HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-13, Page 3a pl- I El i At 4 4 ]A 7 -4� 7 +* wich, WWeli was convulsed with a.. nt9 b1ml accusatlon, tile result of which THE HIGH COURT DITFS# =Semete was that Innocent men and women l Ic Outrages were sawn assunder. Tile boy sup- TO U42 Posed to have boen. slain. on that oo- -HOW DO YOU EASURE LIFE 7 4 cas1011 was made "Saint William Winter Assizes and Spring Sittings 0 Norwich.11 of PalMa contrLbuted for 1899, A Vienna was oq its horror ail gain ed3 'co more ready with The Christian Way and the Worldly Way Presented By S its '"'000. It was in 1420 that t-hree Chrbitlan 011dren went skatlngnear JACOBS y that efty. The too gave way and the. A LIST WORTH PRESERVING. Rev. Fr. Talmage—A Good Time to Begin a Austri were drowned. When, tdie anxious W d, C. an Anti -Somites A-cctise Jew's f New Style of Measurement. 0 PayOnts failed to find them a ma- OIL BR licious rumor was set on foot that 1. Hamilton, wipter ursizes, Mo�n- Sp4readincy the P-1 I day, January Oth; Toronto, non -jury, Rue. UIPY )lad Wen slaughtered by. the # Jews, who required their blood for BW(Md week, onday, February 27; shinglM, D. C., report' Appro- A Prompt and Certain Cure no One Refiam.l. 4 the ensuing. * 2, Brantforrd, jury, Tucwda Mltm% W. Passover celebration. measures his life un earth by groans, 4 Tile result was a wholesale slaughter 7th; Sinivoe, jury, Tu priate to the exit of one year and the and tearx, and dyspeptic fit, and + **' 4 1,, =y, April a Of the Jews, morb than a hundred of 4th ; - entrance of another year. are the prac- abuse and kworn. and terror, and neu- Th6 RUrtling news com non ralgic, thrust. Again, I remark that there are io-year-old boy. Rarl near the Danube. 4u ry, 77huralay, .%prll 13th; 6, St. Putq in this discourse, which propose many people who estimate their life that the -,,Intt eil by asked a * them being put to death Ili one field Jury, NIOndaY, kprll 10th; 5, Ottawa, tical suggestions which Dr. TalmaK Semltl,� Dewtipapers Hilb. to go On an errand for tier to Silesia, Trent and. Ilatislon all )lad Thomas, non -jury, rue&dy, sfay 9th; of measuring it. I leave it to you to firklivi eatli wouki make tme bb6d;"l are accusing the Jewish doctors of get Some lamp eMraneys. As F a different mode of measuring time Xauow Jo junowu aql Aq qjiva UO say which in the wisest and best way. and eiglit gidlons if threo [Widws %-ien. Hertz was about, to retch the lamp 16th: S. lValkerton. non -jury, Tues- The. ulheel of time has turned very linix1red itud sixty4ijQ bTluging the buboal, plague to r1lu Uieir sensational attacks upon the 7. Cornwall, non -jury, Tucolay, May they have accumulated. The), 8ay, -Aji home and told his pa day, June Gtll. The year 1966. or 1870, or 1899, was the lad r. Hebrews. with just' as good excuse fruin that ordinarily employed. Text: rellt8 as tile other towns. Emperor Fred-" Genesis xlvll., s: !"How old art thou?" wiftly, and it has hurled us on. The any Proof Were needed o f tke that the ,je%v woninn" had wasted." Why? "Made no money." old year hasgone. T'he new year has unw-ruP111011.81lews and folly of entiOd erick, 111. decar�ed his disbelief of A rmou r, C. J. The Egyptian capital was the focus Now, It Is all cant and insincerity to human number, aud &W a t*-rfW of tll('k lutl- him into tier howso and attempted to -come. For what you and I have been I le . good was 1 Ottawa, wint4m affillies, i talk agairst money, as though it had -Selnitw, here it Is. That these charges, but litt' human labor. Phygh'lans murder him. The fattier of the child _Monday, of theL world's 'wealth. In ships ano launched upon it. God only knows. accomplished thereby. fter Lut Janury 9th ry, Mon- 7. Fill....wlth wuter-Tirls tiwy workijig it' tile, cauft of humfLuitty at onm,. coul' I&jlic,,jted her soderWi, Ju 11 110. value. It inay represent refine- Nbw let me ask you all. Have you and tile with tile �olicr�. had used tile Hebrews for the ur- day, Uarvb 13th; 3, Stratford, Jury barges tifere had been brought tQ It nient, and education. d ten thous- ouuld supply. rUled tenj.V) their Imilu tryi,,Ig tho risk f their own liv�;* greatest excitement prevail. I f ran' made any preparation for t ('11 i it tile to pose of tile. Rc%formation, 'MursdaT, March 16th; 4, Cornwall: i' India frankincense and cinna- and blessed surroundings. It M the You have made preparation for tinle* -!llom wrvm to briqg out thp f,&Wr- wn. Tile Bw- - lie did 0 tO find Cure for tJW terrIL-1-a p:ague . h-ouin Nt e r,. not hesitate tA) turn npoq, ' them Jury, Monday, Mae$ 27th ; Toron- mon- and Ivory and diamonds; from -spreading of the table -that feeds the my dear brother -,have you made any rUmb w I t Il which the w(irk was d4mu..-- Herr Hecknian.ii, tcx)k the'ln-fitter ill). chlldren's hunger. It Is the lighting of IndLI, killoul'i Aro Witt sweeping e em- to,,non-Jury, seventh week, Tuesday, the north. marble and iron; from preparation for eternity? I)o you won- tyrOught' the and after iliterrogatinle the 1, �bcon ]large@. I)ope Cl G(Aet. I ent 111. (1769)'proctaimed thrit the Greece.., It n warm der t4hat vhen that man on the Hud- S. Draw out -DLV) Uie -vu*ar(W or 'L�a-'p to to cause n epitle. f0ulld tht tile latter 11.11d Mbricated day, Aprtl 17th; 6, &-uldwich, non. some -of the finest horses of the world, . is'th on which' son- river, in indignation, tore up the April 4th; 5). ffalitilton, Jury, Mon- Syria, purple and slfk; from of the fur ace that keeps you tile whole story'. Holy -See, had examined the grounds e making of the bed cups. 7lie mlrackt: Wa wrought Vd- sug, 0 jury, Monday, Mily lt; 7. Peterbo. and some -of the most brilliant char- You rest from care and nxiety. It Is tract whi(;h %vas handed to him. an denly and in 8Wh u majiner " gvminy ge"itv tht T11(- burgomaster � i mmedia �i'n tile use 01 llu-' rough-, con -jury, Monday, June 121ill. 40ts.; and from the erring of you out at last astr of lPassover to Just 4une word landed on his coat sle-eve 11 Coni. Ths from oul") 9teps to Provent . th"L' Wly took mail bkxxl.' for tile fN all the earth that decerLt sepulchre and the putth)g up of d tho 'brala n3ne . but, H' P arrest of Fra u rested. nd that tile -Jews inust which could best please the eye. and the Slab on wbich Is chiseled the story -the rest of the tract being pitched was poured in water. 7ILat which y ertz. Tho alltj"4eniltle L pl&pers luo' 'be condemned s not ki Charm the car and gratify the taste. into the river -that one word aroused -lie' affair aid rini1nals without y,'ILarob There were temples aflame with red word. t-hoffe 101111(101 b darkest PrJudicec meaTIW11110 heard Of t B*w '111e, Jur, Monda of your Christian bope. Wh01l it L-4 rer 13W 2, Ciiatham, It Is simply his soul? It was that one was dra WIL C)Ut WaS Wine.- It% ie. Note due --and legal trit. hypocrisy, this tirade In twlloit and tha In film miruclen, Chrie 'does iKA aembered that Dr. Ile., mldO tl10-'.M09t Of -it, speaking of jury, Mooday, -sandstone- entered by Ahe gateways lecture -hall a-atinst money. long. so broad. so high, so deep-"eter- erfant- .