit tIje your harid the tflye book�;. of c:IsesAzrtd -down in front of an, exqfUisite cFIrP- A ound (*)ctrin(,.,cIme he wubt love the
fill wli.l tflat OP aliq'Stra(uss wi4I como king:4drid. try. hand waving over th* qu",r exprow,on twinkled in hio r4 -ward of true faith, whicti is Piver-
to .1,1 IVIlItcr it 'large. -. V ly to, out of- yq'ur hnd rh e'. iii I j- - not do it. .'Tou have' 94)t AftujzhtA-r'#4 eyec, but Ile didnt notice,
Ur th.. 1, Thp -4 tA, 41(>I!ar.-* wtiiro 10 A I I t Ii I n gs �'hlr -Yjg h t lia I-, i t .., y Q u'; -red iflultitude. say, "'Yotj
Oil haft(I suf- lif(� I *jwak i)ot of tlytoiff-All
-11, 1krid t ey w.w. U %%Ah nie t�ip carth-, now bo lori-
t*(mirt 7r iwitivt, ill Iri-laiiij, Tj "1' 1;11 "o acles. and- lienan will arlong antl gtjt. tb. front I- churelles t. 111(mitil w" (Iu1t4- deniure. K110 lit -4 %v(*(is anti works -wwo an ex-
ty t fc,
f(Alowm lilm dawn tho stairs and
e. n
IN M olk r
-it to Owill. a isbort timb beforerti;& t ry out- of Lh,�, -fio the'sacrament on 0 i�,l 1 t)i Ili' In heaven." Awl 111 of God's will unt" men.
to It f or ifl,l it. -t thin' lie hit(]. to `%�renk_
y n tl V
with :ill, m to, i-ir,� triAN I t4) I 'through the hall. Tito youqg Ja-us CLme nGti V) establWh a relou-
% -lit .,,04) Nit 'Ile. _rt it -of thesLord Jvius `.Chi -1_14, S'urJy and -de!_)ur`widtjws" houges ,it the gri6iL.orgaps of *ternitywill take
arrLval*44 "Ali '1 114 your..associate# in, the 6ince .6.r the
i r t>,L4.. t4i- �iry t4.) te %vilpip. t 6 e eek.'- -h'li v e'9.0' up. th-e-chant. and. S. J(4in wjll' ' lay: 1XV tho tigarlor anifa. rd ma.nJy
t tistop'our4p,_ pt
Illf-:l JU141 'excolit 1,11hout D0,. illeto.11y. vr the b#pkin,� iit sf.. titt4on for IiinL-o.-If apart frow the
Ae t fici a,lvie#*; fr,,111. %114. ylik, 4*lre1l11i!-t:1jj'f,---. T;A4ng' tip thp-.arti- oIf lee; "y --diguation galbst the'llitt'i.tea and the 'are. hvy� who eHm� _q4t of root#�Ujw apl)rQaclllng 0 IwftPIr.i- 1.'n or.'
tanti had th6ir rob:,is tion hffko out nOr*l' Ilia- forellead. If be ew
.,.o: Wreinch. 6tit of your Ji -and the-,eri- nd.1he: f.1
-!r Qf 31ilitLa rgashitex, -and let grl�.It. ;rIll"Ll 01,
f�r( ji'ihle; but-An.tfi ,t bd I 130,lieve Me -bet,
rength. of ..tbi- -ret-heV. go;i n 2 iwhite Ill the bl' -d "A -fie -jt
-niak !.n Ilia proprievj, I lit d .1pPIT74)AIr v ri a
IV: 1 .4 zirri#41 W'Ali 014'1� rtir' ood she. reaJI
S . M 0 'the �r f. her. whal t9bliphet]. If you cannot unders"nd
azar's. Ind! 'natimn. to- -e L*dzinb." 1 4ulp to UnWerPlit-. tj) it. ve Up , , ft a k:6) - ' T. "Y" 1WL-U COUM litli #4aT Ulf- my&Vry. you can bel re. Theree
S nd
I 11b, y'(411 Ile rcv;e and trlml to otoafiy hiti; #;tl..k- t -all,
Qui. a' litit. .*%, awill - Y -our c grin -and
clk, i -k. � 471- t* %Vi I' I- vo be d (14' k nAl. -ii(.1ortri 4,eri,. -11er'ods her' 're I%e If it' bi?� to'd tat &1� OnL be,nu mope powerful proofs met
It Al tile
PC 1" UP J)"trdon ml Ing k!iem The door blii-nel.' ()it lw-ft�re Vim thall -you have liad. that
dr4,41 at ti gtpb I AJ"4 . At . jillt bt- is herl:'. The ()--t.te 'n f w�
it t
varr6.-tilia . . I Ito _tbroslk-iild stooi tile co'cirwl. with I -,III otw Go.1 tit- Fattier.
