HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-03, Page 2norm" nmmmmft� - __ nip
+++++++++++.,;.++++++++ Ilecum about to be established be- yen PEACE ON EARTH. PON r AUTOKOSILIL ISSUE No 9 1899.
tween U&
++++.�++-�++++++++-i-++++++-I.++++++ 66ALr. Charles Is quito n*L I be. Canada we From a Sermon by Rev. R. P. Bowles' TRUTH ELL OUT, :-++ now Type of Blootric Vehicle WhICh
118ve, miss; he was compelled to make In Toronto. EL&s Just Appe&r*d-
(;0 d rt a al"t jouney up-couatry oil busi- The angels sang this song at the Pris still continum to tumut new
+ neea last week, but we expect him Assuranee Company, A Fleshy
horae to -morrow, or the next day at Saviour's birta, noz for tho little The Merlts of Dodd s Kidney amm of tim auWmobiW rehicie, 0 0011 -
the latest., Jewititil, nation alone, but for the whole one of the moot novel remiltlY
I was gTeatly disappointed. When Pills Can't Be Hidden. otructed in that city. ill which to he
+ rOUnd World. But how oftm, In the all "automoblLift" its the lad of tile Consumptive
My Disappointment + one has been, expecting a desired
+ event to take place momentarily, the BOUND AND PROSPEROUS awful tumult of strife between na. ealthy, in called the ,pony.-' The
+ tl(>ae,, the song of peace has given Mr. C. S. Griggs. or Hamilton. tells of his Electrical World h9A aji illtwtration DId you ever see one P
+ certain delay o( a few hours or days Ex ;I oe -kietsufferedwithBrighL's,
+ :+ +++ appears like an age In prospect. With place to the howling of the dogs of jri 0= ior Right Yea.rol-Dodds thin three -wheeled vehicle, which fAR Did you ever bear of one P
++++++ +*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Fi4+ the knowledge that my lover was not war. What, anyway, id tile explana- Kidney Pills Ourw Rim. Most certainly not. Con,
+++ In Cape Town, all the brighit hopes OMCgrg Re-EleCtedo Vion of the wars of higtory ? What is Hamilton. Feb. Mr. Griggs. im
CHAPTFA", 1. + I had been pLeturtng seemed to fade The Same the philosophy of nations arinood to it true that you were cured of Bright sumption is a disease that
ftPPlied all that was deficient In my In a moawnU But I tried to reason th teeth and priding themselved more '#j Invariably causes loss of .-We'll- th011, mother, i13 it, to be on their battallous and navLes alld Disease, by Dodd's Kidnev Pille, 10ter or treasured Portr⁢ photcgraplis were mYseLl nut of my folly. and, by the eight years' suffering, aild W-liell 110 flesh. uOt to be, always WlflatterLng, I aigut-d. to niy- binia the old man had placed the ar- The fifty-second amira) meeting of great guns% than In all the treasuree ther medicine could do you ally If you are light in weight,
"elf; beSW4 Charley was certain to tielm I had desired to take with me tll(. Canad of w4ence and 11�erature and religion ? o 90P "If YOU tako my advlw, Laura'. it cha,tiged greatly during the years In the boat, had regained my equani- a Life %murance Company Who can explain this condition of good - few even if your cough is only
wU 1104 bO; not. that 18 to say. until of our Separation. mity, If not ray chearfulnem. was held at Hamilton on the i-ith thlugv, whih must make the heart Of Thin questi011. wLw a&0d, 11, #44 418t., and the report shows tnt tile G&I ache and prolotig the oufferIng days ago. by a gentlmn who wished a slight one, YOU 611OUld
C11ark" Hara"Ou is &bl() to returato And thtm, I dmw in fancy the figure Landlug in. tho country, each fea- centuritw the travail of Christ's soul? to investigate for himself thestat&- certainly take
041r4ulid and claim you, it' pkIrson, for Of -1 tall, athletic man (boys always tucre, o('wliieh wa oiltirely new to Company is in most sound all(] pros- Oh, they tell us that war is (iat's ment made In. last week's papers to Ashs&
h bi W i1c.. Crew immensely at that age, I idlellt- me. was sufficiently exciting to ban- ix-rous financial condition, and that great bqgio wak:ing up eleepy nations. the above affect. maim
..8rilm lY &cidedl, with fine, bronzed featurM tab for awhile ev�ry iother thought. it still continues to hohl its Ill 710 natlon which cannot stay awake "It is true.- answered Mr. Griggo, Scoff's E�"
may Wei I brea k off My heavy moustache, and.a glorious beard I was cluu-med with tho novel ap- 41.1c(_% 11N In these days had better go to sleep emplinticAllY, -11 was cured by Dodd's
IM4116einont whith him at once,- I $Aor my fiancee had casually an- pearaiwe Of the quay, and Ito dark the leading life assurance company of and never wake again. it would 'be Kidney I-xilld when every other medl- of cod liv" olf 4wilh hypo-
nounc4-,d tho ra bnpetuously, taplAug the P"Wssion of such all ap- portA . with tho avenue of limes, be- Uie Dominion. Tho fo)lowing I-; it short better aleep tlian awake. rMink of cine I had tried bad utterly falled too phosphiks. No remedy
Pendage), anti grew quite eager to neath which we walked tip to the ;YnOpsis of the report: It. In these days-wken gre-at, phil- do mo aiv good." is such a perfect prevent -
Mee t thr itself, During 18(,)S, 2.989 applications for ani
t&b'o before whIM I StOO-d with the 3 Wal I bad raised, as I hotel with the how t,lu-ople movemente tire abroqd, ,When I was advised to try l')0k.149f; how proud I is
�aV`lr I h0ld in my hanA.I. --you have, thonht, Ilould be to call built like an Fingliali.house, but on $6,152,764 of Inomrance wre received. making for the ameljK)ration of hum. ive to consumption. Just
aritty's woes and sorrowx, when science idaey pills, I did not think they 7U Automobile b"f'j what 110 days in this fetter'! myself his wife- the raised path-way-outaide which, Omitting the declinM and deferjw K more thau other the moment your throat
A Sly lover's- letter had been acconi- bpnehes and little tables for such as lipplications, the actual issuo of tho would help we any 1bJ" b" ; 40 tied by the duties of hi OPow coutless doors into treasures medicines had. I wAs so Sick that I begins to weaken and you
bu6kieft tiltt it is irn4xmbliblo tio can Pajilcd by one from his father to my choose to rest and drink, faced by year was 2.649 policies for $5,473,- greater th in any celebrated in fab!e or filing too try any nwaS, if it two PnMenV�rs. the driving and start -
mother. written c*rtall,ly ill a less fiction, wlien tho gre-, t ttl Witt) w" w ing find you are losing flesh,
4�&ve ift to fetch nw bitueelf, ant&I that I -six stiff trees cut formally short, 19. This amount is tin advance upon aa, I b being txAt done by the front
strain, but in which dreidd di we is being pushed to a final gave a l")0, Or a cluix1ce Of cure- and Is Capable of four different hould begin to take it.
