The Wingham Times, 1908-12-24, Page 1r
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'3 1.
i Y
C. O. F. Officers,
Bible Clnsr of/St Andrews Church ab
A. G. McNay, w , h
o so vigorely Hari,
the meeting.,of Court Maitland,
the manse on •Tuesday evening, when
refraehmentg ere served and a
ably led the party It the last Provinelsl
Though failed
Canadian Order of Forestors on Friday
soprano voonlis ; MacDonald,
election. a to carry the
I (oeO ��on
evening last, officers ars for 1909 were
social hour Toyed. Officers of the
"lass were ected as follows:-Presi•
The annual m tin of the North
T X. 1 11 T 11�,/
i �7 T� T LOCAL
i - _ . . �_._ __....__._,_.._. _.._ _ . .. • ., ..,.. a .,,�.,.__...�---,,..-.-....... .. _.__, , , _ �._
• `
ORDER YOUR, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wing- ,
Wishing ®� ham General Hospital a�queste as to The pupils of
High School on The season of the year that since CHRISTMAS
g y • CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers remind farmers and otht�e that Bona• Friday arternoou net very kindly the early days 1 the Christian Tyra
for Christmas at once, at the tions of fruit and vegetab as of all Inds remembered' Mr, Kerr, the genial has been marke with festivities in
and also fowl for use at t:'e hoepitnl wilI ,and faithful janitor, by presenting him commemoration � the nativity of
all a Chosen Friends fficers for 1909. be gladly received and gra tly appreoia- with $ handsome wash chain and the Saviour li th 3 gams season that
Wingham Greenhouses lnnket. from the earliest wort y as mankind Gi��s
ted. Donations left a any of the GIFTS Following aro thr ffiaors of the local The elosin in all parte of the world has been one
• FRANCIS STREET PHONE 101, Council of the Cnori n IEriends for the grocery stores will be de leered to the g of bh pnblio school for devoted to o and revelry, Christian -
Merry hospital, the Christmas ho' idaye marked the joy
ensuing year, S, Mitchell; S, C., P it adopted
' 1WI erry � r>dstma� � • severance o1 the rel ions of Mr. A. H. y the sea on and transformed
M. R. Beckwith; C•; J. Latronioa; Musgrove, M, P. P„ a principal of the its oharaoter. Bu it has always been
s Soo-Treas„ A. Ros Prelate, B, Raid; Call and see .the Heintzman & Co. school. Tha scholar o1 hie room had the wagon Of hop and joyfulness, the
and Municipal Elections Marshall, W D. Pringle; I, G„ T. pianos, D. BELL has some beauties for for some time ben preparing to season when the thering strength of FOR N
Auld U, G. F. H Roderne. Christmas trade, „ „ day ness and 1
, anrprise the mtiri g principal, and on Roo make" a torn for
We haven't eve thin the better, who the sun crosses the
ry g -but we have Monday when sono was called after ,
:Happy �1efN Year, ___ --- Drink Chrietie'e Tess. n few aloe articles, at S. GRAOEY's the noon hour, th y presented Mr, line, when scull" and warmth begin
1909 : Furniture Store. Musgrove with a ha dsome gold "headed to increase, the fi b promise of return -
cane, bearing the following inscription, Ing springtime. I is well for all man• are very often the hardest
Sale of�Timber. "Presented to A. H Musgrove, M. kind to have a re period of rejoicing,
Business C sage. �' else he urn Yorc�t his blessings aha thing to buy -or at least to
P„ from his schola s,' The presents• y g
Mies P. Powell h s sold the timber on Mr, Thos, Field, wh P has for many tion was made by Goldwin Hamilton, sink into continual _y deepening gloom. know what t0 get.
