HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-13, Page 41 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty Irrkdepf January 13th WHITECHUSCH A very pleasant event tookplace at the home of Mr. and 11In. Richard FSteypieoe, of iiinlose, on the 28th iiltit., when their daughter, Mies Lavinia Peb$ypiece, was united in marriage to Mr. R. le Hodgkinson, of Kinlough. A large number of neighbors and friends were in attendance ; the pres- ents were numerous and xstly as well as useful. The ceremony was per- toraoed by the Rev. W. Leech at 5 p.m. After the bride and groom had been warmly congratulated, the com- pttay sat down to a most sumptuous supper and the balance of the evening was spent in friendly intercourse. Mr. and Mrs. H• d kinson have the best wishes of many friends tor their future happiness. A happy event took place at the home of Mr. William Garbutt, of Kinloss, on Abe `28th ult., when his daughter, Miss Alice Garbutt, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. James Sutherland, of East Wawanosh. None outside of the two families were present. . The marriage was performed by the Rev. W. W. Leech at 7.3u p m. After the happy couple had received hearty congratulations the company partook •of a most luxurious supper. They will carry with them to their new bone the good w.:shes of many blends for their happiness and success is life. KISTAIL The roads around here are in a very bed condition. Mrs. McKay, of British Columbia, is visiting at Ler brother's, Dr. McLennan of this village, at present. Mies Lena McMurchy left on Mon- day mornjcng for London, to re.ume her studies. Mrs. R. A. Carrick awl Mille 'Nina Carrick are yisittag"friends in Luck - now. Mr. Jas. Drennan, Jr., Ls recovering after a few week of illness. On Friday evening of last week a surprise party met at the residence of Mrs. Michael O'Rielly where they enjoyed themselves with dant ieg and games until the morning. WEST WIWANOSH Coancil met according to statute. The :embers after taking the neces- sary declaration of office, took their els at the Council Board. Reeve, Jas Gibson ; Councillors, Wm. Mc- QuiUin, P. O'Connor, Jno. Thompson, Chas. Laylor. By law No. 1, 1899, appointing officers and fixing salaries, was read a third time and passed. The officers being Clerk, Wm. S. McCrostie ; Treas., Jos. G. Ward , Assessor, W. A. Wilson; Auditors, B. J. Crawford and Wm. McArthur. Treasurer's statement for December showed balance op band to Jan. let of $99.41 received and fired. Meeacn. Whaley and Gordon asked for grant to Public Library, St. Belen•. 120 was granted on motion of O'Connors and Thompson. The following checks were issued :- St. Helens 'Public Library, $ 20 : B. O'Connors, 23 yards gravel at T c, $1.61 ; Jas, Gibson, 1 day on Finan- cial Statement, $::; Registration of births, deaths and marriages, $13 ; Election ezpeases, $30; Jae. G. Ward, 7 copies of the Municipal World, $.5.75. Council adjourned to meet on Feb, 14th, Tuesday, at 10 o'clock. W. S. MCCBoerle, T'p Clerk W, Wawanosh. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The following compose Huron Coun- ty Council for 1899. No, 1-Ash6eld, Colborne, town of Goderich. Hugh Chambers, Lochalsh, and Philip Holt, Goderich. No. 2-Goderich tpwnahip, Hullett, Clinton. Connolly and Snell. No. 3 -Hay, 'teasel!, Stanley, Bayfield, John Torrance, Znrich and (leo. McEwen, Heniali, by acclama- tion. No. 4 -Stephen, Usborne, Exeter, Dr. Rollins, Exeter and D. McInnis, Thamee Road. No. 5 -McKillop, Tuckersmith, f3esfbvth. J. B. McLean, Tackersmith, end T: E. Hays, Seaforth, by acclama- tion. No. 6 -Grey, Morris, Brussels. Jas. Bowman, Morris, and W. If. Kerr, Brussels. No. 7 -West Wawanosh, Hast Wawanosh, Blyth, and W i nghatr. Alex. Stuart, St. Helen, and Donal1 Patterson, Auburn, by acclamation. No. 8--Howick, Turnberry, Wroxe ter. Robert Miller, Wroxeter, 732 ; B. S. Cook, Fordwich, 716 ; Weir, 689 , Jaoques about 400. Miller and Gook are elected. LSSFILLD Samuel Cook and Richard Webster, employees of T. Eaton Si Co., Toronto, hoose