HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-03-03, Page 11
Head Offica, - - Hamilton.
Captul paid up - - 1,250,000
anorve eund. - • - 775,000
Total 11.ziets - - 11,199.144
a Board of Directors ,
PI-east:Iva Vice- Presukst
Jona *ruin?. A. G. 'Wiwi,
JOHN l'uooTon. Giro. ROACH.
A. T. Wool.), M. P. A. B. Les, (Toronto)
Wa, Gtasoza, 51. N.
ciatitt , -
Ada Cir,
J. Tu aNse
- H. S. STIviLN.
BOUM • Listowel Owen Sound
Carman, Man Lucknow. Port Elgin
Chealey Manitou, Man. Simcoe
Dethi Milton Southampton
thorstetown Morden, Man. Toronto
Grimsby Niagara Fella Wiugham
Hamilton k Barton st) Orangeville
Winaipeg, Man. Hamilton (Emit End)
_mute coeassetoiovers
N ationak Provincial. Bank ,)f England, (Ltd.)
. 1.11111.1CAN COR alISPON DINTS :
Fourth National Bs*, New York.
Hanover National IJW,"
International Treet Co ,illrolitOn,
Marine Bank, Buffalo,
Uaion National Bank, Chicago,
Detroit National Bauk, Detroit.
National Bank a Conameree, Kansas City
National Bank of Commerce, St. 140IdS.
The Bank of Toronto '
ur CMS, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont.
. •
Solicitor Conveysaacer, etc., (late,o
Cameron, �1tt Cameron odorich). Offic
ago -stain is Allis'. new
• SolicitOr, Comnalssioner, Notary
)ney to loan,. Office OTeT blooev't
Barber Shop.
Surgeon and Accouchenr. Surgery
411•411! J. Elliott's grocery store. Oilice hours
roM 9 to I?. a. m, ; from 2 lo 5 p. m. and from
to 9 p. m.
DVIcD. GORDON, 0.31., F.T.
M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur -
305, an i Aeconchenr. Vpstair. in Wm.
Allin's now block. Residence Ross street,
behind Cameron, Murdoch & Co's store
- -
I. O. F.
1 Order of Foresters
Meets In the Otilifellowle
Hellen the fourth Tuts
day ef each menth, at
7:j0 (1.`clock.) Vieiting
brethren cordially invited.
Chief Ran 4er. Recording Setretary
Ca O. P.
now. -Nletts every first and thud Mon-
day if every month in the Orange 11a11,
Visiting brethreu are c rklially hashed.
GLO. NaructF., C. R. D. D. YI •
N0. r28. 1101-.1).4 ITS 1: EGULA 1:
monthly mortise in the (Prange Hall.
Carupbell Atreet, gecocntl
Tneeday evening nf each ami every month.
Degree nig'it oa the 4e4p-40 Tui-telay evening
following. AU visitino brethroi cordially in-
vited to tbe meetire;s.
Secretary W. M
\INT c. T. V.- Tb- -regular monthly
Y • la.oltang of the Wremen's Christra.0
temperance Union will be held every second
Wednesday of e.).h month In the Odd Fellows
Hall, Lncknow, at 3 p.m. Msg. J. 131.YAN,
Presideat: 51 L . R.P.Someitvleee,Seci,tary
1.0.0. F-
Lodge No 112
meet* ev-ry Itolay eversie.; at 8 o'clock in
their hi Campbell street. All brethren
cordial:y invited.
D. N. LAwnEsci,
Noble Grand. Recorder
- ,..-... T 1.' CKNoW
IA Lodge of the
.-- Ancient ' Order (.,f
- United Work's:um,
• il
___,--- meet.. in the Odd
....- k
. ,...-_, --.._ fellow's' Hall, on the
..e• ---•
.1a.t and second
. qi• lay evenings of
//ii , \'N each month et eiiht
o'clock, N isitarg
• brethressicordially invited.
P. H. 51'.Kesate., D.U.Yees,
Starter Workman. Recorder.
°Lollar- LODGE
Paasenger traine
follows ;-
Going South,
6.20 a. in.
8 a, m,
p. 111.
leave Lucknow station as
Going North
11.35 a. m
• 4.'20 p. m
• , 11.10p. m
D. W. HAYES, Agent
4 • �C
• /\
We do a general banking business; issue
drafts throughout Canada and the United
States. We make collectiens on all points,
including :-Western States, Manitoba and
the North-Weet Provinces, and all collec-
tions, whether note or aclount, will have
prompt attention.
Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes.
We loan to laroiers on donble or single notes
at from one to twelve months time, and at
reasonable rate of interest.
We loan small ur large amounts on second
mortgage on farms or other real estate sec-
urity and oo first chattel mortgages on live
stock and implements and crops.
We havea large amount of funds to advance
on first mortgag' es from .5 per cent. to 6 per
cent, The vite is graded according to the
-quality and -size of the loan required.
