HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-24, Page 11
Office, - - Hamilton.
Capital paid. up - 1,260,000
Ussorva rani - • - 776,000
Total Anots • - 11,199,144
. Board of DI rectors .
ibtie n t Vice- Preaulest
. Wow), M. P. A. B. Lu, (Toronto)
Wn. Gnsson, MIP.
• Ca.nt.er ,
- J. Tnanntu.
• S. &rives.
Berlin Listowel Owen Sound
Osman, Man Lucknow Port Elgin
Mosley Meniton, Man. Simcoe
Delhi Milton Southampton
Georgetown Morden, Man. Toronto
Grimeby Niagara Falls 'Wingham
amilton ( Barton at) Orangeville
Winnipeg, Man. Hamilton (East End)
Ilational Provincial Bank ot England, (Ltd.)
__Fourth National Bank, New York.
ttanovn National Bank, "
International Truet Co., Boston.
Marine Bank, Buffalo,
Union National Bank, Chicago.
Detroit National Bank, Detroit.
National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City
National Bank of Commerce, St. Louie.
AolINT8 :
_ The Bank of Toronto
ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont.
I. T. GABesow, Q. 0. WH.PROUDTOOT.
• Solicitor Conveyancer. etc„ (late o
Caner )x, Holt & Cameron, Cs'oderich). Oto
up-eta/rein Alan's new block.
• • Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary
etc. Money to loan, Office over llooeY's
Barber Shop.
Surgeon and Accouctssur. Surgery
*ter Elli At's grocery store. Otfice hours
tom 9 to 12 a. m, ; from 2 so 5 p. m. and from
to 9 p.
11-11.1oD. GORDON, C.M., F.T.
1.1 M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Stir -
von, and Accoucheur. Upstairs in Wm.
Allin's new block. Residence Rossstreet,
behind Cameron. Mardoch & Co' s store
I 0 F
Order of Foresters
meet., in tile Oddfellows'
Hall on the fonith Tues
day of each month. at
7:3-0 (-A:lock.' Visiting
brethren cordially invited,
CHAS. PATIfoRt, W. A. Lawnesicn,
Chief Ranger. liecording Secretary
C. O. F.
Clour r SHERWOOD, NO 50, LUCK -
%a now. :Sleet.; every first and third Alou-
day of every month in the OrAnge Ball,
Visiting brethreo are c
(,RO. .N.)RTHoYrE, C. R. 1). D. Yutr.,
Passenger trains
: -
Going South,
6.20 a. m.
8 a,in,
7..58 p.
monthly meetings in the (sraLge Hall,
Campbell street, Lucknow, ou - the -eecond
Tuesday eveniag ofes•ch and every month.
Degree sight ou the see,,n,1 Tuesday evening
following. All visiting brethren Lordially
•ited to Ole meetings.
DAirtir ASCuEit. A. T. Ds:Viso:I.
Secretary W. M,
leave Lucknow station as
Going North
11.35 a. m
4.20 p. m
11.10 p. m
YD. W. EA ES. Agent
We do a general banking business; issue
drafts throughout Canada and the United
States. We make collections on all points,
including ; -Western States, Manitoba and
the North-West Provinces, and all collec-
tions, whether note or account, will have
prompt attention.
Note)* diecounted and farmer's Buie notes
We loan to farmers on donble or single notes
at from one to twelvemonths time, and at
reasonable rate of intereet.
We loan small or large amounts on second
mortgage un farms or otber real eetate sec-
urity and on first chattel mortgages on live
stock and implements and crops.
We have a large amount of funds to advance
on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to 6per
cent, The rate is graded according to the
quality and siz.. a the loan required. . •
We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashtield
impi.oved land, with fair buildings and
wi be sold at n bargain.
We represent the leading English and Cana-
dian Fire Insurance Companies and can
effect insurance on all classes of property in
Stock or Mutual C'ompaniee as desired.
Our office hours are from 10 a. m, to 4 p. m.
VIX O. T. U.- The regular arapthly
V • meeting ,f the Women's Christian
reasoerance Union will be held every second
• e Wednesday of each month in the Otirt Fellows
Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p.m. bias. J, BniAN,
President; MBs. R.P.Su.YERv!:I.F., Secretary
la' "N OW
Lodge No 112
tete every FL; 1.y eveninys• at g o'clock in
their hall, C‘mi,'..n.11 street. All brethren
eardielly invited. .
J08. Scorr, l'..A. MA,:cinuioN,
• NobleGrand, Recorder
xi Lodge of the
Ancient Order.. of
United Workmen,
meeti in the odd
fellows' Hall, on the
last and second
Monday eveninge
each month st eight
o'4.:lock, Visiting
D. J.Yutz,
brethren co;Clially invited
Maser Workman.