if I will not coniment,--or. rather, if eager t lie old gave it ali the look of a Dutch host- the business of the past two years. L6ue, when Clirlstlavity Is going forth 000il after I started using you s
You w ill uot condent, th.0 I sball join WlItIenial, plainly seconded his son's elry. By the time we haid arrived The total hilainess In force tit 31st to meet the 110AH of P_ Tbe first two are obtainfwJ
.lC the pill$. I bega to feel different. Hik*d& And no other remedy
hkm at th4,% Cap() Of Good Uope-, ow JIMPONitib" Ahat I 11hould join them at at the ian it was 111o'clock. and the December last was $75.256.241 of as- ,nism and 'With rehifallce-s. and the Inst two Ity
HavJLgeTY, 1rhan knowledge is spread. I found, in a week or so, that I was o Ify has cured so many cases
ma-rriaZ`1-' 11.111st be Indefinitely postpon- tho Cape and gravely informed us ateward, who had it carriage In wrances, uner nearly. 35,000 pofletes Ilik her Ilght Into all (Lark plaom, when actually getting better. I kept of i 14inutbig the field of the single-serieh 4;4 - Misdering we have n tki It was imixmitile that Charles waiting. intimatevi too me that It tipon over 25,000 lives. The payin" of consumption. Unien Ow entO WrOat commeml-il enterpries fire bind- inking tho medicine until I had usei motor. tbpmlkv developing a "d of
beei., tx9aged and separated for six could be oPared front the busine&-i or had been arranged 1. should take my Of Policy-liolderi amounted to amotint Ing nations together, when engineer- three boxes. After that I didn't nee,l twelre nitim all hour. The wheels have you are far advanced with
YO&M the case iis, to may the least Mweral years to come. bruakfast tFiere before proeeeding $1.300,000. ZU9 feate are belng accomplished which any more. I was cured, completely pm-umatle t1rvK and the- e4lit of the this disease, Scott's Emul-
4 A. a lian-I olle.,, After few days' cmi�dderatlon, it further. The aunt of $225.000 was -set. aside'. take one's tireath away -oh, the na- and Permant-intly. You may know Vehicle ulthout jja&w_rW_rrb is about was finally aettled that I should go. Thlo announcement muchastonish- as a special provision towards a t`1011 Whic .annot stay sion will hold eve ilo-
I 19POke, tiulickly, for I was an only 11 In these (lays c what I think of Dodd's KidneY Pillso C,W poundK of'whlcb about eleven-.
daughW,r. who had b�len allowed to I ha worr4d my mother into giving N1 me, from my lover's descrip- higher re3erve basis. to which the awake without tll.p false stimulus and I tell you thax I "ever let m fifteenth@ Is oil the front wheel; while dukement to YOU 7o, a
havv, pretty muell my owl, way. lm�r colm-nt, not st) nitich by actual tion, I had always understood that lowtr rate -of Interest now obtainable wild tumult of war, had better retire tll�a babince In borne by the renr* -Iffishal&.�
to omak and act ,s I chose; and on Wlf)rd% it. -I by %1U)wifW tier how much I his father's estato of Rosenwalt make�s it a Orudoilt look forward. "It 90 the sleep that knows no wak- 1101we be without them." whaela The batteries find motoor are upw cu re.
E&nu!d Iniffer it contrar decision to. 8t0(XI at. "no great distance from kfter nia-king the provision for the Lllg- Dodd,s Kidney Kills are the only A; 'Pruggists, jw. and is.
'this gubl-et I both thought an felt S cicW 'to the front wheel. The cost of a SCOTT & lsowNi, Toroate. very deeply. avior toward Cape Town.' reserve upon policies ild nil other me say wa r Is necessE
affert my spirits and beh, 'n I C so Lry to known positive cure for Bright's Dlw Laura ahit my P~pwIAlt! true0. j-cpj le(l there Is left a stirphis over offlance and'ehivalry of life. It came t B*iid to be mA more tan 60 centfl, in - -------- -- her& %fy brothers were ng. - r # itim, Lumba trip of 36 milles with this "P-r"Y" it,
MY ch0d," rc*poiide,l the tht and gives the Djabetes, Rheuma I n wakes the Poet`8 genius (;out, Sciatica, Gravel, Stone liabilitie anjoulitirig to $1,sls. Abn vO" Of my mothor (my motot 1wIV9 allowed to tnke' the otep; iut 1* Browne. when I hintoed no much to flation Its Does it ? The poetry Bladder, Lgm-Aom of Women, aivd other cludbig t1w maintenanco of tile ar- nPvtw sPoke otherwise tima calmly and was fill in all to my mot,lier, anA her him; " but tu.� ordero. illiss, were Cuululatom atid the clon A Quick Shave.
of w4r i i fort - rate poetry. Of Kidney 111seaves. ruing,
-Iu-ietlY to me).."iou am of age; you flons' wl,FIL-s were as nothing compared to tako ou to Rhineberg." Financial Abstract for V ear 18W course the de . A rapid %ha% ing ormUmt "for tho
Af. ore me U) ine, that stared in masenifmt. I knew lroniuni I'lCurue (Net) .............. 72 14111 willell 11 vo flamed out, of its drugglots at fifty cents a box. ri x TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAV crin n, ViCaudi ill of 0100" wab the %tar
r4ust decide this matter for yoursc to, inine. 'rh-- m ' sha r s of bravery and hero- Dodda Kidney Pills are sold by all
0111Y. sla" you ask my opinion, I tilus I C(,u!d have hd the heart to leave that Rhineberg was the residence of Interiol4t, attrowtitm t , bartomm' ball held i I
t Otc- ................ � kMJW 721 15100d -red darknees, have been cele- boi4;; $2.50, or sent, on rece!pt of Take "xative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al; 7=11 -S )r,,
"y that I ecgwAar tho fact of your b:%r home f(mr that of stranger�s. Mm Ra'nsom, Charles' married sle. bratod III JAM9. But -if our poets must price by The Dodd'#4 Medicine Co., Llm- Drtic&N retuad the money if it failm to Cure. 03i,i Cleveland the other nig,lit. Thrf,
halrijig been separate,tj from, young 8,� liowever. as ttnon its tbf-- matter was" ter; but why I waa U> go t her 1A dip thWr peris in gore before the cu Ited, Toronto. cont4isLnta partwipated, and ttil,'(L my imple outfit was procured, bouw. instead of that of T7 future Paid Mlic), Ifulderc. ...... $i,2D5,ro 4.5 r,
H&Miltoll [Or &iX Yearti makes the pro- Ex peu 4es. Taxes, etc ..... ......... 131..I" 76 rNit-1 of theIr genius flow, better let Pointed P&rarraphs- Vrinner slknvoi film 41oubjeet" in fif 't poRal oif Tour go�ng oat to him. In- ard.111 the c0uraN of another couple of father-in-law, I (.,ould -not im gine. I'V2, I 4 4 23 theW stay frozen up. And as for the neconds. The,wcmd man perfor
Molitlw I fuucd my a r0ma.-nee a nd chiv III r THEY BEGIN WHEN YOUNG.
stifid of hio coming hniv. for you, still elf on board "The You. muot bb miltakon!,, I ex. of it�romlance will rh. immotiolack lways beg-Wh at the his ta4 iii one minute and niDe=- Earl of Wirstnnle and boupd for the claimed. S3,036,449 44 Ave whle love live,. f 06t. '031omdn, and the third in one % nxwo objvctionable." It was always arrang Tile chivalrous re- Discussion as to What Instinct Protuptyi I AM
"I adiail go to his mother'.:, hothiv," Cam of Gocd Hope. ed that I 'was too stay with.Mrs. ASSETS JANX. ist. Mo. Kard for woman ne'ver,will die whilLs Children to Hold Up Skirts. The who wiv-stles with oto4cur- and thirty-c4ght neomda. To affirm tht I did not adfer in Hamilton." Ledger Assets ....... : .............. the true lover abide In the land. rw-, I &'%wered. briefl. .$19,225,4W M ity mmily kma.". 01
.......... I .... 813.157,32 malice and chivalry are good enough 0 "PrruO; but You must remember ItInving my'home, and separa-t1ug from "I don't think I am, miss." he' Other "At what agr." asks an lirterested Th,-- clowr money L -i the harder it ib I -Thp Vxplislj I -Irwin thingIR When -they come unsought; but t0 -day
niy own frieud% would t).-- to make. my- replied; "but there'aa note to corremondent, "does a woman boo- to get hold of. WW nnJilm In her k��
that wo know noth'ng of 10o family, r Ou In Total Auselft..... ......$20,038,817 33 when 0mght after they are but the w -r dress skirt? I was It's ralher odd when the
0 nor cm what t�rmA they aro likely &'If Out worse Walt I rfeally was. .1�;r io pm-ket of the carriage, hich. If LIABILITIES. wV1-0'the-WIsp, and the way to Chi to hold up lit MA jck'. to rc4x-ive Y weeks I baileo ou. In my eye -s. it appears , lay rezit by. nigut ou'll e_X-etwye Me. I'll go and -fetejl." Asdamnee Reserve f un'd it -per dark and low inrampg- gobj& down, tho stells of the elevated 4proker 1`1111s to come out even. once In and lwace of fiAnd- by day, were ills! In a fF1w minutes ho re . L6 ar checks the the othor day, whei4 ri i --t in 0 YOU will b�� rutuving a great ri.Ak in turned and cenL) . .................. .......... $17,021.2 (o) a But, again, they ray w -ght before me, Some men adore theLr wivea lycause
&cCWi1W to thim; turtwd by-fte thotights of the willing Put it letter in 'ray 11:illif, tllc%, con. Special -reserve towardo'higher . (J00 hard conimereLalism and sordidoearch I #;aw two tiny tots, hajdly more it lix elt-�r that or starvation. -Ti e
1mrting. avd wbo6n I had- finally said tento of which ran thus- slandard ........ Life "gut at all events I kilow enough All ot'her Liabilltie*s* ...... '373,8M for gold. * I wonder If Presideiii; Mc, than 6 yearo old. and each. holding Th'- Imor mail never troubles hini- F F E A, indignantly, as I I ey.--ks my Kinley thinks 00, n4i lie revievVe tile con- xmt the trouble@ of the million- 00 YOU WANT ONE?
