HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-24, Page 2�'w -w- -V--1
It be ior'
was LaDvrty- Li Nex t ILI Ir 4 1
Good fortune Iry C looking upward at' he Rpoke. NTERNATIONAL LMSBUN-NO X111. W the water drawing and libatlon, Last week tW' AtIantic- JOurUai pub -
a" 1 Ould not mistranslate th,
meaning In his eyes. MARCH 26. 18W. thi. Illumination vras the leadin f a fUht%J an extract from a letter writ -
set hilt Own cheek all -MY ready blust, ture of thq festivitleg. it was jII F-hretit' Comes a Sto'ry of Disease Bftfi- ten by a lady III -tag on a farm not
ght. anti 11, that this prophetic testivi far from Uie Uate City, tc lea
turned away from me quickly, ant Itevieiv.-Joliti 1: 1-1j.. 5: W-ied by Dodd's Kiduey Fills.
My Di ty found very Del to
sappointment walked out upon the lawn. Its fulfilment. He who- follows Ilim fol. her friend tit- re. 1--o'llowing 'lx thc
The dinner passed Much the same at. Time. -A. D.z:.17, 28, ')U- %v ritten, l0ws*110 fitting earthly Lyliminer. His extraet:
light Ii a I fit ov life, a7ught whicl, "Well, tell you hat I uu"le
E h(*Us, Berthabara,
7t; company wad Cam" ol UaLUe ye"rawilew Jac-ob's i4l ItRelf is fe. Doy, oti my littlo year. Virut, I
0 +++ the table. and a, Diss&n After Various Medicines h d w h to I re
t It had done the day before; the Saint I)- 80-9U- Plac'es-- Mr. Thomas L. Hubbs Cured of Kid farm tlil�
%+++++*+++4 00011 as Coffee haa% been partaken ot Well, Betium=X L086OU X1----C%rI.,jt In co- Been ried and had Pailed. -Dodd': iQd $10 worUj of attaberr", mid4
r Persorntj.-SZ. John, Jesus, John the operation with the sacred temple. Kidney Pillb blade Him Well. 60 loualwli of corn, jolocity of fit' They do not curnplaiti of
++4 the carriage came round to the -dou It&] fodder, 60 Callue-i of i4yrup,
'HAPTER IV. allti Mrs. Ran,Orn and myself, Miptist, Andrew, Sdm6n Peter, Pfil- wator of.Siloam, appeani its the real
�ho a t t4errgom Wa II8AI P&rtly get. Cla uje witl ip, Natl-utnael, Wedding, gueow, NI- this bu helf sweet potatooes, 8 6ales o; g in Ear IT
and Charles Hamilton, tooik, Thv_ the chiltireti and I eat ell" I,_lip
ShIloah 4nd temple.fount itself Kenlix. P. 0.. N. W. T. -Even to rythin ticular. They
yvi, I uoullit'not but look U-rwarc ('barleo askgd me to take a stre'l wit Our departure for the tilea cxlemus, SazirariUvi wtoman, Gal j 1. development bf tile Wiwi, man'w falth remote puint In our great Dominion, ("ttooiml, W111,11 0 tit kccp (Nn and
T e theatre was a mue tre'. sums, Noblemx und-soll. The sanlie- Instructs us as to the nature of true buy, plA - keA. I gei ale. Thevappcartairt
Up the Arrival of ray lover wIth *)m, 41M in' the g-mIntim, anti there hv put It h prett,el the fame of Dodd's Kidney Pillit has with the uogro
legree of AlintlelPation. aoi an occur "he quetrt-'On wilich I d,owled, ZLI. and More pretent An, the tp�oJes.- the mult.tujep a faith :- 1. The heart before the head netrated. pain and suffering have four galluliv of milk a day, and a
lOus building tilal,' 1 0 P. cm 110 1 an'.1 I. 11.11f j 4)f I rut havc no strength' Vou i
'hou'r" 1 knew that 17t Mtwt eonio. I had gi lind mail. tru.,4t before knowledge; 3, the Uen driven out, and health and ha mtter
rence, which must ameljor-.%je Iuy p() TLIl - Cape Town credit fol Uo=mejiUtry.-Le&xxn I. UnUt t'l*' 't-blug before th(,- uume; 4. act`14 and iness have 6 --en given in their stead, ave four I iog�i to I kill .1104 cannut say tLey are really
"Well, Laur,", aM wheil I,# it, to be-?'! POssefting. It was about the sh.9 ol I"rue Light. In the.9D ve en in exm- confewing cy this grand madleine. zi V0, plenty of c i n, sick, and so you call then)
"11he wetknug. I Wfore wordlilping.* h
41tiollf, %,With reb�qpowt to Mr �- AllnUn' oil! I AIUP"e You mean, the smaller London theatres, and wa raltied the whole (jespel, rists it were, The Grood Shepherd. Lesson XII.- Mr. Thomas L. Hubbe. owner azid (99-"- havo liever d e no Muc-6
dcii't know.' Any 9,LY]y decorated with white and gull La a uutshe.l.. Here is the origin, the J ut of* Section 28. Tury ash; p 19. work 8111 iw li%?Nl %%(jr aii I hnvf. 8; delicate.
el,us 14 the true Shepherd. Ile treat occuPa 6.
-Aurely. In U18 very presence of thy t4mo whiell plemmo yourself.,, anti crimitoll, anti built with baxev al int-iblon and uthoriv of C111.18L His Range 11, met with a severe ac�i,lvnt thi, Yfiar, -1111 my 1'", 11 Ila-' nevei N
h,� wouhJ nL)t presunit, Big fl(')Vk tetitlerly, luv(% each one, What can be done (o'r then;`
tature htLsb,.%n.i a "But It III Your bushiess to fix Ule thf)'-way rouuj. in tho Style of tilf I-inIty an,1':i`H1a hum-iniby are boJj about a year ago. He was thru;V11 bfva 6-tter. The t.lilldreu ur!- get, t
known each onp, gently 1 -ads. keeps- ttnkZ io tLwy aro lotw of help u me. 0; Our answ.r-is the same fliat
-Bli flock wfely. out of his wagou., and among the In- n(i .1
-Ten by 'in'4inuatioll- tl4vt e -1-s", Y to woner the in our Place�i before I perceiVod th Lem6on 11. Cbr2st'A Firett, Dbx ip,08. e best ph ys I c I an s h ave b4ii- n
to I 11su I t m) L
Whet' the breakfaist hall been cle just as i�awl rt in their W)kv
Y. &,L tj Opera houses. We ha(l 'lot bpen lon,� tuon
at jurias fie sustaincd was a very severe a
its t-
are, better." the box next to ours wa,3 OCC strain of the kidneye. g4 in(r for a quarter of a ce,
3w3Y. AUJ the buitness of the tLixy "I am g11141 upled bi III thIs 10480a Is the beau.11,ul (lescrip ry (ut it be. May pluys On th
-oly. 14 t,iklng lomwonod from
Soon after his mishap his ki piauo AUL tury. (-jlvc tilem
k*lfult. 41114 1 felt that eac to hear you Con f ops Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton anLI lon' of the eft'll of the fLrwt diaelp.es. dneys
"t "W"f.cre"l, "for 17t is MY OWM d1lughters; but beyon a gaoa "acher, and we pay her to
-t ) the p-ist broughi INTS"timetit." d a general no'(, 101111 the Ba, 4 was near the close bega I I to make munifebt the fact
As it in 11 moment 11E)
arer to my ife w i -k bi I tt er, (Vga, ote. We arp grmiu-
Charles ue of recogultit) of Ills lifew Efe therefore 1pointed M
'title. I grew 14>n t tako it. n aUJ a fow wh1sper 0 tS, that they were unable to do. their
virry nervotH. an 1. c,)nfult; 'W U rapecial com- across the dlvl!jlu[l to Mrs. Random, Indrew and John too Jems, in order arket.Pep r Idly gettilig ofit of flebt."
