HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-12-17, Page 22 r__ - - --7- - MANY 130NIT IECHOW HEART AFFECTED. More People+Than are Asw/tre of R Have heart Dl "If examinations were made, of every one, poogle won* be surprised at the nurs- bqr of persons walking about suffering from heart disease." This startling statement was made by a doctor at a recent inquest. a' I should not like to say that bersrt disease is as common as this would imply," said the expert, "but I am sure that the number of persons going about wits, creak hearts must be very large., "t Hundreds pt people so about their daily work on the vtuge of death, and yet do not know it. It ie only when the shock comes that kills them that the unsuspected weak• nesa of the heart is made apparent." "But undoubtedly heart weakness, not disease, is rawo prevalent nowadays. I should t dak tkad, the strew of living, the wear and rush of modern business life, have a lot to do with heart trouble." There is nr riaubt but, that this is correct, and we would strongly advice anyy Ona► suf Bring in as way from heart trouble to trya course a MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. - Price 50 cts. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealerm or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, TO ADVERTISERS Notice o:t changes must be left at this office not lster than Saturday noon. The copy for changes mast be left not later than Monday evening, Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Vo'TABLISHIED 1872 THE WINuAn TmES. H. B.ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDlT. DECEMBER 17. 1908. THE "SAW -OFF" CONDEMNED The Ottawa Free Press to not enamor- ed at the party game popularly known as the "saw off." It points to a grave abuse when it says that there is no THE WINGHAM TIMES, DEOEM13MR 17, 1008 Z1IT.&BLIAHXD 1872 TOWN DIRECTORY, 1 Newspaper - ----- Ta WIN61w TIMES., B"To-z C=Raia—Sabbath services at IS PI7BLISHSD �+ 11 am and 7 p m. Sunday School at Jy Course. 2:30 p M. General prayer meeting EVERY THURSDAY MORNING on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H. `•s son for Sunday, Dec. 20th, Edgar Alien, pastor, B.Y,P.U, meets The Times Office, Beaver Block porary: timer and the Tilts heartily agrees with (From the TIMES of Dec, 14, 1888.) ovary word. Weare leaving too mnoh 4t this power In the hands of the party Intel tint iV V leaders, Four years ago a protest was prepared in East Huron and there was a Bible St u "saw -off" with another riding and we clauses of the election act which pro- etre informed that the Salve thing hap- WINGHAM, ONTARIO, petted this year. The party leaders have Salient points in the Les no business dictating where an election att,en in a Seri Serle protest should be entered, What is the Rev-. Dr. use of framiug laws for the purpose of (Registered In accordance having means of punishing crookedness oaSASledvertieemental0operNonparlellinetcr 90 line for at an election and then resort to the SorouoN's DO'p xrALL—I 'King's xl: "maw -off" business. We want clean 4,18, eleotions and it they are not clean, we Golden Text,—Thou shalt have no must have a way of punishing the of- other gods before me.—Ex. xx:3. fenders. Verses 4•G,—Shoitld a Chrlstian man then wives to turn his heart from the D. Perris, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, 8,8. ever marry a worldly woman? WAS MIXED OFTEN, It a Christian marries a worldly we - ty t0 God is the very worst of moral ST. PAUL'S 013MR0111 HPISOOPAL-13ab- man and really loves and respects her, Druggists Hear Much Praise fora delighting in her company, is it pos• crime? Sunday School at 2:80pm. Rev. C, E. mtble for him•to be a holy man? Simple Home -Made Mixture. As a matter of fact, is it passible Some remarkable Stories are being for two to be united into One as told about town and among the coun- try people coming in of this simple advortisemen#s must be paid home-made mixture curing Rheuma• not one in God? (This question Giem aud.Kidney trouble, Here is the must be answered In writing by recipe and directions for taking: Mix members of the club.) by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Daudelion, one Suppose Solomon had selected godly ounce Compound Kargon, thre ounces Hebrew women for his wives, what Compound Syrup Sarsapa ria, Take would have been the effect upon his as a dose one teaspoonf after meals religious life? and