We have on hand for sale 100 acne) in Ashtield
improved land, with fair buildings and
wi be sold at a bargain.
We represent the leading English and Cana-
dian Fire Inaurance Comvanies and can
effect insurance on all classes Of property in
Stoek or Mutual Companies as desisted.
Our °dice hours are frc.,na 10 a. in, to 4 p. m.
)n heforo the full moon, in the
A idaafaic hall, lia%elock street.
Aforehieful Master. Secretary
A 'en eel'. Can-
, t law Order of
loaen Frienb.
Mtsts 141. and .'rd
'Ent sday evenings
4,1 tail month, in
4 )tidtellows hall.
ieitors cordially
it. t„...
mug A :4 D
rr , S. T.
Lucks,low, Mach 3rd, 1899
- -
Dominion Cattle, Sheep and Swine
I'? the Editor of tie. inel.
MIL EDITOR. Successful
meetings of the Dominion Cattle,
Sheep and Swine Breeders' Associa-
tion were held in Toronto from
February 7th to 19th (inclusive. The
memberships of the •Associations are
at least twenty-five per cent. grcater
than at any • previous period. The
Nffurts cf the Associations during the
pa -:t year have been plong the line of
cheaper transportation. At present
bet weer. 1(..ca1 points in Ontario,
theioughbred stook in lees than car
'eesd, lots i.i. shipped at one-half the
regular tar:ff rate. Between Ontario
ni Menitoba, and Briti,h Columbia
lie rates are now to Winnipeg, $72
1 to New Westinineter, $196, where
formerly they were to Winnipeg, i130
and to New Westminster, si251. The
privilege has been granted of allowing
thoroughbred calves, sheep Or swine,
lese than car load lots of over three
to be penned off in one end of the car
withoht being crated. For a long
time this has been. a sanding griev-
ance of the live -stock men throughout
Ontario. •
• Interprovincial tradein pure bred
etork from Ontario westward to Mani-
toba and the Northwest and British
Columbia, arid eaitward to the
maritime provinees and Newfound-
land has been very large, This
trade has , geen greatly assisted
by the A.ssociations, both by
reduced ratee and also by making up
car loads of shiprecov:s already sat,
thus obtaining for the small shippsr a
car road rate. It is eatienated by
those who are in a pesition to speak
advisedly that the interproviuciel
trade in pure bred stack has increased
five fold duririg the pa.st year. For
the psst two years the ,Assoeiations
have been advertisinfr in the -Ontario
Agricultural (Iazette the names of the
rnerubere of the Live Stock Associa-
tions giving a list of the stock each
has for sale. These lists have been
placed in the haeds ef breeders
th'ioughout all Canada alei it hae
been to a great extent owing to these
lists of Stick for sale that the inter-
ptovincial trade has been so large.
If poseible during - the coining year
these lists wiil be so extencrecl chat
they will be published in the maritime
provinces- and throughout Manitoba
and the Northwest: The Associations
have already ilone, good work along
the lines of transportatieu and by
advertising the Ontario stock through-
out Canada. It is felt that Consider
ably more work along thie line can
vet be done which will result in the
ultiniate benefit to tisk Province.
The Provincial Winter Show held
in Brantford in 1898 was the most
successful yet held. In 1851 there
were 81 entries, in 1898, 760 entries.
The Provincial Winter Show is not
held for the purpose of paying money
to prize stock. It is the intention
that this Mhow shall be educational in
its nature, from Ix:ginning to end.
In all departments this object is being
catered to. Exhibits in a 1 depart -
menta are judged from the consumers'
standpoint. Two years ago in the
swine department prizes were offered
for export bacon hogs, judge % being
representatives from the pork packirg
establishments.. List year in addition
to this a block test was inaugurated.
the above named ,gentlemen doing the
judging. This was the first b14ck test
in Canada. At the Show to be held
in 1119 prizes will also be offered in
the sheep department for dressed
carcesses, the judges of which will be
practicel nien of experience in this
line of work. A special lecture hall
will be provided at the Show where
lectures will be delivered by the judges,
einting out the merits and demerits
;[ .L in ilenti.try, Toronto
Denta. 4* 41e4e, lad I,octor of Dental Sur-
Torunt-a t•eiv •rsitir. All ruoilern plans
noarati .refulis.--,A in aorkmanship.
01Ses in tAo( k, upstair4.
P, - Will visit itipley e.-ry Thursday
1- --
Fire. Life and Marine Insurance,
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Agent for tlo- London NIntual Fire twat
enc.@ Co.,- British America Insurance .
Fermate Cenc.ral Matnal Fire Insnranee Cu.,
anti the Canada Life Insurance C.',
I beirsace on all CLAMP'S Of property promptiy Attended to.
Yarn property w.1,1 far exchanged. Several
choice fauna t•r sale in timnships of Greenock,
Braes. Kincardioe, Huron, Kinialis and Ash -
A lane stonest of money to loan et 5 awl
Si per east on drat -class rarivtoage eecnrity.
