HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-27, Page 3-.A SPARKS FROJI To FORM05i O�NOITS Woman or the text wu great in her Matters or Intere8t From aii piety. Just read the chapter after Over You go home. Faith In God, and she -WIT GOOD AND NO LE WOMANHOOD was not ashamed to' talk about It be- fore Idolaters. Ali! omen will never the World. 'Stormy Petr6l of- ReligiOLIS Reiiew Their Attack oii Japaii- appreciate what she owes to Chris- Britiall (�Olumbja,k; it.q a,39ets by $4.845,410. Life" R6' More, ese..With Vigor, tianity until she knows and sees the Talmage Sermonises on an Unnamed Woman of the Bible, degradation or her a 5 Vears of Cure, Gen. Ludlow lla,4 issued a Ism and Mohammedanism. Her very tiOn looking to VIV #11wirninI Who Was Great in t1lospitality, Great in Kindness birth considered a misfortune. Sold in Havana. THE DOCTOR'S, 4AST WORDS. POISON THE WELLS AT TAIPEH. like cattle on the shambles. Slave of Covering Tens of Thousands Cured, 0 411 work, and, at last, her body fuel Millions of Bottles Sold Thu steamer Lake Hurn, With the 131ontrpal report: By the death of report:-. TlW - fierve. to God's Messenger and Great in Trouble. for the funeral pyre of her husband. -­".DoukhObord from Witotim. fiat ivar that the Imp3rlal troops of Japall Above the shriek of the ffre-worshlp- at nalilax. ihe Rev.'Clutrlea Chinlqu W. T. T yo D* D, bet- have been waging against the dread pers in India, and above the rumbling JaCob a continue.., its great beneficent 4, mmilww. t4 Toronto,,haa ter known aa FatJW ChiniquY, which bandits of -Formosa went on' - nic�r of the Juggernauts, I bear the mil- Ste so work in the curt: of been electetl preA&e- rily %"aslilngton,' D.C., Jan. 22.-ASerip- three or four week of preaching a lion -voiced groan f wronged, insult - lit of the Canada Occurred At hA "itience here shortly through the latter part of December; tan CIT11 k�aglneerg. alter'V 0 -clock this morning. olle ()f Pecordifig ti) mail advice -i Just received Iture character, whose name Is not WmMittee of the officers of the church ed. br(,ken-bearted, down -trodden wo- The traiwpomt Urant has leq Now Incut remarkable figures of the Itere f ram Talpeli. The decisive victory given. becomes - the subject waited on him "d told lilTr he looked nian. Her tears have fallen In the RHEUMATISM SPRAINS York for tile'p1lilippin Century has been reimoved. At of Dr. tired and thought lie had better take Nile and Tigri-s, the La Plata, and with. the Ulf I I . the latc, 911ined by the troop.3 of the Third Jal) Talmage's ermon, in hich he here a vacation of a few days. The young on the steppes (if Tartary. NEURALGIA BRUISES Infantry anti a bntt Sir Adolpli.3 Chapleau wan called "The "lion of tb 17th atipse Brigade on Deo' Oth, In the litil sets forth the qualities of good and DUtor took it as an Intimation that his been dishonored in Turkish garden 16(antry aboard. Stormy Petrel of Canadian Politics." w4ir Taipeh, did not prove the end of The Ridgeww1l I the deceased divine -might, be cliarac- the war, MU ' iougli'liundred;i of, the ban- noble omanhood. ' Text,. H. Kings, work was done or fiot acceptabie. He and Persl4n palace and Spanish Al- SCIATICA SORENESS ilayoralty kt.t%)1111t terized kv took the vacation, and at the end of a hambra. Her little ones have been 3nd Air. MeN_ ar term In religiousf dit were killed. They were quiet for 4-8: "ElIsha passed to Shunem, where few days came back, when an old elder sacrificed in the Indus and the Can- lted in 3 LUMBAGO STirrNns W.011 -elect ."'ley life. Since he was ordained a priest in several (lays, but only that they might was a great woman." "Id: "Here is the key of the parson - ell bY the casting vote of 11 ee so age. We have been cleaning it up. You ges. There Is not a groan, or a dun- And will always be the returnill- Officer. -1833& for n, perid of 60 ye ro he has sw p down inewhere else In re- t.. -ie had no -coun- geon, or an island, or a mountain, or been a stfikiRg figure in rfiligious con- FIPWNI'strength. In any e 'tertainment or olden had better go up nd look at it." So a rier, or a lake, or a sea but could n the Young pa tor ook the key, went tell a story of the outrages heaped dered SO search for tito foltr luen WhOL A DARIiNG SALLY. pine. The vast majority of travelers The steamer Staidey. bekbit -or- trovereV. 1or a. quarter of a century 8 1 The Great Rewdy for P" %rere WOW h& was a-promilient, figuro in the Ro- One of the mobt oring sal)ies of the Mt1st then be. entertained at rivate UP to the �arsonage, opened the door. upon her. 13ul thanks to God . this n away from Bonav- and lo! it was carpeted, and there was glorious Christianity tomes forth. and Islantl On 'floating ice., nture. =11 Catholic Church, and his labors ba nillts . occurred on We.. 2211d, In -abode. Here gornes Ellsh8L, a spervant the hat rack all ready for the cane* aU the ir�hains of this- vassalage are in thu:MMOD Of temperance in tiie rro- TainAn perfecture. It took. the nature of the Lord..on a divine mission, and and the umbrellas ad the overco ped. and she rises from ignominy The D'dtL411 9teaMer Werneatil null Vince of Quebec.. which gained for lihn of a na.vgl battle In ats, snap 9 miniature. The he . must ind shelter. A balcony and on the left band of the hall to exalted Cap&ain PLerec,. from tial the Anostlp of TemperancA6, are balldits. 1*it11,1V number of stolen's M"all overlobiting th vtwton, for sphere and becomes the) Liverrpo()I, put ill at Ml�fl .1rtli �J e Valley of Esdraelon in w X still ren) the Pro� lmrgp;-n11-1 junks, surround -A t1le.po3crD I and it the Parlor, sofaed, chaired, pictured. affectioate daughter, the gentle wife, v"90 Of c0tt0a on f1re. itroug' offered blip. In a private house, - He Imssed on to the other side of the the honored mother. the usefu Chris- bri left t1stuek"Church of Is especially furnishddL for nis occki I T I i t uK steamer Shinonome In a bay' rhall,: and there was the study table in tian. Oh! if Christianity has done so borhood. 2. He wav willing to teacki ketive. With a crew (If, Rome bi IW,;S lie lutis had L a StOrMy Alroten. � They, were on all sides' before' P212cY-a chair to sit on, a table fro'm the center of the floor with tationery much f6r woman, surely woman will L 8iX days overdue at %"an. career.' and on many occasions had to which to e*at, a candlestick by which the Jaixinese on 4."ount kna*. of their Upon it, book shelves built, long ranges bCcome its Most ardent advocate and SUNDAY SCHru one scholar. 3. He Too4 a d"Crombie. Int -H. J *Lnere -was,- up. thanc3 to ber t of new olumes; far beyond the reach Its sublImest exemplification. 