HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-31, Page 3it j - VIE V r T. r n MAO ---------- -AM ."map - 116, Reveal the leason taught boy this P, rg! q:MCR)m MCI~ T H 'WHIR[ P011TIC91 WOMIN 1UR10* TO 019THI Wing d Ishmael of the skieb. 1, In the palaos of delight, IL i� the easiest thing in tile world Lo have Or caverns of dwpalr. 4C 0 Have plwkc-d no thorns from Thy clear D brow, '16K, WORLD 5 A Little Shootingnt Strange Sequel to *the Totten- a LUMBAGO OR LAME 0TI NEWS B But plarited tlij)uftncW there! in Arkans ham Court Murder And is i USi 4asy to ge! tid MMMAMAMAAMw FfVE DEAD, ONE FA T ONT9010 Ml�[Hh OUTPUT No remetly has made surer *_-50,Q00 Tim% f'.rfb it Allie6bury, Ila", 'lot -qPrings, Ark., r �re "k BREISENICKS ARRESTED, 40, and quicker cures tkas STO JAGOBS OIL I- st"Tiler ClaxpeWa 1.8 ,s 1)()Ii bom(L - I are four le,.,; ticin'tati, 1,00doll eable::� , Fritz Metz, all&@. Yield for 1898 Represents a 6 t i I I rc'c'- t -O - flight, as tile rLvsllt or 1r RrOWA-k, Itan bew arrested in Ber-' pop of The ]3�ellel-"J,-, a t :11. It IT RELAXES THE STIFFENED MU4QA& cholera. Was not 30 O'clock tj I id af)ue An Lu counectibu-*Ith a mu-nier com-' Million and a Half. A "OR-coint-atallt, a ulitted in tile Apurtmcots �d Ilia wife, orv% V110 part ,of Cret4jll wi or lul'trew, a nuisseuse awl fortitine-' "uhnans is rel�orte�tl. Muki- th good Intentions bt-e- Tbe pin Im,4 01 sight. al,60 w4a-� to teller,'La a Jimmie In To3euham Court 'dtlrveyf�(t into bu,k4laliain have been 'stop tile battle. The 4 I%JU't, IN London, a tDore than NICKEL THE LFADING METAL. Sillerniar, I 'dWg ()U. 10 Thom" Toler, Cillef f two weeki ago; Mr. Archibald Blue, of the Bureau irl .1 vf,- R-jis 'It la..,t aCLO J. Hart, city det% Frau Bet1*41i k w -it. abso, arrested ry critical e(- 4,111 t1%) e of Mifies, has practically completed flea X -r, orklitioll. . Tliwuas�F. Goslee, polics Wjrl1n Wiortly after the rrest of sno"all ill Lon(bri. J011 11 lVilliant,* oin, of tier alleged husband. his tables of returns in counection HE STREETS OF A GREAT CITY (kgr0es of frost U, a 1:114. .114MIL- tialutow, who was a servant with Ontario's mineral production a ilLi rt Is lea rricqj 'D' 9'"1 Ituthority tjl�lt w LouLs ninkley, drir�r Ute- Breiwtn,_,k liouseliciM, had for 1898. Nickel is till her most ex- HWI that, tho DW� of the womkn Up011 tllf. ItAuld tall - Ute BreJaenk tensively developed industry. 'Tile efop. Rev. Dr. Talmage Draws Practical Lessons From His Own ol rpturnilig t,, POWer. 'ilit L)IIIII lefl—Ed. 4.1i --k ap_Lrtments \L01 4 anti n2ay (Aie. waps aot Uiat ol tier foTmer nistrvai. per and uIckel mines of the Sudbury Drelienivic Is short. an.1 slnder, eountry gave employment to'an av- elepto- f L�ber,-W, ly tile veiflovrati!r Observa t ion —Unlike the Democratic Principle U) tilt' Coawncimi by acel.1 ti. ITILise:tIle WXIY fo=d ill Uie toom.!; was erage of 610 men during 1898, , and tion to au"'00ed tile late Dr. ma- "Oulill-'Ition. for tho 111441 that oi it tall. statit perawl. 8414p�lon Sl' i jis 11#4 cru:ly. up to.tije troubliL the srages'paid to them amoitnted to Lu- -c-11W ier f al;��d zliat tile vi-L-tim. Catme. W) $315.500; as against $253,256 In of theGospel of Lhrist. MU dewr ol -thj3 ErA2. Ataunell slipporter Of P"ems Of AUStr1a, Oi - Uie Tot,,tenbalu Vcniri �(xtd house in 1897. and $240,151 'in 1896. All the Ilas brokf-n down Dflniocrat;p 1" n(ler 1the at.711b, 01 reV If V> k rau . Brel enick's. ad, erase- ore produced was smelted. redticed to 0 ramit. go: i LA *r y hopr iso ri - Sergt, Goilee all( e men*, ad % I? - c t n, 1. a ssistlt nee It. mattc% and then exported tot the Uni- efiliallY liCiarty dnt-rerzii TWO e I)JIos * ill A 64rious fea- ted States to be refined. Etght mil- W1118111,149UH, qlcigimtt-h: In thisdib curiosity who has gune tLarougb thirty :Qns occurre,j _\Ont) of �18 ture-0.1 the vZ140 is -that tile %VVn1V course L)r. Talmage, who has lived the tJke Vrench (;0V-*Vr=, �n lion three hundred'and seventy-three �'ears Of the skrarpshooting of busina" tioln r ,,Ity "erd" wore !particulait, knoim aho Frau Breisien*ck had Ali ex- ftetiories, at thounand five hundred and sixty `01t Of his life In cities, drawn prac- life and yet sails on. victor over the Apt; Ift. al)ollt lit -4 r,.SpeQti%( el�Ioivij. ten 1�e an 'w..r BADUrges a* nd 31ar- dfobe, yet, sounds of refined copper were pro- tical leaxons from his Own observa- temptations of the street. Ohl bow Ief-ling recitiltOd, Iler'cloThIng was found Ili t -ho. need. valued at $268,080. and tile t[On. Text, Proverbs I., 2U: "Wisdom many have gone down under the pros - Sheriff Williams .IR41 1!�js roowM �i f it rom which all of the jeweilery� 7,690 She uttereth her voice sure, leaving not so much as the p&Lcb 8151ved t he (,4) tj pain has dis- produce of fine nickel was 5.56 I'leth v%lthuut. election rt`s. lit's ordercti UP I W(It �ergt. carly anti ox9vey --Jiv w -an known to have had in the streets." of canvas to ',ell where they perialmd' IV. ppunds, valued at $514 "20. Thest, %'V&'4 1ILSID 11119PS111-. V" We are all ready to listen to the "Ill hisil'tilp peact. n0oil. Both Miltv promptly- valuations are baw.-d on the selling They Dever had any peace. Their Me* tr"xty %04ti-s. btrt, thoir-aim wo.1- ilpa voices Of naiure—the voices of tht honestles kept tolling In their ears. If The'lan.41ord of price of the matte, which Is figurpd 11jounialn, tilrep camp otit (if 11,116t it was powstble for the the voices of the sea, the I had an ax and could split open the rl-lwalir to be one-third of the 'market price oices of tl,,e storm, the voices of the beams of that floe housc perhaps I 19, tli;- urcratch. fill CO -1 Bren;enl Its to lilvve receiveci at 81ran- of tile refined metal. The 1otal value two years,H)ZO t tile ger wItItmtPht',i knowledge. Tho'pre- As in some of the cathedrals of *ould lent through ('01PUb t.