of Cliarl*_*," I sa' felt that, at least, it 31Y Dear Mim Gr up her ti.ny dress skirt. in precise Lmi- 621f it Amlem"d mY hand upon LL locket con- "lust lm' ve*11`9 betore I met my gnotlwr mother io ensily fatigued, and un- -$18.22(h-000 it tractm, made by the natkm wItA Its tatitmi of tho way tho mother- betide atm.
r0' The tiudi-raigued Medicine Co.. of 1)etrujt..N: taining my lorcr'd portralt. which F th�ro igain. I-experiened,06 equal to Su'rillus overall Liabilltie., 1,818,747 89 tlum. waal lioldUig up hers. That en censure women for I;v' the eiertion of bearing aDy cltlwnm last emmer. The Idea Is a LIltilig. d('4'1W*t dlstre.w- - V S. A.. 6ve now (),jeeed officer. in Catiati W te iced yet ih-y never man- all that ;10D intrw1une thtir f&Wllub Df. AA1100016 Kidn't
w0r" about the reg'on. of my heart. -and -. for some unnecessry trouble. p have $20,038,417_j� fanciful notibn. wh4c,11 had its orighi was a3molu I-V 110 I for the 11 .. Budo. I I
h(lurs wtsbcd ti'lat I lind taken 4-ide4i that it io best tht the mar elevaVon of jiuch abbreviated pettI_. 'wasn't pa Lntc<L o 11 iuu will Pin0y asm! )-four, with rather mcre ostentatiou than ever co.ae -6.* Rai Lit the crazy brain of that juver of coats was only leti6 an.iLming than the Kwwlefte may he rx)wer. but it'is frien(is'phot(Wmpi, we will pmd you &m eL13rC
hine. Maud fit Tennyson#s monodrama.
Was neeRseary. "One would th**.nk, th ' .Ir d%ice., ailit .11 n nted rL-igo should tako place f roin P 31r. IL * lie IN)rtmit Pilt:)) beautifulla. gotten SP. &"ad fivc Im,
ther, to hear you ta,,k, that I was to make the,vo.rage VY lilyseilf. Buta h,-rg,' a-4t-ad'of IR _' Moving all adoption of tbek report, sakt- air Of doing tho correct, and, above w-ldom powerful enQugb to move a 66 o
aw littk� While osenwalt. Breivne trusted if a fleet came-- otbr. Allison't. Kidne
8111fied-to 9hako off 'my has received otdQrs, It bi 14w wenty4ourth year in Y "ds' Pon paid.
90hig out to maxry a perfect 8tratigt therefore, to "Yonder. round by the hill all- the gr6wa-up thing oil tho part istubboM A= n 61.25. 0081 59" Any Alegsl until you m -p
�1!rs-pontlenc, anti restorcr- me t.,-) My bring you here at owe. %vWch I 1114TO Illid the honor, an llroal- 61 the little girls. They plainly Too many marriincog re for publi- wrtrait and kidney 1jud#. Write addrst,
And the ruslikng battle -bolt sang from can -
My mother sighd. Perhaps it oq- UNW11 spirit. Hope wa.� strong within "Believe Me. Yourip sincerely, o0lit, of submittina a -rep'ort to you, tlur,% three -docker out oil tlie foam, %ldered themw-1ves as conforming to cation only, and not aa a guaranty of ull bwkOt and mail it to as,
tw,; T argued t1kat all women In the itild it, ls'.ivitk the salne satisfaction the lawis of Toung womewhood, the ne- 900d faith. Address. Df. AlliSON'S KIOWWV WNWIfte..
curred to her how recuV I seemed to event of marriage had -to- undergo the- That was. all. 11 11ouise Ransom. lrd confidence no -I IhAve happily had The smooth -faced, snub-nosed rogue Bot parties should ri-member that 4 o
exchar*o my qu:et home, where a.ffec- Not a line of wel. would Imp from his counter and C&&%ItY for the personal app,licationof
t" had bami lav6hed on me for the Pffla of -'separation from thel-r-friends..- tx>me; not a word to say that they uK)II all thtoe occasions. and indeed till. the law, -as in inaay another Instalice, th-y are m.-irried for worse " well na U PA.-I)o we du 411� we AA avi 111lak is
unowtaki 1ALviurcw o( a life �f nuitri- all(] my tfrm of bience woultil probaWy 'anticipaW dnriirg all the forty years of nitedStatft.0e&#@ AhTo-crand offer is dome tho connection with r10y c011- And strike if lie could, were it but b-ing Overlooked. for better. advwtise I)r. Alfibun'si Kidney "Budp" wA tc hP. no Wore than it I had settled in% Pletaire.' or that they were*glad to itection with tile C(impauy., that I am *Itll Ills chNiting yard -wand. If force of habit CalL make a woman them in erery Cauadiam home. Smd NOW!
all�of th6 remoter di* h succests and the Kidm."Ilud,- area standard striets of Scot-, kl'O%v't at I had reached thetr liomv able to point, to the iold up tier recontly acquired o4kirt is for M
"Yoiu kiiew 'LXIU Six year -.4 ago. I Caftrrb Cannot be Oared .e lahtl, or WnIeR. Consoling myself wmud pcwttion B1 .w-itll In a-Ifety. �vhieli , the Company Neu. icate Wonien, and oo&lm Zfiris. p
Laura. w1k-n vou were a g.rfof seven- tlljj j(jja, Dot 'the "Onlooth-f4ced, snub-iiowd It force of heredity. V* unconscious With LOCALAPPLICt,TIONS. aathey cfttt per Imix.
