HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-04-07, Page 27-
P -ma --n. AR -1 , 'ids
7 �T`�'.,;
Nam."-- q�,16D MOOZO AWD 016AMP8. ISSUE No
I" — 14 1899.
FRIGHTFUL AGONY. some Oostly but 0onossIed ALoces"ried
way seem ortrange to you Ma r-ket Reports of Feminine Apparel. '&gu*
INTRANATIONAL LESSON- Sometinxis a man Will Make a N
to hear me way so. Mr. Hamilton, but No 11. --OF-
Wool~ I am thankful now that it has hap. APRIL 9,18M. 1 Endured by VICUMS Of StOnS In wen"' cal"'"lon " so %`he cost of
The Week, tile coatfun" and jewelry worn by a Shall
I : 1 Fit—
+ So am I," lie said, abruptly. the Bladder. i4mart society woman of him &cQuAlut- I
isappointment It Is far bet;ter I abould have dim- The Atioillting && BethIL11Y.-John 12: 1-11, W the diamionds or other
I covered tt before than after my ma - T St. Lawrence Xsorket& displayed he may be able to Be Done
+ rUg", and from the mom I remet iule.-March 31, A. Do 30. Place. Torantoo, April I- No gope of Reesps nxeept by Using gems
+++ your brother (you won't be f f ended '-BGth&nY. TOMnto� April I.---:Receipt-0 of farm Dodd's Rldney Pids-Tbey Xemove form a tolerahly accurate estimate.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ With me for & Martha. Mary. prcduce here oil Saturday were fair, the atone quickly, BasIlY end Per- Some men can even make a slirewd PON 7HE DELICATE OIRL
V ++++ _ay bw ti, is) r foolt that Persons.--jesull. manently.
+++ I had beeni tvllng uaider it deluslon, Ta-ra rue.. Simon. The Disciples.
+ and that I (lid not love Itim," 1,40.00 bushels of gTain, 20 loods of hay
A to ftmt I The Jewil. _ XG guanx at tile oost of an evening gown, You have tr" ir(ft mW
h&'"dly klww wlwlt to dQ. nunk God!" e�tcu)Latat Claude; Cbnumntary. _(Read Introduction. and 4 of straw, Ugether with a largv Montreal, P. cj�. "roh 2T. stif jer. antJ flow proldo themselven on being
110 you. intend to do ?" lie asked, with tuid then Ito addwl hu4tily, -,for you, ) supply of butter, eVp aad poultry. aKony that falls to the lot of other tmim But she ktcps
*-hcmWh I KbOWd wa,,&r ahout slurprise." WO fbad the ah0in%iU9 by Mary re- Witeat Oteady; t,00 bushels w.)Id a&5 ilig liumaulty L@ greater, more ter- &We to tell within a few dollars )ust
Town homelc*18 alA tr',endlefa I "I -have scarcely made any "it to to tOLY, Miss Grey; It wag 100 corded also in 'M4tt. xxvi. 6-18; follown: White 71c, red 71c, $u�oqe 66c. rible. nor liarder W hear than is that flow much the fair one's outfit rep- palc 4nd thin. Her iiallow
till I die(L Bkl.% the next monjellt au"wered. "but I bel yet," much better an you observe, that you Mark xiv. 3-9. 1. SLX days betore to In money. Seldom does It complexion worries you. Fer-
sh leve that I should be aw-are of the truth at once." the Barley exioler; one load sold at 44c caused by the formation of a etone resen
lt,tow th&t I n.Inat act; that all stay here until an opEo . rtunity 641 t, VV" much 13ettm I amowvred. Passover - Probably Fritlay I*r bushel, in the bladder. Occur to film that It, well-droseed W()- haps the has a little hacking
day offers for me to return t quietly; "and now that er- eylening. after sunset, which would Oatfs easier. (WX) bushels w1ling at Tlw complaint is so common, anti 80 man in an partIC-Ul about what dwe
waA wapdag, W My Mind mllst be, o ngian( we und be ox)unteol the beg -inning of the Sab 11 cough also. Her he" aches;
"But to go back to Langley un- N't"41 that fact, lot t?" dwass Rome- - 34 cents. o frequently spoken of that the terrible not appear to as she In regard- and she cannot study. Give her
mad" up at otbm. Of one thing I wam married -you who saileti, Abling elae. Is- Mrs. Ramaxn very mucli bath, as the, Jews , reckoned from, Hay fft�,ady,'*%iniothy Po!.d at $8 to significance of the name itself is 1019t. Ing exterior effect. For instanve.
thence for of f en(jed ,
at my I(ja,
that specific purpotie. Miss Grey. ,tug RhIneberg?" sullwt to sunset. Came to Bethany $10 and clover or mixed hay at, $6 to Ii we were to speak of a "jitone in the there Is the big gu;ld hook exactly In
d0ter7ahted: I WCPWd go tmck nt4ther " Her offence ig of little oonee., -PrOrn Ephraim. where He W $s pe * e heart," the the Nba of the ordinary every-dify
to R hL "You think it will 0. rton. brain." or "a stone in tit pe
&M Rusenwalt. I had we. Mr. Hamilton, be It sitame t Queffice," aa%d Claude, thereby betray- SpOut tile time since the raising o hook, which faAtftn Into an ordinar3F
a disgrace that will Ing that g1le W". ,the (MI. Straw f irmer, at $6 to $6.7)0 per terrible nature of the diwase would Ion
been 'erneily 1"OU.Ited and 4100INVA. cleave to me all my;life. Perhaps so, V thing Lazarus in retirement. AN'liere t4mi. Lw apparent at once, becattso we are every -day eye. which is wicured to SCWS [M
"Wd set foot ill no hou,& be- I emi think of now hq yourself. What Lazartia, wus-His ljolue, where he DrcO-4ed -eries at not um -41 to tile expression, and It* the corset, to support the skirts. Title
but I should take greater shamO to do voli propose to do ? Htgs--Delh fair
1"lgl"g to tile Hanlltaus agat'll- myself could L aunNent to forget the 7%en I unfolded to lilm, all my lans, Lived after being raised from the to $a.40 oer cwt.. - mearibig forces itself upon us in- lux)k lit plalij gold will w,4t, $5. In The oil will feed hev wasting
'Ne'%hlr w(MI41 I re -encounter Urs. UlAnner.in which -Charles has written dead. This was the ineldent thoji Butter plentiful, -at IS to 20c per lb. otantly. the Duchess of Marl borough's trous-
RALI,60m: t4he tuva hem%,, i and told him what I 11AA abactEn, t" I body 1 the 0 ycerine wN soothe
MGM Ack"lo 01 to me *, Tone disgraoe lay in my eon- my own mind the n3ght before. Iscubt! notorletv to Bethany, and was for Wneral run. with choice dairy to Now, -'a stolie in the bridn' woulol *;6au 10 every pair of rorseum wam her cough, and the hypophos-
Ifilis a-ffalr between her brothor and denting to join one of evi- the occasion of the finial attack of Special cu.%Umers a lot txo more out of place than "a sW101 tastenod one of these gold books. If
(IN) be CaD#nuW4_ t 21 to 22c per lb.
I lkek- URI Yet she had dently knew so the Jawn upon jems.-pg1outmt. �Iie hooks'are met in Jeweis, diamonds, phites will give new power and
- -— 0), F4Mw firmer; on acmunt of the Eau- tit the bladder." Nor wolild It caune
-er to Ithbic, "But where -11ra Titer made M.. rf idntr -41%, the inerve �1101)ljlres or oweraidmi. tbov will cout L J
oaid that 6,,10 would ahk li little." go.
.7%0 4 U lat .1 W 7. L4 SupliCK—ju xT d0inand vggv �ftyld at " to joluir nVulk "" allut.; a X" 'CA. 0
vtqor to er twwwa an rana.
Dergo 't "0 0!401016 1 would not, there- -the ol�j main, advaucing Toward me. Simon's 110UM. who was very likely dozen from farmers' baskets, with contras would be6ome paralyzod wid tnanY times as much aA the one (of ever say you " cannot
10rfl- give her the c4q)orttinity of tiri- "Miss Grey. if yon aric. bent upon in SOMe way related to the family' wme few extra choic* lots as,high as f(*Ifdg would die. plain krold. And the ooriwt el%"Mmj�*!
umphing in W humiliatkm. this pr�=,Iing (of which I earnestly LATE GOSSIP of L-azarus.-Ijar4gip. Martha. merved '180. the bulk goijig at 15c. But stone In tile bladder is alarm. The steels for the front, covered with take cod-liver oil " until you
I Walked hack qn.ekly �t4) Mere�r'r;, entreat you to -eonsitleT twice), you -This supper was probably the next Poultry--t1tickens were more - plenti- ingly common. Thouhands suffer the whilLP kid, have in each (if the little
anti rtqupated them. whe7j, Mr1j. lZ:jjj- niust allow me to turnish you with OF THE day after Jews' arrival, after the fW. oethniff froin (k) toi, 85c I*r pair, most horrible tortures from 4t. Thou. Kold huttonn, over wlilell a Kold loop ave tried Scott's Emulsion.