Pattie* wiehing any toisinees done in any of
Ehe ie Hada please' call ma or addreaa
departments of thet6w an additional
prize will be gTien to exhibitors
supplying data, giving full informa-
tion as to how the stock exhibited by
them was bred, what they were fed
and the method of caring for them.
This data will be published.
During the summer of 1899 co-
operative experiments in swine feeding
will be carried on with farmers
throughout the Province. The pork
packers and railway companies will
assist the plan.
The Associations in their work
should receiiee the hearty so -operation
of all who have at heart the welfare of
agriculture and the live stock industry
in Ontario. F. W, HODSON,
Vitiagi and ;Cinuitll gto.
South Perth.
In tho bye•election to the Ontario
Legislature in South Perth on Tues-
day last, Mr. Monteith, the Con-
servative candidate, was elected over
Mr. Stock, the.Liberal, by 30 majority.
Died in Colborne.
Mr. William Allan, father of Mr.
William Allan., of this village, and
one of the early pioneers of the town.
thip of Colboene, died on Saterdey
kat, in the 66th year of his age. •
Just Now
Before the busy house cleaning
season is the proper time to have
your feather beds and pillows
renovated. A good many of the thrifty
and economical house -keepers are
taking advantage of this opportunity.
I am still doing beds for one dollar,
but fcr a short time only, N, 5.
BOWMAN, next door to Gallagher.
Seriously Hurt
• On Saturday evening last Mr. 'hos,
Reid, baker, met with'a painful acci-
dent, and one, that has since confieed
him to the house. On going down
cellar he slipped on the stairs and in
falling broke one of his ribs, and was
otherwise badly bruised. He is
getting along nicely, however, and
we expect to see him round again as
usual in a few days.
County must make Orient.
A change in the school lave proposed
by the Minister Of Education is to
make it compulsoiy for County Coun-
cils to supplement the Continuation
grants. It is also made easier to
establish continuation classes, If the
government would do this it would
have the effect of wiping out a great
many ef the stunner High Schools
that are only wburden on the County
and: town in which they are tituated.
To organize a Laorosse Club.
•- A meeting for •the. . purpose ot
organizing -a lscrcsse _teatn for the
corning season will be -held • in the
Band Room on. March .1,0t.h.
a number•of towns that last year
drcipped the: game; among Which are
Kincardine, Walkerton and*Chesley,
are going to re -organize lacrosse teams
this season, the Lucknow boys should
follow suit and again redeem the mile
of the "Old Sepoy Town." All
intereatl in the game are cordially
requested to attend,
A Good Recipe.
A young lady sent twenty-five
cents to a Chicago advertiser for a
recipe to whiten and soften the hands.
She received this reply: "Soak them
well three times a day regularly in
dish water while your mother rests."
• weeding. •
The residence of Mr. and Mr.
Henry Johnston-, 8th con., was the
scene of a pretty wedding on Thurs-
day evening, Feb. 16th, when their
daughter, Miss Lottie E, was united
in marriage with Mr. Henry White,
of Stratford, in. the presence- of about
30 guests. The bride looked charming
in a dress of drab, with cream trimrn
lug. and orange blossoms. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev, Mr.
Olivant, after Which the guests
partook of a. sumptunua dinner. The
happy pair left on the 6.20 train for
their new home,, with the good wishes
of many friends. •
Maitland Presbytery.
The Presbytery, of Maitland will
meet in Knox Church, Teeswater, cn
Tuesday next, March 7th, at 10 a.m.
The Maitland Presbyterial of the W.
F. M. Society will also meet in the
same church the same day.
. Farms for Oslo.
100 acres in Huron township, 100
acres m Kinloss township. All
improved land with lirst-class. buildings,
at a bargain.
Apply to
Bankers, Lucknow.
Painful Aceident.
On Monday last MN. James Young,
of Ross street in this village, feet
with a very serious and painful
accident, by falling on the slippery
walk, near her own residence. Her
thigh bone has been dislocated and she
is also otherwise badty bruised, but
we hope to soon hear of her recovery.
Stallion for Sale
The standard bred stallion Shill-
ington, Jr., of Owen Sound, will be
ill, the village next week. Any
person or persons wanting to purchase
a first-class trotting stallion should
not miss this opportunity. For
further information apply to
Jas.' LYONS, ,Lucknow.
Orange Blossoms _
A very pleasant event took place at
the residence of Mr. Henry Thompson,
sof • Kinloss,. on dm- evening of Feb.
22nd, when his sixth uaughtir, Miss
Mary Etta Thompson, was united in
marriage to Mr. Thomas- Ediott, of
Culross. The eridegroom was sup-
ported by Mr. Fred Thompson, brother
of the bride. The bride, leautifully
attired, was assisted by Miss Minnie
Reid, c sin of the • bridegroom.