() tile Coll I , , V, find In the very heart of it a Yesterday. th,' f, 11 ) tIt4. I , ;UMP46it now Is that Fran Breisen- of both m.etals produced Ili' 1898 L?urQpe there is an organ at t4ither end skeleton. tinif. to 4111. tile was' $78').300. alid in 1897 In his very beat wine there I i -A wt-nt way widi her allvgol hum- wai but (if the building, and the one instru- - Tit(: timp ly ppvar�, 1_�, A poetidgkied for a iiew theme Ment rei in a smack of poor man's sweat. Oh. Wirdsor Counul; w�llltj t1k Street tilev ban�l, an.1, Instvad 6f being his vietta, )59.710L -Ili 1896 it stood at isponds musically to the other, is it strang-e that when a man has ae. Heal th 0ff;esbr. nd WWI 1114 accomplim in the inurdor of a On which to write a lay $247,151. so in the great cathedral of nature G.0'4pe was 11ccoat The poeVa wife f9r a new liat a�, responds to day, and night to voured widows' houses be Is disturbed tn d; HISS tile P.,,' - 1romIn lured kitoj 11te,couple's room' 40- . . SOLD PRODUCTION. r4 of re- fit -4. litef ad Det*vti%-8 fV.6 To wear cm &uter daY. 9 with indigestion All the forces of yUlt4-d in a tit.. '11 ht. and flu%er to flower, andstar to nature are against him. The floods are leriff 11 Vive.:week4 prior th-- The' gold bullion produced duiln inurder the 9 star in the grEat 'harmonies of the unt- -ad Ills fwd sorls, JrjL. couldv't-ook apartments Ili a llouse in Tile pmt swore and tbre hig liair' 1898 was 16,07.5 ounces, valued at John f The springtime is an evangelist read), to drown tilm and the earth- tf ki) Ills mfQ; quake to swallow him and the ftres to No '41 Whitfield No themo came to $271,906, - but this does not Include in blo,$sorns Wedileatuy. Ife tit :I*. rtral a %-enue, Dneoj,tjl0 inan was .Iu)tlt 26, preaching of God's love. consume him and the lightnings to bc,,qt or. I And tho poet's wifo with last yearo the Parently tht 110lth tit) t tile I I roJuct of one inine on tho Seitw and the wintOr 'is a prophet —,.A,hi to Emitie him. But the children of God I a r yciii.iger. The wo'umn ga%e lierge RiTer. In 1W.)7 the bullion product lieArded—denclu—ing woe against Vllonlpnt death. - f "*;A Ill Q10 cito.r. and :,; A though luo.4 IM-01ki. FelgitolIl to be resitied. waK 11.41" ounces; -in 1896, 7,154 sing. We - re our -are on every street. and in the day JaA Iff'S I-0Titblg1-.nb gtrollea , Rob regard, i,A ready to listen to the FUngsle , soil of t116 Drookiyu y t jj.-; tivarer ShA­ %ya4 t)f.unpre- t— ounces; -a when the crowns of heaven are distri- wo lxlrtzi-v; togetlter oz nd In V495 It wU but 3,. v0ift�s of -ature. biit, how few of us �M(4p t Oat- of ounces. It is Akpected that the learn any,hing froan the voices of the buted some of the briebtesit of them 111mwir tu ,, CM -tract -or. %V110 Tralk t!l front Of 1"o.tup's 6, tier' bUrte4I in 11 8 1 vat!or, wi;l te Thero 1,-Ii't a peIrtola - her, -He to Not Herei H* 14 Risen. priate or so highly apprecCated by present year wfif show it much noisy aud dustry street. Yo Will be given to thost men who were San ILI U .4 - u go to faithful to Gdd and faithful to the I C-111 t4til -Vrll() St%rtfxl tho sIx ing "All f-iAl T11.1 t juplo- pre. the -datkiwid 4A the I every one as the royal Easter Illy lienvier increase # both relatively an(I Your inechanl9m. and to yuur work. 111110uls; of others amid the marts of busi- ii'll ttsel f. - ' merchandise, and you rwas, provIng thernWvels the heroes of AlPVinder Connel), (of sa it f. So 1� I r Lx- tear tendi�kl to 1" 1 .111-1 wift'.01(i -11'fiere. no, Ea ' Positively than the past four forintr. istvil fifies grow' ne 4hack again—and often with ht,N,%- the, tin Oh thO on- tho h Msjde..4 THE IRON INDUSTRY. the street. Mighty were their ttmpL*- vav�lllt toy tile "Icb.1tt, I willsto !et ll I till at"U (,f'l)ur.suiilg ;ihat'no arigO, vicen kno* EASTRR IN HUNGARY. dIfferent a heart 5-ou pass through tions, mi tl Ila I' pe-f6rf, P 11 The iron p Jolln "All- eAr t&%l . tho air here ill -ho im(t rinis . iwa oil. tile, liji&jt*j t roduct durink 1898 wa-, the streets. Are there no things for ghty was their delivemnee nnd !) nxyre matcrial. Just n. ch ipoin tho ri vors. Easter Monday a Fortunate Day for a.,� follows:' Pig Iron. 48,258 short us tu Jearn ffibm these pavemei)ts eir triumph. 1111.111k-� 4 t onward -to khe'se.t.' AlFain. the street impresses me with fighting ty-gjjl torls, Valued by the vellin rict- Lt over which we pass*- AAre there no tufts ill-lVnce on Plaf;illr% insAru �j TAX110 Ilink:0 ilf- Bringing yet,114) hign or tok' Marriages. 19 1) the fact that life is full of prete"on t,le .4q. neb dri IM901.1 for' *-bvj . The '6f ell $530,0189. The industry employed 130 of truth growing up between these and shain. What subterfuCt, what as Brewery. . r cobblestones. beaten with the feet 'of an up t4) the cM ilelirth'sgreat jubilvo. ....Soule of the woFit cu'rious Ester men, and the total wage-, paid IL8 season Of nAvlg.ltk1jl toil and p&Jn and pleasure, the slow double dealing. what two facedne"! Do in an ende4vor t4j stop proceee' 011erj Oil. observances provail Ili 11tingally.the $61.476. During 'the present ar all people who wish you good morning i.t. va nim 'Ise tread of old age and the quick IjAnst were S00191 home of dance 'anti song. janka the product will be, inere, d by the fri)n, Lies, t4whe. IV stel' really hope for you a happy day'! Do rw witll nio-iffly." For t1w rrst they :,I)*. , heir of childhood'? Aye, there are great lien It ('16arc-3 awny, t1low I 'Who was. heard in recent establishment of the Deser. t 4 1 j ie IN-dat Frankel, a ninger all the jpeoVe who shake hands )ovt p -Ot ble oPerit last winter 14 Philaelphia nUj smielter, no returns from which harvests to he reaped, and now I thrust each. other. Are all tho" anxious olit Other PlAwed ilear'by rat read . in s;erinan Iltera- dewrt td, in the sickle because the harvest is Hotel &'o wl)at (LIDUVI-0 lia(l be'en lint] other cities, givq)8 an Interest. are included in the above figures. about your health who Inquirt concern - The cigar inalli Toler, ELLrt, g4litz to. 'quoting _91ibly %VIth tio' li,cart-thr6h. . shiXI,­ ing aecoilint of tite strange cu4toms ripe. "Wisdom crieth without., She ing 10, Do all want to see You who a&k If3eturers tfio were Arft-110(i from. -:411 _60 - -Bri-atbio uttereth her voice In the streets.". inX0011; 1,.' - on the wal lov lers. strain': of tier native I;Lnd. VISHING FOR SVCKBRS. You to calO Does all the world Imow lintler tile t It I wil-ameg was mortally vi Neitliev or tiwju could '-p',Iak , v.-ord No%triumplaint, He -is ri.s6n," In the first place the street impresses half as mueb as it pretends to know', Passion weok, s a whole,, is U. r nging -outAn glad' refrain ! V almost no owtal The Occupationotone Giving the Ad. scene of toil and struggle. By ten e of tti-. Of -F. it I. me with the fact that this life is k jr-I r -,do Yn 4111N). one hour later. Qq)e# Is there not many a wretched stock a' round t'O be 131111MY wmnded, erally ery qu*iet. goods with a tvilliant, show window'! B. FVrj6jp",,r1, functions taking place. Its prom- dream or Bolieville. o'clock every day the city Is jarring Of let.WgIng in Ills nee.k. Till f1i Irst niav'e of til wift. to )It. the iwals Oat grope in darknes,41 Pa"ing up and down the strwKs to '111130izited city I The 116w8 of tile lr1"j'j,(_(j til!'