HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-31, Page 2T
+++ Method fc1W."
91 Js�mlras maolft eaAder to 49 out my ro- M INJURN j1fNWdPAPZRS.
-4 GoW &1uttcIPfttt4 for when We than, 1 61 A U T FITR "ISSUE No 13 ISO&
f0dune Ifni I returued to Market*Rep6ftS They Make I"m the Volume of Susi
AW W=, "01*� alld told my hostess that, I INTRI&NAT11ONAL Lxjjg0S 110. 1. 6 — now Advertising Done.
+ 4 to g'Oto the town that evening I I 7-OPL , - "
+ mak'Sa "Mv- PurclaS84, she at once APRIL 2, left Is Miss Linsey's Endorsation of 11 h" just begu" wdawn On 'Are You og
My Disappointment + offered to 'take me there, as she had The W 'ke some of the a6wepapers In the Unit -
some "Ats W PAY herwlf. and would q__ - Dodd's Kidney Pills. ed States that the wbolesale organ-
+ lea're me at the Shops wh The ItaidilIg of Lazartic-iolill 11:11 -1i. ization of trusts means the elimina-
ber ro ilst she went
+ tobcon of a large part of the former's
++++++++++++ wulg are thep e Te—e advertising busincft. oempetition
+++ TI Luoe.—
,?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leading Vf heauxa. 0
711* PL&n '6u'tOd me as well as any bethally. January, A. 1). 3(�. Place.� Follo lomLng. —1)r h In articles of geneml use naturally
'Other; for things had come tO that toAaY at important centrem: They Cured he r of Female Weak ne an and asi ir
Pernuas.-Jesuij. TvronW, Saturday, ache. When Other Kt4ivines
+++ Pft"- that the risk of detection had Martha. 'Mar March 25. Were Without, Effect -Her ourso
+ ead leads to their liberal - advertisement
al I'Arlbo.y.
E T ed?
Ared La2arua�. The Jews. licago ... .... ... $ ....... and the keener the competition the
110 power too frighun me. def y. c,
013 A PT ER V. returned home with his -father, and Iras to suedeed ulobt&Ining tbe Lolumenta -New y0ex . ....... $0 `1`0 3-4 Began When She bLarLed Using
I could not help feeling chagrined vl*,%w. WIuch, OW way or th Inter- (Poead 1.11 ry. — Culuwtlllg links. .0-763-4 IDodd's Rldney Pilin. more liberal the adrertWng. Every Just remember that LU your
-a troductluu.) Milwaukee .. . ... .... 0 721 publication which has reaped the streugth muLt come trom Your
Iment to) Lny *It' I suppos' wtIeU I found how rwl(liiy he gave up Nraos
'49 W see As much of me
wlAlfi, mY e0lnPany to jtd lawful I tovet my 6)ubts at rest. Varable of othe - uow between the 4t. I'ouis ... quelxX.. I". Q., March 20.—,A
Ible aftcor u0nOp-. For the remabiode 64epherd , rand I " .&* 0 74 '0 75 7-k 11ort, 'very PrGfit@-Of advertislag %ariouxbrands food. Did you ever think of
r,,f the day. tllprjf�,. Uw ruiblag ol loaz,rum, a veriod Toledo very pithy a1w -fAigIItY state- of baking Powder, cigarettes. cer
Ong it separa- I!zer. Btit I ranunged to behave to fore. I stay'i'd very quiet, behaving , t'o &hree nIkkiLlim, we must place the Ilof 0731,4 .-0735-8 1% 1 thl—,
0731 LUO"t it' given for publication by Mime eals, whiskey, knit
ChArIkO 113tillitou. JVIjO usually Charles as though Ile were any other who made his wr%, of k1j1or# �1 i 0 74 1,8 T j goods. corseu. our muscles need
rvTItIe I Citiirleso Detroit -2 1 r Perhaps
with his parental at 11ovell- Its 1§0011i as the. ineal at 441I-1111.1once 0 UILd U Utll, lNuo -l- -v- 0 68 5-8 0 70 1-k! 1 W toLlIft C41oy. '111jO state- silverware, and shoes will under. Tnore etrength, or your nfwvss;
U11' x 'L' Duluth, No. I. Ito .0705-8. Luent, mado;rui o4ned Iii the proeaence stad that the mbination of t
had ille, ding tile 00 Ile
'4 cOnOuded I asked him to tal,-e a tJ3e, Matter, Amt urging fatiue or 6011.1413 utiraclet% "I Miuveapolls Of witivamoow, carries zx or perhaps your stomach if
Wa nothing were Luk ix. 15 to 17 -
Ulkila up his quarters t troll With' M8 4n the garden. I wns L"Clination whenever Parables all(I it 1.2- Inft%"ge -011 OumPetiturs in these respective lines wc&k &'nd cannot 44,wt WbAt
din- ii`-�ereall n1luistry, '
he ProPowd any difteournes ef, je. Toronto, red IwPe, and encouragement to the vast
tho first thing by 1144111`1111111"d not to let my courage ooze mPto&)d for twiving "4aru.%* ll(AuLo j*,j1g Us. . .......
uWaY through delay. and we wzre n t4lWo-a-tete bpt,%vtv ftnother V. on Toronto, No.**o . j . 069 of trade into separate truxts means you S&L
I wile :1w,likkoneod on the fol- '00ner o 0 a b()Ut Q1aJOrltY Of women, for nine of every the absolute withdmwal of all ad- If you need inor* stramt0li
woru.iig ut Of 110hring of the occirpall I felt tht I "10 X'uLuLt Of Olives, ticar Jerww.ew. hard, IIP -W ... ... 080 . ....... EeLL wOmed' are sufferers -froni ww or rer"iong in every line of goods willell
%vas the sound to could not In trust Jesus waited two t.ay&j After rem,vilig Oti" Of Ule long train or ilia known a trust then tak- a
Isopularly as Female Trbubles.
ew wit -b daitgeroun iIjnj,%.4d Oj PrOdUM at Toronto. necessitry to advertise for trade If
Of Of Rhineberic thaq I opened the 8114). myIjulto to a private Interl tile Iiew,4 Of the monopolizes. It will not be
1111MLIWa*8 roioe as he an. jVct which disturbed me. him. I Grain and
Ould hre bitirted out my In- Lazaru before ist,lo
01 -Ane tople with his- I overheartl the conversa- dignatlon ftild contempt, before Lazartin ruearts Uod.tllig- to Bethany. Flour—Ontarto In bagd, TO I these, tO them all, without ex- the trust controls the product. for SCOAF if e
V011 toetween your father* and YourRelf time. their ib Ills help. 3.60 to $3.70; 0eption, Miss Linwy',4 - t a Ubm #sit t the liollrellawor cvmnot buy from a
Th6 old &-mitleman V t litm morning. Wjl(). is k.to%v 110tiling of his history %,e $3.10 to $3.:!0; "tralght rollers, #rove*4 that Ulare im, in bodd'e KIdney
this Madomoi. t th,4 hour aTvpotn" I drove with froiti tilim attide Hungarian. 00mPetit-or.
narrative. 11110, a Positivo and permanent aum
U- have cme over from it -Ile Von Beek. anil will -t is her con. tAk CI -90 -to - $4 Alallitolia, btikerx,, for tile d It Is 0stiilj,-,Lt4yI t1lat tile loss
bnog thus to�jrly otm purpose to Mr& to CAPe own. rr-ae A.. EMU"ION
with youn-ioll? I raust L)eg wriWr of rily moo. ary wad Co=,O—Martha, $3.60 to $3.70. 4**Aw that rob 11foo of all advertising in
w rtli Llis r I ew on ne oubject note bad re(luested 111"'t heard tliat jsulo w.,N com its PICasturt"-suid uyd. W newspapers an4
I h Im. Yoll t'L) 9"e WD a candid expianation." -to IlleAlt bpr Ut Mercer's. aad. without 110tIfying Ing, Wbeat—Ontarlojr tell, MId white nlag*azineA bY the orgarhzati of of Cod -Liver OU with Hypoo,
annuoyet the larlawt M" Lijiwy'. writem: -I luve Iwo,, a trusts (luring tile Past two on
to . . for I hearst him He stared tit me ior,a moment. look. Williner's #11op in the place. it wab we"It to Ineet Jesus juot Mary, mile 67tf to' 68c 110fth,and goose, grt-ttt #ufferev fronn Femnle over $--5-000,000 per years IN phosphites. Me oil iBue most
49 till, and N)%vii th4-,, gravel ifig 11111CIL surprI4CLI 1111LI confused. and easy, UkOrefOr, outside tile 66c, ljortil alld west -No. � 1 ail 11 Year. and if' eaa� ly cli�w�ged of all foods into
th tho %erarida o lie ttempt- tanswu 41 -41 all hlwtAv- thp tendency to comb strength; u,,d the hypophos.
