HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-02-24, Page 3I 5 FROM THE TILIGRAPH, I and Britain angllt tO arrive at titer ad 'to (iuestton th, Britain THE SAMOAN 1'ullY guarantee all we wish, woul HOT 8HICKS1 IaWm Of Intereat From ali Uver "Tile likelulood it, even that. uou- If thc CHIEF JUSTICE trary to tier tradItious and practice ANNOYANCES OF TH HOUSEHOLD Damp and 4ill- thl World. elsewhere, Britain *ould Orefer that f, 11 'riw- I our Goverjuawnt take over the is- Three Gallant Philadelphia pet)etr&tc, look out for an Atack of i,aaoAq tile me&t Bundeeirath t) t lit In n (Is. , iV4)ect,o1j bill. lain 0 Th4> aeIkx_pj house at Cody%j Cu Describes the Kiflgship Firemen Perisk Rev. Dr. Talmage Takes artha's Petulant Compl' t t Ircir Embro. I Lre. 'wits tOL-111Y estroyed by Christ as a "I"ext and Sayc Some* Encouragi4ig JUSTICE IN THE IUKON I ERED RESCUERS' SHOUTSs SCIATICA Tlto ot-Ijejue for 't. irect, cable be- Election Dimcultiesol ANSW Things For the Perplexed Toiler. &w"p GTuuwy tlLi. Vnitm ,.;ttte" W being Puahftl. Philadelphia, Feb. 17.—Flre lust Bat klect. ab tile Forcii-r. 100 Weirdl Story of Respite Ju It'ght destroyed three six!.story bui.d- Sciatic nerve i-�, St. Jacobs Oil pellet' and St. hlg%3 wt 11arket street, below 13th. quiet its rackiag Pa 0 'tile Pioneer ler of Northern GERMAN CONSUL'S COURSE 11'ashifl9ton, 19.—This (lis- W1,4eOnsitt- is Ieatrtt Before Execution, and it number of smaller structares The &orvant by thi's ('lause inakes dru(]- 110n. Blair atiAlresseti In the rear, entaiiing an aggregate course of Dr. Tainmge seems to open gery divine, loss little short of $400,Q00. all the doors of home -life and rouses \Vhn sweeps a room u* for Th�- law "10"i-719 -It St. John, 'n fAip. TIM locality of the fire was (,illy ppreciatloin of work . not o1rdinarily mak(�,q this and.the 'action fino. intQ the temple anti poir"I it out, till a woman's Ufe at horne is one of Part Of thf-I �Kmrareoij (jovernruent. lued to th8 Outbreak of the Natives THE INDIANS' DEATH CHANT. a few yards froin Wanamaker's bigrecogniEed. Text, Luke x.,.40: "Lord, tielf -sacrifice" Yes. my sister, and I winglf"I with seerincini wine, ut ttw '4t. Pvtorobtirg 11as cc a n. -ductt- brt*120 Ftatl;o ill the department store. but the Inters _ A young wolu, of brilliant t existenco—that u( of the Islaud, dost Thou not care that my sister has tion Rnd prosperou that is the oniy kind of life worth I1v- altar. 7lie cem-mony wuti aecom '"'t" .- ti6iu-of Thirteenth street prevented us su"oundings Ing. That hab been the life of Flor- Imiftied with the owund of eymbals and tte "Mlt, which wei-It#3 1,0()o tOR hl the Gtobe.)—T_ left nib to serve alone" Bid her there-- called, down stAirs to hetp in the ab- tof the Xe- 00 flanies from reachin that es - were ta'bli fore that she help me," sence of the servant, an4 there was a ence Nightingalv; that was the Ite of trninpeU and tile mingtiW t luRiah I -of prteve of the four aiuWarers Who * . 1811luelit. The - burned buildings ring at the bell, and she went to the Fdward Payson; that was the lifv of i W, I were occupied by the Enii- Yonder is a beautiful illage hom the Lord Jesus Christ; that is the life ; ys t1irt-4-- thousill.,I Hetat*nced W be hanged ut DaAyboii on rson -Khoe e- door and an admirerenjored. He said. Tw-a0iij4&w--l1 w -v rejoet Chriot f rt) tu people Will CAJU.LO GERMANS LED THE REBEL FOSUES11 Nov. -is Company ; Dr. A1118on. dentist; Win. stead. The man of the house is dead "I thought I heard musfe in the house; of ever), man or wrrian that is happy n -,e ctallnot -with Hilil ill beftwev. (L-lys. thf. ]text _t fias probablv alre-mv reached 111. Warner. & Co., wliblef*le ' drug. and his widow has charge of the was it on the piano or the harp?" She ._a fife of self -sa erl flee. Those people Tho firnt buvinem of life sliculd be W It *is Widavv Martha, of said. "Neilther, It was frying pan ac- ve Irre-pam- for etendty. IftLn, FA -e Wuck Ahn 04A by amuo out -going tra-iciler. gists ; Feinberg living fur. themsel s—arc they happy I I I kikey premises. �ouipteted -W tha dii y set for the exec ution drew dealers; Chas. Mullitt, shoes; tern- Bethany. Yes, I will show you also cornPaniment to a grid -iron! In other Find me one. I will give ou all the 41iriat, we hrijW nfill Wstj 4)urnelres. The Farce Cann�t be Carried on'Much t nations of the c4rth to finX tre one. itt"tabltshizlg of X-savingg bank near- a cons'dOVle nioun berg, & Cm, furtilmliows; tim Oak Hall lie pet of the household. It is Xary, words. I was caNed dowl. stairs to hell). ill eonneetk)II wi�jl �tjlc (,lalt Longer Annexation to Britaln t of I utv re Not . hing storp. the youager sister, with a book under I OUPT)ome emetime I shaiI ila,%-c to learn Not happy, no, not happy. It ?I, the If "' reJect Him. W owk ii. %-&in for Pubtle sk-11k)OIS. wits evinced b� tile 1x4miatioji. rile her arm, a­nq In her face no sign of and I li�ave begun now.', When will self-,mactIficing people that are happy, MhkatImi. 11v- jm)ul VbirwtiS, and CAnD04 Would Suit the Natives. and U. S. In t -tlx-jut 3. o'clock this woraing, care or anxietyabout anything. Com- the world lVarq hat evury kind opf 'for God pays so largely. iso gk)riouFly, hatildi"I Nv­Wiout Chritt. All am 'PorLft' -drl(l ]P'WUbC'1l 111:1ker an 1A)UW ex(c.ution would bo the limt the about a ilozen fifewen 'were pany has come. Christ appearing at wt)rk that it; richt. Is honorable? so magnificently, in the deep- and lit Uz May Also Favor it t U) come. T4 1pn�& (4 Berlin, glot tdire years Justice Yukon Terriory; it irooki also I*. I at work in thp ruitis (if the store of- the outside of t1le d(mr makes -some As T61a.Ttha'uj;4;_,r&3 the door I look iji, uternal satisfactins of the soul. -Self- thimiugll relwaJALW.A. pt.1litentiiry foor Chambers View. illstantalleviJis the Emerson Sljoc- co.. -1 111LINS of exciteme.-It-inside the dou:-. Tht! mis- 'Ind Valou see the trial of awvure econ- racrifice. We all admire it in others. PRACTICAL t otmnug wiloat. exl.cuvioll of four erini�u.,04 ou. Illecorcl Iroll itild stone Crashed (town. froin, term st back the dh-ftirranged furnl- oni. Nine hundred itud illne Hotv little we exercise of It! How Hume, ijokl',rit- New liork tivsjKttch: Vr. Portei E. ill.C.ftnudian IcZzil'annala Thero wa8 'the upper floors, bitirying the nifell t0re,.arraftge their hair, and In a flash lidusehulds out of it t1lou" ty-nine inuch (ould we ndure; how much i9flOr(Luev Uf t4w Jevru Willi r*,- 110esl sund are t;ul)- M11l(Xb to ath' it.,- Three of tile firpuien prepare to open the door. They do jec(ed to'lt, either under the greater we risk for others? A very COlumb Nei- *,CIA[ fC4_-liUg of sym,pathy for the beu K-Misidjo Chawfx,rsr, of thi-s- hs re-ceived it jorisoners. qlwy wer*4-4 ielf-coll lVill1all, pot- k,6elj Chrjat waiting outside until or lem Stress rough schoolmaster had a poor lad 'i lid If is -(It Ville jUjKk4jn wau lield up br. And tl10 Gorcritnitrit h.j.