k, I trINI to ban' i every un- I fe rogue� would do no such, kinuence of ages upon aCee of long- re,twb the mat cd the diseaw". U*n. aikI he a. youth o� twenty- isl I t tha t tho fact of ray P!.lv0,0j th I g. He pleh!Mni, thotwilt and to ukake njyself 'deati' new buyinear during the year woul skirtN1 ancmtors. that prompts a in hkx-d or cotwrt,ituLimlal twonnising youth, I adnilt-tkit It's agrevable to my fellow -passenger na t 10n having been, transrerrild in. excess oU that of the prev Ious I Vut UP t1w ltr!�* of goods, or lw ------ very unl:kely tl�tat what ho was tlwti. s. Btit fron: Rooenwalt to 11hinesberg, woul&lmake� an outrageously one-s!de,j girl to hold ul) tho akirt which diopa-w-, nd !it order to cure it you A hf�rf% an annorarlee arnsch frvy- -11i, fl., ."n-" QTW.16 1+ 16- It r t
aakmg my consent. was no 94 a 19�= 4Vj^;" W%; or
he v now; or �hat the last six year -4 W,,,,; (111, tha r #she haN nerer known save In a short- iijust take tyternal rewcxbes. . 11all's we givo I te unprPpared. My motfier h 'iluent;' it waa even a breaeb hapis ho would deal in specuilative 44'Pd tbi 0 6 be haro not ma&k-%,as much lteraon in " COMP- And Lf not heredity, then ('auarrh Care isaken internally. and _R E: E: Ublic confidence which the Com- contract with the Govern ut, or per- state F
krwwn bf no lady Jpurneylng to the of the romloo QoFs. - Our new business has W
Lba mhW as they have doubtleas done I P made by letter to lw"y el -stocks. ---War k`II oommerciallsin ! it 6 It tho forcD of des -ire to appearotd- -let" directly tni tha bloo4 and mueotm with ch-ift and awwah, 6W fth. L
in his body. Catw; and, although I reaelipil my. mother., in whic-11 been obtainco without undue eximmov Mr. Hamilton Is an absurdity, Devil% do not cast out er than s1w is, w ilch, alai I bj(o!�e very hurfaceR. ITall's-CaturA Cure i.4 not a ing two d0L Vfti Im Widu
TcAl must 'lot 4xPc'ct the mattiro age of t w*enty-three, It Waii' and with a scrupulous. care not to mis- W L" a Ulo Af" to vileet the wvme Oharles w'th whom hall inid that if 8110 170uid consent I -k nit-dicine. It -%ra pre not consiolered right that I shmild lead Applicants." devLls. ulany years., UtUe girl will feel (jua( -wribed by Astowit W rue, and we wLL you paU. 14ura.' travel witfiout propi�r chaperonage. to my oining ilia son at the Cape, Mr. Ramsay pOIntc4 out that it Is Yet Rear-Admirl "ey. at a ban- k*8 strong) y orw. of thf- t;pft physic -inns in this coun- send do WbdkA, pw4vud ar. d
LML "Ot courwv n*- I answerft], W,101 .1 WO HhOuld be inarried from his own quet gi try for years. and is a regular lore- ow Wg plamium ber,
L wa. ven if' h Is hon't*, I'la roported a
ontempt who Plam4l, therefore, under - the r" haoverlo k I licedbio to Injure- a life office by lgiving "CAAllem. It is eompot*d of the 1*49t aprtaLu,amomif of c' bu t I x 0 e( as saying, "Show me a nation which as, His Book. you bave eadd the Wwkj� re vl - i a r of the wife of the ca'p- and forgiven that, had them beft it too muell new Inninbft, obtained at' liam gone through generations with- Young Au jor—Ah, I see you have ton dw 8�,, ww W* WW &I evpr th0114tt I 1$110ulld. He W:11 b(� much too greht cost. He pointed out that ton" known. combined with the beft once wad yow W&U1 bw Q( Aa -it of the vemor-1. who accor�pftnlNj 'a word Of affection to mitigate the outa war,and I will show you adying my Ixjok your library table. I)Iocd 1�xrrtflem, bethil directly od thp chwgc Hwmdro& hawt b4wr and* brow-lier and rpore him. and whom I soon foun * th:�re In too -great a disposition for. manly look uV an, I 11,4 b,-ard (Ito tx- s disippolatment and the sense of nation." (.1 reece an(] 11urkey . and Spa 1 11 Axbla inucowq mirfaces. T)w perfect ea"wd fun wmchw warkM curlOug (Xi the. subject of tile Iejlw)ll - 110stem—Yes; my husband
and mtmntacht will k nil of MY V &]ight which It engendered. companies, to congratulate themselves, ought to bo much all.ve. War essetitial bou 11 it week or so ago. tion r tb- tNvo ingredients is what for us, wby Not yet? Is
upon a blir. now' bulAtiew a ownewn A6 OYaW as the other fetuales As it was, I felt nt only af front. nd being In -to the life of it nation? It Yog producA-s suq h wonderful rftults ih cur -
the d.Jhlerence in the worH to him. .6n b9a an appar*ntly prtwpPrcus co, DU g Author—But I notice that Ig y
_U lo
I ik (x 0
,a lo`6�4
it g But he will o0ly be 8o wwh tile govern rd- 6*N%?as -1 90'119 Out "Is U but hurt: I WaB1 alone in the W absurd. In my cars it like rou h ven' lug Catarrh. -Send for tAwtim(milaim. C%8, cbmix-111 ion, or lady'.4- hotel whenf I when s a matter -of fact' their cut the leaves yet MITELI=T W= OL,
e L t handsomer. mower, for thp efi-ange-" m.t 141 *!,, or w a it lu�;ely Oil to read the note, and, my b ina-dequate. fut,.di b1ft0PllcmY Againxt God and his Amia p te4so—Oh, no. To"n see. in TORONTO, CAN.
"I hope 80. idaling; I hope t1lat TiieZ did not, ask Mo tl~ questious 1* It few minutM �emembering my lmdlY' blveslted, expense of man- ChrL,;t. we intend tx) send it away. I ha ve & 10144W., i
�tll may turn c#it jut aq yon antiv;-. 101'elY -cOndition and how I had A.hopefull nigit is Toledo. 0. in so.many Wol-t1s, but so vi-illlltly ed W WIr in t, p -ac- th6 Czar'v, a cousin in New York Stte who 61641bb pa te. But dtmilt decide too hastil Y to power*of the Ham. nWwent ruinous, ard profits '11- serlpt. most unhopeful sign Is the never fails to knit wr by dru4WsV4. lwico VI.c. Y, Alit) they wa*h, 'Lnd so cont" rinitesmal. The big new huslnet4s ii husband a 1"O'Lsly ilt(xw. I- wept bitterly. nio that iny lifo ,,, en aneirs f Laara ! tako t me for thought.� my d id tlwy filreb rohni-if lim I I way the'..niitloffis are rowivitur it. (;(xi pair of w 11 nr (111ristmne 11 --ill's I mmily Nils are the twschild; for on(o you have put your 11 12 'vu'[' SDOn PridC', coming to my aid. 4 %,�Vx;& 11% 41L 111ti L LUM pity tho pharisaism. whicli, witil Of course N smi rendeml quito wretcht-d hY,t or sin, but a big now lmsi.ness is not . to never wears thpm, bu`t
I . A ll#Af -enabled me to maeter my feelings. ter of mer i to as a wimr on Its face'. goes around asking we always feel that we must send Now Begin to Long for. FOR LADIES ONL)
hand to the plmgli them- will beno impertinence I did not quite, 11ke to It Would not do to let tho 4 io nitych a mat mat- if any'Ito6d thing can c(nno out of t. her
turning bac k. c6lifew tli�e 77008C� of my joarney; lPe"' ter of price. Mr. Rammmy little thing iD rp- The J a) y sun.
I left tho to6m in,] nought my it bat! Onts of the housellold know that I als() Point- IN�Wrsburg. JAM Ik-Ae aM41 MoPre 0G.'tl. I all 'right, and- JuA was wounded. So ,dried my eyes ed (mit that there are already Indl_ Peace fmi earth, t4ang the angels. And turn. - -1 4 ordered Corsetit inade to oMer. Iteit it
own apartment .1 ____ --- Tile lawn mower too dbplae tJje @now $1.4.5 by r"Uterad I etter or I , 1. 0. orda aln, dl 'is It 8110U.14 Po�'�whe I had dLjcui9-' cations that companim..,fw1liell hare shave]. wfil mend ou fit You txwfwtjy. one of
--viating way of od the proopett of it with my'frietuls, -quickly. and. calling' the' steward. -1 differently moll went motward and inen ont Aliller's compound Iron.-Vills, only Green gram dud chirping hWe. been undWy extende(Van' . beat SLSti e Corseto, color. beautifu
df*olred him to order -my breakfast cond4cted from westward to reach that song. And' 25 vents for 50 da@W t riminod and finished charaft F"Vps
allu(14lg to my prospeet8 liettreil nie nt'home; anti yet I folt'shy or M4.11- t Onc% 'is I was hungry. Had my t1w Canaxia Life, natr,jin them latter days, they that. 7Ue f1rut budding of the trees.