Ing aly PI i ule-n t work properly. Severe stabbing paIns Texaz Reviow e-iIIH att"ti(n, to
wutch every five mill to Yourwlf. bharlev. for , I they to,)k UO particular 1gotico of Out Qiato they aLghl, be,-ome ztttached to dartoed across the ismall of Ills back, L)Ijq fmjtter W* sms
time. as M ute-4. .4pent the Should,be happier anywliere (except party. The pfty Him, and fin in Him all Uiat, Ii. -rd :Jwint a m(mrni and
y hoita*4 t1i til'tj re- at Langley) than I am he w3s the 014 dram;! and a dull. terrible ache in his loin$, ag!orn a tale." Ifuni is "it br-ove lit -
mark. t*1biLween my Of "Black -Eyed Susial)"; ; ptcu det-14X01 Coneqr1L.'n_X Of rod-Litw Oil V41h Hype -
1 -o lkLn-glasj un,j Indtwd I You aurpr1w, le performett, ndIffvrcntl.% The We' k#pt him in continual agony. tle woma
tar.*'Laura. pf coursa. but I 1-wasoll Ill. ClirWt-8 PUS& Miracle. ek.- n " -cy the �-)urual dadrates
the 11411 tlo,)r- At ladt. tireo,l of re- What havo you to find fault wit!, wai It. L Various remedl-a wero usno, but Ilf-r, mtki,1k. a IlAng for her Vr lind .0kesphlies. It has most rr.
lupnt,4. aml 3 s Iii ("a of Galilee, Ule hone
Pente'l kilsap.,waiut COMplete a nOviC to all dramati, 11113 wa none gave any relief. The paini; filmily 0;1':, lit,
un,.vll- at RhIneberg?" of Natlmnti�j. Here Uie water wits .10 farm. an(I enabling markable dourishing power.
filig to pro4oke' turther jesting v" amuseme"ItO, th,,t I was entertalnel As"dIng Wheat Markets.' "emed t6 grow worse. and, hearing tor I iaul rw to jieA-tjWjl-,II II4rM9lrtII
Fht It gives, color to tile Lj1o(--)d. It X
the Part of m' "With everythig." I crial.,inikt. by it, anLI my whole attention ouilde wine. 'Tilitq was tile first display I'tjllQw,Ing art) the c1twing I�HN to)- of the wonderful efficacy of Dodd's inu I-. Now, ]low orll,f , -,it, w 1114. life
to M. -Ike rd- Ragjom, I resolvwl uous!y. ..except tho hodse itself- riveted upoll the St!%g,_. Wh Wal, of ChrUt's mtraculous power, and HIS Kidney Pills. lie devided to try what of mome wpmen I erc brin,,,s at
up my mintil nOt tJ v.%P.vt and eopc*�Jally en the cur- jw4gels were omfIrlaml in tlieIr fait-li day' at Important ventres4: in Ui-e eltitw, who stren-th to the niu- it
the hour appaintej lor- hid at t, St ... -rn, , 1,-kiturday, March IS. J-vhJfCtfxJ too, far worm condi. It ad(i-, powel, to ti -C 4
biru mitil with MY belug hore "I" full upon tile fir act. and I Ulat, Ile min tile bleNsiall. T I LuAo they would do Lar him. cites. zi 0-t X
%Q%1 to* that enJ sought My -enalt. 3,lay. He bought a box, and began taking tionq Mtn win Ix- 111'14 fair charm -
Arrival. loAed up to expross my delight at IV. Christ and Nioodemus. nerves. It Inc -ins robilf" All
16 au- W Chicago ..... ... ..... -,�O 67 r; -s the pillm, going strictly according too elr. Som,, alz%i in t414.- vtorfw, some In go
.1 Even deli-
liadAeft the box to opsair to Ili- w" yet tu'.-Jerus-ilem. Wilcioidealtia, a 7:! j-)_% tho directions. Judge of his delight, 1110 fitct'krie", 00MM0 III offlh!es, where to
ack oom,, hook, swered. gTaVOIY: "I wish you would New York. licalth and vit-or.
romu iu oriler to unp. don't understanil you.- I b"t I lWd 800n. I found that Cilarle!. lust after the Passover,'whIle Jesus
I bud - receivea at p,trting, explain Yourself." mother. an1 th-tt Mrs. Rantom. who Phari�we, and ruler anKm - when, In a few da". he begaia to thPV nAu t, repopet th-mwIlps ontlia cat6 illi'auts raOidly gain it..
.,OOd for the ui nd beinz an alimept . .1
I - I felt far lt%n attraiition ' toward had seen thi, m.,piece the Jeirs, ilwaukE4-..' feel better. Day by day the Improve
t0faillY unproT�Jej for &t1f. li )usehold tji- Severn member of the-Ekinitettrin. eAme by, t. Umfo ... ... 0 71541 - �,tl'fie 0' tho lock, rind Ili- relieved if sni.1116 ainoutit X rot
RhInetw-rg. The Occupation UP w ho aftmood so I ike 11 ghts running, was fast asloop. Only ght.'aind ln(lutred of Xamo concorn- Tolpt-lo... ... .... 0 70. 1 0 70 .5-8- ment grew more m1rkei until. when ('113"t -On moment in tho even';
to*,)k nit, Claule, Neat -d bml&- me. with hi. ifi- M9 "ndmloin and edy--trInes. Here had takeh all the pill9b ho ir. a !Potue 'Ittle while. but r c:bul,i -Iffort, tra ag-or to me. tha I had done to- 0701 0 71 1-Q Inig or latI3 In the night. 0114- 14 .1 1-51 . -cc or t,, r ay.
ward his brother ; bu. me eye fixett upon my fztei.. He was tidght the tiveemity of the Diij, -Sound aV a bell." awt not a trurp tYPv-vrrUw h -re, atno-her. clerk ;his
,ut N4
CO be laZY over lk sinc,3 t at tho isambe N rs ... 0673-8
tha clok had. 'kneow in him I had a was there th Speak to. I th"e. 'U`t)j.V M,Lnllt,r o
but just 47Puck ten. Tho firat that blushed. at -Icw 0irth. .(1-67 5-4 of his old trotible remained. & -t to all f Tor& to.
Tolum., ern mppd
Which L!a me to my h �letectlltlg flow he Was emplayed. Lsion V. Uhrip;;v ilt Mr. Bubbs, ki writing of his cfiseoi riftoevall'
right, t4), rflxwe the confidence, and MiAtleavolia ... .... ... .. o (;(11.4 t9 I - 4" Aftk ale
not attending, Mt. Ham- Regardletw (if the unual.,custmin -t4 Torm 1 to. rA ... ... ... 0 C rn: "I live in the municipality of front . Ek)M- Wre a-vimwtiresyies, wear- I
%Ays of Ella. frOm him to wcoilvt the
an I -witli it I SYMP"thy- Iton; yoii can- h,tvc na 'Hoa- bov% the Jews V) avoi ludian Ifead. afid all who know me I-lig out eyeand forr,in; witli rwjor a
asonn ble to J"4" Tom,"to. -Vo. I i,a rA A YUR SUGo
te the dravviiig-ro�)iii. rkbS0lTe',j t-1 Cum aluvmt trL prett it i. Did yon Itear't1lit last twok the wbort ]In(-- 'of- wnrch to --all vouch for the triith of thin (mtki-r f0r Inv1,V)rRtItl9 nir. Somenre ESTJOKA'
expect the other either to give - or I 110w) ... ... ... .
POW Myself (juietly oll tha ant song Galilebe. fie n . tuxt it. -Nis ... ON keepom, ek!tig out
to rem -,tin there until I h:%d - vauw' ta ke. -14o that I , unburdened my go thrutigh Orain and Produce Toronto. mot 11rev. GLbers :tre ThOre in No Reason wily ZZVencve
for stlrrlug. A-4 I eutereJ it., ilt)w. heart ithout raorve.. am, afraid.1 have been hearing 4amari4i. Where Dodd's Kidupy 111;IP4 are''ised, wittlou
all.] seeing '-wery littics, mi.;s Urey. Fi(atrrOntar�-) t umpl,oymont at ll. 41.1py
hall Your father's letWr to ID h.-gs, Kidney Dlqeass canno4t exist. It is Furs t0ho*ld Look fdugmo
my ino r ry littit.. thst Is to .14)11 .4.1y, upz)ll th,, '*Ad'-tg ant d"ll.v dl*,MrRgf-A -iodin
flealed. fwus was aga lit -tit Uni'li -.80; eitra*gliV. tellere, *3-0 drive out KwIftly awl proinptly, novPr OW6. .aom
arrived In my absence, to $.j.25; Airngarl.,in tu 41 -
man, who wils s tit Galile4- with His dis,_-ip%aL Many. urn. WI;I :1 flat, -----r ther." I rep!kx]. " was the request Onking t,) ahzed
4<-Mfjr. w with Iiii IiZsddik U) -1
ta udin. sht% would permit mo U) jo: a "Thon -oij dou't dtworve to come t(r 'to rt You f 14,01111ilef` I'M att(Vk(RxI till! Vaggover.. upi&u ill _N(Y relatloaa that littIO,farm. t lia t here
me. talkluti, to Mrvj. N U10 thentra.' replie-ol; **you- %rijul,l rit4ciusalein . at tli(b- time A B!H FRONT
I st;%rt--, were greatil pot ag:tinsc tile M�ib. Ih join t co the first* gjAn�p 1. it n, I IdP3 hure been just no %yell 'eoutenl; Jesus votiverw witil N'wdemus, t-"Onta littIP wy), P-ir+nrar hip i tlej' are ortet,
KUY,4elf it it were pmillile it of iny, coming out ,It at ist free na1 (164paAl:40 tir takeii to I,,
An. -11141 the I"Ld -Iritnessetl ncrth And wt -4t 67e, north anj Just the.71hing to Smarten u.p a 131ack k. nobodylog nd all
Ould be but .1 . liever woul-i Ifare tAlt they liame.90 N06 Va R 010th 1,--hLUDIO. 1,W11,1i vonjointed to it rl�1011 me; but I beg' to _diffei luthotify ill eleausing the'"tollipleor it(;6,t rd. SOO at not Ure followoti %hj.. silent rs i'm up w1ul fi(.k- tou Cletill hfbill t liefill)" only
hjtI they known my was 1vu. tharp: 1. shoillil (it Ilav- Ole boyersand -wlle' "I i - 'frouU" in it rtwurt, wu(.h ! afa; f":e
There nothint: in th,- figtire- - r to he Rbineberg." rm. l t' h^r to 190 I knooiv#4 11(nV. TIN- iutmt proovw^
j liulib 76 1-'
- 9Q(xl (x)ml)anF at -home.' Itt. It llm.qlaAmWe to am,Lzten j Wxitn Trade Re%jew. to cleftn' with hot bran.
