Lucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-27, Page 1• 4.- 4 BANK OF HAM ILTON1 .I.UOKNOW. Re Mica, - Hamilton. Oaptt11 paid up CanorIrlarl - Total louts • Board of D Jogx STemsr. JOHN PROCTOR. A. T. Wvoit. it. P. c'eaA ier. - Aug. elastier, hiavester, - • 1,260,000 ▪ 776,000 - 11,190,144 tractor* . Vice-Presickat A. G. Kx248.i.vr GEO. ROACH. A. B. Lug. (Toronto) Gta-os, 31. P. ,IM1.1.1•••141 - - J. TVILNII1 LL. • • • 'IF!. S. STE% tN. • • 11.3d WArsoN. Agencies Berliu Listowel Owen Sound Carr:ian, Man Lucknow Port Elgin MAuit.u, Man. Simcoe Deihl Milton Southanaptor. Ge(4-getown Mord.en, Man. Toronto tirimsby . Niagara Falls Winghani Hamilton (Barton st) Orangeville Winnipeg, Mau. Hamilton (Et End) BRITISH CORRESPONVENTS N atiooal Provincial Bank ot England, (Ltd.) London. AuElueAs coarzspoNDENTs: Vourth National 11;nk, New York. Hanover National Bank, " Intertiati.,nallintst Co., Boston. Marine Bank, Buffalo. National Bank, Chietago, Nristku- It National Ra -,k, Deteuit. •utl Bank of Commerce, Kansas City NatiLaal Bank of Commerce. St, Louis. AUENTS IN MONTRZAL The Bank of Toronto JOHN D. NICHOL, AaiNT. G. T. R. TIME TABLE Passenger trains leave .Lucknow station _as follows . Going South, Going North 6.20 a. tn. 11.3S &.W 8 a, ni, 4.20 p.m 11.10 p. m D. W. HAYES. Agen ,44tt 'LEGAL ARROW & PROM:4700T, BARRIS- tugs, Solicitor's, etc., Goderich, Ont. 4.taitow,Q. C, PBOUDIFOOT. PA. 34ALCOMSON, BARRISTER • Solicitov Conveyancer. etc., (late o fuer Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Odic p- stairs in Allin's Inv block. ••••••• Lir moRRISON, BARRISTER. •S.blicitor, Commissioner, NotAry ••t. Money to loan; Office over lidoody's Bs.rber Shop. MEDICAL IDa. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN itirgeoa and Accoucheur. Surgery ,ver. .tt's grocery store. Office hours rona 9 to 1 la. m, from 2 lo 5 p. to. and from t 9 p. w. - D D. GORDON, Nt.D., C.M., , P.S.O. , Physician. Sur- canti Accoucheur. -Upstair. in Wm. :n's new bl =cit. Residence Rose street. behind Cameron. Murdoch & Co's store' _ _ SOCIETIES I.' O. F. K NOW LOM E INDEPENDENT Order ..f F..reltt rs 12.ret4 in the i htlfelloves 11 ,,n the fourth Ttle 4 ,Liv 4 each month. at 7:30 brethren c .rdially in\ ittd. CHAS. PATAORE, W. A. Lan BEC, Chief Ranger. Recording Secrttary –*___ IOURT SHERWOOD, NO 59, LtrIC-' ‘J • cow. Meets every first and third Mon- day tirry month in the Oraoge Hall. Visiting brethren are c o•dially invited. ' 1;ahn, C. IL D.. t F,S LOYAL ORANGE LODG Na 428, BOLDS ITS REG/1.AR • monthly une.tings.'in the Oratage hall, 'Campbell street,. Lucknow, oIl the second Tuesiday evening of each aad every month.. Degree night en the seei .rwil Tuesday evening' following. All Visiting brethren cordially in. vited Of themeeting'. DAVID. Aacr&i..,n, A. T. Davesq. - Bscrstary NV. M. T.U.—The regular monthly • u eting.of the Werneu'r Christian remperance Union will he held every second We.inesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Rail, Lncknow, at --3 p.m. 3138.3. BRYAN, • PrethitlIt : MIS. R.P.SONI EST MIX. Secretary 1.0.0.F- UCIZN !it NV Li Lodge No llt meets every Frrlay evtuiLg it 8 o'clock in their ball, Campbell street. All brethren c ofdially invited. D. N. LAWRENCE, -Nebte @rand. Recorder 6 • e '\\,1,4* ' se, AOUW UCKNOW Lodge of the - Ancient Order of :::Unitiql Workmen, - meet4 in the Odd f..11owsr Hall, on the last and second ngs • . Monday rveniof V , each month r.t eiOt t 0.C1,,tic, Visiting brethren cordially invited. W.S.Houtits, D.D.Yetz, Master 'Work man . • Recorder. OLD LICHT LONE AFez.A.241 GPC MMS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT rye or before th, . full moon, in the Mr .411c flap, nave.ock street, J. D. 'ITAiRY DAYS; Worshit.ful Secretary C.O.C.F. ITCKNOW ij Council, Can- adian Order of fr'hooen Friends. Meets 14 and 3rel Toietniay evenings it e:tch month, in 4 id( fellovra hall. Visitors cordially invited. M R. • iNgL148110%1C, - Recorder. GEAERA-L. RDBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Telepeose no. 153 DEJITTIST_ C. A. NEWTON, Ifor.or 'graduate in dentistry, Toronto Dents! 4' and Doctor of Dental Sor- cery, Torout University. All nitsiern nosrati,si and c.srefileesto in porkmanshin. 0111ce in Allin's block, upstairs. P.I.-WU1 visit Ripley every Thors.lay afternte. I. Wanted—An idea wno tkla IBM a some simple thtnig to patent? Mimes ytir thty rriz,yIvertith. Write, IOW( WF.1" ..EHBI.BN & , Palest A1t.4.