.1 that _tl);,� t4,rA lw wa% codil*C. rilte f4r,4.4ul so har(r th.a havk all 0J. and sacriflde
Vj, he Iaw tit)-, . n4A be dslian4A y(.)un-4 pjan%'. --tp 9L idlotguh I Irmly graMw4 I it ft io 1-1. lit that believeth-Trup faith is
fr olm thf. It cvmtai 0 -irdship., No isears to show the
i . tht Sln' the rd'u,111'ad1jre A!! ft
t fig. -th'�,- x0r)'d. k&w xh'at ):�ii '.,*xr6' a 'o, Lo -our tj�wh hand. sz)l1llery.'- Not so much as
pist. l4a n -a tlirmeli: will W 50,0f, h. For M01-11WE nf a iw,,cmd to the fulfUment of thew
_qmltll i,F
fflesidr,-, we: want'a
wilich 'tile 1,10, ill 1) i41k:lgi_" rVt rowni- -fi?w '.John s jr,6-ridge on thiq phim of the hand to hal 1'.uql.L I't-mit. 11iingary....0id friend 0j. ahti- 'tt As (ireater works tbAn ~w
Devirtylient Ibuy-- it-; all Ah4t' I. wsm
. IN , - ut)ILlil' r proof o
Thi) 11 - L'a n 4. j4) h n %I ey 4 1A - t4e Onrist 11-n z�:i,,iv that Just'otme in all th!s battle t1it, c.olovel find Vmp to h f flip dviinity of
t6"k 11f thai' is ba'k*l.'- Aii
Ink,-t;b Young jtijtn g-ive a atifle,(I 4'hrit. He not onV wrought miracles
-Church to -day., -The whole''Cendeney is -fir and the ;Ped the
fqt' fr4,m pipbVe.submirriptican. laquent ..w 1 t %11� L truth. 'we gras
judrN 4.1141 6 reflne on'.Chtislian work,.- e k6_,,p -,i%-f)rd sQ firmly. and s cry. I(xAed round tile mra.K-Ir, by Iiis txwn power. but deiee-
Capt. XlvC1t;Aey, of the."New. Yorl�..# a 'v('ry' bad', hi. p. �wjjo stsiod; ',rilick.-sa hard
iv&rtj 1. t r. t4by #in reUning nivit. tintil we -se.nd apo that tile sv%-A)rd and -the handptuck to- rrioni. ruOted to the lotig prolicAl w'u- that I"wer to man as . the
-!etcm_,t1,-e burean, nouncied to -day wert- 4n.- a t -ell br, -a h -A -e
pec d to Iniquit"ve :xrv� about t 'cl. u Stin4l JAVInged 0VPr lift(] in oilden time to Mosp#4
the Jud callud thp 11ollilt-ing, all three, 61-iminal had thrqukh all style$. pf' ce t i o --%vjb r
that, It#- h-Lol t�;&&-uvere*i tha "most; m` to I It e
Vtogetliek.. rtAk% wih sword, sworrd. 0 my I-ord Jtsus rouse up, to the I -ill �and othors.-Bib. Muc. Be-
qtwer.,' crime, and- he. was"'there, waiting"r prtant, yet mw r', thi- r h*3 rigo r7 and. ptesentedbk tlie -4aa_ tli y 161-1d! U. ol nt-u-x, aveu.-'k41_ orgatfl'if-tl -x fl. I he co4rftvlct - -sta�,dlltg yond. The g1rl 'haj not oeen Bilm go, utitoo My Father -Then
there' at ,the cell,. Allis ..;k n e vitrat ide-on white 4).-Ilfrey I rwirmul 'emit, nd the ft"% w
kijrr- !1. � - #!, thai ork *A tile ationvitwnt woul be
-f the of MrA liur�iut (4 th;-.robL)-*,r-,,..hut f6labr6id*ered lil'ollln-, putting tile Th*
(Ind deelar'e-1 y. sf,!nts In ll -thA-- gl Im7zling ovor the' or-
tort)ught it t h v e rid",ad 1t ptillty, writer,sayq, %var Cowie! In finiAit-1, and tile, promim- ()f the
Iin'on4y*jjist 6-noui�h to-niake,tli_- ler� thttu�zh th".dle: ra Ve t of 1164 !Aurtiteies Fadjf-r hhould corne--even We Holy
tW-larel that1th-defelid- 1 airn.,an- lle-.said thitt to,all t,f 1:9V pit,, %I. 41.urch ay tlf-f.ro- L., 61", their cap- dAnce gracefully, 'and -thea we t, ti 1. '-uniph f rom a f a r.
nts were lion(orably cquitt4jol."o tu-rt.. e w t r friend. For obviouA Vpa*400 tile daujrh- 1;hot.' which i;houl I t*�ach tiiem fill
nent. aild wojhe'arld vhildr'n -ho livate.a.s. -a wed- vize'it %).4th the eye.
i-ig tile - I a i ive.
d fast _mr Ist is
r-ned tp IY,� gatliti tIw.re,-`1 avir A n d F. Oi haj)p card.. to old black ter Ims never roltinteered an fx- till. ,,; 6n:1 bring till things to their
rr4jVW W:1.4 red
IL task the And the platintion. N,inewfranee whk-h Jes" had taught
.,t-ry- man, n an Ast sin if he will not `surrender.-, '%Vom'elh e n' t a -t Illustrious day shall rlae. --------------
i-SA y Ev f d , volt] thf*m.
