HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-02-24, Page 4• Z:7 • aeseinielbilley.s11=11111.111111188.610%. 16114:1111111.10 f ale JUMP • regaillhisetri, Ate, we1 t�tlItfIW $10•04 '.3*t. o4 • ' ••• • 4001110"Iir • 4111060. * - 3ana4 tv.,1 -1104,4* " * r reelleSpertaii • pore ' eireernit, at mat. • •••••••••ir IRA Ili. a 44.. 4...• - e;„ • t`P=Iteh-..,•, ., .!s : li "illerlarae• ; ...I... e lietaee flfl, '. ev.ie•:•,, .. • .1, teri • (Detroit.-lat$tm tlt.; 1 fl... ttercest.. • .11 -196•1Nvs•r44, ee e 111,11111111111er ••••66$66‘..• . ' lb • • ti&ra•al‘eiPer•o* . Oka' 7 1111111111.1goalttaill, 11111"4. somamor 1".1•• I • . ••••••• • WG aact amamai *era ra" it; Pe...v. •••• alar • liftiu,o+1.0.%, Aorti•st...r• 1111111101.111 hi- enren••••9464 floyesv••••. ..••••,‘ IOW maul ow,* *vet : I,' . • e masers., I. • !b4.6.00.1... 40..• .6..seesser c' th• NIP* • A ....46.6.•••-• rms Th • ':•••f6 filia4, Writ: La se•iika.tie„ ak-e4..1 • ✓ t$- din. item .41) mot, rt:.caarW& t th tmrTikittv - 1./Cnaal• VAL:•/,1t • • U. bt gear- t ,..catere •11 amnia. to' e times, iamb- aztet-tes_ !‘russioi.,m • usefloir, !Nei 'yeti/41 ru • Mac OM Iluttine',‘ ritt *LT VWarm; Wh1.11 Lite. awe( tgallgter if" .sstI Ai rt. T'6674itill• mama ar.L tr4.•4.. 7 �srneL 11 fr. .71trtal tits tt...ssebst. caktiglite- flc -at •Ink 'die_uIr tPj Sf7'wt claim= wsreIM3V Li arse sirviyit 4,04 49retk. VIC Z. UNrwirr s% pat -i-.!. Ct` taa. wawa raltuzusit.tr, px t•tbatv: tsar gemg alEtzt.Lir. :•Kviatirid natamiamcinti :.at z.r.azer :be T•risisr.a.x. ..tekt A few rani 11111111111 lialsra mom" azomiew t wat L' wren :•etztazabe "'value nit ria-stise lass be "T.,5era:.` 12041. of las irde. waa • • the Lucknow !tenth*, Bruce ()minty Fridav February 24th IIIIALSALE 01.--- P t 1 1 "r • ' 1 only, to m ke room for the N. • r • Lot)* Al A FEW PRIOES. w-f4ted siiits wortli $ 1.60, for $18.N) •o of) ,t •sl 00. $17.00; t it4.00. • , • • '4 1. 1 11'111 English selling at same, rate. PIT AM, rizeir-cLAsi lropt OtTARANTIND 1' IF; _ _ CASH_ STRIART. LUGKNOW. ••••••-•••••••••••••111.....!....C., Ult. LAWMENCE. W. C. JOHNSTONE :Mots OUP Ci/StOM fTS Take Them.. THEY CETTHEM FROM US. 71i1'.t.w. v,1;_11111A.s. T'p t.T atle: Tip top.in rip top it, Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN. INoiscirely pee es if not more, in real than any one in th ttountry • . • 1. NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE. • - CALL UPON US. wads.. sis,pe• 1p dttlell Per."111454 La *ranee ce johizstonop at usea•se,.• , thz.e4,".:: mea with *Inset "magmata= sad- at •....e.missix.1, re.emed to 1.. siazzer is the:. weakened system, tale b•ors t•hati time he• Lever regaiaed • • • za strencit, yet be tegstincied to.1 ?prior= :_is duties foe anetner year, i. wtsen spot he urgent reccemeniatios 1 kis phvcian that a c-hatge was '' ziecessary be resigned his cha-ge on Apr.: lcith :eat.. The resistion was ' accepted by the Presbytery ad a ' respeation Was passed bearing testi- to) his ability as a mintatkr cf 1 the Gospel, his Adeity in all paetora: mony . work, referring. to his success in this. I charge and the esteem in which he was he:d by a::, also to the etf.cifnt ' services rendered the Presbytery by willingness to engage in all work. For these and other *panties that made him a brother greatly beloved, they esteemed bin]. On :minday, May th, he preached his farewel: sermon here to a lirge congregation, and on haturday, June 4th, left Forest with his family and household effects. He first went to Cavan, Durhem county, his birthplace, where he remained for a time, and laat fall purchased a home in Goderich, where he, with his children and sister-in-law, Miss B. McOrostie, resided antil his death. During this time his health did not improve, and all