% nopjr a fecl4cd were killed. They re: of vircurnstarimm...It is f0ft, them with mwr(-, i t"Jority of fiv. rPttf-r frow lii�,- twother. Wnt. L. inutderers, nd tbo initier4 and clti;eng - they have newly apparelled themselves --.0 when a inan smokes ex- 'hat had offended the 4aws of the I 'tiff Ofeet. They Chance. a flowetuall; ffilgh Duffy 111141 M. Jind murnivired aga " 11wt Jewls bemuw. Chanibi-ri. Chief Jilstij.j� uf lat ktzga reallm(I that the Bentence was CweL)W Tit or elaborately- arr&nged their tresse's, 13ensive-vigars and dillo; at c6stly res- chotti. and he ordered him to co 114, wn a not iv gu 14 rl y cd uc&ted ij, tjw I 1p The men had been under clow W of -drid then, with affected surprise, come taurants. liz will be very apt to en- 1.11), lie said, "you 'tfte off :*.t%%,] for tIlt. Assembly 1111der the Plerlils. treaty, Apia, gunyd In' the Pit within the Mounted wits. r6coVeied., Out, and pretending not to have he4rd join severe economy at horne. That 6 Pour coat instantlk and receive this wtim Of HWUN birth. ThN h -V a ­'Outil Perth (,(In; Jn. Chambes i4peokq whell. the flirpe men "firat the two or three previous knockings. what kills thousands if women—the whip-` The boy celined, and' more fiTst ftswitit-4 Ilih tenellil an thei, vetitiull at Mitchell. Police for under- he debris, 'P (�r ti, trial. -Ad tho co[Wtant hrUpervis'ioll haji ell- 9 UIPY I It - -say, "Why. is that yoOol o, they lltt.�mPt to inake dollars do the vehemently the teacher said, "I tell Ifix Pclrfw)n and r"lort ; current ill 1"(1011 tht kin- Of tho conteakt for the tailcd niuch'extra wiw erei I the slumto (')f 'their conipan- were ladies, and always I'wesentable. "work of seven. It is amazing how some V0u. now, take off your coat; lake it jat-nt prov#w tilf-tr TIw v Mship 1wiwiell tile y r William two rival fav, ion", ]Alt 06 answering cries soon lthough perhaps they had not oil their Men dole to the li(;usehold. off Inutantly." The boy agalb declin- say, "'lie cajuiot I*. jjw (11AAK. im�ca Valk 1110T14, about to i)f nleti'aliendy a-yerply Uxi-4 with uvL' t,'()n';. %fter eleiren. dilys (of le e on our f y#ju have not -got. the money, say no. T1w U*4m. tht' Presitkicy iskild the unfortun(des best. - one, 6f us always lia ed. It was not because he afraid w4, know all about HWt. Jeww "cithiol 1 181 rr'i va I (if t I'w dcaidt ivarr; ilip ttll bY suffocation. best:. otherwise. very soon our best If you have. be cheerful lit the expen- k -*al tPbjm_tjM in thhK duhtt-dlyl dej' of the IAsh;'fie was used to that in his had t4vhn lit by w 0 cru home. frive othor firemed 'Were injuri-d. two uld not be worth hgving,on. They tifture. Your wife Will be reasonable. But it was for shame; -AlAcli w-rvrd tx) noutrjilW ffw them ard Audy of'Soinoan wr8wnger 0- "How long does the honeymoon last?­ MVMtirtr* it h, from iti late Ou t he e4ad *no undergarment.s. and when I)vl* a-ttled the duestion W fbx- 1h the door and greet Christ. at last lie rernovcd his coat there went 'U 11 t3W 4'fleCU tA t IW ft ViOrib Wach Ing. it Ili. t-4) tus. prac- I "Good morning. Master; said a Young.vroman about to entcr the 71if-y wrrv, twnwioiaves to -jiw 4 lro telisoni of tinie, :Ind Immediate. _y e Denvel-, t,r .0 ul) a sub of emotion all'throUgh th I c es P%,ery to.thu, Coll- pre ine)(in and. be seat.ed." Clir]Ft mari A state, to her inother. he w why he did not atid hot to the aqArit of licripturt., intother wish to 4d their vm inU-r))rv-t4tjo6 of by jotrittlows xrere i2j.1dol-for the lrarr�lng brought company of friends %N-Jtli schuol as they -a& CJ!t]10 - . - -Mrs. Lip�ott wax fillvtj BORTH OF Him, and.,the. Influx of so manj city s remove his coat. and &* they 111 Of AL I and RIGIN LIFE last i ulilil'yqu ask your husband Col- saw e shoulder -blades alm6st cut- Ckvita and ollo montli vlow, Wdi-Jes-upo tile treatv' the visitors, you .' do not wonderAhrew imoney." "How -much do you i%*R.nt�­ th ture. Our Lord wa rmA .4, ic� ga I to duca n )111 t Barrie l4artacir th., f6ur drol-oa were tile country bonfe hito s' ting thrugh the skill. Aii the school- U* 0--hoolE 1propliets, tior at ttw fur bavitit Part of a n' Vnj I the law.i ell.-itolni 1N i. - orhe ' pertur- "A dollar." "A dollar-! Can't,yoti ge*t inaster lifted hit; xthip to strike, a feet <d 'the ratAjix*. did notqravel for 11pr Prclwrt. r badon. I suppo2e the ivalk from tne alontz with 50 cents? -ayk rii ngj-d . buritil trench I, v a]%% ANN t.1,11fliet tlreri�witlt. that Tenue, A Success ftil Financial It)- hia been a kepn appeti-sor.. The 'wanting,a d-ollar?" This :,4) years' war roseate. health), to(N leaped up,, and learutng an U&I phi kits 4) her�, 4W f &I in Brford (109 011t�44lo 11he barrack walls: it nt that d against high 'You ar id "Stop, schoolmister; whip me. The British D.11juluz, I tl I P �on lilt#- Malletem, t- twi)rt-14+11 off for t1lat, )v-st Mtchen departme a%" U'US a !his everlasting 26a not make any uw of t1w K)dxl which left Halifax til MW I)() Institutiloll. Very ImpVrtgut - delpa rLineid, 6' He is only a poor 4-haP; he can't stand acdOnitev In Hit, tm-n (3011111 -ell elf1d) lyrief frbut attvnipt to bring the to%ltg4j�within the t%%.,lip mf..,, 011 tile 'Ah for by 11-t- said the teacher. us soun as urtha him incume ha exnaust"t multitudes q1f 71w humble faltli of Ute VeWle all Liverpool. reports, t-utl li lkg t! i rf ititr: t nam w w ff* tbis. cuiillj�auy It'll going to be a very 8every scourg- housekeeperr. -Let nic iuy to Ik!arf; UxwC I"- utlful as Ujoy field of i4,(, 00 rulle�l W-Millig', thf- few %ics lit tjl(� C -ow guests Ole went t4p that ro4)iii. uch, It Ing. Btltif a L. Parit,s. t,1 lj,� tit'. lmnY'*i - bl"Idilig, Uuiy had nb anXiet about dill- -Is a part of the livine -if it 11%, 'ou Want to take'th posi- fortli q-tarvILucing evkl6quee Wlat Pea' rod - ,rite ihe le Tikurs,fty; F h. -11114j, Aq jowu% thoir Iwrinits. tioll of a Substitute, You can do it." i., Ule %jewifill. h, Qe UAd&t (d tIJ4, e r.. Slic- hdd. full eontidenev that tier best for.you. ah ou would hav' The buy tiaid, 'of don't ei IWL" in 'DIN AS E 6EATH sONG.' )ruia, th. tu�' tk-clslon.' exere lik41 t' A'M'AT TH lieit r. 1,. Bhtlkie Was'- sister artha. could jt�t up the are; Whip lilt; W but 0 do bov- Just to upen the'fro was re order, as -ijid 7 and the - ravc-ne would fly in old. to-,Vle It'ch t1h, Ij4,ttvr part Nalor.* rnian, anA1,.N1r:,WiIIial dinncr in 13ethan), anu jibe practicully u nt I'll tako- it: he's �4 peated Ute tt*44snMy c4 %*De%.cj-K. g, drt- Don't you n ot c(#Ujj! tAat tilpir WiTu Thing -4 wvry t;llc, ik-4,r Sk --e rcgu i r y. said.' lVt US haVC (11% .4011 Qf ftQ, and after you had baked 50 WVre VOOD U) ,rim. f, lit through t#(-- flesh? Whip nic." - And the rut sla tile tittriat- (111 L'". Otteetors' rvirort labor. -Martha, you c0ok. iii pr0f61NdM '[)( f&A41 frWU t]U(jp Ing aus begall to vhallt. Aeath I UR -At froin the barrel Ili -tilt- joantry. wils '%- 111cettlig contin-ued aild 410 j d twle- ( e­'priw�tiiL-r wn like tht! barrel , f Zarephath, the barrel boy*s houldcria, this healthy. robuitt t1m, t �Lljjg of je V -f thf- battlealilp lipers"I lie- 4,11 wh-ii the bhows came down on the IjM 11stegmA t4j &Vj prtg1t4 tl�. brat*%f r*11itV-1 Cqry inarlecd, 1)"ro of tl' The'sajiw differwice ),-uu no%%, be tull, and the children's slit)es 4mu 1ru —Iwkwd In -q, W Y4,Tk. -Tliv kt4.1 44 tile tened in Alell-c. They s t1g theIr W - I te 'great progmsb . lad ruade no outery; ho- endured it all -a. 1110110ttate all uttaware titat 1* ity of e between. 