Many &fives and friends witnesssed
the t g of the nuptial knot by the
Rev. N. S. Burwitsh. The tables
were richly and bountifully spread.
The presents were numerous and
costly. The highly- esteemed young
ceuple rtart•out on their matrimonial
career accompanied by, the best wishee
and heart felt congratulations -of a host
of friends. May their .lives be long
and happy.
.1. A. McKENZIE, Berrie, Ont. j of the various carcasses. In all
Wedding Bells
The home of Mrs. James Turner; of
Culross, on Feb. '21st, wasiiivaded by
a numerous assemblage of invited
friebels and neighbors. It was their
privilege to witness the. performance
of the inatridonial ceremony, by the
ltev. N. S. • Burvalab, betiveen Mr.
Joseph Hanna, of Kinloss, and Miss
Nellie Turner, daughter of the hostess.
Mr. Fred. Thompson officiated as
groomsman, and, Miss Fanny Bell
• ,
efficiently perfarnfed' the duties of
bridesmaid. Bountiful • provision had
been made for the much enjoyed
marrisge feast. , The. presents were
numerous, beautiful and valuable.
Thus another excellent couple sail.
out onthe ocean ef life in a matri-
monialeSbarcipe richly freighted with
the kindest regards and- best wishes
of the entire community. e
- Have you renewed your subscrip-
tion for 18991
-Mr. Snell, of Wroxeter, was in
town on Saturday.
-The " grip " is gradually releas-
ing its hold upon the people.
-Lucknow has accepted the Wing •
ham challenge to play hockey.
-Miss Lizzie Thompsein, of (.{ode -
rich, is visiting friends in town.
-,-4/r. W. T. Hoar, of Atwood,
has been annexed to the Seereieze
-BOY WANTED.--Oue accustomed
to care of horses. Apply thie. week
to Dr. Elliott.
-Mi; Lou Campbell who has been
visiting Miss Clara Georgen in Walk-
ertou, hasieturned home.
-We are „sorry to hear that Mr.
George Middleton, our fatuous milk
tuan, is under the weather.
-Who will get the Diamond ring
given away at T. A Sitnund's show in
Town II ell, Thursday, Friday and.
---Smit li and Haddon wifl make
you laugh in their great Knock About
Act, in Town Hall, Thursday, Fridiy
and Saturday evening.
-Fount! In the G. T. ,R. station
yard, small keys on* ring owner may
have same by calling at this Wilco and
paying for this ad.
-See Prof. Scott, the upside down
wonder, in idethrilling feats on flying
tapez in Town Hall, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday evenings.
Provincial Board of Health
haasent out a circular requesting the
various municipalities to enforce the
lAW in regard to vaccination.
-Mrs.. Jack Armstrong will be
"At Home- to the merobefs and,
friends of the eY. W. C. T. U. this
(Friday) evening at o'clock.
-Frost Stock Co. from Monday
evening, March 13th till Saturday
evening' March. 18th, in the Town
Hall, here. Go and deo them.
- A bill has been introduced into
the New York State Legislature mak-
ing the legal rate of interest five per
cent instead of six as heretofore.
-Tho Frost Stock Co. will give
entertainmentsin the Town Hall here,
from Monday evening, March Otli
till Saturday evenin March. 18th.
- Mr. Malcolm Matheeon, who left
hero for the military 'sc'.00l, London,
on January • 1st, has been successful
. •Obituary • • in obtainin,e-s a tirsteclass certificate in
There died at Brustels, on Monday,
military instruction. •
February 27, the ltev. John Ferguson,
--A Temperance Lodge is being
D. D., in the 70th year of his age.
organized by a number of the young
-Ir. Ferguson wee minister of Mel;
ne churc, Alee (now Bras- mege• n of the villa it will hold. am
sels), fora number of years; and was
over th;rty years aeo well' known. in
Witten and Ilruee, . and. wi:is highly'
esteemed at_ an -able and effective
preacher of thevispel. . Reeves alio
minister in Vankleek Hille in. the
'county of Glengarry, and after. •ex-
er-Asing his nainietry 'there 'for some
years with. ability and faithfUlness
went to Denver City, Colorado; and
ministered there the latter part ofhis
life. Many in Kinloss arid Huron
wiil remember him and affectionately
cherish his memory for his: gospel
ministrations. He has passed away
to enter upon the life Of Heaven with
its blessed and .hely eervices. •• .His
body rests in Brussels cemetery until
the resurrection clay. .
, Publie.Sobool Reinert.
,Following is the standing of the
.pupils in Second Department for the
month of February, 1899, in order:
SENIOR 34 D Etcellent - Ethel
Cameron, Martha. Barber, Sinclair
Mallough, Vilic Moody. and Russel
Robert:1%n (ties), Stanley Johnston,
Willie McLean, Willie 'McClure,
Mearly Davidson, kirk Robinson.
Goode -Alfred Newton, John McLean,
Ernie Murchison, May • Davidson.
