HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-04-07, Page 3: . FI - I r 1C 0 I 0 Bill' T H PLC 1V0H0WNT0HhNG, NEWS Found Guilty of tk Murder of Toohey, A WAY VANOAMAM&W p Mp p p ------ lab Tht. 11PW I gik'r*'* let' I*rk 314 t rev I r t I DAY OF DOOM WILL BE MAY Re (In 1110 a", I(Xt. 7b e 1krit, IA)ndoli lialf a Lath %1%co'n the 'Nkile if, so 34Z"9:,iL= : to" tillk* au'l . L Igh. L were yet to be, TI)k* C'Knard Cow1muly tins 11"nounced exaralned in tho trial Cd Marton Bro,%-u ,wmaft�t PrOlits (A 920.97--l. wtwu '9110 CMrt adjourned thin even- UIL &_ 11 ti%" • CHRIST'S LAST HOUR OF SUFFERING tic Sitteth, J.- Whb Wafting and • Rev. Dr. Talmage Findf- Lessons of Comfort in 6 Sad Scene Waiching i6i - Jacobs Od —Heaven's Brightest Crowns Shall Adorn the Bro%,s To Curt Vour of Those Who Bear Life's Burdens. Rheumatism. Washil4ton, Aoril 2.—From the and rapid changes in your family re - pathetic scene of Christ's last hour of cord. You got the house and rejoiced r""Jlm Uirwho,W)dOw of tho W.L.11- wor 1 1^9 19, & in it, out the charm was gone as soon k ta 00f tracing the movements of One of I the most &C-tive,, factorg iu the F*avena. The famUy crests of the suffering Dr. Talinage in this sermon as the crape hung on the doorbell. Ilie no"'n Ph""4hrWlik is critically ill. the p.cC-ft. who was the last ihau the prevailing go-isip In Rome ttx)ut l)L*,cL* Pope IA3o's cwn"ieom, h , raw. I*e M,t,,,., KUjt&ry Wanda, case as I S lesson3 of comfort for people In one upon whom you most depended -.BLVII-With Toohey. Tile, niogt startling tItW distbigaiBliffig nwzL trouble. Text: John xix., 30: "When waq taken away from you. A cold hU bebu "tftd by =utml apole,41" imw-nt of thaday happened just tx- "or 'to Pope Ie.0 iq­a series marble slab lies on your heart to -day. Thfvo of ptopheet8s 'ctincerning omupantsof END OF THE PXPAL WINE. Jesus therefore had received the vine- Once, as the children romped through 1* * t'Ult of- &n elft-tric railway for" thc 110011 ad,,ournment, whell a gar." 0 P0110ELY WHO116 Giffso THE MILiT11 REPORT OUT* U30 b"w"vl Y�ung tuan In the a- tidlence ' takell the chair of- St. Peter made by an Ir- Only ten more Popeo will follow Leo the house. you put your hand over your W00dotock . aW I%vr- was SOL with all epileptic fit. XIII.. according to St. Malachy, and The brigands of Jerusalem had done achlng head and said. "Oh, If I could 11alf a dozen witna%,�a to Ish - moult, _. St. 34a)aohy', more thau for these ho has set forth these titles: their work It was almost sundown, only have it still!" Oh, It is too still TN' rt-JArts of t he Id of sovitig '., k, v t, and Jesus was dying, Persons In crucl w! You lost your patience when the It- hunt1red, yearm ago. St. - no ' Of tI10'FnMw al4)rWe1lLltg twir- T06hey Ili I)umultt '01 a pealegged I MIL I- Ig -nits ArdPns"-Jkrdeilt Fire. fixion often lingered on from day to tops and th* strings and the shells were Virginia Fair Will be NO Some 11emarks by the M&I'lir- ror of Austris arp tmnq), lvho r*�Wmblt�d , Itell Rellglo, Depopulata--Religi011 day. crying, begging, cursing, but the prij"wr. y's remarkable guccoss, - in prot. left amid floor. but, oh, you would be Wilkini3ont, -of the Guelph Field dicting the line of pnpal succession in Crter'M'Ilat0d. 'Christ- had been exhausted by years of willing to have the trinkets scattered Dowerless BHde. gmater porti,>11 j�f tll� S. *' FI(im Intropitia"-Intrepid Faith. General Commanding. e, Y Ukon ttry, sw-OrO tlla.t he wftS Oil tile the ,6ast leads many pf�opl(! 'V) th'ink * � - maltreatment. Pillowless, poorly"�fed, all dver the floor again if they were rorep Will I*- 'Witbalra'.ylk 'a 4. "Pastor Angel lcus"-Th o Angelic flogged, as bent over and tied tq­,a A Defle w -hen tile doctor turw d over I f lis predictions Will be again fulfill- Pastor. scattered by the same hands. There have been so many misstate- tue h0cly of th" 'eman. and that lo%v Post his bare back was inflamed With what a rutb)e" plowsbare be I polle r- 4ents due to yiurnulistic fliglith of of"Wheat tins TWheY'S revolver wa,�i still clutched ed on the (loath -of the pre�wut 11upe. I'mtor et Nauta" -Tho Pastor with the scourges intersticed with eavement rips up the heart! But Jesus CHANGES THAT HE SUGGESTS. *llt frOlu Hritistl Culiutntiia to in-hlB 11AIld. Another witness Swore Aceording to the Irl -Ji minttho next and Sailor. - . ideces of lead anQ oone, and now for knows all about that. You cannot tell imagination, in regard V) the wed - wearer of the thira will b3 a *dmau 6. - F]or Florum"-The Flower of whole hours the weight of his body Him anything new An regard v(st(*. k. that ..the revol4,r was IyLl C on t1110 ding gifts being bestowwl on Mim The re"t of the MmWbOw *( MUUAS Of' ttre." hung on delicate tendons, and, accord- bereavement. lie had only a few The Brif .91"Ound and] �not Flo-weric to Virginia Fair, Wat it is ab well. 19!, . iif the rx)lleeniall'a are fwveral caltonical decrees ae'*-From the Ing to custom, a- violent, stroke under when he lost - one It ilig tf revViluf, for tho Y,,:tr vrd- ]Land There , 7. Dis Medletate Lull. friends, and perhaps. to say exactly what that aAjd Ddeuce was presembed by 1b - Dw- >-4U_T w-19 017.87-7,35.-t. �riiv 4i(,fi- prohibiting eloctioneering for, the M i t it;t of the Moon. the armpits had been given by the ex- brought tegrs to His eyes. Lazarus favored young LWOMan iq receiving !den ttJa &fterman. TbeDftnW Khob- eit id EL.-,o0,00o. N-tective Nickle told of finding Ow t1.1r-n during the lifetime of'a Popp.' Do Labore Solis"-Frotn t1le ecutloner. Dizzy, nauseated, feverish. had often entertained Him at his honis. from her many wealthy friends. It is Vr. Willia ' IC� if t lie i ter, W his r%xwt, dated 90 MAWM, 01 HIScOtt lla�4 bmi sip- I rx)llwnian, and Ili it long But. like the- an0ent customi of Den- FAAIpse, of the $un. a -world of agony Is compressed in, the Now Lazarus Is dead and buried, and doubtful if a royal fiancee h" ever ; Poinva `tfthdn1a8k,r t4 the 7th Fumll- ' k%m ",Mani i tut,11(n i 'wi.14 that' several ruark vkhey are more. hono'red in the two words, "I thirst!" Oh, skiao, of Chdit breaks down with emotion the recelv6d more beautiful JeweW than statAm that 30,(Xq O&W 4 the Omar -9. "Gloria 011vae"-The Glory Of Judea. let a drop of rain strike on his convulsion, of grief shuddering throuxb have already -been se-lat to 'i'm at,t1QW*". arr*wti had been made. aud Ile. had bri..,acii than in thoobboarvance. . So tile Olivo. - - I thip for- tnuJimlent, auttumized W be aWL08100- Ma4v w-veral journeys to v burning tongue! Oh, world, with roll- all the ages of bertavement. - Christ tatiate Atnerican girl, who, on Tufw- turtil, 4re iwiw bettig ruMved is*D y of 10. " Petrus' Roma nus" -Peter of Ing rivers and sparkling lakes . and -,uit agailist tile Do- 1)(VOK Ntrt none had answered the do- the date t)f bfflelfti S-ummous to the. knows whai it is to go through the day next,.wtil wed Mr. W. K. Vander - W. eTint before there is'any certeiint -e Jesus sorne- house missing a famil.lar inmate. Christ bilt, Jult. Anr*w, &aid ovxv -3AW 4� Laspeoftil imisok,d ye-ttertlay Wription. ttf the. fimn wantcd. conclavo, the spaculation an to Itp . -1 Ra nk- was ItOrne. Apraylng fountqins, gh* wid re*Ay tar =iv wben aaebw4wd- During the laat poroecution of the thinic to drink! If thvre be any pity In knows what It Is to see an unoccupied From her future hustan(i Miss Fair Ntaxty a infli i of b@Z ~Wtogm At the 0�haqlrg Ax,.;izes. Witnew-es from Uara6)c and Strat powiwe (!h0k!f' --go(W oIJ4 A few Tho C church, Pett;r. 1I.. a Itomall, shall earth or heaTen or hell, let it now be place at' the table. Were there not four Zar has' weeks *go, P,)p,,- Loo. speitking to a has received- a wuperb pendant. NO tA) tlA� Blqt! .11 ri,y atid they -.