Voning It before utrangem no I Pie Oan h#r words. What was But I mind twn occu are'sufferinc the effects or their dit- A peep at suiwner gowi stuffs. ta be used " mmpbe awong your fheadK
ons they:-continu- w6it eastward and they' tll.'Lt wellt IL
Plod with lew unp!ea- sending order tw sure and wnA your bulrt wal
there in the i marri-,4r, beforfi, ine 'founAl th miopositl- ferent, course, And that the great Mary Ann a' wilih. The eliecry cry of "ReicL ripe straw- and I ip nie"urnment. under krni and hesets
%rith which to! find fault? . I ally ralw were worse to bear. At sant, thought4, I MuA have greatly companies whO8e'..-bmj�WM is of the vrestward are meeting and greeting Tlio climpkmi queer wish is ex- lwrftew!" front" We will pay liberal cow nime-ion
It was true that I had hc*n -pe�- Ilst I aujilmOnC41 courago enjoyed - the f irst Cape mea 1. largcwt " each other. , Oil, for the day when prensed by Mary Awl Thomas, of Early pea-,;, new potatoft aml fresh '"dll* * Itherards. o per lmi rl
W -d tO -for I had never talited alvi Whose enormous I 1!1',M to r. arate that 'I auch a roulikd tile whole world every nation Philadelphia, in her will, whom 16he a#_qiharagus. oonunity for al niak t- "100ey
A1 from rhy futuro.,husbaftd! for sa.7 goin out grov.-th tiink(v4 them a '
9.' '-'Lx ears w a. -s variety of diiijes in my life before, nor ZePlindelmmdeiii. We reserve the right to au thA oilwice of Six yeeir to 1*o% marriet), Ind had the tlk% inost progrea-Alve anVaprreonsplyrouD! f,rp0M,,',t8hearttbw'1l "Ing t1w w)"19, says: " I desire t ha t m y body be 7110 de3ghtful ri4m to the aubur- to4orp. i th alme little village fia iPen r ollc. ,al"44e a.
th6 im low Lhun calm.
tisfa4ttlen of hearing' my flews Mn placed upon tile table at character, are jubt those who' Ilitre He stim- and. ft4md correct addrew. mv- 4r,,:-teol with - jll4t such it tira(je of one time. As it wa,@, llowe er. I was cremated In a rAaln nd Inexpensive
lot of Langley, evre A little duwt tmt-ead of go mu(,Il lee.
nd life, Charles Milton hd askeZI tiurpriij,-�, ai I had-anticipatetir too 'excited to eat otherwv'ise than been the most conspicuous in the'de- manner, and my ashes miide' to gTow Oxfordff In place of Arctics. Tior rerrect c�� Co.. -Varingly; and Alne'of Oka, prolits whicli they ltavb PA114S IN THE BACK. flowers, In some [lower had." ;168 Qu"n Ittree4wet-1
*1 ude if I wiDuld wait for hint until he I t I -1 ao Pasy -to be shockell at the before long I found been qble to give to their jx)licy-hold- .: + . 7%e exUnguielilng of heater fires. -i too return to 4 "PPR -W of ons,'s friends. Just, Ilow'. My9elf Upo"rhe road to Rhineberg. Linfv In place of flanneJ. Miould be rich enoug' er& Xin&rd'o Liniment Reheres NetImIgiL POTC 'The ratio of the Canada Life! the Result of Imperfect Peaclur jind crenizi.
Fngtawl and makr- him h�jp wife. ever, al the various queries, such -as: s, ex- Are Usually The 1i rocker once iigain-
He had N3en 'it blue-eyt-41. I ight- W -M-14. it not rat1wr ail u.nusual pro- penam to Income was 13.31 per cent. He Knew. lig A4 the carriage bearing my sorrow- The open w1ndow and the ox-reen
hear" boy in thcwo w1io-bad Did I not feel Very In 1898, 'am Mr. - Ramulpy Invited Working of the Kidneys These Can MONEY TO LEN br*n mpnt howe from the Cape �pr 11ccomfortable at th at self rbiled through C4e Tow0on Teach(z-What is a fooibd door. I'llont- ?" wero mkinve lde� of 1antling its way, to tile country, I perceived ose present to eumpare that wit -11, Only ue Restored to Their Normal Lttlo Willie i.ralsing tbe purpose a' studying agri"4- my clier-k-4 burn. the corresponding ratio of anyr . other Condition by a Fair Use of Dr.+ kno'w, please. few cood loans
tur,-. nd plitex] tinik�r t1w tuition tlie rpmrk of it kuly who-wa0 re- that trees were liberatly in'termixed ompany AoIng businem In, Cana Niessrs. C. C. lUchardson & cau be made at
of i farmer in the neighbor) .1' Yar Q, N. S. loodLof ttirning to Vic Cap) after A, tvrolve Ith the shops and houe4s of which Teacher -Well ? you may tell us
r. & Williams'Pink Pills. mou W E
pointing ou$; that " mere magnitudo* of 434 F3 ED IR Q Er, r*4 qr ou r hoom. montlis' absprr-�- VIndetl grpatly to N former wan compos9d, giving it hndnew with "ard to what a fossil is. Gefitle Its cmt, , Is men. -In January laut, Fra n - .Nir. lbert Nlintie, Of Wood@110%-k. LAtle Willie -That's : on seetinties ith good margin,%,. Farmpr Ciom had no control over nIL-isure an,l plvaio me., much the appmranee of An L old-faxb- whant iiinnima (.i , a L, -lair. one of the inen employed the, actionto of ihis genVeman pupil, lonell warket town at hoMe,- to wh I h a distinct and direct lnjwy and n Ont.., ,low Kaid you were the day you omit me ec W. atileN,.ralsed Pathways, guarded InjuNt" to our older polley-holders. engaged In, the insurance home for a better excuse when by me. working in tlie lumber woods. M. J. KENT, aad a-) it had'como to pass that.' Gwy-tho son of Air. 11nmiltoil, of lEy 'whose advantage nnd security should busilleso, is woll known if) that city I I had it tree fall (*I him, crushing him London, Out. from forming oiar acquaintance. lie Row-riwalt ? W( -If. -you araa� a lucky wooden p0dts -and swinging chains. bo our first care.' and surrou I nding country. Sometheee stay&] out bocause we heard Johnny fearfully. I I e" tv.- I g, girl con-wid-rftl thi- h ontribute4l their mhart-. We passed Tipp,s gister had the lneaalev. when fimud. ut Uaia out for fuLum refereacw.