CoVilled for me. to say that I bald the means of 'returning to your 009e of the Jewlali Sabbath which with- some extra heavy birdq as lilgh sands die from it. fautens, n diamond which will cost �4ou w%U be obliged to change
O,i 0
rOGwi Otll(T means of returning home. motber's care.-
"Udfti 'it RUTURA. -U wtug tile sAxAM aA $1 per pilr- And yest, It to very easily cured. There $W at the lowost rulculation. It tlwy your opinionstonce. Qd1dren
Th 6, ROUND WORLD jig-Ujat oome dirse
memotage I kriew which . '41'our intentions'are kin,,]. Mr. Ham. t, from a Ptwelerls they W; I ally becxm vVT fond
she, - %you Id ilton. but you must' think poorly of gat'with Him-110twowl the ralsix) cures it quickly. eftmily and palidpAwly. eout mure- And the cift" for.mide
v0uht to affront lier that rc-atlyemOftl Of tile Mabbath. 1,asarus Turkeyji;, 12 to,11' 'per lb. 64 a remedy-Dodol's Kidney J111le-Utat es
take no ItirVier trouble on my behalf. my pride it y 0 rit to and infietsito not know
ou imagine I couht av- IAasaruo , anti tile healed lepp V
% IP&rta Produce Wholesaleat Torolpto in proof of that stat4ment, It in c ties, nik") gold. with a diamond
ItavillIX d0n1% that. I belit 1py cept. your offer." Clerical gentlemen who 'Let as Pre SIMM,'th0 lion] probably sat as be- Hay. I baled, lot0% nwewaq ottly to quote tile followlhg or two wA in one o.- two pluoes where when it is adlcl to thw food.
1WPO t0ward tile hotel where I had "But. flow else Cj%jl Stou obtain a Aidinj offIcers now and then. make *7,ftn ,, s? r�n letter writtft by Madamj Cliampagiie, thpy vrill be least in the
1-bl. A. f I twf*n two truPhiOd of Hig glory vd�- #,f� Way. will oc and At - all d—fflat&
1.44 k"lou uP0h My first arriviti.and I P"'Qlge Irl 3. Titan tookk Mary a poulld- of No. 167 St. ITIrlotin street: MFt $85; and thowe ALro only two tor -hernists, Toros"
queer slips. The HowjIetic Review A -Straw, baled, W"W lotis,
Informed the proprietoroc that I had "I know not," I suid.' vehemently; 10man pouad is twelve ounce@ avo, I hare suffered with atone In tile thrm snial! itemw purcbaAed. and a
Come wero. of ee quotep an instance. At the close of 1* -r tou... 4 450
to *ctitv there. Thv� "hut I I I thid, that I would rather dupolu. Ointment r spikenard- 11,t). -0 . ... ... hituld(-r. and, timuKh I underwent dif- 90041 Film of tooney expendmi.
tatt", car -low, --see
�'ouretl. Mi' Obse(luiousnkwss tAv My I beg. boirow or steal the money than the fopeno-bn "stun of a - ministerial SPikenard Waa ail oaromatic barb. bag... 075. 080 fermit, treatinentio, and used varil)na
wuilles-. and placed t*o or their best'take it fro;b you. That� I will work vonftrence, in announcing the o en. anid wag imported f pS min(milovi, I got no relief till I took TO CURE A COLD IN ONF. DAY.
mm Arabia and Butter. 018
r0om.,4 at ray disposal. having reached'as a dressmaker or ti se�vant. in or- Ing -subject for the afternoon sesslQn. Indlll- Very I Kiiiiii-y 11111s. Five. boxes rw Take 1,axative hromo T A 6TONAOR.
I c0at]Y-Worth about Butter,, mt-Allum". -tulmi, '.010 Quivitie Tablet& AJU A YEAR WITHOU
which. T called for peii. ink and paper. 1 -ler t9 obt.1jil it. rather;�.thah 'be in- the preAdIng officer stated that E:I. $45) or $50. -LIL.. (116 1 t -lit. #�tojje. built up my liealth. I)rnauristm reftind the maner If it trilp; to cure.
and had de4ipawl1j.41 tht. following.Itn debted- to aiiyow- of the name of Ila But as 4 RuMaLl de- Buttoer, tullry, 11). rol 7 nx)%" 25c. This Woman lfq a Ksrvol to the surgical
tier H- would present -a paper on rluio, (15 oents) wan the price of utmigth awl fl(oh. anif made a new
ter bY a mamenger to 1116upberg Hamiltoi) 11911i'R. T% lins too bitter a The I)evth, an .116W -r large rolls ... ... 01.4 1)(16
1 -t ill ti added 'Please -be womall Things Worth Knowinsr. World.
1156und to Illo. I . a,day's labor Lu those dayd,� (tr nw.,,
-10 pas;s-,-d over not ung-rateful'to prompt in attendance, for Brother an*"t Would be equivalent t0$8W.. Dodd's Kldnoo
I)Pfom an0tlipr hour 11 the Butt4br, cremnery. N
Pills are a I)o1sit'im
ray head you, I holye bfit no permunsion aliall 11- - has a carefully prepared paper. or $4W In our day. rolls ... ... 021 .022 cuft for atone ill the bladder. and To C40au a "Picit' will, grin4l A !Iand� That the stomach is nut " orgain
mi.ike.we levept rotir assistance. .1 -P. Anointed Butter. creamery, lxnea- 020' Oil ey fulof raw rim f%goetitUd to life in the braean Npee-
"MY Dear Air. -i. Rr4nw)m,-1 am ind is'fnii-of his subject' -Imagine the feet -She broke tile aiabalitur ery otimr form of Kidney Dliwasf�.
sorry to leavo yonr hoas-�- without would rather die*of ivalit. ih Cape. J�ggs, elloiel., lif-W 1414d..."014- iW is VubutantlaVod by the final ro-
hts ebagrin. wben an'uproar of laugh- b6X (Mark xiv. 3). and poor*.kl, A wbiek broom is jjwt, tlic. tilijig
j Warning-. N't it i�; quit.- impe.4slille I Town-,, ter reminded him of the unhappy wit- perfume. firut on the hc?�,d Vie lfoit�-y, I m - r 0 03': 007 Things Never Been. to 04Np the hozv&-radish graWr- port, In tbei eam of M�iwvsl of the
k -d every thintejoulug lady," he. du the feet of Jesus.,-aW our. (Itickeno. Ix -r lmiir ... ... 040 076''' "Ail lifair's IxAm." Cori*U with tile ttomach performed on an el6erly wo-
can return titere. I have )Parnt "Vou are obs tielm he had blundered Into." IVild theil Itow. tims-4,41, ' car lo%# .5 10. 5 251 whallebtme re. -
Pa�rtieulptr rvlatlrj� to your brother'a replied. buttoning ilp us 1*)cket again. mo I make gowl cloaning clot4m. man by Carl Selilitt4er. Privat-doeeut
former eorinecti(,il witi, " anti I fear you may 114ye causc. to 5"r Wjly- WHO not this uwt=jllt solid Duckot, 1K -r pnJr ... ... ... . 050 075 A womau ih love who wasi't jenlowi. Al qf the Cnivert4ty of Zurich.
-NIA(IeMoLiClleircagrat your re'f usa I.' However. I have. Garswood. England, 1140 , A ventt- .1. ash"s Put Ill a %%'001100 1XIV Dr. Neblatter's rvort oil 4he caw,.
ot SAId-Im argod lit, autit other of tile db�, 1
Von Beck. an I I cot,141 not t1tink "ft"tOd wAE4 Judo^' Tti)rkeys. per 012..- 0 1 A nian Nrbo dAn't want what hu
11.10 all that I vatt thin4 of to 1per-' I:Itl,ng engine that joan di-spolie of m. colti storagi-jb 07 �010 cou!tui,t g�--t. aJul 11111ANNI ill the water wil'! mAki,
being the mi-.ln4 to nutk-- him 1,reak- (APIM floseutiod U) JKI&lg, am we Turkey bard wator aDft. p, -jilted in thi#4 week's tamue of the
.1 It, i)00.000 cubic- -6-ot Of 41t a ininute per lb .. ... ... ... 0(j Q7 . Aii ugly �Mby or a jqx.)iltt child ac- 'tow York Medioal Rocord, nVittw
Ilia promisAj. it, that dirveticlij. I �by P.M toki by Matthew anij Mai*. rn Pickles or vinegar will riot key -p il.1'
suade You to Ito wbat i.-; G
My therefore- I conclutle'it. i.,g of no u4c uly In e"a uq I of a uloneWr fan.- Tilt- fixii.1s Nast Buffalo Cattle Mark" cordIng U) the mother. thtit th tient ;f� a woulau. 56
intentioit. to ri-tarn to staying here ;lay longer." pmny e(jap.19 abuut A woman or a polkxwitui who'would a jar that li:v4 ever find any kind of, e 11�
Englat"i hv the it--Xt. opporttinity. arl-I :10 feet in (flameter -and 9,feet wide 'fUteeD LIM tO, , t I 10 awou n t � being about EnoRt.Dtiffalo, .%prii. l' -Cattle, qmi&- kept iri it. years oid. ffering from a diffuse
110 t1irl'"I to 4jult the room as lie V 6wn to being In the wrong. -arelnoma 6 We
4" 0i $50. Aild given W� tbg p entire Ntonlach. The
Y( Wi'l !I.L'61- tho ki,tzivss to send t4rg,)ke, I _�ar- r, w Ort Halo, wit,11 the foelln- - 410f -t. (lam sholls are more emivenient
arrbm the vanes, pr paddies. ' it is Ca eUjUhjh8.W � &Uld , jt7VV orwNIL
Charles 1:ngtired bellind, v A unjuilmous opinion from erltic.4, operatitma %%,am purform*ul on 8#4pt.