8iAters. ' There shocs of if 0-sburne. the Coulpany (lines Be' Ili Wvuld lat as Ion- as the. le. Lr the tepUrplon-y t.(.r .. 'C 'Martha, industrinuir. painstaking. u Ilth- '� uneumplainingly.'Wu all ay, "Bravo!" 'hr wilderness -40 Co its v! I- , Mr. Ala'xez. fleptivW of illet crom the 1):irra k, square'-jil .1 itt 'f%very- anvil of US I)MI011CS114. lor that lad. Bravo! That is the spirit Carldlix "tj* utilmill us 1114AL PIG good, manager. evf;r- i"Ventive.of 'joline wife.,. it nian of fift4-cl, og nlol were ebitting 40niniary of the fi Oh. Iny felends, all rials. and 60od new -i for the t-hir"V46 herald A blateuvIllt of Christ' * Splendid' How inuh new Pamir - -vering romething in IL st-a v ad N, tit -let fatigues of home file are to prepae frOW t'lle UJIS Of JPAM." f i na L usir r scourging. how inuch' chastisenlent. e t(j which f4q. the-yuv e fe -nded- hougehold�affalp"- 'Here is Mary, fo')nd 11iltil Uit, end o( tj,, axt %ice in Britaiti's foreign service, 100th, ti.11P.111t, for Mein .;tit' ifulefinite exteh- 041c'. 31h"t, I89R-:_- ou for heaven, for they will "lake how mu i will you and I take &ION) of days., of eonversation; literary, '4;41 full f that the brighter in the contrast! A: ' Oh.Ahat. we inight have who rolAmBid tjj4Mn6ej%ft. Re ifuniediately ii'veepted tile (lecisi fi' Q for I - (Ash )ilf-Orno ... . ... �7zs.111 1:100 uestions of -vthlcs she IlAs no till,e t., dYing solqVIL-r akt-ol by a friend, W re ttw was kite. (Al We Iliklit-4if outoi.wr, tprnething-or* thpLt oy's'spirit! Aye, Efts enemies. HIM worft e or tillit,a pet1t,10n a I I 1 Locri tv discus questlwis - of houF-Chold yoru, any mersag4_- ti selid t Ide"81we 40f CX"l too those -Uo were ev a pregented to w wit" dL-11th -01111118, In -urc(I fare. It, is noon. 11ary is )n the par- ir father?" "Yeg," baid he. that ive might have uinething A-4 the r alf f the pri0on- you "tell gaged ij i t4le c. ugas ton, twh.. -it of Jesus Christ; for in all ou ereauxjs I � wMrgWj). 01-4) -attr d(xi the trial. mfim-41 lor. Varth in, the kitchreu. - it gon,6 hotne.- "Well," said spit pointing tILMU tu a apirktApil (Met. tho er.4, ifivestmefit policiM pro- ir hfin I hav(, U) acer,pt the for his reP1V6Mt;ng tha.t November -,lit woulil have been better for thein- occupations'and trades and businesses, Wng -All ',RaInL�e Day there were fits nd all-ortheIr IiQY7 t lie friend. "have you any in)--ssage to and all our Jife. home lifo. f4weign, life, a rfr&4aiwitt for Ule wjU4 vi Itereiii ADM. 1111PIA., Dith0ligh Ili$ Gbrerntn6nt had I to INAleyholars... -1 ()7,. have dirtided the toil. upd then 'they, Qend to yoqr w1fe?" tell e hether tile 'ex0cuttoo, could- could havo,divided the opp6rtunitS, of 11 ys; h r I r- that th sacrifirr- Uwy n1lirl't er"enf-e fftatpr joy ith Britain and th Vtkb plac(f .,it - tire date .ap- ave gone home." -You have other er. nwtHOM.' Of G"i-10 011M over 't I ould t legally -listening to Christ. But Itary mohop- friendis; %vould you like to Send a rnes- 1-1 w for others wiU soon be ov United statt ti PCOWt,"I.- For scvez�il, lithirs tllj� (IU69- oilses - Christ, while" Mitrtha swelters -kw a t.tti I --- 10rael ill Uie vrildwmOft, AW aw-ure W atevvr it -toil et Sri sagc. to the. give them th % it 11sideration - I)v 61, Mills for prylieyljt�jd- before n)?" lljlu� UIPUM-1 houge lle tire.. It Was %ory Important same megsagt�: illoy far beftar than th ... ... ... .... ... 17 1* %Vill all under- land #::(;U W' thfit tir-y good dinner that day. stanif it. Tvll� them I have gone home.,' U"L hours of tliiD t0i tiA'a fid 14 ound vorrtivt. for Christ- was. hungry. and SUNDAY SCHOOL LWAIM abovir. lie wbo N Q :witllw Klx lie v-1141, Atf(I lbat heavvnly 110im.,xvill coil, - titnt' UPIXAntd t6r - QQ exMiltion, nlitil fluaffe tI14- water of it pco f awl L rw Ing tot 'tile consuls and W M. 311L uxurloup; (-ntert,5in- Will fullv atone ror all the hard- w-itter foul anti t4u+it: tu I 1AA a mt,4- ir all Lhe, sat4 At of flie British and Ger.mail Rig $1111-l-14 and the 1als and the ann Il.e. triw W quetwh his thirwt 1W nen-of-war was lit -H within -in houi- w X_ p., bility* t,f. that eritt-rtaininent. ' had ri�st- anci-s and tlw vexationj; tit th -a I - so I re too the ed --with Mary. WhA r. iNrERNATIONA-L LUSSON NO IX from tjLe am t"" show milt d Auaitpr. 0 tht Ili that land tht-y M.vk-4, hu lge .1 tig -onstqu�,ntly -e- %%-lilt erl., 4,f th(` lJAngr that wtj qjttm, .1tti Britiosl A. I IV CH I inereaw the Would I av(.* 1110, Luc. Isoins t6i and o. FEB. evub b. lflalkth;g. 4eatureS of baAr (�v :41d tht file 1) ri tbC kitchen. -FAther thi- fire' uls "Id t" Pritis iuvn-of-,v%ar proposed t)ja -s juenti(wjjeqI bv 1]jc� nuisance of catering 'for appetite. in wviritual thirsta 0( um. Tile W re tile ktili., *i d uf robes theY bavv ii L) gcrw for I tp ir jig: I al thu un. undjpreeftlta and the air of that lailly I i t It ht, i Ling, vr, Edw'a Buell it,,t bdrit. ;-r tilt- breaft woulq tht Ian )u) 11w, rd wax in doelded, be hu- 1 a 4A, A -k-lims iqict-wpakneso that rfol, bake; F t uriwd We-toling tu d, IT. ti., ccinstils - :i:try to U.-tyr : 4 .1114, � .1y.. t4p 1.1ert Yllbulittt'.41 ttirn*�,,! 1st*#,i%j?- toi- %I;,' Ue IlluNt Itivetible object'(yr, tit ught -141: Jka%-#' co-antr lijake�; thein all well. -No rent 4!%* 4141 lit her. ng j1pull hilit .11!11 the warsh lioug� rc 1 to pay thcre; uvery inati vw11*3 his Tinp.- -0e giving Ili"' it roYal This Vix lot ill st-117. awl, rorg' t"Wr', %. P.- *"I. - ! iny wt otir nffecAions. and a maislon, Llt tilat. it -Thp e6tirt, o( t1w to-iiijolf. 'Cotistit nud tile i-*,prteve yet vf tltL- -with IwsweauA brow sliv- rusheol crut of tht V 40 %%Ill Ilut lj,�- so - Chailge. 'to litep Tlm- Jem-o4. GUARIJBD A X0TXD T01k1B, tt-e-C-Privait war%iii1p refuse4 -to), tl!-. Vp tile a re. which i.11 ..,tfip sill) kitlwn int' the 4�1,:,rjut r4tult, :of t1je skieft. if on Coniruentary. It' it. idind Ao lic.t 44 Z404.1 It 14> f '01n.* w, haud be s grea 11LI 10cell Out% t here tj ' arl"r, perhaps with (onuu Ill !Pl, A 1; 1li-It U) r anti -PlIcho-r. in iliv (10141r. and he i:rlt�d earth you r9dc. 'It will,'fiot t Mead Int-roduetion.)' I'lie fi]� juirt of ThO W&Lcher of W&vhtngton't jg&ubo #,)Ubt he. ivao fj,,P� change if on earth Tou had all lux- thik rhapter mhuld Ir! read, to tit 6W leum is D"d. 7L�Acvcr that lie' wulljol kjave, bevu y re - Thou not. vi ry tbat my *rles and satisfactions. It will not be firinly tbough the g(meriti. Ice]- turn.,i eart bc- iu',a_-*tjj`tljejU. out !'Lorrd; r 11 1 n the lfvwun. Jesum flid not, Ldi"Wid Parktw. tofic4s a Wa%u ;t tlPuU hiis. thrune tha whs ag, tt-r has left me to servc-ulone?. 