A F 84 A Id
-m or before the fiill moon, in the
Masonic Hall, Havelock street,
I. I). NicHoo, HASS! DAYS,
Worshioful Meaner. Secretary
Liu:know, MaTo-a, 1C09
and assessment concerns of $406,797,-
242. .
Tt is computed that one person in
every thirteen of our population car-
ries a life insurance policy, which in-
dicates that the heads of families who
are without insurance of some kind
are very few in number. It is Well
within the merk to say that itt no
other country of six million people is
there so large an amount of insurance
carried as in the Dominion of Canada,
If the returns of the Province of
Ontario were separated from the total
it would plobably be found that this
province carries more insurance per
head of population than any state,
province or country in the world.
It is e most gratifying thing to all
who take an interest in the well-beiog
of the Dominion to learn that the help-
less ones are to such a large e: tout
protected, and to see that those who
are responsible for the care and main-
tenance of the non-productive portion
of the community are willing to make
sacrifices to preserve dependent ones
from want, in case of their death.
These figures also indicate a measure
of prosperity in the Dominion that it
would be difficult to parallel in any
part of the world. The whole picture
hich includes a sense of responsi-
bility, a desire to meet it, and the
ability to fulfil it -is one that sociel
economists should be pleand to look
The fruit growers of Outar:o have
suffered very great losses in rece ib
year owing to the prevaleece of
destructive insects. 'Ilia beet means
fcr co.mbatiog this eil has for some
time engeged the attention of the
Provincial Department of Agriculture,
and mueh has -already been accom-
plished in this direction 1.1 e
among fanners a ..kne!edge nf the
spraying proeeee, which hes: betel
feund to .bwthe etTeCti.ve remedy.
NVe have just received thoS • report fer
1498 of Mr. Wile .Zaperinte;de.-it
ef Elperimerital- , Spraying, which
corni•rises detailed reperts peri-
inents co..diretasd a ti.tir.1 points
throughout the, Provinee, :affording
itformat-on of practical ve!ue
to gi owners of orchards. These
e.ter.rneetal sprayings are Aucreas-
114ey popular, as evidencel by the
fact that the attendance last year
numbered 3,548, or over 700 more
then tbat 6f 1897, wh:le it was about
double the attendance on the spraying
held i 1896. The applicat:ons of
faripere to. hese appiieations bed. in
-their lees i.t;es *ere much : more
nunaerout three could be responded to.
A3' a. ultylanS, however, or • brirging
c'early and.: convintcieg:y befoce a
large number of people the completely
satisfactorily results of the spraying
process, a lerge exhitet wag' pub on
view. at the Toronto lnduetrial Ee.
hibitiun, showing sprayed as contrast-
ed with unsprayed fruit, the respec-
tive quality arid couditioa of the two
•Iroeerg plaiuly the dvantages of the
The tent catihrpiller, aphis', codling
moth, and other well known but
little appreciated injurious insects
were very much in evidence last
'Newt), and wrought fearful havoc in
unsprayed orchards. In those sub-
jeeit to the spraying treatment, on the
contrary, the fruit as a rulewas clean,
sound and attractive in appearance.
It was all subjected to rigid inspection,
eirel after all in the slightest degree
e as discarded the result in.meny casess
seemed from 90 to 100 per cent. of
the crop in fine condition. Such
testa should be sufficient to convince
all of the need of spraying ae an
adjunct to successful fruit growing,
and if this convietion can only be
brought home to the farinieg com-
munity as a whole the grain in pro-
ducing country will be immense.
Council, CAD-
latian Order of
(hose'' Friends.
,et* 14 and 3rd
Tuesday evenings
ot each month, In
ostefellows hall.
Visitors cordially
Yelewxaa- 191
1\T I S
Honor Krsdu de in dentistry, Toronto
Dental €.44-‘41, an4 Doc!. ,r of Dental Sur-
gery, 'Toronto University. All modern plans
of operation awl ..iref:ilneaa in workmanship.
Office in Allin'A block, upetairi.
P.3.- Will visit Ripley every Thursday
Sir NN;"*.rfd Laurier has definitely
stated the intentions of the C'overn-
niet, oa the suleject ef the p:ohibition
measere. His declaraSioa is to the
effect that the result of the plebiscite
sote would not justiff the Govern-
nsent in introducing such a bil'. This
aeswer to the request of the Dominion
Alliarce for immediate action in the
waiter is contained in a letter to Mr.
F. S. Spence, secretary of the alliance,
from Sir Wilfred Laurier himself.
nye. Life and Marine insurance,
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Agent for ths I. oi n Nfotnal Fire bum
&rice Co., British Awerica Ineneance Co..