0: rt&, in I-% It. -him.". An4 o ed by �hc.g-eack of God aiid,00-gler-. My armles Pt n ei
n d
MIT' H1 M "A .'FUNIHILI An, infidel.' eiairrvaid from Sab-, ill A LOVEk AND A LETTER. 1:1. Wbalowever-All noo-Ift POT-L-an-
i(j sdy: -If he had -stood tficire saying. sent. 4 ()f victor,_v Ahroumh the skleQ
1.0 Al ir 9S HONTI G W j
-eir. hew- bat is in to jtmr w(yrk an Uhrialit'i, rnicistors
I�ailr c;assim because th
A0y -man e4nd �ry-.shall be thine. With a Police Court Case as the Sequel al your jr-immal nee6lie uviy
per 11 fii)t vlone." Chutebe's that �hoo*k otir'cilt_ Lif be spread
wom"fn V.AJUIN have -said: "He Is 'a
MA"waVork on.A*r1l :5tIr -in, 1, I es i,� I t h gre�zki - rev I vitis * sendin'-, a "u-md at 0hathaw halore Vi -o Loorl tin l),r&yvt- Ln my
0.%v 9 St."Thornas Girl Elopes Wilh Ilar!' r3
rate the' it -or. Ilam!-. yultug that may A* oum
Sir harlf-s wil-l-Auattgu Braiitford Man D'S fo ak 'olbb demonstrative %1% ifl p pe r ELIXIR OF LIFE. Biody of a Thiq Itible, 'I.; the sworn. enemy �'of -a tip rPI)Km% out ii
noilly not please'to say -amen" and se," UizvWll the amwitiR tif (1irlolt's blood
el' eit poilticat t4rr) an Utiderta'ker, that Is wrong. -ail it is- the friend. tif ... tk);Ial (j4WXiPtvhIeh wil', remult inn
the dogr#�#- li-allelujah"' 'a IlItle -softer.' we wa itonfitlently jr-ay fbr. What
'It 86ems APIessant, Scheme for Keeping Rter- -trial o:t Titic"lay. M has louirt1wa&I for uis W* (%tn ask
Covered wOukoti Trail all t.lfa Is good.. 0h, hold*oh It!-, Do .41,; if 'in our churcht�is we wanted
kn4l rs. Utrilly
1ir, a a p. -
not t.ake PArt- of it, and o.,the re�t nally"Voung. I*twmit -on Vjcrtorta ar0nue. MW Svicy.' for Lit film nalme, "I*,qvAuW It in ac -
a I w, y. 14 (;Id'on - twall of. It.' There are ti sm of cologne and alm of a thous-
and llowers,.when we actuailY Ii ced a )ulJ avoitr the r4pid down- of St. Thomas, is Laking a trainiiig (*)rding W Eno 4 #&JtJi can
Ic-f t ;ter%Lay: for WIFE'- 'AND CHILD DESERTED -thy people now who.do. It' kno if you' wt' wt 11, a
J.. for' L 1.101"t mnaon or rimt, Dilring I . `Q o i n, ot W. b'.,It)tlsm- of fire f ro" the -Lord God pf hill proce. courow ki tile ftblic General Hoaq)ita. lay hold -of it, Timu the Fsther Ma
'You.aqk-thelm it the soul Is.1hiti-Fork in. keep yotir heart. a'fid
ils alit, -lee Ibin. .1. -.Ni. Gibjoni%viil iw st., r -lp,.)rt aw DISAPPEARED LAST FALL# I'vinte-cst. But -we a-re.so afraid some- here. (A
and they tay: ' ."I-gucss it Is;' I 1(ni"t, youug. says . youti,rui-iook-ing of
al6tine ' tU)rniuy i ft)r till, 1).14 lllf� L -Al I criti'cise our ermon I (-Alv-s U) num Uir(xW4 the amor-
P, Ur; k a k'fort I .. rvIxirt. Mayo.: A. V.- -know. Perhaj Wis. jii�rhaOs -itisnV' : b oil y will a. 'or crit- Fr(A. irowan, who clerks Ili Iiiii bro. 9%A
v memth' P4. lelse our prayers. or Criticlse o'Ur reli- matrbn., who kas -evidently given it ther's shmi store on KinC street. - hwa; its of Ute aI.0nou"aint irlorUke Uie
G, W. actl Aftible "Well '1)er_�-
i 4r;tthd,e` lo'r it �: ii wt i be r' 4. t y'i4trfj. C
tr"? ngiaup work. that our anxiety for thtt lieeK kePTAig clonilmny with tM tit. titer, IMWAUW JORM WiLm Ulf, aCC4f1&,
Iiiiil-Ilt Itero, t4 -day and perha a 'tilal.