that skillful medical aid and loving friends could do was done but withoup avail. He was confin&I to the house fo, some weeks, the last two or three suffering intense pain, which be bore with unwavering Christian fortitude. ea - 4I• • Furniture Dealers and Undertakers eople must e Groceries cuEINE Thos. Culbert, who has been on the sick list, is, we are glad to report, around again. We are sorry to ',bate that Mrs. D. Therlow, who has ben sick for some time, is still very low. Mrs. N. Peirce and family visited her brothers. near Teeswater last -week. They returned home on Satur- day last. Mrs. G. Armstrong presented her 'husband with a daughter on Thursday 9th inst. A series of night meetings com- menced here or Monday last.. Mrs. M. Shackleton is still very helpless. ASHFIELD COUNCIL • Council met pursuant to adjourn- rnent, Feb. 11th. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Cheques were issued for the follow- ing amounts :-Thos. Lanolin, gravel, $1.44 ; Wm. Milligan, gravel, .$2.10; Wm. McWhinney, gravel, $1.28; James McConnell. gravel, $1.76; Robt. Blake, gravel, $1.44 ; Garrow and Proudfoot, legal advice,.$30.00 ; Wm. Smith, bolts at hill D. L, $4.93 ; A It. Finlayson, auditor, 18.00 ; John Long, auditor, 19.Q0 : F. McConnell, oelance for gravel pit, 13.00; Thos. Hussey, under drain, $2 50 ; -Thos. Richardson, 2 day.: work on hill on D. L., $1.50. . The auditors presented their ri port for tbe year 1898, and after a careful examination by the Council, on motion of Morgan Dalton and John Barkley the report waa adopted. - Council meet e on the 18.111 day of M Th. W. :•;-roTiteit.-, Clerk. BIRTHS. ROSS -In Kinlons, ..n the 1 Ith Ye!, , the wife of John B. Ross, of • soil. MARRIED' 4.=4•441MIMM• SAVAGE - SMELTZER. - By the Rev. Jobs Learoyd, at the residence of the bride's father, un the let February, Jobs Robert Savage, of Grey, to Mary Etta Snaeltz-r, f.1 Lucknow. DE ITHS. McINNEA. In KlUI Satuiiiigar, February istb, Martin Mc 1 rine*, 74 years. The funeral took place on osday to tbe Kiel' uetery. McI VER. la Huron tocreehip, on Priday, Feb. 17th. Thomas McIver, aged 77 years 1 mouth, 10 daye. Thr funeral took place on 3dooday to th•g 404-4 oemetery. A RMSTRt 'NG. In Lecknow, on Aaturriay, Yob. I4tb. Ada Victoria, twin daughter of William and Celia. A metre:1g, aged Irneet t) 4. The funeral to(ik place aegsday..t) Kinkier cemetee T. Waged- tnthrtimda9abrinereeiltilso rere:sith.ST D. C..ro'reelailiAliale= 101 a CO. Imre The gres.; question is where to get, them. We keep the best equalities tp b had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TELAS Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10.cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Conipare quality and prime. 01:1003KMICY. , We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FMMID All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. berry and toilet McClure and Mallough9 C-01.811 G-ROCERS Was EditkiSnitil,: Is prepate.i tc .;i% • It-, on PIANO AND ORGAN At her hane•on, L.UCKNO1V. Campbell St., 3USIMEtSeS _C-114NCE FIVE GENERAL A.GEN.CY RIGHTS of "014. Natiee Herbe". tAlon4o A Blies Co., Montreal) of lluron County and enuthern division of Perth will be .old immed- iately and on easy terms as 111 health forces me to leave the country, 'Well established and profitable business. Forty -ell su5-agents at work. Call or addrese A. It, SHEA, Coleman st., Seaforth. N.B.