HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-31, Page 1, 1 = 4 viEnnieminiErezemst 1 BANK OF HAMILTON LUOKNOW. Head Office, - - Hamilton. Oapits1 paid Itesorrs ruzta - Total Assets - • - 1,260,000 - • 775,000 - 11,100,114 . Bolund of Directors , President Vice -President JOHN STUART. A. G. RAMSAY, JOHN PROC"ToR. Go. ROACH. A. T. WOOD, id. P. 4%.. W Lin, (Tonto) Wk. Glitsos, M. P. Clita•tisr, - - J. TuRNBULL. Asa. Caatier. • 11.5. STIvF.N. leavater, • H. M. WATSON. 4Ikgenol•• Berlin Listowel Owen Sound Carman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin Chealey Manitou, Man. Simcoe Deihi Milton Southampton Georgetown Morden, Man. Toronto Grimsby Niagara Falls Wingham Hamiltou (Barton at) Orangeville Winaipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End) BRITISH CORRZSEONDIDITS Nankai' Provincial Bank of England, (Ltd.) London, AMERICAN OORRESPON DINTS : Fourth National Bank, New York. Hanover National Bank, " International Trust Co., Boston, N. jMarine Bank, Buffalo. rnion National Baal, Chicago. Detroit. National Bank, Detroit. National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, AORNTS 13 MONTREAL: The Bank of Toronto JOHN D. NICHOL, AGeNT. LEGAL rl ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- 1.7 tars, Solicitors, stc, Goderich, Ont. I. 1'. GARZOW, Q. C, WM.PROUDFOOT. PA. MALCOM:ION, BARRISTER • Solioitor Conveyancer, etc., (late o Censer3nHolt & Cameron, Goderich). Offic tip -stairs in A Ilia's new block. MORRISON, BARRISTER. .111• Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary '00istc. Money to loan, Office over Mooev's Barber Shop. MEDICAL DR. TENN1.1..NT, PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery ever J. Elliltt's grocery store. Office hours rom 9 to 12 a. m, ; from 2 io 5 p. m. and from to 9 p. DoD.GORDON, .D., C.M., F.T. MA.D., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Upstair4 in' Wm. Al I n's new block. Residence Ross street, behind Cameron. Murdoch & Co's store SOCIETIES 1..0. F. LUCKNOW LODGE TNDEPENDENT 1 Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellows' Hall on the fourth Tues dav of .each • month. at 7:30 o'clock., Visiting brethren cordially invited. CHAS. P.try.sitE, W. A. LAWRENCE, Chief Ranger. Recording Secretary Ca O. F. COURT SHERWOOD, NO 50, LUCK - now. Meet 4 every first and third Mon- day of every month in the Oraoge Hall, Visiting brethren are c ,rdially invited. GEO. NOBTHCoTE, C. R. D. D. Ytme, 5. LOYAL ORANGE LODG NO. 428, HOLDS ITS REGULAT: monthly meetings in the Orange Hall, Campbell street, Licknow, ou the etcond Tuesday evening of each and every month. Degree night on the second Tuesday evening following. All visiting brethren cordially in vited to the meetings. DAVID ARCHES, A. T. DA.VISON. Secretary • W. M. IVC. T. U.—The regular monthly V • meeting of the Women's Chrietian remperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each mouth in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. MRS..!. BRYAN, President; M a s R. P. SOMSBVILL t, Secretary 1%6 OA. I. 0.0.F. T UCKNO _LA . Lodge No 112 Leets every Fridly evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell stret.t. All brethren cordially invited. Join SCOTT, P. A. MALCOMSON, Noble G rand, Recorder / T UCKNOW _1 Lodge of the Ancient Order of — United Workmen, - meeti in the Odd fellows' Hall, on the last and second \ Monday evenings of \\ each month rt eight //1,,(11\t o'clock, Visiting erethren cdrdially invited. P. H. McKeizie, D.D.Yumt, Master Workman. Recorder. AOUW sk. OLD LINT LODGE A F 8cAM G 0 MEETS EVERY THI7RSDAY NIGHT on or before the full moon, in the Mae conic Hall, Haveiock street, 1. D. Nice, Him DAYS, Worshinful Master. Secretary 16.0, )bh. eiro ,4 a OP • Nvi C.O.C.F. -- TaUCConKnei\l', (t)'aNnV- adiain Order of (*hossers Frien,14. Nierts Ist and 3rd Tuesday eveninfe ot each month, in 4 ldsifellows hall. Visitors cordially invited. r). PATTERSON, Recorder. (MINERAL • n011igliT °IMMINGHAM. suamsos , FMK AND MARINI, GUELPH. Telephone it se.s n 1\1- I S C. A. NEWTON, Honor graduAte in dentistry, Torouto Deatat eolleee, and Doctor of Dental Sur- gery, Toronto t) eivosity. All modern plans of oAratiim and carefulness in workmanship. What) in Arsin.4 bliscit, upstairs. P.S.