HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1899-01-13, Page 2F "
�arr, dra w up at Speakers Who FAjouse England or He Left no Room to Doubt BUS K&tr*d now ;Z%& HAMILTON PROVES --a Aa4l U MIL17- the door, containing John Rudd and Britain " Take Notice.
of War. or Ittke wanted to be my couadn Annie. Startled, and fear -
under Uw direction of one of their own Ing some bad news, I stepped out Rev. David acrae scot@ credit and Tile following letter is taken from
number. one Michael L<jbe, a red-haired to greet them, and learned that they has at the santo time to bear an That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cura the flies of the Philanthropist. a news- C) giant. who had this one advantage had driNen over from Barmouth, a amount of blame for being the orgau- paper published and edited by Charles
over his comradeo-that lie could read town some twenty miles distant, lzer of a system of patriotic laterrup- Bright's Disease and write. where they had arried in tile car- tions which have it disconcerting Osborn. a Quaker minister, in Mount
Tne very next day, the f iret after my rier's wagon on the Previous night effect On a certain class of speakers. IIIvatjant, 0. The Philanthropist waA
illftllatlon. T found out the sort of I -amlisted Annie down, and saw It I,% aimed at those who persift ig established to oppose human slavery.
For Another9s rime, OP"tion with which I had to reckon. that she was very pale and trem- using the word "England" instead of Though All Other Means F&U-Mr. C. B.
i st,oW by the open mine, giving bled. Then' "Britain," and,it bids fair to be effec. Alkens' Case Shows the Truth of the war and intemperance, and it was
while John Rudd dmve Claims that Dodd's Kidney Pills 90MV, directions, tbat same L000 ran away to the beer -house, where be le offensive habit published during the years 1817 and
up aCaimt me, with a pick -axe on his was to put u the horse, I le(I my -so far at all events as public Fipeak- are the Only Cure for rson's letter was ad- tLway to -morrow, Will shoulder, and almost captjized me. A cousin Into 1p thlaDise"e. 1818. Mr. Jeffe
fts'�er "Od bell, try to make thie cottage. ers are concerned. The mode of pro-
hO aked pregfttly. �mendq! hcfl�rse laugh greeted this performance. Directly we were Mono, sll'� bwi4 cedure Is simple. When the speaker Hamilton, Jan. 9. -One of tile moot dressed to tile. Massachusetts Peace tart &fter break- U11APTIER xxvill. '00 look where you'm gaun. I n ti tea re. makes file first slip lie is* put right popular 9f Hamilton's hotel clerk is Society, and result,ed in Ills lection so, there must be some I
Moaster ?" cried the fellow, grinning 44 politely by cries of "Britaitv' and It r. C. E Atkienis, -of the CA)mmercial
saraC,�Iy, to the huge &light of the "Speak, Annie! don't keep mo In lie Is a shrewd Individual he thanks Hotel.
The Champion of Gwendo% y Something has happened," lerled. i to honorary membership ill that or- trouble with its food. Well
,*a r Soon after , daybreak the next thrng-men. women and children. Mr. A;ens' dut"' are onerous and ganization A-harseback,, Was- ul suspense! Is anything wrong at tile audience for the correction, and babies, are plump; only the ried d8 with hhe discourse, taking ijave not Ornlug I took tile roati. ,tll I car -1 looked him steadily In the face, as home procee hea%'y thtoughout the year. and a inan Nov. 26, 1817.
L flm go 11W was my NtAff Rud a small knap,- One looks In thc eye of a furious bull. My fear waa titat some evil had particular care riot to repeat Ills mis. wjlO wa$ not ixowseed of more tlian been mistaken in GUPPOGIng 111Y views sick are thin. Are you sure. I
to tratup it rISILt *4'ck On 111Y bek; 1UY Other worlo %Vhalt I Omw there did not daunt me. befallen my poor uncle, but I was take. Some speakers, - however, are ordUiary ifiuvwdnem and caimbilItY and feelings in favor of the abolition the food is all right? Chil- y
I shall tak it PL*Nessious had gone 011. days' ly Thi- fellow was a bully. and I had dealt Immediately reassured. could ii Powibly fill his position. * or war. Or my disposition to Inallitain before perverse. or blow to take a hint. They '17his Ing the eae,, it will be read- peace until its con(lition shall be made
'10w - divide ti -el journey by cariar. My aunt and Annie %vatch- with bulliee hoore. It I WaB to retain "All's well at home, try to brave out the stormwhich the -,.1f*,'and 81e4ep ol.,c , any. authority in thf, place, I must Hugh. dear . Xf dren can't help but grow;
izight on vier have create , In s6me cases throu I ilY Understood that Mr. Aikenn was lesm tolerable than that of war itself
a L"I nle from tile door; my uncle walL It's not that which brought 'moo d very heavily handicapped when, mnue the world hah lind proofs, nd inore,
ed with ale through the %'Illage and a bring him to his &-nam. j came to tell you that the mar' re0l, Ili Others through affected, Ignor- I they must grow if their food in' Iong walk, eas- 811(�Irt dibitatice Up We WgIlway. He "A'hava your julme?,, I said, (jul- ance of Its cause three eVs ago, lie was attackcd by perhaps, than it has approveii. I hope
t here be snaw out was in ills working clothes, ready for etly. riage day Is f I xed. They a re to Then the patriotic 's:, Disease -a idisease nourishes thcm. Verhaps it �.'-ih 'oe were hio day's work in.th. mine. **My name?" he repeated, leerin be wedded In St. Gurlottis next Wed- Interrupters know that It Is necessary _ which it is practicable. by improving the going 9 nesday morning." to make the lesson they would teaoji many pb*oIclajis claim is incurable. minda and morals of tiociety. to leawn ade in the
41.11 lift. aind Nvel- Scarcely .1 ivura wasspoken betweeu round at the, others. "Mike Looe. If Mr. Alkenn found a cure. however. the disposition to war. but of Its abG11- mistake was m
th- 119 till I reached OU niaun kjmw. As good a name its (To be, Continued.) more PI -11n, Which they do by Increas. the POILit whnce y Ing the loudness of their cries. If the And no important does lie rightly deem tion I despair.'Still. oil tile allow that past and as a result the di -
are acc,id. I meant tO strike off acrom tho Open yourn, I'll wager." il,cloub'the rule Is to Ills dl*oVer. that lie has given the a degree of evil is preferable to luockr. Another laugh greeU,.-d tILq toll011 of ontinue -tile Interruption's until lie foll4owtnl4 utateinent rcgarditig it for a greater, no means should Ile, neglect- estion is weakened. If that
bAllging Yeterday Here I pa USX,.d, and rtmitive humor.