ie Bi(x *,@,n lim, (on Tri-mont Xh A I itx, t it, 0-serting his ferhap!iAt- may.. be, figuratIve)y,. world's redemption-ja lost I' Thonias Mm S. T. Martitt,wife
it- ront 31r.' 1-1, n -the fear' 4bout you al alole a-tW-rviet. ror.Afin-
p�-rh-aps- *ather , e Young of AM. Martin. tile manar-r of tit*- 14.' If _vc Wiall aA &nytlijag In my
streoet, tl.* 6-kicwt. play. livuse It this Thilif.. It, -be p " %%:Ill. ge' our''hind hurt, while Eltia-
tit,- J-fudw)ll, 14SY 8 t VerniiJB6 n(It zar wentL lhto.-the' conflict. "and his people -titat you any 10 ,A alt." They -wroitoe to Iwr 11iri A"-4*w loKJrod upon the
city. wam Ltily iijamigfYI -b I ire at VUL-141" %v.ts-a ni-vnil)-r it ma hand clave unto the sword." (iain- their love by -interesting your� Chatham Dredgo Co., W4)amluoll With 6WIAIDem, bu je~
nve o'clock thlo mornin 111(fWas . hat they can- t.he -apostol-le., dreed; Oqt lijiteir itr St. Thowai% " in -the letter
K.- ;1e blazo Ls P
-he Tfw,-mmunt street &Ae 1cund posed Dut..tj Litt I' si4-e In the - neXt'pla'ce- what self in their plans and pleasures. here amnr"i Va" t1rit thr unlom bWe-
stated on to ht� tl'utt +4 114rvey Strittli - ff. tht-ir own ereed vve believe' In brd'Ahing it .vjts for Eleitlar to get mentionki Fml. Vowan. it, isaald, tit . . A -
anO L-4 Viau� lit to been -onl1i'W-oi living alm)i1t, niilf* fr would. read like- thls�' Invite little ixtrties of theni to tmmwn Ui*m whould not be btdken- IL -
I , I om t. WIM 10A ift th-at lag I is- hand an(I his part alt uji4-nvLnI)Ie light. i]7he li, ateml of ftixiriatig W approaciA CVQI, they
by a carelemib. siboDicer. -Th("#nI.1!.4, -tt atAir, "I'tififral f t linthing.. the, maker -b6avc;n ind e4J. The spelid tile. evenings with_ you- or to
14 H. The. Ix;dy lit reptArtcd -to been e a 'tn- nothtn, hich It hMla nextdcxw to Mm Marttn's edstoer,and
ulet etb, 'and iiivacl�ei and. V.e. sinewit * had lieeh '8(: ioizi -you in 'little exciursions. tvyld m4ne conN"tly ah d aAk lin
Nfr. Thoma litintti-r.- -the Torojitij jif)= L I i .
ff. 'd I�y rdins, and long, gxa6ped' around the swQrd he they wtire informed aAjout 'tihe oung jetAw, ft"Aw.
t#lnQ!If -ent, Which nothing was borh'of not h- Surround f -by youth ant]
wj w>l�fupd Agv. -
.nlrtirtance nt %v! io .4 coidd riot. drop It when he pr youreel mail t1wir daughuir was, ktmi Ang com- off LaH-y. 6-�vfi;i4mod by4wild beaAs. r. Ing. and 1yhieh nothing to' making young poLl, nu)ntli charg*_.-I. with- fraullf i h'. von. dead dr P it."and.h.jo-th oin" d�es, I sup- devLte yourAelf _V wth ij, tile Maplo City.
N iaking n effort -U) lrtgve btirled anti de'seended. Into nothing. and -�> Zee c ra . I In at eomforited. Our gTestaft joy 11in
.4, t ''tb.,Lt titw. )tl.- Thf' 11rettV,iiij I)csej came anO tried to help aley w(mit home t lit-aven vrill be in bein$-, v-ith Ja
of ion , Ivil9b -the L&41Ijtn(* 0 g! aroFe rom -nothl Ind scellidod' 1hims PeoPle "OI)Py- w1wit '11'
M :4�,ntiflotl, if Is avd broukht _ -f SU
ng f-am"'.14P thL' Pur--;, lit -and -they bathed� the. lya:ck,paft of the DC)n't make the mistake of iniltat-
Ul, !Va.
