HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-17, Page 4WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th r rtoge YOUNG PEOPIJ3 trained by our u in gement thou any Geiser int uteri°. (treat de mend for our 1eraduatee aaRuoinese College'1`cachera, Private Secretaries, Office Assistants, etc. The fisnhodlment of the moat Expert, Modern Systems known. in Business t3olettea, we invite comparison. Three Aepartmentt, hianncdby skflledinstrtick oro. COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY. Nail Course* in an Business College and high School aublects. Wingham Business College CEO. SPOTTON, PRix0U'AI., MINOR LOCALS. -Buy your Ohrietmas presents from the Wingham merchants, Walkerton Orangemen will hold a celebration next 12th of July. -The Clinton Hospital Association, Limited, has been inoorporated, -Mrs. E. 0. Belcher, a well-known Indy of Goderioh, died Iaet week. -Mr. W. M. McGregor bas taken a position in Mr. $, T.'Thomaop's general *tore et Balmer*. -A report of the oases at the County Court tend General Sessions, at Goder- ioh, was reoeived too late for this issue. --A number of the members of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paiil'e ohuroh at- tended is social at BIyth on Monday evening. -Ow week from Friday will be Ohristmae. Do your chopping before the last day and get a better variety to °bootie from. -Mr. T. E, Walker's sale of cows at the National hotel on Saturday Mee was Well attended and the stock brought very good velem. -Mr, De Jell, o1 the Wingham sseilaio emporibm has a new advt. in this issue. Reid: it and see the list of bargains he ie of �ering. rhe annual ollurgh Cheese d held In the Fort lege next Monde meeting of the Whlte- id Butter Co. will be stere' hall in that vit. r afternoon. A pair of our ladies handsome Dress Shoes or our elegant slippers would snake a Christmas gift that would delight any won an. W. J. GREER, --Counterfeit bills are in circulation Baysthe Londe Advertiser. They are five -dollar •bills on the Bank of Mont- real, bearing d te, January 2nd, 1904, and lettered "" -Mr. L. Osman, of the Bluovale' road, in de moving to Cochrane in New ntario, in the spring and is offer. ' ills farm for sale or rent. See advt. 1n another column. -Three new County Judges bave been appointed as follows: -Messrs. 0. E. Howson, for Manitoulin; C. J. Mickle, of Ckesley, for Essex,and E. A. Wismar, for Simms county. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORB • THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolone tilts: t'.ie soothing properties of slippery elm and lino - rice. Your druggist or frons us, 10c in stamps. 7,nxituto, Mrwta Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4os ---Rev. Mr. Magee, formerly pastor of the Clinton Baptist Church has purchas- ed the Morden, Man., Chronicle. Mr. Magee was in the newspaper work be- fore going into the ministry. -Mr. Alex. J. Roes, one of the pion - ors of East Williams, Jo dead, raged 71 y 9La. Hon. George W. Rose is a b oiler, and Mrs. (Dr) Se • • edy, of this t3W31 is *tides of deoeas. -Christmas shoes for : ' erybody- fatter, mouser, sis r, brother. stride. atntt, kra dm- or grandpa. Br$i1t new good- lowest prices. Willis & Co. -The regular meeting of Camp Cele- awrlcia, ' Sons of Scotland. will be held nit Monday evening, Omoers are to be elected for next year and all members are requested to attend this meeting. Huron Liberal: Aaaooletian will be held hi the Town Hell, Wingh1ra, thi* (Thursday) afternoon when ofliciara. fax the ensuing yesr will be eleoted and other bu.ineea treusttoted. -The mild weather of Cele week is taking away the snow. Baaineee men would like to see good sleighing hold Out until atter Ohriainnse, butfarmers would like to see a good thaw and rein, as, there ie still a shortage of water. -Mee Ball has sold her briok'resi- donne on Patrick *treat to. Mit. W. E Louteit. of Qatrtok. Mr. Louttit will take posseeeion on the lot of January and will move to town, having rented bie Senn for term of years. -Work