4. lie taught with great so&[: 5. He COUver. anti id said to haVe beeo* 1438t face angr nlot" Of IIIS country danger, lt to read. and aLbed'on which to slum- unpromising, diffiCLit apholar to teaft. near Queen Charlotte Soun.. Ifli"ch lie'did without ilinching. He J11p3 'made it despei4ate lie - whole eiabilshment belong- of the;meann of the young pastor, many e6capst. - Tile V. taught when even He himself was %va S a brave f ighter. -and never seemed Ing to a great -and -good woman. Her of these volumes. The young' pastor JNTERN "fince i burdened with 400, resistance, n ATIONAL LISMON-NO. O -R W) haPPY as wheli fcLng danger. Pe- suec.%&,j I . I- but the bandits fifia y husba d,. Lt'seerna, -w" a godly man, wevt upstairs and found all the i weary. 6. 11v used lugenuity and t&ct. -61--).000.000 fralles Spite, fact that repeated attempts Jap.-tnese *ere killed i-ind thrown oVer his wife's excellencles; just as now down stairs and entered the pantry, I waii interested and used them aA ac apartments urnished, carne 7. He took the thIngs In which She .Public officials.(. i t lie - 4tate. et n. boardinm A number- of. but he was en-tirebr overshadowed by sleeping JAN. 29, 1899. Fear. i*cortling Were nwd,to indum him to return to 'They would surely have escaped YOU sometimes find in a household- and therewere the 9 Ices, and the cof- Christ at javoi),,. %%,ell. --johl, 4:&.15. illumtration. S. He impressed her we - 11P tO VI estimate of Le IN- m ps. Wa r, h 00 the 'Itoman ('atholic witil the steamer had not a large body the wife the center of dignity and In- fees. and the sug rs, and the groceries science. 9. He wa6 not led aside by -Ci�e New York Stdck Kx- Church,- he, rematrKd true to Protest- of well -armed tro' a Tbne--I)ecemlxr, A. D. 27. Place.- waim' -0141 1ruvsday for at . it4int to, tho lalv-�Lnd 41most hitf last op,'i put out from fluence and not by any arrog- for six monthIL lie went down Into irrevalent questions, but keo to ELIs 000. shore. They el 8,amurla, at inx. hij;hest pr** tjMt tile 1. eared a 'pass t1irough ance or presumption. but. 1)y superior the cellar. and there wns the coal for ob,d well ,ear Syoar, we ever tatOlft4ble, wordsete: "I kno1v A Remorseful Thief Puts a one great point. 10. He compleW the paid. ormosall junks by free use of, a intellect and force of moral nature all the coming winter. He went into LmAweon iount. , (ierizim and Mount I .111 gotlig to mv" dear Re&,em'er." rapid-fire gun mounted in tite bow of wielding domestic affairs and at the the dining hall, and there was the Ebal. work b,. disclosing Hineelf the Mw- rePirlt from W11,411i ILL TWO WE . EK$, One Pf tile b6ats. Thei. f 1,nally reca - sa . ine time supervising K11 fin"cial table already. set -the glass and the Bullet in His Head If we love as we ought. one -iiiartialled for his The illnem -which' pro h ed the steamer. after killing t hir? and business affaIrs. The wife's hand ilverware.-i He. went into the kitchen, ina 1. moul is as precious &a anottier. Nagan, Is tO be court: Perk01W--�Ogus- A SanuiriUm w -u - y .3ttack On Oen. Mile!g before the War Wen 'of '41iboui tw o- n. band sixty, wlto on the- shuttle, or the banking ho s and'there -were all COMMV% tlfir�v. --CA)UUMt1.Hg The great tift-Chrkat himmelf-Uw Inv ' 0.' week -W durati Its anti wounding e., the culinary imple- L, n"-. eFti9&ting Board. it med -to' be it � form of grippe; were ibaptured. a"Wr the 'ntervlew wi"' N300- fountain of life, of peace. *,ChrkK or the. worldly builness. You see ments and a great, stove. The young -AND TOOK POISON BUT LIVES YET SOO C&nn Riellardson. rectur of hundreds of m0n who are successful 'and ,teyvrat complicatiOns aro§t% sqeh as Two (in y atitor -lifted one lid of "the 15tove 110mus (Ilkvt leswo-iti Jemsalem at seeks the malration of all melL by &11 Cr a latei Ieve11;1Xt1Wit8L llu*-. he found the fuel "all ready for lgnl-. nyn Xlemork%l Church. Lond x1i. has I.,%morrhngo, of . the stomnvii ' and prisoned 'at Tain;An Ut only because there' Is a reason at 6 1 irpugh Chicago, -Ign. _'V.-A1:r,-d- Jacken, Lbe time of tho 11anw)v,#_-r), Jebus nd tneans, and at all Unies. Thbot 9(W beeTt offered- thP rectoeshi hiart, failure. The gemat pri tile home.why they are successful.. If 4 tion. Putting back the cover of the Who Ls lying at the Cook County Hos- 111' 'CL1w1P1M left, -Ieru&aIm3,, aM the salvation of men was gvoa&w in -ig nd started for the.hills P of st.: t� of Ahe -son wall John's (ArY0, ;t Weil-endowpil,Vrown was against hiin. Init hopes man niarry a good, honest Laoul, he stove., he traw"In anothvr Oart of it a Pital with a buileL- hole in hii head, "Pellt, th4.4 IOUOwUW eight mk)nLlii in Christ than bodily thirst for w&tw. rectory. ixitient - 'Zn - th"P run. They were all despetateL make's his fortune. If he marry - a lucifer Match, and all that young man says, lie robbed Lhe (xmtry of Judea, probably in How doep is the well of Jesse. from were entertakied -for -his, recovery n1en, nd witIl Alli. exception of tw, Qe 1-irst Nati(mal vartbou� pkLj", . e 0, fool, the 'Lord help him! ' The wife had to do in starting. to. keep houFe Hem Jebus taught the which th flock of God in refresW! The United tate Na%y Di., until * t w'o, or three� (lays agu. Father Who 'were, killed by gt1arid1q0,,. got was to. strike the match. You tell me Bank of Uhicag-o of $1,5W fiftem..* People, an(' 11U (ILw*106 tKAPUMA t11801 Jenus, himself. the gift f Ood to us! may be the silent partner In the tirm, Prepared orders for the crillger ChilliqUY himself Viought that - his RafelY In their flight. several there may be.only , MaSCUllne volces that Is AprocryphaI. Oh-* no! that war, YcUrS ago, waa chaBed by detectives (V- d- L -the CTOWds leuvLig the mizustry if we but taw thinV go (know t e Philadelp,111,,t to proceeti to-sa iline.*j would be,fatal. He was efl. native.4 wilo r3t.0p thplu we down. an exchange, but there often- my own experience. for fift*,6n Months, gave himiself up of John, an coming in birge numtmm- on M0.1 at, ro 'Oh' the kindndss, to Lyman J. Gage when Mr. Gagv MfO what Xlad labors. what ebew- e'P to rePrOdent thf- Unit* -d t.jtps- conraged'to mjike an offont' hrow 'Urne -comes.from the home clrqle a too J oblitz. So ful sufferinjo, w intere,,3to there. to't Oh! the enlarged sympathies some- %ras PresUlent of Uie bank, wai par- me of Joluils disciples hat effectual pray - off tho diamse ar*d'tv.mplctP, hii 'bo6k POISONED THE' - WtUoLS. potentl4l and elevating influence. This timer, ejustering around thlose who en-' doned, and afterwardq', trid seveii arOuhm)d tu jealousy because. of tbw, ers, w1lat glorious hopm would m&ke Uig r -he old of Japanew sioliprs en my text was the.iuperlior - Col. Baker, si. and 000 the centn' ter the gospel n4rifistry. an -i expreaml t11-1tr d6,6itLsfaetb= to U hav foulki ou.t. T numbei I suppose the Umes to kill himoelf. P our life "' WhAt a glorious dswn- f, hor Out from hid agect 'It Crapbrook that huiband. He, as far as I can man of Shunern had to pay the- bills, Jackkoti In 50 years old t�4d his *John ilie Baptlyt. ing it must' have beeu to the i%W of no tram4a"Ivri had taken pl ico willell. understand, was what we often see but It was the large-heatre4 