at bedtime. No change need b made in your Did Solo on sin In marrying more ID y g usual diet, but inplenty of good than one wife? water. In what senso did David's heart re - This mixturepeculiar tonic main true to God, seeing that ho, too, effect uponthe cleansing the clogged -up pores of the eliminative tie• hada amber of wives? �' ones, forcing the kidneys to sift and If a strong man can keep from undue Main from the blood, the nrio acid Iove of women, to what extent is that a and other poisanonS waste matter, overcoming Rheumatism, Bladder and guarantee of the favor of God, with Urinary troubles in a short while, health, long life, and prosperity thrown A druggist here who has had ham- In? dreds of calls for these ingredients Why is one man for one wife, God's Since the Bret announcement in the newspapers last October stated that ideal for the marriage relation? the people who once try it "swear by Versed 6 8,—Apart from his of p polygamy, it," especially those who have Urinary In what other respects did Solomon so and Kidney trouble and suffer with oignally sin against God? Rheumatism. All the druggists is this neighbor- Why is it that a man's loyalty to the hood may they can supply the ingredi- true God, is such n factor in his happi- ents, which are easily mixed at home. nese and to the continuity of his world - There is said to be no better blood- ly macceae? cleansing agent or system tonic known, and certainly none more harmless or Hundreds of strong brainy mea are simple to use. break his part in the covenant? Lloyd,H. Kerr, aFm. Moore,Alex. Rose, guarantee that the election practices C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Offiee, with Dr. Chisholm, were any better in ridings which have � � ' � it_- Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. COUNTY COUNCIL, been dropped from the list of protests, o Meetings Second Tuesday eveningin each � vANSTONs, mouth, than in those in which the courts are Local History of the early 80s. ' TWENTY YEARS AGO y HIGH SCHOOL THAOHERS—J. A. Tay- BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, BTC asked to investigate. It is purely a The regular meeting of the December Items foal the "Times" f� y lor, B.A., principal ; J. O. Smith,.A., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest question of party advantage and tactics, session was held the first week of De- classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm with no regard for the public interests comber, A large number of oommuni• mathematical master ; Miss Helena proparty bought and sold. or the ends of jastice. Says our eoatem- cations were received and referred to Dadson, B.A., teacher of English and Offioa, Beaver Block, Wingham porary: various committees. The Special Oom- (From the TIMES of Dec, 14, 1888.) age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 "End the farce I Either repeal the mittee recommended that legislation be criptions, especially farm stoeic and Imple- Application for entry must be made In per- clauses of the election act which pro- of Questions by Monday evenings 8 p.m, Abner. Coeens WINGHAM, ONTARIO, -I<.iuseQtt. $.S. Superintendent, vide for the punishment of corrupt 111 ZTHODIST OErunait—Sabbath servioea TIlaw3 oa SIIlteoalrTION--$1.0 per annum in with the Copyright Act.) at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2:80 p in, Epworth League every Mon- advance, $1.501f not so paid, No paper disoon- tinned till all arrears are paid, except At the serving long terms in penitentiaries; day evening. General prayer meeting option of the pnblt ATE Anvrldvertis BATES. —Lego! and other what proportion of them would be on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W p p y g Buchanan, oaSASledvertieemental0operNonparlellinetcr 90 line for there it the had been true to the G. Howson, pastor. F. S.$, y Superintendent, first insertion, Per each subsequent insertion, Christian's God? Advertisements in Iocal columns are charged The chief stn with which Solomon PRHSB,zTnRIAN OHuacH—Sabbath ser- IQ,ats. per line for first insertion, and 5 cants par equent Insertion. not is charged here is not so much hie vices at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at 2:80 p m. General prayer dvertisements rayed, Farms for sale polygamy, as that he allowed his hea- meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. or to Rout, and similar, $1,00 for first three weeks, and e,5 conte for each subsequent in - then wives to turn his heart from the D. Perris, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, 8,8. maroon. true God; now is it true, that disloyal- Superintendent. CQNTRAOT RATms—The following table show: our ratosfor the insertion of advertisements ty t0 God is the very worst of moral ST. PAUL'S 013MR0111 HPISOOPAL-13ab- for spectiled perlods: crimes, as it is the foundation of every bath services at 11 a in and 7 p in. SPA01. I YR. 6 xo, a aro. Imo. crime? Sunday School at 2:80pm. Rev. C, E. onpoolumn-.