131d 'll'ithill tw Ilotl 'for the Vt. rs tile 6crtnaii her therefore t'W Ahe helb.ine."'.V11rist Fo grvat a change for you to sit do4n g itti otlwre to this thO Wahtli'Wton family, :indifor l - ().N ILI, !U(4 that of 11 fly *previi itts year. scolded not 'a It v%�Ore sirbld- on the banks (if the river of -life, if on 111LIPINO 0119til. for the , and it word. otli6r Ger,man .. nother markcd ft-Aature of t earth you had a co4ntry seat. But, ury tho M"i" 0( Th4- to be V9 I n.11114111c, in UaTundi judi( -'would at4pr have HiTi sc(4d- me Now were -iary annaLq, Coniparly ..Ls th$�'- ".1alL.ively -1 n the Joy for the weary feet h it nivan tbinger fm pecount. (of the t1w tomb of Georg" trOOPS. of tile Nla- i *bam .-' e_xejt-cxj tOTsjjlpr.-jI,#jp co arge It"- than anybody.else' bless- me. There. when.they 'fi, into the streets (d tile anti '<fe1wtW tit: t� 11 1 nl nunent 11harigeol. This Yeant, like Use Pam- Mount Venjon, in d4x&d, W @it taa ra fat, t io (YU11-t (4, Its'not urphig V) liabilities, wa nothing - aeerb in twe S;ftvI()r1'S step into the celestial equipage, and ways 1� 11111 6friela, ?A"w maule was laid -it Philadelphia, Tllr Prefix` lent, -. who Cii!Clfti hi 'Vawm6n. -1L coutratfxUwitli Mat Of ItSr lead�. Ile knew that Martlia had been municiphl I tJr uh, 1he joy of. those !o.whom home wag t)vvr. vra-4 kept year, the firKt Ingum con-eM�t),.pknt or tho a'in.-irtyrdoin on c4rth. when they, �o and lant, (illy" kept sacred. York World. 'irl-w M1 lild- inf itietice A 'four-tivact in t1lid trakedy OU le. U19 COMPet-itoM. The Prf-iident sjj6,jr.M working herself almost to death --.-to At UP' TorA,ut­ Cwirt to a Gernul. tj Ll� at home where they will nev" f4. 1roull went, kilo and taught -He Pnrker ha(i a diniall A,- im,riting ivAo. 011 that'sille ;Ind ttie 31-htaafa pedple, gal-41rativi ha.4 jilnett.occurr(K le get 111ni-something-to eat' elk a I in. tj 'that trido rntio was one of tll'e best iind He p-, have to do anythftig they do not want had not gone uls to he feast in the few feet froul tlie tmub, stvalins- t4l9ts by. IVII.Cli to juig.c. of, t It(' e prac- 114. t relizing that they' flat l0sif Of' the iirill, of - November 't precitited her kindness. and TV the support -i ve hnge froni the time 'festal Araiji 4witil Ili*; hrethren a nd cat in bad wtv&thor, at otior time*, 'Inc 'y aid.' ".%Iy dear*woman. do not a (4erman ts' D IMI H IeS. tdae put'dowii the 'r*ollfng-pin 'to the'4 tountxyzneu� nor a%,n festAil 1wilgrini, OCCUPying ebstr in frout pf ttwo of tljp Germ.11v Cu_)"ul. 0 of the dif f6rent, 061 ticali beneath tllf-- Yukov ice. ThLi nujil, be - in,,. t1le %torry : let the- dinnc-r go; 'pit down here -..,warship. 41ld Of. tile ehtire ;erman firet golng Out f(yr j,,hL* tjoa:. alf this couch beside firm- sbe took , up the see tre.1 'there . Popu t)H,. offiei-tj pnpers jiiadv At4rjjig thp year: your- younger slq-. p If V j be 111wit tilt- firKt day to per- tomb. He Ii.-jud shakeeI tim JA&,0(jg of -kit old lady, regbtere[ a ; . lation, g"ot relitly witi, jlL.:jjlizlz. er. Alary.; !`-�t us talk abotit some- hatsworth park "nd the - Vanderbilt fortu it the ritv*, but. hjue. %Vc Presidontri. )Wtumms ailit poteat&%es ap-. -c artha: artha. thim art panslan were lifted Ento the celestial way presunirs t4a(t HespPlit a few days their loilgrlivagft- Wescott. Port 'Bu iflK quiekness for t1w .0olunt ttae perU 1ribl,g t4p t1w. i Trievo 44. the mur. (Iererk.. .11KI it. is dubtfid who.' tut -(Aub, I -Ity, they would bc- lookbd at -as unin- W tile "li. Oni, llead ;n her rcx3m at 'tile A, jine j I . - :. r . . are1ut and troubled aboat ' nlally� ast talks before lie becajinq. . .. I tfier, it it abitable rookeries. and Lazarus him - w`11 1 ;4.11 followetl . wl froin there euter"I 0f his I turritA. ' -. ouTj;jut.-.,N:, - ..things; blit .41xle thing is needTul." ter w V. I J fffii�L61it timo t force e fecist lit tit#- capacit of Do meak that lie ekwid ciot M Rev. D C ter P74 -13 u'ld Aw aslyimvt! to bc .;eel, upoll th 11 OIL 0 -15 Martha throw- open the 'doot-, I f, Ot -rinit .4 f.- t)ew Ill Fol . f wo jorojohet, ehibing forth out of cont -Nil rlect4xU was tile Ste" -pa IL Cog, t ng in t -*r ot (if th�,' of his life. 10 01� to.-Aayi,and I setjT'great mai)y in. sa great ar(- in lat the PrPP-'tm,4l .4forwa.tded Lii N (tt prit to vortirast tife festal syujboi% was born a slare ill iswi 41 ttid. bPrfl 111V L-11(loVil tj g M4 ... - to DaWs6n i4lrrp, - - 10:73 valaces'awaittrig. all wjljclj cjfj An liwiirano 1tv family a John AuguyU� W&at- h Earl of Home, 1;aji 'It IPI)0,41�- i til&' -s Wukt) ' ing Vj Sm,v . ......... , Mldrett so- much' grander tile real ftiliumetit in Aimim-ir. 00 99 !btnI u_.;'and-".trIaIs. atid bouK them 1 .Lill �r tjlL Ing to tip I f t h b 1,o) Then t-fivil J(wut4 in tP114. telujile Ingt0u," he maid. "M fa tbw &ntj _,41 a Knight of the (-)ri*r of tho Thia-1 toge �*r. ijlen.tIl#.y in -ti-lied inen. will The. Pre 11eut st,,jt�e tit it: geu. pd t, ( -h Cd rlU I -Chi te(:t Life - tilall gut 17�1)ric for tfl(, r( Lio- ilt g cak, they' eart %I i be nme.,w . try. reprf6.-eji tle , in t,. tit,- Jtt­ Lf,,rd APkt itrid 'supro- n(Illig I i ;jdets. 'I ley- tW9 'the u"111ted 8tates jk1,fj-y.oiAn4 -Martha and Lazarps - %%I'll ly. Itis,fifien. not only the toil of tile -it, Illight W"" 116i 'if. tie pnowd frmn wotheT were 1"th filaveh in %be f&mU3 1 P;#.r. not ti"ICT te) gratfier fimu'raue.0 h6usekeerAng- but it -IS -th.cl Cil d1vtPAP112be IM11A A..&- uAld], he%lux tlw- Pirtuient had been in the h -i i. 'tiri of Ilib fath& lr�L "I . .1 .7 0 a "%- . - & U I �Aar 41 urs froui tllC (lifferent joarts of, elt".. during ftliJ FurpUw that gto vlt)lig. *11 i:j a g4it, I- tlji�.; ji- f iiame, and tilt, bo]ME; POUDSTIVFF SI'ATI-ITICS. luoutil. As I l6ok into.that-dt6s01- In t h e -fi i.44 ew manner 'o ;qt was a gTuudjx-pWK- o( Ul Tticy succee(leti in jutistf. nit, thurough aud, mbet i. liptt.k. I - &L�� 00niolo-' fact tbab ow,--balf f,,[ ilit. wo- i A e pr. t4s. n iiasei i U i e � g re:i t (hmeral GaOM4 Wambinton. �. After pfjl�l, 11:1.4 th'. forr"r m _ring into oe tion'. 'Tbat of Thf: I Mnst-rr lit the k4jowledge ,I 11wn. the death of tho falimw, in jb4j. Col. It - , - and Corn L4�41 W eat in tile rnv3t.vf,.the'� thc- cliler -lust icesh iip 4.1 Lx)ut indiffercutlY armed 'h whar ina'delartlia so VW%V Vj 1"'cx'ud at Mary. the younger has never had an'i, 291. 1 know 1111ni—Ain iri 41timat njored to tho' fanuy t-ated by the V faini'vf thiL nlounU r, lat5s, The World's Consqnjptjoij.�. sister, had no propti' �btliifatv tofAhe onsider fiou Vernuu, vv liam retX-18, who hd been preparing. foir to (to iu tik-ir aeh�!.vr' a pain may c imminn witli Hiiu.