Christian To a vity of FLmarLa-R-eau prO_ U home is in Wwt.2irn SpringiL He says that Samaritau when she boc&nw g -a in coing erwen. OUT I.Awd's routo Jay would dLiqualLty him took Ilia.. In -our. -day, x man of large fortune and sympathies of the woman of Shunent he is a wafe builder, and that lie war, ' aWare tkat the promisied Me=1&b h&d Place that looked after the Lord's messenger. Utrough h1strle ground. Hp,doubtlew &B. C' legislature. only, vi modicum of brain., intensely emPloYed on the Firrt ational Bank found her, re*A her heart, and ofterW Again, this woman of the text was safeff whell (jM)wh. the aneAmt quiet, sitting a long'while In the same reat in her behavior under trouble. of t he king%iom. f c"umIttee of cardinal.;. loretikled that institUtion MODVCA PaMlej "roUgli her Peace. What LL melting away of Place without moVing hand or foot. if �ier only son had died -on her lap. A Uirougli Bethei, whero J 0 w-etnrian prpjudic* 'Pet Cardinal Jacobin, lias Iccid t* ita new building in Pearborn -say "Yes," responding "Yes;" If - ou Street in 1884. T!Iierc were 12 new limb IaW his TO rec3mmend- u Aay "N responding ngeis; century light went out in that safe" in the -bnk, and ccording to h vice to Hini Wh" to m"k tile 00�4t. of ithe very bright What a joyful yo drom of the L -i rendering of her *or Mg. worhl' household. The saored writ6r puts it near lie fkmt, dw6.lulg place Pation in tho thought -41 t delightful antk*-i ane,. eyes half -shut, mouth wide open, on, money was t Into some of -Rome uring, t!:(. pilgrimqgp maintaining his poiltion in society very tersely when he says: "He sat n of mking known her blessing! How u tho tatwrnael.e, anJ tlie ark in Can- ypar J I R99. them by the bailk offu--tals before they her -knee until noon and then he died." onl`7 because tfe has* -t !arget patrl-- aan, and Uio w�me to( the 4lownfall hr thOughta turned away from The Ottawa foranch Yet tb4� wrlier goes'on o say that 'sl (i were r<-.Wy for use. of Lhe house of Eli. h0ftbtlng upon her ancestry. Who ooul(i urti's rhony. But his wife, my text says, exclaimed: "It is *ell!'- 0reat In prosl "One day." Jackion sat), "I wao Day Alliance will was'a great' woinan. 6. Jacob's 'well was Were -L e., the look uPou this event and c&B It a nwet bn Her- noLrpe has perity, - his woman was greaCM trou- w0ftiffig (in the 8af w nd not -iced that oProteit, a.-.111inat he ppliv- Dot come down to us. Sbe'belonged ble, th0 door of one of them wa open. well Jacob (lug In Uie 1AaJ he bought #dmIAP in(.Ideht tilat jwn h&ppen@d tu tion" to be to 'that collection pt peopie who n6bd a be an? He who read@ all hearta. &U(I zy->- Where re the feet that have not -eral bun on hii reuirn fruzn Pad=--ar&rn. (ion. M'I(IP to tho Alrovin la -1-1 ? I ! ked laside and muw 9--,* no name to d1stingul.sh- them. What been blistered on the hot sarnds of this V. No one being Legtslattire for tht- runninjS of, le dim of pa per nvmw. a' an a knol.1, really l% f% ea rr. all men, knew would 'tftle of 'du a opur of Mount Grlzim, elghwm rc*% 'ahara? Where are the soldiers si,.5w. chess, or princess, or rreat. near, ! took two of thein 'contain in lien rted woman lit -ed near Sychw. queen -what - wo h4h. Approaching we iin,l an irregu- The guar-l"tee IVA(Lqre"irej to . 110 uld es'eatcheon cr thathave not bent under the burdeh Lar open slkwe, or cluunbQr, cut out and would be at Jacob'@ well. A long -ers of t1w e gleaming diadem be to' this woman of. grief? -Where is The ship sailing became afral of _Uto disgrace of Journey on foot brOught the B&Vwur taken ont by of k UAOn19 ome t-tx feet, ill tlk-3 Frou&J, ana wall - of my text,- who, by 'her IntelliFence over. gia'-y sea that h"L.not a MY. bi-ing found out. I detoermined to &ver Vanada. have I*en a"anget! .,afid�, her behavlGr, chW�engeii the ad- w fter L a it. I W up on the 4des. it. wam originlAy to thP spot so dew &o the degcend&nt@ hile been for.- The total amount. of the' guar- caught in a 0 teA I 'Lyman J. Cage al.i atmi cif Jacob. The pareal of ground wak m1ra4ion'of all ages?L Long after fte, where is the went to 1),im (Me nearl square, miy fif$ean by sevon- 'Ultce4 id between $9W,00() brilliant , Women of 'the ocdurt. of Louis' fo garden of earthly com- day and I wild, 'Mr. Jacob's gift to Joseph. but thmv a 000,000. ut trouble hat -h hitched up its Gage, if',you ILa4] toen fet-t. An arcliway once spanned XV. been orgottn, -and- the rt b come to me and c .he chamber. In the ventre of this tlerY-�and 'panting - am. and gone if �h Cuaen me Of tkLng tlr!it money I humble. tolling woman receive tb*. Oleo eliarg af gtiafUig i of the- court, or Spalzi: through,it with bui' Ig plowshare of would have told you. I took the chamber is the waN. it is niue feet Gift of (iod. even Jesus her Sav"r! have been for In dLwwter, ad for a dwtance of brilliant'. woni6n Bank clerk In Mon trm 1. Mon some twel%,e feet, it in carefully wall- ltg�llnst E. A. Mussen, tile ferehantW- gotten, and tfie . bril- dismster? Under th(.' elting of ages of PY, but I Had the plaoe been Oftered to her be- uld fall .11ant women who --sat on the -throne of' suffering the. f the world the detectivaq fore? How much more 00 now ? 804am an tlle; .%AdsLt11t great beart r catell me.' i I ; � _' L. J� A� Russia, have been' forgotten, 4ome 'has'burst with wo4e. Navigators tell ug -0d return the ,zcd Manager ed up. 'I'lience, (ownward, it Is solld do riot happen to bP Mved. 71ell are Ca n t"lifitxI YcwtmlAy that t1le A grandfather will ecta- about the riverq. and the Amazon. and r. Gage- ro.,k. Mazindrell In 1697 found it to d0ught, invitetL instructed . Mal SO lie ft�und in be 105 feet deep. So4ne yeaj" ago, an treated. and oftei, for SOMe time ere An uestion w put on his sp cles-, and hohling the' book' the other the, Danube. and the Mississip canziot,' tiaid 1, 'It's all glone.' p! have -7 prior to tjio tirr". Plored; but who can tell th4e side the light, read to his Arab Wft&" letrdown intoo the well an 010Y rreik-0 t1w gift of God. ]k grAdchil. been' ex t4*1 Mr. Gage h ought to pr Just jeelebratc(l ren the story bf this great womah e. length of Ahe gr6at river sit as it were by every f9unt&jA 9f Gifuletmej hts by menAuring W rope it wam io�D ber 80tal b" or. deptb �or th' cute me and mvit! e to the pen.1ten- to 1xi eeventy-five feet deep an quite -kind and cour- of sorrow. made up of tears and bood t4ary. He refused to do xo. and never -ali our t I Shunem who was F!o earthly good. to c 9L tentAoc to e w-4 at flawarden ('as- teou!i Pn'(; Christian to the rolling through all ands and all a es Mttemptcf to -do anyUjing to me.