--Person, indebted to me wilk view , forward Mae to me. - Settlers' One -Way Excursions. T., ,Manitoba and Canadian Nortliwost will w.liToronto every TUESDAY during March ani April. Pa/mem/ere travelling WITHOUT LIVE STOCK should take train leaving Toronto at 3.15 p m. P amen gers travelling WITH 'LIVESTOCK should take train leaving Toronto at 9 00 a m. ' Colonist Sleepers will be attaicLed to eack train. • For hill particulars, •and copy of ''Settlere' Guide- apply to any Can. Fac. agent, or to - '. E. McNIERSON, Aesistant General Paseenger Agent, • 1 King St. Emit, Toronto. wAtiOt5A0-§,t44 Thompson's Airory Campbell St., LUCKNOW First Class . Horses aiid Rigs . • '6: -4iiireArdir•it4I• Grain Markpt. The following are the market quota.. dons for this week :- .' Yeas, (;::,c to 6.;c Wheat, CMG to Toe _ ••! Barley, 43c . . Oats, 2gie to 290 is' Li RCS Op. TAFT'S MITHMALtfe: 94.1 411)1' 16n that you need NU i- gi Lt. no nigh; gap pitig 1. .1" bresali kir sear : 4 suffixation. Pend your name and El E addrees we will mail trial tote.. f- - Tgogitto. ow. D. TAer sew.* ADeLAI STHPAA In the SURROGA I 61' TIIZ COUNTY*OF • 73 • PILITTS MAD TO ORDER 1 \AAAAMAANyVVIAAAAAAA011~10 g g Wien niu u gliftgp=bagliffiaf MAAAAMAAMAAMOVIAAMAAA • ttlThis week we are offering SOME SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S PANTS MADE TO ORDER, at $3.50, $4,00, $4.50, $6.00, and $6.00 per pair. The Goods are composed of Whipconis, Eair Lines, & Fancy 'Worsteds. Et Irk. rimy Ilincrust Vatierna tor Spring Zee*. :ilia 1.AMA.-VM.AS IARLY 0110ICMST P.A.TTEIR,NS WTI:AL BOONBE PICICM1.3 TTID_ ours tiilly, • 0. Murdoch & Co, Lucknow. 444.-.4•4. - - _ 4 a... READY M OB .114 6° LUCKNOW. Has over 300 Suits of Ready Made Clothing,. consisting of Men's, Youth's, Epp', and Chilarees, which will be sold fer the ifixr fffiRTY DAYS 10 PER CENT. OFF REGAJLA_ft PRICES. • AU Goods marked in Plain Figures. Away Below Cost. R Hugh es M. CORR ANS' Is the place to make yojeIctions in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I -have in stock the following: TE COURT HURON - -- , - -In the estate of Sililliain Wilson late of the Township of Wawanoih in the County c f Ilitron, carpenter, deceesed. • Alt persons having any claim against the estate 'of the above named William Wilmot), who died on or about the 15th day eif Decem- ber, 1898, are required on or before the lat day of March', 1899, to send to the undersigned *elicitor for the administrator of the _estate, full particular of their claims and the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by AA- david. . After the said date the administrator will proceed to distribute the estate among the parties entitled, having . reference onlyto the claims of which they shall have received notice, and after such di•tribution they will not be responsible for any part of the estate to any creditor of whose claim they shall not have received such notice at the time of such distribution. This notice is given pursuant to Statute. . • • * • P. A. MALCOMSON, Solicitor for Administrator. Lucknow, Feb. ith, 1899. FARMERS I Buy the best Binder and Mower mide, viz : • • sa s=3‘ -ti A't gala At ir* tai Ilgto C 0$6$41110111! 0 k4M5-51kUr*L51?:‘*!4f--,*:545 Built in Chicago, • Sample Machines set up in Warehouse at 'Whitiohuroh, Call and inspect_. sas before giving your order.- Alai Farm Implements of I kinds. R. J. Dobie„. Agent, Whitechurch. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. . - miff: PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE L existing between Northcott and Snell- grove, as general Blacksmiths in the villagers' Locknow,- has beeu dissolved by mutual consent. Allparties indebted to the late fires *requested to settle their accounts with Mr. n Hildred, Carriage Maker, Lucknow. GEORGE NORTH(XYFT. B. AN ELLGROVE. Lucknow, February lat, 1899. FOR SA ji.E th,od house and one acre of around (1b Havelock street in this village.,, .f.airneiisate. There is a large barn on the prentie lot is in a good 'tate miltivation and we4l supplied with *mall fruits bUch as curraet, eeeeet erry, rampborey-ayel Agrirlybenies. 