. fo � W 0 1 Top ! r 0 -with wheels and whuffling with feet your business and your work, are you t"n i,f go ing dv(-rti4bment' 11. tht- deptlIS Of 111lnl:1'j' inent feature, is the pilgrimage t .1 Ventleman Ili thiscity has haudPJ and humming with voices and covered torfa out f)f t list o)i t plaper: tllf� sigiling of tha culkti%-(.N, one of tile sacred shrines. Devout Tolej to the Workl Some currejI)ondence f r6m with the breath of smokestacks and vants from wenkr_rl%e.1Ipp,l . 11 'For the rmt thev'MaY.not knoW PerNO118 In both town aqd country &-rush with traftickers. Once 1A a not impressed w1th tho fact that oo- P.,frt-11 r1f.. t lie Donyi been 4lQ­'1d %cry Jontv whi'll tile ciety is hollow and that there are aub- s Ii. the.*frtjit,; that tire join in the pilgrimage, and every Vondcxwe Club. Belie - Ilia sllcCeAwor in Wbitlield street. -not gathered terfuges and pretensions? Oh. how 0r of MP'W' t;'e`orX`e,-Uit-Y Survey' while you find la nian godng alo'ng with ce Of Judre*L. -1). e6urt r0a' 609(18 that are not-poivn' 7.111age tji,rougli which the pro es- Ont., Can., whiell ll;dicatoes that inany there are who rwagger and strut q n eneo of h - ''VII0.8heaves sion passes the pit-' -.1night 1plve CV iinmedi.-It4q f, rrancia 110 n"I, who poges as Ulan- as though he had nothing to do. but, n, eotui�_ adds its quota to, folded arms and with leisurely Step, and how few people who are natural alderraen' V X) M1111L. I I by I Vli' y grimage. The Jl�urney its ta and walk! While fops simper and foolf ken [())t k)f thp is t ho -mug 111 y Coll I i ljoed t Ila t a I I for the most part. as you find men -Ott once. Whf'ro the lone growil fastihg, its far as possible, only go!iig down thee streets m the way to chuckle and simpletons giggle, how fe:w nd pit-ture of tliv ice*' t)f ellib'g, the f00!J9 i1h tile world are not dead VA- businc-sp. there 14 anxiety in their people ar%natural and laugh! The lie tliv Aadvorti-er Tile correspondeLicc- fiUrth witil 1;1 rk-rlin br�ad and wter sufficient -to pre- 'fottilne teller, to 1. 00 nUtioPit-14 til -it, li.INA� never serve'-froni absolute exhausti.ou be- t I' faces, as tbough they had sonw errand following pwcious dMument. partl.%. street in beautiful apparel. While Vt Lb - 200 detlis a Ord( %v it t for which must be executed at the firut rourtepan and libertine go down the i a V4P clo!4-d'it' lier ';tor$- tiiZe UrIWAIN I , , . WO-11--twolight, Out 0; i chaos. I art- for a ft�4.-. A iftitalier' Heard thix ing induliked In. ;n the heart there are volcanoes of pal* - t h t NO more 811410ti 4;q;rjd-iii ladi 'If ringing do On Gcod - Friday a image iUd and partl'y filleWin with red pop-sible hionient. You are jostled by It IUWX.-. Partie 14-11 U) 'the of - lug been. Wn thi. k4*; RD fr,u. 9ion consuming their life away. 1 8&3, Till vre- call It to.dly Of tile Christ is currl6d to' the prin- those who have hargitins to make and t)f the the dels 111114 it 1�- the, ltiterventk)�-- 1k)w the 6r" o' cipal church '1*' esslOa Of BellClville. (�uu.. riiii. 27,1wo, notes to sell. Vp thim ladder with a these,thinSp not to create in you In- Avmeillo tilt. Lxflil.Awl by tl,4 Of tile lva.4 4 f lifo -and ' lory credulity or misanthropy, nor do I for- J.f- jirofit-. own o sin, N. remains until roll of bills. on this dray NvIth a Ioad get there are thousands of People 4)f �%&j 11ag priests.' -allij t1lire' Dea r J�- ir — Wo Ila ve a I niember hod of bricks, (out of this hank xvith a the Chlef of Police ani 111111'.tilt lbut .,*ill 1,11-1 to I -t f f t, guArxied 1),lr soldlers. taW 9f Canada 'A v4juld art' thf. n"embPrs 0 the furljjo�r irunle4liate roll bringn iwin lost I,!, Easter Z-�, It or thf. 1"llpirl4w t 11 o1rerg Who too$ ble POW d I' great deal bettor than the), seem, but I aalli wllO like W cxmirevond a gentlenUll of'goods. digging a cellar, or shingling 11:110 iR this Aftprnoon-P pombat .1 Tfw wonviv, then -t(o)k stand nlotio6lesi s sta tues. On do not think any man is prepared for Ili orflk-r tw R roof, or shoefng V horse. or building -1 cl(re. mi in bY 00er members' Wills vpry skilfill. To Ilia Father's hotivo again Easier Monday the worshippers confer with slia I in and W itcoollimo- a wall. or iner,��Ing a wetch. or bind- the e0DfIIct of this life until he knows m ne ra tic In firA chiss vertirieatf..-s mas, date tier ire make you the foilowuig p a r ty. place 'efferingi. of money at Special ofte: For one dollar %ve wii, ih1s particular peril. Ebiad comes pj-e- 4 Th Great 9 tile ng a book. Industry, with her thour- t�ndlng to pay his tax to King F4M. U M' Jt4,I nurse froo) blerlhi If the Master.ca]14, what nsw er feet of the sacred lnuW. Easter I)IaCLa your name oil our l000ks and wild and arms and thosand eyes and "do "'h0ti'ler cut in trauscont- Roy -t ? morn thousand feet, goes on singing her and while he stands in front of the king Iniital- AL 11INGAGEMENT RUf4 uddr%fily it -was 11()ticod - til.,It til -Sfiall we make 11ini, or 'what pie Ing Is' greeted with toiWas of e -tliggdd and lild the taleilt gladness. similar to our 1p song of ork, ork, work, hile the Otabs him through with a dagger until but ne;tlli-,r thi, 6 ITRVP Iro solnewilat YOU, by return mai.1 a certificate of raitid Trua 11�IV44 ;11 -Princess vle'torlil, Of Walva to j liunit,, That -fie claim. Clirlstmas, jLlI tile roll. t1lat w`ill entitle YGILI tu mills drum ft and' the steani whist the haft %ent to after the blade. Jud" cific nor t1l" G Inca nwilih. I metabe 4 windows having all tile lady correopot;dent tilat yod Iscarlot kissed Christ. 110unceil wr xf inlug lit reply lea Jr progra lume. PrInIC610100rZOOf Greeco.­' t6 the -If'tlie- Lurd indeed be- risen. wreatlis of tlowL%r&, or leaves. fife it. All this is not because men Orer 21,00o gr Without extra, fms ol 10Ve toil. Someone remarked. "Every Agatn. the street Impresses me with _,vjn4I"0f riie j6tlr7* 1, tit t fic-416u b ts 0 t I i e I., 1*11to us He makes - na ple One of the pretti der e_xpLcxW.I',t y Or Itlit'. PrLnCea est o&a-rvances of c M1, g _s 0, - a ll.y kuid fbr six mouths. man Is as lazy kis he can afford to be." the fact that It in a great Seld for fiens Ls it our'Easter t� V(jnntbet#.