- VWeastaitene.r their CAE wee ones an tit two hoWtree.1 Ilivey' el gamma •Itritittoitis VOL XXVI-4 MA1R & SIDLALL, 13aders, LOCKATAIF,- - ONT. E7 A HilSH ED 1888, We do a general banking business; issue drafts throughout Canad& and the United States. We make collections on all points, including : -Western States, Manitoba anil the North-West Provinces, and all collec- tions, whether note or acwunt, will have prompt attention. Notes discounted and farmer's sale notes cashed. We loan to farmers on donble or single notes at from one to twelve months time, and at reasonable rate of interest. We loan small or large amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and on first chattel mortgages on live stock and implements and crops. We have a large amount of funds to advance on first mortgages from 5 per cent. to per cent, The rate is graded according to the quality and size of the loan required. 'We have on hand for sale 100 acres in Ashheld improved land, with fair buildings and wi be sold at a bargain. We represent the leadblg Englieh and Cana- dian Fite Insurance Companies and catl effect insurance on all closes of property In Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. OW office hours are front 10. a. to, to 4 p. m. GEO, A, S1DDALL, MANAGER. ht • ucknottltutintl THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY AQCORDING TO THE DICTATES GE CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES _ _ • Lucknow, January 27th, 1899 WORD TO OM TLE BREEDERS. In the course of an address before the Farmers' Institute of Sinicoe this .week, Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, made,sorne practical and valuable obsecvati4s upon our agricul- tural induatries, 41e suc:ess of which. -means so much to the country at large. He pointed out that stock - raising was yearly becoming more the staple agricultural industry of the Eastern Provinces as wheat raising is,, the, staple of the West. It was important therefore that the farmer shoulci know how to preduce these animals cheapest and best. The first essential was cleanliness, and so well hal this detail been attended to, that the tlocke'and herds of Canada were exceptionally free from disease: out of 10,000 animals that had been testel for tuberculosis, only 8 per cent. had been found affected. While the trade in cattle w is increasing, continued the Minister, the export of sheep had decrettsed, and it looked as if less attention was being paid .to this b!staels of skri industry than heretofore. 'This Was much to bsi regretted. 4le alluded- to the large shipment of Canadian cattle to the United States Since the removal of the quarantine. For the four year this was in force,shipments totalled 3,763 animals. in the twenty-one months' fol:owing its removal, a total of 146,- 462 animals had been reached. Two thingaswere proved by this fact, one. wt a that a natural trade between the' United States and Canada existed which had been cut off by the quaran- tine. The other was that tbe abroga- tion of the embargo, removed irons our market in Canada a glut of young animals and poor animals which other. wise could not be disposed of. THE DOUKHOBORS. The story of the Pilgrim Fathers has been repeated, says the Toronto Evening New, but on a larger scale, thotigh it is not expected the results wiil be as far-reaching. Two thousand I tot] k hobore, people who have suffered from the iron tyranny of Russia and have dragged out for years an Unhappy existence for con- science sake, lave at last left the kingdom of the Czar and sought refuge on Canadian soil, as their prototypes did on Ametican soil nearly three hundred years ago; suffering from the religious tyranny of Charles T. As the ,Pilgrini Fathers, on landing at Plyrneuth Rock, united in a psalm ot thanksgiving, so the Donkbobors on sighting the Nova Scotian coast simi- larly returned thanks. From the darkness they fled to light, and hence- forth their pertinacity, cultivated by a long resistauce ta oppression, will be used in developing .the virgin soil of the Canadian Northwest. The move- ment is not an ordinary immigration, it is -a migration of international and historical importance. Think of it—a whele tribe is moving to new lands, fer the present contingenc will be followed by several thousand more. These spendid specimens of manhood will undoubtedly exerciee the greatest influence upon Western Canada, for they are fitted 1,y tlisir peat record for the task of pioneers. 'the language problem created 11 their advent will of couree appear in the future, but if the Governmentact teiwely this problem can ne solved 4rd a few gimeratiens will see the Doukhohors Canadians and Britons to alt intents and pur- poseo. The Doukhobers ought to be gamily welcomed •to our shores. They ao not conaist of the riff-raff of Eerope, f r that gravitates towards the United State,. They are hard. working, thrifty, healthy farmers, who ought to prove a boon tO Canada i1ITC4NOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JAN GARY 27th 1899: At the last session the Hardy Government lad a majotity of six, with one seat, West Wellington, unrepresented through the illness of its mernber which would have made their majority seven. They have now won two seats in the bye -elections, South Ontario and West Elgin, which will count as four on a division, so their