—_--$70,00 $40.00 $22.50 $8.00 HQngrttColumn 17.50 Jenklne, B. A„ B. D., Rector ; Ed. Is polygamy a social orfine because Nash, S, S. Superintendent ; Thos, E. roo amu___ 20.00 2.60 0.00 One Inch ..----_ 5,00 8.00 2.00 1.25 the Bible says so, or does the Bible say Robinson, assistant Superintendent. Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord - s B0, because it i6 e0 ; filet is, ie it a SALVATION Agar—Service at 7 and 11 so, bin advortisemen#s must be paid the malate things? a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and Lee in aTransient A. devout Mohammedan is neoesarily every evening during the week at 8TEES Jon DAPARTMIMP to Stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- s polygamist, now would you say that O'clock at the barracks. tug, affording facilities not equalled in the all mnoh are under the ban of God? POST Orriax--Offioe hours from 8e, in to 6:80 in. Open to box holders from conntyfor turning out first class work. Large type and agroprlate outs for all styles of Poet. Hand Verses 9-10.—Can anything happen p era, ills, .etc., and the latest. Styles of to disturb the natural oomplaoenoe o! 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. choice fonoy type for the finer classes of print Ing, the eternal God? PIIBwo LzmzASY—Library and free H. B. BLLIOTT, What is that operation in God, or in reading room in the Town Hall, will Proprietor and Publisher the law of God, which answers to angor be open every afternoon from 2 to G:80 o'clock, and every evening from 7 P HBNNBDY, M. D„ M.C.P. S. O. J• in man? to 9:30 O'clock. Miss Ethel Elliott, Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special How do you account for Solomon's librarian. attention paid to diseases of women and Child; spoStaoy, in view of God's marvellous TqwN OouxalL--VO, Holmes, Mayor; ren. OMoe houre--I to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p, in. appearances to him, and of God's won. Dr. A. J. Irwin, Reeve; David Bell, the shameful proceedings at the Dex- drops dealings with him, giving him Thos. Gregory, D. E. McDonald Wm . DR. MAODUNALD, wisdom and riches and vast infineno? Nicholwn,Geo. Spotton, Geo. C. Hanna, Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Centre street Verses 11.13—On what conditions Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor, Wingham, Ontario. did God promise Solomon and his eons Board meets first Monday evening in of Commons; if he was not he is en- prosperity, and the establishment of his each month at 8 O'olook, throne forever? HIGEISOHOOLBoARD.—John Wilson, DR. AGNEW, In how many respects did Solomon (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Physician, Surgeon, etc. break his part in the covenant? Macdonald, Dr. R. C. Redmond, J. A. Office—Macdonald Block, over W,MeRibbon's What is,the only condition of every Morton, C. P, Smith, W. F. VanStoue. Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Cosena, DrugStoro. Night calls answered at theofloe. man's continuous prosperity? treasurer. Board meets second Monday Roderus, trees.; W. Clegg, F. Seo.; Dr. Leeson for Sunday, Dec. 27th, 1908— evening in each month. DR' L. R. 0 P Londoon D, M. R.C.S. (Eng) Review. PQBLIO SOHOOL BOARD. — T. Hall, have been deprived of their power to proval of this council, the clerk be in- B Jenkins,H. E. Isard,A.E. pHYSICLIN and SURGEON. Lloyd,H. Kerr, aFm. Moore,Alex. Rose, guarantee that the election practices C. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Offiee, with Dr. Chisholm, were any better in ridings which have � � ' � it_- Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. COUNTY COUNCIL, been dropped from the list of protests, o Meetings Second Tuesday eveningin each � vANSTONs, mouth, than in those in which the courts are Local History of the early 80s. ' TWENTY YEARS AGO y HIGH SCHOOL THAOHERS—J. A. Tay- BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, BTC asked to investigate. It is purely a The regular meeting of the December Items foal the "Times" f� y lor, B.A., principal ; J. O. Smith,.A., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest question of party advantage and tactics, session was held the first week of De- classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm with no regard for the public interests comber, A large number of oommuni• mathematical master ; Miss Helena proparty bought and sold. or the ends of jastice. Says our eoatem- cations were received and referred to Dadson, B.A., teacher of English and Offioa, Beaver Block, Wingham None of the higher ofiioes at least are going to go-abogging. For the civic chair we have now in the field no op. ponents Messrs, W. Soott and R, Mo. Indoo and we are pleased to see the contest between two med so competent and worthy. The reeveship is (even more earnestly 3coveted, there baing at present four lien in the field—Messrs. McKay, McKenzie, Hanna and Gregory, For the deputy-reeveship the candidates are likely to be Messrs. J, A. Cline and H. Kerr. The announcement on Wednesday morning that the store of Messrs, Mo - Innes & Talbot was entered the previous night and some articles of� olothing ap- propriated, caused a great sensation. By making a series of holes in the rear door an aperture about six inches square was made, the iron bar that fastened the door removed and entrance thus obtained. The members of the firm, on suspicion, had warrants issued -and be- fore noon the goods were recovered, having been secreted in the bins of a vacant grain wareroom at the station, and at the same time Mr. A. J. Turner, who has for some time had his sleeping quarters in this same building was arrested by constable Pettypiece, being found in this building, BIRTH$. Hastings.—In Turnberry, on the 10th Inst„ the wife of Mr, R. Hastings, jr.; a bon. .11 Patterson,—In East Wawanosh, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Jonathan Patterson; a son. WHAT IS ITCH DIRT? It is the old Anglo-Saxon name for Dandraff and it's a good one, If you have dandruff yon have o itoh dirt and the little microbes that are part and paroel of dandrnff are working persist- ently night and day and sooner or later will reach the very life of your hair and destroy its vitality. Then you'll be bald—Bald to Stay— for not even the wonderful rejarenating properties in Parisian Sage can grow hair after the hair bulb or root is dead. Parisian Sage aures Dandruff. Walton Mcliibbon, the druggist Sells it—rbcom- mends it and guarantees it; only GO cents a large bottle and your money book if 1t fails to care Dandruff, Falling Hair and Itching of the Soalp. When the sermon is only a work Of art the saints are Usually artificial. Ott my haach and cracking of the skin, which ioh Tp. (Raphwell's) but tbat the mat• Breaks up a cold at the start, wasvery I*Wul. No treatment seemed to be ter be left over until next spring. That of lxaotse anvil I u" Dr. Chase's Caintment. At the fest sneeze Or chilly take Carltpho•C uiriine. If beotghe imm4ate retitf, toots ant the sore• the englneer prepare plane and speeill• •IF1j'' drew. sCfteaecl Glias akin and Irsade a elltnpkte oa�atls for a neer Bridge to be built be. Cures In 24 hours, At Your dealer's -26c, r tial la"tisak cm is yeatt ago." tVfeea Goderioh gild O,blborna totriz, +tial µ+a+urw.la,. Moderns. PIIBLIO SCHOOL TEACHRRS.--A. H.A. A. MORTON, Musgroye, Principal Miss Brook, 'e • Misslieynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss BARRISTER, &o. Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mies Wingham, out, Fraser. BOARD OF HEALTH --W. Holmes, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, P.S., J. B. Fergusbn; Secretary; Dr. J. R Maodonald, Medical Health Officer, TAKE NOTICE. RNAThat J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. ALI work guaranteed. OfAce in Chisholm Block, Wingham. a Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and R, L, DIOSINsov DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc, MONEY TO LOAN. Oarion: Meyer Block, Wingham. A RTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of thePeneaylvanin Dental College and Licentiate of the Rogynl College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 0lHoe In Macdonald Block, Wingham. W. J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dogtal Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office : Beaver Block. ALE%. KELLY, Wingham, Out. LICENSED AUCTIONEIiR For the County of Huron, 'Sales of all binds condnoted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Timm office will receive prompt attention, FRANK MCCONNELL, .. Farm anD G&rden'' ROOT KNOT AND WILT. Rotation of Crops For Controlling Them In Cotton Growing. By W: A. ORTON, Bureau of Plant In• dustry, Washington, A. rotation of crops must be worked out in detail for each farm to fit IN particular needs, The essential prinef- plc, to be observed are as follows; First.