(l Witll f "I in, IV-111te, carrying bra ect-selty. with stern V%'Orksi, at (1;trjly point, silying TQ th Uffids be Inciled of green ea bec Ore n le 11`lYpont, Pt,wder 11 W I IV to). t of IN*P' inu9t sell(I the &%3r Is -it prc"-sision, of ypulig girls ThLs lady mentioned abuve if, 00 r But it I a _N. j. ? histan yond the :w Chriptian charlt,.%. There are hunger fy k:"r19 Orefll Workak-njantj flij; Zlg�'# HaS dark hair and Clark eye& brow and uplifted whip, stands over and suffering and %vant and wretched- nUmber ()I iring tWil'ilIP nuin .1ird wbinan tM*A followl�ng -tile clergy Ili tli#-Ir tS ne" in the country, but$ those evilb d not km-. Inilst gend.- rotwo aiW the acol)-tes with a hqV 4C' Wisitc-s to corredpond with a view Y'll ready whenever you relax your ic' to r bt-fpre SattjRy i0ght. Tile tile ough 1ho-ir o matrimuny. If yoq accept tile above toil to makt your shoulders stIng Aiexandra- ni. t 11 hiefly conlrregate in our Mat cKles mg�nfq -d c roes. After the roL*,d On every street crime prowls and L L -N of tile ;i r inark on the card v Laug!l.in and -* is th WC011(l white with the lash. I Ctomp i ny daughter ld offer we will d,) our bIwt to give ou ard Viris -c the theory girls come t1w 011agers. Can it be that pa"ing up and' down drunkenness staggem and shame wiWm teel 1'rincn, ()f nild, iras' borl . e�� B to tis an. incense fillreett natkdactiorl. %Ve have lady tuemberb Mt 6- P'ttstyurg, Pa-, ha ve bcvn nott. 11 'lifter And their fro4granco liko the ointnielit The uioat interesting ciLstoul, llow- thest streets on your way to work and and pauperism thrust& out Its hand ftp -d that Vietr th�t t 111113attered over alf parts of th(i Unit d t --the ca rd tit, Charirg-, %-anc4,41 10 p-�r cerA-t_ 1pril 1 911' tile hlessc4f Alaster's feet, ever, L9 that kn(n,%,n as "writerirg." jStatA_,8 andkillinda, dlid can mead you lousiness ybu do.not learn anything of asking for &!nix. Here wazit is most stil. . . . - I - . Vrrs-; tf,(',k t4w train for If to us.the Lord is risen, whiell OCCLUrs oil Easter Monday and the world's toil and anxiety and strug- 15(4ualld and hunger Is most leart A RepOrto reg*elr"' U. 41 - . Tul -x I., x y. a list W 6111111 almost any dcacriptitHl gle? oh how many drooping himrtR. Christiian man roing along a street in dh� L What to Him ca -ii sw6eter'1x_,- 31ell go out armed with that you may wijill. If y(pu fail J [jud *Part meu t han t tl,�w many eyes on the watch, how New York saw a poor lad, and he ro= the of. till sen!I our pr0cious, lll�es bottles or j)itchers n -d th row ficern Vervig W�tjl trcK)ps ill t I's Your td,!ai wujiuLn in tile fjm-t list, wE ",an miles tr veled. how many burd- Fupped and tiald, "My boy. do you PbIl Wn'CA 41 eW VlUt �Vgtjilnjldla c%'arrled, h w many lomes suffeed, k" Smart, thf, Im 11 To I I ils gartlen'o'er tile sea-? the,yuit women they meet- In will 0--nd ou anotlier as oftell as you f -.ns A le streets. 1 ometimps tiley, now how to read and vrrite?" 71te army I., U!j%�#- ke" lif "le a6d t101 t t1ij,,.. S. B. 11errick' Ill tl WMM tvit4j yotir tiLne- expires. W hetj 'low manY batlies fought. how many boy made no answer. 71he man asked Iss tip, -tile liougos n1rd j�ff* ni call tit gre. une explmi% Ebm 1[vr t the y4jur t , victories galned, how many defeatts the quertion twice and thrice, "Can If you are llut.hat- r,,ASTER DAY. gii FIS NvIlo) �orne t6 tile door. The ndd idit-d in ewry re%jouct we Will refuad lufft--red, how many exasperations; en- You read and write?" and then the from lt.fle it that -tile -more --aying th-t, Vle f(xJj6­r-*th4.'V dterminvd. t1l0rougilly to OU all ruotley pa'd us. If you a- lured—u-bat tosse,_R. what hunger. what boy answered with a tear aplashi4 on pr"pect (,'f .0-C lchriit Is Risen' t dr�-nched urLng t1k- rtmini. Th#- forcr< Thik The Pie 016tims are -the better cept thin'special offer' -you will be eu- wretchedness. what pallor, hat ds- the back of his hand. He said in dell- fO,- Ca Il-:,ckenhig l QbIldren edr Hope. they re Wna-4 as it brit ease, what ag-ony. what deliplair! Some- &nce; ".No. s1r; I can't read nor write 194 thf-m titl4d to ll tilt- lady correapondents luck. Ill the cl-tiPS the custom bastiopn th ou m;a J-Tn4rate, Is r.1 zt .1 times I have stopped at the corner of r)eLt%ler. God, air. don't want me to Of R4Vu-trfttioIu 71le 1 (lay, --of '%viwsli for six montlis. k)ixly ipf if I' - read and %%rite. Didn't he take away 01i 41" the 4treet as the multitudes went hith -illy refined so thitt gpntlemei Amy,! Chrlst Is rism, anti hy- His thc Ranle IN il you had paid the full Tl:e arni tlienwaheL�; bottles of my fathpr so long ago I never remern- -4 -Wur*, proceedings and gives tis an ai�ur- %%'e mean 1�w.nvft al,d trust t1lat Kreat pantonilme, and as I loked upon 804d under ftyriDel( �Carrelilt;11011,, He er and Yon, and It has seemed to be a me of our -urrection a Iso. give this Illatte ful it my heart broke. This great tide of ha -d to go along the streets t9 get the entire p.-VWjrtr Brie_,A-rdjc-, ivrapped'iii a In'c ber to have seen him, and haven't I was p u rc h L -w e(I t) rih ThLq ou r your ca r Ezra oi J;a4to)n, j .11�tL' t �,i tit pil-_ 1.0h - Good s wee stoo( -rite J,j i�aid be Yt' in- alre re"wetfully. human llf* that goes dovn the otreet rma, r1mvil Ill no otlt#�r eoutitry and A OT ow. piled upon it. 4round tile.. crom gazing upoln. Correbponding Club. z a rapid topsed nd turned aside avid the folks, arid' didn't I, as soon aa EOW11io-deft' CoMmi.t-e, ril our Something to fctch home to e t f oo(),000, 4-44 r,p in hath towels WMT14ed, bleedIng g.avlour, and ro- StitUtion iN nobtiWd to one of tlw t I Khe lias nioney and fille -lat3hed ahead and driven back—beau- -t rf ta,inbered iAt..'cour #Ins hiull with e: -_1prP-' 111"(0t -%lL 0t-1;1vr%,ttvwv "s I le.';: tt im POSsibly A.perversion of proplarty and nc*ds man to tntilings Wul In Its confusion and confused could Carry a W-Wket, have to go out no, V I film th and pick up c-nders and never have f a r, Cre,'W4 ought wo coul I have 011'. MO Of -MIRtIAM. - �, I -wok- -r [nwincws. its beauty. In the carpeted aisles o greater. proof ate oil TimAiday. fu he fores Mont 1tfilck' 111-4 Of M3 love for us Young. W4Dthti-it retali' Jf no igehoo!lng, vir? God don't want we 6 , 111111d4. .... I On'the I-Mck of this is all application t Ili the oods from which tl,e I'letrs higli. llortil of on 'ilt' greAter r6iwn for toving 11:m: and the Jan hing -er lifted. on the ;o read. v4.r. I can't read nor write 111CCUd bY ticill, neither." Oh. these poor wanderers' S;:.0 le )111. 