FOR MAYOR. the farm of the est 4e of the late John years been engaged in the butchering and Chas. McLean cead a well worded It is well for all, Christian and pagan
Powell, except hat on the south business announces in nother column address, in which Aas exproosed regret alike, to turn hia thoughts to the bright -
twenty -five acres, .o Messrs. Hartnell & that there will be a oh age in the buai• at the severance A their relations as er side; the Chriat4n to the new life of You should have no diffi-
Blntehford, of Ex ,ter. The price paid nee" after January is Mersra. Wm. teacher and pupilf ; the importance of hope that broke ►ver the world with
�1 J was $1,800. We anderetand the pur• Field and $, F. Hioka who have been the work of the to cher in bettering in that first Chriatmai day on the Hills o1 cult in matin a selection
To the Electors of ngham : chasers will put u a portable mill and able assistants in the etness for some mind and morals a boys and girie;gthC Judea twenty ce iturles ago, and to y
commence work A once in converting time are being taken in as partners and assurance that th time spent under hie determine to folio . the more faithfully in our Store, If you Will
T the timber into lu aber, the firm will be know as Thom. Fieid tuition would m ke for their success; the true spirit o the new light, The call we will be pleased to
Lr. J yenned & Co. The Tintas wis es the new firm and their abidin wish that he might poor pagan, at ho a or abroad, stands Show you what We have and
• J. y every success. have a long, seial and honorable even more in ne13 oL au annual remind -
Christmas Globs now on Bale at the career in the pub io service. or that happine and joy are part of . perhaps be able to give you
Walton McKibbon,BIG BOOB STORE, man's inheritane , that even for him all
solicits your vote and influence A good watch Is a wise counsellor Mr. Mnagroe in reply expressed is not grief and loom, = a hint as to what would be
for the office of and a life-long friend, W. G. PATTER- gratitude at the indly remembrance of
A. O, F Officers. SON keeps them, him and gave hi pupils a few words of So let the C�rimtmna spirit prevail slice. Say a
THE DRUGGIST Give the boys and i advice, reaentt and with it chart sympathy, p g oroh with a hand- y and sym nth and
Following are he office -bearers in girls our excellent some autograph and as a memento. most to those w io need it Most. The
Macdonald Block, Wingham, MAYOR for 1909. Court Heron, A. i f, F., for the omm�ing shoos for Christmas. Nothing more world rejoices- et us help all we can to
sensible. W. J. GRELE. Mr, Musgrove as further honored on j
team: -P, C. R., 3eber Thornton; C. rejoice with it. Lounging Robe - 1
Tuesday, when t e present tesohere of
R„ Wm. Monk; S C, R., Jas. Robert• the school to ethe with Mims Matheson, The suffering bereaved, the weary,
eon; S. W•, W. D,ubledee: J. W., W. Sons of Scotlan,' Officers. a former member f the staffhopeless worker , downcast, dishearten- House Coat
Collins; S. B. W Weams; J. B., H, ff ,joined in P
At the regular me +tin expressing their q d wishes for him in ed; the criminal and outcast, the wrecks Smoking Jacket
FOR REEVE. Finlay; Sao. R= A. Cruickshank; g g of Camp of humanity,
Treas., A. J. h0obP11; Trustees, J, Caledonia, Sone of So itland, hold on
his future career, and presenting him 7, b y and eons -how oda
Monde evening, office 'a for 1909 were with a handsome snit ogee. the world rejoic when it o e n t se Fancy Vest