Fair -Willie Henderson, Jas. Mc-
Corvie, Jas. Reid, Jas. Jehnston.
JUNIOR 31tD - Excellent - Aggie
Patterson, Dahlia Graham, Willie
Scrimgneur, Millie Murchison; Willie
Johnston, Max McClean, Jennie
Scrimgneur„ liena Patterson and
Willie McKay (ties), Gertie Johnston,
Jas. Findlater, Mable Yule, Eldon
Siddall, Bert Yule, Irene Teheriffe, W.
-McCoy, Naomi Moody, P. Hayes, M.
Graham, M. Allin, E. McLean, A.
Grundy, M. McLean, Good -Mac,
Patterson, A. Harvey, Eli Flemming.
Pupils on roll 43, average attendance
39. A. G. Smith,•teachet.
Sad Death
During the past few months the
pale horso and his rider has visited
many homes in thie locality, and
carried away to that bourne froni
whence no traveller has returned,
many loved ones. The young, the
old and 'the middle aged have fallen.
victims to his ruthless grasp, but in
all the sad cases that we have been
called upon to chronicle, none has
caused more profound regret and
sorrow than the sudden death of Miss
Kate McKinnon, the handsome seven-
teen year old daughter of Mr. Angus
McKinnon, of the 5th concession of
Kinloss, which took place on Satur-
day last in the village. The deceased
young lady had been spending a few
weeks with her sister Mrs. P. Mc-
Devitt, and contracting a severe cold,
inflammatory rheumatism of the
heart set in and although everything
that medical skill and kind and at-
tentive nursing could do, was done
-weetibgs in the same place as formerly.
-The 0.' P. R. and the G. T. R.
will run the first. excursion train to
Manitoba on .the first Tuesday in
March and then every Tuesday during
March and April.
- Mr. aria Mrs. John Harrigan', of
Petrolia, Mrs; Nichols, of Sun-
dridge, attended the funeral of their
mother, the late Mrs Ryan, ou Satur-
day last to Kincardine cemetery.
- The election of Meesrs Scott and
Elands as County Councillors of Kin-
cardioe, has been voided through. the
bungling of the returning officer, and
they have to Fay sone $500 in costs.
auction sale of farm stock
and iinplements, the property of
•Samuel' Padlock, will be held at lot 32,_
son. 9, Greenock township, on
Wednesday, March Gth. John Purvis,
•-A traveller on one of the branch
lines of the G. T. R. is authority for
the.story that the train was stoppei
at a country -cross-road while the
engineer went over to a farmhouse to
get a chew Of tobacco.
see,A fast game of hockey was play-
ed on Kincardine rink, on Wednesday
night; when Ripley defeated the home
team by a score of 6 to 5. ThiEf
places Ripley as winners of tee Huron
and Bruce Hockey League.
-The Directors of the Western (4n -
term Cheese and ,Butter Associat:on at
their meeting in Stratford set apart
i3,000 for instruction at such factories
and creameries as should apply for it.
Pour Instruotors ,were appointed.
Among them, we notice the name of
Geo. MacDonald, of Illuevale, his
territory will comprise the counties of
Huron, Perth, I:ruco and Waterloo;
lie will Confine his, attention, to- the
cheese factories.
Wedding Bells
Oa Wednesday evening of list week
in the presence a the iminediete friends
and:relatives of the contraeting
the marriage of Mr. Wus.J.Miller and
Mist Catharine Alice Treleeven,. was
celebrated at the residence of the
b id ' f ther 3Ir Thos 11 Treleaven
r. es a , . . .
Havelock Street. •To the strains of
Lohengrin't wedding march, be_autiful-
ly reuderel by Miss Lelia Berry, the
groom entered, attended- by • his -
brother, Mr. Al. Miller, of Clinton.
A moment later little Francis Siddall
appeared its flower girl, followed by
the•bridesmaid, Mils Edith Smith and
the bride leaning upon, the arm of her
father. The cereinoay was performed
by Rev. W. E. Treleaven, of Teviot-
dale, uncle Of the bride. After
saluting the huppy'couple the guest -4
sat down to a sumptuous . repast,
after which a pleasant social e‘ (suing
was enjoyed. The bride was becom-
ingly attirecrin MAID silk mull and
veil,and carried a lroquet of cream roses.
The bridesmaid being prettily attired
in white organdy over pale blue,
carred a boquet of piek and white
catrnatiens, and the .flower girl
looked very pretty in white Scotch
inn11, carrying white carnations. The
bride was the recipient of many
for her, her spirit passed away after .beaetiful and cost'y • presents which
a few days illness. Miss McKinnon I showed the high esteem in which she
was a beautiful young lady, of a is held lejt her many friends.
most kind and loving disposition and
WHOLE NO. 1309.