�a 1�c Iegge4 tranip y ( 4, 'n." says St. Malachy. , Ile,-pill1ill denionstrated In behalf of this r t '*3 cAlUmm. have bmn aw6walaeWw- n� aleir letter (if itianks ror the irt ihe vicin4t I reig OY&I of them -Mary find Martha and Christ with a pear-shape(* Iwarl *and it ruby, ti 10m *3.611 tl�e foreign btshop. who wam visitlag him, fe&f the floek in matty tribulatimix, Sufrcirer. and Lazarus! ed durk-ig the yeac, &ad IxL the eb*L gjYf'n t4) )tLq re.,rrivt &.iv.nftA,r the mirder. - I dKid : I Four of them. 13"t to be attached W'11. long utring of faAy%KN7 aboul 10,000 pre1ppoh" e a. -, I t�vvn., at the -end of which the city of Sevell The wealthy women of Jerusalem I where.ls Lazarus? Lonely wnd afflicted kuLl 0,410 DWI" t will swittt 1% W, .-I am very old,.Tefy far advanced s (A - destroyed anti tile used to have a fund of money with - eyes filled with evenly matehed pearls, which latter I &IOD beo,, m&#mf&c%Gl*d for Ito 10. 12 1 Yovmimon *4%i%4Jy.it%-n�tfkxI tl * In year.4. Yet, 'I 'require at lea' HIM 01ne) Will IN, b Christ, his great lovinl-, A*T to Ch na in ccam,4-ticn, wto 9t poweriul Jtidge t4liall judge ilia peo- crut i Aght1w farnier. rw i which they provided wine for those tears' oh, yea. yes! lie knows all is a gift of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt. and 64 puuutAw gum, now in PUMM06140 hi -,r coommereW iwojpeto tI1,:Wc,. r 4.11a another fotir yearwof life to carry people who died in crucifixion -a pow- abo * 1�i�nv as Ilip !l1lall lie saw 0 ple." - u : the Ion-elthoss and the heart- of the bat6mmko of artlihwy It b es - thro,0191i film f1p1d (di Jvirw 0-50. 11#- bM out iill my plan. -t. uly Itle"43 -, (Qur* ymrs erful opiate to deaden the pain -but bmak. He took the vinegar! Mr.'and Mr#i. Cornelius Vanderbilt agent of D4.111 4 rl, .4 a 41 St. Bridget,.of Swoden,,Is ali;o 'cred- have sent a pendant. composp piwtoad that lu the 1mis fetwo &aim rW revolver, *vhieh 114V�pst Ill his a.*. tht. V*.ry lans-'t.-0od alone-knowg it&l� wit,, Christ would not take it. He wanted aa*-r`tCd tlutt ;01 N r4ady I rw-�.jt 1)4:ef,, ... f a, prophecy that tho Avorld Then there is the -sourness of the _d of a porl&ut additian will be amWW ID Uk- a wUl br- to die sober, and so he refused the- dekth hour. Whatever else wi may r,1' ror , et -1 teir (aamining.1t. if . . lly huge pear-shaped pearl, too fadbcoy by ;be Th# - U -Mbf ,r, o would. end ln,1999. - - ------ ?"VOrutitmary TA)jx)on, Ont.. Airch 228. At the . F,6u; year. -j ago., kn'.SWV, f wine. But afterwards.they go ti, a cup escape, that acid sponge will he press- shel I ProjwtueL of 0"M It'rit for tho I;r(vkvili4- Xflddlew�x A R,.R I z*w I -CoRirt thlo.;.mornIng. I W,) 4, ihorv. was h1vv'' much tptlk W HO*L'3 THE MAX? of vinegar and soak a sponge in It ed to our lips. I some -times have a Tlw- X&kX-G03&WLl --man"gic amp 1 '.1 Maluw a nuather Q( r"DOULS"014kitlow tL tioll ItlaA hVf4l 6*i4*4kt bY Mr, In tho Toohey' rn-4^ dnd put it on a stick of hyssop and currosity to know how I will behave ter eaoo. J C. &bOdt.',the -Papal Weeev6ioti A stat�­ I 1:41gat. Al g rmor living instop. mont Cardintil - Parroehi whenever then Dress it against the hot lips of -hen I come to die. Whether I will be -rU LI) iP4 tiny. bell, . I ta near AIv` made by Such Weing the f orecast. hiorepcwt, mynan We= Up f"ovrlaa arvi his wife, tt)ld' of the tramt) lltv-' *ULrted it, Popa 1,, . rolprritig toth"i it Popes reign ended t1jere tins, been 'Christ. You say that the wine was an calm or exeited, whether I will be filled -M1)11trA'1%i f)o inuelt jqiectilation as to t -nd intended to relieve or That a^ emon1w to $be t4tishUX7 49 askcd 11e4srs. TjWu- -Ilml Blair It>) ing SIOPP(%1 -at their howe for some- go -,4 i he cardInt-W. anaesthelic a with reminiscence or with anticipation, 1) hi it conv�!rwxtion he ba(] with Whose personality v�oiuld fit the pre- deaden the pain. But the vinegar was I cannot say. But come to the point I the trooW aadm ha oameawl. do d"elbell 'the harbs)t 4,r Ptirt thing 'to eat on' -the uigbt Of June the, Duko of Montalto.- wti,l. that per - 27th,.. a diction for tile nexV one. A cardinal an Insult. must and you must? An officer from w1hoie of th" Ac"We madw be enhad- Tilt- n -t ot �ihn call oV the three lilllp,4'th t f V.) nil far 'off. In some lives th the ftiture world will knock at the door s-teamer City )f f I e CollelaVe who k6t , witc) is a,lIkely , raolidate Is. called Ls --saccharine seems to kid for trainUig (Imr%g &be pra�t skagila V dftft-%',Te1;, `�llaw. Fullpr anA Giil-im* 'a -1; he value of it I(ing Hre( la.*�,k hr i i.i 4,,� I i :I , - I DrAorninat.e. Lffe Is -sunshine on a of our hearts and serve oFi us the writ year, bY 00D0Mt4F1KtbM Ut VarKM SM - .D 'Whil'o t1w iranip tv,ts in the lit"ise. 0110.4t Of the PPM[s hnvI ig twvn Aiver- papahilp'r, and Wn Adberents "IkVeg' haLk of flowers.- A -thousand hands to .1 o----4 *_o,o()(; � T hey itlantift"t ti ' r I giantl."' At prosont' two nameim ar(* of ejectment, and we will have to sur- tral cAngm uthdor hu - 6% WUL I 11OWd '127WISbUry �LJ14t M.- ('4JJII1l_,%011 Jtft%*0 it, Prisoner as the ninOtY WhPll tIUy illed, anti then. lie, - clap* approval. IhDecemb*r.or in Jan- render. And we will wake up after pr"pfrly oowtitu4sd oWl. NMe a d, led su=ested fro'm thp toll OU the Skered -Peg-k-g trimil had nAted Jor uary. looking acruss, their table.,they these ainumnal and wiritry and vwmal lxrao*w with opmUL. Mcerw to* aulmuTattm at Zolulatum %&&soft &W a4Tt'0d tO LAO ilp for wttI*,tniwiX thtr the toml. , Tilt, three dv�teetivegq 410. sel.11L-4 to ma th'af. cjl�Wn Colipgo as thoRe for whom the Val- see:all theJr family present Health and summery glories have vanWhed Madagliwar anAt Fro!wh stxwo qut%­ achian.jprophecy was intohdod. One tnkih,41. 11fir!Ir chase �or tho- tranip and (*!I rdIna-Is who InWrest themfwl%ves ito rubleuni, skies flamboyant, days reaft- from our vision. We will wake u nibitature rai*m ir Moe reouumnowd- w iltat'-of the r getieral -of . the p �low he' 111.1 U;16�x I to wearm- froin MUCII) a-4 tAl My SUL-eft*)r rUsh along form 1int. But in a great marly cases there into a reajm which has only one sea- ed, &nd Aw exWookm (K Uw pwidod of avis' -ni. They 'a It*)' tll(., pti- too fast. They to divitle thV barefooted C 1i al Giro- ar,.