enjoying their holidays. This polling division No. 3 gave Chambers 115 votes for the County Uoancil. It +r as a tight poll between Holt and Young. A curious cane has turned up in the village of Tiverton, where the council was elected by ecolamation. One councillor bas not the 4lualification. The other three refu.;e to it under the new reeve, but they cannot resign, became they have nn one to whom to • tender their resignation. If they do mot take the declaration of otfice they render themselves liable to the penalty in such cases made and provided. If try do not take the declaration they Rey then resign if they are willing to meet and accept their own resignations. The beat way out of the difficulty is to take the declaration and not attend tis matings of council. Non -attend - awe on three successive meetings tenders their seats vacant. MARRIED. WY.BSTBQ.--In Aebbeld, 28th Deci�ber, h1 Rev. E. t )ll vant, M the teridea,ia of the bride, tether Mr, Peter Vs.l, Kialos•, to Mies Mary Jane w.. sr. LUILkL-wgBST1L--Ia Aj'iseld, Jae. 3s1. W Bev E. Olivaat, at tn• reg. i isace et io Ap latter, Joseph Heim Jeavt "1"'"s>< CURES Ap ab.‘ you need NOT ts be r;gues,F'REIE 1 Discontinued After the Holiday Trade we have ends of lines, and some lines that 0. 1itot ,ropos. to handle in future. These we are prepared to clear at prices that will make them go. D. MURCHISON. CEO. H. LAWRENCE. Snap Shots. W. C. JOHNSTONE' Take Them. Our Custonzers THEY CET THEM FROM US. .Tip top Facilities, Tip top in Quality, Tiptop - Variety . Tip top in Treatment BUT PRICES AWAY DOWN.. We p•tively give a3 much, if not more, in real: values alas any ane in VI Country.. . NO USE LOOKING ELSEWHERE, CALL UPON US. Lawrence te Johnstone, lv Furniture Dealers:and Undertakers. People must Have Groceries The greec question is where to' get. them. We keep the best qualities tri be had. We don't pretend to .sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TEAS Black, Green and Japan are equalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and price.. 0ROCKERY We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOUR 8z PEED All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on Goods delivered to any part of the town. . McClure and 1Iallough CASH (3-RC)CERS Logs Wanted wionoKe A 11 kinds of logs, including; I l enilock, Elm, Basswood, Tamarack, Cedar, Pine, Ash, and Beech, wanted for which the highest possible _price, ac cording to quality will be - paid at the LUCKNOW SAW -MILLS Either in cash or trade. All parties indebted to me by either note or book ac- counts will please call and settle. JAS. LYONS, LUCKNOW Card of Thank. Not only advertising Furniture, but I wish to sincerely thank the general public for their past liberal patronage and the large business I have done in Lucknow for the past 2$ years, gives me the assurance that the public knows I am doing what is right with them. I pay spot cash for alt my goods, and give my patrons the benefit of the same. I also carry the largest and bent assorted stock of Parlor, Bed & Dining Room Sets in Town. Chairs of ill kinds, Spring Bed Xdattresses, Sofas, Bill Rads, Parlor aid Fzteasion Tables. In fact everything to be found in a FIRST CLASS FURNITURE and always at Rock -Bottom Prices. Bread, Buns . R. P. Somerville AGENT FOR Alcan Line Royal I Mail Steamshins ?ajmij ittferodm to .nuts Councillo Dominion Lin is 65 years afflicted with c applied to the physic` Clearing Sale. OF • Ladies' Jackets VOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAI ��.H.tt.ttu u u u nStJg.R:n.x.9.tt n;AtLt-N:uit We have decided to clear out our LADIES' MANTLES before stock -taking, and to insure A CLEAN SWEEP of them, they have been marked down to pricey that cannot fail to interest you. Tike a Look at TIlIB LIST. Every Jacket we quote is of this Season's make. 5 onlyLeas' Frierze Jackets in Brown, Fawn anBlack, with inlaid Velvet trimming, Fancy Buttons and High Collar. Sizes 32 to 36. Regular price, $5.00. Clearing price, $3.50. _ 1 only Boucle Curl Jacket, Velvet Collar, Braid Trimming. Size 38. Regular price, 87.50. Clearing price, 84.90. 