Successful Entertainment at
The school contest held at Holyrood
on Friday evening last was a com-
plete success in every way. The hall
was filled to the door with the most
orderly and appreeiative audience we
have ever seen, Lot a discordant note
throughout the evening, which called
forth strong expression of.praise from
those who addressed the gathering at
its close. The President of the
Library Association acted as chair -
maul while Messrs. Cameron and
Murchison, of Lucknow, were the
judges. Five schools competed, and
while only two could get the prizes,
the work of each school was exceed-
ingly well done, and it was remarked
by the judges, that each school
excelled in one of the subjeets, tbe
first prise going to S. 8. .No. 5, and
the second prize going to S. S. No. G.
One feature that was pleasant for
both the chairman and the audience,
was the promptness with which each
scholar responded to the call to do
his or her part, thus not a minute of
time was lost and a long and varied
programme was finished by 10.30.
Suth,contests roust have great value
as educational factors in bringing out
latent talents and developing lines of
education that are sometimes too
much neglected. The Public Libraey
Association Board, recognizing this
fact and desiring as they have always
done in the past, to promote the
cause of education, intend ta hold
just such another contest probably
during Dec,ember, so that teachers who
have commenced to teach in any of
the competing schools will have a
better - opportunity to train their
scholars than they would have if the
contest was held at the beginning of
the year, and while the same general
Linea will be followed, some changes
wilt be made that will enable -the
teachers to introduce any special
talent they may have in their schools,
and some improvements in the method
of giving marks that have been
suggested by the gentlemen who
judged last Friday evening, may be
had endeared herself to all who knew -Don't miss eeeine the Mayor of
her, and in her sad and uetimely
Perth Scotland) and his five Jamies
in their great dance, ehown by the
Zenomettoscope in Town Hall hero
Thursday, Friday and Saturday even-
ings, March 2nd, 3rd and 40.
Admission, 10 and 15 cents.
death her parents and friends have
the earnest sympathy of all in their
great bereavement. The funeral took
place at ten o'clock on Tuesday morn-
ing last to the Holyrood cemetery,
and was very largely attended.
the above parties named as visiting
committees or indeed any person
may become a member of The Child
rens' Aid Society by remitting 50c.
to Mr. Butler, Manager f the Mer-
chants Bank, Walkerton, the Treas-
urer, the receipt of which will he ac-
knowledged quarterly through the
public press, and all voluntarily aid
will be acknowledged in the same
way. Yours respectfully,
A. SHAW, President.
The wheel of tinie rolle on bringing
with it its many changes, and this vil-
lage has its share, Mr John Camp-
bell, our active and energetic imple-
ment agent is preparing to leave us to
reside in Wingharn. Mr. It. Dobie is
taking up the agency in his stead. In
addition to Noxon inachines, he
going to haudle MoCormick's. M r.
Jas. Sheriff is here to represent t be
Peto:. lIstnilton Mfg. Co. Mr. John
Lewitt and Mr. J. T. Holmes arc
agents for Cream Separators, so we
evidently have our share of agents.
Mr. J. A. Taylor has completed his
coot ract of filling the ice house at the
butter factory. Messrs. .Mirehouse
and Tiffin have also completed their
contract of tilling the ice room of the
refrig, rator.
Mr. Jas. Gaunt lias a fine stock of
pine logs in his teillyard this winter.
They are from a piece of swamp which
he purchaeed from. Mr. J118. Ross.
Mr. J. X. Holmes is busy preparing
to erect a new brick' residence. We
underataod that Mr. Geo. Cotte has
the job. Mr. Cottle has several other
contracts for the coming season.
Mr. A. Smith, 6th con. Kinloss, has
resumed operations in his oatmeal
mill, Mr. ROSWEI lease having expired.
Walkerton, 23th Feb., 1657.
lifeau SIR, -I have deemed it ex
pedient through, your kindness to
adviee the public of the nature and
objects of the above Society.
This Saciety has now been °nisi -
ally recognized by the Government
and is organized, the head office of
which is at Walkerton, and their
meetings, by permission of Tcwn
Cetincil, are hekl at the towntall.
Society is formed under "An
Act For The Protection and Reform-
ation of Neglected Childreu". It. S.
0. Chap. 259:
Visiting Committees have been
appointed in each Riding under that
act, the names of whom aro as fol-
lows :-For the Electoral District of
South Bruce : Mrs. Keeling and
Rev: Geo. Watsou, Walkerton Post
Office; Peter McKenzie and Mrs.
Bryan, Lucknow P. 0.; James John-
son, Mildinay P. 0. and Mrs. W. R.
Thompson, Teeswater P. 0.
From Centre Bruce : John Fisher,
Lorne P. O.; Mrs. Norman McPher-
son, Kincardine P. 0.; Dr. Morrison,
Pinkerton P. 0.; Miss Kate Fisher,
Paisley P. O.; C. J. Mickle, Chesley
P. 0.; Mrs. John Humberstone,
Ripley P. O.
For North Bruce: Jdlin McNab
s.nd Miss Maggie Cook, Southampton
P. O.; Mrs. Hirman Brown and T.
S. Campbell, Wiarton P. 0.; Jas.
Muir, Port Elgin P. 0.; and Mrs. Dr.