- 110 Inereami; I&P qul r titr, 0 -tort, fitrz wholmalt, rres;U of A hundred years befor Vienjla� WIT11' 20th; Toronto, jury, Rec011id that we;; guarded by pilla is8(), Ile nity."' A dying woman, in her last k'IRts in vle1itta, it is ea4y week, Mond' rs bewil- But while -all th to und(Tsuad Th"In" W' tho acti6n of Herr had gaill distinguished itself by ex- ay, Mare4i -"7tti -. 3, Orange- dering'with hieroglyphics and wound who imments. said, "Call It back." They Oxalwas the quality of t1#41mv alread� how guell T10lent a4d PPllillg Pvery Hbbreif s(All f Ville, jury, twit non -jury, onday, April with brazen -serpents and adorned uses Money or thinks of money, an sald. "What do you want?" "Time," Bear unw thf. unrf��-ontag unt, matai, the ntatU%r W(... r0 W 1, th T,6roi,o, exWtiiiC.--Cam. Bib. I-3:eWtUm has dr 10 tion -Jury, ninth week, IN,itll anything but a means to ail end, will find out his inistake when the glitter- Oh. it t*nnot W-01* April 17th; 4, Stratford, non -jury, and beaks and pinion8 glitterirl th be. callVd back! We might lose our lie was characterized by the Athen- en him 11r' )y and justly, blit -such burgonil"Als,ters.,' in iW walls. If.Cllt-.istians(.,0 id did winged creatures -their eyes she said; "call it back!" Prnor-Mr- prosident, of a bon(liwi tO buggelfft a return to tine tile (Mly way out. ivvim% not lwayA,too be f eRte'rtaill Buell accusations n ainst Mondy, May let; 5, Ci)bourg, con- precious g wi -a In' -treasurohs slit, out -of, his nerveless . I tho ne- -tile Jews, he oliammedans werr jury. Montlay, May stones. ' There were marble gramp, and he goes out of this world I them back; we might iim a "One who 411 IS OLO, nd ; 0, St. Cath- column, bWoming into white flower- %NTL-SlEmITI, As lonz ngo'a 117 fortune& and cal cuqatioll" MIS madeadaInstAlle He. 116t to be altogether Ithout a shillin lose our health, and. perhaps, recovet tubl(�% and pn)wrvt* order." "He wai. l .9th ; beos, there were stone pillars, at the "' It; �wc might lose our good name and hima-If (-)lip ()f tile guegg.16 -SemitL-an is� tio brew.9 Thp- historLn, reeortl tilp' 'times, even il-1011911 they waited ui* tificate- of stock. ' He might better, W hi.) by g*m But tile fact or 'Lntl behind - the Arinew, non -pry, Monday, May the accusers of the n-. gtory thus: % Jew of Blois -tit -1840 to have 1- .7. Kingvtorn, non-Jur�, Monday,. Juno top bursting' Into the shape of the, get that ba( -k; but time gone it; gone wa* A4.1ing eral conapnt or the splectimi of thk� -;rael hav -.a --.gre�Lt excite- lotus when In full bloom. f4ever. d&ntj ()f L dt-sce have been the-Chrlstlan porter that e bceU go many olnAk toward the opened his gate, or the begrimed work- host wan m -t V) prezkje cner the ban - that th�y are ajmout t,&0r1j1ng -ae. Loiro ill '-Order M6,11t, Over tile timeworn su7bject. mir" Ferguson, J. Along the'avenues, lined. with'spbinx man who last night heaved the coal of you. during the past year, etwtomekl to to water his horsp. Thetro -lie mot- a- Moses ontefiore hud M..Adoilf* Cre- 1, Walk(�rtoa; jury, Moudaj, k eb. and fane and obelisk, there quet.­--CInrkc. Ilipy bare it -Here It-perhapi WOUIL feel ChrLtian groolfi, wba*%. llorso.sldc,41 mieux Went Oil .4.11pecial ion , to, ra, princes Into his cellar. 114)nds and mortgages infide preparation for eternity, and it fata wa rf4luirt4. TO put water in lonely lvlthuut it. How n tent are! fl,,,, miss ry '-:7tb; 2, Brampion, jury and who came in gorgeo UP- and leaEes have thpir use. but they piakes no difference to you really, all Which the Jow': wore Damascus, tile seat -of the trouble,- lion -Jury,: Moriday, Marh �13th; T(i. bolstered 'palanquins, carried -qer- the charges agaWst that tribe whose e ry ick with whieh to to the matter of safety, whether you Or- Jarn required obebdience; tiat to hadgO 18 sufferawe,? awf! growing vest- anti succ6eded in preve ti' Y', fir -t %reek, MareJi "Oth; go now or iro Feme other year-whe" ,is ld as ll n ug ---great onto, Jtlir vants in scarlet, or elsewhere ; drawn measure life. -They.that boast them -draw that water out, aud pass it te v- 'tll(% w* by vehicles, the' -an6w-%vliite -horses. ther tbi tll(- cf'6'f gutwt, am ninde a xtrimig . r#,fu.qP# to"L-(,o to ter. Tito slaughter anti continued .1, Guelph, jury, onday, Mtfm E year or the next year.' Both tOrY. pc­rhalp okler. Doubtless the suffering. ' h 27th selfett in their ive4lth an4 trust In Egyptia wrvant. who, Well ware of. tile Professor Leopold Zunz, *0nq Toronto, non -jury, el the multitude tof their riches. none of na hatetl the&r Hebrew Anves; Jew of t I ie, .. ghth week, Mon. ;oldenmbItt*d,, and six abreast, dash- vour feet Ain tbe rock. the waves may demand on faith. certainly th, hating Miaraeter -of his nl.-I.Ster. greatest of (Jay, A�rll 10th; 4. Bracebridgei-, jury Ing at, full run-. On floorw of mosal dash around you. You can say, "God 9. Rulpr--Same " go%mmur. Had t'd erman 9cholars,- prov- c them can, bLy any means, redeem his and dcwtroyed the Temple of solo- Ulo Xiyor of t1lo, tow:t, licoctcd :1 ed 1, that 'aAdMon-Jury,' Mon(lay, May 15tb-' AS, tile glories of Pharaoh were spelled is our refuge and strengtli-a very ta"-.knd therefore able tA) paw tile ait I . brother, or give to God a ral4om for- Present You are on the rock ItH genuUtetlem and t4ualitv. AmW 'non, au very probably Jnat as -sU),ry which `w-rvtxl s 'KrOund for n the Talmuil coulltenancW Parry Soulul. jury an non -Jury, krl, �utjn letters of porphyry and beryl. and him. that hwshould. not #zc(- corrup- tel Wa& persecut orili llame4.There were ornaments wii alid you may defy all. earth and hel e Miraoulo aMusati6fi. praetice wasi absolutely' false., and anti lion -jury, ay, . a'Elhrd�ryE from the. wood -of tamarisk, emboFfstm 1 tO overthn)"' 1 coligrgtplate you. origin of the ine. Called t4w borl .e(i anti thrown i any such day, May 19th, A3, N th-� (Ian of lions tiftere were ntO I ()t here 8,�Pti the Isrnelite 'ho TueaL M Itut I i --maric. tWre are many -I* V Of Ili$ fellow believers wil r-spilvin throw a yet there re some Still ready . to be- Pembroke, jury ud non -jury, Moilday: With - silver breaking into foam. wish there Were iTfore-who I give ymi great Jook. %It is a happy 97,0"Ln-"Prubably acraw the tiable." u.. 41,11 - not, mlirtleTed child into e estimate M acurously. Wa tw%r. Tito M ti 1iPV0*Wll--lt,they wimil,i to believe. 29th. There were . footstools made Out their life by their moral and Rpiritual new year to you. The brIdegroom gave the leact, the I t Lo L, t Pyf)r bore o gr 14100� FOLLY OF THE k!HAI1(;F8., of a single precious stone. There development. I can ee no sorrou- aX ll in the fact ruler auppow%d be provided the wine. -Own Oat the r.,omall g-aiTAst, Ml 111filimitial ewish li-otnan. ere that our years are going. You- hear 10. Ever7 tun -n --The commogi cum hated tllfFWnabftants of palesti 1%'hat t The: u ter.Aiisize'si (i H a ay, IV beds fashioned out -of a crouched It is not sinful egotism for a Chris - their vor ome people ray. "I %yish I could go tom amcnig raeri. 