HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-31, Page 4:r Grain Market. The following are the market quota- tions for this week :— fees, o;. -ac to 6tic « hest, see to Ce Barley, 40c Oa s, 29c to 30c • THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY At the board of trade meeting in Wahl non last week, 1t. McNamara president of the boar of provision' direct.crs, entered it.t an expionatioa as to what hes been done and the present prospects cif obtainir.g the the road. It is- felt by all partie' t that the contsl uctiOn of such a line would bo • public benefit mid - the general trend of opinion ie that' no stone should be left unturned to secure this dosiral►le end. Briete told, the ex- planation 1:s that Miller Bros., ,of Now York, the financial brokers, aiue to the ct►nt•tusien that the road 'could not he built for the estimated origins sum, and wrote that unless the bond- ing powers were incre;1st d, they des dined to hate anything more to rib �illi it. That:sett1ed it so far its they " ere conccrnvd,• a i the re is nut the slightest boEre . i the railway committee grantitlg su:ll it r..'que•t. -- Mr. Pew thea advised" that the . directe'rs look tJ st reeleely else, and 1111 'English ccmpliny Kos cnrresp dol with, but without sutto:se Thiel Mr. Pew wanted us to hand over the charter to him. This we declined to do un- less he gave security thtt►t the road would. bei buikt, as we did not think it wise of hc'.ine:ss-like to put ate h a valuable francai,e int the hands of any man or body of men who would hold it for mert ly speculetis a pur- poses. The offer we nestle him was a favorable• one, and ono that any per- • son would accept if the inveutioci was to proceed wite the work. All we • asked in the shape of security was a deposit of 8'25,OOJ for the dues •per- formance of the contract; portions of said sum to be withdrawn •as the work progressed, our o-bjeet being the commencement of the work. at once and its completion at as early a date as practicable. Mr. Pew has, so far, failed to deposit the amount required, and present. indications •are that he will not be able to do so: The posi- tion is just this : • The charter is oL- tained and is .open to any responsiUe person or firm who will give the nec;ssary undertaking to e,onstrut•t and equip the road. either as a whole or ie seetior.s, a may be agreed upon. THE NILE • grosesiessesmosar Ready with every need in the LUCknOw Sentinel, Bruce County rriday March 3Ist Millinery =For - Easter . In a Little More Than a Week. EASTER SUNDAY, the most important dress occasion of the year, when Man Woman and Child will appear at their best, a d Dame Fashion will come ariayed in all her beauty and g : ndeur. We have prepared for this occasion by -selecting a Choice and Elegant Stock of • 311074tUstesay lIrtwastinge, Sagurcla April lest AND FOLLOWING rAYS We extend a cordial invitation to all to call and inspect our stock when we will show a fine collection of TRIMMED MILLINERY. Special attention Given to limning Bonnets and Eats, • - Eucknow CEO. H. LAWRENCE.. Snap Shots. Our CustomB94 George Sheppar,I aro' Viz Petkt land took each other for better or worse on March 13th, 1`4o, anti on Monday of last week celebrated 'the 1ftietli sni,iversary of their wedding dey, a privilege which few_ couples attain. Mr. Sheppard has Leen a resident of Huron county for sixty. bur years so it may well be said " that Le is a pioneer, while the worthy partner of his l'oys and sorrows is a member of a faai:ly intimately son- -nected with the early drys of the' Huron Tract. To Mr. and 31 rs. Sheppard were born eight chi'.1ren alit; there is yet but one vecant chair. Six of the family still live on the old homestead. The golden wedding was e happy gathering and many are the expressions for continued happiness and prosperity which have been showered upon this venersole couple. A SCOTCH FARMER IS tilS CUPS Of tales of the Scot in his cups Wire is no end, says the t i'asg- w . 