Keneral itppelhr.tae-o ,)f t1to strang.ir ut w tilt t differerwe uuu it modera;e In your Onts-WhIte -
utilotpity. Hery is it pa r t of 4UAY And,th furi; thst
lavor. Vet. vj I he arg repfio,l, "colt-dollcring tlla AVILW dark oQK-r-hued woollen' wlUl a M laid
to rf*rpin1 me tif in A a voAume oj tillick cloth or of
UftL t of .1�*Ugl jtt%f(�Ije#i bt+tjp. tile jeWil4l,
TO CURE A CO 9 thi! muwmf,r. will jw% IuWgj
my appearance.. Cland - 11am I- 1300,Ilatin LeTel is 11fiftnitely betti>r yOtl e4ll *001 Company' One 1�a ve* LID IN ONE DAV. way duriii'
h(Arin, 'after. thi- lts�aljjjg of tjle� uivk Jt Ik.' 9f"U'Xi f #ome'lling brightr t I, . Take I azative Bromo QuInhic Tabletc All Improveki, b-.f()ro weariog, If Llwyare
9M started une.1sily fro,.,, tII!9 ,jp:jt. tan t PCUW41%val't, and m"y sister im- thf-borvi another falls asj,�-�p. :111j a thO j)-iovi of Bethwxla.'�7111ey Mi!.s Rurely j mDreb suitable for third 114 with th.. scc,W be Bu:*kwltvat- 01114tise p-tttern, rhe hit) id liko a iitr- 250.
ldrik man at b(wt achlorOd WiL-11 pi,k4cato or potl- Druavfbts refund We inoriey if it ft 16. to ('Irm. clonnirvil Witte .1G Ilail 11ini of hinsplienty p M'I., t Ix-ftli joreviouly
telm-V hillid You than my m6sher." row stpron front on the okirt, u.irrow- lwatnd La tile ove, E
th t,)PIC of their con%er*a. (100*11; know anything", bout -yuit are happy )-oil %I-oulli tIIg as It' appiow-lulla thp %vuwt- ino, Indignity- to a Qhrts'tian Scietist. Rub tho hot brall t1lon. ant t!w- tran at �l ! a -to the fur
tile to aji.'r.,xtremo tap T, an I -tben Imp"ad. itw
-*,ir. a i I con.ilkler- %tpar MoUier," I rbioined. liaotily ,I� 110t Iluire we Krudgi, It you. I sh:tll' at 0jilr I 'A Chriatian...6-k-jell(.4. healer was re- w:t 11 9 P flaullel, tile lur
ickly roun hisf - turlillig 4ju (Ming 4dightly ;&a It a yl .0
il-livo aten lier but k)uve, ani, tlie'u gru�,!ge you.; Ily of your [I. i pl); Ler deittii t 1W Rapt ist., poullt" upwalmlo 1*1111Uy, eommItt, IN' ii' Court 11 Uo renuio all particlov., &Wl thqu, all
to nwet ni �. a.-I.L1 v.-iti, j Orey, oweve'r titut-li I wilee lover the built an.,I (-xeU,lILjg here Ujr exan)intitis).1 :44 to -fier sanity. thorodwIlly.
mto aq betnx very 'ih)met1,*,jteIy fololowjIlg, thP rti-.' b "llOuldle-M It ia iiot draws In eypri.*4(-I the collvictitill. Tho Air wilt
neither is It tt quedtionof] 1 12c''toll. travk 1wre. tO tht Ul�%r mvivam, but ti-ruxwita ti. -Olt m. E Hy, jlif�- IjjjItj)Vrat,( Umt h Clf4k[t 'Wprt'�
n9r lsat- plato b6ng f, f the tile � twiplye roin
Why. Latira 'i are, ti ir are, 0 looke�l t the.vit f i 11(41 thet pmaching toll�- - _JCAWll4' t4i, , ;4. lit . . I.&I't zi-1.4 In a: raiglit line a_, jIlgII up an it ean 114jr (of the jelIL4jjt),I,
.1, 7 Imelluri, �lif tho hoI)Nt1i!f- go ACTOW the chest, VF1 hou toucliffig
W"P11 Wo P31rted. Ys;ii ara the Pitue 41-i i"'tter. than' an ther. I might. pre- u-'Iti, l)ilt4'I1 iti -Cal wa9 G0J- -%4 Sir A b -
'face -4, r ltq- t mil' 1 4 Tlne44%W- -
Ahould havf-- knowit for 1.1hinet3erg infinkel to nown- F,'Ilfly -to have- tam 1: varitvri,
tI.-6, boxes, %hieh wer(- : L %a o r It Cancer. `tuliereular 4!i1oli- Tlw f4t, 0.1y 1(,xvll, A-
reelille.. Qg'ain'.4 Hini, f) u 1 la.r or 4 1 ie v lwv4 x - T I i it i -it le
w411t, ;1nd. yet thist tkm# not do ing the timst a- lite 1,11 rl tri`wk i: I 1jell W&rpq tho
tud thorl in- L -c obv4tm Lly intov,161 tor y0ting girls, t,lwr:a. a�d, a lvortid)u of
i a rrus- with -the Indignityof my hore or very of
tu illore they are rf Jk4u N w t i . rke( r llethdbara', .'.St Lawroo'ce Markets' YOU119 WOUlt1l. It W only used 6n the sort 1,-v,J#4@t tlilaklti�: rug--- Illg !(I Upel is mwtly.
I'le Pe ev Ini le- 1) If not
wt- -arw� wwi,itially jL -ra(
he re t;lie7 intolti t srvw4 tia"rill cuoualt -for momis (pf Ilot
we aral I X.. -wilfo IN,litsvon hpr UP also' tli:jt b0al". if thl- fur 1,4 ru hbod
not carin -Is t!, ''.not r, f vV uoceM are n -14 :Lad owtj 14 the -SuprPw-,! Being. -wro
w. aq YOU WWI t"'go th 0.,*Cle '?" I t lie
'WAY throtio the W.nth, MO At, tile other, liouv% '' : , pr4dut-'e t bou 1111,11(wo ma teri-i 1w
ta wit,p r" 3 th 10 1.' -w-r iou s I y use. ll�UMC We itre' tiancilig. allAU-if 1i riot art, t 1w in whiell T!lee *aY and Old,
t; tre l4ittin voul-I Iw morn thorofighl� shook and
Fall had we ally tl�khal
W6 eOlit-vt InY will AW-ak. tO My'!rlotlier nd have I litable. 1norPjvindut% t1gill brilp4wl Into plisM.
V"ttered gen*)*..r or to realize tilat wa r, Cit ig oqly, In
10w Man twh)re m-"W.Ipv intleed Charlew g t aff.moo places., r M)!d 't�L 18 Laut 1111114ments of-Presidt-pt lraqre. Naw in Your Ch&uc*.
Hamilton anIt t!. 7til, qjet misl It ll. wlWn voil K0 06 lx)uring- fit V43"j, 541
wat er fripill, a. i)j- cljoi T.11k. vritl .101
o1jt V) pitcheri int-titor tor ttie jjitp :1�tdvk is, thus 'lip- young &It,.,, LLN
I apret 11% y p;y 4) r 41, iry V) f:: ri C&t&rrh aPhat b Ckurod written 10 re. thin 1.411 water:11141'11 (it'id' -9a Isr ' ' *-; � - t - r,.l �%, liy t!1j. "rinills : -At tiventy will- llkx
-be!ongs aPI nU. t i.y of Y(MUK me,!