m 'lAtura. ia there n are-' 41111jer, a tiior.IeZrziV- (Itamnlid. for Wraping pote anti kettiom tkal)
v` bf1-Xt*-R awl w-,ariug app:trel to tile tirivert h� ropes from a 2446ot fly-, 1w2v cOwmal Vlmder tho ekXX ()f ban&. 81 I(Xt(f . i mt 14.11c. '-doctmW or exfierts. Oth, 18J7, total extirpatloti of t1w
Subibillf-ti a1drowq, ywi will ohIj to cliance jor tuW. wheel anti rodrs like'a loctimotive yep'and lAttlilw-31 a knife, requiring lem timo.
ge-- 110 A- man who diank to exopm
YOurs Rinet-roly. -vo iA Mnl*et Wow Itull 111.10111 r3e, lower thai ollhigs that have beccme mnoke-I stoniw-h beitig fonal necemary. About
'40t tilt) gill jjW8%,,, I &,Ilxwcmi. 11 %v hirlIng -through. a tunniel.,'The fan 4 0
*1 Laurn Gri-v.- 6. Hie WNW,& ViLwif-7kike naLY-0 that ye6st-priday. rho*vp to extra ' lambs. lie liked g%,t;tInjg drunk. lune Ist, ti, the following year. the
a cold - V(?ICC-. 14 used -for reiAllitting a, colll�ry.. or it Wan QqL lu NU1249 olur SCLVIOW that $6. 10 to by a kercmile ]AMP f4bould bi- wash -
A -0,11 mine Is said to be' -.the jw, Ix, g"xt to cb6;c,,. $ -5. 7 5 A niother-In-law who dW't tililik ad of f wamun ltdt the h Ital. devlarigw
1.1,11V i f . ym'. wpu Id ordy listell," I., .311d It .44 M41M U) 1'0W WINW11'. The 94 ttuxt he -r child could and should ha%v wItJl weak @NL% wnteor. at "b" fel' " I
appliance of" itR kIn1 in- Oil th t pprf#-�T recovered. and
letter -ur9t1d. "I tItLuk'I could excuse myielf lArgest the b%w Immure; lie Lt 111ilon to. good. $5 ~*' 5 to A on
As W)ou a,.4 I knew m. dr -one, better. Pu to a little housebolt! ammoala
Wax on itot World. ad beee a lung $5.75). 'Slif dli-C 7h6ve U) eitra. 44 - t�; ft M9 and Clean off the rollm o! t*te %jAtej nome relatives. Slip dI(
r, a4 to 141iineberg, I f#-4,14 little in your eyev. yoil see, &4ix t3me a QXJ, awl 1116, Wly 0111y tor $-%2.5; k"f,tfi vlloic�.,, $1.85 0, *5. A man who -pervistently backed wringer twkwe 'putUng It away. Oet. 210th. 1898. of caneer of the
eonlparatLvel speaki' vears 7.-.4 a devilisill long tbue. * 1'. kywot. JeauN wiLie his heart wam b ]omen
Jv ago at yest. I' Laur.^ A brYmme, arid who erer retJrfd 011 a a
I, Three men'sat over the. edges of tar frDm Ellmu.-AuptiL 11MAI tlw tag�- Ihygm-Thp,ofrerhigoi wer'- =4 loads. COP17*4e Duln Pipes, that are saw or im-
plungod. mysell ill to- a Ifilemma. mrbo" your b6auty had wane- - 4 )enp!l. k.,rwig at $4; n cy therefrom. During thp entire ypar dig*wtion
aw 110 at IcWt its influence oy6r nie, ght orf a. , wid. TraAe in
from which at, that n*,sin -ilt I I.' IV It' abit j fire I n th�.'gray li' The pash box m Xh4_�h the fuu(jg. of 0' for. pure may be cleaned with lime water and aw-imil-ation of food. both liquid
caetkas wf extricatioa; but I was. 11'0 theft a mar'jijc*ts witht f4u'many t-er':s, dAwni 0 the MS -111 (0111P,vy wwr�-, ko —OdGL- 'lit avy., -1�1 to. $4.05 for uie,jitim.14', lup) rff wirholie acid or chloride of lime. and Folid, was performed wpli.
longrr in trt n the table 'behind them 144 Am, bam-. �vLlt Vram patt th - When you etrive a nall Into a wa
oa.-I of iwi,114 Aticrilici-d In ternljtat;ori.� .*,.that, 'womarr never -rt . ' ' . . "hAn $3.95 V) -$V for Yorkers. lligs-$:1.75 if.
marriage for W, dre many empty whiskey bottles -N<A, LUM tt qf bZ t1jeft. t ---q- to $3.90: rough*., -$3.4.555 Ao . $3.00; clothm PWAN or clonet to hang- things
ant of ecturilt- met. You a couple of packo of cards. As st-ij#' T-2.75). t4) *3: g-(x.d mi1ghts .a nd om, drive It through a apeol tip to n&A's Liniment in the Howw
ge us tli a -m-4 of but, d7 rectly a.ni I that he cW ; Wit. Aw4gy "I I. loop Mi
4 elate 11410 -chan. wh�eh h.v-1 titlipq 1194LU.ti and,siw y4jur ey�es a nil ha i r t@ L 'Dear. SIrxj-.-!-TIj is is to eertify that
ptil..T. � they' sat in silence' a rAv scurried it" an tre.jou". ftt�xvd. -10 to -*$4.05. 0tj'tI4e`elojj4e -.,Lll. tile heAul-
rort.,. ITIAT Vgur-� !ovelier. eton than wliell 1 7. L�a% htw ajobe--lL in thu LaD4guftge W' His Time was Limited.
MY .4eatirw-tits. Therto I on re.; - -ter" the heart4 into, the darkti-ex. vr� tq)-'41 -aI.tL the4ep.14ig -was stm.)nK I hq,re lieen troubled with it 1.1nit. A artlall box filled with. lime and
ilck p. %vith ycytt� all� mr affecti f04
notwitt -tan, fln-, thl- dif - Ict.10 �H wl, I beyontl- Thf� three men iihifted their 4&AJV rebWke. (,Ikp:" W",iak,. brick r f lrtten ysars.*
-riot wts f.-asivio. V.Vod. -itl did,.411-leed; it me fun ck vWick&-What did Y~ wife sav to
LWOWL my pat'll. , PI neft' on a oWf in the pantry er I
rny. M t1te hypocrik4y W$Xk�h nbaAle a
V' asul lookedat esoK.-Other mi -a+ PLID- IN INDIA. ekowt, will nbam-h dantpn~ and keep yom whwi you got home at 4 Vellock
ana I maje ail- fr,*,lvr V:aa'eve ; And n6vir I would- Ivet ' CIROPS - Vhare uswf three bottles of your
mea,l. anif , I ,L -After a long pause the min' J111 kwuttut, of tho poor i!rl 'S UNIMENT and am, epm- lloh--� air dry and mvmt.
!Ould have cotir-o-I t,). lot C!:1111g-k ycou fcor Any 'Woman Tit,, wIjeV,. rro;) (if 11141ja 1.4 est'nt- 111NA111)
r,*if had I not In X intidle spoke. -I know whi Pxt:Mve fckr atuclang an.1 UM anta- 11t4oll nt L'3�,000,00) huslif-Is. The vr0- I- To brighten tho inside of a iroffee Blinks i weartly)--Nay, 4*1 MR11, I'VO
11 c 0 Ing an act, or I10VV tODWRT�W HjKW-,lf- pletefy cured.
w0TJ1d QWY believO fvillpr.4 are thbikin" he said.." yo(I Or tAOL POt fill It Witli Wnter, -14d a got wAmo woft to do to -day.
U.) . walt -1111t'i! In V Y#
witorp setit, frl)w Iii1i0l)4,r,. he.add&l, nicotirutully .4- b(;it. IN'bY trbob'e ye t'1140 wt or I'MG Was cotimateAt at 20%( It given� me great pleasure to re- Rm&)' Pinm of axw. and 4-t it I-Xidl
T)o as t.4a t i QdZ 00 f
I ftouAt I saw a rat. I U"
late.. ef.,,arles!" I IoLitt Ctu-c- top (Mallot. XXA 10), IWIL-las o 'hich only 4 OW)
lock. from -it rom w 00Mn31P1h,(J.,i4t and- r$xi are at;. libert--v almt 45 minuten, Miller's Worm Pqpwdrm am t1m, tx-VL
ra.. �' .4 :-. " 4! - i� �41 1 i it wort- vxport4-41 durin- ;f,
4aunas ol 4S v4A, wee you wrol�e all tli� UW the Othur-4 114141 uttered thew mm- 0()0 1111si"'Is to use -this in any way - to lurth�r When hot gTpaAv has 1*�-en %A laxati%4- nwd.cltie for children ; as niop
& twelve II(A (Mi
I heard in Vw i-tvioridor of tio iii;119 In your lett*rs to me. It I.; P�A�U to MArY, anti that she waa mcnithi, Alipril Imt. 4,1896; il
it; anit saill by'. m,tnuf(wturam Of wO' %rout.&O by wll&t, tlLey &jjj.-prj.. .11arch 31[st,.-, 189% ' to tile use'of your. �aluable ritedicinp. the fltvw tho bcwt wny Is to d"h as N14py.