11no sayuig is aim ame4l 111tileelin.l. y entui- lion in bronze. There were chairs tian man to say, "I am purer than I a(. or n. back aaain to boyhood." I would not ply related Ui order U) rhow witi, 'ied'.martyrdom7-,,uf th: followers of 2. OwcA -Souikl, jury, -spotted with the sleek lildes f leop- used .1 ani -more chief hLqtor1an, TaCItUN, fflyg: I t41- " ')f of liN lord. "Whatever Is held &Icral by tile 1'0- MlartrPS. thig opl)orttlloty of. Jehovah, a childish persecution OU!, Tat-Wy, 11amli 7th - -3, WIleVille, jury, ards. , There ere. sofas footed with want to go back agaln to -boyhood. I what imt1re utirtwervednew to Christ than I used to be. I have Jftep 01-IJIO with the Jews is profnno,'alld rPv4%nginjz,himqP1f. 114- relw-vau-41 tile JW.., pwr the claws f wild bellsts, and armd g(st 0%-e am afr !I I might make a worse lift. irave flinwelf up too tile comulou juy. est-,afld flimsiest -of areusil. arch 13th; 4. ilton, jury r a great man-.., of the bad 'L e ti -non with the beaks -*of birds. As yott stand out *,if A tl!aii I have wade. You (.out what in Other nations L -i unlawful or Ilx-)Ilt tho ulut%)er of I W'Xis. war of exterinina on irg-- and -jury. * �fonda;F, 31arch- 20 habits, ivn Which I used to indulge. I tmpuru wl-th them N In tile lilgliv.,t. -ind tllf-- chnrwi read. 4'Thp J ri.!ci- Witt[ tho w0apons of -. falselloott,' Toronto, 11011 -jury, fiixtil I th ; on the lewel beach of the sea ��,on a am i great deal bettei man than I not aff o yhood it d by oriving uot only abundantly, but Mt in) -" t ion - The figurc of an es r1r4l it for tilt% lv.,.q V Qw.;c . day. 27tll;-,-).: Veek,. .%Ion- . umme it Px0PII6QtlY- WhM awn have well graeas the sauct 90, er. ;Ind --tlii-n malice prejudice, L'et Iiiin who� Chatham. 11011- Jay, and look elthe and used to be." There Is no sinful egot- You might do great drimli-Mec wilo hsvc. liad quaWh &,%- unry of their temple" it illto tile, p lies of breakeis, I white 'de -d worse than You have done. The IndiffPrmt, uA to the flu& ity f th will, bitime tile oor, -ignorant hoora Jury, .4th: Brock- -alMOSt aa ridiculous %101)day. April 610 ism Ili that. It is not base egotism t a ChaMe .IS" ATO bekn devied 'by tile F01ne that 11, Of tile Middlo Ag Villp. 11011 -Jury. ',MO ean foam, dashing phore- for*a soldier to say, "I kno more i,ast In goti Look out for the future! w1knO HlDt before thoul.-Hyle. The ruler eg f0i believing thitt. rAlay. May,15th: 7 or! �.- tile Ifebrews had poisoned their I.fildmy, IL Ilerned' at; if the sea of the ;tbout military tactics than I used t(_) To ail Christiant; it 'is a time of glad- jion-Jury.1tonday, `�pril 'j2nd' tb-P feast ILS 11111t allndft to the cor. MOdmi al1tt-Senilto3. -for 'no imgo, (-,Uu-.It Thri,inittl or slaiii tilei uomp of wealth in the I'gYP- before I took a musket in my ]land. ness. 5. am glad the years are going. whatever wa-R POrralitted to be placed 8 Ve n n n �SPt CUNUMIN and fash"s among in that tIlc r children especially Robertsm, J. al for miles and miles tiling and lt�arned t(v 'present arms.' and 'i7Ou c MI g 0 nearer home. Let lum, and not to augilt that was go. thr, temple, accOMUng to Bibleat licu4i 'I)t.v after 1wir preacherii hail told thL-In TorOytto, Wijltc.r,Amdzes, th Siss &,,)-white breakers,of mar- whon I Was a pest to the dril o e not vour countenance light Ing (sn before lLkw eyft, for mucAi Wt. law. With the, g-rowtll anq develop. Put hl ellaills.:0--d ilirowii,into pri.-kin. so. But what 911,111 be &-lid of- tile i rd -4auholeuin and obelif;k. up with the 23rd; * I " W It Is not base egottsm for a sair thought. earer,&iome' would linve ar 11ttip Nam ment, of ChrUtL-InIty. somewh'it moral l'bleplina, -IlQup, hir whani Tlwotiald� e' 611an( 1.9 or to t4oceo tained ultAired and intellectual editors of jar.V -aiTtl tion -Jury,. oliday, t was C-'thls capital and thc- Palace say. Now. %%.hen one can sooner 1;�t to the by His prf%w,,ftee as He would have usifle, charges Irarticular affection. - Vienna newspapers, ii Pharaoh that Jacob.'theplain shep down the thIzzen toPsail-tha I used belpod It forward by n wonder -work nore-1. if not [110re pla de vlio charge . the Qli Torozito., non -Jury, -f if th . Wi ee "t know better how to (.,Jew center of things, Is he not to 1be con- liord, came: te,meet-hIs son Josepb,, rratulated9 'Who ants to be always of ElW wt1.-,rreW4J. were ma4!o agalwt the .-sti"t lie d i ren,41iicd Mthariw-d.Telring upon this.� Jewish doc�U;riR with maliciously I March :."Oth Lindft ' And race." Perb-i y in 0 to before I hd ever seen a tZhip I .p.; It wa.@, on I I)rontNed'hi-r c(;-r0%Iigiotii,.t, to b6nie plague ? I)u tile * jur. 1.10101Y. 31arch 27.tri;- 3. p become prime minist", in there -is no sinful egotism when a in the fresAian ciasit? We study God 4c-, por in t i bu %ilw had for those w1lo w0r%h1ppf"f tile Jew , (-Ure - th-Ir tllL niell Y. ete.r- the roy'al apartment. Pharaoq.-and Christian 'man. fighting the battls of in this world by the Biblical photo- fh-U, Ifix Xltvy-A the think . rt), 'I'ilei4ay, AprilAth; $ro- Jacob met, dign anil rusticity, the the Lord. or, if You will have it. voy- Jesus &I 418eUked Efti ee:Atph to have, Count's wi[v s1irrod IW always remain go? Wetk L . Ity PrOP4et WOOLIM 11MM11fefft tile giory of Y.M. 17011t4v Jur, fourth gi�acefulness ofthe court and th(4*111alg graph -c of him. bu - t we all know we can t He I ht4 fel!ow tbe. platincit tll-. tter 4,f th bu Ile glory, for He ll�%Ver.4 t44 fp emites �,ljlllst ill April 10th . .1. toward R haven of eternal rest. tow rd jury a li". nners of the field. The king, ikan!- agin In fl( Minutes of interview with. a was God. Tile tnit*Lcle@ &M wmdwv f rnill great straits. illfils-fl, t4, v, . . Ray -2. more aboin - spiritual friend get a more accurate idea of him u m)rt Jur, 3101"Iday, April 'o-ith; O'llig.,.to make the old countrymn at of erus were sill slenh (i) of ChrimVe 60 59 P - JP tactics and about voyagin-9 tuivard than we can by -studying him LO years stobli, non -jury, Monday, 111ty 8t e1ise. and seeing how hite his fx-,ard heaven than, I used to.- through pietures or The little iAfie natur#-: (2) of RU WJmwbDn gli ronto first I nd Itmi feeble his tep, laoks Why. there are *thor in this pres- 01 Week, Wt .4 'a s child that died Lat six month3 of a from (;Od; (3) of Ellis goocl-wiji- tc) '\fair 1.5th 6.--ftrnin, Jury, 'Mona4w� fain 11 lartly, in to his face and sayF . to ence Who have measured lances with knows more of (;od t1mi all Andover w&rd UM ; (4) of thle tru'lw that R& the aged man: "lid tdLught - (5) of the vrtmv &W charar Nfav 22nd w'old:art thou"" I- , m3ny a foe -and -unhorserl it. There GOderich, ifton-jury. '.\ToT� and ll Princeton and all Nfw Bruns Irn.'V 29th.,,' Last n4ght the. gate of et(�rnity are Chr-lsti:in men'liere who have be- wick. 0. ter of God.-Peloubc4. Big diselplep tw Aityri 0. J. inering at the nme leach us 11-PTOd 0q, ITim-71beir faitk wago npw opened o let. in. amid the great t�rong rOtne sw-rty by liami Does not our coinivion se Fa lc( enturies, th the forge of They stand on an t the center dyin—year. Under tile twelfth -entirely different a of departed -c" sou thAA6&it it better to be "'OnrIrlmd. TheY Wer Amw eure the� Jow B r; ai n Will Try to CheCk a ! to be clear out-vn the rim of the 'lad f0u!"Il the Memiab. It w8A four r0litAf-I'Vinter' -AWi7ws', first wk.k, to:.que of' character Of the brazeit hammer of lh� vit �,I-,ck from that whJcb they once occupied. hivired -lfolldY, JiftlitutrY. 