ley to) AfM, To: -onto flltj��r Do X fl -f)., honjoJor Wrial. now. sittith at 1he. rjg!jt VS, U"ter. ti family warmwi tier airrii?wt If wv "** ally otilier wai to helken
th:- it L )Fill -the sineivp and . muscle y however, or the 11r..('owa�i. Nw returned too Chlittrini hut. 0TOkWh Jeow w ahel, low (Mr
04 heing 'ri-in mqrattI' with, hand.. heping Ing outlif
wism honorably teq!itttt,41, In, lr-' I wid affair hand Pf frcftn which
gir . akr havo nfothintr jo -4.10 would e
o; fa d g r. lax. " 1�ut no. Alls han Oa ve wi,pie erfee.t will Ix! spoiled.,
on'to PW ico LIG tA yoxterday, Ili -10P remPbuilbemd. traill&_e ci) n i e nothlIK I bejleve in and UAd Iwr lover all about tile let- w#'Y- NVV am QW'sv Tviam wh(M we left"
man. unto the sword." . Then they tried to Your litmrt nii)y be as young nit of aw-livat6 . We twnur4 faij
lthe.. holy agnostic and In ibe I.ope'n'. . the, flAgcirs ifnd"to' pull blek -4i -girl's. but our nian tr. 110 weat over to ope Mr& %dar- tilt, *R3 rm
anfler qv�nt in'. .9 w)n were tM'voilijig alone via. cointdunlon of not.hIng'ari'at'y'R,. and* In Ili our work for (k�yl it we liave Vrw
Gr at 'BrIVI, ih, hs '.tplw)iatVd i 11g;1 thf� E'drwnton rpute.. into'. tlji� PeAce, pul tier must have till. who promkwid too get t1w latVir ai 4r aa 6 r I t -F -r -nightfall. �vpnt olit .QvV6jraI tirnes. the, -forkiveness, the thubib.;, but nO sooner were they -tile ty Qi: ywtr .T"rs or you -from her olster. Tito laldy ott t he f tJ'- Pr-'YP 10 the kOY to uul L
Ju:�.,,n ' Pitunofol--� n -I Nlr,, 11 firY i Th# pulled''back'1han ' they closed .'again
e Amtrict, Lti: �ereli of Cald.-Pne
i%-surrectlon' of -.nothing,' anti. tn. the We will apf)ftr older toy try'ing to ap- Iteaven two,
'I rif at Tho ffi* t C unto., Ahe Aword.
M er gi 9
n L44- r mombig In %@Wm thaV nevef -shalt. be. Adien,� That I.- pear girlish.
140 N 191le, -,Irowm� the aftentiim I th�-t pa'ents ' tl�r jngt� tile and his'liand 'fave' eyelLue &I so. Fred Oowan went over
tx), Ilia faili t(*)k him" in, left But after awlifle. they were su�cesful, to it, _1- it read. Thinking that Um I R A CTIV.� of. 3IL-N Altlp-x'.i er th,�;y wi�-I+ ed- of tens o nds of peo-
lid' the ere f Ithousd It is a notk-e some 'Hartin vraft Uy -put off Iky boing tAil tht- doir wa.,4 he tent In wearch 04 some 8V4RIl gain#", plO In this daY., If -you -have a mind to and'thein they hotic,ed that the curve In r: mding -WI thelletter A trouhl "h %v tit Vi4A--Aqhnir:t1 I - will not, - "11' peopip -get old very quickly. 'Ind -tilt- shop clerk ixniftoep�'* %lid okiln"i. I a b4d 9 Ilelp
ard'.riever returikd distractf d- 4bpt imeh a -theory 'f * the "nd -co' W
t T)1f the iDalm rrespond" ex Shst
olip ,I)mrkijrrg t tho nwo-al. I t: w: 1,4. thyn. fa0er ".sit* ten -das itil.alolie- tn I)etl ve�ln dbd .1he rather Almighty actlY with tihe' cu*rye of the hilt. "IR; others %7ery slowly -take their thae Mrs. Ilarthi i4ammatim our di It will Uot
S iti ge ng her e ugllow-
Ariflagh m nitAral allo.1 ni t*tary- eX- tbtt tho'girl tti, about It; W U) oppak. w ho t"ok out ot then, by
ling, then starteill f6r -Ijolpall- -Maker.. of;-' heaven and earth anc,
prfrtd. othing out, '()f 6o it WArel - 116, . . -I hand clave unto -the swordt" It is very exasperating. too. whOn fUir till it- or lecti jiLp j&wba
ill i;.-ith. -t on the trati, w .. Jesus i.Vhflst,, . and *- in * "You -and.1 have seen ft many i time.. &lid rather hoay.v, so ti,-- rpi
*116 th 1wi lipp(moll iih;i, .-w ,ja< t.* 6y 1 if r" -Ing wo nicin
At"it inimigra.itil fronL 'holy- Cat church.. -and in the orfi- There are In the Ujilted Stittes to-dar you are agig at the rate of a year thp dim of
h6lie C , er W)IT1
r 1N.P(d lilm ten'da** lonWr In- Vie ministers. -of th a in tho bo to
w-areh, -but without suceesv.' muhlon of - saints-. - and', In the life many, aged e go pe to IL Mnth, t" see some one elw gvj- Mr. Martial, at anop wont' 4),wn tind W rrie were DOW vo)out
the K11; lartat f'r V. .1larnion, 1-;'n man (it TheY ng
They are too feeble -now"'lo preach., In -ing long le'surel. -seemingly it" laid a eh.trge of stonlittg galyieAt 141lepher4.
r. Stratlkkv., was then forec-d to everlasting.' Amiett." Oh, when -1 see r. 11,111141 wouid be ELMO
of to
Mayor f U-trolt, on their way to tbe. anrl film worko ithrxilt, town 'e church reciords the w6rcl 'standing young'ill SP Him.