& hot so inany sugars as acids. ; The he e -if everlasting R4 ard Harding 1). arme tie Cardin. thf son and that, t r, ason 14 1 trwining to sixtem da" kir the y~ ellger. has arrivol in', Uju,jo-il I -goner. Th6 -Crowli Of- -tho 1)�.a'f whit' tit I'lluo' GoAti. The - dthei. in that' of 4nnoyancf.-s, 4nd the vexatiOn3, and lovg' tram finishe4i itit e bestr is 190U IN r"Cocuseudwi. Tb&t a Yee - 110 lalrYofs for t1it, .. de. YPt, Domi co­� silver i I -- But you, say: "I,don't wan$ to break N,* -it pr"onteit wit�j ;k ni Svampa, - Arch. the dtaupi)(Antments of life overpower i mant aonsUtbng Of tvro Wft&kono at 4 fWKV hat-vo announcod that, -they WILI.I,N(; 'TO� Wr,.�R- biabop of Bologna-, the suc-esses. -,There. is gravel in out frow.my present "sociations. It it a, .1%11 TW ImItfW*�e1f. THE �TlMtA., Tit#- title given by;St. UaIachy."f(* almost every shoe. � An Arabian legend to so chilly and so damp to go down mmwted rtnm be raimid in U -ma t4-1 Leo XIII., L4 nMy 1,n the; * twonty-, t4v itext 111Ype, It witl be Ternernhergd, says that there was a worm in Solo- the stairs of that. vault. I don't want wid the Narthv�wt Pvovtwr,*L witA Fa- hre liuvw wimb.,.- 11. t)f tic -u. -Olit.. Nlarth *-road yeAr of ()nly Is Igtils mon's staff gnawlng'its strength away, anything 'drawn so, tightly over my sUmctlm and hmdq"~ tit Vilw- are, an Jr -y niurtW-r cmwl - lfi44 I.APiwJWh1p I W* *-w-vell (if the 6 vop.:�p precedinghim fiie'. ­A(Imirers' ardent of, Nazing -and there, Is -a weak spot in every eyes. If'there werbe'only some way of hVINATI tits awwra oof C&rdinal Gottl say tioll"s at tho t46 e&rthly suppoit that a man leans on. ))reaking through the partition between C33ANGES REQUIkW). T114. Frellq-IL Yin i -A it[77 Wiortly afti-r.thee,-urt ( - try Nis aunouaecd nmyned 4t King George of Erigland 4orgot all the worlds without, tearing this body all to ferl se one Thv fd*mft dharAW am npWged that lit ZotiatiA Pits (4w-. a comnlo, I O'clock this ruorning. Tho-eliarge. graipdeurs of his throne becau shrods! I wonder if the surgeons and re ia 1 .;%'r- . ---) % Q 4:�� r- I In vrNUw to tArry owt oertals pub E�Q 'U ic. _TQ - rang �nient With tli'#- 1*111t44 --4,Uit- .4 a n, was qgivinitt the prlw'mier, and wfv% � �., P &, I ��, day in an Interview Beau 13rummel tbe doctors c-ann*ot compound a mixture IDL 1,%,Ilen t116 jury tju7 L�_ M a"'Proachivg J� .1 _ I _ t "/ ��, Q called him by his first name and ad-� by which this body and soul,can all the , Je 01� _7 Tive 41ressed him as a servant, crying, 0 time be, kept together. Is there no cer ta =I 11W Aliai-OiL,4-4 armSt4d Ill. dle "George, ring the bell!" Miss Langdon.. escape from this separation?" None, -=0ca= to be ambe" tt,-ia vharg-d witli honored all the world over for her KIM VIRGIMA FAIR. ooetic K_ hiva., Is so wjD�rted over the tumble through'the gates of the future a- 4e V;III.N' cleared by the. ltnlinn vi urtji evil reports set afloat regarding her' tim forive ln�w am &raw V ni ha%v N -it par- I Wroff.et tot gulflA- agn I rSt A. �.jC4j ir:rulwrf)r Will! Jtry returned with a I Atit, 1114, V absolutely none. A great many mtn 2. 71he c7meftian of Um e !pwn. .- I I V, I 1\ V as It were, and we do not know wber; %vhich are attucheJ pendant dia- MWI, Un .1 A I Is found dead with an empty the), tive daftrtmwm%% -NO tMW1 tnK)r*Xl (AU'.tl C. 11. It. to- Jn,vde '.%Inc th.it she have gone. and they only a4d monds of great valuid and rare pearl& and tn aU tbe logartant weenaft (far bot�le. of prussle acid fn er hand t*Mwtwn Q"h0c an -1 Montreal, loom and mystery to the passage, but Mr. and-Nirs. %%'. F. Vanderbilt'A gift Se a 'm armw til- Itnrc-d oil 1 the %vaf 'a wbkh the 1, the road rwr Caolftaith said that his L esus Cbilmt so.mIgbtIly stormed- the fle ne"WZY -7 &11 luial to be eanvei;t 17th ;of 11A is a marquise ring. t4et, with a large 3. Tb wretched being. and that all that want h th-ef bFft:'t. -cot, Cp gates of that future world t at "`%be1kr nuwWy belfig t4e-j"l by pimow iit pew. 11 14P I lwar-shaped diamond. and' tontempt Ad brin to it had Ila � ve never,sJnce been closely dbut. Mro;. Oliver H. P. BeInTont has SCF)t gpi;uWr In vrWb lbeft Cbm m" are 0 twen brought, and cries out. "What. Christ known what it is to leave this 4 T4,roiit-n vaj,�---ViJL-a is a i to her future daughter-in-law a beau- be effectoed Im wA out Im dote& ar re t3rmidable in a jail? t,# -;l v! th . 4s the world. Qf the beauty of whicb he was (76rreZg16'v 11ne putrittrig is hunij up more appreciative than (0 Uful Net- (A diam Ads. and rubies that GENERAL CONCLURP)SK .1y I - .111-, . . I we ever could 0 hares st-pek- ill tit" I M15SAGES WITHOUT WIRES helonge-,i to hpr famous collection of for a* tavern Elga. Hogarth cannot sell be. H& knows the exquisiteneis of the The norb AA&P bkv� Wa-shinirt4>11, yt%.ite I jewels. and which have been reset b7 T In v. a t jwr ff �Co his best painting.except through a raf- or - phosphorescence of the sea..He trod it. rift talwal am fol tow*. i it re. for MNA Fair. fie., Andrea d6f Sarto makes the great He knows the glories of the midnight It vrmid be sommoviry Wr the tr It 64 r*,pK),rt(-I- tivit t1j.. Ili-lillpit-11 Jreszo In'the Church of the Annuncls- hoavena., for they were�-the spangled XMP -*40C am axinT th%w a'rconi s ft=� 1� q Mr. John %'. Mackay, a verS old M Ex Perim e -'Qt` Ab'oss Ia at Florence ard getb for pay a sack friend of MIqq Fair's parentv. has sent 10.11111i.,r� :it canopy of His wilderness plPow be Wvkhwl almu=Jo &ad for fur"d pec or'corn, and there are annoyancesand * isle knows about the lilies. [if, tw d a corsage ornament that is described 10(* if thga am In As y r"M W1.11 V v'exations in' high places as well as Is them into Etia sermon. fie knows about as a veritable friuge of diamonds. 4 will einivert it into.r 1,o*ibit;1I f#)r Oe Englisli. Chun* Pbl 0,%v), places, ad'itary vulaso. it � �Jai w6wva owifig that in a great -)f the air -hlrred From Mr& C. D. Alexander Oere the fowls ( - They x% is to no&e the.1 the GLoadfts 6b, m.anv lives are the sours greate? than their way through His discourse. He a long chain of gold 11wt altOrnately wto julve a fy1oklew all list pf*6P&rW in the office of tl�.#, the4tweet& "When.Jesug therefore had knows of about the sorrow@ of leavtng with rubiei and diamonds. %Vmsh ri,4�pl recelVed the vinegar." this beautifu'l world. Not a taper wao Besides thpso notable jewels much b� -Wi tail t-, It4kral 'af, TH� TESTS WERE SUCCESSFUL ,%hows t�#. IL-Amalties iJL �J It is- abrurd to suppose that 9 inan per heag ce t" papaieum Z who has always been well can sympa- kindle4d in the darkness. lie died gorgeous plate has also Wen sient to wwr4g thp defouce of UP a" watUM Ft6- 4th tAj, be 157 k4,441 Mid �-61 I'Ak- 1.