— Will visit Ripley every Thursday &testae° 1. • J. A. MAcKENZIE sir., Life and Marine Insurance, Real Estate and Loan Agent BERVIE, ONI•ARIO. Agent for the London Mutual Fire- Insur- ance Co., British America Insurance Co., Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and the Canada Life Insurance Co., at -40 a ;eft for the Employers Liability As.4u,ance Com pany of London, England. I 1111111112C0 on all claws of property prompt Ty attended to. Farm property sold or exchanged. Severs choice flume for sale in townahipi of Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, liuron, Kiisloes and Aah- field. • large amount of money to loan at 5 and al per cent on tirst-claes mortgage security. Parties wishing any Tassinari done in soy of the **bore Ulnas plead, call on or addrms J. A. MecKENZIE, Bervie, One • VOL XXVI-13 Cl. T. R. TIME TABLE Passemger tniins follows ;— Going South, 6.20 a. m. 8 a. in, 2.58p. go leave Tesoksow station as Going North 11.35 a. m 4.20 p. m 11.10 p. m D. W. HAYES, Agent NAIR &SIDLALf, Bankers, LOCK/VOW, - - ONT. ESIABLIII ED 1888, ' We do general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canada and the United States. We make collections on all points, includiug :—Western States, Manitoba and the North-West Provinces, and all collec- tions, whether note or aceount, will have prompt attention. " Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes cashed. We loan to farmers on donble or single notes at from one to twelve months time, and at reasonable rate of interest. We loan small or large amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and ou tirst chattel mortgages on live stook and implements and crops. -We have a large amount Of funds to advance on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6 per cent: The rate is graded according to the quality and size of the loan required. We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashfield improved land, with fair buildings and wi be sold at a bargain. We represent the leading English and Cana- dian Fire Insurance Companies and can effect insurance on all classes of property in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. Our office hours are from 10 a. m, to 4 p. in. GEO, A. SIDDALL, MANAGER. Coming! Coming! Coming! T. P. SMITH, Scientific .-6 Optician Graduate of New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Colleges, will be at Zany Days' Drug Stem ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY. APRIL I3TH Call early and avail yourself cf his valuable. ,esn ices, Examination Free IhePtchuotticentinel 'VIE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES -GT CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Lucknow, March 31st, 1699. It's nice to be a hero and wear a tine uniform and accumulate cheap feminine kisses, malaria and glory, but we don't cure for any of Uncle Sam's hero diet. The morn conclusive evidence has been furnished thet not only were those who eagerly 'rushed to volunteer to shoot Spaniards fed on chuck beef from which the extract had been taken, but the refuse had not been .canned until it swarmed with maggots and smelled like a com- pound of bisulphide of carbon and excited skunk. 11•111=MMIll In Committee of the Legislature the other day, Mr. Barber, the paper manufacturer herrn Halton, one of the able.business men of the House, point- ed out that municipal bonusea were largely responsible for the collapse of the woollen industry some years ago, and that if munNoalities were permit- ted to bonus pork -packing establish- ments, as it was clear there was now a tendency to do, the whole pork -pack- ing industry of the Province would be demoralized in a few years. It was already in a critical condition., bocusing would. bring over competi- tion and ruin. The coinbiestion has decided to ad- _ vance the price of cottons, en .ac. count of an advance in the cost of the raw material, though it it stated that the mills have plenty of raw cotton in stock for the season's op- erations, and' that they have orders booked to keep them busy for a con- siderable period. It in, an excellent time for Parliament to say "duties down." Then consumers can purchase outside of the combination, if corn- binatien prices do not suit In an open market, somebody, somewhere, will be glad to sell at an ordinary profit on what the raw 'material used actually cost. . The Postmaster -General's report shows that the businees of the Depart- ment is inreasing. The estimated number of letters sent through the pot-otlice during the year ended last June exceeds that of the previous year by 11,145,000, the total number of 1898 being 134,975,000. Ten years ago the number of letters sent through the mails in Canaas, was 80,200,000. In addition to letters handled last year, there were 28,153,000 post- cards, 3,534,500 registered letters, 5,673,000 free letters, 26,595,000 newspapers and periodicals, 3,372,000 packages of printers' copy, photo- graphs, etc, 1,813,000 packets ef fifth -class matter, 316,000 parcels by parcel post, and 33,000 packets for the United Kingdon and other coun- tries. The gross revenue of the De- partment