1 only, Green Beaver Short Jacket, Round (', rners, Military Shoulders. Size 36. l;ei ular price, $7.50, Clearing price, 35.00. 5 wilt Girls' Jackets, with Stnrn Collat. Sizes 26 to 32. Regular price, $4 00. Clearing price, $2,50. --- 3 La•lies Black Cloth Jackets. Sizes 32 to 36. Regular price, 33.00. Sale price, 32.00 2 only Black Frieze Jackets. Sizes 34 & 36. Regular price, 34.50. Sale price, 33.00. I 2 only Black Curl Jackets. Storm Collar. Sizes 32 to 34. Regular price $6. For 83.90 J. �Murd 2 only Black Beaver ('oats, with Trimming. Sizes 34 to :it►. Regular $7.50. Clearing price, 35.00, 1 only Black Beaver Jacket.- Inlaid Vdvet and Black Braid Trimming. Size 34. R,•gular price, 8-8.50. Sale pme, $5.50. Braid price. 2 only Heather Mix Frieze .Jackets, inlaid Velvet Triwzning, Storm Qollar, Extra quality. Sizes 34 to 36. Reghlar price, 37. (Tearing price. $4.75. - ch&co 1 only, New Blue Beaver Coit. Black Satin Facings. Tailor ui .de' Fly front. Size 38. Regular price:, 310.00. Clearing price, $7.50 1 only, Black Beaver Coat, Black Satin Trimming, Fancy Silk lining. Regular price, 8:1,00. Sale price, 310.00. 2 only Lrdies' Brown Frieze Jackets with inlaid Velvet Trimming, High Collars, 7 hroat Straps. Sizes 32 to 34. Regular },rice., *6.r.0. Clearing price, 84.50. 1 only. Red and Black mixed Tweed Jac e . Black Satin Trimming . Sits 34,, price, 37.50. Clearing price_ ^$4. J00. 1 only Green Beaver a 1 Collar. Stitched Strap Trim ' . Very Nobby. Size 34. Regular price, 310.00. Clearing price, 37.00. 1 only, Ladies' Dewey Blue Beaver. Tight fitting Waist. Tailor made. Size 36. Regular price., 315.00. For $7.51. • - Lucknow. M. OORR1GA3S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISION I have in stock the following : ♦ ples 3fac1 iug Black Lead.:. Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baaketa Brushes Bi oust Coffee, C.mfectione► f Canned . Goode Cncoal Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter G►coanut Die. Al - Flour alwa Dried App i_ 1 ID - Figs Il''ibh, inn l'ish, dried Gelotine Gingers 114611 y Ho Ink Indi89- Licorice Lime Juice Lemons . Lampe Lard 1 Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni Mustard Meats, canned Magnesia ys Nutmeg, Oil, olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor 'Oranges ne Oat Meal e , ! Pails wpl Peel »ipes ickle earline Peas,canaed ,Pepper l.asins 'Rice ice Flour en hand. on rdines enna re ( Seeds Sugar Syrup. Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries,canne ,ulphery • 'apioca Tomatoes .canned Teas Tobaccoes' Vermicell. Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets . Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tes Seta Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Sets Toilet Setts R. IIIIGIIES, Clothing, Boots & Shoes. The bulk of our FALL STOCK has arrived, which consist of the nobbiest and* best values ever presented to our custom- ers. BOOTS ANZ7 SHOS- Below is a few of our snaps :- Woman's Dongola Button,. Self Tip, Coin Toe, sp 3cial $1.35 Woman's Dongola Button, Pat:Tip, Coin Toe .. .. 1.50 Woman's Dong. Button, Self Tip, Turn, worth $2:35 only 2.00 Woman's Dongola Axford, Pat Tip. Coin Toe.. .. 1.00 Men's Dongola Congress, Coin Toe, Special .. 1 a0 Mens Dongola .Laced, .Coin . Toe, Special.. .. .. 1.50 Men's Dongola Tan, Laced, Coin Toe.. .. ?5 9• CLOTHING - Men's all wool tweed suits, best of Farmer's satin linings, worth $1O for $9. Men's black Venetian coat and vest, bound, and best of linings, only $6, goo Men's all wool Canadian tweed suits, finings and well made, special at $4.75. en's Canadian tweed pants, made as on to cut two ofWell as tho best, worth $1.25, nnw selling ton telescope. for $1,00. Tickets via Montreal. office and ge We will secure your baggage a do every- thing to save you trouble and make you comfortable. oultry Shov- is now nesand eat I:iurxpress •ciatfi tickets. Cfis, check WAR IS OVER! On washing day=by using .excelsior W4UkS7. It is the best machine of the day and is the only washing machine, which meets the full an'J unqualified approval of the public, and it is so constructed and arranged that it will wash the clothes quickly, thoroughly and without the slighest injury to the fabrics, and is at the same time the . EASIEST OPERATED Of any in the market. Se© this washer befere purchasing elsewhere. I also manufacture Churns, Com- bined Sieves, & Grain Separators and all kinds of repairs dune 0,, Fanning Mills. JOHN BENNETT, Manufafturer, Lucknow. Next door to The SrNTINFL Office. MoKENZIE • Baker and Confectioner. 