na... If anj i1a Tay out P 6 OUT OF DEATH'S SHHOW, c' aby I
Pe lily' 11111d; fit! grip. My 11ame L9 Hugh Treiawney; and, Rtps Ills lecture and apoloirizes; under Publication. In tile hope thatvthertif- ed waich way ad(l weight to the is so, don't give the b
Omber, d it it' bOtI1 of Ills, ad looked Int I
liawrupulotif- omoi my face. as I am master here. I'll trouble you no circumstances milut an -offender be ferers f lit Bright's pisea4,16 will 1w better Fc&lc. Tile enrolinta,"Ilt you pro -
P lie waA never Ono of the to mmember all Vred, to escape , -without ]earning 'reoeued.rp I posi�,. therefore, of my- name in the a lot of medicine; just ust �'emit Crying sort, , It. It you don't. my m le esson thoroughjy. 0(,-casiona I ly a "I could get 110 mlief, no, niatt&-r- records of your society cannot be un -
'w, ll& -id how but I Saw JIM, that I'll find a way to imprem it on, yo' The Experience of a Lady Who tl'o 1 - your cvery-day common I
wOrking in fine as I hin eyes were dim. ar ready speaker, seeking to turn the what I Wd. nor -which -of our doctors acceptable to tne. It will Ite a truv
trying It t; I Hugh, my lad., I knaw You,m laugh -againilt, Ills tormenters, - will tm. aied me, I ]lad suffered. with testimony of my priDelpies and persua- sense and hcl_p nature a to find 'I .. YOU ZXwt goijIg far way, but h.11 "YOU will, will '(So?" sald the g4ant. Had given Up Hopei I I BrWit'o Disease. for two years, afid sion that the state of peace in that I
I V11'. now, t111 me .18 it may minat '.'A ral so you be meaAter ? Matc%," lie Bay: "Oh! of coursi,-. we all know 1 little, and the way to do of In'tia 8.-� afore ive be a langwhile added6 looking round. "d'yo hear 'till? Aliat It WaA Scotland that annexed had trie many remedi(w and wasted which most improves the manners
01 mee t aga in. ver Take'off your hate to 'un! This f"10 Tortured with Painslinithe Stomach for England." But to this it'le,now ens- many lars Ili iny endeavors to -n.- and moral@, the prosperity andhap- add
- to Vi4eliftl 111vell 'ee like my awn 8ml. A I ha' it is to half a tempoon- hppelisto me, youtil It --litight' -,gvntrY PUP be mea4er V,the mine. tomary''to reply with tile -fornitila-ir gain my ealth. When I was ndviw,ol pinews of mankind. and. aitliougli I 2 _1W
I I ful 0
iltht-ry - awid woman still?-, be a 'son to tile Take,off your hate to 'un. I mny!,, Pour Years -Doctors and Hospital -Then e4ll-it Scotland," which always to try DtWo K I dn,ey I I I ki I hd lit) ct- dare not promise myself that it can And suiting tifie action to the word. gives rise to a fresh outburst of pat. pectatloq of recei%-ing any benefit froin be perpetually maintained. yet if by from tile fo r Ay. that I will!,, bt-) bowed mockingly -before nif:. 'My Treatment Failed to Help Her In riotic. mirth, and leaves the� leirturer� tbem. the inculcations of reasoii and relig I ike "And nnie, Poor lass to -youll be it'. blood was. now up, and I faced him Her Extremity Dr. Williams Pink Ili a penitent 'frame of inind. if -some "I tried the'll. -Ind x)n ion the perv'ersitim of our nattirewfl.1111 t-bwe blindeI votn brother to poor - Annie ? I rt'sOlUtelY. "Go back, to your work," Pills Restored Her to Health effleactous device could be I had reanxi to bie thankful that I di& be kept so far corrected as somr-times sco S WhE41 it W revarlid " B�p sure of, th"t," I answeretl;- I said. ",NO -Mote words. Do s I bid for -den lit Upon Wore erz I dpn't But kfeP tip a gooti heart. WP -jilit I You." ling with Jodrnalists who are Before 1,11ad t4tkon it dozen ck-w*m I,' to prevent the necessity. either sup- 4k 1 e ' Obserier.) given to erring lit the same way the felt a etWilge for tho bettA-r. and tile Iliumed or real, of an appeal to tile,
:;Bill- all bc, together w)on:-- His , f rom 'mock "ry to Wheriever num Im to be-founil there Anisusc of the word -Enitland" would V until
to unders" ma1wr chan -e blinder scourges of war. murder and e t*ent (xintillutA Hteaglif
.in's, Hi gazed at me'oorrOjvfully, with Pa vT 'fall Into desuetude.-.Scottigil flow I n* no strong and healthy as dewastation, tile benevolent endavors, EMULSION
ulirsaEoning clvefi in which a determination, alsoo, alde by side wtt4i him,, Is dismse lqooii' M him to k, I make me T' lie sa Id. b randi8h. %merican. ever. SIXI boxes -of Ikxld's K idney I .ug*you there Mail no earthly Of tile friends of peace will not be hope. anti &uffertig. Thnne who have de- ills tine " the C,411t6 Ing his pick -axe. oj t 'Vew life for did Ull" �Orrueqq entirely without remneration. I pray
oro ht-- knew wh,at I was about, I voted their 11% o the alleviation a . uarter. Miller's 0xin- Dodo's Kit ney. ift the Only Ullfail- Maybe lad. 'MAYW; but lq*)k' cc, q no 1) you to accept the assurance of my to tht baby's food three or
-k-NTI-SEU to I I bo n �wld W-ul now, ndwrence weapon from Ilia hand, tile euffertig anti bodily woaknew 1k)u-nd Imi Pilla ing cure ifor Brighta )ld respect and consideration. four times a day. T1w
But tile fact or, ,j dfxle wi' life. There W buintil"It here'l and flung Itn Me groulf(l. I -of W lie clenched huintut organization' are. surely betie-_ Iky all dr"WiNt.1; lit fifty cients a I�ox: ThomaA Jefferson. Old ,Ind the accuj3eri' ray Iwaxt, gnawing his fist, and mado a rush t, me. ORIPIN OIP ORES-rB. will ve first
-like. and Ind, a'nd merve tile -six I)Oxeg $0AA): or sent. (ai mcelpt jif .9 ry
qrael 11aveeel like that.chap V the'biblo' as Ow Some Bic Bibles. YOU
dan to of L waited for himand lantW hini a bi I factorgf theIr k aimlow%re i - For spociall Infidrn2ation That May be cf Interest to '91
that they are , ate up by wornia Ikit I Inull which Made him stqWor back, dazed. pralw- of -all iLauLkind. lirice. by�tlw IkAff's1fedi ve it. It seems to f
Ctt8tOu10tI to 't7pertialpplt'and bear, wait and -bear.; only Tile men flocked around us. nitirniurin1g lion -ors, lit this fin(-- may b- Their tiser's. ited., Torqllto. Jolin Bell, of M&ucheuter. according lonely wit1.1out o pointed 1� - - correct the digestion and it. H"I'lkl1 me again, lad,'to look artr atid threatening. out, the tfWoverer' 6I -iliat -wonder. When William L, alter the-battle'of AthIfteg Make Poor Soldiers. to the Ilome Magazine, haw the honor j I get-, the baby started right I
the charges against tWaivill wom But, Mlchael-'L4-jo6 had conlidenoo in itil ,reme,ty, Dr. NVIliams' Pink Pills of owning the biggest Bible rit the all and our little lass. bega to.parcel out the C'011- Ali (Ald fact developed by t I,,. ca M. world. hadgu Lif sufferane -) jiopromiism with all my heart. He -big Own prowess. H6 weighe(I fifteen ior Pale People; Rei�!c.ztly tile came of llu,,% - d land among his -Normtkii fo,flow- Tile own(Fr has imseir add. a in. If the baby is nurs- tory, Perhap Ckler* * 11 gripped my 11--jid and smmed i8tione, and had tho fLRta of Anak; ,() %Irm. Maggle Brunettj�, of Chichester, rc P111,911 of the Seventy-first is this, at ed pictures and phot,ographs to itat a EgYPtL'ns hateqi thgjabOuttor rs, one of the sturdy Saxon ehier''
.,�, v nlore,but with .1 moan lie that I. thOWh a tall. strong mail caine pionitiently tftitlew the no-- , 8. 110t, least it seems to be established, that different times; it consists of no in but 44C:..wt thrive, then vert"Inly eblessed me looked no matell for wich at giant. H" ti'.0 4 the oWerver re - Ww'P881,119 the requisie numbt-r of given equal Itardshipq, men in fInc less than 90 volumes, which a and di-cwtroyed t and turneil 4ireatly porter. 1:110i fe.,t horms. fnOunted Ills mell oil bulls, a-nd. atblett- trUl"Ing omffer more hould take the 'non, nd very moved anti troubled, 1. left hini. nd uttered a -fietm 4)atll. aud bade the it tO bf) W (14ty, oit heaxuik of Mrff, with this Immovised,eaval than lustrated by rather iuo�e than 10.- P. , walked away crow the open moor. Men Otand back. Brtiuette'a ritwtoration front loroRtrate uit ry, fitic(XISs- 1114'el Ill oordillary condition. statis. tel was persww 01 eld and when William ti jq allow. 000 illustrations. The big emulsion. It will have a the 0 IN- crlj�fing illnein,to licalth' to Interview the IN r('glment" that the in regard too dimensions gand lilea- I
T10 ay was- bright still; one "Fair Play. la(W9 ill th -tot Bible, '
�en, ?� again. the tle%v c1lap t d -aired to fire klm."-he and f�evtij ol Iliji runnerw, I good effect bo th
of 11 of thOw ' c-'Jm daya early ill the 00 me... lady anA rixvrd for the sons appe the Jumpers, tho crack bk- surement. is over 20U years old, tid th upon e
L%carw 110ine fro' ear; when the chill of � winter: - 6; Don't 'ce ere. he means f �ghtin'-?` - bmiefit of -othoors who In" "' lif", I tile -Ard on similar mount@. it is cycle-ridem, nd the reco,rd *men gen. belongs to a lady Ma n Twentv-
41* still about the ,lark- bone.s of tl.,.. With that the men made a ring; h( -a ling - itif luene4w of 1)1: WillLjmW -that the family. ill commtHora- Orally Were r,m(fter fever victims residing in 14L that"' I cri4.%l. ea:rth, bu t while their champlon stripppd, off U Pbik Pills. Mtw. Birunetto's farm home "On of this dood. afterward adcn)ted thali theIr'comradeg. and gave out chester. W is two feet in length five years proves this fai�. when there are iluick-' D00neir I bo,ut, twenty Inches in breadth.