Eleazar -takin,,r , slithi a stout., Svip. of th irits-wIth a face cori". Cowan. The C-aw wIll"come lip for be Jett by terro
for It n1JF1jt*'j. ()f yer-i in un,!vrtak "-' turh home' ero ille wint*�r.clowd 14n, 0 9 their naMeAs "emeritus;." or pondijigiy young anti fresh -looking- trial t09-porrow. e4 rt; which
Chri.mii.vi ortlkw#%it. This 1.,4 tile W
thiri Iraving his loA son behind Since then the a* rd - In the battle a 'ainit, sin opposite in
shops. 1114 first wite-,(fied ant'' and'for rigjvkeousn",s, -1 comV to the the- words are... "a minister. without. iew TheY %vore wtore
Inatalnovit irif, W,w switlems-nik `1X' -iotbing hnR been Iteni-d of lilm. nty or ev(1n rou An bopur
k lwbv of years ago. he was r4s charge." They *ere a hLiroic 'race.' *h
wh: rn-At ttg concluolorr that we o6ght to tak6 a thirty years go. Scottish Church Statistics. 0 y had -small" sala'rim- and The buf few
marr; I hwt gix years ag,), stomter grip of God's eternal tru.th e
In Notlee how these YOuthful-look-ing 'Pit(- yt-.Lrly wtu re be 16he 9TPftt
the sword of rigbteotinness. books. and they swam spring Sreshets rn of the Presby-
Tlw- ft .1-;# f i m1dide-age,,il p3ople manage. and flow. tertan ullun-hej of kicotI.10,1 81)()W %
NANCY 017ILTORD'S SUNTW40E. 0- r and I also to meet,.tbeir a�polntments. But they. w
s .1 l k . al 91enza's 6 they iqimd the greater part of their t4atLt-Wre are In (Vnneetk)n with t. tn &11 tIIAW "'w1tv not
notteb his did in! theilr day a mighty work for God.
HITR1 01 PONTON C9S11 jkpirlt - Of - self -forgetfulness. Thev took off more of he' heads of time, and in almost ev�ry case it UIP FAtOtablLshed Churrh, the 00 The U&Aer TheY
She Gets Off With 01 -Foe. and 16 Yea" fie. did not- notice that the hilt df the you could count w now tIle4r suftering. fore
q "Citing aUtions W 4r sword.,)vas eatin ' thi Philistine Ini ulty -than Ill be found that their every -day, ellurclUl" anil PM it 0 sorrow, lk"d tlwm
I It Pirlson. 9 rough the palm of 14 Ir goe 1 11 about 1,1ii--,U tubiLlivro. Tlie number tbl, I lid -ca it for It was
ijauieof. from'nooU to sundown. - You put, that their'home and t e ia
his bapd. He did. not -knw it' hurt re failth
i('bnn..,. re . port ;k t hirfi. As he went out. in -td the ronflit old minis.ber -of -the gospel now tnto a brigp them into constant contact of vommnk-atital id wt down at lie r ne"tio afilmneos "'iticb
K. k, ;rfol the 1.2.20 pj m. Dr. Nawy Iforli, Who The, Venue Changed'.. fon 'he was -so anxifts for the Victory h 611,80:1, lincluluz 10,00.-) rl,leiv. Wise 00unap, Mgott
A. ul e prayer meeting, or occasional pulp�t, or with young people and -their inter.
a siqk roozn where there is some one i9sts. I ,nw from tile back the
4 forgot himself and that, hilt might go aim- 1-;uII0L-,y mrjlol)jfj, -oleo U1
hag bm-n on - tral on a- ohnrqo afleg-
never so deWly'irfto the palm of his to be comfotted. and il'ti the same QIk1 wtth 21,174 r it tile
and 2219,:1.W indst VA W" Wits
I UM Ing mur(ler In tho wmAnd decree, awl Nap6hee o Toronto, ,Ifls rinir to. his vo'lce, anA' the same old About People. tearhera
whemp trial Ivis been or(lereil dim-, hand. It could not disturb im. Ille 11ICKjap for ill pur-A"s ru ip alit'
In all porwilmsWity hand, clave unto the sword,' 0, my story of pardon. and peace. and Christ. P-["% was I -lip Fre 0 ki tilling 01)
emthimA on account bf, the 111n4a (if'. The ManIu;-,4 ol tb4 Ilartlest the
xv e . : �sa Jong a ("Iturch of sectlanji I,.,N I 101elture lin n th
a ve , t- factry nianlifneVuri brothers and sisterk,let us go jito fbi an4. heaven. Ilia hand - haC b(m-t seventy mervants leg tj t ul*'. y @refore
d )uvlt
-Chrlitinn cohi'liot (IN or stat$onti nd 1,1CW, minbitters a
nalln," bolt*. w rowic etc. Il*f)r Christian conflict with.,the spirit of clutched the sword In .. Thv
OBJECT TO SECURE A FAIR TRIAL, pandents of a lilirlior vI iai� Nuell dolle.