naajority will be eleveh in a full house. There are yet two vacancies in the house, North Waterloo and South Perth. These were represented in the last house by a Conservative and a Liberal. Both seats were declared vacant on a protest, but both have been appealed and new elections cannot be held till the appeals have been decided. Village and Vicinitg ew . ../ License Commissioners. The Ontario Government has re -ap- pointed Messrs. James McLeod, of Holyrood ; Andrew Waechter, of Walkerton, aril Daniel Sullivan, of Elmwood, License Commissioners for the South Riding of Bruce for 1899, Warning The party who took my robe from McCormack's shed in Dungannon, on Jantfiry 18th,, 189e, return it at once, or I shall have same party arrested for stealing, having eufficient witness therefore. JOIIN STAFFORD. Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the lat day of February next for caretaker for the Lucknow Public School, duties to commence on the 15tb of February. For further information apply to the Secretary, D. R. McIrrrosii. Flimsier*. institute Don't forget_the united meetings of the West Huron and South Bruce Farmers' Intitutes to be held in the Lucknow Town Hall on Friday, Feb- ruary 17th. Meetings will be held during the afternoon and evening, and some of the ablest speakers of the Province will be here. At ehe evening meeting a first-class musical program will be furnished. All are welcome. -- - Fire in Kincardine Between three and four o'clock- en Saturday morning last a fire was dis- covered in the foundry at Kincardine, owned by Mr. John Grundy, formerly of this village, and the Reporter says the tire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary. The loss on the building has been fixed by the insur- ance inspector at 8360, but the loss on patterns, stoves, etc., will be consider- ably over that amount. - The Juniors One ' But the Seniors 10; was the score of the hockey match played in Lorne rink on Tueriday evening last, between the Senior and Junior teams of the village. The game -was very exciting through- out and alarge number of spectatora were present to witness the game. They lined up as follows :— Sesltolis • • JUNIORS W. Corrigan Goat A. Fleming Point W. Davison C. Point 1 R. Thompson . lL . W. Corriga. for- . W.Treleaven wards A. McCorvie 'W. Irwin D. Lawrence T Reid R. Armstrong W. McIntosh L. Murdoch .. - J. Byrnes King to be tadlt.d. ., In the King,. / „White, forgery case, judgment st' fvets conunitting if the prisoner for. . ition. Ile now remains in the N 4 rton jail for 1P. days further, during which he may appeal. Prisoner's counsel ha a gone to Toronto. Conover, the chief of the *gang, .ishe was arrested at Port Huron the other day, bas waived extradition proceedings, aed decided to take his trial in Iowa without resistance. It seems that across the line extradition proceedings have to be taken between the oiflerent States the same as between foreign countries: Conover is said to be in a hurry to get there first, so as to be aheid in betraying his confederates. Have You Oot It. If you feel like this you have the grip :—It begins with icy ch;lls play- ing tag up and down your spine. You shiver wloen a door opens and can detect a draught through a pin-hole. An irritable disposition is upon you and you have forgotten how to Smile. Ileadache, neckache, shcoting rains in the eyes, backache, watery eyes, nostrils' incommoded, cold chills, bot flushes, loss of appetite, ennui, and other similar sickening details are all salient signs that you area marked man. These are followed by general debili,ty, you can't stand elope, and your head is in a whirl, and you talk disconnectedly. Your knees are weak. You are losing your grip. You have got the la grippe, Skating Contest. The skating contest which took place at the Lorne riek on Thursday night of last week, was largely attended by the citizens of the village, and although the open -to all race was somewhat of a disappointment owing to the absence of a number of the leading skaters of the Province who were billed to appear, yet the three contestants that were present put up a good race and made fast time. The contest resulted as follows : —1st, Stauley Jones, of Walkerton ; 2r.d; Leslie Jones, of Welkerton ; 1rd, Charles Eliiott, of Wingham. A juvenile lace then came off, resulting l'in Elliott Fleming carrying off first I money. The participants ranged WI follows :-11t, Kliott Fleming; 2nd. Alvy Fleming; 3id, James Findlater. John Habick aud D.in McDonald started, but dropd out before the finish. Mr. David Lawrence officiated as judge. The Band rendered 'several selection e of chithe music, which went to make up a very pleasant evening. Cosswessaion ,The annual Sabbath School conten- tion of the Dueigannon • 'and Nile Circuits will be held in the'Sg.ethodieb church, Dungannon. on Thursday, Feb. 2nd. There will be three sessions during the day, and will consist of addresses, reports and discussions by those connected with the district. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend. Burns' Anniversary The annual ball in commemoration of the birth of Scotland's greatest poet, was held in the Caledonian Hall here, on Wednesday night, when large numbers from the surrounding count - Ty and towns were present to enjoy themselves tripping the light fantastic to the sweet music furnished by an excellent orchestra. Dancing com- menced at 10 p.m., and everybody took part energetically. A sumptuous supper was served at tnidnight to which everybody did ainple justice. This being over the dancing was entered into with renewed vigor, and kept up till the near approach of dawn. The committee are to be congratulated for the way In which evezvtlAiw managed. ---,— Died In Klnloss It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. Pierce, the beloved wife of Mr. William Pierce, of the Gth con. Kinloes, which took place at the family residence on Monday last. Deceased who was only in her 22nd year, had been ailing for some time past, but her many friends bad earnestly hoped she would recover, and her death was a sad and severe trial to her husband and two small children, who have the. sincere sympathy of all in their great bereavement. The remains were interred in the Kinloss cemetery on Wednesday last, and the large number of neighbors and friends present show- ed the very high esteem in which the deceased was held in the community. Annual Meeting At the annual meeting of the AHII- lleld and Wawanosh , Agreceltural Society the following officers were appointed for 1899 :—President,,Wm. Bailie; vice president, Hugh Girvin ; 2nd vice, .Henry Morris; secretary, Wm. McArthur; treasurer, J. M. Roberta; director?, R. J. Crawford, Robt. Glenn, James Chisholm, R. A. Anderson, T. E. Durniu, Jame*. Hol- land, Pau: Reid, Jos. A. Mallough and William Cameron. The Society was quite auccessful in 1e9S and the state of the finances is encouraging, there being a balance of cash to 1899 of upwards of $100. The Society has reason -to congratulate itself. Sudden Death The sudden death of Mr. Isaac Miller, sun of Mr Wtn. Miller, of the 12th concession of West Wawanesh, on Monday last, was a terrible blow, not only to his parents and friends, but to the whole section, where he was greatly respected by all who knew him. Deceased had only passed his 23rd year,,and was a young man in the full vigor of manhood, but on Monday of last week he was taken down with a severe attack of pneu- monia, and dispite the best of care and all that medical skill could do for him, he gradually grew worse, and he. passed eway on Monday morning last, and in thia sad hour of affliction the sympathy of the whole community is extended to his -parents and f riends. The funeral will take plice to the Dungannon cemetery on Saturday 'afternoon next 41.30 o'clock. A 01.1 W Mr. J. S. Allen, .Grafid Organiser for the A..O.U.W., has been- canvas ing in interesit of ti.e Lucknow Lodge No. 137 for .a few days. His labors were crowned with succeseir no fewer than ten having joined the r. The Lucknow Lodge is in a flours ing condition. This Order is now the lead-in ; society in our Province of Ontario. A special meeting which proved a grand success was held last Tuesday evening. After the business of the evening, being principally in- itiations, the Following gave short and interesting addresses on the advan- tages and prosperity of the order, Organizer J. S Allen, Messrs. Holmes, -Ross, McPherson, D. D. Yule and others. After the meeting was closed the brethren repaired to the Cain House to enjoy fhe luxury of an oyster supper. After partaking of the many good things prepared, the breth- ren enjoyed a most pleasant and sociable, evening. The usual toasts were responded to. After singing "Mild Lang Syne" the 'program came , to a close, La Grippe and!Oulphur. G. T. Angell, of New York, in Dumb Animals, says :—It is a fact when the grip ivas preyailing as an epidemic largely in our city a -few years ago, I ascertained, by inquiry of my officers'at Byarn's Match Fac- tory, that the 43 persons employed there not one had been troubled with it. I have at various times told the press how many at Memphis eacaped the terrible epidemic of yellow fever there by wearing riwdered stilp,hur in their shoes, also the evidence of distinguiehed Clerman medical writer, that wearing-euipbur in this way, has proved a oomplete protection Against cholera and other epideniic diseases; ale°, that those working in the sulphur mines of Italy escape tbe. malaria which prevails all about, them; alio, that sulphur in the shoes has cured various cases of rheumatism ; also, that sulphur taken internally or worn in the shoes has sufficient Ftower pass throwsli the body, the clothing and the pocketbook blackening go silver therein. - r - Great