he stanimered:- aak*,d me W-hc when If rs. I 'ill geo� She greetc-d ilia, With those Afaultoba hard, 80e at Toronto. and turivi attelmbult IlIxml tile trust form conflnue@,
,ref j to go. to dl.%- wOrd" Of "rowful 4It*1)aLr---Lord. If '0
%r of all sijspicjo at 77e. rlce8 are
his 2tud "I don't (Inderstnti Arm hK, Wished N - 1 *NortliDrn 1), ine industrial
the toued of h -s- %vice La it ra. wlI:It 37011 mean, Wh:ch w n by inquir.irg ti'Ou hoddot been. here my brother haAll norma and coulti got fl(p r0lot-of, tholigh Lr"I newupaperls and z pl.�tas are the beat
as tilt' beet Milliner that they Ot died." maga ines will have
lxvnpsscd toaics for the nerves.
call it , 'I'lonY diffrolit kindis i,f remedlem.- little more than their I *
renerftl a.Inxwt inti,litw!t- by illiagine, th. t little.time a But Ovoll then tliere wa&l Oat"—Wllltc Outs (1110t(A tit -'9et .1 ocal adver-
i,m to wh-..t-!i lie tO (*011ect our thoughts will not. be N tile jurg dawn ('of "OPe III, her lieurt, from: O� time AiCu I begall ut4ing Lkidii'm tWng patronage to draw upoll for SCOT78 EXUL-
ungrateful re Kichtey Pills. aqui luy 0011,I)IOSO
ful of hearing someth.ni g ull- t,jilit y0fa *ill filld the ar cure their
tO You- y repti# e". slicb ad- her exPerleace of tile power of it*um. RYP —Quoted at 56e. suilteflance, for the income SION in the easiest
hive tic) wish to hdrry You'. but my tickG At the natl rep"e'd with tile Jumllrauceth,tt arley�7QUoted at 4(le R-egt. lx'gah 'it tho mune totrao. I n] ILOW r cireulatiOn in them days it, and quickest cure for
my ears �xitv' 1%,lokort, froni ni ve slop. Itamaan-my HO was -'the resurrectkxL ajid the 4trtmitir ad woL-11 In overy way, �lujllkx of Ucon . lew weak throats, for
IS plain enough. On wh:tot ('hPttY`86 very uckw lien t—Firin : 48c* fjort 11 and, than nothing. W ell
-zo ijuntoter, I t.tod to term% has Your nequaillU.Ince se alid preparel tier for thogreat *50c east. to Jkxti's Khttjo.r theAe facta coug:13 of every 1drid.
Vr i -, t i I' with N*Mld Prefer Mrcer's,`- work lit was about to do. Weak, pale, nervous wolilen bWW to be appreciated
and the %vill,lowo tv Tuy- It' Von Fk"ck been con, juetftj?- - Dran—Qity m1fin w.11' ? "' I I(IiQ ft Ud too be felt by - 1L. newspeipers. w, d far al I ewes of do-
ltlld- careleftlY; and accordingly at. 43. bran not lives are a mitionual round,of suffer-- biUtv, weak nerves,
f,gliro of Claukto Itaill onfinnry lie w1swerpil, WheIl Jesus thereforo her $14.5v0 and shorts at $16.50, in var 1-11g. ne,"] took no lurther for a we May ex'pect su'ch an outcry
ing on tho gra4w.dtrt1-t.V '1: 8 door I was deposited, and .-weePilig—"The teAriol or LICVOUt &ffee- lot@. f. 0. boo, Toroatd. against,the trusts as has never been and loss Of desh.
y, tiot ver --decidedly. "Von MrsL I'M Msf)m's carflag -r I'JtvOa 10qrd, previiiii,ig voice If they Will use Dodd'ei 1-�itlliey IIjqIrd before. it is strange that W- and $t.00; &'J dr
e bore h, away 11—CAlladfin, 36. welt, all I As t1wy are sure 0, cmipleto mvitAmt- this Peculiar coDdition of :1 f f a jr.8
of thent 'orlm'It'. !uv. ShMv. pf Rosenwlt-un-- htustw of N'0111C hthe Clam ot elljotbt." lie gr(Aullod III th(l. eri am. 4 Ile to 42c oil trjick* bere.- &Iojt to vigorous hoalul. SCOTT & 1S0WkH, Chrmlsu"NWL
tw, 80M0 trilling purejulaqN
tn undl, that theri, I. went wrong in the ai�-
ather turned him U:l -r. ketping g0t)d look Loll. Tfic north ivid Dodd'* Kidney Pills a
00%hiD9 1`07 MO tO ilk) bilt to� %V11t.11 the co at 041tirit—Mouved witil iII4jig,,..jti Pea-4—FIrm, at arie, tr) 66C. was not forc,"M long ago by
t., _Out far-
qtlift and Iwar as litt! whiell %rc have twell ore. tJW 'While. trauftlaWl "gmki.114141" occurs WP4, In cair-10tv. trtmgthen the alkliteod Journalistsi. It was 11oraw.
yv$ th3t litt:*N provoN I t hold no) comniunletion lwki 1'**011tly a resixetableo- five t1ftW6 In the No To Oatmfyll—Car Iota of rolled Oats, III Kkliieyo. 4uid tile Urinary Org.tns,and Greeley, we believe. WhO OnPP re.
x , 149 II-Itiv woman approacht�d me 85. Je.,us, wept—Here tile ble l-""94, On tor'ek In Toronto, s:i.00; ill loring h0ftith, strength awl vit1lity W warked t1kat if our fores'ght .ras
rainily bilt they usL.tj. to. with a Orcond not)ttll, O*d wcak, defective (ngl%no tie A BORnER AFFAIR.
14 the pmm of Inv nittlil. one ti Ateillil" hhows 11,01self to be abarreli, $170.
not -i'low it, nit% Anil Y')u nl'&%3* f Min ]England 1e said, 'nail ; an I a man, t000,-. truly DW-an:.� can elimt WhMj . DOdtj"@ Kidney woo would be
NO Ki4illOY 14-00d as otir Iiinds*lit
tile angTy Icaft of luy- f it r�xth'er ilifficult to bre.ik off llSt. Lawrence Markets. Is a re, umd. better off by a blnk s�gllt.—Les. Pathan Militia Under a British Offleer
.,You Aanoeship ivitil talldlug His 1111"Whff dignity and ex. 11cclelPtA of 8tntw alit, lie's Weekly.
%vomen %vilt) newemod 61 tbe'adfirma'tive. did tot feel it beneath Hir bod i'd Kidney 'I)ills are nold by all Punish a Robber Clan.
ell tuat ."le of oreing tht'lustyives hpon ':4*4)nIlIl9 fr01n 1100neberg?" 0X4 were ligilt, t?tlt thowe of buttor, ews wab remived a few wec4itd a
"Y'lul"th.ze With tile 01M; an I p')u try were fair (Jell% erle,4. box, nix TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. f a revera- suffend by a British &.Prac"e
vtsiir notiv yooltoo, drugglOt". at fifty conto a
Vb You were Perm ttt,,,! to too
UlLs rd *hall -Wht""'t te-'(IY-.Mw land of bo)14*9 $2-50, Or Nellit, Otl reeolpt oof Take Iax&tire Bromo Quipine Tablet& All which tri(,d to wiz&a IxAy ul outlaws
%veel) "ll thOw. who wePt. After, wilitt
our exclainied. witt, nuaw, read tilis C411t,." a 1�( Imk-e. by The Podda Medicine CO., Lini-
%Tire from '-�urprlw. . R! ftiE!r - bushel, j I Jruggiffts refund the looney it it Wis to Cure. 41 a In 114a just acroft tht.
Tht. we . Ild" a& that all intimacy all Lither was anary Inewly to in ed ito wzjs -'Ay thLkt it is weakiifix's. folly -a' :1 t 1115e. to 46e. Of off be�twoeen our famit' t4"te nd, Barly sioo Newx bah itow
o ep for -tile I(Ass of nortinvustern border.