TJ,e wheat "coll.;
I Uiougot they hatl arriv6d � but 'the perhaps, men'ti Shoes Zhal, a. lmrkeil change '.oubet. AgaAwt t1w Two lUrers. Robert Romic rol-d wnter over lU qnlckly an(i P" -
next, moment the floor of my rooiu wa-4 Y1,11''rehiember the pror4b. - "Onee dojolf My bmry- "'ImPtI011 in India is a' very varlalfle The iikitw of 100,000 auimals are
9 to vent It frfvm frtrikina Into the tw-tr4a
flung open. ani 31r. llamlton m0 hi, pon
blot, twice ih' in AY;v@ has been gcilhg on during the ing-111 for* In wilng, aor your (wantity, depei,Aing largely it illo used* a
reprum-lirs g%ZeW t -Good Hewokeso ng- onually in binding Oxford
,,. 'JUI t L ak
Ila re im I"Wt t e fifts result, of riep nittl t4her crow. which
;on. Charles alopoart-d N -fore m,-. I ros4 hearto!' !10 Ka t!, wo yc'Atra. . 77he alloes in favor Bibles.
W grt*t them,* nervoii,; at tlic- tki.111ght rLjy- wfUl leis flexible goley pmrw Imth $law perfume. She bam (It -go, I rtiol' I
takWMw., me nistiiate a lai 110 Ho%V'Fi This!
of the oomilig iaterriew. but firmAn -Not for you, I c(7nfer.8 A but, wisi -1"th pLilner uppem OutAloor ex- bLdurehAlkL-00de%. filv's fix)i.l. Tile iargpst year'jq (-xlN)-tq
MY resolvo V!, . I �14"ef' now 0�1-,Mde 8. Tile pow akwtjjyaj have-liefou 56,400AM 4usIjcI'!4rr Life of Birds. Ww offer One Hundred. Dnilars Re -
'it' nor artraiwuts. lio-w4. that I llaY6 beon AJ30 mcreuttan for woni6n have rtlg Vu I)eu.t. ][ v. 11. % Ila -
'0W la tli,6 doqwtW fL there wi:l tflmliA of reloute quoujil fkv tilt.
ever .4u k-,* r ot K�l .11
sl"k,! Vi- &-ter.' faith afl �thcw� yeaw %vith It or mpte com- be an IMW t1I4 %,Lere h In tills IAP064 vrard for any caw of Mtarrb that cah PERSIATIC -SHEEP DIP
14fintl6tv., 'it Wah faith. (;h?LrI 'ortW)le'ttzrI anbeUtattal shoeii I.. OREIGN WHE.%T, F01-1, St. 1,olA% Olotm-Democrat states thit rw)t be carod by Hall'o.. Catnrrh Cure.-
.'Mivation-W111-.4b. I hohl. 'Tlt- latlicr '00 eK true fftloF,.01 m-inkind, ts-P tml�-,h foly and OPE. -tile number of years formiriga and ANVIAL WASH.
11 - - undeMed; &W I ne rc*or aL*) 1%61� lovlgw-r aAtI wear n*);,e even- fu thf- early liart 'of the IsoaSMI
was firAt' V k ted I ."D Much AJIMEtALML tile hird is F. 1. Chenney & 0o.. To- L
Is. 'WOU1,11. lia.ve always life are aji follows: 'Blaekbird.' 12; ledb. 0.
We Wen to volu*mw Ln ainy shA ell,� A powerful non-irrivint .1 r&I
urr-cvt-d. -my -,!P:L-r MI-' PC In order -ompirn'tively flea% 9- )PIUL-11 lx"Ae (d the Jew*-joIju, 'T;m1-A mt,imatbst that t1jr-4! of thp blackeap, 15. canar . y, 24 healltig pl-Ppnratiou that islir( VL
y sil- or 0e, cratie or We, the undproilffned hav%� knowi F.
lirey, grieved t�yv:j*i in to 1,e:kr U) make the. time jut&% un 1.1 con- whO WAS a (laillesm. often gives tilt. imlooitatit "whoat ini.portjijg.eountrIe,4 crow, 100; cagle, 100; Ing a lAyin W farmers till o%1 -r
of tile Piuf"-ri .4't'01) w4wh v4J.1 ha;o. so� offtw to J*An T(ri hpre." 1-1"044 Ilc*Itll lwvk u t I t0t of Fliroly., (Qermati.i�. Belgium'ji111 i0Wl (COMMOM), J. Cl~y fOr the )APt 15 yearfq, And
ellotee. . V le*6f Jews %6-thooie wllo-were�� 1 110' 10: 9Y)l1ififich, 15'. 9cKX0%--50i heron, belipirft him perfectly hem( - i
0nadvbwdIr Vikon.- I truse tilat a ffw coinve, if yCou ajoe 41C Mined to Itauto of j it llab� laild) wimild 'proixibly retiodre "I If n all Canatin tor touring skin ',J�
urVaukum--Clarke. Knew 59:
hours' rferl, harp ogi.-that t1leme, P same (Illautity of. foreirn' wheat lark, 18; lhinct,�-23; InwAtims traTM4&ctI1XLS anti flnaoei.JJJV eaws of Aftj) and cattle. und
r4!t,:c,i law provej - suffici,-c, L It istt no use' 7%rrkvy has been- enmiged in war tlta't Jcffml was '1611WO-1za-ve cara- tit , 18 ; pa "OU 40 -. partrIdgr.,, 15 ; pen - Mile to carr.r cmit any bbl4rntlorv- ina<ip for d%.,;tmyjng vermin. lifts no
to !1110w To" thIt. yotj hare Lwf-rl to)() attemPting to argne with -!you. You (I iriii- the ercq) year' 1898-66. : pe
arss liko :111 th Irtir -e*,gli t yea?" of tIm present Olen- ran would be cudminr up for tile I asii - :18 tileT. coc* )4- licAn. 50; plieamnto� 15. by tiveir firm- Irritating effects. &n,1 effects a
hasty. an't that you will cousleint jljl�.v yotir Sox. 1,1ttirt d:d dilring- 1139? -99. Vie Corn Trade
bver'from,all p(wVolw
Wrly Ittird atull tury, -eoiv4derably njure thn ano, no" �Qf the -cQuutry, 20. raven. 100, rahi.n' is"; Wept & Tnwx, whcA+wale drugg;"tt, cure In two or thiou appileations.
W aeC()Mpt�ny-iii- bat- -k to ItwienwaLt. unforgivtnr where� wo . Wd upmad quickly 1ww,;. 11arelt 14t,l)...81lowli that �Ile W Mr. G. A. Bro.11e. Bethemia, Ont.,
I have come here for the elpresd plir- antAher woman is.mmeern4l" tf Ard' of tile tinull. shipmelilom 'tf')-' three emintries during 30 : qmrrowhawk, 4D: ; an. Toledo. 0.: Walding, KVinan & IL-ir-
throWli t be Ott i ftt I rowcjk tha4 Jesus 100. thrush, 10; wren. 3. rbi, whoLowtie'drnggiotm, TrAetK 0. 1 Oays: "I used It with great sne- I
P00'r Of Per!06�1-111�9 You W do w).' intl Not tao. Charle& For my 6wn make, %vith th year.; of war; krance and Jpzariw werPVBe%,bL4ny. tho 32' w6eks up, to M -arch i1tho'bMve !Ww ill mwtorating lambra. the vr&Wl
hai; hatIrtylone 4TLmw
my c-arr!.-jgv-- jo waiting it'. tilt-% -;tour. T111114t con4feseeild'to rornte the ac- I twelity-se.ven yewrs, Russia 11=1ted t)y .9 Hall's Orivirrh C�� k4 taken inter- I
twenty-fbqrr, Italy twenty-three, cUriaoity, went txj,we thio %vith dJ4.-,,8n.000, husillels In An Alaster Greeting. nally. act4rig (JJrmUy upoic thp IAo(xj ISPIttilig Uu- wounis rapidly anti
I weirt uas to the o!d getitlema:1 �jwj elmatl-nffl- 'HM yon dewrteAl me for -wm-d-r-workero aixt the Ul' tile - wime
dvm,,k hia hand, - , - S& had been hoa- he had all oil W houl year. For tllcw who hare thought that I keeping the maggoV% away. I ruopt
'61ndemolmelle Von Be F-N%glaistl twenty-one, Atlowteut seTen- '"OWI't tllIX WA�-Veloils work.' ly"(Iks (of las t' &nti wnrus surfaess of hpurtily recom, end It." For sale
teen, Elo3and fourteen, Germiny 'Prive, 75c por ttle. u4r-
flairullton., durit4e W short e"t enough to letlW know Lt. I thr- T110 nOult wax* that mait" eatarrh'is incurable and to wilon, tilt, bo Sold �y "'Al I ol r
could ha ' Wen, .14weslewi ten Portugsl ten., Den- y of tI14-jj0-*- exnwtant uw' of snuffs ajtd (pint I e I I at all demlers, or diroct frowthe
peritod that we have been acquain-to-ti, V`0 fOMivell You. though per- BRADSTREET'S ON TRADE. -ulent* 9144til. T*"tlnV)"8 f
you have stwiks-ri kindly f4al'141 to me. I it" not all at,onco: but it 1A tile WAA nine. Much' of thlo Is for. reek* Was afmco.4 -unbearable.. CatarrtwvAgw mlinufnAurerm. We invItie cor
an' naueb fblg4-d U-) you'for i't I woulef tlfrvit y(Ai have -imactilied wWcll lias OnLnl!� of Vie ftrwVNLapojecyn. 10. Qtlitof 141*Wtis misulted-1 'lotted i Stormy weather has hurt ret" 00me" as a hurre aad d%lightJul -cure. '.No A Monte C&rlo Btory. "Potidene*. '11he Pickhardt Ken -
That they nolght Put I-azarus aiso U) traxle Jn -Canada and checked d1M,- nfwA f"r fetid breath. broken voice j"W The 1.,oyiduti Tplograph- tells thibi f rew Co., Limitfti. Stouf f ville, otit.