Clubbing °ger. Notwithstanding the fact of attl.e, imposition of )stage on newspa*ft, the SENTINEL will be sent to pey address from now until the first of Januory 1900 for the sum of one dollar. Or we will supply the SENTINEL and Globe for the same length cf time for $1.50 ; the Storrneee and Neil for PI 40, or the Seeitsixe and London Alvertiser for $1.35, Lusknow Defeats Two rinks of the 1.1e:rileairling tub came to Lueknow on Wt nnesday last for a friendly game with the zurlers of this village, and although the visitors suffered a defeat they put Up a good game They were all young men, and jolly good fellows, and the Lucknow curlers intend giving them a return match on their own ice in the near future. The following is the score :— LUCKNow. G. A. Siddall, J. 13. Hunter, Jas. Bryan, J. G. Murdoch, Skip ....33. D. B. Forster, F. Rookledge, R. Ilughes, IIENSALL. G. J oynt, C. Cook, J. F.' Dairy, J. Bonthrou, Skip. ..-18 Scott, Taylor, 13ush, P. A. Malc'ouosou, Smalcouit e, Skip. .26. Skip. .19 In the evening another game was played, and the Hensel' boys were again defeated by 12 shots, the Lucknow skips being Woo. Allin and P..A. Malcom hon. WESTERN TANKARD, --The curling clubs in groupe three of the Western Tankard are Wingham, Brussels, Lucknow, Kincardine and Wiarson, and the primary matches are to be played off at Wingham before the 1st of February. LOCAL ITEMS. —Have you renewed your subscrip: tion for 18991 —Mise Bowers, of Ripley, is visiting friends in town. —Mr. .John Grundy, of Kincardine, was in town on Monday last. --Miss Clara "Georgen, of Walker- ton, is the guest of -Mrs. T. F. Cain. —Miss Violet Shannon, of Ripley, is visiting friends in the village. — Sale now on. All winter foot, - wear at and under cost, at Grenacle . —Mr. 'I'. F. Cain, Mr. Frank Caie and Mr. .Peter Heron spent Sunday in Walkerton. —Mr. D. McKenzie, of Victoria, B.C., is visiting his many friends in this section. --La grippe is the cause of consid- erable distress in town and ad.,oining townships. —Mrs. Chas: Curtain, of Ripley, is spending a few days this waek with friends in town. — Mr. James Armitage, of Fargo, North Dakota, is visiting his parents in this village. — —Women's, Mimes' and children's Cardigan overshoes at $1.10, $1.00, and 90c, at Grenache's. — Mrs. A. Dodds and• children, of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting friends in the village and vicinity. —Rev. W. Armitage, of Peterboro, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Armitage, of this village. — Men's felt lined two and fent Buckled, from ?1 to $2, regular price el.50 to $2,50, at Grenache's. — The highest prices and full measure guaranteed for all maple logs delivered at Mitchell 13ros,' —A few pairs Misses' and Wouoen's Buttooed Overshoes in small sizes, at 50 cents to clear out, at Grenache's. —The held session of the Division Court will be held in the Lucknow Town hall, on Thursday, Fe'sruary 7th, at one o'clock. —The Snellgrove Bros. have Jointed- . the blacksmith business of the late Adam Thompson, and will take posses- sion on January 30th. —Miss Agnes Corrigan, of 14017 - rood, who has been visiting her. sista. in Chicago for three months, has returned home, accompanied by ber little niece, Margaret Taylor. YA fail line of Lunii)ertnan'a Socks ind Rubber," to choose from, which will be sold at prices which in,2an money to the man who needs them, at Urenaches's. —By a recent amendment to the Municipal Act both auditors in all municipalties are now elected by the council instead of one being appointed I -by the reeve or mayor as formerly. —The death is reported of J. T.. Conway, of Southampton, one of the earliest settlers of the County of Bruce. He was over 90 years of age, and for fifty years was one of tha leading figures in that village. —The steel stringers for the new bridge in thecentre of the village were received from Hunter Bros.' fuundry in Kincardine on Tuesday 4ast, but we think the work of buildieg the bridge should not be started before the—sTpiriieng. Lord's Supptr is to Me dis- pensed in the South Kinloss church on Sabbath first,' the 29th inst. Divine piervice to begin at 10 o'clock a.in . on Sabbath. Preparatory services begin on' Thursday; English at 11 o'clock am , and Gaelic lints ediatcly after the English. — Almond nuts shelled and in shell, shelled walnuts, filbertg, Brszillian pea- nuts, new liallowees,, dates, oranges, lemons, Afaloort grapes. Candies - 1000 Ills. mixed, 500 lbs cream and about 100 kinds to choose from. The largest and best assorted stock of can- dies in Lucknow. and if you want a wedding cake any size or shape, litu can have it at 1(t -id's bakery. —There are 21 cheese factories in Bruce county. Theyare situated es follows and the secretery of each is also given Finlay ; Penkeld, Thus, A. Chisholm ; Under- wood, II. A. Burwash ; Behnore, John Hartley ; Cuirass, not operated in 