- hearenly blessings. tie. Ther -good pro-- 9 : �Iry at the bottam-Dr. H. u. kU-b. May He open ow 110 -une present 'out phet ElIsha. Yes. she was great the wreck Of families, and of At I.'at. Jackson says, ti6 disgrace . - x1de, th"4anwy had been egin - rhe well wajo fm inte"Mily by ee� W oer, still groater things in Inn, -Oman. co in g , jxven. cold. unities, anti 01 'empircs, 6prtW, not externally by rains. -Ah- f or us. W foaming, w0ighed oil his inind., so hard that n the first place, she -Waz.great la writhing, boiling bott. I 4th - the'agonies of gratuL,AtlonK 110 mado up hin niind to commit sui- NIM Glaki0t4Dne VemTel niany co -n- -t t-ele m her hospitalities.. Tneivilized aAd 6.000 years. Etna. 4-otopaxi and Veau- C Id e. ouu*y lohuHng IL 7. Wom#n of Samaria-l'be c .pm w arbarous vius have been desribed, but who has pfl eu Mon In. 00 nations have this virtue. First. lie tried to contract of town Sycliar. fr0m the Prince 40 Princittw -of Wie Jupiter had the s;irna f etl6r -sketched the volvano of He soaked two sheets (;Ive crie to drink -Asking a fa-sor, H PIRTIAL FAWT8184 I t Ions of American Me of,the hos- uffering in itter. wrapped liim*,�If tip In pitable, and he jvas saht, especially to stretchI0g.,*up--.*on1 its depths the lava tll(,n2. opellod Ilia I opemi the way too the g7umUng of U) vontrol tile C I avenge - tfie wrongs, of strangers. scoria. Md pouring them nd wdrooni irindow one. To ga1n anoUker's gooJ-wili Li not tion antl man� ncture,4.. 101 1 n rt . Homer extolled it In his verie. - The the sides 14'whelm the natio nd sat thero Until the sheetsfrw at firwt by dokig, but by rfmw%-wg 0 ns? 011! U Wa lefinite sape. .4, not vet sett Arabs re PIJACtlfioUs. on - thl If I co' Id gather all 'the h to hity skih. He ited luitiently, a )6ndnew.-Ab4x),tt. The ga v Ion r s, sub- eartstrings, 16ct, and'aong some of the ed I Severe Cold Bringi a Wife ald whother thi wi but fall to gvt n co"inction 011 the broken heartstrings, Into a harp, 1r, trIbes I would play o' .0 nick. 8ought, t I Annar twfore the sincer .,wfth ail Enghhah n4licate or in OPp0_ of -it is not until the r4nth day of tarry- n It a dirge such as was F r hio next attempt. Jacksn -Brook(w. cOught th Saviour. to it. The a ori Xother Alw, with. Ing that the occupint has a- right to never Sounded. MYthologists tell us SaY19 lie (frank pint of alcohol and iP wism gone to buy meat '%ew York.. I., dsk his guest -"Who and whende art. of. Gorgon and Centaur and Titan. and then welit out and wit on a snow verse gives the reason Hie -geologists tep us of extinct species of n and praycA -that lie in' Parti&l PaivLlysis Ac"Inp&Wed by pt" t .kl t tt�. Tho Bishop thou?- If this -%fftue is -so honored ba gilt inons why Jesus waa left alone, aW wily (711han pripsts-ari�!Pffgagf?d in :t among barbarians, how ought it. to -be ters; but g*eater than Gorgon or eateh bet. pn(mmonLt or m3mething just bakl nothing to dmw witli.-Pejou,io. honore4l amon'g those of -us *ho be- egatheritim, and not belonjing to t -he in Samarti they wimild fisid ino 4. Ing ribs JPC110WS_D06%0ft V�&U t0 oontrover--iv ovor it iWetiment, rpeently I 'i4l 1. -lieve, kl�, realm of fable, and not of an etinct Ing bad. His praver was (lot. ll- Promillgateld kv til'p priests. Thi.4 wap, othe Bible, whlckh commands pitable enterwhier, they muwt, pur- 1,A'TEwr PHOTOGRAP11. Swered, lie mys. ' Bring R6110 -Dr. Williams- pl" 1. ­­ __ 0 ­ 'I I I . . .. 11� .-us. to use kospitality one towar4,1kn-* es. a monster with an iron Jaw ebase from the common puree. in substance. 't manifestt) against tilp other w1thout* grudging? and a hun4red iron' IiPofs has walked Tho third time. Jaeksmi says. lie 9. How is It -Not altogothir ro- P1 I is ftastor* jaesjLh. NAI10P fOV- eucoOaging Slianish * re- Man would smile when thus eneour--f Taipell - do not miE�a ndelr this across the natins, and history and mixeKI, pound of potanii in water fusing. et wond&ring at w) jujusuaj iv�,,re tak(.% -Of course. mentm--nt. nd -111 nppP,'Ll to t1le .%Iller- aged.. He fitlid Ilia tiMQ camped itear eov'er to n-.0 Poetry nd sculpture. -in their attempt and drank It. outevie or a Brookholm, a Oubwb of Owes' n had I stid4denly ill 4% scoiv' di6d within �;Ila. 4 La4.1 appro'Ve N114tain t he eome. and lie' tvn_8 pey f C.L. t I to sketch -it and describe atta-ek otaoro throat' Mild a miueat fiom. a Jew, am lile drcve 80und, in fairly vibmLing with in - of that vagrant' tass %Vtip,kol aroutid sirne to sweat ' it. have h(% felt no ill 1111PPY. fe, w- Tl*ir sufferitws, "rc "frG111 pl great drops o� blood, effecta. guid his dinkct wou.1-1 at unco diwover A fOw CvSnin&,w ago a letter from h6rrible, anA. polnt&l. - to death by ace to place. ranging their: 'But thank God -there' are those who 41 8amaxitan,-Pul. tknwt ill tile wonderful Cure* elfect- whole life -time. perhaps undef the The �irand Tz-Onk authoritie,4 &r.e- Arebbinhop Bruchegi wag sent to -the polson A t f irst - tho cooks Wei* sus- But Jackaxi did not lose I-ope. He Coin. a Inng sUp& to eof 0' f nick man, offering to eal'i -auspl�es: Of x6mv- benevolent or Phil- Tho Jewo havo no dealiWe ed ilL tha pl&ce b t, _et the arrest can coftquer as this woman of the luid hoard that peoplo who were witil t v t, he uw u, Dr .%I. W. Hurwt, a on lihn if J*Cted of treacher,. but: it*w.,Is ',If-' a'nthrople -.sod texV- conquered, and ay, *I.t is well; lm,, 'Rair.,vitans-The S&MAri- N%,Illiarm, 1,ink J3,IbL romer clerk in tb6 1 110 d(Wired. When th iety-_ quartering -."thern- nerly starved and who ate heart- tfuw wero tile advero4arim 4 Jud&h. A newspa per 64MPIOY Of the 4-Ompany, who bout I read W Ilim.' e letter was w arck; (118covere(i that tite, from selvel; orl C`bris*tfitn familles . with a- though- my property be gone, though ily almoat (iic,<! from t116 effect. A of Tomato. qpuduer wmke time -ax mout.h& ago skipped to tl,L_ St�jt4 iled, Dr.. Chiniquy ruerclY which tl10 trbON- 'wero taki= iva- grejLt pile of trunks In the hall and . my children -be Izzone. th6ugh my home Ezra, iv. 1. Tike Jews were exti-emeiy Mau flurst, w`110 1-4 it Ndpanee mnn, MM and sai califily atia distinct- ter* had' bem , poisoned by t1w ban- earpet, Nag - portentgus-, of: tarrying- be broken up, though, my health. be cordingly. lie went without cating maLicknis against tluvin. 11ho w(n"i in the vicinity, wah dir to a a e"Xge of fcyrger.v if IY: thank tbe, archbishop for dita. sacrificed. it, is well, it Is tvell` There days and then sat.down too qxw wan tcq I on Th Is Jed, to an - in vestigra tion. There ts many' 4 country- parsonage. uOyraided Christ witli tlLe 11augliti- L ly left I am numb -r of'other wells In the' -th ok y week upon no torm on the sea but Christ i IJOUN - 011 a oonnectlon lwith courtesy. I have definite s. tulquot of tried oysters, lobsters a ovorlookimw ovem thf, monthly pay out week . h lm*m iAl ill -Ra -time cof tile Jewimh a- Ule liomioh ready to rise In the hinder part of the la - Now barg, Pill pickles and ice tioll. 