HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-17, Page 4Grain Marked. The following are the market quota- tions for this week : _ Yeas, 65c to 66c Wheat, 65c to 6 6c Barley, 40c Oats, 29c to 29c PRESBYTERY OF MAITLA‘D Met et Teeswater, March i th, 1399, Rev. S. M. Whaley, Moderator pro tem, and Rev. W. J. %Vest, Clerk pro teen. The tneetilig was held in the Methodist church iu the forenoon and afternoon a3 the -Presbyterial W. F. M. Society held their annual conven- tion in Knox church. Rev. -H. W Retd being present was invited to sit as corresponding member. The name of Rev. David Wardrope was placed on the Presbytery roll. Rev. Mr. Hall was appointed interim Moderator of the Sessions of Whitechurch and Langside. and in- structed to declare the pupils vacant on the first Sabbath in May. The Rev, G. Law, late of Belgrave, has been transferred at his own request to the Presbytery of 5Ielita; communi- cation from the Board of Managelnent of Manitoba College intimating their nomination of Rev. T. B. Ki,patrick, B. B., as Professor of Theology and Apologaitics in that College was received. The Clark asked for statistical returns of congregations without delay. Grants are asked anew for aid -deserving congregations- i from the committee on augmentation of stipends. Mr. Robert Harrison is recce menied to the committee on Aged and Infirm Ministers Fund, u a suitable person to canvass the presbytery in the interests of the endowment of that fund. 1)r. Murray and Mr. W. Little are appointed member. of Syrod'e Com- mittee on bine and overtures. Repotts on S. school and church life and work were received and adopted. Rev. A. NI ac b ay presented as overture to the General Assembly on Public Worship. It was laid on the table till nett meeting. Commissioa- erp to the Assembly were appointed Revs. Malcolm, McRae, Forrest, Max- well, Stewart, Dr. Murray. The following sessions are asked to nominate one of their number as commissionerand report the name to the clerk, viz. : Dungannon, Bel - grave, Wroxeter, Huron, Bluevale. Rev. W. Malcolm and W. Stewart were appointed to support before the assembly the application of Rev. H W. Reid for admission to the ministry of this church. The Presbytery cordially passed a resolution of thanks to the_ managers of the Methodist church for their courtesy and kindness in placing their church at the disposal of the coon fm. the day. The Pi osbytery met in the evening in Knot church. The annual report of the Presbyterial \V. F. M. Society was read showing total collections to be 11624.00. Resolutions of condolefice and sympathy with the faboiliea and friends of the late Rev. Jno. Ferguson, D. D., and Principal King were passed. Revs. Reid and West ad- dressed the meeting in behalf of the Presbytery txpressing its appreciation t#L the work done by the W. F. M. S. The Rev. R. P. McKay, of Toronto, delivered an address on the theme, "Enthusiasm", which was listened to with rapt attention by the large con- gregation present. The thanks of the 7ueeting were tendered to Mr. McKay and Mrs. Ballantyne for the address land solo reodered respectively, and t) the ladies of the church for their lin Mesa in entertaining the delegates And Presbyters. The next meeting of Presbytery will We held at Wingbam, May 16th, at 11 a. m. JOLLY MACNABB, Clerk, I.ucknow, March 11, 1899. ,. 9. NO. 2 Excellent, --4th class.—A Lane, T McRitchie. 3rd class,—F Gossell, S Robertson, J Richards, M Robertson, M McRitchie. 2nd class.—J McDon- nell, W Guest, M Walsh, F Gossell. Part .2nd.—Fr. Atkinson, N �t �Con- nell. good. -5th clans.—D Lane, .A McFarlan, L Arnold. 4th class.—E Richards, C. Fizell, A Malcolm. 3rd class.—W Arnold, W Greer, W Ryan F Atkinson. 2nd class.—J Guest, L Atkinson, J Encil. Part 2nd. -0g. Tweedy. Fair. -5th class. —A Walsh. t th class.—M Lane, Lyd Arnold. fed clan,—H Malcolm, N Haldenby, N M,alc:;lln. 2nd clans.—Geo France, N Guest, Robt McDonnell, It Robertson, L Richards, 1) Young. Part 2nd.— J Atkinson, A Bassoe, J. Fraser. Part 1.—O3 Tweedy. L. Drawly, teacher S.t$g1 ED MOODY-SOMERVILLE.--In Guelph on February 28tb, 18999, by the Rev. Mr. Martin, Mr, Wan. Moo Jy, to Miss Jennie B. Somerville, daughter of Mr. T. B. Somerville, of Witt Wawanu*h- license District of South Bruce To Tavern Keepers, Shop Keepers and all Others Interested. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH ALT application for J.,i ..n+e CI the a .le of Liquor, an the License District ..1 South Bruce for the year 1899 1900, commencing on the first day of May next, will be received by the uadersiRned up to the First day of April, ,1899 ApplAcants will rerpiioe to furnish the SAWS of twa good and sufficient sureties when wafting arch application. Any application from a partnot now a licensee under the Act, es, I.'', not srot now Vergae.. must be ac esspsaisi by a esetitic s$e sign. d by a majority d eiecinss entitled to vote at an election of the Legislative Am mbly iu tine polling sub- division in which the premises for which a Bono. y.ou4bt are s.tuated, and said majority same include one third oI the electors who ars sM time of making application resident within said pot;tag rub C1,iaioa J4►M DRY AN, Inspector, L ckavw, Ont. Much 13th , 11111. • • e,_• , .