%,4: 'Vic phypicianlesa. He died In cold swest Miss Fair from variou#i quarters. emy other amailry to %he,*xnJL 1K hilille. 'test -4 ot of thise with those who are Pick, or that hnd dizziness and hemor'rhage and Mr. and Mr& Wiallam 1). 15loane'sis IIAN been eWtb&-A*W tbst. e=b"v* 49 %virt4e. one who has always been honored can agony, that have put Him in sympathy Offic*er Fi("ty, 4 tlif Aerday, W I K t. proclate,tM sorrow of those who are with all the dying. He goes through a clitv;t of silver trays of all &OULPM cav&UJ @,XpMdt0W* 0 guv^ obar4k ont Lu.- I for wm.,.v ap Auland Revenue Ikpartm-tit, made nn si", for t1w uw Ili tile aervitig AV,., aVexpWJ0&m:r2IX44J=, or .Mrk*N4_A"* Nuivnmr. . f tiM'. +-*41teh, is a i *X0 M. (;OTTI. '-cspiied. or ihat -one wto ha* been D 031 E IC4 SVAMPA. CARDINAL 01,ltOLA C-bristendom and He gathers, up the "d Aft nmn4w hawaA eW Im =&%nw&Am*&nm &Uk&Ao�, 6L,riptl%, near 1"-ilo i- '.in,i of. j.,xg- born to.a great lortune can understand . cni stings out of all the death pillows, &ad wmbd be IWMANIK kv Um looms. bewpov, igk a private liuiWe in ltrfwk., ille lic!j iloh A- 1"re- the distress and the straits of tho M r. I larold Vanderbilt'o4 gift is a t t�e *V)l . 0 7 Re He puts them und4�r His own neek and nimtm of the forne t, h In nuxv! ng. � 4iL,,# rbIgned twenty-olle year.4. The aver. who are aestitilte.. The fLet that Christ, head. He gathen on His own tongue g7aph .119 (2) duNftg I�AH. -'krhVilout, his Isioty' zeal and feirtor for the comtAeto set of small table silver lit tli_ tJv(; 1), h mi 1(v age tho Papal reig n* i4 a AN is.hi-N va-4W-inl oll Maun-L-ty Thar.,, ijgr length,of Paimey a RiMSelf tOOK the *vinegar rrakee Him the burning thirsti; of many geners- every slialw-, mix dozen of oach. . I i n(I the Clitirch fully carry ehU year. 7Us wC) be an �lay. Emperor Frapivil%-' :1 tlkv7v.k1X I ii4k� uiure thau able to sy�npathlve to -day and forever & r Thnic qltd 11:1 ve kern i I th . in it 'mouth Ten out, this allegorical designati&i. Ile tions. The sponge is soaked in the *or- Mr. and Mrs. (3aretwo IL Mackay #130,00() uVM Lbe 6&ftW,244% Popes dIt*I w after with irll thcse whose cup is filled with rows of all those who have died in their 4% tho sixfof a dodk lahore'r. and was the �s liavO wnt tL tOliet 00'*, Of 901-d Of b8,1u- 98. A cocapartsm of 19he day the feet (kf twelvo'. tit ti 0 harp acids,dif thIs life.. He took in the- 11orbilig flail of ."Jay." wit:& till- * grvati-,�;J iso. sitrisor �hetr,- (Accil Tbe shorteat, reign bo, -bods, as well as soaked in the oorrows tiful design. enarian,4 -at #t blarch Ifth, 1834.t It pmodkture wfth th" CC -1 . ro I .9eno, &* the Vinegai! cy or Mr. anod llre�. Arthur Kemp have oe- ernkig (jAnnim of She N ar wxj that of Steptieu, Ii., three (lays. in a notable fact about tile -present.- 'there was the xout le heaven was l@cte Vw, As 11K-r%KAi;1tly,4, j-41peellit""ff An.- of all those who perished in I I J! tef.�teL The eboletv 'of the Pop,,,- 1-i ukillally C0,1 lc.ge In the 11rift place, fier'), martyrdom. Whi d etouie very twttidwnue i-t-geta- umake it M131MLI-Mut al. The treacbery of pitying, and earth was mocking, and bip dihlwjg of f&ilver. -R-.000,000 fron) BrAiAi Colitiblvia of Cardinals. that a. majority it"s of betray Msoltorho� ob., M _�s duadUl from tho Ca'rdinals,.but'it is- 'ni And -Wit)) only two orthree "Judas hurt Christ's feelings more than 1F11liVat4- t1JP IXIA�Wihility of thil"minf-s (,f Tho T Of till oratiajy tid boor ft� hurvirt-1 wtol-A Ile-potch, Irst prfsa Hot gvnerally known that a layman hell was deriding, fie took the vinegsX. Mr. and Mz*. Charlm Child* have teacm wV be the bowe:rerv=6�0b i VX00I)tiOns- tll'e leading iuctubers are al(.the friendship of HIMPdisciples d1d by th... %I.lt- 4)a; svAlte"a of imight iegally be c'ho*-n. pro-tvided -he. all mcm ',Of themost democratic 'and' Him good. Yo To all those to whom life has been to-tht. eliforl-el"'.!pt of tht- lkrs*)%i M *&,-qtgt, u have bad many friends, eborien nu-muive Nilver c&ndeiabra. to expwA of Uiie Danlftdau in she am* an acerbity -a dose they wuld mt t1twir law. limilble- origin, wh n. - to. but there was one fri rom V1040111el anu WrK. %N1111am Illy 19w� o havo. - rise . end upon whom swallow, a draft that se4 their teetk rwrinr-n-t-c 1)ct%vL4_,rt t1t+ *-�th . I-ords- slatiom t1leir pec*;erit rank by sheer force of' you put eWcl&I stress. - You feasted there are wmie beautiful George 11. NIL. Brown. a farint-r. Was rob. I&nI --m-1 Bi4i14)g1w r. T114- *-.X- 61now", tbough, tillit in on edge and x -rasping -1 preach the . .4, I -lir -11t. Urn&* 0*01r littelleettidl 4kility. 1 -him. You loaried him mone omit ciellars. LA&T ]PROCK OF " NKPAMM timl of $UIZ; at 11rincetun la -it night. p-riM-imz vi-e;ft- Iviti, tile y- YOU omnipotent sympathy of Jesus Chnot. 'Theo hook. with part or tite Mora*- !-#r!e %veil aO (,'celtsiastical Poll- : 'Cardinal'Gottl is suppbwti 'to he, 66fr(ended him In the dark'passes of The, niter of lHersebel, the astronomwr Mr. and Mrs. N%*. 1.4torm WWls have ineney. ha -s been rectivert-d. au -I �.rn- tUr*t-IY M141 tiew plays' a conbiderablO part. In the Pope Loo's faiorlte for the.succew life. When he espetially needed a friend. -used to spend much of her time pol' offered a macititioent loving cup 0( Attlmdo Toward The Pashion& of ftS -i4t 'n he -b t 0 tlt# tern1iiii .1i IXT eltwtian, T rL" 1 r tiv'o partleo now attractive and Afterward. -he turnel upon you, and LALto 311sab"b of Austria. -4 flowpo i4 under arrv.,4%. w In . ih formal activi) Influance amongthe #'oil. . Ho lias a most he took advantage of Your former in- shing the telescopes through whiah f # a Ito I ' li-4 t lv'_ *111'4it 'C.ardina6; tho -itntransigents, or slip- pleasing .-porsonality, ref lect i ug the �e brought the distant worlds nigh, From Mim Fair!* %6 -ter. Urn. Oel- T1W Lwt awkme cw4er"d IW am Qjnmmlo (if 1T5 T I w -S� t I i' urvl. timacies.' lie wrote against you. He 1.1ti4erl'y 411 E11-111,11 4 spiritual wrenity.of his mollastle life. and It, In my ambition now this hour rlclw. there is a table wrriop of gold labe Ecapres Uizabs* cd AAw0sts pre tbo gmeter ruajtwity of whoni h4di -1- ( , Por ter* of the rights of tt!m'poral 6(*. talked against You. He mielroscopised cmf a chaAy vriLAgnty, ,in I tht) concillation14-o,wilo . 11P waa a' barefooted friar . vshap the . your 1aults. He Bung contempt *at to clear the Idna of zyotLr spirltual vis- and iii1ver. All the plate in marked, v*Q1W W bar @UartAng upoe list voy from. the T-hrt* R'verP4 4ffiqtrict. left ro,_ oi t. TLI,r Int , I li Prth dvdcate a mrtaia niezi-stirg of, e I Pow r-elit, 11im �as luternunclo 'to Brazil you. when you ought'tor have received ion so that looking through the dark with Ilie Initials *1 V. V.," which to Bwi Naaxhavai. giv4w ii distim-4 "ausroal for manl"-t iii ch-.xrgv% of with- .1 0 om- Wilt of your earthly troubloa, you be thoi4e of the brAe. IIJPW= cd thp d=V1 yet dktin Fattier Blahs, of Winnilwg. prombst! witil tho itallItt, govetrim-ont. 1 60 fit-ttle tile- many ve d questions -nothing but gratitude. At first you vle%U't1.