Farmers' Central Niottuil•Fire Insurarce C
and the Canada Life Insurance Co., also agent
fur the Employers Liability Assurance Com
pany of London, England.
lumen°. oo all ClAilledof property prompt
ly attended to.
Farm property sold or exchanged. Severs
choice farma for sale iu townshi pa of dreenock,
Bruce, Kincardine, Huron, Kiuloss and Ash-
A large amount of money to loan at 5 and
5t per cent on tint-. lam morticege security.
Parties wishing any buainesa done in any of
the &yie lists please call on or nddrees •
J. A. MoKENZIE, Berrie, Ont
;Wage and Victuitg gee,.
Roheme" by Kowalaki with fine
eeecution. The others who took part
were Miss Inez Cobin, Mrs. Grace
Dean, Lulu Hoffman, Helen Stone,
Edythe Kelly, Mrs. Eva Lake Rends -
land Miss Millei cloeed the pro-
gramme with a brilliant execution
and Tone -shading of Rive -King's con-
cert waltz. So ended a delightful
evening. -Rochester E -change.
Manhood Franchise
Asserisor J. N. Ross is now, engaged
in assessing the village. Every min
who is 21 years of age should see 00
it that his name is made known to
the assessor, so that their names may.
Le placed on the manhood franchise
Hard on th• Wh•itt
Fermera saye the fall wheat, which
made such a splendid growth last fall
hes undergone a terrible bleaching the
past month in many districts and un-
less spring weather is exceptionally
favorable, the wheat district will show
a serious shortage.
Pea no e nd 5 Jag F.eoltal
A piano and song recital to be
givee by the pupile of Mrs. Kee at an
early date promises . to be of great
interest and attractiveness to all
lovers of music. The programme will
embrace among the'r numbers, tbe
iedergari.ar class with their songs in
Fan re 8,re Groundless
During the E. gitation for the erec-
tion of the House of Refuge fears were
expressed that it would soon -
crowded, and that, an enlargement
would have to be made at an early
date. These fears have proven to be
groundless, and there is abundauce of
room for Enemy more than have yee
taken advantaee of the liberalityof the
County. At present there are only
24 inmates, four of whom are females.
The arrivals this week are : - Alex.
Fraser from Kinloss, aged 67, and
Wm. Witter from Cheeley, aged 61. -
Luot.-now wine
Two rinks of the Lucknow curler,
went to Kincardine on Monday even-
ing last, and succeed in defeating, for
the third time this season, the curlers
of that town. There is no better lot
of gentlemanly players in the country
than the Kincardine curlers, and dur-
ing their stay in the lake shore town,
the Luchlowites were used like
princes by the home team and the
citizens generally. The following is
the score :
• Antmahostz Large
Now that spring is ofsening up it
will be well for all owaers of cattle,
liorses, etc., to remember that these
animals are prohibited from running
at large. Lawns and gardens are
ruined in a few minutes by stray
anim.als traversing them in the spring
when the ground and eod are soft ard
Heavy Death Rate
The deaths from all causes in On-
tario in January 1898 were 238. The
monthly report of the Provineial
Board et Health is just to hand, show-
ing the number of deeths for January
of this year to have been 2154, aa
increase of 800 per cent The winter
of 1899 will press into history ari one
remarkable for the great fatalities,
particularly from inflammation of
lungs which in so many cases followed
la grippe.
Arrangements are now being loade
for spraying experimeets for the cur-
rent year, and everyone interested can
obtain a list of the orchard a and dates
on application to Mr. Wm. Orr,
Superintendent of E .perimental
Spraying, Fruitlatd, Oet, All pro-
greseive farmers should hese a copy of
his report, which they will find fu'l of
suggestion. It eau be had by writ;iig
t se Department of Aviculture,
The Department intends also to
publish shortly a bulletin containing
detailed ioforrnecien concerning insect
pest e and the beet methods of sup-
pressing them Ly means o' the epray-
log process, which will prove a
valuable additiou to the available
'literature on the subject.
A Fleming
1 McGarry
Dr Tennant
J D Nichol,
skip -2L
W Clreleaven
R Hughes
Jas Bryan
P A Malcomson,
skip -20
Parlor Concert
The following program will be
rendered at the parlor concert to be
held at the residence of M:. G. W.
Berry, this (Thursdry). evening :-
Ces• inae's Ad.lrese Re, Jno. Lea,-oyd
Sale ot I -manure
There will be sold at the Auction
Mart in this village on Saturday next.
at two o'clock, a large quantity of
household furniture, stoves, etc. 13(
sure and attend this sale as every-
thing will be sold. Purvis and Ross,
J Ross
J Collins
W Bishop
J II" Scougall,
skip -16.
A _McIntyre
M J McPherson
W Harvey ,
H Collins,
' skip -19
41 36
• Qt jut•Pasit tO Sportsmen
The announcetPent made by Hen.