thpU. aud' onscions ening motions ill wals"tcoat, and bcran qqiietly� turning was fortuid W be very comfortable buil's hedid aa a eirst. lal the emprgenile.4 or the Imt.. ant
1,Wh&tne4I sildidenly tile air ill), is filieeves. showill -located near the the time of Honiy VIII. a panther tle-fteld. There was Sergeant eek t tile ,off ico of the Home %fagarine i meriV aftionitiolIg 4 g tui rm with ind even elegant, . w. and Sx.00, &'I dru"ists.
Mirrection. The _)f -!Pu�cles likeiron bands. For a in be ol am Inunenoe, hill, an,out-gunrid IN -longing to FAr John Giflaix'L of (,ill,_ a lang-disttut-ei runner, and "Rub"',- there is a Bible in -nine Volumes. wha t. IL (low sparklod upm 114dirank bqck. not that I fil�-a oment of tile, Lnui,�antfa Smith, a'.1oleycle-rider, a4d iel)61d, a-' wr . Itten entirely by hand. SCOTT & SOWNE. Chemists. New York. red t lie n ounuUiw. Tlifi re- lingt0n,, made Ito e8capo and neiied a It it; a Impuro 11. fian, but I*vamj*-j I ned porter waa warmly welcommi nd 1youlan-and'her child. Sir J winner 01 runninor races, nni ott, a genuine curiosity, and there is not ,eavo up tho heath, 'strung its %illver �gft L60--m—
anti thn,.It6- upon tile liart, -lies of. felt ashar ohn and his (Wttmat]; brant akf. part ill such a brawl. Mrs. sald -mile - was son 'at once eta sprtnt,-,,r an(l hurdler, anil Privnte, another Bible like it in the world. laWgua: gum, and briocini. k lark cont Ing 'ilp rted In purbultj and. Mpekq, another 111-yele-rHer. and graces kitchen. frora ho gwoull(I Ijlfl ijiligillg heav en- Tlb men Rdw my lif`sU%tion.-and ut� 'YDry glao . to have an 010- with the brute,'tho former Wti,nne a runner, airl so dity,
0% Wred a derlsie.c ploirtunity -to -teA!fy A6 tile great Vhot it wit -on throucrh
-a I moo i " elook ivard. as if ry- b an,lirraw, saving the a lonir list. To CURE A WLD IN ONE DAV, beiterit, Dr. Williants' Pink Pills tuid wotilan's life OP -
it were spring irldeeti. "L400k A t ArmoNt wgilollt exe"'
ter9a tion. these fine athletes fp" into ill-. Take Laxahre 11romo Quipine Tatoleia. All i land, I 10 years of age. has spentver
n! Ile bf,% afieer'd! lilt, 'un therieuTKni nipantl 'ug-
ni"it her. LAN) '44 42- years h-nd b(Acame an appropriate creft. owing a t -bin I1ru&rKiiqtj4.retuti4t the money if It fail -4 to 90me t-hat,.t)ugllt Fol I Mrs. Ann Smith. bf WorcAvter, P.
mode'rn S& YG-ang 8001 Out upon tile wild lnon�r- Turn- new or utter collapse j+h the first LIM,
virhatev4ff At thliq Juncture, n old 11' e Of (if algo now. HrT. huiobitud. the Into, It Is said that Mary hard atrain put upon thetn. They 4til. Oil, In M )UCWFV Of fk-()t*i, 100 years of her life in travelling
'LW, at lugt- I Saw Sit. Gurlott:s I their number. bu Vhas. Rr.W'v.%tW,. dW * 14" years: ago, from fair to fair in a Tan. She line
"I t h lie wzmg rvVillening in t1lt, t superior lit Planner eniory -of the Insolience, of her in: made wlve fever c1ses and dysen- -PUDIShIng Opium Users in China. law. w I .iron, Ile It, ave%y b.Y.T,,, ,,,sun rays,i I tq the rest, It-bispe.ml. ill my � ear, alld after hie (Math oho worked ver ferfora. adOPted - the flevice of -. n I ion 16ry caam th4tu tile otbp liao sixteen children, and one of her
r. re, anti It � The CIltnft*3 Government dioca all in qlauglitermi, now �80 years of aRr, hati
Mered the spark- You'd best - boilt;. -,.%1c,aqte He'll' Autrd fox i;oniei ears, with 'the rcwttlt entangled lit a --net, with -hares run- "PPOarcd to aulveg 11111 doctorn its Ito power to chieck the opium habit
Inent Ofike A -knife. ling expanse of the sea. 11, 40!)1Vt41P ell,allgep tile Vwellitid Witili,,L X=aah leo like'an egg, as llc� Wd chap *that jdy� beenzio, 60111plotely'.r4n. doiirn, ning. ovi-r lilm. till) m(ytto reading. bPY011d Quef4lion that 'tile ,I I so had sixteen. Mrs. Smith euts
'Ile. -mid. lovc� for tile .1 afore 140 much iio, thiat, ltlikm thoroughr tile punUill2leiltis ODmmon In the Chin. rour mealfg a day.L
but wilile the dpar. (-I (11 pla, gh quito. tall, vnharen trample oil tile cii-niqufhred byRI-al tra. inin4 whiell them, luell - esc, it drink@ spariligly of
I might -have been. riny for th%, habit being ex. ants, smokes a cluy pipe stisad-
on, I, y I'llild wX4 Pilgrim tO tll#% A' %IY dec6lve.'Off went dillirt only alr�UV 90 pounds. MI eOmPlo-W Just -twefore the wa-r. treme. kior the f1trat ffenL.e a ma n l"toxic.
I 11tipoi lies, inate.1ii) of my coat'.dowlt went, -my flat oil tile fter'tuking tli,6 slighte"t food. site _.Tf- 'royal arnw of Enigland hn%e al -
c4 the ne%v-4 that b 11"MI brought. a mall' .h Ill 1111tif-iIII-ttioll or Ahe aprinz atb-- may have Ills upper lip ctt; , for 113, and attends to all her household
y original dewimination be I IllerelY , journeying to thf- next ground. rind.'ejelichliji my fistA% I f aced relt muc.dikreiss that sho wao com.; -ways favorcd tile lioll, aad the w_1 lf*ti" 9n.n)61q.- wits a serloils illlp,lIN I herself. on coUn But in' this world - _ 'ThiSL rath lite. the 8"nd. he may be ecapitated.
e-" re 1'"Tne 'Lt I 0 or In t lie fu re- dista is mcasureti 1) of -ours, I thl. giant. lio do*n for 'hours, beijig so hors-, of 11 11 of- mf*nt of their powere for rejAisting For tile last sixty y
er turned the'tide f)UW,% Hanover Is al- ears on an aver.