8OUAd'd beautiful bay, and w&,@ "d (-hequeffl. Church. Jesus Chrit is vichlity woro found to have, tfie ."Ominoui. arrivat of . wagons. - with , shp'and hush t. There 19 no But tile next inorning lie tha them lie %-Ouid "M aDmWing . lank horse ud ire* sufficient. for Me. and I am perfect. P01 'led. Tho bandita Wive poisorled creaking. whepix an -d - year Vie %arioij sa but the consteliation felt 10. If timmi knoweist tjio gft f 6(*1 ,;. fint* #jf sur-' ly happy." ' Ue.made thia stAtemeni all StUl water in tho ieilni* dilapidatod '� driver. - ic-ome- under -the of Gbd's better than ever. The next Salvatigm, Lico cars in (;reatcr NOW'. York 'car- in both French anti E Vy of Tai-, eternal . love can Illuminate It. and Ume lie drank eight ouncem of horse Chrint, as hr"Wilt by Jesua about ' cum Offect4%] by Dr. Wil- ngliali before, Pell, and it in with difficnilty that- ulpleer, Of - Oomo - cha:r1table 4nstitu-, Ciough the 'wilite that *with U) liams' Ilink pilig.. T1W 11,11 w&8 climb. ri"I 401.645.419 Ixtswnigers, While several witnesses. t1o'n to -ppend a few, wpeks r comes out of the liniment, witl"it any ill effocta. And who it ir. the train cars an4i omnihiwses t-,Pf I.on- dou bt There can -be no ranzillig water,is found. va�q the neig and can-. northe'rn skyl. You have sometimes thm-In nw,Qmi wwt;t (nuy pett- ed, fuld i� is W )&. J. F. that k'ather Chiniquy hborhooll. Let no -such. Another time 110 isat for hours in tmlpr to Vr had The bubonic plaguo hat; mado IiU 'relig;ous tramps take advantage of eift the 'i n thiae ; but if Uk3u k nowP44 t be Vc don carried 481,779.69L, passe�ugers rance J.'ormoela, and tllj� norihern skp all ablaze with a barrel of water and ice. Which lie Who 4an, 4>1viler an'd occupant of m fizurm do r1ot ine 4� tile ele, [JOB SiOn of ll his faculties when a PPea thiq.beautiful virtue of Christiaig'hos auroras which seem to say, "Come up t4lat 1110titionor is, uut tlie The. wl 111 - = e�ring tile 'Otter, for aft.orthat troopis aro in (LLnger 'of contagion., cellar, trying to catch that. (;,od J14 givilig U) that plenaftlit IXMe, that lo in in - railroad tr.-Offie in the former Tho death. of two IA -pitallty. N'Ot so -much, the this - way; - up this - way are thrones eVid. But by tilat time lip wa debw wam disP080d Of lie was:engu&d for g baddit Chiefs sumptu- of light I and seas of sapl�lilre and the "Mmi. t.11glu _otisness, of your diet and the regality'. 19 'A'OukL4 havo excliaiwd placem w4li 1 for ttM'h f0d1&WiLW faCtA. "Id.V city nor tlw on4lergrotin4of travel in Is reported. o U0ad- W ex"ure of that sort. and I tho )attar. upwards of two hours, ae ws sliat by � tl10 of your abode will"impress t' plendor of an eterr-I he9ven. Come pneunionLa film, gladly aaking of Him Iii-Lig m -a- w "t' 'U"N hOr 000J 9XkVRU* a( hWah ary Inhabitants of a village he, friend waa * farther froin him ter-lum ahoWdst tJk)u 11aV0 asked wi kl4laY to Dr. %'U1J&1WW pink than over beforp. 'hia religious *ill. *as visiting, and a Japanwio,sha p­.thresbold, as the -warmth of y9ur va ill (ge4ltl.V ref k%cting #(xi her for n(A "d M. (;oDmellew. ..On Um of In- hearing rw-' - whero . lie Z the stran-e,! that steps across _10" I yotrr ul$, ghts x% ay." 1%18 exer r ho-ame and it was shootor brought. *the otImDr down,, greeting. he.Itif6 An a last resort, On Christmas (Jay 1111rnMiat,. vti, hi que t 1. rmality..ot. 'your re- , 1v Ju1Y, IK05.* Mm Goodlelkw �wen% We- may. like th. thOught that 110 w0uld *not survive WANTS CHINESE COLONIES. cePtinh, the reiteration , by. grasp, and c sn'P. I)Y tempest 110 firOd a* bullet 111to his head. it Ig 1i re 8 OIL an exemw( THE HIPPER ff WORK a - by laokand by a thousand attentions, 11. Not"ig W draw with-Slia evi- -m to Col I lWw ood bT t1k) night. 1e, ralliM, however, and Tho R%wian, Governor of Port � Ai-, : be*tossed entered behind h!s right ear a nd dmtl-ir diathWW.Iwo b3tween 0"iematr bOat -and camO hodw with a s0zne- dayi longer. in-signifloant. attentions, of your ea bn 'perilous deipa. but cannot be lost: penetrated the brain allglitl. cold, whiell (I"vejoped ilkto & P& hur has reeontly issued an invita- -, lie itoelf ot-anding in the w(JI, aliti tjle� r1fin I T" EN 1). tlO11 to th0 Chinew generally to set- ps Me-.- There will-' be lit altack of paralys" ja iLhe M' Thoulth SU -in enrage tile' wind and is ' 6�etting along nieoly. He p- &qxrilig or sl Two You ng Women at LabL flight it was apparent that lie tie in the vicinity, and ardui hi -h - appreciation - of you'r. w'ejC01"e, the tide, pears to be in full possepsion of Ili& it. Thou ieft Xe nad limb. ill addition, at was _6 nil Ta- tfi.�ugh You have nothine bat the bra- -The PromJse Pissures us. the Lord will .6facultles, 'and lie lias puzzled t1li, I"Ast Wit a bucket, t1log tl VSM ShOP WoWd be awlsed illktng fast witt that the ent, Lien -Wan. The proclamation s to 130 'zen'candleslick and. the plain chair I-*, 'Provide. Callst IvA oven reach down to tl* with a Wensted Stabbed, could. 'lot bu far off., it, came this bant throughout" the' Empire, --aiitl 'ofter r-.I;sll - hOOPital surgPOns, who declam' lie is rAtaudilig wattr. Tlw� well is deep- dizzinew which ortw regultej in mud- niuruing and ira very peaceful. lit, holds out as many 2 wher. he comes to .4311i.i* It remarkablo raa,-. Tha ijo, witi, t,110 bwkK tilog "' Ault] W'Mm falliv. The para�yzjjj ljidUcMenta to' nem. -%lost beautiful is 'this gi:ace of Again, this wom4n bf my tett was was cotwelous almo-it to tile V4!ry. emigrate as dow a rallmad In'l.00m- hei*itaflfty wlien'-.4hown, _in the I mWJe her U11alge to Airt &U.V weigfit I ItOUS, - great In her application to domestle THM NEW MILITIA AdIMAL. -Laj4V:,. however. and clear and'de-chie(I Ing It scctiOn of tho w0ft- Tho'. Rus- '.,-,f 'God. OaWdot 114)t e"1110 to t11- 17'%-'uF0qW'r49' with her left he in I am thankful that.1 -have duties. .'Every picture1s; a horse pie-, MCI d TRIED TO,DISEMBOWEL TREM in 'him PrOfftSi-ofi of faith to thiD - last SialL Pronilwo houses free of rent to alwxys -been the pastor. of - chift, 4 he 111"(1-100d lsi(t and for somo ammItIm foI 12. Art tlwxi greialA�r- TljF- tlueotio(m lovred tile LL4:h.,oe aad t breath. WhOu it wAS seen that e ti, all who come. if tlXM4accepti.11' -4 ture. whethel- she In entertaining an Graceful Design of the Decoration imromwxis rr(nu fjv:bling t1uLt jesu& Qok L-'0r-.-Tfi4- Ripper ho a g 11av(,) wher.e strangers are,,welco-ine. Rut I Ell'sha.'.oi whethcir she is giving care- li.Li terrorized Uoiogno during tile was uear at hand -hij family gathered no trade or Imwinewi they wiJl I)c have entered cliurches. _W'here there ful atterillon to her sick boy. or whe- the Canadian Veterans. aw-umo4l aiomo extraordinarY cliar- In" prmcribed. BUK it v1ir about his bed. 3irs. t:111iliquy, rg o ho;xs 'no -hospitality. A - ;axt two weeks haps transferri! taught onc,,, frm of clia P. r given stranger wotild ther she li appeallng fo 110"witli is a cut Of the reverse of actow, that Ho clainuml tqArit 100w�' Wa*ed. am she did jupt IV- L'biniquy, Mrm J. L. Moirin'(41aughter), employment tie. laborero at one an(] tand in 'the vestibOe for awhile'.and I" aay batuw. As Mft. GooMe14%. Im* -voratio-in to tho tADwn of Nfilt;llst4-�l 'in and Rev. X. L then make a pilgrim. tiorL-,Of her property. very picture tho modal which lux& b3en struck in I"wer ; perhain clianwd Westpludia. Marin.wereall prewn*.