Mr. Gibson in the Legislature that it
is the intention to introduce a bill
this session eving effect to the recom-
mendation a the Fish and Game
Ootnmiesion for the repeal of the
secSioo of the gau?,3 act prohibiting the
shootieg of deer in the water will be
will1COMe news to maey sportsmen.
Ttio Grittier information that the
reeultrr. of the vigorous protection
given to game under the Ontario Act,
coupled with the setting apart of the
Algonquin Nation Park as a beeeding
ground, has seen a material iucrease
in the number of deer and other 'fur -
bearing animals, will also be appreci-
ated. The prospects held out 'oy the
Commissioner that he wotild
pro:Ably be able to relax the pro-
hihitioa of m000 hunting for a week
in 1900 will arouse the enthusiasm of
rportsmen of a'l classes, and great will
be the preparations for the week's
sport should the anticipations be
Sete ion by die 0.c les. a
. . M7. Jsines Boon)
Qoat.e .0 11;se s 'Be y P ,. and
Mess.s. Smi,t, and Hughes
ummtal Mri. J. P. N c.101
Soto ... Miss G .dy
Reei a lion ;.. Ans -org
Solo... •
Ins. mental
Co-det Solo
Solo ...
Qua..ebie Male Voice*
I UI 8.3 nent-1 daett „Wu( EdIth and Laura
Sn th
So'o... Mr, J. G. Murdoch
Selec 01 f on the Orchestra.
Eidence of the thrift of Canadians
is supplied by the returns showing the
number of life insurance polieies that
were in force at the end of last year,
says the News. In old line com-
panies thee were 414,328 policies car-
ried, amounting to '363,010,138, an
increase of nearly $20,000,000 over
the preceding year. In addition to
these, usessment companies of various
kinds carried policies to the amount
of $133,787,104, making a grand
total of business in old line companies
• • •
111.s. Corri,7.sn
... Miss Dora I.ees
• Miss G•acie Stewai.
Mi. J•10. Mn •cla.son
Mr. P. C. Lsclicad
.., • Mr. Jr ek Arr- •trong
• ..: Mi. a Johne ).a
Ma KAte McIntosh
...Mr. R. D., Ca meron
.•• ••• Miss Per t
Farros for Sale.
100 acres in Huron tewnship, 100
acres in Kinloss townehip and 100
in Aslifield township. All improved
land Iwith first-class buildings, at a
bargain. Apply to
Bankers, Lucknow
Musical Society
The annual meeting of the Lucknow
Musical Society was held in the Coun-
cil Chamber on Tuesday evening, 14th
March. There was a representative
attendance and the following electioni
were made :-Hon. Pres., Thos. Law-
rence; Pres., J. G. Murdoch; Vice
Pies., Alex. Ross; Fin. Com., J. Mur-
chison, J. Bryan, D. D. Yule, J. D.
Nichol. At a meeting on Tutsday
evening, March 21st of the players of
the Band, D. N. Lawrence was ap-
pointed secretary and Messrs. Will
Davison R. Armstrong, A. Ross, D.N.
Lawrence, and A. Matheson were ap-
pointed to act as a masical committee.
Following is a summary statement of
affairs :-
Jan. 1, 1898, due treasurer..,...$23 69
Amount due players.... • 35 00
Amounts received during the year
from engagements, serenades and
popular subscriptions.... ....$217 20
Paid arrears 58 59
Paid for salary, instruments, music, -Mrs. Murdoch, of Ashfield, is
repairing, supplies, livery and eepress, visiting with her son-in-law, Mr. W.
goberteon, of Wingharu.
Died in Ca'. Torn's
*The remains of the late Kittle'
terr, who died in Los Angelos,
California, on Thursday, 9th init.,
arrived in the village 0'1 Saturday
n'ght last, and_ were taken to Op! under-
taking establishment of , Mr. Alex. 1'.
Dasison, • to await the funeral on
Tuesda:' afternoon. Deceased was
son of Mr. Argus Kerr, of Kinloss,
end was in the 39th year of hie age..
Mr. Kerr was born and raised in the
,township of leinloss just emit of the
village and was widely. known and
greatly respected by a large circle of
friends. ' He was a strong and power-
fully built. young man and some ten or
fifteen years ago successfully compet-
ed at the aunual Caledonian gaines
here with the best athletes of the dip,
and in throwine the heavy Winners
had few equal He possessed ,a
powerful and we trained bass voice,
and after leavini 'aicknow appeared
on maey of the 'ng stages of Loth
Canada and the ed States. For
some three years he had been
resident cf Los eingeios, and was
employed as a teaeher in the academy
in that city. His health • had been
poor for some time paat, - but about a
month ago be was seized with tuber-
-wheels orthe threat,. and ,despite the
best medical attendance, be gradually
grew worse, and his spirit passed away
on the 9th inst. The funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon, religious
service's being condected in the Pres-
byterian church by the Rev. A. Mac -
Key, after which -the remainc were
interred in the family plot in the
Kinloss cemetery, and were. followed
to their last resting lilacs) by a large
concourse of friends and acquaint-
ing the Equator. Well then, tell(
about the haemony of the heavenly
bodies, Don't see it, ;f the sun caa's
get across without raising a row.
-Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking
Powder is the best.
-Clover and ticnothy seed at
Andrew & Webster's.
-Mr. Tom McDougall, of Wiarton,
is visiting friends in town.
-Nellie Bell, of Winglaam, is
the guest of Miss Birdie McIntosh,
-According to the Altnenac spring
should have arrived on Tuesday last.
-Messrs. Adam McKay and Will
Cornish, of Toronto, spent Sunday in
--Mr W. J. 13rumpton, of koore-
field, spent a few days in Lucknow
hest week
-Mr. Angus Cameron left on Wed-
nesday afternoon for Oak Lake,
-M iss Todd, of St. Helens, is the
guest of Miss Emali se Robertson of
this village.
-Parlor concert to -night (Thursday)
Rt Mr. G. W. Berry's resident.
Silver collection.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam McLean ;eft
for Dauphie, Man.. where they intend
to reside in future.
-Mr. George Kerr, of Winnipeg,
Mau , is sisiting fiends in the
village and vicinity.
$173 20. Balance due trees...1114
Due from Dungannon Agricultural
Society for engagement & livery$31 50
It was decided that a celebralion on
24th of May is desirable and that the
necessary steps will be taken at
Of Agricultural Implements in Luck-
' nOW.
The largest delivery of agricultural
implements ever held in Western
Ontario, took plree in Lucknow on
Wednesday last, under the auspices of
Mr. William Allin, the local agert
here of the Alaisey Harris Company,
of Toronto Neariy the whole fore-
noon was tilken up in loading the
machines on the farmers sleighs at the
station, and this having been success-
fully accoinplished, the farmers,
representatives of the company and
several of our leading citizens were
invited to dinner at the Cain, the Mc-
Garry and McDa‘itt Houses, where
everything necessary to supply all the
wants of the inner man were abuni-
atitly provided. About two o'clock
the owners of the rigs hitched up,
found into procession, and headed
ey the splendid hrass baud of the
Lucknow musical society, drove
around a couple of blocks and then
back on to the main street again at
the town hall. Nothing has ever
been seen in this part of the province
to equal it, and as the one hundred
or more double sleighs, all heavily
ledea with machines passed down
Camabell street it presented an im-
posing sight, and one that could not
fail to impress the onlookers with
abundant proof of the prosperity of the
farming community in tlai section at
the present day. It would be difficult
to say just how much money was paid
out by the puruhasers for theses
machines, but we don't think it would
be too much to say that fully eight
thousand dollars worth of implements
were represented in the delivery, for
the thirty-sevel binders alone cost
nearly 85,000. On reaching the
corner of Campbell and Inglis streets,
the teams lined up along the street,
and a photograph was taken by Mr. T.
L. Treleaven. Among the representa-
tives of the Massey Harris Company
present were General Manager Thoe.
Johnston and Mr. A. Southeran, of
Toronto. Mr. Allin is one of the
most extensive dealers in agricultural
itnpleruents in Ontario and the great
success of bus big delivery on Wed-
nesday was not only gratifying to him-
self and his able st3ff of agents, but it
also afforded our citizens a uplendid
opportunity of judging of the enor-
mous amount of business that is done
by one of oar most enterprising and
energetic business men.
Among tin M usicia ns
A difficult programme of ensemble
work was rendered Wednesday even-
ing at studio, 16 Exchange Palace
building,before a large andienthusiastic
audience that had assembled to listen
to the pupils of Ida May Miller.
They were assisted by Mrs. Daisy
Otis Bennet, vocalist, Agnes Wilson,
elocutionist, and 'Messrs. Feasler ard
Moore, banjoists. The whole pro-
gramme was carried out with credit
to the performers, and painstaking
training by their teacher. Special
mention should be made of a trio by
four little ones, Misses Ethel Auder
son, Florence Yorkey, Nellie Prighe
and Fred Horstman. They executed
their number.; beautifully and in ex-
cellent time for being so young. A
pleasant feature of the evening was
the banjo music of Messrs.- Feaster
and 5.1 oore. Miss Agnes W ilson
captivated the audience in her usual
good style, being recalled repeatedly.