*ii ) may beloold the glorioun conotellAtion The wedding breAkfaat VULt 18 W' 4ubdwd, nmumw of how @be Moo tAi :;7" fpvt Si�,rnor Mar- of tfi,� that- arose there itfter_'Vh0 downfall could �uot sleep at, night. 'hen you first CdrdInal Paroeebl, the of- Don, I Tho Detroit, Windwv 41; Soo Nji,v? A, %% ft ir*-Ii #;.4 tele- of a Savior's mercy, and a. Savlor's am I It to ben ropm g�a- cot. apiS' o! odro, and tile establinllm�-R_t v4nt about with a senee of ha fo-Ilow ihe marriiap�� ceremony wilibe uN't0w --I Pkvt 0 Sim (;&mpcuiy has de-ciAled V) N 1': 1) r. pro--ient vicar' of -the �Yopu, - lit tho' v1U9 love. Oh, my friends, do not "try - to duced. A& a2ftelie a( thp Now Viama ,plac* 9*r'.1J),'1Y h., -4, .14-tival 61wr­ of the ReIiublic. -919- minifloll was been stung. That difficulty will never very small in. coinixtrison W thelarge cankltdat�3; or, the" Fweond. -� Cardirini be heal*d, for though mutual friends carry all your Ills alone. Do not put ThgetiLsbt bow ramaty de - the oto,'iA *'f(yr ae-v- crownwi with. the great4%it -success, number of fric-tids of the two famil ro-. "am' ft& abaW tW bt of strLe It d by lun-I 'Cardinal 'Itaiiii)6I 0 Italy was made it and Up Woe k:n*m Mrs. vvritab�e triumph'. He was create-] a smted. 0 NJ L the J&whceWrm Majmtie and City of Vhwerizo Vniin"Wili 1-t the -leader. I may gkrbitrate in, the matter unttl you �our poor shoulder ubder Ube Apen- one huildrod L t Gollir*woad on iti4 line from WIn*J*)r ra nox. i t k lo,tweel I ),:outh Vo and fits return S wid the -re wiAl be '1114 th nines, when the Almighty Christ be to OeovW-an. Bay porU _atut tho -Soo. 4 East 4;4; 4 shall shake hands, tht old cordtality. ready to lift up all your , burden*. ftfty g7udwtm Like the enWv no* al We of the I will E�,rht,4:ip. a (Jf E., mil -14, hellev,!tl'to be 'the � ableat will uever come back. Now I com- -.km,-y, guatri at Ow I vardirml Ili 180ry.- tie lives- wxtestly. LIL tile di&W* rorym t1*re will W a ha4l 4-4m,44ura tp,14i",o i k-0 ty in. 444:1,11- Ili the 6nered Collego. hut, like ruend. to all such* the sympathi of a When'ypu have a trouble of any ldn4. Ehnprww&, hpar tcvA6iem9J= for Jamb - King~ Peuttentiary. diod y(-ister- iaj,,- till. (.#_pIlrjC.nt qJ t,14* jy- anoUic-r htatesman,' , this anti pamen his days lit retirement. on, betr;Lye(t Christ. Why. they sold Him You rush thil way and that way. and ftt&140 for tile brkial pair and a nutulwr Frent-h f;tw%- WILT (_rtlM(.Itt to 11�* tanched. by party or factional turmoil. i,ou won Jay of typhoid fever, %ft* -r an illn-w t o,' f tit. I 1)'Ls I I "treiigth is his greatest weakness as der what this man will say of their young frievitU, and tJwre will .N I I . 1 11(? in for less than our $ZQ1 T`hey all forsoolk -extending over� two wtielt* pommillk"ti"n, ?f ti 'C* 3 $1 T"ll(lato. . Ardiwthi Oreglia, Jacob, Vrkect of the 8"red Congre about It and what that man will say be four other tableK. ea&%h W�atLag W" Twelv#, �tur I f -en 4 Him and fied. They cut Him to the 't, )l)0iUtPd t() hi�, ypar-i ngo he 1�ng,,411 _a]*f gati(xu of� 1111julgelices. ab(ut it, and you try this prescript.lon abOut ty-"Tx-")I*�. Ili theroom Fri-ni` f Va. Ix)u t a n and Satolli- are al.w) regarded. as quick. He 1rank ttia-t cup to the -dregA. tWC4) preAwnt, pcotitlon on t1w lwnitentiaxy mtxiV it gi P, 110 - ter, and that' preocription, and the other lln"itoo the diiiiiig room t4wre M. LoAroy, a%ailable- lit 'the clafih- of tim tl*vo TIIE OTHEU CANDIDATE. He took the viiiegar. Fr�-n 1.' There Is oLfso the sourne'ss of pain. prescription. Oh, why do you not )VU0 1 Wnt-toer 0: Xairin4 von -;vat- grOuP-4. Thcw wilo wouW give a. more literal go a number of auall Utbim. straiot to the he*rt of Chript, kn(vw- Tlke decorations, of the lioupke, and the *Vet U). a If -fit IAAweeri Dov, Thert- r.seo out4dors, afidl Wading to St. ..There are some of you wbo have not 4-irelfti at again given- ill v4purt erand Val: nri�-, of cou Malachy's predictlon seen a ttvit- l`.ml)­rvr F"MANW111' 'Till U411. 1;rt�nc,Z.. the.40a- It i-4 In the co, well day for many years. By ing that for our own sinning and h&I I jcpm, in wlijej, the owemouy 14 t6' nsiderattoit of Ujo�w hold that,(7ardin4l 8vampa is the real keeping out of drafts, aqd by carefully sufferfng race He took the vineprax? be jwrforniod, will mmApt mainly of Franvi..4 3(*o-ph of _Au.*tri:L will mitrry �n 'eicli eaw- heing. .11v)qlt ',.:-,o 'that the forecaNts of .1�t. Mala(..hy'N ­IgnW Ardens." Ills name. )4vampia,18 studying dietetles, you continue to t Therp w" a�veiwel tb&t had bem romp-JUuts in full bloom. A temporary eithvr 1rin(-#-,j4 Maria 0SP-rcedes. th�e propheelw c()W�. into' ;"Immf�(1121W vI`%v thO Italiful for On 1118, this time. but oh, the'headachea, aad towed on the seta& for a great rn3.ny ]19-yt4ir ol-f .44ter tit Altontio (,f Spain. In thvir Application. to - tho I)er*sOnAl- coat of arm there is a js�wj,'- rounoDd the side aches, and the backnehei. and aliar, before wh" the lbair will'aWid dor thf� y(ounger . Kistrr of Ilrini'os.-i THREE YEARS WITHOUT TKZAL.� ity 'of the next Pope. our weekas and been dtsablpd, anrl the 3UP- <iurtiig tho marriAgo ceretnowv, will by- rays of f fi and he was long Blshop,� the heartaches which have been your PTY of water gave out, and the crew tx� erfr-tod ist the ball r(xm. Just , W Louljsp ,f lliilgarin 'PtW IPROPHEwr ANI) HIS SIGNS. o Of Foil. t rt" accompaniment all the way through! were dying of thIrst. After rnanY,d&Yw. Remarkablo Serios of Post�'onemeht8 15-t. MAlar-Ily he PAt"WM of which dlooese front of the ewwwratory, atttiettiat gv#-,ry year the wopff Of IAJU(14)11 was dn Jrlwti SaAnt,l is "The - NAdorui'ft (A the WI re. " It is so You have struggled under a heavy they saw a sail against the sky They In an Infanticide Caie. born In Arraa#rIt Uft Vid year 1 94. H Plid (A 'thiS fKXXn. Ali orcl"tra wmill" ZZ drink ::754VO.W), j�alloua of watPr 0 e cAIW frOw A picture, of the A'IzWIn mortgage of phywical drsabllitlesA and signaled ifl When the veasel came and 15;l.(XJb,0()0 (if Itle. -It, 4)rnvvall tl-*qxLt(-Ii w4ym: The 130CLkWO In Ume Ard- ibbhop ol thut Prfeerved Irt a cliapel of the Cathodral Instead of the placiffity that once char-" nearer. the People on the suffering be i4tatknied in UP mu"Ic gallery. SeO. HI& waN JLR til:VinaW frien4l (A 8 w . hiell was miraculotLily sparcd by a icterised yell it Is now only with great RhIP cried to the captain of the other The 1wvomi$@ will not be dinplaywi o&/ hap txiwn estimat"I that tf this lat- %Vock of the -Spriug Aoalii�"4 is nearly 11' da b Ube "141 tig tm fWrnanf, Abtxyc of Ul#ilrvatli, k'ralwe,, 'f Ire t a 1�w "r bey #-rw. wprp placed in -1 1-2 ovet anil mity be flnisbi%l- to -morrow. tbat effort that you keep, R%vay' from irri- vessel: "Send us some water. We are 06 tlW1 Y f w i The case -of Quee* vs. &MI 41ted _bn - IJ le ftrual on No- dP*troyed the room In which tabilfty and sharp retort. DIMeultt" dying for lack of water." A n d tbe daym before t1w cerem( y will be galhm camm awl vit- rasko placed Marie Dupont. _%enher 1148, in his fifty-fo it IluM6 in t1l0 Imlace of the Marcinle #4 0 to is in a t -s- eed U) Pull. tho 1�ns- would he Ion tbe Alexander girf.who, is acenvv(l of Ur6h IAol - of respiration. of digestion, of locomo--. captilUn on the vessel that was hUled 11 wn it, i frica. 