,ourpriou, t1lat 1 w idb' th aiht m foot n .,p to Rcwn, alt uat,,, 1%
he W t Dr
only str, Ou I t 1'. ., A
LannelougVe as
lit 0'.. t La u ra.- III surprise. half his.ght I r ivt.'s ful. e'rroric 4)f IV
an have. jgveUApc%j y nmy handa'at thip' jA)jWj V-IL9 roul pationt.1 'who W.1 . y fr(PLU i0ftlleY. GYMPtoms of.routil-
tO ORI jj,r thp 1,,pp* IM I
W4&t I time, nd was oanni 'A 'ptl S i n.- -lie, tr: ill IIjA bt�lijv Ilptwo-en sI Pon I urve -4-11;llg .; _% ;o Us Curt- you
g Y.sciinst my mothex i races iii. the -pit. nn.l M I le. 1, 11;
a t�-r �t,u- fe.,kiqt. "j&Ily,.jjqN_q L 1-2t* d. It tn a youyix mritom friead.
But it All till six v;1.%r,4 f io
urts oU with r L- (I ro 111"al' .14 tile. n -Cure U Of I
fir -t rome.-Iles :'lid In.the renudnder of tilipa Rt
'IN slit" -r very black eea 7 1. siall I i,live! t . .
no pow -r t6 m,� ili� to bill1i rr -ai in * %kI d'jA9 SO Wttvmd Y-101 wee shat girl I Could Uot eallo tile 4eliti * What h- dk),Ue?** J tvhoed: I in ht hlit- Wits, "Tt fOw till -red we a of for
irit siirlit, with my tlli pt 44 lias- brep come of ctlwr mid tt f d0a" 4exce nft�r� pati4e. a pp t4_%I (of i
to -14)4ok at MU. erer elk I-V wfx
tnrtiin,,' 11111, 1,, attack- W;:N lx--- mmure t h 'if
impriw-i&l upoh nly -juin,l. rotir bmther) erer winee - I arrivvit film ki4l06411 01i Mark*". ed f tl "Urf-MUtS. IIA111ii Catarrh rt' , e. rA-. Writ.. at (jeep It you tO M:bkS in@ feel the pc*tj tillive- 14'' TA rw a. himlil Qffer--W. R Hard. eo
!;.Ungh- on in entfreil the theatre, nriol mht-' \ -avilf'Opil. le "rum l0n" lir worth.
- wa.,# ug: t 11 t he Tfi
rim from accod' Ito. 10 1 -:-'d; altopli-X ()f thf. IN*% plivt;icinlo. if: tills ng W bag 41ch a.- TICIOUO ppe.,�rajlc4t 1141 0010 Ifigmt, Burk'$ Falls. Ont.
y thell Acciun- pr4 outic-ti. tn,.l
sculd noz have 'I j., the, eel .11an; This tA)(-Ik Wallts ir Ye-ros, ru-4 i.s IN Va.; 4 r
P. mod of shi-r."
The� hiLve Ile frIghtc I I k f (if tlu� It -it sie
.141reet : Nit. on a ruore fenxt!. III- ? (Init .11114 to Ntolw e of f , -ti# "%I me. and sinopred'at me.'atitt sboVvu ba, 1IL-4 "iftt. tilt' littl - 0 1 1 4 cc -1 A allto eat im. ;pef qL I t!.:tt..th- strit.,genit" 'I -the 11-1110.4tioll limll in, X11. thst. Wye P -,U4 Wga It t-) -swell ; froill tilis tinle M)pow,d r t1w to%it creaw sloretid over mince ple. too in overy ptusit)IC w.%y t1j.1t bu*t, Han . T ptn-k, Zs. .41 9 '- Thin
i4;ores ant) T I P1111, U, V. Afictoel., , .1 new anti unique fit i-. Uf
kir 00 in hio'ft all I tIf Siff, 1Dr. Lall wtI 71
figure hav ing i 11 Ik i t I I l0rierth, howevrr. tr:r� I to uril!FrX, Of_'tII!X 41rf�et'y (on tbl. Ct'OM"4" aChe P
eithpr want*d cor rnost C cou"'I have, 1OW
-ned. Ullarlm Viat I where?" fie it (4
wilt, failed to tt.!ir! tt lat
aq, I particuiarized the Imlls4dua I vo-us r;-e'tirj;L1iq lot " -it
MbNO for them. it, ftict. t*j, Lrl�s Ifam- Ln -.,o ex 131, w1litc. -11JI11 0 1j, rcd UcA
safforeA a Nttliqtily : Oh. blon't iow)k at :�tlotll*. for a qUAIV-r. Millee., (II)JU
IIot1jjjj;C ar Uwtirni
-ver 1w A CT1C.t I; i tilt f ter. By jj-n(� f INPIlud Irt) i 11111s.
'ton wal mucly t.? 'OkLm, their nevcr %I-ou.:%] -t'Urn yo U -T-4 .
have La.
-va it wa-.# I wiics mill(l all.1 0"IlvAy. Vy ur heall the Tlif- iN I
06, lip tastps' hall Acrowit and nitor6l 4'qMt7," "t tt) t nywith ft r M. '41111
first. They hve not' rl, wh being -tk -of anxIono to rr�xkt alit] at, the lap�w (if yearva. tie hall I - f, f foz. ui ark, i* tilt. I' 'afliew inor liku, vro�)moli. W. t tiflw rrival from Enghtnt, Win the. )P-111f)JU9. Cie w-ronj 'tho or 15!41 kp t.: I).. frauk. fair-halre. bluc-eyca. frtN-11- 1UPertirwrice to sure * - i . Uy.. id I oy d iW-4. pr;4-4 464old^br1l
yotl out of i-1 for ;,.4 Feb. I a.'
complexioned Iasi *hen we parted he W Owthe ra,:- W a jinannr rtw r g7l
!I(-. tr th" tp . - rou.iten.-ince. Balk lier. curiosity Ijv 'ead f. J. .14 r FREE
wa-.s st I I blu'.feY ed a I I d f a I r Cle 104tot., ll.q;lrf
"111011t_ op.., - , -
-h :11-j t more. urt.ing 'your back for inipactioll it�. orl 1 Try 17.-:� W- 41,11,11ift.t
I The Superlative Degree. r"I - it,
-in e-Wbeat: 0t;. -40f till, i9one. IlLy'skia was- ailoiv. Ili@ tlalr' "Ji'414 Or 10 ftrage,! anim 0. T. 1. and 11.
1he !ranknem nd thl, 1 f ffPcok C*e VAT-Ilftvll I 170re lift �te,,V4 Of; yotir t'ural dreatio' angry
ngfieki at lu bt, or Q
or hi,; r irtii4�4 il 1:1 1! EN
nytUng rcq u r eii ewit-4. but; did vv;;tli tst-11 . opril rreti;l 9 Itu ;' Atift. 5i
was atilt hk fi,�,ur:- ha.I'6(-fjtiirPd CCKLL.,.jng. bUt V38 are wo Scenes In 'I ""so
'n , Qt.f.t t as de.141-ted; for the g&ZCI :111. t1w, lifferetirt; oil jx% s-ici 3. 1'.. I -U I%- r the jil, or(*j Sk X 6111111110 aimd
-;I the
ta . . 1*141 4
1-t stoop ; b -It I dor� not think .1 l4r;Ze' bVh-ck eyes tixvil t!fjFItInuoujly -iML V
u W am ;w I th. tit, Y10
that imch imrsaterial LtefiClen-e-4 wou.141 00", tnV fhea began, A liri! on -I Max, )f do
to fknnoy whilst tic -sr eart I. 11rhere lIa.t1j 'f all I j Prnct-r for too 4 a C, f -bg N"INW
-Ifter the first M& st r;Lngp ri f ortiterfi,. j&%ani, lo I Captaiff-Don't '111Ltl twotting Der. i. H.
a .1 -a bj
I. ... r ri t. * M y j!
an I But when tho. play and socand
tweb by ha -1 ht- retained the id W_ r1latiOn. kill. q
out Y4 I% con%,
oinpl k 14t�iilk(
airw P r t h -1�. l.ar 1,- TI A lilt
rpft -are!e--m m Wrjj�ch - WI tho .1 Ma r,- and our 1) Y, an'l June. L, n-innep I had n Ii thtt f' y -th
I romi IR09c"1111walt. wero f r if slie'll tk,,v-,aw-.