weed 84,636,649. It is very satisfactory to read that Great Britain and Frauce came to an agreement last week and parcelled out the last portion of 'Africa still open to "grabbers." The agreement reach. ttriatoto ••••••f entintl. LUOKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MARCH 31st 1899. ed disposes of hundreds of thousands of square miles, leaving only four recognized independent States through- out the continent—Morocco, Abyssin- ia, Liberia and the Orange Free State. When North America was virgin ter- ritory, Britain and France neglected the little preliminary of "parcelling out" the continent, and the result was that Half Century of Conflict so graphically described by Parkman. Village and Vicinity g(wo. The Game Law The bill toamend the Ontario Game Protection Act was read a second time. Mr. Gibson, the mover, said that as long as the hounding of deer was allowed, it was not expedient to prohibit shooting in the water. Sunday School Anniversary ' The Methodist Sabbath school in- tend holding their anniversary next Sabbath. Rev. Jno. Learoyd will preach a sermon to the children in the morning, and a special Easter service is prepared for the atternoon. Collection both morn*/ and after- noon for Sabbath school support. New Repairing Shop A Oelhiser, of Teeswater, has open- ed out a new shop for the repair .and painting of caeriages, buggies and waggons in connection with the black- smithing business of -Wm. Rivers: on Ross street, Lucknow. Paint shop over Smith's implement warerooms. Repairs of all kinds neatly and promptly done at moderate prices. Give him a trial. Want More Wages. A petition is being circulated among the section men on the Grand Trunk, aaking for an increase in wages. It will be presented to General Superin- tendent facGuigan at a later date, and the men feet that the request will be granted. Section men on the G. T. R. at present only get el a day, while on the C. P. R. the wen get Chicken Thieves Mr. Editor—Allow me space in yoer paper this week to speak a few words about stealing fowls. Two young men came to the premises of Mr. Alex. Hackett, of Ashfield, on Thursday night and stole several fuwls. As they are well-known, and as this thing has been carried on all last suAul mer and fall, I hereby worn them that Unless the fowls are returned at once, the guilty parties will be prosecuted.—Cost. • , Poi* Aching In various towns throughout On- tario the pork packing industry is receiving a boom' and a number of these in,dustries are being started this Spriag. Is not Lucknoiw a good place for one of them? Larke numbers of hogs are shipped away from here which might just as well .be utilized for a local industry, and if • Lucknow capitalists would give the matter a little study they might concludethat money thus invested would bring goad profits. Inspector Campbell's Visit Mr. A. Campbell, I. P. S., gave 118 his usual call on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, and pronounced our school as being in. a prosperous condition. The grading of the rooms might beimproved to some extent, but before such improvement can be made it will be necessary to engage an extra teacher making five in all. Parents will do well to renrember that all 'children under the ago of sixteen are reqeired by law to attend school • certain number of days dur- ing each term, unless they have a perms -pea situation. A word to the wise ill sufficient. • Lake Huroze.Frosan pond Kfeper John D. •Personal of the Thunder Bay Island station, writes as follows, under date of March '25 : "People are asking Me over the line when I think navigation will open. I arda little tni:;.ed on that subject just at present myself. A year ago the 21st of March I went to Alpena in a sail boat; on the 24th the light on this island was lighted, and on the same daY the Pilgrim arrived in Alpena. Today you could drive a team from the station door to Alpena over two feet of solid ice, and on the outside of the island it is shoved up fifteen 10 twenty feet high, and the snow is drifted from six to eight feet deep. Buy Your Wheels as Horne We notice by our exchanges that a new fake is being worked on the unwary. Recently a large number of circulars were mailed from:New York from a "bicycle firm" offering t1so public a most liberal offer to introduoe a particular make of wheel. Inreturn for.this favor,. the company. intended giving away absolutely free, 000 wheels. All that they asked was that the sum of $3.85 be sent for packing, etc. When the wheel arrived it *se - found to be a minieture wheel suitable for a watch charm. The moral of this is buy your wheels and all other kind of goods at home, where you can see what you are