04 eternal ishadqw is ntA It *a,ecql Will" it -day. beiie'dLuj� lr'm. witil -es linexlyc"ly rene for the exjwcted victiln U) fill In for thf- Be�ru; Ar4l. distortell with - t to e Iron coast the theinwl% -J, to be il.gr f y lie Conqueror or'er they, pa -49 it lir�up r driliking font. "0(1 tc-11 lady corriwin)irdents. buting a do- tosses the tangled foani sprinkling the dation. as thty get up from thei ('hi#41 for Meteorological purpo. ye of fulth 14 t d ser4ption Lo give. There is alipo shore of the sea over whos They have no chance. Bom In d*gra VIR tile Deliverer of- man from r cracked cliffs with a baptism Dd .%16-rtitit. B rol all valulhh-s w4,re t,onf iIfor'lArlans'. a place -for hL Of hands and knees to walk, they take favoritp wcddhig day. as If S of An, ou he i rts iihoull,' I own description- ThOrle wfilriwind and tempest. Is the best their first Ftep on the road to despair. Kierwsu. or 'UT IS ahx) P. S. prIntA d in imitatitm place to study God. but In the rushing Let us to forth in the riam* of the tvar,l gi- ria n it, �1 MI al.so vater thankful- 'P0Wd-tl.iat lt.is Papecially fortunate Y_ tO Pkirliament for 4'.tl em, StUl greall-Cr love, -be-ause th-ere ty1wirriing and evidently iutcnded 'swarming, ravirig street Is. the be,t Lord Jesus Chrint to rescue them_ I.At r oil: for mnr'rlpgA*avd, the. prlest4 are amun'cated �far us to-d-iy, ug,3all-.V kept that dny. The rer-t for circulation ill the United itates. It Mace to study' mant. us ministers not be afraid of soiling ALY %4.)rvo froth her hu.,halltl knni al -o ot tjl�. .�riri: WOMA'S_ HISTORY rc4li the Po*" of Chrk-;Vs revir- Vlt-adj as follow)j: Goinor 'place of business . i OrAlit.-U-eek 1.9 fill,rd with ficcial gny*. flown to your our black clothes while we to down cretilty.- a0dit the- w1fe of a. 1�er-&- a new life,.anvi it hieller life, P .—The jady we -refer to in taie in4 -coming home agairl I chttrize you to ry Aull 0*-srrt.i )11. ilm'-ahol tile, (lulf-t Of tilt% 09'()r0U9!,V , eue' lxkk-!�r. Tier hw4baixl. hoj*c -had i�,oul-d have been' within our (iLvierved Lent ist. fully ntoried for. LOS&] SPOCial offer xre are confl- ook about—see the signs of poverty, on that mission. While we &r* tying eA 1 ell J011Q Dreir, Tojront-�, PRI.N reach. except a;4 tile result ol E119 re an elaborate knot in our cravat or dtwl from_U19 elf VICTORI.A OF Avxj6iiut ft inwillo"OST11illi, ti-iodgh- dent, would MakC YO(I a gxKxI txrue wife. wrctehodness. of hunger, of sin, (,f lie f;j"Ji, d Ggod FrIday. - and far aWve the avemg-e in he streets -and come back through the bote of a -d of. A re F urrection. "Because � I - jiv ; y e sha I I 4he ig lionest, refined and we"i edu- 4ereavement—and as whi!e w- are in the study roundingoff r?11911-0n-rata The littlo gfrl,' 40 Accord4ig W -,(L Vie a 4-awo 1 .,.0 you go through voine period rhetorically we might bc. . 1. alo." jInley catoed, Year old, went -law Mr. 7)ranbtey'te, -t-re t 4" two *tliou*htq coil- Ti' SAvIrg a BOUI from death, and hIdUng . , ju &p� palm branchw lie acAtterbd, lntelli�M(* an(] beauty. Sbe Ila& 41treets. gather up In the arms of your Priwe, or Avioes. I.S11, fro, ftext door, azo* Ayt, iioim or Lottle ichter w-- , m. w1th JEaster' oil which we 'th ' fl�usty street. P'enty of mean;-; In tier own nme raver -,It the sorrow, all the losises, all a multitude of stop. Oh, Chrieti&O -on nin rry r c ',or,,' ou t Along 0 and doa3 not c;tre If tJle man she mar- he ufferinizs. all the bereavements 0 t'atni-ng tilf- Pc49D11, aqd ate sonw_. Prince (;Mrre -ep. r., I'd confrtantl dwel 1 90 Out OlYthis work. It you tier: -fius- 'rif . will help -3 tll('wu;Zhts Andshrisik with timd rustlo f ia, ou r I I ves Trod down by careless feet; c liaA :uiy money or not so lonkr as those whon.1 you pass and present them are nut willing to go forth Vbckton agjilpt Vit� Do-' �nipfoy in Berlin. rio yourself, 4 risen I I m, like a kind hus. sym a hetic 1:ank h" beer, jvmtIx>tl0d July, iull,� I*;s d,n I WcOf*k- Clir.Wt L lie 1-j lionegt an,i'vIrt, in then give of your means, and If you e W18 must qo lato thoy waed In. triumpii _ vra� -i befure an all are too lazy to go and If you am too LlkSt y'zir it The:t*0 struck an acIll. baii4l. If you li.-.ve any vViih tou marry, God- In the great isty of eternity there PlAij1tiif',4 reilwat tintapee 41so ril�%.-. DetJi Is not the and of until -the criminal rurn'Ore'll th"t tbfll-1 ivoulud it L the beginniag. As Christ Before him In theay, or witi, fine ladles wili be thotimands (sf pel-Fons with whom ellarg(2, art� finally dispowl*o. Tlje* PY0141611V bPeoniv : engagm- anv-.on (Ion ix get, acqu tIted PtIniry to help, then get uu-t of the Way t" Tour Now cast, aside forgott6n - and hide yourself in the dent and JV( ('r(,Pw[l"4 zn0t!fX1 for a eban 0 In me, Ra ri ng.' BA ren * Rp Ve I�pWke... til P ti 'Ird (lay row� from the grave" wtth menjis, be sure amd take our ad- You in this world never exchanged one They� wi Pr!nee Gecirge Cree(� - -k to join -ho wili rise up and call 3-ol.1 tho crl' elle,11IN VViFl b(elf eard .6 e is. sh'alf we at the last day, rim alptin ther I where they may. I -e 11,nd join, for If you f.jil vf, ord %% elves of the earth. test when Chrbn'p de A STRANGE BIGA* MY' STORY.' 49d jt -r upoin an eternal lLfe—a life. Hushed are thO cli3dron'e, voim-4. )Iessed, and there will be a t charlot comes along the hormm* hootr jc� you will never fully m-alize ]low much WcOnd soil of � King or a We of wir"ow. 111us ts yoql is "'9 A. e are lomdrig fingers pointed at you in heaven, trample $-ou Into the mire. lip, Was aj)poifltp4l requ77w frightened groups they wait; A fine clase of la4lies se) Beware Clonimissinel AWurfluve of our own. - man, who helped me when I was hun- your city, In the last great day, rive to'Gret Britain . Among the poople crowding from a -If Irt" Of tile United tatem The Vestmi Iry of" -Last Januraparate for Twentv live Years and God -Man's tion the pledge In. (many With meancl) are joining daily leEt the thousands of tho destitute of n9l f*r, 01113"ts! has i -i- 219P. �d "That Is the man, that is the o- ;nerlra to 'rill :Gene'ral Of. tile Ellrol W . ?Ill polverR 11 Then Married. OUtfiWe tile citys gate. gry and nick and andering and lost up and curse your stupidity d your )r further fiml_.i-for thp-.ri He. i Chtiiam r(jv)rt t there iA another resurrection and Canad, many very pretty ane an 9 e Till Whero "neath tile crom-beam heavy r1rh and heiLrtbroken. That Is"the ma neglect. Down to work! Armeniawi. whr)W Sailor :by ng .1 . - tlie ChrWian, In prep-iratloo -for In, traini is a wonja - of about nome from near your owm to- I lAf t them N '41eserib�-d "d e0rumrider.of that In the w6mam" And the blessing' tiOn thii Winer . 