r 'in the-v4utibul 4
OvCt! 41 !1im 40"' 01J. BU I had *nbt t �_7 1-2-1. %il-L�, off C
e of tb.,� th f I F4*t.f-. I hi- I- so-fle 11. Qa On pclo Sege. Allfit�t Pr. allaw
Lw*n 'many nt ne
-w1jitIng. for the.-CaridaVes; L saw boi ly: tter- Capt. Crawler. HSIATIC 1"HEEP DIP
fr6ru tre FE
S!'9 P.1111-11
I before I felt tilat tj�.at tla van-i-itixi !Wn;.rig to t!� to tro, fling I
L a WIN 41M.-nol; lllal� I; rvi frittia
91i. y Irf;a. dlv ttult ml w [I (who M144 liar(. 1"11
9111`1 upproachas awl take up Thi, I.a �ii It.. a it- f Juq% tGi. With hL 6t:Ltjujl' -ljre(stly ill I
9 boyhoo,l. r i r, � I.' canatuan put
t1irce. I�r it M, X P
you6 a th-
U young wotRual Of hb-put a 1: zd i,� treat-
iN but. w4wily 'won't all. Tirot
.,Irp l -
The car&i of touitineia had I shi? Ira�4 a fin, th;- y 1:g. 10*' and, A MAL WASHG
for my. "r) %V f I
i.im Tt' eat, ti 44 a:.d alCe. hut In' Whose feature.14 �Mo: tile him Wick again: thank ou.
rmtly hegiaIIIn**X to leave their trace.- a th rt i there ITIrked, thei unmistababo sIZIL4, 2. and tlj,(b A liowerhil a,ad 1jeLtIlts
in Vie puckerM br.-)w. keril eve.4 arid the
bl( I. 311C'WILS Ter 17-.. j T)rej)!ir.rtjoll that i.-4 proving n hewin
-lees -410au I ly sourelif m hry had' d .!rPw,*tNj iti b1-w,ajl4 whitf. mu b r6m. opt Us farmers '.-III ovel- forT-Zli for
81iD ; -in the a. twr
rr-1 W pply Id cwt. I line
Pf% their trae&4 oil his eharaet,�r no er 'haW waj twilled -rratiin-w of tlIt. -It' -an,] cattle u[4d
16t Y. y gayly -rvpre;.Wntfl t11lF9 Yc-u vttki d-) I ter'
outh. T
are. lie was fzor a, r a wrt-atli ()f' d. -I tipt;Nt-alld UtV fik!i-, 40e. for Nkili of sbcep
t pur for Mr. G. A. 'Bro
mask FOSe-s. and large -7. torrin 'Its depli;llded from 8 RIBLID49S.. VARD'S LINIMENT. ener abL;or4e,1 in calculation,4 timis ta-k cif fer- el t1i -, I 1 1*3011161 point- ith
.& .�F P en t4) ChriNt. alId'cIIrj-,t,j4 ilil UNNI
elit!v t &
striving to make himse'll' aKrc*al)Ie 1jh6.ejge4j her,�,
..ra fo- it ith "k. be
1p4mtbarxon his f y, through the nttjj,-!jjII!Xl tjj�-hj 110 vts� III castrating
nakin-, atiout priced in the Wine- sy 4r,*.t4 iately. 601 Im or 'C.ar ('ftwlf UOVI ehb`*a Close If. 0 In I)q
yr))i r M fithc r s a nd a:ijt f Zast * Buff&10 Cattle Market. - I fieusie. ienling the woundr, &MPG
Bafferen From tho Distressing DL&I&d awl k(teping the magpot. trado than forming, partieq.6f pleao- rfcep.. 1 an I then, to -My heard her Tli:, rr 41
it tioll-01. (T -MI. oLe, M_ 11 addre N. I".. Alart It r' cured a"-Ijorge Ija(Dy
-by -a. Y tuo)-;t hoartily mvommetlii(i, it
to 'ire. The whole we lit of 66 tpuAriesp- 7 W Its Nrs.� Ransio'.%' &it though tbe'y. we AM 1. 1) rut) f t1i'"Nolle oil p.;a If.. U:J -lit #mp- for Many Months, roull(I oniv one
the 01 to Help jilm.
Voqetiw-ilt were laid upon 138 whoul I h..a t U 6 iULAt familiar termc' IXYWC rii fair dt-Mtid. ofrom 44iff
or illy.
!ers. and !i(% Pntered into it' far too t1te arso
tetl you going str,-Vjgjjt,ht) �.Lo 0:
Xf Y'. me, ? Y �tlw So" extra lilt t (i 7.:)f I Airio:
I'M a pleasant vom- al.1 1 1* -k p1jl)jj(. FAI wa rd Llulip y
rly to rei�iler !' a xn,,.1)4r Lr 1";nil 1'r' the, its 9 Intly he PICKNARD r- RFAfFRF W CO.. j imiW,
pant-ni fnr woman. --. 4wX*I rmature. w!y) vrr, wg, I t, w.Itl-(- I am now peak- t, Port At... P
I ng from my later It--,. The aplitlempa'.1eft Ilpt, ,It at -le. 6r Ina It m I IeA a mUnd, it %tough-jile. Out,
hurt "'IYOT10:8 f0*I1jIV if slie kL a rp
elperiitipe u, that mo ' M . 0 trip 1 *1104 r Robillaw, . . -
it'd t.;M# . ion wkw.- sitiners' into inark uAist. I eu red A Ito
Harnton . I Wriew all this tt� 4d kiimr t W call the. carriagesi. aud I f - v tod with MI rw Of a 'had -,swelling
n t! it ctl lilt I I i
aifits.: to Vim grit.r, into) tty.. *to. jilf!P. witiv- NARR'S LINIMENT.
vs--r#%6tly, Irltbr vie,t that -ray une"y Vey fjori" L*Wii
my coft ia a few lieury after. out, oil 0 th.
oiv,tlt fair twul, dnly Thog. W. 13a yne, rd or ur firdt meetinZ every fr*li, r.d an for your cow;14, tf,' IP Wider thii.9 for Phe auRwered Cann. W'a.,( a Prjo 411) 03 for = 3 410L
'-wallowe4l, ip in t!.I% sho,!Id Ilipworit 1-omild in tl!f6ta- larmm iu stunlu th of D
W111, b� colitillu"d -very hurriddly er
-mimed Lines
,h Weamd t 'the * exch 9'Lrm Oh- ilIdP-e:I-!- Ye' -I dare but I :jpolIjjtV tpim, an.d Of 111(orts tivin r(.Y:kl t1o;I14 if tilf. Iff P;,Ijf. sto)(1k 'ai.d folio%,% a in ut.- alatAons.
whieb I feit at the 111teration. In bi, e ry La ti, I and ghillfl; 0 ID luil
pervo YOU ha re, er-ough 44 ri*" w cali't gpe4k_ to Y-bku. ar; ; NflolVing. tII0'L-gt)Sj1(.l *"4 1111V Il.r'Y tiviti-riikily UIILU aj.ql UtA. literitugWirti- llyat4 "tor 1411 i
nal apoearapee. al bir hm Von.. Beek.- pfe* a, y(pung 5 do-,. Irullgion of.. trtip !aip- oil.. 11:10 111i'd Were Dcleeivom
Well. La a ra. said he. as , he p Is with us., tit
bc-,,riuse ojp4 ao of oa i it it 1141 siel. Ever" 1j4%i!(U. vital tit
Th A tWmej, 4*0 4ffij no% flati ly- 4ule. -The girr gave a loud fair- to L. - writ -P *!A W -C. send ( hc-is MAJO
won r1lig 1%
mrs- you thinking o -1 I io i 00 tt� xtrn �,,,rvvortcr. hearij;g t -f *Ar,. PoMrW-i- noteol my vaguo and air. -laugh arld Tile 1. ad.w. 4)tT wcmw I I
Yflu 61 [1 t Illjdi�rvUml rpy GIlelilngi mOTPd Nrlithtt 'on one shle. 'eflu'rmer.
Hare I t ft- - top Wt;4101116 _1449kat aij UUUly 0411.08r in NI Lmou r 1, inano) wo- pmpi is t.xva!rd 04* owerity
taken rwi by Osurplrisa. (10) -you Ou W, fii r'es. You ck) no And UD is Charles. I ()uc of thO, rioebest and tilosi import- .141.5() to 11.75f 0ohl V) *4 I.= Fr" who
t IUL4-1*- N t,.