of Wling in
Ann. UnAl, triklT;g cruss tli#-,- my favor;.at any rate,. it, sveak that sho, was' uitablo t" sU up. most -as well known.* Perr-,%,. in "Rank d1qf'a-w.- It Is worthy of not. niso, , age a half tm of opium has beW she thought rilie, must )lave and BnAgns.11 st- tilai jilf, fl -
atFW , be 9- nfitber iW drink nor tobiwo.-rjoave'. Mur. FOR SAL&
11f) -1 lei 'Y forty. 1111les UTT) IIvb Of 8 wfuiderer. was Priepared themselves for enjoyment,; -a tr_xqt attacked by cancor of thestom- u0ird Ili U4- badgvw of'Edward I. and thAt rnot;ct of t'bene nthipt-g Injiu," .4. to moor- not Y Mileage. anti never having el'Icited a feebte elleer. The men- At last Sent to, ChIna from India every I
sUrv, a
night., Nit I iltex ioneed enough to undergo tile,. real's.t.and-up" fight wits imminil�nt.. Innd - MO?rPtt'#; V:IMP ,'Storteq in L(w. The resiidenm of the late Sherifi Wartam.
an no% t4 )p I I I ach, so violent wero the Pain" that Rif-1in '
4-ar- pangs of exile-thougir tile If UU3 chl!d is r4_%-tk-."- t night, lias
.0, Wcaro I -actjuainu�d witIl the bea WP IiOff- tllos�- -of Edward' c"tt4,d * tongue, sa Ijow a &
..Pla( Weekly. i knowiiax"Aoiliford,"E" Hamiltall. withim
b dripuk)ejj. my i:�ihnwrlt t,#-) Im. on, t lie i ful virm-abulary of thi, A 11 -ti- c4linkitautly, ha,rasscid hji�r. She coll- M41LI'd Richard T..'a Tpx*o tail in,that, he tnrtnre . 3� one niinute's, diptanne of clod, c CALr* and tea
ip best phyfdcianx and gpent of Henry TV..- and protmbly Itenry. 1'.. drwe of Miller's Worm Powtkars, is w.hat'l wicutep ot ,irmoit-ity. House two sjohe*
an4l I klivw it Uv be extri,me, epi8odo, - IN Mil- j$,m
Ca in iW4411Z 11iY (hirling aajoi 'Alg pttriah. 'COMPOW 9L preft poem on I Might, Alilteil ti Tr011 In Ule blood jull.,r - '7% -i I -a gigh of fj' niore. than hundred dollarm fit trNit- a* XMI&I in that of Charleo. II.. , Pleamank blarmk,�R& Knol Man%&L�3 Pilate root. Grounda contain
I 11 t-41, f;.Ur..; but. alas! I and lleirle Comound Tron Y41IN-c illtalili that nearly three acres, m Iawr. gurden &nd orchard
pro 'Iva its one uninAructed, ment, and inedicine, -in dAldition to thf% - c rooked-Imck -boit r" a ight, arri-.-e !Ott' I tnrne4l 'lLnilirf#a�'ceit the tra�ek alft). after all, it I' WD adOWd element In tbP most a wi 0
gpilt. Aroi 8 to abOurd. Annoy- n the hat animal mq a d,,vIce. milable form. rfrom Falmonttj ver � ".r:Y in'ti e day. a iindo-6 idf- tile' Ing as the A devlc'c— CountV IAXM Can be won any time. I
Y e 4 affair wa.4 at, the time wiltelt sho t4ilent nine. weeks I After partin of I w in re. -d hji receiv(41 No reabonable mah oftr reftseG
spints.- in mmr stretched like'. , wit. flat' for lati at It now. liotpital at Penibroko.;- , Bui - 'itt I that f tile Brackenivurva--w-as How Walking. Sticks are Made. Addrvw, P. 0. Box N&
iWhich tw, 'nw heartily, ..and the most p;jrt. but here ll4l tl:prfo Mike Loopi came t n F41to was ill four years and despair- green tive urd-r which a ilon waA ip� 71le ludwstr from IARNI 11thro:U1. cirri.
V;;f);1l me n W like oliath. of.. making. walkilig %joullt Hamilton. Out.
I I Ult good I U, -'%- ill* tile rising tO m -k k but at the first onvountor I e(l k)f ever bolsix we IL Fl- Twwing. anL old 414AN Ila4 undergione ULIlfV change@ Ryal. Dolls. or t%t4,41ding N)ufllet UH -R m how she, docid(m]. to. give, I)rj "Thp black lion 0 - a w a,-.-. into griten hollowm, where the.swarof that Ile had -no Myftlt had under 00.0aken tret durtqg U14 past 50 yoam. tile rsticks w1th him uo tile door, nuil %v'-ls llayy`;� alld'sPoDgY linth�r foov. a little, and though fa Ills inferior In Pink, Vills trialil dind Make tbf% -Rnxom to fight and tile are bent Unto the rrqu*6-Ite_ sll.tpes 11v 111is genuin- A it IS WORTH 11,00 TO B1 I NAN.
!rfvm Vw garden tly the gate. accordingly, slip procured six. bo.,Xes, Noimahs to f lep.#,� FREE oLever "nick will he
sprit free to any boy or girl ;hc) wit! Book entitled "Private 1*#%lk wiob N'oung
R#4v R-0 Ah"A nanti., t'fnf_" to time IL ight.. po**jF-.W-d milst-le-11 and Pdnewm' nWIllf.11
Keep , lonely m0orsinall. eutt�llg turf �or duo to my hletilthy 11 %Ithough they bene,fitedL her -.ahno.%t t kept- at it proper temp rature over
-in -% to a ad con- sell twenty-five of our P TENT -iosilivutmre for semindu we".
.-" on the c4d man when gathot-rihg furze for fuel' with whom I Pxen-19P, from boyllwid upwnr,,' from the time she began, taking the. store. CmAM stiks can thus Ile LEVER COLLAR IkUTTONS loom. etc., ondura(wj b)- the grmtea phywbcj&n%.
tin COW.— I Owend�)vey %would m' Tivilment Cures Colds, etc, far aw-ty, bu exchajige Kreetlngs�- n(f In thf. open air. The reau"t IR Oa,Ty pre- she kept on taking tile pills until R e hrmt str-0-fit, an,'11 after they have so cents each. Send MT nainis Youn :nen i4ok or well should &e=ry thist
IoLaenough it Lu'Y- gtta n (I talking a r#,w minilt,ps bf� . . . d- In matteig of fistlana, I had taken sixteen boxes. and then f It ell inanipulaW thr-,v 4" put. on wW &ddrts,- mW - I ths Ork. t vrill save you hundreds of dollArp in
-r- - fore dit te science. �l I.)e we W1 sen W y Never Went Courtinge Olne� Rifle to coo sold Fatlwrb and niothers WwrAld ob
It gues W ron nnelo inay wandering on. But for the 'Vombined withpluck, is that she was ol, wh�il they I)pcome bottom w be paid (w w%es madictine.
.At. a mo9t verything. completely cured.- the friemd. Y'Llang pa r% the place was: solitary, haunteil &4ore many minutes had pamied. 01118 accomplishing In three mont1`14 Ail Irish tram conductor went Into Perfectly ri-riql. Differ.-nt.. kinto, tof tatn.thim book- to give their sons. Price $10j.
41ion't fajl to wnd rome at ouce." t >n bF by at 15-hael Io4� ha his car the oti Wood requl[W a -differfqit 11cit Ill or. WESTUM WMTT ACENCY It. IiARDWORTH. Solle Ageut.
MY sheep and'wild cattlp. d recel red am soldhd a wliat fonr yearim of medical t4atment ier day and called out, I'll do that. Waster Hugh." re- Ilawks nd. ravens vf;erp thrashing &@ m I ny -Ikud failed to do. Frotu that time. 'll'o ri . Wat cn the ro o" er to. 'render pliable. The wrA SIL-WalbanSLg - Tots" Burk's F&W, otit.
mimprorvii4. an &sire. He Ight! Sit cl r papular aitl-ka- eLro "001b "t"Al f411VM plied -rohn Rudd. "I ho downright for' On, the groipid. Ilia bftd stipported nearly three years ago. Mrs. Brunette on the rolght. an' mpk room for th the i;aPli'nW,4 of, trees. -of wilk-11 tilso- VASINGN,--New irnport&Uotil.
their liappy.'hvntInc� on 10 hadmatie me lit- ik1led' Of 6ne of bin comrades, and 1148 11 I fi%t-,it EngliA Shoep and Arnariepw 9T10%*ftI to see the fpl,l mun sa%i, broken ground. Troub been In good health.'- needing 0 Iriddy Phrat:0 sta.ndlng." A b 9. surly- TV -)V? f0m the handles of the sq.ks. reliatilt, good,- at riglit price*. PAR
tlo guperstitiodq, wld eye,, tju�se looking stuoldly up into my I V
-1 fa&. medetne. #You can see," 'said Mrs. lboki ng man. wlx> was oc, ce These a", luu,--li Moro expensive tillin Torontu.