glad�y comply v.-Ith finy rptlurut of, so.01wrichauited rue.', Your lettt%ni never lit the 6e(trou (4- Wi'llnm TV nt &."th.-AA jarw'aa he IIVcwj +Inr, tribution of apri crew -A.0 hm# :"'A
M t I
Yours whvh 4-4 114)t InUrfere ivitf MUM or Vapied In at' Incon'ttIft dim )ptrqg in the throat. 8end for (lat, waman e-itoered lie ille whilt
i. my their haockr1eycv] Omrt Mftwe ju a clock'of t AQ
F-xiprewslori* tinavton, ii -40- 4)V00f Of the odivAne ceiPt'R'of countri produee nre larger, arrhozone ajid be convinoed. prince wit' ' inning 1
idea (,f w1w t ui right., but, lit th L4 c", 0i attachment; 'you hav,6 powVr of ('11rist; iller0ore thf-y whilind because -of better snow roadic Tor- , Outfit. om she knew waN This I n"
& trW to do the cru'ejest thing of Vie gTandjather pattmm, whioh Sample bottle a w
No; go rg Utek. Vk 11%,lown- to put him to,,*athl' b6cwpe tnauy"of onto, repiDi-ta -the outlook for opring op nd inhaler, 10 in a sweeping tityle that seemed d"- FREE I
"e Lady &
wilJO. woU4 imiAy tluat I stilloWtondwl whIch a MAIL i14 CajXLbTP towari a welve ammiths without wind- tbi. j tined to break the hank. 'I tim so Watch, witb
Foft-; ro r t njW
LI)g. It e" tweatne oogjT"rtV. to li r,4t trade - tood. 'An(I that' larger stocks C. po Chakelaint for RAZ3 d,'
'mimarison-to w1lich open w&q courtruleteAt about 1660 tbroW10histA glail tA). see you here, Prince, aujd ttl
umrry y(mr mm. and -that is iirjw 1v 111111". co WN1 & N., Kingwton,.Ont.
ucaion." �y DaYQuare, awl W streli a splontild Is are-. being � carric,41 In antWpation 111 of our tull-4izod lainL
'luite 011t of tjj-- (1, infitiolity is kinarteng; to let me kn1cl, hick. kx):' she oxclalmed. 'DO P0711e8at1u(;,o&ah;1^dye
sucl, warry you rr that It does noti vary a oe- living thereof. Export trade is active to An RX001l*Ut 0o14 0 ng
-'40 such thii4t. my "r -n-., nnder thi belior that tmekeepc 11. By -reawm ()f, hilu-.AA �a ; ' ream. tell me A luekt number; it is su . re to Ekbrb 80mWawbforsell'
.1 (IM In ft narin-t-h T*- xti� + -1 vlcuty'welit aivay and lin. MI countribs altho" Is *-h 5 d)z T"Is . I- jV1
is" A V%lu F " IF& re iW it t* a W-1 I
Uuj4. exclairiii-xI the old n1ah. **Tli!8 Y"Ur livart wa entirely mine. and ROVC4-were Pure whiw wax 1-4 ouncep %pernla- wiii, for you a i I the vain. pmumst &Mugu. 1%ey IWU at,
.that in the very ey th@ 110"TO '001y, but aLw) the seconds, 69blig. a -way aj,.d bellov.: tk)n of the expoyme,014saw-logis has re- The prince gepPnPtWf : NiChL Write" wesewl theM
h" been a-zi unfortuna-te niLjunder- es of tile womAll eetL 2 1-2 ounceR, oil of sweet almoulls # placr-,t a pile of
minuteK daTv %nd 'mcontlis, and even trfr---f��m- Bib, This waa too much, for -dueed tliO 109, 4rut.-. And smaHer fti- `31-2 ounces. rosewitter 1 1.2 oune I 901(l louts before tile vi%aelous la,jy.
NU14tilff f*-%xv-(*n y6u, which a litt4- t" W 110M Tou luul. made so light of tll(' VM80 of flu'nrlse and mmset. tim', chiel Vrk*it%.'Th1j*v w,� G.. - es. d
yortir *;ujnjos(,d affect;o;l for me. The g0ow ture exports of lumber are look( mowanc Vro, rwomptly f W-wd
It Put the three oils lit a porcelain ket- who0e bqauty 'had sueceswfully iiefiod bw. T'nwld 4nyhes
Lalk Will wwln clear away 4 clock has juRt I)qen clenned by a- f1rw t*lynrid their control. -They*m&vt do for, . JIftintreal -repOrt� city tra( ir
ac a qj% sta (7jXW unufflun nove and 7^r*at&
U.- 'I fi - wiw aynean. cowardly act to eontem- of Watch ra,ikc who te that the A6 meet the d, lfnrt by Vie ktorm, but that a fairly is I
-No talking can ut)d->.f UO and melt- pvpr the f ire, ret UIP eff"Ct4 Of thirty-six wiiftorm.
M j. -,A .4 j 1)ln#&% ('ha I t. S
T7 suivo -seen the-wtter,; v, hwh j VV ow or rx& -4 # it ul, 110 all 1xi the t;ujulier of
mad.i oist-1,1j, vorl wilrd One raeeliant,-ni is in subli. excellent cm. maj tho caw. What was japos- gnii�l Jopblng businoo it; doing. sitop "' Job an" It"" tne e w&t' your years and reap a gulden liarv4wt,'
M - very quickly, -stirring briskly witb a
your svin vrm.tv- to . who w) trupiU,41 You aA to cheerfully. 'dittan 'nat tile (jyj tIme-plem will ad MO to Him, that oouffi raling iho dou it? manufacturern are ba"Wy,' while stooks silver spoon until cold. Havp mim(, The la!ly refleewd. howitnted, id
Beek, ar.d eompr-hend ru.1ly r.,,w wh.v lfmlvO all Your'frientim for ronr sake.01' AblY.keeP 0q go'lng for -Mother G(A �wftld bAve Lazaras live fit
nxiom Uj niarry mivi. wWLA pr(11 by a 7Wr- fflui NeCutltles* are lower lit-Inolce Kmall glasm or china �ars.%varm when
bp waa w) a as be, w" stiriaking out ot. a Ventvi. e. then plae(yi the pile ou twent)-,seven.
&rAf -; 'thf'0li0f PrIeRM WoWd � Ila Generitl trt0e, in backwan
bp. wao making 'Iove' to-) amother t1to room. lo6kiiig terribly anliarnoik I hy� lnaltce.-�-H Marithu I ill tile the emam is Pitt In.- A. tiny pinch An ln&tant later tile - roupler. rang
;;Aman.- P I c A I waYs boy
r0ilembered 'that I had lovieq film, TteelliiWit. deatll hu9i , nes Provin.cen, but jobbing of boraic In thp r(yiewater will out: 'ThIrty-six red wins!'.The lady
TtW number of cotton.spUmij
"Not mak�!V love." ijitA-rp(APd anti my &j**;ch At fl*-i9..k0M..at* Victoria, B. V. whiten anJ add tt, its goodnew. oind #h. moij Dieu; thirty-rili
Charlea ear.�rlv:*it wao .4j Mply a fflysel 1. appeart(I bItt4--r t,6 wcArk -in Ja:pnn In abomt 1.150,000.' sh&ld. not Cept A,4110OUL over ut'. We Bank claarLngn tdr Canada ollow .1 if you'like nold oil or row or ew4enee in exactly Int 119'e" and fallitmi oil the
-rn a.flirtatkon JAU)U, the opcndng' of the year there were i14-w-mber that Jeffus feasteo� vary sliflit I ificreaft, for last week. or vloilot,;. Riot."