3Mai1. This of a Western fanner is new. Recently he was t:r ing orae a loaded Cart, and, the pace o> the horse failing to correspond with reit idea.a of speed, he applied, the whip so vigdrously that the wiser animal of the two bolt -d and disappeared. In grief he called upon a neighbonieg farmer, and that get.tleman turned rut his hands to find the lost horse had cart. They found them, the cart overturned, the horse with his tail where its head should have been. ''Oh, Bobby," caried the farmer, wringieg hia hands, "it's died, i'ts deid." "It's nano deici,' replied Bobby, "it's a' richt." "As sure as dsith," insisted the inebriate, "it's deid." All Bobby's efforts to convince him' other- wise were in vain, for, as he tenderly stroked the horse's tail, he sobbed. • Ob, Bobby, it.'a died, man, it's died; for, look, the heid's clean aff o't." —The majority of farmdrs in the county will be pleased to learn that in all probability an opportunity , will again be give to visit the Meelel Farm at Guelph next simmer at a small cost. On Monday of lest week a meeting of representatives from the three Farmers' Institutes of the county was held in Chesley to consider the matter of an excursion in June. The outcome of the consultation was the acceptance of an invitation to send a deputation to Toronto there to arrange with the railway people for dates, rates and other details. It is likely three different excursions wi l be run this year from Itree , instead of one as in 1198—taking a di0'rrects date for each branch of the railway. metiiirs. Jose A Lame►, a►f Weokerton; John Dou,Ileas, of Tara, awl O. H. Nelson, of Paisl.•y., toe the r,Pr:tleman appointed to confer with Mr. Tticksen, the Lhstrict • Passenger A €nt in Toronto. NIARRIFD. McDONALII-TA('KA I.:ZRRY.- On Wed- nesday the 22nt1 in.t., by the l:ev. B. L. Hutton. Wrn. J:: ,. 1lcD nal•1, et the towasbip r,f Kin!. + E!' •abe•th Tacks-. berry, of the town ht of A,.'.riel'I. :i[TWA RT- CAN! Ei:oN. - At the re*i- ►lence ref the bri•!. 'a mother. on Weds."- , d.w, March 2Jtd, by Rev. A; McKay. Mr. Wm, Jh►flat St - wait t.• ' n%' . Jane, youngest daughter i•f SIr4, Kenneth Cameron. FOR SALE. Is tL• Village t.1 Luck!) w, near station 1w. lot. with tons* and barn, y .ung orchard and sever failing well givrn first ma.. For fu,th. r Marti•:ulars apply to this once or t;. ► ' JAS. u McICKSZIE, ' St. Marys, Ont. FOR SALE OMAN seed peas, doves seeds. Also Dubois bid. k•• -r particular, apply JOBS worm, 1 dyes 1', o W. C. JOHNSTON Take Them. THEY GET THEM FROM US. Tip top Facilities, Tip top in Quality, Tip top Variety. Tip top in Treatmen t BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. e postively give as much, if not &muore, in real values than any one in the Country. NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE. . CALL UPON US. Lawrezzce J!thtQzi 0,, Furnture Dealers and V"ndertakers People must Have Groceries v The ,grebe question is where to get them. We keep the bee, qualities tote had. We don't, pretend to sell them below coat, but we do sell the n'at a very close margin, • TE &S! . Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You w ill save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of sten peddlers. Compare quality and price.. CROCKERY We have a fine asoorttnent et dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap, 0411 examine them and get prices. FLOTTR 'All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClui'e and Mallough, CASH G-ROCERS r ABSTRACT Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, Assets and Liabilities for Township of Ashfield 1898. To Balance on hand Dec 31, 1898 Amount received from collector for 1897 -1898 . License fund, , 'Bilis receivable ........ :.:. .. . 1100 00 County refunds ' - . 8 68 Non-resident collections. 42 '85 4feneral refunds ....... ; . 7 00 Land Improvement fund ...L ... •.....,,204 67 Balance of school grant ' 94 RECEIPTS. $1425 24 '2531 08 ▪ . 8701 12 139 95 : Total Receipts $14661 53 EXPENDITURES: 1898. By Charities Schools ,Roads and bridg 1898. Dec.. 31 1898. ..:..6000.... .1 22 00 .• ." ..•...........•••••••5402 83 es Salaries 2732 28 io,• 830 00 Bills payable 1521-83 Postage, printing and stations .....:.... •91 68 Agriculture Society grants s.••50 00 Election expenses.. , . . •,t r • •"' 124 45 ....:i 12 00 County ratos ...... ....... 