Mrs. Daisy Otis Bennett, sang "A
Stranger's Story" with Gerald Lane's
"Tatters" for an encore which de-
lighted the heareri. The other per-
formers were Miss Tillie Norden and
Gertie Cobaui who played. in perfect
union "Hursarenitt." received their
share of appri.cietion. Cora Park and
Lillian Baker played "Rae De
-Mr. John Morley, of Seaforth,
spent a week renewing old acquaint-
ance around Pararnont.
-Call and see samples of wall
papers at Harry Days' drug store.
Prices very low this year.
-The people of Kincerd'oe, says
the Review, do not apnrove of the
change in the G. T. R. time table.
- Vise May Reid retuned hese
Tuesday after a few days v!sit with
Miss Emma. Ackert, of Helyrood.
-Mrs. John Murchison has opeaed
out a millinery store in the building
net door to the Bank of Hamilton.
-The Orangemen, of Eeeter, have
invited nearly 100 lodges to ta' e part
in the celebraCon there on July 12sh.
Days' White Oil will cure any
abrasion of the skin such as sore
shoulders, saddle galls, cracked
Sze., ex. Only 25c. a bottle.
The Beat Seeds Absolutely Necessary
We cannot t strcagly nor too
often urge the supremo importance of
planting seeds thet are perfectly pure
amid fresh. Seeds that, are offered at
cheap prices are almost invarially of
dcubly origin and uncertain age, sure
to cause the planter disappointment
and love The thoughtful planter'a
only surety lies in buying seeds sent
out by a conscientious and trustworthy
house. A vast number of gardeners
have (and have had for years) the
utmost confidence in seeds that bear
the name D. M. Ferry & Co., Wind-
sor, Ont. The present generation of
planters, can hardly remember the
time when Ferry's Seeds were not on
sale everywhere each year and as
regularly planted by thousands, -with
the greatest faith in the unvarying
quality of the seeds and in the in-
tegrity of the firm that grew tiheris.
Every planter, whether already a
buyer of Perry's Seeds or not, should
send for Ferry's Seed Annual for
1899. It is meiled free to any one
who writes for it.
-Mi, Michael 1srn rphy, A rt Teel ed
citizen of West Waweno-h, died at
his home on Friday last, at the age of
101 yeate.
-Rolled window shades all colors
at Harry Days'. A large selection to
choose from. Drop in and see his
WHOLE NO.1312.
sible for the measure of the little
honey -makers and also the suddee
changes prior to and following that
time. The bees cluster together ie
a kind of a ball and give off a certain
amount moisture, which settles on the
outer rows and melees them extremely
susceptible te the influence of the
Glen Oak, March 16th,
Tu the Ecliior of the Searnel.
DRAB SIR, -Feeding stock is an
important part of ithe winter 's work,
which the farmer must attend to
every day with regularity in order te
make the best of it. To this end,
he must take an inter' and pride in
the work,
A few words on shelter and cattle
feeding. As a ruf8 feeding begins id
November and coucinues till May,
therefore, seeing it requires six
months time we should consider which
is the best slid must profitable mode
of performing this work.
In the first place repair the stables i
making them warm and cornfo,tae, I
get the floor even and close, Et in
btalls, mangers, feedboAes, ties, etc.,
doors to swing freely and windows
for light and ventilation.
Some prefer the following plan :To
inclose the sheds, ha‘e the feed over
head and place raceize at Ile sides
where the feed is threw n dee a.
Dehorn the cettle and bunch them
together like so maey sheep, where
they shell feed and 104 qu;.tly with-
out mo'esticg our rai!4tiler.
The formtr mode lavelvts mere
wurk, still each •seie.aial cal be fed
the share s.'loted mere toteleirtetory.
We begin the feeding eeason as
folloes : Feed strew and cut turnips
in the more.ng. In the middle of the
day turn them out fur 3 or 4 .Luu,s,
the sreather being fe;r, to v-eier, uorn
strew and the screw ',wok. Allow
free access to salt, ue feed it in stable
once or twice a wee.
Prepare the stables w.th straw in
mangers and r J quart,' chopped
grain in feed tesses f0 eech; to this
they rash in speedily, tie up and let
go till six o'clok, when they are fed
more straw and beded for the night.
For two or three months derii g the
severe weather we quit turnip feeding
and substitute chopped gratin night tied
marn;ns with hay in the after• -•,./n.
Atiout the tirat of March w.s eturn
to the temps again, feedi, g light for
tired 10 or 15 days r -id in.
Le feed according to t-1.3 fuleM
think turnips the best feed by
edds to bring cattle out tteifty,
hearty, and to fit them for the krast%
We would be pleased to see others
of )our rea4ers take up this subject
giving their exoer:ences as • class and
suggesfng any new methods.
A FA 114ER.
- Don't forget the parlor concert
at the residence of Mr. G. W. Berry,
this (Thursday) evening. Silver
collection at the door.