getting, and where you know the man you are buying from. Our Fall Show The anaual fall fair -of the Kinloss .Branoli Agricultural Society will be held in Lucknow this year on Tuesday and Wednesday, OctOer 3rd and 4th. For Sale vest* Rent. Good Frame Cottage with about, one acre of land with all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits. There is also a stable on the premises. Apply to WILL BOWER, Lucknow. Farms foils Sale. 100 acres in Huron township, 100 acres in Kinloss township and 100 in Ashfield township. All impreved land with first-class buildings, at a bargain, Apply to MAIR & SILDALL, Bankers, Lucknow The Empire Day The publio schools of Ontario will on May 23rd next celebrate "Empire Day" for -tho first time. "Empire Day" is the name which has been given to the school day immediately preceeding the 24th of May and which will be annually devoted by the school children to exercises calculated to stimulate their interest in and their love of the great empire of which this country forms a part. PaPlor Concert. One of the best parlor concerts given in the village took place at the residence of Mr. G. W. Berry on Thursday evening last, and was a decided success. Every piece on the lengthy, prograutme was admirably rendered, and the beautiful solos rendered by the little Misses Katie McIntosh and Gracie Stewart, were exceptionally good, and called fourth well -merited applause from the large audience present. The funds were in aid of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church. Easter Sunday Next Sunday will be Easter Sunday, the church festival of the year when the most stupendious fact of flthe Ohristian religion, the Resurrection, is celeurated. It is a day of hope and gladness, fortunately situated ab the opening of spring. And is not alone in the churches that ' great prepara tions are amide for Eastertide. The dressmakers and milliners vie with Otle another in rich and tastertil pro- ductions with which to supplant the Lenten garb of' Dame -.Fashion, and society plumes itself for fresh frivoli- ties and a new burden of fleshly sins. Wald/rig Bells A very pretty home wedding took place at the resideuce of Mrs. K. ijameron, Campbell- street in this vilLge on Wednesday evenibg, when. Mr. Wm. Stewart was united in marriage to Miss Dolma COaeron, youngest daughter of Mrs. Calneron, in the presence of a number of invited guests and friends of. the 'contracting parties. The cereineastjwas perfornied by the Rev, A. McKay, and the happy young boup!e were the recipients of mapy beautiful and useful presents. The SENT, 1:1, f''' tends to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart our hearty congratulations and best w;shes for a long and happy married life. Is This For You ? If there is one thing in the world we hate more than another it is any- thing approaching to dunning. We 'leanly thank those who have made it unnecessary, but there are still a large number owing this (Alice small inIDS which aggregate a large amount, and we extend a cordial invitation to them to settle up at once. The time is drawing near when the long winded fellows will receive an invitation couehed to order terms, and we would therefore just say that subscriptions and other o»ktanding accounts must be settled We dou't wish to give offence, b "business is business." The Ontario Lord's Day Alliance A meeting in the iuterests of Sab- bath preservation, was held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church, Lucknow, Thursday, March 23rd, when Mr. Young. of Hamilton, a representative of the Alliance, ad- dressed a fairly representative meet- ing. 'Mr. Young dealt very ably with the sanctity of the Sabbath and of the manner in whieh many large corpora% tions and contractors were pressing their way to employ labor upon the Sabbath day, .along many of the main lines of railway, canals and in -steam- boat 'services. He made a very pathetic appeal on behalf of the work- ing men. His address throughout was deeply intetesting and very close to 1 the point of his work. The local Clergy also expressed their sy b with the work and volunteered to give their assistance io every possible, way In preserving the Sabbath. A branch of the Alliatice was organized here. 3-. G. Murdoch was elected Pr dent, 1 the local clergymen as Vice -Pr nts, and D, C. Taylor, SecretarYze A great number of names were see -6W as members: The meeting adjourned with singing and prayer. . The organ'. zatien meets at the call 'of, the Prole dent. k Curling Match The two rinks of the Lucknow Curlers who were victorious at Kin- cardine last week, played a metched game against "all comers" in the rink here on Friday night last and were defeated by six shots. The score was as follows : ALL COMERS. J W Armstrong Alex McPherson J B Hunter J G Murdoch, skip -15 D B Fonster F Rooklidge J Murchison Wm Allin, skip -22 37 • KINCARDINR W/MNERS. W C Treleaven It Hughes Jae Bryan P A blalcornson, skip -17 A Flemming J 'McGarry Dr Tennant J D Nichol, skip -14 . • • **WM 4 •••••••• 4.