- half Newchwan -"string" o eilsh age up the long In her case is ane of donlegticity. U) b-- & three cluldma mad her howband to Rev. C. . Duclos was also thermit, per'day; or 250 eboh. aile. o door opened to him fintil, Englawl for presentaion to the nxm- iwrc4)hq, like Mram, vrlio could make' care for it W&D & d"P trouble to Two young women wc-ro istalilx,41 d and embarras*sed, Those are not disciples Of this Shun- b3rs Or the CaiiadLan militi., nd of a foinktain 4 w&Uv, boy miracie.- the familv for bw %0 be so arn684M. tt*vo last uight, an effort being cindp awl was holding Dr. Chiniquy's liall(I An Important requtreruent is that he started back again, -and coming to -1=ite woman who.,Xoing out t6 at- tho Imlwial for a9 110 PaAWO away. "I klLo%v %vll(% C_ cea who iLa1W. Our tther Ja�A�TheftuL- yor e in both cm3m to diwmbo%vel. . ro I [ill WhO COM -P Must bring families'and snme half-filled pew, 'wit tend to (,Utside chatitles, neglect the active service during tli. �6 tirlitans waro living in tho tet-ritoor 49:ht =MUM thew d*y i'M 90ing-to liny dear that YOUng. men ziml not h ap6logetllr duty of home -the daty. of wife, of ,UW oil tllo lk-.d River 4 y spellm of pamlyaw canualwa. ILPPIY-' ir. entered It., while_ the - occupant One of t ho victin is hi -L murniure4l at t1lo- very last. When the Rufilihanm first "k charp' mother, oi of EPh-raim 4M NifuVVw-11, 6008 of Thou wMe friend asked iwr to Jry Cdaughter. No faithfulness 0186t, the c CAxbdition. glared o'n him With ,t look whIN4 mP1141- "Ilki grajulsom o Jacob, nnd & bol of 1'�r. Williams. Tho funeral will take place at 1.30 .,of Port Arthur the fuu-sh metho.1s eemed to say, "Well. it I must. - I in Public benefaction can ever aton Tim, Ripper had in1(,,rniPd the.Nluca-, p. m. on Thursday from Nir. %10rl1krk1 luators make, a tle&-i inaro or less (if tho avu�;eut pink Pills. TO depted liteTally drovo'nine-tenthe of be for domestic negligence. There base good rn iii their -,-eJn&_IWotM1"t Pie.'ml the fr~ alm. coubmted tA, puzr `rskine Church, an(] the the native population 'away. The decency from the house of God. Let been-pmany a mother who, by indefa- ,��sessrneiit of haw 1, few boxe& sWI policv� by letter t!!,it ho, was rL%I1Ienc0 t0,1 must.." -Away with such ac ur d3n, coming. e Prea- 0011sequent scrcit of inliabitalits Is every. church that would �ds- year. Is ill the question a tile wonum wun tbm� serrico in chazye r th tigable toll has reared a large family The had been t& ken ghe fai IL by tery of MontreAl. Rev. A. J. NIO%va" responist4lo for the, generous- ordor.- large Christian lnfluence*t.n commun, of children, equipping th6un for the .1 W'911t reA-IntmwLt &t t1w. wleulillg better. The fainting deekU44 HIE ADMIRMS THE DEVIL. will prtiddo, Itev. 11rinlpl Mel1car TbO Rumi4ans havo plenty of empty duties of, -life with good manners and V Messrs. ditim-gard tho traditioup nd like- frequelit, her at "'mils ca� ItY culture Sunday by unday this 2%_ , - reWth roturned and' Rev. Dr. Amaron it tile beautiful grace of:,Chri., large Intelligence and Christian prin IZA" - 1138 Morin 18 of her peq)lp. by will oeliver ad 110UWR wit), wMell W arry .'01 Rtian. hospital- whiob lier tAde &ud Zvangeligt Who Sayti He is A 0 lorlous Ity. ciple, starting tll(,Y mtneeW themw;veg wi'tll thp I*bted A rm. an d she %r as db- drf4eft nd detotional t!Xqrcis()g will offer. them out, who has done Vrith U10 reMit. Aftpt L&JAW Person. bo miducted by Rev. Di. Mackay', A good � man traveling in the fr more for the world than many a wo- Of the patriarehs. - Abe -evi- alxmt six boxes, &nd f681W west., in- the wilderness, was ovet-taken man whose name has sounded through dently had it "awierable degroe of well again. @be dimemLiriv t a cabin. Ho saw -firearms gi 011"t ROW Vra I Ao. Rev. James Flack and 116T. Profewior .. .......... a�__= by night and storm. and lie put In a n- ad t6w um t evangPJ4, (*Iiverp!l IL leettire in Coussirat. Tile. Intorment will tllk ail the landa and through the ce delf-rO"Pwt, "Stim1W pridq and iuter- of the pills for a ties, but lsUr Fell VhirkerinK Mill I long the turies. I remember when ICossu'th 7 iiight, on -The Place ill 5f be me 9f, the cabin was evt Ili mligious quefiti(Xis.-P. S. some Of the eld SYMPUMs z"arah" Ilk' in this country, t and.he felt alarm- il, N IfeTi t4) an udi+,nve niquy was Past (;rand Chaplain ladles who gbt honorable reputations 13, Whowwvtr drinketh-Jemug dam iShe again mculwed h lrtW,.v Dev 74bry Chl Pd. He did not -know bUt thaf h6 haa &nd that fillf-41 0 JwAt ill thP Itall, of tho Orango Am4ocint!on an(] , life 110t llow a diwtuakAn or Hils,(vwn re -commenced their uft. a0d wA6 fallen into a den ot thieves. !�He gat by presenting him very gracefully awl fi-o-tow0f nusillfcateff Aw ap- member or Boyne L. 0. L. o. 401, there greatly- Perturbed. After a w1hile with bouquets of flowers on public 97TOLtufto Or power am ekwilared wKh overjoyed to find that tb� T&Is&%& the man of the ouse came home with occasions; but what was all that that Of J0,001). 110 fixes tho womaillp little pellets aguin rp the i -peak -r by luirhl clapping. proval of thp xsnt4n%z%L4 expressed and Alontrml Orangem" will attCnd a gun on his shoulder and set it down 4�ompar.ed with the plain Hungarian the funeral. Inbid on a single pooint-t1w, diffevence continuod taking _7r. Vranxe mail that ither., were AR(1U1V17QUf%T1 no I, _111V t= untAl abs many jwrw*w wivo pro . f ~v I to I in a corner., -The stranger wa-s still mother who gave to truth and cIvIlI- ww"m t1w waxer of We well aud the WIt Mat &he must cort&inly be 0 IW-ve lit t4w% ofivine irwpirn. tion of, trie Hid Grapo Archbishcq) Bruchesi wirw more alarmed. After a while ow tran sation and the. cause of universal llb- wator Nrilich He is rmd.r W give.- the effect@ ot tiki., troubig Wbft dw -4eripture-4 who olid not Irwhove In a Soon to-dax and asked if lie had any I AM of thP hosse"whisOlwed with his wife.. erty a Kossuth? Yes, this woman of liorey. Shall thirat-as Christ did, agaiB Maned to tako the ViLbL -ft4L& stateraea% to make. HiilGracorepfled.: and the stranger thought his !tstruc_ MV text was great in her simplicity. Reverme of the Feni&zL R&W and Red oft this 00cabim, and on the cro". go it orer u year and a half &go. &ad prvwxial dovil. Ao for Itintwif when "I havo nothing further to.say than tlon Th The When this prophet wanted to reward It was with all tho wougLu-g Lvijoy- ouly onop or twim gince h" 86P 1w con. -*0 W belleve in -t pprwymal was being ptaiintd. . en devil lif. W00141 ulf"n- awav tho What was encitained In my totter to his -man of the- house came forward -nd her for her hospitality by "king some Rlver FMiedition Modal. wait iti life lliulel-w.