—To use crops Immune to root isnot In order to starve .out the pest. Alberta, excepting 8 and AZO, not reserved,, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole au porary: various committees. The Special Oom- (From the TIMES of Dec, 14, 1888.) age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 "End the farce I Either repeal the mittee recommended that legislation be criptions, especially farm stoeic and Imple- Application for entry must be made In per- clauses of the election act which pro- introduced making it illegal to run LOCAL NEWS. Agency or Sub -agency for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how• vide for the punishment of corrupt autos on Sunday, and at least one other The Wingham Conservative associa- tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, acts or enforce the lav, Why should day in the week. tion has elected the following officers: The homesteader Is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following plans; a, constituency be told in one month Dr. Gunn made application for the President, E. L. Dickinson; vice-presi- years, (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, that it has been guilty of corruption usual grant of $400 given by the Conn- dents, Thos. Agnew, Robert Hill, Dr, than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership In land and six weeks later receive a certifi- ty to Hospitals, and the Executive Chisholm, Robt. MdIndoo; seoretary, (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is cate of political health without any Committee recommended the Same on arm. Fleuty. " action having been taken to prove thnt his complying with the provisions laid Hearty Sympathy hat`=been extended homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own resi- the charges were either true or false? down in much oases, to Mr. W. E. Groves, principal of the mother.) Why should it be in the power of any Bp•Law No. 3, of 1908, of Hallett; re- ambito school and his wife, in their ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles In direct line, body of men Sitting in ,Toronto or lating to s stream in the township, was bereavement in the lose of Choir only measurement, (5) A homesteader intending toperform his residence duties in accordance with the above anywhere else to stay the hand of the read and referred to the Road and infant child, the district of much intention, g{� months' ice law in a case suoh as that of Thunder Bridge Committee, but in the absence ARRIVE #'ROIL r Kincardine __8,40B,m_11,QOa,m.,_ 2,40 p.m, W. W. CORY, Say and Rainy River, where enough of Mr. McMilIan, the matter was left At a meeting of the band on Tuesday N.S.—Unauthorized publication of this ad. has been shown already to have taken over, evening last, Mr. H. W. C. Meyer was place to warrant the fullest investiga- It was moved by Mr. Shearer, and elected honorary president; Mr. A. Se - tion by the election courts? Either seconded by Mr. Hainstook, that where bastian, president; F. Johnston, vice - Mr. James Oonmoe was cognizant of in any county two-thirds of the minor president, W. K. Loutit, secretary - the shameful proceedings at the Dex- municipalities are in favor of Submit- treasurer, and F. F. Gerster; business ter poli or he was not. If he was, be ting a Local Option by-law to their manager, is not worthy of a seat in the House ratepayers at the next municipal else- At the annual meeting of the L. O L., of Commons; if he was not he is en- tions, all the municipalities of that No. 794, the following oflioers were titled to a trial before the courts of county be compelled to submit it at elected for the ensuing year: John the Iand and an honorable acquittal the Some time, thus co-operating in Davidson, W. M., Henry Green, D. M., of the charges made against him. Yet