• 1.4 • • • • • .;•• se ...ye..., • 31 .••••••..• • Death ofJamee Bailey Mr. James Bailey, who has been secton of the Presbyterian church, Lucknow, during the, past 18 years, fell asleep on Saturday afternoon, March 25th, at the ripe age of 75 years. Deceased was born in Hamil- ton, Scotland, and while a child his parents moved to this country and settled in Lanark county, Thera his father was killed and left him /it boy of 12 years of age the main stay of his blind widowed mother, whom he tenderly cared for during all her after life. About 21 years ago Mr. Bailey moved with some of his family to Lucknow, wheie he resided till his death. His last illness though peinful at times he bore with rnalleed patience, For some days" before death he knew that ho would not recover, and was quite resigned to our Heavenly Father's will. His consistent christian character must be a great source of comfort to his sorrowing widow and two daughters, Mrs. Fair, of Lanark, and Mrs. Gilles- pie, of Whitechurch.. The funeral on Monday was largely attended. The service being conducted by the pastor • _& WHOLE NO.1313. Rev. A. McKay, assisted by Rev. eF. McLennan, of Kfnloss. LOCAL ITEMS. —Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking Powder is the best. —Read J. A. McKenzie's insurance adv. on first page. • —Mr. Jas. Moody is iu Blyth this week visiting his mother. --Mrs. James Lyons is visiting friends in Oven Sound. —See local headed "New Repairing Shop" in another column. —Miss- Tena Nicholson is visiting friends at St. Marys this week. —Mr. Duncen McAu'ay, of Gode- rich, was in town on Wednesday. —Mr. Jonathan Miller, of Goderich, was ia the village on Thursday last. —Mrs. Win. Miller, of this village, is visiting ;riends in diinton this week. --WANTED! A young 'girl handy with children. Apply to Mrs. Lead- better. — Bobinett curtains, ;r:lled muslins and art draperies of the latest desig at Counell's. —Mr. Clark Vance and son Guld of Blyth, are visiting friends in the village aad vicinity. * — Mr. D. Patteeson is attending the Grand Lodge of Chosen Friends in Toronto thia week. --M.. James Young last week pur- chased iu Goderich a handsonae little team of cream colored ponies. — We ace prepared to pay cash or trade for all Vie eggs you cau beng us. High prices, W. Conaell. — Fou RENT! The sleep .formerly occupied by the Express an.I Telegraph 0o. Apply to Mrs. A. McKinnon. —A week or two ago a black fur muff was left irk the post office, and the owner can have the same by calling for —Mr. John Murchison is in Tor- onto this week. —Mr. Dick Webst-Ir, of Ashfield, left on Tuesday morning for Manitoba. —Megrims. Chester McLaren and James McCorvie, were in Dungannon Sunday. —The spring poet will have less tivae to get in his work 'this season if this weather continues. —If winter dosn't get off the lap of Spring pretty son, some one will pre- sent the lady with a hot brick. —"Scientists say that trees con- tribute to heat in the atmosphere!' "That's so; birch has warmed us up many a time." —The 'set 'few weeks have been more favorahle for teatning than the fore part of the winter and a lot of work has been done. •—Messrs John and Dune Mc Milian, who have 1,een visiting friends and relations in this vicinity for the past few mouths left for Montana on Tuesday last. no1 —A grand ball and supper will oe if, I auspices of the .0. 0. F., Ne. 632, held on Monday, April 3rd, under the Kintail. A big turnout is expected. Admission, gente, 50c.; ladies free. it. — Brown, the peg -leg tramp who shot Constab:e Toohey at London last fall, has been sentenced to be hanged on May 17th. —Wm. Miller is prepared to do all kinds of work pretaining to first-class tailoring. Shop over Allin's brick block. —School will close for the Easter holidays to -day, Thursday, March 30th, and %ill open again on Monday, April 10th. --Don't forget Win. Miller over Allin's brick block when you buy your spring suit. Orders promptly atteaded to. —Found! On Campbell street on Saturday lmt a ring. Owner may have the seine by calliog at this office and proving property. —Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw and daughter Myrta, of Exeter, are spend- ing the Easter in Lucknow the guests of Mrs, Jas. Bryan. —;-Now that spring is here you will want a spring -suit Wm. Miller is the man to make a perfect fit and first- class work