90 ; 1. Berlin, jury the rhorm. holding nervously fast to the NFAM U yeniv idne* thii- Jewo lia(l U tltatnrjarch fell, deftd..anT the�*Istar$ They are measuring their life on earth suddenly hurled into c Evil, Tuoada!r, Feb. "Stli,; TQronto, noit-jary' tire lest we be propbet, wbo (,ould %*Orlk UUr ; Of 1ght weie the funeral i4elw-5- by nlden-�9-ated ftbbath!r. by pente- -Pe1Oub`et­ 11W, onto fourth.sveek, Moriddy light, n eterual felicity? Through all Alarch UL1.1til It. 1-4 lAns kinds of optic&i Instruments trying to tOfA Of tI14' e par. t-fdrtdnat6 thAt on thi r4al costal prayor-meeting, by communion jary. ; Q Zqpi "a IL&I ay. Nlar(, 11. h 20t h ar( bbere - so Inany milct tables, b bapti I f on" b EL reer in through the cracks and tile "Dmthille far ImAter-AIN increase Of Y h Ile - Pr -A 'NEW LAW NOW, I Jury, MofidnY,�Ilarcll 27th;- dn.whleh we,�cati *read just Ilov.- faF-t keyholes of heaven -afraid that both fftitil. Other" blUnPly ate and dmak. IN FORCE. �t . . Jury. third w*4-k, -d the journe);'s luJahs in te temple. Tht-3, have tood 'MeAe men ti4w (kA Ul Irlpt lganifpAt. Fr n d. I* feel that it Is not ati 4 Tuesday, We. are goink to*aj dov-prs of the velestiul mansion wIll be on inai, an heard it thunder. Th,?y 4 th Ki tigston. - jury, Morday, inap- ' have stood on Pigzah, nd looked over swung wide pen before our entranee Inc Itin glory.-Spurgem. tII.-,fIr.mt .%vt cif' Par- April 17th Caycgn. jury and lion- ProOriateqqest4on that I � ask t,,-d.)y. Vision-ruRhing about among the apoth- Into the promised land. They have Vhrist to br ttChIpti-IL. tok 4 .!#,.11 - witli. 11411)- Jilry, Tuesday. April 25th.; 6, Whith, when I look 'into your faces and t:.ay, cary shops of this world, wondering (44tablislibig tliv� JurV. 'Monday, '.%Iliy 0 ild. Toron to as *Pharaoh did, to Jacob, the ptriarch: stooA on 011vary, and seen the cross e PrPwnt Witt' us Rlways. If He dwellp f .2 ed if this Is bi to lik r They can. like Paul the Apos- ,good for rheumatism, and with un we isll&ll fe&st Witt, Ilia. V I'11111al. third week, 3fn "llow old art thou?"' that IS 900(l for neuralgia. and some- ('hriFt'a titrongth Pe ect n ddt. A tie, wz�te cn thel its si, forin. 4)f %villell fay r' hPavlest troubles numle rf 00th: -7. Unmiltop, no.n-Jqry, ..Nfolid Poople, who are truthful on t:very "light" arkd "but for moment.- #Me th!ng elFe is good for a bad cough, lest our wemknew He pmvk1m for body a -V1 other *subject lie about their agum, -so oJnne 1.2t1f. we be suddenly ushered into a land of t(I *tll(�� I '' I tht I'do not solicit from you itt y lit- darkest night their soul is irradiated, We must obpy fully if we .-�Iftitv of :Afacmahom- J. as ivas the night over Bethlehem. by for the al, response to-Ith questios- tant never says, "I am s everfasting health where the inhabi- eT "'Oult! Il&`Ve his KkvY manifested to I St. Ottlifty Moliti.ay" would put no onel llav'� the faces of those who have come to ury. I ick." asked. .4tider What fo4.11s we d*l are to prefer tho us. Our JOYS Oec'm sweeter when we r tWet.%-j% I Afttftli . hi -irlory, and good cbeer. They circumference to the renter. What Iruiik luring 2, Barrie. non -jury, A elinf)ly w n�,! t proclaim um 4i d I-Ith temptation*-' but I a 111011t,11,4"', I.JL bi loll. are only waiting for the gate to open dreadful thing it sVould be if we should morning. to see by wha r0009niz0 Jesus ah our author of sit t rod il i and the ch 9"(Xl Faltli gTows atroug undw t4ast. Toronto, - lot,_ are -measuring our* earthly exisence. t'o fall-- off he be suddenIr -ushered from this wintry ca t, gory i if Ia. I bi � q, I I A I The morp we obwrvp the work of �r tile colillet- arah "Oth 3, Whitby. non-jt!ry. t 1111 pri). � 'I and mt pro- tirt-, 11L-4 vonlulit�t-i I filry. tenth week,, MOndAx. April 2.1th-. T4ere.-is'.'a right 'way and a *ronr glory to begin. uorld Into the May -time orchards of Chri4t. -tile nxwp fixed our faith lao.. oIrefortivitoiy' or rc-tr(%.tt, * *hery 4. - OwPn ound., non -jury, tllurs4l�v. way 6f measurihg %L door, or a wtll. or remark again: There are many- heaven: ard if our pauperism of sin COUM We Hhouk] IN, heavwrp of IiIn # -is a , erficitial, .,.June, Ist 8W. ao arch o' 14e . is and sorroW should be suddenly broken hounty to otliumm ,WS OF COL04;NF: r, r 1,.,\ 1. i) r4 r ir tower. and s6 tl JF 110 may -Ill. and -1 th re were mo7re-who are Marie,- estimaljng life by 'the good hey can T11(b qii;&ipliitd' at. 'alld non-Jary'. moillifty. IMP 5th.. a -right way and a. wrong v�ay of ut) by a the re1O-ruvtt4)rI(W Alot 1)4. b*ve e . measuring our earthly existence. .' It is vastle surrounded by parks w-ith sprin t -hem. but ­fW�h&-Kl ;iovrr yet aC- I N g t1k) Ciurlt. and wh ort rthur. Jnry anAl do. _presentation of an emperor's ell llf" w" Tile pr�.!0111!rq Will lit'll, t0*1Vork txut-' with reference to this higher me ming. John 11radford said he counted that g- Ompllslieil any permanent goed, n d read ti-)' - upon. 1, at Portage. jury ay nothing at all in had ing foutitedas and pathes, up and down T114. inaringe W C"tj w&S, likc.ly, tb pr Junf-% *Sth:� 79 P thitt I confront you this morning d which he 0 fal-w- accusaMona made against paymen.t of a rt ulle I t h not, by pcn or tongue, done some good. which angels of (.;oo walk two and "OIL -1-11Y diffeffTut rriow any other th 0 ..& tt 'non-Jilry, Monday, J IL"t1l.- �'i the stupndous queAtion of the bx IV tf - t IN, 0. 3ewimll wedding Uii its pjImi The 00e womhIppers of Jehoah for t ha t t 1th fit 11Y a" fTled In their p,ir- "How old art thou!," t; If a man begin right. I cannot tell very rea#o>n, lu Stre ancl ask: truth t the. Tho There, are 'many- Who eStIM"te thetr man In 18'5 tl.,� French resolved that at f cor I t wits aowrdiug to 1;aewWi rim - 4 fir. No-mfn Kvrr.,, book. T0 ro n't 0., 1111iter. Assizes, secoll V tear.-; lie. may wipe away, Ghent they would have a kind of musi- lid. w -.i--. taken to the river ndset Aife. by inere worldly gratlflcolon.� how many burdens lie may lift, bow tow, tl*4 daY being Wedneo4a T Tilt, iVAT�A.. -Nar, "oM. IT.I..; liad much I Ireek, -Xionday.- Jail. j6 rat dernonstrgtion that had never been drift hil-a N)at Nk-dwith watt,r. 4nnd th Toronto. When Lotd 'Dundaq v% -as, wlshod a many rphane Plac4- pppointed for it vv" JJU t IN. ill wUiging .11bou t119 p:1mifage I tion -jury, e may comfort, how heard of. It wo, Id be made up of the home. The compaiky i1i it ttenda MW ailti-Semitie feeling, hi. s lie did not sink �t� Couint thi.. first wei!k. Monday. F eti. t 1i Will C-IrlY MPdia.Cv,-1I Airues foll-owed twof Van PoPULlation WC.re firmly conrinccd ing Ili frtely. t"L'ly 911v`- 1 "Oth�:; 1, SallOWIC011. Jury. Monddy. hve * to be a happier year t . liaqi the have been men who have given their an happy new . year. he sq!d*: man Outcasts he may reclaim. There PhImes. of bells d the discharge of wcno riel&Uvee atkd friesids Iii till this o(1114* tioll. It' lualjl-.,l arch 20th Co ft bourg.L ju ry, 11ru es �,%nnoti. The exp*rinient was a perfect n Viqt. for* I ha(In't one happy in�nent whole 111fe in the right d1rectlon, eon- success. Inore or le -48 disti ict courses. Otte k id of his titc, entire Tc*w*isli Ling th'It witc-li more fla, it was like ollow u-cx1dingb it was a was not unlik- the latest to, - in 'all thi! 