-Larw. hati any uJight nrmp%ows of 61w son -Ir. -law. Ildd ho exprewjod a desire sedd td the stranger: "Stranger, "'we preferment from the"king. what did 14. Water that I ah re flible as J& hIMNAH11r. all giv -A gift Old trOuble, nZid tIbw a tow dsom of I wouki havo beiin happy to X are a rough and rude people e) -.:t here. she any? She declined It. She said: deu:c'a of the reverna includes a wre4tJi f UnlairLity. tlod's good 1%0 #P141 pir-ture of tho(devil that W 800 -Ind we work hard for a- living. - We "I dwell among my own people," as of maple IPaves SurrOuliding the l5rit, roon C h r lot to li t lie TA I kv wouki gi re f U I 1 701 Wt. htm. mo P-lintrvi h1va ax wmring horn -i arm] cmPlY with his requmt." k hunti4ig. an -I u-Imn much an to say, "Z am satisfled with thingo; can never b3 bought. in 11 Gaodfc-llow lis decidedly of the so& - t h,,, make our living b am ion th&t she owem her 1weamt IM&M, -forig forkrif tall mn.4t mak(- Tho last tinw that Dr. 0hini(Iijy's we come to the nightfall -'wet ire tired. fny I W, ensign. across which floats a rib. wR9**, its M-wfirds can b-4 Nought, kf-r ma h I ot*, -all I want is my family and ban I)e&riLg tilo word k.%il Itim.-Wif IWMII. 111e, preaching Li this cIt.v creaud any com- and we are apt to go tp bed early. and "Cauad.i," but f4ernfil life is God's gift-Polou- to Dr. Pink Vilia, &md is iny fri0iids around me-, I dwell among Tho obvcwae has a portraLt of tile bot. Shall nevm t1iUvt­W1ll cer- nxxirt onthuni"tioe in hw yw%MMM_ -etiring w,? are 3IWays In the MY oWn people.- th"t lity bfU-Ploved that the devil was motion wns aboutAtan yean g1go. ItA had beftwe i dation -of tlwAm xknifma being. -71it- IfiKe bncni mmounced some day* before that habit of reading ii chapter from the Oh! what a rebuke to thp strife for Queen. Tlw medal vrill be aocompaji,.. tainlY IvA thirst fivorar, for the arav- to fiew fr*ids and v t'"Wh't th-it 4atan, Or tllft 41e'-11, wAs tho coic-brated ce'elesiamic wag to Word of Ood and making a. prayer. lal by bai-s bearing respectively the il4z i" fiatiCwd as WrX1 an it reme-urs. . �"\ If Precedence in all ages! "CAN "I You don't like sueh things, it -4;1M Bib. Lite is niade, up of -in angel of light, as Ifirat. Imit sin- 10 oft] Itumell Hall. and How many words "Fcniian Rald. 1866," "Fenian It preach i n tl Y -R; will there are who want to get great ar- Itald. 1870 that 1w lvoukl da so in the Fre&h "N just step outside the door until wo get "'and " R,&1 Rivp i"U Of tilb'stei and their mtiN- I ff f rcm 11 i chitecture, and homes furnished 1870.t- imicKx3es A KBLODRANA N]UNCU"Op, . throulth, I'll be greatly obliged t.) vnl:.'* all art, all painting, arrstatuary, who (A in the A Ornicai Woman Who MAJOia" as the -41t,tit. after hij exlt,% frfan heaven, with ,,anguage. Tho Fronch-Canadlan Among thow wilo will receivo the de- factkxL Shall W In Hfm-.N' L stu H. Ire, Of course the 'stranger tarrfed 1!j, t-r.e have not enough taste to distinguish aucht. dePert, CfLrrW abDst by Him, but an t1h, prince #4 thk-i wor A4 IXPt JL rfmgh, ugly ruler, litit'n donU got tip it hoicrile demodstration. COratiOn is the Duke of Conn Scaffold is Nor Fume, W anti fieveral thousand poople gatliered room. and the old hunter toolt-hold of between Gothic and Byzantine. and The cut Is reproduced from t1lo Dalty ITIUV.11111 f0untAill of toritiial (U%1,Jght oly.' ;nthtle, eunninjW twhmner. e the horns of the -altar,afid br)u0ht 11' In front of tbo hall, but they were who could not tell a figure In plaster- Graphic. Vimlwl ('4110P sayis At a ­mvi&q haff ­veri xvot ndn&4terw to preach down'the blessing of- God upoil and r4reRhnvwnt.-Rih. Mus. .1 - i.!th- tive, that I lic" - im,4 no mir-It p-�rwm an liuletf.v dLsporwd by tho prAlce. The C1fAJtLVA P. FA(,'AN, household and -upon the stran! et 1`118 of-paris from Palmer's White Cap- 15. Give Me ... ... that I thirst not "U.LW near llrolmpl)e. a Gra* hinw-11. TTP Init th.- mame spirit in last timo tkat Dr. Ghinlquy attract- ('4nninisHaTy G~rA1.0f VIP ki-111 and would not know a boy's Th&t Birth Rate Scare. -The 'water nf troy Priest, uamed life ievrem. was rp Y. In ibeir gates.* Rude. - but 'glorious penciling from Bierstadt's Yosemite. It haPPe"18 that t1w bLrth rato be- liry would not (ift the hpartwi fpf thtvw pimacherm that ed to any extont tho attenVan or iij:, Ifi- iH to be -Ootiri martialled for his Christian hospitality! bodily thirst, but for the w)ullv thirst eontly murdered. His wife and hw A Men who tuy large libraries by the for t11P 913041 it ti-,-eded. by supply' wOr� C4011demned too death by ho hilrybI.*11 wh,-tn he wiXII-1 I,-1vp French-Canadian cocapatrioU in lalwinge* rempectin' %1�),r CIrn- " Again, this woman of my text was 911n. to decline ln� Franoo wiioncr lover g tlULn Ing square foot, buying these libraries fin other grmt ciountrica of Europe, t moks for almLing for the crime. The tOu'r great in her kindness toward God's when they have scarcely enough edu- anti that the decline liaa been uujm the water, in order t.0 gvt Whind the Of the exmutkm arrived. &ad the two wMirp"I tho thrrmn-p tof (WO.' %10ntrO&l %TM4 abMit. fivo ynar.4 ago. c-ral iinl6fiw lie retrafts. I'M need.-Blb. 741un. "She when lie received -into tile Presbyter- messenger. Ellaha may have been a cation to pick out the day of the rapid. I n. cri Millionaires In Canada. tan Church Mr. L. J. A. '�'apineau, stranger In that household, but as she month in the But, as figu" cA tho ltegis_ Mystery. Her request lit 11alf in IM n1inaIs Wero placed beforo the fir - ROUGH ON JUDGE HUGHES, found out he had come on, a divine almanac! Oh. how many the wlgTieur of Montebello, aim] tile there are striving to have things as trar-Gc"wral 'J10w, tile saino tendency ter. half in earnest. sile wigliom for 111C party in full view of tWegagdo TO "Vv how wealth haS LICCUM11- misRion. he was cordially welcomed. We Is 'low BtMWIY niarkod In England, that 'which hits WC:)me to her a dim 0( 8W t& too r@ - "M ma a broke down lated In Canada it may be stated that 8011 Of tAke famus orator of 1837. One Sued for t5.000 Damages for Slander by have a great many books In our day well as their neighbors. or better than atul IN vijjibk� ill lmrl appearance of 11 tollipzi, anti howled for womy, but the wo- 4 Dr. ChWquy'n last appearanceAln Settlers. about the hardships Of Ministers and their neighbors; and in the struggle y every Earo. fife.