3002 65 Registration of births, ivarriiages and deaths .. 26 60 Rent , , -46 00 Drain swards - • 102 70 Legal etpen..._..97 01 Revision of voters' lists...... . • ,,..• 93 28 Taxes refvneled ......:. .. 300 School debentures • •• ... •• •, 206 80 Sundries.:..... . , . • • • • • • 15 45. Board of Health • ' Total Expenditures... Cash balance in treasury ASSETS. Dec.31— Cash in treasury , • , , Amount due from collector's roll . . Total Axpete 1898. • LIABILITIEt3 County rates for 1898.... Money due to schools .. .•..........114379 56 181 97 • •• •. 1 181 f)7 3733 08 School debentures And co'ipons Collector's .salary ... .... .. . ..$2198 80 547 58 293 28 80 00 13119 66 .13915 05 . .Amount of Assets in excoss of Liability $795 39. We, the undersigned auditors of the Townebip of Ashfield, having extimined the Treasurer's accounts of the Township of Ashfield and found therm correct with proper vouchers for all entries container] therein, hereby, present a collect copy of all receipts azid expenditure$ for the year 1898. Ashfield, February l l th, 1899. • v olid.ay Goods Xpiiiatesis° : FOR EASTERe showing all the new 1 ;d ee, shades of Taw'as, T and Grevs in $ID. 1 ale GL4733, and the eauties. The newest x Moves*o thing in Emrofteacks and three Lock K asmers, 1 LVERY PAIR G1:1g311TEED_ PLAIN SATINS FOR WOMEN'S COLLARS. LADIES' TIES. Plain Satins are touch in demand at present for Collartnd have been very scarce. At present we are . showing 17 different shades in them, White, Cream White, Cream, Itose Pink, Drab, Purple, Mauve, Dewey Blue, Grass Green, Nile Green, Yellow, Oiereee, Gsorne , Cardinel, Palo I3lue, Navy Blue and Black. Yours respect i'ul ly, Ladies' Pique Ascot Ties (white) ..25c Ladies' White Wash Silk Ties . ...3bc Ladies' Red Asoot Tie, with patent stoq .50c Ladies' Plain White Chiffon Knots at ..,. 35c Ladies' Plain Black Chiffon Knots at .35c Ladies' Polka Dot Chiffon Ties in Black to and White with Black at 40c • HELLO BOYS ! Do you want a nice, nifty Spring Hat 1 If so call on us. We are showing all the new things in Plains and Novelties, and the prices right. We will show you one of the nicest Hats for ONE DOLLAR you ever saw at that price Our stores will be open till 10 o'clock Saturday night. A . Murdoch & C - Lucknow • You Can't Afford To Let your wagon or buggy LOO SH , I Mir Y. When with two coats of our Prepared Carriage Paint it will look as good as new. You can apply it yourself, and' the cost is only a trifle, while the change in appearance is wonderful. Our Stock of Paints is -Complete,, WE HAVE : Ready Mixed Paints For inside or outside work Genuine White Lead • Ge vernnient Standard Floor Paint, fast drying Dry Colors, all shades Fine Carriage, Damar, varnishes Furniture, Elastic oak and Polishing Furniture Stain Iticycle Enamels, Woc4 Enamels & Ja.pal—ism also- a large assoi tment of Tube Paints for artists' use.*' A LABASTI N E and PER- FECTION WALL FINISIH, Katsomino and White -wash Brushes,. Paint and Var- nish ar- nish Brushes and. OUR PRICE ARE RIGHT RELIABLE HARDWARE HOUSE T. Lawrence, Luck'now M. OORRIGANS' t . Is the place to make your selections in ROCKERY, CILASSWARE) GROCERIES & PROVISIONii I have in stock the following : tpplea Blacking Black Le_ ad Blue• Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brrr,ms Baskets - Brushes _ Biscuit. Coffee Confectionery Canned- Good. Cocos l Ch9colate _ Corn ,csnned Corn meal - Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut - Dates ,Dried tipple 'Extracts • Five • tFibh, auned 1 fish, dried t,elotine Ginkerq Ink I ny'igo 1.it•orice, Lime J laic pomp. Lard Match*. Mince Meat 111ea1 _ Macaroni 1tl ustard Meats, canoed IlIagne.ia A-1 Flour always en hand. tem Nutmeg i • Oil, olive, Oil, sweet Oil, cantor • Granges that Meal Pails . Peels • _ Pipet: Pick1e Fearliss •' Psas.e•aa•d - HabitueRice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salaton • ate:t ,ee Senna ;Sends g agar iS sruos sot:�, Soat►s Strawberties,.antse Sulp►her� Tapioca Towatoes .canned Tres Tobaccoes Vermicell V iinegar�s Nash boards Washing Cry.ta Woe►denwarej Whiting iNinnerflots east Laker Pinner Sets 4 %'Vater Sett, I 'tam setts t•Ir. ry Sett,t, .,erilta Ret dols Edith asnitk. 