on the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway from Godorioh to :I illoardine ie progressing rapidly. The bonds Lave been floated and: the con - emotion work} will he hurefed in the spring. . -•-Only tender budding lea''es grown elevation of,6,00q-feet are used in ," . •.The, r• t -sof the preparation intake ' cleanly machines; parity d strength of "Se. - a. 1. Alex. McGregor and Samuel each shipped a oar load of Ma Wingham +to Toronto on day and D, E. McDonald shipped oar load of oitttle from 'Whitechurch on the same day. --Tiro annual :meeting of the North 0 Nox a Cold In One Day The Greatest Long. Healing •• edioine known to science. guar . • teed cure for all Lang Trouble. 0 • . ghs, Oolds. Asthma, l3:ogebitie, Sort Throat and Ocestunption. y' 1 lttle sold 'ander Wee.Thonl,y Cough Medicine by don . 25t✓ Bettiest, aNature's Remedy in ler Constipate II care Rheumatism and alI Pimples and Elotehes rn 1 few days by taking Fig Oat i•kexi M nIg Ilm1 Will reerif•e1 batter in the morning, , Statr dor' *axb illi I ''S DRUG STORE 001104,. FAnnow.--In West Wawanoeh on Nov. 25th to Mr, and Mrs. W. I•I.Farrow ; a daughter. WLaiit.-In East Wawa -wash, on Nov, 28th, to Mi. and Mra. Wm• Weber; a soft. 89(ARRIED RA's" stANN••CnA7a •In the Methodist Church, Walkerton, en Wednesday, Deo. 9th, by Rev. M, S. Wilson assisted by Bev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, Miss Maria, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig,of Walker- ton, to Jlir, A, Reymann, Postmaser et Cran- brook. DISU I,ar7ra.-In Hallett, on Ileeember 801. Frances Little, father of Mrs. J. W. Mills, of Wingbaut, aged 65 years. Ho7441:s --In Wiugham, on December 15th, Thomas Holmes, of Turnberry, aged 138 years. McOneera1.-At Xenon, Ont , on Decem- ber 12th, William H. McCracken, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken, of Wingham, in his 41st year. I3o»AIeTR -At the residence of his daugh- ter, Mrs. S. McIntyre, Loudon, Ont , Tuesday December 8th, 19113 Wm.lIogarth, formerly G. T. R. Agent at Kincardine, aged 79 yeare. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received. by the undersigned up to the 18th of January next for the purchase of thefollowing properties, namely : 1. Village Lots 14, 16 and 16 on the West side of Qneenstreet in. the Village of Whitechurch on which is situate a comfortable frame cottage in good repair, and a good frame stable. 2. The North East corner of Lot 97 in the Tenth Concession of East Svawanosh, contain- ing one acre of land upon which is situate a frame store and dwelling and frame stable and blacksmith shop. This being also the location of the Fordyce post office. Terms -Ten per cent. of the purchase money on aoceptance of offer and the balance within thirty days thereafter. No tender necessarily accepted. %sated this 9th day of December A.D., 1908. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O. NOTICE T CREDITORS. 1n the matter Wingham, 0 Insolvents. HANNA Biles., of General Merchants, Notice is hereby • wen that the above named have made au assig inent to me for the benefit of creditors. Also tsta notic • that for the purpose of taking advantage .f the possibilities of the holiday trade, I a conducting the business until January 1st, 'hen the storewill be closed and inventories • epared for the purpose of realizing upon tit = assets. Creditors are n titled to meet at my office, 64 Wellington St West, Toronto, on Friday, December lith, 8 o'clock p. m., for the ap- pointment of Ins +oetors and for the ordering of the affairs of . • e eetate generally. .A. state- ment of the off : rs will not be presdnted at this meeting. Ali persons el - ming to rank upon the estate of the said inso • ents must file their claim proved. by Made it with me prior to Januaay 15th, 1909, after • hich time I will proceed to distribute the as ecs of the said estate. Having regard to those claims only of which I shall have received n 'ca. OS ER WADE, C. A., Assignee., R. VVANSTONE Wingbam, Solis or for Assignee. Toronto, Dece •er 4th 1908. r, FARM FOR SAL or RENT The undersignedperarAlis 178 -acre farm, being lots 21 and 22ession 1, Turnberry, (Biuevale road), fale or rent. On the premises are a goome house bank barn, straw sheds: well -watered, a windmill forcing Ing water to the house and barn. The farm is conveniently located to church and school. Get particulars at premises or write L. H. BOMMAN. Bluevale P. 0. NOTICE. NOMINATION MEETI A meeting of the Electors o the Township of Turnberry will be held ' the Foresters' Hall, Biuevale, on Moeda the 28th day Of December next at o'y oak p m., for the Nomination of Cand ayes for the offices of Reeve and Councillo to serve in the Munici- pal Council in the T nship of Turnberry for the year 1009, and should a poll be required, such poll will be opened at the usual polling places in the four polling divisions on the 4th day of January next at 9 o'clock a. rn. and remain open until 5 o'clock p. M. By order JOHN BURGESS, Township Clerk. Biuevale, December 14th, 1908. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of L • ne St. Clair McDonald of the Townshi : of Turnberry in the County . Hur.n, Farmer, an Insolvent. Notice is hereby gi en • at the above named Insolvent has exeeut d • n assignment of all his estate and effect- tr me, for the benefit of his creditors, who ar • • ereby requested to file their claims with me, fully proven on or be- fore the 26th day of December 1908, with the vouchers attached thereto, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which I shall then have notice. A meeting of the Insolvent'9 creditors will be held at my store in the Town of Wingham, the 21 th day of December 1008, at 2 o'oloclt p, m., to appoint Inspectors and give instructions for the disposal of the estate. DUDLEY HIOLMES, T. A. MILLS,: Solicitor for Assignee Assignee. Dated December 10th, 1008. all, CHRISTMAS • AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS Between all stations in Canada, al. sa to Detroit, Port Huron, Mioh , Buffalo, Black Rook, Niagara, Falls and Snspension Bridge, N.Y. AT SINGLE PA1?E Good going Deo. 24th and 25th, 1908. Returning until Dec. 2811`, 1008. Mao good going Deo, 31st, 1908, and 3an.clet, 1909. Returning until Jan. 4th 1909. Al PARE AND ONE THIRD. Good going Deo. 21st to Deo. 25th, 1408. Returning trail Jan. 5th, 1909, Alto good going Deo. 28th, 1008, to ,Tan. lot, 19011'. Returning until Jan, dth, 1000. Urisnasmo For full infornuttion ds to rates, routes, ate., Apply to W. henry, Depot Agent, or 'address J. 1). Mo. .Donald, D. P. A.,'>`olrant°. KITG'S FOR : ARGAIN$ l 11.10.11. TUE WINOtiAlli DECEMBER 17, 19U8 • W E WANT YOUR '�RADE The .Assignee ' • Great Sal. CHRISTMAS GOODS As the time is drawing near. for Christmas shopping we would draw Hanna Bros.' $30,000. the attention of our customers to the many lines we have e selection gifts, ' suitable for Christmas Stock tip Continues. a and ,every piece w FURS. --A fin a ection front the best makers. n ve y p a fine specimen of workmanship, style, etc, Neck Furs from $1,50 to $20.00. Fahey Handkerchiefs, Fancy Collars, Ruching, Ribbons, Fine Laces, Insertions, etc., in abundance. KID GLOVES. -Our line of guaranteed Kid Gloves in both long and short lengths is the best we have ever shown. DRESS GOODS. -Our stock of Drdss Goods, Fancy Waistings, - Silks, Satins, ete, This is the place where you can pro- cure a most acceptable gilt. We extend a cordial invitation to EVERY PERSON to come and inspect our stock. WANTED. -Roll Butter, Fresh Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples and Raw Furs, Highest cash prices for trade. BUTTER 27e. - FOZESH EGGS WDC, GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. 0 HEAP PRIDES .•••••••e•••••••••••N••••0 •••••••••••••••.••.