'For further partioilars appy to JAMPEI Se itinel (Mee 1 4. nples acking "lack Lead Jut. Baking Powders Barley, pot' Bath Brick Deans Brooms Basket,' Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goode C0004, ' Ch7colate Corn, GAIIIIed Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 flpfir.a1ways on hand. " • 1. • Dried Apple Eitracts /e/htins Gingeer. • Hope, • Honey Ink Indigo „Licorice , Lime Juice Lemon, . Lampe Lard IMttchert '11Isice Meal Meal Macaroni ' M estard rata,canned !Magnesia • ! , , • • • Oil:olive! Oil sweet Nutmeg' • 800,4 11::%). keg ...iv satins • r - •87:6awberries,canne 117-hh,r, `t, Meal , . - - .- Tapioca • Str pria4lebles . . romatoes .canned: . ne ... . earfeaealli-Inne. d ifFiceinra: ' • ta ' ' I 1. • MCC FIOUi ' - ‘* • ..'• - mon ; . 8 • Acne* • Seed' • • %Rai . • - S Teats eat l'obaccoesi VermieelP, Vinegars Washboards Washing Crypts) $ oodenware biting ser Sete Yeast ('akes Di it ner•Sete Tes Set e Water Setts Crean, Setts Reny Setts Toilet setts --- --•••••ir----1,.4 , 7 `11111111111MB • ECONOMIZE 71 HEAT and Save Fuel ? Tho. Acme Ventilating Drum 111111111"'":. No ooal to any No omokito &AVM rt cashes to eznity No dirt to tostrOy • 1. .; • 4 • • • . • • t - Just what you 'waiit ih your It will save you over 50 per cent of your fuel and give you better heat. MANUFACTUREpityc voice, L., - • t • • .• •••-- • ' •d, 9 JUST 4 , FEW LEFT. and, ARE GOING CHEM} 1 Men's Wallaby Coat, $13.50. 1 Men's Bulg Lamb Coat, 10.00. 1 Ladies' Astrachan Coat 22.00. We are aloe Giving SA --iaAnts 231 rtracArts CeNNELL, Agent Canadian Express Co. OFFICES - Agent G.N. W. Telegraph Co, f IN STORE. OLD I3LAST LANTERNS ARE POPULAR BECAUSE THEY'RE MI They are the best on the market and you can buy none "just as good." They have no equal. $ • Buy the Best and Save Money. ,••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. TAYLOR, LUCKNOW. Iio. Hub- Leads thm Eli. Card of l 111 yeets, Not only advertising Furniture, but 1 wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in 1Lucknow for the past 28 gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for all my (mode, and give my patrons thebenefit of the sante. I also carry the largest and best assorted stock of FOR, Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS; FINE TEAS A Specialty. I HE LA RGEST STOCK, I HE CHOICEST GOODS A ND 1 HE • **SI' %PAZ= OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. tXPOIXPO*CitE000004)3:tteal:i01:1033:83• JOHN - ELLOTT. That Touches The 5p° ' MAcLEOUS SYSTEM RENOVATOR • -,--- OF Weak and Impure Blood Liver and Kidney Diseases, ' . Female Complaints, etc. aggist, or waste direct to :4 X. Maio& GOOICRICH, Ont. i) .+ --- lb 110 • • ; • ..•• • .. • • , • Bold by Hwy Thkyst i410113101/, alor, Bed & Dint Boom Sets ill Town. Chairs of all kids, /brir Bed Xattresses, Sofas, SIM limas, Parlor ad. Fizinsios Tablet. In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WARE ROOM, and :always at RockBottom Prices. A.T,Davison, THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. FARM FOR SAIL Being lot is, olio. 10, Kinioss, coutaining 100 acres and all in a good state of cultivation. The farm is well fecd. There is en the premises a good two stery brick house JO x 24, ugh frame woodmited attacked. A good frame barn 54 x 80, sith 10 foot it,., wall, and excellent stables with eenient }keying. Also a concrete lethpen 1.0e x 3$ feet, and other outbuildings. There is a small orchard, Woo a spring creek and two excellent wells. There are 10 acres of hardwood bosh. The farm is situated miles frim Holyrood and Eanlough, and 8 mit s from Teeswater and Lucknow. For particulars apply on the premises or ho JAMES PURVD3, Rolyrood PO., Om • • • • • •