Okee of nt,whDrLie, Lau t- gr,)- Yet." I addcml, NutilY 400,0&0 ftAndke at - work In- China,' 1110 fr"Im Jwt It w0ek before aggrpgntl�ng $28,865,000, a fractlon
pour pas* r 14- tempg." nta.r not meet again. 1jet ut4. at Elle erwifi x ion.
are been thcreaaed to M5.000 WO slu'yuki wt clur of 1 per cent. largor' than those of Miller's AVOrm VoWders cure fever In Lime axid Fertiltty.
rolgardf-41 hiin with c(-;Trte upm jemn, 11,110WIl the previons
t shake banrilin apd Wt WOW%6" Acr"rdlng v) the British 0onfiular re,, week, but nearly 11
lVas it 'pour pz~r 10 tpnip4' that Lanta! can't you ever for- pott IjwuftI &",fco of NW[., The actual ammilitoof I;jjjp talkelt I)y
you Dpent your ru#,noy upon that woni- he Bald tills Tear there . were per cont. larger than those of the A Business Art. enjj*4 is voAry "mail, but tliat little is
ill a I(yw v0100, 448.1-56 XjATldI4 at W4*k 'ift ?4jeXIC0 PRACTICAL SURVEy. corpespondtag weok a year �Ittlal-- Wheat, for li*4Anve, take,4
an. Cbar"? tJiat you dared t4j.' as exur handq met. 4 ago. �Advcrlolsing,is an nrt: it is tiimp'ly lbs phusphau,, am plicaphate of liaw
I in 1896: fdrice whI The affortiW or love, --jeow wam Uja
�ny ruLm.- In y(,ur letters to her. and "Yes -freely." I ajlxwe�rud, ill . a ch no returns have Canadlaii failures number 4 33 foF
U,, amwrt, that V4 u fuill1k)d pjur eii. cho,erful tone; - wid iho * More PublIshed,. The lat4wt coiij4us of' Objm�, of Mary's pogwom.,low. aaci last week. as against 21- tile previ.- tell'ug by - Other weans 'titan tilt. anti phoMphatp of njAgmepia, j)jjt tile And get
gagrinent tO me m0ro-ty fill compulsiolli that I lave not beam Poo sPkA(v for CAnada io that for 1894, 10M &he aiumAnts. Thlo act jvUB W1 ous. we*k. 29 In the obioresponding. 'tongue; ..and in - Vw present day of amtxjvit (.wf the lAtter foutwi In t ho
wee A puall lohe� merchant who knows'best grain noli Is fmr or fiino tinum ,A
Haid that boen the c�me�, 1 Im 491,252, but -there have oknco' been arkiam; us"mi for �HU; CjjAZ;u.-t6r '1896" 110w, tO tell is tiou,311Y tile one who nincli am of tjw formor. Frank Wal-
wid becaaw your fathur hmi"threat undeoe4v tOO Which g4res the itumber at work as 0XPrftVbX1 Of IAT jirotougad 1XrW)n41, k year alVD. 40 In 1897 , 44 ta
:4-jwd You with the low of ftfraid t6 thij* what -1 0hou hare
erfirw4erablo additiona. IDS li1q, Him poruju. Itl wan aa eXPrt%i- knojrs best how to sell. -Just glance lie. of Lij^Aii, EN-, who in a t1*11
hin 1partrierblup?, felt - Wwhnl you." Mon of, her -prorm q at tile ad". of Ru0cossfal merchants it, authority, Payo: .1upr4br"Ice to A-1110pli The MOST
aid gratAtu&, for ifiA A D13PARSSINo SEA,90N.
At this 4uention h#41 shratilt'. abliO010-41, "Put Vie talk- tria-t tfiim wj;I r*&14e," a
-if. and my, atto-rdion ro-, NY It is cotimated that the ftarth ro- U18MY &elm of kkmk*vw for His mWly
into hibulL cOmPlahmxll; " Vie Twiplettaantne.,% ..tblm pitper and aw how it'lo dome. table will &how what n Pinail quen-
turruA to Mr. flanjilVon. for you.$$ CeIrcs R0t,iuorq Alian one thousand %vOrds Of (kTtl0 cumfort, &ad guldazice, It 181:Just Now People freel most ths UtY W10 enylp rtmlly r"quireii. The
New life for a quarUe-r. Afiller'm largt- quanitoft" of linbe un"d in the
T11jw, ;roo�l-hyv. U1111 my wor-it -111111imlth #Art of -the toUl radiatloij f!,oft�poimd Iron ptlig.
"I dm't W-Ulh t4 tit.,lenji "my Wol", wisi, aruj topm-icily for trio matchim" n1ira- Effect of Long Months or indoor Con.. of the BEST,
4aid t1w latlk-r; -1. know that lw.*Iiaq ffirr JI'l tX411 i.4 71L If any cunaldorable CIO Of 1`10wor Wad frionoWLIp In the res- flnemenv. l"at hare had a fnr greater itifin-
that *e rsnv-?qL-4,4IiIy- '0( thoO NXI'Mi's TA
mMved'very fmiVahly. wr(agly. if you forgm, all ttilv annoyanee.il proPort:oft of this heat were cow*n,- 11A)MUM to life of a diour brother. It Wiuter 10 ibfi filcwt trying seawx A Wrong TRW twna, ijri that unfcwtunate promw cX for the
)Ieaw tmt ;ny I*li#,f i.4.- Mis-4 Grey, -I gliall. , -r f org %,rated upda the '-arth It would not wail a1180 ILH 0Jq*e"KkRL of tier pro- I of fertt4fty denuklation thim in (&Tctl.v
nev( et it fir In. Anpiring A*!lojo-What do you think fw&Tjg tim. crvp. If
*bat few marriag-s would take plack, sit a rufoirribil roftf.. nm it(% iert;` t1w (MlY beco*e arithhabitable I)ut ~Mo Umltd hcxmaW &wi nubr&ispj0j1. 1:Vto the year 801ar as lica Iti, iij cA)jjcernaA-, of my iatestmoret.? lwwever, the
n Wo wr)rld wvn- s-triet fulelity in- ffm)m. &1"Itfxi Justin as the so-'Woign TIxanap-I'lumpliaw form of plimWimw
HPOO(MY collanmed. It the great ac- (it .4-�oafljwMellt lndx-,r.4 and ovorliea J1U dinium- tle 1§1 no)t ill CM- rig IIWXL it Will RMI�Ijr 11rfWI(j#4 fte for
istwd on ho-1-orv-Juind, 4-W)"' 111%r 11~4k� tljQ
!i,'tl'Y Wh11;' .1 nil. laotwitilotanotifig, my IN64te(I -q=U1att0n'o)f lef, at tho North 11ole A Wd Of if Kwg of her the LEAST MONEY
wt a prAll C311 which thiji ber I afid bulwre -air, mak(%4 e%,en tL%ualiy 04- YOOJ call It all frOP r41qu1rtmWilj4, iind for #*)ilo
w1h an M41eal a.,I a six years' swipara- I alf;(, rc-It that, it W()jjId ve pLqoced a t t 0. Ww Men"ll of the
loln is VLke - tt - int4s con - Iong 1iAtk)n, --w Aronr-jwople feel aull, aria. n you nvike thi, 4efirlotit In Eme
Adprati(mi. ke -- I)eforp ft by -the trfm"Ildrins heat could be focus'al It the Savitv of allt iraw. In azd I-
horlow's fault tin, b6A.11 MC, . 41f Allp swcurrenem (it th' titat t(�-W ila N.,wou w0ald rrAlit at the ratoo of three hurr- Itsve wttl ever Mad jul outward ox- rojierally run diDwn.
tile trace 1#. lal4ruid atiO berotno a wonl&n of the premen t 111tt'"I'M&ILY re0(VmrQ0ndWj as
1) twewe
%od more tban vis- 4kart. aA Y,, r y on. ('AIIY meeting a dual requirenwTit." 4
*11 1 mn 'trie PrawmVIrr-im the sur e of my life. dr4vi nillilmlo 01"milen.w. nolid Imper A torlic IS nee&d to a�sj Rt i ijrt trm in Cl--
�p gmt he aiwadv tb-olply r4g-ro-ts it.:' tw.r I had 46 wvond, and the lie, t to eotim.,11:011 to The ohjmtikm of avarim. "One mDuld 11rainIng -Miller's Grip Powdem' eum
110 rj&ts: Sh"t.1; I I a%e I.eltrd (J it," a to onergy a lie a te tdAnk lulat ail of love to Ahe IoOt miergy. April is %be Blasting Fond Rolpes,
I Pi(�jtjght 10119 anl-1104!Ply over th in. gtoner t r of about Month (i a Mofttlis Wilell a t<)Ijie IV of
I&A abortly. u-rvfew tilat h,,t(I had, tol(i ten thonjawd power to every Miwtiw wouid le hi-Liied by the d1mel- Hard Ajuck. Mri. Newlywed -We are SoLag to
'And of tho dkv-d itwif. triv dear Mr. fl.-ImIWn very glit4y t1ja% I voy),11,1 kqearo root rof Nomw Ais with "as tk*x and JOY; bqt it tIU& Mist aervice. Dr. Williams' lluk sylppatlietic Curate -My poor ruall! IwLme Our ruxw haby after T.okl, Unclo
111118 for Pale 1,"Ae is tile olllytrw- OUR
i" so. The )b' Uou canie f rom tonle nit.)Mcille. jolth
ung takly, wjh�clk. WIN-ther lit jiwt 4,r wtirk aq h. lirpmrirak"'r-or, a' sprvan to I They d3 not punge Y'vu inu"t "Imml have 9(me through
olle 0 tlwui t1m. be.