Hamilton, B. Pp�tsr, E. Nash; Medical Y these? Only be anee that for oven these i
Officer, Dr. Redmond, elected as follows:-Pa:t Chief, D. E. Gloves
1 McDonald; Chlef, Janes Henderson; there ie hopeout he for all who will face
®� To •the Electors of Wingham : I Skating Shoes, life with a stent heart and a glean con• Gauntlets
Chiefttan, Robt, Carr e, jr,; Chap., To enjoy science, s bleeee t, God -implanted ho
Highest price paid for hides and poul• Alex. Campbell; Rea. - o., Geo. Spot. j Y skating one must have the that is driven gut b Pe Neck Scarfs
Your vote and influen is solicited try at T. Fella' butcher shop• ton; Fin.�Seo,. H. B. Elliott; Treas., correct boot. We have the proper nkat- y weakness and
for Wm, Holmes; Physicia , Dr. Agnew; ing shoes in both ladies and gents. crime,
Marshal James Fo er • Standard Skates put on free of charge. So at this Chri turas let us remember Neckties
St. Paul's Church Christmas Day. Bearer. Arch. Cam. b 11; S. Guard W. J. GREEK, that he who lie r aright lives the life
P y Handkerchiefs
Dr. A • • Irwin There will be se�ioo in St. Paul's Fred Hardie; J. Gna d, Geo. Ross; of Tie Pins
Have you a friend to Christmas morning as follows: -Holy Auditors, D M, GQFdon and Alex. Rose; Chrlotmna numbers of all the leading _ ,
F i
give a nice gift t0 this Coinninui:in tit 8.3 Morning prayer Trustees, Wm. Nichol n, Alex. Rose magazines on sale now at the BIG Boor,
for MUNICIP L MELANGE. Cuff Buttons
with sermon anal iI Ily Communion at and D. E. McDonald; Pipers, D. E. STORE. -_
Christmas? If so it will 10.30. Special Chrir,tmas music is being McDonald and Goo. R ss; Representa. The municip 1 pulse in Wingham Fancy Hose
pay you to see our line REEVE for 1999. prHparaa. The Holo uta are Mie® Estelle five to Grand Camp David Currie; can hardly be .aid to be normal, As
Griffin and .far. W. a. Willie. All will Alternate, D. E. MoD o ald. CHURJHOTES. nomination day draws near, there are Fancy Shirts
of suitable gifts. We be cordiaily welcoalo. The Christmas - rumors of probable new candidates for
The Piesb
music will ho re ea od on the following VeChurch of St. Coat SweZti%1`5
have a big, , assortment P g the offices from the mayoralty down.
g Sunda Business Announceme t. Helens have erd a call to Rev. Plain Sweaters
To the Electors of Win am : Y. Mr. Mover, otTo. Theord[nation Some have uncaused themeelvee
and are sure to please Having taken into p tnnfship Wm.
and inrinetion ikes dofinitoly, and t it garde appear in this
Field and H. F. Hicks, �ne firm of Thos. y take place a
you• WANTED, -A good general servant Field will, after Januar t. be known on the 6th of Jcpaper. Fxom pr sant indications there Etc., etc.
LADIES AND GE SEN, --Having girl, Apply at TIMES 011100. � may be a three• orhered fight for the
Suitable gifts for every- decided to offer mysel as a candidate _. _ _-__-� as the firm of Thos. Field& Co. The pastor ofMethodist Church mayoralty, with Councillor Bell, S.
one. See our window for Reeve forthea909,Ibeg to Hos. FIELD. will preach nextay, upon subjects Bonnett or Counc for Gregory and Dr, solicit your votes securemyelection, Will Not Serenade. uP spe:oi::l. interab 11 a. m., 1"The Kennedy iu the old. For the reeve• Come iri and seePh;�t
for suggestions -a call It elected, I will do my best to advance , , i foible manifestof the porPeotion chiOwing to a anmtcar of the members of If Yon.hava a tea:^,h or alook that ip p, so far ne is h o�vn at present, the We have.