'twelv' centmi-Aing all teir wit and ingenuity the bells nd the re�port of the ord- 01 charge i NfArell 28th 3. Sarnia;. q, Whkt with the ringing of ti m of f I irongregatiop cof kv, -Juryi 0 months that .,Ihave 1 , Ulf-' Xpril 4ti an( as Cordenined 'rilk v` non re)oicing and eafting . Usua I *be formulated In Vienna. in t 1' to doath hy f iro.. Th' clagq& li . 4. Pertl Jury gone." .13,ut that haf; not been the ex- &Pd mental acumen and phyffical force 4 0 i rou-Jury*. Sionday, April perience of raost. of mg. refreshmento were provid(Ni for t4w f nacce. the city trembled, and the hlIhe u ry, the plague of the iwvenWell womell (includiiig I'tikelina P 4uPP0-;01- -.4th . 5. Ber- We have and enthusiasm f6r Christ. They shook with th triumphal march that ("nipany. Mary. Uie Motlier of ie�. re first tortured.-anot -6 climbed the mountain and deved Into rtie*4- :111:1 , 1; rw ed te sea and !n%aded Etirope t*.#! sons of I p dinner, Barrie. Jurr,. Tups(lay.L , May 16tl ' ' %vith-sin, it is'a,very bright and beau.. the mine and' cross - Mack Death spread trom I Ing. non' -Jury, TuFl8day y 2nd; found that though the world is blkate4 wim tenl, tuid thin filet would irad Ubina atiol 'then btirned'; was as strange as it was overwhelming. -1 26th, 1171. 1 all that W.rort (rf NVIth a moot glorious accompaniment rafl t thr' at� L May 'is to eoueludt- that Migious custom.- -harged with I in r(yntd. criminal. second Week. Monday.' tiful -place to reside in. �We hav4'ha,l trudged the dosert and dropped. at will God's dear children gd into their -"Tbd ecrPMOnlev Were carried out. %treams inz poisollf"I the Witk thiq tragle tale of lintrcd. jeal,- x-lill, "but.it does.not follow that -May 220; 7. Bet ]evil le.,non -Ju ry, Tiu' Joys ninutnerable. There is ho :!1i,)i- ;a t. into martyrs' gra and wi-lls. NN'liat seemett ,It f)ugr nd perjury lwgan tho 1- -41 �&. .8 th(11%, gi��to lie 80I)er lion they Vq d V. ves, walUng for high residence, when The trumpets shall The minwif- proved Christ's abou ong I ine 6f e87. 1111ty between the gospel and the resurrection of the just. They sound and the Lasf' T)ay has come. lut-P power over nature, it tA&,,eIww first tr) I f;om-� plausibi;itv -to 'tile mflyl-lotll. the. It I measured their lives �by the 611Wns At the signal glvtn. the bells of the that His rmour I which were �O callea drurikefiness i i'ments and the festivities of 11111V. (Jilf. - Meredith, J. do not . think that we fully en ugh they broke off, by the garments they 'towem. and of the lighthouses, and of the kindnew of His limrt. it telu,-jift 'Atigge"twn Was - the fact th,"t. the;. sqirpad cii,pr Eurolw. -Ind Aiafor eight (Oilu OP fnebriety. of Itarvo- eft a re (v ua to plague ttacked. the Hebrewis in Mania centuries tf� e-6nie, - notwithstanding -the'luilpit'tir tah-ing Torointo,, Winter appree4ate the worldly pleasures Go Assizes` fourtil 1 Put upon nakedness. by the sniles they the cities. %%-Ill strike their sweetness 400mewhat milder form. This was prob- every �ffort to the filsit.T of the pmphb 0 gives us.; When -you recount fur t t ma miv take littk-. or im i(Illor, eek, 3ro, !Uler 114 111P exP0ct* n to do ay Presented By to Begin a um n) n 0 nd§Lr. Jan. 30th T you$ en- traveld to alleviate every kind -of into a last chime that shall ring ifito I),. or"to,, Joyments. you do not go, far e"ugh ill It tes"ies as u-) obeerve ablY uf! to Vic lbore tenip�!rnto anit" li vain did tho4, lea t4i S '11 �06-fiiry, third week. Monday. Miarch suffertng. They felt in the trill of th� Ileavens and float off ul)on the sea, 1 (1patily mode of life which their re. 4ack. Why do you not go back t6 the every nerve, in the motion bf every joined I)y the Wom of bursting mine aw Im re ro-. 'Cit h Woodstock. Jury. Tuesday. 1, nt, U) the Bum an -d the Tat- t -11. In' . -111() � Christ in, His works. It WAN Wt lizion prescribed' d. althorigh luallY niud. 811niving that these 81111010nal 4t'h;-'.1-1, pictoll, 'Jury and non- e. in every throb of their heart.. and magazine.- augmented by all the an time when You were an Infant Li'll your musel wnXrkpr. for Mary to -dftire the mira- Vi,­�n of -the Black Death an 91.170 ni-other's. arms. :looking Up into, t Ie. or t4te CXaltAtiOn of jegUC only 1-,;, This is esp he In tverye-res0iratlon of theIr lungs, rathedral towerta f heaven -the har- d forlm4! th-, tm of -t1w- blooiI of an j.; triw i Tui!sday, A ared in districts wliere I ny , pril Ifth ; Toronto. heaven of her'smile; to those days th f1cent'truth-: "Now man liv- iviontes of earth and the symphonies it appe, i one 09 nial. nuich morf' tile bloo'd of litima %401`11V of thvili* t I". 6v highs..'i as she 4kaired to Make , show )r th(, Lved. tile sugicested buings.' ll,[ rpTil JUrY. fifth week. Monday, April .17th ; when You filled the houso it th. UP- e th i iellielit. ':P. London They wentt1hrnnL-h of'the celestial realm making un one nlVdid they ask tho arow- nnn.lnr'v 'm Aft Unritf-V Him #; lier Foxi. Her time li"mii,tL. g"11rie4l wi(lp ncceptant* em U) prove their charges; their reply i He .7 1 aij A w4ma V boistergus mem;nyent: W110JI cold 408 �1-ough heat, foot -blistered, great triumphal march. fit to celebrate ami miximty is F;6Nj liper vlas � lia%-i-fac-i-litif-s 1.5th: 4, Brantford. non -Jury, Monday, You shouted an yqu pitched, the ball in tier mul This act-viRatioil first took forni in was th-,y Wrture and# tho -stake. Mcni- si-cret illiblig(Me'�! w May 22nd; 5, Guelph. non -jury. Mon. when n t I , chee" ck-scourged, tem. the ascent of the redeemed to where skmi W His iustruction. Well the. lower -on the playground o he t,,o d I)est heark. ba' who tried -F� not. Vet eveil :111p)llp, &o theIr whole duty. they shall shine as the stars forever Obedioei�e on Ule pa rt of tile aer- f tilt! 141w*(..,jt day. Mtgy LqVIl ; 6, simcoe. sharp winter dfjht, muMed up, on mitherti Franc,. where in 1348 an archn -anti 1'61m -s a row- * * 1�� Tha #tem "IeY uleasured life-- I and ever. sitire corigregatiuit vas cast intu the I non -Jury. it %nd t I Istein tbo tido -u )rejudiev, butin--raiii. Ali.444 nre,' lilo.-Ikty �Ikt habit'lial Monday. June 5th; 7. )Ottawa,- non. skates. you shot out over the iveoun-I- Vanto was liek-eneiiry. They were A lhitwiat a world-widi� .1 11runkards who n#.-%-vr :':ill ilito III(, 111rYt Monday.'June 191h. Ing ice of the pond? Have you fq t- by - lie would be reAL-id they could do. m". It was% .-ouspiracy PERSE d 'We thk rd 10� iptv how old Lu- U) MAP that lie 1*mlormed a wiraele. hasfWW4W formw, CUTION IN'14;EACNIANY, hands -of the ten al those goolk t tho L�0111 towards hitil, They wem U) fill tht! water-poU .14coh Pascatf-. o.f TOT as c!�ief c Winter Aimizen, 1899-ClVil a oil, 1181. amerted Ids Nuither the act'j i( -iny otlivi- Inal nd (-,r I m gave you? Were yw never oy? eeling -do., I'l dip, Augastu' liew - -)r . I '1161lard Baxter SUNDAY SCHOOLS with water, and pour out und serve 14pirator. and that the p;)isoll wat beliel- In tho innocence of the down "n prevekit these pergo Were you never a girl? Betwe would long "�oddrldge was? MantifaFturiA from the flesh of th*f-trcA(1en Ileb-rews, but the Is from coni- Ottawn. relations, V61ate the len th M00011ft- winv. it Im thus thst j�sus clkoogft po6nnous ynittirig mliivi�lf' h.V drinki,ig titellifiel%,ps 'times and this, how many mercies the our fig! 9 to mufer blemiage upoll M@tl. ­j1p tmsilisk. or frora Spiders. frugs-'tand .