ratiuk was utterly fw,!ish and u-) obuki4u my Pft.-;saK** woneY. wk)rwr Why do we not got a now name t - 1(mit lit) Rich it Wow idee; Ite'll
or ajid thuo further weaken tile allujj4dy NTOrO trialls. 41� -
*4 -134't I ai-.- x4rv. i;-ty tsvv(w. The aDW of JudnA wok, fire, have to start orit in life withcmt a 61
twj1jwtand,,iig.- thaf) lay myowit undt,r forthsir oliliga- the hormejew Ca ' *Old-%b4N-
rriage, or else call It lj* 112wo4ons weje- all eaftwbied coneUftUoti. Tim -8e - pills VagalJ01141-Right, Ye nore, si r
tt he reto.LV a very- Adimerc pIft-fa,- 't;4)jj trf blia; but I knew- it Wa,14 ablaw'. lie W)011 tuakv rich, M4% enei1gy-loving 410cd wum stili -I alwavH got oon%letod. cin't, JM' the same ito I dkt! FVEE kin
rcurwit. and if yrRi 1�w!, hi�ni- thing wkid'Fir gnl' anid let It go at gave voilt to (Ajjw0j*d exwemknip-in
i for rl than doine; tfter and trminformAiiAless, tired and worn- 40=11.1211.�4
I otid, d#- M"lich coKitatlon't twIleved that m' thAt ? "A"UnWbUo' Is na r1ollculous.0 ajig" 100k% in flimLlopriwing Many yomnc IndiAw who "I"M
y "ralgmram." It in'the moot rampant 9't*' out Tio-ii a.Ld wtimeji into onjilijig, Ask for MinW's and take no other 6w "t, A 1 4"
Iti 1111if-fly tur(A% and cmufemnav�ry xv ----------- to be g-tAng in I Move 'C bran or maind"
PIRFI would lio to rejap
of harbarimmm. the pronx. i)mng Greek and t last tti r*, b0altIlY, 1:111ITY, work -loving people n rreUmed U) Iwalth and
7 tm>th sLar4 d:tt !iw -t h,- A,Idqwv� wJ11M I was unV-I I bad coifimulijeatf,fl tho ' q at ft ftrh pewm us 1113nead
%-Ww by r"881" An& Faw. hr V
and "Mobilb"4laving a Latin origin. t:"i, "Why. wam juA IF.'. SiInS, Of 'tile Salvation Army,...- Saved by Hiiii Hor8ee. 44*4
tAl 1118 Oin it X - *t " '4 - UP4 'If -%lillPiox Oanlw)und Irou Mai, It-ralft'llinklaw4L frp%.
Of MY intendeo return, VJ MY To d4o,tAj)jy confound the confugLon there hold. fur three hundred 11-VOWn. wriU*: "At the tittle Gokxwl-Ah, W boy, that falth-rul 1 ills. [erred Ift"id goo& returb"
I two] a.mmall sum,of rooney a ro i tot pebee nd or&rod
Caft W141 V(M a few persons guilty of af- givel'i -to. the poorT Ju(jas was 1X)11le of your Dr. WIDiamil 1110109, AUMPIft
10 had hronght oitt .- *lth mu, ftctat- . be Iitlk pi old licwme there wam the means of &'11'-
const(kirin um enoug nounce , the orikinator &Ltj well a's tollo Mo , *me
9 0MIS I :Infl Which I J*'Jh9V(Vf t4) im. stirricivut -to Iwo' uw ce- Ila I was physically rarl dow1j. Ing W life. Piqued. IMP&. H
- -,VA (4 VVWj-Xj Am i ju 111VI Jiro Kyllitbleft WrIen 01 squi [001 ()bjWtlojl. v 4M MAW of vlleigv. wid always Frk-nid-l"lly. Volooel ? LAKU-1oull 1181ro to takelKlc
'r 19 A JUUXLAA�l X1Pr"*, I v Zo maintait -1 heani from k MCMANLIN-TLY CUIREP Hj-
L ine untit Tho. break
affect�ntlixln itro not powitive wro .of the,box biuke " S had .4 tlrcd feelirg. After usilig. your that liarrot. lie swmrm.
bif wifv. urom a England tlwn -if my pare ' his hoart. The sw0et 1j"jo-for a. tjm� fel% 11T Kill' C at Nerve Row
aw. rit wa* U11- Coloriel-Yin; ho kicked me in the 'a Is rr
w-'7ind stralle tO YOU. 3 -600dn't fight, anAl Mai 0 14- or tiervoti%malf,
they aro at ]&lot needlew troubles. perfunie- 61 - the oltitrwat stank hi,hW- a& Well its ever w4skit go that I "I'lle DuMor-He (mly awpoars ill (j4w-
'94" If) lot me linvo what I Pitt thJx Is both. i& tITS
it ruyap-ff mitil I I Votild try an( get M) pasgago i0aid Why have not more iict-4trilbi anti burtit in hL4' soul Mail. afw Griot day t. uma. betid to
er. arm! it , ;low- I and your the other chaps gotbljot whUe I wav 931 Arr-li iiuwt, Philadelphia,
This repl i I of us bmin blemood with "the divine, broke out in hurnitig iti(Ifgnation. Note. A* - so.)tne of the, Ili, the h(wplt&I.-Tit,-J#t& The Iauly-But I d(xk't 111kiemtand, P116. for U,%Vlme and trvw #2 u iij.1 tvt LW. fto C
14,%#d charleo as it libw 11T some jady In return for my - aji, t of taWg things. e"ily ?11 his r6a4oiling. it was an unprofitable xwf&ftttx)r*;--Iia vo been nut&,. I
ing durh ',, I,nigr-r what I !6vc(% 4ervIces; an L opportnnity Which 'my s . Mi. WilliumW Vink Ylllm,,bart I by fftk'byJ. A. IRArte. 17M.Notre 1�ftnw -ireel
by law I xi hvA dL%pp"nred, with landla(ry inifbiomo--d Mo . oceurred by aet, ChrWt wus nut ' better after ;E.mu9t
sawwcowuns Rates. than Me was before it wr- Vat the 9-f-fluille, which arc� sold citil, "UM"WMM"@ NW bV ft1WCiAAL A *or of MIUWB Wm4n Powdprb
th%.t provoked It. Thim is" lilmoRt. rv(-ey Homeward bonmi vf"iwl wan I UM Wlnal~o Pkawitalaf hyrup is.& nover
y. The- yOullir formed. It was a, b In boxtig, the WraPper,,arxiind whicii tKo'c"i(mally will' he6jp tile children hAling r"nedy. 11 jiot (mly rebertop ibt child
nu". 'Ar"th, and thtw9fl, hU4 1 which rMt. loto Table Ba' Nothijilg trim ex*V U&t Ig w(jt. great exPulw. HELP I
I Tbtee hundred - tar .4 bt)ars tfu,) full nitmp inv xvim, lwanhv a—
A 1. -) ajjtjclp;ttA dIff 111ti L" 25K IM42 UrOVA"AS 0DOUM to- done bV7 movu to 71 P64D DUI 1jjVWV
vj me, I (%ptild are n2t. api, ty ic OR un Spring. mweet Spring. rush swift- -ri6t,01. the otternArb ALJ
lrnm,.dI no-., purpose. fieVre Pink Pills for Pale lleopW �4.)IdLu" bowaki, aorreeu &wtAnt),. wid �ve. tmw sod
#owim to the very 1,-t- in thr-1r way'; I -felt quite wire' that was a wofthy
nier. a * jit. �e�i compip9id. So by fUtem M1111110% and flOuring Cause for which the ra( all dealern or direct from -the Dp. ly In Prime EUVME-41 Ziftnd ts noit will. 00ftw w the w" mystem. v il; a 1.1sobt
ll.t-40 somr% mode, or other my path wduld ate1jr, N -fore trying. Mey might wil- lit fact, become a -tiprinter"; Lug to repeal the obnoxiam t)ouUa4w- inogtanLly eury cnj . i thc ocl 4miach iLt d wtud
have been appropriato lift" M-Pifficille Cb., Brcekvll)e, onto agt d1w n
y Mocha -t, doe iliW to orocur it
4 1 m not nnoth#-r man inr t e ffia,lire Pam � -to me. and fVII aniftep A frying tmaket, slypuld not 1),b 4:-tbe wor- We've had an awful, awful time vW truveilem' tax of $1L lvv rento a bot Q# �Wfwty
N14g.re. w A.ver now eonwnt tinder ths, lowed to Vnmh tbo bottoin of 4hY camie, of the.poor an(] ueedy. -',0 cents it box, or six boxes for ft,,.50. With wild and wic'ked Winter.