•.0•••a • • 0 • •OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF • • !!LADIES' tCOATS', • • WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD AT COST, : • • ak •The whole stock is Brand New Goods -all this season's make -bought :' •• for spot cash from the best makers -therefore the bargains offer- • ed. here are unequalled by any other house, even in the s • large cities. On SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER • •FIFTH, this Great Sale will open, and continue • •from day to day until the last garment is sold. " FIRST COME. BEST SERVED. • While this Great Sale is going on, every other department of our • attractive stocks will be carefully looked after, particular • • • attention being paid to our new and very attractive ICHRISTMAS GOODS • COME IN AND SEE THEM. •• • • Trade as usual, and cash always, Compliments of the season e * to each and all. . • • .• •I�• ,• O.iOl�11 : • e.e•eWs••••••••S10••0•••* M••S•&M•••••0oisetsseeses••e • • ,0 • 0 • • ••• • 1 Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms, If yon want one it will pay you to see ns. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We bave a number' of places admirably suited for retired farmers. No . prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can al- ways be resold. RITCHIE & COSENS Grifnn-Vanstone Block, WINGHAM. Phone 123 4444444444444,4444 444444.444, Royal Grocery 1 4. Everything now ready .+I. + for Christmas, and the * best that money can buy. + 4. California Grapes, + Table Raisins, • • Layer Figs, Dates, 4' 4. Bon Bons, 4. dt • Chocolates, • Creams, + Mist Candy, • Oranges, Bananas, Walnuts, Filberts, Brazil, Almond Nuts, Pop Corn Balls, + And everything fort the children. Call and see Our atookbefore buying, tiirtoNttiftwatmloolott Turkeys, Geese. Dueks and Chlekens wanted for Christmas at LGOLM # Glriifin'e btd stand. remelt 54. DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. ONSIan With Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours -8 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p.m.. Intal' in Chisholm Block. Candidates fr cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. ATM. T. E. Rol;lissom, Leader. Recording :Secretary W. J. WYLIEs, Financial beoretary. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his prem ises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Biuevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. U. A rich find of gold, at Mine Centre 1e reported. The police census gives Toronto, in. eluding the smaller suburbs, e, popula• tion of 314,678. The sensational rush that greeted the great sale still grows in volume. Buyers up buyers are coming again and again to profit by the wonderful slashing in prices, 'ere is something in this immense stock for everybody soinetOng everybody nts. The dollars you save add wonderfully to your bank act -ma. If you pass: can, shop in the morning ; there are many who can' 1 those who can, get better attention, have more time to choose nd examine. Great Opportuniies for Christmas Gift Givers 2ND FLOOR FURS AND CLOTHING, .J'A KETS ) BARGAINS FUR COATS AND OVERCO "S; Under these three headings you will find such a grow lot unrepeatable bargains as Slowly never see again. We can only give you a few quotations, batt every ' .; article in these big departments is slashed accordingly.v. $5.00 and $6.00 Silk Waist at $3.98. Ladies' high, class Silk Waists, elaborately trimmed in sky, white or blank, exceptional value at $5.00 and $6.00 Speoial $3,98 $2.00. and $2.50 Lustre Waists $1.39. Speoial quality Blank Lustre Waists, nicely trimmed, worth $2.00 and $2.00. Spo- ols! $1.39 Ladies' Tailored Mantles' Below, Cost. Our superb range of highly tailored Ooats and including blanks, navy's,oastora, greens in plain colors, tweeds in fanoy patterns, newest shades, are on sale indiscriminately. Trimmed Hats Included. About 2 dozen only of the best Trimmed Hats left, new, stylish shapes and shades as well as neat blanks, to be cleared at big reductions. Men's $12 Suits $8.25. Fine quality Tweed Suits, new, etylieh garments and striotly tailor-made, ex- ceptional value at $12 00. Speoial $8.25 0 Men's $12,50 Overcoats $8.00 Plain Black Meltona, heavy stripes, frieze and fancy tweed Overcoats, well lined, peewit fitters, worth