-'ha%v ' loerfcct h6a t, Mouut W" wuer rcwpCVtI%C 6ttitt'16',"Aind that tigme ex- elder ster'b- tatigue', .. Just a' A) no very -great the sttuatiou, for several we�k4, -pe'r. S V W. knowledge o?f sill tlix illaits and pur- a with ILL4 C'btlKw islaveh aw lomw haps lim;ztere-1 boil' is -t were', extroniely- isaUdied men haviliq alinoyances qf lid nd at the eventiae may �kip out W - ;;t tlld�- with tljr* nilljl(ul�4; �f- the-Couipimy, (h' fle4ld. drivc- the, cattic '110file as silo'Wil. they fiat] i�,ttpr (actur.v and Acrp. (or* at tile`_*;toCk- -x_ rmony'witll 11iis wlg honle''at jilght- and hear And unitil, icii o'clock at night may Itli I 1r: tit* E: 1i0t t - AIM- 100 tipplictl witil -if faim: 4 of x0die - 1101IJsellold iuMoyance. nd the cabin with la-ughing racket; but froin Him origin in Him, alil C of **Oh,! 4)h. Io do the hard ivork of the hous(e- art (if 11ini. 't-ond Perison in het death. ing y pubolisliedo. st- T, ]'Ion. r.,Allart, in avonding tbe thti.0-4 'nothing. you milylition. In fact, there'seem tAt th-k say. r,1 the INN wheat wo longi -r first Ulf' -allOP0611 of tilt- r .1, fact(WY a day and Ab tj . jy nri, slotibt. that the Grrmin ii�tj to rt, callixf � ou- h �, 1.1 w, a,shattered constitution— the Trinity. 114- liath elit Lk, intends - S. sympathi;ini with the rank nl(mg tho, 1`4 attentloll" to, I have'ten'-or fif teeri after six weeks' whcA-tring cough revi an.] one V In .111� eiceellent gilt tO be In h a s ealM to man His Itighest expr"wiviii 'to PTI t 4&eVon OL'I*o to ply Iwtween -f-MaUlafa side hzid provided man 111ird,'lafter potat4jen .111V0411imts of tile Itundred - sabordinates.'. Tbe'il you raged in--thd household, making the #of love to tile world. Ilarahargloid ;I git 114*111fax botween Alyr, nt!4 and great quantiti:ii nf frv­h a.11(i rorst. NKe �� ove Aoul-d som0hing about annoy- Thc, taj)lPr*f e' CcAnpaIny . of.. tit(- .17 per nights 4�z xleepless as- the days, then* .10. Ther @might, tt, take aninitibitlon for them." anee. And -trouble." 0 iijan. letine tell 11iji Reproof. 421 :Lml Jnno, virrying inimigranto;. ni�tin-., ('011tt. 41*4 lit, irA nlorWge securt. It is not so easy. nd then this work Jewic. (1)'rjecallge if 9 f'91Lr1%": ti6i, vearly 1-10 per cent. i u tjobentur yoll that a. wife and a inother has to (If t -h -e- house has oftin to be under - TIP) For profesidnX to N. tilt. Newittil. es, t h4farly- 11, Per 6ML in Rtbc-ks vondtict 'at the saijid timc, a'university. aken when the iterves are hatered 11arneb:. Nn ruan laid- hnds ()n 11iin ... .. ... 1 "11' -POlickv it b0it 6 1-2 to ti f ight- Itim,000,000 a elkitbing establishment. with some bereavement that has Veived A petAlon sking for vommu- t1ij) 4�_ a 'restxur- -but Tt.) 41�-, w Him. or object _taiia.()f 'n"Irvady .... ... . ... 0000000 -undry, -a library, a'nd has to I ta v disolation in every rooin of the house. per the XII'V11cp e0linisiing of and sent th rib into thegarret, be- VaOM3, in behalf of 31rx. Poirier (Cor- WK011. Ile deelamm t"t (w ho be;tlth officer, police. an4 p' sident e c* His U-0elling 4n tile temple. His hour Vurdi. w1w-P, with Sam Parslow, ---5(X'000,0()0, VaWi in 1xinki, Anteircot -accrued, etcF. re was not, yet come—Ptiblie opinion wai� I trool-,% tiW g4;enllijjl ... .... 000 , 000 nf the whole realm! cVse its occupant has been hushed n4urden-41 'her i:jb0bnjl4I, PoIrier. apeedal attention to She bus t do a r., -ding at, t lie- .110nd tof I .. ... ... 754,000000 �jiousand thin& lilfo a lumb, r that needs no mother's dhid(41. There were st)nie who were 64b fact ttaLt attl a n 41 to do.them ell, e Ww ini" re oMer to inake- thing- go smoothly, 01i, It **vas a great deal easier hivx'fre4l reboti. Tlap - t r4 c rdlig til tile ti tale, "Utstand- Init restrained nn no-rotint 0rtlt, t; now rext(lIng. irlth Ill.,# mor- jusYce Chambers -The . brit- #A 'Ntat!fAics, -two nationa. I I ties 'wit jell Ing, , n nd r )d Afiat IN. what, puts the awful tax f e whole flock than ganhtl­ vvlk- on . fatV im the River iSjk ItCent(Nt tnlf�r�wt had been. 1 (of all others in. til very 'niaterl-tIl I W. are far a 4 bi-ood a-part'of then!.. now that the !S �utmo %an evtr , re cf)uld not interfero bc wotnan's nerves. and ivomaii S .31. 3L. wy tot t)10 people 1-m-lic%ed-11L t1i- prot& of lueric4ii aim] eharaeWr 'of I kjiow'there* are cxceptloins to re.st have gone!. Yuu way fell her that' "itraist, with Ulo rulerF. whosought- - Isunlia"6ft of pota, toes--, t h() Ir i..4 h 11 I)rf^jf -or Ule -exmAlent the rule. hil-r dtpartcd Oildren are in tiv.- busom to'kUl him. Wheved Viat hq- wats, BritLah juterk* tj 801nCtillnes YOM will find a ts bma cJ the (o 'd 111V-) ctinsuiur ts of Lbuipany' -Ind villair Who i:a but. moth%:r-likc, she the McwWl, ;tutl su6c ur d:iily, � tj R Bit Of loving GoU -Synipa�tbks on t 1,.e Ot tier bide -a nd ing f#)Ur poiunils per livqd' to the jorojuptuasm I%. ItIl wilicl, - tj1(_. .-Ill, trubUA Ili Iiiiii. as h flurks., puttijig- onie.1the' , *-* Petective wa.*0-11 bar. hial. v4argt�s t111- 119tIce- front thein that 111v hiter. othf-r thrco� -aud otic-lial , vrcwt therviAiAilts lfc' libiary'all day N% illy jjlxi_ %4K brood but" ir and $eaelier. Thefaith tc %C _trry on. -tile bclateil" pillow,, whig of care '0 - r the floc'k in - �be from t -he Britirji shil,;- Ili t ht. tho merican 6' a very i"r vot-ato 111u(w 71orburni �1. D., Ajc4Ij(-8 I -I)i-. and liapertmt, and Ulf -tile' ca"res of - the' houehold are Nothing tout th old-fashioned buj it was� c%in#wc&ry 1 L onv` tIij-ofA-jl, upon i rvants. who have large r�jjgjtoji of Jesus Citrist can takc. a wo- so -Icw (luention -woukj bo talwu by e;Ltf-r,.gettL1* U-Itt I a In ptL laen who hve beell cuixtuctitig nxdi- lioni s au in-sniting -jej- tfy thiri& of It 7;otlll()- ay of - U16 'morta-1 exptrl. Ibid. nd said—Kept saying, in aii- cal e(micentq which tv tko a mqjecialtv (Ufrnia ny.' a d, 1, Tile greatest P114.4% of the Outup-any -fr experic'*nef_�'. bu that. mail happily thrugh bume trials. All. sw4-r U) tjbjector*.---Cain. Bib. When #,or tho tretine7it ur Th- 1.1 ITP continues: *'Onc'of tile fir.,it ­0rheat, r(mattiurrm are the' French. witK iy., ti Ws organ-._ 1i the"excei4joir. 11- speak of the groat thc'�ie modern . iellgions amotint to. l!9A tIlF% vlct"rs -ibly 4fj7 ly--.r )ii -Ad a[ oil, showf.,ki, tilat. grpat masses of houmekeepern. to -whom life nothing. T%ey do, not hell): They do �Iirist cometh—They are 110t I-141UND PARlitAt. Dr. Dryce #%Ate, I ye-st-artlay t.', -at Vp frf, 11111lly tile b'19 w British, witil 250' Ain' Struggle..and %vho at thirty- ehrs not. comfort hen there is a (lea!l babe itig any d6ubt of their own tMtJc*u*4 Moullt %,erjkton lba b of gen' the erwa,11,S, y ady uwowrs I 6-ral vacetriatwe bt J n prcgre4w i n th e tir, .r t i , eb comimno -I-lVane 'look, as-ihemgh they were forty in the house. Away With thein. au'd is the Uirist, but inw4writtrig,an mi- N%,ajdjjnCt0n lmd reoW in tIW old %umb With 180, lit- ('olifillitI trowmithips OrmW th(4 arOtInd it wi armed fol anti ptibliab �,%;Itll rm. T a proclaniation.isa Ing rvlsortc-(� *the fidlen t ChglonA -and Austerlitz ive us'the old-fashioned religion, of all&werable rguificut that luid cimb- oil the plam. froin 1881 to 1M. lwhwi and OUaw Pirem. extemcling fronj rjvjukl r ying tbn t the court, Ill I. t Ile Rli Its. With (Ally 'Wnety tfia t he had ijlftflf� :ill ex,- and Vvettusburg anit Waterloo _ar� a ;Ardlna' to Pembroko, arif n new t"t lw fll)('nOd exv('Pt llr*()D- th­ir 11JOlul4is Barle' ndrye* are lesus Christ that hat; comforted so %-iiwtxl theni, aud by, wh'' it tiley wouid it, warq plac(.d lit tht. priment tmb. y a (I or VIP affiliro (of tII4-,,r (�ojjj_ n i. i -)f* s rto3v and idtow, the reaaoadblenew of their bt- j"_111TW - , numbpr , In , e6niparison wltlh many in the da),; 1 0 T) rder fcor - w li * -t in Germany T11- ]ant hcxtr V, be Imt in thls(boutb )Ken 4 axeS le ny -a,; iit, .:list, 1898, tb6st- who have gong Own 'under -the t r0ubN- and ryf� eid 'O'nit,.4 iff ltu4sia". ex -1 111illol lx)ok-�r. dd the kitchen.