•, a '.• • ••• M kJ ',lit IP" -w:' i r ...: •tri101te�igi T The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce ()county criday March 17th SPRING OPENINOS! e - MRS. SMITH wishes to announce to the Ladies of Lucknow and Vicinity that she has just received the LA i $S r DESIGNS IN PIQUE, LAWNS AND LINEN, also VALENCIENNES and TOROHON, Edgings and Insertions to match, Art Muslins and Embroideries, and all the necessaries for Summer Dresses and Shirt Waists in End- less Variety. LOVELY LACE TRIMMED HANDKERCHIEFS FOR IOC. Also NEW VEILINGS with Large CHENILLE SPOT in a Full 'Range of Colors. No Trouble to Shoal Goods. MRS. SMITH - - LUCKNOW. CEO. H. LAWRENCE. W. C. JOHNSTON. Snap Shots. Our Custom s Take Them. THEY CET THEM FROM US Tip top Facilities, Tip top in Quality, Tip top Variety. Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. We paetively give as much, if not ,more, In real values than any one in the Country, NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE,. CALL UPON US. Lawrence (6. Johnstone), Furniture Dealers and Undertakers People must Have groceries The great question is where to get them. We keep the- best qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin, TEAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you bulf from ns instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and price.. oROcgER r We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very chap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOOR & FEED All kinds of flour and feed ,kept constantly delivered to any part of the town, on hand. Goode I cClure and Mallough, cAax r3- faocEa,s FARM TO RENT 130 acres of pasture lend near Holyrood, Well watesed. Good grass. Wil be let this season for grazing only. For particular* apply to D. R. McINTOSH, Luckiow. FOR jALE Choice seed peas, clean clover seeds. Also young Durham Bulls. For particulars apply to JOHN WEBSTER, Fordyce P. 0. •�� sasr*> YkmpaQu's Lf tory Campbell 3t.. LUCKNOW First Olass .. Horses and Rigs .. • BULL FOR SERVICE TIIF.L�for service at lot 10, con. 8, Ashfield, ISTDERSIGNED WILL KEEP (E. D.,) his thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, ' 'Blue Ribbon Boy". TERMS :—$1.00. For pedigree and other particulars apply to RICHARD TWAMLEY, Belfast. HIGHEST CASH PRICE F OH BUTTER & ECCS having purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are pepared to pay cash for butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited.-- Yoi`s truly, A . & W. GOLLAN, Lucknow. - • Ont MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONG, • TBACHER 0? - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. REIDLNCE—Campbell tree!. MOSLC - TAUGHT Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by MRS, M. M. KEE, \ t ♦ . *. FARMERS 1 Buy the hest Binder and Mower mule, viz : • inti,*gas i* o altoCossaio ems o Built in Chicago, Sample Machines set up in Warehouse at Whitechurch. Call and inspect . t before giving your order. Also Farm Implements of all kinds. R. J. Dobie, Agent, Whitechurch. AUCTION SALE Of valuable property in the Township of Kinloss, in the County cf Bruce. Under and by virtue of a yower of sale contained in a certain registered mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale,by Public Auction, by John Purvis, Auctioneer, at Irwin's Hotel, in the Vile, a of Holyrood, in the County of Bruce, on Monday the nth day of March, A. D., 1899, at 2 o'cloek in the afternoon, the following valuable property, namely : The south half of- the south of lot number Eleven in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Kinloss, containing twenty-five acres of land more or less. This property's situated on the gravel road about 8s from the Village of Kinlough and seven and a half mile,. from Lucknow. There are on the property a good log and frame house, a frame harp and a goed fruit bearing orchrd. The property is well fenced and the soil is in a good state of cultivation. TERMM or SALE :—Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance without interest in twenty days thereafter. Further' particulars and conditions will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to John Humbetstone , Esq., Ripley, P. 0., or to the Auctioneer. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Vendor's Solicitor. Dratted tai* Sb day of 111arcb, A. D„ 1899. Mise Edith Szu th, Is prepared to give lessons on PIANO AND ORGAN At her home on Campbell St., - - L UGAR OW . FOR SALE Good house and one a4 re of ground (gin Havelock street in thiM village, for sale. There is a large barn on the premise;, and the lot in in a good state of cultivation and wel supplied with small' fruits ruch as currant gooseberry, raspberry aid strawberries. Fur further particulars apply to JAME8 BRYAN, seatinel Odic ansumnsmossentierrAwseassseesmsswestm NEW GOO s T yvvvrannr Ladies' Dress Goods. Ladies' Capes, LadiesVTop Skirts, Ladies' Underskirts, Ladies' Corsets, Ladies' Shoes, Yours truly, • r- • • • We have just passed into stock a large assortment of New Spring Goods consisting of Men's Ready-made Suits, Men's Felt Hats and Caps, Men's Fancy Shirts, Men's Tweed . e uiti ugs, Mon's Boots and Shoes, Men's Overalls, Boys' Overalls, NEW PRINTS. Among the new arrivals in a case lots of the heavy German I1ldigo Prints which we will place on sale at 12i cents per yard. 1 J. G. Murdoch & Go, - Lucknow. .APRIL F�.SHION Big$ ae OF SHEETS IN_ READY MADE CLOTHING. LUCKNOW.1 Has over 300 Suits of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Men's, Youth's, Boys', and Children's, Which will be sold for the ' TifiliTY D'.(Ts 20 PER CENT. OFF REGULAR. PKICES. All Goods marked in Plain Figures Away Below Cost. Hughes M. OORRIGANS' Is the pine to make your selections in ROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CRQCERIES ft PROVISION'S -I have in ck the following tpples blacking Bluk` L ea¢ Blue - Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Basket• Brushes BI, uit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Coceial Ch9colate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants ('urrie Powder ('ream Tarter Cocoanut Dates Dried Apple • Extracts Fide Fibh, armed dried - Gelotine, (lingers • •'Honej Init ' Indigo Licorice Jaime .f nic Lemons • ' l.aui ps Lard !Matchea. !Mince Mea$. `Meal Macaroni 1Mustard Meats, canned (Magnesia A-1 Flour always en hand. Nutmeg ' Ofl, olive • Oil, sweet - Vil,castor -Oranges ` .14at Meal 'Pails Peels Pipes Pickle Pearliai Peas, c an nee e1►per Raisins ' jRice Rice Flour Bago Balt • Salmon Sardines sena Besets Sugar Syrups • Soda. Soaps spices. Starch• Ssrawberrfaa.canns Sulpbers Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teal. Tobaccoes Vermieeri Vinegars Writ!}, ards washing Crysta Woe,den!rareil Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cake& Dinner Seta Tea Sete Water Setts Crean, Setts Berry Setts Toilet Setts ECONOMIZE HEAT and Save FUe1? The acme Ileating And Vctilatig Drum ctitiIAAwvvwW No coal to carr No moo to annO7 N cashes to empty No dirt to destroy • Just what you want in your house. It will save you over 50 per cent of • your fuel and give you better heat. MANUFACTURED BY Tho. Lacncs, • jncknav Ont. J CALL .AND GMT ONE_ A ESE MTTINGS a Are Bocomi.g' - MORE POPULAR EVERY SPRING They have three good points that commend them to House- keepers. ----They are sightly, cheap and wear well. We bought good Quality and the Best Patterns 44—Our Prices are frcm 12 1-2c. per yard. and up. VCM. OONNELL - - LUOKNOW. BIOYOLLS! BICYCLES .4.__Vozr is the dime to uy. _,., Be ready for the Cycling Season when it arrives. Call and see our C*$X WIILE]IS! These are the BEST Wheels on the market. They have all the latest improvement for E '. You can buy. no better. CJ LLS SOLICITED_ D. C. TAYLOR'S -- LUCKNOW. ,The Hub heads them FOR Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS: FEW TEAS A Speciality. I HE LARGEST STOCK, 7'HE CHOICEST GOODS 4VD THE OSSA' ArAtatit UI3TAINA ISLE IN LUCKNOW. Goocs delivered to all parts of the town. 0e200;004:8:0031C wwwM►as.s:wwwwwr► .:.:...:.:.....:...: •.:.:.:.:..:.:.; ie. .;.� JOHN - ELLOTT. Tha Tmv'cs The po. h["I'LL+'UD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to 3, M. -MoLooa, GODER1CH, Ont. Sold by Harry Days, Luoknow, hard of 1hnk. Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 28 years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them 1 pay. spot cash for all my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. • I also carry the largest and beet Rationed stock of Nallor bed &Oioin �g -n Town. m Sets Chairs of all kinds, Sprit: Bed Kattreases, Sofas. Sa,11 Races, Parlor and Extension Tables. In fact everything to be found in a FiRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE R0_911111 and :always at flock_ tt OIIl Prices. A.T1Davison, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, FARM FOR *Ala. Bang lot 18, eon, 1u, Kinloss, ooataioiai 100 acres and all in a good state of cultivation. The farm is well fesnced. There is on the premises a good two story brick house IS z 91, with frame woodshed attacked! A good frame barn 54 a 80, with 10 foot atone wall, and excellent stables with cement flooring. Also a concrete bog pen 20 x 38 feet, and other outbuildings. There 1e a stall orchard also a spring creek and two excellent wells. There arp 10 acres of hardwood bush. Thi farm is e'tuated 3 mile. from Ilo1yr„od and Kinlough, and 8 miles from '1'e swatsr and Lucknow. For particulars apply on the premises or to ,. JAMEB PURVIS, 1iol7rvod P,O,, net 4 • // 1 via 4 •i ea