14 u r1i A Remarkable Record.
the zvk-, I u .40, 11; 1 Ileck vniu� had Inetfowtioal facolo, to -Dr. A. Clarke. -JebUs wept. I.' to �4(k". Bradstre-et's oil Trad'e. Mine for An ffaLlo in the vicinitA- ill
Otir paIrty I:tst night loaiN- wl no n corresix)bodent, .011 ea r" gt) th tables were turned. (-Pit
who mays 4t tile' ljo�v ' th In y unk' Oat swldy-; .1100 )n1sill
sullenly. it isn't coul-1 I help'tt? tUtrifore I . of sYMPlithy, With the atflictioll 115e. 1N "11' 11 t ndvit3ft14 are sittisfne- single toorTk-( therct Nfarch 1st a #�,ucceg@ful tittack Ivas
IL)es li,)t beling t6 mv.*� lowcod h-r. anxi at once and fol- His frlon�lp. 2. To givp Of 4:14- to "Wry. T()ront4j n-IK)rtu a ' ill
Y eck'' retur -The thi-atre t an et-ernal Rye -eaA large vo;urue' tile British fleet; now there are mA&- on the Chamkannis, a predatony
0M hut without dread. Proof that He call feel with 113 ant.,
nol lcod r por budielm.; 'I slu:k1l loud Alit fit 50C (A[ Nornig trad:! IN.-ing dtme by 4he I)i about 120, r th ny
know llothiug 01k,ut it" Cautiouskv through several or u4. -Ryle. The needs of a a 10 ree t tues s m& tribe. by Captain Keppel, of the Rvyal
le;lrll v%wr bnother t4le dh*trIbu*twg 11(joLL-a-s. tile weather [a% 9 as li a
smptuotio rep! y it she stoiqxod at the gar- ovo�ld tit $1)
ot on). ls t* -fure His eyets;. Sit) y fillu: !!() 1 ormci,
by-stm U81e, lifting the Whole urld rose up bt 1x'r kx1 It* lift Ali y,' ' 1, *6 t tthe other navies -of the Scote Fugliliers. who Is if' -coMommArvd of
93V1 of a lbrick hip uuurnerd anti tirl it.4 t,
ur I`aep fl"I'lli-A which ohe nooLwlessly tm- Wre preent. f() -r )ver (or mixed hay.., thAll wSual at -this heasun to build 122, njore. The boats of Men. CAJ)toaln KeNPpel and Ids irrw-gu-
it It tho grl iti�rua all It4 I-AVIlicM I'll nearlir till linefj world ; and last JlIIY It was decidM the Turf NjIlitia. a looval levyof tritmw
W Hillu.--Trent-,11. 1. lie
m sure I wish Nat lie di"ll ji"t Paved patilw&y, pot Aurrowe(I that they'vhould thitik a the yar. In general prl-c!z of stapit. 1894 attaijuNI lars did good slorvice in the Tirah cam-
Iged b X0 t never rNat. t lill. 0rlig-e- trees in better for Ltizitr Wr �Ild an! Vety f Irtu, 'Wlth alt adv4pi& And were It speed of 27 kuotg, Pairn. ()I) Wt,driesday. March lot. I
hatt not been lzialt Iligl Did.y0u. not %vrite tO hot- from . pot. all I treal. 11-4 to'livp ligitill hor. heralded as -marvels.
Ill) ifiz in her rootr4e I 8()()n foull4i my. 'ray. With th . : POta Loom There' irere. jj -j,,deijcy ijot".utjole in it CmluallY tllP pace iri succeeding niad', a '%%-vl I -man aged daxii upoii tl
have been A)me other lit. it ps tow [Pw load, tc
aight, 111 a stone there-, I-x)l,l at 9W to 115c par, ;-and it -ten, nd ('11niukatinla, who had bmn raiding
of Ills 1411 j)0q. CVz1o011 Vx3ft hardwa re alld luetals. br)"A wits ill(Teamled, and Britalu
:119-C hag".01. verY chowe bc e for now hils 44 tQrTjedo-Ij0a 011e liuridrrd priermers wero takq,ij,
r. Hamilton. -If a iftx-ONI Q rough wilk-h I uillgled the certainty
"'m- fullf t -IK' "7)m-xn left me, I p- JLving tile keeping- quality of re
M) t destroye
fxluivotlal Atop ;S not Pat I" FWw-n I a plvo;mint Hitting.' brough k gonje fear In report4xj to f it
ntq ileatil. 00 -picture tAj. tilt. tillhe"
e0diD911, we may be nnove(I -right tp I fallen Aop-e* MallitAam that can travel t t30 kilots all (X)O cattle. were captured. and nine
-SC411i iliac-oa Nrpre (Wwtroftd-
it t 0 t111414%. UP hee mLqtrew (if my knir t)ll,t(� a e- *4 IxT d4ttuo!'11111041 by wet weather at hour or more. despitk tj
time. Your proin op. L'ha t niatter arrival. has'llo.end, harrel for"t), gi-1wr run. harrest time. Amerlewl � ref inf d kugan, leir arma- The BritWh forq0. Miich wa wainteod
pounder an(] from
-1111-keys sold' at -14c to colmitutw! to sell ill the (,alladja niar- three to fire 3- by two Turl Tinodikiin, tiumbe In -O(j
end it t ance allot rorp, And 011 that first nlove&I Him to I y. i1oultr mfont,of orw 12-
u r Att found nivaelf 400110 Injill, ft * I - Y n r n
're (,Own to-'Va-ve hitil.
HD r . leorae ZK! per Lb.,. alitj chickpma Pounotler quidli-firing
I have," lie rep iod. Ili.)Iuellt.- ;I liti opemed no -per Imoir. to' kc -IM. - At ORtIV-4 I -fit) niarkqA clialgi. guns, besides t men. lofft two men W
�Olu wronte W her Iroui then 'lnP1LIl,.'trjlij alid, wo tubes from which t1w ClnInkarl"is eCIlt hl�'( if
Is, br4ol up- I . . L. , uliderh InOde of 1 0 Butter � pl6ntlrjI is nOUd. -Tobbers in dry frxAL and 18 -Inch WhItelmad torpedoes car vrere kilicd
remi rked ther. C.Ire- "Well, v It W lildn- le I Ved Imntan-
04 illil!4 wform;k0on, but my repe t* itO WhOk'8810 Millinery report ord rs ae be f imi. The turbine -driven de- jULrd,s
lipo isous toOdtilOny, from tllo%w' rx-r- 16., "COnling to 41uilitY. The Urt aud pricm wel
vr IN tOO late, for just its I IA -11@4 Sews f
thinkilig, Of walking back eta 8011 of Gbil. bulk went, tLt, 18 Lmiment Cures D&ndruff
wits becoming too 111vt4 to 'of ..the and stroyers ljow belng built re e x pec t.
erm ti�)n too t'lle _. to L -(k. w I,le 11 few I-i""intaill"
further' httf furnW. 37. t7ould D* li-Th P i.1 hilpit mpre stip. et to do 401-2 miles .11, hour.
cret. I I , %irard the d4)(. -)r (or' ot this ma, ir. ;vt,4 01 dairy. to Int -t
for me to put any hardware I u�q ei'
upce is. tile tha t Purpose. foun(I my p Ltl,w the blind tuan to oLUhtobst of Liquids.
min -I Th f ut-le 'of tomers bmmolt _-# 1; e ROW are Wx-41. grt"ric*y
my inclinations. On 90ve. rii(,r U)e st) Ixirrel by the &tout A. wau*)--it wad refelort-d With' firiner tenoll;-ncy. Additional
v41d of rerefit w�u PleuUful, bc'Jiillg' fro% 4f- t,6
th t' 1'11�tvc C&Wrh Cannot be Cured Pruf.
it to persoti i if experimetits by,
As this troason of which soni.-� vas-te DUtCh W nn.i III the itulne(liatr lipi the bulk gomg at ajx.:ut Xjc. tile cutlook for .41wrii.g Dewar have oillown that liqui;j hydroo
times- to borr -0Mtn.unmistakally th, rence,
Ileard noth;-ng un-tij now', t)w,.fbr, -nly llevos- mothr of t1lei girls' borhi)o.l. Wirile. the two -preri(niis mir. ftrm Pr6duce Toronto 1!1L9trK-"o11 tile TatmPee.ts all rtmnod are .()CA 1. .11 �CS, as t lk.y irell i- by far the lightebt of all kno%vil
e I w. n ;e s I had see!i Wholesale at
bilt that �Avill tkl ;III tht,, n ht before gardli�d am CtAlectio4iji Ij.,k`y#. liquidw
dead (Luke i(fi.
y thAt Charles bati colored tered no%v. for. frotin t al- ., tileitr of 'raising, t reach 'lj#a a -a -t of tho dim -la It% denxfty is one-fourteent4l
e Ix,r :tou f
ulde'r, rem;irk., 'bvit he' -made 'ki:&.y ()f''our Well, mew, - so Comm 11- 17'1 viii. 41-56. were performe'Al In "atarrh
tnarringY6 1 1 0 onc&4. in* lie, $7 (xi to tw)[1114"What lov lack or) 's a I-)I(xxl Or constitutional that Of water. and. ctiriou ly nough.
lni'to' tj� brokr�zt Engl raw,. sm)w. From the ni-aritinif'o die -amp. it ou thi-i happens to hP UIP annif- hwie -1.4 P axe tant'-Galilefo, -11136ut ulfo lcd,- ear lots ajbd III order to cure
��rtnpr. ear and
you I Wei I . I conw report illuvt take Intow-nal
demandol 1�is f.-Itlie7. -Th 001, that -I could no It. fill If twfore. Per "I J�tlmt business is 011"Iv fair, remedipA. Hall's deni%ity that bydrugen in the gag,10110.
ell v hi 4-14
only line ton I was . Oil I v6 re:kiiy ni.3Ae., meet. Von at'. *10 mykff for fear %gaill gronning-Because. (If it&" - thOugh the outlook for the 'Atarrb Curp is taken internally. and --tate hears to air. HeretoTaw the
return n -it aware tore t.-) i-Ionestinto, Von Deck 4. tha t *ilyd. 111. lom. Short, 'OVItANS, car'lot% 1wr ldftrPdtlY on t1in blood and mucons lightevt liquill known bu bmw lique-
e 141' RIB0 be ullbe pf of thO Jews. We neer fil)(1, .. ... .. and C'614iderah14-
the 'Ea N of Ver be mierej, It,* Ithere." * * u -1.; Ifial III W, InlIt'll grief over Ifig"own or. tal _,
A litu )A Wim-danley' tht' xrord quite stoutiv. a activitVAR ih -Coal-miflir,g surfaces. Hall'(i Catarrh Cure. In riot a Inartill gas. whtrh 111008esa% alsout,
Ted- It LIq 110% P00%iblu V, 1,renk This In I -echocxt; "and jwufferijigm 6,i,#4 orer the sills' of. uttoo-r, c1mica.'Britibli. Columbiaadvioes are tA juack medicine. It was Ito twu-fiftlis tile, &nsity of wator.'