guaranteed. —Mr. James Armitage, who for the past few months has been visiting friends in the village, left for Fargo, North Dakota, on Tuesday last. — Mr. John Cooke, Reeve of East - nor township, who has been visiting his brother Mr. W, H. Cooke, of this village, left for home last week. — If you intend doing any painting this spring it would be to your interest to call at Lawrence's Jlardware Store and see what they can do for you. All kinds of painters supplies.' —Days' Castbr Oil Cream contains over 75 per cent of Pure Italian, cold drawn Castor Oil and is easily taken. Price 25c. a bottle at Harry Days? —Mrs. J. Brompton, of St. Thomas, and Miss Graham, of Lucknow, were the guests of Kiss Mattie Campbell, luring the past week.—Wingham Tinaes. e—Carpets are a gpecialty with us, Our stock it Targe. The best pattern', best quality and lowest prices. Also a large range ef Japanese mattings to choose from. W. Ccnnell. —Our hockey boys returned home from Goderich after a very friendly game with Goderich boys and arrived home at 6-2-3. The boys say they were never used better in their lives. —Grr:%to Days' Drag Store if you wish to see a big display of wall paper. Call in and see samples. No trouble to shoo/ yeu what we have. Prices away down. —If you want to retain your repute - •tion for veracity, don't speak too posi- tively about the kind of weather we are going to have for the next few weeks. —Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking Powder has stood the test for a great 'limber of years and ie considered by all to be the best that can be used. Put up in 1-5c.' and 25c. packages. Sant* packages free. —The mail train etuck in a snow drift near Listowell on Wednesday end did not reach Lucknow till seven o'clock in the evening, and the late train didmotarrive till eight o'clock Thursday morning. —Yen can make you old buggy or waggon look like new by giving it two coats of our ready mixed carriage paint. Yon can put it on yourself and it only costs a trifle. Try it. T. Lawrence. —Mr. Louis Battie, who is in the employ of Button and Trevett in tbeir furniture faetory here, had the -mis- fortune to lose one of his fingers on Tuesday afternoon last, while helping to fix the engine. —If you have any defect in your eyesight it will profit you to call on Mr. T. F. Sinith, Scientific Optican, at Harry Days' Drug Store on Thurs- day. April 13th. He is certainly a thoroughly practical and reliable man, —Lost, in or mar the Methodist church on Sunday, March 19, a ' pair of nickel plated spectacles with case having J. W. Armstrong, jeweller and optican incribed on it. Finder will please leave at the Sentinel office. —The G. T. R. will issue return kets at single fare for the Eester idays, good to go from March 30th April 3rd, inclusive, and to return April 4th. tic bol to OD —Lost while attending the funeral of the late Thos. McIver, a 'purse containing a sum of money. The finder will be suitable rewarded by leaving it at this office. —They say that thunder and lightn- ing are signs of spring. There is an old saying that, "Thunder in March makes the heart of the farmer glad." It is called a sure sign of goods crops, in some quarters. —Mr. Walter Treleaven left for Seattle, Washington territory, on Tuesday last where he has secured a permanent set in a tailorshop. We wish him success at Watt is a good hand on the bench. —Our millinery °peeing is to be on Saturday ne_.t, April 1st, when Miss Graham, who is in charge of the de- partment wilf be pleased to show you all the latest styles in millinery. Oall and see them. —A crowded house greeted the Dean Dramatic Company, in the town hall, on Thursday evening last, in the ever popular play "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." They are a good com pany and every act was the cause of both laughter and tears. —We are pleaeed to hear that T. P. Smith, Scientifie Optican, intends visiting Lucknow azain, and will be at Harry Days' Drug Store, on Thursday, April 13th. One day only. Exam- ination of the eyes free. Call early. Rooms over Drug store. --A Juvenile Temperance Society will be oegauized in the Temperance Hall on Friday afternoon, April 7th, at 4 o'clock. It is the hope of the W. C. T. 13. that the parents will send the children p:-omptly as the workers are desirous that they should be Temperance men and women, —There is nothing makes a house look more cheerful in the spring than a coat of paint on the woodwork and Alabastine for the walls. If you want your home to look cheerful go to Lawrence's and get a packsge of Alaba,stine ex Perfection Wall Finish and a can of ready mixed paint and note the result. — The legislature has passed the Seaforth