was always at iny motht-r-tv cottage, President` MRa Anced on a Pled .44)JUPHt. y' _nj. Towil *4ev6ral large and harldsome buildl Ra Y a ISO ca I I ed a tr years ago )fr. NIIntie was living at I And taken home. and ended by making love to- myself. ov, t-elitiou 'to Qe continuod decLine ill I 0 The lmwt cure for lEezema i@ -%Iil- I where grave fears were entertained @� .90 It waq trite. then; U had- not atid ut of one, a- church. there Issued tile rate of. InterInt obtaidnable on sat- 1v)uth, River, Prry ound "District. for hin recovery. his hilm 1wing hnd. MY poor mother was in '.It drend- ,e(-1vC41 Taro-lf.'as my poor Mo a long procanion of men hudwomen. 14factor ler's coinlymild fron 'llillm, :-,o &vw
fill ptato when she foun,1 that it her . Y ifivestmento, nd looking to flipl wbile there wam ttacked w-10 ly britiapd an'
If-nreql. anol-C-liarle,4 bad tl,-v(-Iol)!,(l into drfmlled In every -color of the rainbow, th (,% f ' 05 ceuts. d liiB body ttirned black Did You Ever ftamin hail comc, V., an engagement I*-- ill . I I flail prognosticated.. I ! which Brownci, act that a life nidmnce COM'. severe pains in tho lxwl�. At first lie from his ribe to his feet. We u sod her nxiet to"(10 held turning roiind from rmmy's oblignitions are based. upon my 4(n -d hi., -her after I lia(I tile couch -box, Informed me WaR� a tilf-w- aPffumption of iditerpst to be ob. Paid but little attention t�) theim, No Ooession. MINARD'S LINIMENT on hUn freely r4hC hat] (ixwol"I every one in IlP.,1r4j th.jA latly'sl cq)inkqi of Dtitell wedding. But a-9 Poon as we tainoll (hirLng Tory 'long periods� up thinking that thetjoubi to deaden the puln, and with the uiwl thfi,,village (M the subject. from the nd flail left the Rtreets behind us, tile to 'may fifty. y(nrt. it is a matter of e would pea Old Line Democrat -I wallt to am of three bottles lie was c.ompIet(!l,%- a nece, a the rest of the fTny�" c I mVy laa n tk.)wn to our own demew away. folit, Its it (lid not lie congulted the party succeed. and all that, Iml rured nd able t4) return to his tic. '�611 b0il'rl C'eaaNl to annoy nd learn- 4(Tne cllan,-Ckl to one of far greater prudent regar(I to tJie oolidLty and On safety of the comp-iny and Its policy- too plat- ftuwPur DuVal.
e4l to. Olivy mo. "The of Win- Intere;ft. and I was lost. In admirati it local physicinn, and was told that' I can't swallow tile 16 And every one's (.)pjn;on ppearsto gtR, Tnmle +a fine holders that havp been the anme: ' llf7" ;nil to Of the Various plantations we passed. we should pirf-pare to his kidney.@ were affectied. Medicine form. 1:1 ' Kill J�oadp L'Islet, Co., that w( were o and tile , Aill further setrengthen wn8 prescribed. ftt, beyond a trilling The Tempter -Good heavensotman! *-'6tlt, 1893. Cape, and withIn two Months 0 tir many treeit and flowers which the re-.. mch a mere buy and girl that notif. learl,4Z to swallow it. All lved in a view, a suin of $225 000 I i as bom fto-kiltioll to the pain in the I want. you to do in t stand on it! �ag could ever come of thp (,ng;tgf-'- Tabl(- 1jay. It was late "ore. Vatch4w of briglit scarlet eac op"e6 uP(Al P0 R Enri4nd. we- arr I I. had never Wn, anti hardly heard of Wit.11 that in alleviation of thp, pain, it flid uo ef. I don't ask you
ment. arid. !aft* aione, in the ei-en- . ti &tB a& a Hair Restoror. I -a jwt aside -as a special' fund towards. btiek. r.- -31inte wav troubled ith Q it wou"d 41'e ilig that wP anelmml, a n (I as Own 1141 Purple geraniums. lining the ban.ks Th', Lahore (Indki) Tritnine dluot4a be- imoth- hst06
4 natural death ; particularly -18 an ever tho 4Y (Lawned, Ix)at,s- on vithe'r side the road. were F a 114 r headaches' and a feeling of lassitude. E
-Cho valtiatkm irtandalml. The iii inuCe Linimat Oum BW=1 StL jKloaration was onq f the ordeals it I of R Cliit'Bmftn'c drplanation of the use .Z,,Lrl p1liling off f1V tlw w *10m am) prudence course He was f Qrced . to reti wit), (just must inpvitably undergo. But thefw M ohoro 6 from tile 'revolving (jult work. and Knowledge at College. of rats for food purpogm Aij foll4owg: ,tbj Rhip, tibe w will cotmmend itself to all Interested in this condition. weak and " AVI ia t carrot ix to a horse's coat gmd people do not -calctilate the mpT pmv. greateat ex4ltv- fleelly ' Of OV conveyance, whilat In the, (,,OMPaAy- (I(wpondent, lie decided to try Dr. There canip, a young freshnian to coi- fact that, when iiled on board. Tho jvo among the- hedges I could pereel't-6 a Viee-PraWdent Mr. F. W. -G' it rat, is to the lWman hair. Nvither r10 counter- mort (1cmile(i their moot &uqb 11 tangled M.%98 of unpruned roses and. (�on(lk atee,, me- N%,illiams, pink pills Ile purchased lege fact can be explaillecL but every Nu honje should kx, without 01kc horspluan known that a regimen of
influe-neen are brought upon the drf-&Aeti, ' for all ltitw 0 11t I t110 adoption of 'the Y!r liall tiozen b4xea'itnd waw not dis- When he licard that lie had to get L y
V ded to. 11nd. Cape JaRMIne, clinging to and emoth- 'willell was 11WMIMouply carrta acjpwirat�on tins nt wix-ther they rem,ailLe attl1fl, (apt. t,rinir one another. appointed with thp reff1l:t. Before knowledge, (-a*roti will make his bitud smooth wid Hundreds Aro Now im Use
vote of 1,353 Rhares to 954, *It wRs -alwayip the salutary effr,4-t t' they were all ued-Mr. inte %vori giving ewLirc estWacuon. ipon or t.6t. FOr mjr part I brunh4xt my -A l0ve of nature wiLs one of the mcwt rmelved t1int It would be Ln the In- He said, "Goodness me! histrous an velvet, and t1je Chir*�w, w
hii back. and le feeling ABSOLUTBLY ODORLSOMS. hich they reckon. Mark4_xI qualit1eq of my disposition, and tereRts flinjost as well as ever lie had Why, how can th is bo ? OsPeciallY tile women. know t1lat rats % it flovi joagp. I In of the vompany thnt Its chief
Cbarlew sutle9quent life t tho the manner in which Charles Ifninil done. The 1xiin In his back had al- What a (juver thinC 0 do tit it col- used as food @top the failing Out of Fire on 4- required once ill two vvft�k
I volild hardly per-suade myself to sit P'.ace 'of Nistinew ahoul4I hereafter be Cape nd mine at Lan -ley had been t4x' ha4l likeil V) it; and tjwn, quietly fn the carriage and pdss by so� In tile City of Toronto. ' moot disappeAred. tile bradackes hair and make the locks soft, milky Foi rAmulotr write MUK-b the alime In th is "'respect. We attiring mywlf in The follilwing direetorn were elect
it, tooilet, Whk simplo f"ll Much that was new and attractive were gotie, and lic felt greatly im- and beautiful. I IIATP N(41n it.,triod
had neither of am 1x3en brought ch I hasl rvowTed -forithe to me. So great was my admiration &I to fill tho plam of those rtttruig: proved 'in xtrength.- Two niore ra. G.. Howeil. DAntq. Ont.. says: many times." L OW C108H CPU col tact whil jxmv" who were occasion, took my seat an and delight that for & whilo It had the 'Mae. . -A . Q. 116HWX boxes completed the cuTe. find he re-. -I fill(] iller's Worm Powder@* a W 0DORIM CREUT
r. Adant Lv"Vm,
likely too firuicinte us more thatteach I bPr k, nd Wntchad 1mg#rly, power to banish the unpleasant Wm. CAbwuo Ai. P., T. W. I. lavellN 1011n turned to work linle and hearty an Lp"I iiiedicinc." 80methtng for Nothilig., H&Mflton, Orit. c4her ; and the eud or our six years f0i t 1`14, rrival of , my lover. thoughts which had possessed me till Hopddn, Q. C., and Z. A. lj.udl, Q. c. ever. r. Nfinte nZywts that his re- fount] us. apparently. aa devo The stlip At a a A trial 1.)ottle tof 11w(ilient ineting of thp turn to health In due entirely to Dr. Another Ancient Mystery. iiihaler, im-pniti, - me, I t I rep 1A) n I I owl an lay finfriciontly cjfwp then ; but as the carriage. ater about rpozolle n ud
WO hLd tm)en oci parting. We had In aLtwo to jwrmit me to watoh the tin hour'x drive. turned off the main dirertorn, -Mr. A. -U. ILa.mwLy nad Mr. Williams' Pink pills, nd lie still oc- Joliluty—Pa, i8 0ho eend6- his nddresb withill q -R#e week corresponded liberally. and the ae- 'bus-tillig activity which prevallod:up- road and commenced to traver F- W- GAtm w8M 1ln3WnVMWly re- efiaionally umm jj� i)()x V lie f4els In raluablo than diammids? Catarrbozone lot a ivure cure f(kr Cat-. 9e a eler.W Prewiffent an(] Vice-Prestdent AnY � way " out of rtx."