he cannot dr9p it. hand clgve un- ljjId Illu" ant
time the Kirk-L-LttY 3kinijbirturikii �elf-abnegatlon- Who cares whethpr number 287.689 do,
ODII�Pdlny. of librarians nd ere aj. the W
Toronto., Ont., R011- the world pralVe ir denounces u,.q*! -to the sword." cliapl-tins. 1 9808 S6114-ty lip our t4rOL
e C e u, Wills
decislon- this worning' wit4i 17,320 teaeltero an,i IT,48:) n aud
been' in neAll-fpt :L fftC-tory,, What do w or intsreprege!nta- I -had In. thy parish In Pfilladelphla a (1311pe all
11I . the' applick on (.)It 1wh rsedution ry aged. man who In his early life' Sag`e 9PI-nds Ills evenlngt4 tn M IlairiltAMY ,,Ord.
ft- - rea trig. In The WOM89 lie res-ld-1 his
wpi ftoor ltx)k;rLg ro,jad, van�e* to alt' of tlti� tion, ot abuse,,,or pe In a ve al!holti-rs. The U)t.91 tncrqnp fronl;,l
t Crown for a changq of venue in the conflict.. like this? Let us Torget our- had been- the',coMpanlon'and adviser jride '.Q(jL6 Will 1 -AA tils"I or earth. Of
Thorx)!41. In. it day or VI) tlil-, I)),-bt- :i I n e %yMpa per, W)uft-M Is C666.400. 71le Unitomi pr(w- % I ,,ttt%;,ng in 110ATell,
vonton ca. iiv satir nat while lie selves. -ThAt mn who Is afraid of Of the early.*prealdents. )4adison and but alter buminess hours 1) t(Tian Chilrell b" r�a etwirr(va of I IWU
ter will I* fi94llY-.Nett1"1- Witisf 1;,�, f4hht -a. fa-ir - Jury cuald getting his hand hurt will never kili a He had wielded vast Inftu- lo renerally tmrDorg&j til j Iligfory. r4011111C US' rather'*
Xi 7=1 an.1 62211 oj-(%tnf-,j millistw4-R. 1,011. C. lk)m*
Philistine. - Who I only knew him'as a very U; havijur 1bfre ft" jq_� redeemed.
cares whether- you ones. bu ItAl'unk)[1
lie found -In Napnnee,.yet in view�'Of Va& a new tramAnVon- of
at pri- get'hurt'or not' If -you -get the.victory? aged maiih. The most remarkable thin' le for lier VV=rinlc , nt . In 114
the evidence put in of lintitr4an H�uul eit, " t o I* prolut-01
I t Oh, * how many Christians wis his ardor for Chrlist. tPat1wra nd 105,701 w-jo;vtm'"4
m&nteij ni-at.44o r#,fjijv t t4C th it tll*4; ocentring- at 06 last, trial and o he who' a there are about part; theriviv. " the %Ild&y wIxX-ft them- I are 12,000 u in PIRY Of
rnMs_-' . M:. re all' the time worrying abodt -When he `could -not'stand up Ili the %Imj. rjernhardt will el TherV Ilad le S"W'
n,t -t)f th-- -,iljl 111.00" , *V&Wn on tl,,e linrl, Of tt ould have
'tal inPom- in V198.314. I W1
L On' the way the �world tr*a-t.4 them. - They tWeetinga 'without proprpitilt, he would
leirrumfitanew geverally, 110 W" " tO
vi-riml tile. endX of. justice lid 1* Mr. nn,l Mm It it tako me_�,ur#,.s ti, pit play lif,mlet.
outrAgo% *iufferool by s tired, and- they are so abused., throW hip- arm arouvd a -pillar -of the 111nry M. ft-tilley An Old you. .. Ile Wt id It y .1,09 for
ant" pted, when Eleazar it ) lor"14"t, a 310W
in Ill tIr4rey a vountry pl.,(* near th<VW MIN Igo U P of
liavfq . X the.trlal and though'his mind was par-
ili!cmg the Cjwuea.-ius� fr,pntit-r. at Iwtt.0r4erveA) by. nd' they,are io te chuich. 111Lve adoprti&I a bnl)y'i,()y an(I bougl Whe�e. did not think whether he had a'hand. lailly grne, hip loze f6r Chri9t was Tit associated with 114111W any
tb han-W of lvtnllt�.. 11[ty.- so UX
As, t he- counsel r4olild ot ag ced on or an arm, or a foot. All he wanted great that all %er'eAn deep riespect and of 1* Gallienne, Grnt Allen aw OU.