I'd frtentlWup in -a day' ao,sertion Xtit nothat I I'm e li. nit-dalui, tubt..... rew r I bed by
ggero,l In*% I m liero I regret it. I Conietli to 'the grn,re--Lazarus- litter, d;airy, t1w, effect that Alaskan demaG4 Plu' 0f t IV - best p I I rsi
co"I I 110t disbelleve'hliq po. this Cowl- -oraj
P repOn t e I t I jut, an,f et the 1ju 110t.belleve you can Irive anything 'as his fitatioll, llot tijrin-,p to Improve. Fallu try for yearw, tind is a rega la r pre- Miller'n y- to lull, me --respecting Mr.$ lErumilion. ve illtUkr Imst PowdeA for was aster inteded to he wer Presilotl that my. f i rst that I metery. but'in his Own pri I"W" 0.14 14; week- numheied only 21, as comparf is compowid or tbt, Ilept sk Lro okl or yolu I
n y cou r oa t once, caveproballl� in a lit. iAo(;d purifierso aeting I , jy ?, t Might Come 1140ndy.
...... 0 22 colorcswnur nC week of last ear, 36 in
one, I r P right w44 a r(ory, s4trong !0 - not ,I IrmdY know.; botit �)e tomb ngar. lutt""o. V001 "7 the- pre-violgly week. 23 in t tontes knrorn, tried hky brother. alked by bid -side for -a few P tO. 94 hat you have t<) way den, tha favorite pli ro 11 �41 . C vrih tile lie"
life, perhap_q. ill bileaca and Wen I aij; or I alp in',a,- ft('e of intertuent. utt6r. re-" inery'box ' d en 0.0o 021 Mu"cous mir
urning %h ! YO do� lio� belibve it"'lly thc 11tone-That .99,% . ...... 40 In 1W)( -),and 40 in 189:').' fAcf%. on-(- loorfect, combina- Burglar 4 in a 1whisPer)-1 don't
saki Mr. U.-smilwin, t believe yoll, mem 1"liat; whif-I F �zost
Aw -- tion of the tvro ijjg7*die1jtA is wl,jkt k1low whether I'd better take this
On 111A V Anti I't, cart tel f you dome by .111tinall- hantki 1*�r 11).
ounger oil rust I 11111Y 'uever repent wy .31mything &4t you (10 -d
Illy- tb be domie.- Uq. .w9ulij III, g*4# M%.Se do L ii-ar PIrOdneo-s Flich wondprNI rftnit-8 in enr- anic*Ing jack# -t, or not.
-lily onco`belonx. thilIg Sooner. th.tu I)eillg ing ('atarrb. -Send for - Umv in", ja 1*. SOmwid flurglar-Take it aji)ng, Bill.
o n hove, of th III Y,.)u. for I could, forgive Mid the flat wo-
r pours, nor mliw, nor on f- i
I I - - i4nklng Into a chair. "Wel-I ! dat rN seco that Lazarms jwr pair free.
IL:Ive I 1 070 You'll need it in the next vrorl(j.
no I)ute ay trutb. but, if no, I do rot .11 , ly d �nd.. Hetiliket'll-&wUllug to fier. pair tj r,(j
daughters; ! i certainly tho)uglit. f rom wil it Fover- not well perceive how you can wioli to -WIuit Jeui hail said to her per. il) 0 06 cur -ad a Ito roe of the ivange w F. J. CHENEY & Co.. props.,
taktng the place of my heard, tht our f-ithrr had-oitronger IlLirry Mr. UlLlrleo Hhml met -11im, Ala 911 (17 MINARD'S LINtIfFNT. ith I Miller's Worm Powders for re4icks-
nor," returning rea-9on-; than. -those you t(ItInce f 1 tc"i, too lotha, now ilrkey.* 1N. I , Toledo. o.
"since she is iiere, will dislikinz your int* or take'him, JtwaY from de poor girl, -my 01111kx 6111Y of the c r, 1:1 'Christopher Saunders. %o:j,ld lov druggisui price 7:',c and poevisline.ss.
InUlcy With The %,wI (')I'diti011 of tier bra. a0d see that young womn Ileeks.--- hter." .&txl ()bj6cto;.. 9 Dalhousie. l Pi I a a rp tbe- I w,,t.
Ia&I tnetlltc-1 by Ernestine to marry him L -q 40. if tjwu w0jIl(V,gt believe 007 -Y*
*It i--- -tigerous to). jutige d k kilm ete. 01- CZLIL't prevent t1je bun from
Over Iou�ja I bave no con-- bv tile fragumnts jyjr frOni -Your augh t'0 tol (% - - 4r"ah warisets. cured a 'horm badly to Ion b r a
ter," I cried, "I"It thil'19FIcOline thloc.ugh TbO Coming Black Sheep. 4*ttiII9 11Y stOPPIng your clock.
If she attempts eoiiveviation, have no folth. lt(,Id Lherpoiol. P160h fork, with, 1MINARD,8 jl�im Rev. Dr. Meredith. a well-known
to noice�bo replieti, WUII to (to so. -But first 03 U-) t1lb; arid bliaod Vision are sillo
or CAMAne again, IT let her You musio 6.-q; ..M.ENT. Brooklyn cl,-rxrmaL triew too cultivate
.- "Hild You heard
thP whol .# prove to nte that it is tile conw. if fait,, 110,
Y aj4Dd on the --ubje4.t plainly 3`011 would 'have thought tw Illm as tile k; ock corn, friendly- relations with the Yourwer Edward Unlier.
rather fiincy.my Y:Ltlif,r' "I'(surrevellon ard tile Life, 1iirter: t;.s ww I'lewo
now, Wh eu b? tile MILT- ha Y Proof tot AS'.dat lick h -i t. Peter�;, B. h' lie" Why ;�'I 41"1741 1 0141, 7 3- 1( InPmber3 of his flock. In a rccpnt talk
a P -'O- dmlyt whPn He is near iling that i ave borruivea In 'M'l I a 'long til: 40� to marry my 41 Thi-ri th -lj*rk, *.I - s; Lard, 27s Aki 6d t( his Sunday 6chool fit, tirgclq tile ellil- FR E E le.v took hOrAm Of a, had -4 week," replied Chol,rle4. Mpney from hi I-Att orersp.er-" th.-it now lie wil break 1319 1!reti to speak to him whenever they 'of
a 7-4 g i i t; 27s; 1117 1 t! A I t D'S LINIMENT.
"'Oulli fully ajreuui la, t word-, c:1 R - mhojv y oil I tte 1.111-1.1rh18 fa:tll 11; 114 have ..g.cu 114, vy� '31
week? ay. that,aj'rizIjt;- the it for Ill. u t -he better, r*- and she gavo ` y to jes mull" or. you ruay sow ILM11 'Present ira us Oki -C(jk�orrd, Thes� W. I'ane.. The next day dirty -faced urchin, afixiUlm lie "i's rhey ,,Ihd a . ' U.4�..' t1tho`u% dut be auffl-lent?" n: theiio tol vrpoof real"
of future dtscord for your- fiitu tr ecOmidished all I Batliurst, No B. Ift @a&. """Mao *I.* 41A
'x- d., -6i# [()r the Ite 'pawt-r when til dt"Wiltult firtu at 114%-Imt a generally disreputable ap. I
wi!I produce, ;t Kttcr liarv- rna tive miglIt Prove- the Call 'Identify 'them. But. 0 Stone Was - v-t.uo f;r. FlIturc, fVo"4"UftPlW1
.4. rc(l _,jI L
rxt. Pf"Arance. accoitetl illin it) the -;,treet
pen 116-d Grey i your wife. Pier, thing for me.- s not your na nfA%r began Ills Art, JP91114 -fit me Ith : " How- do. Doc ?,,
ted -811 .-.4-4 3.4 for 11arch, sriprt1k
an be no w-Wittrawal. and f,'X8et1Y w-,; imod Tinv. Laura, f y Li so, Mees. Ty-'B-cve&-�-An Outirard exomsoion of 4
oil 1p ileratiollof '[I jAL Inj for July. n The clergypiall topped, wpto B. Iroll000ftle. *of
"I ask. be(--tuse. I have Alao Teen tf' ri-nd to tillovv. 61 d cor-
it !XA41 h. -r own agai"t such Are talitc. adtisfi#' it -N 4 1-4d 'lon Difhculties in America.
r0gard .-to prObity. I 4vill lea %e hearl.n. isometiltng. -,,bout. you tj& thulls ''irlio'N'tocod'hy from nrllelwe lie _2d-fde new and When tile Llvil War en ico it. Ually Inquiml . , "And wlid tire you,
You. as my prfs-"! mornIng, .41)0t;
had better not dpeak w, Is 11-Ccode-d at I,, adame Von Bix-k. I have futti PERSIATIC ShEEP DIP
qwnwalt thi.4 niorn- i bAen.told that yoiir bilob-ind Was (its LR jxywer. '110. lif.tr-d -up Ifis ob) 1-2�1 41, 31a , m -s, ZIN iully- 6xPLA(10I t-liat; the Presbyteruin I'm one
" uriced alol, io,oking 1wvo .Churichebrof the norul anj wputh of your little la ml): -
In a lowbr voire. H()w my from r1od the grayeanA! f000r hil.r." 47s' 3d. unite, ano overtoul,06 w0uhl tIlP bov. affably. and AiMAL, WASH.