-. -P. S. there are now not fewer than at)out Public was at thn' quarterly meeting the trials of Christian minist4-ro. I wish %,art fortunes are exhaugted and busl- 1*4111 cOUT1tz,,v- The truth to that Read VIP following verses. Inful was cool and cynioal, and re- 50-peffOwm in t1u) Dominion rltinkirlml Of tho lrfv;bytA-ry of Kiinz Church. llis i1offor P. J. litighf-v wao iwer%% ness flrM3 thrown into tile prewilt rapid Tench marked somebody would write a book about 'bankruptcy, growth In iW---%1vation in no niorefor to rvaik am millionalreaL (41 yef4f,rdity at hin reRiflenee by Xr; and men of reputed honesty rush Into mml&tionx IR a another. Je!mn in h&4 At U1104 nifwAing lw. delivered a the Joya of the Christian minister, Fur�opean one natioll th8T1 " How famo U0 W9 are! plienonwn which is Ilnl()gt It, all tKK)ple to thp ­fount&111 of died a simple priest's wU*, o" Ow Our mUlionainw rank all the way gti"ing arut eloquent addrew on tllcv 1,11011111 SleGill. With a writ clalming about the sympathies all around about astounding forgeries. Of course, I say (Ill IrOm a'milliOn WLY lip tO fitte`0n n1il- %ubJF4Ct C4 I1aV111g Mixmionarlm botter $50)(11 daninges for Illw-1. him. about the kindness, about the nothing agailist refinement or culture. OnUrely elonfiD&l to tile last 150 llfp." Not even earthly iTwul ea be people would have followim tuy� CW. n lkwa trained In tho Freneh langiiaga In or- TlW Writ iff lMlIP41 .1ky ChnnePilor genial -colisiderations of him. Does sor- Splendor of abode, sumptuousness of Tftlrs- Through 80MO of tJ10 graild- truly enjoypql w1lile t1le soul thi rots fin to the Crave. - These fortaiAm aro in many cascN (IfXr to twlp them in their work tamong JklYff hi the, 'H4kh Court of' JunticiL,, row come to our home, and is there a diet. lavishness in art, neatness in ap- eat 1XViods ot its history tim popula- unstitiefied. In conversation with The firiag party Md r&imd Umkir likely to increeao as time goes t)y. the French-Canadian people. Qne4m'm Bpneh Division. The libel shadow on the cradle, there are hun- parel-there Is nothing against them tiOn Of England was alm(wt station- othera we should atrive to lead them rifles &ad vrem aw&lting am fia&l Tbo places and the number of our cOmPlaill(ml Ot 10 t4int tho defendant dreds of hands to help, and many who In the Bible or out of the Bible. God ary, and tile Raino ptatpine, nt nppl" Into Netter paths. order to shoot. when a C&�Iian millionarien are 'abmit an PAOr. NICHOLSON DEAD. clamf4i 00,plaintiff niong wit]% weary not through the night watching, does not want us to prefer mud hovel to Franee. on livraeback bumt tbroo-ob- ft e- r(Alows: ROM) ninA -otJber witnf-bRoes In the and hundreds of prayers going up that to English cottage, or untamed sheep- PRACTICAL 81JRA'FV. crowd and liaoded the oftn-s--fl, Montreal - Imm foarteen mill'o-inlres Tovnierly Held tho Natural H-18tory Thornton - cano In Jettprs written God would restore the sick. Is there skin to French broadcloth, or husks to He Wrote Too Late. The Great Teacher. "Jeaus was officer a asaied let'"r. no we - Toronto him mventeen. a burning, brimming cup of calamit pineapple. or the clumsiness of a boor weary itt VIP flesh, but not in the demned man and womma embraced Ch&tr In Toronto Univeralty. to 11on. A. .9. Hardy, -'G. S. 11yermon, y Thv National Advertiser tellm a spirit. as lie Journeyed througli sania. tvwll other and abed tears of joy & % Hamilton haa thrm X P. P.0 and. D. WacnW1*# NJ. p. 1,., W iced on the pastor's table; are there to the manners of a gentle -man. God, story of an old bachelor who bought r1a. The conjrregation was not large, their supposed reprieM but It mom W&IkerTille hai two The late Dr. Nicnoison, who wat not many to help him drink nf that who strung the beach with tinted lAxK§on han one born at Pevuqtil, 'September I I th,& - as - a person of low reput-P, whow, cup and who will not be comforted be- shell, and the grass of the field with ft pair of ROcks, and found attached nor- inf likentin 1,, nor eultured , only one tranaptrod th&t only the M&a V�ss 1814, wan aducAWI at Appleby Gram. word or onth could not bo taken. cause he fis stricken? - Oh! for somebody the dew& of the night. and hath, ex- U) one of tilem a slip Of paper with pprAon. n sinner, a woman. a sawari. pLrdoned. while the wome bad to Barrie h" (-Ano mar Sebool, GotttnCen, and Edinburgli h-rokm lik charaoPr. ru1nal In repti- to write a book about the rewards of quisitely tinged morning cloud and these words: --I am a young lady of tall - (Nda Ma one. yet He pr-taelmd to her one of undwWo the extreme PwAlly. As Pwt E Me am Unlvc"lty. In 1869 he was appolnU'd SAWn. a' drunkard, --etc., etc. it the Christian mInIstry-about his our- robin -redbreast, wants us to keep twenty, and would like to correspond tile molt powerful Pernions of His win With a lifw lover was led away Um wegfts lecturer on natural history in Edin.. 10 OtaW thnt OthPrx will also t,akp roundings of Christian sympathy. This our eye open to all beautiful sights, baChelor. with a view to mat- igtliy.,, It rmda, H(b must noods gu cluug to him. beggtft Ift GM mg0ft (Owbec ham four. burgh. Two yeam Later lie took t1w Thomnif Journal. woman of the text was only a type of and our ear open to all beautiful ca- rimotly.- Name and adress were through Samaria. Though it were n look and one =on w" Irv" Victoria. 11. C.- h." cKle. chair of natural h1stor7 In the Unl- thousands of men and women who dences. and our heart open to all ele- The bachelor wrote, and In a reologicaI necessity. lie had it higher be t he rqm1md bw ,91. Johm, Nfid., has one. rerWlty of Toronto. Prnm 1877 lo � Young LVIY-1 WMM)Umee think I'll cOl*e down from mansion and from vating sentiments. few (lays got this letter: - Mamma lY ead Winnipew. 'Man.. has two Purpo8e In view than tner ly to wout witbous ev as bft. 1882, and again from 1890 to 1894, enter t116 11terAr.,r fleld. Talented cot to do kindnew to the Lord's Per- But what I want to 4npreas upon wao married twenty years ago. -The 14horteft his Journey. He was going After this ftscUM SMS 0 6fttb LevAft A&ortl#A&Wr- he was SwIney Imturer on geology Author -You pcmgew tile chief roqul8 vants. I could tell You of something you. my hearers, Is that you 011ght inerchant you bought,those sockst from there to dispenme a bleming upon aii v�-@t4mce IL of the BrItlall Mumm. Lte- I VUPP(Wo? 'Young LiLdy-A - that you might think a romance. A not to invent( ry the luxuries of life evidently did not advertise. or W" earrw out y nd oung man graduated from New Bruns- among the Lidiptrensables. and them long ago. vI.It4 a Wplp An unknown whooner has gone to what, May I ask, do you enrin you would hare sold 11P lullftlAtftnt 6f that land. M'herever He pier" off Point Reyes. Cal.. anti thp Only that prayer is worthy %vili(.11 chW requisite? ITalente idw thO wick Theological seminary wan called ought not to depreciate this woftlan of hinninin haTANI me He dispenmm bleming. DenUmpt­l 401 have to 1 Anthor- to a village church. your letter, and Let us atudy Him as our example In kill Uw 1hM"ft_6,Wftr hmvmle pmhnt 111ty In that all hands were lost. has none of self In It. Ile had not the the te'xt, ivho, when offered kingly rald possibly I might wilt vnit. I nm tl)at mingle lngt&nee &t j IMPMEMW Postago stamfm, means to furni,,Rh th�- parxonage. Aftpr pr responded: "I dwell eighteen years old." asob's well. m"* It wwd rib I. "He went to an unwelcome neigh- badow ron. aft *Nblimi lk