bill allowing that muni- cipality to issue debentures in order to makea loan of $10,000 to the Van Egmond woolen mill. $17',000 to the Bell Fouudry, and $20,000 to the Case pork packing establishioent — Wall paper! Wall paper' Wall paper! A very large assortment of wall paper samples to choose frcm Harry Days'. Drop in and see what ho can show you. Freizes and oeilings to match. — Railroads heve announced their Easter rates, viz. ,At one way lowest first-class fare on March 31 and follow- ing days, good to return April 4, vacation rouod trip tickets at fare and one-third, March 17th to April 1, in- clusive, good to return until April 10. —Ploughs! Ploughs! Ploughs! If you want a genuine Wilkinson call at Anderson & Webster's, who are sole agents for this territory. A large stock of plows and ()low repairs al- ways on head. —Days' Emulsion of Pure Norweg- ian Cod Liver Oil contains over 60 per cent. of the pure oil, and is very palatable and easily digested. Large bottles, 50c. Small bottles, 2k. Try a bottle for that run down system. You may save many a doctor bill. WHERE ARE IKE NI‘ V To the Elitc» of the Sentinel. ,Sia,—We notice in the last issue of your paper that, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has stated definitely, that the result of the plebiscite woul&-not justify the government in introducing a bill for the suppression of the liquor traffic. Now, we would ask the "Dominion Alliance," or any one of the W. C. T. 1Pa, or any ona else, where we are now in regard to thie question, which has cost this Dominion and the government, cuch a vast. amount of seemingly wasted energy and money? Are we just "aboard", or io "mid ocean," or at our "journeys end?" We pause for a reply ALEX MCCRACKEN: Lucknow, Mar, 24th, 1899. FEEDING STOCK To the .F4ilor ot the Sentinel. DERE Si, -1 noticed a letter in your lest issue on stock feeding, written by a farmer. Now, Mr. Editor, I would ask my friend if he over bad any experience in feeding onirilage, and if he has not, I would advise him to v.sit two cr three stables where it is fei, and I think he will chan0 his mind on turnip feeding I may say I have had experience with both turnips and ensilage: and 1 would not return to turnips, elthough Ja few turnips are all right, if you I have not ensliage. A FEED/LE. Kinloss, March 23rd, 1898. .••., THE MISSION OF TOOTHBRUSHES Is to cleanse' the teeth and to keep them into from tartar. To do this the brush must be well made from good bristle, It it. false economy tn buy an 19ferior bi ush just because it is cheap. The brush we recommend is made by Looyen, the well k eew 1 Freecia manufacturer. It sells at 25c, is worth more, wiil outlast several cheaper brushes and then you are not 'oothered with bristles becom- ing loose iu your mouth. You know how unpleasant that is. One of these brushes and a tube of Entb ymol Tooth Paste—result, white pearly teeth and a sweet breeth. ALEX. C. LOCHEAD DRUGGIST, Gordon's old stand, LUCKNOW. And eve .bing a finst-cl• s dug store should have we have ASHFIRLD The sleighing continues remarkably good for so late in the season. Mr. Bower has started to saw in his steam saw mill 12th COD, Wchard Webster, son of Mr. Rebt. Webster, 12th con., went to Me nitoba Tuesday morning. Rev. Mr. Smith, Kincardidfl, preach- ed at Zion last Sunday in place of the pastor who is aick. LANGSI DE Miss Lizzie Phillips is visiting friends in A:Meld. Woodbees and evening parties seem to be pastimes very much enjoted this tune of year, there being two wood - bees and one party last week and more expected to follow. Mr. Strome is doing an extensive business in the chopping of grain this winter by the use of a traction engine which be bought last summer. Last week was supposed to be the egining of spring, but proved to be a ery rough time for robins or frogs which may have happened to have strayed around in search of spring. KINLOUGH Winter is still holding sway. Mr. John McLeau has moved to his farm recently purchased from Mr. Gaunt, of Whitechurch. Mr. Jonathan Atkinson and family left rest week for their new home in British Columbia. Mr. Sam Robertaon, of North Bay, is renewing old acquaintance here. Scarletina and pneumonia are quite prevalent in our vicinity. Mr. Thos. Atkinson has rented his farm to Mr. S. Walsh. Tom thinks cattle -buying is easier work than farming. We are glad to hear that the most of those ou ths sick list are progress- ing favorably. One by one the old settlers are passing away to the great beyond. Last weak Mrs. Jas. Johnstone, sr., was called away. The funeral to the Kinloss cemetery was largely attend- ed by sympathizing friends and neighbors. WHITECHURCH Mr. John Mowbray's two boys Robt