P1.4ce, s. oversepr of tile. dif fteultlea that aro* have 'more tl,.au 'Finp tiny'
.utnkeool li�m for thinking of my wIlle 8"d f1t1T1rc11 to Int'iti-the 1-lowilu'. Rorenwalt. for 41i4ifneety,' off- And. tilting Id hat on the lKick
1-�ry :in,] that .-Com. Cow., 'once been Ilmdo -In that dire6tion. But 111,9. ead.
041 �Falli- -d to-)%vard o�llljlx doing: on pawiage, tIUjVte.rjI.' ixwong lian wm-v or the appl-oach
U that 11 tII0 rerl,800 wily r. MlnilltoDu 42. Thom Hle-7N(
SVX4, - and i he Rwamred off. learl of The ()at%- rewAdy t1kat A jil
4 whelme aft( rtw willutes by � film father to atroy nier [In% tf� an ani- jj'i-.Zf- will we Lwvc naturaltv been cur h worthy divino speechless
Arco right. CUtude," Ms. t -h'* IlOuihL 1140 I"n 'requestal ft too tL es, rl$r ;-nre acab. It (j".trorli
we ( bri�ak off :lll'acqu I ve- them. a; IOU's witil
oannort I* wo c.�jjlt.,()uag, ul a clOw-ttearriageo, fronj ntanewWp with �41fw\4, to Wimatoo - fini"t sinj to learn e e of tllls. S if k. the rl of
%.ljjodo)w of. willell Ile d hat'.Giod r% P, t -D AU -4m pee ment. T M.
if mad.- the ealtil apen atid , "'in' now been furnishod DveDtx- tilt the cere alloe jai your r. sent na ve
'u y Lind an I I M11 P"ll, nIIJ irtitatioll.
poanwhile, ic rajoidy -tkd ine thi8, In order,to mi ke the from tol' 'Doutjl,, th',1 moreN aed "Mlip" the
jol and they WIll be re Sat Iftro at the Windsor, No y..
y Pa, oil his n I. M,3!zl ie The Gr he
WO u 0.-Yor the taw wax cogtiuel as %ery' sjgrnjfj(-,jLnt. It, tjf 64111 %% holti an I uound. Persiatic
amusement for -you fut-' way to -For my o"' ifliart, man bplleve th-it every t It Ing, ronCerll- d*. 1. 2:111: Antwerp In
within the grounds of R ne- I Will ;ff V rt d III the A.% ca 169 'thelnoelve8:.had been reve-ded to But Chriot t4 -r. c la ItY, obut cannot
ue.,hardly rnp. .-n, I t -Vovi-S 1 (17 firfft, Place,. toile south thill" that thot Dil) ii invaluable fr re.
vvas - I)oY r4b-1 1`14; ti I I fe;:0 tie., r nowhere e:se w1jil r4lbe be &if(, st�rry Wh,.tjI o Prevent-,,ber tbinkinz f1l" nl&'Wwm tiorth remedied. OW. Catarrhozone lieving tIIf' allia1*11. of all -or wort wlrlle for pr6per Place ul :'flowing opray (wt-irril, -tire fori
W attekx of *W' (?f oijr intt-rview. to exaggerate. rolo it thAt &ad. -.Com. Von,.; 2 1 f. nic is tak'ng w0rum) Out Of their can reniedy and is.a poijitive t
" tht 11 Iny for .,Lau dpmk at meet4ags, etA�. Se -flea-. lice, tjekj6 inw4ets,
am.Lible daughter."' far. cleared himself Jarmy b(-ne, it. But If t r; too eunn ing 1,'Oud r0lee-He did no-Flou Mud kindr6d dreadeil tfis- 'Llid for the cure tj all
nocim-een me rikenlated 4oYf 8 tO bc so taken tn. nor niutv,r AA d0 . tire - m r '50. tot March all,,j illy, eases. This statement is back(od up Ntin I!%
n. mg th" I - feaftod I should 19 c Tn rl�sc 43f 70e. f6r 4"Iducto ol twniatero king all 0410911. 50 li�)t of
& Ttly. "One bc 114-P P tolq I you da t. olill .110. Mirwom" flail. It w" the' type 4) tIIat,V0jM.r --and At -%I active tfitoorest In po:itics ta by zUrilid.4 o! te.itluloniftli. , f with a it
would thiRk. l"'Ur Jmtifi,d In brealihig off In ell- Tlwn 'lie ($1(i 'ikv the f 1r "A'. is dect'ledly rhich we iriferlur rtirle--V
1you tlk. that the spInan had C;t&*jIjt-Ilt wttb ,,In On y Got gpeak ll dP truth Jwkrld of many wntp Bultwo, Oat d1mipproved. nlinq a h."ve and t thP bet.11;-r
an tewault upon Laurn." aec"u"t of to.Yf)u- The til-tnrtune of MY poor huo. 1-1. at which rR IIWU�. I. us MwAets the lowo brajjch� Il en n produc. Snuffs Shr-pp DiP and Animal
k . a tid - et, I cq.#uld nort Inth,I 'h,,j uottn' 'All Whi) are in 'tj t, 1,4 be Oillt We' td.
X14e. loon of the cilurch never,- wooma n Luwt rizz, M,.s(.Il jef, M that my y V tO dO wi I d- angpr 9'a"q Q1,1111 Vnne forth. Triniru-� . W'r VC11111-1- 1-4 nevpr f1tils. At your deal-
nverthelim-a lwart Y w:,:i k. w -T eye to eye on the raoi.,tj Proved ustlIPAq in giving relief or or froni the tualikarturers.
You m iy take was lightetwod cd r. C%arle and blio rader. Dat was ealls flint hy,namr- aR UIP w And. foUrth, "The t,,kra curing catarrij, re c
call �no
T for It: e'vn Pnt rta a ke out, of slee w %Ik "'I lower,. n hitloi. irritab!p The P;t- hardt Renfiew
its load. or -that I hlitiedpated ruy mai:- lxvAuqe hP 10" -Pd MY (LItighter, -tnd Whom We woruold w txl KranW1 the hl9ber criticisan of tllrt)at, 114S."I and ear tm Co., Lint
In yoir wbeel yet, alle wjUI. Me w1th alY R'4)r*-& ccomidacency than w1`hfwf46,41arry tillitt" that taie Bible by Ule NoKhem Church, ,u* ozona it Ited. Stouffvillp. Out.
tho same iturvid, $6.10 to $6.75,'- t Ca trrhozone. tile
Im-oherent mutUTLng-.q Jore- t-;ecupied with p�aillful thought, **ftt 11t Is I ual 346 to ted air
un the 1 4. i t gasped; w0l that &CA 00 rl,,* agairl 'at, tile prevale4ice of the cure.'does not ouly giv.0. inimedi
my betrot-hed followe4j thin "I" alld d0wil tbe sfia be true, He Ivuq b"n en.-. Inat thy.---com -1 lid Ia n, 8rePtIeWm. an tO fundmmental doo relief. but efreott; aCoini jimi-Firty-t it permanent eure
bro- e lao&t six yers 4 4. L00%o woF trjueg, in toile gm,"test, Of all tilffifo-ul Why delay
t then his father an a% -*"no- ful.' of Perplexity ai!d I! dfoli'y XaWd tO me for th' , blm-CbriF4t. Trade w,,Is
eof away from li�in iot, fr(,m Stoll. recalfla,g th. a. ygry vrord-i and Mine- V'011 Beck 4NNA her lien�, With w),TnPtIflng to do to re thom ? Send at onee forgalli: t I,(, I
ru. jo genern 75 to ttI6 and inhaler, 10 eentst. out- t -
n rmllp of Irp-redulltv,. w Ith Kft I i's UFw tn the way of unlOn. W In the pie bo i (t
dOuDd of t -heir �ar t'0110-8.0follod'.Nir. Ua ,.a rom ltv, at,- $:'j. 119E 1.