1 I►s vrepar(1 to gi%.• PIANO AND ORGAN At her home.on Campbell St., - LUCKNOTV. MaKENZJI:li Baker and Confectios`:r• Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, Bread, Buns . and Cakes . . Fresh Daily . - Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand HIGHEST CASH PRICE i••c�t, BUTTER & EGGS Ilaving purchaAed the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, wo are prepared to pay cash for buttery and eggs. Your hatrollag. is solicited. Yours truly, A . & VP, GOLLAN, Luoknow. - - - Ont BULL IP0►R SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEPT for service his 1 year old thoroughbred Shot t, - horn bull, "MMUGGLEI:." for ut•rvice on lot 12, con ,11, A'htield, f .r the weapon of 1899, A. It. F1N1 y801x, ,to>Z'�. t '1'E1tM'1, 51 if I ai l payable in i e of tete bei next JOHN LONG, } A booked for season Pedigree produced if required. FARMERS. ! Buy the best Binder and Mower mode, viz 340Corastiok Built in Chicago, Sample Machines set up in Warehouso at Whitechurch, (. 'all and inspect '`., s .0 before giving your order. Also Farm Implements of all kinds. - R. J. Dobie, .'gent, `Whitechurch. Thompsonr s�T , Cnrnpbol i St., LUCKNOW Ao First Class . . Itt Horses and Rigs Forst s. *._yd Said FARM POR SALE 160 acres of I.ud with 7, acres cleared and l ► i�cr� ni►•i ►Landing timber. Cheap and at re'.e.onable rates. It has a Lr�►od house and an xtra tine barn anti young orchard. Farm w. 11 dr�►ine••1 and gaol %%10,1. In location it i•, •1 unlet. from Lucknow and 5 miles from - Ripley on lot 7, con. 6, Kinloss. Apply to osto :3 blcl.t:ocs, 5th cent., Kinloss, ,or NO. J. F. ANI)BRW ''Ysuor, Lake Linden, I►iich. � �Millinery _ — gLW-AY8 TERESTINCI- TO -La gDIES _ Some sons the styles are more pleasi4ian others. �he designers of Par d New York never placed better erns before the plubhc than for Spy 1899. 7a ALL THS NfLTIES ARE NOW IN STOCK. (hers Will .Receive Our Best Attention. (� Announc4ement Later. .o to M. CNELL - - LUCKNOW. BICYCLE • BICYCLES a ow is the Mme to B'iy. �. Be ready foie Cycling Season when it arrives. Call and see our et* SLAM) .us W*Z.t V62.$ WHEELS 6 These are the BESIieels un the market. They have ail the latest improm'elnent for 99 '. You can buy litter. .LLS SOLICITED_ D. C. TIL0R'S -- LUCKNOW, - The dub earls the11�- 'OR Family Groces & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF L KINDS IN SEASON. FLGuR, FEEWND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS. ri /7.E TEAM 5pociaidy. THE LAR ST STOCK, THE CHOICES OODS ANS THE *MX VAltant UBTAINAI3L Ifi LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all pad of the tnvvn. ww,wwwww.e�.aw w!►wwwwww�►ww JOHN ELLOTT. That Toche3 Th Spa. FCLEUD'S TEM RENOVATOR -'--OF Weak and Impire Blood Liver and kidney Diseases, Femab Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to 3. )CcL.o . Goonlcn, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Luaknow. 1 = w Card of ani. Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely cheek the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I ani doing what is right with them. I • pay spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the be efit of the same. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of Pallor, 8¢d & Dinin Room Sets :I) IVIrtl . Chairs of all hinds, Sprio,g Bed Katse Sofas, Sall Um. • Parlor awl Estado - Tables. In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and always at Rock.Bottom Prices. A. T. Davison, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. LASES The follow :ng is► the rep •►rt est A. 8 . NO. !d Ashfield, for the month of March : Sr. ell v - Edith Scott, Fred Holmes. Jr alb crass Ed. Knee, Martha Johnstone Pe'...r Hogan. 8r. 3rd class -Chas Taylor. Truis nt D.esa s , Will, Bowler. Jun. Sed el. IP -- Mob 1 Altos, Balla Taylor. less Ferris. Thee, have been promotes at the meet examination : Sr. .rd to Junior 4t1 -(baa. Taylor, Tennant Drama, Wm. Broder, Roy Alton. Sr. 2nd to Jwbr Sed-t..Ja® Johnstone. Part 2nd to Ind moi. Darnin, Fraser Paterson. James lliseweod, Roy leo. as. No as roll 27, swage* JawMc , teacher. • r f e out a. J Inch a s ;play 0' e give nub pal 41 • •