After another liedrty hand -hake, tie binis. egpeci,,l-ly tile 0 cuT)yl-ng spa
%vallod away In the moonliglit. black crokinc I turned to the -inen. with. op juuch *unPtte, as the' reporter was depart. - enough 10r. twiq Said, sWIenly. "We sti-liq cut from !he ooliij wonowl, WlOwB and thcir kindred vagabonds 9(xxi liuinor an I ruld assume tinder ln4-,. "that I nip In peKfect 0 health%, I can't MUILOY!0loser." , "Can't yeez? den ack eye and a attend to all ifiy household work a retortexFtha conductor;, "Ob upon my arm. 0 'FOR SALE
A 3X ftrn.ing U-) go tn, whed I felt IL the hooded crows� with little favor. tJi,- ornments of a bi no rry, you It was Annie, As I went on. tile PrOSTect grew bleedifIg -frymbead. whereon lay- oppon- the dal*y nd poultry.. aud have a niver wlnt coni-fln', 06 aDeafness Cannot abe Oured wbo had crep't out af ter ilie, all(] now 4 jr -, eftV-9 fist lind dewe�dcd with the kyrice large number of cows iZ thilk.4 never me By local ttpplicationK as tim-y wilder. Tall blocks and tor. of ran- at.oilqe- I(J,OW &CM0900d f1trMing1jui(Isin Arense. I6@M
-WkO in a low % Ole -0, almo.st a -14sper. Ito of a gu-am ram. Qgemaw and cmurtom Counties, Njohialm
were sc�attered everyw1wre fall to say a good word fo� Dr. Wil reach the diwased portion of the ear. TlUe PPrfwt. On X C. Ry. Detr6jt, Na4fast
Hagh, t*ar Hugh. thL4 is the last fra mentiq of some sub '' ' " Wel 1. my lads." I cried, "you 'we I've llams' Pink Pil% w -hen I hare a' We k6Dw*(d**& Ilundlier 'of cases of Mprp
be mergeot n Is 61LIV nd lApoti 1,&L -e R A t pricies, r&a
'I VuPposed otinsiiniption t4at have bMu W $.'* per ame. heK lando wv clow to ag
fl-ght we shill together for a !oitg Paid my footing. If any of you think . 0110 way to cure dpaf ne.*6 ging tram
worl4-, . anT indeed, opportunity, for the:y' did wondectul ruid Ujiat Is b`. c0ndt�ftuti(xlal rpuw-dies. t rising iiew 1 -owns, -churchm mc�hooj#, 91,
irazilieO to speak to you be- that I knew well h4ven't riald enough. let film stand up, cumd by Xillerh COmpound Ir4n Pills. Dmfnm the giound whereon things for me," Mrs. Bruneite is' a -1 well - educa 41 at once been the bottom of ttw8e. Ik
foce, you go I wantft-I to be quite 11 a little more." IN c4k Usc v all inflamed con- a7n will be Pold oin most farom6le terw. At
-e %cre friewls, in spite j�, rarl(j 1.11"giVe him sj�fl lady. speaking'French tLe Mtxxms lining of tile, f i
ftm re tha & w ThL% speeich. 4ulte -in t . 40 d1t R. M. Pierce, West BL
U,at the nl*lltT he li amoroug nd Engli liently. Curthi, IiVhitzman I&C tW aJi that has pasurml." r.isheil by mightier ma nPer.of r late Opponnt, completed ri, ;I church where the'rnlhiatoev 'was tdcAlltall Tube. Whien,tilis tube is in- h.
Filer vofee was brokfn wrtli tt-ars. my Vic flanled you 1mve rumblija sound of APP(Aitetl there long vre the, coming uproar Wry- It was greeted with an ECCENTRIC �LUBS OF THE WORLD UL fiabit, j)f leading tile Miniody. LmPerfeet hearing. amd when It In en- nd get Full nt tentRwnetim and pity for her, after mile as'rar s eye, loua 11augh and a cheer. To my .1 strange Morgyman officiated for t1rely. closp. deaillem is the result. and I InM my arm arfvnd her, and kiqsed AiNtOnWImenU the men �crowded rounif Facts AboutSomeof theOldest Organ- . him one ftnday.. Ha -ring read tile unlem the Infl,mmation can be taken ttw% rowwmAt. cfml'! behold. atretch" till' fitOnY me. -and f;xgan shaking hands. Then awkward 'panse ensued. The, than friend& Anale." I said- bk-mk&,+9Dme tall 'and huge, mono- ike Locie. rising 'llowly, approiLebed izations Bxtant. out arid' 7%he MOT liths Pneilled nve'r k nilz4ft_ez asked lvbo led the 8inging. this tube restored to its nor- rand much 4 It we hnd _rray liche zreen iniom 'me. and bold out -his enormous rb& One of tile queerest 'clubs ill tlw- and"'Jearnffig.t1le OaUA-0f the hiatus mal e<md1Mqjj. hearing will be, de- Wer" an by blood." rm: Sme'flat nd re- "Shako hands. Wantierl'-Ile said. "If World !a the Lazy Club, bf 9tr0Yed fm*ver. Nijle oases out or ten you are good. good:` she cried, ctlml-mt' like ju 4bty t0mtwt< You caff lick me, you can lick any two Is said,to have a mem I'll. It ret1upsted Rome nlember to slart, a a re amid indee f, they weZV ber8hip Qf 100. b!r Caturit. which Is uoth- Ver tune. At this f)oint a farmer row nod r*vUng bor Iwad ou i;ny houler fly. it wAs e Un. Eh. Lord. but you knaws how Ito afild- there ate tho4sands 'Waiting for li4g but an fnflamed condition of the of the BESI OL teful ! Don't 0 Ve me aber of tJiif; -organ. 11 tbprcl are ony gw faces. 15on't think I am unva Tan. -or Of ile wildernem: brnken up f&*t. don't un.* mateg admission. No mer addrowed the n1ihl.qV&: "I dinna ken MU00118 Mir t"k I tall to seo.how kind you have cOnfusedly, an if an cartliquke had hanil ViAl 'nyt _qt jdngVrq In the W 41 L)OIlars for the jjwt p1mrti. v I r 4%rt, awj lzation can do an*ythlnj� or a livikPd� kirk. b* Tam McN.'ab Otp the baok laf t f e will giv#. One I'Madre bron; 4ow all your thought liam been But,tliough thp 4eeu#. wjjj wil' %willing. but I 11 go bail yoti'm the right and the slightest suspicion of work. .18 thL, 15,00.- Vrlilstler -I% *he parish.,9 Or any cajop of Deafileft caused by for OILLerwnever for youraelf. Put, bleak bp)ow, the sky 41 an -d 6ort W be menifter bore!" that rests on.a menito-i is equal . to c tu"14 that ewinot be currd by C
expulsion X
Hugh. dear. yon won't bo angry if I was calm 80 we abook hand% and f rom that 0. Berle Worm- -Pow(jer% Ll re it RaV's Catarrh Cure. speak of It ?-it's -on my mind, an.] I CatAo IlMy CI0Udq tilat. gtrete was There Is it curious s(viety in Lou, I- i lar"; free. aboveit, calm and flecked ritil dell- inonlent, iby physfcal supremacy d4 Send for eircu. bed undisputed. UI4ffnN1I;Nne*for ailpient Qf �Idhil_ LEAST MONEY *ould like to say it to yon br%fr)re ead of disraissing my doll called the Crbbed Club. it is 1dren. CHENEY W., Tok�d(k 0. you 1P.00 gently over the brilliant blue ofthp latA) OPP(MORt.- as lie htiticipated, I madc UP of men who have met greae,. Sold by E *164, 75c: W Ila t is i t, nnio?" That fttum" to- Investigate. Hall' F Hundreds
r P
far-off other, -Had my heart been kept film in hisi plac'e'. and he after-; ditsappointmentj In life, and the qilub dre tao IWA.