- Go out 454inrice and novelty inay G- More udracleo Min wav that. 4pf Mj" jgule W&nhing$ou. ilu t Thpw� statistics itk% on )r n, lit- tliem,—The Jews twlieved that a t %N,hiell jin t joe 1ho Brtlyell.corubivt­� mill- and troy another it- -t I.! tg, 1.1 nee shopt, , t e he 'k to t I w h4i -it detailed,copy tn M& country and' 10'ok'6rer the ept- t16'Whilie seem tQ* be a'subqhItutt'-. The tile Messiah C&zue lie would do all gatgw wns sea 4;uwk alit) ;"r faettwy t *,.J�apperton, I Cri1wd t tile opportwLity It's' I. IlU I)C01i f*gcnerations of tile n1j,111jil jv.fjo t the led up and the key ieftst atid'pro. rt to tile Jasranev- tombstones. Th6, are marriage day :has otil' gone by, just Ir.. wa.,# nf.trly by .1 Wlj- hlied littivwIf Chief Jlvticc�." Tufte .1,.Ull all braujiftil, and poetic, --but -'if tj ' y kLimlo. of miraclom. Im. xxxr. 5, 0 , etc. into tbp Potomac River. el 4 tile Delpartnient-�iknol pitatcil -tliqt lip MIN e gone by, nd'all household ciircs are shcrrtI3 to -fore itnon yi*- 'Chambers thcri tel!q I,r)jv tile Britt wor w toniWto t Q 32. Tho PfLariw.wi4 heard—It waonot ­Befary U10 Outbreak of til W Ili Irl Mf�'At ef"411m."tioll' *1MtL 116 volry inuel, ' nr& could tell the trutb thous- atoned for b -- of being together, r sh gr1tifIr4l itil tile.' 'ri-sult , z is - reportoM t theru they heard it l t' -inds of them woLuld say: ­11ere, lies a and by the VS 7'vben it is late at tprday. Onl.y; on#- man, JWA-k Row, was Cons.ul and the captain and tdie A dw'-4 "Gt. It it, Uliclo ftm ivholeadfil Or Mich PXaminntito,ii, also . with tho this, s ill* fAllfw_ - thingm atul (its- Ti a n was killed by too much night it is fa thenwIves, and relvwted it in te., g�u with tIw% jjrju gerving InJar(NI. Nit 'a okipam.i irimi !1j(I -rin r- ir-tili CoTtatil ngrtq d tri j),ack him tip In thorough sgt' n t_*l, i i .) discuss un UW 0111 Of tilo work- of VV('rY mending, and 'NeUing and bilking and whether it All �4wlwdrjsi, willell gireilL iul ()rder for tjwn Viking,foreible nnd how I)(^.C..-: of 150 poundas annually I x%r departmPnt throughollf tit(. "Ile scouring.and,' scrubbing," and go. the, mis- irned to Mount r - w tiv.- rwir f,,r practically '111 thr Arneiricarw and Br whilb, . Englarul -.'- coxnetj ilext iv �s of the newly -married couple in hi" 11pProl lens im _-4 "Ani Bib. Phari- lion. %vas given a life -ti o r the ha �a no owes nd Oltief pritwts—Coni po-A jig .4 gwi Td tPe pure-11joku! r4_ tlif. vs -air's . 1tiout f, Apla gathered with *100 pounds. Tho irl8h and the. lt,,c bo it for clo%ilig weapon .%-i$h which she ,%vas killed was the u' y of household affairs are t Lug Uir Unub, and was GILLy OFO to co-operate (A" Prt)jn My -at t** ­ I he end x)f the a broorli or a sewh)g inachina or a'. matters of anxiety Sion, largo 1wrtion, of t1w ItalidmL4 consuino very 1rttlo 11leat, 1J.-ttl I)I-P or: reprelift or two dn.riq from MY poa dur the Officials Of tile tw0A';0vvrn- 11 , ito, 014toin J roul ladle. 4iArr. tit*:tt id 11r. l. 1'. C-1miltv. of orage of nut over bilit merriment. The loaf uf bread fie tells of tbeir,juareh�ng, t1u) ono on n av -41 officem—Probably lit their officialea- ll�g Qw thirt eam until.1 bedpan armcA, to Vie tho' #other Itort A,�er, twenty- 'w i t that,. not- The. husewife risgs ill tile inornit'19, turned into a geologft-al specimen, the sKicity.Titeywuujtll)titatitoivW such giek tjlib sullwer. g the largi- *11joulit, ald half rested' At it -it -irrevocablo hour slushy ustards . and jaundiced and U-twitilig, adid keep &VA 44 truth wr liviiiii-I js hj]Klvr ti'viii tfiat �IrinitY 4A Which W;oj kAvarinitig %%itlj PTO Ix-Allids all tho yclilr ilutind, the dc- to polie during, tile 1 5', ear, ll- -I wah prtm*vit Y, She "Apst Ija%e- 'tile luol-Ilitig Irt,I)a.5t moasly bu'scuits:, Oh, 'it Is a . very fr(pill #qMre-Lujing. the -laurn? bright -,unlight that falls upon the '13. Tlwn. said Jestift-To t1k, uiried-rs U 1 1860. and Ilmd dig #--I bub ' �_cts- firi"lle.y. b2itig ilutdo ill in pottoes' otlicr milbstailt.4il gaill Ilad bowil lu'ade reads,. What itthe fire-w1h liot phruitod hi tree near 116 then "ys: "The, (;ernuin. jjFj.._ and I L what if -tile cutlery and ruanttl ornaments of a new be t4je h<Ae- fX91j g#; America- 111 the, het -surphiN. 11(jw ani()U' tho ciuck istup" nting - to �iaL% wishod to disciiss tile. sitat agaii -it . t% . marketing has not -beon tient in"! k1m)wit* t1wir awret trvw planted by D(xn jlc� Ili .9wr 0-fAiric"I two wq*" .190 Came. lip Loit. I erf. tivzi; tho iiiintiql-... ojr if made till 0 No.. hoine! Rothance and novelty wilt do but %vo indignantly refust-A. and Tdc- (NAL4111111TWI inounting -to par 'Fin "te Ixts" 11 tl'e inhtte'r that'; A mu Yet a little while-Alle lived Pix nmtliv I bA vt! bet- nwe 8 t b� ready at the for a little- while. but after a while _n 1) lit at all of t011bolt- lw_-VAre Judge McDougal! for w�nUnieo I.q as that generally used, iz., were eac It ruandc-41 the keyis 4,f tl4v- e W11110' .11-re0cable. hour. Then the children IMgC-r a2nong thein, offering them tile able events whic11 have oceurredbd4p ourt -houso Cauad ollcotvtj lip tilt' dirterence Mumt N,� Y;ftterday mol 1 .1410 y flino with by got ready for school. the romance is all gone and there is a - from, Prps:tknit, Raeffel, denouncing 0111 tY' Frncf,- Btloaf'to'be thade, a loaf that cannot be opportunity of salvation. for tllcnu- tia-�- Ummb. but during ruy wrvim 16re and co@U fw thirty days Ili jail' Thcy hiin n it trhitce to U10'' treaty�and a wktIl se.venty--- CONt, ftlid"market vitluo of (lebentllrM -what if the'gatin6nis be torn" What tiweetened by any earthly condiments, w-lves and thefif- nation. And then I known but two 11vodamtow U) VjAb it wem. Mra. Lauretta eight own(41 lkv tll� usurper. lie refuml to sur# -ender COWN' ItY. -.1yuCh "if they d4) not ktiow their "Itssons? and cannot be flavored with any aarth- rIveil, away by durWC t-lietr terno of office. lk%-W F.Oln-ard 0'Br;r-ij- lie Whl if -the fiat -L.or sazh in lost? t y y thunn, lid I t1wreujx)n eallcil ulwphtlio England out.