McNally, Tara P. 0.
'The object ef appointing these
Visiting Committees is, that they
may keep "The Children's Aid Soci-
ety" advised of what aid is necessary
and where any child may be placed for
maintenance in any of the Ridings,
and that the Committee and that Bid-
ing may appoint one or more of its
members to see that the child gets
care and attention.
No Otlicer of this Society receives
any remuneration. It is wholly a
Benevolent Society, the members of
which voluntarily contribute a cer-
tain sum, 50 cents to become mem-
bers, but of course any one desirous
of contributing more may do so, and
by contributing a certain sum may
become a life member It is hoped
that benevolent people throughout
the County will aid the Society by
At present, municipalities are charg-
ed with the maintenance of the poor
and neglected children, but their
care is not attended to syatemati-
cally. Some children have been
placed in homes by the County but
there is no one to inspect their homes
or to see that they are being proper-
ly attended to and receive education.
It is expected too, that this Soci-
ety, if successful, will relieve the
County from the mainlenance of
children at Toronto Institutions
where e2.00 a week each is paid for
their maintenance. Several children
are maintained in Toronto by the
County. It is expected that such
children may be enaintained within
the County, and under the inspec-
tien of The Chtldren's Aii Society
and Riding Committees for inuch
less money. If the Societe can
show that this is being done, they
will expect to be aided by the County
and Municipalities.
It is well to understand that this
Society is not at all a Society for
the benefit of Walkerton alone, but
for the whole County, and its opera.
dons will be carried on throughout
for the whole County by the assistance
of the above Visiting Committees.
The following are the names of
the Officers of The Children's Aid
Society :
Tile election boom is &WO. over and
things are agaiO4ogging on about as
Miss Lyons, of hondesboro, is visit-
ing friends here this week.
Miss Courtice, of Holmesville, is
'spending a few weeksamongst her
Many friends in this section.
Miss Edith Johnstone is home again
after visiting friends around Kincar-'
dine and Royal oak.
Mr. John Spindler has removed to
his new honie on the boundary line.
John R. Lane, of Kinlough, called
onfriends here last: Week.
The residence of Mr. Michael Court-
ney was entirely consumed by tire a
week or Eo ago. The loss is heavy
and is only. partly Covered by insur-
Mr....R.: Fraser hiLi sold his farm to
M r. John Hogan.
The sick list has_never been known
to be so full mound here, as at present.
Mr. W. 11. McDonald; of Calu.met,
Mich., visited Mr Jatnes Fisher( a
few days.
Miss Tena Graham, of Oak. Lake,
Man., called on friends . here a short
time ago.
Mrs. McLean, of Noah Kinloss,
was the guest of Mrs. Barr last week.
Mr. McKay, of Ripley, while on A. Shaw, President; Vice-Presi
his way to Goderich, -,gave us a pleas- dents, Rev. S. T. Robinson, M. Me-
ant cal!. Namara, Morgan, T. Whitehead;
Mts. Truenorth, of Toronto, attend. W. E. Butler, Treesurer; E. J. Row-
ed the funeral of her father, Mr. Wm. ands, Secretary; Honorary Counsel,
M D 11 IT McKay A. Collins. Any of
7' the Editor of the Sentinel.
DEAR Sia.-Cobourg is ode of the
most historic towns in the province as
far as associa.ious with men who rank
high in ehe world's esteem go to give
history to a town. It was at one
time the seat of Victoria College and
hiraday Hall and many prominent
leen were in those days -congregated
here, -not only the great meu of the
Methodist church, but also men
fame in politics, in education,
traNel and in many other branches.
PreLably no other town of its size in
Ontaiio can boast of a greater number
of distingu. ished people IIS citizens or
as tisitorte From a leng list beforie
me I shall only mention a few:
Lord Dufferin, Lerd Lerne, Princess
Louise, Prince of Wales, Lord Elia,
Dr. lalmiage, Fred Douglis. the colored
orator of he South,
Bishop Wm. Taylor, Elihn illrrit the
"learned le!a smith," Me, k Goy
Pearse, Neal Dow, slrenetal Tom
Thumb, Egerton Ryerson, Dan God-
frey the renowned English bandmaster,
besides many of the early ministers
and evangelists and nearly all of our
Ontario and Dominion politicians.
Revs. G. R. Turk, P. g. Nugent, T.
S Cslling, T. B. Wallwin, John
Kenner, and others of the Lucknow
pastors are well known here.
During the past few months the
angel of death has frequently visited
the homes of Cobourg and claimed
now a child, now an old man, and
now oue apparently in the prime of
life. Many have crossed the "Great
Divide" and the places that so lately
knew them, now know them no uaore
forever. " Since leaving Lucknow
many whom I once knew have been
summoned to the Spirit land. Their
familiar faces are no longer seen in
their aecustomed places. They are
missed on the street and in the home.