counto be had owt we of the coun. thO (luaY. arki,to. perce;ve part of beautiful avenue, above which the rempectively. so His Father -No, "i; wlQ,'? arrh. Bronchitis,
the (1wiInt faaldon of thWold town., branching irrita.b4e thront,
try of hin adoption had fired me Italf Duteh, half EtIgIIgh, foliage nearly metf an(V The kifteys. like other orgnns of JoJainy-Oh, I was just wondering fetid horvath, and kindred 490MINF-8.
wlUi a dmiro to we its beauties for Of which which. BrOwne Ifor the body, are dependent upon rJeh. Always buy r was NO 80011 to bi-come a member. approach to RhI med me wa.q the A Wonderful Who. red Nood anti M*"n rb a, r what they gave Methuselah c'm his 11(nv c�ati ire affor t" do this? , Be-
myw,o-if. Passed toDo n u iet a n niutmr filln
tile village of 8hettlestou, age a& a V= or 500th wedduW anniversary. xn� know a trial or Ild" jokofth4lit "Xid4ence to be good for any one. Tlm,, sichts alw) wlilch were to be me,, turnftl -in full force. The nvenue was On healthy action,, And it is because Dq. what Is, called Mutdoch'to r6ad, there M and efficwlOm renvNir never faihL 9 ad 1s*n mono- an a quarter of a mile In N wonderfully distihet echo. About WIllIamW 'Pink' Pills orupply th ftard's Linient for alveverrwhere W84600, 151luffs and ni;itmenu have 34Y 1 if 0) 11, t ng! ey h, :ircpund tho remol's aide; the boato more th
t0couAf if' its (lull tranquility, and. on" by rows of grinning black facon; 1pnKtll, and before we *hn,J reached the the first bend (from Shettleston) of conditions tilat thpy cure kidney ProvcA ullavpiling. but ('altarrhosone
n troubles, am well as other ills which boLng naturally of a curious d it=- tho solle" of fruits and regetablMf large white house, bilt somewhat In. tl!at road there is a flat stone on the Interuptiom will cure you. Write hitiom spirit. I thirsted to leaveft '"trich gg" arul feathers and "kar- the Italian stylo. with Ide 'verandas, dyke, where oil a person tuining to- linve their or*ln In watery blood.or Don't interrupt your fath,r when lic'm 101tirm & CO oil, Ont.
Irw ns -w sem". was young. my the wa"betrwomnt4tandinir up and glass windows to tbe'&bund. I Wards the south and speaking in a ishttereiL nerv. us system. -sold U-IlLng funtiy jok(w, K lllv� -lifo wae all before me, and I warce- "I tlii,r o4waying" barks. andelamoring had orked myself up Itinto a fever low rf% "Ing. +� 61 by all dealers orosent post paid. t I TZ7 - 111Y c0flmid4ed what it would be to lu our clowwo-were all Falfficiently Of extwetation and nuspenge. it: echo answt.,rs :,)Oc? a I)o.x or six boxes for $,-).r)O,' L"I L, interrupt your inothvr wheii W:" %Pman In L&ondon. .my poor quite distinctly. On raising the voice by nddremlog the Dr. Williams' rainway eomp&uy IAN The a lletle louder the echo answers, but ME4 11 Nol't interrupt a visiwr, wheii itiq mothor to too iert tionein novel U) attract my notics� an4l rl�jillj It had plonty of time to cool. sho's entertaining folks; INhe Lorhion T
MY intormt, tMd I ally to "ro for lorvant who fecelve me at the open ('wU-0Y it wOumlu wbo has con-
beor old ag-c—her only set- - soundiv tOWard9 the east. On -hal- -ville CO., Brockville.- Ont. If oll come to call, he has Over more timm five hundred coI- A nd get
ties] in a foreign land. -For though them. ta k
But I was totally &bKn4wI Irall-doOr ushered me Into a drawing- 100ing the echo answers. but at right value your health Ljo not 11, fact, it's wiser not to interrupt tit
I had hrother% they were nil outin In WY expectation. my certainty, room, large enough to have been a Rubstitute. I ee to rs. he enguirtw then,, ng rathor, (4 "jig C%arlem Hamilton. I 1"11 -room, and as empty an a ball- a ngles to the South. Thus It Is a triple we:l I's the IU'8130etoDre, receives their life. an liviW at some distance room by daylight. it I' echo ' an(I It if; so sensitive that It eyfs -Gelett Bjugfvv, in Yelortinry ft. rePurW [rum day to day aind superill. The MO,5_T
from Langley. I being tlw,, y0ungp9t tarned my eyes away from all else -to ooked cool and 11 Bradstreets on Trade.
t4trala them toward the shore. reomo Weasant emugh, with Ita matted floorl; ri-peata loverV whispers. People, how- Mcbolaa tJ'e RuMNWXMIS details apper.
the famil y ever. must stand vxactly on tlint flat trade to the dhrtribution of tic
,whiah I otily walted to we quite 'k.
Hamiliton's pe V, as stone and speak southwards; for If Toronto reports spring bufjl Miller's Worin Powders are wo etp-11, the checkIng of tile nLM's datly re- ,
Of Cha r him Ow- alld cane -work soofas and chairs, but
my h: bark. I felt perfectly our It might have been Pandemonium itqclf of the BES1
;;.%her hat] obeerved, we knew ordy a few feet on Pither side the echo new alwad of last year and values derful medicine for allmentri of viiiin' turns, an-w1iit 6 rarely neoemary
is fathlr had married h1m. he for- aught I knew to the contrary. d, -the t1is7ni#Aal of tum e that
not ja would Como to meet me elf, a I tending upward. Wool dealers re ren.
young- *and gune out to the Cape of had made my antIcIpatirnia patent: to Gorgeous tropical creepers ckotered doe8 not answer at all. encouraged at advices as to' better Good HOPO, wbfn* he had em- al -my compatillwUL about the light plllars of the veranda. Now Is Your Chance. offers received for Canadian wools XeA During The Sausage for the barkM i n the wi" trade ; "Not feched yet, Mim Grey nand theIr scarlet and orange and pur- said the yellow dog, -I be tlW hourt in a my
and (,har]Fm 10 oluired one or two of them, with nia pl(% blomoms peeped In at the open Pri�ntc Talk *with Young Men" Is flow In the United States. Orders for lieve Win of wWinaell troubip himw1f was ti - window. A long silk-lialrod log, %vith In chasto language, grade. -I of Canadian woolen goods after death we enter another sphere , or great
only one cl tbe brftherpi who had beeil Ite-lous pity, an they werel them.gelves a lx)ok written Weakneft. and 110 TWOMPtlY cured tly me n t t0 FAV6I& ad for tjy�, 1) lowored Into tho boata waiting to jar eyes and a diminutive nose, of gi%irig description of young men aro reported received from L*ndo, of actIOW I t2*11k I'll be a" If player." 'Miller's Compound Iron T)11114. LEAST MOND tducatirm. But hf. 11 urpows of convoy them on ah,oro. until I began hrM never seen the like before, from 111fancy, also symptoms of yolltil thero have been shipments of "HowdorMfigurotha 0np RA wrltbm Me led tiw after each meal.