-tale spread to Gerniany neverthele-9K to (I Mfitldfty' Jan, Oth, - jury stnd 11011, :,.Lord has bestowed upon yoy! How C %I humam anth- fizar(*14, ari,t wit fr6m T!vled,i ' all over WhPnever the -dead body T�if� may rum thelu-4elves Jurr. A'r;monr- many joys have breathed up to MVould brb, bene cl 0 lves ten thous- INTERNATIONAL LESSUN N10. ill. 124102 @()Mf' U) Inlovkde for the wanto -)f a Chriftian and lieco-nie Nirdens till ti 1p I I C. J. you anu O -S nd- years, and JAN. 16, 18M. of oViers, fw)th hodily find spiritu- fourul prince's and people immedi- ns pauperR. pris(plltrj4'(#rLJ111Jat 114- Hamlltiwl. from the flowers., and shone down ics" el to You from the stars, and chanted tf) d it—what they ally." "M. Ittely laid tha-murdcr at the door of in�t-thi- �'owport. or tiwir fainifles (311 - Monday. January DO, jury anti non - You .,%vith the voi0e of soaring bird, have Fftith Traft e0tifirine4i in the 41im-iples. T11i I" Vl' 14, Tilt. Oh, what a 'ro supply tit#- lack of wine at VIP be Hebrows. A ship containing Jewii till-. Yvt ileitlwr t1w raillily Jury, Boyd.. c. and tumbling cascade. and booMing standai jLsKFIELQ�asure a man's hrimst'v& Fir,.t Miniclo,. John 2. 1 11 1140111cing t arges as false. h p t a In this house a not the chief rea"I (of tile 11,101 1.)v poiver to inter- of ftre charged -down thi in In- uaet a y lived thirty This was only palwl authority could not rotect and aft(r it another ship Wj&h'CIlri.4- L ' ..to ir -..I Monday, January oth, jury and non. Day' e liese ell * i.4sued 4 bull d": 'was golng fr6tu *C6!ogne to Boppard, th-lit has 0 stiffer fior the pill)lie that [A)bdon. sea. and thunders *that with ba t,,,Jlfe by.' feast TrA, p t 4 1 tit paWngers cailed. When the sec-' r'#,., Who think S1. n Timp.—February. A. 1). *-!7.—Place. mirael Pecondary, I rl. L r I '-.. 0 . . side! Joy! Joy! joy! It loun Is Years. They ,,, r. � h.4rher reason. und a wow the devotf-d pec.�.ple. The story spread und vesw-1 reached Bo1g)ard tile- dead' jury, Rocie, J. aTiy one who has 1er and ey a, m(.,e Uved a thous- Cana of (;alilee. There Was Thi- btirden (if Dr. N�-rr',q 'a right to- the —th h f urther roronlo. a thousand. I lerwmw —3 coup. His six dim-iples. sPirit4lal Flirnifleance. JoYments-of the.world,' It'is the C ri IMiere are thor%ed th:nk they are %Vedding guf- formfhl in the natura� exp&-tations (1,f to Spain wV: the Black Df?ath. -infl -body of a Cbristian woulau was found remaiks was tilt- y for the Monday, Jauuar It w&2 Fwr as tile Ort' -ad Iplague Made its %%-.,'Y to. there -., tho conclusion wd-i that the Ivxitf grantijjg� of, powers to Jar y 9 th, jury and non- tiaa. for God ban given him a 10 eighty years of They have not Commenwry.—I The third day— faith. even entere(I uPoi their lnfancy.e for Glery. Jesus mu'nitested fortli 'Ili& SwItzpriantL G),1)gn-! aiXI Strasburg -Jews had sla:n tier, Tlio Chilstlaws lininvire drunkards ih ti've homeRi f frKt, week, k 11 kxm bridge, J. of. everything in the proipise, "All' aro- From- the calling of Philip aild Nn- cura Ind'ay, January 16th, Jur and now Yours." But I have to tell you t one must become a babe iq Christ to then purstird the. first'ship find hurit-d t1w.rielt paying. their way, the poor t &-I tile 4CCusation of poisonin.- tile water Jnry, em*on(l week, Street, thatiael. (w six days from tho time 91017Y. V. Does it norew to tile qupply brought' ever increasing i ita Innocent p:vwngers into the Ithine.. I- reeeiving treatment gra' inan whd estimates his life n rth begin at all. tis. HOY-added Monday, January 03rd, jury aud non- by meri 0' i John the Baptist liad answered the rctillOr Of till" simple tuirratave that cutiong upon the lielpless -Hebrews. OXL another occastoh tho bbdy of a e worldly , kratl fica t loin I � a Now, I do not know what your ad- th-lit, thero w,,t, ic Cure for obertson, J. gnan. authorities from Jerusalem �see last . 4 ify 81 (if - Jury, third week, P this hinguap- Is *)mewhat gtraiwd— a i trio ii-kennes-R. although 1-100 had Monday, January Soth, Jury and non- bt a alculated that NV(XI IN pitched Mther too high f An obecurp .%gain Clement V1. fount] it necessary Christian wa-4 founil between Laud, Inost unwise Our life I fs; n t,) vailtages or disadvantages are; I do I(vwm). the persecution", and Bischofsheim (Badon). Without Ptit forth. Most cases, howev' ry, fourth week, Aferedlth, .1. tie tim day, it I)eing ti villagp, n liomply fpgtiv&l. a to protest agallist, been I gam6 of chesp. - It Is not a 114nre not know what your tact or talent is; it it; C FKAnting out the faicts that the per- -any Investigation or, lie u In lighted hall, to quick mutale. I it ;.; I elo not know %Vhat ivay he the fas- Witty Iva 1; tile Jewish men, 9111d. wolild give . wit), to secluglon., Tor(mto sprIng # Itt Ingo for trials, 181)p rot the froth of an ale -pitcher. It Is clnLtlon of your manners or the re- usual day ffor Jewish weddings for party. Olory was re,,PalVd to CilriptIg diecuted, too. Were dying from tile wonum 4nd,children of both towns nWdieni trp�ttuleflt being -for the most —Civil. tint the settlings of a wine-oup. it i�� Pul-sivenems of them: but I -know dils: ma Idens. AA'idovws wero marri 011 own discipl(m. (ilory was. tilrough this ed plague atilt -- tl at. it fjv,� spread iFitro* weTo attacked- by tile inob and the Part direeted to a- rest,kration.of Ute Nhxi-Jury. not a banqucq, with intoxicaktion. �Lnd there is for you, my hearer, a field t —Lit rd, radintx4 reco -liar. ro 0 Thur8day. rhtf,(vt. A ma"iage I t4l all time and totile Yatering. It is the first step on a cultIvate. a h.-irvest to reap..a tear to mot. willliower. FIrst,week Street, -T Monday, —IucludUW the whoie tintverw, reveating the charar 0 warriage f Feb' ladder that mounts into the skies. (ir WIpe away. a soul to save. if you wbich walm f t4,r and thf, minintry of liulgiantirl.- 8"=,d wmk, Boyd, C.. the first MuontlY eelehra.ted for -bruary 27th; thW week, AFTER FORTVNE TELLERS. Y, Ft ..Xtep on a road t"t . plunpes. have worldily mean9t, coianecmte them tvpvtmal days. Cook. 4 cred tnt* a horrible abyss., How old art to ChrlsL J., molalu , If You have eloquence. use 2. 3mus wa�i en lied This Y, 6t1l; tho' 9 NOT A HAPPY LOT. Nine of t lie Fakers Tradi fourth W." Tnward what destiny are you it on We side that Paul'and Wilber- WAs natural, espee ia ng.on Torolmt� week, Falconbridge, 'J., Mon- te " Ignorance. day, March 13th; ffft1l week. Itobert. nditig.. and how Gist are you getting force used theirs. If You have learn- mWiq -r wa Rave no Illy if Ilia relative. It wnK He- The Chinese Kali n to*ard It?' 14F7 lip J., Monday, March -,Oth; Rixti, Again. I remark that th,?,'re are niany Ing, -Put It aU Into the poor box of the tx)rdUW W Vust-Om that :1 gt ra tige elnecum. rf'%V d tho Imst- week,. Rose J., Monday, March 27th world's suffering, -put "Y t4o '.