hbout. MLo Gra"nt-' .111. I"m sad f ShoWd have exulted in tilt. wards became my right4iand man. Iq Meets once a month. At these tilnes tIA That tile Sp!1-111611 rjol-tvi-Illnealt WIM of ( lit -e claect - tw%auty'j a n d(Ai't be angry ! 1 wouldn't 1min you. wonder of the went%. bad madwa verY Vx)d- beginning. After inembers are'not allowed. to repeat allogie"t in asklAg fiLff - 'In interUatfonal A Friend of itigtice. rr000rtiondw fur the world." Fren ail it wein, I dr.ruik in thp kepn that, day, I'bad very little trouble In their hard luck stories, but, on the _4nd imp.,itial eomm&ion of # enquiry -41we tJW foundation of t.110 I�Vgai +
- Do not speak of I said, trem- moorfald air with a quivieriniz mnse xtta In I ng my duo authf-vi ty srerfileer contrary, form a merry company and We have no renoon to doubt. Nor, It Aid ociety In New York 90,0U0
bi I ng. of lifc# Gradually. the dark shadows Of the OWeadovey minpb Absolutely Odorless,
flitted endeavor for that time to 'fbrgpt the-UnitC1 Statea authoritres were people
"Be% you :o%e, licor, Ifugh- you love f1'0M MY brain, nd the CHAPT' COD#tncc-(l 'On what- taley 1*11eved to victimized bv their fellows baTe sog
Ell, _ gilt
XxiX. their woes. that the ex. I'i re on Iy1rtN tt ired ouct. i t, t %,o m eeii,,.
l.er-ah. do you think I ilavo not, strengtl Of in"horxyl returning Surprim'.. The list of *be linnasall4bble Vwjouns abd found Justice through Its efforts. swWrA UP01n rut, I Pwae,ol en rpidly Swelied last eccentric . cluko %�as plofflon had been , malir_16uxl� cause(k 77M smle.t has collected arid pald over Pk*,KMANZNTLYCUftXD Y Foi circiflar write t
t he walte. I ear by, tile additloh X)f to Its clients a sm Dr. Kilue-9 alwat %@.rvjp ice
Ym Annie, I love her., hat tile' My life at Owejujove quiets and by the uso of oxter W,W�aus,..cmm largely Ili excess
11" was the Don't -take-of f -your-hat Club, -of . vmi ix storer. o fitp or nerrouancou
I 'earnwf long ago that my. love ir Moro than on(�e, in W 1919iagP, I uneventful enough. I found.& (lecent, IlhVe ally jWtive UU ono All r94 000, 71fe I.ndirect benefits haic F�ITS afterfirst day's upir. Send to
4.8 7Lin.,nn.d found My- lodging In tho honso o* Wellian. 0 man been felt by a far larger nu. 931 Arch xreet, Philadelpliia,
L, f,' Rtrnrk Sw road ag Germany. The member6iih Itil"Zoir the oe d Apart frc4n 4.#Qi& THI 0DORL1809 CRINIORY Cffi[W
j*-le4a avd foolish. She i..4 -far away one Mark Drew V t1ous her
n d pn.%- -the elderly mail who had advised me, ear catching tokl Eire absol ed from ]era f1t wOu4d havo bec.,n m N lor
wif ammg moorland villagpo a consh frrym Tne aA that star! I uught to M f*OPIe, much ti) the disgust troRtiwandfreir $2 iiial botUe. For
tilrag-s. with intervals of leftfless -in a' the obligatioli of raising the hat In e Of the QalebyJ. A. Hartt,-. I -,w -Notre D&mc jqmef Hamilton, Ont.
4are known It from the bpgigning." friondly way, to rub fpr it, just grac ful e0l1ceN34OW40 a Idefdated, but �Aha;rkx who swarin amund the petty onuval. Que I
ave an<11 aD far as the evento of the t6niples of ju3ticq l,,d thrive Oil tile .4w raLsuA her eyeq to my ace. nd wben I was about, to taickj�4$he cliam- thdpeqaIty of.,a severe fine, war- wem concemed,
vron& f mld-da,y I ba.1tPdht!a (nrm the street In the Winter-montim Under br
hom9p, KfInaW m -my mllsw from 11' fmnorable, f ge ignorance and miftry tif tll(. locked at mo earnestly and long. Ten Uman PiOn Of thO mille. It was a WhItewaalled in, Philadelphia there Is an Anti. who - had lofft everyth on tile shiv said: 1--abitatlin and &-iurronnded by pas- tvttaWb 911 the skirts of the moor, and baby -Kissing Society. whe;p the hy. partP of a tnrcw witeried by - a wild moorland Sufficiently remioripd fro ' N-Vtoor' who I& gaLne(j Hugh, I ]-are thouzht M the noise glepic likigsing is ever dS1k19t-6VPn more tha n e caked - to fftrpam. ; T PiMronf-hr,d the ,joor, a and bustle of tho miniB it&#If. cruSaCle against h
that you are wrong. ' for you , ar" troop of wild m4sepbard'A do0w m I had a pudho-a The same tity boasts of an or ft.--t(I i&Ili an ol).
%orthy of ny tady i I n the Land art 10 iclia r& &
snr-� bed-r0o"' and a small parjor, so that Antlelgarette Club, formo(j by young PoTt e eq the *or)( rounaed nwo me qn ragi that I had to wben I bad got 0 Uiven way Free Last somptiwe4i r thought that" 11f, week
bo -at thpili Off ivith my mWf : btit tile "Ound me'my sm" U�men who bind themselves to 11
Stork of worldly good% inclu g fe*. have the Preell t-utifely of T)eaV Sirer-Your MINARD'S LINI.
you had only spoken. sho wouldhave IdMP14- folk elrfnned nie itb true paa. tull nothing whatever to do with 16 it dnat I MENT 18 O'dr remedy for sore throat, arid probably more than that number w'11 be
books. I was tolerably comfortable, any r4ty' aTtme,
lintencof to you. 0 of of P 0.10114y. shouid they COldR and all ordinary ailmentis.
91 Young man who �Xaoke4f cig!trettes. Why k!k) you giv tora h tallty, atA regaled me and as contented -well. 'as contented 0 41 pr�vve
her up? Perhaps there Is timeyet?' roya�ly Ith and rnilk. as one crowd in love ca- a new feature in clubs Is recorde rdif 1" Gqverunwat It never falls to relieve anti cure given this week. Remember we are givi
n. be. employ f the KU oi- other- liprouiptly. - "In a few days. Annie. sfy� will be Th- omir f n Rtrmiluor a-4 nn A fortnight Pamed away. Short as in'�'ew York. It Is the Dyspeptic Club, marrwC to 34 r. Redruth." SpahWj - 4aws. Why. free onlY 500 Graphophones evont, In 10tielY I'ves, all(] they was t1W time, It seemed an age to me, arldthe test of eligibility for member, (jI(j the Charltv; WI),(x)tt,#.,, twi*14or the
"Never. never." crift) my eou3ln, had a u rp,l questions to ask con- btuigering as I. w -4s f ship Is a doctor" certificate that thefoo, stiff CAXPAII.selonen Port Nfulgrave. purpose of iiitpoduci
with ;trango vehemence. Some, news tbb Plea Of their ng our inedicillies
I rom home. I had applicant Is suffering ffom a weak SpanUh cerning. If. my destination, and the f hvned one retter, dis. "Why. it I.& all arranged.. They arin uknown irjn whithor I was bound. wHtten by Annie�, in stomdch. Tho object of this organiza- trust an'- gues? I -)Id they throughout this coun
ertgagwi. . Even if It were otherwiSe. -hich she told me VIOUal * try.