9 y var. ucei three 6enturies ago. -The t1(M..M&k(-. up the great obstacle in rexpOnded:. "Dip your buckets where a third 10.4 Pope, raindful of !the prophecy, flax s-ixjWh to extend mfor#,- than . ijitantlelde, hrw bwe-n :again pfy4t- mer" o -V pmooplicxACH concerning - your life, and you tug and sweat_mUong YoU art. You are in the raouth nf the ANOTHER LITTLE PRUSENT. rJ os, way armaid the earth at the pconed and %vIlI (x)mo up ;tt tbe Fall Ule &;u(XU*MfkX1 of Popm has for-sev-. MOM than once J(--)cularly haUed hkm� ilte Pathway and v.ondr� when tfie ex- Amazon. and there are scores of mUco Npw Yawk- ropirt: TIw Eveniihg .1actly th yM,,rg after 1wr artu humtNl yeari as "my doar suecesw)r.­ eq%fi tfrr rpe bew a marvel to haustion will end. My friends, the of- fresh uater all around a.bout you Wolf-Itt sayn: "Wiffiam K. NanderUt aucceallug gtUlamtkAls. Inley are He WAS born at'Montp Granaro, i1ro- brljzhteQt crowns In heaven v6lll not be and hundreds of feet deep." Anig haR 4ttiplbvited his wadding premant to �Uw ejitire Samigin trwilwls- has lievii -Mwi'Ooned firut, in print by' Arnold I liW 4tanglitoer, Conouetto, lIUK-hen of A .; .lit Ifigh ('11amlission. to) -o-ttle- Wben mbe first came A�j, trial tho, vince of Arcoll. ltaly,'June lath, 1851 given to those who, Ir stirrups. 'dashed then they drdpped thMr buckets over practii-:OIN :ig'r#-4-d ijim,ti by th - Upi- jury m an iwue of th- %VIk>LI, A.. Moak of Uonte Uxxino. in and after Mrving smeee.safully lit minor to the cavalry charge, while the gas- the side of the vewl and brought up 1l&rl1Kmmgh, for his son, Willl:im K. ,tt,ql ,.�tatf­ Briti-sil and Gorm,in 0" V prLwxier's sanity ; then 4t the next- U-)95, ill 111M bmk, "IA-pam Vitae." As- ranks wius.'raWd to the. -CiLrdinalate eral applauded, and the sound of clash- the clear. bright, fresh water and put VanderlAlt, Jun. S&mritiw anount- 1. '" ' 1&11ZP4 me of the mtron witrio4*" oUer wwk wr+it4wi in 1#1k7n i�;w r t. 11" -1 on 4 ing sabers rang, fl�wr­ % #I% 1 §1 tram is, ra, tairz *,x 4a in rv,�n tv,%n i I- W� ornms-itto% coro Aa1j-4bury*,4 afx*-w-4- %J &A VT Imn Ugrq nal . Gallmnert.1 out the [Ire of their thirst. Ro I ha.11 froiu 1,ori-lon aioni4 delay.4 thf. to,rinal fair the defeace was ill. arri tile ca,80, Germano.'nmf pubEAtoil in Napltw. is then lipard of 1118 elevation lie nald, the brjz�test er(yvt-nit in heaven. I be- You to -day. after a long and perilous tume err th y byih w4q adjourne(fL; nnXt tiot 'It WaN called '6'1110 Lffe, lieve, will be -given to those who trudg- f&tlier." ;wrept.inve by -041ent flri�ain. tbough WorkO JWd 11.Z'0' "HerV8 the 'Iext Pope." And Xfgr, Sat- . _j voyage, thlrating " you are for par - the obwnen of a Crowu vVittif%s, and PlIeLAM Of ELP4 St.: Malachy." "I'he olli. �011 t1lo Sa4ne U on amid chroWc ailments which don and thirstLn- for comfort* and Mi -m Virgitlia Fair, ttie brkU to b% lit hi -i Thfowt.-4 114anderti4m now 4 anathf-r adjnurnment Prtvphfx-1e4 are also to be Alollml L;1 a necamon, speaking to - 1-4 renifervd unne"ed their strength, yet &II th* 14 iwiirl to hare $5,000,000 In ' het� - an�l Mr. Villii-r-*. who, arp 310fter. said. "This W !,Itl,n) time maintaining their feJth in God. th4rsting for eternal life, and I "k UP tv- qps-via-ly Nmil'i'ar with- thff uec!e".ary by the w -v re illneim of "Hi4tary of Uie 1"(41809 d&W Lyckna, stuff ;- Ile hAs.ho ain but his aw." You wh.%t is the use of your going In V t 41nother WAnn-w ftir the (lvfPnrs-. 1,688; Ili the- A bl)e tie. Vallewnt's "Ele- Time Is I ex)rmeting ttuVt It in comparatively easy to fight in a that depith strupk stAte while all to, 13 WsWlre," 17W, aiNt other .1 AN ROCENTRIC BARONST. -Aamflittl fillf-A )ft. have aiip . roved th;a U4 tie 1, drflwhaek- -rwirnent of a thousand men, charging , round you is the. deep, otear. wid*. lopin ff,r ;, (4,mmi-4sioa. volarries of more recernt (jute. Will 811ifficie"t ItInjAP before the "sfu- tit) the parapets to the sound of mar- -r HAZE!D 11HIC - PREA0HER. Thfv4c prev:Ittlow aro short, fore- Malta" Pparkling flood of God's sympathetic %Potoir, Alr� ownf of of his wcftgful ballot curio up t1al music. but It In not so easy to en- mercy. Ob, dip -your' buckete and Cived In a Gwiret With a Rent Roll ot the 1',11; %1;411 "irzt-tte.' when he ar. Winnipeg Students Have Rbvenjje on CaAs, sd�ing ROM! northmLWe trait tile -ItWndary, clilmucy of tile con- dure %vhen no one but the nurpe and ilziniF -and live forever. "Whosoever f.90.000 a Year. ail Viv futare 11(Vuv4, from Uelustlne c"av the doctor are the witnem" 'of the rivt-41 at New I': e chamber? No one now known; -rk yestertlAy 0 -iii the the Rev. Mr. Wigle. -to year 11;;0 but Ilia "impeWlanti" Rtolltly main- Cbg wIll. let him corne and t#Lke of the Uxmkvi rqw)rt wajv: (V Qe iu"ay rro- 11., W110 W11.4 eiW101 ill. t*1 $ , atian fortitude. Ppesides that, you W44er of life in May-tiv. in answer to the inte fW9 -, which, ill Re. tAtn-thAt ft W111, and thus prove tha %ly.11 wurlui report nayN 1110iit ur-311 Ute enil of Cube t n -Ver had any pains worse than Ch ris Vs. thousands wUo d&Hy croos and re- ionf. 14 Vie 4-11"ti'ms orli-- e Sond St. -Malachy has scorixi agal n The sharpness that ',Rtung through His Yet there ar� people who refuse this Cmw 14'aWrloo brkdV. very few taWrf-vedeatext eAso of liaz,4W WON vot­44tnce wltb tltW sches2o, will come th divine sympathy. and try . to fight doubtless ffirelgiv, [&nMtratest by the , NtU41011tij hrain, through His hands, through Ills 11w 1,aist Robe Emw Ordwed by, the (A With tile Wtith Pontiff after the pre- na the propliet of t -lie' were aware that the t a) feet, through H!s heart, were as great their own battl6s. and drink theirOwu dismal -looking licmsex almtt uwo al AjwW6L Uo!IiAe. The,V�Ctilll. WAS I %', 4! r. 0*!nt. iZU7uMlx!nVm rc4srn In over. As Ing POO f.r. wrl a rp^isk-nt fit- (;re.t% Isrit. "Apacy. as yours certainly. He was as nick and vinegar, and carry their .)wn hurions, ver. and In tw vubja%& oaLL7 U) hwr own *w- him.oclt anAwer- If&miltm pastur ot Zion tile 90MI AtIll't, h a, )viwever, not in� QAVB HIM A WATCH. Rna their life. Inotead of belng a tri- ing. Pow?$ ;14 are requ . iru- an weary. Not a nerve or muscle or t4he Surrey 8L(be of the ri kAa, W klwvtoft Chirch. of thin city. Mr. VVIglo, iflio 134-OVEM, We, duraitkip -of 'each'. reign, ligament escapeo. All the pangs of all umPhal march from rIctory tio victory, *lose contiguity to the old shot W90*' h KU v kiQeZ UY - in OW le, hY 1;1 W t f i Ir- lot$ 1P) retfsrni6e Amer- a =all or mkkile jlgj�, was tile iLivit- the hverag,#- ux-trV.