11498; Elderslie, No. 1, J. C. Shannon; ieratie, No. 2, D. N. M:Intyre ; Pinlierton, Wm. Murray; Huron, Jas. Harrison ; Paramount, J. J. Taylor, Ane ltiver, Donald Blue gipley, H. W. Farrel; Bervie, Walter kellune; Central Kincardine, Murdoch McLeod ;_Clitnax, Tiverton, A. Kirk. - mourn ; Glarntnic, A. 14ickard Milf- arton, Aies. ; Ilolyrood. Jas. harehall Lucknow, Geo. McDonald; Burgoyne, J, W. Chittick ; Star, Saugeen, lsatic E. Haug. irMr, Jamea Smith, of ltipley, w iiff6wn Sunday. —Lucknow hockey team plays wit Kincardine in that town to -night (Thursday). —Miss Louie Campbell spent a few days visiting friends in Walkerton this week. —The frequent changes in the • weather are very trying to feeble constitutions. —Great Clearing Sale of Ready Made Clothing at R. Hughes'. See advertisement. —Mr. David Beattie, of Walkerton, attended the skating races in Lorne rink on Thursday last. —The Postoilice Department is issuing stamped envelope at the rate of to for eleven cents. —.The Tara public school was burnt last week. The loss is about $3,000 with an insurance uf '$1,900. —Money Orders issued upon the Unitod States Call be purchased at same rate as domestic orders. --The annual, uaeeting uf the Liner- itTi of WarIttuce-Will be held at Kincardine on Friday, Jan. 27th. — Bring in your maple logs to Mitchell Bros.' mills in this village. They are paying e8,'e10, and per thousand. — A Dominion Congress of Baptists will be held in Winnipeg in Septem- ber. All parta of Canada will send delegates. — Mr. Angus McCuaig, of Lucknow, is getting in a fine lot of square timber at the station here.—l'ort Elgin Times. — Messrs. Ju, Lyons and John Mc - Charles, of this district, are attending the County Council meeting at Walk- erton this week. —The South Perth Agricultural Society has been losing on its fall show nearly every year, end has about decided to throw up the sponge. 16'ears of Cure, s..kivering T s of usands Cur of;sis 'Ti &v WHOLE NO. 1304. ST. lEIELESS ..M.••••••••• Mr. W. S. McOrostie want into h Goderich on Friday last to see his brother -in law Rev. Mr. Prichard who is very ill. Mr. Hugh McDonald who has been teaching in "The Brick" school has gone into Goderich to pursue his studies in the Cullegiate. We predict for him success. Terrance, the five year old eson of Mr. P. Holt, of Goderich, died on Sunday of last week, from heart failure, following an attack of pneu- monia. — Parente should warn their boys and girls against frequenting those parts of the ponds where ice is being retnuved. There are dangerous places to be avoided. —The Government have decided to redeem the three -cent stamps, and now they can be exchanged at any postoffice for their value in stamps of other denominations — The annual meeting of the Provin- cial Cheese a; liutter Association will he held at Listowel on Jan. 30th and Feb. 1st. A fine program has been arranged. —The hockey match between Wing - ham and Ripley, which took place at Wiagham last Monday, resulted in the former team defeating the latter by a score of 8 to 3. Wallace Cor- rigan refereed the game to the entire satisfaction of both teams. — George T. Angell, editor of Dumb Animals, writes to the Chicago news- papers that he will guarantee that half a teaspoonful of powdered sulphur in each slice or stocking will ward off la grippe, malaria, rheumatism and yellow fever. It's a cheap preventive and harmless at any rate. —Messrs. John Lyons and James McCorvie attended the Poultry Show at Clinton, under the auspices of the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Associ- ation, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. John will likely succeed in capturing many of the prizes with his famous birds. — Nearly all the municipalities in this neighborhood are contributing something for the relief of elle Sick Children's Hopital at Toronto. It is a worthy object and the contribu tieing ate well placed We notice that up to date. about $20,000 of the required is already paid in and the balance will no doubt be found. --In the last issue of the SENTINEL an item was &pied from the Walker- ton Telescope, regarding the first inmate arrived at the House of Refuge. The name should be John Armitage, and not James as stated. The only James Armitage who has ever resided in Kinloss, is Mr. James Armitage who is at present a respected resident of Luck now . KINTAIL La grippe is *taking it usual rounds. Mr. Herbert Drannen is home after spending two months with friends in Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. John- O'Rielly are both confined to the house with the grip. We hope soon to hear of their recovery. Mr. Pan Kenitchele has returned to bid Irmo in Buffalo. NIrs. Geo. Drennen has nt been very well for the past week. RAPID CITY The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in South Kinloss Church next Sabbath. Mrs. James Fisher received the sad intelligence