'a .10 made. - - I le final reaurrertim—It Is' ,I rig- U44 wasted form bent low, calitY ; some of them cantiot help but up! About eighty thousanll Greek flmt' �' sP-Mal s%iidjr of yePr4 ag�-& wb(me natile. is 4ala I re.'Iti tillis world, it rising Tile Sian of orlrows" cometh, will come down upon You as Christ One col4 winter's day, 1wr. till aciln lit, Cutt YOU. If YOU WUII us to make a as a Chris - are wat, I to ty, 4-13tirely Wrl[Wdo service. 1 rk wnson', Of Was hungry. and ye fed nPon c Very 1-w I . BoLinvell. anto a new Itte.' "If v-0 thm be rbaen With %reary s")s an4 t4low, speeW of your e.tae'and Introduc* you e -hall say: tian trian Was going along the b&tt*,-y harity. lar in Greece—a fave ' Populhe cliarge of v bigAmy 6 '.re'coroled With IrlirtRt," snare St. aul In to� tD Indies noar 'your own i(x-aijty. ne: I was raked. and ye clothe me; I in ew York, he saw a little air! sftt- Czar of , 1jum I Ali, iv'eilght of woo trwiscmicling— ck and in prison, and ye vigitp In aivjwv-r 41. ItLi COOND. who8joinst tier, on the inform.-iition'. of day's LfAatle, 'Wek those thtnes which please inform Oil to Qat effort wten ff i �d ed at the gate, shivering in the 0old. Brlti,411 & I . All litiniati i%trongth to bear. mti. - In%smuch as ye did it to thes He said, to her, a (mery in ti me Cbrist 131tteth on thp. e "My child, CofnmofiA 1p, na red a f eW . Ye-Irs ago f ron)"haP I Nol 2. rp bove, virlic Ou kft. We hope ou will not be pre- what do 11011. wm.,.St. a fanatiels Tile, ivomati'Fi st Door waifs (-.f the streets, ye Aid it to y6il sit, there for this cold d&y?,, Urf4srick said proposal -i for it til- t Wljen*�'he and tile -or.V in 'pectilia tb rtzlit lta.n(f of'Gad." Our 11ren must be Oil, heart-"Jie Ili whooe 11caling, dlituxi agalnst Jodning 1w. -cause we are rne." Fhe replied. jp0dus virentli in tj,,#,. AI&Aa' en we're tr . its that ri-.In�m liveA. We iowt not. be,patIRNP� No earthly Wlin can share, In Gnadri - Remember we "I am WILIting-1 4r011ing have more lady members just In your ArAin. the street Intivresses me with ani %niting for somebody to com I to rennto Where we aro Init we muRt For theo tile shroud of darknes* . I e tilt, far eaid. e 'twice* marriv-4, , tier and ry' 111-11tter ?lad bUC11. -#madiP!' f irst l?e*wo-kbikdav bY &Y to drnw nenr Thy-Fatlier's h1olden face, Wte alone than ire have in the vrhole the fact that all'claafts and conditiorm takc care of me." "WhY." said the -d Iwifig inan, tin med Ifug- y LOVZR'S MA F) PL Noe;. ird, ivith she lived for sonle fn_ftle MOrlel, to think lFm of V-t)r,,us the glory shining and do mcme advertlAng ut society must commingle. We sonie- man, "it -hat makes Yau think anybody Urtitc 1!rtatcs Government, an'd thp A ot Canada, IVXTO 1140W The *orIdly pur-Mtts; .0 ret-- our bpart,, Tbrougli all abounding grace. Vie -re. A Vulted States two-ceut stamp �Imes culMre a wicked exclusiveness. w4l) corne 3nd take care bf you? (;Over1nnient, 31r.* Leal)6 Faet Im Mley lind 'oile a r -affeetions, on thing -q bove, not will carry a letter to u-4 safely. Intellcet despises ignorance. Reline- *'Ohl 0ie FRjd, "my mother died last From 11111i ft8CJnator*x'1u9ht44-- --Tliiu union proved 'fall-- ment NvIll have nothing -to do with boor- week, a j, d I 00ft fIVAllislon. thtriga of the eartli. &t that liumiAiatioll, On the bax-k of tJilS is tile fo,lowing was crying very much, Roolls for botit the thim) 4nniver-, The thii4lmi 'o bitter in Its I Ili, memo: !shness. Gloves hate the life IN a riseii life. - S xa sunburned and she said: 'Don't CrY, dear SWLPAT.19; BL00v. try they wiparitted. For' t.wenty- lirt%t 'has overcome sin for UR, 11nd Rehold earth'is bearing bosom N. B.—Thli I onr H ady only jol�� hand. and 1he high forehead despises Though I am gone and your f&ther is brake Tile' v the -virtup of Hiq re,4,-urrvetion wp BY anguish Mit In twaln. agemey a few dayn ago and we havo v e ".. L the flat head, anl the trlm hedgerow m they livied :apart. gone. the Lord wM send somebody to A Tor0 Iman 'the Lehigli Itallroatt,-oman had -not w -en Uuz%ard, it 19 MMY ovelvome idn, rind vralk witil 0 row will hRve nothing to do with the wild take care of you.' 11tu Youth victim* or a rrM her for you. Pleam join. D(m*t 11, buniM Of our s1iiining, delay, as she 10 the clianie of your 111(1 fateiili 1trough -n newnemoT life, nd beinz rts LaId on'the ainlem One. Phis ought not so to be. The astrono- come' and take care of me, and I am Form of Diamne. ev"Ing. I P !rigliMil aJI theg& " years- L life -time. YmirH bruly. ovrewood, and Athens hates Nazareth. told a lie. Sht said someone would tO ht-' de.i th I rojill t cednwhile tllQ dau*llte'r -11.1d,grown, wilth. Clirtqt let jj�j I'llow (lie 110 Mort' Golgoth40% haunting'mil 'I lr%J story happily nxi rr oes tner mA!rt come down from his ata T44-ros� ar 4"111loro 1jrj4 " 1% Franeta 11ol),uwjjl. rrY %%iiitlng for thein to came." Ob, yes, 'fif? TellL h0W tW deed was done. vigation. they are walting for you. Iden who orms ,f '44, revelry and help us in our na leut tj I. a rLn resided. raul.9 Im t the ' 'Pa Ienttj*tzkV withAler tile-' THE BASTER Tile gentleman Into WhOW tUILLON I'he surgeon Inust. come away from his IlLve nioney, men who have influ ar:41-d-ISlIe4l out, t% sit46'fere , ;j,.- 16w' m6nti 01rFFRI 0118 ca -me thinks that possibiv it was study of the hurnan Organism and set lstr:lDgext f-pecurre-1 rda v. 'a nd 'walk Cold 43 Ole towb'is embracing, men of churchete, men of great hearu. tho city s let tlifb' woman. 'Frien4slilp iivien- tntendod for some one wjUI 81nll1ai' our broken bones The chemist must pe portue ipj I tf 10ro Silverware 'j'alces thp'Place of Tile oNdier guaxd is gri a gather them in. gather them i1a. It ei114-dical proftshi 11911fare, :1,ij.feetbelorw' %0 liamo -,is fie never had any coirrespou. .ttlltj fie h imlible up wlcwk Fashioned Card. your Heavenly Pat the 014 The Hopo of 1hrael lib t:ome away from * & laboratory. where tiot the will of 1. Le for 'thp Itp fill$ pirimoner 4% dPAWf- w%li the club, never even know . (. 