-LI of to-Al"y L -need Honoried the Man Who Bears the Con- ih-e - "ations of alI the ages compressed will be Wwar, were Umuiated by an old and aRbeth lwv*w Waff a4flIkodkYr Of a hnbbling on from d*feal to if-linm ro,ganting vertain- purelw4ex ril gnvi4t, t4 'the Utorary. Ili a have no numeWLtia tarror of 4bbo'gw- liervative Ci defeat, until they make final au wealthy, flUt yet ecoentric. baronet. OM 'Or km4le"^ 11M*01� k;0416nl� 'of -ral Ju-(*zw_-nZ. Jjle eo1UeJ(toace$ of -oss. into one -5our lic tf�ol: the vine- rrea- 0 atormad. . cup. diar to retr1hutive disaster. 0h, I wish garret of oue of fn�- FafiII&M-4 O&4FrWki%W rom-nt weruvoi he ba4j� mzulb 'reflec- ga r! It was iti Vic the pretW4,jol1_4 L114Ve hD Milly in- When tile 1A*CW41 t, dirtalA* did not e X*t far SM stitry'voinex fripm lZip Ckmotni tlm)colleVx%ixkntK and IiM mt,�Alriic4i for There Is also the sourness of Poverty. I ecWti tn*-tfay gather up In my arms tbose Imuses-No. 2 Waterloo road- L4t-ill, AV. (WenwA N& lag of bw C wri. m -r. a bf L" 1) twell Most, rem.Lrlutble. It 'tea laint ni,rilt -the Uovw4r%atavo moin. y R-11 the wues of men add.w—n L11 that the late Sir Henry De I v es .,%4iP (*F(AW'S V"It AlXkOiL Atalat tho pr.tet1w 6f hat- our income doe4 not meat your out- nvuc*g =ipaily to us I a --w 1:A i %-. %v 1. 0 w0ul'i takq -up tAx) mtwIi space to go bearw ortrks inan 11.51111--1 il,!g, Ax W" lAming froan tho aaw affV6=bkXI In Un membms' re- goings,and that always givos an honest their heartach,,Np. all the -4r dMappnim- -!Am11Xhtnn died yowterd&y, at tile tia over -'the -whole 11it.. rir(wo for the �i am 0mrwmmy, W, Anphe of P&rL-A" wa, hoirils- I too eleittil :iholif PA-mhty lmil ho was wizAe�j by tile istu- ptmUfrm of tjlcl prewn (*P%10n r%X=1 &J14I smit for their loa- man anxiety. There Is no sign of deatt- ments . all their chagrins, and Just ad-aAVet &W, to' PI years. Bowd(* f tudAm fW i6s. jjvjuW a,,i o. *,-'r)r m)mo reason or otlier (kints avitt tconest kn.A blinket. He w.uq t contury w111 der, Mr. J. P. W111UPY. Mr. M&rter tution about you -pleasant appearance ta�kL" �heni right to the feet -of L BYTA- being one of athe hi -11 -at, hp wfw 7bp h an&OMM faM of the L)0�� A11L .r.ve to #J11(;W tho wtap4 of thf- pro- haAl taken the chatr %IhOU qT. Wbit- and-& cheerful home for y8u-but God vathi&ing Je%up. -lie Look the vinewar. probably one of the most -- mentric hap for gpTe"U.dn06A" the keal Vi- miffortumit- ijutil thrown up w-voral t!M*4 in tho pre"- p1liwim and their see accuracy. ney was Sahlb. after he had lost b -W lost Isom Wert- 14t. in Vio riiiu.,4 of ths-, -'otji1,fii1_r (ine" qr-pf Urll� %V400 arwi two friendo. C"'OrUNI imto the room to only known what a time you have had Nalia metntiers of the baronetcy. For o( r1i I agqhrt&r 7,�Msbwlr. ebmiler, f(w abrPlitlivit wsek-i, anel (Iii'riwx t[ii-; t�,hOIUW Aec(*npftni0l Illm V TP;wns- OF TH18 CENtURY. be tJ I P reDiPim t 0`1` a t0ken of appre. to manage your private finances. Just battle In India, fell back into taie Jun - L Mf. , 14 ;-,A ;t)q, I tllc,� no- CISUM a1ld e40M fMm lith followem an the bills run up the wages seem to glee of Iheri-JALnxies so full of ina- Years. it im said, lie nevpr e vused oupple atid waft 1. dbR weA 6"Y' to %V(Av" "n'te" thl- om_,bly. Mr. Wlg!e received 'several POP0 Phu4 V1. was ekw--W Febru- Elk -re Mr. RC4,1, of Addtugton, obepp9d run down. You ma say hothing, but lit-Ia. that no miortal can live the ' the tbLreakwid of the boAlge In irli f1t; her L9GXffAA1nV%4 VMS 19 inx.j4eg ato greati-r 1wortion (if Ilw brufww. biat %vas othorwl"o tL(Pt hurt. 3rY 15th, 1775. 6U Mal&Wjy's title y re lie eiected to ltre We 11fe of a La. 6 , 1*Vq.,Afi %W- r�jx - We fOrWArl "1141 fifiDded a tomil o4upe to life to you Is a hard push, and when He exrried with him aloo x ruby of cluse. Ile pftesad tits tilne nll�sm was vert The bridegr(Y)m is -)t"e of tj. Imol), 1141 fl#141plwar"l in thiS W.1y [I" !N tilgilly 111411g, fcor It"m wam "Peregrujus ADosW14_,uR" Mr. Mart4-r Who, Al turn, linjuled It You sit down with your wife and Prreat lustre and of great value. He %ant It tile tpe.-it- twf4pro'nnyofif. WAA 'is -lit V) look aftor went lie rocelvwL t1 I A punto, � U-. 1111grini. I& di4xi an to, Mr. Whill.ney. It eOntainect an ele- talk over the expenses you both rise died In those jungles. HI.A tw�dy w exclusively in the room in w` fairly in Sn dre9t ycoung we* iL Kad ('�vna whis-P Wrial exile afwr nuich Jourijeying In Yr.ince. glult golil Ilutit.ilig CIW, watell With Ur) J I Se he Was eventually founA dead. ' Lg engineer 0 the F10 ____ L - # ouraged. You abridge here, never found. and the ruby has never . &ad f ruit th&t O'nlu t'11 4 a #11allow 11olp w. -I, '-AVFA MARIA."L I'lia t4t4ew prtmlk-ted for his lmccc'G- (,JIILtn and vloirm, ILild a beaut4jul and ykou abridge there, and you got Yet been reCOVeW. Callse of Ilia dw4h was "alle d( Cripple Creek Itailread cog jumt wralo-d in t1w*'Crfom4L 11nol tilt. aorn were as followlq: And I fe3Lr thsA 11,% of- mtgmet rin41,- On ihe back oT the c;Lm things snug for smooth safling, to -day there are some who wUl fall There was no one with him %xitic to suioidc 46 ft nd of the BP - twxly wait 'Tbe Inweript ion 'That DecldiAl Ili.- It. -P 1.4 fqwrave�l UIC UWV09r-am ul thg and. lo! suddenly there' is a large doc- bitc* from thIs-subject into the sick- he died. IDCO Of SCOtCh 100-11Y- %"tAl 11 n offiec. n aryl eoverf-41 iii, th*0h*106 aevnis Eilgle. P*s V11. had a black "'111timeY f&WRY-a bull'o hefid-with tor's bill to pay, or you have lost your (?ning. killing jungles nf their sin ohr- From tlic Irindow Of him Wtu bmught �We feeW in Denver. of a Wife. eagle La hh4 catt -of arimi. 'file vagles U,6; iAw.rtptJj]gl in Latin undermth: iwpketbook, or Eome debtor has failed, rTIng a gem of Infinite va)ue priee- th1P 119wi barooet was able to we(lding was one 01 %be Pk A clUrgyman WjW'(p110C- lgt"yj11:r at. of Napoleon mizol Iiis 41(ymtni(nim ,n(l "Magnanlv]dUr Crutein Stwttne,p And you axe thrown beam end. Well. I' ba *tf SPAIN ()K�j&Kg OUT RESERVE94 �.% ('98 'IsOul-to be lost forever. Oh. th&t ruand an exto&nsive view of th, ietL 'Frisco W ha.,( t1141 year—A red 8 was the; hotwO of an Euglish workinginan. carruni Qe POW liliw�wlf Iliu) exile. ("Boar the twom, with magnantrult 15 bropec. you are In glorious company. that ruby might flaRh In the eltbrnal aj3d iffurrounding locality, but on, The Uumeroal MwWtiln,g, There were rmw lie halnunuml tot sw all imagi. oI 't1le It, wao (Mly When Napolmin was orer- The hVWe caw beary the In"Oripru: ( hilist owned not the house In which (4)r(miation! But, no! There are som t e lag@ w m Who, i(x&Led The Governisis-ut Alarmed at th* VirKill MAry 9tituding (over the man., borne -at Watorloo titnt lie returned lwlbi. 