solicited. the towns interests, both in the Town the Citizsac' Band wiahiaaY to spend the sick, brim+ it to PATTERSON'S. Ha will Ci 13ae'uty•7 pTho ra i-+ i lie was; fight will be betwee Dr, lrwiu a as Dand County Connofls. Wishing yon all make it tick. _he mass he is; tn ho might. have McDonald. There vill no doubt be a "
the compliments of the season. holidaya out of town, the band will not boon." Come n spend your last Sun- number of new as irants for seats at
Tues -
serenade no usual his ye%r on Christ- Our Mens Slipper Display attracts the day evening's o vias in the old year, the conueil board a tl until after Tnos-
I remain yours sincerely mas day. Their oxpencea have been attention of the ladies who are looking WPh us. da evenln
heavy during the pavb yoar, however, >°c: something for "him" for Christmas, y g -the Stu for qualifying
j and any donation which the citizens W. J. GREER. By Eizter, 190 the Church of En for offioo-ver itt•lo of a definite
W L L E Y S ' D. E. McD®NAI,Ia may wh1 to coCcributo toward the land in CamAfi dill be sinning from chavacter ban be a certedned. It would Robt " xwedi
maintenance of th a worthy institution a neva hymn boy k, The labors o1 the be well, however, or the ratepayers to
DRUG STORE. will be;;ratefully iceivcd by the seore- Annual Sc ttish Concert. committee, whit k worked so faithfully reserve their promiiau ufitil it is known
tory, Bos 403, Wuoham, The annual So tish concert to be held
and to such god pnrpoes have been for certain who wis o,^,most the different
FOR THE COUNCIL. on Friday ovenin „January 8th under concluded, and t o Oxford presses are offices. In Tarnbe ry, it is said that Tailor and Furnisher
the auspices of C top Caledonia, Sone of note base on bh it part of the work. Mr. W H. Crnioks auk, a former reeve,
......., "a;.:.:.,.JJ ;1 1 i!M It had been hop d thctthebook would will be in the runni g for 1909. Quiet-
OVERSIIOES-We SaV3 you money; Scotland, promis a to be one of the best - For Men Who Carlo. '
they nave your health. Bay here. ever held in Wi ham. The talent en• havo been read by Christmas, but noes seeing to preva in Cnlxoes, and as
To the Electors of Ingham : Suitable Xmas gifts. W. J. GR?iER, staged is the ver bent and ie as follows; this won Sound mpoesiblo, far ag is known, al the present mem-
��l r� 1 Rev. D. and ra. Perrie entertained hers will sees; re of tion. Nomination,
t■ Harold Jarvis, el well-known n S*� ttiah the memberu b2 the Young Peo le's Monday next, Dao, 8th.
Let it be so. May peace and
good will prevail. For one sea -
sou at least let all strife end,
Ring On Ye Bells
Ring on merrily. Let's all be
A full line of Son oras and Navels of
very best quality, from, per dozen
20c to 60c.
Nothing nicer- NICER STILL if you
got the right kind. Two qualities.
13c and 20o per lb. i
See our Candles. Heaps of them -
The re's pies: and choice. Our pop-
ulnr price 10o and 15e per lb.
Wove got them -cooking, natural
Pulled, large pressed, small pressed,
R1,90 glove boxes,
Layer Raisins
Grapes Dates
Raisins and Currants of the verry
higheat quality. If you haven t
bought yet, come and see thom.
If yon want a bargain in Chinawaro
this is the store to tomo to, we've
Every bit of China at
Lowest Prices.
J. Henry0hrist e
Your vete and fuence respectfully
III solicited fo re-election of
C. O. F. Officers,
enor, w o s a ways a , l a in
Wingham; Mi Jean Robb, sin ato of
Bible Clnsr of/St Andrews Church ab
A. G. McNay, w , h
o so vigorely Hari,
the meeting.,of Court Maitland,
Glasgow, Scot and, , elocutionist and
the manse on •Tuesday evening, when
refraehmentg ere served and a
ably led the party It the last Provinelsl
Though failed
Canadian Order of Forestors on Friday
soprano voonlis ; MacDonald,
election. a to carry the
I (oeO ��on
evening last, officers ars for 1909 were
Scottish humor ns vocalist. Mr, Mac•
Donald line a tw engagement
social hour Toyed. Officers of the
"lass were ected as follows:-Presi•
The annual m tin of the North
counts he im ra sed the sole wide
the fact that he is n honest and capable
eleut6'� ae follotJs -C. It., H. Thorn•
weeks' at
Huron Liberals soeiation was held
ton; V. C. R„ Jae. Hamilton; Fin,•Srn.
H. B. Elliott; Ren -Seo„ S. A. Maguire;
Scottish coneer s in the United States;
Piper McDona d and the Misses Mo-
dent, W. J. eDonald; vice-president,
John F. Liu Inter; seoretary-treasurer,
in the Town Hall, .Wingham, on Thurs-
man, who is well ted to do justice to }
the traditions oft great leadors and
Por a second year as
Trans,, W. J. h1 i1; Chap., Jam. H.