of his * morthe le to Chill and of l4cycles to black and tan. ,tmints at their remark, and Japan. Montre'al reporto that cold
flourimbinig ae to feel annoyed Nit which I afterward learned was a ful #-rrors, and directions of a simp and dsters r Almrmt ready to cry at tho delay. A% nat(ve of Java, advanced to attraot 1104ml(' eure. endorsed by tile greateRt weather StImulafte retail trade slight- "Oh. I'll be in the link&,, of tho gayety of their my notice. and two (lark -eyed children, P"Y"'clang- It Is It Young man's friend. Ensigm _E_rne_fft Thv hat H41 1Wd. Pr000njonatcl 80ciety. and 4- beauty of their house I sat there: shadin my face fromob- For the'next few days we are offering 1Y, but that the lack of snow retards Robert. "d9v 'rail unable to eateli tile U and gar(L-n& nd what wom;tij in love m"ation with mY paraaol. a little, with bare feet a I very scanty attire, ainder of- this edition at half N114111eas In the country. The jobbing Army, Barrie. says: exclaimed: aWistng berseLf to be) �ever feh thin. gray-hairml mail, wh V the rdm " Have uw)d 4-%_i(ie`llCP Of ft witness. and
(or V rnn I ha d cams, and 6tarD in my face. and prlce,*50e. Write at once If yoti wollill trade has received fairly good orders, Miller's Compound Iron Pills when - What was your dleVm��d U) ullhPard Vie con- amm ascending tile shIP's side .11 mhort utteMl some words In an unknown and c Physically run-down, and am pleas- The foompwhat u last 8en tence no In- 'w'cure thin offer. -W. R. Hardworth, 011ections aro also"good. Vie- nexp-ected reply WaIR,
own ? bow. r speak to any 80 v onths." nectlow wbich N110 hoPed V) make her time borrp, approache4l vie with a' tOnKuO to me; but I felt toria reports Od to tentilY to the great good the. six M clination to admire o To agftt� Bark's Falls, Ont. fairly active distribli- of them "Nly heart was throbbing tion. though business In the Kootenay have done ine.- F arn ..Visa& -90 that I was very lKaftive that "Xas Grey, I bellerel)" ftstrict is rather (Itilet. An mprove- ady. I i rmat it kxmll.v undiNr a wtime of neglect, and Rough on the Principal. I Llln'mant Cum Dandraff � (1mri,eO motht.r w(Au!d be almrwt aji I answered, wonderingwhat I said to myself nicro than once that. M(.'nt in tl10 OlItfitting trade to the "Remember, young majl," said the I but in to 11 vy Plillosojxher, "that while tile The largmt room Ill t1le world t# dito. dear to me na rny ,own, and that hio fir, want"d ith me. had Char" bwn at llonle, he would Tbe principal of a boys, school far north is also indicated. ea Cornfed ull - the Wkcle 10VIUL t VL dmter woukI ainpiy mipply thF. cc>m- I hao a boat wiriting, niiAm, redy rote. aa follo%vil to the editor of a Knows It, the Maritimo ProTinces ell. girl who wears the tight, thin shoes der (mw roof, anti unbroken b PRA10OWP, thO want of which I had toconr" yotion abore. If You havo not havo iml-mitted such nlight to Tnagazl.ne cmira-e the lumber industry, an( may inake the beat appearaiwe oil lars. Is at St� y Pil- felt from chikiNoxi. any tjox you wish to takm with you, hour ft I It Petersbug. It Is 620 feet
bo. shown me. Fur nearly liaif an "I Inclose a Poem of mine, and trust Is t -Ought forvshadow rather the strcvt. It to the girl with the over- 1(mig ond 150 fmt wide. Its In&
was I bettor
p in a Whnn I was once mtym by nly.geli I jols-ase to ]at me know where it I& If4t alrAio In the drawing- It w -Ill find a place In your age& I trade conditi(illiL Canadian , hank 610ft who In tile least likely to have Id"All! arch of Iron. The room in uspq, IMIMANENTLYCURM
PUIW Out my )over's portrait and ex- 7*h, rest of your luggage will be lan4 room of Rhimiborg, and though a Her- have what may be called 'a poetical clearings aggregated $25.647,000 but cold feet." for military display& and Dr. lK * G mat-
vant did on -ter during that time, and Debool'--erer a whMe
&MIned It. Not but that Pvery lino tit exi this evenhic." y Mholar writeR good wpek. a decrease of 8 per cent, froin -Make one person happy evcxry &ay, battafloTt catl maneurm in it, tomr.
66 sik-ntlY Place a tray with wine and �verge. 111"o fit& or
Q19 portrayedleaturvA wa ax famil- But -who are you T' I whe previous week and a decrease or even if It is only you If. Whenever you heax a man refer FITS after am da" 1"L"
tar to me am It I bad palnVd them. m"r18d- 8tam- fruit and biscults Wore me, I took Tlv� cdit-or ft,turned his lw)eru, with 10 per cent. from last to life as a 10tt6ry the chances are = Arab atrees. no notice of either him or It, ant] tblo note: y ea r. Fa i I u res What makes life dreary in tile Want PA. fm t reatiss and tree 0111- U114 bsuk� j By bUt thn-t I wished to I-rjok at them. an "My nanim �A Browne, mims, at your tjx, littlo elilldren had rifleff the dWles 44 In the Domillion for last week lium Of Inottre.-George Eliot. has drawn a blank.
it *ore, In a new 14ght. and to try and "vIc8- I am the stevrard (Yf Dear Slr,-Your poem is not aval alle by J. A. Hart& nW iFews Dow P 9 I dwtaTmped with their booty be- ablp. p men0val. Qua. am 1, ber only 20, agaII14 .18 the previous Pictu". not what they were. but what ffamiltomi'o plantation t Row%.n I rnro r bat) realized what tiley were eam let us see the good ver9(% week. 38 In 1898, 58 in 1897 l*Py had become. It was a fair, frank I hare come, by nui.ater'x orders, to about. tten b your mabolars." 1896, aild 88 In la") which the locket disclomwil to take you on shore." aw; not very Wrtted or brill my Chark,*-Isn't Mr. Hamilton (To be Ccffltlnued.) Trivvet-Ttiere tioeme to be a great "Such cute I fFft WE ft� "A" WAWN� with ohms ohmai
tanto Ittile hands.- the lover 1850,wl8sa, EE a
-porhap% but wild and good-tempom) woll?" 4 asked. I could not knag-- deal of prejudice a4gainat Aguirmidoon oft said. MWIL h damen
,w at night. has account of him gold collar. Dleer-Yes; But now on tilat subject la"
Ir the child im re@tle IV4
48 years of success IV4 he's muin; # W"Ok MW few 3 40L No -iooiar% arid wltb ligh hair afttl tolle hu,, *hat be would hao w-rimitted c()aW] t(.PnXue, @allow cOmPlexion, a tho prejudice could scarcely be great- Yet the hand li ve prove them troches you rm ow O" ama we eldr
*11111ab b" no mwo character In anYVkbw but sickae" to prevent h a tt n't changpd. 'Tis I L w*b sw big rfaftim to d"m of MIller's Worm Powders is ear If he WOTC a celluloid collar. Imply tbay're we(j, to be the best for COughs, Colds, V Wan th4W pon�d by hundredp welmaing M�hlmmelf. The stewad what ploaft a = a" we 48", An FOR oil of ZmigM ho" But my bmr$ an4 will tly quite swan of the Wn- law. -WheU we 96t WIM enough to I Ire j$I d she kPeV9 I'll" right un-lvr her Ifoarwneas, Bronchiti Asthma. tim -for tm Vo Me. tlluxb� in boxrs_r*%,er sQd ja Wk. DAY% W LIEVER bUyTon Co.. 0 TonowTo, ONT. -9
w J4!1
V_ 41V W ,. ,
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