When death lays its hand upon those
with whom we have been associated,
we begin ta feel ourselves in he
presence of God and eternity.
" Blessed are the dead that die in the
I lately read a book which I would
recoinmead to all the young people
of Lucknow. It is written by Dr.
Wm. Thayer and is entitled "Onward
to Fame and Fortune." It is as the
pubrishers truly say " worth its w eight
in gold," if its principles are lived -to,
It is for all young people irrespective
of denomination, nationality, or
calling. It language is beautiful, its
thought forceful, and its purpose
noble. It will prove to be of incal
culable worth to the careful reader.
I noticed in a late issue of your
paper the number of- Woks in your
public library. I trust that among
them are the works of two Canadian
authors, Gilbert Parker and Chas
D. Roberts. Parker's "Battle of the
Strong" is at present one of the most
popular books in 13ritain and the
United States. ltobert's Icest book
if I remember rightly is called "A
Sister to Evs,ngeline," and is a worthy
successor, so the critics say, tol his
" Forge in the Forest.- Ano er
Canadian aethor whose books will be
enjoyed by the boys is J. McDonald
Oxley, author of ." Fergus McTavish,"
"Archie of Athabasca," etc. These
are all Canadian books and should
receive a prominent place in Canadiali
Air* Tel 1
If so, it wjl be to your interest
financially to Riga this -AL"
are now doing our Oarpet
Business on a different basis than
'We have made an arrangement
with the ROYAL CARPET CO. of
Guelph to show a nice range of their
SAMPLES in UNION and Aee-Wooe
CARPIETb. You Can select the design
you like best, give the size of the
room and elee Carpet is woven tO
0/12, J6 JS
Boll Cheaper
because our money is not invested in
carrying stock, and we have no remn-
ants or short ends to lose on.
p God
' They
II the
ear -
a the
if mod
a ngaieend
le for
el. ,It
.ne doctor
on to the
own had a
not only in buying cheaper, but there
will be no w te in matching to pohst
for, and you have • range
choose from.
as just got tes
To those wanting a carpet ani leaves to at
%robing to wait, we keep on hawses and useo toa
few lines of new and neat pattc
which we cut and match at very a heart or nem -
prices. 'HIP the very fittest
At short infulloo.
Before buying your Carpet isee.erdecl give up tea
Samples and compare our Primo. -
Yours truly,
A Winged
lleetly, silently.
You are perhaps, unprepared
for his advent. The little
RIN4. which announces your
compact with "the rosy god"
is always ready for you here.
I.. .4.
The Daintiest Bands that ever
encircled a splendid finger.
Yours truly,
The Finest and Rarest of
dazzling GEMS at wonder-
fully low prices.
.ss .ss
Tho Jeweler
& elan
Allin's Block.
John Griffin, and John Griffin has
bought the propeity of the late Thos.
Dalton, near Kintail. They moved
there some time ago.
There is. a great deal of sickness
around here.
bird. D. Teliurlew, who has been
on the sick ' list for some time, is
slowing convalscing.
Mrs. This. Manary, who on Satur-
day last was at the point of death, is,
we are glad to chronicle, rallying, and
everything points to her recovery.
Mr and Mrs. McCrory, were on
\the sick list last week.
Mr. and Mrs. llatnbleton, of Port
Hope, visited the latter's sieter, Mr.
Wm. Pierce, last week. They'retuin
ed home ou bionday.
II. J. Blake has bought the farm of
detaihe Dr.
t ewe.
t to
toil -
The fo'lowing is the standing e('the
pupils of S. S. No. 10, Ashfield, at the
Fel). examination in Geography and
Canadian History : Geography -5th
claus-Frank Scott, Geo Fanish, 11.
Rogan. Senier 4th class -Edith
Scott, Ernest Se. r W Hogan.
Senior 3rd clIss-0 Dinah), 1'
Drenntn, C Taylor. Junior 4th class
-Ed Sennet, M Johnstene, T Hogan.
Histot y- 5 t h clase-G , Fanjet),
Senior 4th class -E -Stiliftessi Junior
4th claes-E Sennet. Senior 3rd
clu4s-0 Durnin.
8. S. NO. 7, )(MOSS.
Excellent -Senior Ith class -I
Webster, M Barbour, J as Barr, E
Webeter, Jessie Barr. Good -R
Fisher, C MacMurchy, K Campbell.
Excellent -Junior 4th class -R
Finlay, A McLeod, J Irwin, L
Excellent -3rd data -11 ?Wind,
E Oook, W Cook, W
Exce1lent-2nd class --A Fiaher, W
Beur, 5 Finlay, A Barr, W G Irwin,
A Cook.
Excellent -Part 2nd class -A
Fraser, L Beaton, I Finlay, D Mao.
First class -R. Fisher, G MacLeod,
E MacKenzie, D MacKenzie, r -
MacNab b.
le '
r "