from Alberta, Calory, of the dea'h of her sister, Mrs, D. Ross. Miss McLean, of Chicago, is visit- ing friends here for a few weeks. Mr. McLeod, of Huron, gave us a calillassst R.m week. Miss X. of Detroit, is visiting under the parental foot Mr. J. N. McKinnon, who has retui nod from Cuba, ,was the guest of Mr. Fisher last weekt Miss McKenzie, at Toronto, called on friends here, recently. Miss Katie McKay, of Ripley, Miss McKenzie, of:Detroit, and Mr. ',look, of Brandon', Man., were the guests of Miss Campbell. A great many people are on the sick list, but we are glad to report that the majority are convalacing. -11 THAPIS A GOOD BUST' 1 ness motto. We bel; in it. We have just big purchase for spe' DRESS GOODS GREY FLANNEis, FLAN ELF PP , .1 . Miss C. Gordon and .titeassis-1/4 Miller and J. C. 'HOO - St. Helens P. 5 , sent as dele7 People I ht one scholar. 3. He took a disagreeable. on the 16th. ! borhood. 2. He was willing toteach unpromising, difficult 'oboist to teach. terial Oonventiov L Martin's nal -mine' • 4. He taught with great seal. 5. He an essay on "T was interested and used them as an ,. Bib680N-No. V. taugwhen even He himself was Ideals". The s' t"-- . illustrattnn. 8. He impressed her eon- ?. He took the things In which she weary. 6. He used ingenuity and tact. an earnest and &marital' WO- IarandlSiichaounr. one great point. 10. He ,completed the if work by disclosing Himself the Iles- biah.". If we love as we ought, one qHueetawioasna. not ledkepast fwd. ail** terse and pointe P. 27- Place.— ficirrieellva"lent9, Glass ont the et ne which slowed t, soul is as pracious as another. same e1till1agiecting L:nkds. read tbeessarwiew widi Moo - convention. :111 Jeruaj'aehl nt interesi, and ' r ersa) ti ebti ki an ne7:nand idtheaseevIlletteigihtsprotnalinttl.lhlthinnie in 44 , a concOples baptised them Hall on beh..avinfathe mintstr, 1)espite the c4(zb'ili`.8 rgedacipnuliesnwere the plir:e was Lbec,ause of this, which all were saltisfaction to The Prooeods Aria---iikau pre. eleven dollar Lord's route lay INIcanliteiloodfoubtsaul It is our"ulldii, death of Mrs -Ie the the late Mr. Hug) Jacob had h hich took place on ttliddwetleinganifietifceased had been ill for *lie ark in-tAnd being or who, throughed,'195nlong life, 'walked with Cod,' looked forward to the coming change with a calmness and trust only to be seen in one who. like her, knew that He who guides and upholds in life witl also be present in (Isaac that He will never leave nor for- sake those who put their truet in Him. Deceased was- very highly respected by all who knew her. The funeral took place on the 16th inst. eio Dunganuou eetnetely. The deepest sympathy is felt throughout the inunity for the bereaved. The great gift—Christ himeslf—the fountain of life, of peace. " Christ seeks the salvation of all men, by all means, and at alt times. Thirst for the salvation of men was greater in Christ than bodily thirst for water. Row deep bi the well of Jesusfrom which the flock of God is refreshed! Jesus, himself, the gift of God to us! ' If we but saw things so (knew. the Gift) wh.at glad labors, what cheer- ful sufferings. what effectual pray ers, what glorious hopes, would make up our life!" What a glorious &film- ing it must have beeu to the sag of that Samaritan wimp she bit sIois wimp. skim sow. 4.1goas1ah had LANES COCO- Mr. East, of Clinton, spent a few days with his son-in-law Mr C. Rouse. Miss Sarah Coldwell, of Clinton, is also visiting friends here. We are sorry to report Mrs. C. Rouse as being on the sick list, but hope to soon see her around again. Midis Kate Irving, of Bottineau, Dakota, is the guest of her sister Mrs - R. E. Lane. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian congregation was held on Mon- day with very satisfactory results. Mr. Wm Johnstouc has rented the farm belonging to Mr. John Potcher, of Paramount. , • PRESBYTERY OF MAITLAND Met at Kincardine January lith. Rev. It. McLeod, B. D., moderator. The Presbytery accept the reeigna- ton of Rev. A. Macnabb, of the pastorate of Whitechurch and Lang side, express their appreciation ot the earnestness and high character of his labors in this field, their esteem for him as a Christian man and minister, regret sincerely his departure from them, and commend him most highly to vacant Gelds as well fitted mentally and spiritually to be a faithful, effective and successful pastor. The resignation to take effect the first Sabbath in May. The Presbytery unanimously passed the following resolution ;--" That we as a Presby- tery place on reoord a sense of the loss we sustain in the removal by death of one of our members, the Rev. Mr. Stewart. We would gratifully recognize the varied and faithful services rendered by him as a minister of the Gospel during the last forty- four years in the Maritime Provinces, Ontario and Manitoba. His direct earnest evangel ieal preaching, his faithfulness in pastoral work ana his regularity in attending the courts of the Ohurch are worthy of commenda- tion and praise. His sociable, syrups thetic nature has attracted to him • host of friends throughout the Dominion who now mourn his loss. As a Presbytery we would express our Christian synipathy for his bereav- ed widow and family, and our prayer that their bereavement may be sancti- fied to their present and eternal wAlfare. Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Methodist Church, was asked to sit as corresponding member, It was agreed that 3000 copies of small pamphlets on regulations regarding Church Teuaperalitic be printed for distribution throughout the congrega tion. Treasurer's and Auditor's reports were adopted. Estitnates for the year at sik centa per fansily for general expenses of Presbytery were passed. Deputations were appointed to visit aid -receiving congregations, :Messrs. -McLennan and W. Valens, Kinlough, Riveradale, and Enniskillen; Mr. Reis and his representative elder, Walton ; Mr. Miller and his elder, Pine River Mr. Ferguson Miller, a member ot Knox Church, Kincardine, was recognized as • student studying for the ministry. The report on Y. P.S. was received. Messrs. Anderson and West were appointed as the Presbytery's representatives on the Y. P. P. A. executive. Mr. An‘leison and Mr West were appoinisd to address W.F. M. S. meeting. 'Remit of Assembly No. 1 approv Df Murray pd Mr. Mc were appointed committee to e. deliveranoe regarding purpoqin tical returns at next !nee* McKay gave nctice of mot: will bring in overtime wile Worship to be present t General Assembly. rg from meetings of Preabyle one after be required to -part Next meeting of. r{ealv ...1a go were . higher -ely to A golOg upon an nerever He no blowing. example In .faeon'ti well. Olcome neigh - number of 0. oftered lines. Every articie marked at a bargain '\ We mean just what we You can prove it by seeing goods and the prices. Miss It h prepared to give lemmas ao PIANO AND ORGAN At Ler home on Campbell St., - LUCK NOW NEW BLACKSMITH., . SHOP. IVY NOT 4ItIFIV MARL ll" Will open out 11111;6T1MON PSOWI NEW SHOP on ChunPbeli street, (A Xonclay, Jaz. 30th, 11309. Snellgrove Bros., held at Teamster on Tuesday, 7th, at 10 a.m. JOHN MaCCUIS, Clerk Lucknow, January 21st, 1099. WARDENS ELECTED' The Ken Who Will Preside Over th Dotiberattons of the County Counolls Lanobtori—John Dewar, Plymptca, Bruce—I). M. Jerinyn, Wiarton. Wellington—A. Stewart, Puslincb. Wentworth—A deadlock. Oarleton—Councillor Boyoe. Lanark—Jos. Cram, Carleton Plata. Prescott and liussell—D. .8aboetrill Ste Anne de Prescott. Ontario—Walter 19Mi1tbutd. NorfolkL-Oliter Aushisk,-- Welland—James fiuminata, Chan Land. Haldionand—N. Huron—I3 S. Cooke, Howick. Lennox and Addington -8 It. Anima South Fredericksbn rt. liastings—Jas. English, Madoc. Frontenac—Geo. Wright. Kingston. Leeds and Grenville--Riolsard Oak leaf. Sinscoe—Pat Ronan, Prince Edward—N, Sprague. Waterloo—K. Hallman . Brant—J. I. Collins, Burford. Bryans, Lindsay, Perth—T. E. Hay, Listowel. Haltou--Geo. Havills, Acton, PeterborO— E. Hawtborne. Kent—A. Tiverton, Zone. York—Councillor Woodeoc.k, New market. Peel—T. Norval, Brampton. Oxford—Wm. Schell, East Oxford. BELFAST Time changes—the weati.er cbazigik —but &Asset er much the same d when your correspondent last wrote. Mr. Geo. SW1111 has commenced t fulfil his contract of supplying wood ir Belfast school for 1899, taking advas tage of the late fall of snow. Mr. George and Miss. AL Nixli have returned from a visit to Thort berry. Mr. McAllister has a maple -nephews visitiug him from Goderic Township. • We are pleased to hear that Kr. Boyd, the former teacher of the Pahl School, Belfast, has secured a NOG position in Toronto. The trade of the country is pr4i. pering, so the papers hay. The plop of this vicinity may infer that f• the case etpeciali) tbe twit !le . nforeunigaly (radii, and re - when it is the othe- _ 1: I had Mr. JellIMMI wife, sot tee dwell; nave followed ose eot grave.' net in e firing party had ralssc thaw ogles and were awaltiog Um (Iasi isi-der to shoot, when a saseeeoger on hurneback burst throegb the crowd and handed the oolasaudsng officer a sealed letter. be sow demned man and W0111414 ellIbracod each othereand shed tears al 107 *1 their. eaPProind reprieve, but it moos transpired that oply the Mks was pardocied. while the wears t.ad to undergo the extrema, penalty Aa her lover Wad/ led away Mr Woo& clung to him, begging Istr ase look and one more weed tiros MIL but he repulsed her p4011111113 sad went without even gia1111/ es bar. After this affecting _Mine • assth semitone° was aihnisd Out Dentist—I um that I &all have to till the ners...11011PpS-1114st Iliatvan's make don't It Walla MI 12 bedew. Pa .a Us, 411111111mine --,•••••••••••••••70.01111111A11-- • full, well-dra • ' . .,* _ - ebri. tiril Umi dernned eulpr