-�es j @up- mlltozi# and trying f. I a p; I. cp It --) - 8 --0 @Dutll beltpve the nih, , a
Ll r,1e(glc!lt, th.,,, Erlie.entale V' tPzx-,1,r"8--0uz I otRtonlsh V0. ext 10 a WCYM. I it, 1�1.0(). wit'l guarti or
!P Ch&Wi&LwfnrWIhuj34oz.
amd he wits left to !i1s own Tvith th -unetjlIi%#jo- Rhe called. In a ment 00 V1 lanil)K. $5.75 to $5.85., and:adhere loyalty t1O the 4xiinfaftlonal N. C. P & t
00 great and dangeroux -, I tn (1110 c $5.65 to. $5 Wool
I M0111 5.75. coni -
"bring dome -letters, iny r-rtila;on of fellric'.—%hbott. to good, $5.,25 to $7 on t. of Our full-"Arot I[Aseu
de'rual which his w)II had.put upom Phrill rOlet t4-10 Provent t Statoue :infi uwagos (>f tll@ presb.ytertln
and 416%e bea j.c) - Huorangail W&WbtoroLelli
ne h(;Pe-d' thev w�-ro- morp- tb�nl- AH I Ad so I mor;6 n ti rul premerita stone. Got] gives life extra, -$4.75 to, s.-# j4jjf�ep Chum-Ij.'1-1Mp Free Church of ,z:cot Is Deepest. 5 dnz Do in
e tf art mine. of,b .Iy I waq' "011ocoe.. a black file;- I*e-pjljg.f jm that' which Ifr. Charles give you, a rhllg Avrhy thf! Where the 00"on
11 hi,. I Ifontjll.r. k M I
'd j* ro b*. d nd 07L latimot =
nt IThAt L had nvirhea th' trunk of a t wille I which I tA-11 you to makc.. Van lot-njovp.1 the banilaRra. Mill, plp,,c$,,fj 4-51 v) '*'1. 17 A little more th" thirty luiloes Iroo l"LUG" dMign. They sell at
ree "et ready. And' +.Ilo gtorle (ootunioil to
h. dirq. ly it , , '. N 'gontf, $3. to .14 tolle Coft&Z oI jnPan M 5WhL
, ja 0
now. me", You wul ahe con- In tIlp (Illiek n puts on the barma 4.--Z.,� Hard Grain. WAW and we send thern
ening of of 04, 11rogr&—The market Silicon Is the I)aelfic 00'ean I*stpWd. Fk1l than. rpulm ow
1911 indignation li no wort c4lught &191"t 61 lue, do;dged And 6' end _I stelitir has been found too be MeYIM4 we prntnvjy f,,r"rd
at g`eaeraIlY spoken (if ' more tollan 4, -
ter. 'a -work re-sterslay's (.1 ' RP 643 fatol'Owa (IMP (2`7, FWrw1otChfree- Vn"ddoyltm
WAKC41 fierce war tv In unnother minute Ernestine Von liaq prpvioll is undoing what inan (7114P; ..30 lon(J.4 On gal(.. ment of @and, anti littip leet) some r0twusb1s.
,inglotl rage, sliaine, ,tn re 16" tO vlerv- After this 1; !ra' tin'tFoll, an we awaited her flaugh qr. may,
ttW n1alloell- tile ele'
Ragv tl,At gether "r. b,d t"n gone tljrtjugli -two , 'or I-V done.-Soi-ndham. '\o Yorkorii Ro-1,11 ovp $4,; tjle�, rr thought- pf its value in 1`11%w110 were surveying fo LINE"OrLY00-,00to.
neral r III
Charlps thm' ttznf*6 it struck me t1lat It 'Peck hat] entered the roonx I have a 45,. 'Many s a r a
ared to lure -we fr N. #nle to att, iendi U# grow' tele9r.-t0h C.11 140 found their wire broke
om Alm recollection that tier manner vis;lt - hFollevcId-Their fr y 11164:0 f6r-meM "MR -W" $4'10'$4.02 1 Ing entsern into our Jun I calculn-
ract my Attent4mi. and to VIP* bereavea vioters. be'eame W't.11 A � few Aalm - at $4.0.-y. pi tions, Y 11!1 dept h ng th�-
et In conJunction with the lxytt<mL 71 is it, SW to
P hY,a4xurancon of iinnttored I dm -w I'llearer -to tho,- bpot ivhuro I had - wan iwIi-,uufrlCIellt llort(l trimliphant. without re-tchl
but I d1poialned t10 t4lke any notice of "lip in-ang of tbe'r r-onverbion.. This rotv,-iig, -$3.'-M, U) #3.50: potash, the ackl Of silica (Or ftifick- Jeep -
and prdrat*-p of otf-lonal fitlell. -1-4 .40141 "It I had appr"efied -in'raelp wan convi g0l, be th
14 neing. to $;-P-75. fwt "Umiding ever nuidle. arl(i 418 got
Most prot"Ny. he hati bepri, th'* tree, thp,dwky faefo impped fro woWd not everl I rlok forms nu Important part ' of d that, tue two lltgll
In "`l*1wt1fuI tLt the TraellIlMs.—Wo gljOIlI#I r:irtor al' 01jr grain. '11141 through it Wp get t1le :e3 Wt mount-iiall
t1t the wtm-� hope -9 to amPther 1xhi1!d it Pgaw. and a xk4n.ny black might --riorof to - a
should havia, haT6 Ivoen obt.41iLal from any one, imi J(%94m. We Rholild nvak our HOW To GET STRON(i. lit. 11. PIACed (me over Vie ot4jer I Always buy
ahame, that I diont 1114 hatid were extende;j t*ward v)-titirloriq. to Him. 'We should t)e1iT%rP hank,1141C. Whell consider am-
WIF, to th abywo %-Mkl leave- the ;
easily triocked into hPlieving nle- N'.arl, for Ahe lettera I hei4i out an oagpr, that tile naloillit of sill( -'a requirpot mit Of tolle upper one two-thir(U of -4
_g a 80iled envelopo.'. rmblLng hand. �n Him for all thinIts. To be'Chrirtli- Nature Should bo As i
oods: and regret. dc-cp and "I this for Inc ?"'I diskedo n's I %t4x-)k W", nivif4f. %116w. korl 81 Off W harden grain all I
off'ret th, uninvitlig-looking mind , Which compaRRIOn itild "voil. the Fnisons that A,Wto Tarow the A41*1111 I' of 9 ivtrikw a m1lebelowtbOOlurface of toile watpr.
-irega lotted iulate in s nearly equal
tUat I had di ve Yfw! trenit)I;ng, althcmgh.!l did not "atlir f,,r to -the
oiall my friends. anti bnd b(fe 1`10 addr"Y4, la my hand l(A-o the ma the sorrowing. - We sliollid SVOteni During the Winter adont S. total aggrt-gation of nitrogen; phos- I-ndlics! if you jv,.pu`1d W. #,tr(olig
The thing IL It 14 not a pleas. -int %r`lllnI,v Journey., weep. pray. zrro b Phorie acid and Potaidi (over tiealuiy and It
vlo- ry aloud fori 90 pe r Uve good Comploex;ons;o
ter harrest.." of 4111t1r; tW() wAr deceived -in the Tho.ukm PfOPle not. really ill 'CeRt.), Iler's Compound boon 14,
Upon having idy own ay "0011Y head 110C14 -d Mveral tinle4 * tO have to acknowledge OneR and c' 80111.4 *1101111 We MAY I Ildu of
Which Mr. r(OWS of Rbini'1!9 White Prewnce Of tile -a find HetuAllv 471-2�pereent. ta ko II I I
11011. We xh6uld remember ill j)ra C--,Iit tfiW neawn. Close of th#4 tOtill
had PlPrsken, find. i'l nly surroulidiiig a very. red tenWip.. woznant0wh0mth6 affectl.onsofoncla G&i Fatlipr an(] to cl -con f iuem matter of thp H
dy tWICII fl. wP-*' &-fiCloftd, for fay 10rer have been transferrM. ra ir III h ent in badly ventilated 110 co", crop. Ow Osterich Ifteothers
u^ it nNsum
el 8ume impottance- are Treated"I
FLteful W thO old 'a ri, I th,n t.fle tylne - lja!�d b-POef It : and Tile letters. fire or SIX in nur tO HIM With hijm�le reverenep. and schoot-rooms dt, in the light (if otIr Roftening Ontrich feathers it, theil,
L q wt, In ring the
onni-lera se 111m. An0`11ths luakes 1"ple reel de. find softer straw. 9 d get
.,i a . re clappPd.tori- nber, rmr Prayers wP should prai Ante nre white or grey, but ere pass.
r win to to t th, c tf! c,thr, th*�o tjolack w4'rO 'lot long; but they were tinni�,- a0 an we 1) 39 d An
ask for
dn Which thev h, P them"vy' takahl,� proord of Marles' Inri(jelity. new mercies gi vs- uld and #,nout or. *ttlytij.,, The fart that there Ing illt-() the llan(w of it'(% milliner for
a t�
-i.I a;lutled to Motiorn. and thp 'Ala -Ax for--formoror gift MIN ,;, lang is I;t4 of it
, d Th tprmm I rt 3. 1 Fnclj new
14 T, but MY rheek4 burn,11- be- Brud&d aernm the twughwo"t. llkp munt lx� d0fligied in tfirow-' III the soil do" ilot we#
whleh he 114d AddreNew. provIdp bt tile Ca se 114 Ornaments tlicy are often ttyF41
hiect vvi!d doer, and -was out tWo alion . Id 41 strengthen our nit), Fig. 0(f'tl'O P(,Iaon that hAs Accumio- :As. like tllf% OtJier essential inorga�i' n variotis colors, and SoraecimeK, if
tdm that I was an o 4jS might - before e-1 this girl; the cOnfidOnCm lie bad n, God. r lat-6d,. In The MOST
thc*fn. a ermture who,4e I had hrokron U�oo rf-Kviod in her; the *oothing mantier tild *Yfftem during these elements, it im lli;n,.Illy locked the cur) L14 not as decided as it Should
Mal of wy unknown PRACTICAL SURVEY. montlis, else people fn.11 nil 'easy prey up #;0- N-1- the AllaPe in imprro-vett by Meehan.