carrying out the rq provisions o said by - Thomas Abraham, R. Sec.; F. H. because the "saw -off" was at work law, and preventing the isolation of Roderus, trees.; W. Clegg, F. Seo.; Dr. on Saturday in Toronto, the courts any one, If this meets with the ap- Thomas Chisholm, let com. ; Thom. have been deprived of their power to proval of this council, the clerk be in- Agnew, chap,; William Johnston, lee - probe the manner in whfoh the else- structed to communicate with the other turer. tion in his oonatitnenoy was carried clerks of the Province to get their Mr. W. F. Anderson, of Cariboo, on" This is plain talk from a Liberal co-operation in memoralizing the Local British Columbia, a brother of Mr. J. J newspaper, and it expresses the best Legislature to amend the License Anderson, of the saw mills, is home on sentiment of the Liberal pasty. 'It may Act—Lost. a visit after nearly 25 years' residence in be that the Ontario managers of both Inspector Tom was asked for an opin- the Pacific province. - parties :were nonvineed that no wide- ion in reference to the continuation Mr. H. Davis was visiting hie parents spread corruption was practised in class graduation examination and stan. at Woodhouse, near Simcoe, this week. the election, and that there was no ovi• ding of Such, pupils. The Education Committee recommended that the As predicted last week a plentiful prop deuce to Sn support the threatened pro- Principals of High Schools and Colleg• of municipal candidates has sprung up. tests which they agreed to "maw -off"; iate Institutes be requested to state but they aro not the proper persons to the standing granted such pupils on ships, known as Forsters, tenders to decide whether the law shall be in- their entering their respective schools, be opened at January session. That a yoked or not. There should be a change for the information of the Council at new bridge be built on the Lake Shore in the election act so that this duty the January session. The claims of road, Goderich Tp, known as the Gully shall rest with impartial officers of the Harriston and Parkhill High Schools bridge. Crown, The above is from the London Adver- on the county, for $127 and $63 reapeo- The Jail Committee recommended tively, for pupils from Enron, were *I• that Effie Ray, at present in jail, be re- lowed. turned to the House of Refuge, where Salt hemm Ran& The Council gave the old wooden she had been before. In the Jail there are ten inmates, 9 males and 1 female, on bridge at Bayfield to that mnnicipall- WINTER ECZEMA ty, to be used no a foot bridge only, and 6 for vagrancy, 8 for assault, and I for It is well known that cold watts aggravates the municipality to assume all repairs. Insanity - eczema, and with many cold weather has the The County Solicitor, however, to be 1 unit effect and they suffer from eczema or consulted no to the proper method to Hard work is one of the most impor- t %Atcrheumof`lnethkenhands and chapping and oraking'Ch protect the coatty against future pos- tant elements in life, This is why so r is no treatment so effective and so sible damages• few people In the world succeed. lastingly beneficial to the skin as Da Chate s Mourn. HoDermid and Lane gave a Don't emit a boy beoanee he wears Ointmtn4 which healt up the raw, flaming, itching sones and leaves the skin soft, smooth report of the proceedings of the Pro- shabby clothes. When Edison the and velvety. Municipal Annotation, t0 Which great electrical Inventor, first entered Dr. A. We Chase's they were delegates. they if200 was granted towirda the ereo• Boston ho wore a pair of yellow linen breeches in the depth of winter. • OIntWent tion -of a look up at Grand Bend. i The thanks of the Council were ten - Is also wonderful) successful as a cute for y dared Dr. Milne, reeve of Blyth, for his 0. chilblains, which for many people make the winter a season to be dreadtd. By applying excellent report concerning the mast, the ointment freely the dreadful itching and Ing in Toronto, held to consider the stinging is rd;ercd almost immediately and its prevention phrase of consumption. 1.I• WPM a• regular usf prevents the return of thisannoying to to Warden McLean for his courtssy hcuble. 