and George together with their sister, Miss M. E. Mowbray, left here for Dakota on Tuesday, Mar. 21. We wish them every success in the far west. Mr. Geo. Gaunt intends putting a cement concrete basement under his barn this summer. Mr. Jas. Gaunt has sold the Shaw farms to a Mr. McLean who moved on the other day. Mr. Gaunt has also purchased a town lot from Mr. Found. He intends erecting a dwelling house thereon. Mr. T. Miller also intends building another dwelling house; eo you see our village is bound to go ahead. Mr. J. T. Holmes has placed a Melotte cream separator on trial with Mr. Win. Beecroft, East Wawasoah, 11 CERTIFICATE THAT CRIITI- PIES What one Boy Wrote on His La4,1n Examination Papers. This is to certify that I have all this Latin myself, out of my head. I received no assistance what' ever,,anct was not aided, abetted or helped in any measure, not getting so much as a paragraph, a thought, a sentence, a clause, a phrase, a word, a letter, a sound, a iireath or a look that naight be considered as an assist ance. Score did not tell me anything, nor did Gifford, nor Osler, nor Hob_ bart, nor Clark, nor Merril, nor did any of the girls, nor any other person, white or black, or red or oopper colored, living or dead, buried or resur- rected, to -day, yesterday or to-morrew. No chinarnan breathed a word, nor dote own - 1. Ake., a or 41 NEA EASY FITTI Con 0.0:0 Such is the general regarding GIB Colebratod PIC coaszys. We specialty of this Corset, Si.00. You "Ail And That Not But And because it the Victoria only loos s it it wears is made The Yatisi also is an old with many who like a coml and desirable Corset. We keep them in stook. We are showing some New, lines at 50c, in Drab, kink aa desirable linen for Spring tied wear. ChildreVaists, Dress Shields, Dress Steels Belling at Right : See our Drees Steels, (all 04 10c per Set or 3 set* for 25e. R. D. war LTTOICITOV ONE PRICE CASH S3 ••=•11. ••••••• Abaft fit \••••• a _er For ersollal Adornmen kis. -6 1. • Nothing can add so I to handsome costume tasteful selection of JEWELR In our handsome (111 there are dainty, rich beautiful things to Suit uch possible taste. s a Chains, Charms, BrapP°d Rings, Hatpins, 8 Emblem Buttons. C-112 in Oaudrdoitw. ionn to the mar ' gu.arantee is weri turer's warrant of the qelett of our goods. RMSTROriet glv( tufo JEWELER ANDlual OPTmC! or small type, or written with with lead, in a legible or in an hand; nor from any sheet smooth or crumpled, white or clean or soiled, bought, borro stolen, or manufactured for sion out of old rags, papera, pulp. I did not have any assist • any kind on my desk, under n: on my seat, on my lap, up olytVell in any of my pockets, iu °oaf pants, or shirt, or down my lee made no effect totobtain as: either by asking for it, lookin hinting for it, wishing for it, lag for it, nor hy making any with the head, eyes, lips, hate or body, in any direeeien, up c back or forward, is or out, a Slow. did any Hindoo, British, Freuch, So if ehere are any gold q y Indian or Negro, neither Methodiit, theare mine If there is, Presbyterian, Baptist, English Church, claim it. If there is blame, Mormon, Lutheran, Catholic, klreck, else gets it. If there u a superfiuods put in, put it Llic Moslem, Brahmin, Shintoist, Budhist or Confusion, in this land or in any.. out.. If there is any word mi there is anything left out, g other, under the sun, or under ths e cloud, or the snow or the water. i T did it. If theris any bad gt heard no prompting word in English, I used it. If there is any Frenci), German, Latin, Greek, or any- expression, 1 wrote is, other language, tongue or dialet, • imy reward, get it u ancient or modern, spoken by Jew or punishment, it ,11 all. 15-.' Gentile, Greek or Barbarian, Elamite good merit is obtaine or Scytherian, in a harsh voice or. a credit. If a pow sweet strain, either bass, soprano, alto, is to my shame. is. tenor, or baritone, on earth, beneath Genitive esSe. - the earth, or above the earth. Neither tive case, we. avme: did any other creature lend inc help or third persot. our of any nature; —two legged, four -legg- ed, many -legged or without legs at J by a all, beast, bird or reptile, either law- ..4n number." tivorous, carnivorous, or herbivorous. -ijey tawabee‘pineb"atil Nor did I get any help out of books, tik. Thousands of of minions Bless - big or little, old or new, blue -backed, brae,. in through the red -backed, or green -backed, in big typetty. Oh, start to It gh the blood of the of the Eon of God take of' to heaven. "The spirit isaty,Cmome n sis: tairdewhose- kel00tbs avIltarreig7tWo .a"re jovemilatigs. '`Asserreatt eking kaaveawart All taw sa•ss, and the twelve gals etre pearls " "et