-raniks. a) I referret V to fie I - fluvors, and. cannot be bAked ill a ny from,-, but I voluntarily go.; having welm, PretAdpnt Hayes and I)MM0114. The I' the great difficulty ivilich inumt, -be ready. Tiren you have' -the A,rdfiiary oven. A"t bystndors to aos t in. Crt-iltiCA It Is the loaf of do- filliAwd nif euibasj�y, I notirrit W him Clevelaiid. I ani quito aertaiij ffimt it 9018 awaY alultiallY 11-11' lwen experienced eombination (if I u (if latc, y6ars in duly if -.the� day, or perhaps several InevUe hapillness. All tlic ingredients #xt crriwul I -her I1r4-.A&nt Liiwoln no 'pf"-- y Pou -stnients. ll days t,) plan' out. vapltal t4 -p ecxiltrol t1w nuLautacture of iei lit ads of sugar Per A lead "reuritig. neft .% F It ffatisfactorY Invc d But what if the fr(orn heaven. Fruit from the tree,,of 34. Ve mliall toqek le -After dptit. Crant, vwted ttm, umilo during Tw3y,4' arml -i-b4ldy0jj1*j V!f)tll_ I aton, anxi after E'ugland Poi-Ilt-NI '01t tho great decline ill. tile butch( -r sendn * meat uninasticable? Thure general, but mnift AincTie.w. with *nd sweetened with the new wine cifixion. in tlW eatastroplip of ertl'_ thpir terw4tf t)ffkx-.­ -oirgtu:L`tCd in tilt> (Agg occur What I( -tbe gr6cer furnishes 'you 'ar- L,f 111 d 111i i0ts-) * reached tho Veranda e kfngdoni, an bilked Ili the oven mallein (Luke xx 16: Xix. 4:1). their Ilia mevelitY-thrm. jr;'V� glit- New Ycork, Ind] tho ta* ter trlw 131nmiards U-80 but Itie4*10iled. In vi tICIP14 Of 1740d' a'dultcrated-? Rota We visi Wor 1A � I Kettiplilent 0 Uwpany'o 3T silver be -lost, or a favor-, th loaf. You can cut It. but it takes IOU Ite chalice be broken or the roof leak, God to make -It. 'L,v entimnuol. at, $:AjP,000,000- rujined Will. QLnd th6n 4 British bOat drinking tho . American Is - I tore it'Vestuirrit policies fil .1 th in t" not filld-y(' all. -Ill be cut off in ytour Of QP �W;t %*RsIANK". mud tlW Vlk� Pit"I invOlv0d firat 1ram n Ameritan carpen ( Of thil" lie stated What If ()f llutne trial. God only can make bittercobt wou jxmitd*-all,tho year. round. In that thi' the piece Hutt " ('1118149. HI ktK.)W Alrw- Harlwtt, r4 Uttic York, 1!9 builder named Slackle.The clerk of the a Id Im 10-glily Man or the A' tildricturY.to-the holders thereof, an - olornon wrote out of his own miser- homW Im-fow like toniu. lattide it - court. DenverL4, wan puuquielling away Britisll;, 110 i's thousand . thin 1* pr4ounid iinpread4m upon Parkor. 156,00. Abe left homi! ycw mo(Wate than the Ger or -t sins becausp c (lid tiot bpIteve in Ntv. t4wxLay aftmmcon w1th OiLiv amount satlisfied With fiiteen the3, compare favorably with *t1lose of., gs occur? matter. able experience -he had a wretched C. MY bodilY Pn4wum with small lutwnWr. WIlli8 and gal.lotij4 tf4p tho twen'ty-t-w-o of tho Ger- tilt-- lea . 4:tng, dud -beat 1*11inge(i #,()In Everything nuat be ready. The sprinjj 4iorrte-no man can be happy with two withdrawn front y(ni. k1ford. 11w faithful old nervitor will-proli.. to r&rVAw (!nwmdnatfouf4 In tier nkirt Makkio wmured IL sledgo hamnierund .18 e(jining, and therip must be revolution, a 35. Then -said UIP allioux ably be burted InA& of the erbandv pocket. UAPTIOtinjr tf, dep("t it'iu the nuln. aiKI thirty of JoUil Bull. - And I)adif"'ott Mie much less with even hundred- som tho 'doors f0l, in. volitinelit. In the famlly wardrobe, or,the aptumn and out of his ivret thellivelves-mockfty ly, Intl ivitil tile .01 t mo"Ut N ernon. DmiLnion Puhk, but when arriv(11 wh1lo to German simokes his forty- RPP( 11-111 vote of thanks was ched experience e #4L is at hand, and you must ijhut out th(., wrote. "Better is dinner of herbs w Toronto thp money wam gonp. tinty chee" wero givon b>r 010 eiglit oun" (it good tobacco, tho ir&- 1111011AY . tendered - to the Compan' -blast. But how If the moth attempt to exetiwitheir own eourne. y's northern gery. Inspectorb and. has preceded yqu to the chest? How Chief Ju8tice and the St4preme Court ' arican lia#i uly-to date. consunied Only Provineial fann' 11 h1u., le love Is, than a stalled bx and Peloulx-t. The mocking inalft-e t)f How To CIR0015z Yodlit OOL4& terday and the flag was t'i;iert ljo!sted by a forty-t.hri batr d therewith." Oh. the responal- their reply rises In it elkiniix of t1iree ItrivIll. who e'llwhed to the top .01 co,ohn". arul, on accountof Agency Staff for their' splendid wvrk If the garments of the Inst'year do not ))lilt es of housek'cepers! Rings. by elaum,-s: 1, whitber will lie go -To Studiab in Chromatic Niffects Kake tho war revenue, will have U) get Of tile dtiring which the tit the children now? Whdt If all the thel -indigestion, have Paradiw-? T4) Goid. wlio has done so tric Cat hari ties. ilThe inarinct; liad.ln the along with lmj IlereaftPr.. . Taking largest ljlisin�,Y% e%' faglilons have'elianged? lost empires, Very Testtul Costunuo marched up, nd er done by the Colu- nd,generalsi through indigestion, have much for our natloti? Wilo coulil IN- Allj wouvin wbo 0WAM it all in all, tho Americans,.tIle E.ng- PAnY 11&d b0oh see.ured. I Uitiely c.x' The house inust be an exteinporised lost battls. ejecupied View fill it MorellciuW% frfmc,41 in line hWde thoL court to.Gerinans know Ito% to, ing thait of a 'y (* ceed- a One ot the great statis- lieve that w� are, not s lullell lleirof #Owl woe thalt, the color which The buikfinjc ivan- entirely ilpstrOY01-- closvire, and as tilt, flag went upthe n Aheir home compAlly otfiow the eolor of Ii-er eyes to Vie 480 on- HAL a"d tl v P6thec&t#'s shop or dispensary; there ticlaps says that out of a thousgud un- of Heaven nx lie is? dimperwNi 111P Name a e in .10, history. must be relief tor all styleig of alli enCs; married men thirt- Whiell Is tile uwa becotning to 1w gaw)ll y Nit and drink And it a man-- Is w )at at 9 n Y, were criminalA. ainong tile Gentiles"-Awong tile lilt gavo it'a salute. something to loosen the croup, some- and out of a thousand Married tnqn under ll rtreuniotftares. *Ijich stored in th- builijittg Ito eaU tlien they are 01�,top-.of crea-, Aft6A)I AiNual *vote Of' thiankN had thing lo r Greekti; with the lew ortlio4ox, It4p V;1ught fir#- lms_*t 'at - ths.. first N(W THE END OF IT. tion. ( been pami ed the election of birectors ool! the burn, somethtng to only eighteen. were crialinals. showing resimbtable und Intelligent Broini W Uie cjoior f or a bro*c lie t6ok place. " whereu1K)" the.' neirly- , vaultice ,the !nfla-nrration. something the power of the fiome. And. oh, the tc.aell the Gentiles -To eYod wumalu, aity U will tyrias out UK, I-xil-ItAing. kpire-ad t ."'llere this will end none f us to silc-nce the jumping todth, som�­ responsibility resting upon house- y 1U10w, IRA t1lat we re in the riglit H efeeWl 111nard filet, lid r. John L. lmwut of Laor eyes no no other 00or fire t, -tit IjurW (d the ljililing 4 orseradlish- Relishes. I - . thing"to soothe the earache. 0 man 4 keepers' 14Y the food they provide. by Judging from Him conduct towlird tile C -An, If Aw but. choomm the rwbt &UN113c. orjakiuig It hinnpwilols- %ir Ifjo.- fire. 4 im-doubt. 