13. Wjlltne_ , li th ill(ql ijee M to afmuch pleagw4L d a - The bridv. vottv Us% UarilfitThreft,tif Y Q. U., L(wbw, from 'He stopped or the colt on which He I fear, who ttirn away from thin nf- 11 "spWin I do, i t L111 to' ItMe. a&I h10 thrinic, In %biy, Ills (;0l1(vJgufw (V im Ch was to P to-11i,ift-ft, which ntriwk him its Inem- 110 Ontario op. rode or the boat in which He sailed. fered mercy and comfort and divine the - % fr" to the WL%,,*. v�� a ~e 14 d Lomdni, kpril I.r.-A -tk�wpaU!lj t4i, tile grcxm 1814. powhim. mai-vil, I t as WRI)s over amd over a P.11P vrore AL long to & By way (of -m-tk'IIK ULM lipi 890." He lived In a borrowed house. he w SYMpathy. notwithatanAing tb&t Witil 0 twulport Gaty *('Proagp. chrfmielf! few W�uber"-fXxg-jiD(I icturo@ cut from tile f*8 (JWL Pm %Itidrid imy�t th.t-t 34),_ &Awl -how it �rot thj�n-. buried In a borrowed grave. Exposed Chrimt, for all who would &coept h% v ried - lilies 00 -A* v membprot of t1w resprver hisve tweti W1111. y(. -u mir. it -(-tijn* %1W thin HerpeoL" VWi Leo$ X11. was, like Ooftin 9Ru'dd*4_'WIth Jewels. to all kinds of weather, yet He had grace. trudired the long -way, and aut- IllastraW pftperw. A driw 26, mid stemso nd Ca so Wi t'), jr,11 tll#. theft two natirr*m, WittChfUl, Pat)- f Who wax cwd-rrd t,.v U-Iegrap-h it i-0- way," replIall 1IL4 hont'. " I wam a -rorlrt- Ont MIXI Prtiflenl*6 pomp a only one sult of clothes. He break- fPr�d the laoerating thonxa, and re- gvwin wan Ilia 01116f article of atte tbq'fO11O%"*J rU r. brocadp &Rd cairkwod Ile It"A fvqplly. HIg meals vW M1_*9 qm Hasell DiOw"t a ' irpr& -its' (), two oduter*-.14ally all' Maria- 11(l _03mvUlince in funi,rldS fasted In the morning. and no one could celved In his face the expeeto�ratlonq A we 18L-19-*'VIr Rellgicims"-NDout rt&- are common aniong the roch el1j.,0j1,.1 ;)f possibly tell where he could get any- e ti h iwrTed alld Pletood outalde his r It in prtAA4hl4- that there will 1) e* it ari' I Wasnt..�wt martin whl(�h I wits of tb it y uw)b., and for the cuUty; 4 AA ''ave. Cline-Afty, an wor a t4arill' J*Ious Mwi,. 111w VIII. was I. mofft the far east. Mo thing to eat before night. He would %n(l the discouraged. and the d1scom- at R"W taterl-ala. No nerv&WOW " thou jilp NN'hlt9'v"f'R IR etilk 'Ming 4-jarlixt ri.sirg nft#-r 'l-:jtst*-r. # ney In spelit lavisfily have been pronounced a financial fal- &_____1 ower g40% alk In whili* Wt" '171w (*arliFft*� have ling br4-it mittur-,' inUm & 811OP'Whider., maw fkhat* 'prp P46tw anq Aviintly Pope. UlPro for burial purpOWA. All rux-ords forted of thp race, took thia vIne &r. Im 9W. enUwed tilie room for y4 00t, 19,31-vVe IUk&*AJ EtmrUO"-FrOra i lure. He had to perform a mitacle to 9 pt KI loul'ier IM(A-S and carlow IL itig t1wir plarvi frw a r6hig ascainA the n t"i'm r(wPect w6rc e0lipawl recently get money to pay a tax bill. Not as dol- MAY God A.Imighty break the infatua- He Ila(] a strutW av-p I)amkft ot ro _- "w bride w" "U)01. with 'AVP Marits' underneath tile B&tlu4 of J%Kspurvy. Pope Uregory rgion to Ins1ruil &P 1.4011 In ftngapc�re by the rebtfr(W 01 Uon and lead you oUt IlDto the str,) men, and afty business had to I)avid W11,1141 ymn-rit tIrnm4y. but, nutil wow the A. That eamp right -ome to me, w) XvI. vrafj it natowe of Delluno and a Tar, Jick Kim. wilo (Iletl MJIL lar did He owm. Privation of do- hoM Fnd Ithe good, Cheer, and "9 the Hw. . no, It W ft!r 'I' th'at city- mestlelty, privation of nutritious food, tb* trftnAa~ with t4e baronet .()tl Dav1% perfori** S the 4;ovvrnffwnt h;ts felt'nip Alarra. Two or ln#yl n1w mo mlll#1 right oft W 'nve (�amklok4ww mank fr"m Mmaldo)l, In Her e,(;ttltl co" sotuf-thing like $20,000. 910110us Funshirip nf thix t, pa l&ts Arvh(ion( thr*4- tlay.4 ngip Don Carki"' elfirl' fieu- -Marin - an' we wa-4 ljpliL�wl. 1411e,fi joill 71111M.Any. � I I I privation of a comfortable couch on .111milbl-It OnP 1SW 'Lad Ilia interrmator o#mod reqput%e of bout tetmnt k -ft Spain te) �An hinri In Ven- IL rf-%I-t 9T1410 wit" Vo nw%. an'no I tv)tiglit 18 It waA (IMOralei gorgeoumly with gold which to sleep, privation othar vids cd the par-t1V of all world- openg(i opment shOW8. RT011 Y ill the P 414� Gr%**'-Cr0W from and procloun frkm'& Of the br'le &" ive, wfiere the Vrvtendor has rveplitly V image,to keep it ill fnind.- the Crrxo. P(W Phm I'-. wvo ,,tlt-un0@. and lined witli ly resources! The kings of the earth Of y ghmrov 71le rect roll 0( thla sorectrIv nd Km 1.,r4and fte266" niad. Umt hoifdquitrUm It wa.4 mtate(i (A ths, Ma0b vdfldboW of t1l(3 1)'OD- silkm and damaake. had chased chalices out of which to of thee nOvh19ger than a pin is one onet amom~ to LM.(M a orial@ Of R Mr. a train fW NOW then %hat thp long-tswitiVd signal The grentowt height &t whk,.Il vig. t4ffP_ Ik wam exilat frcom 1848 W The othcr ' detail,* of tho funeral were to drink� but Clirint had nothing but a fiel(i xhiblts�of the @kill of a Khel. &W Ile h&n left PwwM&I*y to e&r6_Wh1t.h (01 the e"al wilould Xnm tw ible clouds ever oxiat loom not (1X_ 18-50 400 (tt4poiled of tm)-thlrds of proP6rt;0Ila1k'1Y extravftgant. making plain cup set before film, and It was workman , a dozen of theme azoorant of about j:1,qX000. kc ior RaMs al; a nt' otbow TIv- CAMOU have bee" working e0&I 10 Wit*& 11% POWwMic". FkmWy In 1870 Yletor t1lP function the mopt remarkable as very sharp, and It was very sour. fie shears wvigh IeW than half a gr;dn ig loved 106 at bOme W ho of Rome Ight of a tel. Denybr. or about the wp bW W Debrett Uwe are two atwmff Ith" Grover"niflit tr(oop", Se-Lent6to have fidunon"trated FJwn&nuol took p(sweavion rfvards (Ixpenoo that has ever taken took the vinegar. pootage ti"t ROL'If, 1W01 bbo 13(Vo dimt e There were years that passed along NtRMP- They are an perfectly park Jwt rmvw dimmitistio4l loy renwm tjf tho purmt Dar i1L tt".t altl&" is r01111t, L&t it y&vre 111&e4! In tile Golony. Uy seats. r)9mtnWtm is rp er, 'Vie pr*mer of thoNatk)sn." Gefore your family circle was lnv&ded Rheary of orMagry yise. rAR(ie MR WIch. and BmaUftow Ekil. SW not having roceivf-d their lwy. nud It &1xm-t t%vpnty_fIv#. feet MW)" tile Nhtm. AM the baronet was thq to feared they hai-e nv-,t with &umpvu, stj%,et o4urfAce.- Th.6 The rQYaJ - houm ol Savoy, his per- IL111 IntoxIcated v*t11 your by death, but the momept the charmed At the gervice Mary's Cathe- ran of five IftlMs. goew to prove 88cut0m, ]ISM it whfte cross on tts 4Pftuty. 81le-Merey me! Don't lot circle was broken everythipg seemed to dral, Kingston, a " t� thAt when the'time comes tlip dissolve. Hardly have you put the #'ester RY, Archbishop and y that the health�eat a1xirtmenta ure armwWtal bearinglL vaint hear of It. He is a s (lauthlor was, with(xit eere WW J04a tbo Carliot foree&_ thao -rqi the th-Ird floor. 187 In C40Wo#-L4Ut4 In bit1Q"Ft,. triet Prehi- black apparel in the wardrob* b*f Molly, In- The pKiple rqsftvw Ln UM "W Or* vested v�tth the palliunko atly re- Ambiv. of -WUh0dA6rr% 011k - you 21ave again to-uke it 991L 0"M CoLved bV 41AD 9 b7 I r9a &T* %I or T-