re- gularly$12,50. Speoial $8.00 CHRISTMAS FURS UNDERPRICED $5000.00 wort to choose from at these prices 6 only Ladies' Fine • Curl Astrachan Jaeketa, well quilted, satin lining, 324n.long, worth up to $35.00. Special... .Speoial....,,.. $15.50 2 only left ladies' fine blank shell Canadian Rat Lined . Ooats, genuine sable collar, regular $ 65.00 . S p e- olal $39.00 $24.00 Grey Squirrel Sets $15.95 New Pillow Muff, well padded, and 72 -in, Throw of finest English Grey Squirrel, worth regularly $24 00. Special $15,95 $12.00•Isabella Scarfs $8.50. Very iarge, full furred, Isabella Sable Soar!, fur rioh, deep and soft, regular $12.00. Speoial, $8.50 $8.50 Men's Fur Collars $5.50 Men's Fine Curl Buoharian Lamb Collars, regular $8.50. Special $5.50 Boys' $5.00. Stu . Lion Brand Boys' Twe4 sizes 26 to 82, an range of colors and worth regularly $5, oldBoys' $7.50 01.? $4.65.: Boys' we1I-made het Overcoats, heavy velvet collars, refer' Special . $12.50 Overcoa, Heavy Blank Milton Ovte deep fur collar, rel $12.80. Special 4 Some of our Reducta in Furs. $35.00 Ladies' Astrachan Oasts $15.5:0 $66.00 Ladies' Rat Lined Coate $49,00 $175.00 Ladies' Persian. Lamb Jackets.... $145.00 $20,00 Genuine Sable Soarfa , $14.7ii $16,50Genuine Sable Scarfs $11.75 $9.00 Genuine 'Sable Scarfs $3.49 $12,00 Marmot Stoles$8,00 $9.00 Marmot Stoles,,,,$6.00 $7.00 Marmot Stoles ` $4.75 46,00 Isabella Sable Throtss , ' $3.961 $12.00 Grey Squirrel Th ws .00 $65.00 Men's Coon 0 is • $4 ,00 $47.509 Men's Calf Coats $3100 425.00 Men's Calf Coats $17f75 $40.00 Men's China flog 0o*, (robber interlined) $28.0 $8.50 Men's Fur Collars.. $5.60 $5.00 Men's Fur Collars.. $3.15 $4,00 Men's Fur Collars.. $2,75 Everything in the line of Men's Heavy Wear, Leather Coats and Vests, Sheep -d.- f Jackets, Heavy Pants, Frieze jackets or Ulsters, Raincoats, Fur Coats fr I (including Coons, China Dog, Wombat, Wallaby or Calf) in all sizes, are selling at astounding underprices. Again -shop in the morning if you possibly can. Even with extra salespeople y,, hard to cope with the afternoon rush. !h� PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. BY ORDER OF OSLER WADE, ASSIC,_ REMEMBER -After Thursday, Dec. 31st, the store will be closed •permanently. +++++++++++++9+++++++++++41++ ++++++.4++11.+++++++ +++0++ + 1 • CHRISTMAS Rs KNOX'SNEW YEAR'S •t s i a .+ s Bargains in Every Line. + Having such a large stock of Chtistnlas Novelties, all goods must be 't sold at prices that will sell them, see our large stook of Christmas Goods ; + before purohaeing elsewhere. + HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladies' and Gents' Watches and Chains Wedding DJamosi?l and ;•+.(70-7*G.Lz.34,s••••••••++4, +++♦+++++++++++++++++++++4 POPULAR PRICES. •jHave you thought • -i+ Zof where you are going to buy some of your many Z CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? We have the best assortment of Japanese, Lime oges and Fancy China ever shown here. We in:, ' 'site you to inspect our stock. Also we have a complete line of • .� i Engagement Rings, Charms and 8raoelets, , Locket Charms, Solid TOYS y �,„ Y ETC Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry of all kinds, Jewel Oases, Fancy Chinaware j x / L f E+ and China Novelties, high-grade fanoy goods, including Burnt Weed and +, I Leather' Goods, Glove and Handkerchief, Manioure and %% fiat Sete, Silk ?z See our stock of'Staple and FanC Groceries,Bis. Umbrellas with gold atetling and ivory bandies. Chrietzr.M Books, leathertZp and ()lath bound, Poets, Bibles, hymn and Prayer Book*, Toys and Pio n e Cults, Confectionery, fruit. etc. + Book* for boys mid girls, Fancy Stationery, Ohrietne ne able Napkins, Z Christmas Cards stud Oalendara. Highest prices for produce and di<essed poultry. �i Or Vine 'watch, cloak and jewelry repairing a specie Iiy. R. KNOX, ".r Wing Wroxeter, Ontario. opposite. Queen's notes. I L, TY' HIGH &++•++: 104+ 411:+.wF ;+.+ 1 +.4 t1:►* t !! s + ._+?lw�+_ I w► t �w+�f++.+" We appreciate your patronage. LAING & CO. #.4.0++++0+++.4ek