Imir % ar,-h ire
Wo in to we' ant, wetirms of tlj(� jBIN4' 'TribnZ111". Irl om of I I r ad - Tho cen- hlie-learat4 Lt th#,-, IDI. -M I'm not Wraid $4 -50,.
think me a'41 linchang-ed ai, I do T* Ou . -fact of the of e;ther of therii. 1',Ke IT h e markot, P ot.11PT fla. N 1112 kit; a roaft e I
p] tral iden of tho n*tworter m. err j!d he madil _d V
you are very Cha114ftj. I ffeba"W4 1*IjIg maa,. ffiv.111fies tha* as' 9'1-1041 ft Tight i� talk to 'you* is INIFw1go - i% tile new V0 tl11jgLrt ful, W _.IjtL :1 1; Ill -in in thIs*houv6 who IS murmured. finding my voiep at lat th -Y'd d 4t- want rne t R46VnWatt.'-- a nY body . 0,,49__betfp . Wrth. iliell imulit-W tilo. total e� .1 16a V --v - We Ii it re ei ve ulmrue * I 114 "it, Ife a m golng to
"No. ran,t'aje r r too -when ail P LUI( In 168*4own-W tO v,�-ry ehangcml. ifideed. I thought he re- all(I aud"(joce." I tile work of [11111 1 t) 'urtl": **"'�� tk 1 Ow Ulto hymn book tit hltu-'s She poldie
diviav grap licit cbarl, fieWrqm'lx-_,r jilutoriety,"
This great, doctrine t4l r1l rilerl tbC% bo:)�_
hia -d - r; , as vou wo!ll,l to- quite different f rom propor 14ace, t t1le tie, "yet I lfljZ Uo throw K. a*1 1 war
.A ;rd: "but wi. ha%.t. waIi(k--rPd - felt inlignal)t .0 PTfmmp. 11 the
(1ur 611h)v% 11-a.ura. Wiil 01.4 .2 am I'01 afraid UP ftty -a ldi.,41
It wa*' a careli-di op-ech. U&I I hg1l day 'We -4,k Of tile creature ih daring to to ever'Y tu.n but
-ft t,'Yftlj for yotir. tw-VIIIII14 :69 Cilrb4t's miW69ry. Th "It Ito- Yhrkp�% word for Dr. 11"Uhallm I [or one - ill Uie . lioum du F before I ppoke, 1) -r 411i fig ?" 1.05 tt) k4d Ilia IlvaA V)
!jme tn coasider my Always
strothid by bin Christian ruary I
na n3 0 , I)b t I flnit miraclo of Chrii4t wa. tO I'leople. 11it the munukcr cof 1�ipll` "W" Qe bN)k. 'nim 4w N*Wreld, h!:apa I thoul ri(�t havt� ut"rxN) "TTIP Wxplwf t.he hu-tter : .4 L ItilraCle Mjd l,
t ould dolther rema rk Ift] F#X)rt'n1rVttC-. Ye fifflict,(A ' with' F01nael (10tifNers'antl l.tuded th ono talle; man.
It wa4 art tanitick int4 but a rc#- It w*.n t On it nor demand. an exp!anisti -of, traim-formation.4- Him firotloublicact a i roe me
Nx rga i n. for I r q. remainitV the 'e" Of 1`97%for(II hfb On -it -leriumlein ail Itcb,' *of* roloormat,lon. pre I*j-11 eleftlk(41 111). dera vwd li%LC+ and C-uvra, wit -4 alb-rwal%is Vint 0 loot
Ransolnu Raiix)m 0v#.trAM4% go re t,4,. tit rl!Pk�lt, nother mitlutt (16-c6urso on re- ra Produce Wholegatel-at Toronto 1y entire system w"- Ill g 'an-tj (jumb. W ir VIKWX
9,jok iramt--diate 0 my 4*.t c'�900tlemOn had return 1110 firlst. qlw%oiirW11, iuorb;oil ugh
Hamilton givo to fin lind all (4ppr*tpitvll� wCgI,t oll c)y 1,1A) J�otne Plain QueaLons.'
it to ototerve to tier brother ask bor further 011 t0o' U& Ilay, li. I felt ag tfic if ned deri
it,** I Da!4 Car*, Irlu, .4yMpattlizo L I.I+IWIY g1linee tow lk t ff"P
w1th an air of pitronage.- "Yon. muwt, .14 arit the corner where thin lfw�jort, Our Saviour, sit't I Ing; po 7 io 11fid #,atijC %ran wnnetimes fjji_ yon or -
riot he apirprisot tit ime "rey's not M r xreek I will bP06niP Yrmr wif . le, abld lVon 11 _k Mis X"ading, '114 t ra by nua,.j. %f 11411ta Were know*W 11'harley. datr, fs r eds y and geot) Wf4l, on rin, 9 a! - ca r If) t nlad likk-OW toy Y ? [114re
opivil, thpoe-o loo'k fit w ea4 of body'. ... ... .... ... 1 0 InliplenSant, light, ;. ty"lPU)mr6 -of COU. grice at
-.h for UP ) mew -freNII #4yW-Ik-jtll OU a YOU
But an I acquiorICL Chnrltw Perll'Olve4l , the look. YA 11otil t( trim d It guqd physicUui.
Y 01111.1% w a WM9 artrev 3 &bn(I4-r ran at 11%8 cil(le'st "On';* Yet with You. a,
di oHe - doctored -wilption ? Tile" 811111-1 for a frc,, min. vilty of f
ory , afNI mbe n2WU)fjk CLtndu for th 41'"gh-nir- framp. wal I experiene"ed neither returned hP NOW the water -'Of p:�r bag ... ... . 0 4;8
yeaterday." I UN),r-ght III& brow c. y nor commented With 67o Me for U%er troulkle.alld 4dytqjeps1.n, but ph- (it Cittarrhoz(011f'. And Ket
IOU th-vt that "nethilig wax On it. but, buDied hiMeOlf in conduct. a- ignOt-111t,' -0 ia. 015 without Ar-alle"aird for yf-ar I muld ozoiir- ? Not une too a I
Od &t U'Litp, butA I 4:4plilorwol tooffer any mariting in my, liff,%: tllat W)methlrig ing me to the ca m !-hea theiduh woju,&jl, a snuff., fortbm expluxiatkin of the nd*Uke, t -w whi'ch should '-.ave heen xut)jj%&fIr4%_wj&. As we were mort of , 'Shmaritall MngxW0jIe. 'an(.' oij N -d iio remedy that cculd cure me. -I ment. but It, (&.jurou.4 g:Ls, - vritiell is atiary to-*
tr)r lisint. *a sentenq
ro fore Mrw. ftanw)m. -Qw, h L41 eviolently about. to! drivo off, 1c," �0 17- felt . periect4y wo'ril lout, , had wo varrit-d by air dirpatly to thp
'out a &ft'1d`w ' Wull tlInt thq IN-st hinw- git n MA04j:ng on tho steps 01 Into truthwof tile. rolim- 0 11'-. _t) I(I streuCt.h. al)petite or energy. tl1waspol f a fire
eflek a I an%' Mile VOD hr theisubU broke The MOST
Wt beileviAl me at the. hr&%kfnat table, I entertailoA Rlilqwd froln -my fill_ 9111!o thi&At truo w(�rjill!p of �God, which Asoul laic m*"It Urs rc,i'DJ -111-ib p,-rsek-u%Ingwv upon b 4 frtelid troll, -I (jjW *111 go, afjj-never C
, proo-e(xl W ff.) her as -1 gra&144 it. With her*-mallgnnt 0wlI partiti(xi Wall. metween tillp' itils to, ure. %I'p Irage
wrRv%. Sly blorml was up, and I was try'Dr. Williamn' Pink I'lliti dO not twk voll to twllpv�%
I turtwd frek with ttw fralt-tlf WhILt' �'WIIO IN that gir[?" I 'Pw#4 GollUles. Christianity this 1111til battallft
reas!y UP defy hor. Mt, turolti., , too was twfor*. me, tbf- entruvthig of my dror sa id. as w 0. tl,,) extremes of wC.;0ty. flumbling 111171P. 11"W" Otti-atl it for our6elf. send the BET erp overeof
1) 1 %lt4lCWIl I thought. inyt#-If tieynnd for trin I I tj
hJ1;lPIrWW U) Orle, my 46%o -for w1ro 0 hQm`o; "thum flcirc� black the lofty, ralbing tho 1(�*w'ly lowid Fiji%,- -t tile first I)OX 11 )(A e kratiq tO N. bF
'-'I have new prepariFig my inind NO TU RYE" Of hOrf, will banat my droams. 14C botill- lien" ye ad ffilch it sur- 011 & Kingvwt.in. Ont.
wan Flo lorgr an -niauranre. But either 4 Charles did not hear Tne 11 ,prislng effCCt tll:Lt I tock cvurW ai for
teratlDn in yoa. Chritu, that I be- lojIK tw 41 The n1j rcu- ;(,r iny tnr*(,t,gt . 11 ixgall to Oadully re- 1y has Lml
-et,.e g"_at a'- Chark�s d;,d qut appvar t4) rw)tice the Iny (Plfwtion.or clxwe not to answer ealer. TA%sm VI.
kutjue"y to pen
charC,-.whlcjj had alUlg of . t,10 obl6man's �.w)n _007 Procautionar Measure.