1 Dealer in all kinds WARE ROOM, Groceries, Canned Confectionery, Etc. of Goods AT. Davison 3 THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM R. and Cakes . . Fresh Daily . Flour, Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand Solo agent for Williams' side laced plough shoes ECONOMIZE - HEAT and Save Fuel The Acme Heating And Ventilating' Drum eo AtiAMrvwww �t11.111 r�Nlf� .d Ifl ;eilf!.ci anii, iI11riL No coal to carry No smoke to annoy No ashes to ornvty No dirt to destroy 41115.. it.ARdllIt. (10 Just what you want in your house. It will save you over 50 per cent of your fuel and give you better heat. MANUFACTURED BY Thos. La!rcnoo, Lucn, Oat. A We have still Few Fur Cows For Late Buyes, But we don't want them on hand at stock -taking on the 1st of E1'ebruary. This is your chance to get a Bargain in a Lady s or Gentleman's Coat. Fur Capes, Ruffs, Gauntlets or Caps at Reduced Prices for January. Wr'. CCNNELL Lucknow. It P • To buy our Goods because they are Thai Best 'aiTe itve a Viae Line of Granite Wax'c: Tea Kettles, Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Pudding Dishes, Rice. Boilers, Suace Pang, Jelly Plates, Pie Plates, Soup. Bowls, Water Pails Wash Bowls, Dish Pins, Childs' Sets, etc. Call and examine our goods. Prices right. 0. TAYLP. - - LIICKNOW - `The dub LcaI them11- FOI Family Groceries & Canned Goods. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. FLOuR, FEED AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS: FEW TEAS A Specialty. 7 HE LA RGEST STOCK, THE CHOICEST GOODS AND 7'HE 232$11 VAttnt OBTAINABLE IN LUCKNOW. Goods deliverethto all parts of the town. JOHN - ELLIOTT --makes the foot look slender.- Straight sided sole -full box toe, ridged at top, in latest mode. Roomy but narrow looking. Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or Oxford. Black, Tan, Seal Brown, Carmine, Wine color, '13 leathers -13 half sizes. -5 widths. -Goodyear Welt. -$ 3. oo, $4. oo, $ 5.00. Stamped on sole. MUSICAUCHT Le ns in Vocal and Instrumental Music and Harmony are taught by M RS . M. M. K E E. H IC HEST CASH PRICE I FOL. BUTTER & EGGS lip ving purchased the busi- ness lately run by Mr. W. J. Skinner, we are preparod to pay case butter and eggs. Your patronage is solicited. Yours truly, A. & W. GOLLAN , Luoknow. • - oast MRS. A. M. ARMSTRONC, • TEACHER OF - Piano, Organ, Violin, Voice Culture, Thorough Bass Harmony and Counter- point. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. RESIDLNCE--Ca, ip1,e11 fit. ANNUAL MEETING THE ANNITAI. MF1:TIltII OF 7118 West t1'aerannsh Ma ual Fire twainhacr. will In in the ('' R •.►r 1iu A',a. on %V, ,ne.day, January, 13th, 1899, i,►r the receiving of the direct..,, annual rept.s send the auditors' report„ of receipts sad expendi- tures ori four per' year, and also for the uirectr►ni to till the vacancies at the Board incurred by the retirement .1 Messrs. Hugh Girvin, Iwc Fi+her, Anderson, and Wen St"tbers, whoe.e past tom of ofticr. will then expire, all of whom are *legible for reselection !lour of meeting, one o'clock sharp. J. M . KOREI rj, Dungannon, Dec. 27th, Mg - (IAME T u'der,.1 about the er. UP ESTRAY THk PREMISE8 OF THE i lot 71, con. 1, Kielce., on ..r e,f Noven►hrr 1 .a+t. two ewes and two lamb., a'" white-. The owner is rryu.•trd ee pr.,v. pro/ 1' pay ext ruses sad take t,6, m .ire.. c- l wherever ole a :en c `,ed' etc . bks lino void, ct�A cz• tom :► Ko be►>od t title „`,ya r to Verik X. MO( 1.00kew. r • nine eulpr