Donald in pip music and Highland
Jas. McGillivray; organist, Miss S.
Far Misses
day last, with tie President, Jamas
Young, presiding. While the meeting
i�hLiberalism. cd
Mitchell; S. W., :as. Mild; J. W., H.
dancing. Mie, E. Estella Griffin oY
q uhareon mucin committee,
was not ar largely attended as it should
1oI, confidentOthl
T. Campbell; S. Root. Oalvert; J,
B., F. H, Rode ne; anditor, Elmer
town will be th , accom
accompanist. The ad
mission will be Mo., 36o, and 50o , and
I Wilson aid M Pander,
, MCssrs. R.
A. Currie an H. Mutton; ushers, R.
baro been, war s good meeting, and
distant when the a�&3rs of this Province
will again be con- iYoted`'by the great
Moore; Trnetaes M. Gordon, J. W.
Plan o, hall w 11 open at McKibben s
hlcBnrna Liuklator, H, Parker,
showed that Liber %lism in this part of
Huron County i i not dead. The re -
Liberal party, wit Eon. `.. G. MoRay
Orr and F. H. Ro crus.
drug store at 2 o'clock on Saturday
afternoon, Jun isry 2nd, Secure your
F. Homuth.
port from J. A Morton, Treasurer,
as Premier. i
Short addresses were mace by Dr. -
To the Electors of Ingham :
RA�v Furs. -We want all hinds of
tickets early.
Private colo of honaeholfY fnruitnro
showed a Enna ba anee in the Asgooia•
lion's d aarn D'
Macdonald and Ax h, Hislop, ftt,, whack
they urged the Li erals to .4in#r'in
raw furs, for which we will pay highest
consisting of parlor, bo4room, dining-
The annual ole _tion of officers result*
the good work an at the of ltt i;tcy=%ion
I respectfully oli i
9 your vote and
influence for
cash prices. GEo. E. KING.
Finest stook of violins ever shown in
Winitbnm. Just arrived from Germany
room and kitchen ar tura, Articles
be Patrick
ed ae follows:-F`seoident, James Young,
Auburn; leo Visa President, Wm, Ir•
the good old oo ty of Hvroa wo.A4. •.•
Con fllor. If elected I
Some nice thin a in Parlor tables,
may seen wt resid e, corner
mako a better s owing for Liberalism.
promise to serve�onr interest to theg
musiccabinets, arlor ch rocking
at mnoio emporium.
and Edward streets, any day up to
bieter, Morris; 21 d Vica President, John
best of my ability.
bs rs, or Christmas gifts S
Don't forget baby's feet in selecting
Dec. 31st. Miss BALL,
Styles, Kintail; 3rd Vice President,
GRACEY's Eurniture Store. Speoial
your Christmna Shoes, We have some
Sheldon Bricker,.Fordwieh; Treasurer,
Special pricer in furniture 'for the
Yours respectfully,
reduced rinse for Dash.
handsome styles. W. J. GREER.
Y. roll. C. A.
J. A, Horton, W ngham; Secretary, H.
B, h1liott, Wing; ism.
balance of this month at WALriCk:',?
furniouro ■torn
Pauline Joilison Coming.
Written E aminations.
The County Cc nmittee of the Young
Men's Christian Amiociation of Huron
Chairmen fort ie different municipal -
ities of the ridi❑ were elected am fol -
Miss Paulind Johnson, the great
The following the result of the
County, held th•,ir quarterly meeting
lows: -Ashfield Char. Stownrt, Kin.
The Leading Shoe Store.
Mohawk enterta oar will appear in
usual weekly rittI examinations
in the rooms of the Y, AI, C, A. in
tail; Went Waw nosh -John McNabb,
Wingham opera . touse on New Year's
hwld in the fourth class of the ah�m
Olinton, Taesdai evening, Deo, 15th,
Meeera. Blair, Callum, Scott, Hill,
Dungannon; Enos Wawanosh-B. H.