Uvvtvi you ailuat hae twww)nic whit M conic over it. "not I did nOt cPnfliderr it worth retombles tile Ileal, r l()tj4' j-) Ofil :j 10". tarn. I e"itilltu(I taking tile pil, A find (141 ou musicians ivear 1mig 4%ez anti rel
I fanOwl you would. DIrVK-t1Y I look- lffl tbArikld me for my conipliance.j whito to'put: It to him it sPrnd 104 wrvai 419 Of t h 6 cotrtur- -0 arvr twivg nine as Ge
-411 11170 `10w
9�rig. as a rpaxmi for IN ticcessi-ty,. tims,. lt,� but njunt, I f4DPI a#- liair, Prof. Ilotindhard? I
ad in y(mir hMtbW*ir fw�p. airl beard lot 1)0 coll- pa r ... ... -7 an army,
tb it fl exi*vU d to #car# 0 -j' X'v,4 n nipri " ever and In in sple .-Sometimeg we hare tn listen to LEAST MONLY
bb volore. 1, know Ujat A wam not Town rOuh(kyl with It. An tho Lord. in the GPew, p.ir I d'd f"li. I can it disaPprol
alriin4cm anothi-r tmirinsm trip In the C43W of tile Samaritan woman, re.- o or) 7 tit. d1gcwt-.4tid qj.M other people play.,,
YOU - . ) %Wll. while -fore all j4wd nourixi oil
buked t4uperIlltitlow trut iti. Turkp. )er 11' lw . Pre
wltl, my 00 cq,u-a. of, few wep1w. Liniment Cures Burag. etc. -------
here He I stoTa i�h and caw4M awful distres,;
"But You will rx)t 1pave me till I nm reproveo gef
of pilgrimago, no "la4Lv k! -y,,;, (bij My Stoma
reu-le, nal proerwiliml too a-& me al pe r 1). It Ow Of a [ItImber of ... ... ..... ... 0.07 0410 cali'nolii enjoy life,^11d, am g&ti,
4" 1 exclaimed in dismay. _,Iied 11111wwhd consumption that littvp W rr000rtiOlIdt0j, faft nfed at
NDrtd Of (JUVAUIMA rVOPON'LLIV: LiLft9ley S -t%'. it. PlulIerstlitio*4 trust I n v,kAble nilracle". that Dr. : Williamw Pink pills ltnve -ell
&jwi my rrim-la tliere; onopp nX every "Certahily ntit!" bi. armvered: ,y4)u r. PlImir-y'-Ye, fftill hope, reproves not, the faitil in mir- writold suffering. vurr,,IpAy 31iller's (,omp,,)u I fl -I Iron P11114. I) city.14.1.
ljj.,4 ple.r1s,ire Nh I'll be (JU;te Uniment Nr salti st" wt ved nip �rom
I ta*M tx, expraw a% bame. l.aura. 6-1wrid to plLoe acleg III, Itself, but Uio craving for r7wilm "h" nda. on
now 860( my litimp
t. Superior Attalummuts.
at 86PIng ave ji suq�h.. g(mmil 110NI'lth U'lent helom I am cruel enough g:roll (if fame. omiracle-maiiin. jjt� 111U_ An Eger Inquia*. RO &I Silver Weddlugs 10 Laura. 31)u devote niure time to farmer.
aM jookp. He repfulwl tjiln der.lara- to leave yltm up. you reelf.- 149 Willikins-Oh. yovi think Fam mate", besides, that ther" is .1 lligiler As TIMAIT aii three milver dding'. roll aroun i,"a y thntpOodle than you a was tue
m w=e Ls going to bring her sc rel4ta (liplomat, ',thai y('411'arl. gtilag to lo,*. 899 b 0 to &lower
tion aw ortm thas, at last, I began (10 0t faith tILin that whiell "I ani- vor much afralfl," mid t 1k,
%0 muspmt %nat edtlier lie h3d r"rg0t- %art!cularm rosW-ctirg otir. future lld roll your OU the `smulg of lulraclep. e dc*dg- III be C*Obrated during y "Well. Harry, lie call
eLgarette for yoti teviling fes of Europe. Januar
lie our prestige.- lo,nrti to fWlij4r Is ask 1144 only reUev= Cho CUM aw of Urp
y 111-111ce, and you can't." fronj pain but invir%ml4w Ljw
ten my appe;traDvs nwre, than the 4nnor-bell wmndt-d. while yolt. nrp working tile ;'Atcs tho Potitiotier and thow) UP IV linoiwe'raj. Li Hung Chang.- 11th t�iw4he :�.r)tll anniversary Of thl, Otenuw* &L.1
4oc,)WFok%orwnx surPtim0d 111111 and we NFlarated to drew. Aft I did Fop. Y()u W'Welti. oorriwl i� asoidit,), ftlad
rhowe t el -1140 Of peoplo who are, not marriaige of the Duke nd I)uche.ss ft* son W-Ced spir at the Xr�jtlf!mt1nm fie fOlt ID whotie P( iod that stlerary t Lhe 6l-licle 94YW4MIL 111 Ababa vs. and SP
. rR i4p var iaxe-Coburg and Gotha. On August i
. I c4mld not help orwrtrastfing,my fecl- Het beforoliatid t0ward' the k4igdoPl he canno_)tw,eod17ic0onuNf'sae, reple - fLizLimsnt 0UM Dandixf
I?-jp mber. about rlsllit,17 cure Irriping in the iver W nPP106
"til 'if Vlic. laolhpr,�, don -t ftU 0
jamtL=- me ag-tin. %vit thom of the da before. fron In the bloo-1 is nece of God. but havo yet to be brougli t all -them. "I'm sorry to hear that, to 49"WOV=
IL . asar III 14S-t�d (RusAian style), the Grani I.
We omt rtmverxViiz Uogethf-'r Tb-tr_ f I;ad twen in a whirl 01conflict- er's Comp jund Iron pill thrif , Juke Vladimir will have boelL Pr08e`cUU01l Of an lodi;an for p IPTo "nto a botue�
jwbPon-time, to which Nirl-4. Ranor M (dFment in hp moo eontn?n to faith by sigm. ruld won,16M How much is A prefAlge worth In olyg- e e
vrittl a 8,ri-Astif! re. ing r-rnotious; ant'clintion had txvn f , orm.' nssimilabb Tito udgc.. LmKxi VII. The very ded for. 25 yeari. The Grand I)uch- aMY W -Lu LnetlUlted at- Malr.Ledl, Al- mueb amaw
im-maKmall UIL me, aj:d hoInw. nortwith. rot Public atendmi Money berLa, rinij ib I@ WkJAO be tile Goverm. gas.
I f h e 4 1141 it at 00 ol Christ' e. -x, noe Princom Marie Paulovo.t. eld- Mj 1'J%1tMAXZNTLN'vURjj) By
marlk to bw broUier, t, atat-nc the littlf, desagrevulpin I NO a fed9t had been followo.1 by a llogtile, _.nt's intentio-I to Dr. kiii(b t;ruat piss." NM, young am
jawmd to live en*,tre!y on love. 116 11VAI Miller*s. Worm Powders '%t dduxhter of the Grand Duke 1.'T(,d- pri1ctiec, awl I tjle t doml tile o 91to or
a. d xtill flouriWbs-d. 1470R PHYSICIANS. denumitratioll of tho jovKg. anti tlti&4 jlmenj' -trick Francis 11.,p of 19 " %
bpzter vowInct me to thc Ifining'r"Dom. III'liiie, March 4 or chilAren like magle. Me(*kieqburg- ilan& In. FITS after ftrat 318
Neli I f# -'t sank in t1w deel*A d,- winds faugh In glioul iecond (Rio brtnV thow to tile co2n- -4chwerin. was the first Prine 01 Arel czviet.