60 cents a box, at all "exit or and oo a aideration during the year. a I p dmanwai, Bata !k Co., Toronto. Mr. J. H. Andel son, Chapman, West- The Road and Bridge Committee s6- • moreland Co,, N. B., writ".. commended that it new bridge should "Fottoawin,fersIwastroubledwMeaema be built between Stanley and Goder- None of the higher ofiioes at least are going to go-abogging. For the civic chair we have now in the field no op. ponents Messrs, W. Soott and R, Mo. Indoo and we are pleased to see the contest between two med so competent and worthy. The reeveship is (even more earnestly 3coveted, there baing at present four lien in the field—Messrs. McKay, McKenzie, Hanna and Gregory, For the deputy-reeveship the candidates are likely to be Messrs. J, A. Cline and H. Kerr. The announcement on Wednesday morning that the store of Messrs, Mo - Innes & Talbot was entered the previous night and some articles of� olothing ap- propriated, caused a great sensation. By making a series of holes in the rear door an aperture about six inches square was made, the iron bar that fastened the door removed and entrance thus obtained. The members of the firm, on suspicion, had warrants issued -and be- fore noon the goods were recovered, having been secreted in the bins of a vacant grain wareroom at the station, and at the same time Mr. A. J. Turner, who has for some time had his sleeping quarters in this same building was arrested by constable Pettypiece, being found in this building, BIRTH$. Hastings.—In Turnberry, on the 10th Inst„ the wife of Mr, R. Hastings, jr.; a bon. .11 Patterson,—In East Wawanosh, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Jonathan Patterson; a son. WHAT IS ITCH DIRT? It is the old Anglo-Saxon name for Dandraff and it's a good one, If you have dandruff yon have o itoh dirt and the little microbes that are part and paroel of dandrnff are working persist- ently night and day and sooner or later will reach the very life of your hair and destroy its vitality. Then you'll be bald—Bald to Stay— for not even the wonderful rejarenating properties in Parisian Sage can grow hair after the hair bulb or root is dead. Parisian Sage aures Dandruff. Walton Mcliibbon, the druggist Sells it—rbcom- mends it and guarantees it; only GO cents a large bottle and your money book if 1t fails to care Dandruff, Falling Hair and Itching of the Soalp. When the sermon is only a work Of art the saints are Usually artificial. Ott my haach and cracking of the skin, which ioh Tp. (Raphwell's) but tbat the mat• Breaks up a cold at the start, wasvery I*Wul. No treatment seemed to be ter be left over until next spring. That of lxaotse anvil I u" Dr. Chase's Caintment. At the fest sneeze Or chilly take Carltpho•C uiriine. If beotghe imm4ate retitf, toots ant the sore• the englneer prepare plane and speeill• •IF1j'' drew. sCfteaecl Glias akin and Irsade a elltnpkte oa�atls for a neer Bridge to be built be. Cures In 24 hours, At Your dealer's -26c, r tial la"tisak cm is yeatt ago." tVfeea Goderioh gild O,blborna totriz, +tial µ+a+urw.la,. Moderns. PIIBLIO SCHOOL TEACHRRS.--A. H.A. A. MORTON, Musgroye, Principal Miss Brook, 'e • Misslieynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss BARRISTER, &o. Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Mies Wingham, out, Fraser. BOARD OF HEALTH --W. Holmes, (chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wilson, P.S., J. B. Fergusbn; Secretary; Dr. J. R Maodonald, Medical Health Officer, TAKE NOTICE. RNAThat J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. ALI work guaranteed. OfAce in Chisholm Block, Wingham. a Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and R, L, DIOSINsov DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc, MONEY TO LOAN. Oarion: Meyer Block, Wingham. A RTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of thePeneaylvanin Dental College and Licentiate of the Rogynl College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 0lHoe In Macdonald Block, Wingham. W. J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dogtal Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office : Beaver Block. ALE%. KELLY, Wingham, Out. LICENSED AUCTIONEIiR For the County of Huron, 'Sales of all binds condnoted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Timm office will receive prompt attention, FRANK MCCONNELL, .. Farm anD G&rden'' ROOT KNOT AND WILT. Rotation of Crops For Controlling Them In Cotton Growing. By W: A. ORTON, Bureau of Plant In• dustry, Washington, A. rotation of crops must be worked out in detail for each farm to fit IN particular needs, The essential prinef- plc, to be observed are as follows; First.