%I(rr -4 t [if ality mvca,.th 'Week, Armour, C. Jog Tuewav who estin-&ate 4heir life on earth b3 n.Ane nf these—neither- wealth, nor 11114)) visiting ther(- should I)p I)Lfficultitw of tbe civi, verwioe ex - U t I "Ir I and misfortunes e ( t. " N 0 their sorrows if you have jewish A Jklmirtment lit 1,(Aicf, -adquarters eightil week, Fergumon., J., Through it great -many of your'ltm ­41uence. nnr learning—you, at any 3. N�*Iieu tilpy wltII" arO luu.'Uptiou tentoW in -�pril 4th rate. have a 8-alle win which you can Ulf' r6quiremalitm met dopwra by I&W b,qyrt bilaoy wecuring evifientg. t. p Monday, Aprtl 10th; ninth week, Mom- the plowshare hath gone very d tv. libed 'ft tric.-Illrob,43cutioli, of U _teP. encourage the disheartened; a frown We wino failed. Thip sliowr t1W Of 11PPIlim4itts for popitions tin ttw =&I] ,Ulu- dith, C. I., Mondalv, April 17th ;,teeth turning up a terrible furrow. - Tou w-rs4nin 141114pected �r prifetleing, week, �Nflw-M;Ilion, J., MOUfty, April -have I;etn betra$NA,' and misrepresent- with whlr,,h you may blast injustice; liumbiv midition tvf tilew to wh serv`108 or Ustuld. �vitch-crikrt or- fortuite-tellh-gr 240. r o0e N- ed and re# A 1 1 Vt)ire with which you rnay cam tho marruige Jesus wous inviCAU4 --T) I Ln the 11M plaoe an &DI)ILMUt numwL 11- 1 C&AS savved OL IM- wanderer bacic to God. '40h.96 you TO Eflateril iiospitality 0 have etrengtil uad emraCc 71b wifth tho aid 'A Jury. pDrUnence. and pounded of misfortune uell miel f, tho roll, illadv, -th I o rminds. T. - `Ftrat, week, tlulm unwe fit, gem tllre�lp 11 very I NOW0 - Ilia t lie FOrguam, J., MondaT. lirl0test life mudt have aY, that to a' vPry sanctlmonlous h&1) R"Otild a(wni it disgraceful (-al flol low h unift.14 9r,6#1% sh"lann-a 4q&%A 616 its View Of life!" Tf -1. 1r# I queer m9thod of Lowin 53� wv-a ndkaw� 4b " UIL lit#) C111410(ly - 9 i5F.X:1V1&U WeeK, haerant, # IV 191110OLliest pain its 15 r Only am wJ1 .-Ir juninier. Perhaps thf, :,,. th, ouj;b 111190 L'I'lulAK-1L. 41-4 yflw- An6of* 0. -J., -MMIny, March 27th, thR thorhm. On the happiest brood the , bilgbt view of life, and It is the only rival of tAle guostp (..jus(", t, f uxmutalas az''webeys, (er. -7 Edwilt. J. O'Brien,- 401 JvrvW week, Falconbrildge, J., Tu I A ril hawk pounces.' No escape from trouble brlgqht view of death. Contrast the WaAt,--CA1n- Bib. W ebU and c-avee. orba ex&ct Ulne to A W. It. C(A).v, (;ran(] UWOF HoW ; Mrs. Wo I i ot some kind. While glorious John d"th Scene of a man who Iias meas- 4 ati-The noblest u%rlll giVell 13000uuPked In a trip In fixed by law &W Htteet ; 4th: fourth week, Robep Yon- Milton was losing Ilia eyesight. he ured life by the worldly r1ne id Impand for unatva. 407 "(10ther, or full-gron it nl.ni- Mv Virgiiiia Wrri-tt, IT" Writtfin wtreet; day, April lot4l; fifth wMk, Meredith, heard tbat Ralmaslus w with the de' standard to *wifi :16:y delay. He inust, rups&% Vieft trip -Air" JAike NicholN, 1-4 oulki 14twe A" Monday, April 17th. an glad of it ath neene of a man who While 'Sheridan's c-,niedy wa-�, behig- has measured life by the Christian &1108 I'm yt ca I I I ior at b*bt, and If he lin4as to the bed VIC31 standard. Quinn, the actor.40 his last Mrs. Mention, - .390 011tarl( street ; Mrs. effacted in Drury. Lane theater, Lon- mother." Weauso it Ww itiveswiry %nrit aud tbereby fAUs to &Ppear at i First week, Itobertson. J., Nlollda ROW.. at Olwo and (fir. t4w requtrw tune a% a oeg%&In place Gr.%y. 40 Gitu avOl don, his enemy ont growling at it In m0me1tts. said. "I- hope tbU tragic over, to 14114)w Mrs. Him -is '121 Bk, 1110' 'May- 15th, wxLoild Wc*,k, Street, the stage box., -'O.'hile Blphop Cooper Reene will soon be over, and I hope to 11 110, Was not JQ*up 4vker � i4treet, a lid Ivr that lienoefort, ho is Hury to lore Ili* rigtit. W a Pon- Mooday, May 2, -*1; third week. k'nl- keep mY dignity to the last." 3fal- MWY, bilt the ('lirlst. the MrN. HOwell, rpriter'of B4. Was surrounded ' y the favor of tear tile sm Of y wid Adr- n- embrttlge, J., Montlay, May 219t.b. Pd men. his wlfJe took his lexicon he-Vbes said In his last 8011. Of Q 1110 1h MA all. Ells is obliged to moments to 0d; that as regardo-d Ifio The ai-rti4t-4' ereatcd IL 1*-1l&lt101l manuscript. the 'result of a long life of the confessor. "Hold vi)ur tongue! g7vat Work atul His otoertial carry an enormous wGieft for amy about headquarter# -last flight. Fr1end8 OUtting Thera Down. anxiety ind tQll, and threw It Into the Your ndseraole style put's nie out *f 11k,411g. the idgnificallco of tlw beau- MILes and return witob It within rk flrp,. Misfortune' :trial. vexation tor conceit with heavew",kLord Cheateor- tiful relatiolialitp had Paysmt ai — A--& (A tho prtiop'ners 'were atizious to got AIL (Altor reeently ordtned it pair 0.1 almost everyone.# Pope, applauded of field. In his last moments. when he Mino hour has itot IM time. No allowanx*% is niode for tiv= bult, ra y. rim Inabilfty to defeik- him r It bal.l. Dolmity Magistrate, tr0`u-hx`rs f -his tailor. On trying -all 4he world, his a stoop In the ouglit to h- ypt c()nle-je,4111, Weves ajid highwnymen ave been praying for his Merta Mary's request, Iliq read K1Vgd(*d algned ball b(*i,ls for all thent oil they proved to be several shouller that annoys him so much that L bet only no USU&Ily mmd&w 15TH k. -N t U J thil, 1w1wietenw, With tho exception,- of Inches too long. It being latc oil sjLt,- he has a tunnel dug. so that he may g Icivill. bothered Nmxelf &bout the pro- far an it hais 1"Mothijw of alubition. unough K d1aftvt Ntris.' Gray 9 prIetles ()f the siek tb" with liGats. urday night.. tile ta-11or room and said, How ofteil, I" Ilia convermations, herp.- In tralul4g Uke ci&ndidute eaU ver� A a 0y. _and Mro. Itevim, who liad stiop was unobserved froin garden to grotto. and "Olve Dayboles a ch1fir." Godfrey 1PI". let*- tf) V e0l"telit 'wlth rotuhillilig Inthe clowd and tho editor took the trous- from grotto to garden. Cano. the fam- Xn-p- -NE0010=4 to tile ou"tLan itt I,, provincts ae%er truddeti hy'the feet of rlprgy, and put to (kath wi abIrlat his la-st hours tin earth ail �A%V%aw a V %MWWI W %pu4mr--lolsou dr(*w t %A6 111113, t1mul tO the spirit he tries every gtrablLuff exerellse. 7%ft thout any ""JIM :Ill night. ers to his wife and. asked'heF to cut ous -Spanim artist is disgusted with In drawing a di3grarn of his own ill Wt, '( the despised race. btit all was ill vain. trial whateve'r. The game 11torY . 'Wholl't4le ImAhro v6ited thc. it(nne tllel" Off 117"d Item them over. The- the cruclOx that th� priest holds before nionumen t. 101 it iv Pult. Mazy dmire" ft 0021mm lai re&I examAnatm Under UN in B Xle tlie very city which has'ex- ', might bo told over nnrl nretv n nin fnv of 3.106., IlLiV18 VC%l May nf*,,n Wood ladv whoso dinner -11-1 i%tawl blin; because it Is such a oor snec.1- IN 111rillhallf i da..0-61- 1, @% a a X%~9 a I 5441vis ure. And so, sometimes 0 -pare tnt- alld 111 a VWIV, fl$ 11 litluile bWn u( 1 01 government o, 1wilabs. idir k -C 0 with ho ti 0.vvere'two pretty dauWls Ilavilig, 119alrreed whii tier, brusquely refust.