The 9u as setting when I sighted that, no change bad taken place vinee tion Is to promot SurL.13 i ? y chance ? Great e cheerfulness amonF Mocitreal Gazette. Thesc are the latest improved EdLson Talking Ma-
whii-m would be m r' tho inland villaga where I mv departurp� but -made no mention dyspeptleff and to furnish to tile mcin, . I A chines fit for concert hall as well Rs parlor, giv mg
marry begXars, little Tort I to sleep. which was closQ w1atever of Madeline Graham or beri the latest results of setence in Mmud's tiliiinei;t Cum ompt in COWL, You All tile latiest songs (coinic, airred and sircu-
ladim In not had r woman on fifty r1% from my old hoine by the G(-%)rTe Redruth. To this 1 -1 -ad rplied tr1pating Indigestion. The Presiftnt o The 1"evr Reporter'S. 1PIrst Rffort. tar) gr"test bands and orchics
I is JM W re tras, most noted
Is of that I w6heid to wa. it an a mining fiettlement, and In as cheerful a btlftin as possible, but tIlP DY9PCPtic Clu ) ld ha a Bre4qr man killed a dog belonging to SillgcrSp Pianists, violtnists, reciters and omt,)m
.rer0stiml Annie. 141 do not tbink those a.$ I AT ch -d I fcund myself abr�ast OhRmefacedly keeping Flence on the remedy that has fiever fallad to help eOt's r on Trad, man. -The son of tile man If You Want one the" inadjilles you u -ill
two will eer be man nd wife." of 11 tmm-road communicating 6UbJM'% nearest to my fwart. I was wifferers, bnt none but club n*mber§i tatidrctory Q7A4..q IL'011ditkolis are re. whiose (ft was killed Proceedet] to wrile a letter- ellclobilIg t1l, "Why (jo YQU Ray th1t, 7 '111.00 you W 11 minee. ' 'k busy sound of clat-, full, therefore. ct ffacreVanxiety. know what it is. -New York Despatch. (Locted Ili reprte fritnu the. Dominion, whip the Man w'ho, killed the dog of x ny reawn toering nd clanking. clAMing and rush- s, *for the chance of ally stray British Chemists Co.
,ye% Ilugh. N-) not a-4 me, to(iay Ing, b ke upon my'ear; Of"CaziudaVa'too the YekIr'ti-trade.. In the,. mfui he wao tile oThe ,vfm,at heelg rumor reaching me Concerning To the BdItor. most Unes- Lvusiliem Seems �o have wbP wits the son of tile inn now ; but promim—promI86 me imdds- appeared. revol , 1_ g Ili, -the cbftngrs at ft. Guriott,* it. was Many rcftders have Catarrh, I boan up to ojp9L-t0tj()UR8U4 mall Toronto, can.
rri-. ber it nas even exceeded x 'a a num- wl"e-4ft -.Was killed
t yon will not quitio'do*qatir. For air vP my hiead. togv4hor wit), a fully as remot43 a# it been 'a t 0 11 pec 'abl t ro.At, bront.11 ta was arrested It,18, etc. We d6- tDistributivo trade, on m6plaint, of tile inan who wan care f( -,r hor very much. do you lofty chimney, fteletoon I)Intform-% dweiler oil the, other 8i -shown lleavp tna, assau do of _ the Nil% tO Nefld tbem a free sample of a And In nutwilfaetfirIng fin -1 IU-bd by th6. son of the ruan 1-1 know wba " t You Milst und n ehains clanking over Iron pul- earth. The viliae, whe�re 1; dwe t as mprlo%*e- Wllo Was - k, 11so noted, some Unf," v wye 4 of women and childrenr Loot, tul l6land surrounded by neWhe- 1' or- ith such a loe a-8 yours moembled I rcAmedy absolutely sure to cure. It is inent, is whQse (109 the man Muff, nor it waAh, nor an able (obtittlowi ruling* in the red. busy on th,- surfice. Clow an unnavigable sea; and tbe 1)e(.n)l. ointment, but a plenotint remedy whiob Unitea .0
"kf . thip ols I suspic ion ca me a States not telllg saulted had killed.
I bent (!own anti gazed In- by m rnn a brawling stream. cop.. In it knew tin much or morer of y,,.amp Operative in 'the the briliant ntoon- it d t t' 4-fLrried bY'Rt,MO&Phenc air to avery Domintion. ('00d Multow alron y Mrs. G. ]HOWell ante
by per lored by thop refuse of the mine* schatkit qA they . knew of V.16 (Jur. Part- of Ule throat Idn nd nasal od tire ont., says: I
4,.f4ho lookifl 'if) pretty. y greeted me merrily. n I paitse(i 10tt's. F'rom gitmierdtion W genera. Pamnges. For a oh�rt. ref~ in the mu"Lliert* filld Millers Wk Powders a gxmd
I tfime we -shall ber and lint)uTtles of failing . Dum- b"forn I go, liare to k at th�-m. I notk-ed' that tiley 0011, they dwelt ,pdrt';'TrogIo(lytcs gladij emd to any addren a tnal out. reporte(t fr at Imlat Bev troders M e a dialect amewhat differeas lit tho mine, the 0 tj is 60 years
f L4-9 of the d6rtrict wflore I had' beyond It. y knew of nothing fit L fQmotys prep:tration pre- tSt. tile WOO flumber la Vie Wagnt DOMILlids of Politene".
W. mong I Pnl,l. %ddreat N. POLwm & Co. Kings. oil of Cawidn and 9"iuundinnd ag. Large lieurte(j ljost-1111ve some Very fe Lilem F(
j W1 long. had ever bebeld- ton, Ot t. the aft -ulthough its irpreigntlpf 1,470, - *it.h liabilities oir more mrrtis, i9i,linny alf-ps at Torborae, -and at dayb -ak nearest. po4nt of cc� was under $9825,554, a deervi,seePt 24 pir N"ItIting Boy -N(,. tt'ia4ik you. couid fe*l the � rc wrl, mc; I pro- xt morning Proc**dled on my way. forty mllfvj digWit. - The Plain TrAh. 4-ont. in numb" and of 8&-,"r n after mid-day. I reached my (1p,,;- Tilt- place cointalned * eburcii Ind..' The public 1.4 geitug very* siick of in liabilitl(le from don't. like carrots. nation, anoth4-r mining settlement (in Wilogi boujo% U7,jLtA all] HotAon. and9 the soon. -r h vear n4W, and Hearted Host -Why, VJULate crr- very border of two countlex corn- the former it sort ' e sallP bat tll() M[nallowt number jul(I liabllitFw, L"" (I Clyap�l of ease of the Itev. 461V,I. of mtght and returns to duty, thc1het- above svite(i, F*pwg dn,.e He &)I I gave you. to you wad Dovon. I found it to, be, ils i tied 11& r en ftfi tjira 1801. B"k
iam tephetwocl, known as' -Billy,- tOr it will b� for all concer I ri Visiting By -That was becau� til Wes rumor had ;nfirrm,-d mt-, ,I lonciome Stepherism, tile faMCKM ,lit, till y J11101v IIM'vy gaias -e, sitnated ott thr� banks of I ?I publie kissing exhlblUc)lls on the tage, ;CZY 37- but OvOr-prevlotj dian't irant tO hurt Your foelinge. I'd mn 11 parson the latter, superijite 9 after 10,4 lectures In vv*r ImItm . ruther have m7l�me of that pi. nded ous lVestern Varg at Most C4Lnadftn
river. and jourrotinded oil every mide by by a scfi(;olmistr I -
sobb9i. egg, Sbou t one ijegrv, States. en jjj4 kj'�. f A1114- ";fiche%, .401114 14 the lVioralice of the D. A e—
ll know - removed bove and women. and they have not lipol ontractor, Mt. inud's W"i ent Cam DiPhtheria. Uw wild blocks and torm rd the moor have (118guRted decent ku
Brydgw4 Aterilma Poonver ievoirliery. maul.
ot 0- Tho m1ru on which I had -been en- children she ta ht, or was sup. -tated to say go. It Isnot gurpritilng to t"A MUIVIS-0om- euVe P-rl%. .4-1. lbstay Air gaged belong*d to Lord —, who had �(wid to teach. ultilly " Stephenon,. hear Ah%t naval, washing jwmnd Iron vIlls aeb troullb, Nprifts an4t sockey fteles. Nagl
cirtleo Wt for ftom a w-QMUU's drew i's deftribed
ro to it rtakientlal ca-4le Clow by, and whom or 11 is de ton were Aron) which I adf as a PW Lesterl%&. Roger* and "Manmea. Maximo in.