0ur'Go*vcrn went 'Blalkle- was unanituously m -elm -toed business. If you had'a8 many cares ,u Cooks u'lwa'ya "y plenty of horiw- the couch they ispreud b:k the books and Him liberal titteratice Gray V; bemnulng to woumv wMi -they e guy Ivitr, aimi to yougg wonum w4t, Iffell t Poo and tilt- Brikkah Governwent , will' iW. A]Ian that You would be a fit candidate for they introduce. by tbe'iriftuence 114, w4-nis ratber to Im-lotig t.liall U) ut4' surely (Ito the right ring. They -inust are t lip f i6e di;j1p4 which 6itty be inade e � asylum! If 'Martha inake, bring arobnd the home, they are help- this vc. &- ri i pyce usx1l Itnely couiplem ratMRh, for you tinf(! Lo IjetChow maQY nd Sir Frahk Sinith V1ce-Prsidenta.. an Insan 367 What inamil-r of sayilLg iq .4TRUCK BY A TRAIN on fit the court and Ivitil thd toot. Lo W Vs of IwWle. q under such circumstnces, an impa- Ing to decide the physical. t�e intel- th #uke a Wild Bagn for Prince. theY lumt defend-tho hortor of their ver3- twItt tl.:!nt rush on the' llb7ary or the draw- lectual, the inoral. the totemiLl welfare tlie)' Pretend t4i ridicult. Wadou U9mollshod &nd DrIvev Huried fla' Ymorue bauce by covering umle It.- White L,; berouLing tou almost ev*y go. so groftly by tile ma, pound *of Fri(M horheraidinh root witil 4411C'eu VictOrl�'d tinfitial Incomn frfjua ng rouin, be patient, be lenient. 0 my tq The I-Mna" racc. Oh. the respon.. HMO. They w -em 'to ff-el the (lark. oce, old or youW, prorMed ttw wyelliff- 2G Peek. tbe Stato amo-alitij to j;,,j Oster. though my words may not ibilityl -tit repres #p1rJt4 of'wine and 'kerping the ruix- th arouse In many souls any appreciation Tha( " womAn sits � in tile huuj*A. t tanfil rebels and en- 85,000. of fearful iuyvWry In the wortim, but are er seler ta the Aght tint , the WOW tativl* here. rhe fare cannot be is s'llm "0000 it' fo-r ljor private _tt Inclined to persuade tilewwl%es t1wLt etui witetr the pure wbke witlawt-a f0jit., Vs -lo. 17. voutinued Inuell longer. Eltiter ti ture lightly corked. -Then thiti is added oxpetiditurwc, 'C172,500fr tJ),O Maln. tou, R�t tile assure you, from -God to -day, perhaps, entireiy' unap- itjs Wieur notisense.--Lunge. All they tinge of yellow or pink in it, but UW wig express thl- I,ake 10 drop by*drvp to tile white'sitijuLw ilse(l Wltg of her the kindilness ivitli which Jesus Christ UUIWI StuUm or BrItaip. inust nn ruYal Iloueehold, L181,260. Preciated. She is the banker of her tintaded lit Ills dop&rture wits. cAreful to wont t1w Kirie & brunette uniot be n ek for meatq. or fisliew. Wheli mixed with forgaL-Lrim and jW met Martha. that he appreciates alt :home, the Presidelit, the cashier, t nDf t ermni A dw ; ami if abe Weaft wagim with it to- these Islands. Awolis of her court he lie would be out of thp reach of their A* 'a Unitefj .4titteft a little, fresh inupotard and red pepper "OrvIcO Mid L18,000 for presents, al Your trials, from garret to cellar, and jeller. the discount clerk; and ever ix)wi-r. Thp now ma(it, Iblowk tit all, it =Wt be very ioligin6c "Punsif)IIiSt, the' -horacraffiah. IL1141 spirits of wine will opecial se.r"cee. M8 the God of Deborah, and Miriam, and and anon therc Its a panic. Uod knows Yst (if Ilia wilitle the prowwuneW 14ond can would natura Abliall."Is the God of the huusekm ly dtwk heTwIf In We doll blaak w1111110 rtirt driven toy mle of hV4 hired MY like, tO mce tile make it great situet for -I)r(piled hpvf Thus tlivro remains Oouly C8,040 to , P- '.the anxitIlt-s and (be carcs. and he 37. LaNt tia% gl-c4it mwn, t tilt- cromminic nt-tir isgillf Stars and trI10--s run- up' over View, or devilwl 6-hicken. be accoun'tetf for or depogited its-sav- erst. Christ never mariled,' that lie kiiows that tfils is liq-kt a useless Evil- tljt�- WjlCI#-'P4 this nwrning. The r-ar Islands. but I nin not certain that Ing inisrht be the "pecial friend and confi- Mon.. but that t . of tile F�&Nt (if 1, 111m.r1lacles ":Is is UNENI ill MOGIV10C. Horseradish vin, a by Ww Quo=. Tills wouki not here are multitudes of It Would be negar� 14 miother con- Gmen U, tho rallm whk,,Ij le prokAW of the 100 frhe rark ere df ­ Ito" 4 , bmt. The Uritish out- coction much used, and Of! Wa to #-MrfirO tO Incet thO ul&nY LIXI)CIlet's Ju_ dalit of a hole orld of troubled wO- hearts waiting for the distillation of fill tVd1X%CiaIlv high day. toeing t1tv clow NOT* to be stmable U) eveff eols. A firty tPet 1way numbpr us lierp rumbent upon a r(yyaj e * manhood. I blundered. Christ was of lie reaat� (is well iku the feNtal wa- twAixtis-11 and hitrl# telt to one, and inake It Is to soak n culpfid of frostily ourt; the Divine mercy and solace In their plexkm. prorkUag one is for4unatO duties n commerce with the Islands Is grated root togetlier with ti ounte E8,000 yearly "the Bride, the Lamb's wife,".und that and their own fatigues. i "to an orebard their Quen IIAN a reveuue of marrled. The Bible says the church IN hour of trials., and their home the year. and n1m) bbn th i to dbnover t1w PW44eQl4W The world li abade whirb hanmanim" WA witil b* The vowratcher (,f t1w wns A. onions.. it pirich fit garilu j)r Kent, aw t r.the I)uf'hOm makes me khow that a worrian has a Ilears nothing about them. They never ed by at sppcial saerifieial ritual. Otte T28t1Y irrentor than ours. I believe ()I Minec left to ber by her inothe hich was titpreforp t %4 cukall- tpn#11y tinmageol. Ttw dri%er of the tile waywity (if the Americans would anti a plene of reil ijelil)rr ill IL quart njad by 110 RPec=1 allowance right ti) go to Ckrh;t with all )let- aii- peak about them. You could not w tit FIX tile day laekfxl w1iij-11 (listitt %4ag4ts waov thrt1wn tiventy five feet. kritinh an-, of rlder vin Vie S"te to her hueband, Ith Plot #*mlld bc cardully a%v" be Just .01R ennU-nt, witi, P I ttpe*l unlinrt a nexatlon ov Amerk--an. gar. After this has lx�vjj amounting to $30,000 and perplexities aud fatigul-S, IhA agonles of an ln�qulsltion bring tile gulgilic-ti tile other days. oil of It ox 1041t MW The 11"r.wom r kppt corked np for a week- it - ill w0own w1ft reO hair. Re or by his oath of conjugal f1dolity he truth out of them. They kep It still. tile PrtTrdIng In thp morning. aim the nAtml cokirftir: but rivr&3r with the 'frnt mlipris of the "Onrlf'affo Pago rIght:i t;houkl, in itralned through a cloth an() bottle(l hath -sworn to sympathispi George They ay nothing. They endure, and occurred thp festal water -drawing. A 4bodW of bnraw will bebee Trutdi ia liko tI10 gun; it may be Ilerbert put thc- thought in. -three r will until Ood and the Judgment right priest drew r dail witb I& vragont tnt weru, t'aptijrPill 'in- town R Dr e8se, be insisted npon, and n fOr 00. It IS 'I T)leaRant` noldition to ob9curod by mj.St,,,j, blit i t i.,4, ate tn1v arrrWfnents file (Tviterl %atey, a number of alads. four verses, quaint and peculiar, but their wrongs. Oh, but says some sis- 901dell I)Iteher, from tho Ispring of tbelew some runiffieff are havo strong, and in otte verve saying; ter, "Are -you -not trying tc� show that Siloa on the t4,,wple hill, hrovirlit it 1000ine monotonow.