�:Vpinimw waos depawl on r�'AMA%wmmbnt. f"' wilich lie had anowered herL re- Ilard thAt our Plants cannot afitilm.
Wft% lated and enraged ' 01 journey from Per to dl4eftse- A tollic t), needed, and Dt-. 119te it : consiequentl the valnable Ostrich will fur.
I proachem, dbw Mo: Tit CA (Bethalmra)
It fffit annorces*,try bpre to givj! th val treAtMent. Ali
but w o Bethany N""IAM�4' Pink rilla- for Pale People Thoman-pho
INNO Rtrould bare it in their actu3l MnUnta of thnt lettwr. which hen I came upon my own name. In entimated at'telt hours is Sphate 1)0wder, ir flish, It. is said. $10 to $50 worth of of the BEST
mv Uixt of me. '.%() sfoner '%"A bOth ill -written and "Adch he had dared tO canram be- -a day,.4 Journey. To aceoulit for the thf greatest tallic mPdIciue Inthe RVallab!e fillien. trl rc-Itliers every year of diffe
ill -spelled f, worloll. Thero puls make rich. red and aloug -wit Pvlulvs to our aid. rent (Itial-
fIrO these people. and read that he four,dnyj� that Lazakrus had - ti(w. Tito prives vn ry from $7 to s:2()(j,
en in the liclipcirt of th.--;r c'011- "h" PItI) f -,of it, however. WAS to revive exe 0 tm-,en dea(l hfood[; str m-gtheli tired nerves, crild time. Pilo 11 It Phosphate Of 1)(,r Pound.
than I nade it) my mirl(I MY wryr8t mwrpicions: U) rt-�.-muro- me twed himself [Or his Intention of wl! c ft"t -OnO, (fay for tile, Wft-wanger' make dzill, listIms -men. - womell and. phospia, IlPliRte of mac6pain f1d for the
sarry Charl" ffanultyru T marryLng 'Mo (xi the ocoore that Illp 40 reach 'Jestim, two tf Of -iron. Thi#;, and the
ie b - ho, t&A, I hn*-d heeii-glocesly deceiv-p(l: that father had threatened to reftioe him 10re Jes"n RUart-4, da YN' delay be. 001drien feN briaht, active a u1strotig. fact tlint Kinwd'v Liniment Reheres Neumj&
y Which Such a 1pri.11ion af)Oth<�r IM -0 a hvtter riglit t,, b(, alld one for His Mr; John Siddolgi. grall]R- Particularly wilfat.
con"' the partnershIp he coveted nnIeELj lie �Mlnlev to.' Betil jl@t says:," I enjIL Lhndoln. Onto, take their
rround mo,�-Slse onu.4 which ('b"rips' flamliwn'N wife than myw,jr, any- Lazarus In phosph.-I tp@ ad His Doubts
opeak nl()st favorablt of Phosphate or niagn"in, Pftrtly ne,
broke off all intimacy with ErneAtinp �flerefcice have I lamely as fie Ju LEAST MONEY
w4we WO140 b� attaclmt to alld that 'I I WIPM n0t Satisfied 'with and hilloilled him enga:gpment with tjiy- thp In t i'd On the tl:o- wheu tho virtiip of Dr. 11' i I i in W -S" I nk P1 I IR. count I feel that I can trust tuyla,
--did cot 14ftmble *me.- With tbo- truth a and. acC 8 for igh-
what I rra4L and would '3geng", Was On Ilia way. to They 'prove invaluable lit titrengtlien thp linl000luess and quality toer witi, yojj, &-jid the ol(l
1eftp that he ootjH hav*e bp at, A "'I"ItAin abop In Cape Tov�n self. I had read'encnWh. On tile wit- Ording to. Jewisil cum. all well a@ UP greAt Yields of wile, t 60 lady.
evp"Inc..thf. wyltgr would irn,,tot U)ln, was buried on th(, gamp'(jay of d-q)l I I te I
r",4 of I A owl, ing anti toning up tijoi srmtpin when (77. busiteiiR per Acre) obtaine(I froin rPPJIP(f. The
or pr�,-tended to. otre fctr t1ka, t handwriting, fie Ila() is je ta d Having YOU ('1111, Dia(lam : roll C�-In'-#
. and goirs. Wip undeniable prrx)fa of been Playing a double game for Icath. Th I liter so. the xitq -rx 'an slipak most fay. (Inly , (luestioll Is Fr000rtionatoli]
3man a.# Ernpntiie Vrij... Ileck. me lot- attribute tll�" te (lid wxne time Pd.%t I f(l tlelu fOr tl)P "me of Thomas. Phosphate, a@ whether I call trust. n1yeelf wit I
P dropp-d froin my rypa, alld hor Aswortlorl. 11 death or Lazaruh orablk -of their I*
that I had hpA-"-% thpri,thing AL ally oth, 1111011thiR, for 80ven Years; and tilm anx- nericial results. As well a@ thi stirr Frtraw or the crops. your (11 ughter."
letY that I should Join film rIt. the LO tlle- two day8' delay of the Mas. an III'
1#11culod have Cape, had arlsen. not froqm iii.9 t4,r;- more likely. they Tigorator of the constitiltion For fie %Va" It r10tIILZ Illan of
living man, - but a phantom trbaU4 NuLh o:, commu"i- de- reproached tlI0Y ATe all that they claim to be.,, 7h* POOPIS WO Would Convert. wealth.
not exist, raked 167 m`Y worn rotion to me, but his desire to raise themselves for riot sending Sooner. lBut- 3`011 Must get -tile genulne In Burmall
4�atlojll W"'th tll'-� c""WRIPt it do-eerved, j, Inimel r. "('Ilrlkt the Resurro�atlon 01 Dr. a man 1186 Just been limlod-g 1.jjjm,9lIt'
n. I liaAl m%de a I -arbil but at tha-lo 4`3 the Williamp Pink PIIIN for Pale &. CUM BUM, etoc.
m(Au *as 'lot cdml)et,. dead and the Life of the I People. PERMANNNTLy
W I (lashed the letters con the tab! fined O"S rnpPe8 and sent to Jail for
r cured aorone; And Dr. King'& Great Wervop 1111410.
tlIL4 chapter n History. nery-oubLneep
of tug, is the fulltaflOnA neve a montll,'for cruelty tO animalshis Sidelights on-- torer. gk# or
14h& conseqnsoneas cj-' Whieh tilt tO A*` 'hilt was the, beSt or with a suddowiew that startletl - tl'p - The there are 11merous Pink. offense b9ITI9 the mutilation of her. 6ner Am
low me all my life. VxW It most pcoper UP hoo- done. I had little 0111W9181" Dutch womian, all(], with le U11'raCte L`4 the PructAcai PrOOf of what. taigjonfi, ngainst - MlOred Iml. ttY hard luck," baij F TS :2 d"'F Uw,. Seud tio
-I pleft Which the Public 18 Ong to securp " O8PrcY4 for the 1-.11 1. f
an hx)neot error. - I - had-d')RZA that the ktter I beld came frOM rapId1ty for which they we He i; In U's Own Permn, anti "Job in III Iwo
age hut ruy-wif. And wh4t ont, or otheFlof.ti, x- re unpr _ z. ..I)rf Arch ctreet, phil&delphi.,
C ()It Bj&ks; the r,. what He will do un the last day. adorrilliclit, "Notim,juldfroe as trial
1)ar0d. commenced to walk towne of The renuine are wid only of women's fiats. op .1 vert -Y all 9volle, no friends Pa.. for IT botU& Fog oil
I 4ale by .1. A. 14arta, v7WX0tz, 14me itrvw
I to feeling I hail for- woman who Ite--urror-tion is LIfe itself n bOxeg, the wra, In worth I
n -i old I cAmffict pper around which tll;'It half-Pagall Country they ll#,ivp M011ti011ing, and his 1)0(jy all . I
fly ' I the outer door. Wars the full na . I a curimis prejnd; ' I vocu"al.