Taylor, BHlgrava Borrie -Geo. Taylcr,
;, •
To the Electors of Wingham :
evening, January et, under the auspices
of the Qitizena' B d. Mien Jobneoa ie
Poblic School do ng the pwit sic weeks
�iLihjP,nta: arith alio, grammar, free"•
Ontlenr and Finn ing being present.
Balgrare; Howl)k-John HeunebHrg,
an excellent enterbbainer and delighted
raphe, oompoeiti
n, literature, rending.
lin;r. Maximum,
The Treasurer report showed that
;186 58 had baa received since Sept.
rordwich; Tnr_-:berry -Alex; Kelly,
Wingham; �9irgham-Rich. Clegg;
r l
Having been requested b�' a number
a Wingham nudianoe a few years ago.
She will be aeeie�ad by Mr. l[oRny, a
writing and ep
to pas■. 390; hon
re, 480 Thom. Holmes
16th which, ad d to the balance on
tim totaled 10• Of
Blyth-Gao. Powell; Wroxoter-John
of ratepayers, and foehng that it is m y
good Comedian, _he band boys ehoald
6113. Otioidn Ir
56ti. Lila Rowman
hand at that $745
duty to take a share bf the work in
have a fall house r o this good entertain.
609 EFmn Arron r 500, Jean VanNorman
this sum $642 2 had been paid out,
The following r molutions were unani•
looking after the affair of the town, I
ment, The price of r-dmisnion is 950.
484, Goldwin 472, Margaret
leaving a balan'e in the treasury of
monely carried:-
have decided to by In tho field for the
position oP Co 0 or for 1909, I
with reserved neat at 3bo. Plea of hall
will open at McKibben's drug etoro on
Paterson 4f>8, 3aorga Cruikshank 467.
Arthnr Wilson 464. Lizzie St"rdv 462,
The matter n Incorporation of the
Moved by Wm. Isbieter, seconded by
W, H. Frauer, th in the opinion of. bine
have not the Li ,nor do I think it
Saturday of this eek.
Ruby RobArtsor 432. Maggie Rnid 427,
Con Commit eo war deferred, tits
convention Dr. P Macdonald should be
proper, to make a personal canvas, feel.
Basil Blackhall 123, Leonard Brock 422,
the Annual Cc vention to be hold in
appointed as Sen for to All the preeaut
Ing that the electors know well enough
for whom they will
Mary Currie 42; Norman Butcher 422,
Wingham, on t e 8th and 9th of Feb
vacancy in the 6'Senate from Ontario,
vote, without being
asked, And if I am one you select I
We have made an immense contract
with Santa Olaus for all kinds of Chrieo•
Frances BePmer-400, Eva Linklater 39H,
Annie Macdona d 393, Vernon Ssott 383,
Air. L C Flo ing, County Secretary,
and that a comnA $teo conmieting of R
Clegg, James Yo ng and John T, Currie
will take it as all the greater oomph•
mac slippers. W. J. GREEK.
Fred Manuel 37 Frank Galhrnith 378,
reported that fi o places had been or
be appointed to raft a letter and for.
Ment to me. I would appreciate the
honor of election, and will do my best to
Get your copy of the Christmas Globe
Gordon MoLean
Roy Kinsman 3
377, Lloyd Hewer 576,
2, Ernest Diamond 358,
ganized since S pt. 15th, viz., Wing•
ham, Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, and
ward to Sir Wil i!l Laurier, urging the
g S
recognition du to Dr. Macdonald for
prove worthy of your oonfidanoe, work-
at the BIG Boor STORE. Prins 603 in
tubes ready for mailing.
Mabel Ienrd 357
Annie Lloyd 343, Rota
.Blyth, with a tc tel membership at pro-
130 A Bo 'm De•
est services to a arty eIDd urging his
P P g g
• i. •
at what I
ingthe all
verym best es rin erects of consider
the good
An elegant lino of for the
Allen o353, Ohm
Howson Johnsent
es McLean 338, Harold
of yo g men.
partment had b"n organized at Wing•
appo am easter.