If tile venue 4all challge( 1. was victory. lee of 00nitilolis <14' rodlilp, or
and werei'moved MY I-, ea
Un') rolound admiration. that the ehll ea illstall(we the parade lof IWO
port#,d t4i t1b, 1111. -x)r an. ul.,Il isms is mom
tIto hat] conslulted - with eight of his We see how 'men forget themselves vhen, he -spoke. 1 wa �alled to see have IA6nty of out-of-door life. (,uy Fawkes up tu
looking for a 1`10114, ne Is &W real
1all t)tjj one of them In worldly a blevement. We have of- him die. I entered the room. and he
thi.) Kurilm. an -I un-spenkabte atrovl�- brbtlter Judg", an( date tn tile Mllry in 14till lookedoll J~ ('111 Alt' 026ft of J Sam&
ifA eommitted hd-d rccommended Toronto.Re there- ten seen men who, In order to achl*ve said. "Mr. TalmRge, I cannot speak to Jugt,k)p Panibn 111lictifill. The vv IC ood OW
n - 11 - now." - He was In a very pleasant k1lowl0iL , bNS bV0%W"
foru"gritntiml a change of venue, ridly success.- will forget all physt- .,You New York, limt night guat%] under tho L 4 Vol a F00641411" *all lovet
.Next month a ilepq-tatiion of the al fatigue and all annoyance and Etill dellrjuli2. an hV Iniagined'he had an Ilia decision in the eoman of the Adww1k]
decided that the trlal shall -be field at M04101k .4ade ale, howrtk tlwtt We
Rra4iIvmrkpo),I of Locomotive Fitir-men, Totonto. obstacle. . Just after the battle of audlenej befoTe him. lie said: ."I must disellarV ttle 111dic%tMen Police offielat vtn it anti of L(womotive Engintiwrn will Yorkto*wn, In the American � revolu- tell these people to come to Christ and Mjirj B. AijAineux, ctar , 11g3inat yrem t110 Other week' through thf lit t-2 skjowtm Us 0
Mr ed
wait, on the man 'A womari appeared nt the opera in And then In this gMjilIg IW)jWM to with numen)Vveelinre ut)�Isr tile Hous
ager qf thp� G. T, tion, a In uni clam.; -.woundect, 'Was told prepare for heaven." f " . %of 00d
re_ he must have Mi' limbs arh'putated, Vleasant Aelfrium, both arms lifted. 11 (09mmone. W'6-.�Av,
R. at AnAl AA� f(W,jg liar, A*k*1i111ft&ft 1101,161way
#-HowWti the otht--r night with a dla- and they were about to fasten him t thin octogenarian preached Christ and whirill C*Uoed thp #if%,Iq
j&*jju4m-nt okf th., runn ng tim"go mond creiicent faRtent-d betweeu the 01
.4. a, '- 111 NANCY GtTILJ�OjtD. the surgeon's table -for it was lOng -told of the gloHes of the world to come. Adams. JuRttce Rio" -twooll %be
#Wning thf workinC hr#o3r an(I �boulder bladen amid momp fine lace. merViful. d1scovery'of an"s- There. tying -*kn his dying pillow, his the Indletio Ad -M repurt %voridi 4
miLght incrm.4e in waxt4- Thp dbe. before the ent pt alwayllt Germany la rely)rted to bo-unwUlIng t other A#' x1mv I nly envotirage. rivri"dil 00d -"'('Catoe
(4 the engtri,,er-4 lit vitarge -of .1 u ror Y. pkwlet I IMIlty to to prf)eetmi with tile Samoti.n. it ,iotla- hetics. He said: "No, don't fasten dying hand elave to his sword. 6 title empm*
r T CV -
Of tile tio, me t(r that tabde: get me a violin.' A 0h, if there ever was any one w a r
the engines at OF! recent efAil'41(310 &Z MalkWaugll r. Tho wn tance to untll thftactfoln of Admiral Kautz violin was brought to him, and he said: had it right tft -.-nearly f4hak" are wU) also bo broughtup. court vrao Awiounced at 2.40, -and bY' and- Unnmander. Sturdee hanbeen dio- "Now go to work an I begin to play. it to re *A of a
LIV 1"I'lueAl the engineerx were no It MM GuijL*,i wan-flueld $1 and am- was old Ttw Mgvistr 01" was" %W
Avowed by the BrItlah. atul American and , for , forty minutes. during I 11aris 1W
ALWful nartmi af Am"12 for �rllilcvi tbo
tattoo. tot Months