-d Parture of such rnen with the Perapb1c IIL% bomit4g. iftwp lwiletrst," this If takfal Into a long rom w1mv, t,-nded its lirAottality t4) the '�imiists every (1111trict and t , ad men of xculpt- horrible do - for their conventions MKI through taste, and Sometimes through ti(m," thimgIrt, ati(l tdrat" a tx) am - 1 -10t yWLr and little variation am to b.-) numotonous. fortullem 1*kl by -ntennn of -play- Tlw�same MUM folk)wed Ait appli- learned menace, an(i Eometimes through 9!0w on the fRcc of Edward Payson. W - UR4- OMPMded from a high beAiin witti tilis, the entire community .)f tic -brews PoW Innocent IV. found It neekseary I. Ing* eards. citti011 tO t1u," irlfe'is siRter and tits PhYalcal diptresses--aye, In ten tho as he said In h1s last moment: "The tLrY for 'Mary's dftireis, whioli a I�Ueftg ropub are iery bravy mwk* 61 I.Mly 0 U9 slKmid no lu(vre littomlipt t I"'* Wed witAi ror-JW. was driven into a building especially to deepatch a bull from Lyon." July ThO- P08040r, W. It. Cokb,�,, l(klwt (In Ater. But baft us, breezes of heaven fan me. I float In o crodp. )'M bLdtllW 3nd ways -troubles come to harass and Tbe camxftdate muem give a aw-in ronstructeit for the purpose, and there 5th, 1247, stating: W;m-Wn of the reftntilf from tile Unitf3d lqli�tem. -Ile the Wife, relenting. -took the pants, annoy. a sea of glory." Or. xvith Paul the 5. Motlwv "tth to thP WIrralitm- burned to deathrJan. 9*. 1310. At ckwgy, and princx*, nobles aim] great mt-#" lilwmPlf 010 'IndeWf t - 1. , and, cuttilig six inches from thcrif,-giii. Apostle, whn Fald In hLn last hour, ,, Tile faltdi 41f M kW motlim to all U%ew sacks &ad then %V01fing aTul Tt*t 3kdiam. klen C4 'Ite And yet It Is unfair to- meae:uke a ary wall 110t 4ie`PrP'm- rwi to and fro betwwm tanii, cA rf, Strasburg two thousand 01 the un -for- kwds of your diocese (in Franco - and henimed them up, vicely, tind returngd maA's life by his nilsfortunw, be- am now ready to bo- offered up. and Od by Mie discofrery- thnt there were fUllv guardft agalln* a bkow by one tunates were dragged to the cemetery Germany) have falsely devised certain The. 1J1110 lwli�merm will aloix�ar them to the clowt. cause where Vhere is one stalk of I ,,.% O� 4, the It - me of my departure Is at hand. del)tt" Of ellaraerter in tier PAMwhich of Ule he&Ty WotgMilL vourt th.11H Inowrd '� fought the good light I have Ni's mmki nut fa.UM1.,gpfqiPr. The and burned &t %he mtake. Such wan Xod"4 plarm agalmit tho Jew., tM- Half ail hour later her daughter, nightshadt- thore are 50 marigolds f,1 he tile ancient suft&sr*.- -ritalled by 1xitor- IMly dkWlving tlwm by for taken with CMPullctlon fpr tier un- and harebells,- where there k )t I , faith. Honceforth there Is or is it esub were le&r MA jr .. Do 'a O"le laid ul) 1'01' 'Ile a crown of righteous. w 4 ( J c to r 'Plop untl and tack va&nufactiirtn-* Vf ance and prejudice. te) be parallelo, I their property, and alvpropria7ting 'Olt, *you think A wlhman is c% er Jus. filial conduct, took the troUNPrs. clit- cloud th u nder- charged, there are hun- Rhe undergtood that she was proper- the Dominion ItAve t6saired t(I 0(* t. & t. I A I I tiric-A In n&L-1 U" rift A&V I I I dreds. Chat u+rm neq­ #h U negn %vhich thn T- -A 41. W 13 KJLJ ta�- y Pose P-90, I&M-7nmAves; Viey IalyelY charge them nr- - wan r.0 ItuRs lier T' ft V,-". mummed and ro- JI d� %; "OLV%Z118. 0 C r4ghteous 6 V'9, JT the glory or' land and sky. asleep -fil 91vo mr." ly exclud(%d from all oMtrol over her tinue the priomt, p,ft"An the fmd@. - ..ft- t "Aly (Jear-chil(l, yoll W111 fill4l rjUt Wjm %m in Judge. or. compara it tile Jewish rkralciaiv witi, (livi(Illig 111) among thpmselyes laced Vic - Finally, tile firgter-liv- fics have lakJ down their li" tit aftf-r a wntnatl is I -bed that you 01, (fay th Nieir bosom. Becaupe death came and A%1th the Christian deat)i Sm -14 mbraculcOus f1luct-IMS, Whateo. The Calvin CawLnnnx1&1.jw= a mqr- � .3 W. Ill on the Pamovor tho heart of rua r r M, F,'1W felt 00 N1,1198 of conscience. and It­p1l1I0tXUL41y observe HIP Vii-nnit it, thp cause of science. * slie has to." she, too. performed ail additional took your child away, did you Immedi- %Vitne#fied in Your own household. Oh. dered boy. Christians believe that d. ,lent Operation On the garment. su r- ately forget all the. fi,.,e years, or the my friends, this world lX a fa.Ise Irod! Orders, witholit atking quwtlaw. Island. 0.0 8F.COND ACCUSATIO.N the law of the Jews inescribed this to Wlw-n Mr. Calvill. .4. Br1w,' fjlf Now 9 ten )earR, or the f1fteen years. in which It Will consume You with a blaze In 6. t3l-x watPrIKA" 4of RUNw-Conmkier- noUier caw of JWS Tbe" w as Tcwk., died, it wam said he .11ad le(t -a Whein tbe (mlitor aT4wared at brvak- - me every nigh for a kiss, all tne which it "TePts your sacrfflce. wMle ()f t1r, .1 - still another I-lq.k them, whiLw in tlipl- Iftw the very re- fast oil Sunday tile famlly tl"jg she ra' ing th,�, many, waRl'i"98 and purifykip d1soowered at %'in&W- c.barge mimle agalast the Hebri 4- verw I* ordair-, fortune of $110.0otow. lit tones of your heart pealing forth at the rixhtEous hhall be held In ever- s, tllen4 is nothing U) Our- a rknom The horrV Ala ffj-t, In their A Wttl(Ml & 111ghlalul (!1ll(%ftnl1l had arrived. the sound of bpr vWce or priw u Andmw 1"W, Of lAndeft wMlaeval da. every niurder, fOr letterd (A fidmWKtratioll, :11,0(j in the sof C lastintr, rumembratice: and when the 4 In Q? number or Ili tlio- adk A reclaws cimtIon that Christian chlkiv, to Occur, to Jpwm, the SurrogaU,.'m- offke t)eclaret4 he totich of her huad? Because in sonic thrones have faIlen, and the monu- of thP WaUrPOU.---gehaff They weVe I n t4w slain at, Pammwer and their 19t RD r(411 f0tat4ll. nlut that hin ppr- 8011IN' 100PIC Welt Plevivare abroad - finanelal Eurocly4an your fortune went nients have crumbled "d the world WaU-r-JarN6 not wine.%,emw+q. w-1 that wairks, atp"Up"d W WMAI TWOWrtv Im valt" nt $6()().OW. rp an IRLq 1�4-d fill(] it waltinir for t1honn oil their Into the breakers. did you forget all has perlsbed, they shall b none eonld my that r9volvitic new Wt are i -I tho makinig of the nnW tilril homo. quet with %-Pry probably was echoM &nd re-echoo D IE ORIGINAT011. those years in whtth the luiturles aliki Lhe.conquerors of earth and the hler- there WaA it -reOdue or sediment (4 ribly ifteemoK tjm bom It hi Pak] Mr-'B1r1('f' Ilved .1vt tho rate of 1101v did Eit-onor aniloutiev I extravagan�ces of life showered upon arcbm of heaven. mftlillug in t1"l, wiliell knit a and ft' am bad too be k) Only IsA yoar dkl %A ow wine re- & apo the pam*n �200,000 a y(!". gement to . tile farully Your pathway? Ala@, that in an un- 71110 IS a good day in which to begin flavor to water a It and eD NoNwit. Likiemnl. aw F%Maw re"T. In G uuu* A t1on, perhaps wax the orki- -Tudgo Doran, et tho' NiplaosIng Dis- Slit wise man, an untrratefull man, fin un- a now style of MM re e H L"4111"d 111WtZ9 in his ellare (1144� at *;or- tziet,, dW1 ht N4otth Bay. wiggINI the finger that had nit fair man, an unphilo &ad, art thoou? su in nt. of wine 0. rTftrini(l. Coneemure, 11111 YOU Bep the Christi Ow old formed "V. th tpd IrMUT&Y &t Do 111111111eW 0 . -- - the diamond rinc."- hicar an way TrwwL Two or to Record. inout (if all. i Ili 11 -for NEW- I---- 14