1, � r WiM Vilstman ast two vt-ee Within thk*;o shadows dini. as been studyinsr itnalvsis and syn- that one of these little on" sbobuld ks fni aic(.6uliP fJf'ftn Ill- aU�%. he; told 11te 'whole. it Tile favorite- -Easter offering 'fo Tile shrieking crowd Is silent, 41ay.-4 a990. a vigornilm ql4in Vn(14 W111.11 wa.; tory of r h jur(xi ji. Of Its oxistoluse In fact. It is to be fherls. and help us to understand t e 41,01uping ejim ;-,U,l er- -Joilla past. 'is , did nat I fis - seAKM, ­ i tile regula- 110ped that, no oe In Vancourer ts riature of the souls. I bleas God that -'*I U),-4kty fie Ix a eorpW. fleati ppy Tit noted of ThcIr Min$ rage gatiefted, 1`0011,41 enough to take stovk in imoh ill classes of peol)le are compell LanCy, the strect impress" me %.Itb 14 on received rp,.-ellt the marr;iage,., fort tiley Ion caNJ of last year, Is some tiny SU'co 01) tl'18 first Good Friday, e fact that all the people ar looking Mum- that han'biqlled T'letit Welk- ftop - e. 6 t of silver faste With white' or n mr-lipme.—Vancauver Worl4l. meet on the street. The glittering frward. rulanis 1vPnt 11re.mgh. thi" ere Our Lord is crucified. expectancy written On w -as in finan- n coFtch %%heel clashes agalnat the scav- Is-ek ven4er- ribbon to ' a large oblong "I'most every face I meet. Where you I'iA'tl OI14rj!jA, 11f. tQ6k tilf) tony. M(YndaY morn"la. P'ly Ile-Ict tra . In 'IV Itl busbawl No., 2 o'he re*lded for rd.- bearing monw - , .0-tty W181i or Easter Oddities. BOTH ARE TORONTOIANNS. enger's cart. Fine robes rut) against find a thousand peope I* bleed. - ]I@ cj" t 10, the peddler's pack. Robust health ineets walking .Van to it his table for Ure season. cggs adorned wltl* I)ewey-a Husband Not Satisfied to be Quitloy A,an sickness. Ifouesty confronts r-traight on, you only find one Man ecinnIU41 ]or., bout seven months, when 'a. d1tia- out pyne. Thp eux- .,Th qx-jlt t,1jr6j daygil � It) wpa-, i. - '11lay portrait. jreem#nX' o'chrred and they e list of silverare whiph 11toePing and looking back. The fact were applied Divorced. fraud. Every cla4as of people meets Is. God trade us Lit look ahead. bt. Weitkne, .11 tpg - -irtramts Am dt-ank'Ite.. .. Tile, eave�, will ptobably be 11owl for this'purpose is Pretty little' ro.)sitery fastened to every other class. Impudence and mod- very-lie:lvily 4 apt almost &uw.^e ive are Immort&l. In'this traj*p E6 con - ill the jme. He w" Mel. lireallf.141 out - at the 4-pring ssItes xhatist,b'e. Button hookp. g ove Owalut, Neb., deoplatch: divcln4p. esty. pride and 'r tinuNl. Pr_ I o n to xmerica'4. shield. humility. purity and of the multiLude on the streets4 hear paid , frequpnt �111-fk holy, trilt rejuw�,(l to XL -lite tl)o iext week.' It t fie %rom a*n Is sent up. eftsteners, shoe horbs. bontiet brushef. Huge glaw eggki containig mitli. oult� 'very quietly proseented, resulted beallthrless, frankness and hypocris I)QtiPut. but instea.11 of -v, the tranip of a great host marebing Liu conditJon ijDpr(jvipp:. it beeu "Au -`le Of IIN tX011W. Ift tho jiftemt)oll or trial. In fact, -, any small - pi ar ships. recentl lit d6-soIving the w-utrinionlal meeting on tile saine block. Ili the same Ulrivll &u#kk-nV frbm tlo re r either-tollet table or desk may Belt made ell street, in the saine CR3'. 0h, that 'is and marching for eternity, Beyond worw and emell oil WlIjjch llv,. jh,.Wj Imen &Jee , Wby-ehe Didn't Uall Out. be used. tirely of circular 1*nfls betw-en llele'n'a Gibbm -Welling- what *)lunion meant when he said. the oince, the store. the shop, th# 'teMerdny -it t1w a:ull M kkk it das. PL1191 ininlature-4 of U. I$. naval utt mili. t�treej, there to a world. POPulous and eud �of h for tile window A youn, ton and William Edgar' Wellillgw,,, 'The rich and the poor inet together. film. 1111kill. Dr. bu t g lady from the coutiLry map One of . the newest articlqs in. ell- tary heroes. '�Tn(:, in Dr. Jil b tck by *JIt3,0tlWr ing lier ex-swmtheart for 6reach of Toronto prtim The dreree W. -Is The IA)rd Is the Maker of them &It.,, tremendous. Through God'jix g -race. Bray. awl 14 the mcuIxants ver for tile toilet table- Is a box of llatp4n4, with little gilt -hickens 1naY You reach that blessed Place, A cOnsulted jang MOM 1111le 1i -en qnle$ed dow"n romise,,'and the lawy�erR were. granted by udge Faweett. I like thi% democratic principle of the bvcraf lieu' aboilt t1lo- for sc a -44 fl!�gree silver from thre'c to four perelled oil top. great throng fl:ls those boulevardg, ThCy vr?ere per- ra, but,78tiflibe wvuld ival. making all sorts of inquisitive c es in length a*nd large enough Chatelaines Wellington is a nurseryman of wme 91"Pe' of Jesus Christ which recog- and the pn4i ilt1j fire be -fore- umymklg "He sked iquiries. 41 With pe&cdcli feathers e fact that we stand before God rtreots -ruah with the OrMinence In the Provine- of Ontario. nises tir are a W48 Ilia *V�Itli Mrs. "You ay." romarked one, "thatthr one or . two bundles of hair- ortitnienting tile top. on one and the same platform. L)o nut chariotg of conquerors. The inhabit - White -Ilk pin cushlons ­,ide tip to lius Wife eliarge hint with Infidelity Lake on any airs. n, but they nevot swMeol PhAWn for WeIttknex-fit% to wrilk!, liij Wj.j,anjI tilo tifendant sat;very close to you?", With unknown parties at tho Yates .ou whatever Position r toll. A river took pinee, Tile. bfAA fOlOwIrig remarkibl t-glflRs puffi'l,oxes, with thenew represent swans. have gained in society; you llre I I P in.?4rtjmenU to Yen,. sir," was the reply, with a Hotel, Syracuse, Y.. and tile Kitta- flows through that elty. with rounded 1�very pcire "'Ilk-li 1.1rieft Rh. t. w1lich runs diagonally Instead Altiminlum-cavered tigagieme" othing but man. burn of the pame par. t4ent's body. VIO iinfortunatt� dra.Vrjj U Ix naine, ws Dow f In' tinny 110tel, Delaware Water Gnp. Ill ent, regew�mted by. the sarue Spirit. and luxurious banks, and tbo trt*s o" horizontally, tui lieretofore. are books with a rural w-eiie on caeb 7 Aboat th"t, e "Mrx- "'How close t . e a charming feature this sea. Adc. grPtemtPer, 1895. , She allegi%d to have mansed in the same blood, to lie down life. laden with everlasiting frufULge' h0urs l*for thf! pirit have POWer ovr -all y Cwtate "Close enough so's one chair was itil 'n. A dozen eg,, bliells joined together JIVV4 lipre long eilough to he n resident In the rame dust, to ge bend their branches Into the crystal. flowij Custman. becaum-, aS 10119 to fpfttji* room we needed." V% 0 tbup in the same V. bpeame- uncon of iveaknuss. nill, I li-oreby with PIlk r1bton, each repre. (4 the county. the ncc2�&"ry time to repurrection. It to high time that v6t Plumed bears* rattIft over the ar4 det-1.1re to Small chariots of bique, (jeaigned re d P%OrYthlng t111it' tha "And you Ray hr% put 1014 a rm -.