CjAu.te w to ;%IrfwL-1Y 4--sd who turday. A@
Ish glee.- ineneemont of CaitmA aa st - and trw $2 IrW ijis bdt fartr
,or,kF%I glum my mitteipatiotis not being Ild , Pic., for Imiti-4 0
ftble. I thouAdit that hF- Prieumonla laden Ella. Thin contrant eg t Read in the Kitchen. not change her religiun. oil mar. k -re oall b" ILO COurw of trtw -mUebyl. A. ILarts, I, :b;o(j%, DgMe gbrW 4* elbow aD
&fUl I felt myse f rea I I z4 d I hml been leanitig on a h f t -j of "Tho t*�a kottle seems to fie Al I te -'Ylflg Itumian Grand Duke. The 10170 If true love never We& NiontraRl. Vue.
or out of n4rius Vork.weep wi4h colds and b&rdly ou. tho -lows aM ipm of f Q
Wao tIoWlj I h -i reewxn W 11,14k hrokem med; the Ntandint omy * and th0 fedate CA Chr5it said the nutmeg grter. vljirof celebration. which takes plact
a�mrdm for armne unknOwu offent e. awmfd cut awAy from beijeath my ThOr way bpatwoen the neezes. ruus thrmgh tlI0 whole fourth goo- ti Aloril -'19th- will' be that of Duk4, For March. I I IWILIA me, MY I-Otm im on rougill." 1 71W @Mal pro-ele1cmi chi,ly, Charlew rep z. month of joy- ;xA. the fomor Prellfiring death for k1iar)L44 Theodore. of Bavaria, tit, &A --I
&rA U iv. P.,,nem betrw thoe Olily bow I !to)ko d. and every now and th-en For doctorm and (or surseI*_ Cheat, tile latter quickoning 'the rfqyl!6d the rollIng pIn -tul(jum OcullEt, and Princess Maria t&lk@m, %Ivi it was noo, 1anX Thir gladne�.w Is without alloy can't get. boyouo. tiough."' 6 Of U. before the breekifig tb-- Adleiice which gurroundpd As fatter grow their.purms. world with- miracl(-% of lifo. Tho tA,o* of Braganza.
sufly.e. Tn with hary #gIvi. accusatiouR brought ngaLnut (*�Us The Only S Immko boveLolk willo
, of. Laura ? twfolre t Idinard's Liniment Relieves Nera*ia. afe,.,Way to S Ulate
"What arp you t1imkmic In ho Jewih eour, mark tfip a for many 3
Not rqrrett am When I re-etit, r+ -(j the drawing-roo 34ill(,r' Miller's' Worm Powders dre it woll. jpx",tire ('bat
tna E"I 1, 1 hope, nur I found Clau-Je Hmilton there m Worin Powders Otire fItA. III two POIdtivo fundamental motiVEs of xQually Cutting. 110ful mf4licine for ilment.4 of child- Y FOR IT.
elilldron.' 150 and Upwards sent to %d na me �.rrkn
I@pttng tired alre,wry of cape Town -done. I 14UPPO"e that my varied feel- the Perwvut,1011. Of film, which colue "Your voice:" 4alti tilp (,(Imm lljjij raw as can be doubled witnin One year; we have done it & thouftnd ju Ills T7th re
f the town ngp ha I fiti-4he4l my face, for he told Out stronger -4Lnd istroniger I a Ig times. we can do it again if our advice is actod uPos. Howwodo
101, On Account. Ln the offloer, "is decilticxIly ra44pItkg.' (jeorgo! yo - POW, Ulf, eX
so bertAw tilred nf it." I &n*w@rl me with an attempt at a amile.that iwogrem of the DOW IdAtery. tho e4tihor( 11 liefer were ot it : We buy low priced RailroW Sharn thM we have in" i8f
9'r &AT *I Y - .9 a boautifter to me. I The Bread of T You're always keep- enns WR
ha;pitiess wa He -Then muy I li%r upon h ip -Te", s'r," -1mo In your life. t* i0rum IROGWT
y ev-ning? ife- Vill towh1ug hiji hat. "I have been ou, 11 me ival We kDOW Of thousands who dabble in Buck -at Sho We tal Con, ARave y(M hoom (.#*4;r tlhP P"13t iteceptPAJ his t-ompliment In sliened, be- u -Jfwu[4 reprewnted Ilimself bore a' ne-lio, I'l
film P., 8 rouglibig It. ,t file of _8010jers ll InE 151t0cits. both are the worst kind Of lotteries; ,o tell h in what rOLUL130bler now tlLil we know of
(�awjo I wait nthame4l t t lo It backtillg- You "IF, B11111:11okly
She -Oh, ynn poor fPllOw, Is i t rhe 11rcail of Ltfe. The approall-11 or mornIng." . .. I thOugands more who are everready to invest #wc teAm for
W. yolur bmther WILD WINI eumXh 11- felt. but I tried to, turn the -114-TO Wam Ono e20"i0n.,bbe ksarc.., 1 0
IWY con- bad an that ? Here. I'll Iond you en �be typical VaNclial least gave hlsdls- in paper town let@ wk"Whser- bsv�
to &brhw it t.) mp yeateray." ouNh to buy a meal ticket. �.: ca IIV--4)h, Illdwd! And whon wa W"rG this Ch&nc63 are verT remotls for incro&" Is vs,jue, and
versation. (!ourse a &Teat bearing on the ps. 14er'ii Worm Powder th-e-metliville Usually the mone invelite' 119Lr opiallnu.
"A&I to the thsatre??' ',Where have yourself flee of the Lamb of 00d. pray ? j[le,_-Wijlo,, you tpet M, y a is D*vgr recoverod and evan whea
At the raMtUxi of the theatro, Urv. oil hidden Miller'n GrIp Powder& cure., Haert for 'ror 'children. th rty do" jiacrg&se in value it is diffic;lt to swure s, C"jk rben slw ot
all (lay. Mr. damilton ? I have the life of thi world. The ndracle of at the altar. YO bet You were right me �rop*
R"Fe" reddenwi. and (Unde Elaml' hardly seen you -41acp the mornin thix supernaturl feeding is an jillum. the dot then. Full If it is railroad stock you C911 6611 it for spot as& &t
I an- The% ron of the great 'Worth, of Pa r6. NCYPt's Rude". buy time.
Um iwAtal up frrm Mo p "1 (114 not think you would nt�Jlme tration of the truUi that Chrl4t im Tlw public acgoun WO h&TG be6n twOlve years in busia"s in this ma- e6o is n
rwerwl In tkr nox%tIve. after a calculation of the atuouni t,lip ts of Egypt' for servativeold Vermont Cit
--we will go to-nichrt It It L;r agree, now," Mism Orey," hs answo-ml, "or spent In France upon ladifw' dreame% Bread of Eterual Life tO Hi -i 1000- 18L* 8110w a Suipl'un of reveliue ovP1 Nation of BurlinKton, and WO Can furnish
a No to you. L"aim will you mitw me, either." Ilhis return to the 0041mates tile averaWi, yparly ex Pl(,- In tl)e 'denert pla�e' of thla worlti. expenditure of -9484.0.25. The revelluf ganks and leading citiseng throughout �esvlt kin tile
- Claw runre formal appellitWon dill. nut on- pelliji oil their Journey to the 'fea-,ft' of the for 1898.' which had be u the State, and we do not g2pec, &ny re
accouspnny no "" turem for gowns itod mantles jLt til. ,nave 0 on to &&I witk us until of Wverw
Tb" both agirreal to do and "IlPe W &tra, but I woulil not not,ce -,an of $200,000,0Q0. Fifty nl Jernwslom. In this upirltuni at LJO.440.000. actually' amounted U) BROWN WO PrOTO Our respensibiLty and relialruity. nut orlie arbi
lj It. f'nd9 th*e mtracla- Ij continue(I from C 1 1,34719ft
Lho th-i : t -P, p1ml ,I 'I. ff* of 014 Is pald by American, Britiml. 17b7J01kd I. 11ror. ii t swi. rtcgan.) K rich
W1, ' It woul I not do fur me to ot in a "to day. NOW & OLOG"No
S UW 1, *1 Of Varviing & w e oven P"VAt4)FjW TORK. zW�pa Gowprita
AdUbg by the side of C 4*10 19 1 Mr tho k4bit 01 U21i4al you." I Bud trr_ and Rwalan women. Yrue Ureta.ss. t". populatio4 of Moutrels, Olve Instant railei In Wira ICA Saako" MW wmkom pm-F.t. thle
TILIng to NTM&k (VtoorfTilly. "Onm blaflin nwhem a$ ChkAgo are try- HOST010.. 1111117RUNOTON. TT.. U.S.A. mal.
slarmod and rMIrtled me. Wb" run urarpowered thO JGws with their own ls Increasing the number of mnr. &Vrred up by
bg to wisibine M rube prices. vrellpons, with their own art of Ra6- riages aTlfl hLrNbm in decreasing. Hoameness M of the R
jr I