111"Illolk A-0. Vor-. full convictlov6 that, In the
k'pttle- The AX"ter'a defence. -"Ln it smn(j (!orae boldly In. and drive him forth,
11M widd "ay. sonfl, Rll-wotild vome.right.. i% ", clear fire W indbia
I -lie remairw of thetwollwl", ti.t4A B"t the next mornInx, wt I -Wa#4 sit- Wyvf*S In fim)IIIng. Pongable 'to" advice wam given. Let her alone -He SOM9 IWO Philosophy. Attack him and confuse him;
were left- in the r t-ing at brPiikfant, Claii& 11nmilton gridiron or wire broller should he imPlIPAI tile goodnew of Mar-y's de4d, Lazine.m is the decayed fruit of Don't let him linger in your lap
for about two sA htw miii1i.ir-tily w,,tlkF.(l illt4) the room. and cleaned tb(.m)t?ghly fi�very time it 14 for Jetw could not toleraie evil. mot pllilu-sophy- Or ive way never'Imm, him.
t"Me doW4 i ro ommrnir,
flealk. T* tnv lit -art gnvo a gripat. glad leap at un"d. even let it alone. His words expreN, Every man L-4 more or less of a, VIPOND C 0
body ll&fl pray eomp hark with the --dirlit Of him. whieb niade me 169 -' A tw)ilpr *AmId I*, hf�ated- hot and 11h4 sympatby with Mary. She was hero to himaelf. Irtdiii-s and goatipjilen who takp 3,jil-
W0111VI&L and Ue at once stoo(I be- . - ! ler's Cotujxnvt4 Iron l"i4is always grow
bol.are alwalt. V013 i mil'A. I'lait V) Irayp the Capp algairl woulol 'rahtmA with Eftivot. or othPr fat, . before tvy-eeu innocence nod the fQWI On"e Tho b6st way to beat a carpet in Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants,
,prAAy hityp ctm-4fiPreit 1-t- szijrrv,w,,)rk formorp reamons t1jan. the nwet to put on it. youtiger tit appearanoo and 441t..
146 &1 perfo,,11 Your rPMJ0T1,[14 #'tt Wip. AU broiW meats ab)u)(l he wrved a.9 of slaader, betwoen love and the cold W buY,a good one.
,.PCA6W. C,)Mro, I ftlw*11' tbey aro cooked. touch of avarice. Ilia words directed Pugillatically tipeaking the tongueis AN OLD TALE R&TRINIVED. Correspondence Solicited.
jmt Ibeo look#41 very sad at the. tul-n wttne twifler swqt 1141t he wwd -to proper con(tuat iu His diwiWes. lie mightier than the' glove. Advances Made on Consignments. MONTREAL.
- 11 Rol VtkPn. anti h" showed 'no f(7r meats Rn<1 fWb. further explained ' At gweet iditeen the mal(km fair,
hody was tito 2,"t"" f?"lly tti i r4p h TO, the offuriug of 1L
and covered ujo. hoovitottion iii allu(,'Jinx to the unuie, of love, a-4 having reference to ills (jeIjtb Every time the weAther haw it eold With BW l0VWV lAlay,
hrr. hix finft?c we there. although MR To make ligbU flaky piwruRt nj! tile alld burial. It takem a drop of mercury for it. Will lift hbr naw up in the a1r,
:,V uTippti-thy W"F1 uttemj In a beeltat- 1ngrndl#-ntm muot tx,. v4jry m)ld aa witil. sition of OP. Some women may not earn And ask with quite a haughty air
SPAIN 0R:jXR8 OUT R,jjr W)n. w4 properly compootinded. The oppo fOes.-Their their
j.nz voice... Pox-;Wori was really to Jeffus. They Nalt, but Mr. L-ot's wife certit-hily (lid. WIM is ho? Oh! wht) In he?"
Rnwn-* flub the tvP of cake with a little irti"he
The Government Alarmet ld.- ''Mim Gtpy-1 AM tit) amhamed--w) fityur, nad the it -in OrY opP*wd JewuF4 In Lau It's bard to convince some e(Tle
t)'td-ily axiiam(A-of all this!" iw will adhem D'Ore t4)r It, the d1wiplo--thp groftt Opera, th3t neemty is the best polittes. At tWenty-fivo sho'n moro sru�dued
or Voii nfwl riot be. Mr. Hnmirton : it rvadily.-Demorfwt a Ma4pzIno. Uw it, his work. In oonnection -with A With aw*mthoarts not so busy
1.4ptmdni, -%pr,; I.-% oi#NI),j.wInX — ftin may be wor
a no' fatilt of Yours." % th a I ot of- StAll doubrtlul men muot not Intrude.
11imm"S. JeMs. 1.,azarum bmi be4mmas Lutok!r- money an(I Ntill be a very poor sort- She naka.-with. nr) wish. to be Axie,-
family Will) LhdMfttAA8 LumbWIZU's Und able. Their opptk,,.4t&0R lnvoijve�l mur- of niml.
MY 1111vt No Mon Required,
meraberavif t114- r+ -.o -r%(- have bet... 1, It on yoll.- der-wllfal murder, What la he? Oh! what in he?"
or&mf toy Silegral)h V). ))iji the COI- arp . not, rpaponifib4p. for the A Mt. Paul woman who died the It'w a great misfortune not't4) have
n1iri family, and I have.never oth�r (fay left by will enough money Judgment enough to keep silent at the But at the age of thirty-five,
it In prtAx%bk- that there. will im- uL. art yqu witit- theraeven In W pny taxes on cerOn pPrwnal pro- That the C*Ann&an' Pacific Uailway proper time. With hope deferred quite diiflky,
,JL mijW after Ettst+.r- She works oil qultoo a differont plan IF si" L
4 -a r at rl. W perty which Fjhe had I not returnr�d to will 110t I'm drawn into "y rate war The moralizer contilders life but it, ceafteacki. W* VM "$A J-0% K*v,
the w4spRmor. Awl orkW-when bowing of a man- sk"
The UarlioU, havo 14pi4r bi-t-ii -inat r- I U tA sai(j, curtly , and and that the prosent trouble amom dream until the demoralizer come" zz�d a rtable
If ota ti y h "Where la be? Oil! wlxv* In hie?" TIMi U14% hP%V h~=""%Z. �dvenftl andw at
ittg Vo -Ir pl&nx for a rh4liW ismairirt to a panw. ** In it true 'that Nan'e gaXantry b, very Me t1&t of the other wvateril ftes will n(A last along and waken him up. 4 saww% 04 Wo 1- ft- clemight ett.. and "Ad At I" eftek. t" ov am aft
In 1114M at We n4hwed pmv. IFIVI- 4-1- %17b 1: XCH
rwww-nt dynn,-fty. but until n-mv the it. cn Don home t1w rooster that oalia the hem around OrO amn fidx weeks Is it titatement Many an orator with we —weak I— "..I i A I - I*w vsh%ir b4o we"b
I I- " - a upw M. Sim Sera. vv*&%o 4mm Wk
Govern" has (oft nonlarm. Two or I rnt jLat else could I him and then mitm the worm. ntacvl on 1-ne &UthorttY (it Mr. MoNio- pro6jivitlew would kick like r*- mule Accardwsow Vookm, Autakarps. WasAnho& &;agm-.k
011, Of Vie, C. P. R., who ban jjWt re. I have found youir orm-bhl Tn)rbea C*hrr valual-Aw prewpm We ff" a bonds=" i2i
WV4*- 41%yo ngt> LhAl Varkm' eftlef.lieu. Marhrl" W "Sk.-lenep.- mid the first man Is It hiii tailor held similar vie #W Way 61 Coate "t1nik, bmw ark711046
tenalit left j4pain V) J14n blin In V4,11- a rola (Mily in ItR Infanojr." "Possibly., Wit-, inos'st useful for JK*nwiw,.s.P it ittl r(Alls- ritur. W Y(Pu to awl. tht)W 1146d, "be. 340MR N i on
to IAn't know, but it 14ald twnrd too M-Ontrvftl from a oollfer"" 'Some People fLnd aa much plea'sure U RICCI. QuMis CcAlege, 1- IX.N. Fm(; amt.p NW a we -00 aftd
Joe. Where the Prv1pyider has receuMl the Other PftrtY;""but It 110 a pretty with 'the InanaWment (if the (Irmt 'Aihe it ftA
m&4- him tweiditutiotem It wamontated adflil-Viat yotl shouki twhrht bftft�,- NorthprR Rai) wVV. Ln whining about their mWortuneo Its Bronchial Address
kMV,rtWnitr(f rhe �ql and entreated to leavp c"ers do in bonating of their goW
then that the srlignal I At ffarnbuM VID Ntestber Bulgarlm6 luck.-CIlLcago Now.& Trechn
wtmkl W)on two Ki % els. ibiq c,.mt, for ouriv, and thea+ -, Maud— P �4`t niaoill, I'M cilitnw) her YrIlich wftA In dis*vw et the AZOM, BROWN1 GEM NOVELTY C
The CarlIOU ha" tiown wwking e&j '811,1 to- th,� upshot! Chirlfb -.weddljig day ? 'May -It wag 1xii-gain wIll or BOSTON 0
t1w Governzoptit, tr#m)l*#, who j, thamefitIlyo infamouslyAo, day &V FAfler* be welcmtle4 bY order Of the Kal- Brockville LiberaLit-i �vo chosen W. Soldinboxesonly Aroi(ilrnitationf.
a nworiff IIL*r, 137 Vbe C*YawWre Bela H. Cam"mk an their candlda%. Toronto.
Are jwA now dimittisfi#0 toy roamo of tb*
not havift i"%%fved 'their jxny.
Am haved1tivy ha-ro nwVwith -s stye"
he tinw! comes ttk&t
&xd tM$ when t
"I jDin tbo Carli" forem
ITO poople U0
ntly re- Ashley. a of U awl
t7 h4a h*n b7