-�Iitlng entitle lier to an action lit the caurV, !ill ak-kn,,wledge not otnly the Father- Paements. for they are never nick alni,� f ( �oti VP to hold a bunch of6vtolets, forget- a month of tl ear, tht- here. They were married lit Torn-lito. hood qf God.. but the broth�-rhood of W!th Immortal h"Ith glowing in w) till death. he 1069 tO her. � T belonzA to totm I being printed with red Ink. The' 11'w'AaW "' techn icA lY terthod has ",nytblnjt 114" no onin that #,a Iqo# didn't." me -nets short---RtemrnM June 11th, 1888. man. every the know not how to die purpura l'Aem0rrhA9ta, tweause of J."i iny last w*ltj'&anWjytChg0-`aMray9elf- ThiN -"What, did you say, then?'' flower, are among tile novelties. Again, the street Impresses me with Those towen. * the llrkl V016 that mver Aft*�r Pnt.,. Charming cases of Dre-den china, The Thorn mind the Robin. Local attorneys. reprownting Well of st"ngth, -those Oal- the k�t,'_nlng t4e will U16(1i .1to 'It said fie put both arms round tile," lingto-n. vigorously opposed the graot- 'he fact that It I" Very hard thing for Stces of beauty. gleam in the light of a through hleh th Wly' alliti wjj'lj #Then what in which a toothbrush fits mtlng,y. The Saviour, bowed benelitil the c M a inan to keep his heart right and iget Pun that never gets. Oh. heaven, oulk C bkx)d rushe's Were A"I at, 01410 two onwn @He brigged me." are userui its well a4 ornamental, T0IlCd U,) the weary hill. rOW Ing of tile decree. The milt was lien heaven. In'lintle temptations spring beautiful hCbaven! Heaven. where aur the t4ble ho,. ill tlie�, privatf-4 room of Jud- Faw- T1j e cASS IN (11VI! Jq>r tj mad e a anol will doijbtless find their way to While from ]its agonizing brow C"Ll, . pon us from these places of public friends are! They take no consul to t 41jSiMilar tAj tilat ya"ll , 10 WiTI(JOW. throw lip the "Very hard?" cett. and tile decree was made the u that city. for it to Inhabited bY 1%hur l T, 'many a crimson rill. ooncourse. Amid so much aMuence. ot She late B9d jvh0se t1l,. leapwUout, IjL�, ghos.. through "Yes, lie did ; 90 hard tht come tile toilet tables of niany of our Ran vpry day the na8wer of the hitsband'ej y I V Ile Ldf rk", 14k, debutantes. The bravniv Roman thrust film on iow much temptation to covetousness I ece t Sad ta king off , an arrow,alyl rty near hollerin' out-'! attorneyti was filed. in this angwer ind to be discontented with our humble IT11111titude vrhich no man can nuniber." lirl N&ruPk the attlewalk ",Wily didn't you holler?" Rookwood raF;es and flower bowip With' unrclentirg hancL Vmrlk abovp rank. Host above b06t. "tanewmitoll I"Cause---" are attractive, while Jardinieres for Till, stgg-ring slowly 'mid the crowd to.0 band denled that Mrp. Welling- tunitles for (lallpry Dfmtfl %roof tile flus ot! Amid so many oppor above gallery sweeping Lit ulj*� I% had been hero'long enough to en- werreaching, hat temptation to ex- around the hetivens. Thousands of ill It IV ft1lP9"1,,w.tx jnjatu,;jtd _­Tliat's no reamon. Be expil-It, the Easter Illy are beautifully de- He &rtnk upon the, Rand. title hr to a divorce Ili the Nelmnska �ortlon! Amid so much display. wha: thousands, millionr of intillons. MOW AILWOOr i4l Dying. witil UM whiell 1.4 KIT CaRe. Becatiso wily ?" nV corated anti of tiliape totally differ courtm. 3131-f-11 vielilla Pn an an explAn,-Ltk_0jj for tw�lucatilji - il'Cau4e I was afeered he'd kit p." ent frow those of last year. A little lsorg�-bird hovering near. t*Mptation to vanity! Amid su many ed -ire they who enter In throuO UW (vrrespowjent of tilt! to 4er Jib PIP' Tilat rmmemorial day, It, W t -aid Wellingtoll will Insitit tlint 4aloons of strong drink. wkat &I I- W-rty, at p i. nnd AVlilte leather memorandum books, city. Oh. start f0r It DallY, Uhron thomftwcj e V le r!af The Court fell off the.1xmirl 0 #!Ie- cOnfirming 'te report Of tho and Igmoring Ilia OLd to be carried and put an daintil bound and edged with all. Fluttered around and -strove to wreneb Ills wife was not- laWfully divorce(j, -nent to diagipatlon! Ili the maelstromb to-ilay! Throulrh -the blood of the ill -health cA the trucer of at Pakrrt,(jn. Ul. #imp for the purpose of reau2xa. ver, are exceedingly attractive. Jap. One ShTgle thorn away. and will go into tj 0 Canadian yurts ind hell gates at the street. how many JRreat sacrifice of the Son of God take %an, SaYm that hL9 Weagis- r�-T Wall 42 mirs Ohl. �� Compel Iter to rl;�u�"o Iter ma-ritai Inake quick and eternal shipwreck! if UP Your march to heaven. "M# elptrit c0'031091 Is oeri lktloA.—Golden Penny. RN gongs are quite new'atid very The era --I opike Impaled Ills breast, 010. that he has (Jeclarlsf] his son Tile Rikmlag Ye8tevrhy ­ aPPrOpriated q a t. And thti�% 'tis 'Nweetly said, relations it Sho.ever putil foot 111u), I man-of-war eorres back from a bat- and the bride may, Come, &ad wbo"- h1w)r, awl 40,000 t Is ill progrelip, Fall VA868 Of oPalw9cent glitan are her allegations or itimienty. lit wre go down to look at the 'slplintere4 water of llr� frewy... Jots twe Habib oullaill Khan his 811000 6arvesting or wi,ea- The robin 11AD 111-9 silver vewt, anadlail soil. HO denled In toto at le &lid to towed Into th* navy yard. ever will lot him come and take the Willed film twn thIM8 rjr hi., 'rrown;0 (10,72011 for the ex. Ir tile upper all(] central provineps of most appropriate for tile long- Inearnad'ned with red! thr Var$ alld count the bullet holes aud throng 1parehing beav"Wart t; Ontario capital socinj OSSIP3 ljav( tone. 1�xtttiou ill'Nearch of Fgypt, and extending its operntiono stemmed. grocefill Easter Illy, while Ah. J*fsu! JOU! Prince of Ped(:e ook with patriotic admiration on UN dOOrs of\Invitatlou are o"Vi. 06AA4 t 0glineer Andrw. n t, den in the tridian depeirdenclem thero can b6 no gtft quite go &TpM. I ,_qr(\ f IIenndril flat that floated In victory from the ftw twelile gat". SAO th* ~Vs Soft My dolour and wy ogbp about thena ir. magtbftd But that man Is Mery ot A *vr* twsh-e pearls," T IIINWMWWL&� At,, �4, t Ak-