Bilt am I roorailtotl ma Mr. Hawiton had #;bserved. and from 44' wl"', R"I vIeUxry over death ; it is tho "Dr. NVIlliams Corcred witl, boils. "'1181, is 110
h�rr.f pa -j- 40p, mcVmI" exclaimed-31me. N-OTI Death ol (twitill; the tritwVh over d@ I)klk V1119 for Iya Me' 1 151111t the PYP ce 14r,111110it ti3wing ing to (10 now try.
aonoll remem 'WVO! as.4a1'ltft 'sh"I'd 11"t b'! fiah' Fleck; "you have not tell what to r I wa. . 's ant -i llou
le Ilpoplf�..w If you Into the e, ring inelted SIM winaupw'. booth in by'rup is a "eves'
ten of Charlo, liamil. lx-yw;d t -b! preci,,c,�q (-,f Rhin_berg,, t 'Ay nd the "NotoWng," a ngivrej.. or f"Illug MrnedY. It Dot 011& relievtm thg OMM
.hInk ()f let YOU (jbWIutjM, SWjIllowing U * dealer doew not keep them lend
-d %vith MY-slAb it wab a (I rock- -P from Pai n bu ( i
9 he had ToVoil a 1�q nuff But 'Ru I 1"alit -illifltn"' 11(411cine CO.. 8 r" of "N 1p'mls uW'd Simblte, regtiag on Ills
dPAOC term on P Dr. Blidad, the
demo iyrp- r20rt-R'11toY tn 11fe. ClirLslt is Victor of 118 decom a
nd also ugainst leaving som.#, bov-elft. ()o 1.41ap (jar liummmoh
montm. Have not Mr. Ch�arlfm behavp kleath and the v V1.11p, olit., a-141 ti rrvetAa t* I "d � Vft tone and
.4 lorm for wm oe bc-cramw fIle is IPY Will be 1`14"Idgillig herons to starve to death. droitem
'14 -"'Mry th`-tt before I mad' very badly toward iny poor daugh- the Plotnee 0 -- malIF41, ener" to the WhCae
al 17"'l Ife In this abWAuto poot Paid. at wc. a box or six I)oTes The 'keI*llIalI oll-wv I)jjI vras )a*
pn. x�d 1) t will m=
is dkLy we Iny avy drect quitt-ml with Charles, toer ?" WIM.-V f or $2.50. for fa-slI1011's sake. No wonder that v iliptan C'Urt, gripift ill thop 6,
slig piWiijaqjmtj.j.4 con- abjuid I* certaLn that 1.1tj 001110 uthemdas*ftnte tGnubeliand
I ad Wonien here who affect mich adorn. ove I'antA a botlue w"Our
iiad not He has behaved infamously tow.-Ird th" ItVicllstag by 222 W
-qjmL Tetj altitnue I wpc*en th-- truth tome# and f rofn what WO the Shortest nientis make .1laste
fully dpew not Claude and his fattif both 01 u§;,"" I replied, " and I thank all" I mOst -nt for RRIP AVArTWhere for tho sending of
erx'jueub verse - im the Blble. Vinad's Linime to give money
--r had sui(I t1ldt, rt, gtands by lt@811, linemnected by I W8810naries to
took mnjid rot .111 at' im)rrimg, I (Nd not think. I harl you for Information which 114.9 pro- Btfrmali !-New York Tribune.
much fuly Pit" 10 wt-Ul what P 1104 or STING.
0 Ter) vshted rqy making myself mlserable rece ONLY RF
,it bprore me. rbamro- tit extraro.ting atir Information
lownt,41 per,k)1j., voy'* frfwjt'th -in. The Hamiltt)ns, for their �lmf, *-Im, �azul intimium y
for life. AA for you, mademolaelle" 1 followft It' olescribP11 what w88 Pretty inalds With rar)turous silille, T-<) I w -
About 0.- vall, which own wik#%% would try to kee ccontinw-0. turning for thp firF;t WhAt was felt. No ionger try men to bfbglllle; app-tite,stroflg ou must Wive Ctx)d
I) me In Ig.. toward Ernestine Von Deck, "frolp TewL9 knew H'O w0uld shortlY rabe From ff,�, d digcwtlon, ,I nd gooil ll.r,.
tied. Cui r 401 tbF- truth until f"hLon1,w they r 40-mllatloil 41
brat whm rvi az" after I WAW thim moment the courm Im Clear, and Lazirumi, but In trup sYmpatky He "awlale- e6t 11"I.Ils borin Miller's COMPound Iron
procurib a MfirrW4 for a certain o"" M`04 Ac--, aA far am I am canoploned. f4wmOkl 13W henrt to th(I Present grW,. 9 all these.
ft til I dsit.,, You art wilk-11 owneof to 111m a Sweet winter gIrls. N
2U d Y) would clow UP thpir liame shotild 1. after havoo, welcoine to marry Chark* Hanifito, lip uni%eraal P of J. A. M 0. Mon%;;,y Required
im"" %a I illff.fx)[110 4JUt from Ellglarid exPr4*"lY to -morrow", and wlthcmt f4toppingto of te (le -901 tbicM 0, ictwhe"king Illit who" tile dayn of 1,0111to areo'er, Of CIILU' Igo Wll() till's
to marry their atyn, lto-ave tljp WtU, .3 ATinilrithizit4c They'l: c0mc 011cO "lore with haol mu h experl"Mee 11, the inlil-Ing or
.4 'aPe hear anythbig hirther, I ran quIckl3 h#qLrt Ife - 90wrift 11 ele % aloo
tile 11vid WOW tl,,,q withcat flilrillirg my p Mllox*'l HL4 frien(l' to life galore, rs, 11's t*vm IM Quebm In con
.1igagi-niento down the garden path ag-0n, an,' ng t1a. 40
a 134 1 k1W616h w h! (� i. And make us c&pti%-c,6 as of VOre tile ercctliOn of a mi IF )ON -111-ji *,.4- ootts o out w0diijohi t
out. @Wve th3Z I would Amy nothing more Laz IrM, cOmc f0rU ! A roq - I �n,l
val corn. bushel eleratcyr tjlere. Ion or&&*. um %III 9"W)NIA. ft- Of
The tlxmKllt 4#f all tilim tlladt&, me r*- emervd Into the public road.
"'lulling. %loin-40mitc,
VIJOAY'of God. A""fkAft
The- 9710 be ConUnaed.) Inn nd, befl'ttJIW the N 16�'weet Summer girls.
r440 if J10t INOPr I th" #PlhJmt ulitil I had niet the 1 .0 a
Tom iviEL, haw rAmbit
lRtP Afthur !-ttet of Wy letter. If 00he could give JIM -11 wept an a avan -, Re now IMIllern Grl rantom t) Whit,*gM. 110"utdaii bnft aldwrin'-ed torAW tim
Millpr's Compound Iron IN119, only 2 cro(L rnte mtmpbp grand9w, P I Vwders cum. "wm8like i.Tbw %W-ROW4"
Physician. 01 my co-nts for 50 dome. i NTS &A
meent gall UIMW off j000 id that the intimacy
F w1th %III#-. Von Beck had riot twell x4ademak- fl* semkv It~ eu*.
ttY ail I force of''thii roesurrectifm Andrew Carnegie wa& reftntly asked; 'Neglect Of a Cough or 88ore VA11.410r 1-ft--rufs. Wr rl%@.. 11�46"oosto,- kisw, ft
I _ d
ly tAnt of friendWilp, showing film 'all ("rr"M"'s wlt" t0119 m ghty Of- what W" the bevit way foT L, boy to Throat often results in I, "aaft JCW6
Am Ow 19 Dyhwo crttert,od a faLm.tl4.wxj to) Mp PartA,inx mat 100.000 pcounds of Or"t. ftnrol m,y be C<KW'rwl too tile U icits J,pt 3 wow M"d Ift WO 6
t It.10 do 1011=ta 0001 On
IncurabI4 IrI1111111111 oww"�"
4salis d&UY. sh In' vVe _ng in tile vrorld.9- He re- 31 Lung DWm o.,- U1 n A He if am OOK
W- 1" 04" W -Let there "Datermille to do f4O." consurnpthm-, For relief in Address
L01i4k)". .1 hrv-ak with hIm 14 once: if not, oe Arllt! Aol there wv...; Ivht. -Deltb
had nothIng further to adAuce IfIller's %1'orw tt-q"If MUMS r0ad,1Y Yielded No inan cover gct", Thmat LrojblesusoDa4j,
Vorreapono-k-ni; Of the Da I'owderoop MAko the tio W e
rm'ing fte 1rtt&'$ I had ahmwdy heard, I ctildren healfty. of ChrUt theill 4M can n flonrij tn 00 poor that Ili! i
ele. conti repor 1101V4 In lli'4 p4)(.L- vir"
% i I P 0 yvt effec .0m" ,
ill-he&10 cpf thA Amser Of A tkti reinedy AvWonlv
UAL sayff 911iftt his candItLon TY 00.t
Out tl'fL& fit)- has &Clared hi, Toronto,
JiSobib Oullih Khan 541110-- - 0
wHIed film two"t of - -ft 1,07
maltalae. n4t t1lat Inan Is n1m or IL Iowa 'WPM