—To use crops Immune to root isnot In order to starve .out the pest. Alberta, excepting 8 and AZO, not reserved,, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole au Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Baron bond of a family, or any male over 18 years of tjQ� DOn"t keep filo ltOriey On bila tdt Remedy long, as it will not bring more th age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 Is prepared td conduct auction sales of all des - acres, more or less ^ criptions, especially farm stoeic and Imple- Application for entry must be made In per- mentor, in any part of the country, on reason - son by Cha applicant at a Dominion Lands able terms. Orders left at the TIMES office Agency or Sub -agency for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how• will be promptly and cheerfully attended to, ever, be made at au Agency on certain condi- btrtter0rad Tou cert put a oU4 tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader Is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following plans; Wingham General Hospital (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three (Under Government inspection) years, (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform the required residericedutles by living on farming land owned solely by him, not less Pleasantly situated, Beautiful fur- i than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership In land niched. Open to all regularly Iicensed 7 will not meet this requirement. h eioiana. RATES FOR PATIRNTS— B y I (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is (which Inolnde board and nursing), $3.50 deceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming (arid owned solely by r to $15,00 per week according to location I him, not leas than eighty (80) acres in extent, Of room, For farther information, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a address homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his own resi- MISS J. E. WELSH, 0 dence duties by living with the father (or Superintendent, c mother.) Box 228 Win Ilam Ont. e (4) The term "vicinity" in the two preced- ing paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine miles In direct line, a exclusive of the width of road allowances crossed in the 1 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. t measurement, (5) A homesteader intending toperform his residence duties in accordance with the above _ _ y RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. O G while living with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for p TRAINS "AVA Tort London .. _ 6.40 a.m.. 8. I the district of much intention, g{� months' ice Toronto &Bast 11.03a,m.. 2,40pp,m; t Sinoardlne .11.57 b.m.E 2,08 p•m... 9,15p.m, to the Commissioix nernofrpominiontLandstat Ottawa of intention to apply for 'patent, ARRIVE #'ROIL r Kincardine __8,40B,m_11,QOa,m.,_ 2,40 p.m, W. W. CORY, London. ...,.-..------• 11.54 a.m-- 7.85 p.m. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Palmerston.....,....,.., 10.80 a.m. N.S.—Unauthorized publication of this ad. Toronto 8s East........... 2.q8 p.m..-- 9,15 p,m, vertisement will not be told for. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. a CANADIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. LIAVA Iron Toronto and East»--- 6.87 a.m.,-. 8.16 p.m. Toeswater ——.. 1,07 p.m.,.-lo.00 p.m, f1 OUTSIDE . ARRIVx IrROX 8,10 p,m, V Toronto and Toronto and Salt .. _.,1, 07 p.m.. _10.40 p.m, J. H. BBEMBR, Atrent,Wingham. ADVERTISING _ T p a � 41 0 Orders for the inabt6dt of sin es chances, euoii nd teachers wanted, business 6haneea, y� syr se a�1ty� �+s u v, uc, iuu uawua� n,xlulAU 1L is Chinn a lain a? to look for surplus even It Soptem, mechanics wanted, articled for dale, or in toott*� any kind of an advt. In any of the Toronto or other city nifty be left tjQ� DOn"t keep filo ltOriey On bila tdt Remedy long, as it will not bring more th papers, at the Tlilltd ofiloo, Tkis work will receive pptomptatiention had will neve le the tronble will during the bolt few Wftks. 'UNIT piw of ramittinyy for and forw•ard[fng advertisements. Lowest 13 OUALRD Irbf rates ill be quoted on ap Mention. Leave or send oar neat work oft a triad to the Cbt1$hli Ct51dS fiflti �1'Oi[ 1, A eRa of cRrrlage paint will not s much, but It will make the buggy VvINS OrII`xoz, Win#hank ii btrtter0rad Tou cert put a oU4