-Try a bottle of Days' Clough
mixture for that haeking cough and
tickling sensation in the throat, it
uszght save you many a doctor bill.
25c. and 50c, a bott!e.
- Mr. John Cook, Reeve of the
township of Eastnor, who spent a
few days last week with Mr. Robe' t
Hamilton, of Aroberley, gsve the
Sentinel a pleasant call on Saoday
-E%idently the unnsurl F,,ar
heard in the siciaiey of Lucknow
6th of Marsh was an earths:lea' e.
Two distinct elaoclrs were also beard
at Chttsiey.
-Mr. Bert McCorvie left on Satur-
day last for 134-oo1rlye, New York.
where he has secueed a lucrative posi-
tien in a large drug establishment in
that city.
-Tbe forty heurs devoeioss will
begin in the Cetholic chureh Lucknow,
on Strode!, March 26t1, cummencing
with high mass at 11 a. m. Services
will be conducted by Rev. N. J.
-Days' Castor Oil Cream _ contains
over 75 per cent. of pure Italian
Castor Oil and is very palatable for
children who are'oppoeed to taking the
pure oil. 25c. a bottle.
To tne Editor of the Sentinel.
DEAR SIR,-It1 your paper of the
10th inst. you state that a peculiar
noise wai heard in the vicinity of
Lucknow on Monday March 6th. It
may interest thole of your readers
who heard it to know that the noise
was also heard as far south east as
Elorsewhich is over sixty miles from
Lucknow. The sound came from the
north and there were two report, in
suceession like a distant boi'er ex-
plosion. Those houses hit iog a clear
no,thern exposure were hakeii utitil
the windows rattled. Can any of
your readers say in ,whati direction
they heard the sound or give any
-A rare treat of recitations, duets,
quartettes and instrumental music
will be given at the parlor concert at
the residence of Mr. G. W. Berry to-
night (Thursday). Silver collection at
the door, • •
Yours truly,
Elora, March llth, 1809.
11111011 Jack
Canada's Oitizens
Are Patriotic.
Why aol We are a fresZoo apt
We have a free country.
under "The Flag of the Brave and 0 Mt
the Free." We belong to "a vaster pat
empire than has been." In
business we are patriotic.
We Sell
MAPLE LEAF Blend of Tea,
Fine Flavor and Invigeratellg. ars
We Sell
HAVE Brad of IS
Clean, Fresh, Fine Quality;
We Sell
Union Zack Soap
Will wash everything washable
and clean every cleanable thing.
13•13" this Wills. Save your
wrappers and get handsome
premiums for 10 wrappers and
We also sell SWEET
De X
latrOKNOW. -
To the reverend, the General As-
sembly of the Preabyteiian church in
Oanaea meeting in Hamilt.ei on the
becond Wednesday in June
1. Whereas acoording to our sub-
ordinate standards God's word tXt13
tained in the scriptures of the uia end
New '1 estament is our (Hey rue to
direct us how we may glorify and
enjoy Him and it alone is ft suffr,iene.
rule for 1113 1-1 His 'worship. See
Oonfeseion of Faith, Chap. , See. 6.
"The s hole Counsel ef God cencern-
ing all things necessary fee 11 is &wen
glory, man's aalvstion, faith aed life
is either expressly ate doe u in aerie-
ture, or by good and neoestWry eon-
eequence may be deduced from tee ip-
ture, unto which nothing at eel wee
18 to ee added, e..ether 1.j ew
revelatious of the spirit, or tracrtee 11
of men." See also Chap. 21, fir.c L.
"But the acceptable way uf we,enip
ping the true God is inatitutad-bre
Hiruself and eo limited by His own
revealed will, that He may not be
worshipped according to the imagine -
tions and devices of men, or the
euggestions of Sat:n, under seey
1,1-thle representation, er any otbar
way not prescribed in the Hy
-Ploughs! Ploughs! Ploughs! If
you want a:genuine Wilkinson call at
Anderson & Webster", who are sole
agents for this territory. A large
stock of plows and plow repairs al-
ways on head.
-The Posttnater-General has ex-
tended the postal note systeni to a
large number of office -re not hitherto
aerorded that privileges, se that in
very few officers will it be neceasary to
send poatage etamps for email amounts.
-Days' Pure Cream Tarter Baking
Powder has stood the test for a num-
ber of years mid is admitted by all to
be the best that can be used. Only
15c. and 25c. a package. Sample
package free.
-John Bain, an inmate of the
House of Refuge, died on Tuesday
morning from heart failure following
an attack (Ala grippe. He was coni
mimed to the Refuge from the town-
ship of Amebel and was 78 years of
Miss Crosby has returned from a
couple of day's visit to Dungannon.