Town of Wingham and its people.
Christmas trade at WALKER'S furniture
Drummond 32
Gaorae. SChafAr 318,
ham also, and X11 things considered,
yed by
ldoved by J n T. Currie seconded
b W H. Fray r, that we, the Liberals
After you have beau all Cv(r t
Wishing you all the Dom limente of
the season, P
Hazel Elliott 31
Frank McLaan'303,
Harold Honsoliff8 305,
Marion Allen 294,
"he work accomplished, up-to-date,
and the prospe�e for the future were
of the riding o North Huron, in annual
and � at a thousand ttne
articles, you'll undoubtedly deold
Yonrs respectfully,
Electric ght Franchise.
Stalls MCMandns
282, Edna Jenkina
nits enaonrn i He re
q B W. ported that
meeting asse led wish to express our
+ p
gratification a the success of the Libor.
++ „
siva Him
While at Rain River in New Ontario
272, Luella McOnol 272, Agnes Walker
261' Della ]tiller 223, Georgie Forbes
there were now in the county, 12 cor•
responding momsers, and that 21 young
al party in Or ober Tart, and hereby oz•
tend to Sir frid Laurier his
aomo little time go, Bir, W. H. Green
of town, aeon d the electric light
120, Edith Sha k l 1, borne Atnhemon
men had been f.,llorred by letters, and
and col-
leaaun our sarty congratulations on
Our line of 1S45ti'i► �y i is
franchise lies th t town, and has minae
189, Jennie bnpletou 189, Brownie
Swarts 179, bel Swarts 177, Olive
looked after the places to which
• +
they had gone, b • Y. M. C. A. officials;
the victory w n in the interastm`,of the
fiuest anertmeut "v cissa fwd
where, as a o4m t1Se aaaoet reasoi a
The tongs of Mise Jean Robb were
in the
formed a par erahi with lir, S,
Angus 170, Oli a Knox 107.
and some of thIghad become mem•
so le of Can a.
in price.
all rendered most delightfnl
Bennett, of tow , and the plant will be
bers of the Aunon in the placae to
lfoved by A, lCorton, .seconded by
Sl-ppers In, 'Wail *ad WAok X
manner, and the audience freely Dom•
ran under the n me of the Rainy River
- r
which Choy had no.
Wm. Robinso , that we, the Liters''
htor, W,vet �bolK%d, 0
mented on the fact that this well-known
Water, Light nd Power Co, Rainy
Call at S. GRACEY'S Furniture Store
The financial get for the year 1909
North Huron, at war annual m
1•e, Nullifiers, AtJmr* N, etw, oa
artist had surpassed herself, Her read.
River is one of the growing towns of
and take a look through and sae if you
war estimated a800,
take this ep rtunity of thanking-__
. Slipp4trs al i6p i� >,uT,
inga were also of a humorous nature,
New Ontario a now has a population
can find something suitable for Christ.
The CommitIs arranging an ex.
Liberal Candi to, John 2. Currie, who,
We are sho*iux
and were given in the winning style
has her
of 1700. The work of installing the
mas or New Year's gifts. A nice line of
collont rogramr the Convention in
though defer d in the last election
lAdies' Slippers,'
that made so popular with the
plant will be torted in a few weeks
now and up-to-dae oval frames for
Wiugham on nary 8th and 9th,
made an excel ant fight in the cause of
pnblio,-London Advertlaer, At Scot-
tish concert, opera house, Wingham, on
and when nom leted Mr, Walter Rome,
of Teeswater, vrill take charge as
pieturaa, Speoial discount for oseh
until New Year's on all lines of farm-
and okra lookinorward to a largely
attended, andt suocemaNI conven•
Liberalism good Government. Ws
desire to ex d our oonpatulations to
1Friday avcuing, January 8th,
tare, frames, etc.
lion in every ret.
our honored acid trutttN Lwtdfra Son.
41 +