4un(f)uty, preachied a sermoin annoyed -by +`Obson's peu. fercid for 0 fect. dream Ift cmt is apt
did not rPPrewnt&*ivt. a w)Ilclt,or. resided In every .4 nY1, generally a short one, liar W&MINW-10134 Toot metit. etc. k"irwIling our V1 bile
ccmduct,.nor, lit the light or the soon fiq;t like n t tO V11`6TO a 1'*Paa lid ward lj�stswrj *Cart nas as is cvnm
gate. tho vlllao-. I reported myself Ili due nqW Tdghtmur`8 to her flu*. ather, Vomume, sad was forthwltli install . ed In alml couvntional In Its Tiews of both latest exhibition or his vanity. . is It J# baid. eartl. Thir Ttqwx is a irue g"11, MW 60
Th ftsh f(mab Ormof I 0w l)hlhwx-r of the divimnwi; in AusWIM #T01WA
this world and another; bnt *tile rev- any wonder that the wreckers who 0&t4ibfiawk 1 =rnminuxi lei A&ANdsm
in l"I"ent im 01MAK aft -ad Flag rim.. are
t! I desp ow" when lie rfxle over on wcek;%y' buid- rK my pce tbm orend Ontlemn was most welcome were engaged 11�fth him to ralRe the Aries DrOokf4eii(CCOL"eitian. and t was Bpfor" Oil day waJ oaU I quite till- Marla TereAa place tile responsibility play OM "miraleseent, V n Balile. anger daimtood the motims which led to t N new, marrying, buryinjr,. or visiting for tile failure- of -the enterprise on amux-0 hinmW UM ottier -afternoon, TA14MERING To W101 qrvrr�v %%-a(-h e send a to at e9ga.genwit of a man with "rift the sick, and when his convervattrm imn stay (of"d tosn I led I JlObsOtl. -wiln, they sa, Inslirfed on MaY-3 tile -Washington t __&ivu
('11 in big ch&racter. The minerm were a, Pbs , by Ira -w -P - &_ �r or IWPIam. for mw 3-mr. 4:
x-ular, not to to y. I r y, 'in Ing up wimt he calIe tile f"Ilcm" Will No no' Moir) Wt -_ I
for their w as Am, a 10 se nifilling thp Teresa into American TM*4 )-016 ML1111% inan's eatM1119m. Tliti'questims a The 14nton OrWighftic Inglitut,s, a" V"r L! 'avid addrm. a"d "e ftw%.rd this, 'the I wfid. godlem lot., and tho- la.st overseer, character. E,Ver tOP-1100td, xpur- waters before site wa� seaworthy and 'n)� Ole ling, P=141, %lob t" Matn"0161, &An elftrly man, IjAd rpore than once red, and read for f against their.protesti. base(I upor, long aliswerR of thts ic Add%W% hm
Y. it gaill9p after 'a ti* 3TV Break" in a too d , 'hl *A& VQII 7W.
was driven In damW of Mo life. A.8 IL person t ho fox or whatafter qla-wipk: ruji Aomo-. Us,� irm Y 1111sudgrood. 'opriw list. Wt tile 1,114, M -111n) ollar the wil reo-deer, and experience In wrecking lations. 2. sm IN --- , 6 #A ipsee forward )vur lwuk., vonstructed I of violent proclivitie.% I ever ready to Pxchane) a coarse Hobson's bravery on oper Q. -What M490? A,A11 ad I aft tM by us. Tom ma so
burned to (—Ak d b�A Aii in to take- h is place. The joke or repartee with tile tol� Merrimac put nfirmity Vbk mpaneist him 01, tile pinnacle Wat. Zostr 411M relable. 411
ha I FLO Ono- knows. e a - trralbowax, the place bore the worst ot Ilia parishioners, I Of fa -Me. -and It e !1V We ajl!W a a- a lil! w Q.-Whal t" ung afted Lop" dvax —P -rIaWrw, and few men would fin s CMWIPT1007 A. -So Tnt~ tunates were d as filghly Is to be regretted that lie was unabIt lbiis of %
VVular; thvigh it i.4 neetIjcq,a4 t(-).kay thirig to gw�r&r-by.. Writ* at Faftee 041. 'ceptetl thn Adtuatim at any prl(�d. that he (11(l little or iloth g, 11 Lng to keep a level liad on his shoulders r it
the ancient sat Z The agv�,-nt, during our firm% lntervipw, light though Il was. tc) in a In art(] wear the honocs of a hero with Ql�-What Is day? A.-NtorhL papii,iiiii so prew
anep and pre mratter the tlecotning modesty.g..-Leelle'ar NVeeklj Q W hinW that the miners needed an Iron mental �darknem of him sai t is n1jU A.Z.p I aP4, fly t age f loe, k. Q:--Wtt is 0 N Coe
NI'Lhand to rils- thm; and I was rathpr 0 &_W" renw-dy. it- One Sunday, the < e to Y. ?1q0CZ*;;P l 'm h 16110 On af r JUqd I LWElientr.ares DjgkMper ev t1. -Amp I L Daft
-cainst JGjj&d than otherwim of the informa- my a I PM- was Proparing to Dowse, Zrffr'iM' wlio have laid 8 - IM for I wanted work, the more de& go and hear Q.-Whh-t Is time '? A*,;, -;A it USA title worthy Preach -Time advaneft at a snaH,g pa *9, �l P_ I ViennA in tile c Of rato- the better. ThAt rery afternes)n Ie(I <MlY to mudq (IIATiDg JUAt W 0. SFXO.N*D ll hlin PaRs lry at a. bUt it tvtreata like it Q,-Wka$ is VW$ ?V -A.-- I- # Eve pllcN! drIl to 4W41MML
__ aw. .
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U670 was mouly W charge M&410 aga MWIllaieval darkn In th". llulu camtIon that Chr Wain at PRAWDrer IaU�r- JILM riot wine -t I x t of ;;q ZZ yq�Afna �w. i �Tt�s, In the rankinj dgo 0 ha% -Pry pr("bly
echowl A" d ler. therf' wax it 'rosidue (ir neditneut of was earth ribly lammied. 06 bum to W. Only r -%.us'tf heaven. %V,no rPtnalillug ill t1wai, which Wus a aod a* -Sru had too be uu-'� 7%ft le 900d 41ay In which to begin flavor to() water t andso Wd Mr.Njefil. Liberal. A7Y eng tef ul man, an un- nOw MY]* Of measuremient. How olj rnil
reteki Its Oermny. bW namW 90rtz. I I Is ebWv 1 46) just W199 fair man,. unKra formed the h d of wine.� vDia d, Conan-ft#A
( I .fvt on unpbliosophic rwo, and, �art thou-! You seti the Christian way Tlvnclk T" or
at or the dula ond rInjr._C I go ord. Mots o all _,unchrstl- ted Yfwt*r&y at 04 -;nftsU Ing life and the wariAtir �,w a- - -_ &_ -
U670 was mouly W charge M&410 aga MWIllaieval darkn In th". llulu camtIon that Chr Wain at PRAWDrer IaU�r- JILM riot wine -t I x t of ;;q ZZ yq�Afna �w. i �Tt�s, In the rankinj dgo 0 ha% -Pry pr("bly
echowl A" d ler. therf' wax it 'rosidue (ir neditneut of was earth ribly lammied. 06 bum to W. Only r -%.us'tf heaven. %V,no rPtnalillug ill t1wai, which Wus a aod a* -Sru had too be uu-'� 7%ft le 900d 41ay In which to begin flavor to() water t andso Wd Mr.Njefil. Liberal. A7Y eng tef ul man, an un- nOw MY]* Of measuremient. How olj rnil
reteki Its Oermny. bW namW 90rtz. I I Is ebWv 1 46) just W199 fair man,. unKra formed the h d of wine.� vDia d, Conan-ft#A
( I .fvt on unpbliosophic rwo, and, �art thou-! You seti the Christian way Tlvnclk T" or
at or the dula ond rInjr._C I go ord. Mots o all _,unchrstl- ted Yfwt*r&y at 04 -;nftsU Ing life and the wariAtir �,w a- - -_ &_ -