Mr. W. McCrobtie was in Goderich
last Thursday visiting his nephew,
Mr. Stewart Prichard.
The community will be pleased to
learn that the Belfast P. 0. is to re-
main at te old quarters.
Mr. S. Beckett, teacher, attended
the West Huron teachers convention
recently held in Exeter,
Mrs. Vanstone, Goderich, who has
been visiting her father, Mr, Hamil-
ton, of th;s village, has returned home.
Mr. Wm. Phillips, of the 9th con.,
has left for Algoma having taken up
a farm of land there. We wish him
every success.
2. Whereas the fundamentel beresy
of all the Romish erees and super-
stirl..us rites lied ie-reninnies is deey-
ing the Holy Sseiprures to be a
eufficieot rel.e of faith 'tad practice,
Ae consequsoce el this de dal f,14
Church of It' we mingles creetnie
authority eith the elsso ute of
Jehovah speaking in His written
3. Whereat; Vie pamphlet on Wors
s'iip published _by permissioa of the
Convener of the General Aitembly
Committee o Worehip ao far Com
recognizing Gds word as the only
rule to dire,A us in worehip
1. Teaches that it is not a oom-
plete rule, See page 47, "I have
aimed at expressing the views
of those who deeire a partial
and opti )nal liturgy." He did
not seek to express God's viess.
On page 60 speaking of the Presby-
terian church the writer says -. 1 t
looks for its polity when it finds its
doctrine and discipline, -now here, but
in scripture. In polity it stends be
tween Prelacy and Iniependeecy and
in worship it ought to stand Where
it stood long ago both in the 16th and
17th centuries between Ritualism and
Redicellsm. On page 72 the writer
after acknowledging that the service)
of the New Testament was of a very
simple diameter and that the spirit-
uel man is quite satisfied with such a
service, nevertheless goes on and for
the sake of the natural man pleads
for a. liturgical service.
2. The pamphlet advocates modes of
worship for which no scriptural
authority can be given, E. G. page 35.
The minister and people knee'ing on
entering the church, page 46, r•spon-
sive reading of the scripture, sex.
Therefore the Presbytery of Maitland
most respectfully o=s the
Venerable, the General hiy, to
take such steps as in their wisdom
may seem beet to give at least a nete
of warning against all unscriptural
modes _et worship, and to show the
-The Frost Stock Co. gave enter-
tainments in the Town Hall, here,
every evening last week, hut on ac•
cuunt of unpleasant weather and
other attractions they were not al-
ways favored with good houses. They
ate an eluellent oompany and put up
some fine plays and were well ap-
preciated by those who attended
-Wall paper! Wall paper! Wall
paper! The latest designs in wall
papers with ceilings and freizes to
match, Very low in price at Harry
Days'. Drop in and see what he has
to show you.
-A bee enthusiast says that the
past winter has been a very herd one
on the bees, and that unitny of the
epistles will lose the majority of
their bees and in some pieces the en
What sires the cause of the Etorm 1 tire colony. It seems 'that the in -
on Monday? Why the sun was cross- 1 tense cold spell in January is respon-
Adornment !
Nothing can add so much
to hardsome costume aa, a
tasteful selection of good
- In our handsome display -
there are dainty, rich and
beautiful things to suit every
possible taste.
Chaim, Charms, Bracelets,
Rings, Hatpins, Society .
Emblem Butt,gns.
Our own guarantee is given
in addition to the manufac,
turer's wai rant of the quality
of ov- goods.
momentous importance of hosering
and making tete alone of those eaedee
autiboriirK1 by the Great /lead and
King of the church in His own
written word. The fwegoiog ever-
ture was presentel to the lareebytery
at it meeting at To.tswawr, May 7th,
uy the Rev. A. NI die Kay. It was
lsid on the tab:e till next meeting.
Council taleINM•reli Mit, members
all present, minutes read liana approv-
Clareues were issued for the *below-
ing amounts : Phillip Testiscni; ditch
on sideroad 3 and 4. balance $3; Jam
Cornelus, for cutting at Cransfore,
$43; Wm. Keifer, shovelling grave',
$1.60; Pete Shields, repairing culvert.
50c.; Jos McBurney, repairing culverita
75c.; Jackson Brothers, for gravels
By-laye: No, 6 was finslly passed
appointing path re, fence tiewerg
and pound kee • for the year as
follows: A Kir triat, Jno
Wm Johnston, Harvey Ryan, D
Johnston, JARalpikp•on, Jos Tiserti
Sipeon 1 Fos.
hn Bennett, 11D
er. Jett Maisel W
, nos Do
Tur:ow, fobs
8 Willis, Jas P40... Pb.t
Culbert, Wni Lana, P
Jas Oliy.r, W
Thos Johnsto
Kenzie, D C
V Curren,
"1r -.111■1111014